EGYPTAIR News 4&5 nov 2016

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‫الجمعة والسبت‬ ‫‪2016 /11/5&4‬‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫رئٌس مصر للطٌران‪ :‬دراسة أسعار التذاكر األسبوع المقبل‬

‫أعلن صفوت مسلم رئٌس الشركة القابضة لمصر للطٌران‪ ،‬دراسة‬ ‫موقف أسعار تذاكر الطٌران األسبوع المقبل بعد تعوٌم الجنٌه المصرى‬ ‫بسبب عدم ثبات سعر الصرف وإحتماالت إنخفاض سعر الدوالر عن‬ ‫السعر المعلن الساعات الماضٌة‪.‬‬ ‫جاء ذلك فى بٌان إعالمى أصدرته مصر للطٌران مساء الٌوم الخمٌس‪.‬‬ ‫وقال "مسلم"‪" :‬لم تقرر الشركة فرض زٌادة على أسعار تذاكر الطٌران‬ ‫حتى اآلن فى ضوء قرار تحرٌر سعر صرف الجنٌه المصرى وجار‬ ‫دراسة الموقف خالل األسبوع القادم خاصة فى ظل عدم ثبات سعر‬ ‫الصرف وإحتمالٌة إنخفاض سعر الدوالر عن السعر المعلن الخمٌس"‪.‬‬ ‫ٌذكر أن البنك المركزى إتخذ الساعات الماضٌة عدة قرارات تتضمن‬ ‫تحرٌر سعر الصرف للجنٌه المصرى مقابل الدوالر عند ‪ 13‬جنٌها‬ ‫للدوالر وتوقع خبراء الطٌران حدوث زٌادة فى أسعار تذاكر الطٌران‪.‬‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫‖مصر للطٌران― تدرس تأثٌر ‖تعوٌم الجنٌه― على أسعار التذاكر‬ ‫احمد سعد‬

‫بدأت شركة مصر للطٌران‪ ،‬دراسة تأثٌر قرار البنك المركزي‪ ،‬بتحرٌر‬ ‫سعر صرف الجنٌه مقابل الدوالر‪ ،‬على أسعار تذاكر الطٌران‪.‬‬ ‫واصدر البنك المركزي‪،‬صباح الٌوم‪ ،‬قراراً بتحرٌر سعر صرف‬ ‫الدوالر مقابل الجنٌه‪ ،‬مع تحدٌد سعر استرشادي قدره ‪ 13‬جنٌها‪،‬‬ ‫والسماح للبنوك بهامش حركة ‪ %10‬أقل أو أكثر من السعر‬ ‫االسترشادي المعلن‪.‬‬ ‫وأضاف المصدر لـ―البورصة― أن الشركة تدرس تأثٌر تعوٌم الجنٌه‬ ‫على إٌراداتها و مصروفاتها الفترة المقبلة‪ ،‬وإنعكاسها على أسعار‬ ‫الخدمة‪.‬‬ ‫واتخذت شركة مصر للطٌران الفترة الماضٌة‪ ،‬إجراءات للحد من‬ ‫التالعب والمضاربة على الدوالر‪ ،‬منها فرض رسوم إضافٌة على‬ ‫شراء تذاكر السفر بالجنٌه بدالً من الدوالر من خارج مصر‪ ،‬خاصة‬ ‫بعد فقدان الشركة إٌرادات دوالرٌة بقٌمة ‪ 850‬ملٌون دوالر العام‬ ‫الجارى بسبب أسعار بٌع تذاكر الطٌران‪.‬‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬


‫مصر للطٌران تبحث تعدٌل أسعار تذاكر الطٌران بعد تعوٌم الجنٌه‬

‫كتب ــ محمد عبدالناصر‬ ‫أعلنت مصادر مسئولة بشركة مصر للطٌران عن بدء إجتماعات‬ ‫مكثفة بٌن قادة الشركة لتحدٌد آثار تعوٌم الجنٌه على قٌمة تذاكر‬ ‫الطٌران خالل الساعات القادمة وتحدٌد أسعار التذاكر على أساس‬ ‫السعر الرسمى للدوالر‪.‬‬ ‫وقالت المصادر فى تصرٌحات صحفٌة الٌوم‪ :‬لم تتخذ الشركة حتى‬ ‫اآلن أٌة قرارات بشأن زٌادة أو خفض أسعار تذاكر الطٌران لحٌن‬ ‫إنتهاء دراسات آلٌة التعامل مع تعوٌم سعر الجنٌه أمام الدوالر على‬ ‫أن ٌتم حساب قٌمة التغٌ​ٌر فى األسعار طبقا لحجم المصروفات‬ ‫واإلٌرادات‪.‬‬ ‫وقالت المصادر‪ :‬ستحدث عملٌات تحرٌك لألسعار سواء بالزٌادة أو‬ ‫اإلنخفاض حٌث سٌتم حساب قٌمة الدوالر بـ ‪ 13‬جنٌها طبقا للسعر‬ ‫الرسمى بعد أن كان فى بعض التذاكر بقٌمة ‪ 8,8‬جنٌه كما سٌتم‬ ‫إلغاء الرسوم التى تم وضعها مؤخرا لحاجزى تذاكر الطٌران من‬ ‫مكاتب المبٌعات بمصر والتى كانت تبدأ من رحالت خارجٌة حٌث تم‬ ‫وضعها لمنع اإلتجار فى العملة األجنبٌة بعد ارتفاع أسعار الدوالر فى‬ ‫السوق السوداء وأن الخطوة األخٌرة التى اتخذتها مصر بتحرٌر سعر‬ ‫الصرف ستساعد على استقرار سوق تذاكر الطٌران‪.‬‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬


‫"مصر للطٌران" ‪ :‬لم نقر زٌادة فى أسعار التذاكر‬

‫قال صفوت مسلم رئٌس مجلس ادارة الشركة‬ ‫القابضة لمصرللطٌران إن الشركة لم تقرر فرض‬ ‫زٌادة علً أسعار تذاكر الطٌران حتى اآلن فى‬ ‫ضوء قرار تحرٌر سعر صرف الجنٌه المصرى‪.‬‬ ‫وأضاف ‖مسلم― فى بٌان رسمى الٌوم الخمٌس‪― :‬‬ ‫جارى دراسة الموقف خالل األسبوع القادم خاصة‬ ‫فى ظل عدم ثبات سعر الصرف واحتمالٌة انخفاض‬ ‫سعر الدوالر عن السعر المعلن الٌوم―‪.‬‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬


‫مصر للطٌران تدرس موقف زٌادة اسعار التذاكر عقب تحرٌر سعر الجنٌه‬

‫قال صفوت مسلم رئٌس القابضة لمصرللطٌران‬ ‫انه حتى االن لم تقرر الشركة فرض زٌادة علً اسعار‬ ‫تذاكر الطٌران حتى االن فً ضوء قرار تحرٌر سعر‬ ‫صرف الجنٌه المصري‪..‬‬ ‫و جاري دراسة الموقف خالل االسبوع القادم خاصة فى‬ ‫ظل عدم ثبات سعر الصرف و احتمالٌة انخفاض سعر‬ ‫الدوالر عن السعر المعلن الٌوم‪.‬‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬


‫أول رد من الطٌران بشأن تذاكر السفر والسٌاحة بعد قرار تعوٌم‬ ‫الجنٌه‬ ‫قالت الدكتورة عدلة رجب‪ ،‬المستشار االقتصادي لوزارة السٌاحة‪ ،‬إن قرار‬ ‫تعوٌم الجنٌه الذي أصدره البنك المركزي‪ٌُ ،‬فٌد قطاع السٌاحة بشكل كبٌر فً ظل‬ ‫مؤخرا‪.‬‬ ‫األزمة السٌاحٌة التً تعانً منها البالد‬ ‫ً‬ ‫وكان البنك المركزي المصري قد قرر‪ ،‬السماح للبنوك العاملة فً مصر بفتح‬ ‫فروعها حتى الساعة التاسعة مسا ًء وأٌام العطلة األسبوعٌة بغرض تنفٌذ عملٌات‬ ‫شراء وبٌع العملة وصرف حواالت المصرٌ​ٌن العاملٌن فً الخارج‪.‬‬ ‫وٌأتً هذا القرار بعد إعالن المركزي تخفٌض قٌمة الجنٌه الٌوم بنسبة ‪ 48‬بالمئة‬ ‫لٌسجل الدوالر فً البنوك ‪ 13‬جنٌ ًها مع السماح بتحركه فً هامش بنسبة ‪ 10‬بالمئة‬ ‫وانخفاضا‪ ،‬وإطالق الحرٌة للبنوك العاملة فً مصر فً تسعٌر النقد األجنبً‬ ‫ارتفاعا‬ ‫ً‬ ‫ً‬ ‫وذلك من خالل آلٌة اإلنتربنك‪.‬‬ ‫كما قرر البنك رفع سعري عائد اإلٌداع واإلقراض للٌلة واحدة بواقع ‪ 300‬نقطة‬ ‫أساس لٌصل إلى ‪ 14.75‬بالمئة و‪ 15.75‬بالمئة على التوالً‪.‬‬ ‫ومن جانبه قال مصدر مسؤول بشركة مصر للطٌران‪ ،‬إن الشركة فوجئت بالقرار‬ ‫الصادر الٌوم من جانب البنك المركزي؛ ولم ٌُصدر اى قرار رسمً من الشركة حتً‬ ‫اآلن بشأن أسعار التذاكر ‪.‬‬ ‫بناء على تجارب ومقاٌ​ٌس‬ ‫وأضاف المصدر‪ ،‬أن القرار ٌتطلب دراسة للوضع الحالً ً‬ ‫قرارا‬ ‫التجارب المختلفة‪ ،‬معلقا ً‪« :‬القرار من ساعتٌن ورئٌس الشركة لم ٌصدر اى‬ ‫ً‬ ‫حتً اآلن فً هذا الشأن» ‪.‬‬ ‫وقال البنك المركزي المصري‪ ،‬إن اإلجراءات التً اتخذها الٌوم الخمٌس لتصحٌح‬ ‫سٌاسة تداول النقد األجنبً من خالل تحرٌر أسعار الصرف‪ ،‬تأتً اتساقا ً مع‬ ‫المنظومة اإلصالحٌة المتكاملة التً تتضمن برنامج اإلصالحات الهٌكلٌة للمالٌة‬ ‫العامة للحكومة الذي ٌتم اآلن تنفٌذه بحسم ‪.‬‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬


‫بعد تعوٌم الجنٌه‪ ..‬زٌادة أسعار تذاكر الطٌران بنحو ‪%48‬‬

‫بعد ساعات من إعالن البنك المركزي عن تعوٌم الجنٌه‪ ،‬باتت أسعار تذاكر‬ ‫الطٌران المحلٌة محل زٌادة بطبٌعة التغٌر الذي طرأ على سعر الصرف‬ ‫رسمٌاً‪ ،‬حٌث أشار رئٌس اتحاد النقل الجوي‪ٌ ،‬سرى عبد الوهاب‪ ،‬إلى أن‬ ‫أسعار التذاكر ستتغٌر ارتفاعا ً وانخفاضا ً وفقا ً لسعر الصرف الٌومً‪.‬‬ ‫وأضاف عبد الوهاب‪ ،‬الخمٌس‪ ،‬أن أسعار تذاكر الطٌران سترتفع حالٌا ً‬ ‫بنحو ‪ ،%48‬وهو مقدار ارتفاع الدوالر مقابل الجنٌه بعد عملٌة التعوٌم‪،‬‬ ‫وأضاف أن سعر الدوالر بات مرتبطا ً طردٌا ً بسعر صرف الدوالر الٌومً‪،‬‬ ‫منوها ً إلى أن جمٌع شركات الطٌران العاملة بمصر حالٌا ً ستقوم بعملٌة‬ ‫تغٌ​ٌر أسعار التذاكر وفقا ً للقٌمة الحالٌة للجنٌه‪ ،‬حسب صحٌفة الوطن‬ ‫المصرٌة‪.‬‬ ‫وأوضح أن العمٌل الذي قام بشراء تذكرة طٌران من داخل مصر وسٌسافر‬ ‫بعد ‪ 6‬أشهر‪ ،‬على سبٌل المثال‪ ،‬لن تطبق علٌه األسعار الجدٌدة‪ ،‬مشٌراً إلى‬ ‫أن أسعار التذاكر تشهد أٌضا ً انخفاضا ً وفقا ً لسعر الدوالر الرسمً‪ ،‬منوها ً‬ ‫إلى أن ‪ %80‬من مكونات صناعة الطٌران تتم بالعملة األجنبٌة‪.‬‬ ‫وكانت مصادر مسؤولة بشركة مصر للطٌران أعلنت عن بدء اجتماعات‬ ‫مكثفة بٌن قادة الشركة لتحدٌد آثار تعوٌم الجنٌه على قٌمة تذاكر الطٌران‬ ‫على أساس السعر الرسمً للدوالر‪ ،‬حسب موقع صدى البلد‪.‬‬ ‫وكان البنك المركزي المصري قد قرر‪ ،‬الخمٌس‪ ،‬تحرٌر سعر صرف الجنٌه‬ ‫المصري مقابل الدوالر األمٌركً وهو ما ٌعرف بـ"التعوٌم"‪.‬‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬


‫مصر للطٌران تكشف عن حقٌقة زٌادة أسعار تذاكرها عقب تعوٌم الجنٌه‬ ‫كتبت ‪ -‬امانً سالمة‪:‬‬

‫قال صفوت ُمسلم‪ ،‬رئٌس مجلس إدارة الشركة‬ ‫القابضة لمصر للطٌران‪ ،‬إن الشركة لم تقرر فرض‬ ‫زٌادة على أسعار تذاكر الطٌران حتى اآلن فً ضوء‬ ‫قرار تحرٌر سعر صرف الجنٌه المصري‪.‬‬ ‫وتابع رئٌس مجلس إدارة الشركة القابضة لمصر‬ ‫للطٌران‪ ،‬أنه جار دراسة الموقف خالل األسبوع‬ ‫القادم خاصة فى ظل عدم ثبات سعر الصرف‬ ‫واحتمالٌة انخفاض سعر الدوالر عن السعر المعلن‬ ‫الٌوم‪.‬‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬


‫النقل الجوي‪ :‬ارتفاع أسعار التذاكر تلقائٌا بعد تعوٌم الجنٌه‬

‫مؤمن التهامً‬ ‫قال ٌسري عبد الوهاب رئٌس اتحاد النقل الجوي‪" ،‬إن تحرٌر سعر‬ ‫صرف الجنٌه سٌؤدي إلى تحرٌك أسعار تذاكر الطٌران بشكل‬ ‫أساسً"‪.‬‬ ‫وأوضح رئٌس اتحاد النقل الجوي‪ ،‬أن أسعار تذاكر الطٌران ترتبط‬ ‫بسعر الدوالر بنسبة ‪ :75‬من قٌمة التعامل‪ ،‬وأن سعر التذاكر‬ ‫سٌرتفع بشكل تلقائً دون الرجوع إلى بحث أو دراسة‪.‬‬

‫وكان البنك المركزى المصري أعلن الٌوم الخمٌس‪ ،‬فً بٌان له‪ ،‬أنه‬ ‫حرصا منه على تأكٌد ثقته فً االقتصاد المصري وتحقٌق االستقرار‬ ‫النقدي استهدافا لمستوٌات أدنى من التضخم‪ ،‬فقد قرر اتخاذ عدة‬ ‫إجراءات؛ لتصحٌح سٌاسة تداول النقد األجنبً من خالل تحرٌر‬ ‫أسعار الصرف‪.‬‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫مصر للطٌران‪ :‬سندرس موقف أسعار التذاكر بعد التعوٌم األسبوع المقبل‬ ‫كتبت أصوات مصرٌة‬ ‫قال رئٌس الشركة القابضة لمصر للطٌران‪ ،‬صفوت مسلم‪ ،‬الٌوم‬ ‫الخمٌس‪ ،‬إن الشركة ستدرس األسبوع القادم موقف أسعار تذاكر‬ ‫الطٌران بعد تعوٌم الجنٌه‪.‬‬ ‫وأضاف فً بٌان صحفً اطلعت أصوات مصرٌة علٌه أن الشركة لم‬ ‫تقرر فرض زٌادة على أسعار تذاكر الطٌران حتى اآلن‪.‬‬ ‫كان مسؤول بشركة مصر للطٌران قد قال ألصوات مصرٌة الٌوم‪ ،‬إن‬ ‫إدارة الشركة بدأت اجتماعات مكثفة لتحدٌد آثار تعوٌم الجنٌه على قٌمة‬ ‫تذاكر الطٌران خالل الساعات القادمة‪.‬‬ ‫وأضاف المسؤول ألصوات مصرٌة "ستحدث عملٌات تحرٌك لألسعار"‪.‬‬ ‫وقال المسؤول إن الشركة لم تتخذ حتى اآلن أٌة قرارات بشأن زٌادة أو‬ ‫خفض أسعار تذاكر الطٌران لحٌن انتهاء دراسة آلٌة التعامل مع تعوٌم‬ ‫الجنٌه أمام الدوالر‪.‬‬ ‫وقرر البنك المركزي الٌوم تعوٌم الجنٌه أي ترك سعره ٌتحدد بناء على‬ ‫العرض والطلب‪.‬‬ ‫وقال البنك المركزي الٌوم الخمٌس على موقعه اإللكترونً إنه حدد سعر‬ ‫صرف العملة المحلٌة اآلن عند ‪ 13‬جنٌها للدوالر وسمح للبنوك‬ ‫بهامش حركة ‪ %10‬أقل أو أكثر من هذا السعر حتى الواحدة ظهرا‪،‬‬ ‫حٌث سٌطرح عطاء استثنائٌا ومن بعده سٌترك سعر صرف الجنٌه‬ ‫ٌتحدد بناء على العرض والطلب‪.‬‬ ‫وتعانً مصر نقصا حادا فً العملة الصعبة نتٌجة تراجع إٌرادات‬ ‫السٌاحة واالستثمار األجنبً والصادرات وتحوٌالت المصرٌ​ٌن العاملٌن‬ ‫فً الخارج‪.‬‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬


‫مصر للطٌران تجتاز اعتماد شهادة األٌزو الدولٌة‬

‫كتب‪ :‬عبده أبوغنٌمة‬ ‫قال صفوت مسلم رئٌس الشركة القابضة لمصر للطٌران‪ ،‬إن مركز تدرٌب‬ ‫مصر للطٌران‪ ،‬اجتاز بنجاح تفتٌش شهادة األٌزو (‪ )9001‬الخاصة بنظام‬ ‫إدارة الجودة ألجهزة الطٌران التمثٌلً والتدرٌب الفنً وتصمٌم وتطوٌر‬ ‫البرامج التدرٌبٌة وذلك فً إطار تطبٌقه لكافة المعاٌ​ٌر الدولٌة فً برامج‬ ‫التدرٌب فً كل المجاالت المتعلقة بصناعة النقل الجوي‪.‬‬ ‫وأضاف مسلم فً بٌان صحفً‪ ،‬أن جهود مركز تدرٌب مصر للطٌران خالل‬ ‫الفترة الماضٌة ُكللت أٌضا بحصوله على تجدٌد شهادة األٌزو (‪)14001‬‬ ‫والمعنٌة بتنظٌم إدارة البٌئة والتزام جمٌع أنشطة التدرٌب بالمشاركة فً‬ ‫حماٌة البٌئة والحفاظ علٌها‪.‬‬ ‫ومن جانبه أشار الطٌار محمد منار رئٌس مركز التدرٌب‪ ،‬أنه فٌما ٌخص‬ ‫تطبٌق المركز لمعاٌ​ٌر السالمة و الصحة المهنٌة وفقا للشروط الدولٌة فقد‬ ‫تم تجدٌد االعتماد الدولً فً شهادة )‪OHASA (18001‬الخاصة‪،‬‬ ‫وأضاف أن تلك االعتمادات الدولٌة والتً ٌتم تجدٌدها سنوٌا‪ ،‬قد اجتازها‬ ‫المركز بدون أي مالحظات مما ٌعكس مدى التزامه بالمعاٌ​ٌر الدولٌة‬ ‫المستحدثة للجودة بدرجة جعلته مركزا رائدًا فً منطقة الشرق األوسط‬ ‫وأفرٌقٌا فً مجال برامج التدرٌب المختلفة‪ ،‬بل ومنافسا للمراكز العالمٌة‬ ‫التً تقدم أحدث التدرٌبات فً مجال الطٌران‪.‬‬ ‫مؤخرا من موسم التدرٌب‬ ‫جدٌر بالذكر أن مركز تدرٌب مصر للطٌران انتهى‬ ‫ً‬ ‫الصٌفً‪ ،‬الذى ٌقدمه لطلبة الجامعات والمعاهد المصرٌة المختلفة‪ ،‬حٌث وفر‬ ‫المركز ‪ 1650‬فرصة تدرٌب تلقى خاللها الطلبة تدرٌبهم كل وفق دراسته‬ ‫على أٌدى خبراء فً كافة القطاعات المختلفة بالشركة القابضة لمصر‬ ‫للطٌران وشركاتها التابعة‪.‬‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬


‫بعد اإلٌازا‪..‬حصول مركز تدرٌب مصر للطٌران علً تجدٌد اعتماد‬ ‫شهادة األٌزو الدولٌة‬ ‫سمر نصر‬ ‫اجتاز مركز تدرٌب مصر للطٌران بنجاح تفتٌشات شهادة األٌزو (‪ )9001‬الخاصة‬ ‫بنظام إدارة الجودة ألجهزة الطٌران التمثٌلى والتدرٌب الفنى وتصمٌم وتطوٌر البرامج‬ ‫التدرٌبٌة‪ .‬صرح بذلك صفوت مسلم رئٌس مجلس إدارة الشركة القابضة‬ ‫لمصرللطٌران‪ ،‬وذلك فً إطار تطبٌقه لكافة المعاٌ​ٌر الدولٌة فً برامج التدرٌب فً كل‬ ‫المجاالت المتعلقة بصناعة النقل الجوى‪.‬‬ ‫ضا‬ ‫وأضاف مسلم أن جهود مركز تدرٌب مصر للطٌران خالل الفترة الماضٌة ُكللت أٌ ً‬ ‫بحصوله على تجدٌد شهادة األٌزو (‪ )14001‬والمعنٌة بتنظٌم إدارة البٌئة وإلتزام‬ ‫جمٌع أنشطة التدرٌب بالمشاركة فى حماٌة البٌئة والحفاظ علٌها‪.‬‬ ‫ومن جانبه أشار الطٌار محمد منار رئٌس مركز التدرٌب إلى أنه فٌما ٌخص تطبٌق‬ ‫المركز لمعاٌ​ٌر السالمة و الصحة المهنٌة وفقا للشروط الدولٌة فقد تم تجدٌد االعتماد‬ ‫الدولى فى شهادة )‪OHASA (18001‬الخاصة‪ .‬مضٌ ًفا أن تلك االعتمادات الدولٌة‬ ‫والتً ٌتم تجدٌدها سنوٌا‪ ،‬قد اجتازها المركز بدون أي مالحظات مما ٌعكس مدى‬ ‫التزامه بالمعاٌ​ٌر الدولٌة المستحدثة للجودة بدرجة جعلته مركزا رائدًا فً منطقة‬ ‫الشرق األوسط وأفرٌقٌا فً مجال برامج التدرٌب المختلفة‪ ،‬بل ومنافسا للمراكز‬ ‫العالمٌة التً تقدم أحدث التدرٌبات فً مجال الطٌران‪.‬‬ ‫جدٌر بالذكر أن مركز تدرٌب مصر للطٌران انتهً الٌوم من موسم التدرٌب الصٌفى‬ ‫الذى ٌقدمه لطلبة الجامعات والمعاهد المصرٌة المختلفة‪ ،‬حٌث وفر المركز ‪1650‬‬ ‫فرصة تدرٌب تلقى خاللها الطلبة تدرٌبهم كل وفق دراسته على أٌدى خبراء فً كافة‬ ‫القطاعات المختلفة بالشركة القابضة لمصرللطٌران وشركاتها التابعة‪.‬‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬


‫مركز تدرٌب مصرللطٌران ٌجتاز اعتماد شهادة األٌزو الدولٌة‬ ‫فً إطار تطبٌقه لكافة المعاٌ​ٌر الدولٌة فً برامج التدرٌب فً كل المجاالت المتعلقة‬ ‫بصناعة النقل الجوى‪ ،‬اجتاز مركز تدرٌب مصرللطٌران بنجاح تفتٌشات شهادة األٌزو‬ ‫(‪ )9001‬الخاصة بنظام إدارة الجودة ألجهزة الطٌران التمثٌلى والتدرٌب الفنى‬ ‫وتصمٌم وتطوٌر البرامج التدرٌبٌة‪.‬‬ ‫صرح بذلك صفوت مسلم رئٌس مجلس إدارة الشركة القابضة لمصرللطٌران‪ .‬وأضاف‬ ‫مسلم أن جهود مركز تدرٌب مصرللطٌران خالل الفترة الماضٌة ُكللت أٌضا بحصوله‬ ‫على تجدٌد شهادة األٌزو (‪ )14001‬والمعنٌة بتنظٌم إدارة البٌئة وإلتزام جمٌع‬ ‫أنشطة التدرٌب بالمشاركة فى حماٌة البٌئة والحفاظ علٌها‪.‬‬ ‫ومن جانبه أشار الطٌار محمد منار رئٌس مركز التدرٌب أنه فٌما ٌخص تطبٌق‬ ‫المركز لمعاٌ​ٌر السالمة و الصحة المهنٌة وفقا للشروط الدولٌة فقد تم تجدٌد االعتماد‬ ‫الدولى فى شهادة )‪OHASA (18001‬الخاصة‪ .‬مضٌفا أن تلك االعتمادات الدولٌة‬ ‫والتً ٌتم تجدٌدها سنوٌا‪ ،‬قد اجتازها المركزبدون أي مالحظات مما ٌعكس مدى‬ ‫التزامه بالمعاٌ​ٌر الدولٌة المستحدثة للجودة بدرجة جعلته مركزا رائدًا فً منطقة‬ ‫الشرق األوسط وأفرٌقٌا فً مجال برامج التدرٌب المختلفة‪ ،‬بل ومنافسا للمراكز‬ ‫العالمٌة التً تقدم أحدث التدرٌبات فً مجال الطٌران‪.‬‬ ‫جدٌر بالذكر أن مركز تدرٌب مصرللطٌران انتهى مؤخرا من موسم التدرٌب الصٌفى‬ ‫الذى ٌقدمه لطلبة الجامعات والمعاهد المصرٌة المختلفة‪ ،‬حٌث وفر المركز ‪1650‬‬ ‫فرصة تدرٌب تلقى خاللها الطلبة تدرٌبهم كل وفق دراسته على أٌدى خبراء فً كافة‬ ‫القطاعات المختلفة بالشركة القابضة لمصرللطٌران وشركاتها التابعة‪.‬‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬


‫تأخر ‪ 3‬ساعات فً رحلة «‪#‬مصر للطٌران» بالغردقة ومنً الشاذلً ودٌنا‬ ‫أبرز الركاب‬

‫أكدت مصادر بمطار الغردقة الدولً تأخر إقالع طائرة‬ ‫«‪#‬مصر للطٌران» المقررة‪ ،‬فً السادسة مساء‬ ‫الجمعة‪ ،‬من الغردقة للقاهرة لنحو ‪ 3‬ساعات مما أثار‬ ‫استٌاء وغضب الركاب‪ ،‬حٌث تقرر مغادرة الرحلة فً‬ ‫التاسعة مسا ًء‪.‬‬ ‫ومن أبرز الركاب المقرر مغادرتهم على الرحلة‬ ‫اإلعالمٌة منى الشاذلً‪ ،‬والراقصة دٌنا‪ ،‬حٌث تواجدتا‬ ‫داخل صالة السفر لنحو ‪ 3‬ساعات إضافة إلى عدد من‬ ‫ضٌوف حفل زفاف إٌمً سمٌر غانم وحسن الرداد‪،‬‬ ‫الذي أقٌم بمنتجع الجونة‪.‬‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫إلغاء إقالع ‪ 3‬رحالت دولٌة فً مطار القاهرة لقلة عدد الركاب‬

‫مؤمن التهامً‬ ‫شهد مطار القاهرة الدولً‪ ،‬الٌوم الجمعة‪ ،‬إلغاء ‪ 3‬رحالت دولٌة‬ ‫للشركة المصرٌة العالمٌة للطٌران لعدم جدواها االقتصادٌة لقلة‬ ‫الركاب‪.‬‬ ‫وتلقت سلطات مطار القاهرة الدولً ‪ 3‬إخطارات من شركة‬ ‫المصرٌة العالمٌة بإلغاء رحلتها ‪ 104‬المتجهة إلى الطائف‬ ‫ورحلة ‪ 106‬المتجهة إلى ٌنبع‪ ،‬و‪ 510‬المتجهة إلى الكوٌت‪.‬‬ ‫وأوضح مصدر مالحً بمطار القاهرة‪« :‬أن رحالت شركة مصر‬ ‫للطٌران الداخلٌة والدولٌة شهدت انتظا ًما تا ًما فً وفقا لجدول‬ ‫التشغٌل المقرر لها دون تسجٌل أي تأخٌرات»‪.‬‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫تأخر إقالع طائرة الخطوط الٌمنٌة ‪ 8‬ساعات من مطار القاهرة‬

‫محمد عبدالناصر‬ ‫تأخر إقالع طائرة الخطوط الٌمنٌة المتجهة من مطار القاهرة‬ ‫الٌوم‪ ،‬الجمعة‪ ،‬إلى بٌشة جنوب غرب المملكة العربٌة السعودٌة‪،‬‬ ‫‪ 8‬ساعات بسبب إجراءات الحصول على تصرٌح عبور أجواء‬ ‫المنطقة من قوات التحالف العربى‪.‬‬ ‫وصرحت مصادر مالحٌة بمطار القاهرة بأنه بعد إنهاء إجراءات‬ ‫سفر ركاب رحلة الخطوط الٌمنٌة رقم ‪ 601‬والمتجهة إلى مطار‬ ‫بٌشة جنوب غرب المملكة العربٌة السعودٌة وعددهم ‪ 97‬راكبا‪،‬‬ ‫تبٌن عدم الحصول على تصرٌح عبور أجواء المنطقة قرب الحدود‬ ‫الٌمنٌة السعودٌة بسبب تزاٌد عملٌات قوات التحالف العربى على‬ ‫الحوثٌ​ٌن‪ ،‬وبعد ‪ 8‬ساعات تم الحصول على التصرٌح واستأنفت‬ ‫الطائرة رحلتها بكل ركابها‪.‬‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬


‫مطار القاهرة ٌبدأ تحصٌل الرسوم طبقا ألسعار الدوالر الجدٌدة‬ ‫كتبت‪ -‬أمأنً سالمة‪:‬‬

‫بدأت األجهزة العاملة بمطار القاهرة‪ ،‬أمس الخمٌس فً تحصٌل‬ ‫الرسوم الخاصة بالخدمات المختلفة بقٌمة الدوالر طبقا لألسعار‬ ‫الجدٌدة بعد قرارات تحرٌر سعر الصرف مع تغٌ​ٌرها طبقا للسعر‬ ‫خالل الفترة القادمة‪.‬‬

‫وقالت مصادر مطلعة بمطار القاهرة إن سلطات الجمارك بقرٌة‬ ‫البضائع بدأت فً تحصٌل الرسوم الجمركٌة بالدوالر طبقا لألسعار‬ ‫الجدٌدة والمعتمدة لدى البنوك المصرٌة المختلفة وٌطبق القرار على‬ ‫السلع والبضائع الموجودة فً المخازن حتى لو وصلت قبل فترة من‬ ‫تطبٌق تحرٌر سعر الصرف كما تم تحصٌل رسوم الخدمات األخرى‬ ‫سواء المقدمة للركاب أو لشركات السٌاحة والطٌران طبقا ألسعار‬ ‫سعر صرف الدوالر ومن بٌنها خدمة الدخول لصاالت الخدمة‬ ‫الممٌزة ــ كبار الزوار بمقابل رسوم مالٌة ــ حٌث تم رفع رسوم‬ ‫دخول الراكب غٌر المصرى للصالة إلى ‪ 1450‬جنٌها بدال من ‪890‬‬ ‫جنٌها قبل تحرٌر سعر الصرف بٌنما ظلت رسوم دخول المصرى لـ‬ ‫‪ 300‬جنٌه وجار حالٌا دراسة رفعها لتزٌد عن ‪ 500‬جنٌه‪.‬‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫وزارة الداخلٌة تكرم المتفوقٌن من أبناء شرطة مطار القاهرة‬

‫محمد عبدالناصر‬ ‫أقامت وزارة الداخلٌة احتفاال مساء الخمٌس لتكرٌم المتفوقٌن من أبناء العاملٌن‬ ‫بشرطة مٌناء القاهرة الجوى تقدٌرا على جهودهم فى التفوق وتحفٌزا لهم على‬ ‫استمرارهم فى التفوق والحصول على أعلى الدرجات العلمٌة‪.‬‬ ‫صرحت مصادر أمنٌة مسئولة بمطار القاهرة أنه فى إطار توجٌهات اللواء "مجدى‬ ‫عبد الغفار " وزٌر الداخلٌة بالرعاٌة المتكاملة للعاملٌن بالوزارة نظمت إدارة اإلعالم‬ ‫والعالقات العامة لشرطة مٌناء القاهرة الجوى احتفالٌة لتكرٌم أبناء‬ ‫العاملٌن المتفوقٌن فى الثانوٌة العامة للعام الدراسى ‪ 2016/2015‬بحضور اللواء‬ ‫" هشام البستاوى " مساعد الوزٌر لقطاع أمن المنافذ واللواء "فهمى مجاهد "‬ ‫مساعد الوزٌر ألمن مطار القاهرة وبمشاركة مدٌر إدارة األمن الوطنى بالمٌناء‪.‬‬ ‫كما شارك فى االحتفال المهندس " محمد سعٌد محروس " رئٌس الشركة‬ ‫القابضة للمطارات والمالحة الجوٌة والمحاسب " مجدى إسحاق " رئٌس شركة‬ ‫مٌناء القاهرة الجوى وقٌادات األجهزة األمنٌة والقطاعات العاملة بالمطار حٌث تم‬ ‫توزٌع الهداٌا العٌنٌة وشهادات التقدٌر على المتفوقٌن كما تم توجٌه كلمة شكر‬ ‫للعاملٌن تقدٌرا لهم على مابذلوه من جهد لحصول أبنائهم على أعلى الدرجات‪.‬‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬


Air Freight Posts Stronger September Growth Geneva – The International Air Transport Association (IATA) released data for global air freight markets in September 2016 showing that demand, measured in freight tonne kilometers (FTKs), rose 6.1% year-on-year. This was the fastest pace of growth since the disruption caused by the US West Coast seaports strike in February 2015. Freight capacity, measured in available freight tonne kilometers (AFTKs), increased 4.7% over the same period. Load factors remained historically low, keeping yields under pressure. September‘s positive performance coincided with an apparent turnaround in new export orders in recent months. Some unique factors also may have contributed, such as the rush replacement of Samsung Galaxy Note 7 devices during the month, as well as the early impacts of the collapse of the Hanjin marine shipping line at the end of August. ―Demand for air cargo strengthened in September. Although with growth in world trade virtually at a standstill, the air cargo sector still faces some major hurdles. We did have some encouraging news. The conclusion of the EU-Canada Free Trade Agreement is good news for the economies involved and for air cargo. Growth is the way to overcome the world‘s current economic challenges. The EU-Canada agreement is a welcome respite from the current protectionist rhetoric and positive results should soon be evident. Governments everywhere should take note and move in the same direction,‖ said Alexandre de Juniac, IATA‘s Director General and CEO.

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬





FLF (LEVEL) FLF (%-PT) (2) (3)

Total Market












Asia Pacific





















North America %20.5





Latin America %2.8

Middle East

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬


Regional Performance​​ Airlines in all regions except Latin America reported an increase in yearon-year demand in September. However results continued to vary considerably.​ Asia-Pacific airlines saw freight volumes increase by 5.5% in September 2016 compared to the same period last year. Capacity in the region expanded 3.4%.The positive Asia-Pacific performance corresponds with signs of an increase in export orders in China and Japan over the last few months. Seasonally-adjusted freight results for Asia-Pacific carriers are now trending upwards. European airlines experienced a 12.6% increase in freight volumes in September 2016. Capacity increased 6.4%. The strong European performance corresponds with an increase in reported new export orders in Germany over the last few months. North American carriers saw freight volumes expand 4.5% in September 2016 year-on-year, as capacity increased 2.6%. International freight volumes grew by 6.2% – their fastest pace since the US seaports disruption boosted demand in February 2015. However, in seasonallyadjusted terms volumes are still just below the level seen in January 2015. The strength of the US dollar continues to keep the US export market under pressure. Middle Eastern carriers saw demand growth slow for the third consecutive month to 1.2% year-on-year in September 2016 - the slowest pace since July 2009. Capacity increased by 6.2%. Seasonallyadjusted freight growth, which had been trending upwards until the past year or so year, has now halted. This turnaround in performance is partly due to weaker conditions in the Middle East-to-Asia and Middle East-to-North America markets.

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬


Latin American airlines reported a decline in demand of 4.5% and a drop in capacity of 4.7% in September 2016, compared to the same period in 2015. The ‗within South America‘ market has been the weakest performing market so far this year with volumes contracting 14% year-on-year in August, the most recent month for which route specific data are available. The comparative strength of the US economy has helped boost volumes between North and South America with US imports by air from Colombia and Brazil increasing by 5% and 13% year-on-year respectively. African carriers saw freight demand increase by 12.7% in September 2016 compared to the same month last year – the fastest rate in nearly two years. Capacity surged year-on-year by 34% on the back of long-haul expansion in particular by Ethiopian Airlines and North African carriers.

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Strong Passenger Demand Resumes in September Geneva - The International Air Transport Association (IATA) announced global passenger traffic results for September showing that demand (measured in revenue passenger kilometers, or RPKs) grew 7% compared to the same month in 2015. This was the strongest year-over-year increase in seven months. Capacity climbed 6.6% and load factor edged up 0.3 percentage points to 81.1%. Growth in domestic traffic slightly outpaced growth in international traffic.​ ―September‘s growth in passenger demand was healthy. Importantly, this rebound from August weakness suggests that travel demand is showing its resilience in the aftermath of terror attacks. We must, of course, be ever-alert to the ongoing terror threat. And overall the industry is still vulnerable to being buffeted by rising geopolitical tensions, protectionist political agendas, and weak economic fundamentals. This will still be a good year for the airline industry‘s performance, but our profitability will continue to be hard-won,‖ said Alexandre de Juniac, IATA‘s Director General and CEO.

(1)% of industry RPKs in 2015 (2) Year-on-year change in load factor (3) Load factor level

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Total Market %100.0 Africa


Asia Pacific %31.5
























Latin America














Middle East %9.4 North America


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International Passenger Markets International RPKs climbed 6.9% with airlines in all regions recording growth compared to 2015. Total capacity climbed 7.2%, causing load factor to slide 0.2 percentage points to 80.4%. ​European carriers saw September demand rise 5.2% over September 2015. Capacity rose 5.7% and load factor slipped 0.4 percentage points to 84.8%, which was the highest among regions. Demand growth seems to be returning to normal after the disruption caused by terrorism and political instability. Asia-Pacific airlines‘ traffic rose 8.6% in September compared to the year-ago period, although there are still signs of Asian travelers being put off by terrorism in Europe. Capacity increased 7.7%, and load factor rose 0.7 percentage points to 77.9%. Middle East carriers had an 11.5% rise in demand in September compared to a year ago, which was the largest increase among regions. Capacity rose faster, however, up 13.8%, and load factor dropped 1.5 percentage points to 73.9%. North American airlines experienced a 3.3% rise in demand. While the upward trend in international traffic has eased of late, seasonally-adjusted passenger volumes have risen at an annualized rate of 6% since March. Capacity rose 4.2% and load factor fell 0.7 percentage points to 81.5%. Latin American airlines‘ September traffic rose 7.1% compared to the same month last year, aided by strong demand on international routes within the region. Capacity climbed just 2.4% and load factor surged 3.6 percentage points to 83.7%, second highest among regions. African airlines posted an 8% rise in traffic which was matched by an equivalent rise in capacity. Load factor was almost flat at 72.0%. The strong demand increase largely reflected favorable year-ago comparisons, as economic conditions in much of the continent remain challenging.

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Domestic Passenger Markets​ Domestic demand climbed 7.2% in September compared to September 2015, which was up from the 4.1% year-on-year growth recorded in August. India and China continued to experience double-digit annual traffic increases while elsewhere, results were decidedly mixed. All markets except Australia registered all-time highs in September load factors. SEPT. 2016 (% YEAR-ON-YEAR)



Dom. Australia

Dom. China P.R.

Domestic US




7.2 %5.5 %




4.2 %0.5 %





- %5.34.2 %





14. %11.2 %0




23. %19.1 %6




- %1.50.7 %




3.6 1.3-% %




4.6 %4.2 %




Domestic Japan

Dom. Russian (4) Fed.

PLF (%-PT)​2


Domestic Brazil

Domestic India




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(1) % of industry RPKs in 2015 (2) Year-on-year change in load factor (3) Load factor level; (4) Note: the seven domestic passenger markets for which broken-down data are available account for 30% of global total RPKs and approximately 82% of total domestic RPKs US domestic traffic resumed its healthy growth after a slowdown in July and August, rising 4.6% in September year-over-year. Japan‘s domestic traffic slid 0.7% in September against a backdrop of weak consumer spending. The Bottom Line​ October saw the global aviation industry take a major step ahead to ensure that its growth is sustainable. ―The nations of the world came together through the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) to agree a plan to offset the environmental impact generated by future air traffic growth.

In taking this unprecedented step toward achieving longterm sustainability for an entire industrial sector, governments recognized the immense contribution aviation makes to economic development and global well-being. In conjunction with our investments in more efficient technologies, infrastructure and operations, this will ensure that aviation can continue to be the business of freedom, connecting our world with safe, efficient, reliable and sustainable air transport,‖ said de Juniac.

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬ Egyptair to Review Ticket Prices Following Currency Float Cairo — EgyptAir will review the prices of its tickets next week in light of a decision by the Central Bank of Egypt to float the Egyptian pound on Thursday, Chairman of EgyptAir Holding Company Safwat Musallam said. In a press statement, Musallam said that the airliner has not yet decided to raise fares. A source at EgyptAir told Aswat Masriya that the company held meetings to assess the consequences of the CBE's decision, adding that ticket prices will be affected. On Thursday morning, Egypt's central bank announced the floatation of the Egyptian pound, setting an initial guidance rate of EGP 13 to the dollar, plus or minus 10 percent. The provisional rate was only set as a "transitional one," leaving the exchange rate to be determined by Egyptian banks after the exceptional auction of $100 million took place. In a press conference later on Thursday, CBE governor Tarek Amer said that the banking sector will take charge in determining the exchange rate, stressing that the existence of a parallel market "cannot continue." The Egyptian pound's previous official rate of 8.8 was maintained by the central bank since March when it devalued the currency. The black market rate for dollars surged to unprecedented highs this week, reaching roughly EGP 18.25 on Monday, more than twice the official rate.

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Five things to know about the EGP flotation The dollar rate The price of EGP 13 per dollar is just a temporary rate set by the Central Bank of Egypt (CBE) on Thursday and it does not apply to the US currency‘s future rates, as local lenders are now authorised to set the exchange rate depending on their financial positions. ―The exchange rate has become the responsibility of the Egyptian banks, which have one of the best financial positions among the emerging markets,‖ CBE governor Tarek Amer said during a press conference on Thursday. Accordingly, the rate of the US dollar will vary between local lenders and will no longer be set at a fixed price. No more weekly auction The CBE is ending its weekly forex auction that was scheduled every Tuesday to sell $120 million to the local banks, as the CBE will try to increase the country‘s foreign reserves to reach $25 billion by end of this year. The foreign reserves currently stand at $19.6 billion. ―After today‘s [liberalisation of the exchange rate], the dollar‘s yield at the Egyptian banks rose eight-fold,‖ Amer said. However, he added that ―the CBE will always be ready to intervene to reform the exchange rate in order to control the prices in the market.‖

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Abolition of limits and restrictions on transfers and deposits The expatriate transfers have been made free of commissions in an attempt to attract more amounts. The net official and private transfers, including workers‘ remittances, have significantly fallen by 29.5 percent to register $16.9 billion in 2015/16 versus $21.9 billion in the prior fiscal year. The CBE also said that there will be no limits on foreign currency deposits or withdrawal for both individuals and firms regarding the essential commodity imports. However, a previous cap of $50,000 in cash deposits per month and $30,000 in withdrawals per day for importers of non-essential goods will remain in place. Credit and debit cards As several Egyptian banks have put limits on debit and credit card purchases and ATM withdrawals abroad, Amer said that the restrictions imposed on credit and debit cards are to be revised by banks, not the CBE, where this measure will fight the misuse of the electronic cards within the parallel market. In October, the central bank deputy governor Gamal Negm said that one man was caught with 320 credit cards that he used to buy US dollars abroad and sell them on the black market in Egypt at inflated rates. The number of issued debit cards in Egypt was around 13.2 million, while credit cards were up to 3.8 million by June 2016. Customs and Air tickets Both the Egyptian Customs Authority and the state carrier EgyptAir will revise their tariffs and prices to comply with the new EGP exchange rate against foreign currencies. ―We [the customs authority] have started to implement the new exchange rate as of Thursday in all airports, seaports and customs outlets,‖ Al-Ahram Arabic news website reported, citing the head of the authority Magdi Abdel-Aziz.

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NTSB Issues Investigative Update on Uncontained Engine Failure Accident Involving a Wide Body Jetliner As part of its ongoing investigation of an Oct. 28, 2016, uncontained engine failure on American Airlines flight 383, the National Transportation Safety Board issued an investigative update Friday. The uncontained failure of a GE CF6-80C2B6 engine occurred on a Boeing 767-300 (N345AN) during the take-off roll at Chicago O'Hare International Airport. An emergency evacuation of the 161 passengers and nine crewmembers onboard was conducted. Initial findings include the following: According to witness statements from airport personnel, video evidence, flight data recorder (FDR) data and GPS data, the accident flight started its takeoff roll on runway 28R at the intersection with taxiway N5. The airplane experienced an uncontained failure of the right engine about 6,550 feet from runway 28R threshold, and came to a full stop about 9,225 feet from runway 28R threshold. Preliminary FDR data show that the right engine failure occurred at an airspeed of about 128 knots with the engine operating at takeoff power. Approximately two seconds after the engine failure, at an airspeed of about 134 knots, the left and right engine throttle lever angles decreased rapidly. Coincident with the throttle movement, brake pressure rose in a manner consistent with maximum autobrake application; the auto speedbrakes were extended. The aircraft rapidly decelerated, coming to a stop about 25 seconds after the throttle reduction. As a result of the uncontained engine failure, a fuel leak resulted in a pool fire under the right wing. Airport Rescue and Fire Fighting personnel began applying foam within 2 minutes 51 seconds of being notified of the emergency. The right engine stage 2 high pressure turbine disk fractured into at least 4 pieces (locations A, B, C, and D on figure). One piece went through the inboard section of the right wing, over the fuselage and into a UPS warehouse facility (location A).

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The majority of the stage 2 disk was recovered and sent to the NTSB laboratory in Washington, DC for examination. One of the fractures exhibited features consistent with fatigue cracking initiating at an internal inclusion near the forward side of the hub‘s inner bore. 3-D imaging of the damage to the right wing has been completed. All members of the cabin crew has been interviewed. The disk had 10,984 cycles and had a life limit of 15,000 cycles. Review of the engine maintenance and manufacturing records and processes are ongoing. Daily progress meetings are being held and the final documentation and examination of the airplane and engine continues in Chicago; the on-scene team plans to finish work by this weekend. NTSB Senior Air Safety Investigator Lorenda Ward, the Investigatorin-Charge, is leading a team with expertise in the areas of airworthiness, powerplants, structures, survival factors, maintenance records, flight recorders and metallurgy. The flight data recorder and the cockpit voice recorder were transported to the NTSB Recorder Laboratory where the information from each was downloaded. Parties to the investigation include the Federal Aviation Administration, American Airlines, Allied Pilots Association, The Boeing Company, General Electric Engines, the Transport Workers Union of America and the Association of Professional Flight Attendants. Ongoing metallurgical examinations of the disk will focus on detailed characterization of the inclusion and the fracture surfaces. The accident docket, containing factual group reports and other investigation-related material, will be opened at a future date. Additional information will be released as warranted.

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬ Canada to allow more foreign investment in airlines AFP - Canada will raise the maximum share groups of foreign investors may hold in its airlines from 25 percent to 49 percent in order to stimulate the industry, the transportation minister said Thursday. The move would ―set the conditions for lower fares and increased competition,‖ Marc Garneau said in a speech. ―This will lead to more options for Canadians and allow the creation of new, ultra-low cost airlines.‖ The old cap would still apply to individual investors, however. The consumer cost of travel within Canada is among the highest anywhere because of the country‘s size. The world‘s second-largest nation by territory, it spans 9,306 kilometers (5,780 miles) from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific. The government plans to introduce legislation to bring about the change soon, Garneau said. In the meantime, the former astronaut said he would grant exceptions to allow two upstarts -- Canada Jetlines, which has secured a European partner, and US-backed Enerjet -- to immediately seek out foreign investment. Both ultra-low cost airlines applauded the measures. Canada currently has two national airlines -- Air Canada and Westjet, both profitable -- and a handful of regional carriers. Garneau also promised measures aimed at boosting the quality of airline services, shortening airport security lines, reducing travel fees and clearly delineating minimum compensation for passengers‘ missed flights and lost luggage. See more at:

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬ Oman Air opens its training centre with new sims from TRU Oman Air has opened its new training centre in Muscat following the delivery and qualification of two new full flight simulators from Textron subsidiary, TRU Simulation + Training The two full flight simulators (FFS) are for the B737 and A330 aircraft operated by Oman Air along with a flight training device and virtual cockpit classroom for the B737NG aircraft. The suite of training products provided for the B737NG share the same software, thus allowing the same high-level fidelity across the product suite. TRU will also be providing a full turnkey maintenance service for the devices. The new flight training centre is located adjacent to the company‘s headquarters in Muscat. TRU is also responsible for the full operation of the centre, including operation and maintenance of the newly-delivered FFS. ―We are honored to work hand-in-hand with Oman Air to support the setup and operation of the flight training center in Muscat,‖ said George Karam, VP and general manager of TRU‘s air transport simulation division. ―Oman Air joins a number of other fast growing airlines around the globe that have opted to train their pilots and aircrews at home and TRU is able to supply customised solutions to meet all such customers‘ training needs.‖ Captain Ali Hassan Sulaiman, executive vice president & chief operations officer, Oman Air, said: ―The Oman Air Flight Training Centre will enable Oman Air to continue operating to the highest safety standards and with absolute professionalism. Furthermore, Oman Air‘s investment in this training facility – the first of its kind in Oman - will add an important milestone in the airline‘s contribution towards the development of the Sultanate.‖

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Nigerian operating environment too harsh for survival – British Airways The management of British Airways, yesterday marked 80 years of operation in Nigeria but described the Nigerian environment as harsh to the aviation sector. The Head of Middle East, Africa and Central Asia Sales, British Airways, Paola De Renzis, who spoke in Abuja, said the airline had been facing very difficult times doing business in Nigeria due to the current economic hardship in the country, but had to cope because of the long standing relationship between Britain and Nigeria since 1936. gradually getting better than it was six months ago, due to the intervention of the Central bank of Nigeria, CBN and Federal government. Said he: ‗‗The current economic recession has been a big threat to the British Airline but for the long standing relationship we have with Nigeria, we have strived to remain afloat. ‗‗We are happy, the Nigerian government, the minister of finance, aviation along side the governor of Central Bank of Nigeria have intervened and the situation is much better when it comes to foreign remittances.

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‗‗So, if you look at the current situation compared to where we were like six months ago, we are in a much much better place. The problem is still there and of course we are talking to key stakeholders in Nigeria. ‗‗I can confirm to you now that we are in talks with the minister of finance, minister of aviation and we will keep on monitoring the situation. We have been around for 80 years and we are very committed to Nigeria,‘‘ he said. Beyond the economic challenges, the Head of MEACAS, said the airline has plan to build on its success into the next 80 years by reviewing its operation and making necessary adjustment to meet future challenges. ‗‗Our plan is to be around for another 80 years if not more. It is our expectation that things will keep improving in the next weeks, months and while we keep reviewing our operations in the country. ‗‗We have a long standing relationship with Nigeria and we are very proud of the relationship with Nigeria and many other countries in Africa. British Airways started flying into Nigeria in 1936. At that time, it was Imperial Airways. It flew from London to Kano, had a few stops in between; at the time it took seven days. ‗‗The good news is that things have changed, now the flying time is less than seven hours. We now have daily flies from both Lagos and Abuja. This 80 years of flying into Nigeria confirms the commitment we have to Nigeria, we are very happy with our relationship with Nigeria,‘‘ said Renzis.

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Experience On how business in Nigeria has been for 80 years, he said, ‗‗if we‘ve been around for 80 years, it means that our business has been successful in Nigeria. When we started with the first flight, it was carrying only air fright, there were no passengers on board, that was 80 years ago, it was a success. ‗‗So, we extended our services from Kano to Lagos then we started carrying passengers. So, if we have been around in Nigeria for 80 years, growing with a number of flight operations, then it means that it has been a successful journey.‘‘ Impact on Nigeria Speaking on the impact of BA on Nigeria, the Country Commercial Manager of the company in Nigeria, Kola Olayinka, said the airline had impacted Nigeria in many ways through its bilateral relationship. ‗‗As we are celebrating 80 years, we also have Nigerian airlines that have been going to the UK, though not quite 80 years; we have Nigerian Airways, Midview, Arik and all that. ‗‗If you move to corporate social responsibility, what we have done or what is happening is that because we offer that service, a lot of people move in between our two countries and there is a lot of business between the United Kingdom and Nigeria. ‗‗I am not sure whether the UK is number one or two largest trading partner now, China may have moved ahead but I am not sure. The UK is either number one or two trading partner with Nigeria. So, economically it is important that we provide that link.‘‘

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In the aspect of Corporate Social Responsibility, CSR, he said that the company had done so much to affect lives of Nigerians through different CSR projects. ‗‗I don‘t want to go back memory lane, but I remember Nigeria in 1999, I was the operations manager for the 2737 that Nigeria gave to all the players and some of us who can remember know that we offered that aircraft to take the players from all the parts of the country, from Lagos, Kano , Port-Harcourt and all that. ‗‗We have a school in Kuje-Abuja that we have been supporting for years, we have another one in Lagos, the list goes on that we have been supporting. More recently, last year, we sponsored six Nigerian students from School of Aviation Zaria for a leadership programme. ‗‗So, if we are operating in a country, we have to impact that country. I will end that by saying I am Nigerian and I am the head of British Airways in West Africa and there many others who have been working here for many years. Our operations in Africa in general is successful. We are happy with Nigeria and many of them.‘‘ Class of aircrafts operated in Nigeria Speaking on the class of aircraft the company owns in Nigeria, Olayinka said, ‗‘we fly daily 777 in Lagos daily, Boeing 777 in Abuja and in South Africa, we have a daily 8080 flying Johannesburg to London Hithro. The second one is Boeing 747, now three days a week. I think our product is very competitive. ‗‗BA fly daily into Lagos and Abuja for so long. We were the first airline to fly internationally from Abuja.‘‘

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On flying cost comparison between Nigeria and other African countries, he said ‗‗unfortunately the time has changed significantly. What has changed is the time, our forex situation, the rate of the $ and the fact that Naira has devalued. ‗‗Again, if you look at what happens in Ghana and here, it is not exactly the same, they are actually much better than us in because of share exchange rate. ‗‗We had a meeting earlier with the minister of finance and what everybody is hoping is that things will get better in 2017. If you look at Ghana right now, all the economists around, I am not one to tell you that they are in a better position. ‗‗We need to take not just Nigeria into consideration but all other countries where we operate. Currency devaluation affects the way we price. We need to address that because if we have been around for 80 years and we want to be around for another 80 years, we need to adjust our pricing according to profitable demand.‘‘

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬ How to fly for less Frequent fliers know that in the competitive world of modern airlines, it takes a skilled player to spot the good deals among the gimmicks. In this month's episode of Business Traveller, we meet with bloggers and aviation insiders who've learned how to play the often risky game of travel hacking, uncovering the loopholes the airlines don't want them to find. In this game, the rewards can be great -- but the stakes are high. 1. Hidden City Ticketing What is it? Say you want to fly from New York to Los Angeles, but a ticket from New York to San Diego via Los Angeles is much cheaper. The daring traveler books the San Diego ticket, but only completes the Los Angeles leg of the trip. The practice is called "hidden city ticketing" and while it's not a new phenomenon, software engineer Aktarer Zaman has created a search engine called Skiplagged specifically to find opportunities for "hidden city" trips. It's so unpopular with the aviation industry, in 2014 United Airlines sued Zaman -- but the case was dropped. Zaman remains unfazed. "This is the inevitable," he tells CNN. "Consumers are going to try to figure out the best way to do what they want." The catch: On a practical level, you have to travel hand luggage only, as checked-in baggage will go all the way to the final destination. Much more seriously, skipping out portions of your itinerary violates fare rules on many airlines. Frequent flier privileges could be revoked and miles confiscated. 2. Manufactured Spending What is it? Blogger Alex Bachuwa has developed a method of earning air miles without actually flying them. "I just apply for a lot of credit cards and I get a lot of points, and I use those points to go wherever I want to go. "The banks have promotions on new products all the time. They offer 50,000, 100,000, 150,000 points promotions. "They have a minimum amount you have to spend and once you spend that amount, the points go on your account and it's time to start looking for flights." But as those minimum spends are far higher than the average person's daily expenses, Bachuwa racks in the points through "manufactured spending."

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How does it work? First get a credit card with rewards. Then buy a gift card and use the gift card to purchase a money order. You deposit the money order into your bank account and then use it to pay off the credit card. The catch? "This is a frowned-upon business," says Bachuwa. "It's a way to spend without spending. Certain credit card companies now have in their terms and conditions, 'Thou shalt not manufacture spend.'" Not to mention that it's seriously risky: Slip up in your calculations and you could get caught in spiraling debts. Bachuwa remains confident in his lifestyle choice and reveals his secrets on his blog "The Points of Life." "Have you seen the places I've been and how I've flown? Of course it's worth it!' 3. Frequent Travel University What is it? US-based Frequent Traveler University organizes regular seminars to teach would-be travel hackers the latest tips, tricks and methods that they say will help their students travel cheaper, better and more creatively. "We're teaching people how to redeem those miles for trips that can cost $20,000 one way, how to utilize that elite status," says FTU's James Larounis, adding that they offer expert tips on airline alliances and Fifth Freedom routes -- flights where an airline from one country has the right to operate between two other countries and which are often heavily discounted. Some of the classes are so secret and the information so prized that they wouldn't let our cameras in to film. The catch: Banks and airlines get wise to the hackers' tricks and then promptly shut them down. "That's why we host so many courses a year, because of this changing information," says Larounis. "We've got repeat customers, year after year, session after session."

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬ 4. Play your cards right What is it? Stefan Krasowski, who blogs at RapidTravelChai, had these four tips to give us on the art of credit card shuffling. 1) "First, get as many cards as the banks will give you. Your credit scores will probably improve, if you manage them correctly. 2) "Get a hotel credit card. Many of those credit cards give you elite status with that hotel. Then you can turn around, go to other hotel chains and say, 'I have the status, will you match me?' 3) "Get a credit card, usually a premium card, such as an Amex Platinum, a Citi Prestige, that has worldwide airport lounge access. 4) "Scale all this with your family members. If you're traveling with a spouse or family member, each get hotel cards and then you'll get double the benefits. The catch: Mismanage your cards or drop behind on your payments and you'll be left holding a losing hand. 5. Bid in a live auction What is it? Open auctions for airline seats have been around for a while, but for a real fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants experience, at Seatboost the bidding for the last remaining first-class seats begins just 90 minutes before takeoff. It's teamed up with Virgin America to auction off any free available premium seats on certain routes -- but getting an airline to buy into the idea took some convincing. That's because airlines don't want customers to expect that they'll win in the auction, because then the customers might be reluctant to buy those premium seats beforehand. "We are more positioned for a flier or guest who wants to give themselves a treat. If you're used to flying first class, you're not going to leave it to chance," says Seatboost CEO Kevin Stamler. The catch: Bid too high and you might win the upgrade but pay over the odds for your seat. Bid too low and you miss out on your upgrade and remain stuck in economy.

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬ Air France-KLM's new airline targets ME carriers Air France-KLM has announced plans to create a new long-haul international airline to compete against growing competition from the Middle East and regain its market share in key routes. "This new company will constitute the Group's response to the Gulf State airlines which are developing at low production costs on key markets where Air France-KLM is pursuing its growth ambition," Air France-KLM said in a statement. This initiative to regain market share has been dubbed Boost. It will be focused on ultra-competitive markets and will enable the Group to go on the offensive by opening new routes, reopening routes closed due to their lack of profitability and maintaining routes under threat. This new company will propose a simple, modern and innovative offer, whose positioning will not be low cost. It will offer its customers business and leisure destinations with standards comparable to those of Air France in terms of product quality and the professionalism of the crews. The new company will also serve as a laboratory for the Group‘s innovative ability in terms of products, digital and technology, catering, cabin design, services and the customer experience, as well as for working methods. It will number 10 long-haul aircraft by 2020 with some 30 per cent of operations focused on newly-created routes. It will operate with Air France pilots on a volunteer basis at work conditions adapted to its competitive positioning. For cabin crews, an independent career path will be created to enable this new company to be operated at the level of market costs. The ground operations, handled by Air France, will also be optimized by benefiting to the maximum from digitalization. The HR framework for this new company will be negotiated with the unions in the coming weeks.

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Air France-KLM plans new unit PARIS: Franco-Dutch carrier Air France-KLM outlined plans for a new longhaul unit with lower costs to try to regain market share lost to rivals as it seeks to improve profits and restore frayed relations with staff. The new company, set to have a fleet of 10 long-haul planes by 2020, will be staffed by pilots from Air France who would be willing to move on a voluntary basis and will aim to operate on a cost basis closer to rivals. It will make up only a small part of the group, which is aiming for a fleet of 435 planes, not including regional jets, by 2020. New Air France CEO Franck Terner and Air France-KLM group CEO Jean-Marc Janaillac were present during a press conference to unveil ‗Trust Together‘ project in Saint-Denis, France. ―It will not be positioned as a low-cost carrier. It will have standards similar to Air France,‖ the group said in a statement on Thursday, shortly after publishing third quarter financial results. The project, dubbed Boost, is similar to a Lufthansa initiative called Jump, set up in 2014 to enable it to reduce costs on loss-making routes to tourist destinations such as in south-east Asia, yet still use its mainline Lufthansa brand. The airline will launch an assault on the competition with the creation of a long and medium-haul subsidiary, aimed at taking business from rivals. ―The Air France-KLM Group‘s ambition is to regain the offensive to return to a leadership position in the global air transport industry,‖ it said in a statement. The new airline will operate in ―ultra-competitive‖ markets which have so far been loss-making for the group, or where routes have been closed down. Air France-KLM, which has been hit by strikes as it battles to reduce costs, hopes the new company will allow it to return to profit on loss-making routes or to reopen routes that it had to close due to stiff competition from the likes of Emirates, Qatar and Turkish Airlines. Air France-KLM shares opened down 4 per cent on Thursday. ―The project is a bit disappointing. Boost is a bit of a surprise but it‘s hard to see how it will really position itself and be profitable,‖ said Oddo Securities analyst Yan Derocles, adding third-quarter results were in line. The announcement formed part of a strategy, named Trust Together, unveiled by Jean-Marc Janaillac. The group also named Franck Terner, currently head of its maintenance unit, as new CEO of Air France, replacing Fredric Gagey, who moves to the role of group chief financial officer. Air France-KLM will also study a spin-off of its maintenance arm, although intends to retain control of the unit, it added.

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Egyptair hijacker to appeal extradition The appeal to the extradition of an Egyptian man, who last March hijacked a domestic Egyptair flight, wearing a fake suicide belt and engaging in a dramatic standoff with authorities at Larnaca airport, was rescheduled on Friday for December 1. The hearing of the appeal of Seif Eldin Mustafa at the supreme court was requested by his new lawyer Nikoletta Charalambidou. Nicosia District Court approved Mustafa‘s extradition request to Egypt on the grounds that ―as opposed to the arguments the defence raised, he was not requested for his political beliefs or attitudes but for the criminal offence of hijacking, which he admitted to having committed.‖ Mustafa‘s former lawyer, Robert Vrachimis said after reading the decision of the judge that he had received instructions from his client to appeal the first instance verdict. In statements made after the procedure, Charalambidou said that the appeal ―is based mainly on the fact that if extradited to Egypt he is in danger of being subjected to torture, inhuman and degrading treatment for something that the first instance court did not examine,‖ because she said, they did not accept the relevant evidence produced to back it, as they considered the main witness as not being an expert. In August, the Nicosia court refused to hear evidence from Cambridge University professor Emile George Howard Joffe in Mustafa‘s defence, ruling that the evidence was inadmissible because Joffe‘s expertise was not specific to Egypt‘s current domestic situation. Charalambidou said that the relevant expert‘s report had been filed in the supreme court, and if necessary would come in person to give evidence relating to the conditions prevailing in Egypt.

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She also said that the court has the obligation to consider the possibility of Mustafa‘s human rights being violated if he was to be extradited to Egypt. Charalambidou said assurances received by the Cyprus government from Egypt that he would not suffer any violations of human rights and that he would have the right to a fair trial under international law and the jurisprudence of the European human rights court is not enough to shake off the responsibility of the state to investigate the possibility. The defence lawyer said she had sent a letter to both the director of the central prisons and the ombudsman denouncing the detention conditions of her client. She maintained that about ten days ago Mustafa wounded himself in the neck using a blade in protest for not being allowed to go to the toilet. She added that since September, he was not being held with other prisoners but in the guardhouse of the prison where he slept on the floor on a plastic mattress, with no access to a bathroom and toilet. Charalambidou concluded that Mustafa was suffering from lack of sleep as the lights in the room were permanently lit depriving him of sleep. None of the passengers and crew were harmed in the March 29 hijack. Eighty-one people, including 21 foreigners and 15 crew were released after a six-hour standoff aboard the diverted Airbus 320 Alexandria-to-Cairo flight.

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬


Why Heathrow will still be playing catch up for decades to come Apart from the massive cost of a third runway, the rise of aviation hubs in the Gulf may pose another challenge for the UK‘s premier airport, says Ed Attwood ―Fifty years from now, I believe British Airways will still be flying from a two-runway hub at Heathrow — the world will move on, and the UK will get left behind.‖ Speaking three years ago to this magazine, International Airlines Group (IAG) boss Willie Walsh was withering in his assessment of the UK government‘s consistent inability to make a decision over the expansion of the country‘s largest airport, London Heathrow. ―Politically, I don‘t think there‘s a solution and therefore I‘m not wasting any time trying to beat my head against the wall when I don‘t think I‘m going to achieve anything,‖ Walsh added. ―We get on and run our business, and seek to take advantage of growth in the industry. Unfortunately for us, a lot of that growth will be outside our core base of London.‖ The decision to add a third runway at Heathrow was first suggested six months after the end of the Second World War, and the discussion has continued, at varying levels of intensity, ever since. Needless to say, airports elsewhere have benefitted — the chief executive of Amsterdam Schiphol has taken to sending a cake to Heathrow‘s head office every time a decision on its future has been delayed.

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It‘s an understatement to say that Britain has a history of prevaricating when it comes to large-scale infrastructure projects. Two of the biggest in recent years — the third nuclear plant at Hinkley Point and ‗HS2‘, a high-speed rail connection between London and the north of England — have drawn controversy and endless debate before even getting off the drawing board. But Heathrow is a different proposition altogether. While there were cases to be made for not going ahead with either Hinkley Point or HS2, nearly every British politician agreed that a solution is needed to be found to solve the UK‘s chronic lack of air traffic capacity. The only problem was that none of those politicians were brave enough to make a decision that might result in them in being booted out of their parliamentary seat by angry voters at the next election. Britain‘s new Prime Minister, Theresa May, deserves credit for actually having the gumption to take a decision from which previous leaders had shied away. But with Heathrow having lost its title of the world‘s busiest international airport to Dubai in the last year or so, is the move too late? The absolute best-case scenario is that the expanded Heathrow will be up and running by 2025, at a cost of around $22bn, with the airport‘s new capacity standing at around 130 million passengers a year (a figure it is projected to reach by 2040). That potential launch date, however, coincides with Emirates‘ planned move from Dubai International Airport to Al Maktoum International, its new superhub in Jebel Ali. By then, Al Maktoum International will be able to handle up to 146 million passengers a year (roughly double the number passing through Dubai International today), with a planned eventual capacity of up to a quarter of a billion passengers annually. And then there‘s the cost. The bill for Hamad International Airport in Doha, built from scratch, came in at an estimated $16bn. The Al Maktoum International expansion project (from 7 million to 146 million passengers a year), for which some of the financing is being arranged at the moment, will cost somewhere in the region of $27bn. Compared to those prices, the costs for Heathrow look high, and that‘s even without the cost overruns and delays that some analysts are saying will be unavoidable. There‘s also the question as to who will stump up the cash; the airlines are worried that higher airport fees would encourage passengers to fly either to other London airports or transit through nearby European hubs. Walsh‘s assertion that it could take 50 years for change to come to Heathrow now looks a little wide of the mark. But given the delays that nearby Berlin has faced building its own new hub, it could still be decades before Britain‘s biggest airport starts to play catch up.

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬

‫ادارة العالقات العامة ‪ -‬الشركة القابضة‬ ‫لمصر للطيران‬

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