EGM Times July - August 2020

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J U LY- A U G U S T 2 0 2 0



Tune in to experience a definite word of healing and renewal.




Oh My soul, find rest in God

- Athira Maria Somy

The good portion

- Vihan Damaris


All Bible references are from New International Version, English Standard Version, New Living Translation, King James Version. EGM Times is published by Elohim Gospel Ministries, USA & India. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. EGM Times has no subscription price and is supported through contributions worldwide. Because all EGM Times editions are preplanned, we are unable to accept unsolicited manuscripts. For more information or to subscribe, visit President : Evg. Jacob Vilgi Oommen Chief Editor : George Vilgi Oommen Design : EGM Media Photography (P16) : RZIM


Life in between

- Daya Raja


- Niangneih Kim


Experience heaven on Earth

- Lionel Joseph




Vihan Damaris is a servant of Jesus Christ. She is a 25-year old worshiper, a modern-day Psalmist, YouTuber, and founder of Haven Fellowship. She dedicated her voice to God at the age of 17. Her family of five are musical and Jesus lovers as well, situated in Bangalore, India.

Athira, pursuing her Master’s in Education at Azim Premji University, Bangalore uses art and words to bring God’s love to others and lives in constant joy to have known God and to be called His own.

Vihan Damaris, Bangalore

Athira Maria, Bangalore

Niangneih Kim, Manipur

Lionel Joseph, Chennai

Ms. Kim is currently pursuing her MA in Development at Azim Premji University, Bangalore. She is passionate about working with women and children at high risk. Her life goal is to be a channel of blessing to everyone she meets. She also wants to use her gifts and talents for the glory of God alone. She is from Churachandpur, Manipur and currently lives in Bangalore.

Lionel Joseph is a software professional from India's Detroit / Chennai, Laborer in Master's vineyard, an avid reader, and a Center-Left liberal thinker. “I am but no one since it is no longer I, but Christ that liveth in Me,” says Lionel.

Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ! This edition is a good reflection of how we faced life when the world came to a standstill for the past few months due to a global pandemic. We are discussing the theme Rest in this edition. “By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work.” – Genesis 2:2 (NIV). After six days of work on creating the whole universe, including human beings, God took rest. Wait a minute. Did God rest? Was God tired? But in Psalms, we read that He never sleeps nor slumbers. One thought that came to my mind is - God is teaching us a lesson. No matter how busy your life is, you need to take some rest. Rest and spend time in God’s presence. The same principle can be found in one of the ten commandments - “Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your male or female servant, nor your animals, nor any foreigner residing in your towns.” Exodus 20:8-10 (NIV).


One of the many lessons I learned in this season is to take Rest and spend some fruitful time in God’s presence. It is our prayer that you will learn the importance of taking rest in all aspects of life from a Biblical perspective through this edition. As always, you can reach out to us at God bless you! George Vilgi Oommen Chief Editor EGM Times

He leads me to open my Bible. "Direct me to what you want to say, Lord." Jesus was led by the Spirit to be tempted for 40 days in the wilderness. Moses 40 years. Israel 40 years. The message was clear. If I don't obey this voice now, I maybe like the nation of Israel, wandering 40 years in the desert, instead of just 40 days. "You want me to take a 40 day fast, Lord? I'll do it." Eight years ago, facing college, I wanted to know God's plan for my life. "What course shall I pick, Lord, and where?" I asked, looking into the sky. Silence. A troubling thought grew in my heart. I don't yet know the Lord! Yes, I've heard of Him, yes, I've sung, prayed to Him, but I don't know Him! "What shall I do?" I asked the sky again.


PORTION - Vihan Damaris

Rest is a commandment in the Bible. My brain doesn't think so. I try to work hard day and night to bring Him the glory. Yet ever so often, I feel His gentle tug, His soft voice call me to a corner of the room. "I miss you," He says. I was born to strong believer parents. They raised me in the Word and knowledge of God. Soon I began to test this Word by applying it in my own life to see whether God is real.


I always loved challenges. Pre-University had just finished. Vacations were here. I didn't have too many friends who'd be heart-broken by my absence. There was nothing to lose. God impressed a wilderness fast in my heart, not just a ‘food fast’, but a ‘phone fast’, a ‘friend fast’, and a ‘world fast’. I messaged my friends. "Hey, I'm taking a little break for 40 days. I will catch up soon." I went to my parents. "God has put something on my heart..." I made all the necessary preparations. It was time to start. The next 40 days were heaven, but only after they were hell. I'd never done anything like this before. My stomach was roaring! My brain couldn't concentrate. I wasn't starving completely, but I'd never even skipped a meal, so this was crazy for me. "God, I can't do this! How am I supposed to serve you, if I can't finish even seven days of this 40 day fast?"

As soon as I wrote this, I looked up, stunned. God had spoken through my mouth! ‘I will catch you, 'coz you fall all the time.’ Suddenly it all made sense. I'm supposed to be weak, He's the strong one! His strength is made perfect in my weakness! "Oh Lord, thank you for your mercy and grace!" I continued the rest of the fast in divine rest, joy and ecstasy. He was incredible. I was His. Coming back to today. The fire He fuelled in me, set me on many great works for Him. When the pandemic started, I stood in shock at the shutdown of all things offline, and the boost of all things online! My job as a YouTuber and minister just got a whole more demanding. Suddenly we needed way more productions than I was ready to turn out. "God, by your strength, we can." For the first 21 day lockdown in India where I live, God put on my heart to do a 21 day devotional, plus personal videos on our two YouTube channels ‘Vihan Damaris’ and ‘Haven Fellowship.’ "Impossible!," I cried. "Who are you talking to?", said He. We did it. By the next lockdown, we'd figured out how to put up services online. In this period of distancing, we'd also found the truth of spiritual distance among ourselves. "Let's start a Bible study!" "Let's start a prayer chain!"

"Pick up your guitar." My eyes drifted to the guitar, laying beside me. I poured my heart out, writing, ‘Give me the mind to carry on...I am not able to find a source of obedience and all…I'm glad you'll catch me 'coz I'm falling all the time.’


We did it. By the next lockdown, our fellowship was longing to meet again. Things had eased up. I did a collaboration with one of my best friends, which was the catalyst video of blowing my channel up. People were messaging from all over, in tears at how God was using videos from the past five years, to show them Truth, to set them free. God did it. My inboxes grew; my desire to help grew alongside. It is a hungry world, a broken world, steadily getting worse. "Lord, how do I do this?" "Spend time with Me." I didn't do it. "Lord, this is for you." I give my life up as a living sacrifice to His name. But He wants something much more. "I miss you. Let's talk." Talking to God involves rest. Rest from the rest of the world separation from activity. A temporary fast from your active desires, if you will. "Lord, but when?" I am taken to the story of Mary and Martha. Mary sits at Jesus' feet, rapt as the Master speaks great words of ministering. Her elder sister storms in. "Jesus, don't you care that I have to do all the work? Tell her to come to help me!" He turns and looks at her with a smile. "Martha, Martha. You have many cares of this world. There is only one thing that is needed. Mary has chosen that good portion, and it will not be taken away from her."


Methuselah is the longest-lived person in the Bible. He lived for 969 years. He is the father of Lamech and the grandfather of Noah. Even though he is mentioned in the Bible very few times, he is famously known for the Exceptionally Long life. More about Methuselah can be read in Genesis 5.

I feel a hush in my spirit. "Vihan, you have chosen that good portion, and it will not be taken away from you. Put down your work when I say so, is it not I who have appointed you to it? Yet, I have also appointed you to rest."

There was nothing to lose. God impressed a wilderness fast in my heart, not just a ‘food fast,’ but a ‘phone fast,’ a ‘friend fast,’ and a ‘world fast.’




My soul, find

rest in God - Athira Maria Somy

The World was moving fast, and little did we realize that it dragged our lives along. And suddenly, being brought to a standstill hit us hard. Would we have ever known that this was even possible? Would we have ever imagined that our lives could go slowly? It took us some time, but we’re still here. When I looked into my own life despite being locked in, I couldn’t sit still. Something in me yearned to keep moving, keep working. I started finding new things to do because this was how our lives functioned before. Fast life had become our normal, and slowing down was something we couldn’t comprehend. It just felt wrong to sit still. Here I am, probably many others too who feel they can’t and should not sit still, and God says, “Be still, and know that I am God” (Psalm 46: 10). So, please don’t take the importance of rest in our lives lightly

“Our God promises us rest. A rest that is not fleeting and temporary. A rest not just for our mortal bodies but our very soul.“ 12 EGM TIMES | ELOHIMGOSPELMINISTRIES.COM

Taking a break from our work, responsibilities is something that we as humans crave for. At least I know I did. But what does it mean to rest, to sit still? It is much more than having a good sleep, setting time aside for ourselves, or just taking a break! When God said, “Be still,” He didn’t end it there. He says, “know that He is God.” It is the time that we take to dwell in the presence of God, where we find God’s rest. God’s rest is entirely different from Human rest.


Our God who made the Heavens and the Earth and everything in it found it important to rest on the seventh day. A day of rest was God’s intention and his gift to us, his children. This Biblical commandment arises as a result, “Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy” (Exodus 20: 8). Sabbath or Shabbat is a day of rest, worship and fellowship that the Israelites have been following as it is one of the ten commandments that God laid out. He expects us to set aside a day to rest and by keeping it Holy, He means that we set aside this day by spending time with Him, meditating in His Word. Isn’t it amazing that even Jesus, when He was on Earth, took time aside to sit in the presence of His Father? Jesus Christ knew that His predestined time on Earth would be thirty-three years to fulfill His ministry. We do not see Jesus striving to do more than He ought to in His life. Jesus still found the time every day to sit in prayer and be in the Father’s presence. His way of living is so contrary to our own lives, not once do we see Jesus being in a hurry. It is so fascinating that Jesus did so much, yet never once was in a hurry. Don’t we often find ourselves doing more than we can take yet being left with that feeling that we couldn’t accomplish anything? Go to Jesus, seek Him and you will find rest. “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls”. (Matthew 11:28) Our God promises us rest. A rest that is not fleeting and temporary. A rest not just for our mortal bodies but also for our soul.


SUBSCRIBE Could it be that the Almighty God has brought a halt upon Earth, upon the people to stop and think? When we as inhabitants of this Earth are left speechless at what’s happening, with nowhere to turn to, the realization that our capabilities are just not enough. And so yes, I believe that it is the Almighty’s hand asking us to pause. Which one is greater? To accomplish our works on Earth and not work for Eternity or Even if everything fails, we know we have a home up in Heaven? Isn’t it such a grace that God would change the course of this world for me and you? To shift our eyes back to Him, to depend on Him. It is beyond belief to know that our God loves us so much that His reminders and gentle warnings are unignorable. True rest is found in none other but Jesus, when we dwell in God’s perfect will, not relying on ourselves. We find rest for our body, mind and soul because of the truth that the God of the Heavens loves us and He’s got us. As Charles H. Spurgeon so beautifully puts, “Lie passive in God's hands, And know no will but His.”




And the God who sustains will give you true rest.



- George Vilgi Oommen

The man who built


By the time Dr. Ravi Zacharias passed away, the last edition work was almost done. So, I reflect on Ravi’s life in this edition (better late than never!). If you haven’t watched the memorial service of Dr. Ravi Zacharias, I highly recommend watching it on the internet. The memorial service was a fitting farewell to the life welllived. In many ways, Ravi influenced millions of people around the globe through his four and a half decades of ministry. Ravi was born in the Southern state of India and grew up in the Northern part of India. He then migrated to Canada and later settled in the Southern part of the USA. He crisscrossed around the globe, answering some of the toughest questions of life defending the Gospel in some of the most hostile settings for Gospel. Because of the special anointing from God and rich experiences in life with different cultures, people and places, Ravi could easily have a dialogue with anyone he met. Ravi built bridges. The Bridge between the Head and the Heart He gave logical reasoning for Biblical faith. He explained why Gospel is the Truth and Jesus is the only savior. Throughout the ministry, he focused on the mission of RZIM – Making the believers think and the thinkers believe.


The Bridge between Cultures - Having lived in the East and the West, he was able to relate to people with respect to their culture. Many times, it is a struggle for people doing ministry in different places. But Ravi did it with ease. The Bridge between generations – Even though he was more than seventy years old, he was able to minister to people from different generations. He was a regular speaker at Passion conference held every year in Atlanta, Georgia, where the entire crowd would be school and college students. He stayed relevant to the current world scenarios and understood the issues faced by the younger generation.


I want to end by sharing a personal attempt I made to hear from Ravi. I still remember the Sunday evening I attempted to meet Dr. Ravi Zacharias in Hyderabad a few years ago. My friend and I were excited to go to the church far from us on that Sunday evening. We went there around 5 pm to hear from Dr. Zacharias. Due to the large crowd, we couldn’t enter the street. Even though the meeting was scheduled to start at 7 PM, many people already occupied the church and the surroundings. With great sadness, we left the place, unable to attend the service. Since then, it was always my desire to attend a live sermon by Ravi. Now I know it won't be possible. Personally, he inspired me and shaped my perspectives in many ways. Rest well, Raviji. You will be greatly missed. #ThankYouRavi EGM TIMES | ELOHIMGOSPELMINISTRIES.COM 09

REST - Niangneih Kim


often think about the people most affected by COVID-9, the migrant workers and the people who are trapped in abusive families. I could not help but wonder why; why this is happening to them? Don’t they already suffer much in life? This thought has kept me awake most of the nights. On top of that, I have a lot of personal anxieties; one of the most recent ones was our university’s Summer Internship program. Most of my classmates have started working since the first week of this month. As for me, nothing seemed to be working out! I am a very organized person, and to say this is mentally torturous is an understatement. I spoke to a few friends about my struggle with frustration and restlessness because of the delayed internship. This was where the miracle started happening. One friend’s reply was like a breath of fresh air. He said to me, “It’s okay to be scared and restless, that means you are serious about it, but always remember that even when your plans don’t materialize, take it as an opportunity to understand God’s plan for you.” I wasn’t fully convinced, but I said, “Let me give it a try.” That night I knelt and gave myself completely to Him, and I could instantly feel my burdens being lifted. Finally, I received confirmation for my internship on 17th July, which is quite late, but who can question God’s timing? The waiting was hard, but given the lesson I learned, it was worth it.


We all experience restlessness and tiredness in life, sometimes even to a point where it all seems like we can’t go on any further. And looking at things around us, life seems so unfair. There is ample empirical evidence of the plight of migrant workers and realizing how little we can do for them causes a deep sense of guilt and it bruises our heart and crushes our soul. This adds up to the already messy life we have been dealing with. We get frustrated because we are restless. We are restless because we are frustrated about certain things we can’t control and, it seems like we are trapped in this vicious cycle of thoughts. But here is the crux of the story - these overwhelming emotions are part of God’s greater design to perfect us. The Israelites weren’t stranded in the desert for 40 years for no reason. C.S Lewis in “The Problem of Pain” aptly stated, “Those 40 years of isolation in the desert says almost everything about “how” God loves us. Love is perfecting the beloved, not just being kind as not to hurt person’s feelings.” This is how God loves us, perfecting us through our pain. Think about an artist trying to perfect her art. How can we understand that water quenches thirst without being thirsty first? How can we understand the importance of resting in God without first experiencing some uneasiness? Even Jesus went through all these phases and he overcame because he knew who the source of rest and comfort is. Therefore, he understands us.

The story doesn’t end here. Jesus promised rest to those who run to him (Mat.11:28) But does this rest guarantee freedom for all our fears, pains and doubts? Definitely not! Jesus himself said that in this world we would have troubles. (John 16:33) Again, does this nullify the act of resting on God? Not at all! Because we were promised “peace.” The kind of peace the world cannot give (John 14:27). Isn’t it amazing that Jesus didn’t guarantee us happiness or successful life? He gave us the gift of peace because He knows we live in a fallen and broken world where Satan rules. Learning how to rest in God is a conscious choice that we need to make every day. Resting in God will give us peace in the midst of our busy and hectic schedules and the unfairness and injustice we see all around us. Therefore, let us learn to rest in God because His presence is the best resting place. He is our rest!

“Therefore, let us learn to rest in God because His presence

is the best resting place.

He is our rest!”


love Let all that you do be done in




Here he quotes, Jesus’ call unto all men, for a promised rest in Matthew 11:28,29 Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.

- Lionel Joseph

Being at rest means to remain at peace, feeling of calmness and relaxation. In musical notation, it’s the absence of sound, absence of ebbs and flows. Isn’t life filled with noises, ebbs and flows that we wish ‘Rest in peace’ to people who have run and finished their earthly race. Rest is heavenly; it’s synonymous with Paradise. How can we experience the same divine rest, while living on this earth? On his blindness, John Milton - Has a thought in mind when blindness struck him, whether God would demand him to use his given talents & gifts for His glory, having switched off the light of his life. Then he gets his reply - God doesn’t need our work and the gifts he gave us, but he does want us to bear his mild yoke, serve him with our best and rest while thousands of angels serve us without rest. “God doth not need Either man’s work or his gifts. Who best Bear his mild yoke, they serve him best. His state Is kingly; thousands at his bidding speed And post o’er land and ocean without rest.”


God never expects supernatural things from us. All He expects of us is to bear his mild yoke, to be bound with him, to walk with Him and do His will. This will be our rest. Jews of the time were yoked together with the law, and walking in it and the law wasn’t justifying them or leading them up to the righteousness (Romans 8:1-4). If we read continuously into Matthew 12, we can see how Jesus differentiates the literal Sabbath rest they were following diligently to the rest he is offering. Jesus calls them to be yoked with Him and walk with Him to get rest for their souls. His yoke doesn't demand anything from man, but expects man to walk with Him, rest assured that He is with him.


God leading the children of Israel to the promised land of Canaan, is an archetype to He leading us to our promised rest. Moses was apprehensive on Mount Sinai; he asks God in Exodus:33:12 - You have been telling me, ‘Lead these people,’ but you have not let me know whom you will send with me. God who sent Aaron, the previous time when Moses asked the same question, says this time, “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.” (Exodus: 33:14) The children of Israel, didn’t go on a different way than which God had shown them, from the bitter waters of Marah, the huge walls of Jericho, the overflowing Jordan, to the giants of Canaan, they all went the same way. The way which seemed easier and a way of rest to Joshua and Caleb, looked the opposite to others. The difference is that, while the children of Israel were busy seeing the obstacles, Joshua and Caleb were able to see the God who is with them and we're at complete rest, for they had already inherited Canaan through faith!.

When we walk with Him in his ways, He will always give us rest & peace no matter whatever be the obstacle. It could be the same way which we walked before, filled with hurdles and obstacles but just like he was able to make the bitter waters of water sweet, God will turn bitter experiences, sweet and let no worry beset us.

“His yoke doesn't demand anything from man but expects man to walk with Him, rest assured that He is with him”

We see in Psalms 95:8-11, the psalmist refers to the situation where God is angry with the children of Israel and declares that they won’t enter His rest and warns all of us not to harden our hearts like them that we might enter His rest. St. Paul while writing to the Jews, quotes this psalm and writes that this rest doesn't just denote the Canaan that your forefathers were promised but a rest that is still relevant today (Hebrews: 4)

When Civilla D Martin was sick in bed, she and her husband were doing the work of God together, her husband had a preaching assignment that sunday. He considered dropping the plan to stay and take care of his wife, but then his son said if God wants you to do His work today, then won’t he take care of mom. This inspired her to write the beautiful hymn - God will take care of you,

Through days of toil when heart doth fail, God will take care of you! When dangers fierce your path assail, God will take care of you! No matter what may be the test, God will take care of you! Lean, weary one, upon His breast, God will take care of you! When we see the dangers, toils, thorns and briers on our way to promised rest, we stumble, But when we look unto our God, who is with us in all these ways and is powerful to change the circumstances we can experience Heaven on earth!





As much as I love the word structure, I am beginning to detest it. I think that humans became obsessed with the structure to find easier ways of doing things. Structures bring in order, increases productivity, and at times help increase effectiveness. But the structures that exist all around us have somehow crept into us, which is the biggest tragedy. It not only gives us default options of how to do things but also dictates how we think and understand life events and ideas. Our walk with Jesus is no exception. 28 EGM TIMES | ELOHIMGOSPELMINISTRIES.COM

Could I ask, when was the last time you were amazed by the person and work of Jesus? When was the last time you were in awe of the Cross of Calvary and the forgiveness it offers? The hope of resurrection. The promise of eternal life. The fact that God is your Father. Moreover, the Son of God is your friend! You can talk to him about anything, literally anything that crosses your mind. The most incredible part is, God listens. He listens to all of it, including your rants.

But somehow, we are so caught up in the ways of thinking and doing that exist all around us and adopt this in our spiritual journey too. We use our structures in our Bible meditations, Church gatherings, and just in our walk with God and sink into monotony and passive existence. Jesus then becomes a religion safeguarded by some laws and rules- the very thing He came to redefine. Not only does this approach kills our joy, but it also inhibits us from learning or experiencing anything new. By this, I am not implying that we should let go of our logic or world understanding. But my sincere suggestion is that we should acknowledge the imperfections of our structures, and especially when it comes to Jesus, we ought to be aware that He is well beyond all that we understand and is capable of surpassing all our expectations. This is exactly why Paul is asking us to ‘not conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of our mind’ so that we would know ‘God’s good, pleasing and perfect will.’ Imagine how cool that is! Getting to know God’s good, perfect and pleasing will. It is knowing the heart of God. How great of a privilege for us who are flawed, broken, and full of sin! The irony also is, even after saying yes to Jesus, we can miss out on everything he has promised by succumbing to the patterns of this world. Here I would like to confess that I am born and brought up in a Christian family, and I have taken this privilege for granted countless times. But thankfully, God’s love never gives up on us. He pursues us intentionally with never-ending passion, and only eternity can tell us the intensity of it. The fact also is, we can only receive according to the space we have created in ourselves. And we can only see Jesus in the beauty, kindness and truth that He is, only if we are intentional about working on our stagnant definitions and perceptions. We might fail in this attempt, but if we are humble and open, He is faithful enough to give us strength and grace to work through the process.

Personally, I am on this journey of rediscovering Jesus. I am constantly questioning the differences between what I believe and what the Bible says. It definitely is not easy. But remembering that ‘He who started a good work in us is faithful enough to complete it,’ gives me great assurance that He is leading the process and I just need to be present. If you are someone who has said yes to Jesus but finds yourself in a rut or if you would like to try Jesus and see what it is, you are more than welcome to write to me. We could share our experiences and help each other rediscover the joy and hope found in the person of Jesus. But whatever it is, I hope that you give a good thought about your ways of thinking and what it is like being God’s friend. God bless.

Daya Raja, Bangalore Daya thinks it’s absolutely cool to be known by Jesus. She deeply appreciates nature, art and silence. Currently, she is pursuing Masters in Development in India. Her dream is to fall in love with Jesus and humanity every day. Daya can be reached at



FINAL WORD Dear friend,

Thank you for making it to the end of this edition of EGM Times. We believe you got a better understanding of taking a break and resting in God’s presence through this edition. No matter how busy you are in life, always make sure that you are available for God. If you are reading this and have not experienced God’s love and power, we encourage you to embrace His love – offered as salvation through Jesus Christ. If you have experienced this love before and have gone back from it, we urge you to come back to His love. There is nothing impossible for God to work in your life. We encourage you to experience this savior in your life. We at the EGM Times team would like to hear from you at See you in the next edition. God bless you!!! Team EGM Times




Jesus Christ


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