BRIDGE - Understanding and addressing polarisation at the local level

Page 43

3. Rotterdam’s Quick Scan Aligned with their Approach to Radicalisation, Extremism and Polarisation, the City of Rotterdam conducts Quick Scans that provide a general assessment of social tensions and polarising incidents and topics within the municipality. The Quick Scan has been conducted four times a year since 2017 and is also utilised in reaction to certain incidents at the local, national and international levels. It allows the local authority to ‘gauge the temperature’ within the city and enables the identification of tensions, polarising topics and sharpened conflicts at an early stage. The Quick Scan involves one-on-one interviews and meetings with key figures, stakeholders and representatives of all the communities and groups of the local society. This helps to quickly collect information about rising concerns and tensions in the city and thus enables a better comprehension and an adequate, targeted response. Other sources of information included in the Quick Scan are reports and information provided by youth services, which operate both online and on-site, as well as briefings and insights by police and other partners.


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