Contents November 2011
second grid grid name issue 11 n volume 07
spotlight Helping Scientists Undertake Research EU-IndiaGrid2 cooperative experiments
event Technology Intervention in Governance The 8th ASSOCHAM International Summit on e-Governance
event 8 th ICEG and 3 rd KSS – Discussing eGov 2.0 Two-day conference and academic session on e-Governance
event Internet as a Catalyst for Change
08 | cover story
The Big Indian IT Dream
Key outcomes of the sixth Internet Governance Forum
The introduction of the National ICT Policy (draft) is giving rise to a lot of hope as well as questions as to how it will leverage the whole IT sector’s growth for the economic as well as social empowerment of the country. Whereas the draft policy is just the starting point, it surely makes one aware that the mission has atleast started!
interview Nivedan Sahani Tata Teleservices VP in conversation with eGov
Project Update Cross-Border Electronic Access Status review of the e-Passport project
opinion A CEO for Mumbai?
special feature Online Services in a Safe Mode
A futuristic idea for a leader armed with cutting edge ICT
The National e-Authentication Framework explained
egov / / November 2011
further reading Editorial 03 india News 13 industry News 19 world News 33