EGYPTAIR News 26 july 2016

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‫الثالثاء‬ ‫‪ٌ26‬ولٌو ‪2016‬‬


‫مصر للطٌران تكشف مواصفات الطائرات الجدٌدة بأسطولها‬ ‫كشف صفوت مسلم رئٌس الشركة القابضة مصر للطٌران‪ ،‬عن مواصفات الطائرات التسعة‬ ‫الجدٌدة التى ستنضم قرٌبا ألسطول مصر للطٌران‪ ،‬مؤكدا أن الطائرات من طراز البوٌنج‬ ‫‪ 737-800‬والتى تم االتفاق مع الشركة المصنعة على إضافة مواصفات خاصة بها من حٌث‬ ‫اتساع المقاعد وتنوع وزٌادة مستوٌات الرفاهٌة‪.‬‬ ‫وتتكون الطائرة من الداخل من ‪ 154‬مقعدا منهم ‪ 16‬مقعد بٌزنس و ‪ 138‬اقتصادٌا بلون‬ ‫أزرق غامق‪ ،‬وٌعد الشكل األكثر فخامة وجماال‪.‬‬ ‫وأشار مسلم إلى أن الطائرات الجدٌدة تعد األولى من نوعها التى تستخدم نظام ""‪،AVOD‬‬ ‫الذى ٌتمتع بوجود شاشة فٌدٌو أمامٌة لكل مقعد ٌسمح للراكب بمشاهدة الشاشة بشكل ذاتى‬ ‫ومختلف عن باقى الركاب وإضاءة لٌد لالستمتاع وزٌادة الرفاهٌة‪ ،‬كما تحظى الطائرات‬ ‫الجدٌدة باتساع أكبر فى حامل الحقائب والموجود أعلى مقاعد الركاب‪.‬‬ ‫واستطرد رئٌس القابضة مصر للطٌران‪ ،‬بأن الطائرات قادرة على الطٌران لمدة ‪ 6‬ساعات‬ ‫ونصف متواصلة وٌتناسب تشغٌلها مع رحالت مصر للطٌران المتوسطة وطوٌلة المدى إلى‬ ‫نقاط متعددة بشبكة خطوطها‪ ،‬لذلك ٌكون هذا الطراز له القدرة على الوصول إلى جمٌع النقاط‬ ‫فً العدٌد من األسواق حول العالم‪.‬‬ ‫واستطرد أن الطراز الجدٌد من مزاٌاه قلة استهالكه للوقود واقتصادٌة تشغٌله حٌث تصل‬ ‫تكلفة تشغٌله إلى أقل من المعدل الطبٌعى بنسبة ‪.%2‬‬ ‫وأوضح صفوت أنه تم االتفاق على جدولة التسلٌم بحٌث ٌتم تسلٌم الطائرة األولى فى دٌسمبر‬ ‫‪ 2016‬وآخر طائرة فى دٌسمبر ‪ 2017‬أى أن تسلٌم جمٌع الطائرات المتعاقد علٌها فى عام‬ ‫واحد‪.‬‬ ‫ثمــــان طـــائرات من هذه الصفقة من قبل شــركة دبً لصناعات‬ ‫وقال إنه سٌتم تموٌل‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫الطٌران ‪ ،Dubai Aerospace Enterprise (DAE) Ltd‬والتً ٌقع مقرها بدبً‪،‬‬ ‫اإلمارات العربٌة المتحدة وتقدر قٌمتها بنحو ‪ 864‬ملٌون دوالر بما ٌعادل ‪ 9‬ملٌارات جنٌه‬ ‫مصرى تقرٌبا‪.‬‬


‫"مصر للطٌران" تجدد اعتماد شهادة "اإلٌزاجو”‬ ‫قال صفوت مسلم‪ ،‬رئٌس الشركة القابضة لـ"مصر للطٌران"‪ ،‬إن وفد شركة‬ ‫الخطوط الجوٌة اللبنانٌة ‪ ،MEA‬المعتمدة من االتحاد الدولً للنقل الجوي ‪،IATA‬‬ ‫راجع أنشطة الخدمات األرضٌة فً محطة الشركة بمطار القاهرة‪ ،‬بغرض تجدٌد‬ ‫شهادة األٌزاجو المعتمدة من (األٌاتا)‪ ،‬التً حصلت علٌها "مصر للطٌران" ألول‬ ‫مرة فً ‪ 2008‬وتجدد كل عامٌن‪.‬‬ ‫وأضاف مسلم‪ ،‬فً بٌان أصدره الٌوم‪" :‬أسفرت نتٌجة المراجعة عن عدم وجود أي‬ ‫نقاط عدم تطابق‪ ،‬وتجدٌد الحصول على الشهادة حتى عام ‪."2018‬‬ ‫واستقبل مسلم بمكتبه فرٌق المراجعة الذي أشاد بتطبٌق "مصر للطٌران" جمٌع‬ ‫متطلبات الخدمة األرضٌة للطائرات وضمان تنفٌذها حسب أصول الصناعة بأعلى‬ ‫مستوٌات السالمة واألمان للطائرة والركاب‪ ،‬بحضور أحمد شاهٌن رئٌس شركة‬ ‫"مصر للطٌران" للخدمات األرضٌة‪ ،‬والطٌار جاسر حسٌن رئٌس قطاع السالمة‬ ‫والجودة بالشركة القابضة لـ"مصر للطٌران"‪.‬‬ ‫فٌما قال أحمد شاهٌن إن المراجعات تمت بالتنسٌق مع قطاع السالمة والجودة‪،‬‬ ‫وشملت إدارة الخدمة األرضٌة بالشركة القابضة وشركاتها التابعة‪ ،‬منذ لحظة‬ ‫وصول الراكب وأمتعته صالة السفر‪ ،‬وإنهاء إجراءاته حتى صعوده الطائرة‪ ،‬وكذلك‬ ‫ضبط الحمولة وتوزٌعها على متن الطائرة‪ ،‬وجمٌع أنشطة الخدمة األرضٌة تحت‬ ‫الطائرة منذ استقبال وترحٌل الطائرة‪ ،‬والتأكد من سالمة ومستوى الخدمة األمنٌة‪،‬‬ ‫والشحن وتحمٌل البضائع‪ ،‬مضٌفا "تمت مطابقة التزامنا بأحدث قوائم المراجعة‬ ‫التً أصدرتها منظمة األٌاتا فً مارسً الماضً"‪.‬‬


‫حفل لتوقٌع اتفاقٌة تعاون بٌن شركتى جنرال إلٌكترٌك ومصر‬ ‫للطٌران الخمٌس‬ ‫تنظم شركة جنرال اليكتريك للمحركات‪ ،‬الخميس المقبل‪ ،‬حفل توقيع اتفاقية‬ ‫تعاون مع شركة مصر للطيران‪ ،‬بمشاركة الفنان الكبير عمر خيرت‪ ،‬بالمسرح‬ ‫الكبير بدار األوبرا المصرية‪ ،‬بحضور عدد كبير من الوزراء والسفراء وكبار‬ ‫اإلعالمين والشخصيات العامة وقيادات الطيران المدنى السابقين والحاليين‪.‬‬ ‫يشار إلى أن شركة مصر للطيران للصيانة واألعمال الفنية‪ ،‬وقعت مع شركة‬ ‫جنرال إلكتريك اتفاقية ‪ TrueChoiceTM Materials‬للخدمات‬ ‫االستشارية في مجال صيانة محركات الطائرات وإصالحها‪ ،‬وفحصها‬ ‫للمساعدة فى تطوير إمكانات مصر الطيران إلصالح محرك الـ‪CFM56-‬‬ ‫‪.7B‬‬

Thai Airways’ First Airbus A350 XWB Takes Flight Thai Airways’ first Airbus A350 XWB recently completed its maiden flight over South West France and will enter the final phase of production as well as undergo further ground and flight tests. Thai Airways ordered a total of 12 Airbus A350-900 aircraft, with four on direct order and eight on lease. Thai Airways’ first A350-900 will be delivered at the end of the third quarter 2016, with the first international flight set for service to Melbourne. Thai Airways’ A350-900 has the capability of operating long-haul as well as regional flights, with a total of 321 seat capacity: 32 Royal Silk Class seats and 289 Economy Class seats. Thai Airways’ A350-900 is equipped with a fourth generation HD inflight entertainment system. Turkish Airlines fires employees with links to preacher

ISTANBUL — Turkish Airlines said on Monday it had fired 211 employees over suspected links to US-based preacher Fethullah Gülen and behaviour "conflicting with the interest of our country" in the wake of last week’s attempted coup. The flag carrier said their contracts were terminated due to "the non-fulfillment of performance criteria and in line with the necessary actions we are taking against the FETO (Fethullah Terrorist Organisation) structure, attitudes and behaviour conflicting with the interest of our country and company". The authorities accuse 75-year-old Gülen of running FETO, which it claims was behind the coup attempt, and Ankara has demanded that Washington extradite him. The preacher — who lives in a secluded compound in rural Pennsylvania, and whose foundation runs a global network of schools, charities and media interests — has denied the accusations against him. In a statement signed by the airline’s media relations unit, Turkish Airlines said it stands "united with all of the heroic and honourable Turkish people" against the coup plotters’ "malevolent illegal attempt". "Under any circumstances, we have and will continue to fulfil our responsibility to contribute to democracy." Solar Impulse 2 plane lands in Abu Dhabi, completes first round-the-world solar-powered flight

In this Wednesday, July 13, 2016, handout image provided by Solar Impulse, the Solar Impulse 2 flying over the pyramids, Egypt Cairo. The experimental solar-powered airplane has arrived in Egypt as part of its global voyage. (Jean Revillard, Rezo via the AP) less


Lufthansa, Honeywell, and Airbus combine technologies to reduce runway incursions, boost safety COLOGNE, Germany, 26 July 2016. Officials at Lufthansa Group, Honeywell Aerospace, and Airbus have signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to jointly develop a runway safety solution combining Airbus’ Runway Overrun Prevention System )ROPS( and Honeywell’s SmartLanding technologies for Lufthansa’s fleet of aircraft.

This goal is to combine the strengths of ROPS and SmartLanding technologies, ensure its availability for a maximum number of aircraft types, and set a higher standard for runway safety. Lufthansa engineers will contribute to the solution design and evaluation with the involvement of flight crews from the early stage of development.

2 The ROPS performance-based alerting system developed by Airbus assists crews in preventing runway overruns. Certified by the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), and Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC), ROPS is in operation on approximately 430 aircraft, including A320, A330, A350, and A380 commercial passenger jets, and has been selected by operators of 1,500 aircraft to be delivered. ROPS is included in the solutions portfolio of Airbus’ wholly-owned Flight Operations and Air Traffic Management subsidiary NAVBLUE. Honeywell’s SmartLanding system reduces the risk of runway excursion by alerting pilots if the aircraft is approaching the runway too high, too fast, or is not configured properly for landing. SmartLanding is a software enhancement to Honeywell's Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System (EGPWS), installed on more than 30,000 airline and business aviation aircraft. Through a software upgrade to EGPWS, SmartLanding improves pilot situational awareness and helps break the chain of events that can lead to a runway excursion, by providing aural and visual alerts upon approach only if the aircraft has not met established safety criteria, officials describe.


Airbus, a division of Airbus Group, is the global commercial aircraft manufacturer with the most modern, comprehensive, and efficient family of airliners, ranging in capacity from 100 to more than 600 seats. Airbus has sold more than 16,500 aircraft to around 400 customers and, provides customer support and training through an expanding international network.

1 Thai Airways plans to resume direct flights to US next year THAI AIRWAYS International plans to resume flights to the US west coast next year and add more destinations in China after taking a year off to achieve international safety compliance. The national carrier is also now energetically firing off marketing and sales gimmicks and clearing up flight-management and service issues in order to become profitable and beat the tough competition. Charamporn Jotikasthira, president of THAI, said yesterday that either Seattle or San Francisco would be returned to its direct-flight network by next year. One of these two cities will help the airline reclaim market share from longhaul routes. They are better situated for connecting flights than cities further south such as Los Angeles. The resumption of service to the United States follows the International Civil Aviation Organisation's lifting of the ban on Thai airlines for safety problems. However, THAI may wait until Thailand's Civil Aviation Department has been upgraded from Category 2 to Category 1 on the US Federal Aviation Administration's list for the same problems.

2 The airline said it would likely propose the plan to US authorities by itself as it confident of complying with US safety standards. The flag carrier plans to add more destinations in China after authorities there lifted the ban on THAI over safety reasons, after the ICAO's claims in February of last year that Thailand's aviation practices did not meet international standards. THAI is also considering resuming flights to Moscow and Tehran in the high season starting in October. THAI will receive two new Airbus A350 aircraft this year and five Airbus A350s and two Boeing 787s next year. The airline will implement its new fare system next month and new sales system in the first quarter of next year to enhance competitiveness. The solution is expected to help increase sales especially through the online channel by more than 3 per cent. Next month will also see a new management system that should help improve particularly connecting flights. The airline expects this new system to increase revenue by 3 per cent. A new on-board service called "service ring" will be implemented very soon. Charamporn and his safety-standard staff yesterday updated the media on THAI's latest safety-compliance efforts, saying the airline had been working with Scandinavian Airlines to create a joint plan for safety and risk management. THAI will begin using this solution in September to prevent unexpected incidents. All of THAI's 25,000 staff are urged to watch out for any suspicious objects or persons and report them directly to the corporate compliance department established earlier. Its July 1-20 average load factor was 76.8 per cent, up from the same period last year.

The airline is not worried about the impending divorce of Britain and the European Union, since European tourists still travel to Thailand because it is cheaper than going to the US. Lufthansa Technik to cut 700 engine overhaul jobs Germany-based Lufthansa Technik (LHT) plans to cut 700 of 2,000 jobs at its engine maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) unit as new engine types become more efficient. The job cuts will happen mainly by early retirements over the next five to eight years, which was agreed to by labor union Verdi. LHT said it did not plan forced redundancies. In return, Lufthansa will invest €80 million ($86.4 million) to overhaul the latest generation of aircraft engines and secure engine MRO business at its main facility in Hamburg.

ATW reported April 11 that the engine MRO business is in the middle of a significant generation change. For example, Pratt & Whitney and CFM International are developing new engines that need only two overhauls instead of four, which means 30%-50% of this business will disappear. Therefore, LHT needs a competitive cost structure and must improve workforce flexibility. The new working conditions will allow LHT to take new engine types in Hamburg under (MRO) contract. LHT and Verdi, which expect to conclude further negotiations by the end of August, have agreed on a three-shift system, changes in work hours (including significantly higher work-hour flexibility), and changes in the compensation structure. In the long term, 1,300 jobs can be secured, of which 1,100 are based in Hamburg. In 2015, LHT reported sales revenue for its 22 holdings grew 17.6% to around €5.1 billion, up €762 million year-over-year. The company achieved 20% growth in its adjusted EBIT to €454 million, compared to €380 million in the previous year. In 2015, LHT served 800 customers and supported 3,700 aircraft, up 12% year-over-year. IATA Joins European Organization for Civil Aviation Equipment Geneva - The International Air Transport Association (IATA), to further its objectives for safe, secure and sustainable air transport, has become a full member of the European Organization for Civil Aviation Equipment )EUROCAE(​. Since 1963 EUROCAE has developed performance specifications to facilitate the standardization of aviation technologies. It is a non-profit international organization composed of manufacturers, service providers, airlines, airports, In addition, EUROCAE works closely with its North American counterpart, RTCA, Inc. IATA is now a member of both organizations, reflecting the importance it attaches to stronger links between standardization efforts in North America and Europe. This is particularly important with regard to facilitating progress on the SESAR and NextGen air traffic management modernization projects in Europe and the United States. ”For more than 50 years, EUROCAE has been at the forefront of harmonizing and improving the technical standards of the aviation industry. It is therefore absolutely right that IATA formalizes its membership of EUROCAE and plays a full role in the working groups that align with our members’ priorities. EUROCAE’s work plays a crucial role in creating a stronger aviation system and we look forward to working with them in our shared objective to create a safer, more secure and sustainable air transport industry,” said Rafael Schvartzman, IATA European Regional Vice President. ”We are delighted to welcome IATA as the 200th member of EUROCAE. The strengthened collaboration with the airline community will be very beneficial for the technical standardization activities and also for the EUROCAE organization as a whole,” said Christian Schleifer-Heingärtner, Secretary General of EUROCAE Malaysian Airports increase security following attacks in Europe Malaysian authorities plan to implement increased security at airports across Malaysia following recent terrorist events at various transport locations across Europe. Malaysian deputy Transport Minister Abdul Aziz Kaprawi said ”increased security mechanisms” would be applied at airports such as Kuala Lumpur International Airport and Sepang, as well as at connected rail transport hubs such as KL Sentral.

The minister specifically cited attacks at Turkey’s Istanbul Ataturk Airport and Belgium’s Brussels Airport in Zaventem as indicators of the need for increased security in Malaysia. ”We will look into several aspects [of airport security] and will not allow any threat to slip into our airports,” he said. Speaking in Kuala Lumpur, the minister said that although the government was ”serious in tackling security threats” and was working on new crossdepartmental mechanisms to improve internal cooperation, it was committed to avoiding increased delays or administration to operators. ”Any new security mechanisms would take into consideration the design and infrastructure at existing airports in order not to affect business activities,” Kaprawi said. Kaprawi added the Malaysian government was conducting an intensive vetting process into recruitment processes at the country’s airports. The beefed-up security measures come following the revocation of an air operator’s certificate for Malaysia-based Rayani in March 2016. The carrier had its permit revoked for operational lapses including boarding security and on-time compliance. South African Airways wins Africa Best Airline Award South African Airways (SAA) has won the best airline in Africa for 2016 for the 14th consecutive time. While the airline also won other awards, the most prominent was the 2016 Skytrax award for Best Airline in Africa which it has now won for a record 14 times at a ceremony on Wednesday, July 20, at the Farnborough Airshow in London. A spokesperson of SAA, Mohammed Abdullahi, said in a statement that the Skytrax awards, the innovation of an independent aviation research organisation, have become an institution on the annual events calendar and that the awards are based on unsolicited customer feedback which makes them the benchmark of airline excellence. He quoted the SAA acting Chief Executive, Musa Zwane, as saying, "We are rightfully excited and proud to have won the Skytrax Award as Best Airline in Africa, for the fourteenth consecutive year, which demonstrates that SAA is still one of the foremost airlines in the world, and the leader on the continent. Awards are important as they instil a sense of pride from our employees and customers alike. In a related development, Boeing, South African Airways (SAA) and lowcost carrier Mango celebrated Africa's first passenger flights with sustainable aviation biofuel. The flights coincided with Boeing's 100th anniversary and centennial celebrations worldwide. The SAA and Mango flights carried 300 passengers from Johannesburg to Cape Town on Boeing 737-800s using a blend of 30 per cent aviation biofuel produced from Sunchem's nicotine-free tobacco plant, Solaris, refined by AltAir Fuels and supplied by SkyNRG. "SAA is committed to a sustainable future and this flight highlights the bold steps we are taking to protect and preserve our environment while creating opportunities for the economic development of our people," the acting CEO said. "We are pleased to join the ranks of global airlines who have made a commitment to a better and cleaner way of flying." He added, "It is fitting that on our 100 year anniversary, we are flying on fuels that not only power the flight, but ensure a sustainable future for our industry," said Miguel Santos, managing director for Africa, Boeing International. "This project is a great example of environmental stewardship that delivers economic and health benefits to South Africa." African Aviation Still Profitable - Ethiopian Airlines Official There is still potential for commercial African airlines to exploit opportunities in the airspace, a top official of Ethiopian Airlines has said. Regional manager Abebe Angessa says investors who fear to join in the aviation industry in Africa are making a blunder. "The traffic in Africa is increasing by the day. But the question is: how many passengers are using native African national carriers? It is true that the aviation business is struggling, but if an aviation company strategizes, one can succeed," he said at the unveiling of Ethiopian Airlines' Airbus A350XWB at Entebbe airport recently. He added: "Incoming and outgoing traffic by local carriers makes only 18 per cent of all aviation activities in Africa. I think Africa is underestimated." He said that by bringing new aircraft, Ethiopian Airlines is trying to maintain a programme of improving its business. "Ethiopian Airlines is currently implementing at 15-year strategic plan called Vision 2025 that will see the company become a leading aviation in Africa. And to do this, we always have to invest heavily in the state-of-art air carriers," he said. At the launch, Angessa said Ethiopia airlines is pleased to take a lead role in Africa and has become among the few airlines to invest in the latest technology in the aviation industry. "Operating the youngest fleet in the industry, and with the introduction of Africa's first A350, which will provide new features such as wider seats in both business and economy class, we are going to be better in the industry," he said. He explained that the 360-passenger aircraft will enable the airline to expand their services, especially on long flights. Benon Kajuna, the director of transport at the ministry of Works and Transport, said government decided to expand Entebbe airport to enable larger carriers to land there. "The government has a $200m programme to upgrade and expand airport infrastructure to accommodate more local and international airlines. We also plan to open up other airports in Kabale, Hoima, and airdromes in Gulu and Arua," he said.

British Airways launches ”Kids fly for free” offer British Airways has relaunched its popular ‘Kids fly for free’ offer on selected domestic flights from Heathrow. The carrier ran the promotion on flights to Leeds Bradford and Newcastle International last summer, and this year the offer also includes services to Inverness and Belfast City. Up to two kids under the age of 12 can fly for free with each fare-paying adult, on flights between now and November 1. The promotion is being run in conjunction with Visit Britain, and also sees kids able to stay for free at selected Novotel hotels, and travel free of charge on the Heathrow Express. Commenting on the offer Sara Dunham, British Airways’ head of marketing, retail and direct said: ”Saving every penny counts when it comes to family holidays so flying kids for free will make it cheaper to fly away for fun and see more of the UK, on a British Airways flight. ”We are delighted to be joining forces with other great travel brands to offer families free child flights and discounted holiday deals.” As with last year, BA has included a line regarding the potential abuse of this offer in its terms and conditions, as follows: ”British Airways reserves the right to refuse travel, charge an additional fee or cancel the entire booking if offer is abused and the child(ren) do not travel. For the purposes of this paragraph, the offer is abused when it is booked with no intention that the child or children named in the booking shall travel on the flight.” This clause is presumably to discourage travellers from booking free tickets for children that they have no intention of flying with, in the hope of then having empty seats around them on the aircraft. For more information on this offer visit


‫ادارة العالقات العامة ‪ -‬الشركة القابضة‬ ‫لمصر للطيران‬

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