EGM Times Nov - Dec 2022

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Dear church, love more and more We, The Church Why Get Involved? How we grow

to Christlikeness in a community

I didn’t know what church was

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Praise Jolaadura Ademola, Nigeria Kailee Sullivan, USA Mariann Lopera, Philippines Lakisha Johnson, USA

Praise is a final-year student at Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria- Nigeria. She is a visual artist and Christian storyteller who loves to weave inspiring stories and poems that cover man’s daily activities in a way that helps believers and non-believers see God in every aspect of human life. She founded a social media page called God Give Us Christian Homes (GGUCHs), where she shares Bible-prompted teachings and prayers concerning family and the home. She lives with her mum, two brothers and two dogs in Kaduna, Nigeria.

Kailee, a novelist –blogger – influencer, is the founder of SWAGG Devotions and The Luminescent Writer. She has a heart for caring for and encouraging teens in their relationship with Jesus. Kailee’s also passionate about helping women see and use their strength and potential for God’s glory. Striving to honor Jesus in everything, she views life as an adventurous mission. Kailee lives in North Carolina with her parents and brother. Connect with Kailee on TikTok –@the_luminescent_writer, Instagram – @swagg_devotions or @the_luminescent_wrter, or through her website –

Mariann Lopera is a Filipino Christian blogger who started her blog‘She Writes For Jesus’, in 2017. She writes encouraging content, Biblical reflections, and blogs that encourage people to love and read the Word of God. When she started her online ministry, she didn’t know that God would use that platform to open doors for her to speak and share her story with a larger audience outside her platform. She never thought she would be qualified on any of these, but she believes that nothing can stop anyone whom God calls.

Lakisha Johnson is an ordained minister and Christian Fiction author who carries God’s mantle and faithfully fulfills the assignment in her life to teach and transform. Lakisha believes in building a healthy relationship with God over dedication and devotion to religion. She also believes our relationship with God can be strong, everlasting, and intimate through studying God’s word, prayer, fasting, faith and works. Lakisha has seen the evidence of what serving God can do and this is why she unapologetically shares Him with others.




All Bible references are from New International Version, English Standard Version, New Living Translation, King James Version. EGM Times is published by Elohim Gospel Ministries, USA & India. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. EGM Times has no subscription price and is supported through contributions worldwide. Because all EGM Times editions are preplanned, we are unable to accept unsolicited manuscripts. For more information or to subscribe, visit:

President: Evg. Jacob Vilgi Oommen

Chief Editor: George Vilgi Oommen

Associate Editor: Gideon Pingkihan

Content Editor: Effie Ochago

EGM Media

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Why Get
Dear church, love more and
Church I didn’t know what church was Life in between 09 22 14 25 28 Daya Raja
Involved? How we grow to Christlikeness in a community
Praise Jolaadura Ademola Kailee Sullivan Mariann Lopera Lakisha Johnson
18 Confident Answers
“Faith does not operate in the realm of the possible. There is no glory for God in that which is humanly possible. Faith begins where man's power ends.”



Another eventful year is coming to an end. On January 1st of this year, I thought this would be a year of recovery. Recovery from the effects of a pandemic that gripped the world for the past two years. But I got it wrong. We saw a year of war, hunger, inflation and an energy crisis. And the world talked a lot about end times (much discussion happened around Armageddon). While I don’t know what the next year will look like, I am thankful to God for each day of life. I hope you are also grateful to God for being alive one more year on this planet.

I am happy to share the theme of this edition – The Church. The Church is a unique plan by God for His children. On the day of Pentecost, the church was founded. Even after many centuries, the Church plays a central role in bringing people closer to God and walking in His ways. Each member of the church is responsible for representing Jesus in this world. The Church is a place of Hope, Prayer, Healing, Fellowship and the list goes on. We have four writers sharing different perspectives about the church in this edition. We will also have a second part for this theme next year.

We pray that this edition will be a blessing in your life. Happy reading. God bless you.



The church began on the day of Pentecost, fifty days after the festival of Passover, when Jesus died and resurrected. The book of Acts gives a brief overview of the beginning of the church and its miraculous growth by the power of the Holy Spirit.



"Good afternoon, Samuel's mother! How are you doing today?" Margaret (not a real name) greeted cheerfully.

Samuel's mother (not a real name) looked at her skeptically, "Do I know you?"

"Yes, we go to the same chapel" "I'm sorry, I don't know you"

"But we've said 'hi' a couple of times..." "I said I don't know you!" she retorted forcefully and walked away.

Margaret was embarrassed as she narrated with resignation: "I'm never speaking to that woman again!"


Today’s Church has grown distant; not only outside but within the denominational walls, ranks and cliques we have structured for ourselves. The body of Christ has become dismembered. The left leg no longer recognizes the right leg, nor does the hand acknowledge the eye. Especially in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, the new church has become so different from the old. No one knows anybody's home. No one recognizes the needs of others outside the church. This lack of familiarity between Margaret and Samuel's mother is a common issue today.

The church is the universal name for Christiansa closely unified community of believers in Christ. The Bible frequently uses ”the body of Christ” to refer to the church. Another phrase used to refer to individual body members is ‘brothers and sisters’. While Jesus is the head of the body, everyone who believes in Him forms part of His body. This signifies, in other words, the union of Christ (the head of the church) and the body (brothers and sisters in the church). Whatever role we play, distinct or otherwise, we are all members of the same body.

Two substances (amongst many but commonly absent) make up the church which translates the church's essence: 1.Christ and 2.Fellowship with the brethren.

Let's revisit the first mention of the church in the book of Matthew 16:18, where Jesus said, "…Upon this rock, I will build my Church"; this means that whichever medium Christ chooses to use, he will see to the building and edification of the church personally (somewhat like the hiring manager in a company).

In our world, members of a group or party do not necessarily love each other, but they are bound by loyalty to a unified interest and goal. However, in Christ, we have a better advantage because we fellowship. In the story of the slave girl and Naaman in 2 Kings 5, the slave girl was, without question, loyal to her mistress and her loyalty ended in her servitude. However, she had a good fellowship with her mistress. That was why she went beyond loyalty and told her mistress about Elisha, which led to the cleansing and healing of Naaman. Fellowship is a form of companionship that involves caring and sharing with one another. Fellowship also proffers solutions to problems.

1 Corinthians 12:27, says: “…All of you together are the one body of Christ, and each one of you is a separate and necessary part of it.” There is mutuality in the body. We are vessels of God’s plan through our various gifts. One person cannot have the common knowledge of all. Individual members contribute to the common good and the unified role of making disciples of nations (Matthew 28:19).

“The body of Christ has become dismembered. The left leg no longer recognizes the right leg nor does the hand acknowledge the eye.”

The Bible prescribes these methods of fellowship:

1.Coming together (Hebrews 10:25)

2.Serving one another in love (Galatians 5:13)

3.Providing for the needs of one another (James 2:14-27)

4.Encouraging and edifying each other in Christ (Colossians 3:16-17)

5.Being your brother’s keeper (Galatians 6:2)

6.Joyful continuity (Acts 2:46-47)

The devil preys on us to live in isolation from the church, but Christ desires to unite the present-day church into one body. There are many lone wolves in the church today, even in the midst of persecution; unbeknownst to them whatever we go through is common to man, whether in Bible times or in these times. Human beings are the same in ways, it’s mostly the physical environment that changes. Before the lone wolves in the church realize, depression sets in and they begin to look desperately for a way out that is often not God’s way. These are strategies of the devil.

Christ's plan for the church, however, is a glorious one. It is not limited to when we meet Him face-to-face but here on earth also. In Ephesians 5:26-27, Jesus gave Himself up out of love for the church: “to make her holy and clean, washed by baptism and God’s Word; so that he could give her to himself as a glorious church without a single spot or wrinkle or any other blemish, being holy and without a single fault.”

Christ's love for the church is a well that will never taste bland but grows sweeter with time, like the wine miracle at Cana. Following the Living Word of true fellowship with the brethren, we will cripple the ‘lovelessness’ in our present day. I conclude with Paul’s admonition in 1 Thessalonians 4:9-10: “But concerning the pure brotherly love that there should be among God’s people, I don’t need to say very much, I’m sure! For God Himself, is teaching you to love one another. Indeed, your love is already strong toward all the Christian brothers throughout your whole nation. Even so, dear friends, we beg you to love them more and more”. Shalom.



Church – one big family

On August 2015, I moved from Florida to Ohio as a stranger. I moved to this state without knowing anyone - no friends, no family. But soon, I started attending a church. And... I got a new home, new family, new friends!

I have been attending this church for almost eight years now and am glad to be here. This is not the first time such a thing happened to me. I have been privileged to live in different cities throughout my life (to be exact, seven cities in two countries). And in each new place, a Church welcomed me with open arms and became a part of my life.

This is the beauty of the church. No matter where we go, a church filled with brothers and sisters in Christ awaits us. Even though the members of the Church are spread across the world, speaking different languages, residing in different countries and are from different cultures, we all are redeemed by the blood of Jesus. We all have the same heavenly father.

When Jesus ascended to heaven, the disciples were left alone. In many ways, it’s a scary situation. Their best friend, teacher and prayer partner left them after spending around three and a half years. But on the day of Pentecost, Holy Spirit came upon them. Then the Church was founded. The fellowship with each other and the Holy Spirit revived them in a profound way. They were living as one big family. Sharing and caring for each other (some of them sold all their assets and shared with each other!). The first-century church is a great model for us to follow.

The church is a great gift from God. Like a family, it helps us to learn, grow and have a closer walk with God. Next time when you walk into your church, remember – it’s a great privilege to be a part of it. All the people in your church are your brothers and sisters in Christ. You are part of one BIG FAMILY!



This might be hard to swallow, but there’s something that we must acknowledge. Some of the church, the family of God, isn’t acting much like a loving family.

The cause for this can be different. For some, they hold firmly to opinions and views that don’t align with the Bible. For others, it’s the fact that favoritism has spread throughout the congregation or that friend groups within the church exclude newcomers. Additional reasons are lack of desire to connect on a deep level and viewing Christianity as a culture – instead of a relationship with Jesus.

All these problems create a disconnect between us, a poor display of God’s love, and can stunt our spiritual growth. Nevertheless, we have hope for the restoration of our family through Jesus.


The Bible describes how the church should operate as a family of God. James 2:1-7 and Colossians 4:7-10 are examples of how churches should be welcoming everyone. Whether it’s to the homeless, missionaries, newcomers, or anyone else, God calls us to welcome them warmly and be hospitable.

Hebrews 10:24 says we should figure out how to “…stir up one another to love.” We need to encourage others to be more loving while listening to how we could love better. In verse 25, we’re told to continue to meet up. Sometimes, it’s hard to meet up in person, and we should strive to do so when we can. Besides, technology has created opportunities to get together at almost any time.

Paul, in Colossians 3:15, tells us to live in peace with each other. It’s easy to get annoyed with others, but God told us to let Christ’s peace rule our hearts.

John 13:35 records Jesus commanding us to love one another, for it’s how we’re identified as His followers. When we don’t treat others kindly, it causes people to question why someone would want to be a Christian.

At the beginning of Romans 12, Paul compares the church to a body. Just as body parts have different needs and abilities, so do the members of God’s family. We need each member, and one is not better than another.

To be more like the church God intended, we need to:

One, Connect with others deeply. This is the key factor in treating other Christians like family. We get a glimpse at others’ struggles and maybe even a hidden fun side. We must make an effort to do this, reach out and be willing to accept invitations to connect.

Two, Treat everyone with respect. We’re all created by God and loved by Him so much that He died for us, so the least we can do is respect one another, including through disagreements and differences.

Three, Help each other do good. Life is too hard, oppressive, and exhausting on our own; we need authentic support, wisdom, and maybe even physical help from others to live a God-honoring life.

Four, Speak Scriptures over each other. There’s no better encouragement, compliment, or advice than what the Word of God holds – let it fill our conversations.

Five, Choose love over jealousy, pride, fighting, revenge, hate, or unforgiveness. Celebrate, be humble, stay calm, choose peace, serve, forgive – show who Jesus is by being loving.

Six, Do everything in gentleness. The power of gentleness to create a welcoming atmosphere and care for people in a way that makes them feel secure is unmatched.


Stay away from;

Focusing only on your local church – All people who follow Jesus form one body and one church. We’re all in this together.

Caring more about doing great things than loving others – Jesus didn’t say by doing amazing things, which through the Holy Spirit we can, we’ll prove that we’re His disciples. But, loving each other is what proves it.

Going to church or doing things without a passion for Jesus – This is being lukewarm, we haven’t turned away from living for Jesus, but we’re not burning with passion for Him either.

I’ve experienced how God intends His children to treat each other. As a child, I suffered a traumatic brain injury – a brain bleed and skull fractures. I had to be taken in a helicopter to a larger hospital. The doctors didn’t think that I’d make it and especially not without brain surgery. However, my parents sent out a request for prayer. The next morning my bleed was gone and I didn’t even need surgery. The doctor who told us this even acknowledged that it was a miracle from God.

This is what the church is truly about! Coming together in unity, having mercy and compassion, sharing others’ troubles, praying for each other, and doing things that honor God. It’s time to acknowledge our struggles and commit to being a loving member of God’s family.



Effie, oh how we all have asked this question at some point in our lives! No matter how further down the line in our Christian journey we may be, we still grapple with sin. Oftentimes our struggle with sin is more frequent than we wish it were. I think this doubt creeps back in because with each passing day, we see how fallen our sinful nature is in contrast to the holiness of God. So Effie, I want to invite you and all the readers to join me as we learn (maybe even relearn!) the assurance of God’s unconditional love.

This world gives us a distorted view of what love is. The view is so distorted that when we try and conceptualise what true love must be, we end up drawing up something that seems out of this world. But maybe that is because love in its truest form is really out of this world. C S Lewis famously said, “If I find in myself desires which nothing in this world can satisfy, the only logical explanation is that I was made for another world.” (1) Isn’t it fascinating that the most wholesome description of true love is found in the Bible, penned by a former persecutor when Paul said,

“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonour others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails… And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.” ( 1 Corinthians 13: 4-8,13)

Isn’t it profound that the Bible says God is love (1 John 4:16)! If this is the case, then that means the description in 1 Corinthians 13 is what we will find in God’s nature and since He is unchanging (Malachi 3:6, James 1:17) we can confidently trust His nature and His love always! And who else can love us like this true love but God? If love keeps no record of wrongs but always protects and never fails, then is that not more than enough reason to run to God at any time?

(1) C S Lewis, Mere Christianity, pg 137


Since God knows that the pangs of this sinful world will inject the poison of fear and deceit into our hearts and make us doubt God’s love, He provided the greatest display of His unconditional love — the Cross. He showed us what unconditional love really is — we were loved by God when we hated God (Romans 5:8). As Matt Maher sang “You blessed those who cursed You You loved those who hated You


the cross You died for me”(2)

The power of the Cross that ushered in God’s love is stronger than any force that could ever raise its head in arrogance against the Almighty. Paul unambiguously shouts out that not even hell can separate us from God’s love (Romans 8:38). The protective power of God’s love is so powerful that the strongholds of sin are rendered powerless. What could possibly snatch us away, make God indifferent to me or even make Him hate me (Psalms 5:11-12)! If Christ’s death two thousand years ago could cleanse and redeem you and me two thousand years later, then isn’t His sacrifice capable enough to cleanse me for the rest of my life? If my sinful state and rebellion didn’t hold back His unrelenting love from pursuing me before I was saved, would His love give up now? This is the unwavering assurance we have about what God has done for us. But there’s more.

The moment we accepted Christ as our Lord and Saviour, we invited the Holy Spirit to rule in our hearts and take the permanent seat within us. We moved out of darkness into His glorious light. We are now His children (Ephesians 1:5, 1 John 3:1). The sole reason we have this privilege is because the Holy Spirit resides in the heart of the believer and we are endowed with the undeserving privilege of being co-heirs with Christ.

“The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children. Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ,” (Romans 8:16,17)

Does all this mean that we should never expect sin to be found in our Christian life? No, not at all! Even Paul testifies to the constant struggle he feels in his body with the tug of the world (Romans 7:25). But Paul and all the saints who went before us press on unto the crown that awaits us. The onus is on us to keep our sights fixed on our glorious redeemer and keep pushing. My mentor once told me, “Christian life on earth is about progression and not perfection.” The enemy is hard at work to deflect our trajectory and lie to us that we are not children of God or heirs to God. He wants us to think that our sins are greater than the Cross. He wants us to think that our High Priest, who sympathises with us, has given up on us. Let us not give heed to that liar! He has been disarmed by our Father and now God is enthroned in our hearts. As Scripture calls us,


Clean Heart by Matt Maher


“... let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. …Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.” (Hebrews 12:1-3)

As Horatio Spafford sang, “Though Satan should buffet, though trials should come Let this blest assurance control That Christ has regarded my helpless estate And has shed His own blood for my soul”([(3) It Is Well With My Soul by Horatio Spafford])

Yes, It is well with my soul. Take heart Effie!

SAFT Apologetics is a web-based Christian initiative that aims to equip the believer defend their faith so that they may effectively evangelise. We incessantly work towards fulfilling our God-given Vision to break the language and accessibility barrier and make apologetics resources within easy reach for all communities in India and beyond. This strive towards apologetics-driven evangelism that began through the bi-weekly SAFT Podcast has expanded into a dedicated conference wing (The Areopagus Project) and extended in-depth ministry partnerships within and beyond India. From dialoguing with the world's leading scholars to producing original content, we are creating an online library for the sceptic, believer, expert, and layman with an invitation to all to seek answers so that they find the truth.'



Why Get Involved?

How we grow to Christlikeness in a community

Getting involved in the church was the least of my priorities when I was starting my Christian walk. I was a regular attendee in the begining. Being an introvert, it was challenging to connect with other believers. Every Sunday, I’d go to a church service, then leave immediately after the service because I was shy. I thought that being involved in the church was only an option and at that time, being a new believer, I was doing fine on my own. I was growing in the Word and learning from it, I was growing in my faith, and I knew that my relationship with God was getting deeper.

Looking back today, I realize that I had a misconception about the purpose of getting involved in a church, I thought that it was about what would benefit me instead of what I could give them. The problem was that I didn’t know how God designed the church, I was just relying on my definition of what church was and that resulted in me thinking that getting involved was just another activity that would waste my time and effort.

“We may think that we can do it alone like I once did, but sooner or later we will need our fellow sisters and brothers in Christ to function well and grow in Christ.”

Thankfully, it didn’t take too long before God humbled me and corrected my thoughts about the church. During those times I felt like I had something to share– my learnings, devotions, prayers, and struggles, but I had no one to share these things with. Then as I was reading Acts in my Bible and saw how important the church was in the life of every believer, I started to open myself in the church and get involved with the fellowship. And I must admit that in doing so, I found myself growing in the faith even more and I have learned many things that I would never learn if I would do it alone.

There are things really that we can never do alone, and one of them is doing church.

In the Bible, the church was described as a body of Christ. The church is the people of God, all members of one body, and Christ is the head. In Romans 12:5, Paul explains that “so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another.” In 1 Corinthians 12:12, Paul says, “For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ.” Just as our bodies need individual parts to function well, so it is with the church. We may think that we can do it alone like I once did, but sooner or later we will need our fellow sisters and brothers in Christ to function well and grow in Christ.

As a member and volunteer in our church, here are some of the things that God taught me through fellowship that increased my fruitfulness as a Christian:

Loving one another. Jesus commands in John 13:34-35, “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this, all people will know that you are my disciples if you have love for one another.”

Being inside the church, even in a small group, we will see how the people we are journeying with are just as imperfect as us. The church is not composed of people who have it all together. Rather we are all broken people who need God’s grace. This is why we can expect disagreements, hurt, offence, and other challenges inside the church. However, this becomes the perfect place where we can exercise love like Jesus, forgive like Jesus, and give the same grace that we need from God every day. This way, we prove to the world that we are indeed His disciples.

Growing and sharing our gifts. As members of one body, we are given different functions, different gifts that we can use to serve one another as we glorify God.

1 Peter 4:10 says, “As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace” We received our gifts so that we can use them for blessing the church.

As a result of being faithful and using our gifts, they will grow and improve over time. We may feel that our gifts are not yet good enough, but as we say yes to the opportunities of using them, God will cause them to flourish.

Accountability. Being alone and isolated from the church can make us vulnerable to sin. Remember that not all sins are visible, for example, pride. We cannot always see what is wrong with us. This is why we must be accountable to people with the same faith so that they can correct us, rebuke us, and give us the counsel that we need. Remember, “The ear that listens to life-giving reproof will dwell among the wise.” Proverbs 15:31

God called you to belong and be in a community. Don’t miss the joy and the growth that comes with being connected in the church.


Gifts Of Distraction


I didn’t know what church was

Some years ago, while sitting in church, something dawned on me. I had no idea what church truly was. Sure, I’d been raised in a church - and took my role as a “churchgoer” well. I dressed like church people, sometimes spoke, and sang like them but I had no clue of the true meaning of church. I knew it was the building where we gathered on Sundays for worship, Mondays for Bible Study, and some weekdays for revival. It was where I sent my children to a children’s church, Vacation Bible School, and choir rehearsal. It was the place we fellowshipped on the first Saturday of every month for Prayer Breakfast. Yet, if asked, I couldn’t give a definitive definition of the true meaning of the church.

“Our devotion shouldn’t be where we worship, but who we worship.”

What I did know, what was happening inside this place was influential in my life, and I needed it. More importantly, because I needed it, I had to understand its meaning or risk not getting what my spirit cravedGod. So, I began to read Acts, in the Bible, and the book, ‘Revolution: The Early Church’ by Gene Edwards. It was then I realized church isn’t the building, it’s what the Greeks call an Ecclesia (Ekklēsia) or a gathering of those unified in their beliefs.

See, an architect can design the building, a construction crew can handle the functional aspects of crafting the building, an inspector can give his approval of the building, an interior designer can decorate the building, but it’s still just a building. It matters not how fancy the wainscoting, the color of the hardwood floors or carpet, the plushness of the pews, or the size of the altar, fellowship hall and pulpit if it’s missing God, God’s Spirit, and the assembly of His people. A Church is more than a building. The Church is a community of people led by their devotion to the person or things which dwells in the building.

A person who loves their job enough to drive an hour each way, every day, isn’t dedicated to the building. Their devotion is to the one who occupies it.

For Christians, this is what the church should mean to us. Our devotion shouldn’t be where we worship, but who we worship. In Acts, the people didn’t have buildings. In fact, many gave up their possessions and homes. Acts two, verses 42 through 47, tells us, “All the believers devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching, and to fellowship, and to sharing in meals (including the Lord’s Supper), and to prayer. A deep sense of awe came over them all, and the apostles performed many miraculous signs and wonders. And all the believers met together in one place and shared everything they had. They sold their property and possessions and shared the money with those in need. They worshiped together at the Temple each day, met in homes for the Lord’s Supper, and shared their meals with great joy and generosity, all the while praising God and enjoying the goodwill of all the people. And the Lord added to their fellowship each day those who were being saved.”


The Church is us, a body of believers who are united by our commonality of Christ and beliefs. (1 Corinthians 3:17). The Church is also a meeting place for the encouragement of one another. (Hebrews 10: 24-25). The Church is a hospital for the sinful sick and wounded to be made well. (James 5:14). The Church is a safe place for the downtrodden and lost trying to find their way. The Church is a haven for the abandoned. The Church is a school to teach and equip the saints for the work of ministry, and the edifying of the body of Christ (Ephesians 4:11-13). The Church is a dwelling place for God by the spirit. (Ephesians 2:20-22).

The Church is where we fellowship, but it isn’t where we stay. It’s like your favorite café. A smile fills your face when you walk in because you like being in this place. It makes you feel good, and it just happens to serve what you need. You look around at others who’ve gathered there because you recognize, you each have something in common. Then after you get your fill of what you came for, you bid the café farewell until the next time while taking with you the experience, and maybe some leftovers, to share with someone else. Oh, and there’s a sign on the door that reads, please come again. This is the church.

“The Church is where we fellowship, but it isn’t where we stay.”

The Invitation to Sit

Another year has gone by- quickly for some of us and painstakingly slow for some others. Forgiveness, bitterness, accomplishments, loss, conflicts, joy, applause, grief, great moments of faith, hours of doubt, heartbreaks and kindness that mend it- we all have walked through at least some of it. And God, in His extravagant mercy and kindness, was with us through it all.

But the pertinent question here is, over the past year, how many times did we sit down with Jesus? By sitting down, I do not mean the hurried prayer or church gatherings. I mean the heart-to-heart, honest posture of letting Jesus see us, taking the time to just sit with Jesus and letting him hold us. It is not the seemingly projected Christian prayers but the acknowledgement of the state of our hearts-tired, broken, and dirty. The coexistence of the desire to love well and the selfish nature that stops it, the desire to forgive completely and the secret hunger to take revenge, the desire to obey God and the fear that creeps in. It is to be like Paul and confess, “For in my inner being I delight in God’s law; but I see another law at work in the members of my body… What a wretched man I am!” (Romans 7: 23,24)


This is the natural response to seeing Jesus and being with Him. We see Isaiah also going through a similar experience when he saw God on the throne. (Isaiah 6: 5) It awakens our conscience and shows us the reality of our hearts. Jesus is not merely better than us, He is flawless, the holy and perfect being.

The greatness is, though He is incomparable and the most beautiful reality there is, He is also the meekest. Even after ‘knowing that all things are under His power and that He had come from God and was returning to God, ... He poured water into a basin and began to wash his disci ples’ feet.’ (John 13: 3-5) Just before one of the most painful and darkest moments in human history, He chose to serve.

His heart is still the same. One of the greatest privileges of being the disciples of Christ is this invitation to sit and be served by him. In fact, one of the toughest too. Sitting would mean letting him see through our hearts and stretching out our feet would mean being open about the places we have walked through and the bruises and the dirt that we carry. With every touch of His, our hearts come to a consensus with our reality and as His mercy and kindness rain on us- ego, pride and dishonesty begin to fall away. In this encounter, we realize that God is enough and always has more than enough for our needs. It is in this place where we are transformed into his likeness.

Once we let him tend to our needs, we become more inclined to see the needs of others. When we have an experience of the Lord of Lords cleaning our dirty feet, it becomes a little easier to serve and let go of things we hold dear in the interest of others. Anything valuable that we would ever do or be in our walk with Jesus comes from this intimate place of being held, cared for and loved by God himself. So won’t you pull up a chair and sit with Him? God bless.

Daya Raja, Bangalore Daya thinks it’s absolutely cool to be known by Jesus. She deeply appreciates nature, art and silence. Her dream is to fall in love with Jesus and humanity every day. Daya can be reached at

“One of the greatest privileges of being the disciples of Christ is this invitation to sit and be served by him. In fact, one of the toughest too.”

Final Word

Dear friend,

Thank you for making it to the end of this edition. We believe you got new insights about the Church. We pray that this edition will help you to be involved more in your church and walk closer with God.

If you are reading this and have not experienced the love and power of God, we encourage you to embrace His love – offered as salvation through Jesus Christ. In His unending affection for us, God has a lot in store for your life and longs to have you as part of His family. We also encourage you to rededicate your life to God if you were born again but drifted away from the call. Make the following prayer and accept Jesus as your savior:

“Lord Jesus, I come before you today. I acknowledge that I am a sinner, and my sins have separated me from you. Today, I believe that you are the son of God and that you had me in mind when you got crucified and died. I believe that you are resurrected and seated at the right hand of the Father. I accept you today as my Lord and savior. Thank you for paying the price for my eternal redemption. I am now the righteousness of God in Christ. I now ask you to fill me with your spirit. Amen.”

Congratulations on surrendering or rededicating your life to God. You are now a new creation in Christ. We encourage you to join a family of believers (church) in your area, and we pray that you get established in your faith through studying the word by the grace of God.

We at the EGM Times team love you and would like to hear from you. Send your feedback, comments, and constructive criticism to See you in the next edition.

God bless you!!!

Team EGM Times

memory lane

On December 14 2012, Elohim Gospel Ministries was founded. This photo is from the moment of inauguration by Pastor T.S Matthew ten years ago at Bangalore, India. It was a humble beginning and God’s faithfulness was with EGM all these years.

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