18 oct 2015

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‫االحد‬ ‫‪ 18‬اكتوبر‪2015‬‬


‫"مصر للطيران"‪ :‬مشاركات جديدة للكرنك فى مبادرات تنشيط‬ ‫السياحة‬

‫صرح صفوت مسلم‪ ،‬رئيس شركة مصر للطيران للسياحة (الكرنك) واألسواق الحرة‪ ،‬بأن الشركة نقلت خالل‬ ‫موسم الحج ‪ 350‬حاجا ً من حجاج السياحة ووزارة الطيران المدني‪ ،‬باإلضافة إلى تنظيمها للبعثة الرسمية‬ ‫للدولة للعام الرابع على التوالي‪.‬‬ ‫جاء ذلك فى بيان إعالمى أصدرته الشركة اليوم الجمعة‪ ،‬وقال مسلم ‪ :‬بالرغم من الظروف الصعبة التي‬ ‫هيمنت على موسم حج هذا العام ‪ 1436‬هـ‪2015 /‬مـ‪ ،‬إال أن الشركة قد استطاعت من خالل التنسيق مع‬ ‫الجهات المعنية األخرى أن تحوز على رضا عمالئها الذين أثنوا على الخدمات التى قامت الشركة بتقديمها‬ ‫وتوفيرها لراحة عمالئها من الحجيج سواء في مكة أو المدينة المنورة وكذلك في مناطق المشاعر "جبل‬ ‫عرفات والمزدلفة ومنى"‪.‬‬ ‫وعلى صعي ٍد آخر‪ ،‬صرح صالح هاشم‪ ،‬رئيس قطاع السياحة (الكرنك)‪ ،‬بأن الشركة ال تدخر جهداً في تقديم كل‬ ‫ما هو جديد ومتنوع من برامج سياحية وعروض والذي بدا جليا ً في مشاركتها في العديد من المبادرات والتي‬ ‫كان من ضمنها مبادرة "تشجيع حركة السياحة العربية الوافدة إلى مصر" خالل فترة عيد األضحى المبارك‬ ‫تحت مظلة وزارتي الطيران المدني والسياحة‪.‬‬

‫وأضاف هاشم‪ :‬كما ساهمت أيضا ً في الترويج لحركة السفر إلى مدينة طابا بالتعاون مع شركة طيران‬ ‫الخدمات البترولية وذلك في إطار تشجيع حركة السياحة الداخلية فضالً عن مبادرة "األقصر وأسوان في‬ ‫قلوبنا" والتي تم تفعيلها في شهر يونيو واستمرت حتى سبتمبر الماضي‪.‬‬ ‫وفيما يتعلق بقطاع األسواق الحرة بالشركة‪ ،‬فقد قال سعد معبد‪ ،‬رئيس القطاع‪ ،‬إن الشركة تحرص على‬ ‫التوسع وفتح منافذ جديدة لها بما يخدم عمالئها في كل مكان ومن هذا المنطلق تم تخصيص مساحة بلغت‬ ‫نحو ‪ 1250‬مترا مربعا لتكون منفذا جديداً للشركة في مبنى الركاب رقم (‪ )2‬الجديد على أن يتم تزويد‬ ‫هذا المنفذ بجميع أنواع المعروضات من عطور وشيكوالته وهدايا من أشهر الماركات العالمية التي‬ ‫تتناسب مع أذواق العمالء من المسافرين وغيرهم‪.‬‬


United Airlines CEO Oscar Munoz hospitalized

United Airlines president and CEO Oscar Munoz has been hospitalized, the airline confirmed. The Wall Street Journal reported that Munoz suffered a heart attack Oct. 15. United did not disclose the reason for the hospitalization, saying in a statement that it “will provide further details as appropriate.” The Chicago-based airline added, “In the meantime, we are continuing to operate normally. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family and we are respecting their privacy.” Munoz became United’s CEO last month following the sudden departure of former chairman, president and CEO Jeff Smisek.


(1) EASA in Consultations over Medical Privacy Policy

The European Aviation Safety Agency has begun to consider new recommendations related to medical privacy in response to the suicide flight of Germanwings pilot Andreas Lubitz, EASA chief Patrick Ky revealed during a recent press breakfast organized in Paris by French aviation journalists association AJPAE. Ky revealed the agency has consulted with psychiatrists as part of a study aimed at establishing advice modeled after existing laws in the UK that oblige doctors to reveal a patient’s medical conditions to authorities if they might result in harm to others. Immediately after the crash, EASA recommended that two people always sit in the cockpit during commercial flights. However, Ky expressed reservations about its effectiveness absent wider reaching initiatives. “It is very hard to know if two persons in the cockpit would have help avoid the crash,” he conceded.


(2) But the UK regulation, administered by that country’s General Medical Council, could help open the door for more safety. This rule stipulates that, if the medical condition of a patient could threaten the life of others, a doctor’s moral obligation dictates that he or she report it to authorities. “We need to see with the European commission if we can push a similar regulation in the rest of Europe,” Ky said. “This rule allows freedom of will for the practitioner, without any penal or judicial dimension.” One problem lies with the different approach promoted by each country, such as in Germany, where people are extremely secretive and protective in terms of collecting data, added Ky. An absence of common legislation in Europe accounts for another problem, he said, as does the fact that EASA cannot impose any decision, but only offer recommendations. Meanwhile, terrorism and wars rank among EASA’s top concerns, heightened further by last year’s downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 over eastern Ukraine. The agency has recommended new routes to bypass dangerous areas such as Syria and eastern and southern Ukraine, Ky explained. However, EASA’s recommendations cannot guarantee that the airlines follow them. Even if the big European airlines do follow EASA’s recommendations, passenger confusion over code sharing can present another problem. Most passengers of MH17 had bought their tickets through KLM, believing that they would be flying on a carrier that follows the European recommendations. “The passengers expect a level of safety that is on the same level [as that of European airlines] and we need to make sure it is always the case,” said Ky. Finally, Ky addressed a problem involving the level of security information to which EASA has access. Most defense agencies in Europe share information only with their own governments, leaving EASA to rely on the U.S.Federal Aviation Administration for information on terrorism threats. While the U.S. promotes itself as an aviation safety leader, EASA doesn’t enjoy full access to the information it needs to guarantee an equivalent level of safety.


(1) Cautious outlook for regional aircraft financing amid low oil prices

Dubai: Middle East banks are becoming increasingly cautious about funding aircraft orders as sustained low oil prices have slowed the flow of fresh capital. Regional banks, particularly those from the Gulf, have emerged as major funders in the regions booming aviation sector, including aircraft orders by the likes of Emirates, Qatar Airways and Etihad Airways . But a drop in oil prices — down more than 40 per cent in the past 12 months — has seen banks move to a more case-bycase approach.


(2) “They are cautious,” Khurso Hamdulay, Chief Financial Officer at Kuwait-based aircraft lessor and financer ALAFCO , told reporters at the Middle East & Africa Airfinance Conference in Dubai on Wednesday. “There is still appetite but … it will be transaction based. It won’t be a free for fall,” he added. A change in mindset is unlikely to affect the region’s major airlines, lenders and lessors say, with Emirates, Etihad and Qatar Airways perceived as low-risk opportunities. The Emirates aircraft order book is valued at more than $100 billion (Dh367 billion) in the coming years; Qatar Airways is around $57 billion and Etihad at about $28 billion at list prices. Bond issuance Etihad Airways Partners, a group representing Etihad Airways and airlines it holds stakes in, recently raised $500 million on international markets in a debut bond issuance. Local airline flydubai raised $500 million its debut sukuk last year and Emirates has also tapped credit export agencies and capital markets to finance new aircraft. “The banks are more keen to lend the existing airlines, they don’t want to go outside the region,” Hamdulay said. But local airlines will have to increasingly diversify their funding sources now that the banks have become less sure about funding new orders. “Diversification is key,” Bertand Grabowski, member of the board of managing directors and German lender DVB Bank, told Gulf News. As the Middle East banks back off, new players are likely to step in, which Grabowski said will likely come from China.


(3) “We have seen a lot of liquidity in the region coming to the airline industry in the Middle East. Perhaps [now] there will be some kind of rebalance to some other region of the world,” he said. But at the conference on Tuesday, bankers said the Middle East carriers, who are predominantly state-owned, will need to be more transparent such as released audited financial documents if they want to diversify their funding from outside the region. Lessors before banks in Iran Financial institutions and aircraft leasers are bullishly watching Iran, a market where officials have said there are as many as 400 aircraft orders over the next decade. But years of economic-sanctions that have cut Iran off from the world raises concerns over how foreign companies will be protected under the country’s legal framework. Banks will likely adopt a wait-and-see approach, lenders and leasers say, while the aircraft lessors will enter the country much sooner. “It’s deemed to be a commercial deal as opposed to a financial deal. You don’t lend money, you just rent aircraft,” Grabowski said. Western banks are likely to be more cautious than Middle East banks or credit export agencies in lending to Iranian companies. Banks in the United States will have to wait on guidance from the US government and European banks will be mindful of having run a foul with the US government in recent years. “The legal infrastructure and other things have to match … the banks will be slow to react,” Hamdulay said.

https://uk.news.yahoo.com (1)

Kuwait Airways Passenger Flight Declares Emergency Over English Channel

A passenger plane on the way to Kuwait has returned back to Heathrow Airport after declaring an emergency over the English Channel. Kuwait Airways flight KU104 had reached around 19 miles off the coast when it encountered problems. The pilot made the decision to turn the flight around and has now landed safely at Heathrow.

https://uk.news.yahoo.com (2)

Kuwait Airways confirmed that the flight turned around due to a “technical fault”. They tweeted: “This precautionary landing was carried out due to a technical issue relating to an on-board indicator. “Kuwait Airways places the highest priority on safety and can confirm that flight crew acted professionally and in line with the appropriate procedures and that crew and passengers are all safe.”

https://uk.news.yahoo.com (3)

The A300 Airbus can carry around 266 passengers and is mainly used for short to medium-range flights. This particular model was built in 1992 and is one of five used by the airline.

Pics: Rex/Twitter

http://travel.aol.co.uk/ (1)

Singapore and Qantas revealed as best airlines in world The world's best airlines have been ranked thanks to the editors at AirlineRatings.com. They judged the inflight offering for first, business, premium economy and economy classes. See also: What are the world's safest airlines?​ Singapore Airlines topped the list for their incredibly luxurious first class cabins. Personal, cocoon style pods, lobster dinners and a welcome drink of Don Perignon can all be expected when you travel first class with Singapore. Emirates came second on the list and that must be in part thanks to the fact that their first class cabins have showers! See also: Which airline has been voted worst short-haul carrier?​ The top ten first class cabins also included, All Nippon Airways, Etihad, Japan Airlines, Korean Air, Lufthansa, Qantas, Swiss and Thai. If you're flying business class, it doesn't get cosier than Australian airline, Qantas, where flight attendants will perform a full turn-down service for your skybed.

http://travel.aol.co.uk/ (2) Other airlines making the top ten for business class are: Air France, Air New Zealand, All Nippon Airways, Cathay Pacific, Etihad, Japan Arilines, Qatar, Singapore Airlines and Virgin Australia/Atlantic. Since the business class product is so good, many airlines are actually thinking about doing away with first class altogether. Premium economy means blankets, amenity kits and a food and drink service that isn't dissimilar to what you can expect in business class. Long haul flight can be a nightmare, if it's not comfortable or you don't have enough space to relax in it's likely you wont be in the best mood when you arrive at your destination. The best economy class cabins for long haul flights have been named as: Air New Zealand, Cathay Pacific, Etihad, EVA Air, Japan Airlines, Korean Air, Qantas, Qatar, Singapore Airlines and Thai Airways. Singapore Airlines and Qantas made their way into the top ten list in every category but out of the 450 carriers, not one American airline made the top ten.

‫ادارة العالقات العامة ‪ -‬الشركة القابضة‬ ‫لمصر للطيران‬

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