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‫االثنٌن‬ ‫‪2018/12/ 17‬‬

‫وزٌر الطٌران‪ :‬أمن مصر للطٌران ومطار القاهرة ٌجتازان تفتٌش "النقل األمرٌكى”‬ ‫كتب أحمد مصطفى ‪ -‬رحاب نبٌل‬ ‫أشاد وفد إدارة أمن النقل األمرٌكٌة ‪TSA‬برئاسة تٌم ساندرسون بجهود أمن مصر للطٌران ومطار القاهرة بصفة‬ ‫عامة وفرٌق العمل المسئول عن رحالت نٌوٌورك بصفة خاصة‪ ،‬موضحا أن ما ٌتم من إجراءات ٌفوق ما هو متوقع‬ ‫وبشكل متمٌز‪.‬‬ ‫وجاء ذلك عقب ختام زٌارة الوفد األمرٌكً لمطار القاهرة والتً تم خاللها مراجعة جمٌع اإلجراءات األمنٌة المطبقة به‬ ‫خاصة إجراءات األمن على رحالت مصر للطٌران المتجهة للوالٌات المتحدة األمرٌكٌة ‪.‬‬ ‫ومن جانبه أكد الفرٌق ٌونس المصري وزٌر الطٌران المدنً أنه تم تطبٌق عدد من اإلجراءات األمنٌة اإلضافٌة بمطار‬ ‫القاهرة والمطارات المصرٌة والشركات التابعة للوزارة وتطوٌر منظومة تؤمٌن األفراد والمنشآت والرحالت إلً أعلً‬ ‫مستوي‪ ،‬كما أن أفراد األمن بالشركات التابعة للوزارة ٌتم تدرٌبهم بمستوى عال فً جمٌع التخصصات األمنٌة‪ ،‬واجتاز‬ ‫قطاعً أمن مصر للطٌران ومطار القاهرة المراجعات علً اإلجراءات األمنٌة المطبقة فً قرٌة البضائع ومبنى التموٌن‬ ‫وإجراءات تؤمٌن الركاب وأمتعتهم على الرحالت المتجهة إلى نٌوٌورك دون أي مالحظات‪.‬‬ ‫فً نهاٌة الزٌارة وعقب مراجعة رحلة مصر للطٌران للٌوم الخامس تم عقد اجتماع ختامً مع جمٌع الجهات األمنٌة‬ ‫بمطار القاهرة لعرض نتائج المراجعة وشكر الوفد حسن الضٌافة والتعاون البناء والمثمر الذي لمسوه خالل الزٌارة‪ ،‬كما‬ ‫أشادوا بالمجهود المبذول من إدارة المنظمات الدولٌة بقطاع أمن مصر للطٌران فً عودة البضائع علً طائرات الركاب‬ ‫بدءا من ٌناٌر ‪. 2019‬‬ ‫ومن جانبه أوضح ‪Mr. Robert McLaughlin‬ـ ملحق وزارة األمن الداخلً ـ شمال أفرٌقٌا والشرق األوسط أن‬ ‫هذه الزٌارة إلً جمهورٌة مصر العربٌة هً رقم ‪ 25‬له وأنه ٌشكر جمٌع الحاضرٌن للتسهٌالت التً تمت لهم أثناء‬ ‫الزٌارة وأنه سوف ٌتم عمل تدرٌب آخر علً مرحلتٌن استكماال للتدرٌب الذي تم فً أغسطس ‪ 2018‬من قبل إدارة‬ ‫النقل األمرٌكً ‪TSA‬بمطار القاهرة بالتنسٌق مع سلطة الطٌران المدنً المصري‪.‬‬ ‫وسوف ٌتم التنسٌق مع السلطة لعقد تدرٌب علً التهدٌد الداخلً ‪Insider Threats‬من قبل إدارة النقل األمرٌكً‬ ‫‪ ،TSA‬كما تم العرض علً بعض الدول العربٌة للمساعدة فً إنشاء برنامج خاص بجمهورٌة مصر العربٌة فً مجال‬ ‫أمن الطٌران للتهدٌدات األمنٌة الداخلٌة‪.‬‬

‫االدارة العامة للعالقات العامة والمراسم‬ ‫الشركة القابضة لمصر للطٌران‬

‫مطار القاهرة ٌحصل على "األٌزو" فً اإلدارة العالمٌة الحدٌثة‬

‫كتب‪ -‬طه عبٌد‪:‬‬

‫نجحت شركة مٌناء القاهرة الجوي‪ ،‬فً اجتٌاز أعمال المراجعة التً قامت بها الشركة السوٌسرٌة‬ ‫العالمٌة ‪SGS‬الجهة المانحة لشهادات المطابقة الدولٌة األٌزو‪ ،‬وحصلت علً شهادات المطابقة لنظام‬ ‫اإلدارة المتكامل بعد استٌفائها لمتطلبات نظام إدارة الجودة ‪ ،ISO 9001‬ومتطلبات نظام إدارة البٌئة‬ ‫‪ ،ISO14001 2015‬ومتطلبات نظام السالمة والصحة المهنٌة ‪OHSAF18001-2007 ..‬صرح‬ ‫بذلك المهندس أحمد فوزي رئٌس الشركة‪.‬‬ ‫وأضاف فوز‪" :‬مطار القاهرة هو أول مطار فً الجمهورٌة‪ٌ ،‬نجح فً مطابقته لمتطلبات نظم اإلدارة‬ ‫الحدٌثة طبقا للمواصفات الدولٌة‪ ،‬وذلك فً إطار استراتٌجٌة التطوٌر التً تنتهجها وزارة الطٌران المدنً‬ ‫وشركاتها التابعة بقٌادة الفرٌق ٌونس المصري وزٌر الطٌران المدنً‪ ،‬وفً إطار سعً الشركة القابضة‬ ‫للمطارات والمالحة الجوٌة برئاسة الطٌار أحمد جنٌنة إلى تطوٌر مستوى الخدمات المقدمة للراكب داخل‬ ‫المطارات"‪.‬‬ ‫االدارة العامة للعالقات العامة والمراسم‬ ‫الشركة القابضة لمصر للطٌران‬

‫مطار القاهرة ٌحصل على شهادات األٌزو وتطبٌق نظم اإلدارة العالمٌة الحدٌثة‬

‫إنجً خلٌفة‬

‫نجحت شركة مٌناء القاهرة الجوي برئاسة المهندس احمد فوزي فً اجتٌاز أعمال المراجعة التً قامت‬ ‫بها الشركة السوٌسرٌة العالمٌة ‪SGS‬الجهة المانحة لشهادات المطابقة الدولٌة األٌزو‪.‬‬ ‫وحصلت الشركة على شهادات المطابقة لنظام اإلدارة المتكامل بعد استٌفائها لمتطلبات نظام إدارة الجودة‬ ‫‪ISO 9001‬ومتطلبات نظام إدارة البٌئة ‪ISO14001 2015‬ومتطلبات نظام السالمة والصحة‬ ‫المهنٌة‪OHSAF18001-2007.‬‬ ‫وبذلك ٌكون مطار القاهرة هو أول مطار فً جمهورٌة مصر العربٌة ٌنجح فً مطابقته لمتطلبات نظم‬ ‫اإلدارة الحدٌثة طبقا للمواصفات الدولٌة‪.‬‬ ‫ٌؤتً ذلك فً إطار إستراتٌجٌة التطوٌر التً تنتهجها وزارة الطٌران المدنً وشركاتها التابعة بقٌادة الفرٌق‬ ‫ٌونس المصري وزٌر الطٌران المدنً وفً إطار سعً الشركة القابضة للمطارات والمالحة الجوٌة برئاسة‬ ‫الطٌار احمد جنٌنه إلى تطوٌر مستوي الخدمات المقدمة للراكب داخل المطارات المصرٌة فً آلٌات وبٌئة‬ ‫العمل‪.‬‬

‫االدارة العامة للعالقات العامة والمراسم‬ ‫الشركة القابضة لمصر للطٌران‬

‫انتظام رحالت مصر للطٌران فً مطار نٌوٌورك بنسبة ‪%97‬‬

‫أحمد مسعود‬ ‫حققت رحالت مصر للطٌران فً نٌوٌورك معدالت انتظام عالٌة بلغت ‪ %97‬طبقا لتقٌ​ٌم سلطات مطار جون كٌندي‬ ‫الدولً وإجراءات المسافرٌن فً الوصول واإلقالع طبقا للمواعٌد المحددة لها واالهتمام بالمسافرٌن وتوفٌر الخدمات‬ ‫والتٌسٌرات لهم وااللتزام بتعلٌمات ولوائح سلطات الطٌران الفٌدرالٌة األمرٌكٌة فً السالمة وأمن الركاب والرحالت‬ ‫وذلك ظل أجواء منافسة عالمٌة شرسة بالمطار بٌن الشركات الكبرى‪.‬‬ ‫وأصدر الطٌار أشرف الخولً‪ ،‬رئٌس شركة مصر للطٌران للخطوط الجوٌة توجٌهاته لمدٌر المحطة عمرو المرسً‬ ‫ومساعده محمد القطان باالهتمام بالمسافرٌن بتوفٌر التٌسٌرات الالزمة لهم‪ ،‬وحسن المعاملة خاصة أن المطارات‬ ‫األمرٌكٌة تشهد تشدٌ ًدا أمن ًٌا فً إجراءات التفتٌش والتؤمٌن بجانب مكتب الحجز الستخراج التذاكر وتغٌ​ٌر المواعٌد‬ ‫للمسافرٌن خاصة خالل السبت واألحد‪.‬‬ ‫وبلغ انتظام الرحالت معدالت مرتفعة فً السفر والوصول باستثناء الظروف الطبٌعٌة كتساقط األمطار والثلوج التً‬ ‫تعٌق انتظام الحركة‪ .‬وٌستقبل مبنى الركاب رقم ‪ 4‬نحو ‪ 46‬ألف راكب ٌومٌا و‪ 21‬ملٌون راكب سنوٌا وتعمل به ‪34‬‬ ‫شركة طٌران كبرى وٌخدم به ‪ 12‬ألف موظف‪.‬‬ ‫وتقوم الشركة بتنظٌم رحالت الربط والترانزٌت عبر مطار القاهرة الدولً للعدٌد من الركاب القادمٌن من نٌوٌورك‬ ‫والحجز لهم الستكمال سفرهم إلى دول الخلٌج وبٌروت وعمان والشرق األوسط وعواصم القارة اإلفرٌقٌة الجزائر‬ ‫وتونس وجنوب وغرب وشمال القارة السمراء بجانب انتهاج سٌاسة لزٌادة ورواج المبٌعات مع وكالء السفر والسٌاحة‬ ‫األمرٌكٌة ‪ ،‬كما تنظم ‪ 3‬رحالت أسبوع ًٌا تربط بٌن القاهرة وتورنتو مباشرة ومن المقرر زٌادتها إلى ‪ 4‬رحالت أسبوعٌا‬ ‫الستٌعاب الحركة‪.‬‬

‫االدارة العامة للعالقات العامة والمراسم‬ ‫الشركة القابضة لمصر للطٌران‬

‫"مصر للطٌران" ُتسٌر ‪ 10‬رحالت لنقل المعتمرٌن إلى األراضى المقدسة‬

‫محمود ابراهٌم‬ ‫كشف مصدر مسئول بشركة مٌناء القاهرة الجوى‪ ،‬عن أن الصالة الموسمٌة والمخصصة لرحالت الحج‬ ‫والعمرة ‪ ،‬شهدت تسٌ​ٌر ‪ 10‬رحالت جوٌة متوجهة الى األراضى السعودٌة لنقل ضٌوف الرحمن الداء‬ ‫مناسك العمرة الشرٌفة ‪.‬‬ ‫وأضاف لـ"المصدر" ‪ ،‬أنه تم تقدٌم كافة التسهٌالت والتٌسٌرات الالزمة للمعتمرٌن المصرٌ​ٌن‪ ،‬وذلك وفقا‬ ‫لتوجهٌات وتعلٌمات الفرٌق ٌونس المصرى وزٌر الطٌران المدنى‪ ،‬بضرورة تلبٌة كافة االحتٌاجات‬ ‫الخاصة بالمعتمرٌن وخاصة كبار السن وذوى االحتٌادات الخاصة‬

‫االدارة العامة للعالقات العامة والمراسم‬ ‫الشركة القابضة لمصر للطٌران‬

‫وصول ‪ 6‬آالف سائح مطار القاهرة لزٌارة المعالم السٌاحٌة‬

‫حنان عز الدٌن‬

‫استقبل مطار القاهرة الدولى خالل الـ ‪ 24‬ساعة الماضٌة ‪ 6‬آالف و‪ 500‬سائح عربى وأجنبى من‬ ‫المدن السٌاحٌة المصرٌة والعواصم العربٌة والعالمٌة‪ ،‬لزٌارة المعالم السٌاحٌة واآلثرٌة بالقاهرة‬ ‫الكبرى والمحافظات المصرٌة‪.‬‬ ‫وشهد المطار وصول ‪ 120‬رحلة دولٌة وداخلٌة كان على متنها المجموعات السٌاحٌة‪ ،‬والتى شملت‬ ‫جنسٌات من دول أمرٌكا وبرٌطانٌا‪ ،‬والصٌن‪ ،‬ووروسٌا‪ ،‬والٌابان‪ ،‬وتاٌوان‪ ،‬والتشٌك‪ ،‬وإندونٌسا‪،‬‬ ‫باإلضافة إلى وصول مجموعات سٌاحٌة أخرى قادمة من شرم الشٌخ والغردقة ومرسى علم واألقصر‬ ‫وأسوان وعدد من دول الخلٌج العربى والمغرب العرب‪.‬‬ ‫وأنهت سلطات مطار القاهرة الدولى إجراءات وصولهم تحت إشراف مسإولى شرطة السٌاحة بالمطار‪،‬‬ ‫وتم تؤمٌن خروجهم من دائرة المطار حتى مقار إقاماتهم‪.‬‬

‫االدارة العامة للعالقات العامة والمراسم‬ ‫الشركة القابضة لمصر للطٌران‬

‫باألشجار وبابا نوٌل‪ ..‬مطار القاهرة ٌستعد الستقبال "الكرٌسماس"‬

‫كتب‪ :‬أٌمن حمزة‬

‫واصلت شركة مٌناء القاهرة الجوي‪ ،‬برئاسة المهندس أحمد فوزي‪ ،‬استعداداتها الستقبال العام الجدٌد‬ ‫واحتفاالت رأس السنة المٌالدٌة وأعٌاد الكرٌسماس‪ ،‬بتزٌ​ٌن صاالت مطار القاهرة بأشجار الكرٌسماس‬ ‫وبابا نوٌل‪ ،‬لخلق جو من البهجة والسرور للركاب والعاملٌن وكل مرتادى المطار وإتاحة الفرصة‬ ‫اللتقاط الصور التذكارٌة إلستقبال العام الجدٌد‪.‬‬ ‫وكشفت مصادر خاصة‪ ،‬بمطار القاهرة الدولً‪ ،‬أن الجهات األمنٌة المختصة بتؤمٌن مداخل ومخارج‬ ‫المطار‪ ،‬شددوا من قبضتهم األمنٌة لضبط الخارجٌن عن القانون‪ ،‬وللتٌسٌر على المسافرٌن والسائحٌن‬ ‫داخل صاالت السفر والوصول‪ ،‬بالتزامن مع أعٌاد المٌالد والكرٌسماس‪.‬‬

‫االدارة العامة للعالقات العامة والمراسم‬ ‫الشركة القابضة لمصر للطٌران‬

‫محافظ البحر األحمر ٌعلن موعد افتتاح مطار «برنٌس» بتكلفة ‪ 430‬ملٌون جنٌه‬ ‫كتب‪ :‬محمد السٌد سلٌمان‬

‫أكد اللواء أحمد عبدهللا محافظ البحر األحمر‪ ،‬أنه سٌتم افتتاح وتشغٌل مطار برنٌس جنوب مرسى علم‬ ‫الستقبال الرحالت السٌاحٌة خالل شهر ٌونٌو ‪ ،2019‬وأنه ٌجري العمل لإلنتهاء من المطار بتكلفة ‪430‬‬ ‫ملٌون جنٌه لدعم الحركة السٌاحٌة الوافدة لجنوب مرسى علم بعد قٌام وزارة التعاون الدولً بتوفٌر‬ ‫التموٌل للمشروع طبقا لقرار رئاسة الوزارء‪ ،‬وذلك لٌكون جاهزا لالفتتاح والتشغٌل ضمن ‪ 5‬مطارات‬ ‫جدٌدة ٌجري العمل فً إنشائها وافتتاحها‪.‬‬ ‫وأضاف «عبدهللا»‪ ،‬أن المطار سٌحقق عائد اقتصادي كبٌر حٌث تعانً القرى والفنادق السٌاحٌة جنوب‬ ‫البحر األحمر من بعد المطار عنها ألكثر من ‪ 100‬كٌلو متر ما ٌإثر على أعداد السائحٌن‪ ،‬لوجود عدد كبٌر‬ ‫من السائحٌن ٌذهبون إلى جنوب مرسى علم‪ ،‬نظرا لطبٌعتها الخالبة والسٌاحة البٌئٌة العالمٌة‪.‬‬ ‫وأوضح أن المطار ٌتماشى مع المعاٌ​ٌر الدولٌة بضرورة وجود مطارات قرٌبة من المنتجعات السٌاحٌة وأن‬ ‫وجود مطار برنٌس ٌزٌد فرص االستثمار بها‪ ،‬فهناك عدد من المشروعات التً ألغٌت لعدم وجود مطار‬ ‫بالمنطقة‪ ،‬وأضاف المحافظ أن المشروع ٌقدم بعدا استراتٌجٌا قومٌا لتنمٌة جنوب مرسً علم‬ ‫كانت لجنة مكونة من ممثلٌن من وزارات الدفاع المدنً والطٌران والسٌاحة والتعاون الدولً وهٌئة التنمٌة‬ ‫السٌاحٌة قد توصلوا لألهمٌة الكبٌرة لوجود مطار مدنً بهذه المنطقة‪.‬‬ ‫وأن هذا المطار ٌؤتً ضمن الرإٌة القومٌة للتنمٌة الشاملة لمصر ‪ 2030‬وتحقٌق استراتٌجٌة التنمٌة‬ ‫المستدامة والمخطط اإلستراتٌجً لمحافظة البحر األحمر‪ ،‬وتشمل محاور الخطة إنشاء مجمع عمرانً كبٌر‬ ‫بالزعفرانة والغردقة وبرنٌس وأبورماد‪ ،‬حٌث تواجد جمٌع المقومات بالطرق وغٌرها‪ 4 ،‬محاور شراٌ​ٌن‬ ‫رئٌسٌة تصب بالزعفرانة‪ ،‬ورفع كفاءة خط كهرباء شالتٌن أسوان وإزدواج طرٌق مرسى‪ -‬علم الشالتٌن ‪.‬‬

‫االدارة العامة للعالقات العامة والمراسم‬ ‫الشركة القابضة لمصر للطٌران‬

‫«إٌكاو»‪ :‬مطار دبً ٌحافظ على ترتٌب ثالث أكبر مطارات العالم‬ ‫مصطفى عبد العظٌم‬

‫حافظ مطار دبً الدولً على ترتٌبه كثالث أكبر مطارات العالم ازدحاما ً فً حركة المسافرٌن خالل األشهر‬ ‫التسعة األولى من العام الجاري‪ ،‬وفقا ً للتقرٌر الشهري الصادر عن المنظمة الدولٌة للطٌران المدنً‬ ‫«إٌكاو»‪ ،‬الذي صنف طٌران اإلمارات فً المرتبة السابعة عالمٌا ً بٌن أكبر مجموعات الطٌران فً حركة‬ ‫الركاب‪.‬‬ ‫وأفادت البٌانات الشهرٌة للمنظمة‪ ،‬أن مطار دبً جاء فً المرتبة الثالثة فً حركة المسافرٌن بعد كل من‬ ‫مطار أتالنتا فً الوالٌات المتحدة‪ ،‬ومطار بكٌن ثانً أكبر مطارات العالم ازدحاماً‪ ،‬بعد أن سجل مطار دبً‬ ‫الدولً ‪ 7.2‬ملٌون مسافر خالل شهر سبتمبر‪ ،‬ما رفع إجمالً عدد المسافرٌن الذٌن استخدموا المطار خالل‬ ‫األشهر التسعة األولى من العام الجاري إلى ‪ 67.5‬ملٌون مسافر‪ ،‬بزٌادة ‪ %1.4‬عن الفترة المناظرة من‬ ‫العام السابق‪.‬‬ ‫وعلى صعٌد حركة الشحن‪ ،‬صنفت المنظمة مطار دبً كسادس أكبر مطار فً العالم فً حركة الشحن‬ ‫خالل شهر سبتمبر‪ ،‬بعد كل من مطارات هونج كونج‪ ،‬وممفٌس األمٌركً‪ ،‬وشنغهاي‪ ،‬وانكوراج األمٌركً‪،‬‬ ‫وانشٌون الكوري‪.‬‬ ‫كما صنف التقرٌر الشهري لإلٌكاو‪ ،‬طٌران اإلمارات‪ ،‬كسابع أكبر مجموعة طٌران فً العالم من ناحٌة‬ ‫حركة الركاب والتً تقاس بالعائد على الراكب لكل كٌلومتر‪ ،‬وذلك خالل سبتمبر الماضً‪ ،‬بعد أن ارتفعت‬ ‫منذ بداٌة العام بنسبة ‪ %6.8‬لتصل إلى ‪ 24.2‬ملٌار كٌلو متر مقعدي قطعها الركاب على الرحالت‬ ‫المجدولة للناقلة‪ ،‬لتبلغ حصة الشركة من حركة الركاب العالمٌة خالل شهر سبتمبر نحو ‪ ،%3.6‬ضمن‬ ‫القائمة التً تصدرتها كل من دلتا وٌوناٌتد وأمٌركان إٌرالنٌز ومجموعة لوفتهانزا وإٌرفرانس كٌه إل إم‬ ‫وشركة آي آٌه جً‪.‬‬

‫االدارة العامة للعالقات العامة والمراسم‬ ‫الشركة القابضة لمصر للطٌران‬

‫"سافر مع الشنط"‪ ..‬درجة جدٌدة تبتكرها شركة طٌران بسعر رخٌص!‬ ‫كتب‪ :‬أحمد حامد دٌاب‬

‫فً دعابة جدٌدة‪ ،‬قالت شركة طٌران سعودٌة فً إطار الدعاٌة لخطوطها الداخلٌة إنها ابتكرت درجة‬ ‫"خزانة األمتعة"‪.‬‬ ‫وذكرت الشركة‪ ،‬إنها ستوفر مقاعد بسعر رخٌص داخل خزانة األمتعة بشرط أال ٌزٌد وزن الراكب عن‬ ‫ً‬ ‫سنتٌمترا‪.‬‬ ‫‪ 90‬كٌلوجرام كحد أقصى وال ٌتعدى طولهم ‪180‬‬ ‫وأعلنت الشركة أنه سٌتم أخذ قٌاسات الوزن والطول الخاصة بكل راكب عند إنهاء اجراءات السفر‪،‬‬ ‫وحذرت أنه لن ٌتم استرجاع قٌمة التذكرة أو ترقٌة فئة السفر للمسافر الذي ٌتجاوز الحد المسموح به‬ ‫للوزن أو الطول‪.‬‬ ‫وأكدت الشركة أن هذه الدرجة ممنوعة على األطفال‪ ،‬وأكدت أٌ ً‬ ‫ضا عدم توفر دورات المٌاه على متن‬ ‫درجة خزانة األمتعة ألن مدة الرحالت قصٌرة وسٌقوم موظفً الشركة عند بوابة صعود الطائرة بتذكٌر‬ ‫المسافرٌن على متن هذه الدرجة باستخدام دورات المٌاه قبل صعود الطائرة‪.‬‬ ‫الدرجة الجدٌدة أثارت سخرٌة الكثٌرٌن وأثارت غضب البعض العتبار الشركة أن الركاب مثل األمتعة‬ ‫وابتكارها لدرجة جدٌدة بدون مراعاة سالمة الركاب لترد الشركة بمنشور لها على صفحاتها الرسمٌة عبر‬ ‫مواقع التواصل االجتماعً بؤن الفكرة كانت مجرد مزحة وذلك بعدما أعلنت عن بداٌة حجز هذه المقاعد‬ ‫فً ٌناٌر المقبل وخصصت جزء كبٌر على موقعها لشرح الفكرة وممٌزاتها التً أجملتها أن الراكب‬ ‫سٌكون أول من ٌغادر الطائرة وسٌنزل من الطائرة عند تفرٌغ منطقة الشحن من األمتعة وأول من ٌحصل‬ ‫على أمتعته بدون االنتظار عند سٌر األمتعة‪ ،‬وحرٌة الوصول إلى األمتعة باإلضافة إلى أقل األسعار على‬ ‫اإلطالق‪.‬‬ ‫وتبٌن فً نهاٌة األمر أن الحملة التً بدأتها الشركة بالفعل كانت للتروٌج لرخص أسعارها وأن الراكب ال‬ ‫ٌحتاج للركوب مع أمتعته للحصول على سعر تذكرة سفر داخلً مناسب‪.‬‬

‫االدارة العامة للعالقات العامة والمراسم‬ ‫الشركة القابضة لمصر للطٌران‬

‫السعودٌة تطلق أرخص أسعار طٌران فً العالم‪ ...‬لكن تحذٌرات قوٌة منها‬ ‫أعلنت شركة طٌران سعودٌة عن إطالقها لدرجة ركاب جدٌدة هً األولى من نوعها فً العالم‪.‬‬ ‫وتحمل الدرجة التً أطلقتها شركة "طٌران أدٌل"‪ ،‬اسم "درجة خزانة األمتعة"‪ ،‬التً تتمٌز بسعرها األقل على‬ ‫اإلطالق‪ ،‬وذكرت الشركة فً بٌان لها‪ ،‬أن الدرجة الجدٌدة ستكون متاحة ابتداء من األول من شهر ٌناٌر‪/‬كانون الثانً‬ ‫المقبل‪ ،‬ولكنها أوضحت أنها ستفتقر إلى بعض الخدمات األساسٌة‪ ،‬مثل التكٌ​ٌف والنوافذ ودورات المٌاه‪.‬‬ ‫وكمعالجة لهذه المشكلة‪ ،‬فسٌقوم منسوبو الشركة بتذكٌر المسافرٌن عند بوابة الصعود للطائرة‪ ،‬الستخدام دورات المٌاه‬ ‫قبل بداٌة الرحلة الجوٌة‪.‬‬ ‫وأضافت أنه هناك شروطا للحجز على هذه الدرجة‪ ،‬وهً أال ٌقل عمر المسافر عن ‪ 12‬عاما‪ ،‬وأن ٌتراوج وزنه بٌن‬ ‫‪ 90-45‬كٌلو غراما‪ ،‬وطوله بٌن ‪ 180-145‬سنتٌمٌترا‪ ،‬وذلك لضمان ركوب المسافر بشكل مرٌح وآمن‪.‬‬ ‫أما عن مٌزات الدرجة‪ ،‬فؤوضحت شركة "طٌران أدٌل" أن ركابها سٌكونوا أول من ٌنزلون من الطائرة‪ ،‬كما أنهم‬ ‫سٌكونوا أول من ٌحصلون على أمتعتهم‪ ،‬ولن ٌكون علٌهم االنتظار عند سٌر األمتعة الستالم حقائبهم‪ ،‬ألنهم سٌغادرون‬ ‫الطائرة مصطحبٌن أمتعتهم معهم‬ ‫و"طٌران أدٌل" هو أحدث طٌران اقتصادي فً المملكة العربٌة السعودٌة‪ ،‬وتؤسس ٌوم األحد ‪ 17‬أبرٌل‪/‬نٌسان ‪،2016‬‬ ‫لتلبٌة الطلب المتزاٌد على السفر الجوي بؤسعار اقتصادٌة فً المملكة العربٌة السعودٌة ومنطقة الشرق األوسط‪ ،‬كما ٌعتبر‬ ‫الذراع االقتصادي للخطوط السعودٌة‪ ،‬التً أطلقتها ضمن استراتٌجٌة التحول ‪ ،SV2020‬بهدف تطوٌر ورفع مستوى‬ ‫الخدمات لكافة الشركات التابعة لها الى مصاف الشركات العالمٌة‪ ،‬وذلك بحلول عام ‪2020‬‬

‫االدارة العامة للعالقات العامة والمراسم‬ ‫الشركة القابضة لمصر للطٌران‬

‫فً مثل هذا الٌوم‪ 1903 ..‬أول تجربة طٌران ناجحة‬

‫بدأ األخوان راٌت ٌعدون العدة بخطى ثابتة وبالكثٌر من التصمٌم والمثابرة لتحقٌق الغاٌة التى كانا ٌنشدان‬ ‫إلٌها وهى االرتفاع فى الهواء بجسم ذات أجنحة تكون فٌها قوة الرفع مستمدة من محرك وهى أولى‬ ‫المحاوالت التى كانت تعتمد على جسم أثقل من الهواء‪.‬‬ ‫و ترك األخوان راٌت بتجربتهما تلك ونجاحهما التى خرجت الصحف الرئٌسٌة فى الوالٌات المتحدة فى‬ ‫الٌوم التالى تزف الخبر للعالم وتركا ً‬ ‫أرثا دافئا ال ٌمكن نسٌانه من التؤرٌخ للطٌران والروعة فى النجاح‬ ‫والتؤلق ومتعة الشعور بتحقٌق حلم راود اإلنسان منذ أن فتح عٌنٌه على الطٌور والنسور والكواسر وهى‬ ‫تجوب السماوات دونما تحقٌق غاٌته‪.‬‬ ‫ورفٌل ووٌلبر راٌت هما مخترعان أمرٌكٌان ٌنسب إلٌهما معظم المإرخٌن اختراع أول طائرة والقٌام بؤول‬ ‫تجربة طٌران ناجحة عن طرٌق آلة أثقل من الهواء فى ‪ 17‬دٌسمبر ‪ 1903‬وبعد عدة سنوات من طٌرانهما‬ ‫الناجح تنبهت الحكومة األمرٌكٌة إلى أهمٌة الطٌران وإمكاناته الواسعة كما استقبل المخترعان فى فرنسا‬ ‫استقبال األبطال وكان أطول طٌران حققه أورفٌل راٌت قد استغرق ‪ 75‬دقٌقة على ارتفاع قارب المائة متر‬

‫االدارة العامة للعالقات العامة والمراسم‬ ‫الشركة القابضة لمصر للطٌران‬

‫االدارة العامة للعالقات العامة والمراسم‬ ‫الشركة القابضة لمصر للطٌران‬

Russian delegation to file report on Hurghada Airport The Russian security delegation returns to Russia on Sunday after it finished its security inspection measures at the Red Sea’s Hurghada International Airport and will file its report to Russian President Vladimir Putin on the security conditions at the airport. The delegation, which includes experts in the fields of security, transportation and aviation, started the inspection measures on December 8. They checked the recent security procedures for the travel lounge, arrival terminals, passengers, travel bags and airplanes. The security devices used at Egyptian airports, in Hurghada, are the latest in the world of airports, according to the delegation of experts. According to officials at the Egyptian Airports Company, the government has started using 14 biometric fingerprint devices to control the airport‘s old and new buildings, the travel lounge, arrival terminals, and entry and exit doors. Egypt‘s Ministry of Civil Aviation said that the delegation has confirmed the security measures at the Egyptian airports are no less than those applied at Russian and European airports. The delegation said that they would file a detailed report on the latest developments in the Egyptian airports‘ security after their return to Moscow, stressing that their reports are indicative, but the decision on whether to resume direct flights between Russian cities and tourist resorts in Egypt is up to the Russian political leadership, sources added. Russia and Egypt have been negotiating the resumption of flights for months. Russia suspended flights with Cairo in October 2015 when a Russian passenger plane was downed over the Sinai peninsula after taking off from the popular tourist resort Sharm el-Sheikh, killing all 224 people on board. Russia‘s largest airliner, Aeroflot, resumed flights to Cairo in April following the flight suspension that had been in place since late 2015. In January 2018, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a presidential decree to resume flights between Cairo and Moscow, and both countries have signed a joint civil aviation cooperation protocol.

‫االدارة العامة للعالقات العامة والمراسم‬ ‫الشركة القابضة لمصر للطٌران‬

Oneworld prepared for Qatar Airways to leave but it is not giving up on trying to convince them to stay put

Despite the fissures in the global pact, CEO of the alliance Rob Gurney said in an exclusive interview with the Post that the group was ploughing on with its biggest expansion of member airlines in several years. Qatar Airways remained a member of the airline club as of the conclusion of the biannual Oneworld board meeting in New York last week, having not yet carried out its threat to quit, according to multiple sources who were present. The Gulf airline confirmed this was the case, in spite of its CEO Akbar Al Baker skipping the gathering entirely. Gurney praised the Gulf carrier as a ―terrific airline‖ but he made an impassioned plea for its member to stay. ―We think the alliance adds a lot of value to them. They add a lot of value to the alliance. We don‘t want them to leave, but at the end of the day, this has got to work for them; it has got to work for everybody,‖ he said. The Doha-based carrier previously gave a deadline of Christmas before it would make good on its promise to leave. Alliance insiders, however, expected formal notice to be given at the New York board meeting.

‫االدارة العامة للعالقات العامة والمراسم‬ ‫الشركة القابضة لمصر للطٌران‬


Asked whether he could keep the alliance together, Gurney responded: ―If they feel that there are elements that are not working so well for them, they have to make their own decision … And we‘re not saying, they make up their mind to go. We want them to stay.‖ Oneworld is the most recognised of the airline alliances in Hong Kong, with Cathay Pacific Airways one of its founding members. Rivals include Star Alliance and Skyteam, who have Singapore Airlines and Delta Air Lines as its top carriers respectively. African airline Royal Air Maroc last week said it would join the alliance as a core member, with China Southern Airlines poised to be the next to join. ―I don‘t think we are in an enormous growth spurt but there are enough candidates and prospects up there for us,‖ Gurney said, speaking of the alliance‘s biggest expansion push for several years. Another Oneworld initiative to add regional carriers to its portfolio so that member airlines‘ fliers can fly further also took off last week. Fiji Airways started cooperating with selected core alliance members, including Cathay Pacific. Alaska Airlines recently expressed interest in joining the same programme. ―As a general principle we don‘t talk about membership candidates but we have a very solid pipeline of candidates,‖ Gurney said. ―As that programme matures, we would expect to have six to eight airlines in it over time.‖

‫االدارة العامة للعالقات العامة والمراسم‬ ‫الشركة القابضة لمصر للطٌران‬


Oneworld member carriers engage in a basic form of cooperation as part of the alliance‘s rules and requirements. This includes recognising fellow airline‘s frequent fliers, offering the same benefits, such as lounge access and other types of services and customer support. If Qatar Airways does eventually leave, frequent travellers of fellow member airlines may lose out on the perks. ―We have had experiences of airlines leaving the alliance … we have a well-established process of how we handle these situations. We wait for them to occur but we can initiate them very quickly and the biggest focus is to make sure the customer is protected,‖ Gurney said of the impact on customers and minimising disruption.

‫االدارة العامة للعالقات العامة والمراسم‬ ‫الشركة القابضة لمصر للطٌران‬


Oneworld has tried to play diplomat with Qatar Airways and the other member airlines over the issues the Gulf carrier sees but the alliance may get punished for the issues which were outside its control, specific airline to airline, country to country issues. ―Ever since Oneworld was created, there have been issues of friction between individual pairings of members,‖ an industry source said, explaining that each knew they would inevitably compete against one another, citing how Cathay fended off Qantas launching a budget airline. However, it was up to airlines to pursue deeper cooperation where it made business or strategic sense, which went beyond the Oneworld membership. Some airlines did and some did not, but this is what the crux of the issue was for Qatar, the opportunity for cooperation but rather a lack of it, the source said. Qatar Airways owns a 9.99 per cent stake in Cathay Pacific. The Doha-based carrier has a fleet of 225 aircraft with more than 200 planes on order. It flies to 156 passenger destinations worldwide.

‫االدارة العامة للعالقات العامة والمراسم‬ ‫الشركة القابضة لمصر للطٌران‬

Cautious optimism extends into 2019 for air travel

The International Air Transport Association (IATA) forecasts the global airline industry net profit to be $35.5 billion in 2019, slightly ahead of the $32.3 billion expected net profit in 2018 (revised down from $33.8 billion forecast in June). Highlights of expected 2019 performance include: The return on invested capital is expected to be 8.6% (unchanged from 2018) The margin on net post-tax profits is expected be 4.0% (basically unchanged from 3.9% in 2018) Overall industry revenues are expected to reach $885 billion (+7.7% on $821 billion in 2018) Passenger numbers are expected to reach 4.59 billion (up from 4.34 billion in 2018) Cargo tonnes carried are expected to reach 65.9 million (up from 63.7 million in 2018) Slower demand growth for both passenger traffic (+6.0% in 2019, +6.5% in 2018) and cargo (+3.7% in 2019, +4.1% in 2018) Average net profit per departing passenger of $7.75 ($7.45 in 2018)

‫االدارة العامة للعالقات العامة والمراسم‬ ‫الشركة القابضة لمصر للطٌران‬

2 Lower oil prices and solid, albeit slower, economic growth (+3.1%) are extending the run of profits for the global airline industry, after profitability was squeezed by rising costs in 2018. It is expected that 2019 will be the tenth year of profit and the fifth consecutive year where airlines deliver a return on capital that exceeds the industry‘s cost of capital, creating value for its investors.

―We had expected that rising costs would weaken profitability in 2019. But the sharp fall in oil prices and solid GDP growth projections have provided a buffer. So we are cautiously optimistic that the run of solid value creation for investors will continue for at least another year. But there are downside risks as the economic and political environments remain volatile,‖ said Alexandre de Juniac, IATA‘s Director General and CEO. Performance Drivers in 2019 Economic Growth: GDP is forecast to expand by 3.1% in 2019 (marginally below the 3.2% expansion in 2018). This slower but still robust growth is a main driver of continued solid profitability. There are significant downside risks to growth from trade wars and political uncertainties such as with BREXIT, but the consensus view is that these factors will not offset the positive impetus from expansionary fiscal policy and growing business investment in major economies. Fuel Costs: The 2019 industry outlook is based on an anticipated average oil price of $65/barrel (Brent) which is lower than the $73/barrel (Brent) experienced in 2018, following the increase in US oil output and rising oil inventories. This is welcome relief for airlines which have seen jet fuel prices fall, albeit at a slower pace owing to the impact of low-sulfur environmental measures undertaken by the marine sector that have increased demand for diesel (which competes with jet fuel for refinery capacity). Nonetheless, jet fuel prices are expected to average $81.3/barrel in 2019, lower than the $87.6/barrel average for 2018). The full impact of this decline will be delayed due to heavy levels of hedging in some regions. Fuel is expected to account for 24.2% of the average airline‘s operating costs (an increase from 23.5% forecast for 2018).

‫االدارة العامة للعالقات العامة والمراسم‬ ‫الشركة القابضة لمصر للطٌران‬

3 Labor: Total employment by airlines is expected to reach 2.9 million in 2019, up 2.2% on 2018. Wages are also rising, reflecting the tightness of labor markets, and it is expected that unit labor costs will increase by 2.1% in 2019 after a long period of stability. Aviation jobs are getting more productive. In 2019 we expect productivity to increase by 2.9% to 535,000 available tonne kilometers/employee. Passenger: Passenger traffic (RPKs) is expected to grow 6% in 2019, which will outpace the forecast capacity (ASKs) increase of 5.8%, and remains above the 20-year trend growth rate. This in turn will increase load factors and support a 1.4% increase in yields (partially clawing back the 0.9% fall experienced in 2018). Passenger revenues, excluding ancillaries, are expected to reach $606 billion (up from $564 billion in 2018). Regional Outlook All regions, except Africa, are expected to report profits in 2018 and 2019. Carriers in North America continue to lead on financial performance, accounting for nearly half of the industry‘s total profits. Financial performance is expected to improve compared to 2018 in all regions except for Europe, where improvement has been delayed by the high degree of fuel hedging. North American carriers are expected to deliver the strongest financial performance in 2019 with a $16.6 billion net profit (up from $14.7 billion in 2018). That is a 6.0% net margin and represents a net profit of $16.77 per passenger, which is a marked improvement from just six years earlier. Net margin is up from 2018 (5.7%) as low levels of fuel hedging allows lower prices to impact immediately. Profits are further buffered by high load factors and ancillary revenues. European carriers are expected to report a $7.4 billion net profit in 2019 (down slightly from $7.5 billion in 2018). The expected net profit per passenger of $6.40 (3.4% net margin) is roughly a third the net profit per passenger expected to be generated by North American carriers. Intense competition is keeping yields low and regulatory costs are high. The region has recovered from the terrorist attacks of 2016. But in 2018 it suffered additional costs of $2 billion due to a 61% increase in delay minutes caused by air traffic control deficiencies. Looking to 2019, high levels of hedging in the region will mean that the positive impact of lower oil prices will be delayed.

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4 Asia-Pacific carriers are expected to report a $10.4 billion net profit in 2019 (up from $9.6 billion in 2018). The expected net profit per passenger is expected to be $6.15 (3.8% net margin). This is a region of diverse markets, some of which are seeing strong growth from new LCC entrants while others are very dependent on outbound cargo from key manufacturing centers. Cargo revenue growth has slowed from the strong performance of 2017 but remains positive for airlines in the region. Lower fuel costs, low levels of fuel hedging and strong regional economic growth are supporting profitability in 2019 in this region. Middle Eastern carriers are expected to report an $800 million net profit in 2019 (up from a weaker $600 million in 2018). The expected net profit per passenger is $3.33 (1.2% net margin). The region has been challenged by the earlier impact of low oil revenues, conflict, competition from other ‗superconnectors‘ and setbacks to particular business models, leading to a sharp slowdown in capacity growth (after more than a decade of double-digit growth, passenger capacity growth was halved to 6.7% in 2017). The region reported 4.7% capacity growth in 2018 and is expected to slow to 4.1% in 2019, which together with restructuring is helping to generate a recovery.Latin American carriers are expected to report a $700 million net profit in 2019 (up from $400 million in 2018). The expected net profit per passenger is $2.14 (1.6% net margin). Economic conditions in local markets are only recovering slowly, as Brazil‘s economy emerges from recession, but Argentina faces renewed difficulties. The strength of the US dollar has added to airlines‘ challenges in the region by raising the local currency cost of key US$-denominated inputs such as oil and aircraft, but significant restructuring and joint ventures are improving performance. African carriers are expected to report a $300 million net loss in 2019 (slightly improved from the $400 million net loss in 2018). The expected net loss per passenger is $3.51 (-2.1% net margin). This makes Africa the weakest region, as it has been over the past four years. Performance is improving, but only slowly. Losses are expected to be cut in 2019 as fuel prices decrease. The region benefits from higher-than-average yields and lower operating costs in some categories. However, few airlines in the region are able to achieve adequate load factors to generate profits.

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Air Transport's Economic Contribution Some key indicators of the benefits from increasing global connectivity include: The 2019 average return airfare (before surcharges and tax) is expected to be $324 (2018 dollars), which is 61% below 1998 levels after adjusting for inflation. Average air freight rates in 2019 are expected to be $1.86/kg (2018 dollars) which is a 62% fall on 1998 levels. The number of unique city pairs served by airlines is forecast to grow to 21,332 in 2018 (up by 1,300 from 20,032 in 2017), and more than double 1998 levels. The global spend by consumers and businesses on air transport is expected to reach $919 billion in 2019, up 7.6% on 2018 and equivalent to 1.0% of global GDP. Airlines are expected to contribute $136 billion to government coffers in tax revenues in 2019 (a 5.8% increase over 2018).

―Air travel has never been such a good deal for consumers. Not only are fares staying low, the options for travelers are expanding. Some 1,300 new direct links between cities were opened in 2018. And 250 million more journeys by air occurred in 2018 than in 2017,‖ said de Juniac.

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6 IATA, Deloitte Develop Guidance for Successful Airport Concessions Recognizing the Strategic National Importance of Airports IATA and Deloitte have published guidance materials for governments considering a concession based privatization for airport infrastructure. Balanced Concessions for the Airport Industry builds on industry best practice and the results of research into the effectiveness of concession contracts from the perspective of a range of stakeholders. The guidance document provides a framework for new ways of developing and delivering airport concession contracts based on a wider stakeholder perspective than currently typically used. The new ―Balanced Concession‖ model aims to identify similar and aligned interests to target a ―virtuous cycle‖ in airport concessions which benefits the aviation industry, mitigating risk and delivering innovation, better public value, and an improved consumer experience. The aim of Balanced Concessions for the Airport Industry is to help governments make better-informed decisions using best-practices gleaned from decades of experience with the good, the bad and the ugly of airport concessions.

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Deutsche Lufthansa AG (FRA:LHA) Earns A Nice Return On Capital Employed Today we’ll evaluate Deutsche Lufthansa AG (FRA:LHA) to determine whether it could have potential as an investment idea. Specifically, we’re going to calculate its Return On Capital Employed (ROCE), in the hopes of getting some insight into the business. Firstly, we‘ll go over how we calculate ROCE. Next, we‘ll compare it to others in its industry. And finally, we‘ll look at how its current liabilities are impacting its ROCE. Return On Capital Employed (ROCE): What is it? ROCE measures the ‗return‘ (pre-tax profit) a company generates from capital employed in its business. Generally speaking a higher ROCE is better. In brief, ROCE is a useful tool, but it is not without drawbacks. Renowned investment researcher Michael Mauboussin has suggested that a high ROCE can indicate that ‗one dollar invested in the company generates value of more than one dollar‘. So, How Do We Calculate ROCE? Analysts use this formula to calculate return on capital employed: Return on Capital Employed = Earnings Before Interest and Tax (EBIT) ’ (Total Assets – Current Liabilities) Or for Deutsche Lufthansa: 0.15 = €3.7b ’ (€39b – €16b) (Based on the trailing twelve months to September 2018.) Therefore, Deutsche Lufthansa has an ROCE of 15%.

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2 Does Deutsche Lufthansa Have A Good ROCE? ROCE is commonly used for comparing the performance of similar businesses. It appears that Deutsche Lufthansa‘s ROCE is fairly close to the Airlines industry average of 15%. Separate from Deutsche Lufthansa‘s performance relative to its industry, its ROCE in absolute terms looks satisfactory, and it may be worth researching in more depth. As we can see, Deutsche Lufthansa currently has an ROCE of 15% compared to its ROCE 3 years ago, which was 8.6%. This makes us think the business might be improving.

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3 When considering ROCE, bear in mind that it reflects the past and does not necessarily predict the future. Companies in cyclical industries can be difficult to understand using ROCE, as returns typically look high during boom times, and low during busts. This is because ROCE only looks at one year, instead of considering returns across a whole cycle. You can see analyst predictions in our free report on analyst forecasts for the company. How Deutsche Lufthansa’s Current Liabilities Impact Its ROCE Current liabilities include invoices, such as supplier payments, short-term debt, or a tax bill, that need to be paid within 12 months. Due to the way the ROCE equation works, having large bills due in the near term can make it look as though a company has less capital employed, and thus a higher ROCE than usual. To check the impact of this, we calculate if a company has high current liabilities relative to its total assets. Deutsche Lufthansa has total liabilities of €16b and total assets of €39b. As a result, its current liabilities are equal to approximately 41% of its total assets. Deutsche Lufthansa has a medium level of current liabilities, which would boost the ROCE. What We Can Learn From Deutsche Lufthansa’s ROCE While its ROCE looks good, it‘s worth remembering that the current liabilities are making the business look better. But note: Deutsche Lufthansa may not be the best stock to buy. So take a peek at this free list of interesting companies with strong recent earnings growth (and a P/E ratio below 20). If you would prefer check out another company — one with potentially superior financials — then do not miss this free list of interesting companies, that have HIGH return on equity and low debt.

To help readers see past the short term volatility of the financial market, we aim to bring you a long-term focused research analysis purely driven by fundamental data. Note that our analysis does not factor in the latest price-sensitive company announcements.

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Is Deutsche Lufthansa AG (DB:LHA)’s Sales Growth of 3.428% A Positive Sign For Investors? Deutsche Lufthansa AG (DB:LHA) of the Travel & Leisure sector might have recently popped up on investor‘s radars as the 10398897 market cap company based out of Germany recently closed at 19.375. The stock has seen year over year sales growth of 3.428% giving it a traded value of $328. Traders using technical analysis typically believe that all the needed information to trade a specific stock can be spotted in the charts. These traders are generally taking a shorter-term view when studying the market. Technical analysts are usually striving to spot the directional trend of a stock. Trends may be noted as upward, downward, or sideways. Many technicians will rely heavily on support and resistance levels in order to make informed decisions when buying and selling equities. These traders are also closely watching volume levels to help gauge activity. Traders are constantly searching for patterns in the charts. There are many different identifiable patterns that traders can look for. Some of these include head and shoulders, triangles, and double tops/bottoms. So how has Deutsche Lufthansa AG (DB:LHA) performed in terms of returns? The ROIC quality score stands at 10.246457 whilet he actual return on invested capital holds at 0.141933. Deutsche Lufthansa AG‘s book to market ratio is at 1.231644 while the book to market mean difference is 0.18539. This indicator tells you how a company is currently valued in terms of Book to Market compared to its average Book to Market over the past 10 years. It‘s important to note that BM is the inverse of the Price to book ratio. Thus a high BM ratio means a company is undervalued.

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2 In glancing at some key ratios we note that the Piotroski F-Score is at 6 (1 to 10 scale) and the ERP5 rank is at 1576. The Q.I. Value of Deutsche Lufthansa AG (DB:LHA) currently reads 3 on the Quant scale. The Free Cash Flow score of 0.281359 is also swinging some momentum at investors. The Germany based firm is currently valued at 328. Some other notable ratios include the Accrual Ratio of -0.046372, the Altman Z score of 1.658534, a Montier C-Score of 2 and a Value Composite rank of 2. Debt In looking at some Debt ratios, Deutsche Lufthansa AG (DB:LHA) currently has a debt to equity ratio of 0.57593 and a Free Cash Flow to Debt ratio of 0.08207. This ratio gives insight as to how high the firm‘s total debt is compared to its free cash flow generated. In terms of Net Debt to EBIT, that ratio stands at 0.69327. This ratio reveals how easily a firm is able to pay interest and capital on its net outstanding debt. The lower the ratio the better as that indicates that the company is able to meet its interest and capital payments. Lastly we‘ll take note of the Net Debt to Market Value ratio. Deutsche Lufthansa AG‘s ND to MV current stands at 0.266096. This ratio is calculated as follows: Net debt (Total debt minus Cash ) / Market value of the company. Many new investors may be frantically researching the best way to study the stock market. It is hard to say with any certainty which approach will work out the best. Traders may tend to gravitate towards studying the technical, while longer-term investors may be more likely to use fundamental analysis. Of course, many individuals will opt to use a combination of both. Determining the individual risk tolerance and time horizon can play a big part in deciding which way to tackle the market. Short-term trading can be highly risky and may not be suitable for certain individuals. Long-term investing may be the favored way to get into the stock market, but this may vary from person to person. Investment strategies can range from super simple to ultra complex. The one thing that most stock market followers would agree on is that there is rarely any substitution for hard work, dedication, and putting in the required hours of study.

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Delta forecasts higher profits, revenue in 2019. Here's what's ahead for investor day Delta Air Lines on Thursday said it expects its profits to grow in 2019 thanks to higher revenue and a decline in fuel prices that ate into the sector's bottom line this year. Delta estimated its per-share earnings next year will range from $6 to $7, in line with analyst estimates compiled by Refinitiv, and about 20 percent higher than the estimated full-year profit analysts expect for this year. It projects revenue growth of 4 to 6 percent, in line with expectations, and a 3 percent rise in capacity. The airline's executives will outline to investors on Thursday just how the most profitable U.S. airline plans to increase its bottom line as the sector has lagged the broader market for most of the year. Delta shares are up less than 1 percent since the start of the year. The shares were down 2.2 percent in late-morning trading. The Atlanta-based carrier's webcast investor day presentations begin at 8:30 a.m. ET. Here are some things to watch: Fares and routes Delta executives in October said important corporate and premium-class bookings were strong. But investors will be curious about what they look like moving forward as well as how prepared the airline is should demand soften, which could come with lower airfares to match.

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2 They will also be closely watching where and how many flights Delta is adding. Too much additional flying could lead to weaker fares in order to keep planes full. Delta last week said it expects revenue per available seat mile, a key industry gauge of how much money the airline is bringing in for every seat it flies a mile, to be up 3.5 percent in the fourth quarter from a year earlier, at the lower end of the forecast the airline gave in October. Fuel and refinery Delta executives are expected to discuss how they're digesting higher fuel costs and when and whether a recent slump in energy prices will improve the Atlanta-based carrier's bottom line. A jump in fuel costs has eaten into the bottom lines at all airlines this year. However, strong revenue has helped Delta cover about 90 percent of the rise in fuel expenses, the airline said in a presentation it will detail during its webcast. Delta expects Brent oil prices of $65 to $70 next year, "if it fell from there it would be upside to us but the reality is we're cautious on the outlook," CEO Ed Bastian told CNBC's "Squawk Box" ahead of the airline's presentation. The decline in fuel prices is welcome news for airlines because it's generally their second-biggest expense after labor. But investors often fret that it will encourage airlines to add more flights, and low airfares to match, to keep planes full. Executives will also likely discuss plans for Delta's Monroe Energy oil refinery subsidiary. In September, Delta said it was working with banks to possibly create a joint venture for its Trainer, Pennsylvania, facility, to produce gasoline and diesel, in addition to jet fuel. Cabin class updates Delta and its rivals have divided up their economy cabins into smaller and smaller subclasses, from bare-bones basic economy that comes with few perks, to premium economy, its top-end economy tickets that come with a roomier seat, amenities kit and better dining options. Delta executives will likely provide insight into the upsell rates and how quickly the carrier's cabins are being outfitted with its new seats.

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3 International plans Delta has struck a slew of joint ventures and other partnerships in nearly every corner of the globe. Executives are likely to outline the state of these, and investors may be interested in how the pacts in effect are performing, particularly with airlines that have struggled like Aeromexico, in which Delta owns a 49 percent stake. Credit card cash cow Delta's partnership with American Express on a suite of co-branded cards has been a cash cow for the airline. Carriers make money by selling frequent flyer miles to banks that issue cards. Investors will be interested in the growth forecast for this partnership, which had come in handy as costs grew.

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The most eco-friendly airlines, according to Atmosfair

We all know that flying isn't great for the environment, but some airlines are better than others at keeping their carbon footprint as minimal as possible. But which is the most CO2 efficient? Environmental group atomsfair says its 2018 Airline Index has the answer. The German organization has ranked the carbon emissions of global airlines per kilometer and per passenger, calculated by examining the types of aircraft the carrier favors, seat and freight capacity and occupancy on the flight -- plus what kind of engines and winglets are used. Ranking highest are airlines that squeeze as many passengers as possible into aircraft and those that favor up-to-date airplanes that use less fuel, chiefly the Boeing 787-9, Airbus A350-900 and the A320neo First on the list is British carrier TUI Airways, with a 79.3 efficiency rating. Atmosfair says TUI's near-maximum seating capacities helped propel it to the top. At number two in the overall ranking is Chilean Brazilian carrier LATAM, which is known for using efficient aircraft. Third place goes to China West Air, a regional Chinese airline that serves only short and medium distance routes, but with dense seating and high occupancy levels. Atmosfair says the objective of the report, compiled using data from bodies such as the International Civil Aviation Organization and the International Air Transport Association, is "to make climate efficiency a factor of competition among the airlines."

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2 This effort is applauded by Niclas Svenningsen, Global Climate Action Manager at United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). "I think it's a good idea to do that report because it creates awareness among the airlines," he tells CNN Travel. For Svenningsen, there are two key factors airlines need to consider if they're trying to reduce their carbon footprint. "One thing is the technologies -- the equipment they are using, both on the ground and in the air," he says. "The other thing they can do is to see how they actually operate their aircraft," he adds, highlighting flight patterns and seat occupancy. Atmosfair did not include low-cost carriers in the overall ranking -- because those airlines often benefit from subsidies, allowing them to operate with low ticket prices, so they tend to be fuller. "Low cost airlines do not have a problem in jam packing the aircraft, so of course per passenger that lowers the climate footprint from the aircraft," agrees Svenningsen. He adds that these airlines tend not to have business class options, allowing them to be more economical in terms of space.

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3 The airlines that made atmosfair's overall top 10 are largely smaller carriers which aren't exactly household names. Svenningsen says it's down to their high capacity seating and policies of renewing aircraft every two or three years. Many of the world's big name airlines fared badly on Atmosfair's round-up. Singapore Airlines, recently ranked the world's best in 2019 by, and the carrier behind the world's longest passenger flight, came in at just 67. Virgin Atlantic was at 83 while Emirates ranked 108. Virgin took issue with the the report saying it wasn't based on actual emissions data and made assumptions about an airline's efficiency based on aircraft type. "We are committed to reducing our carbon emissions, and have invested in a massive renewal program to replace our entire fleet over a 10 year period," it said in a statement. Svenningsen says that while such a report "can always slice and dice statistics in so many different ways" it still creates awareness for passengers and companies. He also points to the Carbon Offsetting Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA), which puts a price on emissions. Faring better on atmosfair's list was Air New Zealand at number 13. Among US carriers, Alaska Airlines was crowned the most efficient, at number 22. The report also found that just one in 10 airlines succeeded in keeping their greenhouse gas emissions constant while also growing economically. Thai Airways and American Airlines were among those named as consistent. Practical advice Svenningsen advises passengers concerned about environmental impact to think before they fly. "Today we're flying ridiculous short distances," he says. "There are very good alternatives -- in terms of train for example -- for short distances and that's something one should consider."

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4 For the trips when only an airplane will suffice, Svenningsen advises passengers to attempt to mitigate their carbon footprint. "You can to make your travel climate neutral by offsetting it -- by compensating for it," he says. "You may not be able to avoid flying, you may not be able to go on the most low carbon airline that is available, but you can always offset that." Certain airlines are starting to offer that compensation when you buy the tickets -including Qantas and Air New Zealand. Or there are other options. "UFCCC has an online shop for compensation, you just go in and you calculate the climate footprint of your travel and you purchase certified emission reduction from that immediately," explains Svenningsen. He says travelers should educate themselves and be as aware as possible of their impact. "The thing I would not recommend is to ignore it, because all travel has a footprint today, unfortunately," he says.

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