ع٤شإ اإلٓبساد رغِن سؽالد إ٣شثبص ا 380 ٚ٣اُٝ ٠اش٘غٖ كجشا٣ش اُوبدّ أػِ٘ذ ع٤شإ اإلٓبساد اُ ّٞ٤ػٖ خغظ ُزغ٣ٞش خذٓزٜب اُ٤ٓٞ٤خ إُٝ ٠اش٘غٖ د ١ع ٖٓ ٢خالٍ رشـ َ٤عبئشح إ٣شثبص اٚ٣ 800- 380ػِٛ ٠زا اُخظ ثذال ٖٓ عبئشح اُج٘٣ٞظ ا ٟاس 300- 777اُؼبِٓخ ؽبُ٤ب ٝرُي اػزجبسا ٖٓ 1كجشا٣ش اُوبدّ. ٝرأر ٢خغٞح رؼض٣ض اُغؼخ أُوؼذ٣خ ُزِج٤خ اُغِت اُوٝ ١ٞأُؾبكظخ ػِ ٠اُغؼخ ػِٛ ٠زا اُخظ ػوت إػالٕ ٗٞ٣ب٣زذ إ٣شال٘٣ض ػٖ ٝهق ػِٔ٤برٜب ػِ ٠خظ دثٝ - ٢اش٘غٖ اػزجبسا ٖٓ ٘٣ 25ب٣ش اُغبس ١ثبإلضبكخ إُ ٠رٞك٤ش اُلشطخ أٓبّ أُغبكشٖٓ ٖ٣ ٝإُ ٠اُؼبطٔخ األٓ٤شً٤خ ُزغشثخ اُغبئشح اُؼٔالهخ ٘ٓٝزغبرٜب اُلش٣ذح. ٝهبٍ اُغ٤ش رً ْ٤السى سئ٤ظ ع٤شإ اإلٓبساد ُـ ٝاّ " رؼذ خذٓز٘ب إُٝ ٠اش٘غٖ د ١عٝ ٢اؽذح ٖٓ أٗغؼ اُخغٞط ٝأػالٛب سثؾ٤خ ٝرؾظ ٠ثغِت ًج٤ش ك ٢عٔ٤غ اُذسعبد ٝػِ ٠اُشؿْ ٖٓ أُغز٣ٞبد اُؼبُ٤خ ُٔالءح أُوبػذ كوذ هشسد ٗٞ٣ب٣زذ إ٣شال٘٣ض االٗغؾبة ٖٓ ٛزا اُخظ. ُٝلذ إُ ٠إٔ أُوبػذ اإلضبك٤خ اُز ٢رٞكشٛب اإل٣شثبص ا 380 ٚ٣عزؾبكظ ػِٓ ٠غز ٟٞاُغؼخ أُزبؽخ ػِ ٠اُخظ ٝرضٖٔ اعزٔشاس خذٓخ أُغبكش ٖ٣األٓ٤شًٝ ٖ٤٤أُغبكش ٖ٣اُذ ٖ٤٤ُٝاُغ٤بػ ٝسعبٍ األػٔبٍ اُشاؿج ٖ٤ك ٢ص٣بسح ٝاش٘غٖ اُؼبطٔخ. ٙٞٗٝإُ ٠إٔ ٓٞاػ٤ذ ٓـبدسح اُشؽالد ػِ ٠خظ دثٝ - ٢اش٘غٖ د ١ع ٢عزجؤً ٠ب ٖٓ ٢ٛد ٕٝرـ٤٤ش. ًبٕ ؽبًْ كشع٤٘٤ب ر٤شٓ ١بً٤ُٞق هذ أػِٖ ك 8 ٢د٣غٔجش أُبض ٢اعزضٔبس ٕٞ٤ِٓ 50دٝالس ُزغ٣ٞش ٓغبس د٤ُٝض اُذ٢ُٝ ٝرُي ُزؼض٣ض ر٘بكغ٤خ أُغبس. ٝع٤غبٛ ْٛزا االعزضٔبس ك ٢رٞك٤ش ٓض٣ذ ٖٓ كشص اُؼَٔ أُجبششح ٝؿ٤ش أُجبششح ٝرشغ٤غ اُ٘بهالد اُغ٣ٞخ ػِ ٠رؾغٖ٤ خذٓبرٜب. ًبٗذ ع٤شإ اإلٓبساد هذ أعِوذ خذٓزٜب اُ٤ٓٞ٤خ ٖٓ د ٕٝرٞهق ث ٖ٤دثٝٝ ٢اش٘غٖ اُؼبطٔخ ك ٢اُؼبّ .2012 ٝعب ْٛإٗلبم اُضٝاس اُزٗ ٖ٣وِز ْٜع٤شإ اإلٓبساد ث٘ؾ ٕٞ٤ِٓ 130 ٞدٝالس ع٘٣ٞب ٝأٝعذد خذٓبرٜب 2787كشطخ ػَٔ ٝأضبكذ ٕٞ٤ِٓ 113دٝالس إُ ٠دخَ أُٞظل ٖ٤األٓ٤شًٝٝ ٖ٤٤طِذ ٓغبٔٛزٜب االهزظبد٣خ إُ ٕٞ٤ِٓ 326 ٠دٝالس ك٘ٓ ٢غوخ ٝاش٘غٖ د ١ع.٢ ٝرغب ْٛخذٓبد ع٤شإ اإلٓبساد اُؾبُ٤خ إُ ٠ػشش ٓذٕ أٓ٤شً٤خ ث٘ؾ٤ِٓ 1.9 ٞبس دٝالس ك ٢إٗلبم اُضٝاس إُ ٠رِي اُذُٝخ ٝرذػْ 40اُق كشطخ ػَٔ. ٣ٝغزغ٤غ اُشًبة أُغبكش ٕٝإُٝ ٠اش٘غٖ د ١ع ٢ػجش دثٓ ٖٓ ٢ؾغبد ػذح ٓضَ ٓٞس٣شٞ٤ط ٝثبٌٗٞى ٗٞٛٝظ ًٗٞظ ٝع٘ـبكٞسح ٝع٤ذِٗٓٝ ٢جٞسٕ االعزٔزبع ثٌبَٓ سؽِز ْٜػِ ٠عبئشاد اإلٓبساد اإل٣شثبص أً 380 ٚ٣ب ُِ ٌٖٔ٣شًبة أُغبكش ٖٓ ٖ٣اُؼبطٔخ األٓ٤شً٤خ إُ ٠اُؼذ٣ذ ٖٓ اُٞعٜبد ٓزبثؼخ سؽالر ْٜثغُٜٞخ ٝعالعخ ػجش دث.٢ ٝرٞكش ع٤شإ اإلٓبساد ُشًبثٜب اُشاؿج ٖ٤ك ٢اعزٌشبف ٓذٕ أٓ٤شً٤خ خبسط شجٌخ خغٞعٜب ك ٢رِي أُ٘غوخ خذٓخ "أٓ٤شًبٕ ثبط" اُز ٢رز٤ؼ ُِٔغبكش ٖٓ ٖ٣خالٍ رزًشح ع٤شإ ٝاؽذح اُغلش إُ ٠أٓ ٖٓ ١ؾغبد اُ٘بهِخ اُؼشش ك ٢اُٞال٣بد أُزؾذح ٓٝزبثؼخ علش ْٛاٗغالهب ٜٓ٘ب إُ ٠أًضش ٖٓ ٓ 90ذ٘٣خ ػجش اُٞال٣بد أُزؾذح ً٘ٝذا ٝأٓ٤شًب اُغ٘ٞث٤خػِ ٠سؽالد رغ٤شٛب خٔظ ٗبهالد أٓ٤شً٤خ رشرجظ ٓؼٜب ع٤شإ اإلٓبساد ثبرلبه٤بد ششاًخ ٢ٛٝع٤ذ ثِ ٝٞأالعٌب إ٣شال٘٣ض ٝك٤شعٖ أٓ٤شًب ٣ٝٝغذ ع٤ذ إ٣شال٘٣ض ٝثٞسرش إ٣شال٘٣ض. ٝهذ ٗوِذ ع٤شإ اإلٓبساد ٓ٘ز إعالم خذٓزٜب إُٓ ٠غبس ٗٞ٣ٞ٤سى ع ٚ٤إف ً ٚ٤ك ٢ػبّ 2004أًضش ٖٓ ٕٞ٤ِٓ 11ساًت ػِ ٠سؽالرٜب إُ ٠أُؾغبد اُز ٢رخذٜٓب ك ٢اُٞال٣بد أُزؾذح. ٝرشـَ اُ٘بهِخ ؽبُ٤ب سؽالد ٤ٓٞ٣خ إُٓ 10 ٠غبساد أٓ٤شً٤خ سئ٤غخ ٢ٛأٝسالٗذٝ ٝثٞعغٖ ٝشٌ٤بؿٞ٤ٛٝ ٞعزٖ داالط/ كٞسد ٝسس ُٞٝط أٗغِٞط ٞ٣ٞ٤ٗٝسى ٝعبٕ كشاٗغ٤غٌٝ ٞع٤برَ ٝٝاش٘غٖ اُؼبطٔخ ٝر٘وَ اإلٓبساد ُِشؾٖ اُغٗ ١ٞؾٞ 650ع٘ب ٖٓ اُظبدساد األٓش٤ٌ٣خ أعجٞػ٤ب ثٔب ك ٢رُي هغغ ؿ٤بس اُغ٤بساد ٖٓ ٗٞ٣ٞ٤سى ٝاُزلبػ ٝاٌُشص ٖٓ ع٤برَ ٓٝؼذاد اُ٘لظ ٝاُـبص ٖٓ ٞ٤ٛعزٖ ٓغبٔٛخ ك ٢دػْ ؽشًخ اُزغبسح ٝكزؼ أعٞام عذ٣ذح ُِششًبد األٓش٤ٌ٣خ ك٘ٓ ٢بعن اُششم األٝعظ ٝأكش٣و٤ب ٝآع٤ب
ٝص٣ش اُغ٤شإ ٣زلوذ ٓغبس اُوبٛشح ٓٝج٘ ٠اُشًبة سهْ 2رٔ٤ٜذاً إلكززبؽٚ هبّ اُغ٤بس ؽغبّ ًٔبٍ ٝص٣ش اُغ٤شإ أُذٗ ٢طجبػ اُ ّٞ٤األص٘ ٖ٤ثغُٞخ ٓلبعئخ اعزـشهذ ػذح عبػبد داخَ ٓجبٗ ٢اُشًبة ثٔغبس اُوبٛشح اُذُٔ ٢ُٝزبثؼخ ؽشًخ اُغلش ٝاُٞطٝ ٍٞاُخذٓبد أُوذٓخ ُِٔغبكشٖ٣ ًٝزُي اإلعشاءاد األٓ٘٤خ ثبُٔغبس ،ساكن اُٞص٣ش خالٍ اُض٣بسح أُٜ٘ذط ٓؾٔذ عؼ٤ذ ٓؾشٝط سئ٤ظ ششًخ ٓ٘٤بء اُوبٛشح اُغ. ١ٞ ثذأد اُغُٞخ ثض٣بسح ٓج٘ ٢اُشًبة سهْ 1أُخظض ُشؽالد ششًبد اُغ٤شإ األع٘ج٤خ ٝرلوذ اُٞص٣ش طبُز٢ اُغلش ٝاُٞطٝ ٍٞاعزشاؽبد اُخذٓخ أُٔ٤ضح ٘ٓٝغوخ اُغشاعبد أٓبّ ٓج٘ ٢اُشًبة سهْ ٘ٓٝ 1غوخ كشص اُؾوبئت أعلَ ٓج٘ ٠اُشًبة ٝاإلعشاءاد األٓ٘٤خ ُذخ ٍٞأُغبكشٝ ٖ٣اُؾوبئت ٝاُز ٢رٔش ثخٔظ ٓشاؽَ ، ٝاُزوٝ ٢ص٣ش اُغ٤شإ خالٍ عُٞز ٚثبُِٞاء كٓ ٢ٜٔغبٛذ ٓذ٣ش ػبّ اإلداسح اُؼبٓخ ُششعخ ٓ٘٤بء اُوبٛشح اُغٝ ١ٞأًذ ػِ ٢أ٤ٔٛخ اُظ٤بٗخ اُذٝس٣خ ُغٔ٤غ األعٜضح األٓ٘٤خ أُٞعٞدح ثبُظبالد ٝاعزخذاّ عٔ٤غ اُجٞاثبد اإلٌُزش٤ٗٝخ ٝإ رٌ ٕٞعٔ٤غ األعٜضح ثؾبُخ ك٘٤خ ع٤ذح ٝاإلثالؽ كٞسا ػٖ أ ١ػغَ ٝعشػٚ إطالؽًٔ ، ٚب رلوذ ٝص٣ش اُغ٤شإ أُٔشاد أُغبػذح ُٔج٘ ٢اُشًبة سهْ ٓٝ 1ششٝع اضبءح أُٔش L 05 ثأؽذس ٓؼذاد إضبءح ُِٔٔشاد ك ٢اُؼبُْ ٝاُز ٖٓ ١أُوشس إٔ ٣زْ اإلٗزٜبء ٓ٘ٝ ٚرشـ َ٤األعٜضح أُالؽ٤خ اُخبطخ ثبُٔٔش ٜٗب٣خ اُشٜش اُؾبًُٔ ٢ب رلوذ ٓخبصٕ األعٞام اُؾشح ثبُٔغبس ٓٝششٝع اُزٌ٤٤ق أُشًض١ ثبُٔخبصٕ ٝاُز ١رْ اإلٗزٜبء ٓ٘ٛ ٚزا األعجٞع ًٔب رلوذ اُغ٤بس ؽغبّ ًٔبٍ ٝص٣ش اُغ٤شإ ٝاُِٞاء كٓ ٢ٜٔغبٛذ ٓذ٣ش ػبّ اإلداسح اُؼبٓخ ُششعخ ٓ٘٤بء اُوبٛشح اُغٝ ١ٞؽذح اُذكبع أُذٗ ٢اُشئ٤غ٤خ ثٔغبس اُوبٛشح ٝاُز ٢رضْ أؽذس ع٤بساد اإلعلبء ٓٝؼذاد ٓٞاعٜخ اُؾش٣ن ٝرأًذ ٖٓ عبٛض٣زٜب ُِزؼبَٓ ٓغ ا ١ؽذس عبسا ٝثٔؼذٍ اعزغبثخ ػبُ٤خ ٝ.اٗزوَ اُٞص٣ش ُٔوش ششًخ ٓظشُِغ٤شإ ُِظ٤بٗخ ٝاألػٔبٍ اُل٘٤خ ٘ٛٝأ اُؼبِٓ ٖ٤ثئعز٤بص اُششًخ ُشٜبدح اإل٣بصا اُذ٤ُٝخ ُِؼبّ اُؼبشش ػِ ٢اُزٞاُٝ ٢رلوذ ٘ٛغش اُظ٤بٗخ ٝ 8000اُز٣ ١ؼذ ٖٓ أًجش ٘ٛبعش ط٤بٗخ اُغبئشاد ػِ٢ ٓغز ١ٞاُششم األٝعظ ٝاكش٣و٤ب ًٝزُي ٓششٝع اٗشبء ٘ٛغش اُظ٤بٗخ اُغذ٣ذ ٝ 7000أُوشس اإلٗزٜبء ٓ٘ٚ كٓ 31 ٢بسط ًٔ ، 2016ب رلوذ ًٔبٍ أُ٘غوخ اُغذ٣ذح اُز ٢رْ رخظ٤ظٜب ُِغبئشاد اُوذٔ٣خ ٝربثغ االعشاءاد اُز ٢رزْ ُِزخِض ٖٓ ٛز ٙاُغبئشاد ثؼذ اثؼبدٛب ػٖ ٓ٘غوخ أسع أُٜجظ ؽ٤ش رْ اُزخِض ثبُلؼَ ٖٓ عبئشرٝ ٖ٤عبس ١ؽبُ٤ب اُزخِض ٖٓ 4عبئشاد أخشٝٝ ١ع ٚاُٞص٣ش ثغشػخ ارخبر اإلعشاءاد اُوبٗ٤ٗٞخ ُِزخِض ٜٓ٘ب ًٔ .ب ربثغ اُٞص٣ش أػٔبٍ أُشؽِخ األٓ ٖٓ ٢ُٝششٝع إٗبسح أعٞاس أُغبس اُخبسع٤خ ثبإلضبءح اُشٔغ٤خ ،ثؼذ رُي رٞع ٚاُٞص٣ش اُ ٠هش٣خ اُجضبئغ ثٔغبس اُوبٛشح ٝرلوذ ٓخبصٕ اُظبدس ٝاُٞاسد ثبُوش٣خ ٓٝخغظ اُزٞعغ اُز ١رو ّٞثٓ ٚظش ُِغ٤شإ ك ٢اُلزشح أُوجِخ ك ٢ضٞء ص٣بدح ؽشًخ اُشؾٖ اُغٝ ٖٓ ١ٞآُ ٢غبس اُوبٛشحًٔ.ب رلوذ اُٞص٣ش أ٣ضب أُٔشاد أُغبػذح ٓٝذاخَ ٓٝخبسط اُغبئشاد ثٔششٝع ٓج٘ ٢اُشًبة سهْ ًٝ 2زُي أػٔبٍ اُزغٔ َ٤ثٔ٘غوخ اُزشٓبى أُؾ٤غخ ثٔج٘ ٢اُشًبة اُغذ٣ذ ٝربثغ االٗزٜبء ٖٓ أػٔبٍ اُشطق ٝاُٞاعٜبد ثبُٔج٘ ٠رٔ٤ٜذا إلكززبؽ ٚاُؼبّ اُغبسٝ ، ١كٜٗ ٢ب٣خ اُغُٞخ ؽش اُٞص٣شعٔ٤غ اُؼبِٓ ٖ٤ػِ ٢ضشٝسح رٌض٤ق عٜٞد ٖٓ ْٛاعَ رغ َ٤ٜاإلعشاءاد ك ٢اُغلش ٝاُٞط ٍٞخبطخ ٓغ ثذا٣خ ٓٞعْ أعبصح ٗظق اُؼبّ اُذساعٝ ٢سؽالد اُؼٔشح ٝاُغ٤بؽخ اُذاخِ٤خ ٌُٕٞ٤ ٓغبس اُوبٛشح طٞسح ٓششكخ آبّ ضٞ٤ف ٓظش ٖٓ عٔ٤غ اٗؾبء اُؼبُْ
ٓغبس اُـشدهخ ٣غزوجَ كش٣ن رذس٣ت ثش٣غبُٗ ٠زو ْ٤٤األداء األٓ٘٠
ٝطَ إُٓ ٠غبس اُـشدهخ اُذ ،٢ُٝكش٣ن اُزذس٣ت اُجش٣غبٗ ٠ثششًخ “ًٗٞزش ٍٝس٣غٌظ” ؽ٤ش ًبٕ ك ٠اعزوجبُ ْٜاُغ٤بس طبدم اُشٞسٟ ٓذ٣ش ػبّ أُغبس. ٝأٝضؼ ث٤بٕ ُٔغبس اُـشدهخ اُ ،ّٞ٤إٔ كش٣ن اُزذس٣ت ٝطَ إُ ٠اُـشدهخ ُزو ْ٤٤األداء األٓ٘ ،٠ثبإلضبكخ إُٝ ٠ضغ ٓوزشؽبد ٝرٞط٤بد ثشإٔ ص٣بدح ًلبءح أُ٘ظٓٞخ األٓ٘٤خ ثبُٔغبساد أُظش٣خ ثؾغت أ ػ أ. ُٝلذ اُج٤بٕ إُ ٠إٔ اُزؼبهذ شَٔ رذس٣ت سعبٍ األٖٓ ك ٢أُغبساد ػِ٠ أؽذس أعبُ٤ت أُ٘ظٓٞخ األٓ٘٤خ أُزجؼخ ك ٢أُغبساد اُذ٤ُٝخٝ ،رُي ُض٣بدح أُٜبساد األٓ٘٤خ ك ٠اعزخذاّ ٛز ٙاألعٜضح. ٤ِٓ 12.1بس دٝالس هٔ٤خ ٓج٤ؼبد ٕٞ٤ِٓ 28.6رزًشح ع٤شإ ك ٠أُ٘غوخ خالٍ 10أشٜش ثِـذ ٓج٤ؼبد رزاًش اُغ٤شإ ك ٢اُذُٝخ ٓ 5.3ال ٖ٤٣رزًشح هٔ٤زٜب 10.2 ِٓ٤بساد دس ْٛخالٍ األشٜش اُؼششح األ.2015 ٖٓ ٠ُٝ ٝأشبسد ث٤بٗبد االرؾبد اُذُِ٘ ٢ُٝوَ اُغ« ١ٞا٣برب» إُ ٠إٔ عٞم اإلٓبساد ٣ؼذ صبٗ ٢أًجش عٞم ثؼذ اُغؼٞد٣خ ك ٢اُززاًش اُز ٢رجبع ٖٓ خالٍ ششًبد اُغ٤شإ ٌٓٝبرت اُغ٤بؽخ ٝاُغلش اُزبثؼخ ُالرؾبد. ٝثِؾ إعٔبُ ٢اُززاًش أُجبػخ ك ٢أُ٘غوخ خالٍ األشٜش اُؼششح األٖٓ ٠ُٝ ٗ 2015ؾ ٕٞ٤ِٓ 28.6 ٞرزًشح هٔ٤زٜب ٤ِٓ 12.1بس دٝالس. ٝثِـذ ٓج٤ؼبد اُززاًش ك ٢اُغٞم اُغؼٞدٓ 10.9 ١ال ٖ٤٣رزًشح ثؤ٤خ 4.1 ِٓ٤بساد دٝالس. ٝعبء اُغٞم اٌُ٣ٞز ٢ك ٢أُشًض اُضبُش ثج٤غ ٕٞ٤ِٓ 2.4رزًشح هٔ٤زٜب ٕٞ٤ِٓ 989.3دٝالس. ٝٝكوبً ُج٤بٗبد «ا٣برب» ٣زٞهغ إٔ رؾون ٗبهالد اُششم األٝعظ أسثبؽبً رظَ إُ٤ِٓ 1.7 ٠بس دٝالس ٓغزل٤ذح ٖٓ اعزٔشاس رشاعغ اُ٘لظ ٞٔٗٝؽشًخ اُ٘وَ اُغ ١ٞاُز ٢رؼذ ٖٓ ث ٖ٤األػِ ٠ك ٢اُؼبُْ عبئشح أٓش٤ٌ٣خ رؾٓ ٍٞغبسٛب العجبة أٓ٘٤خ
ؽُٞذ عبئشح ربثؼخ ُششًخ ٗٞ٣ب٣زذ إ٣شال٘٣ض األٓش٤ٌ٣خ ٓغبسٛب ،إُٓ ٠غبس كبٌٗٞكش كً٘ ٢ذا ،ثؼذ إٔ ًبٗذ ٓزغٜخ ٖٓ ٝال٣خ أالعٌب إُ ٠دٗلش ثٞال٣خ ًُٞٞساد" ،ٝألعجبة أٓ٘٤خ". ٝهبُذ ٓزؾذصخ ثبعْ أُغبس إٕ "اُشؽِخ سهْ 1104اُزبثؼخ ُخغٞط ٗٞ٣ب٣زذ إ٣شال٘٣ض أُزٞعٜخ ٖٓ أٗشٞساؽ ك ٢آالعٌب إُ ٠دٗلش ك٢ ًُٞٞساد ،ٝرْ رؾِٜ٣ٞب إُٓ ٠غبس كبٌٗٞكش اُذُ ٢ُٝغجت أٓ٘."٢ ٝأضبكذ إٔ اُششعخ اٌُ٘ذ٣خ رزؼبَٓ ٓغ اُٞضغٓ ،ش٤شح إُ ٠إٔ اُغبئشح ٛجغذ ثغالّٝ ،إٔ اُششًخ رزؼبٓ ٕٝغ اُغِغبدٝ ،كن ٓب أٝسدد "كشاٗظ ثشط". كٔ٤ب ُْ ٞ٣ضؼ ٓغؤ ُٞٝششًخ اُغ٤شإ ٝأُغبس عج٤ؼخ أُشٌِخ اُز ٢أدد إُ ٠رؾٓ َ٣ٞغبس اُشؽِخ ،إال إٔ اُؾبدس ٣أرٝ ٢عظ ؽبُخ اُزأٛت اُؼبُ٤خ ك ٢اُٞال٣بد أُزؾذح ً٘ٝذا ،رؾغجبً ألٛ ١غٔبد إسٛبث٤خ Etihad Airways enhances US operations with equipment changes in 2016 Etihad Airways continues to optimize its United States network with equipment changes on two key markets in 2016. Currently Etihad Airways operates leased Jet Airways Boeing 777-300ER aircraft for its daily flight to and from San Francisco. These aircraft will be replaced with Etihad Airways Boeing 777-200LRs from 25 April 2016. The daily EY101 flight from Abu Dhabi to New York’s JFK airport and the return EY100 service will also see leased Jet Airways Boeing 777-300ER aircraft replaced by Etihad Airways Boeing 777-300ERs from 1 June 2016. The second daily Etihad Airways service to and from New York JFK, EY103 and EY102, will continue to be operated with the airline’s A380 aircraft in 2016. The Etihad Airways Boeing 777-200LR to be deployed on the San Francisco route will be configured to carry 239 guests in three cabins, with eight First Class seats, 40 Business Class seats and 191 Economy Class seats. The Boeing 777-300ER to be deployed by Etihad Airways on the New York route will be configured to carry 328 guests also in three cabins, with eight First Class seats, 40 Business Class seats, and 280 Economy Class seats. All Etihad Airways guests flying to the United States pass through US Preclearance at Abu Dhabi Airport meaning they clear US immigration and customs before boarding their flight and arriving in America as domestic passengers. Etihad Airways offers a new premium lounge for First and Business Class guests to enjoy once they have passed through US Preclearance in Abu Dhabi. Etihad Airways currently operates double daily to New York JFK, a daily service to Chicago, daily to Washington DC, daily to Los Angeles LAX, daily to San Francisco, and three flights a week to Dallas-Fort Worth. The airline opened a new premium lounge in New York in 2015. Source: Etihad Airways
Swedish investigators find West Atlantic flight recorders Swedish accident investigators have recovered the two flight recorders from the West Atlantic Bombardier CRJ200 freighter that crashed in Sweden near the Norwegian border in the early hours of Jan. 8, killing the two crew members. The Gothenburg-based European mail and express freight carrier West Atlantic CRJ200PF, operating as flight PT294, was en route from Oslo to Tromso, Norway late on Jan. 7 when the pilots declared mayday and the aircraft disappeared from radar at 11:31 p.m. local time, just over 20 minutes after taking off. Searchers discovered the crash site around four hours later in a remote mountainous region on the Swedish side of the border with Norway, around 200 km (124 miles) northwest of Gällivare. From the small impact area, the aircraft appeared to have dived into the rocky terrain at a steep angle. The Swedish Accident Investigation Authority, Statens haverikommission (SHK), said that on Jan. 9 the rescue services pumped about 1.5 cubic meters of liquid, primarily jet fuel, from the impact crater. The flight data recorder (FDR) was recovered Jan. 9, followed shortly afterward by part of the cockpit voice recorder (CVR). The CVR was missing its memory functions, but this component was found on Jan. 10. Both recorders were heavily damaged, the SHK’s deputy director-general and chairman of the investigation, Jonas Bäckstrand told ATW, ”but we do have a hope that the information can be secured. The boxes will be taken for analysis to try to extract the information.“ This process may take several weeks. In a statement, the SHK said the recovery of the two recorders made it believe ”that it will be possible to determine why the aircraft crashed.“ It is not standard SHK procedure to issue a preliminary report into a crash, Bäckstrand said. This is normally only done if an investigation stretched beyond a year. However, an exception might be made in this case, because of public interest in the crash. He said final reports are typically issued 10-12 months following an accident.
IATA: Decline in Air Freight Volumes Bottoms Out The International Air Transport Association (IATA) released data for global air freight markets showing air cargo volumes (measured in Freight Tonne Kilometers) were down 1.2% in November 2015, compared to November 2014. Total cargo volumes, however, expanded compared to October 2015, and were higher than the low point in August. This indicates that the decline in cargo demand may be bottoming out. The negative year-on-year comparisons occurred across all regions with the exception of the Middle East. Of the major markets that together comprise more than 80% of total trade, Europe was down 2.0%, North America by 3.2%, and Asia-Pacific by 1.5%. The comparative weakness in these regions was driven largely because the performance in November 2014 was very strong. Latin American and African markets also fell, by 6.4% and 6.0% respectively. The Middle East region posted 5.4% growth. "The freight performance in November was a mixed bag. Although the headline growth rate fell again, and the global economic outlook remains fragile, it appears that parts of Asia-Pacific are growing again and globally, export orders are looking better. In fact, the downward trend in FTK volumes appears to be bottoming out. But there is a great deal of uncertainty. The current volatility of stock markets shows how much the health of the global economy – upon which air cargo depends - remains on a knife-edge," said Tony Tyler, IATA’s Director General and CEO. Nov 2015 vs. Nov 2014 FTK Growth AFTK Growth FLF International -1.3% 3.8% 50.8% Domestic -0.4% 7.2% 30.4% Total Market -1.2% 4.5% 46.8% YTD 2015 vs. YTD 2014 FTK Growth AFTK Growth FLF International 2.6% 6.4% 47.6% Domestic 0.0% 4.5% 29.5% Total Market 2.3% 6.0% 44.1% Regional analysis in detail
Asia-Pacific carriers saw a slight fall in FTKs of 1.5% in November compared to November 2014, and capacity expanded 3.2%. Compared to October, volumes expanded by a strong 1.9%. Over recent months, the declining trend in volumes has halted. Better demand in advanced economies is driving export growth in some countries, particularly in Japan. European carriers reported weaker demand in November, down 2.0% compared to a year ago, and capacity rose 2.2%. Comparing November to October, the trend was flat, but there are indications that stronger manufacturing and export orders could support air freight demand in the coming months. North American airlines experienced a fall of 3.2% year-on-year and capacity grew 5.8%. The market remains hard to read. A 0.4% expansion compared to October indicates that air cargo could be recovering. But export indicators are poor, making it hard to be optimistic for the coming months. Middle Eastern carriers saw demand expand by 5.4%, and capacity rise 9.2%. Although the Middle East led the way as the only market showing positive growth, the rate fell to less than half the 11.9% average growth for the year-to-date. Falls in the oil price are impacting some economies in the region. Latin American airlines reported a decline in demand of 6.4% year-onyear, and capacity expanded 1.9%. Few positive signals emerged from the markets in this region, with economic and political conditions in Brazil particularly weak. The comparison with October also showed a 1.4% contraction and air cargo demand appears to be mirroring weaker consumer confidence. African carriers experienced a fall in demand of 6.0%, and capacity rose by 6.6%. Africa remains one of only three regions (with Asia-Pacific and Middle East) to record positive year-to-date growth for 2015. Demand is holding up despite the underperformance of Nigeria and South Africa. Emirates Expands Switzerland Operation, Adds Second Daily Service to Geneva Emirates announced today the expansion of its operation in Switzerland with the addition of a second daily service to Geneva effective 1st June 2016. The second daily flight will double capacity on the route and represents an overall increase of 26% for Emirates in Switzerland. The new flight will be operated by a state-of-the-art Boeing 777-300ER aircraft in a three-class configuration, with eight Private Suites in First Class, 42 lie flat seats in Business Class, and 310 spacious seats in Economy Class. ”With natural landmarks like Lake Geneva, the Alps and Jura mountains, Geneva is an attractive destination. It also hosts the highest number of international organisations, like Europe’s United Nations and the Red Cross, making it a global hub for diplomacy and banking. Demand is strong year-round, with high traffic from Thailand, Australia, Hong Kong and the Indian Ocean, with travellers visiting the city for business and pleasure," commented Thierry Aucoc, Emirates’ Senior Vice President, Commercial Operations, Europe and Russia. "Aside from more convenience for the growing number of Swiss travellers visiting Dubai, the additional frequency from Geneva will allow us to meet high demand and offer better connectivity for those travelling to countries like Africa, Indian Ocean islands, Bali and Thailand via our ultra-modern hub,“ added Aucoc. Emirates flight EK83 will depart Dubai International Airport at 14:55hrs and arrive in Geneva at 19:50hrs. The outbound flight EK84 will depart Geneva at 21:45hrs and arrive in Dubai at 06:10hrs the following day. With an additional cargo capacity of almost 20 tonnes per day in each direction, Emirates SkyCargo will offer better access for Swiss companies to economies around the world. Exports from Geneva include pharmaceutical products, automobile spare parts, chemicals and semi-conductors. The presence of international organisations like the Red Cross also generates high humanitarian cargo traffic on the route. Customers on Emirates’ flights enjoy the famed hospitality of its multi-national Cabin Crew, including Swiss, as well as gourmet cuisine and Emirates’ awardwinning ice entertainment system. With more than 2000 channels of on-demand entertainment, from movies, television programmes, games, audio books, and music from around the world, ice has been named the world’s best inflight entertainment system by Skytrax for 11 consecutive years. As with all Emirates flights, passengers will benefit from a generous baggage allowance of 30kg in Economy Class, 40kg in Business Class and 50 kg in First Class. Passengers travelling in premium cabins will also enjoy lounge access as well as Chauffeur-drive service. Worldwide Flight Services (WFS) to acquire Consolidated Aviation Services Worldwide Flight Services (WFS), the world’s largest air cargo handler and one of the leading providers of airline ground handling and technical services, announced today an agreement to acquire Consolidated Aviation Services (CAS). Financial terms were not disclosed. The transaction is subject to regulatory approval and other customary closing conditions. CAS, headquartered in New York, is one of the leading cargo handlers in the United States, serving over 250 airline customers. WFS, which was acquired by Platinum Equity in September 2015, is present at over 145 major airports in more than 22 countries on five continents. WFS serves 300 airlines globally, including the handling of over four million tons of cargo and 50 million airline passengers per annum. Olivier Bijaoui, Executive Chairman, President and CEO of WFS, said: ”The proposed acquisition will not only create a unique organization in the United States that combines the best of both companies, but will also reinforce WFS’ position as one of the world’s premier cargo handlers. I know Mike Duffy, President & CEO of CAS, and the CAS team well, have worked with many of them before, and have a great deal of respect for what they have accomplished. The success of CAS is a testament to the hard work of its employees, and the combination will create one of the most knowledgeable and experienced teams in this industry.“ Bastian Lueken, head of Platinum Equity’s European investment team, said: ”We are delivering on our pledge to support the profitable growth of WFS by pursuing complementary, accretive add-on acquisitions which present immediate synergies.“ In November 2015, WFS also completed its acquisition of a 51% shareholding in Fraport Cargo Services, confirming its strategic partnership with Fraport AG for airfreight handling at Frankfurt Airport, one of the world’s most important cargo gateways. FCS is the largest airline-independent cargo handling provider at the airport and handles about 500,000 tonnes of airfreight per year for some 40 airline customers.
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