EGYPTAIR News 1 july 2016

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‫الجمعة‬ ‫‪1‬يوليو ‪2016‬‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫عاجل ‪..‬شريف عزت رئيسا لشركة مصرللطيران للخطوط الجوية خلفا‬ ‫لهشام النحاس‬ ‫الطٌار شرٌف عزت رئٌسا لشركة مصرللطٌران للخطوط الجوٌة‬ ‫والعبادي رئٌ ًسا لقطاع التحالفات‬ ‫وعبد الجلٌل رئٌ ًسا للقطاع المالً بالشركة‬ ‫_‪ -‬أصدر صفوت ُم َسلَّم‪ ،‬رئٌس مجلس إدارة الشركة القابضة لمصر للطٌران‪ ،‬قراراً الٌوم بتكلٌف‬ ‫الطٌار شرٌف عزت للقٌام بأعمال رئٌس مجلس ادارة شركة مصرللطٌران للخطوط الجوٌة‬ ‫والعضو المنتدب لها وذلك خل ًفا للطٌار هشام النحاس ‪.‬‬ ‫كما أصدر ُم َسلَّم قرارً ا بتكلٌف محمد العبادي للعمل رئٌ ًسا لقطاع التحالفات بالشركة القابضة وذلك‬ ‫خلفا ً لمحمد سلٌمان الذي تم تعٌ​ٌنه مستشارً ا لرئٌس الشركة القابضة‪.‬‬ ‫وفً السٌاق ذاته تم تكلٌف المحاسب شرٌف عبد الجلٌل للعمل رئٌ ًسا للقطاع المالً بالشركة‬ ‫القابضة خل ًفا للمحاسب سالم سالم والذي تم تعٌ​ٌنه مستشارً ا لرئٌس الشركة القابضة لمصر‬ ‫للطٌران‪.‬‬ ‫هذا وتقدم رئٌس الشركة القابضة لمصر للطٌران بخالص الشكر والتقدٌر لكل من الطٌار هشام‬ ‫النحاس والمحاسب سالم سالم واالستاذ محمد سلٌمان علً جهودهم طوال الفترة الماضٌة فً ظل‬ ‫الظروف العصٌبة التً مرت بها الشركة الوطنٌة متمنٌا ً لهم جمٌعا ً التوفٌق فً المرحلة المقبلة‪.‬‬ ‫جدٌر بالذكر أن الطٌار شرٌف عزت ٌعمل قائ ًدا علً طراز البوٌنج ‪ 777-300‬ومدرب وممتحن‬ ‫على نفس الطراز‪ ،‬كما أنه كان نائب كبٌر طراز البوٌنج ‪ 737-500‬و مدٌر لمشروع البوٌنج‬ ‫‪ ،737-800‬ثم كبٌرا لطراز البوٌنج ‪ ، 800- 737‬كما شغل نائب مدٌر عا ًم اإلدارة العامة‬ ‫للتدرٌب الجوي بقطاع العملٌات بشركة الخطوط الجوٌة ثم مدٌر عاما لها ‪ ،‬ومفتشا ً بسلطة‬ ‫الطٌران المدنً المصرى‪.‬‬ ‫أٌضا ً تقلد محمدالعبادي العدٌد من المناصب بالشركة من أبرزها مدٌراً إقلٌمٌا ً لمصر للطٌران فً‬ ‫عدد من البلدان منها دبً ونٌوٌورك والٌابان‪ ،‬كما شغل منصب مدٌر عام الشئون التجارٌة بشركة‬ ‫مصر للطٌران إكسبرٌس ومدٌراً عاما ً لألقالٌم الخارجٌة وآخرها مساع ًدا لرئٌس القطاع التجاري‬ ‫بشركة الخطوط الجوٌه‪.‬‬ ‫كما تولى شرٌف عبد الجلٌل العدٌد من المهام الوظٌفٌة الهامة على مدار عمله داخل القطاع المالً‬ ‫بالشركة حٌث عمل مدٌرً ا إلدارة حسابات المكاتب الخارجٌه بشركة الخطوط الجوٌة‪ ،‬ثم مدٌر عام‬ ‫الشئون المالٌة للمبٌعات بالشركة ذاتها‪ .‬كما تولى منصب مدٌراً عاما ً للشئون المالٌة بشركة الشحن‬ ‫الجوي‪ ،‬و آخرها رئٌ ًسا لإلدارات العامة للشئون المالٌة بشركة الخطوط الجوٌة‪.‬‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫تعيين شريف عزت رئيسا لشركة مصر للطيران ومحمد العبادى رئيسا‬ ‫لقطاع التحالفات‬ ‫تعٌ​ٌن شرٌف عزت رئٌسا لشركة مصر للطٌران ومحمد العبادى رئٌسا لقطاع التحالفات الخمٌس‪،‬‬ ‫‪ٌ 30‬ونٌو ‪ 08:14 - 2016‬م صفوت مسلم رئٌس مجلس إدارة الشركة القابضة لمصر للطٌران‬ ‫صفوت مسلم رئٌس مجلس إدارة الشركة القابضة لمصر للطٌران ‪Click Here‬كتب أحمد‬ ‫مصطفى أصدر صفوت ُم َسلَّم‪ ،‬رئٌس مجلس إدارة الشركة القابضة لمصر للطٌران‪ ،‬قراراً الٌوم‬ ‫الخمٌس بتكلٌف الطٌار شرٌف عزت للقٌام بأعمال رئٌس مجلس إدارة شركة مصر للطٌران‬ ‫ً‬ ‫قرارا‬ ‫للخطوط الجوٌة‪ ،‬والعضو المنتدب لها‪ ،‬وذلك خل ًفا للطٌار هشام النحاس‪ .‬كما أصدر ُم َسلَّم‬ ‫بتكلٌف محمد العبادى للعمل رئٌ ًسا لقطاع التحالفات بالشركة القابضة‪ ،‬وذلك خلفا ً لمحمد سلٌمان‬ ‫الذى تم تعٌ​ٌنه مستشارً ا لرئٌس الشركة القابضة‪ .‬وفى السٌاق ذاته تم تكلٌف المحاسب شرٌف عبد‬ ‫الجلٌل للعمل رئٌ ًسا للقطاع المالى بالشركة القابضة‪ ،‬خل ًفا للمحاسب سالم سالم‪ ،‬الذى تم تعٌ​ٌنه‬ ‫ً‬ ‫مستشارا لرئٌس الشركة القابضة لمصر للطٌران‪ .‬هذا وتقدم رئٌس الشركة القابضة لمصر‬ ‫للطٌران بخالص الشكر والتقدٌر لكل من الطٌار هشام النحاس والمحاسب سالم سالم‪ ،‬ومحمد‬ ‫سلٌمان على جهودهم طوال الفترة الماضٌة‪ ،‬فى ظل الظروف العصٌبة التى مرت بها الشركة‬ ‫الوطنٌة متمنٌا ً لهم جمٌعا ً التوفٌق فى المرحلة المقبلة‪ .‬جدٌر بالذكر أن الطٌار شرٌف عزت ٌعمل‬ ‫قائ ًدا على طراز البوٌنج ‪ 777-300‬ومدرب وممتحن على نفس الطراز‪ ،‬كما أنه كان نائب كبٌر‬ ‫طراز البوٌنج ‪ 737-500‬ومدٌرً ا لمشروع البوٌنج ‪ ،737-800‬ثم كبٌرً ا لطراز البوٌنج ‪- 737‬‬ ‫‪ ، 800‬كما شغل نائب مدٌر عام اإلدارة العامة للتدرٌب الجوى بقطاع العملٌات بشركة الخطوط‬ ‫الجوٌة‪ ،‬ثم مدٌرً ا عاما لها‪ ،‬ومفتشا ً بسلطة الطٌران المدنى المصرى‪ .‬أٌضا ً تقلد محمد العبادى‬ ‫العدٌد من المناصب بالشركة‪ ،‬من أبرزها مدٌراً إقلٌمٌا ً لمصر للطٌران فى عدد من البلدان منها‬ ‫دبى ونٌوٌورك والٌابان‪ ،‬كما شغل منصب مدٌر عام الشئون التجارٌة بشركة مصر للطٌران‬ ‫إكسبرٌس ومدٌراً عاما ً لألقالٌم الخارجٌة‪ ،‬وآخرها مساع ًدا لرئٌس القطاع التجارى بشركة‬ ‫الخطوط الجوٌة‪ .‬كما تولى شرٌف عبد الجلٌل العدٌد من المهام الوظٌفٌة الهامة على مدار عمله‬ ‫ً‬ ‫مدٌرا إلدارة حسابات المكاتب الخارجٌة بشركة الخطوط‬ ‫داخل القطاع المالى بالشركة‪ ،‬حٌث عمل‬ ‫الجوٌة‪ ،‬ثم مدٌر عام الشئون المالٌة للمبٌعات بالشركة ذاتها‪ .‬كما تولى منصب مدٌر عام للشئون‬ ‫المالٌة بشركة الشحن الجوى‪ ،‬وآخرها رئٌ ًسا لإلدارات العامة للشئون المالٌة بشركة الخطوط‬ ‫الجوٌة‪" ،‬مصر للطٌران ‪ -‬مطار القاهرة ‪ -‬الخطوط الجوٌة"‪.‬‬ ‫‪.‬‬

EgyptAir black box confirms smoke on board Data from one of the black boxes of a crashed EgyptAir plane showed smoke alarms had sounded on board, while soot was found on the wreckage, an Egyptian-led investigative committee said Wednesday. The black box had been retrieved from the bottom of the Mediterranean after the Airbus A320 with 66 people on board plunged into the sea on May 19 while heading to Cairo from Paris. It had recorded the flight‟s data from its departure until it “stopped at an altitude of 37,000 feet (11,250 metres),” the committee said in a statement. “Recorded data is showing a consistency with ACARS messages of lavatory smoke and avionics smoke,” it said, two days after the damaged recorder was repaired in France. Investigators had previously announced that the plane‟s automated Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System (ACARS) sent signals indicating smoke alarms on board the plane before it went down. “Parts of the front section of the aircraft showed signs of high temperature damage and soot,” the committee statement added. Egyptian investigators had confirmed that the aircraft had made a 90-degree left turn followed by a 360-degree turn to the right before hitting the sea. The plane was carrying 40 Egyptians, 15 French, two Iraqis, two Canadians and one passenger each from Algeria, Belgium, Britain, Chad, Portugal, Saudi Arabia and Sudan. The repair work of the cockpit voice recorder, the second black box, was underway at the France‟s BEA air safety agency. The device had been found broken into pieces but salvage experts managed to retrieve the recorder‟s memory unit, Egypt‟s civil aviation ministry had said.

The committee statement said the search remained for the remains of the passengers and crew. It “will continue till the full recovery of all the remains at the crash location,” it said. Both Egyptian and French judiciary have opened investigations into the mysterious incident, without ruling out that it had been deliberately downed. The crash follows the bombing of a Russian passenger over Egypt‟s restive Sinai Peninsula last October, killing all 224 passengers and crew. The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) group claimed responsibility for that attack, but there has been no such claim linked to the EgyptAir crash, and the group usually swift claims responsibility for large scale attacks. Egypt‟s aviation minister had initially said an attack was the more likely explanation, but President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi said there was no theory being favoured yet. EgyptAir said last week advance compensation payments of $25,000 will be offered to families of the 66 people killed in the crash. The payments are separate to those expected from insurance companies on behalf of various parties depending on the investigation into the disaster. aviation ministry had said.

Human Error Likely Caused TransAsia Airways Plane Crash: Report A report by the Aviation Safety Council (ASC) investigating the TransAsia Airways plane crash on Feb. 4, 2015, which killed 43 and injured 17, has finally been released. According to its findings, human error was the cause of the accident. “The accident was the result of many contributing factors, which culminated in a stall-induced loss of control,” the report says. The direct cause of the crash, according to the report, is an automatic takeoff power control system (ATPCS) sequence that resulted from intermittent discontinuity in engine No. 2‟s auto feather unit (AFU). However, the report also states that if the flight crew had stabilized the aircraft flight path beforehand, malfunction in the propulsion system could have been detected to prevent the accident. Also, documented abnormal and emergency procedures should have been performed “to identify the failure and implement the required corrective actions,” the report says. However, the TransAsia Airways crew failed to do so. . Lufthansa reaches deal with cabin staff Lufthansa and the cabin crews' union UFO "have come to a comprehensive agreement that has been accepted by both sides," the union said in a statement. The deal was reached under the mediation of Matthias Platzeck, the former Social Democrat president of the regional state of Brandenburg, it added. The agreement will be formally accepted on July 5 when the full details, currently being worked out, will be unveiled, Lufthansa said. In November, cabin staff staged the longest walkout in Lufthansa's history with a seven-day stoppage, during which 4,700 flights were scrapped and 550,000 passengers grounded. The dispute erupted nearly two years ago when management sought to cut costs, saying the current retirement system was too expensive to maintain. The union, however, wanted the status quo to remain. UFO, which represents more than 13,000 flight attendants, agreed to arbitration talks in January. Already in January, the two sides struck a deal for a 2.2-percent pay rise for Lufthansa flight attendants from January 2016, as well as a one-off payment of 3,000 euros ($3,300) for last year, the airline said. The arbitration focussed on early retirement provisions and working conditions. At the end of November, Lufthansa reached a wage deal for its 30,000 ground staff. Lufthansa, which also owns Swiss and Austrian Airlines, is battling to bring down costs in a bid to survive competition from low-cost rivals such as EasyJet and Ryanair. It has also faced multiple strikes by its pilots. . Istanbul attack: FAAN tightens security at Nigerian airports The Federal Airports Authority of Nigeria has increased security levels and alertness at airports across the country in reaction to Tuesday night‟s attack at the Atatürk Airport in Istanbul, Turkey. It also urged passengers and other users to be security conscious whenever they were at airports in the country. This is coming as experts in the aviation sector as well as the International Air Transport Association declared that there has been a growing challenge for governments to keep people safe in the landside parts of airports. The General Manager, Corporate Affairs, FAAN, Mr. Yakubu Dati, stated on Thursday that the agency was constrained to advise all airport users, especially passengers and airline operators, to be security conscious. FAAN advised passengers not to accept luggage from anyone and to report any suspicious movement or behaviour to aviation security personnel in the airport terminals. Dati said, “The authority has put adequate security measures in place at all Nigerian airports to forestall any form of security breach, including the installation of 3D screening machines, metal detectors and CCTV cameras. “Apart from the statutory security and safety measures already in place at the airports, sniffer dogs and members of the Bomb Detection Unit of the Nigerian Police Force have also been deployed at the airports to complement the efforts of our aviation security personnel at the security screening points.” He also stated that metal walk-through detectors had been deployed in airports, adding that some terminals had been expanded to provide more space for activities. .

IATA, while reacting to the incident in Turkey, expressed outrage over the recurring spate of terror attacks at airports around the world. IATA is the trade association for the world‟s airlines, representing some 260 carriers or 83 per cent of the total air traffic, and helps in the formulation of industry policies on critical aviation issues. The Director-General/Chief Executive Officer, IATA, Mr. Tony Tyler, condemned the latest attack and stressed that the safety and security of passengers at airports was IATA‟s top priority. Tyler said in a statement issued by the association on Wednesday, “The tragedy in Istanbul and the one in Brussels earlier this year showed that there is a growing challenge for governments to keep people safe in the landside parts of the airports. “Moving people „airside‟ more quickly can help to mitigate risks. The industry has a number of initiatives in place to achieve that aim and we are working with governments and airports to implement them.” Tyler, who sympathised with the families of those affected, declared that the Istanbul incident was a broad attack on humanity. He added, “Once again, innocent travellers have been attacked in a cowardly and murderous act. Our thoughts are with the victims, and their families and friends. “Air transport brings people together and facilitates both social and economic development. Istanbul has a particularly significant and historical role in connecting East and West. Tuesday night‟s attack was a broad attack on our shared humanity. But terrorism will never succeed in reversing the interconnectedness of the world. “.

The desire of the human spirit to explore and trade will always triumph over suspicion and fear. That Istanbul airport is operating today is a testament to the resilience and determination of the Turkish people and the aviation industry. We stand together in solidarity, confident that we will emerge stronger and more united in our resolve to keep connecting our world.” The Director and Training Coordinator, Aeroconsult, Capt. Dele Ore, told our correspondent that FAAN had succeeded in getting international safety certification from world aviation agencies for the Murtala Mihammed Airport, Lagos, but stressed that the Istanbul airport had actually met a much higher standard. He said, “Therefore, we must sensitise the people, especially those who work at the airports. They should know that if they see a strange person in their neighbourhood, they must call the right authorities. “There may be many wrong calls, but one right call that will save lives will save the country from huge embarrassment. We should also not forget that Nigeria is highly susceptible to acts of terrorism because the country is fighting wars in different fronts.” “.

africa.tvcn Ethiopian Airlines says looking at A350-1000 and Boeing 777X TVC NEWS Ethiopian Airlines is weighing whether to expand its fleet with the 366-seat Airbus A350-1000 or the latest version of the 777 long-haul jet built by its traditional supplier Boeing, widely known as the 777X, its chief executive said. Tewolde GebreMariam was speaking to Reuters after taking delivery of the first of 14 A350-900 jets to be placed in the airline‟s fleet, leased from Dutch-based AerCap. The aircraft delivered to Ethiopian has 343 seats. “We have 14 of these A350 and we have more (Boeing) 787s. We are comparing the A350-1000 and also the 777X. Depending on which performs well out of Addis Ababa at altitude and high temperature, we are going to make that decision,” GebreMariam said. Asked how many extra aircraft the airline could order, he said, “between 15 and 20”. He did not say when the airline planned to make a decision. “We want to know more about the A350-1000,” he said. Earlier this month, GebreMariam told Reuters the airline was considering whether to order 10 to 15 Boeing 777-8s, one of two planned models still widely known as 777X, the label used before they were launched on the market. The 777-8 will carry about 350 people. Until now, Ethiopian Airlines has mainly stuck to aircraft from Airbus‟s U.S. rival. “The concern has always been not to diversify too much because different types add complexity to the operation and make the cost of operation very high, so it is not recommended. But we are growing,” GebreMariam said. “The fleet is around 80 now. So any fleet type on its own will be around 20: the minimum size to justify the training of new pilots and technicians. This is the right time. At the same time, for competition reasons, it is required.” “.

Malaysia Airlines promotes Peter Bellew to CEO; Mueller departs July 1 Malaysia Airlines COO Peter Bellew has been named as its next CEO and group managing director from July 1, taking over from Christoph Mueller who was scheduled to leave in September. Mueller resigned March 10 and was serving notice until Sept. 9, but with Bellew‟s appointment he will step down from the board July 1. Malaysia Airlines said Mueller will “remain available” until the end of his notice period to ensure a smooth transition. Bellew joined Malaysia Airlines from Ryanair, where he was director of flight operations. Prior to this, he held roles as Ryanair deputy director of flight operations and head of sales and marketing. Since joining Malaysia Airlines in 2015, Bellew has worked alongside Mueller on the airline‟s 12-point turnaround plan and restructuring. “Peter has been a key figure in the airline‟s senior management team responsible for executing the biggest and fastest transformation in our history. He is an exceptional leader and has been an invaluable contributor to the transformation of the airline over the last 10 months,” Malaysia Airlines chairman Tan Sri Md Nor Md Yusof said “.

TransAsia pilots blamed for fatal Taiwan crash TransAsia Airways Flight 235 crashed soon after takeoff from a Taiwan airport because the pilot failed to identify and respond properly to an engine problem, according to a crash investigation report released Thursday. The crash Feb. 4, 2015, killed 43 people and injured 14 others. The aircraft's dramatic fall from the sky was captured on video, which showed the plane swooning across a bridge, where it clipped a taxi before falling into the Keelung River below. The taxi driver also suffered serious injuries, and a passenger had minor injuries. Taiwan‟s Aviation Safety Council reported the pilots didn‟t set programming correctly for one of the ATR 72-600‟s turboprop engines before takeoff, which led to reduced thrust under a command called “autofeather” during the climb away from Taipei‟s Songshan airport. The crew then didn‟t react properly to begin emergency procedures and take corrective action, the 299-page report said. Instead, the pilot shut down the plane's only other engine, the report said. "Wow, pulled back the wrong side throttle,” a pilot said 9 seconds before impact, according to a transcript in the report. The plane peaked at 1,630 feet, traveling 117 mph, the report said. The co-pilot was able to call the air-traffic control tower 1 minute before impact, as alarms warned of a stall and about the autopilot turning off because of the engine problem, the report said. The 42-year-old pilot, who joined TransAsia after serving in the air force, was unable to meet performance standards to fly the Airbus A330, but was approved for the ATR 72 and had been flying with the airline since March 2011. During a 2014 evaluation, he was given unsatisfactory ratings for "abnormal engine start" and "engine flame-out," and was told "cockpit management and flight planning needs improvement," the report said. “The crew didn‟t respond to the stall warnings in a timely and effective manner,” the report said. “The aircraft stalled and continued descent during the attempted engine restart.” “.

Etihad Airways launches Abu Dhabi first class lounge and spa If you love to travel in style, then you'll be happy to know that Etihad Airways has recently opened its new flagship First Class Lounge & Spa at Abu Dhabi International Airport's Terminal 3. If you can't afford those class of tickets take a peek at what you're missing out on. Styled with geometric patterns and colours inspired by the UAE landscape, the lounge is an expression of 21st century Arabian contemporary design. Drawing its inspiration from the world's most prestigious hotels, private members' clubs and fine dining establishments, the lounge offers 16 unique zones for guests to relax, re-energise and be entertained in total luxury before boarding their flight. Guests can receive a personalised experience and intuitive service at the a la carte restaurant, showcase bar, fitness room, cigar lounge, Six Senses Spa, Style & Shave hairdresser, nail bar, TV room, secluded relaxation room, prayer room and children's play room. Measuring about 1,700sqm, with expansive views of the airport, the lounge is open round-the-clock for the exclusive use of guests of The Residence, Etihad First Class, Etihad Guest Exclusive, Etihad Guest Platinum members, Etihad Airways Partner (EAP) airline First Class guests, EAP 'Invitation only' members and EAP equivalent Platinum members. Guests of The Residence enjoy the exclusivity of their own private space discreetly located adjacent to the main lounge entrance. The secluded area offers a dedicated Savoy-trained butler, custom-made Poltrona Frau Italian leather armchairs and sofas, its own shower room stocked with a range of Acqua di Parma products, a prayer room, and private dining.

Guests of the First Class Lounge & Spa will be attended to by a highly trained team, including a general manager, concierge, maitre d'hotel, Savoy-trained butlers, chefs and mixologists. The la carte dining area features a choice of Arabian, Indian and international cuisine made to order any time of day. Guests can also experience a unique five-course Emirati tasting menu.

Kids room. Photo: Etihad Airways. The sculptural showcase bar is stocked with 75 premium spirits, champagne and aperitifs. A bespoke cocktail menu offers mocktails and cocktails named after Etihad's leading destinations including Sydney, Melbourne, New York, Paris, Mumbai, and London. These beverages are made using freshly prepared syrups, flavoured salts dried flowers, dehydrated fruit and garnishes such as handmade candy floss. Its signature mocktail drink, the Abu Dhabi, which uses Middle-Eastern flavours such as aromatic cold brew coffee infused with cardamom and sprayed with delicate rose. The Six Senses Spa comprises three treatment rooms with shower facilities, while the Relax & Recline area features a large video wall made up of 27 individual screens, soothing sound and lighting, and is furnished with Poltona Frau leather recliners. The fitness room is equipped with state-of-the-art Technogym treadmills and cross trainers, and male and female washrooms and showers. The new facility adds to the airline's expanding collection of 14 premium lounges, including those recently launched in Melbourne and New York, as well as those in Abu Dhabi (Terminals 1 and 3), Sydney, Frankfurt, London, Manchester, Dublin, Paris, and Washington DC. A new first and business class lounge will follow at the Los Angeles LAX airport in the coming months . Malaysia Airlines gets third CEO in 2 years as revamp to continue Malaysia Airlines named its third chief executive in two years amid a business overhaul after two fatal air crashes in 2014 prompted the carrier‟s owner to take the company private. The airline, now fully owned by the nation‟s sovereign wealth fund Khazanah Nasional, promoted Chief Operating Officer Peter Bellew to the top job after Mr Christoph Mueller resigned in April about less than halfway into his three-year tenure. The appointment takes effect on Friday (July 1), three months before Mr Mueller was scheduled to leave. “His appointment will ensure continuity in the execution of the turnaround plan and further progress of the overall restructuring effort,” Malaysia Airlines said in an e-mailed statement on Thursday. After Khazanah took the airline private in 2014, Mr Mueller was tasked the following year with leading a RM6 billion (S$2 billion) restructuring plan. The proposal included 6,000 job cuts and the scrapping of long-haul destinations to help revive the unprofitable carrier struggling to win back passengers spooked by a plane that vanished and another that was shot down. RYANAIR STINT Mr Bellew joined Malaysia Airlines in September from Ryanair Holdings , where he ended his stint as director of flight operations after various roles since 2006 at the Dublin-based carrier. He previously founded an online travel agency in Ireland and was a managing director at that country‟s Kerry Airport, according to Malaysia Airline‟s website. .

The new chief will continue with the strategy “because they were on track in terms of recovery, and they‟d want to stay on track,” said Mr Shekhar Jaiswal, an analyst at RHB Research Institute, who covers airlines and other transportation companies. “I would get worried if a new CEO comes in and says „we need to turn around, let‟s hire more people, bring back all the long-haul aircraft‟.” Malaysia Airlines should resist unwinding a turnaround strategy that‟s cut 6,000 jobs and reduced capacity by almost a third, Mr Mueller said in an interview in June. The carrier is ahead of schedule with its restructuring, having broken even recently, putting it on course for a full-year profit in 2018 as targeted if not earlier, he said. When he quit in April, Mr Mueller cited reasons that were personal and beyond his control. PASSENGER CONFIDENCE Under Mr Mueller‟s tenure, Malaysia Airlines scrapped many European routes, relying on a code-share agreement with Dubaibased Emirates for longer-haul destinations and eschewing its traditional model of linking Europe and Australia via South-east Asia. A network restructuring aimed at establishing the airline‟s Kuala Lumpur base as a hub for regional travel is 90 per cent complete, Mr Mueller said in November last year. Malaysia Airlines is due to take delivery of four wide-body A350-900 aircraft starting October 2017, allowing non-stop flights from Kuala Lumpur to London and throughout Asia, Mr Mueller said in the company‟s quarterly update in March. Passenger confidence in Malaysia Airlines took a dive two years ago when MH370 vanished en route to Beijing from Kuala Lumpur on March 8, 2014, and remains missing to date. The carrier lost another aircraft four months later, when MH17 was shot down over Ukraine. BLOOMBERG .

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