EGYPTAIR News 1 dec 2015

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‫‪‬‬ ‫مقال ‪ -‬مصرلطيران تُحدّث مىقعها االلكتروني وتقدم ‪Disability Rules‬‬ ‫خدمة جديدة‬ ‫أػيْذ ٍصش ىيط‪ٞ‬شاُ ٍإخشاً ػِ رذذ‪ٝ‬ضٖب ىَ٘قؼٖب االىنزشّٗ‪ٗ ٜ‬ئػبدح رصَ‪َٞ‬خ ثشنو اىز‪٘ٝ ٛ‬امت‬ ‫ٗ‪ٝ‬ز٘افق ٍغ اىَؼب‪ٞٝ‬ش اىذٗى‪ٞ‬خ اىز‪ ٜ‬رْزٖجٖب مجش‪ ٙ‬ششمبد اىط‪ٞ‬شاُ اىؼبىَ‪ٞ‬خ ٍغ ػشض ىجَ‪ٞ‬غ‬ ‫اىخذٍبد ثطش‪ٝ‬قخ عٖيخ ٍٗش‪ٝ‬ذخ ىَزصفخ اىَ٘قغ االىنزشّٗ‪ٝ ،ٜ‬أر‪ ٜ‬رىل ف‪ ٜ‬ئطبس ٍششٗع خطخ‬ ‫رط٘‪ٝ‬ش ٍصش ىيط‪ٞ‬شاُ اىز‪ ٜ‬رؼَو اىششمخ ػي‪ ٚ‬رْف‪ٞ‬زٕب دبى‪ٞ‬بً ف‪ٍ ٜ‬خزيف اىقطبػبد ثبىششمخ‪.‬‬ ‫ٕزا ٗقذ صشح شش‪ٝ‬ف فزذ‪ ٚ‬سئ‪ٞ‬ظ اىقبثضخ ىَصش ىيط‪ٞ‬شاُ أُ اىششمخ رؼَو دبى‪ٞ‬بً ػي‪ٚ‬‬ ‫اعزذذاس سؤ‪ٝ‬خ جذ‪ٝ‬ذح رطجقٖب ف‪ ٚ‬مبفخ اىَجبالد ثذ‪ٞ‬ش رصجخ ٍصش ىيط‪ٞ‬شاُ أقشة ٍب ‪ٝ‬نُ٘‬ ‫ىؼَالئٖب ٗرظو دائَبً ئخز‪ٞ‬بسٌٕ اىَفضو‪ ،‬ىزا فقذ قبٍذ ثادخبه اىؼذ‪ٝ‬ذ ٍِ اىزذذ‪ٝ‬ضبد ػي‪ٍ٘ ٜ‬قؼٖب‬ ‫االىنزشّٗ‪ ٜ‬اىز‪ ٜ‬رَُنِ اىشامت ٍِ دجض ٗششاء رزامش اىغفش ٗاإلعزفبدح‬ ‫ثخذٍبد اىششمخ اىَخزيفخ أصْبء اىزج٘اه ف‪ ٜ‬أ‪ٍ ٛ‬نبُ ثبىؼبىٌ ‪ٕ ،‬زا ثبألضبفخ اى‪ ٜ‬رذذ‪ٝ‬ش اىجضء‬ ‫اىخبص ثبىذجض ػي‪ ٚ‬اىَ٘قغ ثشنو أمضش ٗض٘دبً ٗرفص‪ٞ‬الً‪ٗ ،‬أضبف فزذ‪ ٚ‬قبئالً‪" :‬ثَجشد ق‪ٞ‬بً‬ ‫اىَغبفش ثبىذجض ٍِ خاله اىَ٘قغ ع‪ٞ‬زبح ىٔ ٍؼشفخ ٍض‪ٝ‬ذ ٍِ اىَؼيٍ٘بد اىَز٘فشح ػي‪ ٚ‬اىصفذخ‬ ‫ٗاىز‪ ٜ‬رزضَِ عؼش اىززمشح ٗػذد اىذقبئت اىَغَ٘ح ثاصطذبثٖب ٗ اى٘صُ اىَزبح ٗػذد األٍ‪ٞ‬به‬ ‫اىز‪ٝ ٜ‬ذصو ػي‪ٖٞ‬ب اىشامت‪ٍ٘ ،‬ػذ ئقالع ٗ​ٗص٘ه اىشدالد ٗغ‪ٞ‬شٕب ٍِ اىَؼيٍ٘بد"‪.‬‬ ‫ٍِٗ جبّجٔ صشح اىط‪ٞ‬بس ٕشبً اىْذبط سئ‪ٞ‬ظ ششمخ اىخط٘ط اىج٘‪ٝ‬خ أّٔ ر‪ٞ‬غ‪ٞ‬شاً ػي‪ ٚ‬ػَالء‬ ‫اىششمخ د٘ه اىؼبىٌ ٗدشصبً ػي‪ ٚ‬ر٘ف‪ٞ‬ش مبفخ ٍزطيجبرٌٖ‪ ،‬فقذ دشصذ اىششمخ ػي‪ ٚ‬رضٗ‪ٝ‬ذ اىَ٘قغ‬ ‫االىنزشّٗ‪ ٜ‬ثخبص‪ٞ‬خ جذ‪ٝ‬ذح ىخذٍخ ضؼبف اىجصش اىز‪ٝ ٛ‬صؼت ػي‪ ٌٖٞ‬اعزخذاً أجٖضح اىنَج‪٘ٞ‬رش‬ ‫د‪ٞ‬ش ع‪َٞ‬نٌْٖ ئّٖبء ئجشاءاد عفشٌٕ ع٘اء دجض ٗدفغ ٗاىزذقق ٍِ سدالرٌٖ ٗغ‪ٞ‬شٕب ٍِ‬ ‫االجشاءاد ف‪ ٜ‬عٖ٘ه ٗ‪ٝ‬غش ٍِ خاله خذٍخ ‪ٗDisability Rules‬اىز‪ ٜ‬ع‪ٞ‬زٌ رفؼ‪ٞ‬يٖب اػزجبساً ٍِ‬ ‫ٍْزصف شٖش د‪ٝ‬غَجش اىقبدً‪.‬‬ ‫ٗ أمذ سئ‪ٞ‬ظ ششمخ اىخط٘ط اىج٘‪ٝ‬خ أّٔ رٌ ٗضغ اىَ٘قغ رذذ ٍشاجؼخ ٗرذق‪ٞ‬ق ٕ‪ٞ‬ئخ اىْقو‬ ‫األٍش‪ٝ‬ن‪ٞ‬خ ىيزأمذ ٍِ اعز‪ٞ‬فبء اىَ٘قغ ىنبفخ االجشاءاد اىالصٍخ ٍٗذ‪ ٙ‬ر٘افقٖب ٍغ اىَؼب‪ٞٝ‬ش اىذٗى‪ٞ‬خ‬ ‫اىز‪ ٜ‬رقشٕب اىٖ‪ٞ‬ئخ األٍش‪ٝ‬ن‪ٞ‬خ ٍِ أجو رفؼ‪ٞ‬و ٕزٓ اىخبص‪ٞ‬خ اىجذ‪ٝ‬ذح‪ ،‬د‪ٞ‬ش اجزبصد اىششمخ ٕزا‬ ‫اىزذق‪ٞ‬ق ٗاىز‪ ٛ‬ع‪َٞ‬نْٖب ٍِ رفؼ‪ٞ‬و ٕزٓ اىخذٍخ اىجذ‪ٝ‬ذح ػي‪ٍ٘ ٚ‬قؼٖب اىشعَ‪ ٜ‬ف‪ ٜ‬اىقش‪ٝ‬ت اىؼبجو‪.‬‬ ‫ٗأضبف اىْذبط أُ ٍ٘قغ ٍصش ىيط‪ٞ‬شاُ دبى‪ًٞ‬ب ٍزبح ىيؼَالء ثبىيغز‪ ِٞ‬اىؼشث‪ٞ‬خ ٗاإلّجي‪ٞ‬ض‪ٝ‬خ ٗ‪ٝ‬جش‪ٙ‬‬ ‫اىؼَو ػي‪ ٚ‬ئدخبه ىغبد أخش‪ٍ ٛ‬ضو اىفشّغ‪ٞ‬خ ٗاألىَبّ‪ٞ‬خ ٗاألعجبّ‪ٞ‬خ ٗغ‪ٞ‬شٕب شٖش‪ًٝ‬ب ى‪ٞ‬نُ٘ ثذا‪ٝ‬خ‬ ‫اضبفخ اىيغبد األخش‪ ٙ‬اػزجبسًا ٍِ ‪ْٝ‬ب‪ٝ‬ش اىقبدً‪ٕ .‬زا ٗ‪َٝ‬نِ ىيؼَالء ٍصش ىيط‪ٞ‬شاُ رذَ‪ٞ‬و رطج‪ٞ‬ق‬ ‫ٍ٘قغ ٍصش ىيط‪ٞ‬شاُ أٗ ص‪ٝ‬بسح اىَ٘قغ االىنزشّٗ‪ ٜ‬ػي‪ ٚ‬أ‪ٍ ٛ‬ذشك ثذش( )‪Browser‬ػي‪ٚ‬‬ ‫ٕ٘ارفٌٖ اىج٘اىخ ع٘اء اىـ ‪Android‬أٗاىـ ‪ٗIOS‬رصفذٔ ثبىؼذ‪ٝ‬ذ ٍِ اىيغبد‪.‬‬ 8 years later than initially anticipated, COMAC delivers first ARJ21 to Chengdu Air A major milestone was reached in Chinese commercial aviation history with the delivery of COMAC’s first ATJ21 to Chinese Airline Chengdu Air. The project, which started back in 2002, finally came to fruition after many setbacks, caused mainly by a lack of aerospace design and engineering resources, together with a paucity of Chinese companies able to push forward the production. This is China’s first locally built regional jet to go into service. The aircraft, which is designed to seat 78 passengers in a dualclass configuration and 90 passengers in a full economy class configuration, is intended to challenge the narrow-body sector of the market currently occupied by Embraer and Bombardier. Interest has been strong from the domestic market with the majority of its 342 advanced orders for the aircraft coming from Chinese airlines, with an order of 5 with an option for 20 coming from the US financing and leasing company, GECAS. The launch of the ARJ21 has been described by COMAC as a big breakthrough in their efforts to develop domestic jet aircraft design and manufacturing capabilities, though currently it only has certification to fly domestically, having received its Type Certification under Chapter 25 of the Chinese civil aviation regulations from the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC), on December 30, 2014. It will not be until it receives certification from the FAA that the aircrafts true viability against its competitors can be truly judged.

Intrepid finances one Airbus A330-300 with DVB Bank and one Airbus A330-300 with Erste Bank Intrepid Aviation announced the financing of one new Airbus A330-300 with DVB Bank. The aircraft delivered November 24th on long-term lease to EVA Airways. In addition, Intrepid Aviation also announced the financing of a second new Airbus A330-300 with Erste Bank. The aircraft was also purchased in November. Intrepid Aviation is a privately held commercial aircraft lessor, which owns commercial aircraft leased to airline operators worldwide. Intrepid Aviation focuses primarily on twin-engine widebody equipment, such as the Boeing 787, 777 and the Airbus A330 aircraft. .

Lufthansa and German trade union ver.di enter into collective labour agreement Lufthansa and the German trade union ver.di agreed on an increase in remunerations for about 30,000 staff members from Lufthansa, Lufthansa Cargo, Lufthansa Technik and LSG Sky Chefs. As part of a comprehensive package, they also entered into a fundamentally reformed collective labour agreement regarding the corporate pension scheme. From April 2015 up until December 2015, a one-off payment amounting to €2,250 has been agreed. Apprentices will receive a one-off payment amounting to €600. In 2016 and 2017, the remuneration for employees and apprentices will increase by 2.2% on the 1st January each year. For newly recruited staff as of 1st January 2016, they succeeded in agreeing on a pension scheme within a Defined Contribution Model. Lufthansa will pay an employer’s contribution amounting to 5.2% of the salary, and in addition, the employees will contribute a co-payment of 1%.


Kagamuga International Airport Opening in Mt Hagen Some pictures of Kagamuga International airport opening by Prime Minister, Hon. Peter O’Neill in Mt Hagen on Thursday, 26th November 2015. The airport opening now paves the way for international flights to operate to and from Hagen including Air Niugini’s direct Hagen/Jayapura service, which is expected to commence next year.


Fiji Airways Crosses One Million Passengers for 2015 Fiji Airways, Fiji’s National Airline, yesterday celebrated crossing the one-million mark for 2015 passengers. Suvabased customer Ravin Singh was the one-millionth passenger, and was awarded a prize including a return trip anywhere on the Fiji Airways network yesterday (Monday November 30th) as he flew from Nadi to Auckland. This is only the second time that Fiji Airways has exceeded the one-million passenger mark in a year, with 2014 being the first. Singh, whose family has been regular Fiji Airways’ customers was surprised at check-in with the news that he was the one-millionth Fiji Airways customer: “I thought it was a prank when I was informed by the airline staff. I feel very lucky indeed.” Meanwhile, Fiji Airways also announced that the airline has again crossed the 100,000 passenger mark in a month. 101,183 passengers flew in October, making it just the second time in history for the Fijian national carrier to achieve this result. The first was in July 2015.

. GLOBAL TRAVEL & TOURISM LEADERS HOPEFUL FOR POSITIVE OUTCOME AT COP21 TALKS In support of the United Nations Climate Change Conference, COP 21, taking place in Paris this week, the members of the Global Travel Association Coalition (GTAC) have reiterated the industry’s commitment to contribute to fight climate change, and express their hopes for successful talks. Speaking as Chairman of GTAC, David Scowsill, President & CEO of the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC), said: “The Travel & Tourism sector expresses its hope for a successful outcome to the talks in Paris and reiterates that our organizations, working together as the Global Travel Association Coalition, are committed to make a meaningful and long term contribution to fighting climate change. “Travel & Tourism contributes nearly 10% of the world’s GDP and supports one in eleven of all jobs on the planet. Over one billion people cross international borders each year, a number expected to reach 1.8 billion by 2030. This growth in Travel & Tourism will bring about enormous social and economic development across the world, particularly for Least Developed Countries (LDCs), Landlocked Developing Countries (LLDCs) and Small Island Developing States. We have a serious responsibility to ensure that we decouple the growth of the sector from its impact on our environment to ensure that tourism can continue to contribute to socio-economic inclusiveness and development in the long term.”

. Results of AACO 48th AGM (1) The Arab Air Carriers Organization (AACO) convened its 48th AGM today in Jeddah under the Chairmanship of H.E Eng. Saleh N. Al Jasser/ Director General of Saudia. The AGM was held under the High Patronage of HRH Prince Khalid Al Faisal bin Abdul Aziz Al-Saud, Advisor to the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques and Governor of Makkah Region. Participation The AGM gathered CEOs of AACO member airlines, AACO partner airlines and industry partners from aircraft and engine manufacturers, Global Distribution Systems (GDSs), IT providers and other specialized companies relevant to the Arab air transport industry. The AGM also welcomed the Arab Civil Aviation Commission (ACAC), the International Air Transport Association (IATA), and a number of regional airline associations, in addition to a number of aviation experts, where the number of delegates surpassed 300. Arab Air Transport Statistics in 2014 Delegates received AACO’s Annual Report, which reflects the yearly harvest of AACO’s work during the past term and highlights the latest developments and challenges at industry level in addition to the achievements of AACO joint projects over the past year. The delegates also received a copy of the Arab Air Transport Statistics publication (AATS) covering 2014 data, in addition to a special report on the evolution of the Arab airlines over the past 50 years on the occasion of AACO’s 50th anniversary. Major statistics included in AATS were as follows: The Arab air transport market grew by 9.7% in 2014 compared to 2013, reaching 172 million passengers. (2) for dealing with aviation emissions under ICAO, and in the consumer protection area AACO, through its relevant working group, developed a template document that gathers best practices in giving consumers their rights in line with IATA and ICAO principles, although providing the consumer with best services is indeed part and parcel of the airlines’ product offering. The Secretary General also highlighted the major incidents that are transforming the global work on aviation safety and security being the downing of MH17 and the disappearance of MH370. AACO is cooperating with all industry stakeholders to improve the tracking of aircraft and will be working on this area with SITA and others following an action plan set by AACO and relevant executives of member airlines with stakeholders at the 2015 Technical forum held earlier in November. AACO has also launched an initiative, following a resolution by AACOs 47th AGM, that would enhance the awareness between member airlines on risk assessment of air routes. This initiative has proven useful on many occasions over the past year. The Secretary General welcomed two new member airlines of AACO this year: Mauritania Airlines International and Badr Airlines that have become active members of AACO following AACO’s Executive Committee approval earlier this year. Speech by the Director General of ACAC Eng. Mohamed Sherif, Director General of the Arab Civil Aviation Commission (ACAC), presented a keynote address about the common issues between AACO and ACAC in the fields of aeropolitics, air safety and security, environment, and air navigation issues and taxes, whereby the two organizations have cooperated throughout the years in order to achieve benefits in these areas to the Arab air transport industry. (3) Speech by the IATA Director General Mr. Tony Tyler, IATA Director General gave a keynote address to the AGM focusing on safety, air traffic management, and smarter regulations in the areas of liberalization, passenger rights, security, taxation and other regulations. Four Strategic Resolutions by AACO 48th AGM The second working session was dedicated to AACO members where they discussed the Executive Committee report which covered strategic issues in addition to AACO’s financial and administrative issues. Based on the recommendations of the Executive Committee, AACO’s AGM adopted four strategic resolutions as follows: Aviation and the Environment: AACO 48th AGM stressed the importance of adopting a number of principles when governments of the world are addressing aviation’s impact on the environment. The principles can be found in the full resolution attached to this press release. The AGM also called upon the Arab Civil Aviation Commission to coordinate, constitute and advocate an Arab position that takes into account the interests of the Arab airlines and to hold coordination meetings in order to ensure that, and mandated the Secretary General and the Environmental Policy Group to work closely with the Arab Civil Aviation Commission and to continue following up this matter in coordination with IATA and other regional and international entities, and to report back to the Executive Committee regarding any developments for guidance. Full Resolution is attached to this press release. Passenger Rights: AACO 48th AGM called upon ICAO to further work on the principles developed by the ICAO ATRP and adopted by the ICAO Council to include material on avoiding (4) extraterritoriality and ensuring compatibility between passenger rights regimes. The AGM also called upon Arab states to look into the Consumer Protection Safety Nets and Caveats template (that was developed by AACO AWG Consumer Protection subgroup), when developing passenger rights regimes. This document gathers best practices of airlines in giving passengers their rights and could be used as relevant guidance to governments if they wish to develop passenger rights regimes. The document is based on ICAO and IATA principles on consumer protection. The template is attached to this press release along with the full resolution on consumer protection. Air Traffic Management and Airspace Capacity in the Arab World: AACO 48th AGM called upon all concerned states to join the Middle East ATM Enhancement Programme, reiterated the importance of coordination between Arab governments with regards to airspace infrastructure developments; and directed AACO to coordinate with states, airlines and with international and regional associations on the technical level to identify the priorities of the region with regards to ATM and airspace capacity, and to work with heads of CAAs, airlines and associations to raise those priorities to governments especially in areas that require coordination between civil and military aviation authorities. More details and the full resolution are attached to this press release. EU External Aviation Policy: AACO AGM called upon the European Union to place the highest possible priority to the development of infrastructure in Europe and the unification of the European aerospace. The AGM also highlighted that the EU aviation package should support global efforts under ICAO umbrella in areas such as consumer protection, dealing with aviation emissions, and security and safety standards.

(5) In addition, the AGM called upon the European Union to recognize in the aviation package the added value that competition brings to the market place and called upon the Arab Civil Aviation Commission (ACAC) and the Arab Air Carriers Organization (AACO) to engage with the European Commission in order to highlight the principles that have been stipulated above. The full resolution is attached to this press release. Panel Discussion on how will the aviation landscape evolve in the next 50 years The Third Working Session, as usual, gathered all invitees of AACO AGM and witnessed the “Joint Aviation Forum”, which is a panel discussion that was moderated this year by Mr. Richard Quest, CNN Anchor and Correspondent. The Joint Aviation Forum featured a session on “Towards the Diamond Jubilee.. How will the aviation landscape evolve?” Participants in this discussion were as follows: Mr. Mohamad A. El-Hout /Chairman & Director General/ Middle East Airlines Mr. Paul Byrne / Chief Executive Officer/ flynas Mr. Ahmed Aly/ Chief Executive Officer/ Nile Air Mr. Adel Al Redha/ EVP and Chief Operations Officer / Emirates Airline Mr. Ahmed Al Jallaf/ Assistant Director General of Air Navigation Services/ UAE GCAA The Golden Jubilee (6) AACO 48th AGM coincided with the 50 years anniversary of AACO. In addition to including valuable information and statistics on the 50 years journey of the Arab airlines, Arab air transport industry, and AACO in AACO’s various AGM publications and in the report delivered by AACO Secretary General this morning, AACO AGM received a special presentation by Prof. Geoffrey Lipman, Founder & Creative Disruption Architect of Green Growth & Travelism Institute, on the future of Arab airlines and their opportunities and challenges. In addition, Mr. Ahmed Al Jallaf, Assistant Director General of Air Navigation Services, UAE GCAA & Chairman of MAEP gave input on a very important topic that requires the attention of all stakeholders and that would play a major role in dictating the future of air transport in the region; which is aerospace management. The delegates of the AGM also received a special publication prepared by The Times Group/ Arabian Aerospace magazine, in cooperation with AACO, citing special words by key people in AACO’s history and present time, information on the Arab air transport industry, valuable statistics and data of the 50 years journey, and information on AACO’s member airlines and Arab air transport industry as a whole. Over the past year AACO redesigned its logo which was approved by AACO’s 47th AGM and accordingly totally refurbished its website which was launched on 28 August 2015 coinciding with the same date that AACO was established 50 years ago (on 28 August 1965). Attached to this press release is data on the 50 years journey of AACO member airlines and the Arab air transport sector. Closing of the AGM (7) As the AGM came to a close, AACO members thanked HRH Prince Khaled Al Faisal for opening the AGM and the 48th AGM Chairman, H.E Eng. Saleh N. Al Jasser, for leading this event and for the generous hospitality of Saudia for all delegates of this event. Moreover, the AGM accepted with gratitude the invitation of Mr. Driss Benhima, Chairman & CEO of Royal Air Maroc to host the forthcoming AACO AGM in Morocco on 8-10 November 2016, and the invitation of Mr. Adel Ali, Group CEO of Air Arabia to host the 50th AGM in Sharjah in 2017. Resolution on Aviation and the Environment Recalling the 66th IATA AGM Resolution on Climate Change setting out the three ambitious targets for addressing carbon emissions: 1.5% average annual fuel efficiency improvement between 2010 and 2020, Carbon neutral growth from 2020 and a reduction of 50% in net emissions by 2050 compared to 2005 levels; And Referring to IATA 69th AGM resolution that strongly endorses the continuing efforts of its member airlines and States within ICAO to develop a comprehensive proposal towards a single, global MBM mechanism to address CO2 emissions from aviation under ICAO, as opposed to a patchwork of unilateral national and/or regional policy measures; And Referring to ICAO 38th Assembly resolution on Aviation and Climate Change that Requests the Council, with the support of member States, to undertake work to develop a framework for market-based measures (MBMs) in international aviation, including further elaboration of the guiding principles listed in the Annex, for consideration by the 39th Session of the ICAO Assembly; And (8) Referring to AACO 42nd AGM resolution which adopted AACO Policy paper on Aviation and the Environment, where AACO members agree with IATA that the implementation of the industry three targets must be done in a way that recognizes the different levels of development of various airlines in the world and the unique situation of every airline in terms of its fleet replacement cycle so that no airline is unfairly penalized; And Reaffirming that the issue of aviation and the environment must be dealt with through the provisions and principles of the ICAO resolution which identified the roadmap and guiding principles to reach a global system to tackle the environmental impact of air transport; And Reaffirming the resolutions of AACO 42nd, 43rd, 44th, 45th and 46th AGMs, the 48th Annual General Meeting resolves the following: Firstly, AACO 48th AGM stresses on the importance of adopting the following principles when governments of the world are addressing aviation’s impact on the environment: Any global MBM shouldn’t hamper the growth of aviation The global MBM should supersede any national approaches by a government or a region. When the global MBM goes into effect, governments should withdraw all of taxes and levies introduced under the banner of the environment The global MBM should recognizes the different levels of development of various airlines in the world and the unique situation of every airline in terms of its fleet replacement cycle so that no airline is unfairly penalized; And The global MBM should address the Special Circumstances and (9) respective Capabilities of the various States Secondly, AACO 48th Annual General Meeting also calls upon the Arab Civil Aviation Commission to coordinate, constitute and advocate an Arab position that takes into account the interests of the Arab airlines and to hold coordination meetings in order to ensure that Thirdly, AACO 48th AGM mandates the Secretary General and the Environmental Policy Group to work closely with the Arab Civil Aviation Commission and to continue following up this matter in coordination with IATA and other regional and international entities, and to report back to the Executive Committee regarding any developments for guidance. Resolution on Passenger Rights While recognizing the need to minimize the confusion created by the proliferation of passenger rights’ regimes which in some cases causes discrimination between passengers, harms connectivity and results in increasing ticket prices; and While supporting the development of consumer protection principles by ICAO’s ATRP which aim at harmonizing passenger rights regimes around the world; and While highlighting the complexities, ambiguities, and burdens resulting from highly descriptive passenger rights regulations such as the ones in the EU and the US, and While maintaining that the best approach for passenger rights regimes is to discuss those with the airlines in question within the principles adopted by ICAO and IATA, and

(10) While praising the work done by AACO’s AWG Consumer Protection Subgroup that has developed a document that gathers best practices adopted by airlines in providing passengers their rights under a “Safety Nets & Caveats” document, AACO 48th AGM: Calls upon ICAO to further work on the principles developed by the ATRP and adopted by the ICAO Council to include material on avoiding extraterritoriality and ensuring compatibility between passenger rights regimes; Calls upon Arab states to look into the Safety Nets and Caveats document attached to this resolution when developing passenger rights regimes.

‫اداسح اىؼالقبد اىؼبٍخ ‪ -‬اىششمخ اىقبثضخ‬ ‫ىَصش ىيط‪ٞ‬شاُ‬

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