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‫االربعاء‬ ‫‪2018/11/ 7‬‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬


‫االتحاد العربً للنقل الجوي "األكو" ٌشكر مصر للطٌران على نجاح‬ ‫الجمعٌة ‪51‬‬ ‫كتب أحمد مصطفى _أحمد حمادة‬ ‫ترأس الطٌار أحمد عادل رئٌس الشركة القابضة لمصرللطٌران وعبدالوهاب تفاحة رئٌس‬ ‫االتحاد العربً للنقل الجوي األكو الجلسة الختامٌة لفاعلٌات اجتماع الجمعٌة رقم ‪ 51‬لإلتحاد‬ ‫والتً تناول الجزء االول منها استعراض السٌد كرٌس تاري خبٌر الطٌران الفرص والتحدٌات‬ ‫التً تواجه صناعة الطٌران والتً من ابرزها ارتفاع اسعار الوقود وتاثٌر الدوالر علً ارتفاع‬ ‫نفقات التشغٌل وكذلك تأثٌر األوضاع السٌاسٌة علً مستقبل الصناعة وتوقع تاري ان العام‬ ‫القادم سٌكون اصعب علً شركات الطٌران من الفترة السابقة‪.‬‬ ‫كما تناول الجزء الثانً من الجلسة حلقة نقاشٌة للرؤساء التنفٌذٌ​ٌن باالتحاد حول هذا الموضوع‬ ‫وقد ادار الحوار السٌد ماٌكل بٌل خبٌر الطٌران واالستشارات بشركة ‪korn ferry‬وتحدث فً‬ ‫الجلسة الطٌار سامح الحفنً رئٌس سلطة الطٌران المدنً وهٌنرٌك هوللً مدٌر عام النقل‬ ‫والمواصالت بالمفوضٌة االوروبٌة للنقل والسٌد عادل الرضا النائب التنفٌذي لرئٌس طٌران‬ ‫االمارات والرئٌس التنفٌذي للعملٌات ومحمد الحوت رئٌس شركة طٌران الشرق األوسط اللبنانٌة‬ ‫وتم طرح عدة اسئلة للنقاش حولها بعد التصوٌت من األعضاء علٌها منه اهم التحدٌات المتوقعة‬ ‫فً الفترة المقبلة التً تواجه شركات الطٌران األعضاء باألكو وهل متوقع ان ٌجد أعضاء‬ ‫االتحاد العربً للنقل الجوي تحفٌز فً الفترة القادمة وتأثٌر مشروعات تطوٌر المطارات علً‬ ‫صناعة الطٌران‪.‬‬ ‫وفً ختام الجلسة اعلن الطٌار أحمد عادل عن ختام جلسات الجمعٌة العامة رقم ‪ 51‬وتوجه‬ ‫بالشكر للحضور و عبدالوهاب تفاحة امٌن عام األكو ولكل من ساهم فً نجاح هذه الجمعٌة‪.‬‬

‫كما توجه رئٌس األكو بالشكر للفرٌق ٌونس المصري وزٌر الطٌران المدنً ودعم سٌادته النعقاد‬ ‫الجمعٌة فً مصر كما توجه بالشكر لمصرللطٌران علً خروج الجمعٌة بالشكل المشرف‬ ‫والالئق لمكانتها االقلٌمٌة والدولٌة وقدم هدٌة تذكارٌة للطٌار احمد عادل رئٌس مصرللطٌران‬ ‫بمناسبة نجاح الجمعٌة فً دورتها ‪51‬‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬


‫االتحاد الدولً للنقل ٌهنئ مصر للطٌران لترشٌحها لمجلس‬ ‫المحافظٌن‬ ‫لٌلً عبدالحمٌد‬ ‫هنأ الكسندر دي جونٌاك‪ ،‬الرئٌس التنفٌذي لالتحاد الدولً للنقل الجوي ‪IATA‬الطٌار‬ ‫أحمد عادل رئٌس الشركة القابضة لمصرللطٌران ورئٌس الجمعٌة العامة لإلتحاد العربً‬ ‫للنقل الجوي فً دورته الـ ‪ 51‬المقامة حالٌا بالقاهرة بمناسبة موافقة أعضاء الجمعٌة‬ ‫العامة علً ترشٌح الطٌار أحمد عادل لعضوٌة مجلس المحافظٌن بـ"األٌاتا" لمقعد منطقة‬ ‫الشرق األوسط وشمال إفرٌقٌا‪ ،‬الذي ٌبدأ مع نهاٌة الجمعٌة العامة رقم ‪ 75‬لعام ‪2019‬‬ ‫التً ستنعقد بمدٌنة سول الكورٌة‪.‬‬ ‫جاء ذلك علً هامش اللقاء الذي جمع الطٌار أحمد عادل ورئٌس األٌاتا الٌكسندر دي‬ ‫جونٌاك علً هامش فاعلٌات جمعٌة "األكو"‪.‬‬ ‫وقد تناول اللقاء تعزٌز أواصر التعاون بٌن منظمة األٌاتا ومصرللطٌران وأكد رئٌس األٌاتا‬ ‫ألٌكسندر دي جونٌاك‪ ،‬سعادته بهذا التعاون القائم علً مدار السنوات الماضٌة‪ ،‬مشٌ ًدا بدور‬ ‫مصر للطٌران فً المنطقة وخاصة أنها من اول من الشركات التً تفعل جمٌع المشروعات‬ ‫التً تنادي بها األٌاتا لتحسٌن الخدمات المقدمة للركاب‪ ،‬معربا حرص األٌاتا على تقدٌم‬ ‫الخدمات االستشارٌة لمصر للطٌران‪.‬‬ ‫من ناحٌة أخرى استعرض الطٌار أحمد عادل خطة تحدٌث أسطول مصرللطٌران على‬ ‫مرحلتٌها األولى والثانٌة والتوسع فً شبكة الخطوط ومواكبة سوق النقل الجوي فً تطبٌق‬ ‫أعلً درجات الرفاهٌة وخدمة العمالء ‪.‬‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬


‫«االتحاد الدولً للنقل الجوي» ٌهنئ مصرللطٌران على ترشحٌها‬ ‫لمجلس المحافظٌن‬ ‫إنجً خلٌفة‬

‫هنأ الكسندر دي جونٌاك الرئٌس التنفٌذي لالتحاد الدولً للنقل الجوي ‪،IATA‬‬ ‫الطٌار أحمد عادل رئٌس الشركة القابضة لمصرللطٌران ورئٌس الجمعٌة العامة‬ ‫لالتحاد العربً للنقل الجوي فً دورته الـ‪ 51‬المقامة حالٌا بالقاهرة‪.‬‬ ‫وٌأتً ذلك‪ ،‬بمناسبة موافقة أعضاء الجمعٌة العامة علً ترشٌح الطٌار أحمد عادل‬ ‫لعضوٌة مجلس المحافظٌن "اٌاتا" لمقعد منطقة الشرق األوسط وشمال أفرٌقٌا الذي‬ ‫ٌبدأ مع نهاٌة الجمعٌة العامة رقم ‪ 75‬لعام ‪ 2019‬التً ستنعقد بمدٌنة سول الكورٌة‪.‬‬ ‫جاء ذلك‪ ،‬علً هامش اللقاء الذي جمع الطٌار أحمد عادل ورئٌس األٌاتا الٌكسندر‬ ‫دي جونٌاك علً هامش فاعلٌات جمعٌة األكو‪.‬‬ ‫وتناول اللقاء تعزٌز أواصر التعاون بٌن منظمة "أٌاتا" ومصرللطٌران‪ ،‬وأشاد "دي‬ ‫جونٌاك" بدور مصرللطٌران فً المنطقة‪ ،‬وخاصة أنها من أول من الشركات التً‬ ‫تقوم بجمٌع المشروعات التً تنادي بها األٌاتا لتحسٌن الخدمات المقدمة للركاب ‪،‬‬ ‫مؤكدا على حرص األٌاتا لتقدٌم أي خدمات استشارٌة لمصرللطٌران‪.‬‬ ‫من ناحٌة أخرى‪ ،‬استعرض الطٌار أحمد عادل خطة تحدٌث أسطول مصر للطٌران‬ ‫علً مرحلتٌها األولى والثانٌة والتوسع فً شبكة الخطوط ومواكبة سوق النقل الجوي‬ ‫فً تطبٌق أعلى درجات الرفاهٌة وخدمة العمالء‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬


‫رئٌس " "‪ٌIATA‬هنئ مصر للطٌران لترشٌحها لمجلس المحافظٌن‬ ‫كتب أحمد مصطفى ‪ -‬أحمد حمادة‬ ‫هنأ الكسندر دى جونٌاك‪ ،‬الرئٌس التنفٌذى لالتحاد الدولى للنقل الجوى ‪IATA‬الطٌار أحمد‬ ‫عادل رئٌس الشركة القابضة لمصر للطٌران ورئٌس الجمعٌة العامة لإلتحاد العربى للنقل الجوى‬ ‫فى دورته الـ‪ 51‬المقامة حالٌا بالقاهرة بمناسبة موافقة أعضاء الجمعٌة العامة على ترشٌح‬ ‫الطٌار أحمد عادل لعضوٌة مجلس المحافظٌن بـ"االٌاتا " لمقعد منطقة الشرق األوسط وشمال‬ ‫أفرٌقٌا الذى ٌبدأ مع نهاٌة الجمعٌة العامة رقم ‪ 75‬لعام ‪ 2019‬التى ستنعقد بمدٌنة سول‬ ‫الكورٌة‪.‬‬ ‫جاء ذلك على هامش اللقاء الذى جمع الطٌار احمد عادل ورئٌس األٌاتا الٌكسندر دى جونٌاك على‬ ‫هامش فاعلٌات جمعٌة األكو‪.‬‬ ‫وقد تناول اللقاء تعزٌز اواصر التعاون بٌن منظمة األٌاتا ومصر للطٌران واكد على سعادته بهذا‬ ‫التعاون القائم على مدار السنوات الماضٌة و اشاد بدور مصر للطٌران فى المنطقة وخاصة انها‬ ‫من اول من الشركات التى تفعل جمٌع المشروعات التى تنادى بها األٌاتا لتحسٌن الخدمات المقدمة‬ ‫للركاب و اعرب عن حرص األٌاتا لتقدٌم اى خدمات استشارٌة لشركة مصر للطٌران‪.‬‬ ‫من ناحٌة اخرى استعرض الطٌار احمد عادل خطة تحدٌث اسطول مصر للطٌران على مرحلتٌها‬ ‫االولى والثانٌة والتوسع فى شبكة الخطوط ومواكبة سوق النقل الجوى فى تطبٌق أعلى درجات‬ ‫الرفاهٌة وخدمة العمالء‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬


‫"اإلٌاتا" تهنئ رئٌس "مصر للطٌران" لترشحه لعضوٌة "مجلس‬ ‫المحافظٌن”‬ ‫حنان عز الدٌن‬

‫هنأ الكسندر دي جونٌاك‪ ،‬الرئٌس التنفٌذي لالتحاد الدولً للنقل الجوي ‪،IATA‬‬ ‫الطٌار أحمد عادل رئٌس الشركة القابضة لمصر للطٌران‪ ،‬ورئٌس الجمعٌة العامة‬ ‫لإلتحاد العربً للنقل الجوي‪ ،‬فً دورته الـ‪ 51‬المقامة حالٌا بالقاهرة‪ ،‬بمناسبة موافقة‬ ‫أعضاء الجمعٌة العامة على ترشٌح الطٌار أحمد عادل لعضوٌة مجلس المحافظٌن‬ ‫بـ"االٌاتا"‪ ،‬لمقعد منطقة الشرق األوسط وشمال أفرٌقٌا الذي ٌبدأ مع نهاٌة الجمعٌة‬ ‫العامة رقم ‪ 75‬لعام ‪ 2019‬التً ستنعقد بمدٌنة سول الكورٌة‪.‬‬ ‫جاء ذلك علً هامش اللقاء الذي جمع الطٌار احمد عادل ورئٌس األٌاتا الٌكسندر دي‬ ‫جونٌاك علً هامش فاعلٌات جمعٌة األكو‪.‬‬ ‫وقد تناول اللقاء تعزٌز أواصر التعاون بٌن منظمة األٌاتا ومصر للطٌران‪ ،‬القائم علً‬ ‫مدار السنوات الماضٌة‪.‬‬ ‫من ناحٌة أخرى استعرض الطٌار احمد عادل‪ ،‬خطة تحدٌث أسطول مصر للطٌران‬ ‫علً مرحلتٌها األولى والثانٌة‪ ،‬والتوسع فً شبكة الخطوط ومواكبة سوق النقل الجوي‬ ‫فً تطبٌق أعلى درجات الرفاهٌة وخدمة العمالء‪.‬‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬


‫أفواج سٌاحٌة جدٌدة تصل مطار القاهرة‬ ‫محمد عبٌد‬

‫شهد مطار القاهرة الدولى‪ ،‬مساء الٌوم الثالثاء‪ ،‬وصول ‪ 4‬أفواج سٌاحٌة من‬ ‫أوروبا وشرق أسٌا‪ ،‬وذلك بهدف زٌارة المعالم السٌاحٌة واألثرٌة فى القاهرة‬ ‫والمدن السٌاحٌة وفقا لبرامج شركات سٌاحة ‪.‬‬ ‫قالت مصادر بالمطار أن ‪ 233‬سائحا وصلوا على ‪ 4‬أفواج من دول برٌطانٌا‬ ‫وأمرٌكا والٌابان وإندونٌسٌا‪ ،‬أشارت المصادر إلى أن سلطات المطار ممثلة فى‬ ‫شرطة السٌاحة قامت على تسهٌل إجراءات وصولهم وتأمٌنهم حتى مقر إقامتهم‬ ‫بالقاهرة لبدء برامجهم السٌاحٌة‪.‬‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬


‫مطار القاهرة ٌستقبل ‪ 3‬مجموعات سٌاحٌة من أوروبا وآسٌا‬ ‫مؤمن التهامً‬

‫استقبل مطار القاهرة الدولً‪ ،‬مساء الٌوم الثالثاء‪ 3 ،‬أفواج سٌاحٌة قادمة من‬ ‫من أوروبا وشرق آسٌا فً زٌارة تستغرق أٌاما لزٌارة المعالم السٌاحٌة‬ ‫واألثرٌة فً مصر‪.‬‬ ‫وأفاد مصدر بالمطار‪ ،‬أن ‪ 233‬سائحا وصلوا من دول برٌطانٌا وأمرٌكا والٌابان‪،‬‬ ‫وتم إنهاء إجراءات الوصول بمعرفة شرطة السٌاحة وتسهٌل إجراءات وصولهم‬ ‫وتأمٌنهم حتى مقر إقامتهم‪.‬‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬


‫أسامة كمال ‪ :‬السفارة المصرٌة فً برلٌن دشنت أول رحلة طٌران‬ ‫من فرانكفورت لألقصر‬ ‫هند هٌكل‬ ‫كتب اإلعالمً أسامة كمال عبر موقع التدوٌنات الشهٌر "توٌتر" تغرٌدة قال فٌها ‪:‬‬ ‫"السفارة المصرٌة فً برلٌن فى إنجاز جدٌد ضمن جهود تنشٌط السٌاحة األلمانٌة‬ ‫‪TUI‬لمصر وخصوصا السٌاحة الثقافٌة‪ ،‬إمبارح دشنت بالتعاون مع شركة‬ ‫األلمانٌة ودي من أكبر شركات السٌاحة العالمٌة أول رحلة طٌران ألمانٌة مباشرة‬ ‫"من فرانكفورت لألقصر‬

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬ Passenger Traffic Growth Slows in September Geneva - The International Air Transport Association (IATA) announced global passenger traffic results for September showing that demand (measured in revenue passenger kilometers, or RPKs) rose 5.5% compared to the same month in 2017. This was a slowdown from the 6.4% growth recorded in August year-over-year. Capacity climbed 5.8% and load factor slipped for the first time in eight months, down 0.3 percentage point compared to the year-earlier period, to 81.4%. IATA estimated that impacts from severe hurricane and typhoon activity in September shaved around 0.1-0.2 percentage point off expected growth. However, even after accounting for these impacts, monthly traffic demand was below the 6.7% year-to-date pace. ―While September’s traffic growth was in line with the long-term average, it represents a moderation compared to recent months. This is likely owing to the anticipated reduced demand boost from lower airfares due to rising airline cost pressures, particularly fuel. Heightened uncertainty about trade policies and mounting protectionist policies may also be having an impact,‖ said Alexandre de Juniac, IATA’s Director General and CEO


‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬


International Passenger Markets International RPKs climbed 4.9% with airlines in all regions recording growth compared to 2017. Total capacity climbed 5.1%, and load factor dipped 0.1 percentage point to 81.2%. Asia-Pacific airlines’ traffic rose 5.4% in September compared to the year-ago period. This was down from 7.4% annual growth in August. The steep decline in part reflects the impacts of typhoon activity in the region including the multi-day closure of Kansai International Airport. Capacity increased 4.3%, and load factor climbed 0.9 percentage point to 79.2%. European carriers saw September RPKs rise 5.2% over September 2017, in line with August growth of 5.4%. However, the upward trend in seasonally-adjusted demand has slowed considerably since early 2018. Capacity climbed 4.9% and load factor edged up 0.2

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬

3 percentage point to 87.0%, which was the highest among regions. Middle East carriers had a 1.8% rise in demand, which was a fourmonth low. As in previous months, the volatility in the region’s growth rate mainly reflects the developments in 2017 such as the cabin ban on large portable electronic devices and the proposed travel bans to the US. Capacity rose 5.3%, and load factor fell 2.4 percentage points to 72.3%. North American airlines experienced a 5.0% rise in demand in September, which was an increase over 3.7% year-over-year growth recorded in August. Capacity rose 5.4% and load factor fell 0.3 percentage point to 80.8%. Strong momentum in the US economy is helping underpin a pick-up in international demand for airlines in the region. Latin American airlines’ demand surged 7.0%, strongest among regions and well above the 4.4% growth recorded in August. Traffic is staging a modest recovery from softness over the summer months that coincided with the general strikes in Brazil. Capacity climbed 9.8% -- also the biggest increase among regions -- and load factor fell 2.1 percentage points to 80.3%. African airlines posted a 6.0% rise in RPKs in September, down from 6.8% in August. Capacity rose 4.9% and load factor edged up 0.8 percentage point to 74.6%. The healthy growth is taking place against an increasingly challenging economic backdrop for the region’s largest economies, South Africa and Nigeria.

‫صورة أرشٌفٌة‬

4 Domestic Passenger Markets Domestic demand climbed 6.5% in September compared to September 2017, which was a slowdown compared to 7.5% yearover-year growth in August. This was partly owing to aforementioned weather-related disruptions. Capacity rose 7.4% and load factor slipped 0.6 percentage point to 81.6%.

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5 Japan’s domestic traffic plunged 5% as the devastating Typhoon Jebi took a big toll, including the multi-day closure of Kansai International Airport. The impact is likely to be short-lived, however. Australia domestic traffic rose 0.9% in September, from a 1.7% rise in August. Demand has been tracking sideways in seasonallyadjusted terms over the past year or so. The Bottom Line ―Last month, IATA released its latest passenger forecast showing that demand for air travel could double to 8.2 billion passengers in 2037. Aviation already supports 65.5 million jobs and has an economic impact of $2.7 trillion. With growth comes the opportunity to make an even bigger contribution to global well-being. But governments need to start preparing by investing in adequate airport and airspace infrastructure to support rising demand for connectivity. The recent decision to cancel construction of the much-needed new airport for Mexico City is a backward step that will have negative economic ramifications not only for Mexico’s economy, but also for connectivity options across the Latin American region. ―Aviation is the business of freedom. It improves lives and livelihoods and makes the world a better place. But to grow the benefits of aviation, governments need to do their part, by providing sufficient airport and airspace capacity, at an affordable price, and at a quality aligned with our technical and commercial needs,‖ said de Juniac.

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Strengthening Aviation Benefits in MENA -The International Air Transport Association (IATA) urged governments in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) to maximize the economic and social benefits of aviation. ―Aviation currently supports 2.4 million jobs and $130 billion in economic activity across the MENA region. That represents 3.3% of all employment and 4.4% of all GDP in the region. Over the next 20 years we expect passenger numbers to grow by 4.3% annually. As aviation’s leaders we must work together and with governments to realize this potential---and the economic and social development that it will catalyze,‖ said Alexandre de Juniac, IATA’s Director General and CEO, speaking at the Arab Air Carriers’ Organization (AACO) AGM in Cairo. De Juniac highlighted improving aviation infrastructure and enhancing competitiveness while working toward regulatory harmonization across the region as essential. Effective Infrastructure The Middle East has shown foresight in developing world-leading airport infrastructure. De Juniac sounded a note of caution on airport privatization plans in the region. ―As Saudi Arabia and others across the region consider airport privatization our message is clear and simple: talk to all stakeholders—especially the airlines—to ensure that you gain the best long-term economic and social benefits. There is no need for governments in the region to repeat the mistakes that have been made in other parts of the world. Consultation is not just key, it is a must,‖ said de Juniac.


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2 IATA also expressed concern for air traffic delays in the Gulf. The average delay per flight attributed to ATC issues in the region is 29 minutes. Without urgent progress, that could double by 2025 costing over $7 billion in lost productivity and adding over $9 billion to airline operating costs. ―There is an enormous amount of traffic in a limited geographic area. And the only solution is to manage the area as a whole. Governments must replace political fragmentation with collaborative cross-border decision-making. This has to happen fast or the effectiveness of the region’s hubs will be severely compromised,‖ said de Juniac. Competitiveness The airline industry is hyper-competitive. Rising costs in the MENA region must be brought under control to preserve its competitiveness. ―Since 2016 we have seen $1.6 billion added to industry costs in the MENA region. Every dollar in extra charges is a challenge for the region’s airlines that make only $5.89 per passenger. Moreover, it is a dis-incentive for passengers which impacts broadly across the economy,‖ said de Juniac. Harmonized Regulation Global standards are the foundation of the air transport system. The effectiveness of these is displayed in the industry’s safety record. Conversely, the proliferation of consumer protection regimes is having an adverse impact on consumers and airlines. They struggle with confusing, complicated and sometimes competing regulatory regimes. ―Consumers are best served with clear, simple and harmonized protections. In 2015 states worked together to achieve this through ICAO which delivered global guidance in this key area. It is important that the ACAO Consumer Protection Guidelines for Arab States follow this ICAO guidance,‖ said de Juniac.

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3 Gender Diversity Supporting the projected growth of aviation will require an expanded labor force. De Juniac called upon governments to tap into the power of women to help alleviate a growing skills shortage in the region. ―We are facing a skills shortage. In the peak northern summer season Emirates had to trim frequencies because it did not have enough pilots. Finding a solution for that will require a comprehensive series of actions over a sustained period. And one of them—which goes beyond the pilot shortage—is to enable more women to find careers in aviation,‖ said de Juniac.

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Mixed picture behind 2% Increase in September Air Freight Growth The International Air Transport Association (IATA) released data for global air freight markets showing that demand, measured in freight tonne kilometers (FTKs), rose 2.0% in September 2018, compared to the same period the year before. This pace of growth was relatively unchanged from the previous month but was less than half the five-year average growth rate of 5.1%. Freight capacity, measured in available freight tonne kilometers (AFTKs), grew by 3.2% year-on-year in September 2018. This was the seventh month in a row that capacity growth outstripped demand. Yields, however, appear to be holding up. The weak growth is being supported by strong consumer confidence, a robust global investment environment and the expansion of international e-commerce. The air cargo sector is, however, being weighed down by a softening of key demand drivers: There has been a global contraction in manufacturing firms’ export order books – the first since June 2017. Specifically, export order books contracted in all the world’s major exporting nations in September with the exception of the USA. Longer supplier delivery times are being reported by manufacturers in most of Asia and Europe, the top two global trading areas by volume. This typically means that they have less need for the speed afforded by air freight.


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2 Demand for air cargo grew 2% in September—well below the five year average of 5.1%. Weakening order books and longer delivery times are undercutting the need for air freight in many traditional markets. But there is also some positive news. For example, strong consumer confidence goes hand-in-hand with expanding international e-commerce trade to give air cargo a boost. The bigger message for the sector is the need to modernize processes. There is some progress with the electronic air waybill becoming the default document on enabled trade lanes from 2019. But there is much more that must be done with governments and the supply chain to bring air cargo processes into the modern era,‖ said Alexandre de Juniac, IATA's Director General and CEO.

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3 Regional Performance

All regions reported year-on-year demand growth in September 2018, except Africa which contracted. Asia-Pacific airlines saw demand for air freight grow by 1.2% in September 2018 compared to the same period last year. This was a slight decrease from the previous month. Weaker manufacturing conditions for exporters, particularly in Japan, China and Korea impacted the demand as did disruptions to freight operations from typhoon activity. As the largest freightflying region, carrying more than one-third of the total, the risks from protectionist measures are disproportionately high. Capacity increased by 1.2%. North American airlines’ freight volumes expanded 1.5% in September 2018 compared to the same period a year earlier. Capacity increased by 4.9% over the same period. The recent momentum of the US economy and strong consumer spending have helped bolster the demand for air cargo, benefiting US carriers. However, international air cargo demand declined sharply in September. This contributed to year-on-year cargo demand falling to a 28-month low of 1.5% in September. European airlines posted a 1.5% increase in freight demand in September 2018 compared to the same period a year earlier. Capacity increased by 0.9% year-on-year. International air cargo demand declined sharply in September. This contributed to year-on-year international air cargo demand falling to a 30month low of 1.2% in September. As with the North American slowdown, it is too soon to say if this is the start of a wider weakening in demand.

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4 Middle Eastern carriers’ posted the fastest growth of any region in September 2018, with an increase in demand of 6.6% compared to the same period a year earlier. This was more than double the pace of growth of other regions. There are tentative signs of a pick-up in seasonally adjusted air cargo demand supported by more trade to/from Europe and Asia. Capacity grew 7.7% year-onyear. Latin American airlines experienced an increase in freight demand growth in September 2018 of 2.9% compared to the same period last year and capacity increased by 4.3%. Some of the smaller markets within the region have seen strong growth in international freight volumes so far this year. Nevertheless, the broader pick-up in demand seen over the last 19 months has now paused. African carriers saw freight demand contract by 2.1% in September 2018, compared to the same month last year. This was the sixth time in seven months that demand contracted. Capacity increased by 6.2% year-on-year. After a peak in demand at the end of 2017, seasonally-adjusted international freight volumes have stopped declining and recovered sharply in recent months. However, they remain 6% lower than the November 2017 peak. Demand conditions on all key markets to/ from Africa remain weak.

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Airbus A330-800 completes first flight over France An Airbus A330-800 test aircraft completed its maiden flight Nov. 6 from Toulouse-Blagnac Airport over southwestern France, which lasted 4 hrs. and 4 min. The aircraft, MSN 1888, is an A330neo powered by Rolls-Royce Trent 7000 engines. According to Airbus, the A330-800’s development program will include around 300 flight-test hours, paving the way for certification in 2019. Its sibling, the larger A330-900 family member, recently completed its development testing and certification program. The A330neo comprises two versions: the A330-800 and A330900. Both widebody aircraft incorporate new Rolls-Royce Trent 7000 engines, nacelle, titanium pylon, new wings and offer Airspace by Airbus passenger experience. The larger A330-900 will accommodate up to 287 seats in a typical three-class layout, while the A330-800 typically will seat 257 passengers in three classes. Kuwait Airways, which placed a firm order for eight of the type, will be the first carrier to operate the latest A330 variant.


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2 Airbus head of A330 marketing Crawford Hamilton said the A330800 is 58.82 m (193 ft.) long and is 5 m shorter than the A330-900, which made its first flight Oct. 19, 2017. The -800 offers a range of 7,500 nm compared to 6.550 nm for the A330-900. Airbus said it has 224 A330neo firm orders from 14 customers. TAP Air Portugal will take delivery of the first A330-900 soon. Brazil’s Azul will be the next airline to take five of the type, which Dublin-based lessor Avolon will supply, by year-end. According to Airbus, there are 23 A330neos in production. Airbus head of development-flight testing Jean-Philippe Cottet said the A330neo program has completed most certifications. Three A330-900 test aircraft have operated 1,400 flight hrs. with a total of 440 flights. EASA certification was achieved Sept. 26. ―This was a very short test campaign for a new aircraft. FAA certification should be done by the end of this year,‖ Airbus A330neo chief engineer Francois Kubica said. Another A330neo version with a 251-ton maximum takeoff weight) should enter service in mid-2020; it will deliver an extra range of 650 nm.

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