Pitch Black Magazine Issue 3 & 4 (Spring/Summer 2022)

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The UK’s Black Enterprise & Experience Magazine


Issue 3/4. £Priceless. Spring/Summer 2022.

10 People Products Pages Plates Programmes Places


Ken & Mary


Creating Financial Independence

Oli O’Donoghue

Head of Region, Wealth & Personal Banking

Mindset. Wellness. Faith. Business. Money. Politics.

Bold. Beautiful. Black. British. The UK’s Black Enterprise & Experience Magazine



fter learning to live with Covid, here we are in a full blown cost of living crisis with a war in Ukraine that shows no sign of abating!

first Black Prime Minister at some point in the future.

The result is a more efficient and focused operation that is better placed to continue the quest to be The UK’s Black Enterprise & Experience Magazine of choice.

A HUGE THANK YOU as always for your incredible response to our second issue and support for what we do. Please feel free to share as we build a community who are all about highlighting our experience, hosting our exposure and heralding our expression.

The Exposure section kicks off with a spotlight on another 10 People to follow, 10 Products to buy & to try, as Life certainly has a way of springing well as 10 Pages to read. We’ve surprises. Well, we’ve had our fair added 10 Plates to savour, 10 share this year as we’ve had to pause Programmes to watch & to celebrate our operation due to health Jamaica @ 60, we share 10 Places to challenges experienced by of some of go in Jamaica :) our nearest and dearest. And that is is why you haven't seen another issue This is a good point to wish our from us since our new year issue. Jamaican friends and family a Happy Independence! We’re celebrating In addition, we’ve had to look at our with you as you celebrate your 60 own circumstances here at years of indepence :) experience growth and, like many people across the country (especially In our Expression, check out our as a new venture), we’ve had to cut thought laders across 6 areas of costs and explore new income Mindset, Wellness, Faith, Business, opportunities. Money & Politics.

In this new issue, our Experience section brings you two incredible interviews.

Enjoy this issue (& The first is with the incredible Ken & previous ones if you Mary Okoroafor, who will inspire you haven't already) & please do let us to reposition your life to one of know what you creating financial independence. think. If that wasn't enough, we share some more financial wisdom and insight from the exceptional Oli O’Donoghue, a senior Wealth & Personal Banking professional from HSBC. And we explore the personal & political life of Kemi Badenoch, the Conservative Party hopeful who, we wonder, still has a Share your Thoughts chance to be the UK’s @PitchBlackMagUK

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Our Dr Philippe Douyon MD Philippe is a board certified Neurologist and is the Founder & CEO of the health, wellness, and technology company, The Inle BrainFit Institute® which was created to improve people’s health and quality of life. Connect with Philippe @


David Fredericks David founded Marcus Bishop Associates in 1995 to provide personal and business clients with timely, reliable and quality compliance accounting services. The firm has since grown to become an ICAEW licensed probate firm with a focus on tax advisory and planning services for clients across their life cycle. Connect with David & his firm @ marcus-bishop.com

Alex Gordon Alex is a Certified World Class Speaking Coach and helps business owners, coaches and consultants to pitch, present and perform their stories with clarity, confidence and conviction.

You can access Alex’s services and connect with him @ masteryourmessage.co.uk

Denis Wade With over 30 years of experience in senior corporate management and community work, Denis has a passion to see people of all abilities achieve their desired levels of success. He has excelled in a number of successful companies and businesses, and has served as a senior sales manager, regional sales manager, senior church Pastor, community leader and artist manager. Connect with Denis @ micah.org.uk

Sharon Wint-Gordon

Sharon is an entrepreneur who strongly believes that every person has an obligation, a duty, and a responsibility to ensure they leave an inheritance for generations to come. Through her financial services agency Sharon has facilitated, coached, mentored, and supported many to build financial resilience. Connect with Sharon @


Bevin Wint Bevin trained as a medical doctor and biomedical scientist and later pivoted to become a financial education professional who now works for one of the fastest growing financial services companies in the UK, dedicated to educating families about their financial choices.



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The UK’s Black Enterprise & Experience Magazine

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Experience. Exposure. Expression.

The UK’s Black Enterprise & Experience Magazine

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Our Experience Ken & Mary Okoroafor

As the cost of living crisis goes from emerging to a full blown one, it is likely that cost cutting alone won’t cut it. We may need to create additional sources of income as well as look at ways to cut back. We introduce you to a couple who will help you do just that. Check out their story in our interview with them.

Oli O’Donoghue

We also provide valuable content from a senior banking professional about what to do and how to navigate these interesting times while, not forgetting diversity and inclusion and, importantly, black wealth creation.

Kemi Badenock

We look at the life and political journey of the woman that would be prime minister and explore her politics, her quotes and ask whether she could be our first Black Prime Minister.

Exposure 10 People to follow

We introduce you to another 10 people to follow. 10 people who are making great strides and doing us proud.

10 Products to buy & try

Here are another 10 Products that you will want to buy & to try. We share what they are, who’s behind it, how much & where you can get it.

10 Pages to read

Fiction, non-fiction, personal or strictly business, here are another 10 to provide you with exposure & expand your thinking.

10 Plates to savour

We present a great range of foods for you to get lost in a whole range of flavours, tastes & delights.

10 Programmes to watch

Whether you love to watch films or TV series we present an engaging range to watch & get your popcorn fix on.

10 Places to go

To celebrate Jamaica @ 60, we look at some places that we know you will love to visit while on the ‘land of wood & water.

Expression Mindset

4 Ways to get a pay rise With rates of pay having been stagnant for such a long time, Alex Gordon provides you with 4 important things to consider when you are asking for a payrise.


The Incredible Impact of Nurturing If you desire to be a money magnet Dr Philippe Douyan MD suggests that it starts by taking charge of your brain, renewing your mind, and developing your money mindset.


Unshakeable: Navigating Challenging Times The last two years or so have been challenging, to say the least. Brexit, George Floyd and COVID are just a few of the challenges that we’ve had to navigate. Denis Wade encourages us about getting through it all and being unshakeable.


Spring Loaded: Crisis Solutions or Half Measures? David Fredericks takes us on a journey through Rishi Sunak’s last budget as Chancellor of the Exchequer, before his quest to be Prime Minister. Is it still fit for purpose or will the new Prime Minister have a different approach?


Create, Grow & Secure Your Nest Egg In an economic downturn the last thing that we’re usually thinking about is retirement planning. However Sharon Wint-Gordon & Bevan Wint outline 3 ingredients to hatch a nest egg and 3 areas to unscramble it.


Kemi Badenoch: Our First Black Prime Minister? In July, our political landscape got upended like never before with an avalanche of resignations that forced Boris Johnson’s own resignation. Colin Tomlin charts the life of one of the leadership contenders and asks whether her ambition to be Prime Minister is still valid.

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Ken & Mary


Interviewed by: Colin & Judy Tomlin Photos credit: Ken & Mary Okoroafor


o we had the great pleasure of speaking to Ken & Mary Okoroafor the founders of The Humble Penny & The Financial Planning Academy.

Ken & Mary are champions of financial independence. Learning how to take control and grow money has transformed their lives from those years when Ken struggled without money as a first generation immigrant as well as Ken & Mary’s early years of marriage living pay check to pay check and wanting a better future. It enabled them to become financially independent at aged 34! It’s something that they believe in so much that they’ve created a movement. The core mission of the movement? To help 10,000 people become financially independent in the next decade.

Please tell us a little bit about your backgrounds before you started your journey of entrepreneurship. MO: I worked as an e-Business Analyst for one of the top five accountancy firms for about five years. When I was three months pregnant, I left my corporate job to help run a family nursery business. I did that for about seven years and I was able to be present with my children and take them along with me.

I left the nursery in 2019 to work on the Humble Penny.

looking back now, a gift too, because Mary had been running Humble Penny full-time since 2019, but we started thinking.

KO: I trained as a chartered accountant and worked from being a junior accountant all the way to be a chief financial officer (CFO).

How are we going to make it happen for me? Should we do it? Should we not?

So, I've done everything from being a management accountant financial controller, finance director and chief financial officer, all within the asset management business in financial services. My last job was that I was a CFO for a venture capital business. I was there for three years and a left in April, 2020 to focus The Humble Penny.

How did the Humble Penny happen? KO: It kind of showed up in a weird way and

I felt this I've known this opportunity to focus on this full time. So the Humble Penny is a personal finance brand that Mary & I run together, we created it to help people to create financial joy in their lives. We want people to shift away from looking at money and feeling stress, anxiety, being worried and living paycheck to paycheck. We want people from where they are to a place where they become financially independent and move beyond that to a place that they start to use money to design a life that works for them.

What was the transition to running the Humble Penny? MO: It was quite challenging, but I'd say it's been fun. It's been rewarding. It's just been a crazy, exciting adventure. Personally, I think one of the main challenges was trying to balance wearing different hats as being a mom, being a wife.

We want people to shift away from looking at money and feeling stress, anxiety, being worried and living paycheck to paycheck.

When we started the Humble Penny, our children were young, They were two and three years old. Also there was the challenge of having the dynamics of a husband and wife working together as well and trying to create our own kind of space.

Bangladesh! Like how do you manage all these resources, but with very little money, because these are not full-time employees.

It's still a journey that we're on and we're still learning new things every day because it requires different skill sets, a different mindset and being able to manage your own time. You're not having a boss to report to but there were a lot of moving parts that required us adjusting as well.

How do you get the most bang for your buck? ...so that business is still progressing and you're growing, but you're not working in the business all the time, but you're working through the business itself.

KO: For me, it was quite a big change because with a job you're not hunting for your own revenue, you just get to work and for me, the CEO would define my area of responsibility. Here are our goals here is what we're trying to achieve. So a lot's actually done for you.

What are some of the things that you enjoy about being an entrepreneur?

Dr Yvonne Thompson CBE

I've had to wear a different hat now of becoming the visionary. And how do we find opportunities? How do we generate an income? How do we hire people to help us. How do we create a strategy for growth and stuff like that...

So, a lot of my skills before were very useful and remain useful. As a chief financial officer, I was about the systems, the processes, the budgeting, forecasting, all those skills I had become really useful in the business.

MO:I think it's being able to come up with an idea or a concept and then being able to implement it, put it in a marketplace, testing it and seeing it being rewarded by the way people respond to it.

But I wasn't used to running an online business. How do these business models work? How do you do marketing? How do you do selling? How do you do social media?

And the way that we're able to generate an income from it, we just came up maybe like the night before, before we went up for an afternoon stroll.

How do you manage freelancers who are in different parts of the world? One of our staff members is in Ukraine right now...one is in

That's been interesting and exciting, knowing that we can come up

with something and then put it out there in the world and being online, we can reach like literally people all over the world. We get emails from people in Africa, in Asia, and that's just amazing. KO: Entrepreneurship has what I call freedom skills in that we've acquired the confidence to deploy our skillsets, which is constantly evolving in a way that not only helps us solve problems for people, but also helps us to generate an income.

So, for example, our academy… we just wanted to help 10,000 people become financially free. How do we do it? Should we do it? Well, we need a platform or something.

How is it going to look? What should we call it? Let’s call it The Financial Joy Academy with a tagline; the art of the humble penny. How else do we use the skills we've acquired so far? How else could we create something? And this is how the evolution of what people see as The Financial Joy Academy came, from just saying, how can we help so many people

I think it's being able to come up with an idea or a concept and then being able to implement it, put it in a marketplace, testing it and seeing it being rewarded by the way people respond to it. without necessarily having to be with everybody at the same time.

And I have confidence use my skills to do it.

How can we use technology to do it so I couldn't do this when I had the day that it's cost-effective? So that job… someone can do it from anywhere in the world and we can deliver it from anywhere in the world. How can we make this happen? It’s being able to have that confidence to say, I can see a problem and I can think of how to solve that problem.

This is just a part of the interview. Click the link below to watch the entire interview and get notified when it comes out...

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O’Donoghue Head of Region

Wealth & Personal Banking

Interviewed by: Colin Tomlin Photo credit: Oli O’Donoghue

It is of the utmost importance for the corporate world to intentionally put policies in place to create safe space for all colleagues; so when a difficult conversation needs to be had, it will be received and followed up in a responsible manner.

What is your current role with HSBC and what does it involve?

I am a Head of Region for HSBC UK’s Wealth and Personal Banking division. It is a senior leadership role, responsible for over 4000 colleagues across 72 local markets providing access to banking services in our local communities. My role centres on growing colleague engagement and skillsets to positively impact the diverse customers and communities we serve.

You are a key driver of HSBC's diversity agenda as the Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) Lead for the UK Branch Network. What, would you say, are the changes required across corporate UK? It is of the utmost importance for the corporate world to intentionally put policies in place to create safe space for all colleagues; so when a difficult conversation needs to be had, it will be received and followed up in a responsible manner. Employers can do this by putting measures in place to ensure their senior leaders prioritise inclusion and diversity objectives, enabling the benefits of

inclusion to be felt throughout the organisation.

What are your thoughts about the state of UK Black wealth & wealth creation?

In the UK, we have seen the disparity between the lowest and highest wealth ethnic groups reduce slightly but not enough to say minority households, as a collective, have the ability to fare financial hardships to a similar capacity of their White British counterparts. Due to the complexities of wealth, inequality in the UK there will not be a one size fits all approach to level out wealth equality. Despite this, at HSBC, we are

With the current squeeze on personal finances in the UK, what, in your opinion, do UK Black households need to do? ● Become comfortable talking about finances, remembering the free flow of financial education always helps the recipient.

● Holistically understand your current financial situation and reach out accordingly to credible financial resources to understand what individual actions you should be taking to reach your own financial goals. ●Talk to your children about money and financial health. Bringing these conversations into the home at an earlier age will give them an advantage in adulthood.

What do UK Black businesses need to do as well?

There is growing support available for Black owned businesses, covering a range of topics including business mentorship, lending information and grants. With this in mind I would encourage business owners to talk to their local council, bank, education establishments and British Chambers of Commerce to see what help is available in their local area.

What is on offer from HSBC & how can we access this? Supporting Black businesses to thrive is something HSBC UK is incredibly passionate about. Most recently, we have;

There is growing support available for Black owned businesses, covering a range of topics including business mentorship, lending information and grants.

committed to helping people of all ages and backgrounds build financial capabilities – from financial education to innovative programmes and services to help those who need it most. We have seen first-hand how this empowers individuals to work towards a better financial future for themselves and their families.

Pledged £2m to support 30 new Stormzy Scholars at the University of Cambridge over the next 3 years and a further 30 Black students are to receive a £20,000 per year scholarship to study at the ● Joined forces with the Wolverhampton Black Business Network to pilot an enterprise mentoring scheme. ● Headline sponsored the UK Black Business Show, helping to support the advancement of Black entrepreneurs and professionals in the UK, as well as being one of the headline sponsors for the inaugural UK Black Business Week.

● Donated £350,000 to the Prince’s Trust to help more than 270 aspiring Black entrepreneurs access the charity’s education and employment programmes.

Dr Yvonne Thompson CBE

● Participated in the Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities report into racial and ethnic disparities in the UK. As a result of the report, HSBC UK are working in collaboration with 5 selected universities across the UK to pilot a competitive enterprise programme that will support entrepreneurs from underrepresented and low-income backgrounds. ● Pledged £2m to support 30 new Stormzy Scholars at the University of Cambridge over the next 3 years and a further 30 Black students are to receive a £20,000 per year scholarship to study at the University of Cambridge following a new philanthropic partnership between HSBC UK and the #Merky Foundation, the UK charity founded by British musician, Stormzy.

What would you say to young Black people aspiring to make a career in Banking & Finance?

I would recommend applying for work experience, internships and graduate placements to get a flavour of the industry culture and differing role responsibilities.

University of Cambridge following a new philanthropic partnership between HSBC UK and the #Merky Foundation, the UK charity founded by British musician, Stormzy.

Secondly, I would recommend using LinkedIn to connect with likeminded professionals who will be able to offer further guidance on what is needed to make a successful career within banking.

opportunities, networks, clients and learning opportunities. ● Engage with them on social media. Leaving a positive review where the product and services have met your expectations.

What does the future hold for Oli O'Donoghue? That is a great question!

● Use your circle of influence to push Black businesses forward by connecting them to

As a wife, mum of two and business leader I am continually striving to show up and be present for those I love most and am responsible for. Of note, Covid has shown us that strong relationships have the ability to help us overcome personal and commercial hardships. In the future, I can see myself continuing to work on meaningful initiatives that have a lasting impact on my family, colleagues and wider community.

As a wife, mum of two and business leader I am continually striving to show up and be present for those I love most and am responsible for.

How do you think our community can support Black businesses?

Creative experiential THERAPY

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Kemi Badenoch

minister, Kemi Badenoch embarked on a quest to be our first Black prime minister.


So, who is she and what are her

Boris Johnson was always likely to be our most unlikely Prime Minister. Even thought he models himself on the UK’s most successful Prime Minister, Sir Winston Churchill, Olukemi Olufunto Adegoke was born history may not be as kind to him. to Femi, a GP & Feyi, a professor of physiology. She grew up in Lagos, For a start, there are a number of Nigeria, where her parents hail from, dubious records. the United States of America, where her mother lectured and London, He will go down as the first where she was born. inhabitant of 10 Downing Street who, it is noted and acknowledged, She attended the International has broken the law. School Lagos (ISL) describing herself as a middle-class Yoruba school girl This precipitated a number of along with her brother, Fola and political scandals and missteps and sister, Lola. by the start of July, his political capital had run out. Returning to the UK at the age of 16, due to the deteriorating economic After an unprecedented 55 cabinet and political situation in Nigeria, members and ministers voted with Kemi embarked on her A Levels then their feet, Boris reluctantly resigned went on to study Computer Systems and the stage was set for a new party Engineering at the University of leader who would also be our new Sussex before working for Logica prime minister. from 2003—2006. Eleven MP’s stepped forward, one of While at Logica, she studied for a law which was Kemi Badenoch, the only degree at the University of London, Black candidate. finishing in 2009. 300 years on from Sir Robert Walpole, the first UK prime minister and 43 years on from Margaret Thatcher, the first female prime

Upon completion she went on to work as a System Analyst at Royal Bank of Scotland. That was followed by a stint in financial services

I will always tell the truth and level with people. That is the best way to restore trust in our government. .

September 2015 - June 2017 Member of the London Assembly June 2017– Current Member of Parliament for Saffron Walden July 2017 - Current Member of 1922 Executive Committee Justice Select Committee July 2019 - February 2020 Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Children and Families February 2020 - September 2021 Exchequer Secretary to the Treasury February 2020 – July 2022 Minister of State for Equalities March 2020 - Current Member of Public Accounts Committee September 2021 - July 2022 Minister of State at the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities

consultancy, working for Coutts, the join the influential 1922 Committee private bank and wealth manager, of back bench MPs as well as the becoming an Associate Director by Justice Select Committee. 2013. At the general election in 2019 where In 2015 she was the Digital Director Boris Johnson’s Conservatives won of The Spectator, the oldest weekly with a landslide, she was re-elected magazine focused on politics, culture with an increased majority of 43.7% and current affairs known to be a of the votes. stepping stone into the political arena, with Boris Johnson himself as Despite supporting Michael Gove in a former editor. the 2019 Conservative elected over Boris Johnson, she was appointed as In true Spectator fashion, she the Parliamentary Under Secretary embraced the world of politics. of State for Children and Families.

In 2005, aged 25, Kemi joined the Conservative Party. 5 years later, at the 2010 general election, she contested the Dulwich & West Norwood constituency and came third. 10 years later, she was the new Conservative Assembly Member for London.

Seven months later (February 2020) she was appointed Exchequer Secretary to the Treasury and Parliamentary Under Secretary of State (Minster of Equalities) in the Department for International Trade. A month later (in March 2020), she became a member of the Public Accounts Committee one of the most prestigious of all select committees.

In September 2021 during Boris Johnson’s second major reshuffle of By the end of 2017 she was the MP his premiership, Kemi was promoted to Minister of State for Equalities for the Conservative safe seat of Saffron Walden, in Essex, selected to and Minister of State for

Communities & Local Government, later rename to Minister of State for Levelling Up Communities.

changing attitudes. On the other hand, we weren't particularly sure about where she stood on a number of issues from race to colonialism to political correctness.

On the 6th July, along with an avalanche of 54 Conservative MPs who made up the government, Kemi Badenoch resigned as her ministerial I like many others felt conflicted. roles. While she reflected our skin colour th On the 8 July, she announced her and represented what was possible in campaign to replace Boris Johnson as a country where our foreparents have the leader of the Conservatives and to had an uneasy past, she didn't be Prime Minister. necessarily reflect the colour of our experience. th Eleven days later, on the 19 July, she was eliminated after the 4th ballot. We wondered about her ability to fully grasp, and importantly help to fix, the lingering feelings of disconnection by many members of the Black community.


At first, many people in the UK, including Black Brits were not sure what to make of her and her putting her hat in the ring. After beating 5 former Secretaries of State and the Attorney General and ending up being a respectable 4th in the contest, many Black Brits were conflicted.

We wondered if her experience growing up in Nigeria hindered her ability to understand the Black British everyday lived experience. Her journey to become Prime Minister may have ended but it is fair to say that we haven't seen the last of Kemi Badenoch.

Whoever, becomes the new Prime Minister on the 5th September, it is likely that Kemi will be appointed to a Despite the support of political titans senior role in the new government. like Michael Gove and a number of others, the conflict remained. Maybe the enduring lesson from her run for Prime Minister is that it On the one hand, we were extremely shows that Black Brits are not a proud that a Black female was in the homogenous bunch who all think and running to be Prime Minister with experience 2020’s Britain in the same considerable support from the way. One day, in the not too distant Conservative MPs. For many of us future, we may well have our first where representation matters, seeing Black Prime Minister. one of us in the running to be Prime Minister, was not just a psychological boost but a visible representation of

‘There were terrible things that happened during the British Empire, there were other good things that happened, and we need to tell both sides of the story.’

‘Schools that teach elements of political race theory as fact, or which promotes partisan political views such as defunding the police without offering a balanced treatment of opposing views, is breaking the law.’

‘Our country is falsely criticised as oppressive to minorities and immoral, because it enforces its own borders. We cannot maintain a nation state with the zero-sum politics we see today.’

British politician, soldier and writer who served as the Prime Minister of the UK from 1040-1945 & again in 1951-1955. He is best remembered for successfully leading Britain through World War Two.

British soldier, barrister and Member of Parliament from 1953 until his assassination in 1979. He served as the Shadow Secretary of State for Northern Ireland and described as, ‘one of freedom’s warriors‘ by Margaret Thatcher.

Becoming the first female Prime Minister of the UK from 1979 - 1990, she was the longest serving Prime Minister of the 20th century. She is remembered for privatisation of public companies and limiting the power and influence of trade unions.

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3. Tolu Frimpong

Money Coach & Finance Content Creator After struggling to keep up with mortgage repayments, loans, credit cards, overdrafts & coming close to losing our home, Tolu & her husband went from being £36,000 in debt to being debt free. Check out her resources @ www.tolufrimpong.com

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3. Oja

(Walkerswood Jamaican Jerk Sauce) WHO & WHAT? Oja is taking African and Caribbean grocery shopping to a new level of online convenience. On the website you can find everything you would expect from your normal grocery store, expect the selection is beautifully tailored for the Afro-Caribbean community. They even have a selection of hair and beauty products. Oja has your needs covered! Currently the brand deliver to


London and surrounding areas - check their postcode checker to see if they deliver to your address, and if not keep checking as they are expanding. HOW MUCH? £2.49 FOLLOW on Social Media: Instagram: @ojahq WEBSITE:


6. MJ Wine Cellars (Wine Club)

WHO & WHAT? An independent, family run importer of wine providing interesting, eclectic, and exciting wines to the UK that represent their own values: family, honesty, and dedication. Founded by Magnaval Janjo, who has a rich history in the wine industry and had a key role in setting up BAME Wine Professionals, where he aims to unearth, celebrate and promote BAME talent in the wine industry.


HOW MUCH? £19.99 per month FOLLOW on Social Media: Instagram: @mjwinecellars



9. Telle Moi

(Nalah Nail Polish) WHO & WHAT? An inclusive and diverse range of nail polishes, which are vegan, hand poured and cruelty free. The brand specialises in providing a varied selection of nude nail colourings, as well as colourful polishes and nail care products to suit all skin tones. The brand was born out of personal frustration to find a flattering


nude from the founder, Natel Allen and in turn solved an issue that many Women of Colour have. HOW MUCH? £6.99 FOLLOW on Social Media: Instagram: @tellemoi Facebook: @tellemoi




Carolynn Bain, Founder

3. Yinka, where is your husband? Lizzie Damilola Blackburn Book Summary

Long before publication this book has caused a stir. Our team could be heard laughing throughout the building and we were all reading out quotes to one another. Hilarious from the offset, a dip into Nigerian culture and the burden and pressures from within the culture of being single. A debut from another Peckham author (what's in the water in South

London?) and a writer to watch out for.

Book Synopsis

Yinka wants to find love. Her mum wants to find it for her. She also has too many aunties who frequently pray for her delivery from singledom, a preference for chicken and chips over traditional Nigerian food, and a bum she's sure is far too small as a result. Oh, and the fact that she's a thirty-one-year-old South-Londoner who doesn't believe in sex before marriage is a bit of an obstacle too... When her cousin gets engaged, Yinka commences 'Operation Find a Date for Rachel's Wedding'. Armed with a totally flawless, incredibly specific plan, will Yinka find herself a husband? What if the thing she really needs to find is herself?

6. More Fiya: A New Collection of Black British Poetry Kayo Chingonyi Book Summary

Read more poetry. Seriously, it will do you good. This beautiful collection is a great start for those who don't know what poetry to read and a must for those who already love poetry. A collection of British writers that you would rarely find gathered in one place. This deserves shelf space.

Book Synopsis

In this blistering anthology, poet, editor and DJ Kayo Chingonyi brings together a selection of exceptional Black British poets. This is his dream mixtape featuring a cross -generational span of current poets extending and inhabiting the spirits of the ancestors. Following in the tread of Lemn Sissay's The Fire People, More Fiya aims to lodge in the mind of its readers for a lifetime, radiating to touch the lives of many. Including work from: Jason Allen-Paisant, Raymond Antrobus, Janette Ayachi, Dean Atta, Malika Booker, Eric Ngalle Charles, Dzifa Benson, Inua Ellams, Samatar Elmi, Khadijah Ibrahim, Keith Jarrett, Anthony Joseph, Safiya Kamaria Kinshasa, Vanessa Kisuule, Rachel Long, Adam Lowe, Nick Makoha, Karen McCarthy Woolf, Momtaza Mehri, Bridget Minamore, Selina Nwulu, Gboyega Odubanjo, Louisa Adjoa Parker, Roger Robinson, Denise Saul, Kim Squirrell, Warsan Shire, Rommi Smith, Yomi Sode, Degna Stone, Keisha Thompson, Kandace Siobhan Walker, Warda Yassin, Belinda Zhawi.

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9. Big Zuu's Big Eats Big Zuu

Book Summary

Read more poetry. Seriously, it will do you good. This beautiful collection is a great start for those who don't know what poetry to read and a must for those who already love poetry. A collection of British writers that you would rarely find gathered in one place. This deserves shelf space.


Book Synopsis

'No pressure, just food pleasure ‘Grime artist Big Zuu has a hidden talent - he has serious flair in the kitchen. Accompanying his hit TV series on Dave, Big Zuu's debut cookbook Big Zuu's Big Eats celebrates flavour, family and food with a West African twist. A self-taught chef, Big Zuu is determined to prove that cooking can be a fun and affordable experience - if you often find you can't be bothered to cook or prefer to kick back with a Big Mac, this book is a game changer. Discover more than 100 mouthwatering recipes infused with Zuu's signature style, including dishes from the show and brand-new originals. From Doritos Fried Chicken, Sumac Sea Bass and Big Bang Broccoli to Mumma Zuu's Jollof Rice, Vegan Doner Kebabs and Swedish Cinnamandem Buns, Big Zuu's Big Eats will up your kitchen vibes and prove that you don't need a Michelin star education to chef up some serious food creations.

Spring/Summer is an opportunity to reset, refresh and try a variety of new things, including the food we eat. From hearty, homely recipes to new and upcoming pop-ups, whether you want to eat healthier, spend less or indulge more, we have something for you and your crew, whilst also being able to support quality, Blackowned businesses.

3. Pull Up ABOUT: At Pull Up, not only is there great food, but you can enjoy good music, vibrant art and you may even spot a celeb or two! Just outside the Northern Quarter in Manchester, here you will find many traditional, classics from Jerk Chicken to Peppered Steak, as well as vegetarian and vegan options, but a firm favourite has to be the Reggae Roast, which is their delicious Anglo-Caribbean take on a Sunday Roast Dinner.


WHERE: 14-16 Swan St, Manchester, M4 5JN FOLLOW on Social Media: Instagram: @pullupbarcafe Facebook: @pullupbarcafe WEBSITE:


6. Terri Ann’s Kitchen ABOUT: Flavours straight out of the Caribbean, it is hard to watch one of Terri Ann’s videos without your mouth watering! A St. Lucian wife and mother based in the UK, everything is beautifully and lovingly put together, so it is not hard to understand how Terri Ann’s following has grown to over 1


million across her social media accounts. With new videos almost every day, there is a library of flavoursome recipes and videos for every meal, occasion or skillset. WHERE:


FOLLOW on Social Media: Instagram: @terriannskitchen YouTube: @terriannskitchen

9. Saint Aymes ABOUT: Considered one of the most instagram -able cafes in London, Saint Aymes offers picture worthy moments from the food to the décor with its pink and floral theme. From Afternoon Tea to Brunch, the options are delicious and glamourous. And if you are feeling lavish, why not try on their signature waffles or drinks that are crowned with 24ct gold! Cocktails are also on the menu, if you are looking for something a


bit stronger, however, the vibe remains unique with the option to top your drink with Cotton Candy! WHERE: 59 Connaught Street, London, W2 2BB FOLLOW on Social Media: Instagram: @saintaymes YouTube: @saintaymes WEBSITE:


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Happy Independence the little island


Alligator Pond is a fishing village on the southwestern coast of Jamaica in the parish of Manchester. At the heart of the village is Little Ochi Seafood Restaurant & Bar that offers traditional fish dishes, cooked to order in a thatched roof beach shack right by the ocean. In the spirit of transparency, we are letting you know that it was ordered closed by the Southern Regional Health Authority for undisclosed breaches in May 2022 but was reopened a few weeks later, having dealt with those issues.

Out of Many One People

Jamaica @ 60 Independence Travel Special

Out of Many One People

Jamaica @ 60 Independence Travel Special

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ways to get

a pay rise by

Alex Gordon


ave you ever considered asking for a pay rise?

It can be a hard task or an easy one depending on who you are. You’re underpaid, you know it and your bosses know it. You have the evidence, every month your paycheck is buying less and less for the same amount of money.

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Who’s going to act first? Before we go any further, have you heard about the great resignation? An article appeared in Sage.com by Charlotte Penny, 29th November 2021. The post pandemic surge of people leaving their jobs, 41% of workers were thinking of quitting their jobs. This was not just a UK problem but across the world people were making decisions to leave their jobs in droves. So, for the first time in history companies were worried about being unable to hire staff because the working pool has shrunk. An article that appeared in the states had one of the big fast food restaurant chains increasing

...every month your paycheck is buying less and less for the same amount of money.

wages and unable to recruit suitable contribution with a smile and staff. always be on time. Be ready to volunteer your time. The average worker is earning less than they were a decade ago. In real terms the money is buying less as the cost of living rises. You have to do something about your pay. Consider the interest of your If you’re asking for a payrise postcolleagues and your line pandemic this is what you should be managers. Make an effort to doing. There is an old acronym that I support them in some way that am adapting called A.I.D.A. does not feel like sucking up. It can be as simple as finding out the books they read and making suggestions.

2. Interest of others.

1. Attention to your work.

What about volunteering for the coffee run or bringing in Raise attention to what you’re doing. an extra coffee for a certain If no one knows how good a job person. I know this feels you’re doing then you’ve already creepy but think about it, you lost the battle. Make sure will get noticed for your your colleagues, line efforts. manager are subtly aware of what you’re doing. Do Give and it shall come back not be afraid to discuss to you. the issues that you’re facing at work, long before you suggest any solutions. If you attend meetings, talk up. Make your World renown author Stephen Covey, in his book ‘The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People’, reminds us to ‘begin with the end in mind’.

3. Desire an outcome and pursue it.

What is the result you’re

Where you work there is a circle of influence that you proactively need to engage with or get closer to. looking for or expect.

4. Ask and you Reverse engineer the steps to connect and associate with the right people. shall be remembered Sameness is madness. Doing the same thing over and over getting the for asking. same results requires a change.

Finally after doing all the things Where you work there is a circle of mentioned above, you should be able influence that you proactively need to to communicate your worth more engage with or get closer to. confidently. Go ahead, ask. Get your request on record. 1. You have followed the formula, 2. You have done the groundwork 3. You know you’re playing your A game Others are noticing the effort you put in and the results are appearing. Speaking with confidence is a gift, it’s like a muscle you nurture but remember you must always be prepared.

Follow me @alexgordon_me

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Dr Philippe Douyon


t’s been said that one should never discuss religion, politics, or money for fear that these charged topics can end long term relationships or stop new ones before they’ve even begun.

But old adages can sometimes hold you back from the life you want to create for yourself. As Roman 12:2 tells us:

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‘Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind.’ In order to be the money magnet you desire to be it first starts by taking charge of your brain, renewing your mind, and developing your money mindset. So let’s discuss 3 steps you can take to develop your money mindset.

1. Develop a new relationship with money

Do you have a positive or negative relationship with money? Are you afraid to look at your bank account? Are your thoughts with regards to money centered around lack and debt or do you think in terms of abundance?

In order to be the money magnet that you desire to be it first starts by taking charge of your brain, renewing your mind, and developing your money mindset.

Your thoughts are instrumental in the life that you are currently living. Your thoughts are like magnets attracting to you whatever you decide to focus on. When you decide to develop a positive and loving relationship with money the reticular activating system in your brain will make you aware of all the opportunities that lay before you.

2. Create and repeat positive affirmations about money

Words are the verbal embodiment of power. Even in the Bible, “when God created the heaven and earth.... and God said, ‘Let there be light: and there was light.’” God spoke light and life into existence.

What is it that you think and tell yourself about money and the life

that you are currently living? What are you speaking into existence in your life? Affirmations whether written or spoken, are powerful ways to attract more of what you want in your life. Affirmations can convey to the subconscious mind the life you wish to create for yourself. It is thought that 95% of your behaviors occur automatically and are governed by your subconscious mind. Positive affirmations about money repeated with faith and expectancy will reprogram your subconscious mind forcing it and you to act in ways that will bring more money into your life.

3. Be Grateful

If you’re reading this that means that you are alive and you have the ability to learn and evolve. Be grateful for that and for where you currently are in life. Gratitude causes the release of

...the reticular activating system in your brain will make you aware of all the opportunities that lay before you.

the feel good hormones in the brain. It causes an increase in dopamine which is the chemical responsible for your motivation and reward system. Gratitude also causes the release of serotonin which improves your mood. Being in a constant state of gratitude will help you recognize all the blessings you currently have and will help you realize that more blessings will come. Developing a new relationship with money, creating affirmations and being grateful are simple steps that you can take right now to develop your money mindset and create your financial success.

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Take Control NOW 34 | experience growth Magazine | Autumn 2020



Navigating Challenging Times by

Denis Wade

The last two years or so have been challenging, to say the least.

solid foundation, which was challenged by the natural elements. The heavy rains came, Brexit, George Floyd and COVID - the powerful storms blew, and the 19, ill health, hospital waiting lists house shook but stood strong, and the loss of loved ones, are regardless of the pressures of life: just a few of the challenges that we’ve had to navigate. “Everyone then who hears these words If that wasn’t enough, this year of mine and has greeted us with a war in does them Europe, continual crises in will be Afghanistan, Ethiopia and like a Yemen, as well as a number of wise other hot spots around the world. man Some of the current challenges we face are rising fuel prices and the ever-increasing cost of living. Every generation has been through challenging times and we are no different. But how should we respond to such crises in our times?

A Story for Our Times

While reflecting on this question, I’m reminded of a story told by the greatest storyteller of all time.

You might remember it too, the story of the house, the storm and the value of firm foundations. The story describes a particular house that was built on a sure and

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Every generation has been through challenging times and we are no different.

who built his house on the rock. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock. 26 And everyone who hears these words of mine and does not do them will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell, and great was the fall of it.” (Matthew 7:24-27, English Standard Version)

What does this mean?

We too can weather the storms of this life, overcome tremendous odds, and stand strong and sure in the midst of any crisis. Furthermore, we can possess a faith and confidence in the face of all evidence to the contrary. Another great storyteller, by the name of Paul put it like this. 'Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with

thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.' (Philippians 4:6-7. New International Version) During difficult times, I am often encouraged by a song or two. I’ve found the one below particularly encouraging. If you have a good listen and meditate on the words and meaning of the song, I genuinely believe and trust that you too can find some inspiration and encouragement.

https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=uOP4s8fOEm0 Firm Foundation (He Won’t) [feat. Chandler Moore & Cody Carnes] | Maverick City Music | TRIBL

Official Music Video for Firm Foundation (He Wont) featuring Chandler Moore & Cody Carnes. Firm Foundation (He Wont) was written by Chandler Moore, Cody Carnes & Austin Davis. This video was captured in Chicago, IL during Maverick City’s national tour October 1st, 2021.

We too can weather the storms of this life, overcome tremendous odds, and stand strong and sure in the midst of any crisis.

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Bold. Beautiful. Black. British. The UK’s Black Enterprise & Experience Magazine


Loaded by

David Fredericks

Chancellor warned that the Government couldn’t “completely protect people against some of the difficult times ahead”.


mid rising pressure to bring in significant relief measures to combat the current international emergency, Chancellor Rishi Sunak implied ahead of time that he could only do so much.

history, a soaring cost of living crisis with inflation hitting a 30 year high, and on the second anniversary of the UK’s first lockdown, we’ve received slightly more than a brief update.

To begin with, Sunak emphasized that the “measures taken to sanction Speaking at the announcement, he Putin’s regime are not cost-free for acknowledged concerns about price those of us at home” and that hikes and inflation, vowing to stand the OBR had reported “unusually by people in the same way he’s “done high levels of uncertainty” about the over the past couple of years”. future of the UK’s economy. But, in the same breath, the Chancellor warned that the Government couldn’t “completely protect people against some of the difficult times ahead”.

He went on to announce three immediate measures designed to “help people right now”, including cutting fuel duty, scrapping VAT on energy-efficient home improvements, and doubling After all, this year’s Spring Statement the household support fund. was only ever intended to be an economic update, “Is that it?” released alongside the cried one vocal new Office for Budget member of Responsibility (OBR) Parliament forecast. during the speech. Now, against the backdrop of the But there most turbulent was more. period in recent European

Rishi Sunak delivered his Spring Statement to Parliament. While hopes of a significant rescue package – like we saw during the height of Covid – may have been somewhat dashed, the Chancellor did have a few more announcements up his sleeve.

While the Government has essentially declared victory over the pandemic, the public finances still don’t appear all that positive – even when you keep in mind that 2020 marked the largest annual fall in GDP

These included raising the National Insurance contributions (NICs) threshold, increasing the employment allowance, and, perhaps most notably, cutting the basic rate of income tax to 19% from 2024. But will it be enough to help households and businesses across the UK meet their skyrocketing costs? Here’s how the Chancellor’s Spring Statement might impact you.

Economic Outlook

Two years to the day after the commencement of the first UK lockdown in response to the surge of COVID-19 cases throughout the country, Chancellor

recorded in the UK in 300 years (9.9%). For instance, on the morning of the Chancellor’s speech, the Office for

National Statistics published its latest inflation estimate for February 2022 – 6.2% – caused by surging fuel and energy prices, exacerbated by the war in Ukraine.

March last year that Sunak kicked off his speech with a we’d see 7.3% growth summary of an economic in 2022, but global supply forecast from the OBR, chain issues, a cost of living which is crisis and sanctions against Russia required have hampered a similar recovery rate.

to publish such reports twice a year.

GDP will then grow by 1.8% in 2023, and

2.1%, 1.8% and 1.7% in the following three years, according to the OBR. However, it has also revised down its unemployment expectations, estimating The unemployment for Q1 2022 to be forecast suggests the UK 3.9%, which is 1.1 percentage points will not experience as large a period lower than expected. It added that, of growth as previously predicted, as given the current combination of the OBR downgraded its GDP record-high vacancies and low forecast for 2022 to 3.8% from the redundancies, the slowdown in GDP 6% it predicted in October 2021. growth may only cause unemployment to rise “very It’s a far cry from its prediction in slightly”.

The Consumer Price Index (CPI) for inflation, meanwhile, is now expected to peak at 8.7% in Q4 2022, which would be the highest inflation rate since the 1979 oil shock. That’s double what the OBR predicted in October 2021 and was worked out with a set of market assumptions taken over the first week of the invasion of Ukraine. With most working age benefits and state pensions due to rise by 3.1% in April 2022, the OBR also said nominal wages will not rise fast enough to prevent a “significant fall in real incomes”. However, after the peak at the end of this year, inflation will fall closer to the Bank of England’s target of 2%, at 1.5% by the end of 2023, the OBR said. Public sector net debt, including that from the Bank of England, will equate to 95.5% of national GDP in the 2022/23 financial year, compared to 95.6% and 94% in the past two years. It will then decrease to 94.1% in 2023/24 and 91.2% in 2024/25, and 85.8% and 83.1% in the two financial years thereafter.

In the biggest surprise of the day, the Chancellor announced that the basic rate of income tax will be slashed

National Insurance Contributions threshold increase

Income tax to 19% from 2024

In the biggest surprise announcement of the day, Despite confirming that the 1.25% the Chancellor announced that the increase to NICs will go ahead as basic rate of income tax will be planned in April, the Chancellor slashed from 20% to 19% as also announced that the threshold at of 2024. which people have to start paying NICs will rise by £3,000 from the While heralding the move as a “tax 2021/22 level. cut for workers, pensioners, and savers”, he emphasised the fact The new NICs threshold will be that this will also represent the first £12,570 and will come into effect time in 16 years from July, bringing the NICs and that the basic rate has been cut. income tax threshold in line. The Chancellor referred to this as a £6bn Under the new basic rate, the personal tax cut for 30 million average taxpayer will be £175 a year people across the UK, worth over better off before the end of this £330 a year for an employee, parliament, according to the pointing to it as the “largest increase Chancellor’s tax plan, representing a in a basic rate threshold ever, and £5bn total tax cut overall. the single largest personal tax cut in a decade.” The logic and tangible impact of cutting income tax, however, while There are also changes to the continuing to raise the rate of NICs threshold levels for NICs that selfas planned, is already being employed people will have to pay. questioned by some. As the changes do not take effect until 6 July in the 2022/23 tax year, an apportioned annual threshold has been calculated so that the benefit After much speculation in recent received by the self-employed is in days over whether or not the line with employees. Chancellor would cut fuel duty in an attempt to combat the astronomical By 2023/24, the threshold at which increase in the cost of both petrol employed and self-employed people and diesel, Sunak announced his start paying NICs and income tax intention to cut fuel by “not 1, not 2, will be aligned at £12,570. but by 5p per litre”.

Fuel duty cut

The fuel duty cut, which applies to both petrol and diesel fuels, will

knock about £3.30 off the cost of filling a typical 55-litre family car, according to the RAC. The new duty came into effect from on the 23rd March.

would overturn the EU’s decision to take water and wind turbines out of the scope for reduced VAT so that they will also benefit from no VAT.

But, while that may be seen as a marginal gain by motorists across the UK, the OBR commented: “Higher global oil prices have already raised fuel prices, which contribute almost 0.9 percentage points to inflation in the second quarter of 2022, even after incorporating the impact of the cut in fuel duty announced in the Spring Statement”.

Employment allowance increase

VAT on energyefficient home improvements

One way households can keep their energy usage, and therefore their energy bills, down is to put in place energy-saving instalments, like solar panels, heat pumps or insulation.

In 2019, the scope of the VAT reduced rate for energy saving materials (5%) was restricted to comply with EU law as the UK rules were found to go beyond what was permitted. For the next five years, however, as the Chancellor set out in the Spring Statement, homeowners installing such materials will pay no VAT at all. He added that the Government

Finally, the Government is expanding support to small businesses by increasing the employment allowance from £4,000 to £5,000 per year, which will save employers an extra £1,000 in NICs. The £1,000 increase allows employers to save more and will benefit around 495,000 businesses, including 50,000 that will be taken out of paying NICs and the health and social care levy entirely. In

total, the Government expects 670,000 businesses to pay no NICs and the health and social care levy because of the employment allowance.

Business investment tax reform

In light of economic pressures on In April 2020, the Government increased the employment allowance businesses, and with the current super deduction due to end in from £3,000 to £4,000. April 2023, the Government is looking at potential tax reforms to encourage business investment.

Upcoming Changes

Any changes will be announced in the Autumn Budget 2022 following consultation with businesses, but the main options under consideration are:

As part of the Chancellor’s speech, Sunak announced several reforms and measures coming in the near future, with details • increase the annual investment of the changes we allowance permanently, for can expect to be example to £500,000 revealed in the • increase writing down allowances Autumn for main and Budget. special rate assets from 18% to 20%, and from 6% to 8% • introduce a first-year allowance of, for example, a deduction of 40% and 13% in the first year of expenditure, with standard writing down rates applying after that • introduce an additional first-year allowance of 20% in the first year, on top of standard writingdown allowances on 100% of the initial cost over subsequent years. • introduce full expensing, allowing businesses to write off the costs of qualifying investment in one go.

In his speech, the Chancellor noted the need for improvements to adult technical skills, as UK employers spend “just half the European average on training their employees”.

R&D tax relief

Following a paper published in autumn 2021, the Government has confirmed its plans to reform R&D tax relief. From April 2023, all cloud computing costs associated with R&D, including storage, will qualify for relief. The relief has also been focused on work carried out in the UK, although expenditure on overseas R&D activities can still qualify as long as there are:

with the current apprenticeship levy system, and is looking at how “more flexible apprenticeship training models can be supported”. It will also consider whether further intervention is needed to encourage employers to offer training, including assessing the current tax system and the apprenticeship levy.

Changes already confirmed

The Finance Act 2022 received royal assent in February, which means a series of changes were already confirmed ahead of the Spring Statement, and are due to take place from April 2022.

• material factors such as geography, environment, population or other conditions that are needed for the research and not present in the UK • regulatory or other legal requirements that mean activities These include the 1.25% increase to must take place outside of the UK. both NICs and dividends tax in 2022/23, and the freezing of personal tax thresholds up until The definition of R&D for the 2025/26. purposes of tax relief will also be expanded, as pure An extension to Making Tax Digital mathematics will be for VAT also means from April 2022, included as a qualifying cost. the digital tax scheme will become a requirement for all VAT-registered businesses not already required to operate MTD.

Training and the apprenticeship levy In his speech, the Chancellor noted the need for improvements to adult technical skills, as UK employers spend “just half the European average on training their employees”.

The Government said it “recognises that employers have frustrations” Share your Thoughts





Sharon Wint-Gordon & Bevin Wint


he definition of a financial nest egg is a substantial sum of money or other assets that have been saved or invested for a specific purpose.

What is your FIN (Financial Independence Number)? This figure is the key to how you will spend the rest of your life.

It represents how much you will Such assets are generally earmarked need for monetary obligations, for longer term object and is most including your expenses during commonly used in retirement, retirement. buying a home and paying for higher education. Do you have a NEST EGG or need to HATCH one?

2. Identify the appropriate vehicle to embark on your new journey

If you need to hatch a nest egg, here are 3 ingredients you need What is the appropriate investment to consider… vehicle?

1. Understand the WHY behind your goals and dreams

What is it that drives you, have you mapped your short-term and longterm financial future?

Work out what is better for you. For example, a single fund investment as opposed to a multi fund investment. Contact a specialist consultant on this to support you in choosing the correct vehicle for you. Your consultant will

This figure is the key to how you will spend the rest of your life.

help you to understand your risk profile.

Remember uncooked eggs can lead to food poisoning.

3. Be Consistent

Follow the recipe, be careful of nonregulated short cuts.

Significant nest eggs are not usually built overnight, they require time, If in doubt always discipline and resisting instant check the FCA gratification. register, always seek

If you have a nest egg here are 3 areas to unscramble.

Do you still want the nice cars, the home, the dream holiday and if so, with the cost-of-living increasing, can you still achieve in the same

1. Carry out an annual review

If you are confident with your knowledge of the content, you can achieve it or do you need to seek financial guidance.

Is it still fit for purpose or has the pandemic reshaped your goals?

timeframe? ...or could you end up with egg on your face?

Is it still fit for purpose or has the pandemic reshaped your goals?

2. Evaluate your priorities

3. See this as an opportunity

Making hasty decisions without specialist consultation could lead to long term financial instability.

Seek professional guidance to potentially take advantage of the uncertainty around the stock market and property.

Don’t throw your plan away because of one bad egg in the nest.

to increase the size of your nest egg.

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