2 BB201 Bentback Glider 32w x 44h Seat 22”w Pictured In Black & Cedar BB202 Bentback Swivel Glider 32w x 44h Seat 22”w Stainless Swivels standard Pictured In Tudor Brown & Weatherwood BB200 Bentback Rocker 32w x 42h Seat 22”wide Pictured In White & Lemon Yellow All Bentback chairs have lumbar support for optimal comfort E&B Swivel option on BB202 for a smoother swivel - $22.00 upcharge
3 BB203 Bentback Counter Height Glider 32w x 51h Seat 22”w - Seat 24” high Pictured In Gray & Light Gray Cupholder available on all chairs - will put on the right arm rest unless specified otherwise BB204 Bentback Counter Swivel Chair 32w x 52h Seat 22”w - Seat 24” high Standard with E&B Swivel Patriot & Dark Gray
4 BB207 4” Bentback Bench 57w x 44h Seat 47”w Pictured In Dark Gray & Cherrywood BB199 Bentback Fireside Chair 32w x 47h Seat is lower for more comfort Cherrywood & Weatherwood
5 BB195 Folding Beach Chair 33½w x 41h Pictured In Tudor Brown & Weatherwood BB195 Shown with FO26 Folding Ottoman Folds TudorCompletelyBrown&Cedar
6 BB205 4’ Bentback Glider 57w x 44h Seat 47”w Pictured In Tudor Brown & Weatherwood 4’ Bentback Counter Height Glider 57w x 51h Seat 47”w Pictured In Tudor Brown & Weatherwood
7 BB210 5’ Bentback Glider w/Console 70w x 44h Seat 60”w Pictured In Tudor Brown & Weatherwood BB211 5’ Bentback Counter Height Glider w/Console 70w x 51h Seat 60”w Pictured In Tudor Brown & Weatherwood
8 BB214 2’ Bentback Swing Shown with optional cupholder Black & Birchwood All Swing Frames are powder coated black
9 BB215 4” Bentback Swing 33h Seat 47”w Pictured In Black & TudorAluminumBrown A-Frames also available BB216 5” Bentback Swing 70w x 33h Pictured In Tudor Brown & Cedar
10 BB222 Bentback Swivel Chair 28w x 43h Seat 18”h Also available in 24” & 30” seat height Pictured In Black & Birchwood BS225 Bar Stool 24h Seat 14x18 Also available in 30” seat height Pictured In Black & Light Gray BB220 Bentback Chair 28w x 43h Seat 18”h Pictured In Black & Birchwood BB221 Bentback Counter or Pub Chair 28w x 49h Seat - Counter 24”h -Bar 30”h Pictured In Black & Light Gray E&B Swivel option on dining chairs for a smoother swivel - $22.00 upcharge NEW
11 CSB224 Counter Chair Seat height 24” Patriot(Pictured)&Dark Gray BB222C Bentback Swivel Counter Chair 28w x 58h Seat 24”h Also available in 30” seat height Tudor Brown & Cedar PSB224 Bar SeatChairheight 30” 36” Round Table - 36” high Also available in 30” & 42” heights Pictured in Black & Light Gray BB219 Dining Side Chair 20”w 42”h Tudor Brown & Weatherwood NEW
12 w/Umbrella Holes 48” x 48” x 30h Pictured in Dark Gray & Light Gray All tables have aluminum support DT42-D 44” x 72” Dining Table Umbrella Hole standard DT42-D Counter Height DT42-B Bar Height Pictured in Black & Weatherwood All Tables available in: Dining - 30”h \ Counter Height - 36”h \ Pub - 42”h
13 DT33-C Counter Also33”w/UmbrellaTableHolesx58availableinDining & Bar Height Pictured in Tudor Brown & Cedar 44” x 96 Pictured in Black & Gray DB6NEW Dining Bench 14½” wide x 66” long x 18” high DB8 Dining Bench 14½” wide x 92” long x 18” high
14 RT48-C Round Counter Table w/Umbrella Holes Pictured in White & Dark Gray RT48-C Round Counter Table w/Ice PicturedBowlinLight Gray & Aruba Ice Bowl AvailableOptionwithRT48 Tables
15 PR150 Porch Rocker 26w x 48h Dark Gray & White Black PR160 PicturedRockersin Black & Gray NEW
16 ET23 Square End Table 17”w x 22”d x 22”h Pictured in Tudor Brown & Weatherwood ET24C Counter End Table Pictured30”h in Patriot & Dark Gray ET22 End Table 17w x 22d x 22h Pictured In Tudor Brown & Weatherwood ET24 End Table 17w x 22d x 22h Pictured In Tudor Brown & Weatherwood
17 Gliding Ottoman 18w x 19d x 14h Pictured in Dark Gray & Light Gray FO26 Folding Ottoman 16½w x20”w x 23”long Pictured in Tudor Brown & Cedar FTW1 Flip-Top Trash Bin 16W x 16D X 32H Pictured in Dark Gray & Light Gray CT26 Coffee 22”wideTablex38” long x 18” high Also available with solid color top Pictured in Tudor Brown & Weatherwood
18 GBS 4’ Garden Bench w/Storage 47w x 22d x x36h Pictured in Dark Gray & Cherrywood DSC Deck Storage Chest 46w x 23d x x19h Pictured in Tudor Brown & Weatherwood Optional seat rail Optional sizes available
19 BB199 w/SIT4 ShownChairswith (Sit4) Slide in table with umbrella holder Pictured in Gray & White BB201 Gliders Pictured in Gray & Light Gray CET5 Center Table w/Umbrella Holder NEW NEW
20 Standard Colors Premium Colors Bright Colors