eGov-Aug-2010-[8-9]-eINDIA 2010 Awards-GOVERNMENT TO CITIZENS

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NUTRITION Surveillance System IMPLEMENTING AGENCY Department of Women and Child development & UNICEF OBJECTIVES  Effective coordination at policy and implementation level among various departments to ensure better child development  Proper monitoring of ICDS programme


OUTCOME  Decrease in per student administrative expenditure  Over 100% increase in number of students benefiting from the scheme during last three years  75% improvement in efficiency  Elimination of duplicate claims in the first year of automation





he project that has been implemented in Chhattisgarh locates and tracks severely malnourished children dynamically, every month by name and their location. It also captures data from over 34,000 Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) centres in the state and helps in providing meaningful information through analysis and reports. Through a complete system re-engineering, the NSS has strengthened the ICDS scheme of Chhattisgarh and initiated timely, life saving action for children of the state. The Nutrition Surveillance System (NSS) was initiated with a vision to ensure easy analysis of information and to locate all severely malnourished children of the state every month, through a dynamic process. Since the effective implementation of ICDS largely depends on proper supervision, monitoring and co-ordination of the programme, it is critical to get a timely report of the “as is” scenario. The introduction of NSS has helped the state make the valuable data useable at different levels by ensuring easy analysis and feedback to improve performance. It also enables time wise analysis through graphs generated at all levels—AWC, sector, project, district and state levels—and dual maps generated through GIS that have the time series analysis. Analysis has shown that over a period of time, the reporting system of ICDS has shown improvement both in terms of quantity and quality.

OUTCOME  Improvement in nutritional and health status of children in the agegroup 0-6 years  Reduction in incidence of mortality, morbidity, and malnutrition among children  Over 75% of AWCs currently reporting through the NSS

ONLINE Scholarship Management System


he OSMS project aims at enabling students from the minority community to apply online for fee reimbursement and scholarship scheme through the Andhra Pradesh State Minorities Finance Corporation (APSMFC) website. The scholarship is available for post-Matric students till the PhD level—including all professional courses like BTech, MTech, MBA, MCA, MBBS, MS, and MD. The solution includes a disbursement gateway that interacts with the bank’s payment gateway and helps disburse scholarship amount directly into the students’ bank accounts, making the entire process more efficient, effective and accurate. The system also helps APSMFC avoid delays in disbursement, errors, scams, or subjectivity in awarding the scholarships. OSMS also enables automatic reconciliation facility that is connected directly with the automated feedback mechanism of the partner banks. This enables reconciliation of all accounts within 24 hours of disbursement. Besides, since the scholarship is deposited into the students’ accounts, their fee is transferred to the respective colleges and institution’s account directly. With the automation of the entire workflow, the solution has further helped make the process transparent, thereby eliminating chances of any dispute. It further helps update the workflow status automatically, with corresponding reports being published online. OSMS has also helped cut down on the number of processes involved—from 24 in the manual system to six.

egov / / august 2010

IMPLEMENTING AGENCY Andhra Pradesh State Minorities Finance Corporation OBJECTIVES  Establish an automated and objective, rule-based transparent scholarship and fee re- imbursement calculation system  To make the state scholarship disbursement system more transparent and efficient



OUTCOME  Better citizen convenience  Hassle free and faster delivery of government services  1,230 citizen services listed within six months as part of the project making the use of MyID Number mandatory





aunched in January 2010, MyID is the Government of Malaysia’s initiative to make the citizen identity card number as the sole reference number for all Malaysian citizens when dealing with Government agencies. The implementation of MyID applies to all government agencies at all levels. Overall, 600 government agencies—federal, state and local councils—are part of the project that provide all types of services related to citizens as an individual. The project also enables citizens to transact with government agencies using their Identity Card Number no matter where they are through the various channels provided by the agencies, be it at the counter, through telephone, online, and short messaging system (SMS) or at the service kiosk. The use of MyID is also being looked upon as an initiative to cut down on the issuance of multiple reference numbers and hence the need for citizens to remember them. Instead, Malaysians will now have to remember only their Identity Card number to use government services and avail benefits. It also aims at helping the government agencies extend better services, provide convenient, hassle free and speedy transactions to the citizens. Besides, the country’s government is also looking at the use of MyID to expedite service delivery and eliminating problems arising from lost, untraceable or misplaced documents.

IMPLEMENTING AGENCY Malaysian Administrative Modernisation and Management Planning Unit OBJECTIVES  Create a single citizen reference number for all government transactions  Transformation of the country’s public service delivery mechanism

ICT for Livestock Productivity (Nandini) IMPLEMENTING AGENCY Department of IT, Orissa & UNDP OBJECTIVES  Enhance productivity of livestock by systematising their reproduction cycle  Improve productivity of the current veterinary services  Create a Decision Support System (DSS) for department functionaries and OMFED



roject Nandini is an initiative to enhance livestock productivity, particularly for the members of the Orissa State Cooperative Milk Producers’ Federation (OMFED), through use of ICT. The project aims at helping the farmer with timely information on animals that have attained peak yield, livestock that are due and suitable for oestrous, pregnancy diagnosis, parturition and artificial insemination. Armed with the database of livestock in the region, the project is also able to send SMS alerts to farmers about their animals that need to be vaccinated, de-wormed and dried off, complete with a help desk for overall support. The project is also meant to provide support for the Livestock Inspectors (LI) and feeds them with Gram Panchayat or village wise, fortnightly “To Do” list of animals due for heat, artificial insemination, pregnancy diagnosis, drying off, calving, deworming, vaccination and exception report on animals to timely administer treatment measures. Presently Nandini covers over 387 villages of Jagatsinghpur district and about 500 villages of Cuttack and Mayurbhanj district in Orissa, with the service delivery centers being extended up to village level to provide on time service at the door step of livestock farmers in the project area. It is also helping the state government improve its responsive veterinary services.

OUTCOME  Re-orientation and re-structuring of state veterinary services  Improvement in milk production and productivity of livestock  Village wise database for government agencies

august 2010 / / egov


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