09-10/11: Sep-Oct 2011
EGLSF Newsletter: News & Information from European Gay & Lesbian Sport Federation
13th EuroGames: Rotterdam 2011 We are back This does not only reflect to the start of the new sporting seasons in LGBTIQ sports clubs accross Europe, but also to the EGLSF Newsletter which has been published after a long(er) break. After attending this year’s EuroGames, we are already preparing for the next year’s EuroGames in Budapest and global LGBT events in 2013 and 2014; with the highest hopes for the future.
Wednesday July 20th it started, Sunday 24th it ended. In between there was a lot going on. The city of Rotterdam welcomed over 3500 athletes to participate in the 13th EuroGames. Here are some highlights. The speech of Ahmed Aboutaleb, the mayor of Rotterdam, during the opening ceremony was a special treat. The way he emphasized what tolerance, acceptance and gay rights is all about was amazing. If everyone had his attitude towards the LGTB-community there would be no need for gay awareness initiatives or even the EGLSF. He touched us in a way no government official ever did before. Something new was tried by cutting the opening ceremony short in having only a flag parade in stead of all athletes entering the Ahoy arena. Some of us thought it was a great idea; some of us missed being an actual part of the opening.
“Seize the moments of happiness, love and be loved! That is the only reality in the world, all else is folly.” Leo Tolstoy, Russian writer
The organization of the 21 sports events was great. Every athlete had a great competition at wonderful venues.
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EGLSF Newsletter: News & Information from European Gay & Lesbian Sport Federation
Ahoy hosted 9 sports and included the European Same Sex Dancing Competition. It was wonderful that you had the opportunity to watch your fellow athletes and even have a quick bite in between competitions. At Victoria, where the tennis, hockey, handball and squash competitions were held, they even had their own bbq-party. Not everything was flawless: there were also some problems, but the organisers worked hard and were able to solve most of the issues on the spot. Next to that downtown Rotterdam was buzzing with culture. The Colour Festival hosted numerous initiatives with charming performances. It is told that the Colour Festival is going to be organized again in 2012. EuroGames also welcomed performers and icons such as Kate Ryan, Sister Sledge, Raffaela, Betty and many others. In conclusion the Rotterdam EuroGames were really nice and created the ‘EuroGames atmosphere’ we all like. Let’s all join the Budapest EuroGames 2012! For more information, please see website www.eurogames2011.eu and Facebook www.facebook.com/EuroGames2011.
EGLSF Info EGLSF receives EU funding We are delighted to inform you that European Gay & Lesbian Sport Federation - EGLSF was successful in this year’s public call for proposals by the European Commission under Education & culture DG - Preparatory Actions in the field of sport. For the 2011 call for proposals, 106 applications were received, and among the eligible applications, 38 were for ‘Prevention of and fight against violence and intolerance in sport’ and 44 for ‘Promoting innovative approaches to strengthen the organisation of sport in Europe’. Finally, 16 projects have been selected. EGLSF is the main coordinating body for the project Preventing & Fighting Homophobic Violence & Intolerance in Sport - Pride in Sport. Together with its partners Fédération Sportive Gaie et Lesbienne, Sports Association Out in Slovenija, Frankfurter Volleyball Verein,
Atlasz LGBT Sport Association, Pride Sports and FARE Network, we will carry out the project in the next 16 months. The project has been designed in response to the need to develop a more comprehensive and far-reaching trans European approach to tackling homophobia in sport. The project contains several core initiatives: Anti-Discrimination Gaming Application for Young People, Good Practice Development, Fact Sheets For Sport Governing Bodies, “Against the Rules” Exhibition in London during 2012 Olympic Games, and “Sport and Homosexuals, Sport for Homosexuals: Models of Integration, Examples of Rejection,” An Academic Colloquium. We will be informing our members and partners about the details and progress of the project in upcoming communication.
Football for Equality EGLSF is also an active partner in ongoing project Football for Equality Tackling Homophobia and Racism with a Focus on Central and Eastern Europe, funded by the European Commission’s DG Justice, Freedom and Security Fundamental Rights and Citizenship. This is a follow-up of the project “Football for Equality- Challenging racist and homophobic stereotypes in and through
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EGLSF Newsletter: News & Information from European Gay & Lesbian Sport Federation
football” funded under the Fundamental Rights and Citizenship programme. The main goal of the project is contributing to the eradication of homophobia, racism and related intolerances (xenophobia, anti-Gypsyism and anti-Semitism) in and through football with an emphasis on the new member states in Central and Eastern Europe. The project will take place until June 2013. Four main objectives of the project are: - to raise greater awareness and understandingt; - to achieve a stronger usage of sport as a medium for promoting fundamental rights and intercultural dialogue; - bridging the gap between the new and old member states; - to create pan-European networking structures and increase expertise and capacity among grass-root organisations. Activities have already started taking place as of June this year. Some of the actions include: participation in FARE Action Weeks against Racism and Discrimination in Football; EuroGames Twinning; Awareness-raising around major football tournaments (emphasis on FIFA Women’s World Cup in 2011 and UEFA EURO 2012); Campaigning against Homophobia in Italian Sport: National Campaign and Mondiali Antirazzisti; Touring Exhibition Against all Odds Lesbians and Gays in Sport; Football for Equality Tournament; International Conference “Equality through Football: Moving to the next stage in combating racism and homophobia in the new EU member states”. Some additional information about the project can be found at the website www.footballforequality.org which is still being developed.
EGLSF Board positions The board is already looking forward to our next AGA in Split and we are informing you ou about the vacancies for the elections to be taken during it: - Female co-president - Treasurer - Three board member positions at large (at least two of them for women, depending on the candidates for Treasurer). If you or any members in your club are interested and would like to stand for election to any of the above mentioned positions, please email Jan Frölich, General Secretary (jan@eglsf.info), indicating the post you would like to run for and enclosing a brief résumé and a letter of intention, preferably before January 10th, 2012. Please note that potential candidates must have been a member of an EGLSF member club for at least one year. Other EGLSF Board members currently in office will announce their intentions to run again or not soon.
At the same time, we would like to inform you that Mrs Gabriella Körmendi from Hungary, female EGLSF board member at large (elected in Madrid in 2007), resigned from the position in the board due to personal reasons. EGLSF board members would like to take this opportunity to thank her on their behald and on behalf of the member clubs for her efforts and initiatives during the time of her mandate, and hope to remain in contact and continue cooperation in the future as well.
EGLSF Consultancy Position A call for the paid position of a consultant within EGLSF Central & Eastern Europe Development Project has been published in the beginning of October, with the aim to support the EGLSF Board to achieve the following outcomes: - growth of EGLSF members in CEE; - increased input to FARE initiatives in the region particularly with EURO 2012; - delivery of a Pride House and anti-
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homophobia campaign as part of Football for Equality II during EURO 2012; - successful delivery of EGLSF Annual General Assembly held in Split, Croatia in March 2012; - greater profile of EGLSF and its campaign against homophobia in sport in the region. The application period has ended, and the consultant will be chosen after the interwiesa will be conducted with the applicants in November.
EGLSF Board meetings EGLSF Board met in July this summer in Rotterdam, the Netherland during the EuroGames and in Wroclaw, Poland between October 14 and 16, 2011. Inbetween, several skype teleconferences have been carried out in order to discuss the topics of funding, EuroGames Rotterdam 2011, Budapest 2012, Call for 2015, General Assembly 2012 and several other issues. The board will meet next in Milan, Italy January 13-15, 2012.
EGLSF Annual General Assembly 2012 The next AGA - Annual General Assembly of EGLSF will take place in Split, Croatia on March 3 and 4, 2012. A day prior, a conference will be organised in Split, so we encourage all delegates to participate. The recommended day of arrival is therefore Thursday, March 1 (may be in the afternoon/evening). While the details of the AGA are being prepared, we invite all delegates to consult the draft miinutes from the 2011 Frankfurt AGA, available online at www.eglsf.info.
EuroGames 2015 Bidding Open The bidding procedure for the 15th EuroGames 2015 is open. The General Assembly of the European Gay & Lesbian Sport Federation (EGLSF) decided this year in Frankfurt that in 2015 there will be a large scale Eurogames. This means that at least 14 sports must be offered, and the capacity of participants must exceed 3,000 athletes. EuroGames are the European LGBT Sport Championships organized by authority of the European Gay & Lesbian Sport Federation (EGLSF). In the last decade EuroGames has proved to be the ultimate LGBT sport event in Europe and is recognized as a very strong brand of EGLSF both in and outside Europe. The bidding manual offers guidelines for all organizations who are possibly interested in organizing EuroGames in 2015. As EuroGames are licensed by EGLSF, only EGLSF member clubs can bid for the EuroGames. The draft bid book must be submitted until December 31, 2011. The organiser will be chosen at the EGLSF AGA 2012, to take place in the beggining of March 2012 in Split, Croatia.
The manual is available upon request to the EGLSF Treasurer Juha Meronen juha@eglsf.info.
Working Groups At the AGA 2011 in Frankfurt it was decided to create a working group to prepare a motion for next year’s AGA for a possible change of the EGLSF-Statutes and -Bylaws regarding the rules on membership and votes. The working group met in Paris in June and during EuroGames2011 in Rotterdam, as well as online, and presented a position paper to the members list, reflecting the discussions of the working group. It does not pronounce yet the working groups proposal for a motion to the AGA 2012. As a next step the group will try to involve as many members and outsiders as possible. A special poll on “Membership development and organizational structure of EGLSF” is being prepared and you will get the link to participate very soon. After hopefully having received a maximum of input, the group will finally develop proposals for the motions and present them to the members
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EGLSF Newsletter: News & Information from European Gay & Lesbian Sport Federation
Global LGBT sports events At the 2010 AGA in Manchester, EGLSF decided not to celebrate EuroGames in the years 2013 and 2014, in order to promote dialog towards the 1QE in 2018. EGLSF member clubs and their members are therefore invited to take part in the following global events: World Outgames: Antwerp 2013 The 3rd World Outgames, licenced by GLISA, will be held in Antwerp, Belgium August 3-11, 2013. Organisers offer 32 sports (with possibility to add more), cultural events and human rights forum. http://www.woga2013.org Gay Games: Cleveland+Akron 2014 The 9th edition of the Gay Games, licenced by FGG, will be held in Cleveland and Akron (Greater Cleveland) August 9-16, 2014. 35 sports are offered by the organisers, with variety of cultural events. http://www.2014gaygamescleveland.com
EuroGames 2012 In a nutshell The 14th EuroGames will definitely be special. Not only that the event will be held for the first time in Eastern Europe, in the beautiful city of Budapest, it will also play an important role in the aspect
EuroGames 2012 Budapest We play the same
27 June - 01 July 4 days of and sportpromoting for LGBTQ people and friends. of activism diversity and Support from EGLSF 6 days conference. social inclusion not only in Hungary but members than 10of organized alsoMore wider part Europe,parties. and especially 50 cultural events: European cultural village, cityEuroGames 2012 are approaching and in the Eastern European region. movies‌ tours, shopping night, exhibitions, the local organisers have made a lot of 3800 athletes, 2200 visitors, 100 press contributors, Between June 27 and July 1, 2012 progress towards this goal. 500 volunteers. EuroGames organisers and EGLSF Our sponsors: Join us as an athlete or as a visitor! Party with us! However everything is much easier, if therefore invite you to take part in the there is a helping hand offering support. largest European LGBTIQ sports event, That’s why some European LGBT sports infused with culture, human rights, but www.eurogamesbudapest.huclubs have offered their support to the perhaps most importantly a lot of fun and www.eurogames2012.eu Budapest organising team. The EGLSF social responsibility at the same time. board apreciates and promotes these kind of cooperations that help us to grow together. Registration
There are 18 sports to choose from: Badminton, Basketball, Bridge, Chess, Cycling, Dance, Football, Handball, Hiking, Petanque, Roller derby, Swimming, Synchronized swimming, Table tennis, Tennis, Track and field, Volleyball and Wrestling. Apart from sports, there are also cultural events, parties and conference planned Participants may also register as visitors, solidarity supporters or volunteers. Special outreach participation is also possible; the registration for outreach has been extended to November 30, 2011! http://www.eurogamesbudapest.hu
In order to facilitate cooperations between Budapest and other European LGBT clubs there will be a meeting hosted by FVV right after the XMAS-Tournament (December 4th, 13-16h) in Frankfurt. The aim of the meeting is to: - put into contact the EuroGames organisers with LGBT clubs that want to help somehow; - present support initiatives that already exist; - analyse the most urgent needs + brainstorm on further forms of support. If your club is interested in helping EuroGames 2012, you are invited to participate. Some clubs have already announced their support activities
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(Rotterdam, Stuttgart and Copenhagen). It would be great if you could participate and present your approaches. EG2012 will be present as well with representatives of the organising team. Please announce your participation by sending an e-mail to Jan Frolich, EGLSF General Secretary at jan@eglsf.info.
Donations Whereas your participation and involvement are very appreciatedm individuals and organisations are also invited to donate funds towards he successful execution of the event. Account holder Friss Gondolat Egyesület (FRIGO); Csengery u. 5, Budapest, Hungary IBAN: HU63 5490 0055 4650 0014 0000 0000
Sports Events Coming up...
The annual Sinterklaas Tournament is famous for many reasons. We play real matches in the levels A, B and C, both for men and women. All participating teams from many countries play in one sports hall, with 14 courts. The party is a blast. And ofcourse there’s Amsterdam. www.netzo-amsterdam.nl/ sinterklaastoernooi/Sinterklaas_ Tournament.htm sinterklaas@netzo-amsterdam.nl
Multisports Football/Soccer
ICONS Cup Budapest Budapest, Hungary 11 Nov – 13 Nov 2011
XMAS Tournament Frankfurt am Main, Germany 02 Dec – 04 Dec 2011 ALL WE WANT FOR XMAS IS YOU!
Bank TAKAREK; Vaci ut 45, Budapest, Hungary SWIFT / BIC: SIKLHUHH
2 3 r d G AY A N D L E S B I A N
Paypal donations are also possible! See website for details.
More information WEB: www.eurogamesbudapest.hu FB: www.facebook.com/eurogames2012 TW: www.twitter.com/2012eurogames
ICONS Calcio and FRIGO Budapest are organizing this 5-a-side Football tournament in Budapest as a fundraising event in for the Eurogames 2012. The collected money will be used to invite LGBT players from Eastern Europe to the EuroGames 2012 Football tournament. The tournament is sanctioned by the IGLFA. www.iconsitalia.com/budapest.html torneo@iconsitalia.com
EuroGames 2012 Budapest We play the same
4 days of sport for LGBTQ people and friends. 6 days conference. More than 10 organized parties. 50 cultural events: European cultural village, city tours, shopping night, exhibitions, movies…
Join us as an athlete or as a visitor! Party with us!
www.eurogamesbudapest.hu www.eurogames2012.eu
Sinterklaas Tournament Amsterdam, the Netherlands 25 Nov – 27 Nov 2011
27 June - 01 July
3800 athletes, 2200 visitors, 100 press contributors, 500 volunteers.
Our sponsors:
Dec. 2 – 4, 2011 www.fvv.org Badminton Women | Men Basketball Women Bowling Mixed
Fitness Workshops Mixed Swimming Mixed Tennis Women | Men
Table Tennis Mixed Dance Workshop Mixed Volleyball Women | Men
The Frankfurt XMAS Tournament will take place for the 23rd time from December 2–4, 2011. Aside from the Gay Games and the EuroGames (both of which take place every four years), the XMAS Tournament is one of the largest, regularly occurring gay/lesbian sports events in the world and we are very proud of this. We expect ca. 900 athletes once again from all over Europe for our event and, thusly, this tournament will prove once again to be the crowning end to the 2011 calendar of gay/lesbian tournaments and competitions. See you soon in Frankfurt! http://www.fvv.org fvv-presse@fvv.org
EGLSF Newsletter: News & Information from European Gay & Lesbian Sport Federation
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09-10/11: Sep-Oct 2011
Rainbow Trophy 2011
Valentine Tournament 2012
Hannover, Germany 03 Dec – 03 Dec 2011
Amsterdam, the Netherlands 11 Feb – 11 Feb 2012
NEWSLETTER If you would like to have your events listed in our Newsletter, or would like to share the news from your club, please visit www.EGLSF.info and submit your content. Member clubs are welcome to submit reports of their events and club’s descriptions as well. Content should be submitted by 20th of the month to be included in the next edition.
8th Rainbow Trophy, InternationalEquality-Dance-Tournament, Dec. 3rd 2011. The tournament will be located in the Tanzhaus Bothe at Podbielskistraße in Hannover. www.tanzart-hannover.de info@tanzart-hannover.de
All submissions are subject to approval and may be edited for length or content. http://www.upstreamamsterdam.nl/ valentine2012/en/ valentine@upstreamamsterdam.nl
To subscribe to the newsletter or change your subsription, plesae go to www.eglsf.info. Fotos: Page 1-2: EuroGames Rotterdam 2011 Others: Public, non-copyrighted
Madrid 2011 Madrid, Spain 16 Dec – 18 Dec 2011 www.facebook.com/crossfire.volleyball
Social Media Presence EGLSF fb.com/eglsf twitter.com/eglsfinfo youtube.com/eglsf EuroGames fb.com/eurogames twitter.com/eurogames
Contact Us European Gay & Lesbian Sport Federation (EGLSF) c/o NCS Meeuwenlaan 41 NL-1021 HS Amsterdam The Netherlands eglsf@eglsf.info www.eglsf.info EGLSF Newsletter (ISSN: 1876-1763) is published by the European Gay & Lesbian Sport Federation. EGLSF is registered as a nonprofit sports organisation with the Chamber of Commerce in The Hague and enjoys participatory status with the Council of Europe.