EGYPTAIR News 12 nov 2016

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‫الجمعة السبت‬ ‫‪2016-11-12-11‬‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬


‫مصر للطٌران للبضائع تنقل شحنة خٌول من برٌطانٌا إلى الكوٌت‬ ‫كتب ــ محمد عبدالناصر‬

‫نقلت شركة مصر للطٌران للبضائع الٌوم الجمعة شحنة خٌول عربٌة‬ ‫لصالح عدد من األمراء الخلٌجٌ​ٌن من برٌطانٌا إلى الكوٌت فى الموسم‬ ‫الثالث على التوالى بعد مشاركتها فى بعض سباقات الخٌول ببرٌطانٌا‪.‬‬ ‫صرحت مصادر مسئولة بمصر للطٌران ‪ :‬جاء اختٌار مصر للطٌران لنقل‬ ‫شحنة الخٌول التى تقترب من ‪ 60‬فرسا للعام الثالث على التوالى للثقة‬ ‫فى إمكانٌات الشركة المصرٌة وتوفٌر كل وسائل الرعاٌة للخٌول خالل‬ ‫رحلة نقلهم حٌث ٌتم توفٌر فرٌق متخصص للتعامل مع الخٌول قبل‬ ‫وخالل الرحلة وحتى نقلها بسالم حٌث تم نقل الخٌول من مطار تسانستد‬ ‫بلندن بإشراف طبى متمٌز‪.‬‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬


‫«مصر للطٌران» للشحن الجوي تنقل خٌوال للكوٌت‬ ‫محروس هنداوي‬

‫نقلت شركة مصر للطٌران للشحن الجوي الٌوم الجمعة‪ ،‬شحنه خٌول "شارتر"‬ ‫من ستانستد بلندن إلى الكوٌت‪.‬‬

‫وكانت مصر للطٌران للشحن الجوي دشنت عدة خطوط لنقل البضائع والطرود‬ ‫إلى العدٌد من الدول ومنها نقل األغنام والطٌور‪.‬‬ ‫ٌذكر أن شركة الشحن الجوى تمتلك ‪ 4‬طائرات تتراوح حمولة الواحدة منها من‬ ‫‪ 40‬إلى ‪ 60‬طنا‪ ،‬وأن الشركة تعتبر من أكبر شركات الشحن على مستوى مصر‬ ‫وأفرٌقٌا‪ ،‬وٌعتبر نقل الطٌور والحٌوانات هو أحد أنشطة الشركة والتً تدر ربحٌة‬ ‫كبٌرة على الشركة‪ ،‬خاصة وأن عددا كبٌرا من شركات الطٌران تحول عددا من‬ ‫طائرتها إلى طائرات شحن لالستفادة من العائد الكبٌر لألرباح عكس نقل الركاب‪.‬‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬


‫مصر للطٌران تنجح فى نقل شحنة خٌول من لندن إلى الكوٌت‬ ‫أحمد حمادة‬ ‫نجحت شركة مصر للطٌران للشحن الجوى الٌوم الجمعة‪ ،‬فى نقل شحنة‬ ‫خٌول "شارتر" من ستانستد بلندن إلى الكوٌت‪.‬‬ ‫كانت مصر للطٌران للشحن الجوى قد دشنت عدة خطوط لنقل البضائع والطرود‬ ‫إلى العدٌد من الدول‪ ،‬ومنها نقل األغنام والطٌور‪.‬‬ ‫ٌذكر أن شركة الشحن الجوى‪ ،‬تمتلك ‪ 4‬طائرات تتراوح حمولة الواحدة منها‬ ‫من ‪ 40‬إلى ‪ 60‬طنا‪ ،‬حٌث تعتبر الشركة من أكبر شركات الشحن على‬ ‫مستوى مصر وأفرٌقٌا‪ ،‬وٌعتبر نقل الطٌور والحٌوانات هو أحد أنشطة الشركة‬ ‫والتى تدر ربحٌة كبٌرة على الشركة‪ ،‬خاصة وأن عددا كبٌرا من شركات‬ ‫الطٌران تحول عددا من طائرتها إلى طائرات شحن لالستفادة من العائد الكبٌر‬ ‫لألرباح عكس نقل الركاب‪.‬‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬


‫شاهد طائرة مصر للطٌران الجدٌدة المقرر تسلمها دٌسمبر المقبل‬ ‫كتب ــ محمد عبدالناصر‪:‬‬

‫عرضت شركة مصر للطٌران مساء الٌوم الخمٌس أول طائرة من‬ ‫طراز بوٌنج ‪ 800\737‬الحدٌثة داخل مصنع رٌنتون بالوالٌات المتحدة والتى‬ ‫ستتسلمها دٌسمبر القادم ضمن صفقة شراء ‪ 9‬طائرات من نفس الطراز‪.‬‬

‫صرحت مصادر مسئولة بمصر للطٌران "ٌتم حالٌا وضع اللمسات النهائٌة ألول‬ ‫طائرة فى مصنع بوٌنج تمهٌدا لتسلٌمها إلى مصر حٌث تتمٌز الطائرات الجدٌدة‬ ‫بإمكانٌات كبٌرة لخدمة الراكب إضافة لتمتعها بؤعلى معدالت السالمة والجودة‬ ‫واألمان وجاءت الصفقة فى إطار التعاون بٌن مصر للطٌران وبوٌنج العالمٌة"‪.‬‬ ‫وتبلغ قٌمة الـ ‪ 9‬طائرات حوالى ‪ 864‬ملٌون دوالر وسٌتم تموٌل ثمانِى طـــائرات‬ ‫من هذه الصفقة من قبل شركة دبى لصناعات الطٌران ‪Dubai Aerospace‬‬ ‫‪ ،Enterprise (DAE) Ltd‬والتى ٌقع مقرها بدبى‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬


‫أحدث طائرات مصر للطٌران «بوٌنج ‪ »737-800‬بواشنطن‬ ‫إنجً خلٌفة‬ ‫حصلت «بوابة أخبار الٌوم» على الصورة األولى ألحدث طائرات مصرللطٌران من طراز بوٌنج‬ ‫‪ 737-800‬من داخل مصنع بوٌنج برٌنتون بوالٌة واشنطن‪.‬‬ ‫كانت شركتً مصر للطٌران وبوٌنج العالمٌة أعلن عن تجدٌد تعاونهما بشراء تسع طائرات من‬ ‫أحدث طرازات البوٌنج وهً الـ ‪ 737-800‬بقٌمة تقدر بنحو ‪ 864‬ملٌون دوالر بما ٌعادل ‪9‬‬ ‫ملٌار جنٌه مصرى تقرٌبا‪.‬‬ ‫وأعلنت شركة بوٌنج فً وقت سابق على موقعها االلكترونى عن تدشٌنها لهذه الصفقة مع مصر‬ ‫للطٌران‪.‬‬ ‫وسٌتم تموٌل ‪ 8‬طائرات من هذه الصفقة من قبل شركة دبً لصناعات الطٌران ‪Dubai‬‬ ‫‪ ،Aerospace Enterprise (DAE) Ltd‬والتً ٌقع مقرها بدبً‪ ،‬اإلمارات العربٌة‬ ‫المتحدة‪.‬‬ ‫وتم اإلعالن رسم ًٌا عن هذا التعاون الجدٌد خالل فاعلٌات معرض فارنبورو الجوي ‪ ،2016‬الذي‬ ‫أقٌم بالعاصمة البرٌطانٌة لندن فً شهر ٌولٌو الماضً‪.‬‬ ‫ٌذكر أن أول تعاون بٌن مصر للطٌران وبوٌنج كان بشراء طائراتها من طراز ‪ 707‬عام ‪،1996‬‬ ‫كما قامت مصر للطٌران بشراء أولى طائراتها من طراز البوٌنج ‪ 737‬عام ‪.1975‬‬ ‫وتمتلك مصر للطٌران حال ًٌا ‪ 20‬طائرة من هذا الطراز ‪NGS737-800‬وباستالم هذه الصفقة‬ ‫الجدٌدة سٌمثل هذا الطراز الغالبٌة العظمى من إجمالً الطائرات التى تمتلكها الشركة من‬ ‫طرازات أخرى‪.‬‬ ‫هذا باإلضـــافة إلى امتالكها لـعدد ‪ 6‬طـــائرات من طراز البوٌنج ‪،B777-300ERs‬‬ ‫وطائرتٌن من الـ‪ ،B777-200ERs‬وتستهدف خطة تحدٌث أسطول مصر للطٌران الوصول إلى‬ ‫نحو ‪ 105‬طائرة بنهاٌة العام المالً ‪.2021/2020‬‬ ‫وٌعد طراز البوٌنج ‪ ،737-800‬وهً األكثر رواجاً‪ ،‬واألكثر مبٌعا ً فً عائلة بوٌنج ‪ ،737‬لما‬ ‫لهذا الطراز من مزاٌا من ضمنها قلة استهالكها للوقود‪ ،‬اقتصادٌة تشغٌلها فضالً عن اختٌار‬ ‫كبرٌات شركات الطٌران العالمٌة للعمل وتشغٌل رحالتها مستعٌنة بهذا الطراز لقدرته على‬ ‫الوصول إلى جمٌع النقاط فً العدٌد من األسواق حول العالم من خالل تشغٌله على خطوط طوٌلة‬ ‫ومتوسطة المدى‪.‬‬ ‫وتكتمل هذه المزاٌا بإطالق الطراز الجدٌد من هذه العائلة وهو‪ ،MAX 737‬والذي من المقرر‬ ‫تسلٌم أولى طالبٌته فً النصف األول من عام ‪.2017‬‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬


‫شرٌف فتحى ٌكرم رئٌس "مصر للطٌران للخدمات الجوٌة"‬ ‫السابق‬ ‫كرم وزير الطيران المدنى شريف فتحى‪ ،‬اليوم الخميس‪ ،‬مجدى علوان رئيس شركة مصر‬ ‫للطيران للخدمات الجوية السابق‪ ،‬تقديرا لخدماته للشركة طوال مسيرته الوظيفية فى‬ ‫حضور عدد من وزراء الطيران السابقين‪ .‬حضر االحتفالية اللواء وائل المعداوى‪،‬‬ ‫والمهندس حسين مسعود وزيرا الطيران السابقان‪ ،‬باإلضافة إلى الطيار سامح الحفنى‬ ‫رئيس الشركة القابضة لمصر للطيران األسبق‪ ،‬ورشاد رفاعى رئيس شركة مصر‬ ‫للسياحة‪ ،‬وصفوت مسلم رئيس الشركة القابضة لمصر للطيران الحالى‪ .‬وزير الطيران‬ ‫يكرم رئيس مصر للطيران للخدمات الجوية السابق جانب من االحتفالية وزير الطيران‬ ‫شريف فتحى احتفالية تكريم رئيس مصر للطيران للخدمات الجوية السابق‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬


‫وزٌر الطٌران ٌشارك فى تكرٌم رئٌس "الخدمات الجوٌة"‬ ‫السابق‬ ‫كتبت ‪ -‬امانى سالمة‪:‬‬

‫احتفال لتكرٌم‬ ‫شارك شرٌف فتحى وزٌر الطٌران‪ ،‬مساء الٌوم الخمٌس‪ ،‬فى‬ ‫ٍ‬ ‫تقدٌرا‬ ‫مجدى علوان رئٌس شركة مصر للطٌران للخدمات الجوٌة السابق؛‬ ‫ً‬ ‫لخدماته للشركة طوال مسٌرته الوظٌفٌة‪.‬‬ ‫شارك فى االحتفال كل من‪ ..‬المهندس حسٌن مسعود والمهندس وائل‬ ‫المعداوى وزٌرا الطٌران السابقٌن‪ ،‬والطٌار سامح الحفنى رئٌس الشركة‬ ‫القابضة لمصر للطٌران األسبق‪ ،‬ورشاد رفاعى رئٌس شركة مصر للسٌاحة‪،‬‬ ‫وصفوت مسلم رئٌس الشركة القابضة لمصر للطٌران الحالى وعدد من‬ ‫القٌادات‪.‬‬ ‫كما تم تكرٌم جمال فرج مدٌر عام المطبعة بشركة مصر للطٌران للصناعات‬ ‫المكملة؛ لبلوغه سن التقاعد‪.‬‬ ‫وشارك فً الحضور المهندس عادل منصور رئٌس شركة مصر للطٌران‬ ‫للصناعات المكملة‪ ،‬ورإساء شركة الصناعات المكلمة السابقٌن والعاملٌن‬ ‫بالمطبعة الفنٌة‪.‬‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬


‫مطار القاهرة‪ :‬انتظام حركة المالحة وال توجد إلغاءات للركاب‬ ‫محروس هنداوي‬

‫أكد المحاسب مجدى إسحاق رئٌس شركة مٌناء القاهرة الجوى‪ ،‬أنه لم تحدث أي‬ ‫إلغاءات للركاب فً حركة السفر‪ ،‬وأن األجهزة األمنٌة العاملة بالمطار اتبعت‬ ‫اإلجراءات األمنٌة االحترازٌة فقط‪ ،‬دون أي إخالل بحركة القادمٌن إلى المطار‪.‬‬ ‫وأشار «إسحاق» إلى أن جمٌع القٌادات األمنٌة بقٌادة اللواء فهمى مجاهد مدٌر‬ ‫شرطة مٌناء القاهرة الجوى وقٌادات الشركة حرصوا على تفقد الحالة األمنٌة‬ ‫بمبانى المطار‪ ،‬ومتابعة تؤمٌن المنشآت الحٌوٌة‪.‬‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬


‫القابضة‪ :‬حركة المطارات سارت بشكل طبٌعى‬ ‫كتب ــ هشام عبد العزٌز‬

‫أكد المهندس محمد سعٌد رئٌس الشركة القابضة للمطارات‪ ،‬أن الحركة فى‬ ‫جمٌع المطارات المصرٌة تسٌر بشكل طبٌعً‪ ،‬ولم تحدث أى الغاءات للركاب أو‬ ‫شركات السٌاحة‪ ،‬وفقا للتقارٌر التى تلقتها القابضة من غرف العملٌات بجمٌع‬ ‫المطارات‪ .‬وقال إن جمٌع المطارات مإمنة سواء المداخل أو المخارج ‪ ،‬وٌمر‬ ‫الراكب والبضائع والحقائب بعدة نقاط تفتٌش وفقا للمقاٌ​ٌس العالمٌة المتبعة‬ ‫حالٌا فى كل المطارات المصرٌة‪.‬‬ ‫وأضاف رئٌس القابضة أن هناك خطة منفذة حالٌا من قبل وزٌر الطٌران المدنى‬ ‫شرٌف فتحى لتدعٌم كل المطارات بؤحدث أجهزة الكشف عن المعادن واألسلحة‬ ‫والمتفجرات تنفذ تباعا‪.‬‬ ‫وقال مجدى أسحاق رئٌس شركة مٌناء القاهرة الجوي‪ ،‬إنه لم تحدث أى‬ ‫الغاءات للركاب فى حركة السفر‪ ،‬واتبعت السلطات االمنٌة اإلجراءات األمنٌة‬ ‫االحترازٌة فقط دون اى إخالل بحركة القادمٌن إلى المطار والمسافرٌن‬ ‫والقادمٌن إلى البالد‪ .‬وأشار إلى حرص كل القٌادات األمنٌة بقٌادة اللواء فهمى‬ ‫مجاهد مدٌر شرطة مٌناء القاهرة الجوى وقٌادات شركة المٌناء على تفقد الحالة‬ ‫االمنٌة بمبانى المطار ومتابعة تؤمٌن كل المنشآت الحٌوٌة‪.‬‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬


Egypt Air 804 Crash REVISITED: Was It A Terrorist Attack Or Pilot Error That Brought The Plane Down? [DETAILS HERE] The world was rocked as the new plane crash was reported on May 19, 2016. It was Egypt Air 804 which disappeared from radar on the ill-fated date and later on discovered that it crashed into the Mediterranean Sea. Many speculations came out as to the real reason of Egypt Air 804 crash. Some sources claim that it could be an obvious terrorist attack as it known that Egypt has its fair share of insurgents and extremist groups. Another angle is that it could be pilot error. The Airbus A320 of Egypt Air 804 was bound to Cairo from Paris. The plane disappeared from the radar between the Greek islands of Greece and the northern coast of Egypt. There were 66 people on board based on the flight manifesto. According to The Guardian, an Egypt led investigation immediately commenced as soon as confirmation was made that indeed Egypt Air 804 crashed into the sea and upon retrieval of the black boxes. The investigation was also joined by France and the United States where the engine was made. Both black boxes of Egypt Air 804 were severely damaged and had to be removed from the seabed where it was found. Its memory units were removed and had to be analyzed in a procedure which could last the course of several weeks. It was then determined that the Egypt Air 804 made a 90-degree left turn followed by a 360-degree turn to the right before hitting the sea. This flight carried passengers from many nations such as Algeria, Belgium, Britain, Chad, Portugal, Saudi Arabia etc. The flight also had two babies onboard and a little boy.

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬

(2) As added by The Week, the Egypt Air 804's crew was desperately trying to put out the fire few moments before the plane plunged into the Mediterranean and met its doom. This was according to the information gathered from the black box. Basing on the information from both of Egypt Air 804's black boxes, it was determined that there was smoke coming out of the front toilet. There was also soot found as wreckage were recovered from the ocean. After six months when this Egypt Air 804 flight may already be forgotten by many, theories and questions are still asked especially by those whose family members were part of the flight. The question of the crash as part of a terrorist attack or pilot error has not been given confirmation. Various information and circumstantial evidence are still being studied before the final and official report is released. Based on the evidences earlier presented, it could neither be terrorist attack nor pilot error. It is highly likely that Egypt Air 804 met its doom over the short circuit from the front toilet. There was soot, but no conclusive evidence was presented suggesting a bomb explosion or struggle in the cockpit.

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬


Emirates' and British Airways' bosses believe major changes are coming to the airline industry Alliances have had their day, Air France is in deep trouble and longhaul, low-cost carriers (LCC) may be close to getting it right. Just some of the points made by two of the world‘s leading airline executives during a panel discussion at the World Travel Market (WTM) exhibition in London. Sir Tim Clark, president of Emirates Airline and Willie Walsh, CEO of International Airlines Group, which includes Aer Lingus, British Airways, Iberia and Spanish Low-Cost Carrier Vueling, made their comments during a wide-ranging discussion at WTM, which brings together representatives from thousands of travel trade and tourism organizations. The two executives‘ companies have plotted very different courses: Emirates has famously steered clear of involvement in any of the major airline alliances, while British Airways was one of the early members of the oneworld grouping. Both men agreed that alliances retained some value for their members, but argued that their influence was waning. They had developed out of major changes to the industry in the last 25 years of the last century, said Clark, when major changes to the airline industry such as deregulation and equity swaps, and meant that airlines felt safer huddling together. ―It‘s 1970s and 80s thinking, in my view.‖ ―I wouldn‘t disagree,‖ said Walsh. ―I think they have value today, but question if they‘ll have value in the future. I would be surprised if they still exist 20 years, or even 10 years, from now.”

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬

(2) Recalling his time as CEO at Irish flag-carrier Aer Lingus, he said that he had done the groundwork for it to leave oneworld. There were high costs associated with alliance membership, ―especially for a small airline,‖ said Walsh and it had reached the point where the costs were ―at least as large‖ as the benefits Aer Lingus derived from membership. The Irish airline joined oneworld in 2000, but decided to leave in 2006, after it had re-made itself into a lower-cost, point-to-point airline that had less use for the connections offered by alliance members. Both men expressed sadness at the state of Air France-KLM – especially the French half of the organization – which they said had tried and failed to solve its long-running problems due to the unwillingness of many in the French flag-carrier to face up to the fact that world had changed. ―It hasn‘t adapted and it‘s relied on the French government stepping in to support it,‖ said Clark. ―With that dynamic, people won‘t change – they will resist change.‖ Walsh noted that many industry observers had some years ago compared the problems at Air France with those at Iberia – including a high cost-base, overmanning and poor onboard product – but the Spanish flag-carrier had cut its costs and was now back in the black. ―[Iberia] is today effectively a different company,‖ said Walsh. ―[CEO] Luis Gallego has done a fantastic job. It‘s profitable and more popular than ever.‖ Part of the painful cost-cutting medicine taken by Iberia had involved it dropping several of its traditional Spain to South America routes. He recalled at a conference in New York some years ago, an Air France executive had exulted that the French airline would swoop in and pick up those routes. ”

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(3) However, said Walsh, even before restructuring, he knew that Iberia had a lower cost base than Air France. ―I said ‗You‘re welcome to take on the South Atlantic runs, because you‘ll never make them pay, you‘ll be even weaker and we‘ll take them back from you. He added that KLM – particularly its cost-base – had suffered from being part of the Air France-KLM consortium. There have for years been reports that KLM senior management is frustrated at being dragged down by its French partners: ―We wait to see what‘s going to happen,‖ said Walsh. Clark and Walsh noted with interest that the long-haul, low-cost concept seemed to be on the verge of paying off. Airlines such as Malaysia‘s Air Asia X, Singapore‘s Scoot and Norwegian were not quite there, but were on the verge of becoming profitable, a development that would change air travel dramatically. ―I think we‘re seeing the beginnings of an inflection point,‖ said Clark. ―We‘re just on the brink of something fairly new coming along.‖ More work was needed to refine their business models, but that would happen. Walsh agreed: ―I like what Bjørn‖ – Norwegian‘s CEO Bjørn Kjos – ―is doing. They‘ve not quite cracked it yet. ―I think the consumer is prepared, more and more, to look at unbundling the [long-haul] product as they have on short-haul. It‘s clear from what Norwegian has done that the consumer IS prepared to do that – for example, to pay to check in a bag.”

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Emirates now a two aircraft type operator Emirates has just set a new Gold Standard for the international aviation industry, when after retiring their last Airbus‘ A330-200 and A340-300 from its fleet it has become a two wide body aircraft type operator. This is thought to give the airline a cost advantage by only operating the most efficient aircraft types on the market and cutting down on maintenance cost, spare part inventory and training for crews. Emirates very recently took delivery of its 85th Airbus A380, the world‘s largest passenger plane and only days ago of their 125th B777-300ER. The remaining two class B777-200LR‘s on the fleet are now the airline‘s smallest aircraft with 266 seats. Africa remains in focus for the airline and East Africa is served daily and double daily, depending on the destination, through flights to Entebbe, Nairobi and Dar es Salaam. Further down south are Lusaka and Harare also served daily, all with Boeing B777 equipment while some destinations in South Africa now see the Airbus A380 ply the route, as it does to Mauritius as well. The Seychelles, part of Africa, is served double daily with B777 aircraft. The recent retirements and additional deliveries have pushed the average age of Emirates‘ fleet down to just over 5 years. This is a major accomplishment compared to global average age standards for airlines of this size and reach and among many other reasons, is giving the American and European legacy carriers a run for their money, not imaginatory state subsidies as they keep alleging.

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Emirates becomes all-Airbus A380/Boeing 777 operator Dubai-based Emirates Airline has retired its last Airbus A330-200 and A340300 aircraft, becoming an all-Airbus A380 and Boeing 777 operator for passenger flights. Emirates recently retired the last of 29 A330-200s in its fleet. The aircraft joined Emirates in 2002 and had flown more than 60,000 hours in 14.5 years. Emirates has also phased out its final A340-300, which joined the airline in 2004, originally manufactured in 1999. The carrier had also operated A340500s, which was previously withdrawn from service, as well as Boeing 777200 Classics. Since January 2015, Emirates has retired 18 A330s and five A340s, with an average age of 16.5 years—a figure well below the industry standard retirement age of 25 years. Emirates plans to further phase out some 25 aircraft in 2017 and 2018 to ensure its operating fleet remains modern and efficient. Emirates Airline president Tim Clark told ATW recently the Boeing 777 has now become the smallest aircraft in its fleet. ATW understands its 266-seat 777-200LR offers the smallest capacity in its fleet. The dual-class A380 offers 615 seats. Emirates‘ fleet has an average age of 5.2 years. The carrier‘s two youngest aircraft—its 85th A380—the first of the new-generation A380 aircraft delivered in October 2016 and its 125th Boeing 777-300ER—are less than two weeks old. By the end of 2016, Emirates will have taken delivery of 36 new aircraft this year—20 A380s and 16 777s. This also includes the next-generation Boeing 777-300ER—with upgraded business class seats and other features, including a lower fuel burn ratio—to be delivered from November 2016. Emirates is currently the largest A380 and 777 operator with 85 A380-800s and 160 777s (which includes -200LR, -300, -300ER and 777F variants) in its fleet. Out of the 234 aircraft worth over $112 billion that Emirates has in its order book, 115 will be Boeing 777-9Xs and 25 777-8Xs that will be delivered starting in 2020.

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Kenya Airways building on "Africa's Leading Airline" accolade After a disappointing performance in tough economic conditions, Kenya Airways are using their recent win of the coveted Africa's Leading Airline title at World Travel Awards to focus their business activities. And thanks to a very young fleet of nearly 40 aircraft (the youngest in Africa), they also won Best Business Class Product at the Awards for the fourth consecutive year! We've got very friendly staff, resilient staff, they'll go the extra mile they'll go out of their way to make you happy. So we really work on our customer experience. Chris Diaz, Marketing Director of Kenya AirwaysNikiwe joined Chris Diaz, Marketing Director of Kenya Airways in the Pride Lounge at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (it's the second best lounge in the world according to the SkyTeam ratings). Chris took the opportunity to tell Nikiwe about Operation Pride - a business-wide initiative, touching over 4000 staff of Kenya Airways - and how it would add to the appeal of the Kenya Airways offer to the lucrative South African market. We've seen growth in terms of our revenue, passenger numbers are also growing... We also move a lot of Cargo using our SkyTeam partners. — Chris Diaz, Marketing Director of Kenya AirwaysWe really connect the Africa people and the Africa business to grow the Africa intratrade. — Chris Diaz, Marketing Director of Kenya Airways

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British Airways cabin crew to vote for possible industrial action Low-paid cabin crew at British Airways are to vote for possible strike action, after rejecting a 2% pay offer on what their union describes as ―poverty pay‖ levels. More than 2,000 of the airline‘s mixed fleet employees working out of Heathrow are to be balloted next week. All new recruits join the mixed fleet, which was set up in 2010 offering markedly inferior pay and conditions to those enjoyed by existing crew. Unite, the union representing the crew, says the average pay including allowances is just £16,000 a year, a figure disputed by BA, which says crew would normally make at least £21,000 a year with bonuses, from a basic salary of £12,000 a year. Passengers could be charged £25 for failed claims against airlines Read more The union claims the low pay has seen crew sleeping in their cars between shifts and working in different jobs on their days off to make ends meet. A union survey found two in three crew had gone to work while unfit to fly because they could not afford to be off sick.

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(2) Unite‘s regional officer Matt Smith said: ―British Airways, once the ‗world‘s favourite airline‘, is fast becoming the ‗world‘s least liked‘, paying poverty wages. It should be to the company‘s eternal shame that they, the UK‘s national carrier, are making billions while their cabin crew responsible for maintaining a safe environment are working while sick and without adequate rest.‖ Discontent at pay and conditions has been brewing for several years among lower-paid recruits, who considered a strike in 2014. Walsh, chief executive of BA‘s parent company IAG, earned £6.5m in 2015, while the company is forecasting annual profits of €2.5bn (£2.3bn). A British Airways spokeswoman said: ―Our pay proposal for our mixed fleet cabin crew is fair, reasonable and consistent with that already accepted by other British Airways colleagues. It reflects typical pay awards given by other companies in the UK and will ensure their reward levels remain in line with cabin crew at our airline competitors. We remain open and flexible to discuss this further with our colleagues and the union.‖ She said that the pay offer would see basic pay and hourly duty rates increase by a minimum of 7%. One of Britain‘s most prolonged and bitter strikes in recent years took place at BA, when cabin crew walked out for 22 days between 2010 and 2011, costing the airline about £150m. Earlier this year, BA crew voted for industrial action short of a strike in protest at a new performance review system.

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Lufthansa Cargo re-signs for innovation Scheme Lufthansa Cargo has signed up to once again participate in a scheme to identify companies with innovative ideas that could be applicable to the air cargo supply. The Logistics Tech Accelerator programme from US firm RocketSpace helps identify and select young technology companies to help bring their ideas and visions of the future to life by matching them with companies willing to invest or provide help. Lufthansa Cargo vice president of digitisation Boris Hueske said: ―Digitisation will have a decisive impact on the future of the logistics industry. Lufthansa Cargo is driving this change. ―We are pleased to take part in this promising programme again as part of our innovation process and are thereby taking advantage of this opportunity to further expand our network with innovative market players in the digital field.‖ Under this programme, Lufthansa Cargo is offering developers of digital logistics solutions an insight into the industry so that they can quickly bring their ideas to life. ―We are expecting shared innovative solutions which we can ideally make ready for the market,‖ said Hueske. Interested startups from the logistics sector can read about the conditions of participation and requirements and apply by November 16 at Lufthansa announced its participation in the first round of the scheme in April.

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Lufthansa Cargo continues cooperation with startups Lufthansa Cargo is continuing its cooperation with RocketSpace on the Logistics Tech Accelerator programme. In 2015, Lufthansa‘s logistics subsidiary was the world‘s first cargo airline to take part in the new programme. US company RocketSpace is helping selected young technology companies and innovation drivers bring their ideas and visions of the future to life. ―Digitisation will have a decisive impact on the future of the logistics industry. Lufthansa Cargo is driving this change. We are pleased to take part in this promising programme again as part of our innovation process and are thereby taking advantage of this opportunity to further expand our network with innovative market players in the digital field‖, said Boris Hueske, Vice President Digitization at Lufthansa Cargo. Under this programme, Lufthansa Cargo is offering developers of digital logistics solutions an insight into the industry so that they can quickly bring their ideas to life. ―We are expecting shared innovative solutions which we can ideally make ready for the market‖, said Hueske.

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World’s largest aircraft catches fire at Leipzig airport Baku – APA. One of the engines of the world‘s largest An225 ―Mriya‖ cargo aircraft has caught fire at Leipzig airport, Germany. APA reports quoting website that nine fire extinguisher staff were involved. The fire was extinguished within 15 minutes. The aircraft was on a flight schedule to Chile. The aircraft, designed in the Soviet Union in the 1980s, is both the longest and heaviest ever built.

‫ادارة العالقات العامة ‪ -‬الشركة القابضة‬ ‫لمصر للطيران‬

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