EGM Times January_February 2021

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Featuring The BibleProject


are you ready ?

We often think talking more will help, but your kind actions speak louder than your words without compassion. - Evg. Jacob Vilgi Oommen










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The EGM INSPIRATIONS podcast was born with a vision to lift the brokenhearted. We provide thought-provoking audio messages that are inspired by the word of God and that which will enable you to pursue the fullness of life Jesus Christ has promised you. What first started as a casual voice-over session for a devotional book has turned into a much demanded weekly podcast heard and downloaded by our growing listeners around the globe. Tune in to experience a definite word of healing and renewal. You will not be disappointed.

DOWNLOAD EGM INSPIRATIONS app All Bible references are from New International Version, English Standard Version, New Living Translation, King James Version. EGM Times is published by Elohim Gospel Ministries, USA & India. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. EGM Times has no subscription price and is supported through contributions worldwide. Because all EGM Times editions are preplanned, we are unable to accept unsolicited manuscripts. For more information or to subscribe, President : Evg. Jacob Vilgi Oommen Chief Editor : George Vilgi Oommen Design : EGM Media




Daniel E Peters is an Evangelist. He has a master’s degree in Microbiology from Madras Christian College in Chennai, India. He currently works with Revival watch, an organization focused on mission work and training missionaries all over the world. He strongly believes that the Daniel E Peters, Lagos purpose of our lives is to fulfill the will of God here on earth and to win souls. Siby Abraham lives in Lakeland FL along with his wife Jibi and 2 children Noah and Joanna. He is a member of Ebenezer India Pentecostal Church and ministers among the youth and adults in different capacities. Siby Abraham, Lakeland "Lifetime learner living to leave a legacy." She is enjoying life and ministry with her husband, Jacob. She is embracing her new title, "mom," of her baby girl Victoria.

Blossom Oommen, Medina

Editorial Dear Friend,

Welcome to the first edition of EGM Times in 2021! I wish you and your family a blessed and wonderful new year. 2020 will be the year many generations will talk about in the coming years. The world came to a standstill with locked cities, limited travel, closed economies and masked faces. Many lives were lost and the pandemic is still here as i write this. Through all these difficulties, people found new ways to connect, love and care for each other. The good lessons we learned from the past year should stay with us for the rest of our lives. As we step into this new year, let’s focus on the things God expects from us – share the Gospel, spread love and prepare ourselves for eternity. This edition features the story of the BibleProject, an organization focused on spreading the Bible’s message through digital platforms. Michael McDonald from the BibleProject shares with us about the team and how they are positively impacting the world. He also shares with us the impact of the internet and digital platforms in a post-Covid world. Happy reading. God bless you! George Vilgi Oommen, Chief Editor


Did you know?

Daniel was one of the chief administrators in the kingdom of Darius, the king of Persia. He was in charge of one-third of the kingdom. Daniel 6:2 (NLT), “The king also chose Daniel and two others as administrators to supervise the high officers and protect the king’s interests.” Despite the responsibilities, he prayed three times a day. Daniel 6:10 (NLT), “But when Daniel learned that the law had been signed, he went home and knelt down as usual in his upstairs room, with its windows open toward Jerusalem. He prayed three times a day, just as he had always done, giving thanks to his God.”


1 Corinthians 10:12

So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don't fall!


reaching the in a new way

“In a new world where everything is available at our fingertips, organizations like the BibleProject is an asset for the kingdom of God.”


What was started as a partnership of two friends to post videos about the Bible online has now grown into more than two million subscribers, with over a hundred million views in around 200 countries across different online platforms. BibleProject shares the Bible’s truths in simple yet profound way that enlightens many truth-seekers across the world. Michael McDonald from the BibleProject talks with us more about BibleProject.

BibleProject founders Dr. Tim Mackie and Jon Colins

With most people in a lockdown, 2020 taught us a new lesson – being digital is the future. In many ways, we live in a ‘new’ world after the Covid-19 outbreak in 2020. The explosive transition of the church to online platforms paved a new way to gather and do fellowships. While many churches and organizations struggle to adjust to this new reality, the BibleProject stands out. With most of the operations on digital platforms, BibleProject strives to engage people with the Bible’s truth. They are reaching the ‘new’ world in new ways. “BibleProject is a nonprofit ed-tech organization and animation studio that produces 100% free Bible videos, podcasts, blogs, classes, and educational Bible resources to help make the biblical story accessible to everyone, everywhere,” says the organization about themselves in their website. EGM TIMES | ELOHIMGOSPELMINISTRIES.COM 11

BibleProject – Around 2.5 Million subscribers on YouTube, 150+ videos, millions of views around different online platforms. How did it all start? BibleProject is based in Portland, Oregon. It was founded by two friends Timothy Mackie and Jonathan Collins, who studied together in a Bible school. After finishing Bible school, Timothy pursued a doctorate in theology, and went to Israel to learn Hebrew, and became a Hebrew scholar. He came back to the USA and started teaching Hebrew in a Bible school. Jonathan did church planting after the Bible school studies. He later became a video editor focused on ‘Explainer Videos’ and worked for multiple companies to make short, simple videos explaining complicated processes and ideas. When both had a barbeque time together in their backyard, a discussion on combining Timothy’s knowledge of the Bible and Jonathan’s skill of Explainer videos happened. BibleProject started from that discussion of two friends. They began by posting videos online and made them available to everyone for free. BibleProject began as a crowd-funded initiative, and very soon, the team grew with more talented, creative members. Now BibleProject publishes one video every three weeks, reaching millions of people worldwide with a message from the Bible. We want all the people to know the story and message of the Bible. It will always be available for free.


We know the amount of effort needed to publish such a creative way of presenting the Bible. How is it done? A five-minute video is a three to six-month process. The process starts with an idea or theme by Timothy. Once the idea is finalized, a conversation between Timothy and Jonathan will be recorded as a podcast. This will be a casual conversation between two friends and is not scripted. The conversation lasts until Jonathan completely understands the idea. The next step involves writing a script together on the discussion they had. Once the script is finalized, it will be sent to a storyboard artist who will be storyboarding based on the script. The next step is done by the illustration team, who will draw the pictures and art based on the storyboard. Once the illustration team is done with the pictures and art, the animation team will start working on it where the pictures will be moving, talking, and explaining items. The sound design team will add the sound effects to the entire animation. The voice-over person will explain the story and is added to the video. The final compilation of the video is done and published on online platforms. Once the English version of the video is complete, it will be translated to more than fifty languages around the globe and published in those locations.


How did Covid-19 impact the BibleProject ministry? The goal of the BibleProject is to help people understand the Bible and make it available to churches and organizations for their needs. Since we were already online and doing the work in the digital world, Covid-19 did not negatively impact the BibleProject. Many organizations that did not have an online platform reached out to us and used our digital content for their ministry instead of creating everything from scratch. In summary, the BibleProject ministry has grown during Covid-19 because of our digital presence and free content. What is the role of online media in sharing the gospel to the world in the coming days? As a media organization, I say it is the present-day reality. We don’t have to wait for many more years to see the role of digital platforms in our daily lives. It is happening as we speak. Traditionally, to share the Gospel, we used to get into an airplane or a car and travel a distance to meet people. However, things are changing rapidly now. Most of the countries in the world have access to the internet and a smart device. How are these people going to get information? YouTube is the second-largest search engine in the world after Google. Most people are searching for answers on YouTube. When people have questions about God, Jesus, Church, etc., they are searching on YouTube. There is an incredible opportunity in the digital space to reach people with the message of the Gospel in a safe way. Digital space provides an opportunity to reach people, even in countries where doors are closed for the Gospel. I don’t think digital space can completely replace human-to-human interaction. But it will be ignorant of us if we don’t look at it as an opportunity to share the Gospel in the world.


Team at work in the BibleProject studio

What are your upcoming projects? We will always be making videos. We are now working on a series called Sermon on the Mount. From a project perspective, we are working on a project called ‘Classroom,’ a free, seminary-level online class open to anyone. We now have several classes published and are working on publishing around thirty classes to help anyone take their learning to the next level. Another project is building an online platform that serves as a curriculum builder for churches and ministries to use in their Bible studies. This platform will also be free. Our team is also developing an Education-Tech, user-friendly application that will improve Bible literacy. These are some of the exciting items in our pipeline.

Any final words before we wrap up? If you are not familiar with the BibleProject, check our YouTube channel or the website Sometimes people think that these videos are for kids since they are animation videos. However, I wanted to reiterate that these videos are not aimed at kids. They are created for adults. We chose animation as a vehicle for explaining the principles of the Bible. It also allows us to localize and translate into different languages without much effort. I am sure that visiting and watching BibleProject videos will enable you to better understand the Bible. We also have many podcasts available on our website. In Mark 16:15 (NIV), Jesus said to His disciples, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” In a new world where everything is available at our fingertips, organizations like the BibleProject are an asset for the kingdom of God. EGM TIMES | ELOHIMGOSPELMINISTRIES.COM 15



Do you Love Me more than these?

- Siby Abraham

We all are familiar with Mary and Martha, sisters from the village named Bethany, known for their hospitality, love, and dedication towards Jesus during His earthly ministry. The gospel writers emphasize their utmost devotion and respect to Jesus of Nazareth regardless of their circumstances. For us, the twenty-first century Christians, the heartfelt love, loyalty, and commitment is an excellent paradigm to follow, especially during these uncertain times. Raising Lazarus from the dead (John Chapter 11) is the last miracle recorded by John during the earthly ministry of our Lord. The incident is rich with the unfolding events and the characters involved in the miracle. As we read John 11:20- we see Jesus approaching the village of Bethany to visit the grieving family to console and strengthen them during their difficult time.


In human terms, this is a delayed arrival as Lazarus is dead, buried, and in the tomb for four days. In light of the utmost love and devotion the family has expressed to Jesus in the past, there might be several fingers pointed (John: 11:37) at the sisters questioning the legitimacy of Jesus's love and care towards the family. Since Bethany is only two miles from Jerusalem, John narrates about an unusual crowd witnessing this miracle. John wrote his Gospel to show Jesus of the Nazareth is the Son of God. This final miracle during His earthly ministry confirms his authority over death and human life. Along with this theme, the gospel writer also captures the two sisters' responses that reveal the depth and volume of commitment they had towards Jesus. In John 11: 20, we see Martha going out of her way in the middle of her mourning to welcome Jesus at the village entrance. John depicts the only statement from Martha & Mary regarding the loss of her brother. Vs.21 and 32, Lord if you been here, my brother would not have died. From this point, the dialogue between Jesus and Martha enters a deeply spiritual realm with perspectives of Eschatology and Christology. She could confess a divine truth that many powerful, wealthy, influential, and intellectual individuals of the time failed to understand and recognize in the middle of her deep sense of loss for her brother and grief. In vs:27, Martha makes a profound confession-I believe that you are the Messiah, the Son of God, who is to come into the world. During this conversation with Martha, Jesus spoke one of the ‘I am’ statements, which is a profound and integral part of the Christian belief "I am the resurrection and the life”. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; 26 and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?


“Even after thousands of years, Martha and Mary's love, devotion & service towards Jesus remain an excellent paradigm to reflect and follow how we need to love and serve Jesus.”

If we look at the New Testament books' chronology, this statement was spoken before the resurrection of Jesus, decades before the epistles were written, which indeed explained the theology of death, resurrection, second coming & resurrection of saints. A grieving woman from the village named Bethany was the recipient of the greatest message, revelation, and spiritual mystery from our savior regarding the very mission and nature of the Word that became flesh and dwelt among men full of grace and truth.

It is to be noted that the Jesus disciples, the religious leaders, or the political influencers of the time were in oblivion about this great spiritual mystery. When Mary comes to the scene, we see her falling at the feet of Jesus Vs. 32 and worshiping Him. When both sisters have every right to express their heartfelt response towards the delayed arrival of Jesus, we see them confessing about the divinity of Jesus and worshipping him falling at his feet. Many Jews witnessed this act of worship, who continue to point fingers at the very relationship between this family and Jesus. We all are familiar with how this event concluded - Jesus wept, and a few moments later, he did the most unthinkable he raised Lazarus, who was already in the tomb for four days - Regenerating a body which is undergoing decomposition - 96 hours after death. Many a time, we only focus on the events that happened in front of the tomb. Let's not forget about the warm, hearty reception that Mary and Martha gave to Jesus even though it seemed like He came after the dust was settled. We do not see any petitions, complaints, murmurings, or mourning; we only see them worshipping Jesus and loving him without expecting anything. The delayed arrival of Jesus, the pointing fingers from the crowd, or the death of their beloved brother had no diminishing effect on the bond the sisters had with Jesus. Summarizing John’s narration, we can conclude that the family loved Jesus unconditionally, worshiped Jesus wholeheartedly, and served Jesus faithfully. Times may be tough, situations might be challenging, hope might be lost, brothers and sisters, are we able to love Jesus and worship Him for who He is, but not for what He can do for us? Even after thousands of years, Martha and Mary's love, devotion & service towards Jesus remain an excellent paradigm to reflect and follow how we need to love and serve Jesus.



Living in a noisy world

- George Vilgi Oommen

A lot of things have happened in the world and United States (where I live now) since the last edition of EGM Times. The capitol building of the oldest democratic country in the world – the USA, was attacked. The largest democratic country in the world – India is witnessing farmer’s protest in the capital for more than two months. The new variant of Covid-19 is spreading across different countries. Myanmar is witnessing political unrest as I write this. Politics and current world affairs is shaping our conversations. Politics and division due to politics are rampaging across the USA right now. It is very easy to be carried away by the distractions around us. It is what the devil wants. A divided family, a divided society, a divided country, and the worst – a divided church. I want to share a few things I learned and heard from others about living each day for Christ.

Christ be the center of our lives – Do we have more passion to talk about a celebrity, politician, sports team, etc.? If yes, it’s time for a ‘heart-check’. Jesus deserves the first priority and love in our life. Our primary allegiance in the world is to our savior who sacrificed His life for us. Eternal life is our destination – Apostle Paul was one of the most influential apostles in the first century church. He traveled extensively to preach the Gospel. He interacted with lot of people on a daily basis. Despite the busy schedule, he never lost sight of eternity – his ultimate destiny. Romans 8:18 says, “I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be Seek first the kingdom of God – As easy as it sounds, it is revealed in us.” one of the difficult things to practice. Even though we all live in different countries and seek different things in life, seeking God’s kingdome should have the first place. P.S. - Recently, my pastor mentioned conspiracy theories during his Sunday sermon. In the context of the current situation in the USA, he pointed out that believers are sharing and posting conspiracy theories more than others. With the advancement of the internet, it is very easy to spread a lie around the world and be deceived easily. To be a witness of Jesus in the digital world is an essential value in a Christian’s life. Our words matter, our posts on social media matters, the content we share on social media matter. 20 EGM TIMES | ELOHIMGOSPELMINISTRIES.COM

heart a clean

– Daniel E Peters

In the early days of our walk with the Lord, many of us always believed that God had a special plan for us. At least I believe in it. While I attest to the fact that Jesus loves everyone and has a wonderful plan for all of us, there was something always sneaky from within me, telling - yeah, he loves them all, but I am special to him. I believe many feel that way. I made sure I prayed extra, fasted, read old revival books, I even climbed prayer mountains (and I mean literal mountains) in my bid to do great things for the Lord. Many of us have been down this road, but there was only one problem, and it was my heart. I loved the Lord, or I thought so, but my heart had other plans, and while I knew God’s word and always wanted to go the right way, the heart always wanted its way. This struggle in life was discouraging, and little Johnny went from wanting to change the world for Jesus Christ to just wanting to be a decent Christian. I finally understood firsthand what it meant when God said in Zechariah 4:6, NOT BY POWER NOR BY MIGHT BUT BY MY SPIRIT.

2 Corinthians 1:20 says, FOR ALL OF GODS PROMISES HAVE BEEN FULFILLED IN CHRIST WITH A RESOUNDING ‘’YES!’’ Can you take a moment to read that again? What does it mean? ‘’God promises’’ have been ‘’fulfilled in Christ.” The first question we ask is, what did God promise? Remember, God stands firms in His word. We find his promises under the new covenant in the book of Ezekiel 36:26, ‘’I WILL GIVE YOU A CLEAN HEART,’’ this was an answer for one of the deepest heart-cries and prayers of the psalmist in the book of Psalm 51:10 ‘’create in me a clean heart,’’ and he did it in CHRIST JESUS. Yes, you read it right. It is already done according to his word. God, in His sovereignty, knew how perverse, self-glorifying and deceptive our hearts would be. It is so deceptive we would even deceive ourselves believing we are serving him, only to be truly glorifying ourselves, even the Bible says in Jeremiah 17:9, ‘’ the heart is deceitful above all things’’. God knew this and dealt with it with the death of his Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. He took our evil hearts filled with lust, envy, pride, unbelief and destroyed them through His son’s death. Romans 6:6 says, ‘’our old sinful self has been crucified with Christ.’’ Through this singular act of death of Jesus on the cross, we are wholly recreated in Jesus Christ and now have become a part of Him. Yes, Halleluiah! Halleluiah! If that does not get you shouting with joy, I wonder what will! You can now come to God with your wandering heart, always seeking for rest, a heart you could not change yourself, God can, and he has. He had transformed it in Jesus. 1 Cor. 5:57, ‘’BUT THANKS BE TO GOD WHO GIVES US VICTORY THROUGH OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST,” with a heart that has been purified and made pure by his Holy Spirit. EGM TIMES | ELOHIMGOSPELMINISTRIES.COM 21

Many people believe in the Lord and also that JESUS CHRIST is the only way. However, for a million reasons, they were not able to enter into God’s promises for their lives. The reality of the cross and its provision had never become a reality in their lives. This is because either many do not know about it or do not know how to enter. God had never hidden his truths, but we thank the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ for His grace and the revelation of his word. You may ask now with desperation, brother Daniel, yes, I’ve read it, I even dare say I believe it, it sounds so wonderful but how does this become a reality in my life? Someone asked this same question centuries ago. Her name is Mary. Yes, Mary the earthly mother of our Lord Jesus. When she was told that the impossible would happen to her, that she would conceive. She asked the same question. Luke 1 vs 34, ‘’but how can this happen?’’ The answer came immediately, THE HOLY SPIRIT - he third person of the trinity. Yes, only He can bring into reality and make it real for you personally. You must ask him to speak to you and give you a revelation of Christ‘s death and how it had included you.

Firstly, we must ‘’believe’’ that God has already done it and this is where many stumbles, for they think certain religious activities can substitute for the grace of God, the people in Jesus earthly days asked in John 6 vs 28 ‘’we want to perform God’s work too what should we do?’’ and the Lord replied in vs 29 ‘’This is the only work God wants from you. BELIEVE in the one he has sent’’. Then ask him the Holy Spirit to bring this truth in God’s word a reality in your own life, also ask him if there is any way you have truly not submitted to die with the Lord to be revealed to you, and miraculously in the darkest place just like as Mary was unconscious of it and couldn’t tell exactly when the baby was formed.

So, will he who alone can do the impossible give you a new heart, a place where he will be willing to dwell in, and you will notice day by day that you’re not the same, and you’re now experiencing victories in your life. Always remember this is God’s will for you and he has already done it through Jesus. Now as you ask and trust Him, All the years of striving couldn’t do it the bible says in the you will see the daystar arise in your new hearts. book of Acts 15 vs 8,9 ‘’that GOD confirmed the gentiles by giving them the Holy Spirit who cleansed their hearts “A heart that doesn’t spew through faith’’, he knows us he knows our unclean heart could not serve God purpose and in a miraculous way, a out dirt anymore. A heart miracle far greater than the parting of the red sea he that hears His voice. A heart completely gives us a new heart. A heart that doesn’t spew out dirt anymore. A heart that hears His voice. A that feels what He feels.” heart that feels what He feels.


#OPINION Baptized With Fire

Prisoner in charge of prisoners - Blossom Oommen

What’s exciting about being in prison? What is there to talk about Joseph while in prison? Prison is still a horrible place to live in today’s world. We can imagine how much worse it would be in olden times. Gen 39: 21-23, “But while Joseph was there in the prison, the Lord was with him; he showed him kindness and granted him favor in the eyes of the prison warden. So the warden put Joseph in charge of all those held in the prison, and he was made responsible for all that was done there. The warden paid no attention to anything under Joseph’s care, because the Lord was with Joseph and gave him success in whatever he did.” Here in these verses, Joseph was in prison by being wrongly accused of misconduct and had no way of proving his innocence. I was fascinated by the favor and promotion God showed Joseph in prison. At the end of verse 20 and the beginning of the sentence, “But while Joseph was there in the prison, the Lord was with him.” Regardless of where you are, God can be with you and be for you if you let him. Before you go somewhere and put yourself in vulnerable situations, think if God can come there with you. If you are placed in rough situations even when you were honest and diligent like Joseph, then Lord will stay with you and bring you through it. Another thought is that if the Lord is with you, even the horrible conditions can be dealt with ease. Regardless of where you are in life in this season, Lord is with you. The almighty God promised to be with you and is with you. You can find peace, joy and fight loneliness in any tough circumstances.


Then the next sentence “God showed him kindness and granted him favor in the eyes of the prison warden(chief). If the Lord is with you at your current place in life, He can offer kindness and have favor in the eyes of your superiors. When Christ’s aroma and attractiveness flow through you, then people around you will be drawn towards you. You do not need to offer bribe, take part in dishonesty, or anything to win favor. Just let the kindness of God flow through you. “So the warden put Joseph in charge of all those held in prison.” Think of Joseph in charge of all criminals. Not only he has to be respected by his inmates, he must also be in authority to keep order in this horrible place. ‘A prisoner in charge of prisoners.’ “And he was responsible for all that was done there.” Joseph is taking care of every detail and order of that prison ward. The verse continues, “the warden paid no attention to anything under Joseph’s care.” Joseph put the authority(warden) under so much ease by taking responsibilities. He did not grumble or complain about what he had to do, even while being in prison. He enjoyed the jobs, responsibilities and made his chief’s job lighter. Think, when God is putting you in responsible positions, are you grumbling of the extra works? The people who get assigned extra work means they can be trusted to handle and complete it.

Whereever you are placed, rather than doing the bare minimum of what you are supposed to do, walk an extra mile and take responsibility when asked. Joseph is in an unpaid position, in prison joyfully managing many activities. Let’s read the rest, “because the Lord was with Joseph and gave him success in whatever he did.” All he done was possible because the Lord was with him. Joseph never left God’s side, and God never abandoned him. Whatever season you are in, I want to remind you that if God is with you, you won’t be alone, and He can show kindness and grant success. If you are striving for better rewards and promotion from where you are right now, give Joseph’s God a chance.

“If you are striving for better rewards and promotion from where you are right now, give Joseph’s God a chance.”


- Charles Spurgeon

God save us from living in comfort while sinners are sinking into hell!

Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me. - Revelation 3:20



life changed?

2020 is behind the veil. Life has changed for many, though the world was under a lockdown. Some of us became parents, got married, graduated, lost dear ones, went through sicknesses, battled loneliness- but the virus is still here and we are the same people, and maybe life hasn’t changed after all. But there was a lot of noise around how we are going to leave 2020 behind for all the pain and boredom it brought into our lives. There was a lot of talk around how this year will bring change and light into our lives and that things would be changed for the better. But has it, really? A good look at ourselves would show us that we are holding our old habits, beliefs, arrogance and ignorance near to our hearts, or pockets, rather! We all agree that 2020 was tough and it took a lot for us to survive. But keeping the virus apart, if we are stepping into the new year the same, I doubt what has changed in 2021, after all? While we are on this topic, if change is the purpose, how do we in fact do that? How do we change? No doubt, good habits and resolutions help us go to an extent, but often we find ourselves exhausted in the middle or we find that these new set of habits are not helpful at all. So then what do we do? For me, what has helped is the awareness of Jesus- his closeness, his words, his character and above all his goodness and eternal love. No wonder the writer of Hebrews says, “Keep your eyes on Jesus, who both began and finished this race we're in.” Keep your eyes on him. It is not easy when life brings ten thousand troubles and questions. And every day when way too many things fight for our attention, amidst that remember to look up. Remember to look around. Remember to look within- because he is all around and within you. More importantly, remember to look at the Cross. It is a finished work. Whenever we falter, that is the easiest place we can run to. In darkness, in doubt, in anger and in pain, in uncertainty and in surety, the cross stands tall unshaken as the place of refuge and grace. It is a constant reminder throughout the history of mankind of what is legally due and what is undeserving. It is beyond what we can ever attain through our works and it grants us with assurance and promises so clear and sure. And throughout the history of human race, it whispers that we, petty, unkind, unloving beings are known, held, seen, loved, forgiven and precious in his sight. You know what helps us change? Beholding this truth every day. Beholding Jesus every day. It is transformational and humbling. It is overwhelming and when we are gripped by love this pure and strong, we can’t help but change. 28 EGM TIMES | ELOHIMGOSPELMINISTRIES.COM

Unfortunately, we have definitions of what can help us change. This list has a lot of things on it like travel, therapists, resolutions etc (these things do help us to a certain extent), but not the master of the universe or the kindness of His cross. And the paradox with the greatest gift we would ever receive in our lives is that it is too simple to receive. Jesus is too easy to be missed and easier to be found. In fact, God topples our human logic and his creativity is absurd for the intellect. He presented us the saviour in a manger and provided salvation through sinless death on a simple wooden cross! Living through the everyday struggles and learning to fix my gaze on Jesus, my prayer for your new year is that, you will behold Jesus though it might seem ridiculous to your logical mind, that you will not be narrow-minded to reject answers because the package it comes in, is too simple for you to consider. That wherever you go, you will shine brightly because you have stared into His face enough and that people will recognize you because of the handprint God has left on your life.

Daya Raja, Bangalore Daya thinks it’s absolutely cool to be known by Jesus. She deeply appreciates nature, art and silence. Currently she is pursuing Masters in Development in India. Her dream is to fall in love with Jesus and humanity every day. Daya can be reached at


Final Word Dear friend,

Thank you for making it to the end of this edition of EGM Times. We believe that you are inspired by the interview with the BibleProject team and the great things God is doing around the globe through digital platforms. If you are reading this and have not experienced the love and power of God, we encourage you to embrace His love – offered as salvation through Jesus Christ. If you have experienced this love before and have gone back from it, we urge you to come back to His love. There is nothing impossible for God to work in your life. We encourage you to experience this savior in your life. We at the EGM Times team would like to hear from you at See you in the next edition. God bless you!!! Team EGM Times









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