EGYPTAIR News 21 july 2016

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‫الخمٌس‬ ‫‪ٌ21‬ولٌو ‪2016‬‬


‫مصدر‪ :‬ضباط حركة بمصر للطٌران ٌبدأون الجمعة إضرابا عن‬ ‫العمل بسبب إلغاء البدالت‬ ‫قال مصدر مطلع بالشركة المصرٌة للخطوط الجوٌة (مصر للطٌران)‪ ،‬إن ضباط‬ ‫الحركة بالشركة ٌنوون البدء فً إضراب عن العمل بداٌة من صباح ٌوم الجمعة‬ ‫اعتراضا على قرار رئٌس مجلس إدارة الشركة بإلغاء البدالت‪.‬‬ ‫المقبلة‪،‬‬ ‫ً‬ ‫وأوضح المصدر الذي اشترط عدم ذكر اسمه فً اتصال هاتفً مع مصراوي‪،‬‬ ‫الٌوم األربعاء‪ ،‬أن "رئٌس مجلس إدارة الشركة أصدر قرارا بإلغاء البدالت‬ ‫لضباط الحركة بالشركة بحجة ترٌد النفقات‪ ،‬رغم قراره بزٌادة الرواتب‬ ‫للطٌارٌن بنسبة ‪ – "%30‬على حد قوله‪.‬‬

‫وأضاف المصدر‪ ،‬أنه فً حال إضراب ضباط الحركة‪" ،‬سٌحدث حالة من التخبط‬ ‫فً رحالت الطٌران بمطار القاهرة القدٌم والجدٌد‪ ،‬حٌث أن ضابط الحركة هو‬ ‫المسؤول عن إجراءات دخول الراكب للطائرة وضبط تحمٌل الطائرة بالحقائب‬ ‫عن طرٌق الوزن ومراجعة طاقم القٌادة والضٌافة وغٌرها من األعمال المهمة"‬ ‫– بحسب وصفه‪.‬‬ ‫وقدر المصدر عدد ضباط الحركة الموقع دخولهم فً اإلضراب بنحو ‪1500‬‬ ‫ضابط‪.‬‬ ‫فٌما نفى مصدر مسؤول بالمكتب اإلعالمً لشركة مصر للطٌران صدور أي‬ ‫قرار بإلغاء البدالت الخاصة بضباط الحركة‪.‬‬ ‫وقال المصدر المسؤول فً اتصال هاتفً مع مصراوي‪ ،‬إنه ال توجد نٌة لدى‬ ‫ضباط الحركة للدخول فً إضراب عن العمل‪ ،‬واصفا األنباء التً انتشرت‬ ‫عن إلغاء البدالت بـ"الشائعات"‪.‬‬


‫«طٌران اإلمارات» تشغل «عمالقة» ثانٌة إلى مٌالنو ٌومٌا ً‬ ‫كشفت شركة «طٌران اإلمارات»‪ ،‬أمس‪ ،‬عن خطط لتعزٌز السعة المقعدٌة على‬ ‫خط دبً ‪ -‬مٌالنو‪ ،‬وذلك بتشغٌل طائرة «إٌرباص «‪A380‬ثانٌة ٌومٌا ً‪.‬‬ ‫وأوضحت الشركة فً بٌان‪ ،‬أن االنتقال من طائرة «بوٌنغ ‪ER« 300-777‬إلى‬ ‫«إٌرباص» ذات الطابقٌن ٌوفر ‪ 1834‬مقعداً إضافٌا ً كل أسبوع بٌن المدٌنتٌن‪،‬‬ ‫ما ٌزٌد من فرص متابعة السفر للقادمٌن من مٌالنو على الطراز نفسه من‬ ‫الطائرات العمالقة إلى أسترالٌا والصٌن وكورٌا الجنوبٌة وجنوب شرق آسٌا‪،‬‬ ‫مع توقف واحد فً دبً‪.‬‬ ‫وذكرت أنه اعتباراً من األول من أكتوبر المقبل‪ ،‬ستشغل «طٌران اإلمارات»‬ ‫رحلتها «إي كٌه ‪ »9192‬بطائرة «إٌرباص «‪A380‬بتقسٌم الدرجات الثالث‪،‬‬ ‫مستو فً درجة‬ ‫توفر ‪ 14‬جناحا ً خاصا ً فً األولى‪ ،‬و‪ 76‬مقعداً ٌتحول إلى سرٌر‬ ‫ٍ‬ ‫رجال األعمال‪ ،‬و‪ 401‬مقعد مرٌح فً السٌاحٌة‪ ،‬بمسافات رحبة بٌن صفوف‬ ‫المقاعد‪.‬‬ ‫وبٌنت أن رحلة «طٌران اإلمارات» الجدٌدة «إي كٌه ‪ »91‬تقلع من مطار دبً‬ ‫الدولً ٌومٌا ً الساعة ‪ 3:45‬عصراً وتصل إلى مطار مالبٌنسا الدولً فً مٌالنو‬ ‫الساعة ‪ 8:30‬مساء‪ .‬أما رحلة العودة «إي كٌه ‪ »92‬فتغادر مٌالنو الساعة‬ ‫‪ 10:20‬لٌالً وتصل إلى دبً فً الساعة ‪ 6:25‬صباح الٌوم التالً‪.‬‬ ‫ٌشار إلى أن «طٌران اإلمارات» تشغل حالٌا ً ثالث رحالت ٌومٌا ً بٌن دبً‬ ‫ومٌالنو‪ ،‬إضافة إلى رحلة ٌومٌة من مٌالنو إلى مطار «جٌه إف كٌندي» فً‬ ‫نٌوٌورك‪.‬‬


‫"طٌران الجزٌرة"‪ :‬إنشاء مبنى خاص للركاب فً مطار الكوٌت‬ ‫أعلنت شركة "طٌران الجزٌرة" أمس استالمها موافقة الجهات المختصة على‬ ‫طلب الشركة بتخصٌص مواقع فً مطار الكوٌت الدولً لبناء وتشغٌل مبنى‬ ‫خاص لركابها بتكلفة تبلغ ‪ 14‬ملٌون دٌنار‪.‬‬ ‫وقالت "طٌران الجزٌرة" فً بٌان لها على الموقع اإللكترونً للبورصة‪ ،‬إن‬ ‫المشروع ٌتكون من مبنى للركاب ومبنى لمواقف السٌارات متعددة األدوار‬ ‫شامال جمٌع خدماتها‪.‬‬ ‫وأضافت أن المشروع ٌعتبر نقلة نوعٌة للخدمات التً تقدمها الشركة لركابها‬ ‫متقوقعة أن تستغرق فترة اإلنجاز وتجهٌز المشروع شامال التراخٌص اإلنشائٌة‬ ‫نحو ‪ 15‬شهرا‪.‬‬ ‫وأوضحت أن المشروع سٌؤثر إٌجابٌا على المركز المالً للشركة وعلى نسب‬ ‫إشغال المقاعد على شبكة خطوط طٌرانها وبالتالً على اإلٌرادات التشغٌلٌة‬ ‫وذلك بعد االنتهاء من إنشائه‪.‬‬


‫‪ 14‬ملٌون دٌنار تكلفة إنشاء مبنى خاص لركاب “طٌران‬ ‫الجزٌرة”‬ ‫أكد رئٌس مجلس إدارة شركة “طٌران الجزٌرة” الكوٌتٌة مروان بودي أن‬ ‫مبنى خاصا ً لركاب الشركة فً مطار الكوٌت الدولً‪،‬‬ ‫الشركة ستمول إنشاء‬ ‫ً‬ ‫بتكلفة بلغت ‪ 14‬ملٌون دٌنار عبر اللجوء إلى أسواق المال والبنوك فً المنطقة‪.‬‬ ‫وأشار فً اتصال هاتفً مع ‪CNBC‬عربٌة أن الشركة تهدف من المشروع‬ ‫إلى زٌادة نسبة اإلشغال فً الشركة باإلضافة إلى تحقٌق إٌرادات إضافٌة من‬ ‫مرافق المبنى باعتباره مشروع تجاري‪.‬‬


‫"بلمانً"‪ :‬خسائر "مصر للطٌران" تجاوزت ‪ 10‬ملٌارات جنٌه‬ ‫فً ‪2014‬‬ ‫قال أحمد ٌوسف إدرٌس‪ ،‬عضو مجلس النواب عن حزب المصرٌ​ٌن األحرار‪،‬‬ ‫بدائرة األقصر ووكٌل لجنة السٌاحةوالطٌران بالبرلمان‪ ،‬إن اللجنة‬ ‫موضحا بأنه تم اكتشاف‬ ‫ناقشت فً اجتماعها خسائر شركات مصر للطٌران‪،‬‬ ‫ً‬ ‫خسائرفً الشركة عام ‪ ،2014‬تقدر بـ‪ 10‬ملٌار و‪ 300‬ملٌون جنٌه‪.‬‬ ‫وأضاف إدرٌس‪ ،‬أن اللجنة قررت عقد اجتماع خاص لمناقشة أسباب هذه‬ ‫الخسائر‪ ،‬وإٌجاد حلول لها‪ ،‬وكٌفٌة مواجهة وزارة الطٌران لمثل هذه األزمات‪،‬‬ ‫مؤكدًا على أن اللجنة ناقشت أوضاع العاملٌن بمصر للطٌران فً الخارج‪ ،‬خاصة‬ ‫وأنهم ال ٌخضعون للحد األقصى للمرتبات‪ ،‬ومدى قانونٌة ذلك‪ ،‬كذلك طرٌقة‬ ‫التعامل مع شركات مصر للطٌران‪.‬‬ ‫ولفت وكٌل لجنة السٌاحة‪ ،‬إلى أن اللجنة ناشدت وزارة المالٌة‪ ،‬للوقوف بجانب‬ ‫شركة مصر للطٌران وتخفٌض الضرائب المفروضة علٌها‪.‬‬


‫عرقلة الحركة بالمطارات البرازٌلٌة بسبب الفحوصات االمنٌة قبل‬ ‫دورة األلعاب األولمبٌة‬ ‫أدت الفحوص األمنٌة األشد صرامة والجدٌدة‪ ،‬التً تم فرضها فً المطارات‬ ‫البرازٌلٌة قبل دورة األلعاب األولمبٌة المقبلة‪ ،‬إلى تعطل حركة المسافرٌن‬ ‫وتأخٌر الرحالت الجوٌة‪.‬‬ ‫أكبر المشاكل التً شهدها ٌوم أمس ‪ ،‬كانت الصفوف الطوٌلة والفوضوٌة فً‬ ‫مطار كونجونهاس المحلً بمدٌنة ساو باولو الصناعٌة‪.‬‬ ‫وأبلغت المطارات فً مدن والٌة ساو باولو األخرى جنوب غربً البرازٌل عن‬ ‫حدوث مشاكل‪.‬‬ ‫كما كانت هناك طوابٌر طوٌلة فً مطار سانتوس دومون المحلً فً رٌو دي‬ ‫جانٌرو‪ ،‬حٌث سٌتم افتتاح األلعاب األولمبٌة بعد أقل من ثالثة أسابٌع‪ ،‬وبالتحدٌد‬ ‫فً الخامس من أغسطس ‪.‬‬ ‫وتوصً هٌئة المطارات البرازٌلٌة "انفرٌرو" المسافرٌن بضرورة الحضور إلى‬ ‫المطار قبل ساعتٌن من الموعد المقرر لرحالتهم الداخلٌة‪.‬‬

How to Trade Southwest Airlines' Stock (LUV) Ahead of Earnings On Thursday, July 21 st , Southwest Airlines Co. (LUV) will release its second quarter earnings results. The company is currently a Zacks Rank #5 (Strong Sell) and shares are up less than 1% yearto-date. Watch David Bartosiak to see his thoughts on Southwest Airlines' past earnings, looks at what is currently going on with the company, and see his prediction on their upcoming earnings announcement . Furthermore, Dave looks into some potential options trades for investors looking to make a play on Southwest Airlines ahead of earnings. Southwest Airlines Co. in Focus Southwest Airlines operates passenger airlines that provide scheduled air transportation services in the United States and nearinternational markets. The company has the lowest operating cost structure in the domestic airlines industry and consistently offers the lowest and simplest fares. Southwest Airlines is coming off of an earnings beat of 4.46% last quarter, beating the EPS consensus estimate of $0.84 by posting EPS of $0.88. The company has a solid recent history with earnings reports actually, as it has either met or beat on earnings estimates in each of the last 4 quarters.

Heading into this earnings report, our Most Accurate Estimate is EPS of $1.23, which is $0.01 higher than the Zacks Consensus Estimate. This means that there is an earnings expected surprise prediction of 0.82%. While the company faces some headwinds such as foreign currency fluctuation, Southwest Airlines has continued to see growth in its business. The company reported strong traffic numbers for June 2016 recently, which showed that revenue passenger miles (RPMs: A measure of air traffic) improved 6.8% on a year-over-year basis to 11.5 billion. Available seat miles (ASMs: A measure of capacity) also rose 5.4% to 13.1 billion. As mentioned though, Southwest Airlines holds the lowest Zacks Rank, which can be attributed in part to the large amount of negative analyst estimate revision activity as of late. In the last 60 days, 6 analysts lowered their Q2 earnings estimates, which dropped the estimate from $1.25 down to the current level of $1.22. Current year estimates have also been lowered, with 7 analysts dropping their estimates in the last 60 days. The current year EPS estimate has dropped from $4.30 all the way to the current estimate of $4.07. Subscribe to our channel to be notified of future live streams and make sure to check out our other videos for more stock information. Dave Bartosiak is the editor of the Momentum Trader and Home Run Investor service. He has over a decade of experience in the financial services industry. He has traded forex, futures, stocks, and options. Mr. Bartosiak is a frequent guest on popular business news TV channels such as Bloomberg TV. He's also the host of a lighthearted, Millennial-minded series of videos called"Trending Stocks." Zacks Equity Research provides the best of quantitative and qualitative analysis to help investors know what stocks to buy and which to sell for the long-term. Egypt Invites Russian Experts for Final Inspection of Airport Security Egyptian Civil Aviation Minister Sherif Fathy has invited Russian experts to conduct the final inspection of security at Egyptian airports to expedite the resumption of air traffic between Egypt and Russia, Egypt's Ministry of Civil Aviation said Tuesday. CAIRO (Sputnik) — Fathy is currently on a visit to Moscow discussing with Russian officials the resumption of regular flights. On Monday, Fathy met with Russian Transport Minister Maksim Sokolov. Š SPUTNIK/ MAXIM GRIGORYEV Egyptian Civil Aviation Minister Announces Final Stage of A321 Crash Probe

"Fathy invited Russian experts to visit Egypt to resolve all remaining issues as soon as possible. The Russian side agreed to visit Egypt in the next few weeks," the ministry said in a statement. Russia suspended all flights to and from Egypt last fall after a Russian A321 plane crashed in the Sinai desert on October 31 while flying from the resort city of Sharm el-Sheikh to St. Petersburg following a terrorist attack claimed by the Daesh jihadist group, outlawed in Russia. All 224 people on board died in what has become the largest civil aviation disaster in Russian history.

Lufthansa Said to Weigh Taking Over Some Air Berlin Connections Deutsche Lufthansa AG is in talks to take over some of Air Berlin Plc‘s flight connections, helping Germany‘s largest carrier expand its low-cost unit while easing pressure on an ailing local rival. Lufthansa is discussing operating about 40 Air Berlin planes, including crews, under its Eurowings discount brand, said people familiar with the situation who asked not to be identified as the talks are private. With Air Berlin facing a financial crunch, keeping jobs in Germany may ease concerns from competition authorities to any deal between the country‘s two biggest airlines, the people said. Lufthansa and Air Berlin spokespeople declined to comment. Handelsblatt reported the news earlier. ―Air Berlin remains mired in a deep slump and could reorient itself‖ with such a deal, while Lufthansa‘s Eurowings ―could improve its market position,‖ Dirk Schlamp, an analyst at DZ Bank in Frankfurt, said in a note to clients. ―Lufthansa should have a good negotiating position vis-a-vis Air Berlin Even amid falling oil prices, Air Berlin has racked up 1.17 billion euros ($1.29 billion) in losses over the past three years, prompting several bailouts by dominant shareholder Etihad Airways. Focusing its remaining fleet, which currently totals 148 aircraft, on its Berlin and Dusseldorf hubs could help Chief Executive Officer Stefan Pichler reduce the route network to a more viable size. For Lufthansa CEO Carsten Spohr, a deal would bolster Eurowings as the unit competes with much larger rivals Ryanair Holdings Plc and EasyJet Plc.Lufthansa last month underscored plans to increase capacity at Eurowings by at least 25 percent this year. That target was scaled back from a 43 percent growth plan laid out in early 2016. Eurowings is critical for Lufthansa, and Spohr has said he‘s open to expansion options including using other carriers‘ aircraft and staff, buying a stake in a partner and giving up full ownership via a merger. Air Berlin shares surged as much as 30 percent to 74.9 euro cents and was up 24 percent at 12:47 p.m. in Frankfurt. The stock has dropped 38 percent over the past 12 months, valuing the company at 83.5 million euros. Lufthansa shares fell 0.8 percent.

Before it's here, it's on the Bloomberg Terminal. DRAMA ON THE RUNWAY Armed cops drag violent passenger off British Airways flight at London City Airport ARMED police pulled a man off a flight on the tarmac of London City Airport as he reportedly threatened passengers on board. A female witness on the flight from Glasgow to London said he told people sat in front of him: ―Wait until we get off this plane. You‘d better run fast.‖ GETTY IMAGES 1 The flight had come from Glasgow into London City Airport last night when armed police were calledThe British Airways flight ended with armed police escorting the man off the flight after it landed and police confirmed officers had met the plane when it landed at about 9.20pm last night. A 35-year-old witness, who asked not to be named when speaking to the Standard, said: ―I noticed when we got on the flight he was making a fuss about putting his seatbelt on. That seemed a bit strange. ―We took off, I thought nothing more of it until about halfway through the flight when the cabin crew came round to serve drinks. ―He became angry when a female member of staff asked him if he‘d been drinking before the flight. I don‘t know if he was drunk or not. ―He then started shouting at the passengers in the row in front of him – threatening violence against them. I‘ve no idea why. He said: ‗Wait until we get off this plane. You‘d better run fast.'‖ She described him as a man in his 50s, travelling with his adult son. Malaysia Airlines tries to regain lost market share, lower fares seen KUALA LUMPUR: There will be no more staff and route cuts for Malaysia Airlines Bhd (MAS) but a period of refinement with lower fares for the Economy Class as the carrier tries to regain market share it has lost over recent years. MAS will add six to seven new destinations next year, mostly flights into North Asia from KLIA2, Sabah and Sarawak, which will allow the airline to tap new segments of the market as it expands further into growth markets which are in the four-to-eight-hour flying radius. With passenger loads below 70% currently, MAS chief executive officer Peter Bellew said in his first media briefing since his appointment as CEO over two weeks ago that ―we need to aggressively push our product... that is our biggest priority now‖. ―Most of the cost cutting is done, now it is about refinement. We have got better in our purchasing, handling cost is 50% lower, catering cost is 20% lower and fuel 5%-6% lower. It is getting much better. We need to be nimble and fly smarter,‖ he added. MAS has cut 6,000 jobs and shrunk its network by 30%. He also does not see the need to change the staff uniforms now, a topic of controversy recently, although he did add that it would be done next year. The focus ahead is to get high-paying customers to fill the front end of the cabin. Hence, all the cabin refurbishment and upgrades in service quality is under way. But at the same time, he wants to change the airfare policy to cater to the relatively price-conscious customer amid a competitive landscape so that he can also fill the back end of the cabin. That is why he said that MAS would remain a full-service international carrier, competing with the likes of Cathay Pacific and Singapore Airlines, but offering ―relatively lower fares ‖. Bellew feels this message had not been communicated well to the consumer and wants to change that. ―It is possible for us to address all market segments with fares. We can do it since we have a modern revenue management system,‖ he added. MAS will continue to ride on its partnership with Emirates to offer longhaul connectivity besides London, where it has daily flights. He said with the product enhancement and aircraft refurbishment under way, the airline will ―look ten times better from now‖, with a sharper focus on its Business Class product offering. MAS will become more ―generous with our frequent flier points, especially for business travellers as we have not been doing that‖. For the Economy Class, MAS will still offer free baggage, food, no extra charge for using credit cards and seating, but it will change the pricing policy. ―We are putting more fares in the lower bucket and they will be available when you book. Previously, the fares started from medium to relatively higher, but now, we will have 15% to 20% seats on the relatively lower fares and work progressively. This is not something we did previously but what most airlines do. We are changing the airfare pricing policy to offer greater value,‖ Bellew said. On the six to eight new destinations, he said ―we need to burst out of the cocoon, be smarter in running the business as there are many opportunities out there. We will start flights from KLIA2 during the northern summer season, as the public wants good fares. These will not be connecting passengers‖, he said. The RM33 price differential in the passenger service charges (PSC) between KLIA and KLIA2 was the reason to plan leisure flights out of KLIA2. That will make it cheaper for MAS to operate out of KLIA2, as the average profit airlines make is US$4-US$5. ―Ideally, the PSC charges for both terminals, KLIA and KLIA2, should be the same. There are no such differences in charges in other parts of the world,‖ Bellew said. Many have criticised his plan to fly out of KLIA2, as it would split the airline‘s operations. But Bellew said ―it is not complicated and not a different country. There is no need for new staff and the aircraft will be dedicated from here‖. The Malaysian Aviation Commission (Mavcom) is working on new PSC charges, which it expects to announce by year-end. Bellew said if the charges stayed much higher at KLIA, then MAS would move to KLIA2. The airline will also need new aircraft going forward and Bellew expects to commit to aircraft orders soon. He, however, did not elaborate. MAS will take delivery of six A350 aircraft. Four will be for the London route, while two remain undecided for now. The aircraft will be on lease but for future requirements, MAS has options to either go for sale and leaseback arrangements or source funding from capital markets. The airline has two leasing companies within its ambit. Bernama meanwhile reported: Malaysia Airlines is offering low fares for selected flights from Kuala Lumpur to London, under its 'How Far Can Your Ringgit Go' promotion, which began Tuesday till July 25, 2016. In a statement today, the national carrier said the offer, from as low as RM2,499 (economy class) and RM10,999 (business class), is for both ways and valid for immediate travel until March 31, 2017. Under the promotion, passengers would be spoilt for choice by Malaysia Airlines' range of entertainment offerings, said Chief Commercial Officer Paul Simmons. They also would be served with new enhanced meal options and dine on demand service, in addition to 30kg and 40kg of baggage allowance for economy class and business class, respectively, he added.

Kuwait's Government approves request for Jazeera Airways terminal building at Kuwait Airport .

Jazeera Airways announced (19-Jul-2016) it received a letter from Kuwait's Directorate General for Civil Aviation notifying the airline of the Cabinet‘s approval for designating land for construction and operation of a dedicated passenger terminal and car park buildings. The terminal was suggested by the airline to ease congestion at Kuwait International Airport. The project requires an investment of KWD14 million (USD46 million) with construction time expected to be 15 months. The terminal is part of the airline‘s 'Next Big Thing' series of initiatives aimed at creating a better travel experience. Other initiatives include a remote check-in facility, in-flight broadband internet, a business class lounge and long-haul services British Airways cabin crew to vote on industrial action . British Airways (BA) cabin crew will vote on industrial action in

response to a new performance scheme, which has triggered fears of future job losses. About 8,800 BA cabin crew, represented by the British Airlines Stewards and Stewardesses Association (BASSA) section of Unite, are calling for the airline to suspend introduction of the ―Dashboard Performance Management‖ scheme. The Heathrow-based Eurofleet and Worldwide Fleet cabin crew will vote on whether to take ―industrial action short of a strike‖ between July 21 and Aug. 17. A consultative ballot has already shown that 94% of BASSA members support some form of industrial action. ―Our members have already overwhelmingly indicated they want this Dashboard system suspended until their worst fears have been allayed through meaningful consultation, with guarantees over job security,‖ Unite regional officer Matt Smith said. ―In its current form, this new Dashboard system means—as an employee—you are constantly given red, green, and possibly amber based on a never-ending ‗continual improvement‘ score which, we believe, eventually year-on-year will become impossible to achieve.‖ BA said Dashboard is based on customer feedback, which is common in all industries. ―The system enables us to commend cabin crew who perform well and support those that need to improve so that we ensure our customers get the very highest standards of service. Union has told members it would not be strike action and that any action they take will not inconvenience customers,‖ BA said

Boeing: New civil aviation policy can increase demand for planes New civil aviation policy can spur a ―potential demand‖ for more widebodied planes, Boeing said today as it projected India to see a demand for 1,850 new aircraft worth $265 billion over the next 20 years. According to a senior Boeing official, the aviation policy has many growth-oriented aspects, including regional connectivity scheme and the decision to replace 5/20 overseas flying norm with 0/20 rule. Now, local airlines that have at least 20 planes can fly abroad while earlier they were also required to have five years of operational experience to operate overseas flights. Aviation Fuel Scarcity: NCAA tells airlines to scale down operations The Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority has advised domestic airlines to scale down their flight operations following the lingering scarcity of Jet A1, popularly called aviation fuel. The Acting General Manager Public Relations in NCAA, Mr Sam Adurogboye, gave the advice on Wednesday in Lagos. Aviation fuel was currently being bought at exorbitant prices ranging from N160 to N200 per litre by the airlines due to scarcity of the product. Adurogboye said that NCAA was concerned that passengers were not made to suffer unduly because of the scarcity of aviation fuel. ―Our directive earlier when this situation arose is that airlines should cut down their operations to services they are able to procure fuel for. ―Where they have sold tickets, then they contact the passengers ahead of time to avoid their coming to the airport and be stranded,‘‘ he added. However, Arik Air in a statement by its Communications Manager, Mr Ola Adebanji, said marketers had assured the airlines that the situation would improve this week as they were expecting delivery of additional stock. The statement identified supply and infrastructural challenges of the marketers as some of the key factors responsible for the epileptic supply of aviation fuel. ―At the root of the fuel supply crisis is low stock due to the inability of marketers to source for the foreign exchange to import more Jet A1 fuel. ―There is also distribution challenge as the discharging of vessels bringing Jet A1 and other petroleum products are done in the same jetty and loading various trucks for distribution to cities like Kano or Abuja takes considerable effort and time. ―The situation in the north is even more difficult since the product takes longer to be delivered due to the trucking distance. ―Oil marketers have also resorted to trucking of aviation fuel to the airports because hydrants are not consistently available at the airports,‘‘ it said. DOE issues report on reducing commercial aviation GHG emissions The U.S. DOE‘s National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine recently released a report dedicated to reducing carbon dioxide emissions from commercial aviation, with the focus on large single- and twin-aisle planes that transport more than 100 people. The report found that these aircrafts account for more than 90 percent of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from all commercial aircraft. The report, entitled ―Commercial Aircraft Propulsion and Energy Systems Research: Reducing Global Carbon Emissions (2016),‖ found that approximately 2 to 2.5 percent of global CO2 emissions comes from aviation each year. This percentage is lower than many other transportation and industry emissions, however, the need for such research was acknowledged as commercial air travel continues to increase and it takes a new technology a long time to spread into and through the aviation fleet. . In order to produce the report, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine organized a committee to develop an approach for decreasing CO2 emissions in commercial aircraft. The committee identified 12 high-priority projects and divided them into four topics focused on propulsion and energy system technologies. The four topics include: 1) advances in aircraft-propulsion integration, 2) improvements in gas turbine engines, 3) development of turboelectric propulsion systems, and 4) advances in sustainable alternative jet fuels. The committee recommended that researchers focus on these topic areas to implement emission-reducing projects within the next 10 to 30 years. According to the report, improvements in gas turbine engines research are needed to increase gas turbine engine efficiency by as much as 30 percent compared to current engines and therefore reduce CO2 emissions. Developments in turboelectric propulsion systems research are achievable for single-aisle aircraft in the 10 to 30-year time frame, and these planes will have the capacity to reduce fuel burn by approximately 20 percent compared to current commercial planes. Sustainable alternative jet fuels (SAJF) can substantially decrease lifecycle CO2 emissions. The report uses the term sustainable alternative jet fuels or SAJF to characterize a family of drop-in fuels that are intended to lower the net life-cycle carbon emissions of commercial aviation. The committee relayed in the report that it is essential to develop drop-in fuels since they can have an immediate impact on lowering global aviation GHG emissions due to their compatibility with existing aircraft and infrastructure. Another point the committee made is that SAJF could also reduce other harmful emissions, such as sulfur oxides and particulate matter, compared to conventional jet fuel. Further, the committee felt that SAJF could also be pursued in parallel with the three other approaches to achieve GHG emission reductions. .

Of the 12 projects identified in the report, for SAJF, one project would undertake research to enable detailed and comprehensive modeling and analysis of SAJF development efforts for both individual projects and nationwide efforts to support the needs of policymakers and industry practitioners. The report stated that the variability in the many different sustainability frameworks relevant to SAJF complicates the process of developing these technologies. One example provided in the report is the U.S. renewable fuel standard (RFS) program and the Roundtable on Sustainable Biomaterials requiring advanced fuels to achieve at least a 50 percent reduction in life-cycle CO2 emissions. ―This 50 percent minimum reduction disincentives the potential of some synthetic fuel production pathways that could produce lesser but still substantial life-cycle reductions in carbon emissions,‖ the report stated. Another SAJF project outlined in the report is focused on developing sustainable, low-cost feedstocks and associated systems that have the potential to enable the large-scale production of economically viable SAJF. Waste streams of potential interest include municipal solid waste, human waste and sanitary waste treatment, animal waste, animal processing waste and gaseous waste. A third project would develop technologies and processes for costeffective feedstock conversion, fuel production and scale up from pilot and demonstration facilities to enable full-scale production of SAJF. The last SAJF-focused project is aimed at improving fuel-testing, evaluation and qualification efforts to lower testing costs, increase throughput and enhance understanding of fuel properties. . To date, more than 20 airlines have flown more than 1,600 demonstration and proving flights using SAJF produced in limited production runs from pilot facilities and facilities temporarily configured for SAJF production, according to the report. The U.S. Navy, Defense Logistics Agency and others have expressed interest in supporting and purchasing biofuel blends. AltAir Biofuels facility in Paramount, California, is the first commercial production facility for SAJF, which was commissioned last year. This facility serves United Airlines and World Fuel Services. There are currently five qualified fuel production pathways, and the report noted that an additional three pathways could be approved before the end of 2017. ASTM D7566 (Standard Specification for Aviation Turbine Fuel Containing Synthesized Hydrocarbons) will be expanded to provide specifications that encompass all of the feedstocks and conversion processes approved for use in each new pathway that is accepted. Companies that have received funding from the Defense Production Act include Fulcrum Bioenergy, Red Rock Biofuels and Emerald Biofuels. These three are targeting starting production in the 2017-18time frame and two have agreements with major airlines. These facilities estimated 50- to 100-million-gallon production volumes per year could constitute 0.3 percent of total U.S. demand for jet fuel. With U.S. commercial aviation consuming 20 billion gallons of jet fuel in 2020, 308 million gallons of conventional jet fuel would need to be replaced by SAJF with a 65 percent reduction in life-cycle carbon emission to lower the total net carbon emissions of U.S. commercial aviation by 1 percent, the report gathered. There are challenges—systemic, policy, technical and economic—to reducing CO2 emissions in commercial aircraft, but according to this report, research needs to continue on all four approaches to address CO2 emissions caused by the global growth of the aviation industry

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Jet Aviation Wins Cuba Clearance Jet Aviation Flight Services has obtained FAA authorization to travel to Cuba, the company announced today. With the addition of Cuba to its operations specifications, Jet Aviation Flight Services joins a small but growing number of Part 135 operators cleared to fly commercial flights to the island nation as the U.S. government continues to ease restrictions there. Part 135 operators must transit through one of 19 designated airports—including Chicago, Dallas, Los Angeles, Miami and Palm Beach—for flights to Cuba. ―Cuba is the largest island in the Caribbean and the closest Caribbean destination to the United States, which makes it a prime destination for our customers,‖ said Don Haloburdo, v-p and general manager of Jet Aviation Flight Services. Jet Aviation Flight Services manages a fleet of more than 150 aircraft in the Americas with offices in Burbank, Calif.; Teterboro, N.J.; and Van Nuys, Calif.

VRL Logistics drops civil aviation plan ENGALURU, JULY 20: VRL Logistics Ltd has decided to drop its civil aviation foray. Chairman and Managing Director Vijay Sankeshwar, in a stock exchange filing on Wednesday, said: ―We have decided to drop the plans for an entry into civil aviation space.‖ The company had plans to enter the civil aviation industry by incorporating a separate company to undertake the business of a regional airline. ―Subsequently, there have been several developments including the announcement of the new aviation policy by the Centre. The regional connectivity related aspects listed in the said policy do not augur well with our planned business model envisaged for the proposed activity,‖ Sankeshwar gave reason for dropping the plan. .

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