11-12/11: Nov-Dec 2011
EGLSF Newsletter: News & Information from European Gay & Lesbian Sport Federation
EGLSF Year in Review 2011 New starts 2011 has said goodbye! It is now time for new beginnings, new resolutions, new actions. We often do some sort of review of the past year in the days when the old year changes into a new one. In this issue of the EGLSF Newsletter you can read a part of our evaluation. But even more importantly, the Board of EGLSF wishes you and your clubs Happy Holidas and all the best in the upcoming year!
As usual at the end of each year, EGLSF Co Presidents, on behalf of EGLSF Board, send you the letter of best wishes, a brief summary of EGLSF’s work in 2011 and a peak into 2012. We can imagine you want to know what the Board of EGLSF has been doing the last year, but we are sure you are more interested in the results. Let’s start with our ACTIVITIES and RESULTS in 2011: We had several Board meetings in 2011. We met in January (Warsaw, Poland), March (Frankfurt, Germany), May (Budapest, Hungary), July (Rotterdam, The Netherlands) and in October (Wroclaw, Poland). Our next scheduled meeting is in January in Milan (Italy). In between we had roughly one or two board meetings via Skype.
“Appreciation can make a day, even change a life. Your willingness to put it into words is all that is necessary.” Margaret Cousins , American writer
In March 2011 we held our Annual General Assembly (AGA 2011) in Frankfurt (Germany). Traditionally the day before the official AGA, a meeting was organised for
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EGLSF members and other interested persons. This year FVV organised a day full of workshops and plenary sessions based on sharing good practises. More about the outcome of the AGA can be read in the draft minutes that are available online at the EGLSF website. In Frankfurt Pepe Garcia Vázquez and Marie Kampmann left the EGLSF board. We welcomed Jan Frolich and Jon Landa as new board members. During the year Gabriella Körmendi left the board. Of course we will provide a more detailed report in the AGA papers that will be distributed in January 2012. However we do not want you to miss a short overview. In July 2011 3.000 LGBTQ athletes came to Rotterdam to celebrate EuroGames. Licensed by ESSDA the first European Same Sex Dance Championships were organised at EuroGames in Rotterdam. Together with the Colour festival the event made Rotterdam for a few days pink sports capital of Europe. At the closing ceremony we handed the EGLSF flag over to delegates of FRIGO, the next host of EuroGames 2012 in Budapest. We are proud that after combined efforts of delegates of FRIGO, ATLASZ, EGLSF Board and the AGA, the decision has been taken to continue working on EuroGames 2012 in Budapest. Klaus Heusslein as delegate for the AGA does a great job advising the EuroGames organisers, helped by several persons from clubs from all over Europe like FVV and Pan Idraet. Jan and Armelle initiated a working group on statutes and bylaws for EGLSF. Doing so we are trying to adapt the statutes and
bylaws to the changing environment EGLSF is working in. The inevitable role of social media, the rise of more LGBTQ federations and individualisation are only some of the challenges we are up to. At the AGA in Split (Croatia) we are able to discuss the proposal form the working group. In 2011 we continued working with and within FARE. We ended the Football for Equality 1 program and started the Football for Equality 2 program. We participated in FARE meetings all over Europe. As EGLSF’s delegate in FARE, Armelle participated in a meeting organised by Emine Bozkurt, EU Member of Parliament. Lou Englefield and Lou Manders attended the meeting of the Consultative Committee of the Enlarged Partial Agreement on Sports (EPAS) of the Council of Europe. This meeting in March 2011 in Paris (France) resulted in having “Tackling Homophobia in Sports” as main theme of EPAS in 2012. This means EGLSF will organise at least three events in 2012 with support of EPAS. Lou and Lou also represented EGLSF at the EU Parliament at separate occasions. Our proposal “Preventing & fighting Homophobic Violence & Intolerance in Sport – Pride in Sport” has been accepted by the EU – DG for Education and Culture – Youth and Sport, resulting in the first program funded by the EU
where EGLSF takes the lead. In this two year program EGLSF board cooperates with EGLSF member clubs FSGL (France), Out in Slovenia (Slovenia), FVV (Germany), Altlasz (Hungary), FARE Network (Europe), Pride Sports (United Kingdom). The first activity in this program was the successful academic colloquium organised by FSGL in December 2011 in Paris (France). For our development in Central and Eastern Europe and to work on activities of the Football for Equality 2 program, we hired, after a severe selection procedure, a consultant in Poland. From January 2012 Lukasz Grzeszczuk will work on behalf of EGLSF. You will be able to meet him at the AGA in Split. As usual we have updated you regularly through our newsletter as ever produced and published by Andrej Pisl. We kindly ask you to forward this newsletter to all of your club members so they know what EGLSF is all about. In the past years EGLSF Board members and members of the Advocacy group have been planting seeds and we have already tasted some of the fruits. In 2012 we will harvest our first full-grown crop. We are very proud EGLSF will take the lead in 2012 to organise multiple events resulting in more tolerance, fair play and safety in sports in Europe.
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EGLSF Newsletter: News & Information from European Gay & Lesbian Sport Federation
The EGLSF Board wishes you all the best for the New Year, and looks forward to meeting you in Split at the AGA and in Budapest for the EuroGames!
EGLSF Info 2012 Membership You can find the online membership form at www.eglsf.info/membershipform. php. Please fill it online providing all the required information, as indicated in the form. Please, do not forget to fill the sections on sports offered with number of men and women at every sport. This information is needed for statistical backgrounds (perhaps some people do more one sport, so it could be that the total members’ number could be lower than the total per sports). The number of members determines the fee each club has to pay as EGLSF membership fee for 2012; the table is enclosed in the membership form. Invoices are sent upon request. Please, pay the fee by international bank transfer to our account: Beneficiary: EGLSF Meeuwenlaan 41 NL-1021 HS Amsterdam, the Netherlands IBAN: NL23INGB0000768040 Bank: ING Bank (former Postbank) Amsterdam, the Netherlands SWIFT/BIC: INGBNL2A EGLSF has to receive the correct and full fee without any bank transfer fees, which are at each club expenses. If your club does not have a bank account, it is possible to pay the fee as well with credit card via Pay Pal. In this case, contact
EGLSF treasurer Juha Meronen (juha@eglsf.info).
Split Annual General Assembly (AGA 2012)
Payment Membership fee for 2012 has to be paid by the 1st February 2012. If the fee has not been paid by this date, voting rights during the Annual General Assembly will be decided case by case. EGLSF treasurer can monitor payments to the EGLSF account per date. In this sense, it will not be needed to present further proof of payment when registering for AGA. All members are urged to pay as soon as possible and respect the deadline date as a condition of full AGA participation.
From 2nd to 4th of March 2012, EGLSF will hold its next Annual General Assembly (AGA 2012), qSport and QSS are acting as hosts. You will find full information about it, at EGLSF web page (www.eglsf. info). A summarised draft schedule for your convenience:
Outreach Fee At 2006 Budapest AGA, a reduction of the membership fee for clubs from outreach countries was agreed on, taking into account the concerned country average income. EGLSF Board, after evaluating the available data, decided to adopt the most favourable approach to the clubs. Here are the countries and the percentage of the due fee to be paid by the clubs from these countries: Bulgaria (20%), Croatia (50%), Hungary (50%), Poland (50%), Russian Federation (40%), Ukraine (20%). For any additional information, please contact EGLSF treasurer (juha@eglsf.info) or general secretary (jan@eglsf.info).
• Elections Four Board positions are open for election: - Female Co President - Treasurer - Three Board members at large
• Conference Friday 2th March (all day) • Annual General Assembly Saturday 3rd of March (all day) and Sunday 4th March (morning)
According to article 11.4 of EGLSF bylaws, gender equality must be assured at EGLSF Board level. In order to ease the task of AGA delegates concerning elections, we advise potential candidates to send to EGLSF General Secretary (jan@eglsf. info) a brief note prior to the AGA. The letter should indicate which position you are running for, including a brief
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curriculum and presentation, in total of one (1) A4 sheet. EGLSF will forward this message to all the members. According to EGLSF bylaws (article 11.7.2), candidates should have been members of an EGLSF member club for at least one year. Members clubs are asked to check among their own members for qualified candidates and, if they wish so, to nominate then for the vacant positions. Out of fairness and transparency, current Board members whose post is open for re-election will inform EGLSF members as soon as possible if they run again or not. Our treasurer Juha Meronen will not run again for board membership in 2012. Draft Agenda At EGLSF website, you can find shortly the AGA draft agenda. You are invited to make comments and suggestions that the Board will duly evaluate and take into consideration. AGA 2013 host candidates If some clubs have already the intention of running for being the 2013 AGA host, it would be advisable to make their intentions known as soon as possible. In this sense, a small presentation report would be sent to EGLSF General Secretary (jan@eglsf.info) explaining the grounds for this candidacy, as well as information about venues and other practical issues. EGLSF General Secretary will forward this information to all EGLSF members. Registration Registrations for AGA 2012 are open till January 31st. To register and to get more information about the assembly, please see www.aga2012.net.
EGLSF Survey The working group on statutes and bylaws has prepared a survey on your priorities concerning membership and organisational issues within EGLSF. Here it is: http://split-2012.qsport.info/home/
eglsf-survey. Please make use of it in order to express your opinion!
- The photos have to be sports-related and have been taken in Europe within the last 10 years.
EGLSF Photo Competition
- Bare minimum resolution of submitted photos is 1,632 x 1,224 pixels (2.0 Mpixel rating); a higher resolution is desirable.
The European Gay & Lesbian Sport Federation (EGLSF) invites you to submit your photos from LGBTIQ sporting events. Sport plays an important role in our lives, and for this reason, we would like to celebrate and share your experiences with others. To take part, just send your high resolution sport-related photos to the email address media@eglsf.info before the 31st of January 2012. Let these snapshots show us all your amazing sporting experiences! Our judges will select the top ten photos and these lucky winners will receive complimentary tickets for the 2012 EuroGames, which will take place in Budapest, Hungary June 27 - July 1, 2012. The winners will be announced, at the latest, 3 weeks after the closing date. What are the terms and conditions of the competition?
- The format of the photos can be JPG, TIFF, RAW or BMP. - One photo attached to an email constitutes an individual entry. - There is no limitation on the number of submitted entries. - The author’s name and the EGLSF’s member club s/he plays for must be provided along with each entry. - Authors (including winners) can choose to have their name published or remain anonymous. - The authors must agree to give all rights to EGLSF for their submitted photos, including full copyrights (for the uses of EGLSF). - The authors must ensure they have their subjects’ permission to submit the photos in which those people are recognizable. We look forward to receiving your images!
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EGLSF Newsletter: News & Information from European Gay & Lesbian Sport Federation
Sccientific Colloquium in Paris ‘Sport and homosexuals, sport for homosexuals: models of integration, examples of rejection’ was organised on December 2 & 3 in Paris, France by the French national LGBT sports federation FSGL, in partnership with the Universities of Lyon and Montpellier. The international conference was organised with the support of EGLSF and the European Commission (DG Education and Culture - Sport) as part of its programme “Prevention and fight against violence and intolerance in sport”. Other partners were French ministry of Sports, City of Paris, Tetu magazine, Interl-LGBT collective and Federation of Gay Games. The conference aimed to respond to the frequent questions raised regarding the situation of homophobia in sport and the role of LGBT sports groups. Themes discussed at the conference were: Homosexuals as seen by the world of sport, Bodies in/at play, Women and sport, The specificies of LGBT sport, and The role of institutions. Opening was done by Mrs Christelle Foucault, FSGL President and Mr Thierry Maudet, French sports institute Director and during the two days hosted several interesting speakers from all around Europe, including EGLSF Board member Armelle Maze, Emy Ritt, FGG Female CoPresident and several other individuals, also from EGLSF member clubs. During the conference, the EGLSF Exhibition Against the Rules - Lesbians and gays in sport was shown and exhibited. Participants enjoyed the fruitful sessions with open debates and interesting lectures, and we look forward to seeing more events of the kind in the future as well.
EGLSF & EPAS tackling homophobia together For years now EGLSF has the participatory status of the Council of Europe. The Council of Europe, based in Strasbourg (France), now covers virtually the entire European continent, with its 47 member countries. Founded on 5 May 1949 by 10 countries, the Council of Europe seeks to develop throughout Europe common and democratic principles based on the European Convention on Hsuman Rights and other reference texts on the protection of individuals. In 2007 some of these countries agreed on working closely together in the field of sports. This resulted in the Enlarged Partial Agreement on Sports (EPAS) now consisting of 34 countries. The EPAS has a Consultative Committee that consults the Governing body. Again due to good work of Ben Baks (now honorary member of EGLSF) EGLSF is from the start of EPAS member of this consultative committee. Other members are amongst others UEFA, European Olympic Committee and ISCA. In March of this year EGLSF copresidents Lou Englefield and Lou
Manders took part in the yearly meeting of the consultative committee in Paris. With the active help of the executive board of EPAS and the support of members in the Consultative Committee, EGLSF managed to get “tackling homophobia in sports” as main theme of EPAS in 2012. This means EGLSF will organise three activities in 2012 with support of EPAS. The conference, with the presentation of the handbook of good practises, before the AGA in Split is the first activity where EGLSF is main contractor. ENGSO (also member of the Consultative Committee) will organise training for youth how to deal with homophobia in sports. This event will take place during EuroGames 2012 in Budapest. EGLSF will co-operate with ENGSO. In October 2012 EGLSF will organise with partners the yearly EPAS International Conference in The Netherlands. We are very proud we have established a good partnership with EPAS resulting in multiple events in 2012 all over Europe. Together with other initiatives as the EGLSF program funded by the EU and the FARE activities in 2012, EGLSF will take the lead in developing a safe environment for LGBTQ athletes all over Europe.
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EGLSF Newsletter: News & Information from European Gay & Lesbian Sport Federation
EuroGames 2012 Team-up Conference A group of aproximately 20 members has gathered in Frankfurt (during the XMAS Tournament) to discuss strategies of support to the organisers of EuroGames 2012 in Budapest. Here’s a short summary of the results of the meeting: - FRIGO presented an update of the organisation of EG2012 and the team involved. As there will be no public funding for any of the planned activities, the largest part of the costs has to be financed by revenues from registration fee. The major challenges in this context are: get as many registrations as soon as possible and make sure that the payments of the registered persons are done as soon as possible. At the moment around 500 persons have registered but only 10% have payed yet. This causes serious cash-flow problems.
EuroGames 2012 Budapest We play the same
27 June - 01 July 4 days of sport for LGBTQ people and friends. 6 days conference. More than 10 organized parties. 50 cultural events: European cultural village, city tours, shopping night, exhibitions, movies… 3800 athletes, 2200 visitors, 100 press contributors, 500 volunteers. Join us as an athlete or as a visitor! Party with us!
www.eurogamesbudapest.hu www.eurogames2012.eu
Our sponsors:
- FRIGO plans a decentralised paneuropean fundraising event during the weekend of 24-25th February 2012. The idea is to organise several fundraising parties in different places in Europe and link them via livestream. Details will follow soon via the EGLSF members list. - FRIGO invites all EGLSF-members to use the banners and graphics that are available on their website for the sake of making publicity for EG2012. - Pan Idraet has sponsored travel expenses for its members of up to 2.800€ for all volunteers that support EG2012. Out of this project a professional security manager, who was in charge for this domain during WorldOutgames in Kopenhagen, has visited Budapest and elaborated a detailled analyses of the security situation. The result is that the security situation in Budapest 2012 is expected to be no different from any other city in Western Europe. A short summary of this report shall be published via the EGLSF members list. - Artemis Sport Frankfurt announced that its board decided to dedicate the sum of 1.000€ to foster early registrations among their members. Artemis-members that register early will get a reimbursement on their registration fee. - IGLA will organise and finance a demonstrational water-polo match with an All-Star-Team during EG2012. - IGLFA has organised a football tournament in Budapest in order to evaluate the capacity of the local team to organise large tournaments. The result was very positive. The tournament was apreciated by its participants. Especially the italian teams have expressed their full support in doing publicity among the LGBT sports scene in Italy i.e. by launching a press-campaign in the italian LGBT press. - GLEA announced a 1.000€ donation to the EG2012 swimming competition.
- Pan Idraet and EGLSF will check possibilities to make a credit card payment system available to FRIGO in order to facilitate payments of registered members. This is not an exhaustive list of all support activities that have been engaged, but only those that have been announced and/or discussed during our meeting. The main challenge for the EGLSF family will be now to encourage our members to register and when they did so to encourage them to pay their registration fee. This is also good news, as it means in revanche that if we manage to foster participation, the organisers consider that they will be able to mange the technical organisation of EG2012.
Registration There are 18 sports to choose from: Badminton, Basketball, Bridge, Chess, Cycling, Dance, Football, Handball, Hiking, Petanque, Roller derby, Swimming, Synchronized swimming, Table tennis, Tennis, Track and field, Volleyball and Wrestling. Apart from sports, there are also cultural events, parties and conference planned Participants may also register as visitors, solidarity supporters or volunteers. Budapest awaits you during June 27 and July 1, 2012 for the 14th EuroGames!
Donations Whereas your participation and involvement are very appreciatedm individuals and organisations are also invited to donate funds towards he successful execution of the event. Direct bank transfers, as well as PayPal donations are warmly appreciated! WEB: www.eurogamesbudapest.hu FB: www.facebook.com/eurogames2012 TW: www.twitter.com/2012eurogames
EGLSF Newsletter: News & Information from European Gay & Lesbian Sport Federation
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11-12/11: Nov-Dec 2011
Sports Events Coming up... Multisports
Winter spa sports camp Hissar, Bulgaria 02 Jan – 09 Jan 2012 7th Edition of the Camp is being held In Bulgaria oasis of mineral water Hissar. There is opportunity to train: running, track&field, soccer,fitness, swimming, race walking and nordic walking. www.outsport-bulgaria.com info@outsport-bulgaria.com
Valentine Tournament 2012
EuroGames 2012
Amsterdam, the Netherlands 11 Feb – 11 Feb 2012
www.upstreamamsterdam.nl/ valentine2012/ valentine@upstreamamsterdam.nl
Budapest, Hungary 27 Jun – 01 Jul 2011
EuroGames 2012 Budapest We play the same
27 June - 01 July
Raballdercup Oslo, Norway 17 Feb – 19 Feb 2012
4 days of sport for LGBTQ people and friends. 6 days conference. More than 10 organized parties. 50 cultural events: European cultural village, city tours, shopping night, exhibitions, movies… 3800 athletes, 2200 visitors, 100 press contributors, 500 volunteers. Join us as an athlete or as a visitor! Party with us!
Our sponsors:
www.eurogamesbudapest.hu www.eurogames2012.eu
Raballder Cup is the largest annual gay sporting event in Scandinavia, and this year the events will be floorball, handball and volleyball. Play fair, play safe!
www.eurogamesbudapest.hu info@eurogamesbudapest.hu
www.raballdercup.com info@raballdercup.com
Contact Us European Gay & Lesbian Sport Federation (EGLSF) c/o NCS Meeuwenlaan 41 NL-1021 HS Amsterdam The Netherlands eglsf@eglsf.info www.eglsf.info EGLSF Newsletter (ISSN: 1876-1763) is published by the European Gay & Lesbian Sport Federation. EGLSF is registered as a nonprofit sports organisation with the Chamber of Commerce in The Hague and enjoys participatory status with the Council of Europe.