شركاث انطُران انتٍ تقدو خدماث واٌ فاٌ مجاوُت اُوبٛشح " أُغِخ " ً ...شق ٓٞهغ roadwarriorvoicesػٖ ششًبد اُغ٤شإ اُز٠ روذّ خذٓخ اُٞا ١كب ١أُجبٗ٤خ ُٔغبكشٜ٣ب أص٘بء رٞاجذ ْٛك ٢اُغٔبء ٞٛٝ ،ػذد هِٖٓ َ٤ اُششًبد :٢ٛٝ -1ع٤شإ اإلٓبساد Emirates:رٞكش خذٓخ اُٞا ١كب ١أُجبٗ٤خ ك ٢أعغُٜٞب اٌُج٤ش ٖٓ عبئشاد ئ٣شثبص ٖٓ عشاص A380أُزجٜخ اُ ٠أ ٖٓ ٝدثٝ ،٢رٞكش ٓب ٣ظَ ئُ٤ٓ10 ٠جب ثب٣ذ ٓٔب ٣جؼَ ٖٓ اُغ َٜرلذض اُجش٣ذ اإلٌُزش ٢ٗٝأ ٝاُذسدشخ ػِٝ ٠عبئَ اُزٞاطَ االجزٔبػ٤خ. -2ششًخ ع٤شإ اُ٘ش٣ٝج Norwegian:روذّ خذٓخ اُٞا ١كب ١أُجبٗ٤خ ُجٔ٤غ أُغبكشٖ٣ ػِٓ ٠زٖ سدالرٜب داخَ أٝسٝثب ٝث ٖ٤اُٞال٣بد أُزذذح ٘ٓٝغوخ اُجذش اٌُبس٣ج.٢ -3ع٤شإ ئ٣غالٗذا Icelandair:رز٤خ اُٞا ١كب ١أُجبٗ٤خ ػِٓ ٠زٖ أعغُٜٞب ػِ ٠جٔ٤غ اُشدالد ك ٢دسجخ سجبٍ األػٔبٍ ٝأػضبء اُ٘خجخ. -4ع٤شإ ك٤٘٤ش Finnair:رٞكش اُخذٓخ ػِ ٢عبئشاد ا٣شثبص A350اُجذ٣ذح ُجٔ٤غ اُؼٔالء ك ٢دسجخ سجبٍ األػٔبٍ ٝأػضبء اُ٘خجخ. -5ع٤شإ ٘٣ـٞط Aer Lingus:روذّ خذٓخ اُٞا ١كب ١أُجبٗ٤خ ػِ ٢دسجخ سجبٍ األػٔبٍ ػِ ٢عبئشاد ا٣شثبص A350. 6ع٤شإ عٗٞذٝعذ Southwest:رز٤خ خذٓخ اُٞا ١كب ١أُجبٗ٤خ ُألػضبء األًضشٝالء. -7ششًخ ج٤ذ ثِjetBlue: ٞروذّ خذٓخ اإلٗزشٗذ اُالعٌُِ ٢جٔ٤غ اُؼٔالء كٓ ٢ؼظْ عبئشارٜب. -8جبسٝدا ئٗذ٤ٗٝغ٤ب Garuda Indonesia:رٞكش خذٓخ اإلٗزشٗذ اُالعٌِٓ ٢جبٗب ُؼٔالء اُذسجخ األ ٠ُٝػِ ٢عبئشارٜب ٖٓ عشاص ث٘٣ٞج .777 -9ع٤شإ ٗٞٛؾ ًٗٞؾ Hong Kong Airlines:روذّ ٓ٤ضح اإلٗزشٗذ أالعٌِ ٢أُجبٗ٢ ػِ ٢عبئشاد ئ٣شثبص A330-200ثُ٘ ٖ٤ذٕ ٗٞٛٝؾ ًٗٞؾ. -10ع٤شإ ٗٞى Nok Air:رز٤خ خذٓخ اإلٗزشٗذ اُالعٌِٓ ٢جبٗب ػِ ٢جٔ٤غ سدالرٜب. -11اُخغٞط اُج٣ٞخ اُزشً٤خ Turkish Airlines:رٞكش خذٓخ اإلٗزشٗذ ٓجبٗب ػِ٠ عبئشار ٖٓ ٚعشاص ث٘٣ٞج .777 -12خغٞط را ثغذ The postروذّ خذٓبد ٝا ١كبٓ ١جبٗ٤خ ػًِ ٠بكخ عبئشارٜب.
وزَر انطُران َتفقد مطار شرو انشُخ إلستقبال وفىد مىتدي افرَقُا 2016 هبّ اُغ٤بس دغبّ ًٔبٍ ٝص٣ش اُغ٤شإ أُذٗ ٠ظٜش اُ ّٞ٤ثجُٞخ رلوذ٣خ ثٔغبس ششّ اُش٤خ ُِٞهٞف ػِ ٠ر٘ل٤ز خغخ اُٞصاسح إلعزوجبٍ اُٞكٞد اُشعٔ٤خ أُشبسًخ ك٘ٓ ٠زذ ٟاكش٣و٤ب 2016أُوبّ 21 ٝ 20 ٢ٓٞ٣كجشا٣ش اُذبُ ٠ثٔذ٘٣خ ششّ اُش٤خ رذذ سػب٣خ سئ٤ظ اُجٜٔٞس٣خ ٝثٔشبسًخ ػذد ًج٤ش ٖٓ سؤعبء اُذ ٝ ٍٝاُٞصساء ٝهبدح أُ٘ظٔبد اُؼبُٔ٤خ ٝخالٍ جُٞز ٚثبُٔغبس اعٔإٔ اُٞص٣ش ػِ ٠روذً ْ٣بكخ اُزغ٤ٜالد اُالصٓخ ُضٞ٤ف أُ٘زذٟ ٝرٞك٤ش اعزشادبد ٓٔ٤ضح ًٝبٗٝزشاد علش ٝاعزوجبٍ خبطخ ثٝ ْٜشذد ػِ ٠ضشٝسح عشػخ اٜٗبء اجشاءاد ٝط ٍٞاُٞكٞد ٖٓ خالٍ رٞك٤ش ٓجٔٞػبد ػَٔ ٖٓ اُؼالهبد اُؼبٓخ ٝأُذغخ ٝاألٖٓ ٝاُزذٔٝ َ٤ؿ٤شٛب خبطخ ثاعزوجبٍ ضٞ٤ف ٛزا اُذذس ًٔب رْ ص٣بدح أػذاد اُؼبِٓٓ ٝ ٖ٤ؼذاد اُظ٤بٗخ ٝاُخذٓبد األسض٤خ اُالصٓخ كٓ ٢غبس ششّ اُش٤خ ُِزؼبَٓ اُغش٣غ ٓغ ًضبكخ اُزشـ.َ٤ ٝأضبف ًٔبٍ أٗ ٚروشس رغ٤٤ش 31سدِخ اضبك٤خ ٖٓ اُوبٛشح اُ ٢ششّ اُش٤خ ثاجٔبُ66 ٢ سدِخ ٓ٘زظٔخ ٝاضبك٤خ ثغؼٓ ٚوؼذ٣خ 5000ساًجب ثخالف اُشدالد اُذ٤ُٝخ أُجبششح اُ٢ ششّ اُش٤خ ك ٠اُلزشح ٖٓ 18اُ 22 ٠كجشا٣ش اُذبُُ٘ ٠وَ اُضٞ٤ف أُشبسًخ خالٍ كزشح اٗؼوبد أُ٘زذ. ٟ ٝهذ اعِوذ ٝصاسح اُغ٤شإ أُذٗ ٝ ٢ششًبرٜب اُزبثؼخ دِٔخ دػبئ٤خ داخَ طبالد اُغلش ٝ اُٞط ٍٞثٔغبس ٟاُوبٛشح ٝششّ اُش٤خ ثٞضغ الكزبد ئسشبد٣خ ٝأػالّ رذَٔ شؼبس أُ٘زذٟ ُزؼش٣ق جٔ٤غ أُغبكش ٖ٣ثاعزوجبٍ ٓظش ُٜزا اُذذس اُٜبّ ًٝزُي ػِ ٠ؿغبء أُوؼذ ( ) Head Restػِ ٠جٔ٤غ سدالد ٓظشُِغ٤شإ اُذ٤ُٝخ ٝاُشدالد اُذاخِ٤خ أُزجٜخ اُ ٠ششّ اُش٤خ ًٔب هبٓذ ٓظش ُِغ٤شإ ًٜٗٞب اُ٘بهَ اُشعُٔ٘ٔ ٢زذ ٟاكش٣و٤ب 2016ثزوذْ٣ رخل٤ض %25ػِ ٠اعؼبس جٔ٤غ سدالرٜب اُذ٤ُٝخ ُِٔشبسً ٖ٤ك ٠أُ٘زذ. ٟ
طائرة رئُس وزراء إَطانُا تهبط اضطرارَا بانبرازَم .اضغش سئ٤ظ اُٞصساء اإل٣غبُٓ ٢بر ٞ٤س٘٣ض ١أٓظ ئُ ٠اُزٞهق اضغشاس٣ب ك ٢اُجشاصَ٣ ك ٢عش٣ن ػٞدر ٖٓ ٚص٣بسح ئُ ٠األسج٘ز ٖ٤ثغجت ٓشٌِخ ك٘٤خ ك ٢عبئشر.ٚ ٝرًشد ًٝبُخ اإلٗجبء اإل٣غبُ٤خ "اٗغب" ئٕ عبئشح دٌ٤ٓٞخ ٖٓ عشاص "ا٣شثبصٛ "319جغذ كٓ ٢ذ٘٣خ س٣غ٤لُِ ٢زذون ٖٓ عالٓخ ئدذ ٟاُ٘ٞاكز اُزً ٢بٕ ثٜب ٓشٌِخ ك٘٤خ ،األٓش اُز١ رغجت ك ٢رأخش ػٞدرُ ٚجضغ عبػبد.
ٖٓٝأُوشس إٔ ٣غزخذّ س٘٣ض ١عبئشح أدذس ٓغزأجشح ٖٓ ششًخ االرذبد اإلٓبسار٤خ ،اُز٢ رِٔي 49ثبُٔئخ ٖٓ ششًخ أُ٤غبُ٤ب "اُخغٞط اُج٣ٞخ اإل٣غبُ٤خ". انقطرَت تىسع خدماتها انجىَت بثالث وجهاث جدَدة فٍ إفرَقُا .أػِ٘ذ اُخغٞط اُج٣ٞخ اُوغش٣خ ػٖ ئثشآٜب ارلبه٤خ جذ٣ذح ُِشٓض أُشزشى ٓغ ع٤شإ ً ّٞئ٣ش اُزبثغ ُششًخ ع٤شإ ثش٣ز٤ش ئ٣ش٣ٝض ٖٓٝ .خالٍ ٛز ٙاالرلبه٤خ اُجذ٣ذح عز٘ضْ صالس ٝجٜبد ئكش٣و٤خ جذ٣ذح ئُ ٠شجٌخ ٝجٜبد اُخغٞط اُج٣ٞخ اُوغش٣خًٔ ،ب عزٞكش سدالد ئضبك٤خ ُِٔغبكش ٖ٣ك٤ً ٢ت ربٝ ٕٝد٣شثبٕ. روغ ششًخ ً ّٞئ٣ش ك ٢ج٘ٞة ئكش٣و٤ب ٤ٛٝؼض ٞك ٢رذبُق ٝٝ ٕٝسُذ ٖٓ خالٍ ارلبه٤خ اُزشخ٤ض اُوبئٔخ ثٜ٘٤ب ٝث ٖ٤ع٤شإ ثش٣ز٤ش ئ٣ش٣ٝضٝ .رذزلَ ً ّٞئ٣ش ٛزا اُؼبّ ثؼبٜٓب اُغجؼٖ٤ الٗغالم ػِٔ٤برٜبٝ .اػزجبسًا ٖٓ 23كجشا٣ش ،2016عزُذخَ اُخغٞط اُج٣ٞخ اُوغش٣خ سٓض سدالرٜب ػِ ٠اُشدالد اُز ٢رغزخذّ شؼبس ششًخ ع٤شإ ثش٣ز٤ش ئ٣ش٣ٝض ٝاُز ٢رزْ ئداسرٜب ٖٓ هجَ ً ّٞئ٣ش ٝ ،رُي ٖٓ جٛٞبٗغجشؽ ئُ٤ً ٖٓ ًَ ٠ت ربٝ ٕٝد٣شثبٕ ٛٝبساسٝ ١كٌ٤زٞس٣ب كُٞض ٝثٞسد ئُ٤ضاث٤ش. ًٔب عزُذخَ اُخغٞط اُج٣ٞخ اُوغش٣خ سٓض سدالرٜب ػِ ٠اُشدالد اُز ٢رغّ٤شٛب ششًخ ع٤شإ ً ّٞئ٣ش ٖٓ ً٤ت رب ٕٝئُ ٖٓ ًَ ٠د٣شثبٕ ٝثٞسد ئُ٤ضاث٤شٝ .رشـَ ششًخ ع٤شإ ً ّٞئ٣ش ػِٔ٤بد سئ٤غ٤خ ك ٢جٛٞبٗغجشؽ ٤ًٝت ربٝ ٕٝد٣شثبٕ ٝج٘ٞة ئكش٣و٤ب ٔٓ ،ب ٞ٣كش سٝاثظ ج٣ٞخ عِٜخ ٓغ سدالد اُخغٞط اُج٣ٞخ اُوغش٣خ ئُ ٠اُذٝدخ ٓٝب ثؼذٛب ئُ ٠أًضش ٖٓ ٝ 150جٜخ. ٝد ٍٞرُي ،طشّح أًجش اُجبًش ،اُشئ٤ظ اُز٘ل٤زُٔ ١جٔٞػخ اُخغٞط اُج٣ٞخ اُوغش٣خ" :دشًخ اُغلش ك ٢ئكش٣و٤ب ك ٢رضا٣ذ ٓغزٔش ٝأُغبكش ٕٝكٜ٤ب ٣غزذو ٕٞخذٓبد جّ٣ٞخ أكضَ رِج٢ ادز٤بجبد علش .ْٛرٞعؼخ شجٌخ ٝجٜبر٘ب ٖٓ خالٍ ششاًز٘ب ٓغ ششًخ ع٤شإ ً ّٞئ٣ش ًبٗذ خغٞح عج٤ؼ٤خ ئُ ٠األٓبّ العزضٔبسار٘ب ك ٢اُوبسح اإلكش٣و٤خ ٝسؿجز٘ب ك ٢رغ َ٤ٜاُغلش ئُٜ٤ب ُِٝؼبئالد ٝاُششًبد ٝأُإعغبد أُغزوشح كٜ٤ب اُشاؿج ٖ٤ك ٢اُغلش د ٍٞاُؼبُْ ٖٓ .خالٍ ٛزٙ االرلبه٤خ ،عززٞكش سٝاثظ ج٣ٞخ عِٜخ ثٛ ٖ٤ز ٙاُؼٞاطْ اُزجبس٣خ ٝاُغ٤بد٤خ ٝاُضوبك٤خ ٝأًضش ٖٓ ٝ 150جٜخ رضٜٔب شجٌخ ٝجٜبد اُخغٞط اُج٣ٞخ اُوغش٣خ". ٖٓٝجبٗج ٚطشّح ئس٣ي ك٘٤زش ،اُشئ٤ظ اُز٘ل٤زُ ١غ٤شإ ً ّٞئ٣ش٣" :غؼذٗب اٗضٔبّ اُخغٞط اُج٣ٞخ اُوغش٣خ ئُ ٠هبئٔخ ششًبئ٘ب االعزشار٤جٗٝ ٖ٤٤ذٖ ٗزغِغ الًزشبف ٓض٣ذ ٖٓ اُلشص ُزٞعؼخ ٝرغ٣ٞش ٛز ٙاُششاًخ .رؼٌظ ٛز ٙاُششاًخ ئضبكخ ئُ ٠اعزالٓ٘ب عبئشح ث٘٣ٞج 800-737 جذ٣ذحٓ ،ذ ٟصوز٘ب ك ٢هغبع اُغ٤بدخ ٝاألػٔبٍ اإلهِٗٝ .٢ٔ٤ذٖ ٗزغِغ ُِزشد٤ت ثؼٔالء اُخغٞط اُج٣ٞخ اُوغش٣خ ػِٓ ٠زٖ سدالر٘ب". ٝرٌَّٔ ٛز ٙاُششاًخ اُزٞعؼبد اُز ٢هبٓذ ثٜب اُخغٞط اُج٣ٞخ اُوغش٣خ ٓإخشاً ك ٢ج٘ٞة ئكش٣و٤ب .كل ٢د٣غٔجش أُبض ،٢ثذأد اُوغش٣خ ثزغ٤٤ش أسثغ سدالد أعجٞػ٤بً ئُ ٠د٣شثبٕ ًٔب هبٓذ ثشكغ ػذد سدالرٜب األعجٞػ٤خ ئُ ٠جٛٞبٗغجشؽ ٖٓ 10ئُ 14 ٠سدِخ. Passenger traffic across Morocco’s airports The number of air passengers at Morocco’s airports witnessed an increase of 3.88% in January 2016 compared to the same month in 2015. Moroccan Airports Authority (ONDA) reported that the number of passengers increased from 1,282,439 passengers in January 2015 to 1,332,143 passengers in January 2016. Other figures highlight that both domestic and international traffic increased in Morocco; the domestic and international traffic rose by 3.63% and 3.9% respectively in January 2016 when compared to the same month in 2015. Air cargo handled by Moroccan airports also witnessed an increase in January 2016, reaching 6,064 tons compared to the 4,373 tons handled in the same month of 2015; increasing by 38.66%.
حركت انىقم انجىٌ نهمسافرَه تسجم ارتفاعاً عهً مستىي مطاراث انممهكت 2016 انمغربُت فٍ شهر َىاَر خ٤ ٓخزِق ٓغبساد أٌُِٔخ أُـشثٟٞ ٓغز٠ِٖ ػ٣ ُِٔغبكش١ اُزجبس١ٞعجِذ دشًخ اُ٘وَ اُج ش٣٘ب٣ شٜ أُبئخ ثبُٔوبسٗخ ٓغ ش٢ ك3.88 ث٘غجخ2016 ش٣٘ب٣ شٜعًب خالٍ شِٞٔٓ ًاسرلبػب 1,282,439 ٖٓ َٖ اٗزو٣ ُِٔغبساد إٔ ػذد أُغبكش٢٘عُٞأكبد ثالؽ ٌُِٔزت اٝ .2015 .2016 ّ ٖٓ اُؼبٚش رارٜ اُش٢ ٓغبكش ك1,332,143 ٠ُ ئ2015 ش٣٘ب٣ ٢ٓغبكش ك ١ٞال ٖٓ دشًخ اُ٘وَ اُج ً ً اءٞ د ٍذ ع٠ِزا االسرلبع شَٔ ػٛ ٕ أ٠ُبد ئ٤ش اإلدظبئ٤رشٝ ٢ اُز٢ُٝ اُذ١ اُزجبس١ٞ جبٗت دشًخ اُ٘وَ اُج٠ُ ئ، أُبئخ٢ ك3.63 ث٘غجخ٢ِ اُذاخ١اُزجبس .2015 ٓوبسٗخ ٓغ اُغ٘خ، أُبئخ٢ ك3.9 ث٘غجخٟ األخش٢ٛ اسرلؼذ ش ثِؾ دجْ اُجضبئغ٤ د، اُغ٘خٙزٛ خ٣ٔب ٓغ ثذآٜ اسرلبػب١ٞذ ٗشبط اُشذٖ اُجًٜٔب ش ٖٓ بٜ اُلزشح رار٢ ع٘بً ك4,373 َ ع٘بً ٓوبث6,064 ٖٓ أًضش2016 ش٣٘ب٣ شٜ ش٢ٗخ كٞأُشذ . أُبئخ٢ ك38.66 ٚ ثبسرلبع ثِـذ ٗغجز١ أ،2015 ع٘خ
Air Niugini orders four Boeing 737 MAX 8s Air Niugini has ordered four Boeing 737 MAX 8 aircraft at the Singapore Airshow. The previously unidentified order adds to the Papua New Guinea national carrier’s fleet of Next-Generation 737s and 767-300ERs. “Papua New Guinea is like no other place on earth and the 737 MAX will allow us to economically and efficiently connect our beautiful country with the rest of the world. The superb economics of the 737 MAX will enable us to increase flight frequencies and develop into new markets which offer significant opportunities for Air Niugini,” Air Niugini chairman Frederick Reiher said. “As our region continues to grow, the 737 MAX is the perfect choice for Air Niugini positioning us for success and ensuring we continue to provide our customers with the best experience possible. We look forward to receiving our first airplanes in 2020.” Air Niugini flies a domestic network of more than 25 destinations from its Port Moresby hub, as well as numerous international routes across Asia-Pacific, including Australia, Singapore, Indonesia, Fiji, Philippines, Solomon Islands, Hong Kong, Vanuatu, Japan, and in the near future, China. Airberlin finalizes management reorganization Airberlin is finalizing its management team restructuring, which it expects to complete by Feb. 22. “We have already initiated the necessary actions to improve our profitability and reduce our costs ‌we will continue to consistently follow this path. The remodeling of the airberlin management board is an important element of the new strategy,â€? CEO Stefan Pichler said in a statement. The carrier appointed Neil Mills as chief strategy & planning officer, taking over responsibility for network planning and alliances, procurement and subsidiaries Leisure Cargo and airberlin Technik as well as facility management. Mils is formerly Flydubai CFO and SpiceJet CEO. Most recently, he joined Philippine Airlines Group as chief executive advisor to lead their turnaround team. Oliver Iffert has been appointed chief operations officer (COO), leading flight operations, cabin crew, network operations, airport operations and maintenance systems. Iffert, a pilot, had been most recently Etihad Airways VP-flight operations. As accountable manager, Oliver Lackmann continues to hold the overall executive responsibility for running all operational activities, including flight operations, crew planning and training as well as operations compliance and safety, aviation security and network operations. Marco Ciomperlik will take over the newly created position of director-group synergies, focusing of the commercial and administrative level of networking among the European airberlin partner airlines and will work closely together with CEOs of all partner airlines.
Kenya Airways continues turnaround strategy Nairobi-based Kenya Airways has appointed PJT Partners as a transaction advisor on its balance sheet restructure and long-term capital refinancing, which is part of its turnaround strategy. “We are at a stage where our turnaround strategy is beginning to gain traction. Over the next six to nine months, we will work with PJT Partners and they will be instrumental in assisting the airline to secure its future beyond the turnaround,� group managing director and CEO Mbuvi Ngunze Ngunze said in a statement. Kenya Airways reported a net loss of KSh25.74 billion ($274 million) for the 2014-15 financial year, deepened from a KSh3.38 billion net loss in the year-ago period. Several media outlets have reported that the Kenyan government, which holds a 29.8% stake, has said the carrier requires a capital injection of $500-$600 million to survive. Kenya Airways is also 26.7% owned by Air France-KLM. The SkyTeam member plans to sell two of its Boeing 777-200ERs to US charter operator Omni Air International and has warned of further imminent cuts to its aircraft inventory. The loss-making African carrier announced in November 2014 it would beselling its four 777-200ERs in a fleet rationalization as part of its turnaround strategy. CityJet adds voice to LCY sale concerns Two more major users of London City Airport (LCY)—Ireland-based CityJet and UK-based regional Flybe—have joined British Airways (BA) in voicing concerns over any increase in charges to be imposed by a new owner for the inner-city facility. The airport was put up for sale by current owners Global Infrastructure Partners in August 2015. Press reports have indicated that a price tag of £2 billion ($2.9 billion) has been affixed to the airport, which has a heavy bias toward business passengers, particularly from the nearby Docklands financial district. BA warned that any attempt by new owners to recoup their costs by increasing landing and other charges could lead to it cutting back its services at LCY. Now CityJet has issued a similar warning. Noting that BA and CityJet were, respectively, the largest and second-largest users of the airport and together accounted for some 60% of total activity at the downtown airport, CityJet executive chairman Pat Byrne said that any increase in charges “brings into question the long-term sustainability of airline operations at LCY.” In a statement, CityJet said the airport was already expensive for users, both in terms of equipment required to operate within LCY’s unusual physical constraints—an approach angle almost double the usual three degrees is required to avoid high buildings and get into the short runway, ruling out many types of aircraft—and in terms of the airport’s current charge per passenger, “which [is] the highest by far of London’s six airports. “The £2 billion potential sale price quoted suggests that potential buyers consider the earning potential of the airport to be significantly in excess of where it is today, with a return on investment only being possible through increased charges to airlines and their passengers.” Concerns about such increases had motivated CityJet and BA to commission consultants CEPA to produce a report on the likely impact on airport charges following a sale.
اداسح اُؼالهبد اُؼبٓخ -اُششًخ اُوبثضخ ُٔظش ُِغ٤شإ