Hutches & Sideboards
Woodside Woodworks LLC 2012 Product Catalog 1
Item #
201 202 205 204 106 M4248 M3550 4862 220 221 222 223 226 138 139 140 140 141A 142A 170 171
Carl ton Buffet 2 Door Carl ton Buffet 3 Door Carl ton Hutch 2 Door Carl ton Hutch 3 Door E arl y Ameri can Si deboard Fi el dstone Leaf Storage Cabi net Fi el dstone Server Freeport Hutch Gettysburg Hutch Gettysburg Hutch Gettysburg Si deboard Gettysburg Si deboard Gettysburg Pi e Safe Harvest Buffet Harvest Buffet w/Doors Harvest Buffet w/Wi ne Rack Harvest Buffet Harvest Hutch 2 Door Harvest Hutch 3 Door Jacoby Si deboard Jacoby Wi ne Server
Item #
38 38 39 39 8 46 47 45 10 11 13 12 14 30 31 32 33 34 34 27 28
172 124 125 126 129 130 131 127 128 132 133 135 1310 MMC25 MMC26 105 104 115 190 225
Jacoby Si deboard McCoy Hutch 2 Door McCoy Hutch 3 Door McCoy Hutch 4 Door McCoy Leaf Cabi net McCoy Server-Leaded McCoy Server-Open McCoy Si deboard McCoy Si deboard McCoy Hutch/Pi e Safe 1 Door McCoy Curi o Cabi net McCoy Bookcase McCoy Wi ne Server McCoy Mantl e Cl ock McCoy Mantl e Cl ock w/Pendul um Mi ssi on Supreme 2 Door Hutch Mi ssi on Supreme 3 Door Hutch Mi ssi on Supreme Corner Hutch Modesto Si deboard Montego Buffet
Item #
29 15 16 17 22 23 24 25 25 18 19 20 21 26 26 35 36 37 9 48
120 109 107 103 101 1100 1101 121 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238
40 41 42 43 43 44 44 40 3 4 5 6 7 7 7 7 50 50 49 51 50
Ol d Century Rocki ng Chai r Ol d Century Si deboard Juni or Ol d Century Si deboard Ol d Century Si deboard Ol d Century Si deboard Ol d Century E nd T abl e Ol d Century E nd T abl e Ol d Century Footstool Pasadena Hutch Pasadena Si deboard Pasadena Si deboard Pasadena Si deboard Pasadena E nd T abl e Pasadena E nd T abl e Pasadena E nd T abl e Pasadena E nd T abl e Regul ar Mi ssi on Hi ghchai r Royal Mi ssi on Hi ghchai r M3644 Rope Ki tchen Isl and Step Stool West Vi l l age Hi ghchai r
Dovetailed Drawers and Full Extension Glides are standard on all our furniture. Undermount Slides are available on all of our furniture Reversed or Raised Panels are available. All plywood used in our furniture is made in America and is Carb P1 certified. Our products come in your choice of Oak, Quartersawn White Oak, Cherry, Maple, Rustic Cherry, Soft Brown Maple, or Hickory. Need a product customized to your customers’ special needs? Give us a call, many times we will be able to meet your needs. Every piece is signed and dated.
For matching chairs see - F & N Woodworking For matching tables see - West Point Woodworking
Thank you for choosing
Pasadena Pasadena Hutch Model #231
20” x 60” x 80” HARDWARE: Drwrs-P2174 ORB, Doors-P2172-ORB STD. FEATURES: Wood Back, Touch Lights, Light Strip, Baroque Glass For matching chairs see F&N Woodworking For matching table see Westpoint Woodworking
Pasadena Pasadena Sideboard Model #232
20” x 60” x 43” HARDWARE: Drwrs-P2174 ORB, Doors-P2172-ORB STD. FEATURES: Adjustable Shelves Each Door For matching chairs see F&N Woodworking For matching table see Westpoint Woodworking
Pasadena Wine Rack Option
Pasadena Sideboard Model #233
20” x 60” x 43” HARDWARE: Drwrs-P2174 ORB, Doors-P2172-ORB STD. FEATURES: Adjustable Shelves Each Door, 3 Doors OPTIONAL FEATURE: Wine Rack in center door For matching chairs see F&N Woodworking For matching table see Westpoint Woodworking
Pasadena Pasadena Sideboard Model #234
20” x 42” x 42” HARDWARE: Drwrs-P2174 ORB, Doors-P2172-ORB STD. FEATURES: Adjustable Shelves For matching chairs see F&N Woodworking For matching table see Westpoint Woodworking
Pasadena Coffee & Sofa Tables available in matching styles
Pasadena End Table
Pasadena End Table
Model #236 (Not Shown)
Model #235 (Shown)
20” x 24” x 24”
24” x 24” x 24” HARDWARE: Drwrs-P2174 ORB, Doors-P2172-ORB
Pasadena End Table
Model #237 (Not Shown)
16” x 24” x 24”
Early American Early American Sideboard Model #106
22” x 60“ x 58” HARDWARE: D550, D551 Available with Beveled or Antique Mirrors STD. FEATURES: Regular Mirror, Plate Groove in back
Modesto Modesto Sideboard Model #190
18” x 54” x 43” HARDWARE: Drwrs-K807, Doors-K803 STD. FEATURES: Adjustable Shelves Shown in Quartersawn White Oak w/Michaels Cherry For matching chairs see RH Yoder For matching table see Northern Woodcrafts
Gettysburg Gettysburg Hutch Model #220
18” x 54” x 80” HARDWARE: Drwrs: D925-AE, Doors: D942-AE STD. FEATURES: Butterfly Inlays in doors, Mullions, Plain Glass, Wood Back, Touch Lights, Light Strip, Adjustable Shelves Shown in Quartersawn White Oak w/Michaels Cherry For matching chairs see F&N Woodworking For matching table see Westpoint Woodworking
Gettysburg Gettysburg Hutch Model #221
18” x 44” x 80” HARDWARE: Drwrs: D925-AE, Doors: D942-AE STD. FEATURES: Butterfly Inlays in doors, Mullions, Plain Glass, Wood Back, Touch Lights, Light Strip, Adjustable Shelves Shown in Quartersawn White Oak w/Michaels Cherry For matching chairs see F&N Woodworking For matching table see Westpoint Woodworking
Gettysburg Gettysburg Sideboard Model #223
20” x 40” x 43” HARDWARE: Drwrs: D925-AE, Doors: D942-AE STD. FEATURES: Butterfly Inlays in doors, Adjustable Shelves Shown in Quartersawn White Oak w/Michaels Cherry For matching chairs see F&N Woodworking For matching table see Westpoint Woodworking
Gettysburg Gettysburg Sideboard Model #222
20” x 54” x 47” HARDWARE: Drwrs: D925-AE, Doors: D942-AE STD. FEATURES: Butterfly Inlays in doors, Adjustable Shelves Shown in Quartersawn White Oak w/Michaels Cherry For matching chairs see F&N Woodworking For matching table see Westpoint Woodworking
Gettysburg Gettysburg Pie Safe Model #226
17” x 42” x 50” HARDWARE: Drwrs: D925-AE, Doors: D942-AE STD. FEATURES: Butterfly Inlays in doors, 2 Adjustable Shelves Shown in Quartersawn White Oak w/Michaels Cherry For matching chairs see F&N Woodworking For matching table see Westpoint Woodworking
McCoy McCoy Hutch Model #124
20” x 48” x 80” HARDWARE: K-53BL STD. FEATURES: Beveled Glass, Touch Lights, Anti-Light Trim Around Hutch Doors Shown in Michael’s Cherry Finish on Quartersawn White Oak
McCoy McCoy Hutch Model #125
20” x 60” x 80” HARDWARE: K-53BL STD. FEATURES: Beveled Glass, Touch Lights, Anti-Light Trim Around Hutch Doors Shown in Asbury Brown Finish on Quartersawn White Oak
McCoy McCoy Hutch Model #126
16½” x 48” x 63” HARDWARE: K-53BL STD. FEATURES: Beveled Glass, Touch Lights, Anti-Light Trim Around Hutch Doors Shown in Asbury Brown Finish on Quartersawn White Oak
McCoy McCoy Hutch/Pie Safe 1-Door Model #132
16.5” x 36“ x 62” STD. FEATURES: HUTCH HARDWARE: K-53BL Antique Glass • 3 Glass Shelves • 1 Touch Light • Anti Light Trim around door STD. FEATURES: PIE SAFE HARDWARE: K-53BL Order with panel door • 3 wooden shelves
McCoy McCoy Curio Cabinet Model #133
16½” x 48” x 63” HARDWARE: K-53BL STD. FEATURES: Leaded Plain Glass, 3 Glass Shelves, Touch Lights, Anti-Light Trim Around Hutch Doors Shown in Michael’s Cherry Finish on Quartersawn White Oak
McCoy McCoy Bookcase Model #135
16½” x 42” x 71¾” HARDWARE: K-53BL STD. FEATURES: Leaded Plain Glass, Wooden Adjustable Shelves (3 in top, 1 in bottom) Shown in Michael’s Cherry Finish on Quartersawn White Oak
McCoy McCoy Wine Server Model #1310
18” x 36” x 40” HARDWARE: K-53BL STD. FEATURES: Antique Glass Shown in Michael’s Cherry Finish on Quartersawn White Oak
McCoy McCoy Leaf Storage Model #129
21” x 54“ x 40” HARDWARE: K-53BL STD. FEATURES: Adjustable shelF, total door opening - 26” x 43” Optional Leaf Protector Pockets (shown) Shown in Asbury Brown finish on Quartersawn White Oak
McCoy McCoy Server Model #130
20” x 40“ x 38” HARDWARE: K-53BL STD. FEATURES: Leaded Glass, wooden adjustable shelves Shown in Asbury Brown finish on Quartersawn White Oak
McCoy McCoy Server Model #131
18” x 36“ x 38” HARDWARE: K-53BL Also available w/Doors Shown in Asbury Brown finish on Quartersawn White Oak
McCoy Sideboard
McCoy Sideboard
(Shown) 21” x 72” x 46” HARDWARE: K-53BL Adjustable shelves in each door. 150 lbs. rated slides in bottom drawer.
(Not Shown) 20” x 60” x 46” HARDWARE: K-53BL Adjustable shelves in each door. 150 lbs. rated slides in bottom drawer.
Model #127
Model #128
McCoy McCoy Mantle Clock
McCoy Pendulum Clock
6” x 15“ x 18” HARDWARE: K-53BL STD. FEATURES: Beveled Glass, Plays Westminster Melody, Chimes every 1/4 hour/Strikes out the hour Easy access from back
6” x 15” x 18” STD. FEATURES: Pendulum w/Antique Glass, Plays Westminster Chimes every 1/4 hour/Strikes out the hour. Easy access from back Shown in Quartersawn White Oak w/Michaels Cherry Finish
Jacoby Jacoby Sideboard Model #170
18” x 54“ x 46” HARDWARE: Drawers K-807, Doors K-803 STD. FEATURES: Plate Rack, Adjustable shelves, 1⅜” Solid Tongue & Groove Plank Top w/Dowel & Wedge Construction Shown in Brown Maple w/Michaels Cherry finish w/Distressing
Jacoby Jacoby Wine Server Model #171
18” x 54” x 36” HARDWARE: Drawers K-807, Doors K-803 STD. FEATURES: Leaded Plain Glass, Adj. Shelves, 1⅜” Solid Tongue& Groove Plank Top w/Dowel & Wedge Construction Shown in Michael’s Cherry on Rustic Cherry
Jacoby Jacoby Sideboard Model #172
18” x 40” x 38” HARDWARE: Drawers K-807, Doors K-803 STD. FEATURES: Adj. Shelves, 1⅜” Solid Tongue& Groove Plank Top w/Dowel & Wedge Construction Shown in Michael’s Cherry on Rustic Cherry
Harvest Harvest Buffet Model #138
18” x 44“ x 36” HARDWARE: Wooden Knobs Shown in Brown Maple w/Nutmeg finish
Harvest Harvest Buffet Model #139
18” x 46“ x 36” HARDWARE: Wooden Knobs STANDARD FEATURES: Adjustable Shelves Shown in Brown Maple w/Nutmeg finish
Harvest Harvest Buffet w/Wine Rack Option Model #140
20” x 60“ x 36” HARDWARE: K-56B STD. FEATURES: Adjustable shelves in each door Shown with optional Wine Rack Shown in Asbury Finish on Quartersawn White Oak
Harvest Harvest Buffet Model #140
20” x 60“ x 36” HARDWARE: K-41B STD. FEATURES: Adjustable shelves in each door Shown in Old English/Distressed Finish on Brown Maple
Harvest Harvest Hutch
Harvest Hutch
Model #141A (Shown)
Model #142A (Not Shown)
20” x 44“ x 80” HARDWARE: K-56B Closed buffet w/2 doors STD. FEATURES: Touch Lights, Anti-Light Trim Around Hutch Doors Shown in Michael’s Cherry Finish on Quartersawn White Oak
20” x 60“ x 80” HARDWARE: K-56B STD. FEATURES: Closed Buffet Area, 3 Doors, Same features as #141A
Mission Supreme Mission Supreme Hutch 2-Door Model #105
20” x 48“ x 80” HARDWARE: D553, D552 STD. FEATURES: Straw Glass, Touch Lights, Light Strip
Mission Supreme Mission Supreme Hutch Model #104
20” x 60“ x 80” HARDWARE: D553, D552 Available with solid end panels STD. FEATURES: Straw Glass, Touch Lights, Light Strip, Silverware Drawer, Mirrored Back
Mission Supreme Mission Supreme Corner Hutch Model #115
41” x 80” 32” out from corner each side. HARDWARE: D552 STD. FEATURES: Straw Glass, Touch Lights, Light Strip, Mirrored Back A complimentary piece to our Old Century Sideboard Series
Carlton Carlton Buffet
Carlton Buffet 3 Door
20” x 42“ x 40” HARDWARE: K-87B (Drawers) K-88B (Doors) STD. FEATURES: Adjustable shelves, Back Board, Plate Groove Shown in Michaels’s Cherry on Cherry
21” x 60“ x 40” HARDWARE: K-87B (Drawers) K-88B (Doors) STD. FEATURES: Adjustable shelves, Back Board, Plate Groove Shown in Michaels’s Cherry on Cherry
Model #201 (Shown)
Model #202 (Not Shown)
Carlton Hutch
Carlton Hutch 3 Door
20” x 42“ x 78” HARDWARE: K-87B (Drawers) K-88B (Doors) STD. FEATURES: Beveled Glass, Touch Light Shown in Michael’s Cherry on Cherry
21” x 60“ x 82” HARDWARE: K-87B (Drawers) K-88B (Doors) STD. FEATURES: Open/Closed Deck Area, Beveled Glass, Touch Light Shown in Michael’s Cherry on Cherry
Model #204 (Not Shown)
Model #205 (Shown)
Old Century Old Century Rocking Chair
Old Century Footstool
34D” x 26W“ x 40H” STD. FEATURES: Fabric or Leather Seat Shown in Quartersawn White Oak w/Michaels Cherry finish
16D” x 22½W“ x 18H” STD. FEATURES: Fabric or Leather Seat Shown in Quartersawn White Oak w/Michaels Cherry finish
Model #120
Model #121
Old Century Old Century Junior Sideboard Model #109
18” x 40” x 35” HARDWARE: K-807
Old Century Old Century Sideboard Model #107
17” x 42“ x 42” HARDWARE: D552, D553 STD. FEATURES: Plate Rack (Avail. without), Plate Rack Width - 1⅜” OPTIONS AVAILABLE: Adjustable shelves, End Slats, Regular or Strap Hinges
Old Century
Old Century Sideboard
Old Century Sideboard
Model #103 (Shown)
22” x 60“ x 46” HARDWARE: D552, D553 STD. FEATURES: Plate Rack (Avail. without), Plate Rack Width - 1⅜ OPTIONS AVAILABLE: Adjustable shelves, End Slats, Regular or Strap Hinges
Model #101 (Not Shown) 22” x 54“ x 46” STD. FEATURES: Same as #103
Old Century Old Century End Table
Old Century End Table
22” x 22” x 26”
22” x 22” x 24”
Model #1100 (Shown)
Model #1101 (Not Shown)
Freeport Freeport Hutch Model #4862
18” x 48“ x 62” HARDWARE: Wood Knobs STD. FEATURES: Plain Glass, Touch Lights Shown in Rustic Cherry
Fieldstone Fieldstone Leaf Storage Model #M4248
21” x 48“ x 50” HARDWARE: Wood Knobs STD. FEATURES: Adjustable shelf Shown with optional Leaf Protector Pockets
Fieldstone Fieldstone Server Model #M3550
20” x 50“ x 35” HARDWARE: Wood Knobs STD. FEATURES: 3 Adjustable shelves Shown in Heritage finish on Brown Maple
Montego Montego Buffet Model #225
18” x 56“ x 38” HARDWARE: Wooden Knobs, K-41B shown STD. FEATURES: Adjustable shelves Shown in Old English/Distressed finish on Brown Maple
Rope Rope Kitchen Island Model #M3644
36” x 44“ x 36” HARDWARE: Wood Knobs STD. FEATURES: Adjustable shelf, Bar overhang on back side Shown in Heritage/Distressed finish on Brown Maple
Highchairs Royal Mission
20” x 20” x 39” Std: Safety Harness Shown w/Optional Slide Tray, Standard Flip Tray Shown in Oak w/Sealy Finish
Regular Mission
West Village
20” x 20” x 39” Std: Safety Harness Optional Slide Tray, Shown w/Standard Flip Tray Shown in Oak w/Medium Walnut Finish
20” x 20” x 39” Std: Safety Harness Shown w/Optional Slide Tray, Standard Flip Tray Shown in QSWO w/Michaels Cherry Finish
Step Stool Folding Step Stool
15” x 16“ x 23.25” Shown in Oak w/Medium Walnut finish