EGYPTAIR News 15 june 2016

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‫االربعبء‬ ‫‪ 15‬يىَيى ‪2016‬‬

Etihad Cargo starts twice weekly flight to Brussels Airport Etihad Cargo has commenced a new twice weekly A330 freighter service to Brussels Airport in Belgium. The airline already flies a daily passenger service to Brussels with its supporting bellyhold cargo, and the addition of the freighter underlines Belgium’s importance to its European network. Source: Etihad Airways ‫االتحبد نهشحٍ يبذأ بتسييز رحهتيٍ أسبىعيًب إنى يطبر بزوكسم‬ 2016 ‫ يىَيى‬15 330 ‫ببشز االتحبد نهشحٍ تسييز رحهتيٍ جذيذتيٍ أسبىعيبً عبز طبئزة ايزببص يٍ طزاس‬ .‫انًخصصت نهشحٍ إنى يطبر بزوكسم في بهجيكب‬ ‫ ببإلضبفت إنى حًىنت‬،‫عهً ًب بأٌ انشزكت تسيّز خذيت رحالث يىييت نهًسبفزيٍ إنى بزوكسم‬ ‫ وتأتي خذيبث انشحٍ اإلضبفيت نتؤكذ عهى يكبَت بهجيكب ببنُسبت‬.‫انشحٍ في بطٍ انطبئزة‬ .‫نشبكت وجهبتهب األوروبيت‬ ٌ‫ االتحبد نهطيزا‬:‫انًصذر‬


‫‪Passenger traffic at DXB exceeds 6.9 million‬‬ ‫‪in April‬‬ ‫‪Dubai International Airport (DXB) welcomed more than 6.9 million passengers in‬‬ ‫‪April 2016 according to the monthly traffic report issued by operator Dubai‬‬ ‫‪Airports.‬‬ ‫‪Passenger numbers reached 6,978,268 in April, up 7.2% from the 6,510,653 guests‬‬ ‫‪who visited the airport in April 2015. During the first four months of 2016, DXB‬‬ ‫‪welcomed 27,926,958 passengers, compared to 26,116,977 passengers during the‬‬ ‫‪same period last year, an increase of 6.9%.‬‬ ‫‪Total aircraft movements reached 34,733 in April 2016 up 4.3% compared to 33,279‬‬ ‫‪during the corresponding month in 2015. In the first four months of the year, total‬‬ ‫‪aircraft movements rose 5.4% to 139,079 compared to 132,005 movements during‬‬ ‫‪the same period in 2015.‬‬ ‫‪Dubai International recorded freight volumes totaling 213,790 in April compared to‬‬ ‫‪204,075 in the same month in 2015, an increase of 4.8%. Year to date cargo totaled‬‬ ‫‪828,934 tons, up 3.8% compared to 798,770 tons handled during the first four‬‬ ‫‪months in 2015.‬‬ ‫‪Source: Dubai Airports‬‬ ‫‪6.9‬يهيىٌ يسبفز استخذيىا يطبر دبي انذوني خالل أبزيم‬ ‫‪ 15‬يىَيى ‪2016‬‬ ‫ارتفع عذد انًسبفزيٍ عبز يطبر دبي انذوني إنى ‪ 6.9‬يهيىٌ يسبفز في شهز أبزيم ‪ 2016‬حسب اإلحصبءاث انزسًيت‬ ‫انصبدرة عٍ يطبراث دبي‪.‬‬ ‫وأظهزث االحصبءاث ارتفبع أعذاد انًسبفزيٍ في انشهز َفسه إنى ‪ 6,978,268‬يسبفزاً بشيبدة َسبتهب ‪ 7.2‬في انًئت‬ ‫يقبرَتً يع شهز أبزيم يٍ انعبو ‪. 2015‬وسبهى هذا انًُى بشيبدة أعذاد يستخذيي انًطبر خالل األشهز االربعت األونى يٍ‬ ‫انعبو ‪ 2016‬إنى ‪ 27,926,958‬يسبفزاً يقبرَت يع ‪ 26,116,977‬يسبفزاً بشيبدة َسبتهب ‪ 6.9‬في انًئت يقبرَت يع‬ ‫انفتزة َفسهب يٍ انعبو ‪.2015‬‬ ‫كًب أظهزث االحصبءاث انصبدرة عٍ يطبراث دبي ارتفبع حزكت انطبئزاث عبز انًطبر في أبزيم ‪ 2016‬إنى ‪34,733‬‬ ‫حزكت بشيبدة ‪ 4.3‬في انًئت يقبرَت يع ‪ 33,279‬خالل انشهز َفسه يٍ عبو ‪ .2015‬وخالل األشهز األربعت األونى يٍ انعبو‬ ‫‪ 2016‬ارتفع إجًبني حزكت انطبئزاث بُسبت ‪ 5.4‬في انًئت إنى ‪ 139,079‬حزكت يقبرَت يع ‪ 132,005‬حزكبث خالل‬ ‫انفتزة َفسهب يٍ عبو ‪.2015‬‬ ‫وبهغ حجى انشحٍ عبز يطبر دبي انذوني في شهز أبزيم ‪ 213,790 2016‬طُبً يقبرَتً يع ‪ 204,075‬طُبً في انشهز‬ ‫َفسه يٍ انعبو ‪ 2015‬بشيبدة قذرهب ‪ 4.8‬في انًئت‪ .‬وبهغ اجًبني حجى انشحٍ خالل األشهز األربعت األونى يٍ انعبو ‪2016‬‬ ‫‪ 828,934‬طُبً بشيبدة ‪ 3.8‬في انًئت يقبرَت يع ‪ 798,770‬طُبً انًتذاونت خالل األشهز األربعت األونى في عبو ‪.2015‬‬ ‫انًصذر‪ :‬يطبراث دبي‬

Lufthansa Cargo to cut up to 800 jobs Lufthansa Cargo will eliminate up to 800 jobs, out of a worldwide workforce of around 4,600, as part of an overall effort to reduce annual costs by €80 million ($90 million) and remain competitive. The move is part of its C-40 cost-savings program, which was launched last year. “In detail, 450-500 job cuts are planned for Germany; 250-300 worldwide. This [workforce decline] should deliver a cost reduction of €55 million [annually],” a Lufthansa Cargo spokesperson told ATW in Frankfurt. The overall target of €80 million in annual cost savings doubles the target of €40 million in annual savings from 2018 announced when the C-40 program was unveiled last year. Negotiations with labor unions will take place over the next several months on how to implement the job cuts. Lufthansa Cargo has already reduced its MD-11F fleet, which went from 14 to 12 aircraft in 2015, “but we are not reducing further freighter aircraft capacity, because this [freighter] operation is positive. But belly cargo capacity has become a problem,” the spokesperson said. “Fifty-four percent of our business is freighter business; the remaining share is transported in the belly of Lufthansa passenger aircraft,” Lufthansa Cargo chairman and CEO Peter Gerber explained to ATW in March. Lufthansa Cargo reported 2015 (adjusted EBIT) earnings of €74 million ($81 million), down 40% compared to €123 million in 2014. Lufthansa Cargo operates a fleet of five Boeing 777Fs and 12 MD11Fs.

‫ادارة العالقات العامة ‪ -‬الشركة القابضة‬ ‫لمصر للطيران‬

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