MATCH-SPORT - Preserving amateur sport’s cohesive capacity by fighting discriminatory violence

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MATCH-SPORT - Preserving amateur sport’s cohesive capacity by fighting discriminatory violence at the local level


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> A retrospective on Efus’ work: why we created MATCH-SPORT The MATCH-SPORT project: local authorities working with local actors How to address the issue of violence, racism, discrimination and intolerance in sport and, more specifically, in amateur sport? Through the MATCH-SPORT project, local authorities and sport organisations have been working together on reducing violence, discrimination, racism and intolerance in amateur sport through the exchange of expertise and practices.

Acknowledging there is an issue of discrimination and racism It is common knowledge that sport can play an important role in educating youngsters in civic values, such as respect for others, team spirit and the benefits of personal effort, to name a few. Indeed, numerous studies have been conducted over the years in different countries on the societal benefits of sport. In Europe, the European Commission “believes that sport plays a vital role not only in individual health and fitness, but also in shaping our wider European society”. Furthermore, it states that sport should “foster a sense of social inclusion and integration, particularly for marginalised groups” and contribute to “eliminating racism and xenophobia and creating gender equality”.1 In the “Pierre de Coubertin Action Plan” published by the European Observatory of Sport and Employment in 2007, the EU said that the “prevention of and fight against racism and violence in sport [should be] top priorities”, which can be delivered “by promoting dialogue and best

1-European Commission, “About Sport Policy”,


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