EGYPTAIR News 18 SEP 2018

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‫الثالثاء‬ ‫‪2018/9/ 18‬‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫انطالق أولى رحالت مصر للطٌران إلى هونج كونج على متنها ‪ 170‬راكب‬ ‫كتب أحمد حمادة‬

‫انطلقت منذ أولى رحالت الشركة الوطنٌة مصر للطٌران‪ ،‬إلى مدٌنة هونج‬ ‫كونج الصٌنٌة‪ ،‬من مطار القاهرة الدولى‪ ،‬على متنها ‪ 170‬راكب‪ ،‬وٌأتى‬ ‫ذلك استمرارا لحرصها على الوصول إلى نقاط جدٌدة فى شبكة خطوطها‬ ‫الجوٌة داخل آسٌا وتلبٌة لرغبات عمالئها‪.‬‬ ‫ومن المقرر أن تنظم الشركة رحلتٌن أسبوعٌا إلى هونج كونج عبر بانكوك‬ ‫ٌومى اإلثنٌن والجمعة من كل أسبوع على متن طائراتها اإلٌرباص‬ ‫‪.330/300‬‬ ‫وتقدم الشركة لعمالئها تخفٌض‪ %25‬على تذاكر أول رحلة سفر من‬ ‫القاهرة وجمٌع نقاط شبكة مصر للطٌران إلى هونج كونج‪ ،‬على جمٌع‬ ‫درجات الحجز‪ ،‬على أن ٌستمر التخفٌض حتى‪ 30‬سبتمبر الجاري‪.‬‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫إقالع أولى رحالت مصر للطٌران المتجهة لـ«هونج كونج» بمطار القاهرة‬ ‫محروس هنداوي‬

‫أقلعت منذ قلٌل‪ ،‬أولى رحالت شركة مصر للطٌران‪ ،‬من مطار القاهرة‬ ‫الدولً‪ ،‬إلى مدٌنة هونج كونج الصٌنٌة على متنها ‪ 170‬راكبا‪.‬‬ ‫وقدمت الشركة ‪ %25‬تخفٌض لعمالئها على تذاكر أول رحلة سفر من‬ ‫القاهرة وجمٌع نقاط شبكة مصر للطٌران إلى هونج كونج‪ ،‬على جمٌع‬ ‫درجات الحجز‪ ،‬على أن ٌستمر التخفٌض حتى ‪ 30‬سبتمبر الجاري‪.‬‬ ‫ومن المقرر أن تنظم الشركة رحلتٌن أسبوعٌا إلى هونج كونج عبر‬ ‫بانكوك ٌومى اإلثنٌن والجمعة من كل أسبوع على متن طائراتها‬ ‫اإلٌرباص ‪ ،330/300‬وذلك استمرارا لحرصها على الوصول إلى نقاط‬ ‫جدٌدة فً شبكة خطوطها الجوٌة داخل آسٌا وتلبٌة لرغبات عمالئها‪.‬‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫انطالق أولى رحالت مصر للطٌران إلى هونج كونج الٌوم‬ ‫تهانى عبد الرحٌم _هشام عبد العزٌز‬

‫تنطلق الٌوم‪ ،‬اإلثنٌن‪ ،‬أولى رحالت الشركة الوطنٌة مصر للطٌران‪ ،‬إلى‬ ‫مدٌنة هونج كونج الصٌنٌة‪ ،‬من مطار القاهرة الدولً‪.‬‬ ‫وصرح الطٌار أحمد عادل‪ ،‬رئٌس الشركة القابضة لمصر للطٌران‪ ،‬أن‬ ‫الشركة الوطنٌة تسعى دائ ًما إلى فتح أسواق جدٌدة فً أهم المدن‬ ‫العالمٌة‪ ،‬خاصة وأن وجهات الشرق األقصى تعد أسوا ًقا واعدة فً‬ ‫مجال حركة الطٌران والنقل الجوي‪.‬‬ ‫ومن جانبه‪ ،‬أوضح الطٌار شرٌف عزت‪ ،‬رئٌس شركة مصر للطٌران‬ ‫للخطوط الجوٌة‪ ،‬أن الشركة ستسٌر رحلتٌن أسبوع ًٌا الً هونج كونج‬ ‫عبر بانجكوك‪ٌ ،‬ومً اإلثنٌن‪ ،‬والجمعة‪ ،‬وذلك على متن طائراتها‬ ‫اإلٌرباص ‪.330/300‬‬ ‫مشٌرا إلى أن مصر للطٌران تقدم لعمالئها تخفٌض ‪ :25‬على تذاكر‬ ‫ً‬ ‫أول رحلة سفر من القاهرة‪ ،‬وجمٌع نقاط شبكة مصر للطٌران إلى‬ ‫هونج كونج‪ ،‬على جمٌع درجات الحجز‪ ،‬وٌستمر التخفٌض حتً ‪30‬‬ ‫سبتمبر الجاري‪.‬‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫مستشفى مصر للطٌران تمد العمل بالعٌادات الخارجٌة‬ ‫محروس هنداوي‬

‫قررت مستشفى مصر للطٌران‪ ،‬مد العمل بالعٌادات الخارجٌة لفترة مسائٌة‬ ‫حتى الثامنة والنصف مساء‪ ،‬وذلك إلجراء الفحص الطبً وصرف األدوٌة‬ ‫وعمل اإلشاعات والتحالٌل لجمٌع العاملٌن بحقٌبة الطٌران المدنى وأسرهم‬ ‫والمعاشات والتعاقدات والحاالت الخاصة من الجمهور‪ ،‬وذلك فً مختلف‬ ‫التخصصات الطبٌة‪.‬‬ ‫جاء ذلك فً إطار اهتمام شركة مصر للطٌران للخدمات الطبٌة بالعاملٌن‬ ‫صا منها على توفٌر الرعاٌة الطبٌة والصحٌة على أكمل‬ ‫وأسرهم وحر ً‬ ‫وجه‪.‬‬

‫ٌذكر أن مستشفى مصر للطٌران أعلنت عن زٌارة الخبٌر البلجٌكً "تٌم‬ ‫توالن" خبٌر جراحات جمٌع انواع الفتق بالمنظار وأستاذ جراحة المناظٌر‬ ‫جامعة لوفان الكاثولٌكٌة ببلجٌكا وذلك فً األول من أكتوبر القادم‪ ،‬وتعقد‬ ‫العٌادة التحضٌرٌة لمناظرة الحاالت بعٌادة الجراحة العامة بمبنى العٌادات‬ ‫الخارجٌة حتى الـ‪ 25‬من سبتمبر الجاري من الساعة ‪ 9‬صباحا وحتى‬ ‫الثانٌة والنصف ظهرا‪.‬‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫وزٌر الطٌران ٌكرم موظف فً مطار القاهرة ألمانته‬ ‫إنجً خلٌفه‬ ‫كرم الفرٌق ٌونس المصري وزٌر الطٌران‪ ،‬هشام محمد عبد‬ ‫العظٌم وٌعمل أخصائً اتصال ومغادرة فً اإلدارة العامة للرسوم‬ ‫المالحٌة بقطاع العملٌات بمٌناء القاهرة الدولً‪ ،‬ألمانته أثناء أداء‬ ‫عمله وإعادته لمحفظه ٌدوٌة تحتوي على ‪ 250‬ألف جنٌه‬ ‫بالمصري وبعض المتعلقات الشخصٌة الثمٌنة ألحد الركاب‪.‬‬ ‫وسلم وزٌر الطٌران المدنً األخصائً شهادة تقدٌر تكرٌما له‬ ‫ومبلغ مالً قدره ‪ 10‬أالف جنٌه وعمره لوالدته‪ ،‬حٌث أثناء أداء‬ ‫عمله بصالة السفر ‪ 2‬بمطار القاهرة عثر على مبلغ ‪ 250‬ألف‬ ‫جنٌه بالمصري وبعض المتعلقات الشخصٌة الثمٌنة ملقاة على‬ ‫أرض المطار لراكب إماراتً الجنسٌة قبل مغادرته إلى أبو ظبً‬ ‫على متن طائرة مصر للطٌران‪ ،‬وعلى الفور قام بتسلٌم المفقودات‬ ‫إلى إدارة التأمٌن بمطار القاهرة للبحث عن مالك المفقودات‬ ‫لٌستردها الراكب‪.‬‬ ‫وعرض الراكب اإلماراتً مبلغ مالً مكافأة له نظٌر أمانته‪ ،‬ولكنه‬ ‫رفض المكافأة المالٌة‪ ،‬وتم تحرٌر محضر رسمً بالواقعة وتم رفع‬ ‫مذكرة رسمٌة إلى قطاع العملٌات بالمطار والمهندس أحمد فوزي‬ ‫رئٌس مٌناء القاهرة الجوى‪ ،‬الذي ابلغ الفرٌق ٌونس وزٌر الطٌران‬ ‫بالواقعة و الذي قرر تكرٌمه تشجٌعا للموظفٌن األمناء والمجتهدٌن‬ ‫فً العمل و تحفٌزا لهم ودافعا لتقدٌم المزٌد من العطاء لشركاتهم‪.‬‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫عمرة و‪ 10‬آالف جنٌه‪ ..‬مكافأة وزٌر الطٌران إلخصائً اتصال بسبب أمانته‬ ‫حنان عز الدٌن‬

‫كرم الفرٌق ٌونس المصرى وزٌر الطٌران‪ ،‬الٌوم اإلثنٌن‪ ،‬هشام محمد عبد العظٌم‬ ‫إخصائً اتصال ومغادرة بمٌناء القاهرة الدولى‪ ،‬ألمانته أثناء أداء عمله وإعادته‬ ‫لمحفظة ٌدوٌة تحتوى على ‪ 250‬ألف جنٌه مصري‪ ،‬وبعض المتعلقات الشخصٌة‬ ‫الثمٌنة ألحد الركاب‪.‬‬ ‫وسلم وزٌر الطٌران المدنى‪ ،‬اإلخصائى شهادة تقدٌر تكرٌما له ومبلغ مالى قدره ‪10‬‬ ‫آالف جنٌه وعمرة لوالدته‪.‬‬ ‫تعود الواقعة أثناء أداء اإلخصائً لعمله بصالة السفر ‪ 2‬بمطار القاهرة‪ ،‬عثر على‬ ‫مبلغ ‪ 250‬ألف جنٌه مصري وبعض المتعلقات الشخصٌة الثمٌنة ملقاة على أرض‬ ‫المطار لراكب إماراتى الجنسٌة قبل مغادرته إلى أبو ظبى على متن طائرة مصر‬ ‫للطٌران‪ ،‬وعلى الفور قام بتسلٌم المفقودات إلى إدارة التأمٌن بمطار القاهرة للبحث‬ ‫عن مالك المفقودات لٌستردها الراكب‪.‬‬ ‫وعرض الراكب اإلماراتى مبلغا مالٌا مكافأة له نظٌر أمانته لكن "هشام" رفض تلك‬ ‫المكافأة المالٌة‪ ،‬وتحرر محضر رسمى بالواقعة‪ ،‬وتم رفع مذكرة رسمٌة إلى قطاع‬ ‫العملٌات بالمطار والمهندس أحمد فوزى رئٌس مٌناء القاهرة الجوى‪ ،‬الذى أبلغ‬ ‫الفرٌق ٌونس وزٌر الطٌران‪ ،‬بالواقعة الذى قرر تكرٌمه تشجٌعا للموظفٌن األمناء‬ ‫والمجتهدٌن فً العمل وتحفٌزا لهم ودافعا لتقدٌم المزٌد من العطاء لشركاتهم‪.‬‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫جولة تثقٌفٌة لطلبة كلٌة إعالم بمطار القاهرة‬ ‫كتب أحمد حمادة‬

‫استقبلت الٌوم شركة مٌناء القاهرة الجوى عدد‬ ‫‪ 21‬طالبا وطالبة من كلٌة اإلعالم جامعة ‪6‬‬ ‫أكتوبر‪ ،‬فى إطار جولة تثقٌفٌه للطلبة‪.‬‬ ‫ٌأتى ذلك فى إطار الدور المجتمعى الذى ٌقدمه‬ ‫مطار القاهرة وإٌمانا من قٌادات وزارة الطٌران‬ ‫فى المساهمة لالرتقاء بمهارات طلبة الجامعات‪.‬‬ ‫وشملت الجولة زٌارة مبانى الركاب ‪ 1‬و‪ 2‬و‪3‬‬ ‫مع شرح تفصٌلى من قبل موظفى اإلعالم‬ ‫والعالقات العامه والخدمة الممٌزة‪.‬‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫تكرٌم مشرفة نظافة بمطار القاهرة ألمانتها‬ ‫كتب‪ -‬طه عبٌد‬

‫كرم المهندس أحمد فوزي‪ ،‬رئٌس شركة مٌناء‬ ‫القاهرة الجوي‪ ،‬منال ٌوسف مشرفة بشركة‬ ‫للنظافة تعمل بالمطار ألمانتها‪.‬‬ ‫وعثرت مشرفة النظافة‪ ،‬على حقٌبة بصالة السفر‬ ‫بمبنى الركاب رقم ‪ ،1‬بها مبلغ مالً‪ ،‬وعدد كبٌر‬ ‫من الساعات‪ ،‬وسلمتها لشرطة مٌناء القاهرة‬ ‫الجوي‪.‬‬ ‫من جانبه‪ ،‬منح رئٌس المطار‪ ،‬مشرفة النظافة‬ ‫شهادة تقدٌر وكافئها ألمانتها‪.‬‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬ Sulaymaniyah International Airport records a relative increase in number of flights

The Iraqi Civil Aviation Authority announced that the Sulaymaniyah International Airport recorded a relative increase in number of flights for the past three months (July, August and September), totaling to 1,575 arriving and departing flights carrying 99,989 passengers. Source: General Establishment of Civil Aviation – Iraq

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬ Beirut Airport welcomes over 6 million passengers from January 2018 to August 2018

From the beginning of the year until August 2018, a total of 6,002,040 passengers passed through Beirut Airport, up from the 5,536,725 passengers recorded within the same period last year, a report in The Daily Star said. In terms of aircraft movements, a total of 400 flights arrived at Beirut Airport in August, an increase of 9 per cent year-on-year, and the number of flights departing reached 4,012, marking a 9.4 per cent increase. While transit flights decreased in July compared to last year, the report said that they had now increased by 48.8 per cent in August. The airport again surpassed its passenger capacity of 6 million, having welcomed 8,234,782 travelers through 2017.

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬ Egyptair resumes second weekly Tokyo flight from December 2018

Egyptair will increase frequency on Cairo – Tokyo Narita route, as the airline plans to restore second weekly flight, starting 06 December 2018. This route is operated by Boeing 777-300ER.

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬ Emirates, Etihad cancel flights to and from Hong Kong due to super typhoon Mangkhut

Dubai: Emirates and Etihad have cancelled flights to and from Hong Kong as the world‘s strongest typhoon of the year makes its way to the Asian city. Passengers travelling to and from the Philippines and China from today until Tuesday could also expect some delays. The Dubai-based carrier said that flights EK384 (Dubai to Hong Kong) and EK385 (Hong Kong to Dubai) have been cancelled on September 16. Passengers flying between Dubai and Bangkok are not affected. The airline also advised that there could be delays on Emirates flights to and from Hong Kong, Guangzhou, Cebu and Clark on September 16, 17 and 18. ―Customers are advised to check their flight status and to ensure their contact details are correct by visiting ‗Manage Your Booking‘ to receive the latest updates,‖ the airline said in a statement sent to Gulf News. ―Emirates apologizes to its customers for the inconvenience caused. The safety of our customers and crew is of utmost importance and will not be compromised.‖ Etihad has also confirmed that flight EY834, which was scheduled to operate from Abu Dhabi to Hong Kong on September 15, has been cancelled. ―As a result, the inbound service, EY833 on 16 September, from Hong Kong to Abu Dhabi, has also been cancelled.

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬


Ryanair cabin crew plan September 28 strike Brussels: Ryanair cabin crew from five European countries will go on strike on September 28, threatening hundreds of flights in the latest round of a bitter tussle between unions and the budget airline‘s management. Staff from Belgium, the Netherlands, Italy, Spain, and Portugal announced a 24-hour stoppage that unions say will be the biggest strike in the Irish carrier‘s history. Ryanair workers — pilots, ground staff, and cabin crew — are demanding better working conditions and want their contracts to be based on the law in their country of residence rather than in Ireland. ―Unfortunately, discussions continue without results,‖ Yves Lambot of Belgium‘s CNE union told AFP, describing negotiations with Ryanair management. ―They have promised to change our contracts into national contracts by 2022. This is too late for us. We want 2019.‖ A group of unions from the five countries issued a statement after meeting in Brussels, accusing the airline of disregarding the law and promoting a ―bullying culture‖, and saying management was ―incapable of maintaining a meaningful conversation during the talks‖. In a letter addressed to European Commission head Jean-Claude Juncker and Social Affairs Commissioner Marianne Thyssen, the unions urged the EU executive to ―clarify‖ its position on the dispute, and to help the company and unions reach an agreement. News of the new walkout comes just a day after the Irish carrier was forced to cancel 150 out of 400 flights to and from Germany because of strike action by pilots and cabin crew there. Ryanair slammed the German stoppage as ―unacceptable‖ and ―unnecessary‖, and shortly before the announcement of the new action the airline insisted unions would fail in their bid to cause ―travel chaos‖. coming days.

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Strike threats ―The overwhelming majority of Ryanair‘s flights and services that day will operate as normal,‖ the company‘s chief marketing officer Kenny Jacobs said in a statement. A key gripe of workers based European countries, is that Ryanair employs them under Irish legislation. They say this creates huge insecurity, blocking their access to state benefits in their own countries. Late Thursday, cabin crew unions for Ryanair in Italy said they had reached a preliminary agreement that would allow workers to transition to Italian work contracts, with final details expected in the Ryanair‘s colourful chief executive Michael O‘Leary struck a typically combative tone after the German strike, vowing not to bow to union pressure. ―We are not easyJet, we will not roll over every time we are threatened with a strike,‖ O‘Leary told reporters in London, mocking a rival low-cost carrier. Ryanair has been clashing with worker representatives ever since it took the unprecedented step last year to start recognising trade unions in a bid to avert widespread Christmas strikes. Last month, Ryanair pilots in five European countries, including Germany, held their first-ever simultaneous walkout, causing some 400 flight cancellations and travel chaos for 55,000 passengers. The airline boasts lower costs per passenger than its competitors and is eyeing profits of about 1.25 billion euros ($1.45 billion) this year, but staff have long complained that they earn less than counterparts at rival carriers. Ryanair has countered employee complaints by saying it has already offered significant pay increases and more local contracts.

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‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬


‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬


British Airways Dreamliner 787-9: Club World business-class review

In service since late 2015, British Airways' Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner planes are the most advanced aircraft in the carrier's fleet (innovations include an advanced pressurisation system which means the internal cabin altitude is significantly less than on other aircraft, said to help passengers feel fresher at the end of the flight). As the number of Boeing 787-9 aircraft in the BA fleet has increased so too have the destinations which they serve. British Airways passengers may fly on the aircraft if travelling from London to destinations such as Atlanta, Beijing, Moscow, the Seychelles and Toronto. This is a review of the experience aboard a night-time Club World (business-class) flight from London Heathrow to Comodoro Arturo Merino Benítez International Airport, which serves Santiago in Chile. Pre-departure With my 10pm flight one of that day‘s last scheduled departures, Heathrow Terminal 5 was exceptionally quiet when I arrived at 8.30pm. My ticket was processed in moments and fast-track security clearance issued. It took less than 10 minutes to get from the terminal entrance to the Galleries Club Lounge in Terminal 5‘s South Concourse.

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Food & Drink Mindful that passengers were keen to get to sleep, our crew commenced dinner service shortly after take-off. From a choice of two starters, I chose bocconcini cheese with an unusual basil sponge (which tasted as it sounds), slow-roasted cherry tomatoes, and pine-nut and fennel salad. The four mains options included braised beef with peppers and dauphinoise potato; conchiglie pasta with mushroom ragout and broccoli; and sumac-spiced Scottish salmon with lemon quinoa, lentils and elderflower. I chose Chettinad chicken with coriander rice and tadka dal, a decent, simple curry that was hearty enough to induce a sense of contented drowsiness - an ideal result as I readied for bed with still many hours to go on what is British Airway‘s longest flight (its total flight time is 14 hours and 40 minutes). Service I was surprised by the casual, overly pally approach taken by the young stewardess assigned primary responsibility for my section of the aircraft. Given we hadn‘t established a rapport, she was unexpectedly informal (I was told ―cheers‖ rather than ―thank you‖; addressed as ―my love‖ rather than by name). Some signs of disorder were also apparent with drinks and food orders forgotten or delayed, but the remainder of the crew otherwise seemed experienced and were cordial. Service-wise, a much more fluid return flight from Santiago reassured me that any quirks I had encountered weren't typical occurrences. Entertainment BA‘s in-flight entertainment options are extensive, and I had more than enough fodder to see me through the airline‘s longest flight. Displayed on a 10.4-inch screen, on-demand films include an array of new releases alongside a decent spread of classics, animated children‘s films and more obscure international releases. More satisfying still were the stockpile of complete box sets - including the entire first series of The Handmaid‘s Tale, alongside full seasons from the likes of Curb Your Enthusiasm, The Great British Break Off, Happy Valley and The Walking Dead. Podcasts and albums round out the offering further, while those who wish to work have access to two USB sockets and one power point.

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Lufthansa Cargo processes the world's first electronic dangerous goods declaration Lufthansa Cargo has handled the world‘s first electronic Dangerous Goods Declaration (eDGD) shipment using Dakosy‘s INFr8 shipping portal. A shipment from healthcare company Abbott based in Wiesbaden was flown on board cargo flight LH8222 from Frankfurt to Mexico City last Thursday. Lufthansa said that the dangerous goods process has traditionally been paper-based due to the lack of digital standards. Dangerous Goods Declarations on paper from shippers arrive at the airport with the respective goods and airlines can begin checking the documentation only after handover. Thanks to the new electronic system, errors in accompanying documentation can be detected and corrected out before the airline ever receives the shipment. This will translate into fewer rejected shipments in the future. It will also mean faster processes and better use of resources, Lufthansa said. Lufthansa Cargo worked closely with IATA to establish a global eDGD standard as part of IATA‘s e-freight initiative. "A completely new approach has been developed and evaluated through close collaboration all along the transport chain with the Infr8 eDGD platform," the airline said. Lufthansa Cargo‘s IT systems and processes can now deal with paperless dangerous goods shipments, making the airline the first and so far only airline to support the eDGD standard.

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬


―We are pleased that the eDGD has celebrated its global launch with Lufthansa Cargo. This underscores our claim to be the industry pioneer in digitisation. There is still so much more for us to achieve here together with shippers, forwarders and airports,‖ said Sören Stark, board member operations and chief operating officer of Lufthansa Cargo. Hand in hand with this, the pilot phase of the INFr8 shipping portal has been successfully launched. All pilot partners are digitally connected to the platform and can use it to process transport documents – including the Dangerous Goods Declaration (DGD) required by law. Besides Lufthansa Cargo, forwarder Panalpina has also been a key partner to Dakosy. Frankfurt Airport plays a major role in dangerous goods handling for both companies. Fraport also responsible for providing and operating the airport‘s infrastructure, has contributed significantly to the development of the portal. ―Thanks to this worldwide innovation, the INFr8 platform integrates the shipper into the electronic information chain of the air cargo process for the first time. We expect this to result in shorter check-in times and much faster handling of dangerous goods‖, said Anke Giesen, executive director operations at Fraport. The pilot phase of the INFr8 platform is expected to last six months. After this, the platform will become a standard tool available to all market participants interested in using it. There are already plans to expand the portal through the addition of further product groups.

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬ Deutsche Lufthansa AG (FRA:LHA): A Look At Solid Capital Returns This article is intended for those of you who are at the beginning of your investing journey and want to begin learning the link between Deutsche Lufthansa AG (FRA:LHA)‘s return fundamentals and stock market performance. Deutsche Lufthansa stock represents an ownership share in the company. This share represents a portion of capital used by the company to operate the business, and it is important the company is able to use the capital base efficiently to create adequate cash flows for you as an investor. You need to pay attention to this because your return on investment is linked to dividends and internal investments to improve the business, which can only occur if the company is expected to produce adequate earnings with the capital that has been provided. To understand Deutsche Lufthansa‘s capital returns we will look at a useful metric called return on capital employed. This will tell us if the company is growing your capital and placing you in good stead to sell your shares at a profit. ROCE: Explanation and Calculation When you choose to invest in a company, there is an opportunity cost because that money could‘ve been invested elsewhere. Therefore all else aside, your investment in a certain company represents a vote of confidence that the money used to buy the stock will grow larger than if invested elsewhere. So the business‘ ability to grow the size of your capital is very important and can be assessed by comparing the return on capital you can get on your investment with a hurdle rate that depends on the other return possibilities you can identify. A good metric to use is return on capital employed (ROCE), which helps us gauge how much income can be created from the funds needed to operate the business. This metric will tell us if Deutsche

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Ethiopian Airlines Integrates Alipay Into Mobile App APEX Insight: More airlines and destinations are offering Alipay as an alternative payment solution, helping Chinese travelers spend more easily. Ethiopian Airlines has partnered with sales and payment technology solutions company CellPoint Mobile to begin accepting payments on China‘s leading alternative payment method (APM) Alipay in the airline‘s mobile app. ―CellPoint Mobile has demonstrated its commitment and knowledge of the Africa region as a member of the African Airlines Association (AFRAA), as well as its global reach as a payment service provider,‖ said Miretab Teklaye, digital director, at Ethiopian Airlines. ―The Alipay integration is the first in our PSP partnership in China and an important step in our airline‘s growth strategy for the mobile channel.‖ Ethiopian Airlines and CellPoint Mobile announced a partnership earlier this year to integrate the Velocity payment platform – a full merchant-side payment control environment built specifically for the travel industry. Velocity‘s platform gives Ethiopian Airlines access to multiple PSPs, acquirers, global consumer wallets and APMs. The Velocity platform also features a PCI DSS Level 1 certified card vault and advanced fraud monitoring. ―By adding support for Alipay, Ethiopian Airlines is strengthening its position not only as the flag carrier of Ethiopia, but as a leading airline for commercial air travel within Africa,‖ said Ciaran Wilson, senior sales & account director at CellPoint Mobile. ―As part of our ongoing partnership, CellPoint Mobile will continue to support Ethiopian Airlines in its mobile payment strategies and provide more competitive and forwardlooking PSP services in an increasingly complex payment environment.‖

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65% of Chinese tourists have used mobile payments while traveling. – Nielsen Merchants, travel companies and destinations around the world are investing in mobile solutions to support Alipay. Last year, Finnair reported that accepting Alipay on board had more than doubled its in-flight sales on flights to and from China. Just last week, the Singapore Tourism Board reported positively on the first ―cashless trip‖ of Chinese visitors, facilitated by Alipay as well as Resort World Sentosa, Shangri-La Hote, and Singapore Airlines. Finland began offering visitors cashless Alipay services last year, at a number of shops and restaurants as well as at concessions at Helsinki Airport. This April, Lufthansa Systems ran a pilot for APMs including Alipay on its BoardConnect platform. A study conducted by Nielsen finds that 65% of Chinese tourists have used mobile payments while traveling—that is compared to the 11% of non-Chinese tourists who use mobile payment solutions. ―China has embraced mobile payments faster than any country, and will continue to lead the global charge in this regard,‖ said Vishal Bali, managing director of Nielsen China. ―Mobile payment is on the rise globally, and will continue to support greater connectivity and efficiency across the commercial ecosystem.‖

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‫أسعار العمالت الٌوم‬

‫ادارة العالقات العامة ‪ -‬الشركة القابضة‬ ‫لمصر للطيران‬

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