eOFFICE: Apply governance IMPLEMENTING AGENCY Aarogyasri Health Care Trust OBJECTIVES Create an effective office management system Enhance productivity Enable prioritisation of work Improve efficiency and bring effective administration Data storage and retrieval
OUTCOME Enabled proactive disclosure of information by government departments through the user friendly Content Management System Better management of request for information by all public authorities Effective monitoring of RTI implementation
he Aarogyasri Trust has initiated the automation of this process of policy formulation and decision making by effectively using ICT. Aarogyasri Trust has chosen e-Office application as an ICT tool to achieve seamless integration of work between departments. Since the Trust is actively engaged with the Andhra Pradesh government for providing healthcare facilities to the citizen, it also needs to deal with a huge volume of data all of which form an important input to decision making and policy formulation for the organisation. With the implementation of the e-Office solution, the organisation aims at making its services more accessible. The project also aims at bringing in more transparency, accountability and efficiency in delivery of healthcare services to the citizen. The office automation application also defines the workflow for the trust and integrates around 39 department functions, including field operations, vigilance, claims, pre- authorisation, accounts, human resources, and last but not the least, public grievances. This has enabled the trust to deal with the huge challenge of implementing the complex Arogyasri healthcare scheme across 23 districts. The application also has an HR module and a dash board that helps in periodic monitoring of departments, divisions and units to give a clear status of various files in the form of visual alerts at the selected organisation level.
OUTCOME Seamless integration of all department functions across 23 districts Better interdivisional interface through knowledge sharing, efficient interaction, creation, movement, tracking and disposal of files Better decision making ability
RTI Central Monitoring Mechanism
n its bid to ease mounting pressure on its officials for furnishing information under the RTI Act, the Central Monitoring Mechanism implemented by the state government is an example of how IT can be used for information management and meeting greater need of governance and citizen service. Coupled with its seek and search option, the solution serves as a one point information base for all public authorities in Orissa, providing information to everybody at the click of a button. The project also aims to ensure maximum dissemination and use of information under the Act by all target users—public authorities, Public Information Officers (PIO), First Appellate Authorities (FAA), APIOs and citizens. This RTI intervention has also been able to trigger the need for information management system and e-Records that is driving the paperless office concept in the state machinery. Taking the initiative further the state government is looking at connecting 25,000 offices into a single network, including 38 departmental public authorities, 30 districts, 314 blocks and 316 Tahasils level PIOs. The project presently serves the needs of over than 1,500 offices that are connected to system ensuring compliance to the RTI Act, 2005. It also has a public feedback mechanism that enables citizen post their comment on each of the government data made public.
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IMPLEMENTING AGENCY Information and Public Relations Department, Orissa OBJECTIVES Provide single point access to all RTI related information catering to section 4, 6, 7 and section 25 of RTI Act, 2005 in a uniform manner
OUTCOME Enables authorities to locate schoolwise information through a drill down approach Enabling basic search facility through use of multiple variables— school management, category and area
SCHOOL Report Cards Under DISE
he USP of School Report Cards project <> is the availability of report cards in various Indian languages—Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu, Marathi and Gujarati. The report cards are also made available in English. AS part of the projects expansion plan, efforts are being made to provide report cards in other regional languages as well. The project also uses an innovative approach of providing a two page “Descriptive Report” that is generated automatically for all the schools in a way that it looks as if someone has analysed the data for each school and has written the report. The report has number of permutations and combinations to decide the sentence to be written into the report. However, it can also make available raw data as per the user’s requirement in Excel format, thereby creating a demand for DISE data. The District Information System for Education developed by NUEPA in collaboration with the MHRD is in use in all the 600+ districts of the country. MIS units have been established both at state and district levels at which DISE software is installed. The report generated through use of DISE is also being used for chalking out district level elementary education plans throughout India for the country’s flagship education programme Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan. In view of the usefulness of the efforts made through DISe initiatives, a good number of states have decentalised the data entry at the level of block and the DISE SW fully support data entry and report generation at different levels.
IMPLEMENTING AGENCY University of Educational Planning and Department of School Education & Literacy OBJECTIVES Create an automated system for analysis of school report cards Help in better planning and monitoring of India’s flagship education programme Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan
OUTCOME Easy access to government services to 28 million mobile citizen Huge cost saving since the project delivers various government services on a single ICT infrastructure Personal websites for citizens to manage government-related information
MALAYSIA Government SMS Gateway
he eKL Initiative (eKL), launched in 2007, is an extension of EG and is aimed at transforming government service delivery system through the use of ICT. The project is based on Malaysia’s “One government, many agencies no wrong door” approach and has been implemented to create a digitally connected Klang Valley, whereby services of all government agencies are linked and the sharing of resources and information facilitates the provision of end-to-end interactive online services 24 X 365 via multiple service channels. Mobile Government is also part of the country’s eKL initiative and is looking at extending the reach of government services through mobile channel and leveraging on the high penetration rate of 28 million mobile citizens. The project enables citizens and businesses to have a more convenient access and an alternative direct mode to government services through mySMS 15888 Government SMS Gateway project. While mySMS 15888 is a public service delivery system that helps deliver services at the fingertip, the country is looking at riding its ICT infrastructure strength, to serve citizen including businesses through a different delivery channel other than the Internet, counters and kiosks. The project that was launched on 31 July 2008 also aims to delights Malaysians by realising a vision of “1 Nation, 1 Government, 1 Number”.
IMPLEMENTING AGENCY Malaysia Administrative Modernisation and Management Planning Unit (MAMPU) OBJECTIVES Bridge the digital divide between government agencies and citizens Transform government service delivery system through the use of ICT Integrate service delivery in an effective and efficient manner
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RMC Governance Initiative IMPLEMENTING AGENCY Rajkot Municipal Corporation OBJECTIVES Reduce delays in providing information on property tax and water charges Enable time bound delivery of citizen services
OUTCOME Facility to book KSRTC bus ticket through mobile phones from anywhere in the world Increase in passenger loyalty due to ease of reservation Increase in reservation revenue.
ajkot Municipal Corporation (RMC) has started different m- Governance services, to provide efficient, timely information to Citizens of Rajkot. The project provides for a convenient communication point for time bound service delivery powered by pre-defined process-cycles and backoffice computerisation. The project has also enabled the municipal corporation meet citizen expectation of better and more transparent service. As part of the service offering under the initiative, Rajkot Municipal Corporation has also started providing alerts of all transaction details to its valuable tax payers through SMS. This is for the first time that any municipal corporation has started such service in India. To avail this facility a tax payer has to enter his mobile number on the RMC website <>. Once registered RMC sends details of modifications related to property tax alteration—their payment, cancellation of payment receipt. Once complain is addressed the officer can send complain number with status, which will be automatically updated in the system based on the status send. Whats more, as soon as the officer changes the status of complain the information is simultaneously sent to the respective citizen through SMS. Similarly, RMC official can receive the list of pending complaints, by sending short code message to a designated number that is also backed up by a Call Center operation.
OUTCOME SMS alerts of all transaction details to tax payers Availability of pending case status to Rajkot Municipal Corporation officers General Daily income-expenditure SMS to senior RMC officials through SMS
ANYWHERE Anytime Advance Reservation
WATAR, as the project is called is web based reservation system that facilitates booking of tickets for Karnataka State Road Transport Corporation busses using credit and debit cards. Travelers can now easily book KSRTC bus ticket on their mobile phones. KSRTC has been deploying the IT tools in the best possible measures to optimise its efficiency and reduce operational cost and at the same time, providing quality services to its customers. The solution enables citizens to register using their mobile number on KSRTC website. Once the registration is completed, passenger can book bust ticket on the move. Using the solution, KSRTC also sends SMS for the confirmation of seat booked through e-booking, counters and mobile device. The SMS contains all the details required for the travel—trip code, date of journey, PNR and seat numbers, the starting point and the destination, departure and arrival time. On completion of the booking process, e- tickets are generated and sent via e-mail to the passenger. Those users who do not have an e- mail can show the ticket details at designated KSRTC counters and get their tickets and also get a confirmation in the form of SMS. Presently, over 18,000 passenger seats are being booked every day through AWATAR.
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IMPLEMENTING AGENCY Karnataka State Road Transport Corporation OBJECTIVES Adopt information technology in its day-today operations Optimise efficiency and reduce operational cost and at the same time providing quality services to its customers
OUTCOME Better patient care planning by the hospital Reduction in waiting time for patients and better staff response Availability of statistics and data on volume of patients and type of ailments for better planning
OUTCOME Reduction in queue at the booking counters Reduced travel needs of passenger and has saving in time and cost Encouraged Bangladesh Railway to upgrade its system and technological base Increase in customer satisfaction
he project aims to streamline the process of hospital visits and minimise patient waiting. It captures patient’s mobile number in the EMR, which is then verified by the telecentre during the first visit or at the time of admission. The telecentre gives the appointment for the patient based on the doctor’s order in the EMR and confirms with patient through a voice call as well as by SMS. The solution also enables the telecentre to email the list of all scheduled patients to the medical record department of JPNATC, so that necessary files and OPD cards can be taken out in advance. A final list of appointments is emailed, copies of which are put outside each room and also with the concerned doctors. Thanks to the initiative, the patients can now just flash their SMS with the token number which is checked against the list present and a date stamp is put on the patient’s OPD card. The patient goes to the designated doctor when his token is displayed on the screen. Following the visit, the telecentre makes a voice call to the patient confirming that the appointment took place and schedules the next appointment on the scheduling software so as to make it a perpetual cycle.
IMPLEMENTING AGENCY JPN Apex Trauma Centre, AIIMS OBJECTIVES Streamline the process of hospital visits and minimise waiting times for patients by using m-Governence Improve transparency and accountability in the OPD’s
GRAMEENPHONE Mobile Ticketing Service
angladesh Railway (BR) has partnered with Grameenphone (GP) to launch a mobile ticketing (m-ticketing) service to sell electronic train tickets to the public. The service allows any GP subscriber to open a mobile wallet (virtual stored value account) via a simple SMS request and use it to purchase train tickets directly from their mobile phone from virtually anywhere and at anytime. To buy an electronic train ticket through the service passengers need to access a USSD menu from their mobile phone and input the required traveling information. The solution enables customers to book and buy tickets up to 10 days prior to their travel date. The service is initially being offered for all intercity trains departing from Dhaka and Chittagong, the capital and principal port cities of the nation, respectively. Bangladesh Railway is also planning to soon bring other intercity trains under this service. The project was principally started to reduce the various hassles and inconveniences faced by train commuters when trying to buy a train ticket. While the service has also been effective in including the grass-root level citizens in availing modern technology in their day to day lives, it has also helped Bangladesh Railway improve its customer satisfaction score.
IMPLEMENTING AGENCY Grameenphone OBJECTIVES Improve customers service and satisfaction Reduce pressure on ticket selling agents in train stations through e-Ticketing Reduce operating expenses of BR while an increase ticketing efficiency
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e-HUDA IMPLEMENTING AGENCY Haryana Urban Development Authority OBJECTIVES Computerisation of application process to reduce hassle for allottes Eradicate corrupt practices Bring in transparency in the system
OUTCOME Helped fully resolve over 96% customer Reduction in problem resolution time—over 64 percent complains being resolved within 48 hours and around 12 % within three days Improvement in customer service
he computerisation of the Haryana Development Authority (HUDA) has made helped this state PSU create a information channel for alottees. The information portal can be accessed by 30,000 alottees in the lean period and more than three lakh alottees in the peak period at the same time. The system provides seamless entry for alottees, enabling them to track the status of their application from anywhere and at anytime through use of Internet. The solution also enables allottee to monitor their paid, pending, delayed installments, as well as the interest due on these installments without coming to HUDA offices. The digitisation and reconciliation of accounts have been handled by the leading banks in the state, which have the experience of doing similar work with 100 percent success rate. Under the project, all allottees are issued a user Id and password to see the details of transaction any where anytime. The biggest grievance of the allottees was that they were not able to know their dues, even if as per them, they have cleared the dues. To do away with complaint a uniform standard accounting procedure was adopted by HUDA as part of the solution. It also enables HUDA to receive applications through a single window that also inform the allottes about pending dues, if any.
OUTCOME Improvement in revenue realisation Reduction in time taken to register an alotee from earlier three to six months to few minutes Faster retrieval of information on vacant, sold or stayed plots
roject “SMS Unhappy” is a simple and unique grievance redressal system which operates on SMS, Telephone and the Intranet. A customer with any SBI Branch in Andhra Pradesh, having a grievance, is required to merely send an SMS to the designated mobile number— 8008 20 20 20—saying “Unhappy”. The mobile number, date and time of message and the message contents are captured and registered in the SMS Unhappy Web Link at SBI’s Happy Room server. The Happy Room is a complaint resolution centre set up to handle complaints lodged under the “SMS Unhappy” system. The solution enables SBI to automatically send an SMS to the complainant acknowledging the complaint and intimating the Unique Index Number. This also triggers an auto generated SMS to the concerned Branch Manager with a prompt to login to the Web Link, examine and resolve the customer grievance. The branch in turn resolves the problem and puts in their remarks in the system, which is available to the Happy Room Executives on a real time basis. Happy Room Executives then call up the customer, to inform about the action taken and close the complaint. An SMS intimating the closure of the complaint and thanking the customer also goes out to the customer on such closure.
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IMPLEMENTING AGENCY State Bank of India, Hyderabad OBJECTIVES Improve customers service Resolve the customer grievances faster by using simple ICT tools Improve Customer Satisfaction score in sync with overall SBI Vision
OUTCOME Availability of critical business and HR information on real time basis for effective decision support Reduction in cycle times of various processes leading to higher service levels
SCCL ERP Project
ingareni Collieries Company Limited, a coal mining company jointly owned by Government of Andhra Pradesh and Government of India, has implemented the Enterprise Resources Planning (ERP) solution to cater to all the business requirements of the company. As a part of its business operations the company has to deal with around 5,000 active customers who buy coal, and around 9,000 vendors who supply materials. The company also stocks, buys, deals with more than one lakh variety of materials. And all this through its huge workforce of 70,000 employees whose master data has to be maintained and the payroll is processed. Further the company has its sites spread over across four districts in Andhra Pradesh which are in rural backdrop having less IT penetration and lack of multiple service providers in providing long haul connectivity. The ERP rollout is aimed at streamlining the e ntire operations of SCC. The balance sheet and the profit and loss statements were generated in SAP in the first of implementation which had some of the data in legacy and some in SAP. With this implementation covering all the core business areas, SCCL can now forecast the probable business issues enabling it to take required preventive measures.
IMPLEMENTING AGENCY SAP India OBJECTIVES Integrate operations of various applications running in areas and mines located across geographies Consolidation and integration of information Clear visibility of mine Inventory
OUTCOME Funds transfer in few clicks through a menu driven service on a real time basis Ease of use for banking customers Access of service from basic mobile phone with no need for GPRS/Edge/3G data connectivity
MOBILE Banking
his service provides banking over mobile USSD channel. The services include Intra Bank fund transfer, Mobile Top Ups and enquiry services. The mobile technology used for this service is USSD High grade servers m-Banking application USSD Gateway. The service provides an access to the Bank account to do various transactions; Balance Enquiry, Mini-Statement, Mobile Top Ups, Intra Bank Fund transfers. The service is deployed on a IMSI based MT delivery thus making it fully reliable and secured for an authentic usage. The service does not require any handset application or any specific handsets to deploy. It works on USSD technology which works on a real time menu driven interaction and thus works on any handset with a screen and a mobile connection. The service allows to carry the bank on the phone where a State Bank account holder need not to go to bank for his daily banking needs. The value added here is that the user do not require any high handset, no internet connection and no GPRS connection to use these services. The only requirement is to have a mobile connection with any handset and a State Bank account. Technical support is available 24x7 while the customer care support is available in the Banking hours.
IMPLEMENTING AGENCY Spice Digital Limited OBJECTIVES Enable wire-free world connecting data source or application to any device Make mobile phone an integrated communications device, with the ability to provide information and perform real time online transactions anytime, anywhere
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BENEFIT Disbursement System IMPLEMENTING AGENCY APOnline OBJECTIVES Timely Disbursement of Entitlements to Beneficiaries Eliminating or reducing leakages Payments to authenticated beneficiaries only Generate MIS Reports Reduce paper usage
OUTCOME Over 1.6 million beneficiary families in two years Initiated at Dharavi, the project has been scaled to 40 other points across Mumbai Expanded to cover 60 points in Delhi
POnline designed and developed an ICT system framework for disbursement of NREGS wages and social security pensions. It is using network of post offices and advanced technologies for rural development programs in India. Tata Consultancy Services implemented ICT solution for NREGS in Andhra Pradesh for effective program implementation and monitoring. Government of Andhra Pradesh felt that in the whole program implementation, anomalies have been more frequent and hence disbursement through a structured mechanism is very much necessary. Disbursement of wages under NREGS has been a major concern for both state and central government. Previously payments of entitlements were being under taken by Branch Post Offices (BOs) located in villages manually. Payments were delayed inordinately and payment of entitlements to the right and appropriate beneficiaries was not assured. The system utilizes technologies like bio-metric (finger print) matching for authentication of eligible beneficiaries, robust hand held Point of Sales (POS)/ Point of Transaction Device (POTDs) devices for use in villages, GPRS connectivity for synchronization with central server, GPS for capturing the location of work and attendance. As an extension and forward linkage, APOnline developed ICT solution for NREGS, a framework involving DoP for disbursement of entitlements after accurate authentication of the entitlements through finger print authentication.
OUTCOME Reduced turna round time in disbursement of entitlements Robust wage delivery mechanism Consolidation and reconciliation of funds on regular basis Improved monitoring and control mechanism
FINO Tatkaal
ino Tatkal was launched at Dharavi, Mumbai in association with Union Bank of India as an offshoot product of the larger Financial Inclusion (FI) implementation. The aim was to provide door step banking facilities to the un-banked and under-banked migrants who have come to the city in search of livelihood and do not have access to formal banking facilities. The programme uses smart cards and bio-metric fingerprints to provide for safety concerns and completely overturns the customer’s ignorance to formal banking formalities by providing for a very high end technology and at the same time very easy to use facility. A customer sitting in Mumbai can send money to anyone of his dependents to any UBI Bank branch in India, where either of them would have formal bank A/C for cash withdrawal. This biometric set up enables cashless and paperless transactions through smartcard by only verifying through the fingerprint and gets paid electronically. It helps in saving time, opportunity cost and harassment by providing banking facilities even at non banking hours and all days throughout the year. Through this technology enabled by Fino, the Fino Tatkal facility is supported by backend data management system which can track any transaction across India and provide periodic analytical reports.
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IMPLEMENTING AGENCY Financial Information Network & Operations OBJECTIVES Provide the unbaked with access to formal banking facilities, Deploy technology for easing the whole process- with use of smart cards and bio-metric fingerprints Providing banking facilities 24x7x365
OUTCOME Ability to have complete information on borrowers, credit fulfillment and collection Integrates cooperative credit structure, including the MIS and financial reporting aspects at a grassroot level Complete transaction transparency
OUTCOME Improvement in workflow process— from estimation of a project to payment for a contractor Automatic preparation of tenders documents Ability to digitally sign and authenticate all official communication and notes
oOptions Technologies gives the company a 10-year exclusivity to enable computerisation of all the PACS in the state and use the channel to develop new avenues of business for the Primary Agricultural Cooperative Societies (“PACS”). The project, named “Sahakara Pragathi” aims to enable development of transformation models to make the PACS commercially viable and sustainable economic and financial hubs. The Project was started as an initiative to implement the recommendations of the Vaidyanathan Committee on cooperative sector reform. It would also enable development of transformation models to make the PACS commercially viable and sustainable economic and financial hubs. Such models would reposition the PACS as change agents in the rural economy and become the focal point for rural development and financial inclusion. It is the first public private partnership model of its size and scale to be implemented in any Indian State. Using the solution, CoOptions is creating a database of over 10 million farmers in Andhra Pradesh at full implementation, supporting the entire process from identification of borrowers, credit fulfillment and collection. The project embeds simultaneous capacity building and training of nearly 6,000 people, run the day-to-day functioning of the PACS. The PAX2002 technology solution incoroporates and fully integrates the cooperative credit structure, including the MIS and financial reporting aspects, at a grassroot level.
IMPLEMENTING AGENCY CoOptions Technologies OBJECTIVES Enable new businesses and revenue generation for PACS Better project monitoring facility for all stakeholders—state government, NABARD, APCOB and DCCBs Offer multiple products and services to farmer at the PACS
RAILWAYS Office Management System
he Office Management System (OMS) aims to eliminate the routine paper work required in the workflow from estimation of project to payment for a contractor. The project encompasses various stages including estimation, preparing a tender, uploading a tender, progress of work, correspondence, billing etc via an online platform. The driving factor behind office management system was the need to know the status of the ongoing civil engineering works, be in the estimation stage or the construction stage, at Hyderabad Division of South Central Railway. Tenders are prepared automatically, every other official communication is electronic and can be digitally signed to authenticate the notes. Billing and Payments to contractors is all well taken care of. OMS was innovated and initiated at South Central Railway, Hyderabad Division in July 2009. But its versatile structure has enabled it to easily get implemented at all the locations in India and also expand its reach to Defence, IT department, State construction company and many more. This can certainly be implemented all over the world where workflows are similar to those of Indian Railways.
IMPLEMENTING AGENCY Prodigy Systems and Services OBJECTIVES Eliminate redundant manual, error prone work Ability to cull information on the status of ongoing civil engineering works
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VOICE & Video Over Broadband IMPLEMENTING AGENCY Sai InfoSystem India OBJECTIVES Delivering e-Governance applications and other infotainment services to the semi literate masses at an affordable cost
oice and Video over broadband project aims at delivering triple play services—voice, video and data from the single platform. Hitherto, all technologies were aimed at delivering all three components separately either for the reasons of technology, economy or contents which can be pushed from such platform. This project aims at making it viable for the project operator and affordable for the subscriber of the service. However, the project is not a plain replica of Internet Based Delivery of Contents. The most crucial differentiator is its independence from the Computing Platform. The initiative “Voice and Video over Broad Band” has made it possible to enjoy the fruits of Information Technology Revolution for the masses. In emerging economies, where neither Government nor the citizen has capability to invest in different mechanism to deliver different contents for different target groups, “Voice and Video over Broad Band” holds a greater promise of simultaneously delivering e-Governance applications and other infotainment services to the semi literate masses at an affordable cost because of distribution of basic infrastructure cost between various applications required by citizen. It in collaboration with BSNL to offer these services to the citizen on Private Public Partnership Model. This business model allows SIS access to the established network and customer base of BSNL, which will reduce the required investment to a great extent resulting in cost effective services to the end user with minimum go to market time.
OUTCOME Low cost video telephony option Ability to help organisation increasing productivity at work Increasing in quality of both personal and business communication
India eGOV 2.0 AWARDS | 2010
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