EGYPTAIR News 3 nov 2015

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‫ٍصش ىيطٍشاُ حْفً ػ٘دة سحيت ىْذُ بؼذ ئقالػٖب‬ ‫ّفى ٍصذس ٍسإٗه بَصش ىيطٍشاُ ٍب حٌ ّششٓ فً بؼط اىَ٘اقغ‬ ‫اإلىنخشٍّٗت ح٘ه ػ٘دة سحيخٖب سقٌ ‪ ٧٧٩‬اىَخضٖت ئىى ىْذُ بؼذ ئقالػٖب‬ ‫ٍِ ٍطبس اىقبٕشة بْصف سبػت‪ ،‬حٍذ أمذ اىَصذس ػذً ئقالع اىشحيت ٍِ‬ ‫اىَطبس ّٖبئًٍب ٗحٌ حغٍ​ٍش ٍ٘ػذ ئقالع اىطبئشة ػذة ٍشاث‪ّ ،‬ظشاً ىحبىت‬ ‫اىطقس اىَعطشبت ٗاألص٘اء اىعبببٍت اىنزٍفت فً ٍطبس اى٘ص٘ه ٍٗب‬ ‫حشحب ػيٍٖب ٍِ ئّؼذاً اىشؤٌت‪ ،‬بْبء ػيى حؼيٍَبث سيطبث اىطٍشاُ‬ ‫اىبشٌطبٍّت‪.‬‬ ‫ٗأظبف اىَصذس أُ بشس اىَشاقبت احصو بقبئذ اىشحيت ف٘س ححشمٔ اسخؼذادًا‬ ‫ىإلقالع ٗطيب ٍْٔ اىؼ٘دة ئىى ٍ٘قغ اىطبئشة بَطبس اىقبٕشة اىذٗىً‪.‬‬ ‫ٗأمذ اىَصذس ئقالع اىشحيت اىًٍ٘ االرٍِْ فً حَبً اىسبػت اى٘احذة ٗرَبًّ‬ ‫دقبئق بخ٘قٍج اىقبٕشة ببإلظبفت ئىى ئقالع سحيخٍِ ئىى ٍطبس ٍٕزشٗ بيْذُ‬ ‫األٗىً سقٌ ‪ٗ ٧٦١‬قذ أقيؼج ٍِ ٍطبس األقصش اىذٗىً فً حَبً اىسبػت‬ ‫‪ ١٢:٤٥‬ظٖشاً ٗاىزبٍّٔ سقٌ ‪ ٧٧٧‬أقيؼج فً حَبً اىسبػت اى٘احذة ظٖش‬ ‫اىًٍ٘ ٍِ ٍطبس اىقبٕشٓ اىذٗىً‪.‬‬


‫"ٍصش ىيطٍشاُ" حْفى ػ٘دة سحيت ىْذُ بؼذ ئقالػٖب‪ٗ ..‬حإمذ‪ :‬حأخشث‬ ‫ىس٘ء اىطقس‬ ‫ّفى ٍصذس ٍسئ٘ه بَصش ىيطٍشاُ ٍب ّشش فى بؼط اىَ٘اقغ اإلىنخشٍّٗت‪،‬‬ ‫ح٘ه ػ٘دة سحيخٖب سقٌ ‪ ٧٧٩‬اىَخضٖت ئىى ىْذُ بؼذ ئقالػٖب ٍِ ٍطبس‬ ‫اىقبٕشة بْصف سبػت أٍس األحذ‪ ،‬حٍذ أمذ اىَصذس ػذً ئقالع اىشحيت ٍِ‬ ‫اىَطبس ّٖبئٍب‪ ،‬حٍذ حٌ حغٍ​ٍش ٍ٘ػذ ئقالع اىطبئشة ػذة ٍشاث‪ّ ،‬ظشاً ىحبىت‬ ‫اىطقس اىَعطشبت ٗاألص٘اء اىعبببٍت اىنزٍفت‪ٍٗ ،‬ب حشحب ػئٍ ٍِ اّؼذاً‬ ‫اىشؤٌت‪ٗ ،‬رىل بْبء ػيى حؼيٍَبث سيطبث اىطٍشاُ اىبشٌطبٍّت‪ٗ .‬أظبف‬ ‫اىَصذس فى بٍبُ ىيششمت‪ ،‬أّٔ حٌ االحصبه بقبئذ اىشحيت ىؼ٘دحٔ ئىى ٍ٘قغ‬ ‫اىطبئشة بَطبس اىقبٕشة اىذٗىى ف٘س ححشمٔ اسخؼذاداً ىإلقالع‪ٗ .‬أمذ اىَصذس‬ ‫ئقالع اىشحيت‪ ،‬اىًٍ٘ االرٍِْ‪ ،‬فى حَبً اىسبػت اى٘احذة ٗ‪ 8‬دقبئق بخ٘قٍج‬ ‫اىقبٕشة ببإلظبفت ئىى ئقالع سحيخٍِ ئىى ٍطبس ٍٕزشٗ بيْذُ األٗىى سقٌ‬ ‫‪ٗ ٧٦١‬قذ أقيؼج ٍِ ٍطبس األقصش اىذٗىى فى حَبً اىسبػت ‪ ١٢:٤٥‬ظٖشاً‬ ‫ٗاىزبٍّت سقٌ ‪ ٧٧٧‬أقيؼج فى حَبً اىسبػت اى٘احذة ظٖش اىًٍ٘ ٍِ ٍطبس‬ ‫اىقبٕشة اىذٗىى‪.‬‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫سئٍس ٍصش ىيطٍشاُ‪ّ :‬خطط ىزٌبدة ػذد اىشحالث اىٍٍ٘​ٍت ئىى ىْذُ‬ ‫ٔطف سئٍظ يعهظ إداسج ششكح يظش نهـٍشاٌ نهخـٕؽ انعٌٕح انـٍاس ْشاو انُؽاط‪ ،‬يعشع‬ ‫"عٕق انغفش انعانً​ً" (تٕسطح نُذٌ نهغٍاؼح) تانؽذز انٓاو‪ ،‬يؼٍفًا أَّ ًٌصم فشص نالنرقاء‬ ‫تششكاخ ٔ​ٔكالء انغٍاؼح ٔانرعشف عهى يشاكهٓى ٔيؽأنح ؼهٓا‪ ،‬كاشفًا عٍ خـؾ يغرقثهٍح نضٌادج‬ ‫عذد سؼالخ انششكح إنى نُذٌ تصالز سؼالخ ٌٕيًٍا‪.‬‬ ‫ٔأػاف انُؽاط فى ذظشٌؽاخ نّ‪ ،‬انٍٕو اإلشٍُ​ٍ‪ ،‬عهى ْايش يشاسكرّ فً انًعشع‪ ،‬أَّ ذؽذز‬ ‫إنى تعغ ٔكالء انغٍاؼح‪ ،‬انزٌٍ ؿشؼٕا فكشج ذشغٍم ؿائشج ذرعّ إنى أعٕاٌ يثاششج نرُشٍؾ‬ ‫انغٍاؼح إنى انعُٕب‪.‬‬ ‫ٔأكذ عهى خـؾ انششكح انؽانٍح إلؼالل ٔذعذٌذ انـائشاخ ٔإعادج ذٕصٌعٓا‪ ،‬يؼٍفًا أٌ ُْاك شًاًَ‬ ‫ؿائشاخ ظذٌذج عرُؼى إنى انغشب انًٕظٕد‪.‬‬ ‫ٔأشاس انُؽاط إنى ذخظٍض ؿائشاخ ؿشاصاخ عشٌؼح نهشؼالخ راخ انـهة انًشذفع يصم نُذٌ‪،‬‬ ‫يؼٍفًا أَّ ذى ذغٍ​ٍش انـائشج ؿشاص "اٌّ‪ "330/300‬انرً ذرغع إنى ‪ 256‬يقعذًا‪ 36ٔ ،‬يقعذًا فً‬ ‫دسظح سظال األعًال‪ ،‬إنى "تً‪ "777/300‬انرً ذغرٕعة ‪ 297‬ساكثًا‪ 49ٔ ،‬يقعذًا فً دسظح‬ ‫األعًال‪.‬‬ ‫ٔقال إٌ ُْاك ذخـٍـًا يغرقثهًٍا نضٌادج عذد انشؼالخ انٍٕيٍح إنى إَعهرشا ٔفشَغا إنى شالز‬ ‫سؼالخ‪ ،‬إػافح إنى صٌادج عذد انشؼالخ فً انششق األٔعؾ يع تذاٌح ٔطٕل انـائشاخ انعذٌذج‬ ‫تذءًا يٍ ٌٕنٍٕ ‪.2016‬‬ ‫ٔشذد سئٍظ يعهظ إداسج ششكح يظش نهـٍشاٌ نهخـٕؽ انعٌٕح عهى أٌ انًُرط انزي ذقذيّ يظش‬ ‫نهـٍشاٌ فً نُذٌ ْٕ أفؼم يُرط يٕظٕد تٍ​ٍ ششكاخ انـٍشاٌ انعايهح تٍ​ٍ انقاْشج ٔنُذٌ‪،‬‬ ‫يٕػؽًا أٌ انـائشج ؿشاص "تً‪ "777/200‬تٓا َظاو ذشفٍّ كايم‪ ،‬إػافح إنى اإليكاٍَاخ انًراؼح‬ ‫ٔذعذٌم انًقاعذ فً دسظح "سظال األعًال"‪.‬‬ ‫َِٕٔ انُؽاط تانرٕقٍراخ انرً ذظم فٍٓا سؼالخ ششكح يظش نهـٍشاٌ‪ٔ ،‬انرً ذعرثش ذٕقٍراخ‬ ‫ًَٕرظٍح نهشكاب‪ٔ ،‬خاطح سؼهح انظثاغ انرً ذظم نُذٌ ظٓشًا‪ ،‬تعاَة انشؼهح انرً ذظم يغاء‪،‬‬ ‫ٔخـؾ يع إدساض سؼهح شانصح‪.‬‬ ‫ٔأنًػ انُؽاط إنى ٔظٕد إعرشاذٍعٍح ظذٌذج نهششكح نهرخـٍؾ عهى يذاس انغُٕاخ انخًظ انقاديح‪،‬‬ ‫تانرعأٌ يع ششكح "عٍثش" انعانًٍح‪ ،‬كاشفًا عٍ ٔظٕد عشٔع ذشٌٔعٍح تًعذل كم أعثٕعٍ​ٍ‬ ‫ذقشٌثًا خالل انشٕٓس األستعح أٔ انخًغح انقاديح‪.‬‬ ‫ٔأكذ عهى ٔظٕد أَشـح ذشٌٔعٍح عهى يذاس انعاو‪ٔ ،‬يٍ تٍُٓا ؼفهح انفُاٌ انعانً​ً ٌاًَ‪ ،‬ؼٍس‬ ‫ال "َؽأل دعى انغٍاؼح انًظشٌح ٔأٌ َشعم سعانح تأٌ‬ ‫كاَد انششكح "انُاقم انشعً​ً" نهؽفم‪ ،‬قائ ً‬ ‫يظش آيُح ٔأَُا َشؼة تانعًٍع فً يظش"‪ ،‬يشٍشًا إنى أٌ انفُاٌ انعانً​ً أعشب عٍ شكشِ‬ ‫نششكح يظش نهـٍشاٌ ٔانـاقى انعايم تٓا‪ ،‬يؤكذًا عهى أٌ انششكح ال ذأنٕ ظٓذًا فً ذشعٍع انغٍاؼح‬ ‫انٕافذج إنى يظش‪.‬‬


‫ٍذٌش اىسالٍت اىضٌ٘ت بـ"ٍصش ىيطٍشاُ" ٌنشف حقٍقت اّشطبس اىطبئشة‬ ‫اىشٗسٍت ببىض٘‬ ‫قبه ٍحَ٘د فٍصو‪ٍ ،‬ذٌش ئداسة اىسالٍت اىضٌ٘ت بششمت ٍصش ىيطٍشاُ‪ ،‬حؼيٍقب ػيى‬ ‫اىخصشٌحبث اىشٗسٍت اىخً حق٘ه ئُ "اىطبئشة اىشٗسٍت اّشطشث فً اىٖ٘اء»‪ ،‬ئّت‬ ‫بؼذ ٍشٗس ‪ ٢٤‬سبػت ػيى اىحبدد احعحج ىْب بؼط اىشٗئ‪ ،‬حٍذ ئُ اىشنو اىفًْ‬ ‫اىؼبً أُ اىطبئشة اىشٗسٍت اسحطَج ببألسض بسشػت ٕبئيت‪ٗ ،‬أُ اإلدػبء ببّشطبسٕب‬ ‫فً اىٖ٘اء ٍسخبؼذ حخى اَُ‪ٗ ،‬ىٌ ٌيحظت رىل أحذ ٍِ شٖ٘د اىؼٍبُ‪.‬‬ ‫ٗأظبف ٍحَ٘د فٍصو‪ ،‬فً ٍذاخيخت ىبشّبٍش «سبػت ٍِ ٍصش»‪ ،‬ػيى قْبة «اىغذ‬ ‫اىؼشبً»‪ ،‬اىًٍ٘ األحذ‪ ،‬ئُ حطبً اىطبئشة اىَ٘ص٘د ػيى األسض ال ٌشٍش ئىى أُ‬ ‫اىطبئشة اّشطشث فً اىٖ٘اء‪ ،‬ألّٖب ى٘ اّشطشث فً اىٖ٘اء حنُ٘ أصزاء اىطبئشة‬ ‫اىَ٘ص٘دة ػيى األسض ىٖب شنو أمبش ٍِ مذة‪ ،‬ىنِ اى٘اظح أّٖب ػْذٍب اسحطَج‬ ‫ببألسض مبّج بنبٍو ٍٕنيٖب‪ٗ ،‬ىٌ ٌْقسٌ ٍْٖب شئ‪.‬‬ ‫ٗحببغ ‪ٍ ،‬ذٌش ئداسة اىسالٍت اىضٌ٘ت بششمت ٍصش ىيطٍشاُ‪ ،‬أصبح ْٕب ر٘ابج أٗ‬ ‫حقبئق ٍإمذة‪ ٍِ ،‬ظَْٖب أُ اىطبئشة ىٌ ٌؼخشظٖب أي أصسبً غشٌبت طبقًب ىيخحيٍالث‬ ‫اىشاداسٌت اىَ٘ص٘دة ببىَْطقت‪ٗ ،‬أُ اىطبئشة ىٌ حُبيغ أي ّ٘ع ٍِ أّ٘اع اإلسخغبرت ‪،‬‬ ‫ٗقبئذ اىطبئشة ىٌ ٌبيغ أي ّ٘ع ٍِ أّ٘اع حبىت اىط٘اسئ‪ ،‬فعال ػِ أُ اىطٍبس ٍِ‬ ‫بذاٌت ححشمت ٍِ ٍطبس ششً اىشٍخ ‪ ،‬ئىى أُ اّقطغ االحصبه‪ ،‬مبُ مو االحصبه بٍْت‬ ‫ٗبٍِ بشس اىَشاقبت األسظٍت احصبال ػبدًٌب صذًا‪.‬‬ ‫ٗىفج‪ ،‬ئىى أُ ٕزا ٌق٘دّب ئىى ٍإشش ٌٍٖ صذًا‪ ،‬أُ ْٕبك حبدد ٍفبصئ أٗ ػبسض‬ ‫حذد‪ٌ ،‬ق٘دّب ئىى اىق٘ه أُ ْٕبك ػٍب فًْ أٗ بششي أٗ ػبسض ٍِ داخو اىطبئشة‬ ‫ٗىٍس ٍِ خبسصٖب‪.‬‬ Lufthansa cabin crew could strike by Friday Lufthansa cabin crew, represented by the UFO union, has threatened a week-long strike to begin as early as Friday after the latest round of talks failed. UFO, which represents 19,000 cabin crew, rejected the carrier’s latest offer last weekend. It had given the German carrier until Nov. 1 to put a better offer on the table inlongrunning (December 2013) talks over pay, retirement benefits and working conditions. The ultimate date to avoid strikes would be Thursday afternoon, 5 p.m. local time Last week’s negotiations were difficult from the beginning, UFO said on its website. Differences between both parties became much more clear and detailed during the discussion last weekend. Lufthansa said in a statement late Saturday that it submitted to UFO a far-reaching proposal to resolve the labor conflict. Thus, the company said it reaffirms its willingness to come together with the union to find a solution. “A solution can only be achieved together at the negotiating table,” Lufthansa chief officer-corporate human resources and legal affairs Bettina Volkens said in a statement. Lufthansa said issues eligible for arbitration should be transferred to an arbitrator. “We have offered substantial opportunities [to the union] and [they] are by far one of the best [offers] in our industry. Therefore, UFO’s announcement to call for strikes so soon is incomprehensible,” Volkens said. Lufthansa has been affected by 13 pilot strikes since April 2014. In September, a local labor court declared its latest pilots’ strike unlawful. International airlines avoid Egypt’s Sinai after 224 die in Russian passenger jet crash (1) Several international air carriers announced that they will avoid flying over Egypt‟s Sinai Peninsula until the cause is established for Saturday‟s crash there of a Russian passenger jet that killed all 224 people on board. The crash, the worst disaster in Russian aviation history, resulted from “disintegration of the fuselage ... in the air,” according to Viktor Sorochenko, director of the Intergovernmental Aviation Committee, which oversees air safety in Russia and a number of other former Soviet republics. He cautioned that it “is too early to draw conclusions.” The conclusion that the plane disintegrated in midair was drawn from the wide scattering of bodies and debris, with the body of a three-year-old girl found eight kilometers from the main crash site, and the plane‟s tail section falling at a distance from the rest of the fuselage. Russian Transport Minister Maxim Sokolov stated that “in various media, there is information that the Russian aircraft was shot down by an anti-aircraft missile fired by terrorists. This information can not be considered accurate.” The Egyptians, he added, do “not have any information that would confirm such insinuations.” Both Russian and Egyptian officials have sought to discourage speculation that the aircraft was brought down by a terrorist attack after elements claiming to represent the Islamist insurgent group Sinai Province claimed responsibility for the disaster. A statement posted online in the name of the group, which has declared allegiance to the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), said the alleged attack had been carried out “in response to. (2) Russian airstrikes that killed hundreds of Muslims on Syrian land.� Tension in the region has been heightened by the conflicting military operations in Syria by Russia, which has come to the military aid of the government of President Bashar al-Assad, and the United States, which announced on Friday that it is deploying Special Forces troops in Syria to support militias in the northeast of the country. Islamist militias have been clashing with Egyptian government troops in Sinai since the Egyptian revolution of 2011, and fighting has markedly intensified in the aftermath of the 2013 coup that overthrew Muslim Brotherhood President Mohamed Mursi. The European Aviation Safety Agency warned last November that airlines flying over north Sinai at or below 26,000 feet were at risk because of the conflict in the area. Among the principal concerns is that the Islamist militias could use shoulder-fired surface-to-air missile systems, known as manpads, reportedly looted from the stockpiles of the former Libyan government of Muammar Gaddafi, to bring down a passenger plane. The downed Russian aircraft, however, was flying at its cruising altitude of 31,000 feet, above the range of manpads, when it lost radar contact and crashed into a remote mountainous area in central Sinai. The Russian government declared a nationwide day of mourning Sunday in memory of the 217 passengers and seven crew members. In St. Petersburg, where the flight was returning loaded with vacationers from the Red Sea resort of Sharm el-Sheikh, the official mourning was extended for two more days. Russian investigators, meanwhile, raided the Moscow offices of the Kogalymavia Russian airline company, which had operated the plane under its subsidiary Metrojet, according to the Russian news. (3) agency REN-TV. It said that they had seized documents and computer hard drives. There were conflicting reports about the plane‟s condition and its final moments as investigators began to examine the aircraft‟s two black boxes, which were recovered from the crash site. The flight data and voice recorders as well as analysis of the plane‟s remains are expected to provide clues as to the cause of the disaster. Built in 1997, the plane was one of the oldest A321s still flying, having logged 21,000 flights and 56,000 flight hours, according to the Wall Street Journal, which reported that the plane had been sold to the Turkish Onur Air and leased to both Saudi Arabian Airlines and Syria‟s Cham Wings, before being bought by Kogalymavia. The Journal, citing the Flight Safety Foundation‟s Aviation Safety Network, reported that the plane had suffered “substantial damage” in a 2001 Cairo landing in which the tail struck the runway. The apparent separation of the tail from the rest of the plane, based upon the preliminary examination of the crash site, has drawn investigators‟ attention to the incident and the subsequent repair of the aircraft. Inadequate repair of damage to aircraft bulkheads has been blamed for earlier disasters, including the 2002 crash of a China Airlines jumbo jet, which broke apart after takeoff from Taiwan. It is not yet known whether repairs to the Russian plane involved damage to its bulkhead. The former wife of the lost plane‟s co-pilot told Russia‟s NTV that her husband had told her he had been worried about the aircraft‟s condition. (4) Dubaiâ€&#x;s Al-Arabiya television reported that the pilot had sought permission to land at a nearby airport complaining of mechanical problems shortly before the crash, a claim that has been denied by Egyptâ€&#x;s Civil Aviation Minister Hossam Kamal. Meanwhile, the commercial web site, which tracks flight data, reported that shortly before it crashed into Sinai, the plane had climbed and descended wildly, dropping 6,000 feet in 22 seconds, climbing rapidly back up and then descending once again. It also reported that the planeâ€&#x;s velocity dropped from 470 to 71 miles per hour, a speed that would not keep the Airbus 321 aloft. The pattern was reportedly similar to that of an Air France A330 passenger jet that climbed and descended sharply and then lost speed, falling into the Atlantic en route from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil to Paris, France in June 2009, killing all 228 passengers and crew members . Hundreds of flights cancelled as fog causes travel chaos If you live in the south-east of England, the more perceptive among you may have noticed that you couldn‟t really see anything this morning. But while the fog might mean that you have to shuffle to work squinting, it causes far more hassle for air travellers. More than 100 flights due to leave London Heathrow and the Docklands airport, London City, have been cancelled today by British Airways, and other European airlines have cancelled dozens more. The majority of the grounded flights are to the continent, though there have been some intercontinental cancellations. Yesterday, easyJet cancelled a number of its flights due to depart from Gatwick, citing „poor weather conditions throughout Europe‟ and „Air Traffic Control restrictions.‟ We continue to suffer from major network disruption today due to poor weather conditions throughout Europe causing low visibility,‟ it told passengers. „This has resulted in a large number of aircraft and crew out of place for flights today. In addition we are seeing a lot of Air Traffic Control restrictions which has resulted in some delays, diversions and cancellations.‟ The Independent reports some passengers complaining that their airlines failed to provide accommodation after cancelling their flights, in violation of EU legislation.

‫اداسج انعالقاخ انعايح ‪ -‬انششكح انقاتؼح‬ ‫نًظش نهـٍشاٌ‬

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.