EGYPTAIR News 12 SEP 2018

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‫االستؼاء‬ ‫‪2018/9/ 12‬‬

‫صىسج أسشُفُح‬


‫ٍصش ىيؽُشاُ ذضُش "خػ ظذَذ" إىً هىّط مىّط‪ ..‬و‪%25‬‬ ‫ذخفُط ػيً أوه سحيح‬ ‫مرة ‪ :‬احَذ ٍصؽفٍ‪-‬سحاب ّثُو‬ ‫ذثذأ ششمح ٍصش ىيؽُشاُ فٍ ذضُ​ُش سحالذها اىعذَذج إىً ٍذَْح هىّط‬ ‫مىّط اىصُُْح فٍ ‪ 17‬صثرَثش اىعاسٌ‪ ،‬ورىل فٍ إؼاس حشص اىششمح ػيً‬ ‫اىىصىه إىً ّقاغ ظذَذج فٍ شثنح خؽىؼها اىعىَح داخو قاسج آصُا وذيثُحً‬ ‫ىشغثاخ ػَالئها‪ ..‬صشغ تزىل اىؽُاس أحَذ ػاده سئُش اىششمح اىقاتعح‬ ‫ىَصش ىيؽُشاُ‪.‬‬ ‫‪ٚ‬لجي سة‪١‬ظ "ثٌمجدعز ٌّصش ٌٍؽ‪١‬شثْ"‪ ،‬إْ ثٌششوز ثٌ‪ٛ‬ؼٕ‪١‬ز صغؼ‪ ٝ‬دثةّج إٌ‪ٝ‬‬ ‫فضـ أع‪ٛ‬ثق ؽذ‪٠‬ذر ف‪ ٟ‬أُ٘ ثٌّذْ ثٌؼجٌّ‪١‬ز‪ ،‬خجصز ‪ٚ‬أْ ‪ٚ‬ؽ‪ٙ‬جس ثٌششق‬ ‫ثأللص‪ ٝ‬صؼذ أع‪ٛ‬ثلج ‪ٚ‬ثػذر ف‪ِ ٟ‬ؾجي فشوز ثٌؽ‪١‬شثْ ‪ ٚ‬ثٌٕمً ثٌؾ‪.ٞٛ‬‬ ‫ِٓ ؽجٔذٗ أ‪ٚ‬ظـ ثٌؽ‪١‬جس شش‪٠‬ف ػضس سة‪١‬ظ ششوز ِصش ٌٍؽ‪١‬شثْ ٌٍخؽ‪ٛ‬غ‬ ‫ثٌؾ‪٠ٛ‬ز‪ ،‬أْ ثٌششوز عضغ‪١‬ش سفٍض‪ ٓ١‬أعذ‪ٛ‬ػ‪١‬ج إٌ‪ٔٛ٘ ٝ‬ؼ و‪ٔٛ‬ؼ ػذش دجٔؾى‪ٛ‬ن‬ ‫‪ ِٟٛ٠‬ثإلعٕ‪ٚ ٓ١‬ثٌؾّؼز ف‪ٚ ٟ‬رٌه ػٍ‪ِ ٝ‬ضٓ ؼجةشثص‪ٙ‬ج ثال‪٠‬شدجص ‪330/300‬‬ ‫‪ٚ‬صمذَ ِصش ٌٍؽ‪١‬شثْ ٌؼّالة‪ٙ‬ج صخف‪١‬ط ‪ %25‬ػٍ‪ ٝ‬صزثوش أ‪ٚ‬ي سفٍز عفش‬ ‫ِٓ ثٌمج٘شر ‪ٚ‬ؽّ‪١‬غ ٔمجغ شذىز ِصش ٌٍؽ‪١‬شثْ إٌ‪ٔٛ٘ ٝ‬ؼ و‪ٔٛ‬ؼ‪ ،‬ػٍ‪ ٝ‬ؽّ‪١‬غ‬ ‫دسؽجس ثٌقؾض‪٠ٚ ،‬غضّش ثٌضخف‪١‬ط فض‪ 30 ٝ‬عذضّذش ثٌؾجس‪.ٞ‬‬

‫صىسج أسشُفُح‬


‫اىُىً‪ ..‬ػىدج آخش أفىاض اىحعاض ٍِ ظذج ػيً ٍرِ ‪ 6‬سحالخ‬ ‫مرثد ‪ّ :‬ىسهاُ خفاظٍ‬ ‫ذخررٌ اىششمح اىىؼُْح ٍصش ىيؽُشاُ‪ ،‬اىُىً األستؼاء‪ ،‬ظضشها اىعىٌ‬ ‫ىؼىدج حعاض تُد اهلل اىحشاً‪ٍ ٍِ ،‬ؽاس (ظذج)‪ ،‬ىىصىه آخش ‪ 6‬سحالخ‬ ‫ظىَح ىيحعاض ٍِ ظذج‪ ،‬فٍ خراً ٍىصٌ اىحط ىؼاً ‪1439‬هـ‪.ً2018/‬‬ ‫‪ٚ‬وجٔش ثٌششوز ثٌ‪ٛ‬ؼٕ‪١‬ز ِصش ٌٍؽ‪١‬شثْ‪ ،‬لذ أػٍٕش ػٓ أٔٗ ع‪١‬ىضًّ دٕ‪ٙ‬ج‪٠‬ز‬ ‫ثٌ‪ٚ ،َٛ١‬ص‪ٛ‬ي ؽّ‪١‬غ فؾجػ ثٌضعجِٓ ثالؽضّجػ‪ ِٓٚ ،ٟ‬ثٌّمشس ‪ٚ‬ص‪ٛ‬ي ؽّ‪١‬غ‬ ‫ثٌقؾجػ ِٓ ثألسثظ‪ ٟ‬ثٌّمذعز إٌ‪ ٝ‬أسض ثٌ‪ٛ‬ؼٓ ف‪ ١4 ٟ‬عذضّذش ثٌقجٌ‪،ٟ‬‬ ‫‪ ٛ٘ٚ‬أخش ثٌشفالس ِٓ ثٌمجدِز ِٓ (ثٌّذ‪ٕ٠‬ز ثٌّٕ‪ٛ‬سر)‪.‬‬ ‫‪ٚ‬صغ‪١‬ش ِصش ٌٍؽ‪١‬شثْ‪ ،‬ثٌ‪ ١2 َٛ١‬سفٍز ؽ‪٠ٛ‬ز ِٓ ؽذر ‪ٚ‬ثٌّذ‪ٕ٠‬ز ثٌّٕ‪ٛ‬سر د‪ٛ‬ثلغ‬ ‫‪ 6‬سفالس ِٓ وً ِٕ‪ّٙ‬ج‪ ،‬ؽّ‪١‬ؼ‪ ُٙ‬إٌ‪ِ ٝ‬ؽجس ثٌمج٘شر ٌٕمً ‪ 2050‬فجؽج ِٓ‬ ‫فؾجػ ثٌمشػز دجإلظجفز إٌ‪ ٝ‬فؼ ثٌؼًّ ‪ٚ‬ثإللجِز‪.‬‬

‫صىسج أسشُفُح‬


‫قائذ سحيح ٍصش ىيؽُشاُ َهثػ تضالً فً ٍؽاس تيعشاد تؼذ اّفعاس‬ ‫تإؼاساخ اىؽائشج‬ ‫مرثد ‪ :‬احَذ ٍصؽفٍ‪-‬سحاب ّثُو‬ ‫هثؽد ؼائشج ٍصش ىيؽُشاُ‪ ،‬صثاغ اىُىً األستؼاء‪ ،‬تضالً تَؽاس تيعشاد‬ ‫تذوىح صشتُا‪ ،‬تؼذ اّفعاس اإلؼاساخ اىخيفُح ىعاّثٍ اىؽائشج أشْاء اىهثىغ‬ ‫دوُ وقىع إصاتاخ تُِ اىشماب‪.‬‬ ‫‪ٚ‬أ‪ٚ‬ظقش ِصجدس دّصش ثٌؽ‪١‬شثْ‪ ،‬أْ ثٌؽجةشر ِٓ ؼشثص د‪ٕ٠ٛ‬ؼ ‪737/800‬‬ ‫وجٔش ف‪ ٟ‬سفٍز خجصز صقًّ سلُ ‪ 3١00‬إٌ‪ِ ٝ‬ؽجس دٍؾشثد‪ ،‬ف‪١‬ظ أْ‬ ‫ثٌششوز ال صغ‪١‬ش سفالس إٌ‪ ٝ‬صٍه ثٌ‪ٛ‬ؽ‪ٙ‬ز‪ٚ ،‬أْ لجةذ ثٌؽجةشر ف‪ٛ‬ؽب دجٔفؾجس‬ ‫دجٌؽجةشر أعٕجء ثٌ‪ٙ‬ذ‪ٛ‬غ‪ٚ ،‬صّىٓ ِٓ ثٌقفجؾ ػٍ‪ِ ٝ‬غجس ثٌؽجةشر د‪ ْٚ‬ثٔقشثف‪ٙ‬ج‬ ‫ػٓ ثٌّذسػ‪٠ ٌُٚ ،‬قذط صٍف‪١‬جس ع‪ ٜٛ‬دئؼجسثس ثٌؽجةشر فمػ‪.‬‬ ‫‪ٚ‬أظجفش ثٌّصجدس‪ ،‬أٔٗ صُ إغالق ثٌّذسػ ٌغقخ ثٌؽجةشر ٌٍص‪١‬جٔز‪ِ ،‬ش‪١‬شر‬ ‫إٌ‪ ٝ‬أْ ثٔفؾجس إؼجسثس ثٌؾجٔذ‪ ٓ١‬صؤوذ فضّ‪١‬ز ‪ٚ‬ؽ‪ٛ‬د شب ِج ؼجسا دأسظ‪١‬ز‬ ‫ثٌّذسػ ثٌخجص د‪ٙ‬ذ‪ٛ‬غ ثٌؽجةشر‪ِ ،‬غال ػذَ ثعض‪ٛ‬ثء ِٕؽمز ٘ذ‪ٛ‬غ ‪T.D.Z‬ث‪ٚ‬‬ ‫‪ٚ‬ؽ‪ٛ‬د ‪F.O.D‬ػٍ‪ ٝ‬عؽـ ثٌّذسػ ِّج صغذخ ف ثٔفؾجس إؼجسثس ثٌؽجةشر‬ ‫د‪ٙ‬زث ثٌشىً‪.‬‬

‫صىسج أسشُفُح‬


‫سئُش "ٍصش ىيؽُشاُ"‪ّ :‬ضخش إٍناُّاذْا ىيْهىض تاىْقو اىعىٌ فٍ‬ ‫إفشَقُا‬ ‫مرة ‪ :‬اَ​َِ حَزج‬ ‫ّاقش اىؽُاس أحَذ ػاده سئُش اىششمح اىقاتعح "ٍصش ىيؽُشاُ"‪ ،‬وػثذاىشحَِ‬ ‫تُشز صنشذُش ػاً اذحاد ششماخ اىؽُشاُ األفشَقُح "األفشا"‪ ،‬اىؼذَذ ٍِ اىَىظىػاخ‬ ‫واىَضرعذاخ تاالذحاد‪ ،‬وخؽح ذؽىَشها وهُنيرها اىعذَذج‪ ،‬وصثو اىرؼاوُ اىَشرشك‬ ‫خاصح فٍ ٍعاه اىرذسَة ٍِ خاله اىثشاٍط اىرذسَثُح اىَ​َُزج اىرٍ ذقذٍها أمادَ​َُح‬ ‫ٍصش ىيؽُشاُ ألؼقٌ اىششماخ األػعاء تاالذحاد ػيً أػيً ٍضرىي ‪ ،‬ورىل فٍ ٍقش‬ ‫اىششمح تَؽاس اىقاهشج اىذوىٍ‪.‬‬ ‫‪ٚ‬لجي ػجدي‪ ،‬إْ ثٌمجسر ثألفش‪٠‬م‪١‬ز د‪ٙ‬ج أع‪ٛ‬ثق ‪ٚ‬ثػذر ػجٌّ‪١‬ج‪ٌٚ ،‬زٌه ص‪ِ ٌٟٛ‬صش‬ ‫ٌٍؽ‪١‬شثْ دؾّ‪١‬غ ششوجص‪ٙ‬ج ث٘ضّجِج وذ‪١‬شث دجٌششوجس ثألفش‪٠‬م‪١‬ز ‪ٚ‬صغخش إِىجٔ‪١‬جص‪ٙ‬ج ٌٍٕ‪ٛٙ‬ض‬ ‫دصٕجػز ثٌٕمً ثٌؾ‪ ٞٛ‬ف‪ ٟ‬ثٌمجسر ثٌغّشثء‪ ،‬وّج أْ ٌّصش ٌٍؽ‪١‬شثْ ؼّ‪ٛ‬فجس وذ‪١‬شر ف‪ٟ‬‬ ‫صؼض‪٠‬ض ثٌضؼج‪ ْٚ‬ثٌّشضشن د‪ ٓ١‬ششوجس ثٌؽ‪١‬شثْ ثألفش‪٠‬م‪١‬ز دجالصقجد دّج ‪٠‬قمك ثٌّصجٌـ‬ ‫ثٌّشضشوز د‪ٕٙ١‬ج‪.‬‬ ‫وّج أشجس ػجدي إٌ‪ ٝ‬إِىجٔ‪١‬ز ثعضعجفز ِصش ٌٍؽ‪١‬شثْ ثالؽضّجػجس ثٌمجدِز ٌٍؾٕز ثٌضٕف‪١‬ز‪٠‬ز‬ ‫ٌألفشث ف‪ ٟ‬ثٌمج٘شر‪.‬‬ ‫‪ٔ ِٓٚ‬جف‪١‬ضٗ أشجد د‪١‬شط دذ‪ٚ‬س ِصش ٌٍؽ‪١‬شثْ ‪ٚ‬إع‪ٙ‬جِجص‪ٙ‬ج ف‪ ٟ‬ثالصقجد‪ ،‬ثٌز‪٠ ٞ‬شأط ثٌٍؾٕز‬ ‫ثٌضٕف‪١‬ز‪٠‬ز ٌٗ ثٌؽ‪١‬جس أفّذ ػجدي‪.‬‬ ‫ؽذ‪٠‬ش دجٌزوش أْ ِصش ٌٍؽ‪١‬شثْ صغ‪١‬ش سفالص‪ٙ‬ج ثٌّذجششر إٌ‪ٚ ١7 ٝ‬ؽ‪ٙ‬ز ف‪ ٟ‬أفش‪٠‬م‪١‬ج‪،‬‬ ‫دخالف سفالس ثٌّشجسوز دجٌشِض‪.‬‬

‫صىسج أسشُفُح‬


‫"ٍصش ىيؽُشاُ" ذؽيق ٍثادسج "فنش قثو ٍا ذشُش"‬ ‫مرة حْاُ ػز اىذَِ‬ ‫أؼيقد ششمح ٍصش ىيؽُشاُ ٍثادسج ىيؼاٍيُِ تؼْىاُ "فنش قثو ٍا ذشُش"‪ ،‬تؼذٍا‬ ‫ذٌ اىزض تاصٌ اىششمح فً اىؼذَذ ٍِ األخثاس اىَغيىؼح ػيً ٍىاقغ اىرىاصو‬ ‫االظرَاػً‪ ،‬واّرشاسها تُِ اىؼاٍيُِ دوُ أصاس ٍِ اىصحح‪.‬‬ ‫‪ٚ‬صغض‪ٙ‬ذف ثٌقٍّز ص‪ٛ‬ػ‪١‬ز ثٌؼجٍِ‪ ٓ١‬دعش‪ٚ‬سر ثٌضقمك ِٓ صقز أ‪ِ ٞ‬ؼٍ‪ِٛ‬ز لذً‬ ‫ِشجسوض‪ٙ‬ج ‪ٚ‬صذث‪ٌٙٚ‬ج ػٍ‪ ٝ‬صفقجس ثٌض‪ٛ‬ثصً ثالؽضّجػ‪ٌٍ ٟ‬قذ ِٓ ثٌشجةؼجس ‪ٚ‬ففجظج‬ ‫ػٍ‪ ٝ‬ص‪ٛ‬سر ثٌششوز ثٌ‪ٛ‬ؼٕ‪١‬ز أِجَ ثٌشأ‪ ٞ‬ثٌؼجَ‪.‬‬ ‫‪ٚ‬أوذس ثٌششوز ثعضؼذثد٘ج ثٌىجًِ ٌٍض‪ٛ‬ثصً ِغ ثٌؼجٍِ‪ٌٍ ٓ١‬ضقمك ِٓ أ‪ ٞ‬خذش أ‪ٚ‬‬ ‫ِؼٍ‪ِٛ‬ز لذً ٔشش٘ج ‪ٚ‬صٍم‪ ٟ‬ثالعضفغجسثس ‪ٚ‬ثٌّمضشفجس ف‪٘ ٟ‬زث ثٌشأْ ِٓ خالي‬ ‫سعجٌز ػٍ‪ ٟ‬ثٌخجص دصفقز ‪EGYPTAIRMEDIA‬ػٍ‪" ٝ‬ف‪١‬غذ‪ٛ‬ن"‪.‬‬

‫صىسج أسشُفُح‬


‫إقالع سحيح اىخؽىغ اىنىَرُح ٍِ ٍؽاس اىقاهشج تؼذ ذأخشها‬ ‫صاػرُِ تضثة ػؽو فًْ‬ ‫مرة أحَذ ٍصؽفً ‪ٍ -‬حَذ ؼْؽاوي‬ ‫أقيؼد سحيح اىخؽىغ اىعىَح اىنىَرُح سقٌ ‪ٍ ٍِ 534‬ؽاس اىقاهشج‬ ‫اىذوىً‪ ،‬تؼذ ذأخش داً ىْحى صاػرُِ ىىصىىها اىَؽاس ٍرأخشج ػِ ٍىػذ‬ ‫وصىىها‪ ،‬تضثة ػؽو فًْ‪ ،‬واىزي حاه دوُ وصىىها فً ٍىػذها اىَقشس‬ ‫ىيقُاً تاىشحيح‪.‬‬ ‫وجٔش عٍؽجس ِؽجس ثٌمج٘شر ثٌذ‪ ٌٝٚ‬لذ صٍمش إخؽجسث ِٓ ششوز ثٌخؽ‪ٛ‬غ‬ ‫ثٌؾ‪٠ٛ‬ز ثٌى‪٠ٛ‬ض‪١‬ز‪ ،‬دضأؽ‪ ً١‬إلالع سفٍض‪ٙ‬ج سلُ ‪ٚ 534‬ثٌّضؾ‪ٙ‬ز إٌ‪ ٝ‬ثٌى‪٠ٛ‬ش‪،‬‬ ‫‪ٚ‬ثٌض‪ ٝ‬فجٌش ظش‪ٚ‬ف ثٌضشغ‪ٚ ِٓ ً١‬ص‪ٌٙٛ‬ج ٌّؽجس ثٌمج٘شر ٌٕمً سوجد‪ٙ‬ج‪،‬‬ ‫‪ٚ‬ثٌض‪ ٝ‬وجْ ِمشسث إلالػ‪ٙ‬ج ف‪ ٝ‬صّجَ ثٌغجػز ‪ ١١:30‬صذجفج‪.‬‬ ‫‪ٚ‬لجِش عٍؽجس ثٌّؽجس دضشى‪ ً١‬فش‪٠‬ك ِٓ ثٌؼاللجس ثٌؼجِز ٌضمذ‪ ُ٠‬وجفز‬ ‫ثٌخذِجس ثٌالصِز ٌٍ‪ٛ‬وجح‪ ،‬دؼذ ثعضعجفض‪ ُٙ‬دئفذ‪ ٜ‬صجالس ثٌضشثٔض‪٠‬ش‬ ‫دجٌّؽجس‪ٌ ،‬ق‪ٚ ٓ١‬ص‪ٛ‬ي ؼجةشص‪ٚ ُٙ‬ثلالػ‪ٙ‬ج‪.‬‬

‫صىسج أسشُفُح‬


‫ذأخش إقالع ‪ 3‬سحالخ دوىُح ٍِ ٍؽاس اىقاهشج ىظشوف‬ ‫اىرشغُو‬ ‫مرة أحَذ ٍصؽفً ‪ٍ -‬حَذ ؼْؽاوي‬ ‫شهذ ٍؽاس اىقاهشج اىذوىٍ اىُىً اىصالشاء ذأخش إقالع ‪ 3‬سحالخ دوىُح‬ ‫ذاتؼح ىششمح ؼُشاُ األسدُّح واألىَاُّح واىثشَؽاُّح ّظشا ألػَاه اىصُاّح‬ ‫واّرظاسا إلرُ اإلقالع ٍِ ٍؽاساخ اىىصىه‪ ،‬فعال ػِ ذأخش وصىه‬ ‫ؼائشج غحذي اىشحالخ ٍِ ٍؽاس اإلقالع‪.‬‬ ‫وأفاد ٍصذس ٍؽيغ أُ سحيح اىخؽىغ اىعىَح األسدُّح سقٌ ‪ ،502‬اىَرعهح‬ ‫إىً ػَاُ أقيؼد تؼذ ذأخشها ىْحى ‪ 80‬دقُقح‪ ،‬تاإلظافح إىً ذأخش سحيح‬ ‫ؼُشاُ ىىفرهاّزا سقٌ ‪ 585‬اىَرعهح إىً فشاّنفىسخ‪ ،‬وسحيح اىخؽىغ‬ ‫اىثشَؽاُّح سقٌ ‪ 154‬اىَرعهح إىً ىْذُ‪ ،‬تضثة أػَاه اىصُاّح ػيً‬ ‫اىشحالخ‪.‬‬ ‫وذٌ اصرعافح سماب اىؽائشاخ تإحذي صاالخ اىرشاّزَد تاىَؽاس وذقذٌَ‬ ‫مافح اىخذٍاخ اىَقشسج ىهٌ ىحُِ إقالع سحالذهٌ‪.‬‬

‫صىسج أسشُفُح‬


‫«ٍؽاساخ اىشَاض» ذعهز ٍْؽقح ٍهُأج ىيشظاػح اىؽثُؼُح فٍ‬ ‫ٍؽاس اىَيل خاىذ‬ ‫اّرهد "ٍؽاساخ اىشَاض" ٍِ إّشاء ٍْؽقح ٍخصصح ىيشظاػح اىؽثُؼُح ىرَنُِ‬ ‫األٍهاخ اىَضافشاخ ػثش صاالخ اىضفش اىذوىُح تَؽاس اىَيل خاىذ اىذوىٍ فٍ اىشَاض‬ ‫ٍِ ذقذٌَ اىشظاػح اىؽثُؼُح ألؼفاىهِ‪ ،‬ػثش ٍْؽقح ذٌ ذصََُها ىررىافق ٍغ اىَؼاَُش‬ ‫اىذوىُح اىخاصح تإّشاء غشف اىشظاػح اىؽثُؼُح‪.‬‬ ‫‪ٚ‬وشفش "ِؽجسثس ثٌش‪٠‬جض" أْ ثٌّٕؽمز ثٌّخصصز ٌٍشظجػز ِضىجٍِز ‪١ِٙٚ‬أر‬ ‫ٌٍشظجػز ثٌؽذ‪١‬ؼ‪١‬ز‪ ،‬إظجفز إٌ‪ ٝ‬أِجوٓ ِخصصز ٌضغ‪١١‬ش ِالدظ ثألؼفجي‪ ،‬وّج ٌفضش‬ ‫ثٌششوز إٌ‪ ٝ‬أٔ‪ٙ‬ج ثػضّذس ف‪ ٟ‬ثٌضصّ‪ ُ١‬أػٍ‪ِ ٝ‬غض‪٠ٛ‬جس ثٌؾج٘ض‪٠‬ز ف‪٘ ٟ‬زث ثٌّؾجي‪ ،‬ف‪١‬ظ‬ ‫س‪ٚ‬ػ‪ ٟ‬ػٕذ صصّ‪ ُ١‬ثٌغشف ػذد ِٓ ثٌّؼج‪١٠‬ش ‪ٚ‬أّ٘‪ٙ‬ج ٔ‪ٛ‬ػ‪١‬ز ِمجػذ ِالةّز ‪ٚ‬رثس ؽ‪ٛ‬در‬ ‫ػجٌ‪١‬ز‪ٚ ،‬إظجءر ؽ‪١‬ذر‪ٚ ،‬دسؽز صى‪١١‬ف ِٕجعذز ٌألؼفجي‪ ،‬وّج أخز دجالػضذجس ثإلؽشثءثس‬ ‫‪ٚ‬ثٌّضؽٍذجس وجفز ثٌض‪ ٟ‬صالةُ ثألِ‪ٙ‬جس ‪ٚ‬أؼفجٌ‪ٌ ٓٙ‬ض‪ٛ‬فش ٌ‪ ُٙ‬ثألؽ‪ٛ‬ثء ثٌّش‪٠‬قز ‪ٚ‬ثٌّٕجعذز‪،‬‬ ‫ف‪١‬ظ ‪ّ٠‬ىٓ ٌألِ‪ٙ‬جس ثٌّغجفشثس ثالعضفجدر ِٓ خذِجس غشفز ثٌقعجٔز ػٍ‪ِ ٝ‬ذ‪24 ٜ‬‬ ‫عجػز‪.‬‬ ‫‪ٚ‬ص‪ٙ‬ذف "ِؽجسثس ثٌش‪٠‬جض" ِٓ ٘زٖ ثٌخؽ‪ٛ‬ر إٌ‪ ٝ‬دػُ ِذجدسر ثٌشظجػز ثٌؽذ‪١‬ؼ‪١‬ز‬ ‫ثٌّٕظّز ِٓ لذً ػذد ِٓ ثٌؾ‪ٙ‬جس ثٌّقٍ‪١‬ز ‪ٚ‬ثٌّٕظّجس ثٌؼجٌّ‪١‬ز ِٓ خالي صؼض‪٠‬ض ِف‪َٛٙ‬‬ ‫ثٌشظجػز ثٌؽذ‪١‬ؼ‪١‬ز ف‪ ٟ‬أ‪ٚ‬عجغ ثألِ‪ٙ‬جس‪ٚ ،‬ثٌّغجّ٘ز ف‪ ٟ‬ص‪ٛ‬ف‪١‬ش ِٕجؼك ِخصصز‬ ‫ٌٍشظجػز ثٌؽذ‪١‬ؼ‪١‬ز‪ ،‬وّج أٔ‪ٙ‬ج صأص‪ ٟ‬ثعضىّجال ٌٍض‪ٛ‬ؽٗ ثالعضشثص‪١‬ؾ‪ٌٍ ٟ‬ششوز ٔق‪ ٛ‬سفغ‬ ‫ِغض‪ ٜٛ‬ثٌخذِجس ثٌّمذِز ٌفتجس ثٌّغجفش‪ ٓ٠‬وجفز ‪ٚ‬ثٌغؼ‪ ٟ‬ثٌّغضّش ٌٍضؽ‪٠ٛ‬ش ‪ٚ‬ثٌضقغ‪ٓ١‬‬ ‫د‪ٙ‬ذف صؼض‪٠‬ض صؾشدض‪ٚ ،ُٙ‬صمذ‪ ُ٠‬أفعً ِغض‪ ِٓ ٜٛ‬ثٌخذِجس ٌ‪ ُٙ‬ػذش ِؽجس ثٌؼجصّز‪.‬‬ ‫‪٠‬زوش أْ ششوز ِؽجسثس ثٌش‪٠‬جض ثٌض‪ ٟ‬صض‪ ٌٝٛ‬إدثسر ‪ٚ‬صشغ‪ِ ً١‬ؽجس ثٌٍّه خجٌذ ثٌذ‪ٌٟٚ‬‬ ‫ف‪ ٟ‬ثٌش‪٠‬جض‪ ،‬لذ ششػش ِٕز ِؽٍغ ثٌؼجَ ثٌقجٌ‪ 20١8 ٟ‬ف‪ ٟ‬إؼالق فضِز ِٓ ثٌخذِجس‬ ‫‪ٚ‬ثٌّشجس‪٠‬غ ثٌضؽ‪٠ٛ‬ش‪٠‬ز د‪ٙ‬ذف صؼض‪٠‬ض صؾشدز ثٌّغجفش‪ٚ ،ٓ٠‬ثعضؾجدز ٌٍّٕ‪ ٛ‬ثٌّضضث‪٠‬ذ ػٍ‪ٝ‬‬ ‫ِغض‪ ٜٛ‬ثٌقشوز ثٌؾ‪٠ٛ‬ز ‪ٚ‬ثٌشقٓ ‪ٚ‬أػذثد ثٌّغجفش‪ٚ ٓ٠‬ثٌشفالس‪.‬‬

‫صىسج أسشُفُح‬

‫‪1‬‬ ‫‪‬‬

‫تُْها ششمح ػشتُح‪ ..‬أصىأ ششماخ اىؽُشاُ ٍِ حُس اىرأخُش‬ ‫فٍ اىؼاىٌ‬ ‫مشفد دساصح ظذَذج ػِ ششماخ اىؽُشاُ األفعو واألصىأ حىه اىؼاىٌ فٍ ٍا َرؼيق‬ ‫ترأخُش ٍىاػُذ اىشحالخ‪.‬‬ ‫‪ٚ‬صش‪١‬ش د‪١‬جٔجس سفالس ٘‪١‬تز ثٌؽ‪١‬شثْ ثٌّذٔ‪ ٟ‬إٌ‪ ٝ‬أْ ٕ٘جن ف‪ٛ‬ثٌ‪ِ ْٛ١ٍِ ١.3 ٟ‬غجفش‬ ‫ظٍ‪ٛ‬ث ػجٌم‪ ٓ١‬ف‪ ٟ‬ثٌّؽجسثس ثٌذش‪٠‬ؽجٔ‪١‬ز‪ ،‬ؽشثء ثٌضأخ‪١‬ش ف‪ ٟ‬ثٌشفالس ثٌؾ‪٠ٛ‬ز ثٌض‪ ٟ‬فذعش‬ ‫خالي ثٌـ‪ ١2‬ش‪ٙ‬شث ثٌّجظ‪١‬ز‪.‬‬ ‫‪ٚ‬أؽشس ثٌ‪١ٙ‬تز صقٍ‪١‬ال ٌذ‪١‬جٔجس ثٌشفالس دثخً ‪ٚ‬خجسػ ثٌّ​ٍّىز ثٌّضقذر‪ٛ١ٔٛ٠ ِٓ ،‬‬ ‫‪ 20١7‬فض‪ٚ​ٚ ،20١8 ٛ١ٔٛ٠ ٝ‬ؽذس أْ أوغش ِٓ ‪ ١3‬أٌف سفٍز ِٓ ‪ٚ‬إٌ‪ِ ٝ‬ؽجسثس‬ ‫ثٌّ​ٍّىز ثٌّضقذر صأخشس ٌّذر ال صمً ػٓ عالط عجػجس‪ ،‬أ‪ ٞ‬أْ ‪ِ 3500‬غجفش ‪ٛ٠‬ثؽ‪ْٛٙ‬‬ ‫صأخ‪١‬شث ف‪ ٟ‬ثٌ‪.َٛ١‬‬ ‫إقشأ اىَزَذ‬ ‫دسثعز صقزس ِٓ خؽش "أؼذجق" ثٌّؽجسثس ثألِٕ‪١‬ز!‬ ‫‪ٚ‬دقغخ ثإلفصجءثس‪ ،‬فئْ ششوجس ثٌؽ‪١‬شثْ ثألع‪ٛ‬أ ف‪ِ ٟ‬ج ‪٠‬ضؼٍك دجٌضأخ‪١‬ش‪ٔ ٟ٘ ،‬فغ‪ٙ‬ج‬ ‫أع‪ٛ‬أ ثٌششوجس أدثء دشىً ػجَ‪.‬‬ ‫‪ٚ​ٚ‬ؽذس ثٌذسثعز أْ ششوجس " "‪British Airways" "ٚRyanair" "ٚEasyjet‬‬ ‫وجٔش أع‪ٛ‬أ ثٌششوجس ثٌذش‪٠‬ؽجٔ‪١‬ز ف‪ِ ٟ‬ج ‪٠‬ضؼٍك دجٌضأخ‪١‬ش‪ ،‬ف‪١‬ظ صأخشس دٕغذز ‪ِٓ %0.7‬‬ ‫إؽّجٌ‪ ٟ‬ثٌشفالس‪٘ٚ ،‬زث ‪٠‬ؼٕ‪ ٟ‬أْ أوغش ِٓ ‪ 630‬أٌف ِغجفش ػٍ‪٘ ٝ‬زٖ ثٌخؽ‪ٛ‬غ ثٌؾ‪٠ٛ‬ز‬ ‫صأخش‪ٚ‬ث دشىً وذ‪١‬ش‪.‬‬ ‫‪ٚ‬صٕفش ششوضج ثٌؽ‪١‬شثْ ثٌٕش‪٠ٚ‬ؾ‪١‬ز " "‪ٚNorwegian‬ثإل‪٠‬غٍٕذ‪٠‬ز " "‪Icelandair‬‬ ‫ػٍ‪ ٝ‬أٔ‪ّٙ‬ج ثألع‪ٛ‬أ ف‪ ٟ‬ثٌضأخ‪١‬ش‪.‬‬ ‫أِج أع‪ٛ‬أ ششوجس ف‪ ٟ‬صأخ‪١‬ش سفالس ثٌّغجفجس ثٌؽ‪ٍ٠ٛ‬ز ‪ٔٚ‬غخ صأخ‪١‬ش٘ج ف‪:ٟٙ‬‬ ‫ ‪Norwegian‬دٕغذز صأخ‪١‬ش صصً إٌ‪%2.4 ٝ‬‬‫ ص‪ِٛ‬جط و‪ٛ‬ن ‪%١.8‬‬‫ ص‪%١.6 ٞٛ‬‬‫ ؼ‪١‬شثْ ثٌ‪ٕٙ‬ذ ‪%١.5‬‬‫‪ -‬ؼ‪١‬شثْ وٕذث ‪%١.3‬‬

‫صىسج أسشُفُح‬

‫‪2‬‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫ ششوز ‪BA‬دٕغذز ‪%0.9‬‬‫ ثٌخؽ‪ٛ‬غ ثٌؾ‪٠ٛ‬ز ثٌّضقذر ‪%0.9‬‬‫ ثٌخؽ‪ٛ‬غ ثٌؾ‪٠ٛ‬ز ثألِش‪٠‬ى‪١‬ز ‪%0.7‬‬‫ خؽ‪ٛ‬غ دٌضج ثٌؾ‪٠ٛ‬ز ‪%0.6‬‬‫ خؽ‪ٛ‬غ وجع‪ ٟ‬دجع‪١‬ف‪١‬ه ثٌؾ‪٠ٛ‬ز ‪%0.6‬‬‫إقشأ اىَزَذ‬ ‫ٌفضز إٔغجٔ‪١‬ز‪ ..‬ؼ‪١‬جس ‪٠‬شضش‪ ٞ‬د‪١‬ضضث ٌشوجح سفٍضٗ! (ف‪١‬ذ‪)ٛ٠‬‬ ‫‪ٚ‬دجٌٕغذز ألع‪ٛ‬أ ششوجس ثٌؽ‪١‬شثْ ٌٍضأخ‪١‬ش ػٍ‪ ٝ‬ثٌّذ‪ ٜ‬ثٌمص‪١‬ش‪:‬‬ ‫ ‪Icelandair‬دٕغذز صأخ‪١‬ش صصً إٌ‪%١.7 ٝ‬‬‫ أ‪ٚ‬س‪%١.6 ٟٕ٠‬‬‫ ص‪% ١.4 ٞٛ‬‬‫‪ٚ‬ؽجءس أع‪ٛ‬أ ششوجس ثٌؽ‪١‬شثْ ٌٍضأخ‪١‬ش ػٍ‪ ٝ‬ثٌّذ‪ ٜ‬ثٌّض‪ٛ‬عػ‪:‬‬ ‫ ص‪ِٛ‬جط و‪ٛ‬ن ‪%١.2‬‬‫ ‪TUI‬دٕغذز ‪%١.١‬‬‫ ثٌخؽ‪ٛ‬غ ثٌؾ‪٠ٛ‬ز ثٌؼشد‪١‬ز ثٌغؼ‪ٛ‬د‪٠‬ز ‪%١‬‬‫‪ٚ‬إرث صأخشس ثٌشفٍز ٌّذر عجػض‪ ،ٓ١‬ف‪١‬ؾخ ػٍ‪ ٝ‬ششوز ثٌؽ‪١‬شثْ أْ صمذَ ٌٍّغجفش إِىجٔ‪١‬ز إسعجي‬ ‫سعجٌض‪ ٟ‬دش‪٠‬ذ إٌىضش‪ ٟٔٚ‬أ‪ِ ٚ‬ىجٌّجس ِؾجٔ‪١‬ز ‪ٚ‬لغجةُ ؼؼجَ أ‪ ٚ‬ششثح‪ٚ ،‬ص‪ٛ‬ف‪١‬ش ثإللجِز ‪ٚ‬ثٌضٕمً إرث‬ ‫ٌضَ ثألِش‪.‬‬ ‫‪ٚ‬ف‪ ٟ‬فجي صأخشس ثٌشفٍز عالط عجػجس‪٠ ،‬قك ٌٍّغجفش‪ ٓ٠‬ثٌقص‪ٛ‬ي ػٍ‪ ٝ‬صؼ‪٠ٛ‬ط ‪٠‬ضشث‪ٚ‬ؿ د‪ٓ١‬‬ ‫‪ 287‬إٌ‪ 470 ٝ‬د‪ٚ‬السث أِش‪٠‬ى‪١‬ج ٌٍشفالس ثٌمص‪١‬شر ‪ٚ‬ثٌّض‪ٛ‬عؽز‪ 699ٚ ،‬د‪ٚ‬السث أِش‪٠‬ى‪١‬ج‬ ‫ٌٍشفالس ثٌؽ‪ٍ٠ٛ‬ز‪.‬‬ ‫‪ٚ‬صُؼف‪ ٝ‬ششوجس ثٌؽ‪١‬شثْ ِٓ ثٌذفغ إرث ِج صّىٕش ِٓ إعذجس ‪ٚ‬ؽ‪ٛ‬د "ظش‪ٚ‬ف ثعضغٕجة‪١‬ز"‪ِ ،‬غً‬ ‫ثٌظش‪ٚ‬ف ثٌؾ‪٠ٛ‬ز ثٌمجع‪١‬ز أ‪ ٚ‬إظشثدجس ثٌّؽجسثس‪.‬‬

‫صىسج أسشُفُح‬

‫صىسج أسشُفُح‬

‫صىسج أسشُفُح‬

‫صىسج أسشُفُح‬ Lufthansa Group VP: Bundling and unbundling only the first step in increasing revenue CAPA News Briefs CAPA publishes more than 400 global News Briefs every weekday, covering all aspects of the aviation and travel industry. It’s the most comprehensive source of market intelligence in the world, with around 50 per cent of content translated from non-English sources. The breadth of our coverage means you won’t need any other news sources to monitor competitors and stay informed about the latest developments in the wider aviation sector. Become a CAPA MemberOur daily News Briefs are only available to CAPA Members. Membership provides access to more than 400 News Briefs every weekday, with quick links to our Analysis Reports, Research Publications, Data Centre and more. It’s easy to keep your News Briefs relevant by customising your email alerts based on topic, region, sector, frequency and more. Once you’ve saved your settings, you can stay up-to-date wherever you are, by quickly scanning our News Briefs online or via the CAPA mobile app. Membership also provides full access to our Analysis Reports, in-depth Research Publications and comprehensive Data Centre. Premium CAPA Members can also access addons such as our exclusive MRO Matrix, Fleet Database, Airline Cask Data tools and more, to enjoy the full capabilities of our global platform.

‫صىسج أسشُفُح‬ Lufthansa Group Aug. Sales Up 8.7% - Quick Facts (RTTNews) - Lufthansa Group (DLAKF, DLAKY) reported that in August 2018, the available seat kilometres were up 8.2 percent over the previous year. Sales increased by 8.7 percent. Seat load factor increased by 0.5 percentage points to 86.4%. In August 2018, the Lufthansa Group airlines welcomed around 13.8 million passengers, an increase of 10.0 percent compared to the previous year's month.

‫صىسج أسشُفُح‬ British Airways boss promises compensation for customers affected by breach British Airways' chairman and CEO, Alex Cruz, says customers "financially affected" by a data breach will be "100% compensated." The airline has been targeted by hackers, meaning personal and financial details of customers making bookings had been compromised.

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1 British Airways says will compensate customers for data breach involving 380,000 bank cards LONDON: British Airways will financially compensate customers whose data was stolen by a "sophisticated" and "malicious" hacking attack, chief executive Alex Cruz said Friday (Sep 7) as he apologised for the fiasco. BA late Thursday revealed that personal and financial details of customers who booked flights on the group's website and mobile phone app between Aug 21 and Wednesday had been stolen. The revelation comes just a few months after the European Union tightened data protection laws. "We're extremely sorry for what has happened," Cruz told the BBC on Friday. "There was a very sophisticated, malicious, criminal attack on our website." BA took out full-page adverts in the UK newspapers on Friday to apologise to customers, while the share price of parent group IAG was down more than three per cent in London deals. Advertisement "We are 100 per cent committed to compensate them," Cruz said. "We will compensate them for any financial hardship that they may have suffered," he told the broadcaster.

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2 BA said it had launched an urgent investigation after realising that about 380,000 bank cards used to book its flights had been hacked. The stolen data comprised customer names, postal addresses, email addresses and credit card information. However the 15-day breach did not involve travel or passport details and has been fixed, the airline added. On Friday, Prime Minister Theresa May's spokesperson said the government was aware of the cyberattack and that authorities were working to better understand the incident. "We are aware of the reports and the National Cyber Security Centre and the National Crime Agency are working to better understand what has happened," she said. REGULATORS INVESTIGATE "The moment we found out (Wednesday) that actual customer data had been compromised, that's when we began an all out immediate communication to our customers. That was our priority," Cruz said. However Enza Iannopollo, privacy and security analyst at advisory group Forrester, said BA could have done better on informing those affected. "If the timeline is confirmed and BA became aware of the breach on the evening of Sep 5, then they have done their breach notification on time, which is of course a good thing," she said in a statement. "

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3 However, customers are obviously not impressed about BA breach management at present. Some discovered it on social media, others reported wasting hours on the phone with their bank, everyone expects more from a company that truly cares about its customers." "Terrible handling of the situation," tweeted one affected customer, Mat Thomas. Iannopollo told AFP that it was too early to know whether BA would be fined over the affair. "Regulators will assess the circumstances of this breach consistently with GDPR requirements," she said referring to the EU's General Data Protection Regulation that came into force in May. Britain's National Crime Agency said it was assessing the matter, while the UK's data protection watchdog, the Information Commissioner's Office, will make its own enquiries. "The ICO will do its assessment and investigation to determine whether to levy a fine or impose any enforcement action, but this will take some time and it might be that the regulator determines that rules were not breached," Iannopollo said. About 1100 GMT, shares in IAG, which runs also Spanish carriers Iberia and Vueling as well as Irish airline Aer Lingus, were down 3.5 per cent at 657.60 pence on London's benchmark FTSE 100 index, down 0.8 per cent overall. "Today's news is a reminder of just what a hot issue cyber security remains and the importance of companies having the right protections in place to mitigate the risk posed by attacks," noted Russ Mould, investment director at AJ Bell.

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British Airways website suffers data breach

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