EGYPTAIR News 25 feb 2016

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‫يسخشار رئُس يصز نهطُزاٌ َحث انؼايهٍُ ببذل انجهذ نهُهىض‬ ‫بانشزكت‬ ‫حفقذ يجذٌ ػهىاٌ يسخشار رئُس يجهس إدارة شزكت يصز نهطُزاٌ‪ ،‬انؼايهٍُ‬ ‫بشزكت يصز نهطُزاٌ نًُاقشخهى وانخىاصم يؼهى‪ ،‬وحثهى ػهً بذل انًشَذ يٍ انجهذ‬ ‫نهُهىض بانشزكت‪.‬‬ ‫ووجه «ػهىاٌ» انشكز إنً جًُغ انؼايهٍُ ػهً حؼاوَهى يؼه طىل انفخزة انسابقت‪ ،‬خالل‬ ‫حىنُه يُصب رئُس شزكت يصز نهطُزاٌ نهخذياث انجىَت‪ ،‬وحثهى ػهً يىاصهت انؼطاء‬ ‫نشزكخهى‪.‬‬

‫وأػطٍ حىجُهاث نجًُغ انؼايهٍُ فٍ جًُغ انًىاقغ بانحفاظ ػهً شزكخهى نهىصىل إنً‬ ‫أحسٍ خذيت‪ ،‬وانخًُش بٍُ انشزكاث انؼانًُت فٍ هذا انًجال‪..‬‬


‫يصز نهطُزاٌ حكشف حقُقت اسخقانت ‪ 180‬يٍ طُارٌ انشزكت‬ ‫َفج شزكت يصز نهطُزاٌ صحت يا حُاقهه ػذد يٍ انًىاقغ اإلخبارَت ػٍ حقذو ‪ %20‬يٍ‬ ‫طُارٌ انشزكت باسخقاالحهى يُذ بذاَت ػاو ‪ 2015‬وحخً اٌِ‪.‬‬ ‫وأكذ يصذر بانشزكت أٌ ػذدًا قهُهًا يٍ طُارٌ انشزكت حقذيىا‬ ‫باسخقاالحهى َخُجت اإلغزاءاث انخٍ ػُزضج ػهُهى يٍ انخطىط األخزي‪ ،‬وخاصت‬ ‫انخطىط انسؼىدَت‪ ،‬وانخٍ حًثهج فٍ ارحفاع رواحبهى َظُز ػًههى ػهً طائزاحهى‪.‬‬ ‫كاَج يىاقغ إخبارَت حُاقهج أَباء ػٍ حقذو ‪ 180‬طُارًا يٍ شزكت يصز نهطُزاٌ‬ ‫باسخقاالحهى وحصىنهى ػهً إجاساث بذوٌ يزحب‪ ،‬بذاَت يٍ َُاَز ‪ 2015‬يٍ أصم َحى‬ ‫‪ ،850‬يشُزًا إنً أٌ انخطىط انجىَت انسؼىدَتحسخقطب حانًُا أكثز يٍ ‪ 70‬يٍ‬ ‫طُارٌ يصز نهطُزاٌ‪.‬‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫ضُافت يصز نهطُزاٌ حخقذو بشكىي نىسَز انطُزاٌ نحم أسيت حزقُاث‬ ‫"يذَزي انزحالث"‬ ‫أثبرد انُزبئج انزً أػهُزهب شزكخ يصز نهغيزاٌ ثخصىص رزقيخ ‪ 80‬يضيفًب ويضيفخ إنً درجخ يذيز‬ ‫ردهخ اسزيبء ػشزاد يُهى ثؼذ أٌ أػهُىا ػٍ رذخالد أجزيذ يٍ جبَت ثؼض قيبداد انشزكخ فً إعبر‬ ‫انىاسغخ وانًذسىثيخ ػهً دذ قىنهى‪ .‬وقبو َذى ‪ 30‬يٍ أعقى انضيبفخ ثزقذيى شكىي يسبء انيىو األرثؼبء‬ ‫إنً وسيز انغيزاٌ دسبو كًبل نهزذخم وإَهبء األسيخ قجم رفبقًهب رجُجًب نإلػالٌ ػٍ إجزاءاد رصؼيذيخ‬ ‫ركىٌ نهب األثز انسهجً فً سًؼخ يصز وانشزكخ فً ظم انظزوف انذبنيخ انزً رؼًم فيهب يصز‪ .‬وقبنذ‬ ‫أعقى انضيبفخ فً شكىاهب إَهى سهكىا كبفخ انسجم يغ انًسئىنيٍ فً يصز نهغيزاٌ إلَهبء األسيخ‪ ،‬وػذو‬ ‫انهجىء إنً انزصؼيذ وقبيىا ثئجزاء يقبثالد وثزقذيى شكبوي إنً رئيس شزكخ انخغىط ورئيس انشزكخ‬ ‫انقبثضخ إال أٌ انشزكخ نى رجبنً ثشكىاهى‪ ،‬يؤكذيٍ أَهى دزيصيٍ ػهً سًؼخ يصز وأَهى يُصزيٍ ػهً‬ ‫يُذهى دقهى انًؼُىي ثغزيقخ سهسخ نزفىيذ انفزصخ ػهً انًززثصيٍ ثبنجالد نهًزبجزح ثقضيزهى وانُفخ‬ ‫فيهب واسزخذايهى نضزة االقزصبد انىعًُ وسًؼخ يصز‪ .‬وجبء فً انشكىي انزً قُذيذ نىسيز انغيزاٌ‬ ‫أَه نى ركٍ هُبك أي اخزجبراد الخزيبر انًزقذييٍ سىي إجزاء يقبثهخ شخصيخ فقظ‪ ،‬وهى يب يُبفً قىاػذ‬ ‫االخزيبر وانززقيخ‪ ،‬يزسبئهيٍ ػٍ األسبس انذي رى ػهيه انززقيخ‪ ،‬كًب رسبءنىا فً شكىاهى ػٍ األسبس‬ ‫انذي رى ػهً أسبسه اسزجؼبد أسًبء يشهىد نهب ثبنكفبءح ويُهى دبصهيٍ ػهً درجبد ػهًيخ وشهبداد‬ ‫رقذيز نًىاقف رؼبيهىا فيهب ودبفظىا ػهً سًؼخ يصز‪ .‬وجبء فً انشكىي أٌ هُبك انؼذيذ يًٍ رًذ‬ ‫رزقيزهى يًبرسىٌ أػًبال إداريخ وال يقىيىٌ ثبنغيزاٌ وهى يب يًثم ػجئب يبنيب ػهً انشزكخ َظزا‬ ‫الخزيبر ‪ 80‬اسًب يُهى ‪ 20‬ال يقىيىٌ ثبنغيزاٌ وثبنزبنً سزىسع األػجبء انؼًهيخ ػهً انؼذد انفؼهً‬ ‫انًىجىد‪ .‬وَبشذد انضيبفخ وسيز انغيزاٌ ثبنزذخم إلَهبء األسيخ َظزا نًب رًثهه يٍ ظهى ‪-‬ػهً دذ‬ ‫قىنهى ‪ -‬سيكىٌ نه األثز انسهجً انكجيز ػهً يٍ يزوٌ فً أَفسهى أَهى يؤههيٍ ػهًيب وػًهيب ووظيفيب‬ ‫نهززقيخ‪ ،‬كًب أثذوا اسزؼذادهى نهخضىع ألي اخزجبراد رُؼهٍ َزبئجهب وركىٌ ػهً أسبس ػهً​ً وػًهً‬ ‫ونيس ػهً أسبس انهىي انشخصً‪ .‬ودذرد انضيبفخ فً شكىاهب يٍ أٌ ارجبع أسهىة األهىاء‬ ‫انشخصيخ فً انززقيبد وانزؼييُبد يكىٌ نه األثز انسهجً فً شؼىر انؼبيهيٍ ثؼذو االَزًبء نهشزكخ فضال‬ ‫ػٍ ضؼف االَزًبء واألداء وانذي يُؼكس سهجب ػهً شؼىر انؼًالء انًصزييٍ واألجبَت فً انخذيخ‬ ‫انزً رقذو نهى وثبنزبنً اإلضزار ثسًؼخ انشزكخ انىعُيخ‪ .‬وأكذد انضيبفخ أٌ انزفزقخ وانظهى فً كم‬ ‫انًجبالد يؤدي إنً االَهيبر انسزيغ نًُظىيخ انؼًم‪ ،‬يشيزيٍ إنً أٌ هُبك يخبنفبد واضذخ رًثهذ فً‬ ‫رزقيخ يذيزي ردالد يغ أٌ انهىائخ رشززط دصىل انًضيف ػهً انززقيخ ثؼذ يزور ‪ 5‬سُىاد ػهً‬ ‫رزقيزه رئيس عبقى‪ ،‬ثبإلضبفخ إنً رزقيخ أسًبء يٍ شزكخ اكسجزيس وأسًبء أخزي رقىو ثأػًبل إداريخ‪.‬‬ ‫واقززح انًضيفىٌ انًزضزروٌ يُذهى انذرجخ يؼُىيب وأػهُىا اسزؼذادهى نؼذو دصىنهى ػهً أي يقبثم‬ ‫يبدي نذيٍ رىفيق أوضبع انشزكخ يبنيًب‪ ،‬يُبشذيٍ انىسيز دم األسيخ قجيم رفبقًهب واالهزًبو ثذم‬ ‫يشكهزهى كىَهى نيسىا يضيفيٍ فقظ ونكٍ ثبػزجبرهى سفزاء نًصز فً كم دول انؼبنى‪.‬‬ EU and China launch €10 million aviation cooperation project A new chapter in EU-China aviation relations started today, with the official launch of the EU-China Aviation Partnership Project (APP). The 5-year, €10 million project, managed by the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) and partners, will link technical cooperation with policy dialogue between the European and Chinese aviation authorities. It is funded by the Partnership Instrument of the European Union and supported by the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC). The project follows a new cooperation approach with the activities being jointly implemented by EASA and CAAC for the first time. It was launched at a ceremony in Beijing, in the presence of Mr. Dietmar Schweisgut, European Union Ambassador to China, Mr. Feng Zhenglin, Administrator of CAAC and EASA Executive Director, Mr. Patrick Ky. Dietmar Schweisgut, EU Ambassador said: “Aviation is a strong driver of economic growth, jobs, trade and mobility for the European Union. With China’s aviation market growing fast it makes perfect sense for two of the world’s largest aviation markets to work closely together.” Patrick Ky, EASA Executive Director said: “We are building with CAAC the foundation for a strong EUChina Aviation Partnership. It will increase cooperation and mutual understanding on key areas such as safety and environmental protection; it will also allow for better exchange of best practices and standards between industry players.” Feng Zhenglin, CAAC Administrator said:

(Continue) �With the efforts of the EU and China, the EU-China Aviation Partnership Project will start a new era of broader and deeper cooperation in civil aviation and will promote the development of all aspects of the EU-China civil aviation relationship on the basis of mutual benefit.� The EU-China APP will focus on the following areas of mutual interest: Aviation safety and security General aviation Air Traffic Management/Air Navigation Services Airports Airworthiness Environmental protection Economic policy and regulation Legislation and Law Enforcement Dedicated activities will be implemented in these areas including regulatory cooperation, safety promotion exercises, workshops, training and technical exchanges. Missing aircraft found crashed in Nepal, all 23 on board killed � KATHMANDU, Feb. 24 (Xinhua) -- A missing aircraft of Tara Air has been found crashed in Myagdi district, some 300 km off the capital, killing all 23 people on board. Laxmi Prasad Dhakal, spokesperson of the Home Ministry, told Xinhua, "A team of Nepal police and Nepal Army deployed at the site have claimed that the plane has been completely destroyed with no signs of human lives." District Police Office Myagdi says the police located the crashed aircraft in a treacherous terrain of forest in Myagdi. A police officer at the site told Xinhua via phone, "We can find parts of plane and dead bodies in a scattered form. The bodies are not in identifiable position at all." The aircraft was carrying 18 passengers including two infants and three crew members. Two foreigners, a Hong Kong resident surnamed Mak and a Kuwaiti national, were among the 23 on board. Sagar Mani Pathak, Chief District Officer of Myagdi district, said, "The crash site is in a very complex geography due to which it took long hours to find out." The Twin-Otter-400 series (9N AHH) aircraft was flying from Pokhara to Jomsom on Wednesday. It took off at 7:50 a.m. local time but went out of contact of the control tower after nearly nine minutes. The aircraft was scheduled to land at Jomsom Airport at 8:10 a.m. local time. on the ground. (Continue) The flight distance between Pokhara and Jomsom is only 20 minutes. According to an official statement of Tara Air, the weather at both origin and destination airports were favorable and the airport was cleared for the departure by the control tower in Pokhara. The brand new aircraft, which was added to fleet in September, was flown by senior pilot Roshan Manandhar. Local media reported that the last communication occurred between the pilot and the control tower was "see you back, good day" by the captain. The plane had been flying to remote hilly and touristic destinations including Lukla, Phaplu, Dolpa and Rara. Jomsom is one of the major tourist destinations in the Himalayan country which is mostly popular for trekking purpose. Direct flights are available for high-altitude Jomsom airport only from Pokhara in early morning. In May 2012, 15 people died when an Agni airplane crashed near the Jomsom airport while six made a miraculous escape due to complex geography. To a land-locked country, air transport is regarded as the most reliable means of connectivity. However, air accidents have always been a major concern in the Himalayan country which has 56 domestic airports among which only 32 are in operation at present. Flying in Nepal is regarded as highly challenging due to the high terrains, unpredictable weather pattern and poor navigation system.

‫ادارح انؼالقبد انؼبيخ ‪ -‬انشزكخ انقبثضخ‬ ‫نًصز نهغيزاٌ‬

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