EGYPTAIR News 13 feb 2015

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‫عٍـخ اٌـ‪١‬شاْ اٌّذٔ‪ ٟ‬ر‪ٛ‬افك ػٍ‪ ٝ‬إٔشبء ششوخ ؿ‪١‬شاْ ربثؼخ ٌّغّ‪ٛ‬ػخ "ؿٍؼذ‬ ‫ِظـف‪"ٝ‬‬ ‫أػٍٓ سئ‪١‬ظ عٍـخ اٌـ‪١‬شاْ اٌّذٔ‪ِ ٟ‬ؾّ‪ٛ‬د اٌضٔبر‪ ٟ‬أٔٗ رّذ اٌّ‪ٛ‬افمخ ػٍ‪ٝ‬‬ ‫رذش‪ ٓ١‬ششوخ "فال‪ ٞ‬إ‪٠‬غ‪١‬جذ" اٌزبثؼخ ٌّغّ‪ٛ‬ػخ ششوبد ؿٍؼذ ِظـف‪ٚ ،ٝ‬رٌه‬ ‫ثؼذ رٕف‪١‬ز٘ب وً اٌشش‪ٚ‬ؽ اٌخبطخ ثئٔشبء ششوبد اٌـ‪١‬شاْ‪.‬‬ ‫‪ٚ‬لبي اٌضٔبر‪ ،ٟ‬ف‪ ٟ‬رظش‪٠‬ؼ ألط‪ٛ‬اد ِظش‪٠‬خ اٌ‪ َٛ١‬اٌخّ‪١‬ظ‪ ،‬إٔٗ "‪٠‬زُ رشذ‪٠‬ذ‬ ‫اٌشش‪ٚ‬ؽ اٌفٕ‪١‬خ إلٔشبء ششوبد اٌـ‪١‬شاْ اٌخبطخ ِٓ أعً ر‪ٛ‬ف‪١‬ش ألظ‪ ٝ‬لذس ِٓ‬ ‫األِٓ ‪ٚ‬اٌغالِخ ‪ٚ‬اٌغ‪ٛ‬دح ‪ٚ‬ؽّب‪٠‬خ اٌشوبة ‪ٚ‬ؽشوخ إٌمً اٌغ‪."ٞٛ‬‬ ‫‪ٚ‬ربثغ "وّب ‪٠‬زُ ؽبٌ‪١‬ب فؾض ػذح ؿٍجبد ٌىجبس سعبي أػّبي ‪ِٚ‬غّ‪ٛ‬ػبد ششوبد‬ ‫إلٔشبء ششوبد ؿ‪١‬شاْ خبطخ ثّب ‪ٛ٠‬فش فشص ػّبٌخ ٌٍّظش‪ٚ ٓ١٠‬رمذ‪ ُ٠‬خذِبد‬ ‫ٔمً ع‪ِ ٞٛ‬زٕ‪ٛ‬ػخ ع‪ٛ‬اء ٌٍشوبة أ‪ ٚ‬اٌجؼبئغ ‪ٚ‬دػُ ؽشوخ اٌزّٕ‪١‬خ اإللزظبد‪٠‬خ ف‪ٟ‬‬ ‫ِظش"‪.‬‬ ‫‪ٚ‬ف‪ّ١‬ب ‪٠‬زؼٍك ثشش‪ٚ‬ؽ إٔشبء ششوبد اٌـ‪١‬شاْ اٌخبطخ ف‪ِ ٟ‬ظش‪ ،‬أ‪ٚ‬ػؼ اٌضٔبر‪ٟ‬‬ ‫أْ "عٍـخ اٌـ‪١‬شاْ اٌّذٔ‪ ٟ٘ ٟ‬اٌّخزظخ ثّٕؼ ش‪ٙ‬بداد ‪ٚ‬سخض رشغ‪ ً١‬ششوبد‬ ‫اٌـ‪١‬شاْ ثؼذ رٕف‪١‬ز اٌشش‪ٚ‬ؽ اٌفٕ‪١‬خ ِٓ خالي ػذح خـ‪ٛ‬اد ِٓ أّ٘‪ٙ‬ب ِب ‪٠‬زُ‬ ‫وّشؽٍخ أ‪ ِٓ ٌٝٚ‬ث‪ٕٙ١‬ب رؾش‪٠‬ش ّٔ‪ٛ‬رط ‪٠‬زؼّٓ ث‪١‬بٔبد اٌششوخ ‪ٚ‬اٌمبئّ‪ ٓ١‬ػٍ‪ٙ١‬ب‪،‬‬ ‫‪ّٛٔٚ‬رط آخش ٌج‪١‬بٔبد سأط اٌّبي ‪٠ٛ٘ٚ‬زٗ ‪ٚ‬اٌزىبٌ‪١‬ف االعزضّبس‪٠‬خ‪ّٛٔٚ ،‬رط آخش‬ ‫ٌج‪١‬بٔبد اٌ‪١ٙ‬ىً اٌزٕظ‪ٌٍ ّٟ١‬ششوخ ‪ٚ‬ؽغُ اٌؼّبٌخ‪ٚ ،‬اٌج‪١‬بٔبد األعبع‪١‬خ ٌٍششوخ‬ ‫‪ٚ‬اٌذساعخ اٌفٕ‪١‬خ ‪ٚ‬االلزظبد‪٠‬خ ٌ‪ٙ‬ب"‪.‬‬ ‫‪ٚ‬اعزـشد لبئال "صُ رجذأ اٌّشؽٍخ اٌضبٔ‪١‬خ العزخشاط اٌزشخ‪١‬ض اٌخبص ثّضا‪ٌٚ‬خ‬ ‫إٌشبؽ ‪ٚ‬رشًّ ػمذ رؤع‪١‬ظ اٌششوخ ‪ٚ‬لشاس اٌ‪١ٙ‬ئخ اٌؼبِخ ٌالعزضّبس ‪ٚ‬إٌّبؿك‬ ‫اٌؾشح ػٍ‪ ٝ‬رؤع‪١‬ظ اٌششوخ ‪ٚ‬رمذ‪ ُ٠‬ش‪ٙ‬بدح إٌ‪ٛ‬ع ٌٍـبئشح‪ٚ ،‬أْ رى‪ ْٛ‬اٌـبئشاد‬ ‫ِؼزّذح ِٓ اٌمـبع اٌفٕ‪ٚ ٟ‬رمذ‪ ُ٠‬ػم‪ٛ‬د رٍّه اٌـبئشح ‪ٚ‬رغغ‪ٍٙ١‬ب ثبٌغغً‬ ‫اٌّظش‪ٚ ٞ‬رمذ‪ ُ٠‬اٌغغً اٌزغبس‪ٌٍ ٞ‬ششوخ‪ ،‬صُ ػشع اٌج‪١‬بٔبد اٌزفظ‪١ٍ١‬خ‬



‫ٌٍـبئشاد ‪ٚ‬اٌّؼذاد ‪ٚ‬األع‪ٙ‬ضح اٌّزؼٍمخ ثبٌٕشبؽ ػٍ‪ ٝ‬أْ ‪٠‬زُ اٌشد خالي ‪ِٛ٠ 60‬ب‬ ‫ِٓ رمذ‪ ُ٠‬األ‪ٚ‬ساق ‪ٚ‬اٌجذء ف‪ ٟ‬إٌشبؽ ف‪ ٟ‬ؽبٌخ ػذَ ‪ٚ‬ع‪ٛ‬د ِالؽظبد ٌذ‪ ٜ‬عٍـخ‬ ‫اٌـ‪١‬شاْ ػٍ‪ ٝ‬وً ِب عجك"‪.‬‬ ‫ِٓ ٔبؽ‪١‬خ أخش‪ ،ٜ‬لبي عبِؼ أٔ‪ٛ‬س ‪-‬اٌّذ‪٠‬ش اٌزٕف‪١‬ز‪ٌ ٞ‬ششوخ "فال‪ ٞ‬إ‪٠‬غ‪١‬جذ"‪-‬‬ ‫"ثذأٔب اٌ‪ َٛ١‬أ‪ ٌٝٚ‬سؽالرٕب ِٓ ِـبس عذح إٌ‪ ٝ‬أع‪ٛ‬اْ ثشؽٍخ ؿ‪١‬شاْ شبسرش‬ ‫‪ٚ‬عزز‪ٛ‬اطً سؽالرٕب األ‪٠‬بَ اٌّمجٍخ‪ٚ ،‬رٌه ثؼذ ؽظ‪ٌٕٛ‬ب ػٍ‪ ٝ‬سخظخ ٔبلً ع‪ٞٛ‬‬ ‫أِظ األسثؼبء"‪.‬‬ ‫‪ٚ‬أػبف أٔ‪ٛ‬س‪ ،‬ف‪ ٟ‬رظش‪٠‬ؼ ألط‪ٛ‬اد ِظش‪٠‬خ اٌ‪ ،َٛ١‬أْ اٌششوخ ‪٠‬شأع‪ٙ‬ب اٌّ‪ٕٙ‬ذط‬ ‫ؿبسق ؿٍؼذ ِظـف‪ ٟ٘ٚ ٝ‬ششوخ ِغبّ٘خ ِظش‪٠‬خ ثشأعّبي ‪ْٛ١ٍِ 200‬‬ ‫د‪ٚ‬الس ٍِّ‪ٛ‬وخ ثبٌىبًِ ٌّغّ‪ٛ‬ػخ ؿٍؼذ ِظـف‪ٚ ٝ‬ع‪١‬شرفغ سأعّبٌ‪ٙ‬ب إٌ‪350 ٝ‬‬ ‫ٍِ‪ ْٛ١‬د‪ٚ‬الس ػبَ ‪.2019‬‬ ‫‪ٚ‬ربثغ "‪٠‬ؼزّذ أعـ‪ٛ‬ي اٌـ‪١‬شاْ ثبٌششوخ ػٍ‪ ٝ‬ؿبئشح ‪ٚ‬اؽذح ؽبٌ‪١‬ب ِٓ ؿشاص‬ ‫ث‪ٕ٠ٛ‬ظ ‪ٔٚ 800 \ 737‬غؼ‪ٌ ٝ‬ض‪٠‬بدرٗ إٌ‪ 12 ٝ‬ؿبئشح ػبَ ‪ٚ 2019‬عٕغؼ‪ٝ‬‬ ‫ٌزشغ‪ ً١‬سؽالرٕب اٌشبسرش ِٓ ‪ٚ‬إٌ‪ِ ٝ‬ـبساد اٌغشدلخ ‪ٚ‬ششَ اٌش‪١‬خ ‪ٚ‬األلظش‬ ‫‪ٚ‬أع‪ٛ‬اْ إٌ‪ِ ٝ‬بٔشغزش ‪ٚ‬دثٍٓ ‪ٌٚ‬شج‪ٔٛ‬خ ‪ٚ‬ث‪ٛ‬سر‪ٚ ٛ‬آٌّب آرب ‪ٚ‬غ‪١‬ش٘ب ِٓ اٌّـبساد‬ ‫اٌذ‪١ٌٚ‬خ‪ ،‬ؽ‪١‬ش عزشوض اٌششوخ ػٍ‪ ٝ‬اٌشؽالد اٌذ‪١ٌٚ‬خ ثٕغجخ ‪ِٓ %90‬‬ ‫رشغ‪ٍٙ١‬ب"‪.‬‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫اٌغضائش رشفغ فزؼ خؾ ع‪ِ ٞٛ‬غ ٔ‪ٛ٠ٛ١‬سن ثغجت ششؽ "اٌغّبء اٌّفز‪ٛ‬ؽخ"‬ ‫اٌغضائش "اٌّغٍخ" ‪ ....‬روش ‪ٚ‬ص‪٠‬ش إٌمً اٌغضائش‪ ٞ‬ػّبس غ‪ٛ‬ي ‪ ،‬أْ فزؼ خؾ ع‪ ٞٛ‬ث‪ٓ١‬‬ ‫اٌغضائش اٌؼبطّخ ‪ٛ٠ٛ١ٔٚ‬سن ‪ٚ‬اٌز‪ ٞ‬رُ اإلػالْ ػٕٗ ِٕز أوضش ِٓ ػبَ ٌٓ ‪٠‬زُ ثغجت‬ ‫اشزشاؽ اٌغبٔت األِش‪٠‬ى‪ ٟ‬أؼّبَ اٌغضائش إٌ‪ٔ ٝ‬ظبَ "اٌغّبء اٌّفز‪ٛ‬ؽخ" اٌز‪ ٞ‬لبي أْ ٌٗ‬ ‫ػذح ل‪ٛ‬اػذ ‪ٚ‬إعشاءاد ٌٓ رى‪ ْٛ‬ف‪ ٟ‬طبٌؼ اٌغضائش ف‪ ٟ‬اٌ‪ٛ‬لذ اٌؾبٌ‪. ٟ‬‬ ‫‪ٚ‬لبي ‪ٚ‬ص‪٠‬ش إٌمً خالي اعزؼبفزٗ ‪ َٛ٠‬أِظ ف‪ِٕ ٟ‬زذ‪ ٜ‬طؾ‪١‬فخ "اٌّغب٘ذ" اٌغضائش‪٠‬خ‬ ‫إٌبؿمخ ثبٌفشٔغ‪١‬خ أٔٗ رُ ‪ٚ‬لف إؿالق خؾ ؿ‪١‬شاْ ث‪ ٓ١‬اٌغضائش اٌؼبطّخ ‪ٛ٠ٛ١ٔٚ‬سن ثغجت‬ ‫ِـبٌت اٌ‪ٛ‬ال‪٠‬بد اٌّزؾذح ٌفزؼ اٌغّبء اٌغضائش‪٠‬خ (اٌغّبء اٌّفز‪ٛ‬ؽخ) ‪ِ ،‬ش‪١‬شاً إٌ‪ ٝ‬أْ‬ ‫اٌغٍـبد اٌغضائش‪٠‬خ ال رش‪ ٜ‬عذ‪" ِٓ ٜٚ‬فزؼ اٌغّبء اٌغضائش‪٠‬خ" ‪ ،‬ؽ‪١‬ش لبي اٌ‪ٛ‬ص‪٠‬ش أْ‬ ‫اٌغضائش ٌ‪١‬ظ ٌذ‪ٙ٠‬ب ِظٍؾخ ف‪ ٟ‬فزؼ ِغبٌ‪ٙ‬ب اٌغ‪ ٞٛ‬ف‪ ٟ‬اٌ‪ٛ‬لذ اٌشا٘ٓ ‪ٚ.‬أ‪ٚ‬ػؼ غ‪ٛ‬ي أْ‬ ‫اٌغضائش ٌٓ رذخً ف‪ٔ ٟ‬ظبَ "اٌغّبء اٌّفز‪ٛ‬ؽخ" إٌ‪ ٝ‬ؽ‪ ٓ١‬رؾىّ‪ٙ‬ب ف‪ ٟ‬اٌّغبي اٌغ‪، ٞٛ‬‬ ‫ِؼ‪١‬ف ًب أْ ٘زٖ اٌخـ‪ٛ‬ح اٌز‪٠ ٟ‬زشرت ػٍ‪ٙ١‬ب أِ‪ٛ‬س ػذ‪٠‬ذح ٌُ ‪٠‬زوش٘ب‪ٚ ،‬اٌز‪ ٟ‬ثبٌزؤو‪١‬ذ عزؤصش‬ ‫ػٍ‪ٙ١‬ب ثبٌغٍت عزجم‪ِ ٝ‬غشد ِشش‪ٚ‬ع ؽبٌ‪ً ١‬ب ‪.‬‬ ‫‪ٚ‬أػبف أْ اٌغضائش ػشػذ ػٍ‪ ٝ‬أِش‪٠‬ىب فزؼ خؾ اٌؼبطّخ اٌغضائش‪٠‬خ ‪ٛ٠ٛ١ٔ -‬سن ِجبششح‬ ‫ف‪ ٟ‬إؿبس اٌزفبُ٘ اٌج‪ ٟٕ١‬ث‪ ٓ١‬اٌجٍذ‪ِ ٓ٠‬ضٍّب ؽذس ِغ وٕذا ػٕذ فزؼ خؾ اٌغضائش ‪ِٔٛ -‬زش‪٠‬بي‬ ‫‪ِ ،‬ش‪١‬شًا إٌ‪ ٝ‬أْ ػذَ سد٘ب ػٍ‪ ٝ‬اٌؼشع ‪٠‬ذي ػٍ‪ ٝ‬ػذَ لج‪ٌٙٛ‬ب ‪ٚ‬إطشاس٘ب ػٍ‪ ٝ‬دخ‪ٛ‬ي‬ ‫اٌغضائش ف‪ٔ ٟ‬ظبَ اٌغّبء اٌّفز‪ٛ‬ؽخ ‪.‬‬ ‫‪ٚ‬ف‪ّ١‬ب ‪٠‬زؼٍك ثفزؼ ِغبي اٌـ‪١‬شاْ أِبَ اٌمـبع اٌخبص‪ ،‬أ‪ٚ‬ػؼ ػّبس غ‪ٛ‬ي أْ اٌؾى‪ِٛ‬خ‬ ‫٘‪ ٟ‬اٌّخ‪ٌٛ‬خ ث‪ٙ‬زا اٌمشاس ‪١ٌٚ‬ظ ‪ٚ‬صاسح إٌمً‪ِ .‬ش‪١‬شًا إٌ‪ ٝ‬أْ اٌؾى‪ِٛ‬خ ٘‪ ٟ‬اٌز‪ ٟ‬عّذد ف‪ٟ‬‬ ‫ػبَ ‪ 2009‬اٌمبٔ‪ ْٛ‬اٌظبدس ػبَ ‪ٚ 1998‬اٌز‪٠ ٞ‬غ‪١‬ض فزؼ اٌغ‪ٛ‬ق أِبَ ششوبد اٌـ‪١‬شاْ‬ ‫اٌخبطخ ‪ٌٚ‬زا فئْ اٌؾى‪ِٛ‬خ ٘‪ ٟ‬اٌّخ‪ٌٛ‬خ ثشفغ لشاس اٌزغّ‪١‬ذ ‪ٞ.‬‬ ‫روش ف‪٘ ٟ‬زا اٌظذد أٔٗ رُ ثذء اٌؼًّ ثبرفبل‪١‬خ اٌغّب‪ٚ‬اد اٌّفز‪ٛ‬ؽخ ف‪ ٟ‬أ‪ٚ‬ي ‪ٕ٠‬ب‪٠‬ش ‪،2002‬‬ ‫‪ٚ‬رؼُ ؽبٌ‪١‬بً ‪ 32‬د‪ٌٚ‬خ‪ٚ ،‬رغّؼ االرفبل‪١‬خ ث‪ٛ‬ع‪ٛ‬د ؿبئشاد ِشالجخ غ‪١‬ش ِغٍؾخ ٌالعزىشبف‬ ‫ف‪ ٟ‬أع‪ٛ‬اء اٌذ‪ٚ‬ي اٌّشزشوخ ف‪ ٟ‬االرفبل‪١‬خ اٌز‪ ٟ‬ر‪ٙ‬ذف إٌ‪ ٝ‬رؼض‪٠‬ض اٌزفبُ٘ اٌّزجبدي ‪ٚ‬اٌضمخ‬ ‫ػٓ ؿش‪٠‬ك إػـبء عّ‪١‬غ اٌّشزشو‪ ٓ١‬ث‪ٙ‬ب ـ ثغغ إٌظش ػٓ ؽغُ اٌذ‪ٌٚ‬خ اٌّشبسوخ ـ د‪ٚ‬س‬ ‫ِجبشش ف‪ ٟ‬عّغ اٌّؼٍ‪ِٛ‬بد ػٓ اٌم‪ٛ‬اد اٌؼغىش‪٠‬خ ‪ٚ‬األٔشـخ اٌز‪ ٟ‬ر‪ّٙٙ‬ب‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫"آع‪١‬بٔب إ‪٠‬شال‪ٕ٠‬ض" رـٍت ِٓ "إ‪٠‬شثبص" ششاء ؿبئشاد ثـ‪١ٍِ 2.8‬بس‪ ٞ‬د‪ٚ‬الس "‬

‫ع‪ٛ‬ي "اٌّغٍخ" ‪ ....‬ؿٍجَذ صبٔ‪ ٟ‬أوجش ششوخ ؿ‪١‬شاْ ف‪ ٟ‬و‪ٛ‬س‪٠‬ب اٌغٕ‪ٛ‬ث‪١‬خ "آع‪١‬بٔب‬ ‫إ‪٠‬شال‪ٕ٠‬ض" ‪ 25‬ؿبئشح ِٓ ششوخ "إ‪٠‬شثبص" ثم‪ّ١‬خ إعّبٌ‪١‬خ ‪١ٍِ 2.8‬بس‪ ٞ‬د‪ٚ‬الس‪،‬‬ ‫العزجذاي ثؼغ ؿبئشار‪ٙ‬ب اٌؾبٌ‪١‬خ راد اٌّ​ّش اٌ‪ٛ‬اؽذ‪.‬‬ ‫‪ٚ‬لبٌَذ اٌششوخُ ِٓ خالي ‪ٚ‬صبئك ٌٍغ‪ٙ‬بد اٌزٕظ‪١ّ١‬خ‪ ،‬أٔ‪ٙ‬ب ‪ٚ‬افمَذ ػٍ‪ ٝ‬ششاء‬ ‫اٌز‪ ٟ‬رؾ‪ِ 180 ٞٛ‬مؼذاً‪ٚ ،‬أٔ‪ٙ‬ب عززغٍُ اٌـبئشاد خالي "‪A321neo‬ؿبئشح "‬ ‫اٌفزشح ِٓ ‪ 2019‬ؽز‪ٚ​ٚ.2025 ٝ‬فمبً ٌمبئّخ أعؼبس "إ‪٠‬شثبص"‪ ،‬فئَّْ رىٍفخ‬ ‫اٌـبئشح اٌ‪ٛ‬اؽذح رجٍغُ ‪ ْٛ١ٍِ 124.4‬د‪ٚ‬الس‪.‬‬

‫وّب أ‪ٚ‬ػؾَذ "آع‪١‬بٔب" ف‪ ٟ‬ث‪١‬بٔ‪ٙ‬ب أَّْ رٍه اٌـبئشاد عزغزخذَ ف‪ ٟ‬اٌشؽالد‬ ‫اٌّزغ‪ٙ‬خ إٌ‪ ٝ‬اٌ‪١‬بثبْ‪ٚ ،‬اٌظ‪ٚ ٓ١‬عٕ‪ٛ‬ة ششق آع‪١‬ب ِٓ و‪ٛ‬س‪٠‬ب اٌغٕ‪ٛ‬ث‪١‬خ‬


‫ث‪ٕ٠ٛ‬ظ رؼبػف إٔزبع‪ٙ‬ب عٕ‪٠ٛ‬ب إٌ‪ 900 ٝ‬ؿبئشح‬ ‫‪ٚ‬اشٕـٓ "اٌّغٍخ" ‪ِ ....‬غ رضا‪٠‬ذ اٌـٍت اٌىج‪١‬ش ػٍ‪ ٝ‬اٌـبئشاد اٌزغبس‪٠‬خ رّؼ‪ ٟ‬ششوخ‬ ‫ث‪ٕ٠ٛ‬ظ ٌظٕبػخ اٌـبئشاد لذِبً ف‪ ٟ‬ص‪٠‬بدح إٔزبع‪ٙ‬ب ِٓ اٌـبئشاد اٌزغبس‪٠‬خ ٌ‪١‬ظً إٌ‪900 ٝ‬‬ ‫ؿبئشح عٕ‪٠ٛ‬بً‪.‬‬ ‫‪ٚ‬لبي د‪ ْٚ‬رش‪٠‬غ‪ ٟ‬اٌشئ‪١‬ظ اٌزمٕ‪ٔٚ ٟ‬بئت اٌشئ‪١‬ظ ٌٍشؤ‪ ْٚ‬اٌ‪ٕٙ‬ذع‪١‬خ ف‪ ٟ‬اٌششوخ‬ ‫االِش‪٠‬ى‪١‬خ‪" :‬إْ ِؼذي رغٍ‪ ُ١‬اٌـبئشاد اٌزغبس‪٠‬خ اسرفغ ثٕؾ‪ % 80 ٛ‬خالي اٌغٕ‪ٛ‬اد‬ ‫األسثغ اٌّبػ‪١‬خ ‪ِ ٛ٘ٚ‬غزّش ف‪ ٟ‬إٌّ‪ ،ٛ‬ؽ‪١‬ش عٍّذ اٌششوخ خالي اٌؼبَ اٌّبػ‪720 ٟ‬‬ ‫ؿبئشح ‪ٔٚ‬ز‪ٛ‬لغ رغٍ‪ ُ١‬أوضش ِٓ ‪ 900‬ؿبئشح عٕ‪٠ٛ‬بً خالي اٌغٕ‪ٛ‬اد اٌمٍ‪ٍ١‬خ اٌمبدِخ ثفؼً‬ ‫اٌـٍت اٌىج‪١‬ش ػٍ‪٘ ٝ‬زٖ اٌـبئشاد ‪٘ٚ‬زا ‪٠‬ؼٕ‪ ٟ‬ػؼف اإلٔزبط ػّب وبْ ػٍ‪ ٗ١‬ف‪ ٟ‬اٌؼبَ‬ ‫‪ ،2010‬ؽ‪ ٓ١‬عٍّذ اٌششوخ ف‪ ٟ‬رٌه اٌؼبَ ‪ 462‬ؿبئشح"‪.‬‬ ‫‪٠ٚ‬ش‪١‬ش رش‪٠‬غ‪ ٟ‬إٌ‪ ٝ‬أْ سفغ اإلٔزبط ع‪١‬ـبي اٌـبئشاد ػ‪١‬مخ اٌجذْ ِٓ أِضبي ‪ 737‬إػبفخ‬ ‫إٌ‪ ٝ‬ص‪٠‬بدح ِؼذي إٔزبط اٌـبئشاد اٌؼش‪٠‬ؼخ أ‪٠‬ؼبً ِضً ‪١ٌ ،787ٚ 777‬ظً ثؾذ‪ٚ‬د ‪22‬‬ ‫ؿبئشح ش‪ٙ‬ش‪ً ٠‬ب ِغ ٔ‪ٙ‬ب‪٠‬خ اٌؼمذ اٌؾبٌ‪ٚ .ٟ‬أػٍٕذ اٌششوخ ػٓ خـؾ ِغزمجٍ‪١‬خ ٌض‪٠‬بدح إٔزبع‪ٙ‬ب‬ ‫ِٓ ؿبئشاد ث‪ٔٛ١‬ظ ‪ٌ 737‬زظً إٌ‪ 52 ٝ‬ؿبئشح ش‪ٙ‬ش‪ً ٠‬ب ثؾٍ‪ٛ‬ي اٌؼبَ ‪ٚ ،2018‬رغّ‪١‬غ ‪12‬‬ ‫ؿبئشح ش‪ٙ‬ش‪ً ٠‬ب ِٓ ؿشاص ‪ 787‬ف‪ ٟ‬اٌؼبَ ‪ 2016‬رشرفغ إٌ‪ 14 ٝ‬ؿبئشح ف‪ ٟ‬اٌؼبَ ‪2020‬‬ ‫ثبٌزضآِ ِغ رغبسع ِؼذالد إٔزبط اٌـبئشح ‪ٚ 777‬خبطخ ِغ دخ‪ٛ‬ي ؿبئشح ‪ 777‬اوظ‬ ‫اٌغذ‪٠‬ذ ف‪ ٟ‬اٌؼبَ ‪ٌٚ."2019‬ذ‪ ٜ‬ث‪ٕ٠ٛ‬ظ ؽبٌ‪ً ١‬ب ؿٍج‪١‬بد رظً إٌ‪ 5789 ٝ‬ؿبئشح ؽز‪ٕ٠ ٝ‬ب‪٠‬ش‬ ‫اٌّبػ‪.ٟ‬‬ ‫‪٘ٚ‬زٖ ٘‪ ٟ‬اٌغٕخ اٌضبٌضخ ػٍ‪ ٝ‬اٌز‪ٛ‬اٌ‪ ٟ‬اٌز‪ ٟ‬رغٍُ ف‪ٙ١‬ب ث‪ٕ٠ٛ‬ظ أوضش ِٓ ‪ 600‬ؿبئشح‬ ‫رغبس‪٠‬خ ِمبسٔخ ِغ اٌؼبَ ‪ ،2011‬ؽ‪ ٓ١‬عٍّذ ‪ 477‬ؿبئشح‪٠ٚ.‬ؼ‪ٛ‬د ٔغبػ ث‪ٕ٠ٛ‬ظ ف‪ٟ‬‬ ‫رغبسع ِؼذالد إٔزبع‪ٙ‬ب ٌٍـبئشاد اٌزغبس‪٠‬خ إٌ‪ ٝ‬ػ‪ٛ‬اًِ االعزمشاس ‪ٚ‬اٌزؾغ‪ ٓ١‬ف‪ ٟ‬اإلٔزبط‬ ‫ف‪ِٕ ٟ‬شآر‪ٙ‬ب ف‪ ٟ‬وً ِٓ س‪ٕ٠‬ز‪ٚ ْٛ‬ا‪٠‬فش‪٠‬ذ خالي اٌؼبِ‪ ٓ١‬اٌّبػ‪ ،ٓ١١‬إػبفخ إٌ‪ِ ٝ‬ظبٔؼ‪ٙ‬ب‬ ‫ف‪ٛٔ ٟ‬سس رشبسٌغز‪ٚ ْٛ‬عب‪ٚ‬س وبس‪ٕ١ٌٚ‬ب اٌخبص ثـبئشاد ث‪ٕ٠ٛ‬ظ ‪ .787‬وّب ػضصد‬ ‫اٌششوخ ؿبلخ اإلٔزبط ف‪ِٕ ٟ‬شآد ا‪٠‬فش‪٠‬ذ ‪ٚ‬س‪ٕ٠‬ز‪ٌٍ ْٛ‬جذء ثزظٕ‪١‬غ ‪ 777‬اوظ ‪ٚ‬ؿبئشح‬ ‫‪ِ 737‬بوظ‪.‬‬

South African Airways Resumes Daily Round-Trip Nonstop Service Between New York & Johannesburg FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla., Feb. 12, 2015 /PRNewswire/ -South African Airways (SAA), South Africa's national flag carrier and the continent's most awarded airline, will resume its daily nonstop flights between Johannesburg, South Africa, and New York-JFK International Airport, on March 7th. The resumption of the nonstop service on the northbound flight from Johannesburg to New York-JFK will reduce the overall travel time on the route by nearly 90 minutes. While SAA's flight from New York-JFK to Johannesburg is operating daily on a nonstop year-round basis, the northbound flight has been temporarily making a onehour refuelling stop in Dakar, Senegal, due in part to lower travel demand during the winter months. The nonstop flights in each direction are timed conveniently to connect in Johannesburg with SAA's extensive route network in Southern Africa of over 55 destinations and in New York with flights to over 35 cities in the U.S. and Canada through our code share partners JetBlue Airways, United Airlines and Air Canada.

(Continue) "We are excited to bring back our popular daily nonstop flight from Johannesburg to New York," said Marc Cavaliere, Executive Vice President, North America for South African Airways. "We see strong demand from both business and leisure travellers for nonstop service in this market and our flight schedules will offer greater convenience for our customers." The nonstop flight schedule is as follows (all times are local)

SAA's flights between New York-JFK and Johannesburg are operated on the state-of-the-art wide-body Airbus A340-600 aircraft, featuring 42 full-flat 180-degree beds in Premium Business Class and 275 seats in Economy Class, ergonomically designed with adjustable headrests and industry-leading legroom of up to 34" for long-haul travel. Customers traveling in both Premium Business Class and Economy Class enjoy an extensive menu of on-demand audio and visual entertainment options, freshly prepared meals and complimentary bar service featuring award-winning South African wines.

(Continue) South African Airways offers the most non-stop daily service between the U.S. and South Africa, with flights from New York-JFK and Washington, DC-Dulles. In early 2015, the airline further strengthened its position as a leading carrier in the aviation world by being awarded a Skytrax 4-Star rating for 13 consecutive years. For reservations and information, customers should visit or contact South African Airways' North America Reservations Center at 1-(800) 722-9675. About South African Airways South African Airways (SAA), South Africa's national flag carrier and the continent's most awarded airline, serves 67 destinations worldwide in partnership with SA Express, Airlink and its low cost carrier Mango. In North America, SAA operates daily nonstop flights from New York-JFK and direct flights from Washington D.C.-IAD (via Dakar, Senegal) to Johannesburg. SAA has codes share agreements with United Airlines, Air Canada and JetBlue Airways, which offer convenient connections from more than 30 cities to SAA's flights. SAA is a Star Alliance member and the recipient of the Skytrax 4-Star rating for 13 consecutive years.

Singapore Airlines reduces fuel surcharges Fuel surcharges for various sectors will see decreases of between US$5 (S$6.80) and US$83 (S$113) respectively. SINGAPORE: Flagship carrier Singapore Airlines (SIA) said on Thursday (Feb 12) that it will reduce its fuel surcharge for tickets issued on or after Feb 26, 2015. The reduced fuel surcharges will apply to Singapore Airlines and SilkAir flights, SIA said in a news release. They will see decreases of between US$5 (S$6.80) and US$83 (S$113) per sector.

The airline noted that fuel prices have declined in recent months, but said jet fuel continues to account for a significant percentage of the SIA Group expenditure.

United Airlines cancels thousands of bargain tickets sold in pricing glitch Customers told their bookings have been cancelled after exchange rate error led to first and business class tickets cut to fraction of usual cost United Airlines has cancelled the reservations of thousands of customers who took advantage of a pricing glitch to save thousands of pounds on first class tickets. The glitch, first spotted by money saving site DansDeals, caused first and business class tickets sold through the airline’s Danish website to be drastically mispriced. For instance, a round trip from Heathrow to New York for two, which costs £6118.92 on the British site, was sold for just 974 Danish Krone, less than £100. It took United a couple of hours to respond to the glitch, firstly by removing the ability to access the Danish website and then by fixing the pricing mishap. But that was enough time for “several thousand” people to take advantage of the implausibly good deal, according to the company, which cancelled the bookings overnight. In a statement, United said: “United is voiding the bookings of several thousand individuals who were attempting to take advantage of an error a third-party software provider made when it applied an incorrect currency exchange rate, despite United having properly filed its fares.

(Continue) “Most of these bookings were for travel originating in the United Kingdom, and the level of bookings made with Danish Krone as the local currency was significantly higher than normal during the limited period that customers made these bookings.” Given the price of first class tickets, even if the number of customers taking advantage of the glitch was at the low end of the “several thousand” number, the company’s potential losses were still easily in the tens of millions of dollars. In an email to affected customers, United took a slightly more conciliatory tone, but still confirmed the cancellations: “You purchased a ticket through the Danish version of during the time when the prices were incorrect. As a result, we are not able to honor your ticket at the price that you paid. We have voided your reservation and will not process your payment.” In a previous pricing glitch, United decided to honour tickets accidentally sold for free. In September 2013, the airline listed tickets with a price of $0, and was forced to shut its booking system entirely to stop haemorrhaging tickets. While those tickets remained valid, the company did not reveal how many it had actually given away.

‫ادارة العالقات العامة ‪ -‬الشركة القابضة‬ ‫لمصر للطيران‬

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