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‫االربعاء‬ ‫‪2018/7/18‬‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬


‫مصر للطٌران تنهى استعداداتها لنقل ‪ 50‬ألف حاج وتبدأ إصدار‬ ‫التذاكر‬ ‫كتب أحمد حمادة‬ ‫أعلنت الشركة القابضة لمصر للطٌران عن إنهاء كل استعداداتها لموسم الحج لهذا العام‪ ،‬وذلك‬ ‫بالتعاون مع كل الهٌئات والجهات المعنٌة فى هذا الشأن‪ ،‬وكذلك بالتنسٌق مع الجانب‬ ‫السعودى‪ ،‬وذلك فى ضوء توجٌهات الفرٌق ٌونس المصرى وزٌر الطٌران المدنى بتوفٌر كل‬ ‫ما لدى الشركة الوطنٌة مصر للطٌران وجمٌع الشركات والهٌئات التابعة للوزراة‪ ،‬من إمكانات‬ ‫وتسهٌالت لخدمة حجاج بٌت هللا الحرام حتى نهاٌة الموسم‪ ،‬بما ٌعٌنهم على أداء فرٌضتهم‬ ‫بكل ٌسر وسهولة‪.‬‬ ‫ومن جانبه أكد الطٌار أحمد عادل رئٌس الشركة القابضة لمصر للطٌران أنه من المتوقع أن تنقل‬ ‫الشركة الوطنٌة نحو ‪ 50‬ألؾ حاج من حجاج األفراد والسٌاحة والهٌئات الحكومٌة وحجاج‬ ‫القرعة والتضامن وكذلك حجاج الترانزٌت‪ ،‬مضٌفا ً أن أولى رحالت الحج ستقلع من مطار برج‬ ‫ً‬ ‫اعتبارا من‬ ‫العرب باإلسكندرٌة لسفر أول األفواج من حجاج القرعة إلى المدٌنة المنورة وذلك‬ ‫‪ٌ 29‬ولٌو الحالى‪ ،‬موضحا أن إصدار تذاكر الحج قد بدأ منذ األحد الماضى‪.‬‬ ‫ومن جانبه أضاؾ الطٌار شرٌؾ عزت أن بٌع التذاكر متاح فى مكاتب البٌع المخصصة للعمل‬ ‫خالل موسم الحج‪ ،‬والمتواجدة فى أكادٌمٌة الشرطة بالعباسٌة لخدمة حجاج القرعة وبمقر وزارة‬ ‫التضامن االجتماعى بالعجوزة لحجاج التضامن‪ ،‬ومكتب مبٌعات شبرا بأبراج أؼاخان إلصدار‬ ‫تذاكر حج اإلفراد والسٌاحة والهٌئات الحكومٌة‪.‬‬ ‫وأضاؾ عزت أنه من المقرر أن تبدأ مرحلة السفر من مبنى الرحالت الموسمٌة بمطار القاهرة‬ ‫إلى المدٌنة المنورة اعتباراً من ‪ 2‬أؼسطس المقبل لسفر حجاج قرعة محافظتى الجٌزة‬ ‫وبورسعٌد‪ ،‬وذلك بإقالع أولى رحالتها فى تمام الساعة الثانٌة ً‬ ‫فجرا‪ ،‬بٌنما تقلع أولى الرحالت‬ ‫المتجهة إلى جدة ٌوم األربعاء الموافق ‪ 1‬أؼسطس المقبل فى تمام الساعة ‪ 20:20‬مسا ًء‪ ،‬ولذلك‬ ‫لسفر حجاج قرعة محافظتى جنوب وشمال سٌناء‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬


‫«مصر للطٌران» تنقل ‪ 15‬ألف راكب خالل ‪ 24‬ساعة‬ ‫حمدي بكري‬

‫نقلت الشركة الوطنٌة مصر للطٌران‪ 15 ،‬ألفا و‪ 750‬راكبا من مختلف‬ ‫الجنسٌات‪ ،‬خالل الـ‪ 24‬ساعة الماضٌة‪ ،‬عبر ‪ 105‬رحالت داخلٌة ودولٌة‪،‬‬ ‫أقلعت من مطار القاهرة الدولً‪.‬‬ ‫وقال مصدر‪ :‬إن الشركة الوطنٌة مصر للطٌران‪ ،‬سٌَّرت منذ بداٌة أمس‬ ‫الثالثاء‪ 105 ،‬رحالت إلى المطارات الداخلٌة والعواصم العربٌة واألوروبٌة‪،‬‬ ‫بانتظام حسب جدول التشؽٌل‪ ،‬ودون إلؽاء أي رحلة مقررة‪.‬‬

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‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬


‫الخطوط الكوٌتٌة توضح حول هبوط إحدى طائراتها إضطرارٌا ً فً‬ ‫مطار العقبة‬ ‫سوالٌف _ علقت الخطوط الجوٌة الكوٌتٌة‪ ،‬الثالثاء‪ ،‬على حادثة هبوط اضطراري الحدى‬ ‫الطائرات التابعة لها‪ ،‬فً مطار الملك الحسٌن فً مدٌنة العقبة جنوبً المملكة‪.‬‬ ‫ونقلت صحٌفة “الوطن” الكوٌتٌة عن مصادر فً الشركة قولها‪ :‬ان قائد الطائرة قرر الهبوط‬ ‫قبل وصولها إلى وجهتها الرئٌسة فً بٌروت‪ ،‬بسبب عطل مفاجئ فً إحدى محركاتها‪.‬‬ ‫وأشارت الى ان سبب الهبوط الرئٌسً جاء نتٌجة عطل فنً فً محركها األٌسر أدى إلى توقفه‬ ‫عن العمل‪ ،‬دون إصابة أي من الركاب بأذى والذٌن ٌبلػ عددهم ‪ 59‬راك ًبا‪ ،‬إضافة إلى ‪7‬‬ ‫آخرٌن هم طاقم الطائرة”‪.‬‬ ‫وذكرت الصحٌفة أن “الهبوط تم بعد مخاطبة قائد الطائرة لؽرفة العملٌات وبرج المالحة فً‬ ‫مطار الملك حسٌن‪ ،‬وإعالمهم بحدوث خلل فً المحرك األٌسر للطائرة‪ ،‬لٌتم اتخاذ اإلجراءات‬ ‫الالزمة من قبل األجهزة المختصة فً المطار الستقبال الطائرة‪ ،‬ونقل المسافرٌن إلى أحد‬ ‫الفنادق فً المحافظة”‪.‬‬ ‫واشارت الى نقل المسافرٌن الى احد الفنادق تمهٌدا لترتٌب رحلة عودتهم إلى الكوٌت فً حٌن‬ ‫بدأت “اعمال الفحص الفنى الدقٌقة لمعرفة نوع وطبٌعة الخلل الفنً الذي تعرض له محرك‬ ‫الطائرة”‪.‬‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬


‫مطار دبً ٌلغً مئات الرحالت للصٌانة‬ ‫تستعد شركات الطٌران الدولٌة العاملة فً مطار دبً إلجراء تغٌ​ٌرات كبٌرة فً مواعٌد‬ ‫رحالتها‪ ،‬تبعا ً لمشروع الصٌانة والتجدٌد الذي سٌجري قرٌبا على أضخم مدارج المطار‪،‬‬ ‫وتشمل التعدٌالت إلغاء وتحوٌل مئات الرحالت إلى مطارات مجاورة‪ ،‬بٌن تارٌخً ‪ 15‬أبرٌل‬ ‫و‪ 30‬ماٌو من عام ‪.2019‬‬ ‫وسٌقوم مطار دبً بتخفٌض عدد الرحالت عبر المطار بشكل ملحوظ‪ ،‬بسبب بقاء مدرج‬ ‫أساسً واحد قٌد الخدمة خالل فترة الصٌانة القادمة‪ ،‬وأعلن طٌران اإلمارات أنها ستشارك فً‬ ‫التعدٌالت أٌضا ً إذ تنوي تخفٌض عدد الرحالت على بعض خطوطها الدولٌة‪ ،‬وتنصح الشركة‬ ‫اإلماراتٌة العمالء ببدء تفقد مواعٌد سفرهم بشكل مستمر‪ ،‬منذ اللحظة‪ ،‬ألن تعدٌالت جداول‬ ‫الرحالت الجوٌة ستبدأ من اآلن ولٌس مع قدوم العام ‪.2019‬‬

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‫سكاي تراكس‪« :‬طٌران اإلمارات» األولى عالمٌا ً فً الترفٌه الجوي‬ ‫المصدر‪ :‬دبً ‪ -‬أشرف رفٌق‬ ‫حصدت شركة «طٌران اإلمارات» كعادتها عدداً كبٌراً من جوائز «سكاي تراكس»‬ ‫العالمٌة لتصنٌف شركات الطٌران والمطارات العالمٌة التً أعلنت فً لندن أمس‪.‬‬ ‫واحتلت «طٌران اإلمارات» المركز األول عالمٌا فً فئة الترفٌه الجوي‪ ،‬واألول‬ ‫إقلٌمٌا ً من حٌث جودة الطاقم‪ ،‬وثانً أفضل شركة طٌران إقلٌمٌاً‪ ،‬ورابع أفضل شركة‬ ‫فً العالم‪ ،‬حسب قائمة «سكاي تراكس» العالمٌة للعام الجاري‪ .‬وتحصل «طٌران‬ ‫اإلمارات» العام الجاري على أفضل ترفٌه جوي فً العالم للعام الرابع عشر على‬ ‫التوالً‪.‬‬ ‫كما احتلت «طٌران االتحاد»‪ ،‬التً تطٌر إلى أكثر من ‪ 100‬مقصد عالمً‪ ،‬المركز‬ ‫الخامس عشر عالمٌاً‪ ،‬والمركز األول إقلٌمٌا ً فً فئة الدرجة األولى‪ ،‬وثالث أفضل‬ ‫شركة طٌران إقلٌمٌا ً‪.‬‬ ‫وقالت «سكاي تراكس» إن «طٌران اإلمارات» تطورت على مدى ‪ 30‬عاما ً مضت‬ ‫إلى شركة رائدة فً الرحالت العالمٌة الطوٌلة‪ ،‬انطالقا ً من مركزها فً مطار دبً‬ ‫الدولً‪ ،‬الذي أصبح أكثر مطارات العالم إشؽاالً‪ .‬كما تفخر «طٌران اإلمارات»‬ ‫بأسطول ضخم من الطائرات ٌتكون من طائرات إٌرباص إٌه ‪ 380‬العمالقة‪،‬‬ ‫وطائرات بوٌنػ ‪ 777‬عرٌضة البدن‪.‬‬ ‫كما أن نظام طٌران اإلمارات الترفٌهً الجوي األحدث عالمٌا ً ٌشمل العدٌد من‬ ‫خٌارات القنوات المرئٌة والمسموعة‪ ،‬بل ٌسمح بعروض تلفزٌونٌة حٌة ونقل‬ ‫األحداث الرٌاضٌة على الهواء وحسب الطلب‪.‬‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬


‫" ناس " ٌحصد جائزة أفضل طٌران اقتصادي بالشرق األوسط للمرة‬ ‫الثانٌة‬ ‫إنجً خلٌفة‬ ‫للعام الثانً على التوالى ‪ ،‬فاز طٌران ناس‪ ،‬الناقل الجوي السعودي ‪ ،‬أحد رواد الطٌران‬ ‫االقتصادي فً منطقة الشرق األوسط بجائزة “سكاي تراكس” العالمٌة كأفضل طٌران اقتصادي‬ ‫فً الشرق األوسط‪.‬‬ ‫تسلّم طٌران ناس الجائزة بعد تقٌ​ٌم أجرته “سكاي تراكس” على مدى ‪ 10‬أشهر من‬ ‫خالل األصوات واالستطالعات‪ ،‬فً حفل أقٌم فً لندن بحضور الرئٌس التنفٌذي لطٌران ناس‬ ‫بندر المهنا وأعضاء من اإلدارة العلٌا‪.‬‬ ‫ً‬ ‫إنجازا وطن ًٌا لشركة طٌران سعودٌة‪ ،‬وأنّ جائزة “سكاي تراكس”‬ ‫وأكد بندر المهنا أن الجائزة تع ّد‬ ‫العالمٌة ستضاؾ لقائمة إنجازات طٌران ناس التً حققناها بثقة ضٌوفنا المسافرٌن واستمرار‬ ‫دعمهم لنا طوال مسٌرتنا التً بدأت منذ عام ‪ ، 2007‬وهذا النجاح ٌرجع فضله للفرٌق الواحد الذي‬ ‫ٌعمل بكل احترافٌة ومهنٌة لتحقٌق تطلعات السوق ‪.‬‬ ‫وقال الرئٌس التنفٌذى أن الشركة نسعى إلى التطوٌر الدائم لمواصلة رٌادة الطٌران االقتصادي فً‬ ‫الشرق األوسط ‪ ،‬وتقدٌم الخدمات الجدٌدة لتحقٌق رضا ضٌوفنا المسافرٌن‪.‬‬ ‫و أضاؾ المهنا “إنّ جائزة “سكاي تراكس” تع ّد إحدى ثمار االستراتٌجٌة المتبعة فً طٌران ناس ‪،‬‬ ‫والتً تقوم فً األساس على تقدٌم أفضل الخدمات للعمالء منها خدمة تأمٌن السفر األولى باإلضافة‬ ‫إلى خدمة البث الترفٌهً ‪ naStream‬التً أطلقت فً ‪ٌ 1‬ولٌو الماضً ‪ ،‬من خالل األجهزة‬ ‫الذكٌة الشخصٌة للمسافرٌن‪.‬‬ ‫تأتً جائزة “سكاي تراكس” التً نالها طٌران ناس للمرة الثانٌة‪ ،‬امتداداً لنجاحات سابقة كان آخرها‬ ‫جائزة السفر العالمٌة كأفضل طٌران اقتصادي للمرة الرابعة على التوالً فً دبً ‪ ،‬إضافة إلى‬ ‫جائزة أكثر ‪ 100‬عالمة تجارٌة سعودٌة رواجا ً والتً تسلمها من صاحب السمو الملكً األمٌر‬ ‫خالد الفٌصل مستشار خادم الحرمٌن الشرٌفٌن أمٌر منطقة مكة المكرمة‪ٌُ .‬ذكر أنّ جائزة “سكاي‬ ‫تراكس” هً معٌار عالمً للتمٌّز بٌن شركات الطٌران‪ ،‬وتم اعتماد الفائزٌن بنسختها األخٌرة بنا ًء‬ ‫على األصوات ونتائج االستطالعات التً أجرتها ”سكاي تراكس” على مدى ‪ 10‬أشهر لتقٌ​ٌم‬ ‫الجودة والمعاٌ​ٌر عبر ‪ 41‬مؤشر أداء للخدمات والمنتجات المقدمة من شركات الطٌران‪.‬‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬


‫طٌران اإلمارات تطلب رحالت إضافٌة إلى فرنسا‬ ‫المصدر‪ :‬دبً ‪ -‬وائل الخطٌب‬

‫ذكرت صحٌفة «لو فٌغارو» الفرنسٌة‪ ،‬أمس‪ ،‬أن طٌران اإلمارات تقدمت‬ ‫بطلب إلى هٌئة الطٌران المدنً الفرنسٌة لتشغٌل خدمات إضافٌة إلى‬ ‫بارٌس‪ ،‬ومدن أخرى فً فرنسا‪.‬‬ ‫وقالت الصحٌفة‪ ،‬استناداً إلى مصادر لم تحددها‪ ،‬إن هٌئة الطٌران المدنً‬ ‫الفرنسٌة تعكؾ على دراسة تخصٌص حقوق إقالع وهبوط ال ٌتم استخدامها‬ ‫من قبل شركات أخرى إلى طٌران اإلمارات‪.‬‬ ‫ووفقا ً لوكالة أنباء «بلومبرغ» فإن هٌئة الطٌران الفرنسٌة‪ ،‬وطٌران‬ ‫اإلمارات‪ ،‬امتنعتا عن التعلٌق على الخبر‪.‬‬

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‫«طٌران السالم» ٌُعزز أسطوله بـ ‪ 6‬طائرات إٌرباص‬ ‫اعلن طٌران السالم‪ ،‬إضافة ‪ 6‬طائرات جدٌدة من طراز إٌرباص ‪A320neo‬إلى‬ ‫أسطول طائراته المتنامً‪ .‬ومن المقرر أن ٌقوم طٌران السالم باستالم أول طائرة‬ ‫جدٌدة‪ ،‬والتً اشتراها من إٌرباص فً الربع األخٌر من العام ‪ ،2018‬بٌنما ستصل‬ ‫ال ‪ 5‬طائرات المستأجرة األخرى فً الربع األول من العام ‪ .2019‬وقد تم تجهٌز‬ ‫هذه الطائرات الجدٌدة خصٌصا ً لطٌران السالم‪ ،‬حٌث تتسع إلى ‪ 180‬راكباً‪ ،‬وتتسم‬ ‫برحابتها لتمنح الركاب مستوى متمٌزاً من الراحة خالل الرحالت‪ .‬وتأتً هذه‬ ‫الخطوة فً إطار الجهود الدؤوبة التً تبذلها الشركة لتعزٌز أسطولها وتوسٌع شبكة‬ ‫وجهاتها التً تضم ‪ 12‬وجهة مختلفة‪ ،‬بما ٌلبً الطلب المتزاٌد على الطٌران‬ ‫االقتصادي على مستوى السلطنة والمنطقة‪.‬‬ ‫وقال الكابتن محمد أحمد‪ ،‬الرئٌس التنفٌذي للشركة‪ٌُ« :‬سعدنا أن نكون ضمن قائمة‬ ‫أبرز شركات الطٌران التً ٌضم أسطولها طائرات إٌرباص ‪A320NEO‬األكثر‬ ‫طلبا ً على مستوى المنطقة»‪.‬‬

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Ethiopia Airlines May Partner with Nigeria on National Carrier Africa’s most successful carrier, Ethiopia Airlines has disclosed that it may partner Nigeria to establish the planned national carrier. This was disclosed by the Chief Executive Officer of the airline, Tewolde Gebremariam. Bloomberg reported that Gebremariam had started talks on the partnership with the Minister of State, Aviation, Hadi Sirika on Tuesday at the Farborough Air Show in England. The Ethiopia airlines CEO said he expected to face competition over the Nigerian project from Qatar Airways, which had been in long discussion with the federal government since 2016. Ethiopia Airlines operates to five destinations in Nigeria which include Lagos, Abuja, Kano, Enugu and Kaduna airports and it is a foreign airline that flies the highest number of frequencies in Nigeria. Gebremarian had indicated interest in playing a role in the birth of a major airline in Nigeria. Last year when Asset Management Corporation of Nigeria (AMCON) took over Arik Air, Ethiopia Airlines held initial talks with the federal government over the management of the airline, but backed out when signals became ambivalent from the Minister of State, according to inside airline sources. On Tuesday Sirika said the national carrier committee, which he is heading has held discussions with major aircraft manufacturers, Boeing and Airbus at the Farnborough Air Show and would continue talks with other equipment suppliers for the airline that is billed to start operation in December.

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RANKED: The 20 best airlines in the world Singapore Airlines has been named the best airline in the world for 2018by the leading consumer-aviation website Skytrax. ”Singapore Airlines is honored to be named World’s Best Airline in the Skytrax awards, and I dedicate it to the 26,000 SIA Group employees who focus every day on delivering the world’s best travel experience to our customers,“ Singapore Airlines CEO Goh Choon Phong said in a statement. ”The recognition will further motivate us to improve upon the three main pillars of our brand promise – product leadership, service excellence and network connectivity – to ensure we retain our competitive advantage and continue to meet and exceed customer expectations.“ The Singapore-based airline was presented with the award on Tuesday at a ceremony in London. This the fourth time SIA has taken top honours at the World Airline Awards. The airline was also victorious in 2004, 2007, and 2008. Overall, airlines from Asia dominate the elite end of Skytrax’s rankings – taking nine of the top 10 spots. At the same time, no US airline cracked the top 35. Delta got the closest with a 37th place finish The Skytrax rankings are based on the impressions of 20.36 million travellers from more than 100 different countries. The unpaid survey, which covered more than 335 airlines, measured 49 parameters ranging from boarding procedures to seat comfort to the quality of service. Here are the 20 best airlines in the world, according to the results of the Skytrax survey:


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2 20. Hong Kong Airlines

Why it’s awesome: Hong Kong Airlines has been on an impressive growth streak over the past couple of years. Not only has it rapidly expanded its global network, the carrier has also worked to improve service and product. Hong Kong Airlines is a subsidiary of China’s HNA Group.

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3 19. KLM

Why it’s awesome: Royal Dutch KLM is considered the oldest continuously operating airline in the world. Based out of Amsterdam’s Schiphol Airport, KLM is famous for its bright blue livery and Dutch house liquor bottle figurines. The airline is one half of the Franco-Dutch conglomerate Air FranceKLM. KLM also took home the prize for Best Business Class Seat in Europe.

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4 18. Turkish Airlines

Why it’s awesome: Turkish Airlines is the flag carrier of Turkey and has its main hub at Istanbul’s Ataturk Airport. The airline, with its ability to fly to over 100 countries and over 200 cities worldwide, hopes to turn its home base into a global transit hub. Even though political unrest and security concerns have made life more complicated for Turkish Airlines, the carrier’s high-quality service, and product offerings remain unchanged. Turkish is a member of Star Alliance and had won the Skytrax award for Best Airline in Europe six years in a row before losing the title to Lufthansa last year.

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5 17. Air New Zealand

Why it’s awesome: In 2018, Air New Zealand reclaimed the titles of World’s Best Premium Economy Class and World’s Best Premium Economy Seat from Aussie rival Qantas, the Kiwi carrier remains one of the industry’s finest long-haul carriers. In economy class, families can opt for the airlines innovative Skycouch that transforms a bank of three economy seats into a flat activity area.

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6 16. Austrian Airlines

Why it’s awesome: Austrian Airlines has overcome a series of labour disputes in recent years, with its high level of service intact. In 2018, the Lufthansa-owned carrier, once again, took home the prize for Best Airline Staff Service in Europe. The Austrian flag carrier boasts a fleet of newly renovated long-haul Boeing 767-300ER and 777-200 jets flying out of its base in Vienna. Economy fliers gave the Star Alliance member high marks for its efficient and effective service, as well as for the wealth of onboard dining and entertainment options.

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7 15. Etihad Airways

Why it’s awesome: Etihad Airways, based in Abu Dhabi, is the flag carrier of the United Arab Emirates, with its Airbus and Boeing fleet travelling to about 100 destinations. The airline has become famous for its trademark Residence flying apartments as well as its plush first-class and business-class suites.

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8 14. China Southern Airways

Why it’s awesome: Even though Air China and China Eastern may get more attention, China Southern is actually the largest airline in the Middle Kingdom. The Guangzhou-based airline also won the award for Most Improved Airline, Best First Class in China, and Best First Class Lounge in China.

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9 13. Japan Airlines

Why it’s awesome: Japan’s flag carrier is one of the most respected airlines in the world. Reviewers on Skytrax praised Japan’s second-largest airline for its attentive service, wellcoordinated ground staff, and comfortable cabin. For 2018, Japan Airlines once again won the award for Best Economy Class Airline Seat.

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10 12. Swiss International Air Lines

Why it’s awesome: Swiss International Air Lines emerged in 2002 from the remnants of the now defunct Swissair and is now a member of the Lufthansa corporate family. In 2016, the Basel-based carrier became the first in the world to operate the next generation Bombardier C-Series airliner. Though some fliers found economy seat comfort to be lacking, most praised the cabin crew for its friendly service and the airline for its wide assortment of complimentary adult beverages.

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11 11. Qantas

Why it’s awesome: Even with strong competition from Virgin Australia, Qantas has been resurgent over the past couple of years. The airline received praise for its strong customer service and inflight entertainment. And then there’s Qantas’ calling card – it has a fatality-free safety record in the jet era.

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12 10. Thai Airways

Why it’s awesome: Thai Airways has long been an industry leader for quality service, so it’s no surprise to find the Thai national carrier high up on the list. Though its most heralded products are its business and first-class services, fliers found its economy seats to be of high quality as well. Economy fliers on Skytrax also noted the crew’s friendly demeanour and delectable dining options. In 2018, Thai Airways once again took home the award for the World’s Best Economy Class, the World’s Best Economy Class Onboard Catering, and the World’s Best Airline Spa Facilities.

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13 9. Garuda Indonesia

Why it’s awesome: Garuda Indonesia has experienced a dramatic turnaround in recent years. The Indonesia flag carrier has undertaken extensive fleet renewal and service improvement measures to regain the trust of both fliers and safety regulators. Economy fliers have raved about the airline’s comfortable seats and selection of Southeast Asian cuisine. In 2018, Garuda’s flight attendants took home the award for the World’s Best Cabin Crew for the third year in a row.

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14 8. Hainan Airlines

Why it’s awesome: Founded in 1993, Hainan is the only Chinese airline to hold the coveted Skytrax five-star rating. In four short years, the airline surged from 22nd place all the way into the top 10. With a brand-new fleet of more than 160 Boeing and Airbus jets, Hainan is expanding rapidly throughout Asia, Europe, and Australia. Reviewers on Skytrax praised the airline for its attentive service and quality business class accommodations.

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15 7. Lufthansa

Why it’s awesome: Europe’s largest airline has surged into the top 10 over the past couple of years. Customers have praised Lufthansa for its exceptional service and overall product quality. For the most part, Lufthansa’s long-haul service is good, but, for the best results, it would be wise to aim for the fleet’s newer A380 superjumbos and 748-8 Intercontinental jumbo jets. In addition to a top-10 finish, the German national airline also took home the prize for Best Airline in Europe and Best Business Class in Europe.

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16 6. Cathay Pacific Airways

Why it’s awesome: Although Cathay Pacific, based in Hong Kong, fell back one spot from last year, the airline still retains its place as one of the most respected carriers from the Pacific rim. With a fleet of long-range Boeing 777-300ER jets and a business strategy centered on offering a high frequency of flights, Cathay is one of the finest flying experiences in Asia.

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17 5. EVA Air

Why it’s awesome: Taiwan’s EVA Air (pronounced ee-vee-ay) was founded in 1989 and is an offshoot of global container-shipping giant Evergreen Group. The Taipei-based carrier has grown immensely in the past two decades and now operates a large fleet of Airbus and Boeing wide-body jets. The airline is credited with pioneering the ”premium economy“ cabin.

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18 4. Emirates.

Why it’s awesome: Over the past 30 years, Dubai’s Emirates has developed into one of the world’s premier long-haul carriers. Operating almost exclusively through its palatial hub at Dubai International Airport, the carrier boasts the world’s largest fleet of Airbus A380 superjumbos and Boeing 777 wide-body jets. Emirates’ state-of-the-art in-flight entertainment system includes a wide selection of video and music options on demand, and even allows for live television and sporting events on its ”ice“ entertainment system-equipped aircraft. In fact, Emirates has taken home Skytrax’s award for Best In-Flight Entertainment 14 years running.

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19 3. All Nippon Airways (ANA)

Why it’s awesome: All Nippon Airways continues its march towards the top of the rankings. ANA is the largest international carrier in Japan and home to one of the world’s largest fleets of Boeing 787 Dreamliners. ANA drew high praise from Skytrax reviewers across the board for cleanliness, service, and safety. Many of its planes feature slide-forward-style reclining seats that increase overall privacy, as well as power and USB outlets even in economy.

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20 2. Qatar Airways

Why it’s awesome: Qatar Airways falls back one spot to second. The Doha-based airline received praise from reviewers for its seat comfort and in-flight entertainment. In fact, the airline boasts the second best in-flight entertainment system and economy class offering in the world The airline links over 150 destinations across the globe and is expanding its fleet to include the latest generation of long-haul airliners including the Boeing 787 Dreamliner and Airbus A350. Qatar also took home the award for Best Airline in the Middle East, World’s Best Business Class, and Best First Class Airline Lounge.

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21 1. Singapore Airlines

Why it’s awesome: Singapore’s standout service makes for a famously pleasant journey during which flight attendants are trained to treat customers with extreme care and respect. Personal TVs with plenty of entertainment options and hot towels served before take-off are just some of the economy perks. The airline’s home base at Changi International Airport is one of the finest facilities in the world and has been named by Skytrax as the Best Airport in the World five years in a row. The airline also took home the awards for Best Airline in Asia, World’s Best First Class, and World’s Best First Class Airline Seat.

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Singapore Airlines to add 4th daily flight to Tokyo's Haneda to meet growing demand In a bid to meet growing travel demand between Singapore and Japan, Singapore Airlines (SIA) will add a fourth daily service to Tokyo's Haneda Airport from Dec 28 and operate the Airbus A380 on its Osaka route from Oct 28, 2018, to March 30, 2019. Singapore's national carrier said on Wednesday (July 18) that the additional flight to Haneda Airport, which will be operated by the airline's Boeing 777-300ER aircraft, will increase SIA's daily services to the Japanese capital to six per day, including two daily flights to Narita Airport. The move will add over 1,800 seats per week on the route. Flight SQ630 will depart Singapore at 5.25pm Singapore time and arrive at Tokyo's Haneda Airport at 1am. The SQ639 return flight will depart from Haneda Airport at 2.30am and arrive in Singapore at 9.15am. With the addition of the A380, the world's largest commerical airliner, SIA will add over 720 seats per week on the Singapore-Osaka route, where its two daily services are currently being operated by its Boeing 787-10 fleet. Flight SQ618 will depart Singapore at 1.30am and arrive in Osaka at 8.45am. The return flight SQ619 will depart Osaka at 11am and arrive in Singapore at 5.10pm. With the new service to Haneda Airport, the SIA Group will operate a combined 105 weekly services between Singapore and Japan. This includes regional subsidiary SilkAir's three weekly services to Hiroshima and low-cost subsidiary subsidiary Scoot's 11 weekly services to Osaka, four weekly services to Sapporo and 17 weekly services to Tokyo's Narita Airport. The new flights are subject to regulatory approvals and tickets will be made available for sale progressively through the various distribution channels, SIA said.

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Jet Airways places order for 75 additional 737 Max aircraft from Boeing Naresh Goyal-led Jet Airways has placed an order for 75 additional Boeing 737 Max aircraft, the companies said in a joint statement on Tuesday. In 2015, Jet Airways had placed an order for 75 Boeing 737 Max aircraft, and had extended it by another 75 earlier this year. In a regulatory filing in June, it had said that it would acquire another 75, taking the total order size of its Boeing 737 Max fleet to 225. The fuel-efficient, narrow body aircraft, valued at $8.8 billion at current list price, will be delivered over 10 years. It had inducted the first Boeing 737 Max in its fleet in June. Airlines operating in India, including Jet, are increasing their capacity to address the demand at the fastest-growing aviation market in the world. Indian airlines, which have the third-largest aircraft order book, including wide-body and narrow-body aircraft, after the US and China, has more narrow-body orders than China, aviation consultants CAPA India had said in a recent report.


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2 CAPA expects Indian airlines to make another 120 aircraft orders in the coming weeks, including 60 narrow-body and 60 wide-body planes. India could place order for another 50-60 wide-body, as well as a large narrow-body order in the next one or two years, CAPA India had said in the report. Last week, full-service airline Vistara had said that it has decided to order 19 planes worth $3.1 billion from Airbus SE and Boeing Co., with options to buy seven more narrow body aircraft from Airbus, apart from leasing another 37 new A320neo-family aircraft. Vistara had also signed a letter of intent with Boeing for six firm-ordered wide body aircraft 787-9 Dreamliner and purchase rights for four more aircraft from the 787 Dreamliner family. CAPA’s chief executive for India and the Middle East, Kapil Kaul, had recently said in an interview that IndiGo is expected to place a big order for wide body aircraft, as it pursues an aggressive international policy. ”India will see closer to 100 WB (wide body) order in next 1-2 years, indicating a strong international strategy.“

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Russian Cargo Airline Boosts Boeing’s Tuesday Russian cargo carrier Volga-Dnepr Airlines got Boeing’s Tuesday Farnborough announcements off at a good clip with a commitment to acquire 29 Boeing 777 freighters in a USD$9.8 billion deal. The agreement with the air charter provider included confirmation of an order for five 747-8 freighters and provision of a crew pairing solution, in addition to the Letter of Intent for the 29 777Fs. The 747-8F order is worth USD$2 billion at current list prices, and the 777Fs, to be operated by Volga-Dnepr’s UK-based affiliate CargoLogicHolding, will be worth USD$9.8 billion when firmed up. Next off the block was an announcement that Air Lease would order and commit to up to 78 Boeing aircraft, including 737 MAX and 787s. Air Lease’s firm orders are for three 787-9 Dreamliners and 20 737 MAX 8s. The lessor also committed to 55 additional 737 MAX 8s. If all the commitments are converted to firm orders, the deal would be worth USD$9.6 billion at list prices. Air Lease currently has total orders and commitments with Boeing for 88 737s, 52 787s and 21 777s.


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2 Adding to Boeing’s strong order tally for the 737 MAX so far at Farnborough, Aviation Capital Group announced an order for 20 737 MAX 8s, valued at USD$2.34 billion at list prices. The lessor currently has a fleet of 465 owned, managed and committed aircraft. Aircraft lessor GECAS ordered 20 737-800 converted freighters with an option for 15 more. If the options are taken up, GECAS’ 737-800BCF order book will rise to 50 aircraft, worth almost USD$1.5 billion in total. Also announced at the Airshow was confirmation of Vistara’s order of six 787-9s and options on four more. The deal with the Tata Group/Singapore Airlines joint venture was originally announced last week. Boeing also increased its long-term forecast for commercial aircraft to 42,730 new jets, valued at USD$6.3 trillion, over the next 20 years.

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