EGM Times Sep - Oct 2021 Edition

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A Simple Invitation to Savor and See



Understanding Your Identity in Christ



Meditating on God’s Word



All Bible references are from New International Version, English Standard Version, New Living Translation, King James Version. EGM Times is published by Elohim Gospel Ministries, USA & India. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. EGM Times has no subscription price and is supported through contributions worldwide. Because all EGM Times editions are preplanned, we are unable to accept unsolicited manuscripts. For more information or to subscribe, visit:

President: Evg. Jacob Vilgi Oommen Chief Editor: George Vilgi Oommen Associate Editor: Gideon Pingkihan Content Editor: Effie Ochago Designer: John Udang


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EFFIE OCHAGO, NAIROBI Emily, EdS, is a former middle-school teacher turned stay-at-home mom and encourager. She believes we all hold a unique purpose for the season we are living in. She loves to write about the joys and challenges of being a wife, mom and Sister in Christ through the lens of God’s grace and goodness. She is the content creator and writer for “Meditations & Motherhood,” a blog that exists to be a beacon of hope for the hopeless. Emily lives just south of Atlanta, GA, with her husband Jonathan, two sons, and a 72-pound golden doodle.

Sarah is a speaker, podcaster, artist, and author. When she’s not reading over 100 books per year, Sarah enjoys painting, baking, gardening, and playing the flute. Her daily must-haves are hot tea, dark chocolate, and fresh flowers. She lives in southeast Missouri with her husband and three children. Sarah writes and speaks about finding peace in God’s Word at


Effie Ochago is the content editor at EGM Times. She enjoys writing and is currently pursuing a degree in Language and Communication at the University of Nairobi. She spends her free time listening to music and dancing.

“When you get to heaven, will you look back on this earth and regret how much treasure you laid up here instead of sending it on ahead to heaven?” - Pr. Robert Morris


Our team has been working the past months diligently to bring out this edition with an inspiring feature on Joni Eareckson Tada, the founder of the Joni and Friends organization. Working and learning her story challenged me in many ways. I am sure it will challenge you as well. Joni shares her heart with us in this edition. We are thankful to Joni and Friends for allowing us to share their story. We also have inspiring articles from Emily, Sarah, and Effie sharing their thoughts from the word of God. As we were preparing this edition, my social media pages were filled with videos of people trying to escape from Afghanistan. While the world is moving to more chaos day by day, it is our responsibility to intercede for our fellow human beings. Let’s pray that the world will experience more peace and healing from the ongoing pandemic of Covid-19. Happy reading. Feel free to reach out to us at to share your feedback about this edition with us. God bless you. George Vilgi Oommen Chief Editor


God made clothes for Adam and Eve before sending them out of the garden of Eden. Genesis 3:21 (NIV), “The LORD God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife and clothed them.”

Jonie Eareckson Tada is the founder and CEO of Joni and Friends Ministries. She is a prominent voice in disability advocacy. In 1967, a diving accident left her a quadriplegic. However, God used her to start Joni and Friends, an organization dedicated to serving special-needs families around the world. President Reagan appointed Mrs. Tada to the National Council on Disability, then reappointed by President George H.W. Bush. Joni and her husband Ken were married in 1982. They live in Calabasas, California. Joni is sharing her experience with us in this edition.

Can you please share a brief history of the organization?

After the Joni movie was released in 1979, I began receiving thousands of letters from people around the world. All of them were looking for hope in their hardships. Many of these individuals had significant disabilities like mine. I wanted to be a good steward of this overwhelming interest from people. So in late 1979, I started Joni and Friends with a small grant from Billy Graham Evangelistic Association [BGEA] and another grant from World Vision [WV]. I was also very blessed that BGEA underwrote the salary of my Executive Assistant for a full year. The best part? Having a great Board of Directors who championed the cause for Christ among families living with disability. Their guidance and support from BGEA and WV got us off to a great start.

What inspired the vision behind the ministry?

Jesus says in Luke 14 to “go out, find the disabled, the lame and the blind, and bring them in…so that my Father’s house might be full.” Nowhere else does our Savior get more specific about who he wants to invite into the kingdom. But in this chapter, starting with verse 12, he makes it clear that we shouldn’t forget to reach out to the disabled, the lame, and the blind. He wants his Father’s house filled with people who are weak and struggling with limitations. So, the words of Christ himself provided all the inspiration we needed to start Joni and Friends.

For about 40 years, Joni and Friends Ministries have reached many people affected by disabilities around the world. What do you consider the most significant success of the ministry? I believe one of the greatest successes of Joni and Friends has been to help change the landscape of the church. In the last 40 years, the church has awakened to the importance of 1 Corinthians 12:22, that “the weaker members are indispensable.” And people with disabilities have helped create this seismic shift in the church’s thinking. For the most part, we are independent, self-sufficient, and quietly proud people – we forget that the Bible celebrates weakness; even the church forgets this. But God delights in pouring grace into broken vessels. It is often the cups with cracks that overflow with an abundance of peace and joy. The “weaker members are indispensable” insists I Corinthians 12:22. They are indispensable because God’s power shows up best through their weakness. So, if we want God’s power in our congregations, we need to celebrate those who are marginalized or disabled. Yes, we’ve made progress as a church – that’s because mercy ministries now have a more prominent place in church outreach. But I believe things will only turn around when we learn to view our weaknesses as keys to strength in the Kingdom. Oh, how I long for people to be blessed as they give their time and energy to embrace special-needs families. I’ve heard it said that access is having a ramp to the table; mainstreaming is having a seat at the table; inclusion is having a voice at the table; but embracing means that you are heard at the table. That’s my goal for the church!


Recently, the world has experienced unprecedented challenges caused by Covid 19. How did the pandemic impact the ministry? At the beginning of COVID in early 2020, Joni and Friends did an impact study on the needs of families with disabilities. We quickly saw that people overseas didn’t need wheelchairs. They needed food. They were being pushed off the lowest rung of the socioeconomic ladder and were in desperate need of basic supplies, including medical help. Our ministry went into overdrive and quickly established disability centers in these developing nations, calling them “Joni’s House.” These are centers of evangelism, discipleship, job skills training, medical advocacy, and food and hygiene kits distribution. It’s a wonderful way to demonstrate the love of Jesus, not only with words but with deeds. We just opened the first Joni’s Houses in El Salvador, Nepal, Uganda, and Thailand.


Statistics show that about 1 billion people around the world are living with disabilities. How can individuals and society at large support people affected by disabilities? If we need a model or an example of how we can support people living with disabilities, all we need to do is look to Jesus. On every page of the gospels, he is connecting one-on-one with those living with disabilities. That’s an example for us. Learn to look at the person behind the impairment; treat them as you would anyone else; get to know them, their hopes and dreams, ideals, and views; see people with disabilities as more than the sum of their impaired parts; view them and appreciate them beyond their disabilities. Follow the example of Jesus – learn their names, their needs and struggles, their prayer requests, and gifts and talents. Enter into relationships, friendships with people who have disabilities… and you will discover a blessing!

In your reflection on life, why did God choose Joni for this mission?

I believe my life forces people to ask themselves, “How can we live well now and help others do the same?” Always, always keep eternity in your crosshairs. Challenging life situations can only be interpreted in light of eternity where God will reward us for our perseverance, our patience and endurance, self-control, uncomplaining spirits, and hearts of gratitude. This is the stuff that will raise the wattage on Christ’s glory. So, every day, in every situation; in all circumstances, learn to say to yourself, “What does God think of this? How can my response honor him?” Because everything we do down here on earth, every response to tough challenges either increases or diminishes our eternal estate. Every little drastic obedience increases our eternal capacity to worship, serve, and enjoy God for all of eternity. Our lives are so wispy and short, and everything we do down here is a direct bearing on our capacity for glorifying God there. So," since you have been raised with Christ, strive for the things above, where Christ is seated… set your minds on things above" (Colossians 3:2). Believe me, you don’t want to get to heaven and smack your four head and think, “Man, why didn’t I believe God more?! Why did I waste my sufferings?!” So, start living today as if it were your first day in heaven. Fifty years from now, if I am remembered at all, I hope it is not merely for books or radio or speaking or even leading a global ministry that serves people with disabilities. I will know I have left a solid legacy if I am remembered for my walk with Jesus Christ. How I honored him… how I trusted him in my afflictions… and how God used my gifts to strengthen the kingdom of Christ. These are the things that make for a great legacy. I want people to be able to say, “I would like to face suffering the same way Joni did. I want to believe God’s promises more. I want to pray more. I want to complain less. And I want to have a grateful heart.” If that happens, my life will be a success.


What can the world expect from the ministry in the future?

It’s exciting to see how many young people are becoming engaged with Joni and Friends, whether through our Cause 4 Life internships, serving as volunteers at our Wheels for the World outreaches or Family Retreats, or taking our online Beyond Suffering course. So, in the future, you can expect Joni and Friends to offer many opportunities for young Christian leaders to share their passion for Christ through ministries to people with disabilities. I expect to see young people serving in hundreds of Joni’s House centers all around the world, proving the love of Christ as they practice Christianity with its sleeves rolled up.

How can we support Joni and Friends Ministries?

First, I ask people to pray for the ministry as we work hard to reach for many more people with disabilities and their families around the world for Christ. If people do not pray, then nothing of lasting eternal good will occur. We need the prayers of God’s people. Next. Consider ways you can volunteer with Joni and Friends, either at our team offices around the country, at Family Retreats across the US, or as a member of a Wheels for the World team. Finally, I would ask our readers to support our ministry with a financial gift. Joni and Friends work hard to be a good steward of all the many gifts people invest in the kingdom of Christ through our ministry. If the readers need more information, just contact us at And thank you so much for getting engaged, being motivated, being inspired, and getting involved!


Any words of wisdom before we wrap up?

Believe me, I haven’t always experienced victory in my suffering! Many times, it’s been a fight to trust God – but hard as it is, it’s always a good fight. God has many designs in allowing pain, but one is that pain puts God’s promises to the test. Pain is always trying to imitate me, saying, “So, you believe in God’s promises? Well, let’s just see about that.” When my confidence in God’s promises is tested, I have the privilege of proving the trustworthiness of God. For instance, when I am in great pain and a sense that I might collapse under the pressure, I run to Second Corinthians 4:8, “Though we are hard-pressed on every side, we are not crushed.” I will say to my pain, “I’m promised, here that I will not be crushed. And although everything in me screams otherwise, I will stake my life on what God has promised. Pain? By his grace, you will not crush me. I will persevere.” Second Corinthians 4:8 is but one of God’s thousand promises; if we would but remember it alone, we would be well on our way to victory. But if we do collapse under the weight of suffering, or if we merely resign ourselves or coddle a “woe is me” attitude, even that can have purpose – for suffering is like a textbook that teaches us who we really are and what we really believe. Suffering has a way of revealing the true stuff of which you are made. And if it’s not pretty? Then, you have all the more reason to cast yourself on the mercy of your Savior, who can transform even the weakest saint into a soldier who will valiantly fight to stay contented in God and his promises.


“Jesus, I am Resting, Resting”


Speaking in 1989 to 150,000 Hungarians in the Budapest Sports Stadium with Billy Graham.


Acts 20:24: “However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace.”


Luke 17:11-19… the “tenth leper.” He came back to Jesus to express thanks.


Vicky Olivas. She is a dear Christian friend who became a quadriplegic in 1976 when she was shot in an attempted rape. Her humble spirit, contentment, and love for the Lord Jesus inspires me greatly.




- Emily E. Bennett

Bright orange powdered cheese explodes all over the counter. I bite my tongue as I notice two toddler hands diligently working to contain this powdered explosion to a bowl. My son, eyeing the cheese, wastes no opportunity to taste this delectable powdered goodness. He is unashamed as his pudgy fingers work like cheese detectors making their way from the cheese packet to his wide-open mouth. His hands are eager to taste what he knows will be delicious. He graciously shares with his furry brother, a 72-pound Golden doodle, who, in turn, welcomes each delicious lick. When we make this Sunday night staple of melted cheese and butter over noodles, my son celebrates the process. He is present as he dips his fingers again and again into the bowl of cheese.

I fondly watch my son’s eagerness to help with the process and impatience to devour each cheesy noodle. I smile because I am reminded of God’s invitation for us. My son, tasting each cheesy morsel, sees again and again that each bite is more satisfying than the last. God, in this same way, invites us to taste what He has to offer and then see that He is always good regardless of our life circumstances. We find joy in His presence and contentment when we trust him. “Taste and see that the Lord is good. How happy is the person who takes refuge in Him!” (Psalm 34:8). My son knows Mac and cheese is good, and he confidently digs in with both hands, enjoying each bite. He has an appreciation and appetite for this noodly goodness that has been experienced time and time again.


In the same way, this meal completely satisfies my son’s taste buds, our heavenly father wants us to sit at His table and rest in His comfort. He invites us to taste life in Him and to see that He is faithful and good. Tasting means noticing God in our every day, causing all things to work for our good (Romans 8:28). God wants us to welcome Him into every part of our lives and allow His love to fill every crack and ache in our hearts. Once we are full, we are able to pour into others from an overflowing cup as we taste and see together how good our father is. Unfortunately, we live in a fast-paced, high-stress world that leaves no margin for tasting and seeing. Striving for prestige in our day-to-day, we become fixated on the end result. Our gluttonous hearts push through our bodies’ natural limits as we plot and plan the next events that we hope will fill us to completion. To sit and enjoy something, anything is counterintuitive and deemed counterproductive to an insatiable world. What value is placed on enjoying a sit-down dinner? How can one measure a laughter-filled lunch? It would seem the only option is to move faster and faster until we run ourselves into the ground. But, if we shift from our distractedness and turn fully to God, we gather the courage to exit this fast-food highway. The world around us begins to look a little less blurry and becomes a little less hurried. Leaves on trees become actual shapes, the sun poking through each knotted branch. The red stoplight up ahead beckons us to put our foot on the brake pedal and slow our roll.


Decelerating off the highway from lightning speed to a more sustainable pace, we soak up the details of our journey. Once the roar of the highway has abated, we are able to perceive this quiet, recurring invitation to “taste and see” (Psalm 34:8). When we accept this invitation to eat at God’s table, He becomes the one who meets our every need. We willingly abandon all restraints, humbly yet confidently asking for more of our daily bread. “‘I am the bread of life,’ Jesus told them. 'No one who comes to me will ever be hungry. And no one who believes in me will ever be thirsty again’” (John 6:35). As we break bread with Jesus, our ultimate daily bread, we give thanks to God because we have tasted His goodness and seen His never-ending faithful love (1 Chronicles 16:34). So, it’s your turn, friend. The plate of food is in front of you, ready to be savored. Will you accept the quiet invitation to enjoy God’s presence? And just like my son and pup, you will slowly begin to savor each satisfying mouthful that life gives. Tasting God’s goodness and seeing His love in your life no matter what is thrown your way is a dish that will never grow cold.

#Opinion Recently I got citizenship of the USA. It was a long process of around 15 years to get to this point. But by God’s grace and the support of family members, I was finally able to attain citizenship of the USA. Around the same time, news broke out with stories of people from Afghanistan. I saw the video of men falling from an airplane in the sky. People were so desperate to get out of the country that they were willing to risk their lives. It was shocking to watch people go through such experiences in their lives. Apart from praying, I couldn’t do much about the situation there.

That week taught me the privileged life I have. I did not have to fly to the USA sitting on the landing gear of an aircraft nor waited in an airport for many days to get into a flight. My process was smoother. I am thankful to God for the opportunity I got. But i am also challenged by the previlege i have.

So what is the point I am making here? If we are privileged, God expects more from us. If you have more opportunities and privileges than others around you, God expects more from you. The blessings we receive from God should also be used to help others. Luke 12:48 (ESV) says, “Everyone to whom much was given, of him much will be required, and from him to whom they entrusted much, they will demand the more.” Look around your neighbors, friends, family, church, community. Are you leading a privileged life than them? If yes, God is demanding more from you!


Meditating on God’s Word - Sarah Geringer

Meditation is a hot topic in the world. But did you know it’s prescribed to us in God’s Word over 20 times, depending on the translation you use? Christian meditation is different from worldly meditation because it uses God’s Word as the focus. By focusing on his Word in just a few minutes of intentional thought every day, you can have greater peace in your life. How I Started with Christian Meditation I didn’t realize I was meditating on God’s Word when I started doing it. Almost 20 years ago, I made it my mission to read the entire Bible from front to back in one year. I went to a local Christian bookstore and asked the clerk to help me select a Bible for this purpose. She suggested the One Year Bible format, and I purchased a copy, eager to pursue my goal. Every morning before work, I took a few minutes to read the daily portions of the Old Testament, New Testament, Psalms and Proverbs while I ate breakfast. The version I used had a single verse in bold for that day. I took that as a nudge from the Lord to focus intently on the truth of that verse.


This focused look at one verse of the Bible every day quickly began changing me. I knew that the Bible was God’s true Word, and it didn’t take long to realize I believed many lies in contrast to his truth. My daily meditation helped uncover lies that Satan had tricked me to believe, lies I had spoken over myself, and lies others had spoken over me. Yet the truth of God’s Word was clear – God loved me and had a wonderful plan for my life. My daily meditation on God’s Word granted me greater peace as I tore down the lies and replaced them with God’s truth. This daily practice led me to seek more help from my pastor, a Christian counselor, many Christian books, and a small group at my church. Yet my emotional healing journey began first by letting a single verse of God’s Word seep deeply into my heart and mind. Christian meditation still gives me peace, hope and joy as I spend time in God’s presence each day.

How Christian Meditation Grants Greater Peace? You can also receive greater peace in your life by meditating on God’s Word for just a few minutes each day. Here are my best tips to get the most peace from your Bible readings: 1.Schedule a daily quiet time with God. You only need a few minutes of undistracted time to let your verse sink in. What times of day are quiet for you? Perhaps your time in the shower, on your commute, or during lunch will work best. Pick a time that will help you be consistent day after day. This time will be a wellspring of peace for you. 2.Choose your verse wisely. What struggle are you facing now? Whether your struggle is anxiety, relationships, finances, health or something else, there are Bible verses that address it. Use an online site like to search for verses by keyword. Then choose a verse that will grant you greater peace right where you need it most. You can choose a single verse for the day, week or month for increased focus.

3.Think carefully about your verse. I put my daily meditation verse through three filters: What does this tell me about God’s character? What does this tell me about how I should live? What does this show me about how I need to interact with others? You can focus on different words in the verse as you read it through several times. Try speaking it aloud in addition to reading it on the page. By slowing down and using several methods, you’ll get more application and greater peace from your verse. 4.Write your verse. When you write your verse, you have an up to 40 percent better chance of remembering it as opposed to simply reading it. Write it on a sticky note and post it where you’ll see it several times per day. Then meditate on it each time you need greater peace. God will use the verse to reroute your thoughts, break the lies, and encourage you with his truth. In just a few weeks of daily meditation, I experienced greater peace in my life. This peace is available to you as well if you commit to meditating on God’s Word for just a few minutes each day. May he bless you and grant you greater peace as you steep yourself in his truth and love.






– Effie Ochago

What does it mean to be in Christ? Or rather, what does it mean to be born again? Some people think salvation is only about getting to heaven and escaping hell, while others believe that salvation is only about keeping some religious checklist.

I keep asking the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious father may give you the spirit of wisdom and revelation so that you may know him better. I pray that the eyes of your understanding may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people, and his incomparable great power for us who believe. (Ephesians 1:17-19) According to Paul’s prayer, there is more to salvation than just receiving eternal life and getting a ticket to heaven. Salvation, which is attained by accepting and believing in Christ, was meant to be a ticket to heaven on earth. The first step to this is understanding your new identity. When we receive Christ, we lose our old self and receive a brand-new nature in Christ. The old self refers to the sinful nature that was inherited from Adam. The new nature refers to the regenerated spirit whose identity we shall explore today.


You are His beloved God is love, and we are his beloved. He loved us so much that he sent his son to die for us while we were still sinners (Romans 5:8). Not only that but He also patiently and gently pursued our hearts until we accepted him. Even the best among us could not find salvation attractive without the help of the Holy Spirit. Today, we love him because he first loved us. God loves each one of us and is concerned about the smallest details about you -he even has the number of your hairs numbered. (Luke 12:7) His love is unconditional, meaning there is nothing you can do or not do to undo it, and his mercies are new every morning. Because of this, we can be assured that he has our best interest at heart, and even amidst trials and adverse circumstances, we know that all things work for good for us, hallelujah! You are His Child Once you accept Christ, your spirit man gets regenerated. Bible records that those who accepted him was given the power to be called sons of God. Scripture further records that all who believe him are born not by natural means, or by man’s desire but they are born of God (John 1:12). Friend, your birth was not determined by your father or your mother, and neither is anyone a biological accident. We are all born according to God’s divine will, and he has a great plan for each one of us. God formed you in your mother’s womb, and recorded your days in his book. As a Father, God enjoys providing for you. He is Jehovah Jireh. He loves it when we fully depend on him and look to him to meet our needs. Scripture records that if even natural fathers know how to lovingly take care of their children and give them what’s best, how much more is our heavenly Father ready to give wonderful gifts to those who ask (Mathew 7:9 TPT). Fathers also discipline their children. However, God is merciful and does not correct us through accidents and calamities. Instead, he corrects us lovingly through his word.



3.You are His Righteousness in Christ Sin started with the first Adam when he disobeyed God and partook of the forbidden fruit. The effect of sin is death and separation from God, and for a long time, the world was ruled by the devil as a result of the first Adam’s disobedience. God sent Jesus, the last Adam to receive judgement for sin on behalf of the world so that those who believe in him may receive forgiveness and total cancellation of sin. Today, believers have a new identity as the righteousness of God in Christ. This means you have a right to stand with God, and you can approach his throne boldly without fear of judgement to receive grace whenever you are in need. Presently, we enjoy grace, which is defined as unmerited favor. This is a favor that is undeserved, and we receive it as a gift the moment we accept Jesus as our savior. Attempting to earn righteousness through works, however noble it may seem, results in self-righteousness, and the bible says that is like filthy rags before God. (Isaiah 64:6) However, understanding that you are the righteousness of God in Christ apart from works will enable you to fellowship and serve God effectively without fear of not being good enough. The problem with self-righteousness is that even the best of our actions can be laced with impure motives. God understood man’s weakness and gave us Christ as a remedy for our sinful nature. Rejoice today because Christ has paid the price for your eternal redemption. 4.You are Complete in Him God is the ultimate source of love, security, joy and true fulfillment. Today, the world’s attempt to find satisfaction apart from God has proved futile. As believers, we have the privilege of drawing from the source. As a result, we refuse to be defined by our past or present circumstances. We remain confident even when navigating challenging seasons because we know that he who is in us is greater than any circumstance. When we understand that we are complete in Christ, we cease to seek approval from men because we know that God has not just merely approved us, but he has accepted us and loves us unconditionally- meaning our union with him is dependent fully on Christ’s finished work on the cross and never on our actions.


5.You are Set Apart from the World for Him A lot of us grew up thinking holiness was about external dressing and superficially modified character. To be holy means to be set apart from the world. As believers, we have the Holy Spirit who sets us apart from the world. God has called you to be a king and priest, set apart to be a display of God’s glory to the world. You are set apart from the challenges of the world, such as poverty, disease, addiction and depression. Scripture records that when the world gets darker, the glory of God will shine upon His people brighter. Hallelujah! Once you get established in your identity in Christ, you become unstoppable and a force to reckon with. I pray that these truths get rooted in your heart.


For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.

- Matthew 6:14


Making the world a better place is the pursuit and promise of all major disciplines, businesses, non-profits, government and academia. Yet even after hundreds of years of deliberating and working towards it, we find ourselves at the same spot and far behind in many aspects.




Because of my line of work, I hear about world crises, injustices, solutions and grants almost every single day. Globally we try to analyze our problems and find solutions to them. We make long-term and short-term goals and chart out strategies to achieve them. Our governments invest billions in solving these issues, yet our efforts often don’t achieve the kind of impact we desire. I am not negating the good produced by these efforts. In fact, it has changed the lives of many people. But it has also created many more problems on the side. So then, do we keep solving problems all our lives? Over the past few years, I have had the privilege of interacting with many activists and Christians passionate about social change. What I have learned from them and my experience is that as much as these desires are good and just, it does not necessarily mean we know how to solve them. It does not even mean we understand the problem in its complexity. And we jump towards a conclusion and a solution just because we are convinced that the issue needs a solution. And guess what? We create new problems in the process.

This is our bankruptcy. Though there is a deep desire to see goodness, we don’t have what it takes to imagine or create perfect goodness. We can only imagine a better version, and the better version does not solve the problem. We do the same with ourselves, our families and friendships too. When we sense something out of order, we take it upon ourselves to mend people and solve the issues. But our vision, understanding and analysis is informed by imperfect information and therefore, our suggestions and answers don’t get to the root. This is what the Scripture also says, ‘apart from me you can do nothing.’ (John 15:5) Even when our desire is good and we can’t make it work outside of God. ‘For it is God who is produces in us both the desire and the ability to do what pleases him.’ (Philippians 2:11)

The bottom line is, we need God. We need Him in everything, absolutely everything. We need God to imagine goodness. We need Him to give us ideas. We need Him to provide us with the resources and strength to do it. We need him to bring out the desired outcome, and when it takes time, we need his grace to be patient. God is always good at what He does. He is actively engaged in our redemption, so why not trust Him with all the good desires we have? Why not examine if our good ideas are from God and when it is, acknowledge that it is indeed grace that gives us the longing to do what He considers good. And if it is His dream, He will also create in us the character traits and provide with us the resources to see it through. He is trustworthy, dear friend. Even with our dearest dreams.

Daya Raja, Bangalore Daya thinks it’s absolutely cool to be known by Jesus. She deeply appreciates nature, art and silence. Currently she is pursuing Masters in Development in India. Her dream is to fall in love with Jesus and humanity every day. Daya can be reached at EGM TIMES | ELOHIMGOSPELMINISTRIES.COM 29

Final Word Dear friend, Thank you for making it to the end of this edition. We hope you are inspired and challenged by the life of Joni and her organization is doing by making a difference in this world. You can also make a difference in this world despite all the challenges you face in life. If you are reading this and have not experienced the love and power of God, we encourage you to embrace His love – offered as salvation through Jesus Christ. In His unending affection for us, God has a lot in store for your life and longs to have you as part of His family. We also encourage you to rededicate your life to God if you were born again but drifted away from the call. Make the following prayer and accept Jesus as your savior: “Lord Jesus, I come before you today. I acknowledge that I am a sinner, and my sins have separated me from you. Today, I believe that you are the son of God and that you had me in mind when you got crucified and died. I believe that you are resurrected and seated at the right hand of the Father. I accept you today as my Lord and savior. Thank you for paying the price for my eternal redemption. I am now the righteousness of God in Christ. I now ask you to fill me with your spirit. Amen.” Congratulations on surrendering or rededicating your life to God. You are now a new creation in Christ. We encourage you to join a family of believers (church) in your area, and we pray that you get established in your faith through studying the word by the grace of God. We at the EGM Times team love you and would like to hear from you. Send your feedback, comments, and constructive criticism to See you in the next edition. God bless you!!! Team EGM Times



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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.