Costa Rica

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Pura Vida

Costa Rica Mini-Term 2017

Ella Castelloe

Sarah Perkins

Ben ‘Pink Floyd’ Robinson

Emma Garval

Riah Newfont

Micah Mullarkey

Margaux Winter

Kipp Williams

Ellis Ackerman

Liz Peeples

Thad Creech

Nishma Vias

Harper Atkins

Josh Amaniampong

Evan Rhodes

Sydney Hafner

Clarissa Somers

Carson Bockoven

Anna Margaret Clyburn

Cristian Ortiz

Leaf by Margaux Winter

Atenas and Monserrat

Intro to Paradise (Eloy) Micah Mullarkey Welcome to our paradise We are gonna show You how to tour so that You will not I will say burden Our paradise because it’s Our job to respect it. Paradise is just outside of Your door in your country but You are just kind of not knowing It. So here we are going to teach You to I will say love what is.

Not-too-plain Ride by Riah Newfont

Pura vida, that’s just life. You can relax because You run and run and run and We can do the worrying. Life is too fast. Welcome to paradise! We are gonna enjoy this a lot and You are gonna want to do It all fast but just hold You horses and pura vida. ¿Listos?

Arrival by Nishma Vias

Stripped Away Anna Margaret Clyburn

circuits by Nishma Vias

Take my hand, and lead me to the Earth Lead me into the forest, blind but soon to see Take my mask, the one that covers my eyes from light and leaves me with my own dark reflection Take my feet, and free them from the bounds that strip my body of its stability; replace them with sturdy soles Take me, and show me a new world; one void of superficialities and replete with raw, real life

Road to the Clouds by Anna Margaret Clyburn

Castle on the Hill by Nishma Vias

Sun Peeks Out by Sarah Perkins

perspec(k)tive Sarah Perkins what then of size? when up in the air, everything is tiny; a rash of subdivisions, buildings like dots, cars tumbling through roads like cells through veins: so much becomes so little. yet after we arrive so little becomes so much, the world e x p a n d s with each new level of intricacy each tiny thing infinitesimally big infinitely beautiful a world spinning out of itself. a speck; a universe tell me how they are different

Rugged by Emma Garval The Forest Breathes Margaux Winter One inhale Synchronized and syncopated Heartbeats flutter Steady pulse // jagged Feeling extends to dead ends An entire ecosystem: Limited; capsuled; sold The strong center, the throbbing heart Bloodied and stretched Extremities cut and killed It's dependents defenseless But it cannot cry for help As though we would listen Final exhale

Butterfly Flying by Ella Castelloe

9 to 5 Nishma Vias

Conflict in the Forest by Carson Bockoven

a different shade of Green Nishma Vias veins trace from smooth curve to jagged edge heartlines on a palm laced with molten ore at the come of dawn rich in their Verdant splendor the warbler calls for celebration alas, veins don’t spell “legal tender”

Maps Thad Creech They'll tell you what you'll see and where to go They'll tell you topography and whatever else you need to know They show everything from political divides to rolling hills Some may say they show it all But still there is something that is missing But still there is so much more to a place that avoids listing Things such as culture, cuisine, and sights to see These things can only be understood by experience This is why it is important to explore This is why it is important to go beyond the map and find more To actually meet the people, eat the food, and experience their lifestyle And that is where you'll find the true beauty in your destination

Cathedral Candles by Sydney Hafner

Questions Clarissa Somers

Can I ask you a question? Didn’t you already? Do I need my passport? Do you want to get through security? Can my sunscreen be for sports? Will it still work? Should we check our bags? Do you want to have them? Will we suffer from jet lag? Aren’t we going almost straight south? Have you seen my backpack? Have you seen my patience? Do you have anymore snacks? Did you bring anymore money? Can I ask you a question? Haven’t you already? Do I need sunscreen? How much do you like your skin? When will our clothes get dry-cleaned?

When will they be dirty? Should I pack an extra outfit? Do you enjoy hiking uphill wet? Will we be getting wet? Is water wet? Do I need a towel? How fast can you air dry? Are we eating breakfast? Should I starve you? What time is dinner? When was it yesterday? Where are we going? Where do you want to go? What time is it? Does it matter? How many days are left? Do you really want to know? Can I ask you a question? Haven’t I answered them already?

Turkey Coop by Margaux Winter

Early by Kipp Williams

Awakening Kipp Williams As the roosters crow and the dogs bark, The birds chirp and the monkeys howl. As the trees and vines sway gently in the breeze, The clouds roll swiftly over the mountain. As the sky becomes a swirl of pinks, blues, and yellows, Sunlight illuminates the tops of distant clouds. As the sun finally rises over the highest peak, The forest has woken up and stretching its arms. And I am an insignificant bystander to this beautiful awakening. As the forest rises from its slumber, I am fully aware of my own smallness. As I wander through the dense undergrowth, I am continually confronted with beauty. As I have difficulty searching the sky for birds, I am forced to accept my position as outsider. As I appreciate this great organism’s awakening, I am content to be a tiny pair of eyes.

Timid Tendrils by Carson Bockoven

Amongst the Fog by Anna Margaret Clyburn

Dinosaur Valley Ella Castelloe Leaves so giant I feel like an ant A valley of green, rich with plants I want to take everything in but I can’t The magic in this place is easy to feel I see dinosaurs as though they are real The prehistoric feel is a really big deal I could stay in this place forever And you sure can’t beat the weather I don’t think this valley could be any better

Tower by Nishma Vias

From the Earth by Nishma Vias

A Coffee to Remember Emma Garval The rich earthy aroma fills my nostrils steam billows out of the mug rising up to reach my face clouding my eyesight I peer into the mug and stare at the black liquid anticipating the first sip I pour hot milk into to the mug the creamy fresh milk blends with the black coffee turning the coffee into a soothing light brown I walk outside onto the balcony clutching the mug of coffee to my chest Outside I am surrounded by a cool mist engulfed in a cloud on the edge of a mountain peering into the foggy abyss I begin to shiver the moist air like an icy blanket on my shoulders I focus on the warmth of the coffee the scalding liquid hits my lips as I swallow I am hit by the decadent flavor the warmth begins to radiate through my body As the sun rises over the mountains the dense foliage becomes unveiled massive leaves eluding a prehistoric air I finish the last drop of coffee ready to conquer the day

bittersweet by Nishma Vias

Cloud Forest Carson Bockoven

mist shrouds the forest rich isolated treasures priceless, for the now

Prehistoric Valley in the Clouds by Ella Castelloe

Wise Ears of the Valley by Nishma Vias

Valley of the Giants Sydney Hafner

Coffee cup in hand Rising sun floods the valley Leaves larger than me

Speckled Sky Ellis Ackerman Running in the speckled sky Floating on the rocked ground Enveloped in the clouds Drops ticking by Eternal reflections External perplexions Breathing in water Slowing down time

Precarious by Carson Bockoven

Sup Bro(meliad)s by Carson Bockoven

Clouds and Sunset by Ellis Ackerman

Hidden Waterfall by Ella Castelloe

Prehistoric by Harper Atkins

Dawn in the Clouds by Carson Bockoven

The Grandmother Riah Newfont Memories, splashing vibrance Melt with soft cacophonies of sound Emerge, unfathomed radiance In tranquil toil mental murals come unwound She Rocks through time Her backbone; Ridges in the sky Her eyes; an anchor on the peaks Existence is vitality With years and tears the mountain speaks She Rocks through time She is alone, swimming in her sea of love She cannot drown nor can she see the air above She rocks through time

Pretty in Pink by Carson Bockoven


illia by Kipp W e l c y c r Moto

a u g a Ver


Climbing by Kipp Williams

Nacho Style by Kipp Williams

Paraíso Veragua (Nacho) Micah Mullarkey Today we are going on a tour of Paradise. It’s very important that you make Sure of where you are going all the time Because there are vipers. Please do not think that I am mean I am just trying to say the rules. This is a protected area and even Unnamed animals hide here. We will do a night hike so You will need a flashlights To separate the light and darkness. It is very nice. The jungle is rich and mature. And the ecosystems swarm with creatures, We fill this earth, and we have to Respect it and rest in it.

Tiger Stripes by Sydney Hafner

King of the Jungle Emma Garval The sun beats down on my back warming my scales making them glisten through the dense jungle The stifling heat makes me lethargic and I nod off digesting the mouse I caught this morning.

I hear some rustling of leaves probably just a lizard or monkey but the noise heightens an entire army of foot steps pounding through the mud disturbing the dense flora and fauna

I begin to awaken from my dream curious I open one eye In a dream like trance I picture myself slithering and peer towards the source of commotion through the jungle Ten feet away from me I see them on the prowl the humans commandeering the vast forest naively trespassing my territory

One of them notices me and starts taking pictures gasping in fear I had heard stories of these humans but had never seen them most were too cowardly to venture so deep into the jungle My heart begins to pound as I feel my anger boil up inside my coiled body how dare these tall, lanky creatures disturb my solitude I want to pounce scare the humans away forever but I am surrounded twenty times outnumbered I decide to hold my ground I close my eyes and try to ignore the racket I focus on the calming rays of sun warming my scales melting my anger away I begin to drift off again content that I am the king of the jungle

Bushmaster by Ms. Peeples

Beneath My Feet Sydney Hafner The midday sun flooded over my skin. I lift my face and let it warm me. It is hot, and I am sweaty from our hard morning work. I jump into the river, not even testing the temperature before. The cool water soaks into my skin, easing the aching of my sore muscles and refreshing my mind. Some travelled far and some travelled wide. Some north, some south, to find whatever it is they sought. Some visited foreign cities where they toured museums and saw lovely views of city skylines and took pictures pretending to hold up buildings. But i found exactly what it was I was looking for, Beneath my feet.

Veragua at Sunrise by Ellis Ackerman

Surrounded Evan Rhodes In our everyday life, We often forget to show appreciation. We forget about natural beauty Of all the things we are surrounded by. We forget to appreciate the mountains, Towering above the world in their grandeur, With the bustling activity of life that call them home, And the peaceful isolation that lays at their peak. We forget to appreciate the waters of the world, From the vast expanse of the ocean that holds many mysteries, To the flowing, piercing blue rivers which civilization was structured around, To even the smallest of ponds that aid in the creation of life and natural order. We forget to appreciate the night sky, Where at its purest is only illuminated by the distant stars, At its most tainted it still holds the magnificent display of city lights from afar, Where anyone can lose themselves in thought until the sun rises. There are many things that we, as people, take for granted. The beauty of nature is always around, even when we are not paying attention. They say that the only thing constant is change, but I disagree; For we are always surrounded by nature and all of its wonders and grace.

Poised by Nishma Vias

Veragua: A New Day Thad Creech Every day brings new destinations. Every destination brings new experiences. Every experience bring new memory. As we move across the country, this process one should not forget. As the culmination of these memories makes the journey unforgettable. Every experience brings new memory. As we move across the country, this process one should not forget. As the culmination of these memories makes the journey unforgettable.

Overlooking Bullet Ants by Clarissa Somers

Lightgreen by Micah Mullarkey

Humming Machines Josh Amaniampong Its sound is startling Like a bee buzzing in your ear You’re afraid to inspect further Then relieved when you look up Its motions are quick Like a cougar darting towards its prey Faster than human eyes can track Zipping from flower to flower Its actions are precise Like a fine-tuned machine Completely still in the air Then gone in an instant It’s a humming bird

Yellow by Cristian Ortiz

Water by Ellis Ackerman

Water Cristian Ortiz Water falls in Costa Rica Water that empowers a country such as flowers cover the land. Water that brings life To the Costa Rica wildlife. Above all, the waterfalls are falling into the calling of life.

The Heavens Open by Sarah Perkins

La Fortuna

Death of the Environment Margaux Winter When gods fall, what happens to the mortals? Do we recognize death as our end or our beginning The toppled kapok tree Wind uprooted its shallow base Perhaps the fault of a fragile design The wind- an accident of nature or message of destruction? Are we to follow suit and uproot the forest Do we die with the tree "No bishops, no kings" In this case: no trees, no forest I fear this future; our present Can we resurrect the fallen deity Or have we descended too far into anarchy

Trace the Sky by Sarah Perkins

Mother Nishma Vias Her sun beats relentlessly against my back Sending through a stinging warmth, But Nature’s umbrella provides me shelter. Razor-edged stones on an uneven path Draw drops of blood with a careless step, But rocks of the same keep my feet dry in the coursing river. Tightly-packed soil in a steep clearing Tests my strength and patience with cultivation, But that very land yields my next meal. I belong to the Earth, I am shaped by the Earth By lessons marked into my Tanned skin and bruised knees Etched, By the the sweat trailing down my forehead She challenges, But she always nurtures.

Prohibido by Micah Mullarkey

Tourists Cristian Ortiz Today, large buses filled the roads, with excitement clearly shown. As many sought creatures, just to capture their features. Little do they know of nature and the legislature in act to preserve what they observe. A gift that must be preserved, a gift that could shift into a drift of loss of organisms due to poor tourism.

196.9 million mi² by Nishma Vias

Nature Neatness Ella Castelloe

We woke up so early each day To get out in nature and play Each thing that we saw took my breath away

Shrouded Volcano by Margaux Winter

We saw volcanoes and rivers The great big mountains felt like givers Sometimes the rivers gave me the shivers We saw trees that touched the sky And toucans and parrots that flew so high We saw a bushmaster, and that’s no lie We rafted and tubed and swam We even rode a snazzy sky tram All in all Costa Rica made me say “Alacazam!”

Serenity by Emma Garval

The Truth about Cows Harper Atkins cows are always seen as very quiet however that is quite the opposite of the truth many of the cows we encountered seemed quite peaceful but they were constrained by a fence so it was difficult to tell what the truth was but eventually to my later dismay we came across a cow untethered and unfenced and in that time the cow revealed it’s true nature there has been some debate over whether this cow was angsty or just annoyed but it goes without saying (now) that when a cow does not want to be pet you should really let it be

Organic Cow by Margaux Winter

Speak Sarah Perkins the town bubbles up into sharp hillsides rocks rise up to greet the wandering foot the chatter of birds, the rustle of leaves conceive the ultimate duet; earth is speaking to you what are you saying back?

Cascade (A Study of Mother Nature) by Nishma Vias

The Most Clarissa Sommers The most humid mini term As we sweat bullets like those ants The most dangerous mini term As we hike at night with those ants The most adventurous mini term As we try new foods and activities The most nutritious mini term As we eat rice and beans The most sustainable mini term As we only observe among the trees The most environmental mini term As we watch nature bloom The most close-knit mini term As we share only two restrooms The most rewarding mini term As we help children succeed The most interactive mini term As we help frogs grow like weeds The most supportive mini term As we helped each other learn The most inspiring mini term As we all want to return The most illuminating mini term As we first experience things unsure The best mini term As we all loved it and more

Awake by Sarah Perkins

A Curious Parrot by Josh Amaniampong

The Dreadful Thing Carson Bockoven

Far and wide I did search To find what makes most men lurch. Is it creepy, crawly, small, Or wide, hairy, fat and tall? Maybe it’s lithe like a jungle cat, Or something you wouldn’t expect to fight back. As an explorer I did trek, From the South North East, and far West neck. From snakes to super tornados, I’ve seen them all, Even nasty parasites, and a yeti, he was really tall. Although not big, although not small, Although not filled with teeth and claws, Most men will agree That the worst there can be, Is sweaty, dirty, and wet For weeks!

Not-So-Sneaky Snake by Carson Bockoven


Gradient by Emma Garval

Tarnished Anna Margaret Clyburn Bigger is better More is more All that glitters, it might as well be gold Don't look there, they say Don't look at the subtle beauty of everything around us Because if you look, you may start to question You'll question the chrome, the silver, the shiny, the new And once you do It may fall apart around you The faรงade that we've all been taught to believe It's all a ruse, perched atop piles of dead trees

Handmade by Nishma Vias

Things I learned in Costa Rica Harper Atkins I learned many things in Costa Rica over the past ten days the first of which being do not look up from the ground now if you have never been on a hike this may not make sense you may say “why don’t you admire the scenery more?” And I am glad to say I did I saw so much nature but not so much while I walked it was all while we stopped and talked because if I had looked up to sightsee while we were walking I could have fallen off a cliff

Hot by Kipp Williams

when there were no cliffs to fall off of there was mud to slip in rocks to fall on snakes to step on cows to charge me to name a few so while I had a lot of fun and learned so very much the most important thing I learned while in costa rica was don’t look up from the path.

Jungle Snow Ellis Ackerman

Eyes painted black Hearts turned to heaven Running water and dancing stones Smiling air and jungle snow Independently rugged and wild Fundamental liberations Existential exuberations

Golden Showers by Nishma Vias

False Alarm Evan Rhodes My embrace tight with the cold surface, Water rushing around me, Thoughts are racing through my mind, Only thinking naturally. Was today my last sunrise? Will I ever see the stars again? How will I ever survive this? After all, I am only human. I am content with my life, I had many achievements. But I guess not my time is up, In my heart I believe this. But then I am snapped out of it, My head poked with the shaft Of an oar that was held out to me, And I simply jumped back into the raft.

Dwarfed by Nishma Vias

For Sale by Sydney Hafner

Geometry by Emma Garval

A Night with Less Lights Josh Amaniampong As the day passed and dawn turned to dusk I noticed something not commonly seen at home An object in the sky removed its dark husk A bright object painted on the sky’s dome I pondered what it could be when a friend told me “It’s probably a planet” as he continued to look Then I figured it out and told the others with glee It must be Venus; I’ve read it in a book When it turned to night I could see a flurry of stars Some were familiar like Orion and his belt Others were different; I think I even saw mars Without light pollution, the darkness of the night had melt

Venus by Josh Amaniampong

Infinity Riah Newfont I exist Leaping, seamless, endless Blankets above and below The sky meets the sea Hugs the ground Within me On either side A bobbing light Running with their flame Only the rush of air Unfettered Bright as night

Placid by Emma Garval

Shed! The skins and the feathers We drown in The clouds and tiny dust We can’t be free Until we’re found in Desperation But it’s lost In lethargic dependence We must fall Merchandise Landfills and taxes Repugnant Let us hate it all

No We are not cowards Fight the current Swim upstream and Find the Power When storms regather I’ll still believe In me In you Infinity

Gates, Wires, and Fences Kipp Williams Gates. I see many gates. A black iron one with artistic, sharp points at the top. Ocean blue with a yellow sun in the center. Mesh wire over simple black bars. An open gate with holes in the walls where hinges used to be. Barbed wire. I’ve never seen so much barbed wire. Barbed wire pulled through carefully painted white and blue posts. Rusted barbed wire falling off of rotted tree stumps. Barbed wire grown into small trees soon to be tall trees. Barbed wire easy to slip over or under marking private property. These gates and wires are each doomed. I’ve seen concrete houses, once proud, commandeered by the forest. I’ve seen the pathetic remains of valiant attempts to fence an area. I know that the trees and vines of Costa Rica are no match for our attempts. The land will not be divided, even by your gates and wires and fences.

Rust by Emma Garval

The Final Sunset by Anna Margaret Clyburn

Eloy Frank and JosĂŠ

Margarita Frank


Nacho the Invincible



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