16 July EGYPTAIR News

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‫االثنٌن‬ ‫‪2018/7/16‬‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬



‫صور‪ ..‬جوالت مٌدانٌة لوزٌر الطٌران بمطارى القاهرة وأسٌوط‬ ‫والمصرٌة للمطارات‬

‫كتبت رحاب نبٌل‬ ‫زار الفرٌق ٌونس المصرى وزٌر الطٌران المدنى الٌوم األحد فى جولة تفقدٌة مطار أسٌوط الدولى فى‬ ‫إطار جوالته المٌدانٌة والمتابعات المستمرة التى ٌقوم بها داخل المطارات المصرٌة والتى بدأها مطار‬ ‫القاهرة مروراً بمطارى شرم الشٌخ والغردقة وصوالً لمطار أسٌوط الدولى‪ ،‬الذى ٌخدم محافظات‬ ‫الوجه القبلى و ُتسٌر منه عدد من شركات الطٌران رحالت مباشرة إلى الدول العربٌة‪.‬‬ ‫رافق الوزٌر خالل الزٌارة المهندس محمد سعٌد محروس رئٌس مجلس ادارة الشركة القابضة‬ ‫للمطارات والمالحة الجوٌة‪ ،‬وكان فى استقبالهم اللواء طٌار خالد عبد السالم مدٌر المطار‪.‬‬ ‫وخالل الزٌارة اطلع الوزٌر على جمٌع اإلجراءات األمنٌة المطبقة داخل وخارج المطار‪ ،‬ومتابعة‬ ‫حركة السفر والوصول داخل صاالت المطار واطمئن على استعدادات المطار الستقبال موسم الحج‬ ‫لهذا العام‪.‬‬ ‫وتضمنت الجولة تفقد صاالت السفر والوصول واستمع إلى شرح تفصٌلى عن القدرة االستٌعابٌة‬ ‫للمطار‪ ،‬باإلضافة إلى مشروعات التطوٌر التى شهدها المطار خالل الفترة الماضٌة‪.‬‬ ‫وفى نهاٌة الجولة وجه الفرٌق ٌونس المصرى بضرورة العمل على زٌادة الكفاءة التشغٌلٌة وتحسٌن‬ ‫مستوى الخدمات المقدمة للركاب ورفع معدالت الحركة الجوٌة بالمطار بما ٌتناسب مع المشروعات‬ ‫االستثمارٌة والقومٌه التً تنفذها الدولة بمنطقة الصعٌد‪ ،‬كما أعطى توجٌهاته للمسؤولٌن بالمطار‬ ‫بتقدٌم كافة التسهٌالت وتوفٌر كافة سبل الراحة لحجاج بٌت هللا الحرام من صعٌد مصر‪.‬‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬

‫‪2‬‬ ‫وفور عودته الى مطار القاهرة قام الفرٌق ٌونس المصرى بجولة شملت مبنى الرحالت‬ ‫الموسمٌة للوقوف على مراحل االستعدادات النهائٌة لبدء موسم الحج هذا العام كما تفقد‬ ‫الوزٌر مبنى الركاب رقم ‪ 2‬وذلك لإلطالع على سٌر العمل واالطمئنان على الخدمات‬ ‫المقدمة للركاب وانتظام حركة التشغٌل وسرعة انهاء اجراءات السفر والوصول لمنع‬ ‫التكدس واالزدحام داخل وخارج الصاالت‪.‬‬ ‫أعقب الزٌارة جولة بمقر الشركة المصرٌة للمطارات وكان فى استقباله اللواء طٌار طارق‬ ‫فوزى رئٌس مجلس إدارة الشركة المصرٌة للمطارات‪ ،‬حٌث قام الوزٌر بجولة داخل أروقة‬ ‫الشركة تفقد خاللها المكاتب االدارٌة وغرفة العملٌات‪ ،‬للوقوف على سٌر العمل والتعرف‬ ‫على األنشطة والخدمات التى تقدمها الشركة‪ ،‬كما اطلع الوزٌر على الخطة االستراتٌجٌة‬ ‫لتطوٌر المطارات المصرٌة ووجه بضرورة تنمٌة هذا القطاع الحٌوى الهام الذى ٌعد من أهم‬ ‫موارد الدخل القومى المصرى‪.‬‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬


‫وزٌر الطٌران ٌتفقد مطار القاهرة عقب عودته من جولة بمطار‬ ‫أسٌوط الدولً‬ ‫تفقد وزٌر الطٌران المدنً الفرٌق ٌونس المصري‪ ،‬الٌوم األحد‪ ،‬مطار أسٌوط الدولً‪ ،‬وذلك‬ ‫فً إطار جوالته المٌدانٌة والمتابعات المستمرة التً ٌقوم بها داخل المطارات المصرٌة‪.‬‬ ‫وذكر بٌان لوزارة الطٌران‪ ،‬أن الوزٌر المهندس محمد سعٌد محروس رئٌس مجلس إدارة‬ ‫الشركة القابضة للمطارات والمالحة الجوٌة رافق وزٌر الطٌران فً جولته وكان فً استقبالهما‬ ‫اللواء طٌار خالد عبد السالم مدٌر مطار أسٌوط الدولً‪.‬‬ ‫وأضاف البٌان أن الفرٌق ٌونس اطلع‪ ،‬خالل جولته‪ ،‬على جمٌع اإلجراءات األمنٌة المطبقة‬ ‫داخل وخارج المطار‪ ،‬ومتابعة حركة السفر والوصول داخل صاالت المطار‪ ،‬باإلضافة إلى‬ ‫اطمئنانه على استعدادات المطار الستقبال موسم الحج لهذا العام‪ ،‬كما استمع إلى شرح تفصٌلً‬ ‫عن القدرة االستٌعابٌة للمطار إضافة إلى مشروعات التطوٌر التً شهدها المطار خالل الفترة‬ ‫الماضٌة‪.‬‬ ‫ووجه الفرٌق ٌونس المصري ‪ -‬فً ختام جولته ‪ -‬بضرورة العمل على زٌادة الكفاءة التشغٌلٌة‬ ‫وتحسٌن مستوى الخدمات المقدمة للركاب ورفع معدالت الحركة الجوٌة بالمطار بما ٌتناسب مع‬ ‫المشروعات االستثمارٌة والقومٌة التً تنفذها الدولة بمنطقة الصعٌد‪ ،‬كما وجه المسؤولٌن‬ ‫بالمطار بتقدٌم كافة التسهٌالت وتوفٌر كافة سبل الراحة لحجاج بٌت هللا الحرام من صعٌد‬ ‫مصر‪.‬‬ ‫وأشار البٌان إلى أن الوزٌر فور عودته إلى مطار القاهرة تفقد مبنى الرحالت الموسمٌة؛‬ ‫للوقوف على مراحل االستعدادات النهائٌة لبدء موسم الحج هذا العام‪ ،‬ومبنى الركاب رقم (‪)2‬؛‬ ‫لإلطالع على سٌر العمل واالطمئنان على الخدمات المقدمة للركاب وانتظام حركة التشغٌل‬ ‫وسرعة إنهاء إجراءات السفر والوصول لمنع التكدس واالزدحام داخل وخارج الصاالت‪.‬‬ ‫كما زار الفرٌق ٌونس المصري مقر الشركة المصرٌة للمطارات وكان فً استقباله اللواء طٌار‬ ‫طارق فوزي رئٌس مجلس إدارة الشركة‪ ،‬حٌث تفقد المكاتب اإلدارٌة وغرفة العملٌات بالشركة؛‬ ‫وذلك للوقوف على سٌر العمل والتعرف على األنشطة والخدمات التً تقدمها‪ ،‬كما اطلع على‬ ‫الخطة االستراتٌجٌة لتطوٌر المطارات المصرٌة‪ ،‬موجها بضرورة تنمٌة هذا القطاع الحٌوي‬ ‫الهام الذي ٌعد من أهم موارد الدخل القومً المصري‪.‬‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬


‫وزٌر الطٌران ٌتفقد الصالة الموسمٌة بالمطار قبل بدء موسم الحج‬

‫كتب‪ -‬طه عبٌد‪:‬‬

‫تفقد الفرٌق ٌونس المصري وزٌر الطٌران المدنً‪ ،‬األحد‪ ،‬مبنى الرحالت‬ ‫الموسمٌة للوقوف على مراحل االستعدادات النهائٌة لبدء موسم الحج هذا العام‪.‬‬ ‫كما تفقد الوزٌر‪ ،‬مبنى الركاب رقم ‪ ،2‬لالطالع على سٌر العمل واالطمئنان على‬ ‫الخدمات المقدمة للركاب‪ ،‬وانتظام حركة التشغٌل وسرعة إنهاء إجراءات السفر‬ ‫والوصول لمنع التكدس واالزدحام داخل وخارج الصاالت‪.‬‬ ‫وأجرى المصري‪ ،‬جولة تفقدٌة لمقر الشركة المصرٌة للمطارات‪ ،‬وكان فً استقباله‬ ‫اللواء طٌار طارق فوزى رئٌس الشركة المصرٌة للمطارات للوقوف على سٌر‬ ‫العمل والتعرف على األنشطة والخدمات التى تقدمها الشركة‪.‬‬ ‫كما اطلع الوزٌر‪ ،‬على الخطة االستراتٌجٌة لتطوٌر المطارات المصرٌة‪ ،‬ووجه‬ ‫بضرورة تنمٌة هذا القطاع الحٌوي الهام الذي ٌعد من أهم موارد الدخل القومً‬ ‫المصري‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬



‫رئٌس مصر للطٌران‪ :‬خطة لمواجهة تحدٌات صٌانة الطائرات‬

‫نورهان خفاجً‬ ‫أعلن الطٌار أحمد عادل رئٌس الشركة القابضة لمصر للطٌران‪ ،‬أن شركة مصر للطٌران‬ ‫للصٌانة واألعمال الفنٌة‪ ،‬نجحت فً التعاقد مع ‪ 26‬عمٌل خالل الربع األخٌر من العام المالً‬ ‫‪ 2018/ 2017‬من شركات الطٌران بأوروبا وآسٌا وإفرٌقٌا ومنطقة الشرق األوسط‪ ،‬وذلك‬ ‫لتقدٌم خدمات الصٌانة الٌومٌة والصٌانة الدورٌة ودهان الطائرات وتعمٌر محركات الطائرات‬ ‫ووحداتها المٌكانٌكٌة‪.‬‬ ‫أضاف أن مصر للطٌران تسعى حال ًٌا إلى تنفٌذ خطط التطوٌر لمواجهة التحدٌات التً ٌشهدها‬ ‫قطاع الطٌران المدنً وزٌادة القدرة التنافسٌة فً األسواق العالمٌة فً مجال صٌانة وعمرة‬ ‫الطائرات‪.‬‬ ‫وأكد على ضرورة العمل على وضع المزٌد من الخطط المستقبلٌة لضمان مواكبة التطورات‬ ‫العالمٌة وضم عمالء جدد للشركة‪.‬‬ ‫أوضح المهندس أبو طالب توفٌق رئٌس شركة مصر للطٌران للصٌانة واألعمال الفنٌة أن مصر‬ ‫للطٌران تسعى دائما لتوسٌع نطاق خدمة صٌانة الطائرات التً تقدمها للعمالء‪ ،‬والتً تؤدي‬ ‫لتعظٌم العائد وزٌادة األرباح‪ ،‬حٌث وصل عدد عمالء مصر للطٌران للصٌانة إلى ‪ 120‬عمٌال‬ ‫من مختلف الدول‪.‬‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬

‫‪2‬‬ ‫أضاف أبو طالب أن الشركة تعاقدت مع ‪ 3‬شركات أوروبٌة لتقدٌم خدمات الصٌانة الٌومٌة‬ ‫لطائراتها بالمحطات الداخلٌة والخارجٌة والمعتمدة من الوكالة األوروبٌة لسالمة الطٌران‬ ‫‪EASA‬شملت شركة " "‪Aegean Airlines‬الناقل الوطنً لدولة الٌونان لخدمة طائراتها‬ ‫فنٌا بمحطتً الرٌاض وجدة وشركة " "‪Czech Airlines‬الناقل الوطنً لدولة التشٌك‬ ‫لخدمتها فً محطة الرٌاض وكذلك شركة " "‪Avion Express‬اللٌتوانٌة وشركة " ‪Fly‬‬ ‫"‪One‬من دولة مولدوفا بمحطة الغردقة‪.‬‬ ‫كما نجحت الشركة على المستوى اإلفرٌقً فً إبرام تعاقدات لتقدٌم خدمات الصٌانة الٌومٌة‬ ‫لشركة "الخطوط الكٌنٌة" فً محطة الخرطوم ‪ ،‬وفً آسٌا تعاقدت الشركة مع شركة "جٌت‬ ‫اٌرواٌز" الهندٌة لخدمة طائراتها بمحطتً الرٌاض والدمام‪ .‬وعربٌا تم التعاقد مع شركة‬ ‫"طٌران اإلمارات" لتقدٌم خدمات الصٌانة الٌومٌة لطائراتها بمحطة الخرطوم وشركة‬ ‫" ‪Wings of Lebanon‬اللبنانٌة بمحطة شرم الشٌخ ومحلٌا تم التعاقد مع شركة "فالي‬ ‫اٌجٌبت" المصرٌة بمحطة جدة‪.‬‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬



‫مصر للطٌران للصٌانة تضم عمالء جدد من أوروبا آسٌا وأفرٌقٌا‬ ‫والشرق االوسط‬

‫كتبت رحاب نبٌل‬ ‫نجحت شركة مصر للطٌران للصٌانة واألعمال الفنٌة فى التعاقد مع ‪ 26‬عمٌال خالل الربع األخٌر‬ ‫من العام المالى ‪ 2017/2018‬من شركات الطٌران بأوروبا وآسٌا وأفرٌقٌا ومنطقة الشرق‬ ‫األوسط‪ ،‬وذلك لتقدٌم خدمات الصٌانة الٌومٌة والصٌانة الدورٌة ودهان الطائرات وتعمٌر محركات‬ ‫الطائرات ووحداتها المٌكانٌكٌة‪ ،‬صرح بذلك الطٌار أحمد عادل رئٌس الشركة القابضة لمصر‬ ‫للطٌران‪.‬‬ ‫وأضاف رئٌس الشركة القابضة‪ ،‬فى بٌان صحفى الٌوم األحد‪ ،‬أن مصر للطٌران تسعى حال ًٌا إلى‬ ‫تنفٌذ خطط التطوٌر لمواجهة التحدٌات التى ٌشهدها قطاع الطٌران المدنى وزٌادة القدرة التنافسٌة‬ ‫فى األسواق العالمٌة فى مجال صٌانة وعمرة الطائرات‪ ،‬مؤكدا على ضرورة العمل على وضع‬ ‫المزٌد من الخطط المستقبلٌة لضمان مواكبة التطورات العالمٌة وضم عمالء جدد للشركة‪.‬‬ ‫وأوضح المهندس أبو طالب توفٌق رئٌس شركة مصر للطٌران للصٌانة واألعمال الفنٌة‪ ،‬أن مصر‬ ‫للطٌران تسعى دائما لتوسٌع نطاق خدمة صٌانة الطائرات التى تقدمها للعمالء‪ ،‬والتى تؤدى لتعظٌم‬ ‫العائد وزٌادة األرباح‪ ،‬حٌث وصل عدد عمالء مصر للطٌران للصٌانة إلى ‪ 120‬عمٌال من مختلف‬ ‫الدول‪.‬‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬

‫‪2‬‬ ‫وأضاف أبو طالب‪ ،‬أن الشركة تعاقدت مع ‪ 3‬شركات أوروبٌة لتقدٌم خدمات الصٌانة‬ ‫الٌومٌة لطائراتها بالمحطات الداخلٌة والخارجٌة والمعتمدة من الوكالة األوروبٌة لسالمة‬ ‫الطٌران ‪EASA‬شملت شركة ""‪Aegean Airlines‬الناقل الوطنى لدولة الٌونان لخدمة‬ ‫طائراتها فنٌا بمحطتى الرٌاض وجدة وشركة " "‪Czech Airlines‬الناقل الوطنى لدولة‬ ‫التشٌك لخدمتها فى محطة الرٌاض وكذلك شركة " "‪Avion Express‬اللٌتوانٌة وشركة‬ ‫" "‪Fly One‬من دولة مولدوفا بمحطة الغردقة‪.‬‬ ‫كما نجحت الشركة على المستوى األفرٌقى فى إبرام تعاقدات لتقدٌم خدمات الصٌانة‬ ‫الٌومٌة لشركة "الخطوط الكٌنٌة" فى محطة الخرطوم‪ ،‬وفى آسٌا تعاقدت الشركة مع شركة‬ ‫"جٌت أٌرواٌز" الهندٌة لخدمة طائراتها بمحطتى الرٌاض والدمام‪.‬‬ ‫وعربٌا تم التعاقد مع شركة "طٌران اإلمارات" لتقدٌم خدمات الصٌانة الٌومٌة لطائراتها‬ ‫بمحطة الخرطوم وشركة " ‪Wings of Lebanon‬اللبنانٌة بمحطة شرم الشٌخ ومحلٌا‬ ‫تم التعاقد مع شركة "فالى إٌجٌبت" المصرٌة بمحطة جدة‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬


‫استئناف الرحالت الجوٌة فى مطار النجف‬

‫أعلن مدٌر مطار النجف الدولى بالعراق على كاظم استئناف الرحالت الجوٌة فى المطار‪.‬‬ ‫وقال كاظم ‪ -‬فى تصرٌح خاص لقناة "السومرٌة نٌوز" األحد‪ ،‬إن المطار سٌستقبل حتى صباح‬ ‫ٌوم غد ‪ 18‬طائرة‪.‬‬ ‫وكان قد تم تعلٌق الرحالت الجوٌة إلى مطار النجف على إثر اقتحام عدد من المتظاهرٌن‬ ‫للمطار‪ ،‬فى وقت تشهد فٌه عدة محافظات عراقٌة تظاهرات احتجاجٌة تطالب بتحسٌن الخدمات‬ ‫العامة وتوفٌر المٌاه والكهرباء والقضاء على البطالة ومكافحة الفساد فى دوائر الدولة‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬


What really happened to EgyptAir Flight 804?

GULLIVER is not the type of person to kick up a fuss on his travels, least of all when lucky enough to be at the front of the plane. But his patience was pushed to the limit a couple of years ago, when his EgyptAir flight from Cairo to London was blighted by the nearconstant stench of cigarette smoke wafting in from the cockpit. Shackled by British meekness and an unwillingness to challenge a flight crew, your asthmatic correspondent suffered the coughs and tried instead to focus on work. Conversations with Egyptian friends later revealed that on-board cigarette smoke is hardly a rarity when flying with the North African flag-carrier. Naturally, anecdotes such as this provide only a snapshot of an airline’s safety standards. But it is a deeply disturbing snapshot given the stalled investigation into EgyptAir Flight 804, which crashed into the Mediterranean Sea during a routine flight from Paris to Cairo in 2016, killing all 66 people aboard. This month,


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2 France’s air-crash investigation agency, BEA, took the unusual step of criticising the official Egyptian investigation into the disaster. The French body rejects Egypt’s conclusion that a ―malicious act‖ likely brought down the plane. When BEA was shown supposed evidence of explosive traces on the remains of some of the victims two years ago, it suggested that the test results may have been tampered with. It believes that a fire likely brought down the aircraft, basing its conclusion on three pieces of evidence: electronic signals sent from the plane indicating that smoke alarms were activated in the toilet and avionics bays; cockpit voice recordings that show the flight crew discussing an on-board fire; and wreckage that bears signs of high temperatures and soot.

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Qatar Airways plane goes slightly off runway on landing at Kochi airport

A spokesman of the Cochin International Airport said there were no casualties and no flights were diverted. He said the weather condition was favourable when the aircraft approached the runway. Short News You Can Never Feel 100 percent Secure In B'Wood: Katrina You Can Never Feel 100 percent Secure In B'Wood: Katrina Raju Shetti warns of 'Satyagraha' Raju Shetti warns of 'Satyagraha' Police shot suspect to death involved in killing of Indian student in US Police shot suspect to death involved in killing of Indian student in US But a sudden downpour and strong crosswinds caused it to touch down a few metres off the pre-designated central line at 2.19 am, he said in an official release. The pilot corrected it, brought the plane back to normal course and then to the parking bay, the release said. Twelve runway lights were damaged in the incident, it said, adding that the debris was immediately removed and the runway was made operational at 3.38 am. The 'Fly Dubai' flight bound for Dubai and an Emirates flight bound for Kochi were delayed for a few minutes, the release said. An investigation is being carried out by the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA), it said. Following the incident, the return flight to Doha was cancelled and the passengers were accommodated on other later flights, the release said. PTI

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Qatar Airways Restricts A380 First Class Awards While Qatar Airways has an excellent business class product throughout their fleet, they have very few planes with first class. The only planes to feature longhaul first class are their A380s. Qatar Airways has 10 of these in their fleet, and they each feature eight first class seats, at the front of the upper deck in a 1-21 configuration. Qatar Airways presently flies their A380s from Doha to Bangkok, Guangzhou, London, Melbourne, Paris, Perth, and Sydney.


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2 While I consider Qatar Airways’ business class to be the best in the world, their first class doesn’t impress me in quite the same way. It actually doesn’t even rank in my list of the world’s top 10 first class products. Historically Qatar Airways hasn’t been especially generous with making first class award seats available. There has been some variation over time, as sometimes I’ve seen some award space close to departure, sometimes I’ve seen some award space way in advance, and other times I didn’t see much at all. Lately it seems like they’re releasing fewer first class award seats than ever before. It looks like there may at least partially be an explanation for that. Per Qatar Airways’ website, Qatar Airways is no longer offering first class award seats to & from London. Their Privilege Club page has the following note: London is presumably Qatar’s most premium market, so I guess their logic is that they generally can fill the first class cabin quite easily with paying customers. However, to add a blanket restriction preventing people from redeeming miles for first class on the route seems a bit extreme. For example, tomorrow there are two A380s flying from London to Doha — one has five of eight first class seats still for sale, while the other has all eight seats available for sale. So clearly the lack of any availability isn’t because they always sell out. I guess they’re trying to make the cabin seem more exclusive. This is a disappointing development on the part of Qatar Airways, and only the latest devaluation to their loyalty program. In the past couple of months alone, Privilege Club has introduced new fees on award tickets, and also drastically devalued their award redemption rates. So if you are trying to redeem miles for Qatar Airways first class to or from London and don’t see any award space, now you know why…

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Why Emirates is cancelling some flights from Dubai

Emirates will cancel certain flights and reduce frequencies to some destinations next year due to the closure of Dubai International airport's runway for an upgrade, the Dubai-based carrier said. "In line with Dubai Airports' plans to close Dubai International's (DXB) southern runway for upgrade works between April 16 and May 30, 2019, Emirates can confirm that it will be required to reduce its operating schedule during this time as single runway operations necessitate capacity cuts from airlines operating at DXB. During the runway closure period, Emirates will cancel certain flights, reduce frequencies to some destinations and re-time some flights based on slots availability," the airline's spokesperson said in the statement sent to Khaleej Times.


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2 Passengers have been advised to check its website for the most updated flight schedule. Saj Ahmad, chief analyst, StrategicAero Research, said it's too early to guess what moves Emirates may make given that it has time to adjust its summer schedules for 2019. "With flights to the US not yet operating at double-daily capacity to cities like Seattle and Boston, we can see that Emirates already has slack in its network to absorb flight reductions. There's also the possibility it could shift flights out to Dubai World Central (DWC)." He said the other Dubai-based budget carrier flydubai has the flexibility to move flights to DWC where it has operations already, so the transition for them is better planned. While other airlines may also opt for a shift to DWC rather that cut flight numbers but right now, it's premature to guess who is going to be impacted most except Emirates and flydubai. According to Emirates spokesperson, the airline is working closely with all stakeholders to ensure optimisation of its operations and minimise the impact on its customers. On an average, Dubai International handles 1,100 aircraft movements per day featuring predominantly wide-body aircraft. Dubai Airports had said that airlines would be required to reduce their operations during the 45-day period due to the significant capacity reduction resulting from single runway operations. In terms of flight movements, the reduction in capacity was earlier estimated at approximately 43 per cent.

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Aviation giants fly into Farnborough under Brexit cloud Top global plane makers land at the Farnborough airshow in England next week, hoping to pick up speed on demand for passenger jets while charting a path through Brexit and trade war turbulence. This year's sector showpiece event, opening Monday, will be buzzing on the back of rapid changes in the industry, as US titan Boeing and European arch rival Airbus vie for superiority in the skies. Chicago-headquartered Boeing could signal plans for its new midsize airplane (NMA), but reports suggest this could be derailed by the festering global trade war spearheaded by US President Donald Trump. Boeing recently took control of the commercial business of Brazil's Embraer, while Toulouse-based Airbus bought a majority stake in Canadian peer Bombardier's C Series airliner programme. The pair will continue their head-to-head dogfight at the biennial Farnborough event locked in a battle for lucrative multi-billion-dollar jet orders. Farnborough, southwest of London, is one of the world's largest civilian and defence airshows, along with Paris and Dubai.

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2 Visitors from almost 100 countries will flock to the event, which features air displays by civil and defence jets. London to NY in an hour? "It's our biggest international show ever," said Gareth Rogers, chief executive of Farnborough International, adding that Chinese participation alone was up 70 percent from 2016. "Everybody is coming to the show," he added, noting that industry leaders, politicians and government officials would also be attending. One key talking point will be the NMA single-aisle commercial jets for long-haul journeys, a sweet spot for plane makers. Rising demand for various types of passenger planes from emerging economies and the soaring success of no-frills airlines will raise the market's need over the next two decades, Airbus has forecast. The plane maker expects almost 37,400 new aircraft, worth $5.8 trillion, will be required to meet global demand over the next 20 years. That was hiked from its 2017 forecast of 35,000 new jets. Airbus has however experienced delivery problems with its new fuelefficient A320neo jets, and has also faced challenges with the A380 superjumbo - the world's largest civilian airliner - and its over-budget military transporter A400M. Boeing, fresh from striking a deal with Embraer, will issue its global demand outlook on Tuesday. This year's airshow has been billed by organisers as "the return of supersonic", with several companies seeking to flesh out their tentative plans for the first supersonic passenger aircraft since Concorde took its final flight in 2003. .

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3 US company Boom Supersonic will make its debut presence at Farnborough and hopes to make its new-generation jets in the mid-2020s or later, with the aim of slashing journey times in half. Boeing could meanwhile reveal more details for its "hypersonic" jet concept that could be capable of reaching Mach 5 speed or higher, potentially flying between New York and London in one hour. In shadow of Brexit Farnborough is taking place in the shadow of Britain's stalled negotiations to exit the European Union. Organisers warn that aircraft could stop flying if British Prime Minister Theresa May fails to clinch an adequate Brexit deal with Brussels. Britain remains on course to leave the European Union on March 29 next year. "Our worst case scenario is genuinely -- and it is not alarmist or scare mongering -- that aircraft will not fly," said Farnborough International chairman Paul Everitt, who is also head of aerospace, defence and space trade body ADS. "Aircraft will not fly because on... March 30, I am sitting at an airport anywhere in the world, and they have got a piece of paper saying that this is not a certified European product. This bit comes from the UK. And this bit isn't certified. So the plane does not fly." He added that EU's European Aviation Safety Agency and Britain's Civil Aviation Authority regulators needed to meet and address the matter. Airbus, which employs some 15,000 people in Britain, has warned it would reconsider investments if Britain crashed out with no deal

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AirBridgeCargo Showcases Air Freight’s Digital Future It may be dominated by the undeniably imposing freighters in the static display, but perhaps the most intriguing exhibit in the Airshow’s Cargo Vilage this year comes from AirBridgeCargo Airlines, which has replicated elements of its new Moscow digital control tower here. The tower sits at the heart of ABCA’s new vision for handling special cargoes – a quickly growing element of their market – and, the company says, the digitized, data-centric approach holds the key to the carrier’s future. ―What airlines have been doing for years in monitoring their airplanes and passenger connectivity, we’re now doing live for cargo connectivity,‖ says Robert van der Weg, VP for sales and marketing at ABCA’s parent, the Volga-Dnepr Group. VDG is able to do this because the company has equipped its Boeing 747 fleet with sensors and data-transmission systems to enable real-time monitoring of temperature-controlled or other special cargoes throughout the duration of all flights. ―Five years ago this would have been impossible,‖ van der Weg says, highlighting two factors that have made the concept viable. ―First, the aircraft manufacturers – in our case Boeing – had to certify specific equipment so it can be used on the airplane. Second, of course, we had to develop the ability to do something with these data. You have to have the ability to filter these data and present them in an intelligent way – otherwise you get lost.‖ There are operational benefits that can be realized, but those are not the primary reason for the extensive investment the system has required

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2 . ―If you can anticipate problems that otherwise you’d have to handle at the last minute, then there’s some efficiency gains,‖ van der Weg says. ―But, more importantly, you’ve become more effective in the market – and we improve our traffic mix. It’s like a passenger airline starting with loads of economy-class passengers, then starting a business class, getting better at it and getting a reputation for it, then investing in the onboard entertainment and the catering.‖ The business model for this upper-class cargo service is rather different to a passenger carrier’s, though. Van der Weg says the company focuses ―first and foremost on cargoes that are sensitive to mishandling, that are very quality-conscious,‖ singling out pharmaceuticals as a category where monitoring to this level of detail can be of very great interest to customers. Sometimes a suitably equipped aircraft will be flying a load where this level of monitoring would be unnecessary – so not every flight will have customers paying business-class prices. Instead, it is by using the capability as a point of differentiation to help attract and retain new customers, and encourage extant ones to extend their working relationship with the carrier, that the Group is seeing a return on its investment. ―We also invest in processes on the ground, in special staff to deal with pharma shipments – we’re making investments across the board,‖ van der Weg points out. ―But we believe that if we’re able to increase our share of niche and special cargoes on our airplanes, that’s a positive trend for us. We’ve done the analysis, and if we’re able to increase our yield by, let’s say, 5 cents per kilo on average because of measures like these, that means US$25 million on our P&L [profit-and-loss account] on an annual basis. ―In the last two years we’ve seen a tripling of what we call niche cargo – pharmaceuticals; off-size express shipments – on our network,‖ he adds. ―We also see that the market responds to [the investments]. They like what they see. So it’s definitely paying off for us.‖

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Ailing Air India working on Lufthansa-style makeover for its in-flight entertainment Looking to plug losses after a failed bid to privatise the national carrier, the central government is working on improving Air India’s in-flight entertainment system, on the lines of Europe’s largest airline Lufthansa. The government is also contemplating making the debt-ridden airline a private limited company. The carrier has proposed to introduce iPads to passengers in business and first class on international flights which would be preloaded with feature films and documentaries, including educational and commercial fare as well children’s films. As of now, it is set to procure 150 iPads. The move comes after repeated complaints over malfunctioning of the airline’s existing old, worn out in-flight systems. Last month, NITI Aayog vice chairman Rajiv Kumar told ThePrint that the government is considering a complete overhaul of Air India into a publicly traded company run by an independent corporate board, much like the German carrier Lufthansa. Deal with I&B ministry Air India is set to sign an agreement with the National Film Development Corporation (NFDC) — a PSU under the information and broadcasting ministry — to source its feature films and documentaries as well as those made by the Children’s Film Society of India (CFSI), and Films Division (FD). NDFC will also procure commercial feature films from the industry across different genres and languages.


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2 The NFDC will also be tasked with uploading the content on the iPads and keep updating the catalogue with fresh titles every three months. To shape the deal, I&B secretary Amit Khare and Air India chairman and managing director Pradeep Singh Kharola met early last month. The move will benefit both Air India and the film units, which were thought to be turning redundant. While the government has been considering the sale of Air India, the I&B ministry had been considering merging of film units into NFDC as against letting all the units operate independently in their current form. ‘Win-win’ It is learnt that at present Air India has engaged a foreign company at around Rs 30 crore to show Indian films to its passengers in-flight, but is now keen on scrapping the contract. The I&B ministry is currently preparing a list of films from its media units for in-flight entertainment purposes. Around 300 films of NFDC,109 Documentaries produced by FD and 38 films from CFSI will be used for inflight entertainment in Air India. Talking to ThePrint, an official said it would be a win-win situation for the film units as well as Air India. ―We know NFDC as well as FD have a rich collection of award-winning films and important documentaries of landmark events and personalities. Showing them on international flights of Air India will also help the purpose of spreading knowledge of India’s culture to other parts of the world and would be entertaining to passengers,‖ the official said. The carrier is also learnt to have been planning to raise revenue by way of advertisements through in-flight entertainment, increasing cargo earnings as well as monetising land assets and bringing down catering expenses. Air India CMD Pradeep Singh Kharola remained unavailable for comment.

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Passengers Hospitalised as Ryanair Makes Emergency Landing

A number of passengers received medical attention after a Ryanair flight from Dublin to Croatia was forced to make an emergency landing in Germany. The flight to the coastal city of Zadar landed at Frankfurt-Hahn airport at around 11.30pm due to an in-flight depressurisation. Oxygen masks were deployed and a "controlled descent" was initiated. Around 30 passengers were admitted to local hospitals with complaints of earaches and headaches, according to local media reports. The flight, FR7312, left Dublin just after 8pm last night. In a statement, Ryanair said passengers were provided with refreshment vouchers and hotel accommodation was authorised. However there was a shortage of available accommodation around the airport.


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2 Minerva Galban, a Spanish citizen who was on board the flight described the moment it happened, saying they heard a crack and suddenly there was no air in the cabin. Speaking to RTÉ News she described how around 90 minutes into the flight from Dublin the oxgyen masks came down and it was straight into an emergency landing. She said the descent happened quickly. "Some people were bleeding from the ears and nose. Others were nervous but no one panicked. Not even the babies cried," she said. Ms Galban commended the cabin crew for their professionalism during the emergency landing but said on arrival at the airport "they were forgotten about" by the airline. She said many passengers had to sleep on the floor while some children were given a room with some beds. She added around 30 people who suffered nose and ear bleeds and headaches, including her Croatian boyfriend, were taken to hospital. She was not allowed to travel with him to the hospital. He has since been released from hospital but is not allowed to fly today due to the injuries he sustained during the loss of air pressure, so they are searching for an alternative means of transport. The pair were travelling to Croatia to visit her boyfriends' family. She said some of the other passengers were travelling home ahead of Croatia's World Cup final tomorrow and many others were holidaymakers, including families. Ms Galban said some of the affected passengers were due to take an alternative Ryanair flight from Frankfurt to Zadar at 9:30am this morning.

‫ادارة العالقات العامة ‪ -‬الشركة القابضة‬ ‫لمصر للطٌران‬

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