اٌخغٛط اٌج٠ٛخ اٌعشال١خ رزعشض اٌ ٝخغبئش ِبٌ١خ فبددخ لبي وبظُ اٌغبعذ ٞسئ١ظ ٌجٕخ اٌخذِبد ف ٟاٌجشٌّبْ اٌعشال ،ٟإْ ششوخ اٌخغٛط اٌج٠ٛخ "رىجذد خغبئش ِبٌ١خ فبددخ ،ثغجت إ٠مبف سدالرٙب إٌ ٝأٚسٚثب ٔز١جخ ٌعذَ اٌزضاِٙب ثّذذداد اٌغالِخ اٌذ١ٌٚخ". ٚأضبف اٌغبعذ ٞاِظ اٌجّعخ أْ "١ٍِ 1.5بس دٚالس خصصذ ٌششاء عبئشاد جذ٠ذح ٌض٠بدح أعغٛي اٌششوخ خالي ٚال٠خ اٌذىِٛخ اٌغبثمخ"ِ ،ش١شا إٌ ٝأْ "عذدا ِٓ اٌغبئشاد اٌذذ٠ثخ ٚصٍذ اٌعشاق ٚدخٍذ اٌخذِخٌ ،ىٓ عٛء اإلداسح جعٍٙب ِّٕٛعخ ِٓ اٌزذٍ١ك ف ٟاألجٛاء األٚسٚث١خ"، ٚفمب ٌزعج١شٖ. ٚأٚضخ أْ "اِىبٔبد اٌششوخ ِٓ عبئشاد ١ِّٚضاد أخشِ ٜثً اٌذصٛي عٍٚ ٝلٛد ِذعِٓ َٛ اٌذٌٚخ ،إٌ ٝجبٔت إعفبء اٌغبئشاد ِٓ دفع إ٠جبس األسض١بد ،وبْ ِٓ اٌّفزشض أْ ٠جٍعٙب ششوخ ساثذخٌ ،ىٕٙب اٌ َٛ١رزىجذ خغبئش ِبٌ١خ فبددخ ثغجت عٛء اإلداسح". ٚربثع اٌّغؤٚي "ٕ٘بن رفض١ال ٌششوبد ٔبلٍخ أخش ٜرعًّ داخً اٌعشاق٘ٚ ،زا االجشاء ٠خبٌف اٌمبٔ ْٛاٌعشالِ ،"ٟض١فب أْ "اٌجشٌّبْ ع١غزجٛة ٚص٠ش إٌمً ثبلش اٌضث١ذ ،ٞثذا٠خ اٌفصً اٌزشش٠ع ،ٟثغجت رشاجع أداء ششوخ اٌخغٛط اٌج٠ٛخ". ٚأعٍٓ االرذبد األٚسث ٟف ٟوبٔ ْٛأٚي/د٠غّجش ،2015ف ٟث١بْ سعّٔ ٟشش عٍِٛ ٝلعٗ اٌشعّ،ٟ إدساج اٌخغٛط اٌعشال١خ ضّٓ لبئّخ ِٕع رغ١١ش سدالد ج٠ٛخ إٌ ٝأٚسٚثبِ ،جٕ١ب أْ اٌمشاس جبء ٌعذَ اٌزضاَ اٌعشاق ثزٕف١ز ششٚط اٌغالِخ اٌّعزّذح ٌذ ٜاالرذبد.
ّ٠ٚزٍه اٌعشاق أعغٛال دذ٠ثب ِٓ عبئشاد ٔمً اٌّغبفش٠ ،ٓ٠زى 28 ِٓ ْٛعبئشح ِٓ عشاص "ثٕ٠ٛغ" األِ١شو١خ"ٚ ،ثِٛجبسد "ٚاٌىٕذ٠خ ،اعزٛسد٘ب دذ٠ثب ضّٓ عمٛد أثشِٙب خالي األعٛاَ اٌّبض١خ ،ضّٓ خغخ العبدح رٕش١ظ إٌبلً اٌٛعٕ.ٟ االرذبد ٌٍغ١شاْ رغ١ش سدالد ِشزشوخ ِع ا٠ش ثشٌ ٓ١ثعذ ِبسط اٌمبدَ
لبٌذ ششوخ االرذبد ٌٍغ١شاْ إْ اٌمشاس اٌز ٞأصذسرٗ ِذىّخ أٌّبٔ١خ أٚي أِظ اٌخّ١ظ ٠عٕ ٟأْ ِٓ اٌّزٛلع دصٌٙٛب عٍ ٝاٌّٛافمخ عٍٝ رغ١١ش سدالد اٌشِض اٌّشزشن ِع ا٠ش ثشٌ ٓ١ف ٟاٌّغزمجً. ٚوبٔذ ِذىّخ اعزئٕبف ف ٟأٌّبٔ١ب لضذ أِظ اٌخّ١ظ ثبٌغّبح ٌالرذبد ٌٍغ١شاْ ثبالعزّشاس ف ٟرغ١١ش ِٓ 26ث 31 ٓ١سدٍخ ِشبسوخ ف ٟاٌشِض ِع ا٠ش ثشٌ ٓ١ف ٟجذٚي اٌشدالد اٌشز٠ٛخ اٌزٞ ٕ٠ز ٟٙفِ ٟبسط آراس ِغزٕذح إٌ ٝاالرفبل١خ اٌثٕبئ١خ اٌز ٟجشٜ اٌزٛصً إٌٙ١ب ث ٓ١أٌّبٔ١ب ٚاإلِبساد اٌعشث١خ اٌّزذذح ف ٟعبَ .2000 ٚلبٌذ االرذبد ٌٍغ١شاْ ف ٟث١بْ أِظ اٌجّعخ "رفغ١ش اٌّذىّخ الرفبل١خ اٌخذِبد اٌج٠ٛخ ث ٓ١اإلِبساد اٌعشث١خ اٌّزذذح ٚأٌّبٔ١ب ٠عٕٟ أ٠ضب أْ االرذبد ٌٍغ١شاْ عزغزغ١ع االعزّشاس ف ٟرغ١١ش جّ١ع ٘زٖ اٌشدالد اٌخبصخ ثبٌشِض اٌّشزشن ثعذ جذٚي اٌشزبء ".ثذغت س٠ٚزشص The second daily Emirates A380 service to Perth will commence on 1 August Emirates will commence a second daily A380 service from Dubai to Perth on 1 August 2016, replacing the current 777-300ER aircraft operating on EK424/EK425. The second daily A380 service to Perth follows Emirates’ recent announcement that its A380 aircraft will serve more destinations in 2016. For East-bound destinations, this includes a new two-class A380 service to Kuala Lumpur which launched on 1 January, and a two-class A380 service on the Taipei route starting 1 May 2016. Other A380 destinations on the airline’s Far East and Australasia network are: Auckland, Bangkok, Beijing, Hong Kong, Melbourne, Seoul, Singapore, Shanghai, Sydney and Brisbane. Emirates was the first airline to begin A380 services to the West Australian capital in May 2015 with the aircraft introduced on EK420/EK421. With the up-gauge of the second service to an A380, Emirates will be able to transport over 14,000 passengers inbound and outbound between Dubai and Perth per week. Australia is the third largest A380 destination for Emirates globally, and from August, seven of the airline’s 11 daily flights between Dubai and Australia will be serviced by an A380. This includes an additional daily A380 service from Melbourne starting in March 2016, when EK404/405 service begins using the aircraft. Emirates currently offers a double daily A380 service from Sydney, as well as daily A380 services from Melbourne, Brisbane and Perth. Through its partnership with Qantas, Emirates passengers are also able to travel to an additional 55 Australian destinations and above 4,000 flights per week. Frequent flyers with both airlines are able to earn and redeem points/miles on both Emirates’ and Qantas’ flights and take advantage of the expanded network. Qantas and Emirates fly 13 times a day from Dubai to Australia, and provide 'one-stop' access to Australia from destinations across Europe, the Middle East and North Africa. The Emirates' A380 operating as EK424/EK425 is a wide-bodied double decker aircraft with a capacity of 519 passengers including 14 First Class Private Suites, 76 lie-flat beds in Business Class and 429 spacious seats in Economy Class. Source: Emirates Saudia records hike in number of guests carried and flights operated in December 2015 Saudia Airlines ended 2015 by achieving a rise in the number of its guests and operated flights in December 2015, according to figures released by the airline’s operation center. Saudia figures highlight that the airline operated 16,559 scheduled and additional domestic and international flights in December with a daily average of 530 flights, which 5% more than December 2014 average. Saudia figures also indicate that the airline’s punctuality reached 85.23%. The share of scheduled domestic flights operated during December 2015 reached 65.24% of the total scheduled flights; registering 10,333 flights with a punctuality rate of 86.2%; whereas the total international scheduled flights reached 5,506 flights with punctuality rate of 85.2%. 2,471,643 guests were transported on all domestic and international flights during December 2015, recording a growth of 9% when compared to December 2014 figures. The number of guests on domestic flights reached 1,374,054, which is 55.6% of the total traffic carried by Saudia; whereas international traffic reached 1,097,589. The year 2016 will witness increases in the number of flights and seat capacity on domestic and international sectors with the arrival of new aircraft, following the recent deal for Saudia to acquire 50 A320 and A330 aircraft, in addition to B777 and B787 aircraft. Saudia will be receiving 29 new aircraft in 2016, which will be added to its current fleet that includes 122 aircraft. German court permits most Etihad/airberlin codeshare flights Airberlin has won a court appeal over codesharing rights with Etihad Airways, reversing an earlier judgment and allowing the two carriers to continue operating 26 out of 31 codeshare flights for the full winter schedule. Together with the other 50 approved Etihad-airberlin codeshares, 76 of the 81 are now approved. The other five codeshares are on German domestic routes. The Higher Administrative Court said in a statement it is ordering the German Aviation Authority to approve and allow the disputed codeshare routes. The court’s interpretation of the United Arab Emirates (UAE)Germany air services agreement also means Etihad will be able to continue with all those codeshares until the end of the current IATA winter schedule ending March 26, 2016. Etihad president and CEO James Hogan said, “This ruling is a victory for consumers and competition in Germany. We remain strongly committed to our strategic partner, airberlin, and will redouble our efforts to provide a strong competitive alternative to the dominant German carrier, Lufthansa.” He also said, “We would like to encourage German consumers to support airberlin and its 8,000 staff, who have been seriously damaged by this sustained attack on their business.” Airberlin CEO Stefan Pichler said the decision confirms its current approach. “Based on this decisive ruling, airberlin and Etihad can face the future optimistically and will continue to grow their partnership in a sustainable manner.”
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