EGYPTAIR News 19 july 2016

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‫اىصالشاء‬ ‫‪٘ٝ19‬ى‪2016 ٘ٞ‬‬


‫تاىص٘س‪ ..‬ىعْح اىغ‪ٞ‬اؼح تاىثشىَاُ ذْاقؼ ذقش‪ٝ‬ش اىعٖاص اىَشمض‪ٙ‬‬ ‫تؾأُ "ٍصش ىيط‪ٞ‬شاُ―‬ ‫ػقذخ ىعْح اىغ‪ٞ‬اؼح ٗاىط‪ٞ‬شاُ اىَذّ‪ ٚ‬تشئاعح اىْائثح عؽش طيؼد ٍصطف‪ ٚ‬اظرَاػا صثاغ اى‪ ً٘ٞ‬االشْ‪،ِٞ‬‬ ‫ىَْاقؾح اىرقش‪ٝ‬ش اىغْ٘‪ ٙ‬ػِ ّرائط اىشقاتح اىَاى‪ٞ‬ح ٗذق٘‪ ٌٝ‬األداء ىيؾشمح اىقاتعح ىَصش ىيط‪ٞ‬شاُ ٗاىؾشماخ‬ ‫اىراتؼح ىٖا ػِ اىغْح اىَاى‪ٞ‬ح اىَْرٖ‪ٞ‬ح ‪ٗ .30/6/2014‬ػشض ٍَصي٘ اىعٖاص اىَشمض‪ ٙ‬ىيَؽاعثاخ إٌٔ‬ ‫اىَالؼظاخ اى٘اسدج تاىرقش‪ٝ‬ش اىغْ٘‪ ٙ‬ػِ ّرائط اىشقاتح اىَاى‪ٞ‬ح ٗذق٘‪ ٌٝ‬األداء ىيؾشمح اىقاتعح ىَصش‬ ‫ىيط‪ٞ‬شاُ ٗاىؾشماخ اىراتؼح ىٖا ػِ اىغْح اىَاى‪ٞ‬ح اىَْرٖ‪ٞ‬ح ‪ ،30/6/2014‬شٌ سد ٍَصي‪ ٚ‬اىؾشمح اىقاتعح‬ ‫ىَصش ىيط‪ٞ‬شاُ ػي‪ٕ ٚ‬زٓ اىَالؼظاخ‪ ،‬ؼغة ت‪ٞ‬اُ اىيعْح‪ٗ .‬أمذ ّغ‪ٍ ٌٞ‬ؽشٗط اىَغرؾاس اىَاى‪ ٚ‬ى٘ص‪ٝ‬ش‬ ‫اىط‪ٞ‬شاُ أُ اىؾشمح اىقاتعح عرقً٘ ترالف‪ ٚ‬ذيل اىَالؼظاخ‪ٗ ،‬رىل ع‪ٞ‬ظٖش ظي‪ٞ‬اً ٍِ خاله اىشد ػي‪ ٚ‬ذؽذ‪ٝ‬صاخ‬ ‫ٍالؼظاخ اىعٖاص اىر‪ ٚ‬ذقً٘ اىؾشمح تئػذادٕا‪ٗ ،‬ع٘ف ذقً٘ اىؾشمح تئسعاه ّغخح ٍِ اىرؽذ‪ٝ‬صاخ ف٘س‬ ‫إػذادٕا إى‪ ٚ‬اىيعْح ٗاىعٖاص‪ٗ .‬قذ ذغائو اىْائة أؼَذ عَ‪ٞ‬ػ ػِ مُ٘ أُ ٍالؼظاخ اىعٖاص ٍاصاىد قائَح تؼذ‬ ‫اىشد اىَشعو ٍِ اىؾشمح اىقاتعح إى‪ٗ ،ٔٞ‬قذ أظاب ‪ٝ‬اعش تٖعد ػ٘ض ٍذ‪ٝ‬ش ػاً ٍشاقثح ؼغاتاخ اىْقو‬ ‫اىع٘‪ ٙ‬ػي‪ ٚ‬أُ تؼط اىَذ‪ّٞ٘ٝ‬اخ ‪ٝ‬رٌ ذؽص‪ٞ‬يٖا ٗاىثؼط ا‪ٟ‬خش ذرٌ ظذٗىرٔ ٗتزاىل ذؼرثش اىَالؼظح ٍاصاىد‬ ‫قائَح تاىْغثح ىيعٖاص‪ ،‬ؼغة اىث‪ٞ‬اُ‪ٗ .‬تذٗسٕا طاىثد اىْائثح عؽش طيؼد ٍصطف‪ ٚ‬سئ‪ٞ‬ظ اىيعْح‪ ،‬تَ٘افاج‬ ‫اىيعْح تاىَشمض اىَاى‪ ٚ‬ىيؾشمح قثو ٗتؼذ ش٘سج ‪ْٝ 25‬ا‪ٝ‬ش‪ ،‬ؼر‪ٝ ٚ‬رغْ‪ ٚ‬ىيعْح ذؽذ‪ٝ‬ذ أعثاب ٕزٓ اىخغائش ٗقذ‬ ‫ٗػذ اىغ‪ٞ‬ذ ّغ‪ٍ ٌٞ‬ؽشٗط تَ٘افاج اىيعْح تَا طيثد‪ٗ .‬ذغائو اىْائة ػَشٗ صذق‪ٗ ٚ‬م‪ٞ‬و اىيعْح‪ ،‬ػِ‬ ‫اىَخضُٗ اىشامذ‪ٗ ،‬ىَارا ال ‪ٝ‬ؾرَو ػقذ ت‪ٞ‬غ اىطائشاخ ػي‪ ٚ‬قطغ غ‪ٞ‬اس ذيل اىطائشاخ اىَغرغْ‪ ٚ‬ػْٖا تاىث‪ٞ‬غ‪،‬‬ ‫ٗأّٖا ٍاصاىد ف‪ ٚ‬ؼ٘صج اىَخضُٗ اىشامذ ىَصش ىيط‪ٞ‬شاُ‪ٗ ،‬سد ػي‪ ٔٞ‬إ‪ٖٝ‬اب ظَؼح غاص‪ ٙ‬سئ‪ٞ‬ظ قطاع‬ ‫اىرخط‪ٞ‬ط ىيؾشمح اىقاتعح ىَصش ىيط‪ٞ‬شاُ‪ ،‬أُ ْٕاك ّ٘ػ‪ ٍِ ِٞ‬اىؾشماخ اىر‪ ٚ‬ذؾرش‪ ٙ‬ذيل اىطائشاخ‪ ،‬األٗى‪ٚ‬‬ ‫ذقً٘ ترقط‪ٞ‬غ اىطائشاخ تؼذ اىؾشاء ٗت‪ٞ‬ؼٖا مقطغ غ‪ٞ‬اس‪ٗ ،‬اىصاّ‪ٞ‬ح قذ ذَريل قطغ غ‪ٞ‬اس ذيل اىطائشاخ ٗتاىراى‪ٚ‬‬ ‫ى‪ٞ‬غد ف‪ ٚ‬ؼاظح ىقطغ غ‪ٞ‬اس‪ .‬مَا ذغائو ػَشٗ صذق‪ ٚ‬ػِ ػذً ٗظ٘د ّظاً اىرناى‪ٞ‬ف تاى٘سػ تؾشمح ٍصش‬ ‫ىيط‪ٞ‬شاُ ىيص‪ٞ‬اّح ٗاألػَاه اىفْ‪ٞ‬ح‪ٗ ،‬أظاب ‪ٝ‬اعش تٖعد ػ٘ض ػي‪ ٚ‬رىل تأُ اىؾشمح ٍؤخشاً تذأخ ترطث‪ٞ‬ق‬ ‫ّظاً أٗسامو اىَؽاعث‪ٗ ٚ‬ع٘ف ‪ٝ‬رٌ ذالف‪ ٚ‬ذيل اىَالؼظح‪ٗ .‬تذٗسٕا سفؼد عؽش طيؼد ٍصطف‪ ٚ‬سئ‪ٞ‬ظ اىيعْح‬ ‫أػَاه االظرَاع إى‪ ٚ‬غذ اىصالشاء العرنَاه تاق‪ ٚ‬اىَْاقؾاخ‪.‬‬


‫"ّ٘فغر‪ٗ :"ٚ‬ص‪ٝ‬ش اىط‪ٞ‬شاُ ‪ٝ‬يرق‪ٗ ٚ‬ص‪ٝ‬ش اىْقو اىشٗع‪ ٚ‬ىؼ٘دج‬ ‫اىغ‪ٞ‬اؼح إى‪ٍ ٚ‬صش‬ ‫مرة ٍؤٍِ ٍخراس أػيْد ٗماىح األّثاء اىشٗع‪ٞ‬ح "ّ٘فغر‪ ،"ٚ‬أُ ٗص‪ٝ‬ش اىْقو اىشٗع‪ٍ ٚ‬نغ‪ ٌٞ‬ع٘م٘ى٘ف‬ ‫ع‪ٞ‬يرق‪ٗ ٚ‬ص‪ٝ‬ش اىط‪ٞ‬شاُ اىَصش‪ ٙ‬ؽش‪ٝ‬ف فرؽ‪ ،ٚ‬إلظشاء ٍؽادشاخ ف‪ٍ٘ ٚ‬عن٘ تؾأُ ػ٘دج اىغ‪ٞ‬اؼح‬ ‫ٗاىشٗاتط اىع٘‪ٝ‬ح ت‪ٍ٘ ِٞ‬عن٘ ٗاىقإشج‪ ،‬تؼذ ذ٘قفٖا ٍْز ػاً ذقش‪ٝ‬ثاً‪ٗ .‬أٗظػ ٍصذس ف‪ٗ ٚ‬صاسج اىْقو‬ ‫اىشٗع‪ٞ‬ح ىي٘ماىح اإلخثاس‪ٝ‬ح‪ ،‬أُ اىَؽادشاخ عرؼقذ قش‪ٝ‬ثًا ف‪ٍ٘ ٚ‬عن٘‪ ،‬ؼ‪ٞ‬س ‪ٝ‬قً٘ اى٘ص‪ٝ‬ش اىَصش‪ ٙ‬تض‪ٝ‬اسج‬ ‫ؼاى‪ٞ‬ح ىشٗع‪ٞ‬ا ىَْاقؾح اىرؼاُٗ اىَصش‪ ٙ‬اىشٗع‪ٗ ٚ‬ػ٘دج اىط‪ٞ‬شاُ ٍشج أخش‪ٝ .ٙ‬زمش أُ سٗع‪ٞ‬ا أٗقفد‬ ‫اىط‪ٞ‬شاُ ٍغ ٍصش‪ٗ ،‬قاٍد تئظالء اىغ‪ٞ‬اغ اىشٗط ٍِ اىَْرعؼاخ اىَصش‪ٝ‬ح‪ ،‬تؼذ أُ عقطد اىطائشج‬ ‫اىشٗع‪ٞ‬ح ف‪ ٚ‬ع‪ْٞ‬اء ٍِ طشاص آ‪ٝ‬شتاؿ ‪ ،A321‬اىر‪ ٚ‬ماّد ف‪ ٚ‬طش‪ٝ‬قٖا ٍِ ؽشً اىؾ‪ٞ‬خ إى‪ٍ ٚ‬ذ‪ْٝ‬ح عاُ‬ ‫تطشعثشض اىشٗع‪ٞ‬ح‪ٗ ،‬ماُ ػي‪ٍ ٚ‬رْٖا ‪ 217‬سامثًا ٗعثؼح ٍِ أفشاد اىطاقٌ‪.‬‬


‫ٍصش ىيط‪ٞ‬شاُ ‪":‬عراس"‪ٝ‬ف٘ص‬ ‫تعائضج أفعو ذؽاىف ىؾشماخ‬ ‫اىط‪ٞ‬شاُ ف‪ ٜ‬اىؼاىٌ‬

‫كتب ــ محمد عبدالناصر‬

‫أػيِ " صف٘خ ٍغيٌ " سئ‪ٞ‬ظ اىؾشمح اىقاتعح ىَصش ىيط‪ٞ‬شاُ أُ ذؽاىف عراس اىؼاىَ‪ ٚ‬اىز‪ ٙ‬ذؾاسك‬ ‫ف‪ٍ ٔٞ‬صش ىيط‪ٞ‬شاُ ؼصو ػي‪ ٚ‬ظائضج " عنا‪ ٙ‬ذشامظ "مأفعو ذؽاىف ىؾشماخ اىط‪ٞ‬شاُ ػي‪ٍ ٚ‬غر٘‪ٙ‬‬ ‫اىؼاىٌ‪ ،‬مَا ؼصذ ىيَشج اىصاّ‪ٞ‬ح ػي‪ ٚ‬اىر٘اى‪ ٚ‬ظائضج أخش‪ ٙ‬ػِ أؼذز إعرشاؼاذٔ اىر‪ ٚ‬ذٌ ذؾ‪ٞ​ٞ‬ذٕا ٍؤخشًا‬ ‫تَطاس ى٘ط اّعي٘ط‪.‬‬ ‫ظاء رىل ف‪ ٚ‬ت‪ٞ‬اُ إػالٍ‪ ٚ‬أصذسذٔ ٍصش ىيط‪ٞ‬شاُ اى‪ ً٘ٞ‬اإلشْ‪ٗ ِٞ‬قاه" ٍغيٌ " ‪ :‬إُ ذؽاىف عراس‬ ‫اىؼاىَ‪ ٚ‬أٗه ذؽاىف ىيط‪ٞ‬شاُ ‪ٝ‬ؽصو ػي‪ٕ ٚ‬زا اىيقة ػي‪ٍ ٚ‬غر٘‪ ٙ‬اىؼاىٌ ٗرىل ٍْز ػاً ‪ٗ ،2005‬قذ‬ ‫ذَنِ اىرؽاىف ٍِ اىؽفاظ ػي‪ٕ ٚ‬زا اىيقة ىَذٓ عثؼح أػ٘اً ّٗؽِ عؼذاء تاىؽص٘ه ػي‪ ٚ‬اىعائضج اىر‪ٚ‬‬ ‫ذؼذ فخشًا ىعَ‪ٞ‬غ اىؾشماخ اىط‪ٞ‬شاُ األػعاء ف‪ ٚ‬ذؽاىف عراس اىؼاىَ‪ ٍِٗ ٚ‬ت‪ْٖٞ‬ا ٍصش ىيط‪ٞ‬شاُ ٗقذ‬ ‫أشثد ذؽاىف عراس أفعي‪ٞ‬رٔ ٗقذسذٔ ػي‪ٍْ ٚ‬افغح ذؽاىفاخ اىط‪ٞ‬شاُ األخش‪ ٙ‬تؽص٘ىٔ ػي‪ٕ ٚ‬زا اىيقة‬ ‫ٗاىز‪ ٙ‬ى‪ٞ‬ظ تعذ‪ٝ‬ذ ػي‪ ٚ‬ذؽاىف عراس ٗأػعائٔ ٍِ ؽشماخ اىط‪ٞ‬شاُ اىؼاىَ‪ٞ‬ح "‪.‬‬ ‫ٗقاٍد ٍْظَح عنا‪ ٙ‬ذشامظ اىؼاىَ‪ٞ‬ح تئظشاء اعرطالع سأ‪ ٛ‬ؽاسك ف‪ ٔٞ‬ػذد مث‪ٞ‬ش ٍِ اىَغافش‪ِٝ‬‬ ‫‪ٝ‬ؽَيُ٘ ‪ 104‬ظْغ‪ٞ‬ح ٍِ ٍخريف أّؽاء اىؼاىٌ ٗإػرَذ إعرطالع اىشأ‪ ٙ‬ػي‪ ٚ‬ذْاٗه ػذٓ ٍؼا‪ٞٝ‬ش ٍْٖا‬ ‫ظ٘دٓ اىَْرعاخ ٗاىخذٍاخ اىَقذٍح ٍِ خاله اىناّٗرشاخ ٗاىرؼاٍو اىَثاؽش ٍغ اىؼَالء ٍِٗ ت‪ٕ ِٞ‬زٓ‬ ‫اىَؼا‪ٞٝ‬ش اىر‪ ٚ‬ذٌ اإلػرَاد ػي‪ٖٞ‬ا ٍغر٘‪ ٙ‬سظاء اىؼَالء ذعآ ذعشتح عفشٌٕ ٗقد ٗص٘ىٌٖ اىَطاس‬ ‫ٗؼر‪ ٚ‬صؼ٘دٌٕ اىطائشٓ ٍٗا ‪ٝ‬ؾٖذٓ اىشماب ٍِ ٍغر٘‪ّ ٙ‬ظافح ‪ٍ ،‬أم٘الخ ٍٗؾشٗتاخ‪ٗ ،‬عائو اىرشف‪ٔٞ‬‬ ‫اىَقذٍح ػي‪ ٚ‬اىطائشاخ ٗ‪ٝ‬قً٘ ذؽاىف عراس ٍِ خاله ؽشماذٔ األػعاء ٗؽثناذٖا اىع٘‪ ٍِ ٔٝ‬ذغ‪ٞ​ٞ‬ش‬ ‫‪1٨500‬سؼيح ‪ٍٞ٘ٝ‬ح إى‪ ٚ‬أمصش ٍِ ‪ٍ 1330‬طاسًا ف‪ 192 ٚ‬دٗىح ؼ٘ه اىؼاىٌ ‪.‬‬

IATA and FIATA Announce New Air Cargo Program ​Geneva and Zurich - The International Air Transport Association (IATA) and the International Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations (FIATA) are pleased to announce that an agreement has been signed by Tony Tyler, IATA‘s Director General and CEO and Huxiang Zhao, President of FIATA, to implement the IATA-FIATA Air Cargo Program (IFACP) to replace the existing IATA Cargo Agency Program. Over the decades that the IATA Cargo Agency Program has operated; IATA Cargo Agents (freight forwarders) have evolved from being ―selling-agents‖ for airlines to being their ―purchasing-customers‖. In consideration of this evolution, in 2012 IATA and FIATA joined forces to review, refine and re-engineer the existing Agency Program. The new program moves decision-making on the rules governing the airlineforwarder relationship away from an airline-led conference to a governance body - the IATA-FIATA Governance Board (IFGB) - jointly managed by forwarders and airlines, which reflects today‘s market conditions. ―IATA and FIATA have reached an important agreement on a new jointly-managed air cargo program. This is the result of four years of hard work to modernize the relationship between freight forwarders and airlines. The IFACP also provides a framework to ensure that industry standards are relevant, pragmatic and fit for purpose. These standards cover the endorsement of freight forwarders and more broadly the safe, secure and efficient transportation of air cargo shipments‖, said Aleks Popovich, IATA, Senior Vice President, Financial and Distribution Services.

―The Cargo Agency Program has long needed updating. I am really pleased that FIATA and IATA have joined forces to provide our industry with a new, modern program and a framework for operation that benefits both airlines and freight forwarders. IFACP will eliminate unnecessary administrative procedures and costs as well as free up valuable resources to tackle the complex challenges that today‘s global trade presents. These include regulatory compliance, safety and security and the introduction of new technologies. This agreement paves the way for a more successful future for the fastest and most fascinating mode of international transport‖, remarked Mr. Rudi Sagel, Chairman of FIATA‘s Airfreight Institute (AFI). The phased rollout of IFACP will begin in early 2017 with Canada as the pilot country. It is anticipated that full global rollout will be completed by end of 2018. The public signature with the common endorsement of the agreement will take place at the October FIATA World Congress which will be held in Dublin, Ireland. Q&A 1. What are the benefits of the new IATA-FIATA Air Cargo Program (IFACP)? The structure of the new agreement better reflects the new business models and the buyer-seller relationship that exists today between forwarders and airlines. With the establishment of a global IATA-FIATA Governance Board (IFGB), the industry will be better equipped to achieve key goals including: e-cargo priorities of greater efficiency and shared values, clarification of supply chain liability, improved compliance with safety and security standards through a more coordinated and concerted industry approach. The IFGB governance structure will reduce the administrative burden in managing the program as it includes the involvement of forwarders as equal partners in the decision making process which now correctly reflects the Principal-to-Principal relationship existing today between Freight Forwarders and Airlines.

2. What is the impact on the current IATA Cargo Agents? There is no immediate impact on the current IATA Cargo Agents as the current participants of the IATA Cargo Agency/ Intermediary Program will be provided with a new IATA-FIATA Air Cargo Program Agreement when the program implementation process begins in their country. Upon execution and receipt of the completed Agreement, the Endorsed Freight Forwarder will join the new program. No further assessment will be required. New entrants shall be granted access to the IFACP in accordance with the program's rules, which are designed to be more reflective of how the air cargo business functions in today‘s market. It is anticipated this process will be completed by end of 2018.

Oman Air plane suffers burst tyre while landing in Tanzania

Oman Air has launched an investigation after one of its aircraft suffered a tyre burst while landing in Tanzania. The Oman Air plane with 158 passengers and six crew members on board encountered the accident at Julius Nyerere International Airport in Dar es Salaam on Saturday. "We would like to confirm that flight WY707 from Muscat to Dar es Salaam suffered a tyre burst while landing at Dar Airport," Oman Air said on Twitter. "All the passengers deplaned safely without any injuries. The airline has ordered a probe into the incident.," it added. In April, an Oman Air flight from Muscat experienced two burst tyres while landing at Abu Dhabi.

Lufthansa airline launches internet connectivity aboard flights Lufthansa airline has launched internet connectivity on short and medium haul flights, including flights to Nigeria.

From October 2016, the first short and medium haul aircraft will take off with broadband internet aboard. Lufthansa‘s entire family fleet is expected to have the innovative technology installed by the middle of 2018. In June, the first aircraft was equipped with the technology and in coming weeks, the onboard system will be tested for both functionality and stability. It is likely that Lufthansa passengers be able to use the new internet service from October. Other airlines in the Lufthansa Group will follow later. This innovative service based on the latest broadband satellite technology (Ka-band) that offers seamless, reliable coverage is from is from Lufthansa and its technology partner Inmarsat. The service will be provided through Inmarsat‘s Global Xpress network. Passengers will be opportuned to access the internet on their mobile devices via Wi-Fi. Not only will they be allowed basic use of the internet such as email, they will be allowed more sophisticated applications such as video streaming.

FAA Lifts Ban on Flights Between Turkey and the U.S.

Despite this good news, it's been a tumultuous weekend for Istanbul‘s Ataturk International Airport and Turkish Airlines. The Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) issued a notice to airmen (NOTAM) on Friday, saying it was prohibiting U.S. commercial and private aircraft from flying into or out of airports in Turkey and banning all flights from Turkey to the U.S. The emergency announcement came after a coup attempt in Turkey left 232 people dead and temporarily closed down Istanbul‘s Ataturk International Airport. An FAA spokesperson told Condé Nast Traveler just this morning that there was currently no set duration for the ban, and in a statement said that ―the FAA is monitoring the situation in Turkey in coordination with our partners in the State Department and the Department of Homeland Security and will update the restrictions as the situation evolves.‖ But, by this afternoon, the situation had improved enough for the FAA to lift its ban on U.S. flights to and from Turkey. those dates are also being granted.

(1) SO WHAT DOES THAT MEAN FOR YOUR FLIGHT? Istanbul‘s Ataturk International Airport, the fourth-busiest airport in Europe and a major gateway for travel from the U.S. to Asia, has been reopened since Saturday morning, and is currently playing catch-up for the more than 200 domestic and international flights that were canceled due to the coup attempt. Meanwhile, Turkish Airlines, recently ranked the best airline in Europe by Skytrax, canceled flights to and from the United States on Sunday and Monday, but its website carries no information about reservations beyond that date. This morning, a spokesperson from Turkish Airlines told Condé Nast Traveler, ―Our scheduled U.S. flight operations will be restarted in the forthcoming days,‖ but could not offer specifics about when. A search on the airline‘s website now shows a confirmed flight from Istanbul to New York-JFK tomorrow morning at 6:45 a.m. As a member of Star Alliance, Turkish Airlines currently carries direct routes between Istanbul and nine different U.S. cities, including New York-JFK, Los Angeles, and Atlanta. To understand the extent of the ramifications of the past weekend on air travel, imagine if London-Heathrow, Paris-Charles de Gaulle, or Frankfurt—the only three European airports busier than Istanbul's— suddenly stopped receiving flights from the United States. Turkish Airlines‘s Twitter account has been abuzz with complaints and concerns from passengers stranded in the U.S. and Turkey, and the airline has been asking passengers to call their help desk, where people have reported wait times over an hour long. Turkish Airlines issued a statement to its passengers this afternoon, saying it will rebook and reroute any Turkish Airlines travel to or from Turkey made between July 15 and July 20, allowing passengers to rebook their flights on dates up until August 15. Refunds for unused tickets, or portions of tickets, that fall in those dates are also being granted.

According to the Points Guy, the NOTAM was likely issued due to nonexistent security at Istanbul‘s airport in the immediate wake of the coup, as people were seen walking through the airport—including on the tarmac—without having passed through security. The U.S. State Department updated its travel warning for Turkey on July 16, saying, "In light of the July 15 coup attempt and its aftermath, we suggest U.S. citizens reconsider travel to Turkey at this time." The FAA decision and renewed warning are the latest blows to Turkey‘s tourism industry, after the country has suffered from several terrorist attacks, including a suicide bombing at Ataturk International Airport in June that killed 41 people.

Turkish Airlines announces cancellation for all flights from Istanbul to the United States

As ordered by the Federal Aviation Authority in Washington DC, Turkish Airlines had to cancel all its flights from Istanbul to every United States Gateways on Monday and Tuesday, July 17 and July 18t and from the US to Istanbul on July 17 and 18. This is due to the FAA mandate issued against this Star Alliance Carrier not to be allowed to fly between Turkey and the United States due to security concerns.

Help! Star Alliance to Turkish Airlines passengers: Not our concern has a paid reservation on Turkish Airlines to Los Dimitri Oskarpouzis Angeles. He had been looking forward to this once in a lifetime vacation. For him it was a dream he had saved for. Hollywood, Beverly Hills, Venice Beach and eat an In and Out Burger. He wanted to visit Disney, enjoy San Diego and gamble a little in Las Vegas. The highlight of his trip was a trip to the Grand Canyon in Arizona. He booked a prepaid room in a lodge overlooking the Canyon. He send the money 6 months ago. Dimitri bought a brand new Nikon camera for this trip. It took a long time for Dimitri to put this altogether. Today is the day to fly to the land of the free. His suitcase is packed and he is heading to the airport. His ticket is paid in full and his 3 week pre-paid holiday included hotels, rental car and entry fees. He even prepaid for the hop on bus in San Francisco everything was done. His long time dream is about to turn into a nightmare when he saw his flight was cancelled. Turkish Airlines, the number one European airlines and proud Star Alliance member cancelled his flight to Los Angeles. As a matter of fact the airline had to cancel every single flight to the United States, due to an U.S. Federal Aviation Agency (FAA) emergency order over the weekend. Who is going to help? FAA certainly not. They are still enjoying the weekend, and of course will never talk to a small alien guy like Dimitri. Turkish Airlines is completely overburdened and unable to assist or even take Dimitri's phone call. Dimitri signed up for Turkish Airlines Miles and Smiles frequent flyer program. He knew Turkish Airlines was a proud member of the largest airline alliance in the world. .

As a matter of fact most of the Frankfurt based Star Alliance staff was on their way to Denver, Colorado (most likely not on Turkish Airlines) to exhibit at the GBTA Travel Convention. Dimitri called Lufthansa, Austrian, Swiss, LOT, Air Canada - all members of Star Alliance carrier and flying to the U.S. The average wait time on the phone was one hour to talk to an agent. The Lufthansa Call Center based in Canada told him, they would not honor any tickets from fellow Star Alliance partner Turkish Airlines, unless Turkish would endorses and rebooks his ticket directly on Lufthansa. When Dimitri told Lufthansa he tried and cannot get to an agent at Turkish Airlines, there was silence as a response. When Dimitri asked the agent why he would not care, the angry response was : "I had been answering these type of calls for the last 70 hours, and there is simply no good answer at this time. We cannot help you. Sorry, and have a lovely day." Since Turkish Airlines agents are not working or are not available and phone lines are cut, the only alternative would be for Dimitri to purchase a new ticket on Lufthansa or another airline. Of course last minute purchases on close to sold out flights would make a ticket enormously expensive, and Dimitri didn't have the financial resource. When he asked Lufthansa about special rates for stranded Turkish Airlines passengers, there was no such option. When he asked Lufthansa, if he had to clear German immigration in Frankfurt if he decided to buy a ticket on Lufthansa when traveling on that airline to the U.S., Lufthansa did not know. The agent heard about the new FAA rule to not allow direct or indirect traffic from Turkey to the United States. .

He could not answer if this would mean for someone like Dimitri to check in only to Frankfurt, clear immigration, collect his bags and check in again for the U.S flight. Dimitri did not have a visa for Schengen. Lufthansa's response: "This is all too new for me. I can tell you if this was the case our airline would send you back to Istanbul. I cannot tell you if there is such a situation in Frankfurt. We had not been informed one way or the other." To summarize: Even if Dimitri would have paid out the money for another ticket on Lufthansa, he chances are he would risk his money a second time, since Lufthansa's own booking staff did not know updates on rules? eTN caught up with a Star Alliance representative attending the Denver trade show. As a spokesperson for the largest airline alliance in the world he had no solution. He told eTN: "We don't have an emergency plan for such a situation." He continued to tell eTN: " This situation is something Star Alliance and their members had never been confronted with," His suggestion for Dimitri was to contact Turkish Airlines. A smooth travel experience, equal treatment on all Star Alliance Carriers, and the largest airline network in the world behind you. Unfortunately this alliance never thought about an emergency plan in place to help in a situation like this? It appears Star Alliance leaders have not even consulted with their 28 alliance members on how to help. After all it's a weekend, and next week they are not in the office for the most part - and it's really not a Star Alliance issue, they think. What about reputation? Star Alliance thinks it's a political situation beyond their control. Consequently they cannot get involved. According to Star Alliance the sole responsibility is only with Turkish Airlines.

It means for Dimitri to give up on his America trip. Should he start saving money for a second chance next year? If he does, he would certainly fly on Delta, Etihad, Emirates American Airlines, Aeroflot or any non Star Alliance Airline. In the meantime if you are in Denver visit StarAlliance at GBTA2016 at booth 849 until 20July. Treats are on Air New Zealand and Austrian Airlines. Here is what Star Alliance wants you to know about them: Five airlines created Star Alliance as the first global aviation alliance back in 1997. We‘re still pioneering – dedicated to innovation and excellent customer service, with a track record of success. So our customers experience the best of both worlds: absolute reliability coupled with constant innovation. Today, Star Alliance has 28 member airlines, each with its own distinctive culture and style of service. Alliance members come together to offer smooth connections across a vast global network. A project company based in Frankfurt, Germany, coordinates Star Alliance activities. These include co-locations at airports, infrastructure, communication initiatives and other services to improve your travel experience. MAKING THE ALLIANCE WORK FOR YOU We are constantly looking at the ways in which we can make our travel experience smoother and more comfortable. Here are two example: 1) Sitting on a delayed flight worrying about missing your connection is highly stressful. Our connection centres track real-time passenger and baggage information for arriving flights and do everything they can to make sure you and your baggage make your flight connection. A member airline employee may even meet you off the plane to ensure you make a quick transfer. This service is available at our top hub airports worldwide.

2)At selected airports our member airlines share common ticketing and check-in counters as well as lounges, baggage facilities and other services. One prime example of this is Terminal 2 at London Heathrow, where Star Alliance member airlines operate from a purpose-built new building. We are in the process of rolling out this initiative to more

FAA bans US-Turkey flights until September

The US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has issued a Notice To Airmen (NOTAM) barring all airlines, whether US or foreign, from carrying out flights between the United States and Turkey until September 1.

The move comes in the wake of this past weekend's failed military coup which saw sections of the Turkish armed forces attempting to overthrow the government of president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. As it stands, all airline carriers, regardless of country of registry, are prohibited from flying into the United States from Turkey either directly or via third country. While no US airlines currently operate any flights between the two countries, Turkish Airlines (TK,Istanbul Atatürk) does and is severely affected by the ban. The ch-aviation route database shows Turkish serves Atlanta Hartsfield Jackson, Boston, Chicago O'Hare, Houston Intc'l, Los Angeles Int'l, Miami Int'l, New York JFK, San Francisco, CA, andWashington Dulles from its Istanbul Atatürk hub. The FAA will review the status-quo no later than August 15.

Jazeera Airways continues to provide support to travelers in Turkey in coordination with Kuwait's MoFA following the resumption of flights

Kuwait - Jazeera Airways has resumed normal operations to Istanbul Ataturk Airport with the reopening of the airport Saturday morning, and is continuing to provide support and assistance to Kuwaiti nationals and residents in direct coordination with Kuwait's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Kuwait Embassy in Ankara and the Kuwait Consulate in Istanbul. The airline operates six flights a week between Istanbul Ataturk Airport and Kuwait International Airport. Flights to Istanbul Ataturk Airport were suspended for less than 24 hours during the recent unrest in Istanbul last Friday night and early saturday morning. Jazeera Airways flights are now back to the scheduled operation as of Sunday with no impact on the airline's flights to other destinations. Jazeera Airways flies to Istanbul Ataturk Airport every day of the week except Saturdays. Travelers in Turkey with booking concerns may contact the airline on: +965 22282040 or visit the airline's website Customers in Kuwait may call the airline's call center directly by dialing 177. -Ends-

These countries are losing millions of tourists because of attacks

Millions of travelers have been nixing their dreams of visiting places like the pyramids in Egypt, the Eiffel Tower in Paris, the Tunisian coast and Istanbul's Hagia Sophia due to heightened terrorism concerns. Here are the countries that are among the worst hit: Turkey Turkey's title as the sixth most visited country in the world -- right behind Italy -- is seriously at risk. The country welcomed 40 million tourists last year, but millions are rethinking their plans following a major terrorist attack on Istanbul's main airport in June and Friday's deadly attempted coup. "The recent political events in Turkey will be catastrophic for its travel industry," warned Nadejda Popova, a senior travel specialist at Euromonitor International.

Tourist bookings to Istanbul have fallen every week since the start of the year, and plunged 69 percent in the week after the airport attack, according to travel intelligence firm ForwardKeys. Ahead of the airport attack and coup, multiple deadly terrorist bombings in Istanbul and Ankara convinced many European travelers -- mainly Germans and Brits -- to holiday elsewhere, according to David Scowsill, CEO of the World Travel & Tourism Council. Germany and the United Kingdom are among the top three biggest contributors to Turkey's tourism sector, sending roughly 8 million tourists a year in total. Russia, the second biggest market for Turkey, banned its citizens from visiting the country for eight months after Turkey downed a Russian war plane in December. That ban has just been lifted. France France is the world's top destination for international tourists, welcoming over 80 millions visitors each year. It earns more money from tourism than any other European country, according to UBS. But it too is losing visitors following a series of terror attacks. Friday's attack in Nice, which killed 84 people, was the third in the last 18 months. ForwardKeys data shows that international visitor numbers to France declined 11 percent in the five months after the Paris attack in November. And bookings to Nice dropped sharply after the attack last week. "Frankly, it doesn't look good," ForwardKeys CEO Olivier Jager told CNNMoney. Analysts at UBS say travel spending has fallen in France for the past eight months and slumped 18 percent in June alone. They cited data from Global Blue, which provides sales tax refunds in airports around the world.

Egypt The prospects for Egypt's tourism industry look dire following years of political upheaval and aviation disasters. Annual visitor numbers peaked above 14 million in 2010 but crashed to around 9 million last year, according to data from the United Nations' World Tourism Organization. Euromonitor expects visitor numbers will drop a further 20 percent this year. The crash of EgyptAir flight 804 in May was initially suspected to have been caused by a terrorist attack, forcing many tourists to reconsider their travel plans. It's still not clear what brought the plane down, but investigators have found evidence of a fire on board. On top of that, an EgyptAir domestic flight was hijacked in March, and terrorists brought down a Russian plane that took off from an Egyptian tourist airport in late October. Tunisia This small country wedged between Algeria and Libya in northern Africa experienced a near 20 percent drop in international visitor arrivals in the first quarter of 2016 following two shocking terrorist attacks that targeted tourists. ISIS claimed responsibility for both deadly attacks. The first attack in March 2015 saw assailants gun down visitors at a popular museum in the heart of the capital, killing more than 20 people. The next attack in June 2015 saw a gunman open fire on sunbathing tourists, killing 38 people, most of them British citizens. Tourism levels in a country tend to take up to two years to recover when a terrorist attack directly targets tourists, according to Scowsill from the World Travel & Tourism Council. "People will come to Tunisia again... but right now [the country is] having a very tough time and people are losing their jobs," Scowsill said. Tunisia used to welcome about 6 million to 7 million visitors a year before the attacks, but that seems unrealistic for 2016. International airline capacity to Tunisia has been cut by 25 percent for the summer, according to ForwardKeys.

British committee inspects security measures at Cairo airport A British committee inspected security measures and facilities at Cairo International Airport on Monday, state news agency MENA reported. The committee, which is focused on cargo and airplanes heading to London, will issue a final report to evaluate security at the airport at the conclusion of their three-day mission. Airport sources noted that the committee comprises of five aviation security experts. The committee observed security measures in airport terminals as well as for British Airways flight 154 and EgyptAir flight 777 that fly to Heathrow Airport in London. A number of European airlines have banned flights to Egypt -and Sharm El-Sheikh in particular -- over security concerns following an October 2015 crash of a Russian airliner in Sinai that resulted in the deaths of all 224 people on board. In June, British Airways announced that it would indefinitely extended its suspension of flights to Sharm El-Sheikh.

The UK government deployed experts to assess security procedures in Egyptian airports following the suspension of flights to and from Sharm El-Shiekh.

The committee, which is focused on cargo and airplanes heading to London, will issue a final report to evaluate security at the airport at the conclusion of their three-day mission. Airport sources noted that the committee comprises of five aviation security experts. The committee observed security measures in airport terminals as well as for British Airways flight 154 and EgyptAir flight 777 that fly to Heathrow Airport in London. A number of European airlines have banned flights to Egypt -- and Sharm El-Sheikh in particular -- over security concerns following an October 2015 crash of a Russian airliner in Sinai that resulted in the deaths of all 224 people on board. In June, British Airways announced that it would indefinitely extended its suspension of flights to Sharm El-Sheikh. The UK government deployed experts to assess security procedures in Egyptian airports following the suspension of flights to and from Sharm El-Shiekh.

Jordan to host 6th Arab Aviation Summit Amman, July18 (BNA): Jordan has been announced as the official host for the 6th edition of the Arab Aviation Summit – the most prominent aviation and tourism event within the region focusing on trends, insights and opportunities driving the continuous growth and development of the avia-tourism industry in the Arab world. Described as the ‗voice of the industry,‘ the summit is an industry initiative launched in 2011 and is organized on an annual basis in collaboration with aviation and tourism leaders, government entities, media heavy-weights and other well-entrenched organizations, to lead the discussion on a variety of topics relevant to key stakeholders and aviation commentators. Set to be held under the patronage of Minister of Tourism and Antiquities, Lina Annab, this year‘s edition will take place at the Dead Sea in Jordan on 5th and 6th December 2016. The theme of the forthcoming summit will be ‗Linking Cultures, Driving Economies‘ to draw attention to the interdependent roles the Aviation and Tourism sectors play in contributing to the greater economic development of the region. Executive Officer of Air Arabia. Key findings and outcomes from the Summit are compiled and developed into a white paper report, which is later presented to regulators and decision makers from both public and private sectors, and followed up by a course of action.

THIS MOANING Phillip Schofield‘s foul-mouthed post as he shares selfies amid more chaos at Heathrow after BA check-in system fails AGAIN THIS Morning host Phillip Schofield shared his frustration online after being caught in massive queues at Heathrow Airport today after a computer glitch once again caused chaos at Terminal 5. British Airways passengers were forced to wait in long lines after its check-in system collapsed. Passengers said ―mayhem‖ erupted in Terminal 5 and claimed it is ―starting to resemble a 3rd World country domestic airport.‖ Holidaymakers were met with a sign which said: ―We are currently upgrading our check-in system and with more than 700 flights a day, it‘s a big change for us. We would like to apologise in advance if it takes longer than usual to drop your bag today.‖ Sharing a selfie in the departure lounge, Phillip issued a foul-mouthed condemnation of British Airways on his Instagram page. He wrote: ―Plane leaves in half an hour, been in the queue for two hours and not one member of staff to talk to. Love you usually, today you The British Airways check-in system governs everything from passport checks to baggage handling. It was updated earlier this year, but has been dogged with difficulties. Earlier this month, a BA insider contacted The Sun Online and claimed computer issues were so severe that people have ended up being turned away from flights, even though they arrived on time. ―It‘s going to be a summer of holiday chaos,‖ they said. ―The system isn‘t robust enough for an airport like Heathrow. ―It‘s a nightmare.‖ The BA insider said the IT system has been crashing ―all the time‖ since it was introduced earlier this year.

‫ادارة العالقاث العامت ‪ -‬الشركت القابضت‬ ‫لمصر للطيران‬

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