Activities Report 2013
European Forum for Urban Security 10 rue des Montiboeufs 75020 Paris + 33 1 40 64 49 00
European Forum for Urban Security
Activities report 2013
European Forum for Urban Security 10 rue des Montiboeufs 75020 Paris, France Tel : + 33 1 40 64 49 00
Efus – Activities Report – 2013
SUMMARY EDITORIAL .........................................................................................5 FORMULATING AND IMPLEMENTING THE STRATEGIC PLAN 2013-2016 .........................................................................................7 NETWORK LIFE ..........................................................................................9 GERMANY ........................................................................................ 10 BELGIUM ......................................................................................... 11 BULGARIA ....................................................................................... 14 CROATIA .......................................................................................... 14 SPAIN ............................................................................................... 14 FRANCE ........................................................................................... 15 GREECE ............................................................................................ 17 IRELAND .......................................................................................... 17 ITALY ............................................................................................... 17 LATVIA............................................................................................. 19 LITHUANIA...................................................................................... 20 LUXEMBOURG ................................................................................. 20 THE NETHERLANDS ....................................................................... 20 POLAND ........................................................................................... 20 PORTUGAL ...................................................................................... 21 CZECH REPUBLIC............................................................................ 22 UNITED KINGDOM ......................................................................... 22 SECUTOPICS .............................................................................................23 SECUTOPIC ART AND PREVENTION ............................................. 24 SECUTOPIC AUDITS AND EVALUATION ....................................... 24 SECUTOPIC ORGANISED CRIME .................................................... 25 SECUTOPIC THE CITY AT NIGHT .................................................. 25 SECUTOPIC DRUGS ......................................................................... 27 SECUTOPIC TRAINING ................................................................... 27 SECUTOPIC TRAVELLERS .............................................................. 28 SECUTOPIC LARGE EVENTS .......................................................... 29 SECUTOPIC JUSTICE ....................................................................... 30 SECUTOPIC MINORITIES/MIGRATIONS ....................................... 30 SECUTOPIC POLICE ........................................................................ 31 SECUTOPIC RADICALISATION ....................................................... 32 Efus – Activities Report – 2013
SECUTOPIC TECHNOLOGIES.......................................................... 32 SECUTOPIC TOURISM AND SECURITY.......................................... 34 SECUTOPIC COLLECTIVE VIOLENCE............................................. 35 SECUTOPIC SHEETS ....................................................................... 36 PRACTICE SHEETS .......................................................................... 36 CALLS FOR PROPOSALS ................................................................. 36 SHARING THE MANIFESTO INITIATIVE ..............................................39 EFUS AND EUROPE .................................................................................45 ACSE/CIPD ...................................................................................... 46 COMMITTEE OF THE REGIONS ...................................................... 46 EUROPEAN COMMISSION .............................................................. 46 INTERCULTURAL CITIES INITIATIVE ........................................... 47 GERN................................................................................................ 47 EUROPEAN CRIME PREVENTION NETWORK (EUCPN) ............... 47 INTERNATIONAL .....................................................................................49 UNITED NATIONS ........................................................................... 50 LATIN AMERICA.............................................................................. 50 AFRICA............................................................................................. 51 SOCIAL LIFE .............................................................................................53 GOVERNANCE ................................................................................. 54 COMMUNICATION .......................................................................... 54 MANAGEMENT................................................................................ 55 HEAD OFFICE .................................................................................. 55 FINANCIAL RESOURCES................................................................. 57 MEMBERSHIP FEES ........................................................................ 58 FINANCIAL SUPPORT ..................................................................... 58 TEAM ............................................................................................... 59 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBERS ............................................. 61 LIST OF MEMBERS .......................................................................... 63 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS, 2013 ....................................................... 65
Efus – Activities Report – 2013
Encouraging discussions between elected officials and civil society was the common thread running through our work this year. It is one of the key principles of the Manifesto of Aubervilliers and Saint-Denis, as well as one of the themes addressed by the European Union as part of the European Year of Citizens. Local authorities in the Efus network strongly believe that citizen participation is an effective way to tackle the growing distrust in Europe’s policies. Bringing together institutions and citizens must enable the latter to influence their own living environment, security and quality of the city, whilst cities must fully benefit from the contributions made by civil society. Efus strives to support and improve how its members promote citizen participation in local security policies. We therefore worked with the cities in the network to organise debate days with civil society, local elected officials and practitioners; these events took place throughout the year and were based on the Manifesto of Aubervilliers and Saint-Denis. This initiative was called “Sharing the Manifesto” and in total over 1,000 people attended these events - the same number that attended the conference in 2012. The variety of themes covered at these meetings reflects the breadth and scope of the field of prevention. Similarly, the range of cities that hosted these meetings demonstrates the dynamic nature of our network and its commitment to our principles, which Efus promotes and upholds in European institutions. These debates set many things in motion, including a thought process on the role of citizens in security policies, and they also strengthened our collective ability to mobilise civil society on the theme of crime prevention. The year 2013 was also full of projects and accomplishments that benefit the whole network and not just the cities that participate in them. We concluded projects on binge drinking among young people in public spaces, the creation of a European Master’s degree in urban security, addiction prevention within Roma and Sinti communities, and violence committed by groups of young people in public spaces. We also launched new projects on police-population understanding, diagnostic methodologies and security in touristic cities. We also continued working on the way cities use surveillance technologies and started work on the theme of radicalisation. On the international level, Efus has continued its technical assistance work with institutions and local authorities in Latin America, through the project Eurosocial, and in Africa (Ivory Coast, Senegal), supporting integrated prevention policies and the role of local authorities. All these actions are fully consistent with Efus’ strategic plan 2013-2016, which was drawn up in 2013 in collaboration with the Executive Committee; this plan will guide our work over the next few years. Efus also worked on improving various aspects of its governance and received the label Ideas for its efforts, which guarantees the quality of its governance and of its financial and operational management.
Efus – Activities Report – 2013
The extent and diversity of our work reflects the extent and diversity of our network. But it also reveals what unites European cities: the fundamental principals that are at the very core of our democracies. As citizens are to some extent expressing their disenchantment, the European Forum intends to continue to fulfil its mission to promote these principles within all our institutions, and our European ones in particular. Elizabeth Johnston Executive Director
Efus – Activities Report – 2013
FORMULATING AND IMPLEMENTING THE STRATEGIC PLAN 2013-2016 As Europe and European cities are currently experiencing major transformations and face many political, economic and social unknowns, and as the European Forum celebrated its 25th anniversary in 2013, it seemed particularly appropriate to look into the future of the association by capitalising its achievements, solidifying its foundations and mapping out the prospects for its future actions. The creation of a strategic plan is an important stage which involves formalising several aspects that already exist as well as looking forward into the medium- and long-term future. This document will enable the project to be shared with all the members and the technical staff, to facilitate their involvement and allow more parties to become involved. Furthermore, this written strategy will be useful in our communication with our external partners. We have been working together with our pro-bono consultants, IDEAS1, on an analysis of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that Efus is facing. We have had discussions with members of the Executive Committee, individually and collectively, particularly at the meeting in October 2012. The content of the Strategic Plan was reviewed at the Executive Committee meeting at the end of March 2013, and presented at the Efus General Assembly in June 2013.
VISION Efus aims to be a reference platform on the theme of prevention and security in European cities, as well as a source of resources and support for elected representatives and their teams.
VALUES Support European cities in their local actions. Work to strengthen the role of prevention in security policies. Promote the local level within national and international bodies.
STRATEGIC APPROACHES This strategy is based on five key approaches that will guide Efus’ actions over the next three years. Approach 1: Developing the collective intelligence generated by local authorities and promoting Efus’ principles.
1 Ideas is a French non-profit association that analyses the quality of charities and foundations that are looking for sponsorship. The label delivered by Ideas is a guarantee for donors that the funds they contribute will be used ethically and efficiently.
Efus – Activities Report – 2013
Approach 2: Supporting the action of cities with tools and methodologiesPromoting the implementation of Efus’ knowledge in cities. Approach 3: Promoting a collective European project, created with local elected officials and citizens. Approach 4: Positioning European cities in a process of exchange and sharing with other regions of the world. Approach 5: Consolidating and developing the Forum’s network.
Efus – Activities Report – 2013
I Network Life
Efus – Activities Report – 2013
NEWS 18th German Congress on Crime Prevention The 18th German Congress on Crime Prevention (Deutscher Präventionstag, DPT) was held on 22-23 April 2013 in Bielefeld and it focused particularly on the victims of crime. Its final declaration (Declaration of Bielefeld) called for an evaluation of the laws protecting victims and for the needs and difficulties that they face during criminal justice proceedings to be identified through criminological and victimological analyses. Efus Executive Director, Elizabeth Johnston, gave a presentation of the Manifesto of Aubervilliers and Saint-Denis. Efus also presented the outcomes of the European project “EU Street Violence”. In addition, Efus and DEFUS had a joint information booth at the Congress.
Presenting the Manifesto to the Association of German Cities The president of the German Forum, Dr Martin Schairer, presented the Manifesto of Aubervilliers and Saint-Denis to the Commission for legal and constitutional issues of the Association of German Cities on 6 December 2013 in Düsseldorf.
GERMAN FORUM FOR URBAN SECURITY (DEFUS) SOCIAL LIFE An Assembly of the members of the German Forum was held on the occasion of the German Congress on Crime Prevention on 22 April 2013. Elizabeth Johnston joined the meeting, which was also attended by two other international guests: Cecilia Anderson, of UN-HABITAT, gave a presentation on the Global Network on Safer Cities, and Terence Smith, from the German foreign cooperation agency GIZ, suggested a cooperation as part of the Inclusive Violence and Crime Prevention Programme (VCP). The city of Mannheim presented their approach to the integration of immigrants from southeast Europe. This was discussed by Prof. Dr. Wolf-D. Bukow from the University of Siegen. A second meeting of the members of the German Forum was held on 8 November 2013 in Leer; it included a presentation of the campaign against alcohol abuse organised by the city of Leer.
ADOPTION OF THE MANIFESTO OF AUBERVILLIERS AND SAINT-DENIS During the General Assembly of its members, the representatives from DEFUS member cities signed the Manifesto to express their commitment to its principles and values. A report on this event was published in the Journal of the German Congress on Crime Prevention and a press release was also issued.
Efus – Activities Report – 2013
PUBLIC RELATIONS DEFUS presented its work at three conferences, where it had an information booth and held information meetings: Second Lower Saxony Regional Conference on Crime Prevention, 8 March 2013, Osnabrück Symposium of the police department of Heidelberg, 18 April, Heidelberg German Congress on Crime Prevention, 22 and 23 April, Bielefeld
MEMBERSHIP IN 2013 The city of Oldenburg cancelled its Efus membership.
EUROPEAN PROJECTS The German Forum (DEFUS) is a partner on the project AUDITS on “Methodological tools for the definition of local security policies”. (See Secutopic Audits and Evaluation) The city of Stuttgart is a partner on the Safer Drinking Scenes Project. (See Secutopic Drugs) The city of Munich is a partner on the project “Tourism and Safety”. (See Secutopic Tourism)
NEWS First Manifesto Day in Liège As part of the "Sharing the Manifesto" initiative, the city of Liège hosted the first Manifesto Day on 19 June 2013 on the theme “Football, culture and prevention”. (See Sharing the Manifesto Initiative) The city of Liège adopted the Manifesto.
Colloquium in Liège on the future of prevention in the light of the Manifesto The city of Liège organised a second meeting around the Manifesto on 26 November 2013, on the occasion of a colloquium commemorating 20 years of "global and integrated prevention of urban insecurities", and 10 years of the Provincial Commission for the prevention of crime. (See Sharing the Manifesto Initiative)
Final conference of the “Sharing the Manifesto” initiative in Brussels The final conference of the “Sharing the Manifesto” initiative was held on 10 December 2013 in Brussels, at the EU Committee of the Region’s head office. (See Sharing the Manifesto Initiative)
Efus – Activities Report – 2013
Prevention of violent radicalisation The Belgian Ministry of the Interior (Directorate General for Prevention and Security) has been a partner of Efus for a long time and asked Efus to work on the topic of radicalisation. (See Secutopic Radicalisation)
BELGIAN FORUM FOR PREVENTION AND URBAN SECURITY (FBPSU) MEMBERSHIP IN 2013 All 19 municipalities of the Brussels-Capital region are now members of the Belgian Forum (FBPSU), which has 88 member cities in total, and 10 of these cities are members of the European Forum (Efus). Local authorities (regions, provinces and communities) can also become a member with an observer status. The city of Vilvoorde (Flemish Region) became a member of Efus in December 2013
SOCIAL LIFE Paul Magnette, Mayor of the city of Charleroi, was elected President of the Belgian Forum (FBPSU) on 17 January 2013. He succeeds Ludwig Vandenhove, Mayor of Sint Truiden, who was President of the FBPSU from June 2010 to January 2013.
General Assembly of the Belgian Forum The Belgian Forum held its General Assembly on 12 June 2013 at Charleroi Town Hall. Representatives of the Belgian Forum’s professional networks and Carla Napolano, Project Manager at Efus, attended the meeting. The FBPSU adopted the Manifesto of Aubervilliers and Saint-Denis at the end of this meeting.
EUROPEAN PROJECTS The Belgian Forum (FBPSU), the city of Brussels and the Belgian Ministry of the Interior are partners on the AUDITS project The Belgian Forum and the city of Brussels/Asbl BRAVVO are partners on the project “Methodological tools for the definition of local security policies in Europe”. (See Secutopic Audits and Evaluation) The Belgian partners presented their diagnostic and evaluative methods at a seminar organised by the Belgian Forum (FBPSU) on 11 December 2013 at Brussels Town Hall.
OTHER ACTIVITIES Supralocal project in the Brussels-Capital region The Minister-President of the Brussels-Capital region granted the FBPSU a subsidy of €45,000 to help fund the position of Project Manager working for the Brussels network from January to December 2013. The objective is to create platforms that will enable practices to be exchanged and to respond to intermunicipal changes by supporting and empowering professional networks in the Brussels area. Efus – Activities Report – 2013
Project to identify actions that reduce tensions between generations, in partnership with the King Baudouin Foundation The FBPSU identified and selected some 40 good practices in Belgium that were aimed at easing tensions among generations. The project aims to increase their visibility through the dissemination of a publication (print and online) and video clips on the internet. The publication, which summarises all the projects that were selected and provides analytical articles written by academic experts, is available since November 2013.
Convention with the Brussels-Capital region on the feeling of insecurity in social housing The FBSU signed a convention with the Brussels-Capital region in 2013 to work on improving the feeling of security amongst those living in social housing in Brussels and to coordinate Brussels’ networks for exchanging practices between prevention professionals (networks of civil servants working in the field of prevention, internal auditors, communal education services, Local Organisation on Drugs in Brussels, and the network “Urban Gangs”).
Coordination of professional networks by theme and function The FBPSU coordinates eight networks of professionals by theme and by function: a network of police superintendents, advisers on the prevention of theft, account and financial managers, local mediators in the Brussels-Capital region, local mediators, communication managers in prevention services, civil servants that issue fines, and the federation of autonomous community service (including services that manage alternative judicial measures).
Letters to the Ministries of Justice and the Interior The FBPSU wrote to the Ministry of Justice to stress the importance of supporting the services that provide alternative judicial measures. The FBPSU also met the cabinet members of the Federal Public Service and Ministry of Justice. The FBPSU wrote to the Ministry of the Interior to highlight the importance of improving and supporting prevention services relating to public disturbances linked to drug use.
Project to exchange good practices between Brussels and Quebec (2011-2013) with the International Centre for the Prevention of Crime (ICPC) The reports on the three visits to Montreal, which took place between 2009 and 2012, are available upon request (please contact Laetitia Nolet). They include reports on the exchange of practices between the Belgian Forum, the International Centre for the Prevention of Crime, and the University Institute “Youth Centre” of Montreal. The theme of this work was the prevention of urban gangs and the Intense Monitoring Programmes (IMPs).
Efus – Activities Report – 2013
Meeting between Efus and the city of Sofia On 5 June 2013, Elsa Fontanille met in Sofia Valentin Lazarov, Efus’s former contact at the municipality of Sofia and now the president of the association of municipal officials/secretaries in Bulgaria. Cities in Bulgaria are interested in setting up partnerships with Efus, for example through European projects. They are particularly interested in the topics of security and tourism, and domestic violence.
Manifesto Day at the “Security and Tourism” conference in Brac An event was held as part of the “Sharing the Manifesto” initiative on 19 September 2013 in Bol on the island of Brac. It took place during the conference on security and tourism (SIGTUR) that was organised by the magazine Zastita, which specialises in security issues and is a partner of Efus. (See Sharing the Manifesto Initiative)
SPANISH FORUM FOR PREVENTION AND URBAN SECURITY (FEPSU) MEMBERSHIP IN 2013 The difficult economic situation in Spain has had an impact on the Spanish Forum. In 2013, the Spanish Forum had 9 member cities.
OTHER ACTIVITIES Manifesto Day in L’Hospitalet The town of L’Hospitalet de Llobregat (Catalonia), President of the Spanish Forum, hosted a Manifesto Day on 12 November with the help of the Spanish Forum and Efus. Afterwards, the Spanish Forum held its General Assembly, which Elizabeth Johnston, Executive Director of Efus, attended. (See Sharing the Manifesto Initiative)
The Generalitat of Catalonia at the conference-debate on “Sharing the Manifesto” in Brussels The Generalitat (autonomous government) of Catalonia actively participated in the debate on the “Sharing the Manifesto” initiative, which was organised by Efus on 10 December in Brussels. (See Sharing the Manifesto Initiative) Efus – Activities Report – 2013
Conference with the Spanish Society for Criminological Research in Madrid The Spanish Forum helped organise a symposium at the Autonomous University of Madrid titled “Empirical data and crime” on 27-28 June. A protocol for collaboration between the two organisations is being drawn up at the moment.
Creation of a discussion forum with Latin America on the Spanish Forum’s website The Spanish Forum launched a platform for debating prevention and security that is specifically designed for discussions between Latin America and Europe. This blog is called El blog americano and was launched as numerous exchanges already exist between the Spanish Forum and stakeholders in urban security in Latin America.
FRENCH FORUM FOR URBAN SECURITY (FFSU) SOCIAL LIFE The FFSU General Assembly and annual colloquium took place on 30 May in Aubervilliers. The theme was: “The city is changing, so does security”. The Manifesto of Aubervilliers and Saint-Denis was the overall theme of the colloquium. Another theme of discussion was “Policing and justice in the city”. Participants discussed the local action of the police, relations between the police and the population, the prevention of reoffending, and justice in the 21st century. The city of Amiens was elected President of the FFSU and succeeds SaintHerblain. The cities of Aubervilliers, Bordeaux, Lormont and Poitiers were elected Vice Presidents. Montreuil is the Treasurer.
RESOLUTIONS OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE During the General Assembly, the Executive Committee adopted a resolution stating that statistical data on crime must be dissociated from data on the performance of services and instead it should be associated with the degree of satisfaction of the population. The FFSU Executive Committee meeting adopted other resolutions in 2013: ● “For an integrated anti-violence strategy” based on the support mission carried out by the FFSU in Marseille ● “For the trial of supervised drug consumption rooms” ● “For local elected officials’ involvement in combating violence against women”, which must be considered as a public security issue Efus – Activities Report – 2013
MEMBERSHIP IN 2013 The FFSU has 120 members. The cities of Valence (26), Blagnac (31), Mont de Marsan (40), Mont Dore (New Caledonia) and Reims Métropole are all new members. Vénissieux, Belfort, Champigny-sur-Marne, Saint Etienne du Rouvray and Sotteville-lès-Rouen cancelled their membership in 2013.
EUROPEAN PROJECTS Project Safer Drinking Scenes (SDS) The final conference of the project Safer Drinking Scenes (SDS) was held in Nantes on 13-14 June and organised by the FFSU, Efus and in partnership with the city of Nantes. Over 150 people attended the conference and the resulting publication is available in hard copy and online. (See Secutopic Cities at Night)
Project AUDITS The FFSU is a partner on the project AUDITS. The FFSU shared its diagnostic methodology and its tool for surveys on the feeling of insecurity amongst front line stakeholders. (See Secutopic Audits and Evaluation)
OTHER PROJECTS The FFSU was awarded a grant by the National Health Promotion and Education Institute (INPES, according to the French acronym) for a project to promote health in party scenes, which involves also the cities of Le Havre, Marseille and Paris. One of the aims is to set up a network of cities. The project aims more generally to promote health and reduce high risk behaviour in the party scene; it is divided into operational objectives (exchange of good practices, visits from experts, promotion of nightlife charters). The FFSU is continuing to work with the city of Paris on the programme "Fêtez clairs" (“Party while being aware!”). The Forum launched a working group on “Local authorities and Justice” which is composed of approximately 30 cities, in order to draw up guidelines for relations between the city and the justice system.
OTHER ACTIVITIES Training and support to cities The FFSU is associated with the University of Versailles-Saint-Quentin en Yvelines to offer a University diploma in "Security and Urban Life" aimed at urban security professionals who wish to acquire a high level of expertise in security and crime prevention policies. In 2013, the first promotion gathered 16 students. Training courses organised by the FFSU in Paris focused on managing a public peace department (5-6 June and 2 October), group violence and trafficking (25-26 September), young people who drop out of school (21 November), and the theme “Health and violence” (December 2013).
Efus – Activities Report – 2013
The FFSU continues to support Marseille, Sarcelles, Plaine Commune, Covisur (Agglomération lilloise) and the Prefecture of Vaucluse. It has finished its work in Brest and les Ulis. The FFSU is conducting a survey on the feeling of insecurity in the urban area of San Sénart (1200 completed questionnaires have been received).
Crime Prevention Award The theme of the 2013 Crime Prevention Award was “Domestic Violence”. Valenciennes’ programme on the prevention of domestic violence was chosen out of 120 applications and awarded the 2013 Award. This project also represented France at the 2013 European Crime Prevention Award ceremony in Vilnius (Lithuania), which went to Sweden.
Membership in 2013 The city of Heraklion became a member of Efus and the Intermunicipal Agency of Western Countryside in Thessaloniki (KEK Nefeli) became an associated member.
A number of Efus member cities (Lisbon, Reggio Emilia, Setubal, Rotterdam and Belfast) attended the conference “Making diversity work for cities”, organised in Dublin on 6 to 8 February 2013, as part of the Intercultural Cities initiative of the Council of Europe. Elizabeth Johnston, Executive Director of Efus, moderated the session on “Intercultural approaches to safety and neighbourhood development”. This conference was organised under the Irish presidency of the European Union (first semester 2013) and the Andorran chairmanship of the Council of Ministers of the Council of Europe.
NEWS MANIFESTO DAY IN REGGIO EMILIA IN OCTOBER The city of Reggio Emilia organised a Manifesto Day on 17 October 2013 called “From cities to Europe- New strategies for urban security” in collaboration with Efus, the Italian Forum for Urban Security and the association Avviso Pubblico, under the patronage of the National Association of Italian Cities (ANCI). (See Sharing the Manifesto Initiative)
Efus – Activities Report – 2013
ITALIAN FORUM FOR URBAN SECURITY (FISU) ADOPTION OF THE MANIFESTO OF AUBERVILLIERS AND SAINT-DENIS The Italian Forum for Urban Security adopted the Manifesto of Aubervilliers and Saint-Denis.
SOCIAL LIFE The FISU General Assembly took place in Bologna on 20 March. The representatives approved the new status of the association and the decision to reduce the number of members of the Executive Committee from 18 to 12 due to the reduced number of member cities. They also discussed FISU’s programme of activities for 2013. An agreement protocol between the FISU and Avviso Pubblico was also signed on the occasion of the General Assembly; it concerns the exchange of initiatives in order to promote a culture of legality and prevent the infiltration of organised crime into public and private institutions.
EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETINGS Two FISU Executive Committee meeting were held in 2013: ● Modena, 24 April: the Executive Committee chose the FISU representatives for the Technical Committee, as scheduled in the partnership between FISU/ANCI/Avviso Pubblico. The Executive Committee also approved the programme of activities for the year. ● Reggio Emilia, 17 October: the Executive Committee presented its suggestions for improving the technical resources of the FISU and reviewed FISU’s activities (research on national crime rates, training proposal for the project Urbis).
MEMBERSHIP IN 2013 The city of Camporosso cancelled its membership to the FISU.
EUROPEAN PROJECTS Project AUDITS The FISU is a partner on the project AUDITS (see Secutopic Audits and Evaluation). As part of this project, the FISU decided to test a qualitative audit on the urban regeneration scheme in a particularly rundown neighbourhood in the city of Modena. The FISU attended the project’s first meeting in June 2013 in Cascais and the seminar on methodology organised by the Belgian Forum. (See Secutopic Diagnostics and Methodology)
European project Share My City The FISU is a partner of the European project “Share My City”, in charge of communications and dissemination. This project launched by the city of Perugia focuses on conflicts among users of public spaces in city-centres, especially those linked to alcohol consumption. Efus – Activities Report – 2013
OTHER ACTIVITIES Culture of legality The FISU, the National Association of Italian Cities (ANCI) and Avviso pubblico signed an agreement protocol on renewed collaboration on the theme of the culture of legality. This agreement, signed in the Emilia Romagna region, aims to develop new urban security policies and a culture of legality, as well as to combat organised crime and the Mafia.
Meeting between the Italian Forum and the Ministry of the Interior On 12 September Franco Corradini, Vice-President of the Italian Forum for Urban Security and of the European Forum for Urban Security, and Gian Guido Nobili, technical coordinator of the Italian Forum, met Filippo Bubbico, Italian ViceMinister of the Interior, to present the network to him. Mr Bubbico then attended the Manifesto Day in Reggio Emilia on 18 October.
The FISU at "Local Police Days" On 19, 20 and 21 September 2013 the FISU attended the “Local Police Days” in Riccione, the largest national event in Italy on the topic of local police. The FISU had an information booth and organised a series of meetings and debates in collaboration with the region of Emilia Romagna and the Local Police Academy. The topics discussed included cyber-bullying, a presentation of the book Oltre la paura - Cinque riflessioni su criminalità, società e politica (Beyond the fear - Five reflections on crime, society and policy) by Adolfo Ceretti and Roberto Cornelli. The latter is a criminologist and Mayor of the city of Cormano, which is a member of Efus. The FISU also attended an operational meeting to re-launch the national law on local police and urban security.
Initiative on "Security and quality of life in the suburbs of big cities" The FISU attended a public initiative- “Security and quality of life in the suburbs of big cities”- on 26 September in Cormano. The objective of this meeting was to analyse the negative impact big cities have on the neighbourhoods closest to them as these suburbs are often unable to solve the security problems resulting from this proximity.
Day of debates on street violence and presentation of the Manifesto The European Forum attended a day of debates on street violence and presented the Manifesto of Aubervilliers and Saint-Denis along with their recommendations concerning collective violence at the meeting of the Local Security Commission of the Union of Baltic Cities on 12, 13 and 14 June 2013 in Jelgava, Latvia.
Efus – Activities Report – 2013
Field visit on the topic of domestic violence As part of the Lithuanian presidency of the EU (second semester 2013), Alberto Dotta went to Vilnius and attended several field visits on the topic of domestic violence, as a preamble to a meeting of the Council of the European Crime Prevention Network. This theme was indeed chosen for the REPC 2013 Conference of Good Practices, which took place on 11 and 12 December (see below the section on the REPC). On this occasion, Alberto Dotta met the Lithuanian Association of Local Authorities and the Security Services of the city of Vilnius. The local authorities of this country of 2.9 million inhabitants (of which 550,000 live in Vilnius) are mainly interested in issues regarding the municipal police. The Law Institute of Lithuania, a well-established partner of Efus, is participating in the project IMPPULSE which aims to improve police-population understanding. (See Secutopic Police)
The Luxembourg Forum announced that it had ceased its activities.
Rotterdam, partner in the project AUDITS and in the work group on technology The city of Rotterdam is a partner in the project AUDITS (see Secutopic Audits and Evaluation) and of the work group on technology. It has shared various Dutch government initiatives with Efus.
Manifesto Day in Sosnowiec The city of Sosnowiec organised a Manifesto Day on the topic of violence in schools and school drop-outs on 14 November 2013 at the city hall.
Conference at the Jagiellonian University of Krakow On 18-19 November 2013, Efus attended a conference on the coordination of local preventive actions at the Jagiellonian University of Krakow, which intends to become an associated member of Efus.
Membership in 2013 The city of Gdansk became a member of the European Forum. Efus – Activities Report – 2013
NEWS MANIFESTO DAY IN LISBON Efus held a Manifesto Day in Lisbon on 8 November 2013. Organised in collaboration with the Lisbon municipal police, this one-day event was focused on mediation. About a hundred people attended. (See Sharing the Manifesto Initiative)
ADOPTION OF THE MANIFESTO OF AUBERVILLIERS AND SAINT-DENIS The town of Setúbal adopted the Manifesto of Aubervilliers and Saint-Denis.
PORTUGUESE FORUM FOR URBAN SECURITY (FOPPSU) SOCIAL LIFE During the General Assembly held on 4 January 2013, Lisbon was unanimously elected President of the FOPPSU by the 12 member cities. The restructuring of the Portuguese Forum took place after this election, following on from the General Assembly on 22 March 2013 during which the programme of activities for 2013 was approved.
THEMATIC SEMINARS The FOPPSU organised three events in the first semester: a seminar on local police forces in Matosinhos (13 May 2013), a seminar on civil protection in Seixal (28-29 May 2013), and a seminar in Lisbon (12 July) related to the commemoration of the fire that destroyed the Chiado area 25 years ago.
EUROPEAN PROJECTS Loures is a partner on the project IMPPULSE which aims to improve policepopulation understanding. (See Secutopic Police) Lisbon helped Efus submit the project proposal “Living together in the public space” in February 2013.
OTHER ACTIVITIES Efus 2013 General Assembly in Cascais Cascais hosted the Efus General Assembly on 27 June 2013 (see Social Life section). A seminar took place the following day, focused on “Methodological tools for crime prevention”, as part of the project AUDITS. Efus – Activities Report – 2013
Matosinhos submits a project proposal on young drug users Matosinhos submitted a project proposal as part of the DPIP European call for proposals - Drug prevention and information programme. This project is called “Youth users of cannabis and new substances: Their needs and relation to treatment”. It tackles the recreational use of cannabis and new substances by young people. Efus was partner on the project. This project proposal was rejected by the European Commission.
Intercultural Cities Initiative Efus invited Setúbal, represented by its Mayor, to attend the conference “Making Diversity Work for Cities”, which was organised as part of the Intercultural Cities initiative of the Council of Europe and was held in Dublin on 6 and 7 February 2013. Lisbon also attended as it is a member of the Intercultural Cities network.
Manifesto Day in Brno Brno organised a Manifesto Day on 8 October. (See Sharing the Manifesto Initiative)
Manifesto Day as a part of the National Community Safety Network conference in London As part of the “Sharing the Manifesto” Initiative, a debate was organised on the topic of citizen participation in security issues at the National Community Safety Network (NCSN) conference that took place in London on 17-18 September 2013 (see Sharing the Manifesto Initiative). Some 150 delegates attended this conference and it was an opportunity for Efus to review its partnership with the NCSN and make new contacts in order to increase Efus’ presence in the UK.
Efus – Activities Report – 2013
II Secutopics
Efus – Activities Report – 2013
MEETING WITH BERTHET ONE, COMIC BOOK AUTHOR AND FORMER PRISONER On 17 June 2013 Elizabeth Johnston and Alberto Dotta met Berthet One, exprisoner and comic book author who attended the conference of Aubervilliers and Saint-Denis, and his manager Jamel Jouhri. Berthet is involved in prevention activities targeting young people. He created an association called Makadam which organises art workshops (drawing, comic strips, music, film, etc.) and talks in prisons and for young people in the suburbs. Makadam is available for the organisation of workshops on the topic of art and crime prevention for interested member cities of Efus.
“AUDITS” PROJECT ON THE METHODOLOGICAL TOOLS FOR THE DEFINITION OF LOCAL SECURITY POLICIES Efus is leading the European project AUDITS on “Methodological Tools for the Definition of Local Security Policies in Europe”, which was launched in March 2013. Objectives The main objectives of this project are to disseminate the local safety audits approach, and to create a truly European methodological tool based on the existing international guide and member cities' practices as well as drawing on the reflections made by national organisations. Partners The French, Italian and German Forums, and the cities of Rotterdam and Stuttgart. Associate partners The Belgian and Portuguese Ministries of the Interior, the Belgian Forum and the city of Brussels (the ASBL BRAVVO). Activities This first year of the project was spent collecting information and good practices, and analysing the latest developments in methodological tools since 2008. The initial coordination meeting took place on 28 June 2013 in Cascais (Portugal) in order to organise the work to be carried out throughout the project and to establish a common methodology. In accordance with the decisions made in Cascais, a working seminar was held on 11 December 2013 in Brussels. This seminar was called “Methodological Tools for the Development of Local Urban Security Policies in Europe” and was an initiative run by the FBPSU, Brussels/BRAVVO and the Belgian Ministry of the Interior. The partners of the “AUDITS” project, representatives of the Belgian federal Efus – Activities Report – 2013
government, and several local authorities including the Brussels-Capital region participated in this seminar. At the end of 2013, the partners prepared pilot actions that will be conducted as part of the project and brainstormed the “tool box” which must be one of the outcomes of the project. Coordination for Efus Carla Napolano and Sebastian Sperber Duration January 2013 - January 2016 Budget €451,000 - 90% is funded by the European Commission.
“WAVES OF LEGALITY” PROJECT Efus is a partner on the project “Waves of Legality”, which is led by the Giovanni and Francesca Falcone Foundation created after the murder of the Italian judge Giovanni Falcone by the Mafia in 1992. The project aims to strengthen the role of civil society organisations in the prevention of juvenile delinquency and to promote citizenship and the culture of legality. Efus attended a seminar in Paris on 22, 23 and 24 February 2013; Elizabeth Johnston and Maria Falcone opened the meeting. Other speakers were a magistrate from EuroJust, a representative from the Italian National Education system, and a delegate from the Centre for Juvenile Justice in the region of Sicily. The main theme of the debates was how to apply the “Falcone method” at the European level; this method advocates that institutions and associations work together to promote the culture of legality in order to combat criminality and organised crime. In addition, a meeting took place on 27 June 2013 between Efus, the FFSU, the FISU and the General Council of Seine-Saint-Denis. This meeting followed on from the “organised crime” workshop which took place at the 2012 conference; Gilles Garnier, elected official of the Seine-Saint-Denis department, was one of the speakers at the conference.
“SAFER DRINKING SCENES” PROJECT (SDS) Efus was a partner on this project that was led by the French Forum for Urban Security (FFSU).
Efus – Activities Report – 2013
Objectives The objectives of the project were to improve the management of binge drinking by young people in public spaces, and to prevent health and security risks. Partners Antwerp (the Netherlands), Bordeaux, Brest and La Rochelle (France), Kingston upon Thames (United Kingdom), Liège (Belgium), Reggio Emilia (Italy), Stuttgart (Germany). Associate partners Nantes (France) and Rotterdam (the Netherlands). Activities The SDS project concluded with a conference in Nantes on 13 and 14 June 2013, which was organised by the FFSU and Efus. Some 150 people attended. At the end of the conference, the 10 European cities that were partners and associated partners on the project presented recommendations to improve the prevention and management of binge drinking among young people in public spaces. They advocate local intervention policies based on the balance between public health and public security, between human presence, prevention, mediation, risk reduction and regulations. They also encourage the implementation of local partnerships among all nightlife stakeholders, including health and emergency services. They also call for strengthening synergies with other national policies, such as Youth and Education, in order to raise young people’s awareness of the risks involved. The recommendations call for a debate with the alcohol industry and large retailers, especially regarding their participation in preventive actions and their communication strategies. The publication Safer Drinking Scenes- Alcohol, cities and nightlife that resulted from this project came out in September 2013. Co-produced by the FFSU and Efus, this 100-page publication includes practices implemented in the 10 European cities that were partners on the project and contributions by three European experts: Marie-Line Tovar, of the French Observatory on Drugs and Addictions, Dr Laurent Karila, expert on addiction at Paul Brousse Hospital in Paris, and Phil Hadfield, researcher at the University of Leeds (United Kingdom). Coordination for Efus Mark Burton-Page Duration January 2011 - June 2013 Budget €236,478 - 69.7% is funded by the European Union
FINAL CONFERENCE OF THE NIGHTLIFE EMPOWERMENT AND WELL-BEING IMPLEMENTATION PROJECT (NEWIP) Efus was an associated partner on the NEWIP project aimed at risk reduction and promoting health on the party scene, which concluded in 2013 with a final conference “Health, pleasure and communities” on 25-27 September in Padua, Efus – Activities Report – 2013
Italy. Mark-Burton Page presented the recommendations of the Manifesto of Aubervilliers and Saint-Denis on the topic of nightlife.
CIVIL SOCIETY FORUM ON DRUGS (CSF) Efus’ mandate in the Civil Society Forum on Drugs (CSF), which is led by the European Commission, was renewed for the period 2013-2014. Efus had submitted its application to the European Commission in January 2013. The CSF meets at least once a year and serves as a platform for informal exchange between the Commission and civil society organisations. The first plenary CSF meeting took place on 24-25 June. Efus participated in numerous discussions amongst CSF members on the subject of the EU’s new plan of action on drugs for the period 2013-2016. Representatives of the CSF attended several high level meetings as part of the Irish Presidency of the EU. Efus supported a proposal of the French Association for Risk Reduction (Association française de Réduction des Risques) for reducing risks on the party scene.
Efus is co-ordinating this project which it runs in collaboration with a consortium of six European universities. Objectives The objective of this project was to create a Master’s level course in urban security with a strong European perspective for students who are specialising in this area and for professionals who want to expand and improve their knowledge. The qualification is available as a distance learning course thanks to an E-learning platform. Partners Universities of Toulouse 1 Capitole (France), Liège (Belgium), Maribor (Slovenia), Bologna (Italy), Geneva (Switzerland, partner until the end of 2013), Ostfalia (Germany) and Efus. Activities The first class of 21 students coursed the diploma throughout 2013. Diplomas will be awarded during the first quarter of 2014. This was a “pilot” year during which the project partners taught students the content of the eight training modules that had been decided during the first year of the project. As well as the distant learning programme in English and, for some of the learning modules, in the language of the partner universities (German, French, Italian and Efus – Activities Report – 2013
Slovene), the students did an internship in a foreign country, in a city or region that is a member of Efus: Catalonia in Spain, Belfast in Northern Ireland, Rotterdam in the Netherlands and Emilia Romagna in Italy. Internships were also offered in partner institutions: the International Centre for the Prevention of Crime (ICPC, Canada), the French Forum for Urban Security and the Italian Forum for Urban Security. The final phase of the project focused on analysing the results of this first “pilot” year and on identifying ways to continue this training programme autonomously, particularly by looking for new sources of funding and by exploring the possibility of offering a summer school in addition to the EEMUS course. Coordination for Efus Carla Napolano and Sebastian Sperber Duration October 2011 - December 2013 Budget €400,000 - 75% is funded by the European Commission
SRAP PROJECT - ADDICTION PREVENTION WITHIN ROMA AND SINTI COMMUNITIES Efus was a partner on this project led by the city of Bologna. Objectives To reduce the risk of addiction to legal substances (alcohol and tobacco) and illegal ones amongst the Roma population, and young people in particular. Partners Bologna and Venice (Italy), “social research” agency Codici, the association “Hors la Rue” (France), the Kupate association (Bulgaria), the Fundación Secretariado Gitano (Spain), Fundatia Parada (Romania), HESED (Bulgaria), RIC Novo Mesto (Slovenia), the Società Dolce cooperative (Bologna, Italy) and the University of Trnava (Slovakia). Activities Efus was in charge of the dissemination and communications aspects of the project. The project concluded in 2013 with a final conference that took place on 6 June in Sofia (Bulgaria) during which the partners presented the results of their work. Elsa Fontanille, of Efus, moderated the session on “Synergies between local and European policies”, focusing on the need to work together at the local level as well as at the European level in order to improve the lives of Roma people in Europe. Before this debate, the final meeting of the project partners took place on 25-26 February in Venice (Italy). Efus set up a database of European contacts specialising in the subjects relating to SRAP (drugs, Roma people…). Efus also contributed to Efus – Activities Report – 2013
the creation of a publication titled Addiction Prevention in Roma and Sinti Communities- Why it matters, which presents the work carried out during the project and a series of recommendations that resulted from it. The publication is available on the Efus website in English, Bulgarian, French and Italian. Coordination for Efus Elsa Fontanille and Carla Napolano Duration July 2010 – June 2013 Budget Total budget: €1,102,309 - 60% is funded by the European Commission Efus part: €84,870 - 66% is funded by the European Union
25 T H ANNIVERSARY OF FAN COACHING IN LIEGE AND MANIFESTO DAY On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of Fan coaching in Liège, the city of Liège organised, in partnership with the Standard of Liège football club and Efus, a day of debate on the Manifesto of Aubervilliers and Saint-Denis and its recommendations on “sport and prevention” and “art and prevention”. (See the sections on Belgium and Sharing the Manifesto). Efus presented its 2012 publication GOAL: Preventing Violence in Sport at this event.
DISCUSSION TO PREPARE A COLLABORATION WITH THE CITY OF MONS, EUROPEAN CAPITAL OF CULTURE 2015 On 6 March 2013 Efus met with Marc Garin, Chief of the local police force in Mons-Quévy, and Yves Van de Vloet, security expert for the services of the Governor of the Hainaut province. The meeting focused on preparing the collaborative work of Efus and Mons as the latter was named European Capital of Culture for 2015. Efus focused on the following topics in particular: managing large events, police co-operation, using the latest technologies to manage crowds, citizens’ involvement through their appropriation of the event, and the implementation of artistic initiatives in prevention services.
GOAL NETWORK Efus and the partners of the “GOAL network” are looking for funding so that they can keep working on the theme of the prevention of violence in sport. They wish to develop the theme of “sport as a vehicle for prevention and inclusion”.
Efus – Activities Report – 2013
FALPREV E-LEARNING PLATFORM The project FALPREV’s e-learning platform to train local actors in the prevention of reoffending is available online for Efus members. It gathers video testimonials of professionals and stakeholders in this field, written documentation and practical tools. Through this platform, local actors interested in the prevention of reoffending can learn how to create or strengthen partnerships, and acquire general knowledge on various themes linked to the reintegration of ex-prisoners (health, employment, and housing). This platform is available in six languages (English, French, German, Spanish, Italian and Romanian) at the following address: http://www.efus:eu/stopreoffending_module/.
PARTNERSHIP WITH THE EUROPEAN ORGANISATION FOR PROBATION (CEP) The partnership with the European Organisation for Probation (CEP) was strengthened by a meeting in Paris between the new Secretary General of this organisation, Willem Van der Brugge, and the Executive Director of Efus, Elizabeth Johnston. Efus also participated in the first World Congress for Probation, organised by the CEP in London on 8, 9, and 10 October 2013. This congress was attended by actors interested in probation from all over the world and it was an opportunity for the participants to examine and discuss new probation practices encouraging offenders to stay away from crime. Mark Burton-Page (Efus) chaired a round table discussion on the legal institution and probation. Efus published an interview with Mr Van der Brugge in its monthly newsletter and on its website, in which he underlines the need to increase cooperation between probation services and local authorities.
RESOLUTION OF EFUS’ EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE CALLING EUROPE TO SUPPORT LOCAL AUTHORITIES IN RECEIVING AND INTEGRATING MIGRANTS The Executive Committee adopted a resolution calling the European Union to support local authorities in receiving and integrating migrants, during the meeting held in Reggio Emilia on 18 October. The Executive Committee is also calling for EU member states to take joint responsibility for taking in migrants. Efus had previously adopted two resolutions on this topic: the resolution of Vienna in 2011 and the resolution of Malta in 2012. (See the Social Life section)
Efus – Activities Report – 2013
Efus is leader of this project. Objectives The objectives of the project are to identify the factors driving the police and the population apart; to encourage, promote and develop good practices that foster police-population understanding; to conduct and evaluate these good practices in the partner cities on the project; to collect and disseminate the results at the European level. Partners The cities of Barcelona (Spain), Milan (Italy), Nantes (France), Amiens (France), Toulouse (France), Aubervilliers (France), Loures (Portugal), the Police Zone of Brussels Capital (Belgium) and the Law Institute of Lithuania. Associate partners ASBL BRAVVO of Brussels (Belgium) is an associate partner. Activities The project began in December 2013 with the collection of information on the topic. Activities should enable the cities to lead trial practices that will then be analysed and turned into practice sheets to be disseminated throughout the Efus network. Coordination for Efus Mark Burton-Page and Sebastian Sperber Duration December 2013 - December 2015 Budget €308,611 - 90% is funded by the European Commission
STUDY ON POLICE OPERATIONS IN THE URBAN AREA OF LILLE As part of a partnership agreement with the FFSU, Efus participated in an audit of (national and municipal) police operations in the Urban Community of Lille, France. The objective was to assess the work of the community police according to the various types of territories and crime phenomena, and to assess the cooperation between local partnership stakeholders. Recommendations and guidelines on policing and security strategy were presented as part of a report submitted in June 2013. A second project phase took place with the organisation of three work groups in September and December 2013.
Efus – Activities Report – 2013
INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THE PREVENTION OF VIOLENT RADICALISATION, BRUSSELS The Belgian Ministry of the Interior presented its federal strategy on the prevention of violent radicalisation at an international conference that was held on the 23-24 September in Brussels. In view of the interest in this topic expressed by the Efus network, Efus helped prepare this event. The cities of Rotterdam and Brussels had highlighted the extent of the phenomenon of radicalisation for cities at the Efus Executive Committee meeting in Mannheim in February 2013.
Alberto Dotta and Elizabeth Johnston were contacted by the Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD), a British think tank specialising in the topic of radicalisation. The ISD runs a website for exchanging knowledge on the prevention of radicalism ( It also runs the work group on cyber threats within the Radicalisation Awareness Network (RAN). Efus suggested that RAN works with Efus as an expert on the submission of the project on radicalisation.
RADICALISATION AWARENESS NETWORK The European Commission set up the Radicalisation Awareness Network. The main objective of this work group set up by Commissioner Cecilia Malmström is to draw, with other groups, recommendations on changes to be made to European legislation regarding radicalisation. This work group is temporary and will present its conclusions before being dissolved at the beginning of 2014. The Committee of the Regions is part of the Board.
Objectives SURVEILLE is a research project on the ethical issues, legal limitations and efficiency of surveillance technologies. This cross-disciplinary project aims at evaluating surveillance systems and helping manufacturers and users to better develop and deploy such systems. The European Forum is a partner on this project and is charged with liaising between research and local authorities that are users of such technologies. Efus set up a work group comprised of about 10 members, whose mission is to accompany the research work carried through the project and in so doing, to Efus – Activities Report – 2013
continue and develop the work conducted by the European Forum on this topic. This group will be informed on the latest developments in this field and will share with researchers and developers its point of view as "end user". Partners Co-financed by the European Commission within the 7th framework programme, SURVEILLE gathers the European University Institute based in Florence (Italy), the University of Warwick (United Kingdom), the University of Birmingham (United Kingdom), the Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law in Stockholm (Sweden), the Centre for security and society of the Albert-Ludwig-University of Freiburg (Germany), the Fraunhofer Society for the development of applied sciences of Karlsruhe (Germany), the Institute of European Studies of the Free University of Brussels, Merseyside Police Service (United Kingdom) and the European Forum. The following cities participated in the work group on technologies: Augsburg (Germany), Brno (Czech Republic), Brussels (Belgium), Le Havre (France), Lisbon (Portugal), Munich (Germany), Paris (France), Rotterdam (the Netherlands), Sosnowiec (Poland), Saint-Herblain (France), Soisy-sousMontmorency (France). The Emilia Romagna Region (Italy) and the Autonomous Community of Catalonia (Spain) also took part. The Ministries of the Interior of Belgium, the Czech Republic and Portugal also participated as guests Activities In 2013 Efus continued its investigative work on the use of surveillance technologies in European cities and the views of cities on this subject. A questionnaire was developed and an opinion poll was conducted among Efus member cities. In February 2013, Efus handed in an initial report detailing the Forum’s perspective and cities’ experience with technologies. A coordination meeting with the other partners of the project was held on 9-10 April 2013 in Florence, Italy, to review what progress had been made. In accordance with its mission, which is to create links between research and practices developed by cities, Efus published a series of articles on the findings of the SURVEILLE project. On 26-27 June 2013, the second meeting of the work group was held in Cascais, Portugal. On the agenda were the results of the opinion poll and the preparation of the second report of the cities for the research project. On 23-24 September, Efus participated in the second annual Forum of political decision-makers on the project SURVEILLE in Brussels. Coordination for Efus Sebastian Sperber Duration February 2012 – April 2015 Budget 3.4 million euros
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SURVEILLE MISSION IN COLOMBIA The Colombian government, with the support of the Chamber of Commerce in Bogota, invited the project SURVEILLE to share the results of its research with Colombian stakeholders. On 21, 22 and 23 October 2013 in Bogota, Efus and the European University Institute led three workshops on new technologies; representatives from institutions, the business world and local actors attended these workshops. There are plans to develop this cooperation further.
Efus is leading this project. Objectives The objective of this project is to help cities improve their tourism policy by increasing their level of security. The activities undertaken during this project will lead to the drafting of guidelines on what constitutes a safe tourism policy, good practices that will be helpful for the implementation of such a policy and evaluation indicators. Furthermore, the project will allow partner cities to build and strengthen local partnerships, including public-private ones, so as to implement their tourism policy. Partners Seven European cities and an association: Alba (Italy), Barcelona (Spain), Brasov (Romania), Brussels (Prevention service, Bravvo, Belgium), Munich (Germany), Rome (Italy), Saint-Denis (France) and the Portuguese Association for Victim Support APAV. Activities The first phase of the project took place between January and June 2013; it consisted of identifying the indicators of a safe local tourism policy, as well as planning and implementing a local tourism safety audit in each of the partner cities based on the aforementioned indicators. An initial coordination meeting was held on 26-27 June 2013 in Cascais (Portugal). A second implementation phase began in June 2013 and continues until September 2014. The partner cities began the process that will lead them to carry out a “security and tourism” audit that will provide an accurate representation of the problems of incivility, crime and victimisation linked to tourism in their city, to identify the advantages of and the resources for prevention, and to identify the most pressing issues. Most of the partners have set up work groups linking prevention services with tourism stakeholders, which often include the private sector, to coordinate their actions and to focus on the details of the audit. This second implementation phase also includes field visits in the cities. Coordination for Efus Mark Burton-Page and Alberto Dotta Efus – Activities Report – 2013
Duration January 2013 – July 2015 Budget €470,000 - 90% is funded by the European Commission
COMPLETION OF THE PROJECT EU STREET VIOLENCE Efus led this project, which was completed at the end of January 2013. Objectives To make knowledge and good practices, relating to the theme of violence committed by groups of young people in public spaces, accessible to policymakers, practitioners and researchers. Partners The European (Efus), Belgian (FBPSU), French (FFSU) and Spanish (FEPSU) Forums, the National Community Safety Network (United Kingdom), Emilia Romagna region (Italy) and Psytel (a non-profit company specialised in information engineering). Activities Through the project, an online database was created, which contains over 500 analyses, recommendations and practices on the theme of violence committed by groups of young people. You can access this database here The publication EU Street Violence: Youth Groups and Violence in Public Spaces was published at the beginning of 2013. It aims to give local decision makers a better understanding of the issues at stake and of the different policy options and strategies that are available for the inclusion of young people as individuals and members of groups. Members of Efus can order this publication free of charge (available in English, French, Spanish and Italian). Coordination for Efus Sebastian Sperber Duration The project was completed in January 2013. Budget €665,000 - 80% is funded by the European Union
Efus – Activities Report – 2013
The "Secutopic Sheets" are documents that summarise the political positioning of Efus on each of the major prevention themes. They also summarise the activities conducted by Efus and its partners, as well as the major European and international texts concerning the topic being addressed. At the end of 2013 Efus updated its catalogue of Secutopic Sheets. This work should be completed in the spring of 2014 and the updated Sheets will be made available on the Efus website.
One of Efus’ fundamental missions is to make an inventory of the practices implemented by member local authorities and make them accessible to the whole network. To facilitate the collection and clarity of information, Efus has created a template document- called the Practice Sheet- to describe these practices according to a fixed set of criteria. Efus has collected almost 350 practices to date. They are reserved to members and available on the Efus website in the section called “Resources/Practice Sheets”. Efus publishes a “Practice of the month” in each edition of its newsletter. See below for a list of the practices published in 2013: ● Youth Design Against Crime, UK, since 2009 ● The police managing social diversity, Fuenlabrada (Madrid), Spain, since 2012 ● Training policemen and medical staff who work with victims of domestic violence, Ravenna, Italy, since 2012 ● Intensive monitoring programme of young offenders, Brussels, Belgium, since 2012 Reintegration coaching for ex-prisoners, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, ● since 2012 ● Preventing domestic violence in Catalonia, Spain, 2013-2015 ● Training sessions for professionals using the LIPOL electronic security system, Liège, Belgium, since 2000 ● Creation of cultural associations for the Latin Kings and Ñetas gangs, Barcelona, Spain, since 2006 ● Street social workers team, municipality of Reggio Emilia, Italy, since 2010 ● Young volunteer mediators at the association Infos à Gogo, Marseille, France, since 2012 ● The Night Street Guards, Brussels, Belgium, since 2013
The European Commission granted two subsidies that Efus requested as part of the ISEC 2011 call for proposals (see Secutopic Audits, and Tourism and Security). Efus – Activities Report – 2013
REQUESTS FOR OPERATIONAL GRANTS In November 2012, Efus applied for an operational grant for the year 2013 as part of the “Europe for Citizens” programme. This application was successful. On 23 January 2013 a second application for subsidies was submitted to the Justice Directorate-General as part of the call “FRC- Fundamental Rights and Citizenship”, but we did not follow suit since the aforementioned subsidy had already been granted. In December 2013 Efus submitted a new application for subsidies for the year 2014 as part of the “Europe for Citizens” programme 2014-2020.
ACCEPTED PROJECTS ISEC 6 MARCH – SUBMISSION OF A PROJECT ON STRENGTHENING RELATIONS BETWEEN THE POLICE AND THE POPULATION This objective of this project is to conduct local experiments aimed at building closer relations between the police and the population. (See Secutopic Police)
PROJECTS FOR WHICH DECISIONS ARE PENDING LIAISE PROJECT: LOCAL INSTITUTIONS AGAINST EXTREMISM This is a two-year programme aiming to create a series of training sessions for local authorities, elected officials and primary stakeholders. The British think tank Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD) was asked to be an expert (see Secutopic Radicalisation above). The cities of Augsburg, Düsseldorf and Leer (Germany), Brussels, Liège and Vilvoorde (Belgium), L’Hospitalet (Spain), Reggio Emilia (Italy) and Malmö (Sweden) have confirmed that they will be partners on the project. The project experts are the Institute for Strategic Dialogue (UK) and Ufuq (Germany). Awaiting response (second trimester 2014).
CITIES AND ORGANISED CRIME PROJECT Once again Efus presented the “Cities and Organised Crime” project in October, in the specific budget line FINEC (Financial and Economic Crime), which had been refused in the ISEC general call (see above). Awaiting response (second trimester 2014).
TWO OTHER PROJECTS TO THE DIRECTORATEGENERAL JUSTICE – DAPHNE PROGRAMME Two projects were submitted to the DG Justice: one is on “Prevention of Gender Violence amongst Young People” and the other on the issue of bullying in schools. Awaiting response (second trimester 2014). Efus – Activities Report – 2013
UNSUCCESSFUL PROJECT PROPOSALS LLP ERASMUS, PROJECT SUBMITTED ON 31 JANUARY 2013 This project “European Diploma in Urban Security Summer School” aimed to set up a summer school for students, professors, local authorities that offer internships and other interested parties.
26 FEBRUARY, EUROPEAN INTEGRATION FUND (EIFHOME AFFAIRS- DIRECTORATE GENERAL) Efus submitted the project “Living together in public spaces”, which aimed to increase the participation of immigrants in European cities thanks to integration policies that take into account how these populations perceive and use public spaces.
ISEC 6 MARCH - SUBMISSION OF A PROJECT ON CITIES AND ORGANISED CRIME The main objective of the “Cities and Organised Crime” project is to strengthen European cooperation and administrative measures against organised crime. Organised crime is understood here as the underground economy rather than just mafias. This project was refused but it was submitted again under another budget line of the Home Affairs Directorate General, FINEC (see above).
CAPACITY PROJECT The “CAPACITY” project aimed to create a multimedia and thematic platform on local policies linked to drugs.
ROM-IN PROJECT As part of the new call for proposals “PROGRESS” for 2013, Efus submitted the ROM-IN project on the topic of non-discrimination and integration of Roma people in our cities.
DISSEMINATION OF THE MANIFESTO In September 2013, Efus presented a project on the dissemination of the Manifesto of Aubervilliers and Saint-Denis to the Open Society Foundation in Europe.
Efus – Activities Report – 2013
III Sharing the Manifesto Initiative
Efus – Activities Report – 2013
Following on from the 2012 conference on “The Future of Prevention” and the publication of the Manifesto of Aubervilliers and Saint-Denis “Security, Democracy and Cities”, Efus launched the “Sharing the Manifesto” initiative. This initiative aims to foster a dialogue about security issues between local and European authorities, civil society and other stakeholders in the urban sector. This initiative received funding from the EU programme “Europe for Citizens”. Various types of events – debates, conferences, study days – have been organised with and by local European authorities that are members of Efus, with citizens and institutions. In 2013 around twenty events took place. Nine of these events were Manifesto Days that were attended by over 1000 people.
The first Manifesto Day was organised in collaboration with the city of Liège. It was based on the recommendations on “Prevention of violence in sport” and “Art, culture and prevention” of the Manifesto of Aubervilliers and Saint Denis. This day of debates brought together prevention stakeholders, researchers in the field of social sciences, sports professionals and civil society representatives. Elizabeth Johnston and Carla Napolano, of Efus, presented the recommendations of the Manifesto regarding the prevention of violence in sport and spoke about the participation of civil society and supporters associations in the prevention of this type of violence.
17 SEPTEMBER, LONDON: DEBATE ON THE MANIFESTO AND ON CITIZEN PARTICIPATION As part of the “Sharing the Manifesto” initiative, Efus organised a debate in London on the topic of citizen participation in security in partnership with the National Community Safety network (NCSN). 150 delegates from all over the United Kingdom attended this conference. Erich Marks, Vice-President of Efus, put forward his suggestions for the future of prevention and Mark Burton-Page, of Efus, presented the main recommendations of the Manifesto.
This Manifesto Day was organised by Efus and the Croatian magazine Zastita. It focused on the theme of “Tourism and Security”. A wide range of civil society organisations- tourist guides, Erasmus student organisations, groups of young people- attended this day and discussed the recommendations of the Manifesto on the topic of tourism and security, and more specifically relations between tourists and local residents. Raymond Saller, from the Department of Work and Economic Development of the City of Munich, and Elizabeth Johnston, Executive Director of Efus, attended this Manifesto Day.
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8 OCTOBER, BRNO: THE CITY’S PREVENTION MEASURES IN LIGHT OF THE MANIFESTO This Manifesto Day was organised in collaboration with the city of Brno (Czech Republic) and focused on the Manifesto in general as well as on the prevention projects implemented in the city. Ineke Nierstrasz, European and International Affairs coordinator for the city of Rotterdam, Radim Bures, former Director of Prevention at the Czech Ministry of the Interior and director of the NGO Transparency International in the Czech Republic, and Sepastian Sperber, Project Manager at Efus, participated in this Manifesto Day.
17 OCTOBER, REGGIO EMILIA: MANIFESTO DAY ON THE THEME “SOCIAL COHESION AND SECURITY” The municipality of Reggio Emilia organised a meeting entitled “Dalle città all’Europa. Nuove strategie per la sicurezza urbana” (From Cities to Europe: New strategies for urban security) in collaboration with Efus, the Italian Forum (FISU) and the association Avviso Pubblico, under the patronage of Anci (National Association of Italian Cities). Over 75 Italian local government and civil society representatives attended this meeting on the topic of social cohesion and security based on the principles set out in the Manifesto: prevention, participation and democracy. The debate was moderated by Franco Corradini, Deputy Mayor of Reggio Emilia in charge of social cohesion and security. Among the speakers were Guilherme Pinto, President of Efus, Savatore Caronna, European MP, member of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs, Giorgio Pighi, Mayor of Modena and President of the Italian Forum for Urban Security (FISU), and Elizabeth Johnston, Executive Director of Efus. In addition, the members of Efus' Executive Committee participated in another debate, on the topic of youth gangs, which included a presentation of the Efus publication EU Street Violence- Youth Groups and Violence in Public Spaces. Around 40 people took part in this discussion.
8 NOVEMBER, LISBON: MANIFESTO DAY ON THE TOPIC OF MEDIATION This Manifesto Day was organised in collaboration with the Lisbon municipal police (Portugal) and focused on the topic of mediation; around 100 people attended. Two community groups from two areas of the city where the municipal police conduct a large amount of mediation work (Grupo Comunitario das Galinheiras e Ameixoeira) both participated in this event. Hibat Tabib, mediation expert and Director of the association ADPAD for training, prevention and access to law (France), spoke about his experiences. Efus' President, Guilherme Pinto, and Joana Judice, of Efus, were also speakers at this event.
Efus – Activities Report – 2013
12 NOVEMBER, L’HOSPITALET DE LLOBREGAT: URBAN SPACES AND CITIZEN PARTICIPATION The theme of this Manifesto Day organised in partnership with the city of L’Hospitalet de Llobregat (Catalonia, Spain) and the Spanish Forum was “Urban spaces and citizen participation”. Over 200 people participated in debates on citizen participation and co-existence in shared public spaces. Anne-Marie Cibaud, Deputy Mayor of Brest, is an expert on this topic and presented the experiences of her city regarding citizen participation. Elizabeth Johnston presented the recommendations of the Manifesto on citizen participation in security and "shared public spaces".
14 NOVEMBER, SOSNOWIEC: PREVENTING VIOLENCE IN SCHOOLS AND SCHOOL DROPOUTS At the invitation of the Mayor of Sosnowiec (Poland), Kazimierz Górski, a debate based on the Manifesto was organised with local actors on the prevention of violence in schools and school dropouts. Around 80 people participated in this event. Anne Girond, from the General Council in Val d’Oise, participated as an expert on the topic. Sebastian Sperber, of Efus, also attended.
26 NOVEMBER, LIEGE: ROUND TABLE DISCUSSION OF THE MANIFESTO AT THE COLLOQUIUM “WHAT IS THE FUTURE OF PREVENTION IN THE PROVINCE OF LIEGE?” A round table discussion on the Manifesto and its principles took place at the conference organised by the city and the province of Liège to commemorate 20 years of a prevention approach to urban insecurities that is both general and integrated, and 10 years of the Provincial Commission for Crime Prevention. The speakers, from various sectors, discussed the recommendations of the Manifesto regarding the professionalisation of communal prevention initiatives. This was the second “Sharing the Manifesto” event organised by the city of Liège in 2013. Elizabeth Johnston represented Efus at this event.
10 DECEMBER, BRUSSELS: FINAL CONFERENCE ON THE MANIFESTO DAYS HELD IN 2013 A final conference on all the Manifesto Days organised in 2013 took place on 10 December in Brussels at the headquarters of the Committee of the Regions. This debate was called “From Cities to Europe” and ended with a call for more support from the European Union to local authorities and for greater consideration to be taken of the role that they play. The event was attended by Ramón Luis Valcárcel Siso, President of the Committee of the Regions, Guilherme Pinto, President of Efus, Jacques Salvator, Mayor of Aubervilliers (France), Giorgio Pighi, Mayor of Modena (Italy) and President of the FISU, Willy Demeyer, Mayor of Liège (Belgium), Franco Corradini, Deputy Mayor of Reggio Emilia (Italy), Anne-Marie Cibaud, Deputy Mayor of Brest (France), and Agnieszka Czechowska-Kopec, Deputy Mayor of Sosnowiec (Poland). Efus – Activities Report – 2013
OTHER EVENTS LINKED TO THE MANIFESTO In addition to the Manifesto Days, the Manifesto was also presented and debated at various meetings and conferences throughout the year: ● In March, at a training session of the FFSU (recommendations on safety audits) ● In March, presentation of the Manifesto at the fifth conference of Baltic cities on urban security in Opatija (Croatia) ● In April, presentation of the Manifesto at the seminar “RassicurAzioniProjects, actions and strategies to ensure the safety of the local community”, organised by the Province of Turin (Italy) ● In April, presentation of the Manifesto at the annual International Forum organised as part of the 18th German Congress on Crime Prevention in Bielefeld (Germany) ● In May, presentation and discussion of the Manifesto at the General Assembly of the French Forum in Aubervilliers (France) ● In June, presentation of the Manifesto and discussion between the members of the Local Security and Crime Prevention Council of the city of Saint-Denis (France) ● In June, presentation of the Manifesto at the regional conference “Security, democracy and cities” organised by the Forum for Public Security, Crime Prevention and Development of Good Citizenship in Païta (New Caledonia) In June, presentation of the Manifesto at the seventh meeting of the ● Local Security Commission organised by the Union of Baltic Cities in Jelgava (Latvia) ● In September, presentation of the Manifesto and its recommendation “The city at night” at the international conference “Nights 2013 – Health, Pleasure and Communities”, organised by the European project NEWIP in Padova (Italy) You will find more information on each of these events in the section "The Manifesto throughout Europe" of Efus' website (accessible through the home page). Efus realised a video clip for these events, in which European citizens express their opinions on the topics addressed by the Manifesto. This short film was presented at the Brussels event on 10 December. You can watch it on our website at the following link: The Manifesto of Aubervilliers and Saint-Denis is available on Efus' website in Czech, German, English, Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch, Polish and Portuguese. In 2013, Efus distributed over 4 300 copies of the Manifesto.
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Efus – Activities Report – 2013
IV Efus and Europe
Efus – Activities Report – 2013
Efus obtained financial support from the French National Agency for Cohesion and Equal Opportunities (Agence nationale pour la cohésion sociale et l’égalité des chances, Acsé) for 2013. This funding covers some of the network’s activities and Efus’ collection of good practices. At Acsé’s request, Efus has compiled practices on the following themes: ● Juvenile crime: preventing young people from getting involved in crime, preventing reoffending, identifying young people at risk ● Violence committed against women and domestic violence ● Public peace
Ms Johnston and Ms Napolano met with the office of the President of the Committee of the Regions, Ramón Luis Valcárcel Siso, to suggest organising a debate day together on the restitution of the “Sharing the Manifesto” initiative on 10 December.
FINAL CONFERENCE OF THE “SHARING THE MANIFESTO” INITIATIVE AT THE SESSION OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE REGIONS, 10 DECEMBER 2013, BRUSSELS As part of the “Sharing the Manifesto” initiative, a final event was held on 10 December in Brussels with the support of the Committee of the Regions and the CIVEX Commission, in order to present the work and results of the debates in 2013 to European institutions. This conference-debate, entitled “From Cities to Europe” was attended by Ramón Luis Valcárcel Siso, President of the Committee of the Regions. (See Sharing the Manifesto Initiative)
On 11 July, Elizabeth Johnston and Carla Napolano met Michael Palmer (Fighting Organised Crime unit) at the Directorate General Home Affairs of the European Commission. They presented Efus and its work on organised crime, the role of cities and the impact at the local level. Mr Palmer also mentioned the work group on human trafficking coordinated by Myria Vassiliadou, EU Anti-Trafficking Coordinator, who has produced a manual of good national practices in collaboration with Europol. This manual is available online and a new edition integrating information on local experiences may be produced. Mr Palmer suggested that Efus contributes to this work.
Efus – Activities Report – 2013
Efus and several member cities attended the conference of the intercultural cities network in Dublin (Ireland), on 6-8 February 2013. The cities of Reggio Emilia and Lisbon, active members of this network, would like to see other cities taking part in these meetings. If you are interested, please contact Efus.
A work meeting was held in March 2013 to discuss the collaboration between Efus and the European Group for the Research on Standardisation, GERN (Groupement européen de recherche sur les normativités) for the year 2013. The GERN gathers European centres that specialise in criminology and public security policies. Efus and GERN could collaborate in the EEMUS project, as well as in a project submission.
BEST PRACTICE CONFERENCE IN VILNIUS Efus attended the Best Practice Conference organised by the Lithuanian chair of the European Crime Prevention Network (EUCPN) on 11-12 December 2013 in Vilnius. This conference focused on the topic of the prevention of domestic violence and offered some 80 participants the opportunity to learn about and discuss projects and organisations working on this theme across Europe. On 13 December, Efus attended the Executive Committee meeting of the EUCPN along with 28 member countries and the European Commission. Mark BurtonPage presented the recent activities of the Forum, past and future cooperation opportunities with the EUCPN and stressed the importance of involving civil society in this network.
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Efus – Activities Report – 2013
V International
Efus – Activities Report – 2013
UN-HABITAT Efus has been collaborating with UN-Habitat since it began its Safer Cities programme in 1996. The Memorandum of Understanding signed during the 2012 conference establishes Efus’ membership in the Global Network on Safer Cities (GNSC) and the fact that Guilherme Pinto, as President of Efus, is appointed Regional Vice-Chair of the Steering Committee. This means Efus will be the European focal point for this network and for the Safer Cities programme. Mr Pinto and Ms Johnston attended the first meeting of the GNSC Steering Committee, held on 13-14 March 2013 at the headquarters of the United Nations in New York.
UNICRI - INTERNATIONAL FORUM OF MAYORS ON CRIME PREVENTION The United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute, UNICRI, held the first International Forum of Mayors on Crime Prevention and Security on 20-21 May 2013 in Turin (Italy), in partnership with UN-Habitat. Elizabeth Johnston, representing Efus, and Giorgio Pighi, representing the FISU, attended this initiative and took this opportunity to revive their relation with the municipality of Turin.
Efus is an executive partner in the “citizen security” network. Objectives This programme aims to support the policies and political institutions that are working to improve social cohesion in several countries in Latin America through cooperating with the European Union. The “citizen security” section of the EUROsociAL programme relates to the following countries: Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Panama, El Salvador and Uruguay. Partners Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Panama, El Salvador and Uruguay. The OIJJ (International Juvenile Justice Observatory) is the operational partner. FEI (France Expertise International) is the coordinating partner for this theme. The FIIAPP (International and Ibero-American Foundation for Administration and Public Policies) is the programme head coordinating partner.
Efus – Activities Report – 2013
Activities The activities organised in 2013 aimed to support the implementation of public policies in preventing violence and improving coordination among the various institutions involved and among all actors involved in prevention. The first half of the year was mainly spent implementing the programme in Panama and El Salvador. Efus led training programmes for teachers of the social prevention of violence and developed the capacity-building potential of stakeholders involved in prevention strategies (local police forces, local governments and local prevention committees) in these two countries. In total, Efus led around ten technical assistance activities in Panama and El Salvador in 2013. Ten experts that are part of the Efus network were involved: Laura Carrera (Mexico), Lorena Cohan (Argentina), Vasco Franco (Portugal), Francesc Guillèn (Spain), Josep Lahosa (Spain), Claudia Laub (Argentina), Paulo Machado (Portugal), Marina Meneses (Brazil), Gian Guido Nobili (Italy), and Vicente Valentin (Spain). Coordination for Efus Joana Judice and Pilar de la Torre Duration 2011-2015 Budget €261,334 (2013 annual budget) - 100% is funded by the EU
Efus is a partner on this project. Objectives To capitalise on the experience of the Ivorian Forum, to provide didactic tools that enable local elected officials to get more involved in the field of urban security, to launch an in-depth training process of local elected officials on the themes relating to security and to strengthen the role of the Ivorian Forum in supporting local authorities. Activities The project faced delays in 2013, before returning to its normal schedule. The text of the manual for local elected officials was written and sent to the Ivorian Forum. An overview of the programme was carried out internally in September 2013. The end-date of the project was set for December 2014. Coordination for Efus Maye Seck
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Duration June 2011 - December 2014 Budget €443,818 - 90% is funded by the European Commission
SENEGAL The Senegalese Forum, which is now run by Maye Seck, part-time project manager at Efus, organised a workshop to re-launch its activities on 23 July 2013 in Dakar. This workshop was chaired by the Mayor of Dakar and attended by the Mayor of the city of Saint-Louis, the President of the Association of Senegalese Mayors and the President of the Union of Associations of Local Elected Officials in Senegal. The workshop was funded by UN-Habitat. Alioune Badiane, director of the UNHabitat Project Office, and Elizabeth Johnston (via Skype) attended this workshop. The workshop enabled the Senegalese Forum to identify areas to start work on, namely: to work on a template document on the municipal police, to reorganise the Senegalese Forum and to work on a programme called “Dakar, a safer city” in partnership with UN-Habitat.
Efus – Activities Report – 2013
VI Social Life
Efus – Activities Report – 2013
2013 GENERAL ASSEMBLY The 2013 General Assembly was held on 27 June in Cascais, Portugal. Around 80 representatives from 31 cities and 11 European countries, as well as the German, Belgian, French, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese Forums for Urban Security, attended this meeting. The main themes discussed were: the outcome of the 2012 international conference, the dissemination of the Manifesto of Aubervilliers and Saint-Denis, the results of two projects conducted since the previous General Assembly (EU Street Violence and Safer Drinking Scenes) and a presentation of Efus’ strategic plan. A third of the members of the Executive Committee were renewed, in accordance with the association’s statutes. A conference on “Methodological Tools for Crime Prevention was organised at the General Assembly. (See Secutopic Audits and Evaluation)
EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Efus’ Executive Committee met twice in 2013:
25-26 MARCH IN MANNHEIM (GERMANY) Poverty-induced immigration within the EU and notably from Romania and Bulgaria, two countries whose citizens are able to live and work freely in EU countries since 1 January 2014, was the focus of discussions at this Efus Executive Committee meeting.
17-18 OCTOBER IN REGGIO EMILIA (ITALY) During this meeting the Executive Committee adopted a resolution calling for Europe to support local authorities confronted with large influxes of migrants, especially countries in the Southern part of Europe. The city of Reggio Emilia organised a series of visits for the members of the Executive Committee to some areas of the city that are subject to urban regeneration and initiatives aimed at bringing new life to public spaces thanks to the involvement of local residents. A Manifesto Day was held the day before the Executive Committee meeting. It was called “From Cities to Europe: New Strategies for Urban Security”. (See Sharing the Manifesto Initiative above) After the Executive Committee meeting, its members participated in a debate on the recommendations of the Manifesto of Aubervilliers and Saint-Denis, and presented the publication EU Street Violence- Youth Groups and Violence in Public Spaces. (See Sharing the Manifesto Initiative)
As part of its strategy, Efus decided to invest in press relations in 2013 in order to increase its visibility and raise its profile as a point of reference on the themes Efus – Activities Report – 2013
relating to urban security throughout Europe. To this end, Efus worked with a Brussels-based press agency. In total, Efus was the subject of 40 articles and radio or TV reports in seven countries (Germany, Belgium, Croatia, France, Italy, Poland and Portugal) and these were made primarily when Efus organised an event in 2013. These reports are available on our website in the section “Press Room”. Since 2011 the number of visitors to the Efus website each month has been rising steadily and the number of pages visited is also increasing. In 2013, Efus published over 140 articles relating to its activities, network news, ongoing programmes, and practice sheets. The website has 1,730 articles, including some 350 practice sheets, which are only available for Efus members.
Efus received the Ideas Label in recognition of the quality of its governance and financial and operational management. This label was awarded by an independent committee following a far-reaching review of Efus’ activities and work process and the support it was given to improve internal practices, which began in 2012. After having worked to improve several aspects of its governance, the Efus team called an external auditor who audited the structure and presented its conclusions to Ideas. In December 2013, Bertrand Binctin, Deputy Mayor of Le Havre and member of the Executive Committee, represented the EC during a formal presentation of Efus at the Label Committee of Ideas, together with Elizabeth Johnston. Ideas is a French non-profit association, which assesses the quality of associations and foundations that are looking for sponsors. The label they deliver is a guarantee for financiers that the funds they contribute will be used in an ethical and efficient manner. In addition to this support that enabled Efus to formalise its existing procedures and to establish new ones, the Ideas Label will be used to facilitate the links between Efus and its private donors for the co-funding of certain projects.
REVAMPING THE IT SYSTEM As part of a strategic improvement aiming to improve Efus’ information system, we have chosen to use Zoho to set up a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system. The aim of this solution is improve the flow of information within the network and with the technical team. This was set up in December 2013.
Efus – Activities Report – 2013
HUMAN RESOURCES NEW STAFF Alberto Dotta, who started as an intern in October 2012, was hired in July 2013 as Project Manager for a 12 month period. He works on the Security and Tourism and Safer Drinking Scenes (SDS) projects and follows the following topics: youth radicalisation, art, culture and prevention, and organised crime (in collaboration with the Italian Forum for Urban Security). Pilar De La Torre, who started as an intern in January 2013, was hired as Project Manager in September 2013 for a period of 11 months. She works on the citizen security project of the EUROSocial programme, as well as on the university diploma in urban security of the project EEMUS. Susanne Shihigara joined Efus as the Accounting and Financial Manager in June 2013. Anaïs Piccoli was a Project Manager intern from 29 April to 6 September 2013 and then from 7 October to 29 November 2013. Kate Winter was a translation intern from 16 March 2013 until 12 July 2013. Georgia Butterworth joined Efus on 3 September 2013 for a part-time translation internship until the end of December (subsequently extended until the end of May 2014). Carmen Berechet worked as an intern for four months from 11 September 2013 (subsequently extended to February 2014). She worked on the submission and management of European projects, among other things.
OUTGOING PERSONNEL Jean-Philippe Bardu, Executive Assistant since September 2012, left Efus in September 2013. Philippe Bruneau, Accounting and Financial Manager, left Efus in May 2013.
Efus – Activities Report – 2013
Revenue 2013 Work for the European Commission*
Other Programmes
32% 48%
Membership Fees Subsidy
Exceptional Income
* this amount includes the portion concerning work yet to complete with allocated resources
Expenditure 2013 Head office costs
Transfer to Partners
Communication, Translations, Interpreting
Travel and Missions
18% Staff costs and durable partners
Efus – Activities Report – 2013
45 675,00
23 030,00
39 510,00
253 260,00
66 172,00
19 395,00
% by Country
Recovery rate
4 568 €
2 942 €
4 702 €
2 787 €
3 553 €
3 699 €
3 808 €
3 219 €
Total collected
Average membership €
38 290,00 485 332,00
Charged Forum share
24 565,00 13 817,50 37 235,00 162 315,00 85 302,50 16 647,50 38 290,00
Collected Forum share
22 837,50 11 515,00 19 755,00 126 630,00 33 086,00
9 697,50 38 290,00
Membership fees 2013 14%
Germany Belgium Spain France Italy Portugal Others
In 2013, Efus received financial support from:
The European
Efus – Activities Report – 2013
Elizabeth JOHNSTON Executive Director
Philippe BRUNEAU Accounting and Financial Manager (until May 2013)
Carla NAPOLANO Project Manager
Sebastian SPERBER Project Manager
Mark BURTON-PAGE Project Manager
Maye SECK Project Manager
Joana JUDICE European Projects Officer
Elsa FONTANILLE Communications Manager
Pilar DE LA TORRE Project Manager
Jean-Philippe BARDU Executive Assistant (until September 2013)
Alberto DOTTA Project Manager
Susanne SHIHIGARA Accounting and Financial Manager
Eric LOUSTAUNEAU Accounting Assistant
Efus – Activities Report – 2013
Michel MARCUS Adviser
Nathalie BOURGEOIS Copy-Editor
Thierry CHARLOIS European Drug Policies Consultant
Efus – Activities Report – 2013
Elected on 27 June 2013 in Cascais
With deliberative vote President: Matosinhos / Portugal Vice President & Treasurer: LPR-Niedersachsen / Germany Vice-president: Reggio Emilia /Italy Vice-president: Nantes /France Alexandroúpolis (GR), Aubervilliers (FR), Augsburg (DE), Barcelona (ES), Bari (IT), Bruxelles (BE), Cascais (PT), Charleroi (BE), Generalitat de Catalunya (ES), Ħaż-Żebbuġ (MT), CA La Rochelle (FR), Leer (DE), Le Havre (FR), Liège (BE), Lisboa (PT), Mannheim (DE), Mons (BE), München (DE), Regione Emilia Romagna (IT), Regione Molise (IT), Rotterdam (NL), Seixal (PT), Setubal (PT), Sosnowiec (PL), Toulouse Métropole (FR), Zaragoza (ES) .…………………………. With consultative status Belgian Forum: Charleroi Spanish Forum: Hospitalet de Llobregat French Forum: Amiens Italian Forum: Modena Luxembourgish Forum: SYVICOL Portuguese Forum: Lisboa German Forum: Stuttgart .…………………………. With observatory status Italy: Roma .…………………………. Honorary member France: Paris
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Efus – Activities Report – 2013
MEMBERS Alba – Alexandroupolis – Amiens - Angers-Loire-Métropole (Communauté d’Agglomération) – Antwerpen - Arras (Communauté Urbaine) - Associazione di Comuni di Argenta – Aubervilliers – Augsburg - Aulnay-sous-Bois – Badalona – Barcelona – Belfast - Bellaria-Igea Marina – Besançon – Bezons – Bischwiller – Blagnac - Blanc-Mesnil – Blois – Bologna – Bolzano – Bordeaux - Boulogne-surMer (Communauté d’Agglomération) – Bra – Brasov – Brescia – Brest – Brno – Bron – Bruxelles - Calderara di Reno – Camporosso - CARENE (Communauté d’Agglomération de la Région Nazairienne) – Casalpusterlengo – Cascais - Castel Maggiore – Cergy - Cergy-Pontoise (Communauté d’Agglomération) – Cervia – Charleroi – Châtellerault - Clichy-la-Garenne - Clichy-sous-Bois - Conflans-SainteHonorine – Cormano – Creil – Cremona - Departament d'Interior de la Generalitat de Catalunya – Dijon - Dunkerque (Grand Littoral Communauté Urbaine) – Düsseldorf – Eivissa – Ferrara – Firenze - Fontaine-l’Evêque – Fuenlabrada Garges-lès-Gonesse – Gennevilliers – Genova - Gif-sur-Yvette – Gliwice – Gonesse – Göttingen – Grenoble – Halluin - Haz-Zebbug – Heidelberg - Issy-lesMoulineaux – Ixelles - Kingston upon Thames - L’Hospitalet de Llobregat - La Possession - La Rochelle (Communauté d’Agglomération) - La Roche-sur-Yon – Lainate - Le Creusot - Le Havre – Leer - Les Ulis – Liège – Lille – Limoges – Lisboa – Loos – Lorient – Lormont – Loures - LPR (Landespräventionsrat Niedersachsen) – Lyon – Mannheim – Marseille – Massalombarda – Matosinhos – Maubeuge – Mérignac – Milano – Miramas – Modena - Molenbeek-Saint-Jean – Mons - Mont de Marsan - Mont Dore – Montijo – Montpellier – Montreuil – Mulhouse – München – Nantes – Nemours – Nevers - Noisy-le-Sec – Oeiras – Orly – Païta – Pantin – Paris – Pau - Pavullo nel Frignano - Pays de Martigues (Communauté d’Agglomération) – Perugia – Pesaro – Pessac – Piacenza - Pierrefitte-sur-Seine Plaine Centrale-Créteil (Communauté d’Agglomération) - Plaine Commune (Communauté d’Agglomération) - Poitiers (Communauté d’Agglomération) - Pontde-Claix - Portes de l'Essonne (Communauté d’Agglomération) – Porto – Prato Reggio Emilia - Région Ile-de-France - Regione Abruzzo - Regione Emilia Romagna - Regione Marche - Regione Molise - Regione Toscana - Regione Umbria - Regione Veneto – Reims – Rennes – Roma – Rotterdam - Rueil-Malmaison Saint Laurent du Maroni - Saint-Denis - Saint-Denis-de-la-Réunion - Saint-Gilles - Saint-Herblain - Saint-Orens de Gameville - San Lazzaro di Savena - SAN Sénart (Syndicat d’Agglomération Nouvelle) - Santa Coloma de Gramenet - Sao Joao da Madeira – Sarcelles – Sassuolo - Seine-Saint-Denis (Conseil Général) – Seixal – Setubal - SICOVAL (Communauté d’Agglomération) – Solin – Solna – Sosnowiec – Stains – Strasbourg – Stuttgart – Talence – Terrassa – Terre - Terre Verdiane (Assoc. Comuni) - Thonon-les-Bains - Torino (Provincia) – Toulouse - Toulouse Métropole – Tourcoing – Tours – Trento - Trento (Provincia) - Val d'Oise (Conseil Général) - Valbonne Sophia Antipolis – Valence – Valenciennes - Valenciennes (Communauté d’Agglomération) - Vallée de Montmorency (Communauté d’Agglomération) - Vaulx-en-Velin– Vernouillet – Villejuif – Villeurbanne Villiers-le-Bel – Wien – Zaragoza
Efus – Activities Report – 2013
ASSOCIATE MEMBERS Centre International de la Prévention de la Criminalité (Canada) Comité National de liaison des Associations de Prévention Spécialisée (CNLAPS, France) Commission Communautaire Française (COCOF, Belgium) Deutscher Präventionstag (DPT, Germany) GERN (Groupement européen de recherche sur les normativités) National Community Safety Network (United Kingdom)
Efus – Activities Report – 2013
EU Street Violence : Youth groups and violence in public spaces Available in ENG-ES-FR-IT
SRAP : Addiction prevention in Roma and Sinti communities – Why it matters Available in ENG-FR-IT-BG
Security, democracy and cities: The Manifesto of Aubervilliers and Saint-Denis Available in CS-DE-EN-ES-FR-IT-NL-PL-PT
Safer Drinking Scenes: Alcohol, cities and nightlife - in partnership with the French Forum Available in EN-FR Efus – Activities Report – 2013
Efus – Activities Report – 2013
Activities Report 2013
European Forum for Urban Security 10 rue des Montiboeufs 75020 Paris + 33 1 40 64 49 00
European Forum for Urban Security