What does an average working day look like for you?
It’s always key to remember we are superheroes outside of work and are not defined by what we deliver in our jobs. My day usually starts at 6:00am and I’m up and headed to the gym before getting to the office – it sounds cliché but I do feel better when I work out in the morning! I’m in the office for 8am because I like to structure my day (emails and diary check) before meetings kick off around 8:30am/ 9:00am. The mornings are a mixture of focus time, face to face collaboration sessions and of course virtual meetings… nothing beats face to face meetings though especially if you’re a people person like myself. As we move over into the afternoon, I have a great team and I sometimes I walk out for lunch with a few colleagues just to get away from the computer screen. I find taking that time to refuel and have lunch is highly beneficial and gives you that boost for what majority of the times is a busy afternoon. My day runs on again with project work, meetings and focus time and usually finishes about 6pm (school run dependant, of course) There is no place like home – so I always look forward to getting indoors,