EGYPTAIR News 2-Jan-2019

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‫رئٌس مصر للطٌران ورئٌس قطاع األمن بالوزارة ٌتفقدان مبنٌى الركاب "‪ 2‬و‪"3‬‬ ‫كتب أحمد مصطفى ‪ -‬أحمد حمادة‬

‫تفقد الطٌار أحمد عادل رئٌس الشركة القابضة لمصر للطٌران والطٌار وائل النشار رئٌس قطاع أمن وزارة الطٌران‬ ‫المدنى صباح الٌوم مبنى الركاب رقم ‪ 2‬و ‪ 3‬بمطار القاهرة الدولى لالطمئنان على انتظام التشغٌل وتقدٌم التسهٌالت‬ ‫الالزمة للركاب‪ ،‬وذلك فى إطار توجٌهات الفرٌق ٌونس المصرى وزٌر الطٌران المدنى بمتابعة حركة السفر‬ ‫والوصول فى ظل كثافة التشغٌل أول اٌام العام المٌالدى الجدٌد‪.‬‬ ‫فٌما استمرت مصر للطٌران فى االحتفال مع عمالئها بالعام الجدٌد وقام فرٌق العالقات العامة والدعاٌة واإلعالم‬ ‫والمحطة بمصر للطٌران بتوزٌع الحلوى على المسافرٌن‪.‬‬

‫االدارة العامة للعالقات العامة والمراسم‬ ‫الشركة القابضة لمصر للطيران‬

‫رئٌس مصر للطٌران ٌتفقد مطار القاهرة وٌلتقً المسافرٌن‬ ‫كتب ‪ -‬طه عبٌد‬

‫أجرى الطٌار أحمد عادل‪ ،‬رئٌس الشركة القابضة لمصر للطٌران‪ ،‬والطٌار وائل النشار‪ ،‬رئٌس قطاع أمن وزارة‬ ‫الطٌران المدنً‪ ،‬جولة صباح الٌوم بمبنى الركاب رقم ‪ 2‬و‪ 3‬بمطار القاهرة الدولً؛ لالطمئنان على انتظام التشغٌل‬ ‫وتقدٌم التسهٌالت الالزمة للركاب‪ ،‬فً إطار توجٌهات الفرٌق ٌونس المصري وزٌر الطٌران المدنً بمتابعة حركة‬ ‫السفر والوصول فً ظل كثافة التشغٌل أول أٌام العام المٌالدي الجدٌد‪.‬‬ ‫وتسٌر الشركة الٌوم الثالثاء ‪ 75‬رحلة دولٌة‪ ،‬و‪ 40‬داخلٌة من مطار القاهرة فقط بخالف المطارات األخرى‪ ،‬ووزع‬ ‫فرٌق العالقات العامة والدعاٌة واإلعالم والمحطة بمصرللطٌران الحلوى‪ ،‬والهداٌا التذكارٌة الخاصة برأس السنة‬ ‫المٌالدٌة فً االستراحات وعلى الكاونترات بجانب هداٌا مقدمة من شركة األسواق الحرة كما تزٌنت الطائرات‬ ‫بمظاهر العام الجدٌد‪.‬‬

‫االدارة العامة للعالقات العامة والمراسم‬ ‫الشركة القابضة لمصر للطيران‬

‫استمرار احتفاالت "مصر للطٌران" مع المسافرٌن فً أول أٌام العام الجدٌد‬ ‫كتب‪:‬لٌلً عبدالحمٌد‬

‫قام الطٌار أحمد عادل رئٌس الشركة القابضة لمصر للطٌران‪ ،‬والطٌار وائل النشار رئٌس قطاع أمن وزارة الطٌران‬ ‫المدنً‪ ،‬بجولة صباح الٌوم بمبنًٌ الركاب رقمً ‪ 2‬و‪ 3‬بمطار القاهرة الدولً لالطمئنان على انتظام التشغٌل وتقدٌم‬ ‫التسهٌالت الالزمة للركاب‪.‬‬ ‫ٌأتً ذلك فً إطار توجٌهات الفرٌق ٌونس المصري وزٌر الطٌران المدنً‪ ،‬بمتابعة حركة السفر والوصول فً ظل‬ ‫كثافة التشغٌل أول أٌام العام المٌالدي الجدٌد؛ حٌث من المقرر أن تسٌر الشركة الٌوم ‪ 115‬رحلة دولٌة ومحلٌة منها‬ ‫‪ 75‬رحلة دولٌة و‪ 40‬داخلٌة من مطار القاهرة فقط بخالف المطارات األخري‪.‬‬ ‫وقد استمرت مصر للطٌران فً االحتفال مع عمالئها بالعام الجدٌد وقام فرٌق العالقات العامة والدعاٌة واإلعالم‬ ‫والمحطة بمصر للطٌران بتوزٌع الحلوى والهداٌا التذكارٌة الخاصة برأس السنة المٌالدٌة فً االستراحات‬ ‫وعلى الكاونترات إلً جانب هداٌا مقدمة من شركة مصر للطٌران لألسواق الحرة‪ ،‬كما جرى تزٌ​ٌن الطائرات بمظاهر‬ ‫العام الجدٌد‪.‬‬

‫االدارة العامة للعالقات العامة والمراسم‬ ‫الشركة القابضة لمصر للطيران‬

‫‪1‬‬ ‫حصاد الطٌران المدنى (‪..)2‬‬ ‫المنظمات الدولٌة تؤكد الثقة فى إجراءات تأمٌن المطارات‬ ‫أشـرف الحـدٌدى‬ ‫مع بداٌة العام الجدٌد ننتظر بكل األمل أن ٌشهد مزٌدا من التطوٌر والتحدٌث فى منظومة الطٌران المدنى لجذب مزٌد‬ ‫من الحركة الجوٌة والسٌاحٌة إلى مصر‪ ،‬ولعل أحداث الطٌران المدنى المصرى خالل عام ‪ 2018‬والتى استعرضنا‬ ‫جانبا منها االسبوع الماضى تشٌر إلى حدوث انطالقة حقٌقٌة فى منظومة تطوٌر قطاع الطٌران فى مصر بفضل الرؤٌة‬ ‫االستراتٌجٌة للفرٌق ٌونس المصرى وزٌر الطٌران المدنى وكتٌبة العمل معه‪ ،‬وفى المقدمة منها الطٌار سامح الحفنى‬ ‫رئٌس سلطة الطٌران المدنى والطٌار أحمد عادل رئٌس القابضة لمصر للطٌران والطٌار أحمد جنٌنه رئٌس القابضة‬ ‫للمطارات والمالحة الجوٌة وكل رؤساء الشركات التابعة والهٌئات وجمٌع العاملٌن فى قطاع الطٌران‪.‬‬ ‫وجاءت جوالت وزٌر الطٌران على مدى العام ولقاءاته مع مسئولى الشركات والهٌئات والعاملٌن بقطاع الطٌران‪،‬‬ ‫وكذلك استقباله لعدد من وزراء وسفراء بعض الدول العربٌة واإلفرٌقٌة واألوروبٌة لتؤكد هذه الرؤٌة االستراتٌجٌة‬ ‫وحرص مصر على تعزٌز وتوطٌد العالقات فى مختلف أنشطة الطٌران بكل الدول‪ ،‬وخاصة فٌما ٌخص التدرٌب وأمن‬ ‫المطارات وتبادل الخبرات وصٌانة الطائرات وعمرة المحركات والشحن الجوى مع العمل على زٌادة المشروعات‬ ‫االستثمارٌة بٌن بعض الدول لتنشٌط الحركة السٌاحٌة إلى مصر‪.‬‬ ‫وتطبٌقا للتوجٌهات السٌاسٌة بضرورة التنسٌق بٌن مختلف الوزارات عقد وزٌرا الطٌران والسٌاحة لقاءات عدٌدة‬ ‫للتنسٌق بٌن الوزارتٌن فى تنشٌط حركة السٌاحة لمصر وتقدٌم منتج سٌاحى متكامل وإطالق مبادرات مشتركة لتحفٌز‬ ‫السائحٌن على زٌارة مصر‪ ..‬وأطلقت وزارة السٌاحة بالتنسٌق مع «الطٌران» الضوابط الجدٌدة لبرنامج تحفٌز‬ ‫الطٌران لعام ‪ 2018/2020‬بهدف فتح خطوط وأسواق جدٌدة‪ ،‬كما تم االتفاق بٌن الوزارتٌن على رفع كفاءة‬ ‫المطارات‪.‬‬ ‫وجاء استئناف رحالت موسكو فى شهر أبرٌل الماضى لٌضع حدا لحالة اإلنتظار التى طالت لمدة عامٌن إلى أن تم‬ ‫تشغٌل رحالت مباشرة بٌن موسكو والقاهرة‪.‬‬ ‫وعلى صعٌد الشركة القابضة للمطارات والمالحة الجوٌة كان هناك أٌضا العدٌد من اإلنجازات والتحدٌات خالل ‪2018‬‬ ‫من أهمها استمرار تنفٌذ مشروعات تطوٌر المطارات إلى جانب اشادة كل وفود الدول والمنظمات الدولٌة التى زارت‬ ‫المطارات المصرٌة بإجراءات التأمٌن مؤكدة الثقة فى هذه اإلجراءات‪.‬‬ ‫كما تم اتخاذ إجراءات عاجلة لرفع كفاءة مطارات سوهاج وبرج العرب وأسٌوط وشرم الشٌخ وبورسعٌد والغردقة إلى‬ ‫جانب مشارٌع خدمٌة مكملة لمنظومة المطارات للمحافظة على كفاءة التشغٌل‪ ،‬كما حصل مطار القاهرة على العدٌد من‬ ‫الشهادات واالعتمادات الدولٌة‪ ،‬وكذلك تم اجراء عملٌات صٌانة وتطوٌر لمهبط الطائرات وحصل مطار أسوان على‬ ‫الرخصة الدولٌة‪ ،‬وجاء مطار االقصر فى المركز األول إفرٌقٌا فى السالمة الجوٌة‪.‬‬

‫االدارة العامة للعالقات العامة والمراسم‬ ‫الشركة القابضة لمصر للطيران‬

‫‪2‬‬ ‫وفٌما ٌتعلق بالشركة القابضة لمصر للطٌران تأتى خطة زٌادة اإلٌرادات وخفض المصروفات وتحدٌث االسطول فى‬ ‫مقدمة التحدٌات من خالل خطط عاجلة وطوٌلة األجل أبرزها إعادة الهٌكلة‪ ..‬وجاءت اتفاقٌة الشراكة التى وقعتها مصر‬ ‫للطٌران مع كل من شركة إماراتٌة وشرٌك استراتٌجى لها‪ ،‬وهى شركة أمرٌكٌة متخصصة فى تأمٌن المطارات‬ ‫والموانئ البحرٌة بغرض إنشاء قرٌة بضائع لوجٌستٌة بمطار القاهرة لتعزز من امكانات مصر فى منظومة الشحن‬ ‫الجوى وتنشٌط الصادرات‪ ،‬كما جاء افتتاح وزٌر الطٌران ألحدث استراحات مصر للطٌران بصالة السفر بمبنى (‪)3‬‬ ‫بمطار القاهرة انعكاسا لتنفٌذ خطة التحدٌث والتطوٌر الحالٌة الستراحات مطار القاهرة‪.‬‬ ‫كما اجتازت مصر للطٌران بنجاح تفتٌشات االٌزو‪ ،‬كما حصلت شركة الخطوط الجوٌة على اعتماد شهادات االٌزو فى‬ ‫نظامى البٌئة والسالمة والصحة المهنٌة إلى جانب نجاح شركة للصٌانة فى تجدٌد اعتماد الوكالة األوروبٌة لسالمة‬ ‫الطٌران‪.‬‬ ‫وتعزٌزا للتعاون مع إفرٌقٌا وقعت شركة الصٌانة ووزارة الطٌران فى غانا عقدا إلنشاء مركز لتقدٌم الخدمات الفنٌة‬ ‫لشركات الطٌران فى مطار كوتوكو فى غانا‪ ،‬كما تعاقدت الشركة مع ‪ 17‬شركة طٌران لتقدٌم خدمات الصٌانة الدورٌة‬ ‫لها‪.‬‬ ‫كما شهد العام إنعقاد الجمعٌة العمومٌة لالتحاد الدولى للطٌران ألول مرة منذ عام ‪ 1933‬باألقصر بدعوة من نادى‬ ‫الطٌران المصرى بحضور ‪ 94‬دولة‪ ..‬أما األكادٌمٌة المصرٌة لعلوم الطٌران فقد ضمت السطولها طائرات تدرٌب‬ ‫جدٌدة لٌصل أسطولها إلى ‪ 25‬طائرة‪ ،‬كما تعاقدت لتدرٌب الطلبة العرب واالفارقة‪ ،‬وكذلك تم تطوٌر البنٌة التحتٌة‬ ‫لهٌئة األرصاد الجوٌة‪.‬‬

‫االدارة العامة للعالقات العامة والمراسم‬ ‫الشركة القابضة لمصر للطيران‬

‫ضابط أمن بالمطار ٌع ُثرعلى ‪4‬أالف دوالر و‪19‬ألف درهم وٌردهم لصاحبه‬ ‫كتب‪:‬هشام جاد‬

‫إتباعا ً لمبدأ الثقة واألمانة التً أرستها وتؤكد علٌها مصر للطٌران دائماً‪ ،‬بقٌادة الفرٌق ٌونس المصري وزٌر‬ ‫الطٌران المدنً‪.‬‬ ‫عثر ضابط األمن على أحمد محمود‪ ،‬على مبلغ مالً وقدره ‪ 4‬أالف دوالر و ‪ 19‬ألف درهم إماراتً‪ ،‬برحلة الوصول‬ ‫من ابوظبً وعلى الفور سلمهم إلً الراكب‪.‬‬

‫االدارة العامة للعالقات العامة والمراسم‬ ‫الشركة القابضة لمصر للطيران‬

‫"الطٌران المدنً" تعلن عن وظائف قٌادٌة شاغرة‪ ..‬تعرف على التفاصٌل‬ ‫كتب‪ :‬إسراء صبحً‬

‫أعلنت وزارة الطٌران المدنً‪ ،‬عبر بوابة الوظائف الحكومٌة‪ ،‬عن حاجته لشغل عدد من الوظائف القٌادٌة‪ ،‬والتً‬ ‫جاءت على النحو التالً‪:‬‬ ‫‪ )1‬مدٌر عام البضائع الخطرة‬ ‫‪ )2‬مدٌر عام مركز خدمة العمالء‬ ‫وتتمثل شروط شغل الوظائف فً اآلتً‪:‬‬ ‫عال مـناسب لنوع العمل‪.‬‬ ‫ مؤهل ِ‬‫ ​إجادة اللغة اإلنجلٌزٌة‪.‬‬‫ قضاء مدة بٌنٌة ال تقل عن سنتٌن فً وظٌفة من المستوى الوظٌفً األدنى مباشرة أو مدة خبرة كلٌة قدرها ‪16‬‬‫عا ًما على األقل تتفق وطبٌعة عمل الوظٌفة للمتقدمٌن من خارج الجهاز اإلداري‪.‬‬ ‫تتضمن المستندات المطلوبة ما ٌلً‪:‬‬ ‫ بٌان حاله معتمد موضحا به (التأهٌل العلمً والمؤهالت األعلى– تقارٌر أو بٌان كفاٌة األداء عن السنوات‬‫السابقة– الخبرة النوعٌة والزمنٌة للوظائف اإلشرافٌة التً شغلها المتقدم– الدورات التدرٌبٌة (مدتها و نوعها و‬ ‫مكانها)– العالوات التشجٌعٌة – خطابات الشكر والتقدٌر– الجزاءات إن وجدت وأي بٌانات أخري ٌري المتقدم‬ ‫إضافتها)‪.‬‬ ‫ بٌان عن أبرز إنجازات المتقدم وإسهاماته فً الوحدة التً ٌعمل بها‪.‬‬‫ مقترح لتطوٌر الوحدة او احد انشطتها الرئٌسٌة لتحسٌن أدائها‪ ،‬وتطوٌر األنظمة التً تحكم العمل وتبسٌط‬‫إجراءاته‪.‬‬ ‫ ‪ 6‬صور شخصٌة‪.‬‬‫تقدم الطلبات بالٌد إلى اإلدارة المركزٌة للشؤون الوظٌفٌة بمقـر الوزارة‪ ،‬فً موعد أقصاه ‪ٌ 31‬ناٌر ‪.2019‬‬

‫االدارة العامة للعالقات العامة والمراسم‬ ‫الشركة القابضة لمصر للطيران‬

‫جوالت مٌدانٌة لمسئولً مصر للطٌران بمطاري النزهة وبرج العرب‬ ‫كتب‪:‬محمود السعدى‬

‫تفقد المهندس مجدي محمدٌن مساعد رئٌس مجلس إدارة شركة مصر للطٌران للخدمات األرضٌة‪ ،‬والمهندس ولٌد‬ ‫الدٌب رئٌس قطاع التشغٌل بالشركة‪ ،‬محطة النزهة وبرج العرب‪ ،‬وذلك استمرارا للزٌارات المٌدانٌة للمحطات الداخلٌة‬ ‫لمتابعة سٌر العمل وتحفٌز العاملٌن‪ ،‬والتأكد من جاهزٌة المحطات وكفاءة العمل داخلها‪ ،‬وفقا لتعلٌمات وتوجٌهات‬ ‫مسئولً وزارة الطٌران المدنً‪.‬‬ ‫وقد تفقد صاالت السفر والوصول وانتظام العمل داخلهم ومبنى المطار ومواقع الطائرات‪ ،‬وأٌضا ساحة المعدات‬ ‫ومحطة تحلٌة المٌاه والنقل البري والورش والمخازن داخل مطار النزهة‪.‬‬ ‫كما تابع مساعد رئٌس شركة مصر للطٌران للخدمات األرضٌة ورئٌس قطاع التشغٌل بالشركة‪ ،‬أعمال اإلنشاءات‬ ‫والتجدٌدات داخل مطار برج العرب ودور الخدمات األرضٌة فً المساهمة فٌها‪.‬‬ ‫وتم تكرٌم العاملٌن الممٌزٌن بشهادات التقدٌر‪ ،‬مع إبالغهم تقدٌر المهندس محمد فتح هللا رئٌس الشركة لهم على‬ ‫اجتهادهم وتمٌزهم فً العمل‪.‬‬

‫االدارة العامة للعالقات العامة والمراسم‬ ‫الشركة القابضة لمصر للطيران‬

‫‪1‬‬ ‫طٌران ناس تقل ‪ 6.6‬ملٌون على ‪ 60‬ألف رحلة فً ‪ ،2018‬وترعى السباق السادس للخٌل العربٌة األصٌلة‬

‫ترعى ناس للطٌران حفل السباق السادس بمٌدان األمٌر سلطان بن عبد العزٌز للخٌل العربٌة الذي ٌقام بمزرعة‬ ‫الخالدٌة بتبراك ٌوم الخمٌس المقبل وٌتألف من ستة أشواط خصصت كلها للخٌول العربٌة األصٌلة‪ .‬وستقوم شركة‬ ‫ناس للطٌران بتقدٌم تذاكر طٌران دولٌة باإلضافة العدٌد من الجوائز المالٌة لحضور السباق السادس‪ ،‬وأعلنت اللجنة‬ ‫المنظمة للسباقات بمٌدان األمٌر سلطان بن عبد …‬ ‫ترعى ناس للطٌران حفل السباق السادس بمٌدان األمٌر سلطان بن عبد العزٌز للخٌل العربٌة الذي ٌقام بمزرعة‬ ‫الخالدٌة بتبراك ٌوم الخمٌس المقبل وٌتألف من ستة أشواط خصصت كلها للخٌول العربٌة األصٌلة‪.‬‬ ‫وستقوم شركة ناس للطٌران بتقدٌم تذاكر طٌران دولٌة باإلضافة العدٌد من الجوائز المالٌة لحضور السباق السادس‪،‬‬ ‫وأعلنت اللجنة المنظمة للسباقات بمٌدان األمٌر سلطان بن عبد العزٌز عن أضافة شوط آخر للجٌاد عمر ‪ 3‬سنوات بعد‬ ‫األقبال الكبٌر من المشاركٌن ولضمان اتاحة الفرصة للجمٌع‪ ،‬حٌث ٌتكون الشوط األول من قسمٌن (‪)2.1‬‬ ‫طٌران ناس تقل ‪ 6.6‬مالٌ​ٌن مسافر على ‪ 60‬ألف رحلة فً عام ‪201‬‬ ‫كشف بندر المهنا الرئٌس التنفٌذي لطٌران ناس‪ ،‬الناقل الجوي السعودي والطٌران االقتصادي الرائد فً الشرق‬ ‫األوسط‪ ،‬عن عدد المسافرٌن على متن رحالت طٌران ناس‪ ،‬حٌث بلغ نحو ‪ 6.6‬مالٌ​ٌن مسافر‪ ،‬عبر وجهاته الداخلٌة‬ ‫والدولٌة خالل عام ‪ ،2018‬فً حٌن بلغت عدد الرحالت ‪ 60‬ألف رحلة داخلٌة ودولٌة‪ ،‬إذ جاءت نسبة الزٌادة فً‬ ‫أعداد المسافرٌن بالتوازي مع زٌادة عدد الرحالت وفتح وجهات جدٌدة تلبٌة الحتٌاجات المسافرٌن‪.‬‬ ‫وفً التفاصٌل‪ ،‬أكد ‖المهنا― أن زٌادة نسبة نمو أعداد المسافرٌن جاءت امتداداً للنجاحات السابقة والخطط التوسعٌة‬ ‫فً السوق الداخلً والدولً‪ ،‬حٌث بلغت ‪ 11‬وجهة جدٌدة بعد أن قام طٌران ناس بإطالقها فً عام ‪ ،2018‬مما‬ ‫انعكس إٌجابا ً على نسبة نمو أعداد المسافرٌن‪.‬‬ ‫وأضاف‪‖ :‬تؤكد نتائج طٌران ناس لهذا العام على استمراره كأفضل خٌار للسفر بالمملكة‪ ،‬وهو ما ٌعزز من طموحاتنا‬ ‫المستقبلٌة فً التوسع إلى وجهات جدٌدة―‪.‬‬ ‫ونوه بجوائز طٌران ناس‪ ،‬حٌث نال جائزة سكاي تراكس العالمٌة مرتٌن على التوالً (‪ )2018 ،2017‬وجائزة‬ ‫أفضل طٌران اقتصادي فً الشرق األوسط من مهرجان جوائز السفر العالمٌة ألربعة أعوام متتالٌة ‪ 2015‬و ‪2016‬‬ ‫و ‪ 2017‬و ‪.2018‬‬

‫االدارة العامة للعالقات العامة والمراسم‬ ‫الشركة القابضة لمصر للطيران‬

‫‪2‬‬ ‫وأوضح ‖المهنا― أن إجمالً عدد المسافرٌن للوجهات الداخلٌة فً عام ‪ 2018‬بلغ نحو ‪ 4.3‬مالٌ​ٌن مسافر‪ ،‬فٌما بلغ‬ ‫إجمالً عدد المسافرٌن للوجهات الدولٌة أكثر من ‪ 2.3‬مالٌ​ٌن مسافر‪.‬‬ ‫وقال‪‖ :‬تأتً هذه الزٌادات فً أعداد المسافرٌن عبر رحالتنا كنتٌجة للعمل الدؤوب فً تحسٌن تجربة المسافر وتطوٌر‬ ‫الخطط لتعزٌز النمو‪ ،‬حٌث عملنا على التوسع فً الوجهات المحلٌة والدولٌة‪ ،‬إضافة إلى شراكتنا اإلستراتٌجٌة التً ت ّمت‬ ‫مع عدد من شركات الطٌران مثل ‖جٌت اٌرواٌز―‪ ،‬إضافة إلى―بٌغاسوس― وطٌران االتحاد―‪.‬‬ ‫ٌذكر أن طٌران ناس ٌسعى فً العام ‪ 2019‬إلى االستمرار فً إستراتٌجٌته التوسعٌة‪ ،‬حٌث سٌتم افتتاح وجهات جدٌدة‬ ‫على متن أسطول طٌران جدٌد‪ ،‬والذي ٌتضمن ‪ 120‬طائرة جدٌدة من طراز ‪ ،A320neo‬تم شراؤها من شركة‬ ‫إٌرباص بقٌمة إجمالٌة قدرها ‪ 32‬ملٌار لاير‪ ،‬وستس ّلم تباعا ً خالل العام ‪.2019‬‬

‫االدارة العامة للعالقات العامة والمراسم‬ ‫الشركة القابضة لمصر للطيران‬

‫العراق ٌستعٌد عضوٌته فً اإلتحاد الدولً للناقلٌن الجوٌ​ٌن‬

‫بغداد ـ الصباح الجدٌد‪:‬‬ ‫اعلنت الشركة العامة للخطوط الجوٌة العراقٌة اعادة تفعٌل عقد ( ‪IATA‬اإلتحاد الدولً للناقلٌن الجوٌ​ٌن) لتطوٌر‬ ‫مستوى إدائها وتلبٌة أهم المتطلبات الدولٌة فً العمل وإستكمال اإلجراءات الخاصة باعادة عضوٌة الشركة فً‬ ‫المنظمة‪.‬‬ ‫وقال مدٌر عام الشركة عباس ناصر كثفت ادارة الشركة من عقد اجتماعها الدورٌة بشكل متواصل من اجل اعادة‬ ‫تفعٌل عقد ‪ ،IATA‬مضٌفا لقد تم التوجٌه بإعداد مطالعة بصدد اعادة خبراء ( )‪IATA‬وتفعٌل العقد الذي تم اٌقافه من‬ ‫قبل االدارة السابقة ‪ ،‬الفتا انه قرار استراتٌجً ال رجعة فٌه كونه خطوة متقدمة لرفع حظر الطٌران األوروبً‬ ‫المفروض على الشركة‪.‬‬ ‫واوضح المدٌر العام ان ثالث مراحل مهمة من االجراءات المتعلقة بهذا الجانب اكتملت ولم تتبق اال المرحلة الرابعة‬ ‫لٌتم فٌها إرسال الخبراء الى الخطوط الجوٌة ووضع مناهج تدرٌبٌة خاصة كل حسب اختصاصه ‪ ،‬وتابع بضرورة‬ ‫االستفادة من خبرات واستشارات ‪IATA‬لرسم الحلول الجذرٌة وإعادة تنظٌم هٌكلٌة العمل فً الخطوط الجوٌة‬ ‫العراقٌة‪.‬‬

‫االدارة العامة للعالقات العامة والمراسم‬ ‫الشركة القابضة لمصر للطيران‬

1 Aviation industry should be private sector-driven — Stakeholders Aviation experts have said that for the industry to perform better this year than it did in 2018, the government should engage the private sector more. Some of them, who spoke with The PUNCH, noted that there were many infrastructure gaps to be bridged but that the private sector had a huge role to play. Aviation Consultant and the Chief Executive Officer, Eden & Mcwhit Aviation Services, Dr Al- Hameeda Fraser, stated that this year, stakeholders would be expecting the policy direction of the aviation sector to display some innovation in order to encourage foreign and local investors into the sector and address critical issues with support or complement government effort. Fraser said the government should embrace and adopt a third party service provider model in order to ensure a sustainable development in the sector in 2019. According to her, the third party service provider model is not a concession but a service contract on mutually acceptable terms in collaboration with the government and under the direct supervision of the aviation authorities and relevant government agencies. The only difference between the third party service contract and other contracts is that it will finance the project and work out acceptable terms with the government. The government would not cede its facility to any third party but will permit the third party to operate under its supervision and control,‖ she said. She added that there were many critical need gaps which ought to be addressed immediately but that budgetary constraints might affect their execution.

‫االدارة العامة للعالقات العامة والمراسم‬ ‫الشركة القابضة لمصر للطيران‬

2 Fraser said, ―The financial requirements for the implementation of facilities upgrade are enormous for the government alone to bear; most especially due to the procurement of vital latest technology and specialist equipment as well as maintenance obligations. ―In order to meet these need gaps, many countries like the United States of America, United Kingdom, Argentina, and others in Europe, Middle East, Asia and even here in Africa, are all utilising third party service providers within a robust regulatory framework to operate their aviation sector successfully with sustainable development. This should be the top priority for 2019.‖ Aviation Security Consultant and Chief Executive Officer, Centurion Aviation Security and Safety Consult, Group Capt. John Ojikutu (retd.), said the government must quickly concession the airports as the present arrangements and earnings would not sustain the 24 federal and states airports across the country. ―However, the government must be mindful of existing arrangements in the Murtala Muhammed Airport Terminal Two concession, the Chinese loans on the building of some terminals and the joint users arrangements between civil and military at some airports. For now, concession must only be for nonaeronautical and not so much on aeronautical,‖ he said. The President, Aviation Safety Round Table Initiative, Dr Gbenga Olowo, stated that the government at the centre should remain focused at stimulating private sector-driven aviation sector during the year. Airport concessioning remains only in statement over four years, action is required against the existing government monopoly of airports. Lagos airport deserves much more attention in terms of growth strategy, intermodal connectivity and top of the rank security and technology apparatus because Lagos comes as a natural West African hub and currently generates 60 to 65 per cent revenue, sustaining the remaining unviable Nigerian airports,‖ he said.

‫االدارة العامة للعالقات العامة والمراسم‬ ‫الشركة القابضة لمصر للطٌران‬

3 They also stated that the year should be an opportunity for the government to address some of the issues limiting the growth of the sector. One of the issues, they added, was restructuring the agencies in the sector to deliver optimally on their mandates. Aviation Analyst and a member of Aviation Round Table Initiative, Mr Olumide Ohunayo, said, ―Clearly the government should concentrate more on restructuring the agencies for improved and non-political delivery of services while regulations; aero political participation, protection and generation of more revenue from the non-scheduled services should form part of the focus.‖ Fraser said the Nigerian Airspace Management Agency should be empowered with more modern navigational aids. ―There is a need to invest more in latest technology navigational equipment, radar and landing aids in order to meet up with the international standards and ensure the safety of passengers and aircraft,‖ she added. One other area that they felt the government disappointed the masses, and which should be revisited, was the takeoff of a national carrier. Ojikutu said the government must bring to life the birth of a national carrier driven mainly by foreign technical investors, the private sector and the public. Fraser said the Ministry of Aviation should appoint a local as well as a foreign consultant who would be able to source for foreign investors to ensure the takeoff of the national carrier by at least 2020. “Such foreign consultants are being utilised by a few national carriers such as the Air China. Unfortunately, the dearth of investors into the Nigerian aviation sector may have negatively impacted on the concession and the national airline projects,‖ she said. The Managing Partner, Aglow Aviation Support Services Limited, Mr Tayo Ojuri, stated that while he believed that the government should not be running airlines, no matter how small the percentage of its involvement, the national carrier project should, however, be handled with utmost transparency, if it must be revived.

‫االدارة العامة للعالقات العامة والمراسم‬ ‫الشركة القابضة لمصر للطيران‬

4 ―When they revive the Nigeria Air project, I am for reviving it, but the process and terms of engagement should be handled properly. There should be a legal framework and transparent process and engagement of domestic operators to discuss the bilateral agreements which had been given to some of them,‖ he said. He stated that rather than the said five per cent of the whole investment, the government should only provide the regulatory framework as well as a good operating environment. ―I believe that government should not be involved in running an airline,‖ he added. Ojuri stated that above all, domestic airlines should be strengthened to cushion the effect of the International Air Transport Association’s projected $300m revenue loss by African carriers in 2019. Ojuri stated that a major focus should be on making airlines viable to attract equity investment, adding ―we have the passengers and the location but over the years the domestic airlines have been struggling due to a litany of problems, so we need equity investors to help them operate better.‖ According to him, the areas, where domestic airlines will likely record losses will be the price of fuel and foreign exchange, which will affect the availability of funds for the maintenance of aircraft. He said that if government policies remained consistent, it would help to drive more passenger traffic and stabilise operations of airlines against expected economic shocks. In reviewing the sector in the past year, the stakeholders noted that the government made some efforts but failed to deliver on many of its promises. They said the government particularly failed to address security and safety issues which had been lingering for many years. Ojikutu said security and safety issues had existed over the years but the enforcement or oversight of compliance to regulations had not been sufficient or effective.

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5 He stated that policymakers and other stakeholders should have done better than they did; adding that the new year offered an opportunity for improvement. He explained, ―I think we needed to have done better than what we did. By the time the Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority comes out with its report, it will be clear that our domestic operators did not improve significantly in both passengers and cargo traffic over the 2017. What is sustaining the sector is the international operations that contribute over 80 per cent of our earnings. ―There were also a lot of security and safety issues that must be addressed both on the government and private operators’ sides. We have lived with most of them over the years but the enforcement or oversight of compliance to regulations is not sufficient or effective.‖ According to him, despite the certification of some airports, there are still issues that border on reduced capabilities of landing aids and lightings; uneven runways and taxiways surfaces; insufficient skilled manpower; lack of adequate electricity to power the airports operations systems; and lack of funds due mainly to recurring debts of the domestic airlines in particular. Ojuri said 2018 started with lots of safety and security issues but it was addressed and most airlines not only improved on their offerings but also got their International Air Transport Association Operational Safety Audit. ―But there was no adherence to what the government promised earlier such as a Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul facility, concessioning of airports and the establishment of a leasing company,‖ he added. ―Looking at 2019, I see the lack of those policy issues as the bane of Nigeria Air; if concession had been done, it would have improved infrastructure. I think there should be a full concession plan. When we talk about concession, it doesn’t mean the entire airport but the retail area, which will help improve nonaeronautical revenue,‖ he said. According to Fraser, the security profile of the international airports require a digital transformation and support services of international standards including a command and control centre where all internal and external digital security devices are networked for effective monitoring and evaluation.

‫االدارة العامة للعالقات العامة والمراسم‬ ‫الشركة القابضة لمصر للطيران‬

6 She said the review of the security profile of airports across the country should be a priority for 2019 as global terrorism was on the increase. ―The perimeter fence of the international airports ought to be completed in 2019 and sensors installed to enhance the external security,‖ she added. Olowo stated that 2018 witnessed modest effort by the government, its agencies and stakeholders while airport, airlines, airspace experienced some growth with Accident Investigation Bureau reports delivering maximally. These efforts, he said, should translate more into good results during 2019 in spite of being the election year faced with strong apprehension. According to him, since 2014, aviation business outcome in Nigeria has been on the decline year-on-year basically due to the economic recession and yet to improve difficult environment of doing business despite effort by the government to ease the process.

‫االدارة العامة للعالقات العامة والمراسم‬ ‫الشركة القابضة لمصر للطيران‬

1 In 2018, Aviation industry experiences highs and lows

KARACHI: The outgoing calendar year proved to be a game changer in the area of aviation. During the past 12 months, the sector saw some highs and lows. A welcome surprise was the return of British Airways to Pakistan after a hiatus of 10 years. The major international airline is set to recommence operations from June 2, 2019 and will fly thrice a week on the London-Islamabad route. Earlier, the air carrier halted flights to Pakistan following the 2008 Marriot hotel bombing – one of the deadliest attacks in the capital. Britain is home to more than a million expatriate Pakistanis and their sheer number suggests that British Airways has taken a business-friendly decision by resuming flights to Pakistan. However, it will lead to more challenges for the loss-making Pakistan International Airlines (PIA). Islamabad-London is one of the most important routes for the national flag carrier. Separately, the aviation industry received a setback when domestic air carrier Shaheen Air International (SAI) caved in to the tough competitive environment and stopped flying due to mounting dues. SAI, ranked the second largest national carrier due to its fleet of 16 aircraft, shut down completely and laid off hundreds of employees.

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2 SAI had defaulted on payment of Rs1.4 billion to the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) and Rs1.6 billion to the Federal Board of Revenue )FBR(. ―The CAA has filed a recovery suit in the Sindh High Court in accordance with the law,‖ stated a CAA spokesperson. Initially, SAI appealed to the authorities to give the airline sufficient time to clear its outstanding bills and sought permission to restart operations, but things went from bad to worse. Later, rumours started doing rounds in the industry that a Saudi Prince had expressed interest in taking over the troubled private airline by injecting equity and SAI would soon become operational. After SAI’s founder Khalid M Sehbai passed away in 2013, his sons took charge of the airline. Kashif Sehbai, then 34, was appointed chairman and his younger brother Ehsan Khalid Sehbai, then 31, was appointed CEO. Although the brothers announced that they would continue to work on their father’s vision of expanding the airline, the younger generation soon became locked in a dispute with the old management and ended up accumulating debts of over Rs5 billion. Meanwhile, the CAA decided to transform its open sky policy into an open and fair sky policy – a longstanding demand of the domestic airlines that has been facing stiff competition from foreign carriers. In late November, the CAA announced that it would amend the 2015 open sky policy after acknowledging various flaws. The regulator agreed to constitute a committee for coming up with recommendations, but no further progress could be made by the close of the year. Pakistan’s aviation market is limited but still it is growing at a swift pace, hence, airlines find it attractive but at the same time they also face challenges.

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3 CAArevenues The CAA collected around Rs60 billion in revenues in 2018 but corruptionrelated news continued to emerge about the newly built Islamabad International Airport. On one occasion, a boarding bridge collapsed at the new airport, prompting the CAA to constitute a board for investigation. Members of the board recommended that outsourcing of various airport services should be halted and suggested direct regular hiring in core areas. During the year, the International Air Transport Association (IATA) forecast that Pakistan’s air traffic would grow in double digits but domestic traffic rose merely 3%. However, the international traffic widened 6% to 14.6 million passengers. Four new players – Askari Air, Go Green, Liberty Air and Afeef Zara Airways – had applied for airline licences long ago but by the close of the calendar year no news emerged about their entry into the market. Experts are of the view that the upcoming airlines are wary of the market situation which is worsening day by day. Towards the end of the year, AirSial, which had also applied for a flying licence, won assurances from Prime Minister Imran Khan and it was expected to begin operations shortly. Askari Air, on the other hand, is also expected to enter the aviation market in not too distant a future. In the outgoing year, state-owned PIA, as usual, put more burden on the government. In mid-May, then prime minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi, while heading an Economic Coordination Committee (ECC) meeting, approved a Rs20-billion bailout to aid the airline in the overhaul of aircraft engines. PIA has so far accumulated losses of about Rs400 billion. Moreover, in first meeting under the current PTI-led government, the Privatisation Commission board decided to strike PIA off the list of enterprises planned to be privatised.

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Figures by group show 2018 was the deadliest year for aviation since 2014 PHOENIX (FOX 10) -- Figures released Tuesday show 2018 was the deadliest year for aviation since 2014. According to statistics released by the Aviation Safety Network, 562 people were killed in 19 accidents in 2018, which marks a sharp rise from 2017, when 59 people were killed in 14 flights, in a year that was deemed by ASN to be the safest year in aviation history. In 2014, a year that was marked by the disappearance of Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 and the shootdown of a Malaysian Airlines plane, 990 people were killed. The figures above include accidents and fatalities that involve suicide, sabotage, and hijackings. Despite the big increase in fatalities, officials with ASN say 2018 still ranks as one of the top 10 safest years in aviation history. In figures provided by ASN, at least 1,000 people have died in airliner accidents, every year, from 1958 to 1980. The last year the world saw over 1,000 deaths related to airliner accidents was 2005. On its website, the Aviation Safety Network describes itself as a Netherlandsbased independent organization that covers accidents and safety issues with regards to airliners, military transport planes and corporate jets.

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1 Aviation industry to grow more in 2019 – CAAP The Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines (CAAP) has committed to continue improving the country’s aviation sector and pursue its mission of connecting the country’s islands through aviation and in making air transport more available and convenient to Filipinos. Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines (CAAP) (C) Wikipedia The CAAP said it launched last year a number of projects that will help improve the country’s aviation infrastructure and steadily fulfill CAAP’s vision of a Philippines that is fully connected by aviation. CAAP Spokesman Eric Apolonio said to help improve the connectivity of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations or ASEAN, enhance aviation safety, optimize Philippine airspace, reduce CO2 emissions, and promote greener skies, the CAAP inaugurated the new Communication, Navigation, Surveillance/Air Traffic Management (CNS/ATM) Complex January 16 and December 17, respectively. The previous year also saw the inaugurations of new airports such as Lal-lo Airport on March 14, San Vicente Airport on May 10, and Bohol-Panglao International Airport on November 27. Aside from opening new airports, the CAAP also inaugurated new passenger terminal building (PTBs) for the Tuguegarao Airport on March 14, Daniel Z. Romualdez (Tacloban) Airport on March 16, Virac Airport on June 1, and Maasin Airport on July 2. The authority is also proud to share that as of November 30, the country has 18 airports capable of operations at night, allowing airports to operate for longer hours and enabling these gateways to service more flights, passengers, and cargo. These airports include Clark International Airport, Davao International Airport, Kalibo International Airport, Laoag International Airport, Mactan-Cebu International Airport, Ninoy Aquino International Airport, Puerto Princesa International Airport, General Santos International Airport, Zamboanga International Airport, Iloilo International Airport, Bacolod-Silay Airport, Butuan Airport, Laguindingan Airport, Tacloban Airport, Roxas Airport, Dumaguete Airport, Caticlan Airport, and Legazpi Airport (with limitations).

‫االدارة العامة للعالقات العامة والمراسم‬ ‫الشركة القابضة لمصر للطيران‬


For this year, CAAP is looking at more project completion and inaugurations. By 2019, PTBs in Busuanga Airport, Camiguin Airport, Catarman Airport, Marinduque Airport, Ormoc Airport, Ipil Airport, Mati Airport, and Siargao Airport will soon be opened. While maintaining safety in aviation, the authority is also continuously upgrading and working towards the night rating of several airports expected to be completed by 2019-2021. Naga Airport, Tuguegarao Airport, Cotabato Airport, Bohol-Panglao International Airport, Cauayan Airport, Dipolog Airport, Ozamiz Airport, and Pagadian Airport are among the airports whose night rating are currently being processed. Under the ―Build, Build, Build‖ program, Deparment of Transportation Secretary Arthur Tugade’s solid guidance, and the CAAP’s steadfast performance, Philippine aviation is expected to soar higher in the years to come.

‫االدارة العامة للعالقات العامة والمراسم‬ ‫الشركة القابضة لمصر للطيران‬

Aviation: Mid-air flight horror for 6 flyers! Don't do this, play safe midair; here is how

As many as 6 passengers were deplaned from Frontier Airlines flight in the US after the health authority officials received the information. The passengers were removed at the Tampa International Airport on Tuesday afternoon after the flight landed. According to FLA-TV, Officials say that the sick passengers were not traveling together. They, also said that the passengers are under observation as of now, according to Stuff Online. There is no information provided from authorities so far, about the reasons for all those six passengers falling ill together. The other passengers on the flight were kept waiting for about half an hour after it landed at Tampa Airport. Those passengers deboarded around 4.30 PM (local time). No additional information was available after the incident. What you must not do in flights to stay safe: Flyers should reign in their impulses to do a number of things, especially if they are done in extremes. They can do them in limited amounts of course. The idea is not to stay rooted in the plane seat. Keep moving your arms, rear, and legs. Ensure they do not "fall asleep". Do Yoga and other exercises that can be carried out without moving too much and without disturbing those in the nesting seat. Passengers should also ensure they do not gorge on food. They should either eat at home before the flight or take food in limited amounts. Ensure that this is not some sort of exotic dish either. Remember, fasting for half a day or even 25 hours, never did anyone any harm, But do take care as an empty stomach can be hit by "gas" problem.

‫االدارة العامة للعالقات العامة والمراسم‬ ‫الشركة القابضة لمصر للطيران‬

1 IATA introduces platform for airlines to share turbulence data Jan 02, 2019: The International Air Transport Association (IATA) has launched its Turbulence Aware data resource to help airlines avoid turbulence when planning routes tactically in flight. It augments an airline’s ability to forecast and avoid turbulence by pooling and sharing real time turbulence data generated by participating airlines. Today, airlines rely upon pilot reports and weather advisories to mitigate the impact of turbulence on their operations. These tools while effective have limitations due to the fragmentation of the data sources, inconsistencies in the level and quality of information available, and the locational imprecision and the subjectivity of the observations. For example, there is no standardised scale for the severity of turbulence that a pilot may report other than a light, moderate or severe scale, which becomes very subjective among differentsized aircraft and pilot experience. Turbulence Aware improves on the industry’s capabilities by collecting data from multiple contributing airlines, followed by a rigorous quality control. Then the data is consolidated into a single, anonymised, objective source database which is accessible to participants. Turbulence Aware data is turned into actionable information when fed into an airline’s dispatch or airborne alerting systems. The result is the first global, real-time, detailed and objective information for pilots and operations professionals to manage turbulence.

‫االدارة العامة للعالقات العامة والمراسم‬ ‫الشركة القابضة لمصر للطيران‬

2 ―Turbulence Aware is a great example of the potential for digital transformation in the airline industry. The airline industry has always cooperated on safety—its number one priority. Big data is now turbocharging what we can achieve. In the case of Turbulence Aware, the more precise forecasting of turbulence will provide a real improvement for passengers, whose journeys will be even safer and more comfortable,‖ said Alexandre de Juniac, IATA’s director general and CEO. The challenge of managing turbulence is expected to grow as climate change continues to impact weather patterns. This has implications for both safety and efficiency of flight. As progressing towards having accurate turbulence data available at all flight levels, pilots will be able to make much more informed decisions about higher flight levels with smoother air. Being able to climb to these altitudes will result in a more optimal fuel burn, which will ultimately lead to reduced CO2 emissions. Turbulence Aware is already generating significant interest among airlines. Delta Air Lines, United Airlines and Aer Lingus have signed contracts; Delta is already contributing their data to the program. ―IATA’s collaborative approach to creating Turbulence Aware with open source data means that airlines will have access to data to better mitigate turbulence. Using Turbulence Aware in conjunction with Delta’s proprietary Flight Weather Viewer app is expected to build on the significant reductions we have seen already to both turbulence-related crew injuries and carbon emissions yearover-year,‖ said Jim Graham, Delta’s SVP of Flight Operations. The first operational version of the platform was developed by end of 2018. Operational trials will run throughout 2019, with ongoing feedback collection from participating airlines. The final product will be launched in early 2020.

‫االدارة العامة للعالقات العامة والمراسم‬ ‫الشركة القابضة لمصر للطيران‬

‫ادارة العالقات العامة ‪ -‬الشركة القابضة‬ ‫لمصر للطيران‬

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