EGYPTAIR News 14 November 2019

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‫مصر للطٌران الناقل الرسمً للمؤتمر العالمً للتأمٌن‬ ‫كتب ‪ :‬إنجً خلٌفة‬

‫تقوم مصر للطٌران بدور الناقل الرسمً للمؤتمر السنوي العالمً الثانً للتأمٌن‪ ،‬الذي تختتم‬ ‫فاعلٌاته الٌوم األربعاء ‪ 13‬نوفمبر‪ ،‬بمدٌنة شرم الشٌخ بحضور الدكتور محمد معٌط‪ ،‬وزٌر‬ ‫المالٌة‪ ،‬والذي ٌنظمه االتحاد المصري للتأمٌن ‪.‬‬ ‫ٌأتً المؤتمر تحت عنوان « إغالق فجوة الحماٌة التأمٌنٌة لتحقٌق الربحٌة فً صناعة التأمٌن‬ ‫»‪ ،‬و ٌتناول حوارا بٌن القٌادات و خبراء أسواق التأمٌن إلعادة التعاون على المستوى المحلً و‬ ‫اإلقلٌمً و العالمً حول جهود تعظٌم آداء صناعة التأمٌن و تطوٌرها و عرض آخر مستجدات‬ ‫الصناعة و التغطٌات التأمٌنٌة الجدٌدة‪ ،‬و قدمت مصر للطٌران تسهٌالت السفر للمشاركٌن فً‬ ‫المؤتمر‪.‬‬

‫االدارة العامة للعالقات العامة والمراسم‬ ‫الشركة القابضة لمصر للطٌران‬

‫مصر للطٌران تسٌر رحلة خاصة لنقل العبً المنتخب إلى جزر القمر وكٌنٌا‬ ‫كتب ‪ :‬إنجً خلٌفة‬

‫تسٌر مصر للطٌران الناقل الرسمً للمنتخبات الوطنٌة‪ ،‬غدا الخمٌس‪ ،‬رحلة خاصة من مطار‬ ‫برج العرب باإلسكندرٌة‪ ،‬لنقل بعثة منتخب مصر لكرة القدم إلى جزر القمر وكٌنٌا لخوض‬ ‫منافسات تصفٌات كأس األمم األفرٌقٌة ‪.2021‬‬ ‫وكان الجهاز الفنً للمنتخب الوطنً األول لكرة القدم بقٌادة حسام البدري‪ ،‬استقر على السفر إلى‬ ‫جزر القمر ٌوم ‪ 15‬نوفمبر الجاري‪ ،‬استعدادا لمواجهة منتخبها ٌوم ‪ 18‬من الشهر نفسه‪ ،‬فً‬ ‫إطار الجولة الثانٌة من التصفٌات المؤهلة لبطولة أمم أفرٌقٌا ‪.2021‬‬

‫االدارة العامة للعالقات العامة والمراسم‬ ‫الشركة القابضة لمصر للطٌران‬

‫"المصرٌ​ٌن األحرار" ٌنسق إلنشاء خطوط طٌران كندٌة فً مصر‬ ‫نجح حزب "المصرٌ​ٌن األحرار" برئاسة الدكتور عصام خلٌل‪ ،‬فً فتح قنوات تواصل بٌن‬ ‫السفارة المصرٌة بكندا وشركة آٌر كندا الشركة الوطنٌة للطٌران الكندى‪ ،‬لبحث ودراسة‬ ‫وجود خطوط جوٌة لها على أرض مصر‪.‬‬ ‫وجاء ذلك بتنسٌق من المهندس أمٌر رؤوف مندوب حزب المصرٌ​ٌن األحرار بكندا‪ ،‬وعقد‬ ‫اجتماع مشترك بٌن ممثلً شركة الطٌران الكندي والسفارة المصرٌة فً حضور ممثل‬ ‫المصرٌ​ٌن األحرار‪.‬‬ ‫وقال أمٌر رؤوف‪ ،‬إن الطرفٌن توافقا من حٌث المبدأ على دراسة األمر وتحدٌد اجتماع موسع‬ ‫للنقاش بشأن فكرة إٌجاد خطوط جوٌة لطٌران كندا الوطنً بأرض مصر‪.‬‬ ‫وأوضح مندوب الحزب بكندا‪ ،‬أن تبنً المصرٌ​ٌن األحرار للفكرة منذ فترة ألنها ستأتً بثمار‬ ‫طٌبة لخدمة مصر من حٌث الحراك السٌاحً وتفتح آفاق التعاون بٌن الطٌران الوطنً الكندي‬ ‫ونظٌره المصري من حٌث ٌستخدم السٌاح "مصر للطٌران" الستكمال زٌاراتهم للدول األفرٌقٌة‬ ‫األخرى لعدم وجود خطوط كندٌة بها‪.‬‬ ‫وأشار إلى أن كندا لدٌها خط جوى فً الجزائر منذ فترة وٌعمل ثالثة أٌام أسبوعٌا وآخر‬ ‫بالمغرب وٌعمل على مدار األسبوع‪ ،‬ومصر باعتبارها قلب الشرق األوسط وبوابة إفرٌقٌا وجب‬ ‫أن تفتح مجاال لٌكون لدٌها خط مباشر مع الطٌران الكندي واالستفادة منه‪.‬‬

‫االدارة العامة للعالقات العامة والمراسم‬ ‫الشركة القابضة لمصر للطٌران‬

‫بروتوكول تعاون بٌن البنك األهلً ومصر للطٌران لتطوٌر خدمات التحصٌل‬ ‫االلكترونً‬ ‫وقع البنك األهلً المصري‪ ،‬وشركة مصر للطٌران‪ ،‬بروتوكول تعاون مشترك لتطوٌر خدمة التحصٌل‬ ‫اإللكترونً‪.‬‬ ‫ٌأتً ذلك سعٌا من البنك األهلً المصري‪ ،‬للتوسع فً تطبٌق مفهوم الشمول المالً من خالل إضافة‬ ‫خدمات إلكترونٌة جدٌدة تلبً الرغبات المتنامٌة والمتنوعة لشرٌحة عرٌضة من المجتمع المصري‪،‬‬ ‫وتدعٌما للشراكة اإلستراتٌجٌة المستدامة بٌن أحد أهم الكٌانات المصرٌة بما لدٌها من إمكانات تكنولوجٌة‬ ‫وخبرات تمكنها من تعظٌم القٌمة المضافة وتحقٌق االستفادة المثلى لشرٌحة عرٌضة من العمالء من‬ ‫خدماتها المتمٌزة‪،‬‬ ‫حضر التوقٌع الذي أقٌم بالمركز الرئٌسً للبنك األهلً المصري ٌحًٌ أبو الفتوح نائب رئٌس مجلس إدارة‬ ‫البنك األهلً المصري‪ ،‬وعمرو العدوي رئٌس قطاع الشئون التجارٌة بشركة مصر للطٌران‪ ،‬وعالء‬ ‫فاروق الرئٌس التنفٌذي للتجزئة المصرفٌة والفروع‪ ،‬وفرٌق عمل قطاع التجزئة المصرفٌة بالبنك وكذا‬ ‫فرٌق عمل شركة مصر للطٌران‪.‬‬ ‫وعقب بالتوقٌع أعرب ٌحًٌ ابو الفتوح نائب رئٌس مجلس إدارة البنك األهلً المصري‪ ،‬عن سعادته‬ ‫بتوقٌع بروتوكول التعاون المشترك لتطوٌر خدمات التحصٌل االلكترونً والذي ٌأتً امتدادا للشراكة‬ ‫المستدامة والتارٌخٌة بٌن البنك األهلً وشركة مصر للطٌران والتً تمتد لتشمل عدة مجاالت حٌوٌة‪،‬‬ ‫مؤكدا اهتمام البنك بتنفٌذ إستراتٌجٌة تستهدف التوسع فً مجاالت السداد والتحصٌل االلكترونً والتً تتفق‬ ‫وتوجهات المركز القومً للمدفوعات ومع سٌاسة البنك المركزي المصري الساعٌة لتدعٌم مفهوم الشمول‬ ‫المالً‪.‬‬ ‫ومن جهته أكد عمرو عدوي رئٌس قطاع الشئون التجارٌة بشركة مصر للطٌران‪ ،‬أن مصر للطٌران‬ ‫تسعى لتطوٌر الخدمات التً تحقق أكبر استفادة لعمالئها وتوفر المزٌد من السهولة فً مرحلة حجز تذاكر‬ ‫السفر عبر القنوات البٌعٌة المختلفة لها‪ ،‬كما أعرب عن امتنانه للشراكة الممتدة مع البنك األهلً المصري‬ ‫فً العدٌد من المجاالت وأنه كان دو ًما بمثابة شرٌك النجاح فً العدٌد من مراحل التطوٌر الهامة لشركة‬ ‫مصر للطٌران خاصة فً تلك المرحلة التً تشهد توس ًعا فً خطوط شبكة مصر للطٌران لتمتد إلى آفاق‬ ‫جدٌدة‪.‬‬


‫االدارة العامة للعالقات العامة والمراسم‬ ‫الشركة القابضة لمصر للطٌران‬

‫وأضاف عالء فاروق الرئٌس التنفٌذي للتجزئة المصرفٌة والفروع بالبنك األهلً‪ ،‬أن بروتوكول التعاون‬ ‫المشترك ٌتضمن حجز التذاكر الخاصة بموقع مصر للطٌران‪ ،‬والخدمة الصوتٌة لتواكب بذلك التحدٌات‬ ‫الخاصة بمنظومة الدفع اإللكترونً الفترة القادمة‪ ،‬وبما ٌضمن تحقٌق أقصى درجات التأمٌن فً عملٌات‬ ‫الدفع‪.‬‬ ‫وأضاف‪ :‬نستهدف بذلك زٌادة حجم مبٌعات التذاكر محلٌا ودولٌا وهو ما ٌتم من خالل الشراكة مع هٌئة‬ ‫ماستر كارد الشرٌك الرئٌسً للبنك األهلً المصري فً مجال التحصٌل اإللكترونً والتجارة االلكترونٌة‪،‬‬ ‫مؤكدا أن التعاون بٌن البنك األهلً المصري وشركة مصر للطٌران فً مجال الدفع والتحصٌل االلكترونً‬ ‫ٌرجع لعام ‪ 2005‬تم خاللها تنفٌذ العدٌد من اإلجراءات لدعم تلك المنظومة بٌن الطرفٌن‪.‬‬ ‫كما أكد محمد جمٌل رئٌس القنوات البدٌلة ومبٌعات التجزئة بالبنك األهلً‪ ،‬حرص البنك األهلً المصري‬ ‫علً خطط التوسع فً الشراكة مع شركة مصر للطٌران فً مجال التحصٌل االلكترونً من أجل إضافة‬ ‫خدمات جدٌدة فً مجال الحجز االلكترونً للتذاكر والتً تنعكس بالضرورة على تحسٌن الخدمات المقدمة‬ ‫من شركة مصر للطٌران إضافة إلى جذب شرٌحة جدٌدة من العمالء تدعٌما لمبدأ الشمول المالً‪.‬‬

‫‪2‬‬ ‫االدارة العامة للعالقات العامة والمراسم‬ ‫الشركة القابضة لمصر للطٌران‬

‫البنك األهلً ٌوقع اتفاقٌة مع مصر للطٌران لتطوٌر خدمات التحصٌل اإللكترونً‬ ‫وقع البنك األهلً المصري وشركة مصر للطٌران بروتوكول تعاون مشترك لتطوٌر خدمة التحصٌل‬ ‫اإللكترونً‪.‬‬ ‫حضر التوقٌع‪ ،‬الذي أقٌم بالمركز الرئٌسً للبنك األهلً المصري‪ٌ :‬حٌى أبو الفتوح نائب رئٌس مجلس‬ ‫إدارة البنك األهلً‪ ،‬وعمرو العدوي رئٌس قطاع الشئون التجارٌة بشركة مصر للطٌران‪ ،‬وعالء فاروق‬ ‫الرئٌس التنفٌذي للتجزئة المصرفٌة والفروع‪.‬‬ ‫وأكد ٌحٌى أبو الفتوح أن بروتوكول التعاون المشترك لتطوٌر خدمات التحصٌل اإللكترونً ٌأتً امتدادا‬ ‫للشراكة المستدامة والتارٌخٌة بٌن البنك األهلً وشركة مصر للطٌران‪ ،‬والتً تمتد لتشمل عدة مجاالت‬ ‫حٌوٌة‪.‬‬ ‫وأشار إلى اهتمام البنك بتنفٌذ استراتٌجٌة تستهدف التوسع فً مجاالت السداد والتحصٌل اإللكترونً‪ ،‬والتً‬ ‫تتفق مع توجهات المركز القومً للمدفوعات‪ ،‬وسٌاسة البنك المركزي المصري الساعٌة لتدعٌم مفهوم‬ ‫الشمول المالً‪.‬‬ ‫ومن جهته أكد عمرو العدوي أن مصر للطٌران تسعى لتطوٌر الخدمات التً تحقق أكبر استفادة لعمالئها‬ ‫وتوفر المزٌد من السهولة فً مرحلة حجز تذاكر السفر عبر القنوات البٌعٌة المختلفة لها‪.‬‬ ‫من جانبه‪ ،‬أكد عالء فاروق أن بروتوكول التعاون المشترك ٌتضمن حجز التذاكر الخاصة بموقع مصر‬ ‫للطٌران‪ ،‬وكذا الخدمة الصوتٌة لتواكب بذلك التحدٌات الخاصة بمنظومة الدفع اإللكترونً خالل الفترة‬ ‫القادمة‪ ،‬وبما ٌضمن تحقٌق أقصى درجات التأمٌن فً عملٌات الدفع‪.‬‬ ‫وتابع فاروق‪ :‬تستهدف االتفاقٌة زٌادة حجم مبٌعات التذاكر محلٌا ودولٌا‪ ،‬وهو ما ٌتم من خالل الشراكة مع‬ ‫هٌئة ماستر كارد الشرٌك الرئٌسى للبنك االهلً المصري فً مجال التحصٌل اإللكترونً والتجارة‬ ‫اإللكترونٌة‪.‬‬ ‫كما أكد محمد جمٌل‪ ،‬رئٌس القنوات البدٌلة ومبٌعات التجزئة بالبنك األهلً‪ ،‬حرص مصرفه على التوسع‬ ‫فً الشراكة مع شركة مصر للطٌران فً مجال التحصٌل اإللكترونً من أجل إضافة خدمات جدٌدة فً‬ ‫مجال الحجز اإللكترونً للتذاكر‪ ،‬والتً ستنعكس بالضرورة على تحسٌن الخدمات المقدمة من الشركة‬ ‫إضافة إلى جذب شرٌحة جدٌدة من العمالء تدعٌما لمبدأ الشمول المالً‪.‬‬

‫االدارة العامة للعالقات العامة والمراسم‬ ‫الشركة القابضة لمصر للطٌران‬

‫إٌرباص تستعرض احدث التقنٌات والخدمات المبكرة فى معرض دبى للطٌران‬ ‫“المسلة السٌاحٌة” …‪ ..‬أعلنت شركة إٌرباص مشاركة قوٌة فً فعالٌات «معرض دبً للطٌران»‪،‬‬ ‫الذي ٌنطلق خالل الفترة بٌن ‪ 17‬حتى ‪ 21‬نوفمبر‪ ،‬حٌث تستعرض من خالله‬ ‫أحدث التقنٌات والمنتجات والخدمات المبتكرة التً تغطً مجاالت الطائرات التجارٌة والعسكرٌة‬ ‫والمروحٌات وأنظمة الفضاء الرائدة على مستوى القطاع‪.‬‬ ‫وتهدف إٌرباص من خالل المشاركة فً أكبر فعالٌات الطٌران فً منطقة الشرق األوسط‪ ،‬إلى تعرٌف‬ ‫العمالء بالمنتجات الرائدة والخدمات المبتكرة التً تقدمها‪ ،‬كما تعكس الشركة التزامها المتواصل تجاه‬ ‫االرتقاء بقطاعً الفضاء والطٌران فً المنطقة عموما ً ودولة اإلمارات خصوصا ً‪.‬‬ ‫وتعرض إٌرباص مجموعة متنوعة من الطائرات من بٌنها طراز ‪A350-900‬الذي ٌُشكل عنصراً‬ ‫أساسٌا ً فً عائلة طائرات ‪ ،A350 XWB‬وطراز ‪A320neo‬باإلضافة إلى طائرة ‪A220-300.‬‬ ‫وتمتلك شركة «إٌرباص لطائرات رجال األعمال» حضوراً كبٌراً فً المنطقة امن خالل‬ ‫عائلة ‪ACJ320‬وعائلة الهٌكل العرٌض لكبار كبار الشخصٌات‪ ،‬حٌث تعرض الشركة خالل المعرض‬ ‫طائرة ‪ACJ319‬التابعة لشركة ‪K5‬للطٌران‪ ،‬والتً تتمٌز بهٌكل ٌعد األطول واألعرض ضمن فئتها‪.‬‬ ‫كما تنظم عروضا ً جوٌة ٌومٌة لطراز ‪A330-900‬التابع لعائلة ‪ ،A330neo‬باإلضافة إلى طائرة‬ ‫الشحن العسكرٌة ‪A400M.‬‬ ‫وتستعرض «إٌرباص هٌلٌكوبترز» مروحٌة ‪H225 .‬وتعرض «إٌرباص للدفاع والفضاء»‬ ‫طراز ‪A400M‬الذي ّ‬ ‫ٌمثل الجٌل الجدٌد من طائرات الشحن العسكرٌة‪ ،‬إلى جانب طائرة النقل والمهمات‬ ‫العسكرٌة متعددة االستخدامات ‪ ،C295‬وطائرة ‪A330 MRTT‬متعددة األدوار المخصصة لنقل الوقود‪.‬‬ ‫وستكشف إٌرباص بوصفها الشرٌك المؤسس الرسمً لسباق الطائرات الكهربائٌة «إٌر رٌس إي» النقاب‬ ‫عن طائرتها المبتكرة المُخصصة للمشاركة فً السباق‪ ،‬والسباق الذي سٌنطلق فً ‪ 2020‬أول سلسلة‬ ‫لسباقات الطائرات الكهربائٌة فً العالم‪.‬‬ ‫وتحتضن دبً المقر اإلقلٌمً إلٌرباص فً المنطقة‪ ،‬الذي ٌتمٌز بموقع رائد على مقربة من مطار دبً‬ ‫الدولً صاحب أكبر معدل للرحالت الجوٌة الدولٌة على مستوى العالم‪ ،‬والذي ٌحتضن أٌضا ً شركة‬ ‫«طٌران اإلمارات»‪ ،‬العمٌل األبرز لطائرات ‪A380‬على مستوى العالم‪.‬‬

‫االدارة العامة للعالقات العامة والمراسم‬ ‫الشركة القابضة لمصر للطٌران‬

‫إٌرباص فً صدارة المرشحٌن للفوز بطلبٌة كبٌرة من العربٌة للطٌران‬ ‫ابوظبً‪ :‬قال مصدران لروٌترز إن من المرجح أن تفوز إٌرباص بطلبٌة شراء ما ال ٌقل عن ‪ 100‬طائرة‬ ‫من العربٌة للطٌران‪ ،‬مع احتمال اإلعالن عن الصفقة فً معرض دبً للطٌران األسبوع القادم‪.‬‬ ‫وتدرس شركة الطٌران االقتصادي اإلماراتٌة طلب ما ٌصل إلى ‪ 120‬طائرة أي أكثر من مثلً أسطولها‬ ‫الحالً الذي ٌضم ‪ 55‬طائرة نحٌفة البدن منذ ما ٌزٌد عن عام‪.‬‬ ‫وقال المصدران إن من المتوقع أن تختار العربٌة للطٌران‪ ،‬التً أجرت مفاوضات مع إٌرباص وبوٌنج‬ ‫وقالت إنها ستتخذ القرار بحلول ٌناٌر‪ ،‬شركة صناعة الطائرات األوروبٌة‪.‬‬ ‫وامتنعت إٌرباص عن التعقٌب‪ .‬ولم ترد العربٌة للطٌران على طلب التعلٌق فً رسالة عبر البرٌد‬ ‫اإللكترونً‪.‬‬ ‫وٌُقام معرض دبً للطٌران فً الفترة بٌن ‪ 17‬و‪ 21‬نوفمبر‪.‬‬ ‫وتدٌر العربٌة للطٌران‪ ،‬وهً شركة الطٌران الوحٌدة المدرجة بالبورصة فً دولة اإلمارات‪ ،‬العملٌات‬ ‫األساسٌة من مطار الشارقة‪ ،‬وهو ٌبعد نحو ‪ 30‬كٌلومترا عن مطار دبً الدولً مركز شركة طٌران‬ ‫اإلمارات‪.‬‬ ‫وتعمل أٌضا العربٌة للطٌران من مطار رأس الخٌمة ولدٌها أٌضا أنشطة فً مصر والمغرب‪.‬‬ ‫وفً الشهر الماضً‪ ،‬أعلنت العربٌة للطٌران عن تأسٌس شركة طٌران منخفض التكلفة فً أبوظبً‬ ‫عاصمة اإلمارات مع شركة االتحاد للطٌران المملوكة للحكومة‪.‬‬ ‫ولم ٌتضح متى ستبدأ الشركة التً تحمل اسم ―العربٌة للطٌران أبوظبً‖ عملٌاتها‪.‬‬ ‫وٌتألف أسطول العربٌة للطٌران حالٌا من طائرات إٌرباص إٌه‪ 320‬فقط‪ .‬وهذا ٌعنً أن طلبٌة إٌرباص‬ ‫ستتٌح لها انسجاما فً العملٌات‪.‬‬ ‫وٌأتً القرار مع استمرار منع تحلٌق الطائرة بوٌنج ‪ 737‬ماكس فً أعقاب حادثً تحطم‪.‬‬ ‫وقالت بوٌنج إنها تتوقع حالٌا استئناف الرحالت التجارٌة فً ٌناٌر لترجئ الموعد الذي كانت تستهدفه فً‬ ‫الربع الجاري‪.‬‬

‫االدارة العامة للعالقات العامة والمراسم‬ ‫الشركة القابضة لمصر للطٌران‬

Electronic Flight Bag Market Revenue 2019 | UTC Aerospace Systems, International Flight Support (IFS), Astronautics Market Research Place works as a valuable supply of perspective information, aiming to enhance the understanding, scope, and application of this report. The report characterizes decides, sections, and figures the Global Electronic Flight Bag market Size, Share, Revenue, Forecast and Analysis 2019-2025 dependent on sort and locale from 2019 to 2025. The report serves all-inclusive information about the market which includes all the aspects associated with the market, such as key restraints, drivers, competitive landscape, regulatory forces, key strategies implemented by the key players, and opportunities. The report additionally investigates the different full scale and microeconomic components that influence market development. Key companies based on the market competition specifies in the global Electronic Flight Bag market are: UTC Aerospace Systems, International Flight Support (IFS), Astronautics, Boeing, CMC Electronics, NavAero, Airbus, ROCKWELL COLLINS, L-3 Communications Holdings, Teledyne Controls, Thales, DAC International, Lufthansa Systems, FLIGHTMAN Competitive Analysis: The report helps a few firms, associations, and makers set up over the world by offering outlined explanatory information of the market contenders all-around utilizing methodologies, for example, SWOT investigation. Additionally, an in-depth study of the strategies of key leaders, partnerships and acquisitions in the market is offered in this report. ‫االدارة العامة للعالقات العامة والمراسم‬ ‫الشركة القابضة لمصر للطٌران‬


The chapter contains the section on the competitive landscape which presents a detailed and in-depth analysis of current market dynamics, emerging technology, and innovations that will help companies rivaling in the market. Additionally, the global Electronic Flight Bag market report considers several aspects including technology, supplies, capacity, production, profit, and price. The main regions that contribute to the market with their crucial positions, size, production, consumption, revenue, and also market share are: North America, United States, Canada, Mexico, Asia-Pacific, China, India, Japan, South Korea, Australia, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, Europe, Germany, France, UK, Italy, Spain, Russia, Central & South America, Brazil, Rest of Central & South America, Middle East & Africa, GCC Countries, Turkey, Egypt, South Africa…. • This report provides an investigation toward changing focused elements • It gives a progressive point of view on various elements driving or limiting business sector development • It provides a five-year gauge surveyed based on how the market is anticipated to develop • It helps in understanding the key item portions and their future • It presents an examination of changing challenge elements and keeps you in front of contenders • It delivers top to bottom examination of market sections The report clarifies minor varieties in the item profile along with their influence on the Electronic Flight Bag market. The report offers an overview of the estimated year’s sales, production, and data supply, future cost ‫االدارة العامة للعالقات العامة والمراسم‬ ‫الشركة القابضة لمصر للطٌران‬


, and growth forecast from 2019 to 2025. At the end, the report offers a short outline of the dealers, distributors, suppliers as well as sales channel, analysis findings, conclusions, and results. Buyers who are searching for top-line data regarding Electronic Flight Bag market can get benefit from this report as it’s an essential resource which covers market size data, textual and graphical analysis of market growth trends and other economic information. In the resulting part, the report describes industry sales channel, distributors, traders, dealers, appendix and data source.

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Lobby faults Kenya Airways on hiring of 20 foreign pilots From left-Kalpa assistant general secretary Dzochera Warrakah, first officer Mwenda Mabura, Executive Council member Mathew Karimi and secretary-general Murithi Nyagah during a press briefing in Nairobi on Kenya Airline Pilots Association (Kalpa) wants the ongoing hiring of at least 20 foreign pilots for Kenya Airways’ Boeing 737 planes stopped, terming the exercise illegal. A shortage of pilots has cost the airline Sh5 billion in about 12 months through flight cancellations and delays amid plans by the national carrier to cut down routes in a race to improve efficiency. But the union says inasmuch as the airline would want to hire more pilots to avoid cancellation or delay of flights, hiring foreign pilots was in breach of mutual agreements. ―KQ is in breach of clauses 37, 42 and the seniority and promotion policy set out under schedule VI of the Collective Bargaining Agreement. Of importance, however, clause 37 makes it very clear that engaging contract pilots should not prevent or interfere with the promotion of any suitable national Pilot in KQ,‖ said Kalpa secretary-general Murithi Nyagah in a statement yesterday. The airline, which has been losing Sh5.18 billion ($50 million) annually as a result of the shortage has been operating with 435 pilots while its flight frequencies require 497 personnel.

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The current number of pilots based on its fleets is 435 against a requirement of 497 pilots, thus leaving a deficit of 62 pilots, according to the airline’s director of operations Paul Njoroge. Forty-four of these pilots are also undergoing training due to the current ongoing promotion policy Kenya Airways has had to forego revenue to compensate passengers in the form of accommodation. In order to bridge the pilot’s deficit, the airline has announced plans to recruit 20 contracts captains for the Boeing 737 in compliance with the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) provisions for a period of two years. Kalpa argues that it does not make sense to hire foreign pilots to operate the Boeing planes yet there is enough local talent in the country. The union warned that in the event that KQ goes ahead and hires the foreigners, local pilots currently on Embraer planes will not have an opportunity to progress in their careers. ―This move obviously stops Kenya captains on the Embraer from proceeding to their rightfully earned positions on the Boeing 737,‖ said

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‫االدارة العامة للعالقات العامة والمراسم‬ ‫الشركة القابضة لمصر للطٌران‬

Sometimes, you just know you’re going to have a great flight long before the plane actually takes off. With an ultra clean and modern cabin, a razor sharp cabin crew and the quiet whisper of the A380 upper deck, I instantly knew that this was one of those days. The Singapore Airlines A380 has always been a beautiful plane both inside and out, but brand new seats and cabin touches make this already exciting experience into one of the better business class experiences in the sky, albeit with a few quirks. Here’s what it’s like to fly the double decker A380 upstairs on Singapore Airlines. Spoiler alert: it’s great.

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On Board Singapore Airlines New A380 Upper Deck A seat alone doesn’t make an experience, nor does a great crew make up for a terrible seat. When you have both though – life is pretty grand. Within minutes of reaching seat 95A – the happiest I’ve ever been to see a row number that high on a boarding pass – I was greeted by name by the allstar crew and offered a slew of welcome amenities.

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Come to think of it, I can’t think of a singular encounter in flight in which a member of the crew did not greet me by name, and the same seemed to go for all other passengers in my section. This attention to detail was stunning, particularly in business class where there’s more than 40 passengers, not six. As I settled into my seat, I just had to marvel at how crisp, bright and new it all felt.

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The colours were vibrant, the materials were well selected and the screen was arguably the perfect size. I was shocked at the amount of storage space the seat offered, which would’ve virtually allowed me to store a full sized carry on under my seat, in addition to my cabin bag. It’s that impressive, truly, and in a way reminded me of how you store things in Emirates First Class.

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If you happen to be travelling with someone you’d like to be ―close‖ to, you can’t beat the new two person seats on select middle rows. It’s basically a double bed in the sky, albeit with a small divider to make sure no one gets any big ideas.

One thing that instantly drew my attention was the modern in-flight entertainment system. It was clear that I could login to my Singapore Airlines KrisFlyer profile and enable additional services and customizations. It’s early days for this sort of thing, but futurists have shown how passengers can receive completely tailored and personalized service using this sort of interactivity in the near term.

‫االدارة العامة للعالقات العامة والمراسم‬ ‫الشركة القابضة لمصر للطٌران‬


Before long, we were rolling down the runway in the alarmingly graceful way which only the upper deck of the A380 offers. It’s incredibly quiet up here and the materials on the seat and layout touches throughout the cabin seem to only help accomplish that remarkable feat. Having quiet on a plane is lovely. But what about bed mode? .

This is almost unanimously agreed upon as the widest and most comfortable business class seat for lounging around, but when it comes to bed mode the audience begins to splinter. The reason: you’ll need to contort slightly on an angle to lay fully flat.

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For most travellers, this is far easier and more pleasurable than one might expect, but others find the angle to be just a bit sharp. I’m a rather tall traveller and I didn’t particularly mind it – however, I get where people are coming from. If you are someone who struggles to sleep on their side, or prefers the widest of foot wells, aim for a bulkhead or exit row, which tend to have the widest foot cubbies in a more front on position. Rows 91 and 96 tend to offer decent options in this regard.? .

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As to the actual bedding, it’s as lovely as expected. The duvet was the right weight with quality to breathe, the pillow was substantial and the extra touches such as the seat topper made a solidly padded seat all the more enjoyable. In Flight Entertainment On Singapore Airlines

The new entertainment systems used on this upper deck business class seat are as good as you’ll get on any airline. I typically rate the Qatar Airways Qsuite as the industry benchmark for screen speed and connectivity and this system easily held its ground. In plain english: you can flick along the screen like your iPad, and unless you have a newer iPad this may feel faster. As to the actual selection, it was excellent. I’d love to see more HBO boxsets, but I found plenty of classics, new releases and scattered TV episodes to pass the time. Food And Drinks In Singapore Business Class ‫االدارة العامة للعالقات العامة والمراسم‬ ‫الشركة القابضة لمصر للطٌران‬


Singapore Airlines still serves Charles Heidsieck Champagne in business class, which is really as good as it gets for non vintage. It’s rich, thanks to a long resting period and tantalizing on the taste buds in the nicest of ways. This was a day flight during an intensive around the world trip, so I opted out on this particular flight, but rest assured I’ve spent many hours in the air making sure the above Charles Heidsieck statements are completely accurate. Though there was nothing else ―wowing‖ in the wine department outside of the Champagne, the wines, such as the Spanish Artadi Vinas De Gain were well sourced and in line with positive user feedback on apps like Vivino.

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The Final Verdict On The Singapore A380 I’m both very lucky and cursed to travel at a level of frequency where few flights leave a lasting impression. When it comes to reviews, I actually think many airlines would wish that they didn’t leave an impression at all, because I might choose not to write about it ; ) This flight was just different. I find the professionalism, style and grace of Singapore Airlines crews to be amongst the very best, and the design elements placed into the seat really create an atmosphere of modern luxury. I find the benchmark of my true feelings regarding airline products to be how likely I am to spend discretionary money to fly them again in the future, and I’d go out of my way to pay for Singapore business class over most other options. It’s a lovely experience, especially on these newer A380’s, which you can identify by the fact that they’ll only have six first class seats on the seat map.

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Full Details: Lufthansa Miles & More Changes ’ We’ve seen frequent flyer programs globally make significant changes over the past few years, and it looks like there’s no end in sight for this trend. Last week Lufthansa sent a letter to Miles & More members informing them of changes being made to the frequent flyer program. Initially only a limited number of details were available, while now we have a full outline of the new program. So I wanted to update my original post to add a lot more information about how the new Miles & More program will work. All of these changes come after Lufthansa Miles & More went revenue based in 2018, and also devalued their award chart earlier this year. Lufthansa’s Letter To Miles & More Members To start, let me share the letter that Lufthansa has sent to Miles & More members that describes these changes: As our guest you are at the heart of our thoughts and actions. We want to make travelling as personal, simple and pleasant as possible for you, so every one of your journeys becomes a positive experience. That is our aspiration for our new, modern premium concept. Our status programme only met this requirement to a limited extent in recent years. Your wishes for simplification also reached us more and more frequently. We have therefore set out to revise our frequent flyer programme for you. In future, you will not have to spend a lot of time figuring out rules or asking yourself how to achieve your status. You will be able to concentrate solely on what is important to you and enjoy your journey. ‫االدارة العامة للعالقات العامة والمراسم‬ ‫الشركة القابضة لمصر للطٌران‬


Today, we would like to take this opportunity to share the initial details about our frequent flyer programme with you. Here are the most important new features you can expect from January 2021: How to achieve status will become more transparent – a comprehensible points system will replace the status miles. Your trust in us will pay off – status will primarily be achieved through flights with our airlines. Loyalty will be rewarded – there will be lifetime Frequent Traveller and Senator status for loyalty over many years. The period of validity will be changed – your status will be active for at least one year in future. The structure will become clearer – we will say goodbye to complicated elements such as Status Stars. These changes will apply to flights form 1 January 2021. You will find detailed information at We look forward to travelling with you again soon. There is some ridiculous spin in this letter — ―you will not have to spend a lot of time figuring out rules or asking yourself how to achieve status,‖ but rather ―you will be able to concentrate solely on what is important to you and enjoy your journey.‖

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The New Lufthansa Miles & More Program As you can probably tell, the above doesn’t actually tell us much about what is changing. Fortunately Lufthansa has now published all of the details of the new program. Lufthansa’s head of marketing has made two promises about the new program: It will be a lot easier for everyone Anyone flying with Lufthansa Group’s airlines will be rewarded more Those sure are some promises… Lufthansa Will Award Status Points Rather Than Miles As of January 1, 2021, you’ll no longer earn status based on a multiplier of the distance flown, but rather you’ll earn status based on earning a certain number of points. Note that this doesn’t change how you earn award miles, but rather this only impacts earning status. The points earned will vary based on the cabin you’re flying, and whether you’re flying a continental or intercontinental flight: In economy you’ll earn 5 points for continental and 15 points for intercontinental In premium economy you’ll earn 5 points for continental and 20 points for intercontinental In business class you’ll earn 10 points continental and 50 points for intercontinental In first class you’ll earn 10 points for continental and 70 points for intercontinental It’s quite surprising that the most discounted fare in a cabin will earn the same number of points as the most expensive fare. ‫االدارة العامة للعالقات العامة والمراسم‬ ‫الشركة القابضة لمصر للطٌران‬


Continental Vs. Intercontinental Flights The definition of continental and intercontinental is as straightforward as you’d expect: A continental flight is a segment for which the arrival and departure airport are on the same continent An intercontinental flight is a segment for which the arrival and departure airport are on different continents

Points Vs. Qualifying Points Under the new program, Miles & More will have both ―points‖ and ―qualifying points.‖ If you’re flying one of the following airlines you’ll earn ―qualifying points‖ (these are either Lufthansa Group airlines, or airlines that use Miles & More as their frequent flyer program): Austrian Airlines Lufthansa SWISS Brussels Airlines Eurowings Air Dolomiti Croatia Airlines

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LOT Polish Airlines Luxair Meanwhile travel on other airlines will just accrue points (and not ―qualifying points‖). While ―regular‖ points can still count towards status, you need to earn a minimum number of qualifying points to earn status. See, the program is so easy?

New Miles & More Status Requirements With the new program: Frequent Traveler status will require 160 points, and half of those need to be qualifying points Senator status will require 480 points, and half of those need to be qualifying points HON Circle status will require 1,500 points, all of which need to be qualifying points One positive change is that historically you couldn’t earn HON Circle status based on travel in economy on Lufthansa. That won’t be the case going forward anymore, as economy travel will qualify. Status Will Only Be Valid For A Year Historically Lufthansa status has been valid for two years, though with the new program it will only be valid for one year. I’d say that’s a pretty big devaluation. Note that if you earned status in 2020 it would still be valid for two years as per the old rules, so this rule will just apply to earning status going forward.

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Lufthansa Introducing Lifetime Status Lufthansa will be introducing lifetime status for the first time: Lifetime Frequent Traveler status can be achieved with 7,500 qualifying points Lifetime Senator status can be achieved with 10,000 qualifying points plus 10 years of Senator or HON Circle status In both cases, only qualifying points will count towards lifetime status, so travel on most Star Alliance airlines wouldn’t qualify. If you’ve been loyal to Miles & More up until now, you can earn lifetime status based on your past activity. Status Stars points earned through December 31, 2020, will be converted into qualifying points at a 2:1 ratio in 2021. Bottom Line Some people may be surprised to hear this, but I don’t actually think the new program is necessarily negative. Every program has pros and cons, and this of course represents a significant change. I’d say it’s very bad news that status is now only valid for a year, while the good news is that lifetime status is being introduced. Other than that, I’d say the changes aren’t necessarily bad. Of course everyone has different travel patterns and preferences. What I’m surprised by with the new program is how good it is for those looking to get good value, rather than just those flying full fare tickets: The distinction between continental and intercontinental flights leaves a lot of opportunities The most discounted fare in a cabin counts the same towards status as the most expensive fare in a cabin It’s nice that travel in economy will count towards HON Circle status Now that we have the full details, what do you make of these Lufthansa Miles & More changes?

6 ‫االدارة العامة للعالقات العامة والمراسم‬ ‫الشركة القابضة لمصر للطٌران‬

BABY NO British Airways denies telling mum to ‘put her baby on the FLOOR for 8-hour flight as their bassinets were unsafe’ A MUM claims she was told to put her baby on the floor during an eight-hour flight - because the bassinets weren't safe. However, British Airways have denied giving the new mum this advice. Kate was due to fly with her son on Saturday with British AirwaysCredit: Kate HaussauerKate Haussauer, 34, is due to travel with British Airways to Toronto with her five-month old baby son and husband. Having booked the flights six months ago, she was meant to fly this Saturday when she claims she was told that she would be on a different aircraft. Kate said she booked their seats at the bulkhead in premium economy, so there would be a bassinet for her baby. However, the flight from London Heathrow would instead be on the new Airbus A350 aircraft - and she claims she was told that the new planes are not yet safe for bassinets. She told Sun Online Travel: "They rang me yesterday as a 'courtesy call' to tell me there wont be bassinets on the [new] flight. "The bulkhead pull down section is the part that is apparently unsafe so is not fitted. "It was when I asked what I was supposed to do with my son that I was told to put blankets down." She claims she was told to put her son on the floor during the eight hour . ‫االدارة العامة للعالقات العامة والمراسم‬ ‫الشركة القابضة لمصر للطٌران‬


She said the new plane was not safe enough for the use of bassinetsCredit: flyingwithababy.comA bassinet, pictured above, is often supplied by British Airways free of charge for passengers who book the bulkhead seat. However, a British Airways spokesperson denies this is true, stating: "As a responsible airline, we would only ever advise that a baby can safely travel on an adult's lap, in a bassinet or in a suitable car seat. When Kate then asked what she could do instead, she claims she was told she would have to "pay to change" her seats or her flight. She added: "When I asked how much it would cost to change flight/upgrade, I was transferred to a department who didn't know anything about the issue and said they are confused because I'm in a bassinet allocated seat. "They have refused to let us cancel without penalty, won't let us change route to a plane that has bassinets without paying even more, and because they have only just told us, everything would cost far more because of the late notice. "I don't mind carrying my baby but object to being promised something, paying extra to guarantee it and not getting it, and worst of all being told to put my baby on a dirty floor." 4 The British Airways website states bassinets are on a "first come first serve basis"According to the British Airways website: "Child seats and carrycots are supplied free of charge, but are subject to availability onboard the aircraft on the day. They add that they are given to families travelling in the bassinet seats on a "a first-come, first-served basis". ‫االدارة العامة للعالقات العامة والمراسم‬ ‫الشركة القابضة لمصر للطٌران‬


Alternative ways to travel with young children is to carry them on the parent's lap, which is deemed safe by the Civil Aviation Authority, along with an extender seat-belt. Parents can also pay for an extra seat, as long there is an airline-approved car seat in it. A British Airways spokesperson added: "We cannot guarantee the availability of a bassinet on board and have been in contact with our customer to discuss their options."

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‫ادارة العالقات العامة ‪ -‬الشركة القابضة‬ ‫لمصر للطٌران‬

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