7 sep 2015

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‫يصش نهطٍشاٌ ححخفم بخكشٌى وكبالث انسفش وانسٍبحت انسىداٍَت‬ ‫ححخفم ششكت يصش نهطٍشاٌ نهخطىط انجىٌت فً انعبشش يٍ أكخىبش انًمبم‪ ،‬بخكشٌى وكبالث‬ ‫انسفش وانسٍبحت ببنسىداٌ‪ ،‬بحضىس انسفٍش انًصشي ببنخشطىو أسبيت شهخىث‪ ،‬ووصٌش انُمم‬ ‫وانطشق انسىداًَ يكبوي يحًذ‪ ،‬وعذد يٍ يسئىنً لطبع انطٍشاٌ انًذًَ‪ ،‬وششكبث انسٍبحت‬ ‫ووكالء انسفش وانسٍبحت ببنسىداٌ‪.‬‬ ‫ولبل أحًذ حفًُ‪ ،‬انًذٌش اإللهًٍ​ً نًصش نهطٍشاٌ ببنخشطىو‪ ،‬فً حصشٌح صحفً ببنخشطىو‪،‬‬ ‫انٍىو انسبج‪ ،‬إٌ "انًمش اإللهًٍ​ً نهششكت‪ ،‬حبُى هزا انُهج خالل انسُىاث انًبضٍت‪ ،‬نخكشٌى وكالء‬ ‫انسفش وانسٍبحت‪ ،‬ورنك ضًٍ اسخشاحٍجٍت انُبلم انىطًُ انًصشي‪ ،‬وانًكخب اإللهًٍ​ً نهششكت‬ ‫ببنخشطىو‪ ،‬نخحمٍك األهذاف انخجبسٌت يٍ خالل انخعبوٌ انًثًش يع وكبالث انسفش وانسٍبحت‬ ‫انسىداٍَت"‪.‬‬ ‫وأضبف حفًُ‪ ،‬أَه سٍخى حكشٌى ‪ 20‬يٍ وكالء انسٍبحت وانسفش انحبصهٍ​ٍ عهى انًشاكض انًخمذيت‬ ‫فً عًهٍبث انحجض وانسفش وانخعبيم يع انًكخب اإللهًٍ​ً نششكت يصش نهطٍشاٌ‪ ،‬يشٍشا إنى أَه‬ ‫"سٍخى يُح انعششة األوائم جبئضة أوسكبس يصش نهطٍشاٌ‪ ،‬وشهبداث حكشٌى نهىكالء نهعششة‬ ‫األخشٌٍ"‪.‬‬ ‫وأوضح "أٌ انششكت سخمىو بًُح جبئضة أوسكبس‪ ،‬نهشاكب انسىداًَ‪ ،‬انزي حجبوص األيٍبل‬ ‫انسفشٌت نشحالث انششكت خالل انعبو انحبنً‪ ،‬فضال عٍ يُح حزاكش يجبٍَت نعذد يٍ وكبالث انسفش‬ ‫يٍ خالل سحب عشىائً‪ ،‬كًب سخمىو كزنك بخمذٌى هذاٌب نهًشبسكٍ​ٍ فً االحخفبنٍت‪ ،‬وفمب ألسلبو‬ ‫انذعىاث نضٍىف االحخفبنٍت"‪.‬‬


Lufthansa dispute moves into its second Year Earlier hopes that a permanent solution might be close to the present dispute between Lufthansa and its Vereinigung Cockpit (VC) pilots union now look shaky, after the union at the world‟s third biggest international airline allegedly had its offer to resolve the conflict thrown out. The dispute has already cost the airline, German airports(and their retailers) and the German economy hundreds of millions of euros, with this latest threatened walk out aimed at disrupting Lufthansa‟s passenger, freight and other subsidiary operations, including Germanwings. Last Spring, Lufthansa asked union representatives to present their own „alliance for growth and employment‟ proposal by September 1. The Vereinigung Cockpit (VC) pilots union duly offered what it described as „sustainable cost savings of over €500m ($557m) as part Commenting on the airline‟s decision to turn down this latest unspecified offer, Markus Wahl, spokesman for the VC said: “It is obvious that this Executive Board does not seek common solutions.” He said that if the airline was not interested in talking about a package worth €500m, then Lufthansa is more concerned with the outsourcing of jobs, than market-driven conditions. Wahl said Lufthansa must now „bear full responsibility‟ for the escalation of this conflict‟ as the VC union will now call upon pilots and crew from Lufthansa Cargo and Germanwings to join the next walk out. of this process, but claims it has been rejected.

Lufthansa faced 10 strikes last year which are estimated to have cost the airline just under $250m and continued action and talks this year have not softened Lufthansa CEO Carsten Spohrâ€&#x;s resolve to call for a reduction in crew wages. The airline maintains that its crews earn between 30% to 50% more than those on other carriers and Lufthansa needs to come into line to remain competitive.


Airbus Middle East, Airbus ProSky and Arab Civil Aviation Commission (ACAC) sign a MoC to Advance Air Traffic Management and Communication Navigation Surveillance in the Middle East and North of Africa Dubai, UAE - The link between the growth of aviation sector and the Middle East and North Africa's economic growth cannot be ignored. Many of the national airlines regionally are preparing for expansive growth over the next decade and beyond, projected in the range of five percent or more annually. As a result the demands on the region's air traffic management (ATM) system are mounting and changes to increase access and capacity are crucial to future growth of the regional industry. Recognizing this increasing requirement, the Arab Civil Aviation Commission (ACAC) is signing a Memorandum of Cooperation (MoC) with Airbus Middle East and Airbus ProSky, part of "Services byAirbus ," to conduct a deep and formal study to better understand the current regional airspace challenges and to implement necessary planning and coordinate essential changes. H.E Engineer Mohammed Sherif, Director General of ACAC stated "There have been significant changes in the global approach to ATM and aviation in the Middle East and North of Africa which is shifting in how Air Navigation Services are provided. There has been, and there continues to be, unprecedented rapid growth of aviation in parts of the region. This is straining ATM capabilities and spurring various localized efforts to increase planning and coordination.“ Fouad Attar, Managing Director of Airbus Middle East , stated "We are pleased to enter in cooperation with such an important regional organization and look forward to a close collaboration. We are confident that by covering one of the most challenging parts of the world in terms of air traffic growth and geopolitics, this airspace study will provide benefit to all of us, especially to our valuable customers."

The ATM Study intends to develop both near-term requirements and longer term strategic needs to formulate a master plan for regional air navigation service provision right up to 2030. Included within will be a recommended systematic process to prioritise and balance investments aiming to optimize ATM for the Arab Middle East and Northern Africa area. The study will set out to and achieve the following: · Improve airspace safety and efficiency · Improve interoperability between ANSPs to foster seamless services across borders · Increase airspace capacity to meet future demand requirements · Increase access to airports · Reduce environmental impact of increasing traffic by providing improved ATM operations

‫ادارة العالقات العامة ‪ -‬الشركة القابضة‬ ‫لمصر للطيران‬

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