EGYPTAIR News 18 oct 2016

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‫الثالثاء‬ ‫‪2016/10/18‬‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫مصدر‪ %80 :‬نسبة امتالء رحالت مصر للطٌران بٌن لندن واألقصر‬ ‫مؤمن التهامً‬ ‫قال مصدر بشركة مصر للطٌران إن الشركة حققت نسبه امتالء على‬ ‫رحالتها من مطار األقصر إلى لندن بنسبة ‪ ،:80‬فً األسبوع الثالث‬ ‫على التوالً الستئناف رحالت مصر للطٌران من مطار األقصر إلى‬ ‫لندن‪.‬‬ ‫وأكد المصدر‪ ،‬أن ذلك ٌعكس حرص البرٌطانٌ​ٌن على زٌارة مدن مصر‬ ‫السٌاحٌة‪ ،‬مشٌرا إلى اقتراب عودة الرحالت البرطانٌة إلى شرم الشٌخ‪.‬‬ ‫وكانت مصر للطٌران قد أعلنت عن إعادة تشغٌل الرحالت الجوٌة بٌن‬ ‫األقصر ولندن حٌث اقلعت أولى رحالت الشركة األسبوع الماضً‪ ،‬وذلك‬ ‫بعد توقف الخط منذ أكثر من عام بسبب انخفاض الحركة السٌاحٌة‪.‬‬ ‫وٌذكر أنه ٌتم تسٌ​ٌر رحلة أسبوعٌا بٌن مدٌنتى األقصر ولندن ٌوم‬ ‫اإلثنٌن‪ ،‬باإلضافة إلى تسٌ​ٌر رحلتٌن ٌومٌا من مطار القاهرة الدولً إلى‬ ‫مطار هٌثرو بلندن‪.‬‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫‪ % 80‬زٌادة فً حجوزات مصر للطٌران إلى برٌطانٌا‬ ‫حنان عز الدٌن‬ ‫أكد صفوت مسلم رئٌس الشركه القابضة لمصر للطٌران‪،‬‬ ‫أن الشركه لألسبوع الثالث على التوالى وبعد استئناف رحالتها من مطار‬ ‫األقصر إلى مطار هٌسترو بلندن والذي ٌعد من أكبر‬ ‫مطارات العالم وصلت نسب االمتالء علىهذا الخط إلى ‪ % 80‬وهو ما‬ ‫ٌعكس حرص البرٌطانٌ​ٌن على زٌاره مدن مصر السٌاحٌه وٌنقل الرساله‬ ‫بقرب عوده الرحالت االنجٌلٌزٌه إلى شرم الشٌخ‪.‬‬ ‫وكانت مصر للطٌران قد أعلنت عن إعادة تشغٌل الرحالت الجوٌة بٌن‬ ‫األقصر ولندن حٌث اقلعت أولى رحالت الشركة األسبوع الماضى وثانى‬ ‫رحالتها هذا األسبوع من مطار هٌثرو قادمة إلى مطار األقصر كل‬ ‫ٌوم اثنٌن فٌتمام الساعة ‪ 5:00‬مساء بتوقٌت لندن‪.‬‬ ‫وكانت الرحله األولى قد وصلت متنها ‪ 112‬راكبا‪ ،‬إلى مطار األقصر‬ ‫الدولى وذلك بعد توقف الخط منذ أكثر من عام بسبب انخفاض الحركة‬ ‫السٌاحٌة وزادت اعداد السائحون بالرحله الثانٌه والثالثه لترتفع نسب‬ ‫االمتالء ألكثر من ‪.% 80‬‬ ‫وأضاف مسلم أنه ٌتم تسٌ​ٌر رحلة اسبوعٌا بٌن مدٌنتى األقصر ولندن‬ ‫كل ٌوم اإلثنٌن من خالل طراز البوٌنج‪737/800‬باالضافة إلى تسٌر‬ ‫رحلتٌن ٌومٌا من مطار القاهرة الدولى إلى مطار هٌثرو بلندن‪.‬‬ ‫وأشار وقد أقلعت الرحلة األولى من مطار األقصر فً تمام الساعة‬ ‫العاشرة صباح الٌوم وعلى متنها ‪ 55‬راكبا‪ .‬وكان فً استقبال وتودٌع‬ ‫الركاب بمطار هٌثرو بالورود والترحٌب موظفٌن بالشركة‪.‬‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫التشكٌل الكامل لهٌئة مكتب لجنة السٌاحة والطٌران المدنى بالبرلمان‬ ‫كتب محمد مجدى السٌسً‬

‫فازت النائبة سحر طلعت مصطفى برئاسة لجنة السٌاحة والطٌران‬ ‫المدنى‪ ،‬بـ ‪ 11‬صوتا مقابل ‪ 9‬أصوات للنائب عمرو صدقى‪ ،‬وفوز‬ ‫النائبٌن إبراهٌم حمودة و محمد عبد المقصود بمقعدى الوكالة‪ ،‬وفوز‬ ‫النائبة ٌاسمٌن أبو طالب بمقعد أمانة السر ‪.‬‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫أحمد آل مكتوم ‪:‬طٌران اإلمارات تنتقل لمطار آل مكتوم منتصف العقد القادم‬ ‫كشف الشٌخ أحمد بن سعٌد آل مكتوم‪ ،‬الرئٌس األعلى لطٌران اإلمارات‪ ،‬رئٌس مؤسسة مطارات‬ ‫دبً‪ ،‬أن رؤٌة دبً تتمحور حول وجود مركزٌن تشغٌلٌ​ٌن للطٌران‪ ،‬وهما مطار آل مكتوم ومطار دبً‬ ‫الدولً‪ ،‬بحٌث ٌكون مطار آل مكتوم مركزاً للرحالت وشركات الطٌران الدولٌة‪ ،‬ومطار دبً الدولً‬ ‫مركزاً للرحالت وشركات الطٌران اإلقلٌمٌة‪.‬‬ ‫وقال ‪ ،‬فً حدٌث لتقرٌر «مجموعة أكسفورد لألعمال»‪ ،‬إن التحول من الغرب إلى الشرق‪ ،‬مشٌراً إلى‬ ‫أن عملٌة تحول األعمال هذه سٌكون لها تأثٌر كبٌر فً استمرار نمو حركة النقل الجوي‪ .‬وقال سموه‬ ‫إن آسٌا ستشهد المزٌد من النمو القوي‪ ،‬مدفوعا ً بنمو اقتصاداتها ونمو الطبقة المتوسطة فً الصٌن‬ ‫والهند وإفرٌقٌا والشرق األوسط‪ ،‬وهذا سٌضمن تعزٌز النمو برغم التباطؤ فً أوروبا وأمٌركا‬ ‫الشمالٌة‪.‬‬ ‫المرحلة الثانٌة‬ ‫وأكد أن دبً ستستفٌد من هذا النمو بفضل موقعها الجغرافً وبنٌتها التحتٌة المتطورة وتنامً شبكة‬ ‫مطاراتها‪ ،‬حٌث ٌخدم مطار دبً الٌوم أكثر من ‪ 100‬شركة طٌران‪ ،‬توفر خدمات ربط ألكثر من ‪260‬‬ ‫وجهة فً العالم‪.‬‬ ‫وقال إن دبً مستمرة فً االستفادة من وجود مركزٌن تشغٌلٌ​ٌن‪ ،‬وكالهما سٌوفران خٌارات لمالٌ​ٌن‬ ‫من المسافرٌن‪ ،‬سواء المقٌمون فً الدولة أو الزوار الترانزٌت الذٌن ٌعبرون من كال المطارٌن‪ ،‬على‬ ‫المدى الطوٌل‪ ،‬ومع اكتمال المرحلة الثانٌة من توسعة مطار آل مكتوم الذي سٌكون مركزاً للرحالت‬ ‫الدولٌة‪ ،‬فً حٌن سٌكون مطار دبً مخصصا ً للرحالت وشركات الطٌران اإلقلٌمٌة‪ ،‬وهذا سٌسمح لكال‬ ‫المطارٌن أن ٌكمل بعضهما بعضا ً‪.‬‬ ‫وأشار إلى أنه‪ ،‬مع إنجاز المرحلة الثانٌة من توسعة مطار آل مكتوم‪ ،‬ستتمكن «طٌران اإلمارات» من‬ ‫االنتقال إلى المطار الجدٌد‪ ،‬وهذا سٌكون عندما تصل سعة المطار إلى ‪ 120‬ملٌون مسافر‪ ،‬والمتوقع‬ ‫أن ٌكون ذلك فً منتصف العقد المقبل‪.‬‬ ‫وأضاف أن سعة المطارٌن لن تكون مهمة بقدر ما هً مسألة جذب المسافرٌن من األسواق األكثر‬ ‫نمواً‪ ،‬وبفضل موقعنا الجغرافً والبنٌة التحتٌة العالٌة التً تتمتع بها مطاراتنا والتوسعة الكبٌرة فً‬ ‫شركة طٌران اإلمارات وفالي دبً‪ ،‬فإننا نتوقع استمرار النمو فً قطاع النقل الجوي‪ ،‬وبنا ًء على هذا‬ ‫النمو‪ ،‬فإننا نتوقع التعامل مع ‪ 126‬ملٌون مسافر بحلول عام ‪ ،2020‬لٌصل إلى ‪ 200‬ملٌون مسافر‬ ‫فً ‪ ،2030‬وهذا النمو سٌرافقه أٌضا ً نمو فً عملٌات الشحن الجوي‪ ،‬حٌث ٌعد الٌوم مطار آل مكتوم‬ ‫بٌن أكبر ‪ 20‬مطاراً فً العالم من حٌث كمٌات الشحن الجوي‪ ،‬كما أن مطار دبً الدولً هو الثالث‬ ‫عالمٌا ً فً هذا المجال‪ .‬وأكد سموه أنه على المدى البعٌد سنستمر فً االستثمار فً توسعة مطار آل‬ ‫مكتوم‪ ،‬للوصول إلى سعة ‪ 120‬ملٌون مسافر خالل المرحلة المقبلة من التوسعة‪ ،‬وصوالً إلى ‪240‬‬ ‫ملٌون مسافر و‪ 16‬ملٌون طن من الشحن الجوي عند إنجازه بالكامل‪ ،‬وسٌكون بذلك مركز دبً‬ ‫للرحالت الدولٌة فً المستقبل‪.‬‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫مطار دبً الدولً ٌضم أول مركز بٌانات معٌاري فً العالم من المستوى‬ ‫الثالث‬ ‫أعلنت مؤسسة مطارات دبً‪ ،‬الٌوم‪ ،‬الدخول فً شراكة مع شركة هواوي لتصمٌم وبناء أول مجمع‬ ‫مركز بٌانات معٌاري مرخص من المستوى الثالث‪ ،‬وذلك فً مطار دبً الدولً‪.‬‬ ‫وتم توقٌع عقد التصمٌم واإلنشاء على هامش أسبوع جٌتكس للتكنولوجٌا ‪ 2016‬الذي ٌعتبر أحد‬ ‫أضخم معارض تكنولوجٌا المعلومات فً المنطقة والعالم‪.‬‬ ‫ومن شأن المشروع أن ٌخدم مطار دبً الذي ٌعتبر المطار األكثر ازدحاما ً فً العالم لجهة المسافرٌن‬ ‫الدولٌ​ٌن‪.‬‬ ‫وٌستخدم المطار نحو ‪ 230‬ألف مسافر ٌومٌاً‪ ،‬فً رقم مرشح لالرتفاع إلى ‪ 325‬ألفا بحلول العام‬ ‫‪ 2023‬ما ٌجعل مسألة مرونة الحركة والموثوقٌة العالٌة مطلبا ً حٌوٌا ً لمؤسسة مطارات دبً‪.‬‬ ‫وسٌكون مركز بٌانات مطار دبً الدولً األول ضمن منشأتٌن معٌارٌت ٌّن ستقوم شركة هواوي‬ ‫بتشٌ​ٌدهما لصالح مؤسسة مطارات دبً‪ ،‬كما سٌتم تشغٌل المركزٌن من خالل وصلة مخصصة من‬ ‫ألٌاف الفاٌبر‪ ،‬ما ٌساعد على تقدٌم مستوى مرتفع من المرونة واالمكانٌة التً تدعم العملٌات المعقدة‬ ‫التً تنفذها مؤسسة مطارات دبً‪.‬‬ ‫وسٌؤمن هذان المركزان بٌئة مستقرة وموثوقة تم ّكن مؤسسة مطارات دبً من استضافة سحابتها‬ ‫الخاصة‪ ،‬وسٌشكالن أول مركزٌن للبٌانات المعٌارٌة ٌتم الترخٌص لهما من معهد أبتاٌم من المستوى‬ ‫الثالث من التصمٌم والبناء‪.‬‬ ‫وقال عبد الرحمن الحوسنً نائب الرئٌس وحدة العملٌات والبنٌة التحتٌة لتكنولوجٌا األعمال فً‬ ‫مؤسسة مطارات دبً‪" :‬تشكل التكنولوجٌا مفتاح تعزٌز قدرتنا على النمو واالبتكار وتعزٌز تجربة‬ ‫العمالء وسنقوم فً الوقت نفسه بتعزٌز النظام فً كال المطارٌن وخفض نفقات التشغٌل‪ ".‬من جهته‪،‬‬ ‫أكد عالء الشٌمً المدٌر العام ونائب رئٌس شركة هواوي انتربراٌز الشرق األوسط‪ ،‬أهمٌة التأكد من‬ ‫الجاهزٌة التشغٌلٌة الدائمة لتكنولوجٌا المعلومات فً المهام الحرجة فً قطاع الطٌران‪ ،‬مضٌفا أن‬ ‫األمر ٌكتسب أهمٌة إضافٌة بالنسبة للجهة المشغلة ألكثر مطارات العالم ازدحاما ً لجهة المسافرٌن‬ ‫الدولٌ​ٌن‪.‬‬ ‫وتابع‪ :‬تعمل هواوي بشكل وثٌق مع مؤسسة مطارات دبً لتصمٌم وبناء أحد مراكز البٌانات‬ ‫المرخصة ضمن المستوى الثالث األكثر تطوراً وتفرداً على مستوى العالم‪ ،‬ما من شأنه ضمان أعلى‬ ‫مستوٌات الجهوزٌة وإمكانٌة الصٌانة والمرونة واالستمرارٌة السلسة لألعمال‪.‬‬ ‫وأكد االلتزام بالعمل بالتوافق مع فلسفة دبً الرامٌة إلى تكوٌن "المدٌنة األكثر سعادة على األرض"‬ ‫من خالل توجٌه اإلبداع وخلق خدمات أكثر ذكا ًء لمواطنٌها وزوارها وذلك منذ اللحظة األولى التً‬ ‫ٌصلون فٌها إلى دبً‪.‬‬ ‫وسٌتم تشٌ​ٌد المنشأة األولى فً مطار دبً الدولً خالل العام ‪ 2017‬فٌما لم ٌتم بعد تأكٌد الجدول‬ ‫الزمنً لتشٌ​ٌد مركز البٌانات الخاص بمطار دبً ورلد سنترال‪.‬‬


‫أٌرباص تسعى للتفوق على منافستها بوٌنج فً عدد الطائرات بحلول‬ ‫‪2020‬‬ ‫قال فابرٌس بٌرجر الرئٌس التنفٌذي لشركة صناعة الطائرات األوروبٌة "أٌرباص" فً مقابلة‬ ‫صحفٌة إن الشركة المملوكة لعدة دول أوروبٌة تسعى إلى التفوق على منافستها األمرٌكٌة‬ ‫بوٌنج من حٌث عدد الطائرات الجدٌدة التً تقوم بتسلٌمها بحلول ‪.2020‬‬ ‫وأشار بٌرجر فً المقابلة مع صحٌفة "فٌلت" األلمانٌة إلى اعتزام أٌرباص التركٌز على إنتاج‬ ‫طرازي أٌه ‪ 320‬نٌو ذات الجسم الضٌق وأٌه ‪ 350‬ذات الجسم الواسع‪ ،‬فً ظل اإلقبال‬ ‫المتزاٌد على هذٌن الطرازٌن بحسب د ب ا‪.‬‬ ‫كانت أٌرباص قد حققت خالل العام الماضً أرباحا صافٌة بقٌمة ‪ 2.7‬ملٌار ٌورو بزٌادة نسبتها‬ ‫‪ %15‬عن العام السابق‪ ،‬فً حٌن زادت المبٌعات بنسبة ‪ %6‬إلى ‪ 64‬ملٌار دوالر خالل الفترة‬ ‫نفسها‪.‬‬ ‫تفوقت شركة "إٌرباص" على منافستها "بوٌنج" فى سباق الطلبٌات الجدٌدة للطائرات خالل‬ ‫العام الماضى‪ ،‬لكنها تراجعت فٌما ٌخص التسلٌمات الفعلٌة‪ .‬وكان إجمالً الطلبٌات الجدٌدة لدى‬ ‫أٌرباص العام الماضً قد بلغ ‪ 1036‬طائرة فٌما سلمت ‪ 635‬طائرة فً حٌن أعلنت بوٌنج‬ ‫تلقً طلبٌات قدرها ‪ 768‬طائرة خالل العام الماضً وسلمت ‪ 762‬طائرة خالل العام نفسه‪.‬‬


‫بوٌنج تعرض أحدث تصامٌمها من طراز ‪ 777‬على الطٌران المدنً فً‬ ‫الشارقة‬ ‫عقدت دائرة الطٌران المدنً فً الشارقة إجتماعا مع اإلدارة الهندسٌة لمواءمة المطارات‬ ‫التابعة لشركة بوٌنج بهدف عرض المالمح الفنٌة ألحدث تصامٌم بوٌنج من طراز ‪ 777‬والتً‬ ‫من المحتمل إستقبالها فً العدٌد من المطارات فً المستقبل‪.‬‬ ‫حضر االجتماع محً الدٌن عبدالعزٌز مهندس متخصص ممثل البوٌنج و الممثلون الرئٌسٌون‬ ‫لدائرة الطٌران المدنً وهٌئة مطار الشارقة الدولً من إدارة العملٌات و قسم المراقبة الجوٌة‬ ‫والخدمات الهندسٌة وغٌرها من اإلدارات المعنٌة بحسب وام‪.‬‬ ‫و عرض ج محً الدٌن خالل زٌارته النسخة المستقبلٌة فً عائلة البوٌنج ‪ 777‬وستضم‬ ‫نوعٌن هما ‪ 777-8‬و البوٌنج ‪ 777-9‬حٌث ان هذا التصمٌم الجدٌد ٌجمع بٌن األداء المثبت‬ ‫مع أحدث التقنٌات المتطوره من طراز ‪. 787‬‬ ‫وعبر الشٌخ خالد عصام القاسمً رئٌس دائرة الطٌران المدنً عن سعادته باستضافة بوٌنغ‬ ‫مشٌدا بالجهود التً تبذلها بوٌنج فً تطوٌرو تنمٌة قطاع صناعة الطائرات و ذلك لتقدٌم أفضل‬ ‫مستوٌات الراحة للركاب و توفٌر فرص زٌادة العائدات لشركات الطٌران ‪.‬‬ Embraer's Large Bizjet Deliveries Climb in 2016 Deliveries of Embraerâ€&#x;s large-cabin business jets soared 33 percent year-over-year in the third quarter, but overall shipments fell by five jets in the comparable periods. The 25 business aircraft that the company handed over to customers in the quarter included 13 light jets (one Phenom 100E and 12 Phenom 300s) and 12 large jets (six Legacy 450s, four Legacy 500s and two Legacy 650s) versus 30 aircraft last year; 21 light jets (three Phenom 100Es and 18 Phenom 300s) and nine large jets (three Legacy 500s and six Legacy 650s). Year-to-date deliveries at the Brazilian aircraft manufacturer are down by just one aircraft from the first three quarters of last year, though large-jet volume has risen 44 percent. In the recent first nine months it shipped 74 business aircraft, including 48 light jets and 26 large jets. Embraer delivered only 57 light jets and 18 large jets in the same span last year. As of September 30, Embraerâ€&#x;s firm order backlog, which includes airliners, business jets and military aircraft, was $21.4 billion, down from $22.5 billion posted at the end of last year. Flying To Cuba Still Restricted, But Easier Business aviation operators are finding travel to Cuba significantly smoother as restrictions have eased over the past year. But at the same time, industry executives caution that operators must still plan well ahead and follow the protocols closely. “The Cuban government is addressing some of the business aviation issues; however, it is not accustomed to having general aviation and it is trying to streamline the process for itself and operators,” said Kathy Self, director of compliance for Universal Weather and Aviation. “Planning ahead for this process is key.” “Cuba has come a long way over the last year in handling business aviation,” agreed Suran Wijayawardana, COOof Alerion Aviation, which launched earlier this year from the merger of JFI Jets and ACP Jets. Alerion‟s predecessor companies were among the first business aviation operators to fly to Cuba after the U.S.government issued exemptions easing initial licensing requirements, with their first flights beginning in late August last year. Within the first year, Alerion and its predecessor companies have flown approximately 70 operations into and out of the island nation. “What we encountered during August and September last year was…a lot of misinterpretation as to what the [travel] exemptions allow us to do,” Wijayawardana said. Confusion surrounded the permits required and how the handling would be accommodated, he added. Once they received clarification, the process was pretty straightforward from the U.S. standpoint. “But the approval process and the permit process on the Cuban side in the first couple of months was hair-raising,” he said. The company, working through established flight planners, would apply for a landing permit well over a week in advance. “We‟d get landing rights maybe two hours before we were to take off from the mainland in theU.S. That was something that made us all nervous,” Wijayawardana said. One of the occasions involved a trip booked by a major news station around the time Pope Francis was set to visit Cuba. “We had the president of the news station on board, along with a highly recognizable reporter, and we finally got landing rights an hour-and-a-half before takeoff.” The company wasn‟t willing to risk taking off without permits. “It took right up to the last minute.” Other hurdles the company faced included currency and handling. Cuba did not accept credit cards or U.S.currency. “The gates had just opened and they weren‟t equipped to do credit card processing. In the beginning, Cuba wasn‟t very forward in that light,” he said. “We had to provide the flight crew with plenty of cash, which is not standard practice for us.” Reserving hotels could be problematic since that process was not modernized, he said. “The confirmation part of it was a little unknown.” On the ground, operators had to work with Cuban representatives. “These were newer companies, so there was a little bit of confusion,” Wijayawardana said. These issues have improved, he said, noting the permit process is a lot smoother now. “The process for handling our applications and paperwork has increased probably 200 percent to 300 percent in terms of efficiency.” And now more representatives are basing in Cuba with more international ties. “You have worldwide handlers being stationed there that can process you now like you are flying to any destination,” he said. “We don‟t have to have carry cash on the airplane anymore because they can do contract fueling there. That‟s a big help. The major thing that‟s changed is Cuba‟s ability to handle aircraft.” John Reese, director of safety, security and standards for ExcelAire, also has noted improvements. ExcelAire has flown its first handful of trips to Cuba. “The real hurdles were with the planning phase, getting the approval and getting familiar with the [U.S.] Treasury Department‟s requirements,” Reese said. “It was a lot to digest.” He noted that up to that point, “just getting overflight permits was problematic” even if the operator wasn‟t landing in Cuba. Planning ahead was crucial, especially for the permits. ExcelAire prepared by attending as many seminars as possible. Reese pointed to other significant changes, including the lengthening of time aircraft can park at airports in Cuba and permission for the crew to remain in the country. Initially, he said, “We were able to bring a client in, but we had to move the crew and equipment out. We had to reposition only to certain gateway airports.” With the changes, however, “we are able to leave equipment and crew while the client is there. That works out much better. We don‟t have to move the aircraft, which is quite costly.” PLANNING AHEAD STILL REQUIRED One concern that remains is AOG. There have been questions about basic services there, such as the ability to bring in parts and access to licensed technicians who could work on an airplane. “There were a lot of discussions with maintenance folks about what we would do if something went wrong. Before going in we make a point from a maintenance perspective to do a rundown on an aircraft and make sure everything is where it needs to be,” Reese said. While operators do this anyway, “We give that one extra check because you know if something were to go mechanically wrong in Havana it would be extremely problematic to get it fixed.” The company initially would reposition out of Miami, making it a short hop to Cuba. Also for the first flight, it kept a standby aircraft in case something did go wrong and the company needed to pick up the client. The lack of AOG maintenance in Cuba was the biggest concern. Even if you had the parts, you didn‟t know whether there were licensed technicians available to install the parts. You had to make sure before departure that everything on the airplane was as optimal as it could be,” agreed Wijayawardana. “Right now it is still our largest concern flying in and out of there.” However, like everything else, both Reese and Wijayawardana believe that too will get better with commercial service beginning from the U.S. to Cuba. That commercial service will improve access to other services such as maintenance availability, they both said. Also, a recent edict from the White House was anticipated to further increase maintenance availability. While the logistics are improving, the limitations of the 12 reasons for travel to Cuba are still in place. Self said this has been one of Universal‟s largest concerns in providing planning services for operators. “We want to support the trips; however, we have had to stop arrangements because the passengers were not authorized travelers under the regulations and there was not enough time to get a specific license for the passenger,” she said. “We remind our customers that Cuba is still a sanctioned country and some activities, such as tourism, are prohibited.” Travelers also must understand that “if they fly into Cuba on a commercial flight and leave on a business aviation flight, this is not well regarded by the CAA of Cuba. If passengers go in on commercial, they need to leave on commercial and vice versa,” Self added. The process for crews to obtain visas has become “fairly easy,” she said, but warned “there have been more demands for business visas in Cuba and this has presented a challenge for the passengers” and said this required planning. Also, as for landing permits, clients must use recognized business sponsors. “The Cuban CAAchecks to ensure the business sponsor is legitimate,” she said. The executives believe that commercial service will eventually lead to relaxation of the limitations on reasons for travel. They also predict an uptick in travel to Cuba. “Given the length of time Americans weren‟t able to fly to Cuba and given the draw to the island and the culture, it‟s something that will be popular,” Wijayawardana said. “It‟s a unique travel experience.” “We‟re pretty excited now that the commercial side has started operating there,” Reese added. “We‟re seeing quotation activity picking up.” “In our opinion, it will increase the demand,” Self agreed. “However, until the travel restrictions are eliminated, the commercial carriers will face the same scrutiny for ensuring that their customers are authorized travelers as we do.”

Key Step Taken Toward Single European Sky ATC Eurocontrol has received the final approval from its member states to lead the development and deployment of the European air/ground data communication service (EAGDCS). The Brussels-based agency said it will collaborate with the ATC providers of its member states and with aircraft operators within the context of the single European sky air traffic management research (SESAR) project. As an initial step, Eurocontrol is organizing a workshop next month to kick off setting up the framework to start delivering the EAGDCS service in February 2018 to ATC providers, with the goal of initial trajectory information sharing by January 2025. Air/ground datalink communication allows controllers and pilots to communicate with each other safely by reducing the chance of miscommunication and freeing up radio channels for more urgent messages. It is also an important step toward the SESAR concept of 4D trajectories, allowing exchange of data from an aircraft‟s FMS toATC, giving the controller realtime information on the pilot‟s intentions. “This will be a major safety and efficiency improvement,” Eurocontrol said.

Korean Air establishes business jet charter unit Korean Air has established a business jet operation with five private jets for charter. The unit was established in August 2016, the company says. Its website shows that all five jets are available for charter. The spokesman says that its fleet comprises a Gulfstream G650ERs, two Global Express XRS BD700s, and two Boeing BBJ 737-700s. The two BBJs are registered HL8222 and HL7759. HL8222 is a seven year old jet that Flight Fleets Analyzer lists as managed by Korean Airâ€&#x;s sister company Hanjin Heavy Industries. HL7759 is a 10 year old jet recently acquired from Samsung Techwin, a local technology company recently rebranded Hanhwa Techwin. The two Global Express aircraft are registered HL8230 and HL8238. HL8230 was delivered to Korean Air six years ago, while HL8238 is a 2010-vintage jet that formerly served with Samsun Techwin. The G650ER is registered HL8068 and is brand new. In addition, the unitâ€&#x;s website shows a single Sikorsky S-76C helicopter as available for charter. RJ bans Samsung Galaxy Note7 smartphone devices on all its flights Starting October 16, 2016 Royal Jordanian is banning carriage of Samsung Galaxy Note7 smartphone devices (including recalled and replacement devices) on board all its aircraft. Royal Jordanian announced that passengers who own or possess a Samsung Galaxy Note7 device are not allowed to transport the device on their person, in carry-on baggage, or in checked baggage on all Royal Jordanian flights. This prohibition includes all Samsung Galaxy Note7 devices. The phones also cannot be shipped as air cargo. Device owners have experienced documented incidents of dangerous evolution of heat with both recalled and replacement Samsung Galaxy Note7 devices. This ban follows an emergency order that was issued on October 14 by the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT), with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, to ban all Samsung Galaxy Note7 smartphone devices from air transportation in the United States. Source: Royal Jordanian

‫ على متن طائراتها‬7 ‫الملكٌة األردنٌة تحظر اصطحاب أجهزة جاالكسً نوت‬ ‫أعلنت شركة الخطوط الجوٌة الملكٌة األردنٌة لمسافرٌها عن عدم السماح بحمل أجهزة الهواتف الخلوٌة من‬ ‫ على متن طائراتها وإلى جمٌع الوجهات فً مختلف أنحاء العالم اعتباراً من‬7 ‫ جاالكسً نوت‬/‫نوع سامسونج‬ . 16/10/2016 ‫الٌوم‬ ‫وقالت الشركة فً بٌان صحفً أن هذا القرار ٌأتً فً ضوء المخاطر التً ٌمكن أن تنجم عن المشاكل الفنٌة‬ ‫ مشٌر ًة إلى أن عملٌة الحظر تشمل عدم اصطحاب‬،‫المعروفة فً هذه األجهزة وحفاظا ً على سالمة المسافرٌن‬ ‫المسافرٌن لهذه األجهزة أو وضعها فً حقائب الٌد الشخصٌة على متن الطائرات أو فً أمتعة السفر التً ٌتم‬ .‫تسلٌمها لموظفً المطارات وكذلك ضمن عملٌات الشحن الجوي‬ ‫أعلنتا (أمس) عن حظر نقل‬DOT ‫ووزارة النقل األمرٌكٌة‬FAA ‫وكانت هٌئة الطٌران الفٌدرالٌة األمرٌكٌة‬ ‫الهاتف المذكور على جمٌع الرحالت الجوٌة من وإلى وفً داخل الوالٌات المتحدة األمرٌكٌة بعد توقف‬ ‫ نهائٌا ً بسبب مواجهة مستخدمً هذا الجهاز لمخاطر تتعلق بإطالق‬7 ‫سامسونج عن إنتاج وبٌع هاتف نوت‬ . ً ‫حرارة من الهواتف األصلٌة من هذا النوع وحتى تلك التً تم إستبدالها الحقا‬ ERA General Assembly a resounding More than 400 delegates from over 150 industry companies including airlines, manufacturers, suppliers, airports and other organisations from the European aviation sector attended the European Regions Airline Association (ERA*) General Assembly. The conference, taking place in Madrid, provided excellent business networking opportunities for the sector stakeholders and generated stimulating debate and discussion between leading industry experts. Highlights included Spanish airline Binter scooping the Airline of the Year Gold award and Southampton Airport being named the Airport of the Year at the ERA airline and airport awards, the most widely recognised industry awards in the European aviation sector. The event programme featured many exciting and influential presenters including Atlantic Airways CEO Jóhanna á Bergi, CommutAir CEO Subodh Karnik, CityJet‟s Executive Chairman Pat Byrne and Fatih Akol, Chairman of the Board, Borajet. At the annual general meeting of the association, the members also passed a resolution on the future of the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS) for aviation. Simon McNamara, ERA Director General who presented on the state of European regional aviation with ERA President Boet Kreiken, said: “I‟m pleased that so many of our members from all over Europe were able to join us in Madrid and make the most of this essential event for the European aviation industry. Over the past three days, we‟ve exchanged a wealth of information, listened to many exciting presenters and gained invaluable insight on the latest issues affecting the sector. I‟d like to thank all our sponsors, delegates and members for continuing to make the ERA General Assembly such a great success.” The dates and venue are already set for the ERA General Assembly 2017. The event will take place at the Athenaeum Intercontinental Athens, Greece, on 17–19 October 2017. Flybe service between London City Airport and Cardiff to continue Following an overwhelming response from the business community, Flybe has taken the commercial decision to extend the service between Cardiff and London City Airport while demand exists. Tickets for these flights are available for booking now at with one way fares from £34.99 including taxes and charges. This convenient service, which was initially introduced as an alternative way to get to London during the Severn Tunnel closure, has seen a very promising level of customer uptake during its first few weeks of operation. Of the passengers surveyed before departure, 95% confirmed that they would continue to use the service after the Severn Tunnel re-opened, and a further 33% had already become regular travellers on the route. Debra Barber, MD and COO of Cardiff Airport, said: “It has been overwhelming to see just how much this service has been utilised by the Welsh business community in particular since it began just a few weeks ago. Providing a reliable and convenient link between both capitals during the Severn Tunnel closure has been essential in promoting a thriving Welsh economy and it has also been great to see passengers from London using the service to do business in Wales. “As an airport we were committed to working closely with Flybe from the outset to ensure this service would remain a competitive option. We look forward to welcoming more customers as they continue to support the service, which will operate for as long there is sufficient demand for both business and leisure travel.” Roger Lewis, Chairman of Cardiff Airport said: "This is a great win by Team Wales. The Board wishes to thank Flybe, London City Airport and the Cardiff Airport Executive for securing the immediate future of this vital link between Cardiff and London so decisively. Most importantly we thank our passengers for their support. We must now all encourage the use of this route to ensure its long term security." Flybe‟s CEO, Saad Hammad said: “Serving regional communities and providing regional connectivity is what Flybe is all about. This is a great example of how a regional airport working with Flybe can move quickly to address local needs in a meaningful way. Flybe has made a significant investment in Wales over the past 18 months and it is pleasing to see the Welsh public responding with such positive demand.” Flybe‟s Chief Revenue Officer, Vincent Hodder added: “This route has quite simply taken off, quickly becoming an early success. We have been heartened by the response it has received. Flybe recognises that time is precious for customers and this route is clear vindication that we are faster than road or rail, and not only faster, but usually also cheaper. We are delighted to continue operating this route to meet demand and look forward to it continuing to go from strength to strength.” The service between Cardiff and London City airports will continue from Tuesday 1st November 2016, with flights operating up to twice daily to meet the demands of Welsh customers who are already benefitting from this convenient alternative to road and rail. Weekday flight schedule, operating twice daily Monday – Friday: Dep CWL 0800 Arr LCY 0915 Dep LCY 0945 Arr CWL 1045 Dep CWL 1610 Arr LCY 1725 Dep LCY 1755 Arr CWL 1855 Weekend flight schedule, operating once a day on Saturdays and Sundays: Sat Dep CWL 0935 Arr LCY 1050 Dep LCY 1120 Arr CWL 1220 Sun Dep CWL 1610 Arr LCY 17:25 Dep LCY 17:55 Arr CWL 1855 With a flight time usually of one hour, and the record journey taking just 35 minutes to date, customers can fast track through security at Wales‟ national airport before take-off, landing in the heart of London. Customers can walk straight out of the doors of London City airport and on to the Docklands Light Railway (DLR), which conveniently and efficiently connects to London‟s Underground network into Canary Wharf and onwards. Welcoming today‟s announcement that Flybe is to continue operating its Cardiff to London City route after the reopening of the Severn Tunnel, Economy and Infrastructure Secretary Ken Skates said: “I am delighted this popular service is going to be extended, this is excellent news for Wales. The London City route has got off to a flying start since its launch last month, with positive feedback from business commuters and leisure travellers alike. In addition to offering improved connectivity between Cardiff and London, the service provides greater travel choice for customers and enhances market-place competition. I am optimistic it will result in better value for money services and improved resilience for travellers between our two capital cities. “The popularity of this route and today‟s announcement to extend the service is also a testament to Cardiff Airport‟s leadership and commercial clout and is another vote of confidence for the economy of Wales.” Matthew Hall, Chief Commercial Officer at London City Airport, said: “Following Flybe‟s six-week Cardiff service it is great news that we are able to add this as a permanent domestic route, boosting Cardiff-London connectivity and nurturing economic ties between these two capital cities. We are now the only London airport with a permanent air link to Cardiff Airport, which is a game-changer for business and leisure travellers, offering customers here and in Wales a speedy and efficient connection thanks to our proximity to central London Volga-Dnepr An-124 ensures fast delivery for Boeing to factory in Seattle A large aircraft production component for a Boeing 767 has been delivered to Paine Field Airport, Washington, onboard a Volga-Dnepr Airlines‟ An-124-100 under the long-term logistics support agreement between Boeing and Volga-Dnepr Group. The oversized component, measuring 552x96x156cms, was transported inside a specialized ocean container to ensure its secured and timely delivery from the production plant in Japan. With additional aircraft parts and other equipment, the total weight of the shipment from Nagoya was 35,000 kilos. The transportation was coordinated by Boeing Supply Chain Logistics. The cargo was delivered from Japan to Paine Field and onto the nearby Boeing factory in Everett within 24 hours of its arrival at the airport in Nagoya. To expedite the handling process, the container was loaded onboard the An-124 freighter using VolgaDnepr‟s specially-developed loading ramps. Axel Kaldschmidt, Volga-Dnepr Group‟s Global Director, Aerospace Industry, said: “This latest transportation is a further demonstration of the fast and dependable logistics support we continue to offer through our valued partnership with Boeing.” ETIHAD AIRWAYS AND TOURISM AUSTRALIA TO BRING WORLD‟S CULINARY ELITE TO AUSTRALIA Etihad Airways has signed an agreement with Tourism Australia to be the Official Airline Partner of The World‟s 50 Best Restaurants Awards in 2017. Under the agreement, the airline will fly the world‟s best chefs and food media to Australia for the programme, a celebration of the best in global gastronomy. The events, in Melbourne from 1-7 April, will showcase Australia‟s outstanding food and wine culture to an international audience of industry professionals and food lovers including world-leading chefs, restaurateurs, sommeliers, media and influencers. Etihad Airways‟ Chief Executive Officer, Peter Baumgartner, said the airline was delighted to partner with Tourism Australia and The World‟s 50 Best Restaurants on such an exciting culinary tourism initiative. “Australia is world-renowned for the exceptional quality of its food and wine offering and the diversity of its culinary experiences. “Bringing the world‟s culinary elite to Australia next year to experience its food and wine culture first-hand will further enhance Australia‟s reputation as one of the world‟s best holiday destinations. “It will also enable us to showcase our own food philosophy and hospitality offering to some of the biggest names in food and wine in the world today. “The culinary inspiration we draw from The World‟s 50 Best Restaurants awards will bring us another step closer to our goal of being the best restaurant in the sky.” Tourism Australia Managing Director, John O'Sullivan, said Etihad Airways was a natural fit as airline partner for World's 50 Best Restaurants. "Etihad Airways has gained an enviable reputation within the airline industry for the quality of the dining experience it offers its passengers, both in the air and on the ground. They have truly embraced our Restaurant Australia campaign and are a natural choice as airline partner for a culinary event of this stature," he said. Etihad Airways offers its guests a dining experience which is unique among the world‟s airlines. Its innovative approach to hospitality is inspired by the world‟s best restaurants and cutting-edge culinary and beverage trends. In its First Class cabins, professional Inflight Chefs, many with fine-dining experience, use their expert culinary skills to deliver a highly personalised à la carte dining experience, tailored to each guest‟s taste. Equipped with a pantry of fresh ingredients, they are even able to go „off menu‟ to offer guests a made-toorder meal. In Business Class, specialist Food and Beverage Managers oversee the preparation and service of a contemporary, healthy à la carte and dine anytime menu. They can also recommend the perfect beverage from the airline‟s boutique inflight cellar. Etihad Airways currently has 223 Inflight Chefs and 487 Food and Beverage Managers, offering its premium cabin guests a hospitality experience for which the airline is widely considered the world‟s best. Etihad Airways also has the finest collection of airport lounges in the world, reflecting its commitment to providing guests aspirational hospitality experiences on the ground as well as in the air. Premium Lounges are located in Abu Dhabi, Sydney, Melbourne, London Heathrow, Manchester, Dublin, Paris, Frankfurt, New York JFK, Los Angeles, and Washington DC. In its flagship First Class Lounge and Spa in Abu Dhabi, the Executive Chef has a long and distinguished career with leading hotels including The Ritz-Carlton, Shangri-La, and InterContinental. With his team of Sous Chefs, Demi Chefs, and Chef de Partie, they create haute cuisine which is served in an elegant and expansive à la carte dining area. Menus, which are changed frequently, feature a choice of Arabian, Indian and international cuisine made to order at any time of day. The kitchen prepares everything in-house using the freshest, locally sourced, seasonal produce. Etihad Airways also has a partnership with Taste Festivals Limited, the organisers of food and drinks events worldwide, which complements its new association with The World‟s 50 Best Restaurants. A presence at Taste festivals in 14 global cities each year enables the airline to showcase its signature food philosophy and culinary offering to an international audience of food and wine devotees. Etihad Airways‟ partnership with Tourism Australia for The World‟s 50 Best Restaurants 2017 deepens the airline‟s existing five-year, $30 million investment in Australian tourism, which was signed in 2015.

‫ادارة العالقات العامة ‪ -‬الشركة القابضة‬ ‫لمصر للطيران‬

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