EGYPTAIR News 25 oct 2016

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‫الثالثاء‬ ‫‪2016/10/25‬‬


‫مصر للطٌران ملتزمة بسداد أجور ‪ 5‬آالف موظف بالدوالر‬ ‫هاجر عمران‪:‬‬

‫قال مصدر مسئول بالشركة القابضة لمصر للطٌران‪ ،‬إن الشركة لدٌها نحو‬ ‫ٌتقاضون رواتبهم بالعملة األمرٌكٌة‪ ،‬وهم مِن طاقم الطٌارٌن‬ ‫‪ 5000‬موظف‬ ‫َ‬ ‫والضٌافة‪ ،‬من أصل ‪ 32‬ألف عامل بالشركة تقرٌ ًبا‪.‬‬ ‫وأضاف المصدر‪ ،‬لـ«المال»‪ ،‬أن قواعد اتحاد النقل الجوى الدولى «اإلٌاتا»‬ ‫مشٌرا إلى أن‬ ‫تنص على أن ساعات طٌران الطٌارٌن والضٌافة بالدوالر‪،‬‬ ‫ً‬ ‫الشركة لٌس لدٌها أى مشكالت فى توفٌر الرواتب بالعملة الصعبة‪.‬‬

‫وحاولت «المال» الحدٌث مع رئٌس الشركة القابضة ووزٌر الطٌران حول‬ ‫وجود أى نٌة لتغٌ​ٌر آلٌات دفع الرواتب للطٌارٌن‪ ،‬لكنها لم تحصل على رد‪.‬‬ ‫صا حا ًّ​ًدا فى العملة األجنبٌة بعد انحسار حركة السٌاحة الوافدة‬ ‫وتعانى مصر نق ً‬ ‫وتراجع االستثمار األجنبى المباشر‪ ،‬وتسعى الحكومة للحصول على قرض‬ ‫بقٌمة ‪ 12‬ملٌار دوالر من صندوق النقد الدولى؛ لتغطٌة الفجوة التموٌلٌة‬


‫مصر للطٌران‪ :‬أسعار التذاكر من الخارج تخضع للمنافسة ولٌس‬ ‫ألسعار الصرف المحلٌة‬ ‫احمد سعد ‪.‬‬ ‫قال مصدر بشركة مصر للطٌران‪ ،‬إن أسعار تذاكر السفر التى ٌتم شراؤها من الخارج ال تخضع آللٌات‬ ‫سعر الصرف فى مصر‪.‬‬ ‫وأوضح لـ«البورصة»‪ ،‬أن الشركة لدٌها نظام تسعٌر للنقاط الخارجٌة ٌخضع للتنافسٌة مع الشركات‬ ‫التى تسٌر رحالتها من تلك النقاط إلى مصر‪.‬‬ ‫جاء ذلك رداً على تداول صور لتذاكر أصدرتها الشركة من بغداد ٌبلغ سعر الدوالر فٌها أكثر من ‪17‬‬ ‫جنٌها ً وهو أعلى حتى من سعره فى السوق غٌر الرسمى‪.‬‬ ‫وقال إن أسعار تذاكر الشركة على سبٌل المثال فى السوق اإلنجلٌزى تخضع للمنافسة مع الشركات‬ ‫اإلنجلٌزٌة ألن لندن لٌست السوق الرئٌسى لمصر للطٌران وأن لدٌها طائرة ستعود إلى القاهرة‬ ‫وتسعى لملئها فى رحلة العودة إلى القاهرة‪.‬‬ ‫ولفت إلى أن مصر للطٌران سوقها الرئٌسى هو داخل مصر وتسعى جمٌع الشركات األخرى لوضع‬ ‫أسعار وفقا ً ألسعار مصر للطٌران‪.‬‬ ‫ذكر أن مصر للطٌران ال تتالعب بأسعار التذاكر الدوالرٌة من الخارج وأنها لدٌها أنظمة سعرٌة‬ ‫تتنافس بها عالمٌا ً‪.‬‬ ‫ووفقا ً لموقع شركة «مصر للطٌران» بلغ سعر تذكرة الطٌران من السعودٌة إلى مصر فى رحلة ‪25‬‬ ‫أكتوبر «الثالثاء» المقبل من الساعة الرابعة وحتى السادسة إال ثلث ‪ 178.71‬دوالر فى حال دفعها‬ ‫بالعملة األمرٌكٌة‪ ،‬و‪ 4808‬جنٌهات مصرٌة حال دفعها بالعملة المحلٌة‪.‬‬ ‫وبحساب سعر صرف الدوالر على نفس التذكرة نجد أن الدوالر ٌساوى ‪ 27‬جنٌهاً‪ ،‬ووفقا ً لبٌانات‬ ‫تذاكر الطٌران فى نفس الٌوم فإن أسعار الصرف تختلف من تذكرة إلى أخرى ولكن تظل أعلى بكثٌر‬ ‫من أسعار الصرف فى السوقٌن الرسمى والموازى‪.‬‬ ‫ووفقا ً لعمالء شركة مصر للطٌران تحدثوا لـ«البورصة»‪ ،‬فإن أسعار تذاكر الطٌران بالعملة األمرٌكٌة‬ ‫منخفضة جداً‪ ،‬مقارنة بأسعارها بالجنٌه المصرى‪.‬‬ ‫وتبلغ أسعار صرف الدوالر أمام الجنٌه فى السوق الموازى ‪ 15.90‬جنٌه للشراء‪ ،‬و‪16.05‬جنٌه‬ ‫للبٌع‪ ،‬فى حٌن تستقر األسعار فى البنوك عند ‪ 8.83‬جنٌه للشراء و‪ 8.88‬للبٌع‪.‬‬ ‫وقال محلل مالى ببنك استثمار كبٌر‪ ،‬إن عدداً من الشركات فى مصر قامت بتسعٌر الدوالر فى‬ ‫موازنتها بأسعار السوق الموازى وأعلى منه بنسب لٌست قلٌلة‪ ،‬وذلك لتفادى الخسائر الناجمة من‬ ‫تراجع قٌمة العملة المحلٌة ووضع تلك الفجوة فى تكالٌف اإلنتاج‪.‬‬ ‫وأضاف أن عدداً كبٌراً من الشركات قامت بتوفٌر المخزون السلعى لمستلزمات اإلنتاج حتى شهر‬ ‫دٌسمبر بأسعار دوالر تتراوح ما بٌن ‪ 14‬و‪ 15‬جنٌها ً للدوالر الواحد‪.‬‬ ‫وذكر أن بنوك االستثمار تواجه فى الوقت الحالى بعض األزمات فى القٌام بالدراسات للسوق فى ظل‬ ‫عدم وجود سعر واضح للدوالر أمام الجنٌه ووجود أكثر من سعر‪.‬‬


‫مصادر‪ :‬ال صحة لتعوٌم الجنٌه فً أسعار تذاكر مصر للطٌران‬ ‫محمد عبدالناصر‬ ‫أعلنت مصادر مسئولة بمصر للطٌران‪ ،‬أنه ال صحة لما نشر فى بعض المواقع‬ ‫اإللكترونٌة اإلعالمٌة عن تعوٌم الشركة للجنٌه المصري خالل عملٌات حجز تذاكر‬ ‫الطٌران من الخارج للسفر على طائراتنا‪.‬‬ ‫وقالت المصادر فى تصرٌحات صحفٌة الٌوم اإلثنٌن‪ :‬إن ماحدث هو اتخاذ إجراء ضد‬ ‫عملٌات االتجار فى العملة من خالل تذاكر الشركة‪ ،‬حٌث تم فرض رسوم على تذاكر‬ ‫الطٌران المحجوزة ألشخاص سٌبدأون الرحلة من الخارج وبالجنٌه المصري‪ ،‬وتختلف‬ ‫الزٌادة طبقا للدولة ولٌست لها عالقة بأسعار الدوالر فى السوق السوداء أو السوق‬ ‫الرسمٌة‪ ،‬حٌث تزاٌدت مؤخرا ظاهرة الحجز بالجنٌه المصري لتذاكر طٌران تبدأ من‬ ‫الخارج مثل دول الخلٌج أو أوروبا أو الوالٌات المتحدة‪ ،‬مما أدى إلى انخفاض شدٌد فى‬ ‫إٌرادات الشركة فى الدوالر والعملة األجنبٌة‪.‬‬ ‫وقالت المصادر‪ :‬بعد انخفاض إٌرادات الشركة من العمالت األجنبٌة بدأنا فى دراسة‬ ‫األمر‪ ،‬وتبٌن لجوء الركاب إلرسال دوالرات لذوٌهم من الخارج إلى مصر لحجز تذاكر‬ ‫طٌران لهم بالجنٌه المصري على أن ٌستخدموا هذه التذاكر فى العودة من الخارج‬ ‫لمصر؛ لذلك قررنا وضع رسوم على مثل هذه الحاالت لمواجهة عملٌات االتجار فى‬ ‫العملة إضافة للجوء عدد من مكاتب ووكالء السفر إلى هذا األمر‪ ،‬مماٌستوجب التدخل‬ ‫لمنع ذلك والصحة مطلقا بأن هذا اإلجراء تعوٌما للجنٌه من الشركة‪ ،‬وأن الحملة‬ ‫الموجودة فى بعض المواقع والتى استعانت بأسعار التذاكر على موقع الشركة ٌقف‬ ‫خلفها عدد من المتضررٌن بهذا اإلجراء المهم‪.‬‬ ‫وكانت بعض المواقع اإلخبارٌة قد نشرت خبرا عن بٌع مصر للطٌران التذاكر المسعرة‬ ‫بالدوالر بقٌمة أعلى من قٌمتها بالعملة المحلٌة رسمٌا‪.‬‬


‫وصول ‪ 105‬سائحٌن برٌطانٌ​ٌن مطار األقصر الدولى فى زٌارة‬ ‫للمناطق األثرٌة‬ ‫استقبل مطار األقصر الدولى رحلة مصر للطٌران المنتظمة رقم (‪)762‬‬ ‫القادمة مباشرة من مطار هٌثرو بلندن‪.‬‬ ‫وقال مدٌر العالقات العامة بمطار األقصر الدولى‪ ،‬بخٌت خٌرى حسن‪ ،‬إن‬ ‫الرحلة على متنهما ‪ 105‬سائحٌن‪ ،‬فى زٌارة للمناطق األثرٌة والسٌاحٌة بالبر‬ ‫الغربى والشرقى بالمحافظة‪ ،‬مشٌرا إلى أن رحلة مصر للطٌران منتظمة فى‬ ‫الجدول األسبوعى تقلع من مطار األقصر الدولى الساعة الحادٌة صباحا وتعود‬ ‫فى حوالى الثانٌة عشر ونصف فى نفس الٌوم من كل أسبوع على متنها‬ ‫سائحٌن‪.‬‬ ‫وأوضح بخٌت‪ ،‬أن مطار األقصر الدولى ٌشهد خالل الفترة الحالٌة تدفقا‬ ‫سٌاحٌا من جمٌع الجنسٌات العالمٌة‪ ،‬مبٌنا أنه من المقرر استئناف رحالت‬ ‫الشارتر والمباشر من المدن العالمٌة تقل على متنها الزائرٌن من جمٌع‬ ‫الجنسٌات العالمٌة للمناطق األثرٌة والسٌاحٌة بالمحافظة خالل الفترة المقبلة‬ ‫وخاصة بعد أن تم تنصٌب مدٌنة األقصر المصرٌة عاصمة للسٌاحة العالمٌة‬ ‫لعام ‪ 2016‬فى مؤتمر دولى كبٌر فى نهاٌة الشهر الجارى‪.‬‬


‫مصر للطٌران تكثف رحالتها لشرم الشٌخ لنقل ضٌوف مؤتمر‬ ‫الشباب‬ ‫محمد عبدالناصر‬

‫بدأت شركة مصر للطٌران الٌوم اإلثنٌن‪،‬فى تكثٌف رحالتها الجوٌة بٌن مطارى‬ ‫القاهرة وشرم الشٌخ لنقل ضٌوف المؤتمر الوطنى األول للشباب والذى ٌبدأ‬ ‫أعماله غدا الثالثاء‪،‬بمدٌنة السالم بحضور رئٌس الجمهورٌة وآالف الشباب‬ ‫والشخصٌات العامة‪.‬‬ ‫وصرحت مصادر مسئولة بمصر للطٌران بأن الشركة تشارك بدور الناقل الرسمى‬ ‫للمشاركٌن فى المؤتمر الوطنى األول للشباب المقام على مدار ثالثة أٌام‬ ‫بمدٌنة شرم الشٌخ اعتبارا من غد "الثالثاء"‪،‬وكعادتها فى هذه المناسبات الكبٌرة‬ ‫التى ترعاها مصر للطٌران تقوم الشركة بتقدٌم كافة تسهٌالت السفر الالزمة‬ ‫للمشاركٌن فً الحدث وتوفٌر مجموعات عمل من مختلف التخصصات فى مطارى‬ ‫القاهرة وشرم الشٌخ لنجاح تنظٌم الموتمر وإنسٌابٌة نقل الوفود‪.‬‬

Egypt seeks new markets and boosts security as tourism drops CAIRO: Egypt hopes to encourage tourists from new markets like China, Japan and Ukraine, a year after Russia and Britain suspended flights to the land of the Pyramids, the country‘s tourism minister said Egypt‘s tourism industry, a crucial source of hard currency, has struggled to rebound since a mass uprising in 2011. Conditions worsened after the suspected bombing of a Russian plane carrying 224 people from a Red Sea resort in October 2015. The attack prompted Russia to halt all flights to Egypt and Britain to suspend flights to Sharm Al-Sheikh, a resort on the Red Sea. The impact was clear. Egypt‘s tourism receipts halved in the 2015-16 fiscal year to $3.77 billion. Since then, Egypt has made significant efforts to improve airport security and persuade the world it is safe, said Yehia Rashed, the country‘s tourism minister. It is also looking to attract tourists from countries that until now have not provided many visitors. ―We are trying to build up on some of the market sources that have potential ... The German market, Ukrainian, Chinese, Japanese ... ,‖ Rashed said at the Reuters Middle East Investment Summit. ―We have to go around and tell people, come and see Egypt with your own eyes ... we have a lot to offer.‖ confidence to move around.”

Rashed faces an uphill battle. An EgyptAir plane crashed en route from Paris to Cairo in May, killing 66 people. The cause remains unknown. In March, an EgyptAir plane was hijacked by a man wearing a fake suicide belt. No one was hurt. In addition, Egyptian warplanes fired on a group of picnicking tourists last year, thinking they were militants. Eight Mexicans and four Egyptians were killed. The ban on flights by Britain and Russia to Sharm AlSheikh has delayed recovery. ―We respect every country‘s decision,‖ Rashed said. ―They have to be comfortable in coming, and we will work on sending the message that Egypt is safe. ―Security at the airport has been stepped up very professionally, and there are new equipments everywhere.‖ Rashed declined to give projections on the number of tourists expected to arrive next year. ―Terrorism is hitting tourism hard everywhere in the world, not just Egypt,‖ he said. ―We shouldn‘t be scared. We should... show them we have courage and

Qatar Airways‘ Al Darb in focus at Universities Fair DOHA: Qatar Airways recently participated in the seventh Qatar International Universities Fair, which took place from October 17 to 19, 2016, at the Qatar National Convention Center, Doha. Ambassadors from Qatar Airways‘ Al Darb Qatarisation Programme took part in the annual event to introduce young Qataris to the diverse number of career opportunities available through the national airline. The airline showcased its development opportunities for ambitious students and graduates, and former graduates were on hand to share their expertise and answer questions about the programme. Qatar Airways Senior Vice President, Human Resources, Nabeela Fakhri, said: ―Recognised as one of the leading organisations for the development of local talent, Qatar Airways‘ Al Darb Qatarisation Programme was created to help build a strong workforce and create future leaders across the country. We were pleased to once again participate in the International Universities Fair and to present the opportunities that Qatar Airways‘ Al Darb Qatarisation Programme can offer to develop local talent. Through the Al Darb Qatarisation Programme our goal is to mentor young Qataris to become global ambassadors of the country.‖ Now in its fourth year, the Al Darb Qatarisation Programme supports eight development strands and 35 different majors, to offer increased opportunities, and to encourage nationals with different professions to join Qatar Airways.

New airline begins flight this week Malabo-based Cronos Airline is set to start operations in the country on Friday. The airline is expected to operate twice-weekly flights on Fridays and Mondays between the Equatorial Guinean capital and Accra, Ghana. The airline, which is likely to use a 37-seater Embraer 135, is expected to deepen competition in the sub-region to the benefit of passengers. The additional flight represents a new value-offering on the West Coast and is expected to drive down prices on the Accra-Malabo route. The airline‘s entry follows the planned entry of Air France. Air France will start operations on February 27, 2017. The France-based airline will be coming into Ghana three times a week. Its sister company KLM will still operate flights seven days a week,‖ a close source told the B&FT. Growing passenger throughput, increasing number of French-speaking West Africans in Ghana, and the relatively peaceful nature of the country are some of the major lures for airlines in the region. The transit passenger volumes increased from 14,000 in July 2015 to over 22, 000 in July this year. General international passenger departures also increased by about 6 percent; from about 72,000 in July 2015 to about 76,000 in July 2016. Currently, Africa remains the continent with the largest number of French speakers. The International


)2( Organisation of La Francophonie (OIF) estimate that there are 96.2 million French-speakers in Africa. About 13 countries in Africa have French as the language of instruction at the pre-tertiary level while other countries have French or bilingual studies at the tertiary level of Education. Another incentive for the growing number of airlines in the country, in recent times, is the reduction in the price of aviation fuel. The price of the commodity was reduced from about US$3.14 per gallon to about US$2.33 per gallon in August. Prior to the reduction in the price of Aviation Turbine Kerosene (ATK), otherwise known as aviation fuel, the price in Ghana was the highest in the sub-region. Economic challenges in West Africa‘s largest economy Nigeria, has only served to benefit Ghana. For instance, more airlines are now lifting fuel in Ghana Inflation in Africa‘s largest economy and influential trading partner of other countries in the sub-region,has increased from about 9.2 per cent in 2015, to about 18 percent in September 2016, the highest in the oil-rich country since October 2005. Indigenous airlines Indigenous airlines Africa World Airlines (AWA) is strategizing to deepen its West Coast operations. It plans to commence service between Accra, Ghana and other destinations in the sub-region such as Liberia, Ivory Coast, Senegal and Burkina Faso. Starbow is also strategizing to re-launch its West Coast service from Accra, Ghana to Liberia, Burkina Faso and Sierra Leone among others. Another indigenous airline, B&FT sources say, is undergoing the requisite process to operate international flights out of Accra.

Kenya Airways appoints Anthony Safo as Country Manager Kenya Airways (KQ) has appointed Mr. Anthony Safo as the new Country Manager responsible for the Nairobi-based airline‘s operations in Ghana. Prior to his appointment, he was in-charge of marketing for the airline‘s operations in Anglophone West Africa. Mr. Safo, who has vast experience in marketing and management having held several portfolios in an illustrious carrier spanning about two decades, becomes one of the few Ghanaians who have held that position. Kenya Airways (KQ) currently operates daily flights between Accra, Ghana and Kenya with on-ward connections to several destinations in Africa, Asia and the Gulf among others. The airline is one of the most decorated on the continent. Kenya Airways was adjudged the ‗Airline Operator of the Year‘ at the maiden National Aviation Awards held in Accra, Ghana. The award was in recognition of the airline‘s consistent excellence in customer service, commercial planning and distribution, as well as the airline‘s marketing drive in 2015. The airline was also crowned Africa‘s Leading Airline 2016 at the World Travel Awards ceremony held in Zanzibar, Tanzania. KQ also bagged Africa‘s Leading Airline in Business Class for the fourth consecutive year.

Citi / AAdvantage Platinum Select World Elite MasterCard and British Airways Visa Signature Card tie for first place AUSTIN, TEXAS - Citi AAdvantage Platinum Select World Elite MasterCard and British Airways Visa Signature Card tied for first place as best airline credit card, according to Top rated airline cards complement cardholders' frequent flier miles memberships with a bevy of rewards bonuses and travel-centric perks, such as priority boarding and premium travel credits. The panel of experts were impressed with The Citi AAdvantage Platinum Select Card's valuable rewards program, which starts with a sign-up bonus of 30,000 miles for spending at least $1,000 in the first three months, offers two AAdvantage miles for every dollar spent on American Airlines purchases, and rewards cardholders with a 10 percent bonus at the end of each year. Judges also noted that the American Airlines card's terms are somewhat less expensive than other airline cards. "This was a close contest," says senior industry analyst Matt Schulz. "However, with no annual fee

for the first year, the lowest APR of our finalists and a yearly bonus of 10 percent of your redeemed miles back each year, the Citi AAdvantage card was the winner in my book."


(2) The British Airways card stood out the panel due to the card's well-above-average sign-up bonus of 50,000 bonus miles after spending at least $3,000 in the card's first three months. Additionally, the card also offers a number of valuable perks, including a free companion ticket every year you spend at least $30,000 on your card and no foreign transaction fees. The British Airways card also awards more points on airline purchases – three points per dollar – than many of its competitors.

"Ultimately, the British Airways Visa Signature card is the one I'd add to my card portfolio," says Editor-in-Chief Daniel P. Ray. "Despite its $95 annual fee and recent devaluation, it has the flexibility to earn a place in the wallet of an aspiring globetrotter. "The generous earning scheme helps you build points rapidly, and the multiple partnerships let you spend them around the world." To help choose the best business credit cards, consulted business and personal finance experts and nominated three finalists. A panel of five judges – including three independent experts and two members of the staff – separately evaluated the three finalists and ranked them in order of preference. The card with the best average rank was chosen as the winner.

(1) Principles to Manage Aviation‘s Security Challenges The International Air Transport Association (IATA) called on industry and governments to work together in an even stronger partnership to provide durable solutions to aviation‘s security challenges. These efforts, which must be based on common principles, include such areas as overflying conflict zones, landside security at airports, insider threats, cyber security, harmonization of PNR (passenger name record) and API (advance passenger information) requirements and airport checkpoints. ―Aviation is the ‗business of freedom‘—a catalyst for social and economic development that improves people‘s lives. Paradoxically, the good that aviation brings also makes it a target for terror. No single entity has all the answers. That‘s why partnerships are essential to address our major security challenges with the speed needed to stay a step ahead of those who would do our industry harm. These efforts must keep four common principles in focus: risk-based measures, the implementation of global standards, capacity building to support the mutual recognition of standards, and information sharing among governments and with industry,‖ said Alexandre de Juniac, IATA‘s Director General and CEO. De Juniac‘s comments were made in an opening speech to the 25th AVSEC World conference in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. AVSEC World is being hosted by Malaysia Airlines and jointly presented by IATA in partnership with the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and Airports Council International (ACI). Principles and Speed

(2) Four principles to guide the cooperative security efforts of government and industry were elaborated: Risk-based measures to ensure that limited resources are applied where the threats are greatest. Information sharing among governments and with industry to enable effective risk-assessments. The implementation of global standards in security systems worldwide to support effective collaboration between all parties in all locations. Capacity building supporting the mutual recognition of standards to improve effectiveness and efficiency. De Juniac also emphasized the necessity of speed in keeping the industry secure. ―Speed is of the essence. Threats emerge quickly. And they evolve fast. The four principles will help us to address the threats and challenges we face, but only if we move quickly enough,‖ said de Juniac. Applying the Principles to Our Main Challenges IATA identified six priority areas for addressing security challenges: Conflict zones: Timely and accurate information is needed to support risk-assessments when overflying conflict zones. ―The ICAO conflict zone information repository was an initial step. But it is not the solution. We need to evolve to a system that can function on a continuing basis with a free and fast flow of useful information. Information sharing is not just about conflict zones. If a government has any information about a risk to an airline‘s operation, sharing it with the airline could save lives. There is a responsibility to get that information to the airline quickly and by effective means,‖ said de Juniac.

(3) Landside security in airports: Recent attacks in Brussels and Istanbul have brought this vulnerability to the fore. Local authorities must use intelligence to keep terrorists far away from airports and keep public areas free from threats. In parallel the industry is working on solutions to reduce risk by processing passengers more quickly. Insider threats: ―With eight million people employed in air transport, the threat from insiders is a real challenge. The perfect vetting system has yet to be invented. So intelligence analysis— from governments—is our most potent tool to identify threats especially from radicalization,‖ said de Juniac. Cyber security: Nimble layers of protection—security culture—and advanced detection capabilities are needed. All of these must be powered by intelligence and information sharing. Cooperation with governments and across the industry is essential. Harmonization of API and PNR information requirements: Airlines contribute to intelligence gathering through the collection and provision of API and PNR information. Global standards exist for the collection and provision of this information. These are maintained by IATA and the World Customs Organization, and ICAO. ―Despite the global standards for API and PNR, there are still far too many exceptions on what data is collected and how it is transmitted to governments. The complexity does not make us more secure. In fact, it could lead to risk.

(4) The situation is already difficult enough. And it could get much worse. There is already an impasse on PNR and European data privacy requirements which puts airlines in a difficult situation. Moreover, there is no overall international agreement spelling out obligations for handling the exchange of such information,‖ said de Juniac. Security checkpoints at airports: Airport checkpoints must be both effective and convenient—the goal of the joint IATA-ACI Smart Security initiative. ―Processes have improved, but can still be inconvenient and even intrusive. Smart Security is helping with a growing footprint at airports. But we need to see much faster progress,‖ said de Juniac. Real threats ―Security is fundamentally a government responsibility. But making flying ever safer and more secure is engrained in the DNA of all air transport stakeholders. Governments and industry are working together to strengthen our defenses with integrated solutions in the face of evolving security threats,‖ said de Juniac. In September a UN Security Council Resolution noted that, ―terrorist groups are actively seeking ways to defeat or circumvent aviation security.‖ The resolution affirmed that ―all states have a responsibility to protect the security of citizens and nationals of all nations against terrorist attacks on air services operating within their territory‖.

‫ادارة العالقات العامة ‪ -‬الشركة القابضة‬ ‫لمصر للطيران‬

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