EGYPTAIR News 7 jan 2014

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‫االربعاء‬ ‫‪ 7‬يناير ‪2015‬‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫هبوط اضطرارى لطائرة مصرية بمطار القاهرة لسوء الطقس بمطار برج العرب‬ ‫الثالثاء‪ 06 ،‬يناير ‪ 07:24 - 2015‬م‬ ‫كتب محمد طنطاوى‬ ‫تسبب سوء الطقس فى هبوط رحلة مصر للطيران القادمة من جدة اضطرار ًيا بمطار‬ ‫مقررا لها الهبوط فى مطار برج العرب باإلسكندرية‪.‬‬ ‫القاهرة الدولى‪ ،‬بعدما كان‬ ‫ً‬ ‫ومن المقرر أن تقلع الطائرة وتستأنف رحلة عودتها فور تحسن األحوال الجوية‪.‬‬ ‫ويتابع مركز العمليات الجوية التابع لـ"مصر للطيران" تطورات الموقف أوالً بأول‬ ‫بالتنسيق مع شركة المالحة الجوية واألرصاد الجوية ومركز عمليات مطار القاهرة‬ ‫الدولى‪.‬‬ ‫جدير بالذكر أن سوء األحوال الجوية يؤثر على الرحالت القادمة إلى المطارات‬ ‫المصرية دون التأثير على الرحالت التى تقلع من مطار القاهرة الدولى‪.‬‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫النيابة تأمر بتشكيل لجنة لتقدير تلفيات تصادم سيارة بطائرة فى المطار‬ ‫الثالثاء‪ 06 ،‬يناير ‪ 05:48 - 2015‬م‬ ‫كتب إيهاب المهندس‬ ‫أمرت نيابة النزهة برئاسة المستشار أحمد وجيه بتشكيل لجنة من شركة‬ ‫مصر للطيران لتقدير قيمة التلفيات لطائرة بضائع مصرية عقب اصطدام‬ ‫سيارة تموين بها أثناء إعدادها لإلقالع بمطار القاهرة‪.‬‬

‫كما أمرت النيابة باستدعاء سائق السيارة لسؤاله حول الواقعة ‪ ،‬وكشفت‬ ‫المعاينة حدوث تلفيات بسيطة بالباب االمامى للطائرة وبعض الشروخ‬ ‫البسيطة بجسم الطائرة‪.‬‬ ‫وكان مطار القاهرة قد شهد إرتطام سيارة تموين بطائرة بضائع مصرية‬ ‫أثناء إعدادها لإلقالع‪ ،‬وحدوث تلفيات فى باب وجسم الطائرة‪ ،‬وتم تحرير‬ ‫محضر بالواقعة‪ ،‬وسحب الطائرة لهنجر الصيانة إلصالحها‪.‬‬ ‫وكان مصدر مسئول بالمطار قد قال فى تصريحات صحفية اليوم انه‬ ‫"أثناء توقف طائرة بضائع مصرية على موقع بأرض المهبط بمطار‬ ‫القاهرة وأثناء قيام سيارة تموين بتزويد الطائرة باحتياجاتها تمهيدا‬ ‫لإلقالع ارتطمت السيارة بالطائرة‪.‬‬ ‫جدير بالذكر ان المطار شهد حادث مماثل عقب تصادم سيارة بمحرك‬ ‫طائرة منتصف الشهر الماضى‪.‬‬


‫السلطات اليابانية تحذر من عواصف ثلجية جديدة وشركات طيران تلغى‬ ‫رحالتها‬ ‫األربعاء‪ 07 ،‬يناير ‪ 07:07 - 2015‬ص‬ ‫طوكيو (أ ف ب)‬ ‫دعت السلطات اليابانية السكان األربعاء إلى اليقظة بسبب عواصف ثلجية جديدة فى‬ ‫شمال وغرب البالد‪ ،‬األمر الذى أجبر شركات الطيران على إلغاء عشرات الرحالت‪.‬‬ ‫وقالت الوكالة الوطنية لإلرصاد الجوية أن "رياحا شديدة تهب فى الشمال مصحوبة‬ ‫بتساقط للثلوج"‪ ،‬ناصحة بتجنب الخروج قدر اإلمكان فى المناطق المعنية وفى مقدمها‬ ‫هوكايدو‪.‬‬ ‫وقررت شركتا "جابان ايرالنيز" و"ايه ان ايه" إلغاء ثالثين رحلة داخلية على األقل فى‬ ‫اتجاه شمال البالد‪ ،‬مع إمكان ارتفاع هذا العدد وشموله مناطق أخرى‪.‬‬ ‫وقضى ‪ 11‬شخصا على األقل فى كانون ديسمبر الفائت فى اليابان جراء العواصف‬ ‫الثلجية‪ ،‬وألغيت مئات الرحالت أليام عدة بسبب سوء األحوال الجوية‪.‬‬

Boeing Reveals Final Tallies in Record Year for Sales, Deliveries A record year for commercial airplane orders and sales on both sides of the Atlantic saw Boeing ship 723 airplanes and book orders for 1,432 jets worth $237.2 billion at list prices, the company revealed on Tuesday. At the end of the year Boeing's unfilled commercial orders stood at 5,789, representing another new all-time high for the company. Airbus, which also expects to set new order and delivery totals, plans to announce its 2014 year-end totals on January 13.All three Boeing Commercial Airplanes production sites—in Everett and Renton, Washington; and North Charleston, South Carolina—each set records for airplane deliveries. Meanwhile, three programs—the 737, 777 and 787—each set a single-year delivery record. Last year Boeing delivered 485 Next Generation 737s, ninety-nine 777s and 114 Dreamliners, including the including the first 787-9 to launch customer Air New Zealand and first direct deliveries to 13 airline customers. Only a dismal sales year for the 747-8 tarnished the overall results, as the company registered gross orders for just two of the new jumbo jets while delivering 19. As a result, the company decided to cut production rates from 1.5 per month to 1.3 per month starting in September. The program’s delivery backlog now stands at 36.Of the 1,432 net commercial orders Boeing booked in 2014, the NextGeneration 737 and 737 Max accounted for some two-thirds, registering sales of 1,104 airplanes, followed by the 777 and 777X with 283.“In the face of fierce competition, we had a strong year,” said Boeing Commercial Airplanes CEO Ray Conner. “In 2015 we’ll remain focused on meeting our customer commitments, and prepare for key milestones on our development programs, including the start of assembly of the first 737 Max and firm configuration for the 777X.”

VietJet Low-Cost Offshoot Enters Crowded Thai Market by Jennifer Meszaros , Thai VietJet Air )TVJA(, the Thai offshoot of Vietnam’s nofrills carrier VietJet Air, is preparing to launch in the first quarter this year, joining the country’s highly competitive low-cost carrier market. The new start-up, which is 51 percent owned by Thailand’s Kannithi Aviation and 49 percent by VietJet Air, obtained its air operator certificate on December 20 from the Thai Civil Aviation Department. TVJA will initially operate one Airbus A320-200 on domestic routes from Suvarnabhumi Airport before adding an additional three to five Airbus jets annually. Plans are afoot to launch international services in the near future. TVJA’s entry has some airlines worrying whether the market can sustain another low-cost carrier. “Thailand has a very extreme case of overcapacity and everyone is suffering at the moment,” said Narudh Cheramakara, a consumer intelligence manager with Nok Airlines. “The main problem is the competition. I think someone has to go and possibly in four to five years.” .” Indeed, three of the country’s top airlines—Thai Airways, Thai AirAsia and Nok Air—saw a sharp decline in profits in 2014. Only Bangkok Airways remained profitable thanks to its diversified partnerships. Meanwhile, the political instability of 2014 further exacerbated an already precarious situation for the industry, which has seen a slump in passenger numbers. Nthe 777X owhere is this felt more than at Thai Airways, which has been in the red since the second quarter of 2013. The national flag carrier, which has traditionally banked on long-haul routes to North Asia, Europe and Australia, is being pushed out of the market by the rise of Gulf carriers in the region. “We have Etihad, Qatar Airways and Emirates all serving Thailand. Emirates has about four flights per day while Bangkok is the largest destination for Etihad in terms of capacity,” said Cheramakara. “Effectively, Thai Airways’ long-haul markets are done.” Blaming political instability, Thai AirAsia plans to expand in the domestic market this year to make up for losses in international markets. The carrier is expected to post the largest profit decline in its 10-year history, from $57.7 million in 2013 to $6.1 million in 2014. Meanwhile, Nok Air, which relies heavily on domestic demand, will remain under siege from price wars. The carrier faces heightened competition, especially from Thai Lion Air, which recently began operating on some of Nok’s biggest routes. With the pace of recovery in Thailand’s economy and tourism sectors slower than expected alongside TVJA’s anticipated entry, Thai carriers are in for a turbulent year. milestones on our development programs, including the start of assembly of the first 737 Max and firm configuration for OPINION: Airbus delivers great wide hope; but what next? Source:

A year ago, Airbus’s widebody strategy looked ragged at best. At one end of its offering, the A330 was a twodecade-old programme with a depleting backlog (its thirsty A340 sibling having already been killed off). At the other, the A380 was struggling to expand its appeal beyond Emirates. In the middle, Toulouse’s great hope was the A350. But while the -900 variant was selling well, the smaller -800 looked doomed. As 2015 begins, things appear tidier. Despite lastminute fussing from launch customer Qatar Airways, the first A350-900 was handed over just before Christmas, a week ahead of Airbus’s year-end delivery deadline. The type has a healthy orderbook and the airframer is confident of meeting an ambitious production ramp-up. Meanwhile, the launch of the reengined A330neo at Farnborough in July gave Airbus a credible contender in the sub-300-seat segment, where Boeing’s 787 had the market virtually to itself. But dark clouds remain. An admission from Airbus’s chief beancounter in December that the A380 – Europe’s most ambitious airliner programme since -Concorde – would scarcely be making a profit by the end of the decade, and that halting production was an option, made investors shudder. Despite a three-year head start in terms of availability, the largest A350, the -1000, is being comfortably outsold by Boeing’s 777X, whose variants offer either more capacity or longer range. While the next few years will be about delivery – bringing the A350-1000, A330neo and A320neo into service and ramping-up both narrowbody and widebody production – Airbus does face big decisions before the decade is out. Should it risk billions revamping a product, the A380, of which the airline industry is far from convinced? (When Boeing launched the 777X it was refreshing the most successful long-haul aircraft ever). Should it consider an all-new small widebody, or focus instead in the 2020s on a clean-sheet single-aisle design, perhaps with Rolls-Royce? These are choices a new generation of Airbus senior managers may have to take. Now that the company is largely freed from the governmental shackles that restricted its ability to manoeuvre during the EADS era, it will be largely institutional shareholders they will have to convince of the merits of any major decisions. One thing is sure: there can be no vainglorious grand projets. Airbus will have to make sure the business case for any new programme proposal is absolutely tight.

‫ادارة العالقات العامة ‪ -‬الشركة القابضة‬ ‫لمصر للطيران‬

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