ؿ١شاْ اٌخٍ١ظ رٛلغ ارفبل١خ رىٌٕٛٛع١ب عذ٠ذح ِغ ع١جش ٌزٕظ ُ١اٌؼٍّ١بد
ٚلؼذ ششوخ ع١جش ارفبل١خ رىٌٕٛٛع١ب عذ٠ذح ِغ ؿ١شاْ اٌخٍ١ظ ٌزض٠ٚذ٘ب ثٕظبَ ""ٔ ٛ٘ٚ ،AirCentreظبَ ِذ٠ش رخـ١ؾ اٌشؽالد، ثٙذف رجغ١ؾ ٚرٕظ ُ١اٌؼٍّ١بد. ٚخالي اٌغٕٛاد اٌضّبٔ١خ اٌّبػ١خ وبٔذ ؿ١شاْ اٌخٍ١ظ رغزخذَ ٔظبَ " "AirCentreإلداسح اٌشؽالد ثٙذف رمٍ١ض اٌزىبٌ١ف ٚرّىٓ١ ارخبر اٌمشاساد اٌشئ١غ١خ ف ٟرخـ١ؾ اٌشؽالدٚ .ثّٛعت االرفبق اٌغذ٠ذ ،فئْ إٌظبَ ع١ؼضص ِٓ ِىبٔخ ؿ١شاْ اٌخٍ١ظ ف ٟاٌؼًّ فٟ اإللبٌ ُ١اٌز ٟرغـٙ١بٚ .عزٍؼت رىٌٕٛٛع١ب ع١جش دٚسا ؽبعّب فٟ ِغبػذح ؿ١شاْ اٌخٍ١ظ ٌزمذ ُ٠ػذد ٚاعغ ِٓ اٌزؾغٕ١بد فِ ٟغبالد رخـ١ؾ اٌشؽالدٚ ،رٛف١ش اٌٛلٛدٚ ،وفبءح اٌؼٍّ١بد.
ششوخ إِجبس٠ش اٌجشاص١ٍ٠خ رؼزضَ أزبط ؿبئشح ٌٍشؽالد اٌـٍ٠ٛخ رؤوذ إِجبس٠ش اٌششوخ اٌجشاص١ٍ٠خ اٌّظٕغ ٌٍـبئشاد أْ إٔزبط ؿبئشح ٌٍّغبفبد اٌـٍ٠ٛخ ٠ؼذ اعزشار١غ١خ ػّٓ ِششٚع ِغزمجٌٍ ،ٟىٕٗ ٌٓ ٠شٜ إٌٛس خالي اٌؼبَ اٌّمجً. ٚوبٔذ اٌششوخ ِٕٚز ثذء اإلٔزبط ٌـبئشاد األػّبي ف ٟاٌؼبَ 2005لذ أٔزغذ ؽز ٝاٌ 6 َٛ١ؿشاصاد ِٓ ؿبئشح إِجبس٠ش ٚثبػذ ؽز ٝاٌَٛ١ 1000ؿبئشح ِؼظّٙب ؿبئشاد خبطخ ٟ٘ٚ ،رخـؾ ٌزٕ٠ٛغ إٔزبعٙب ٚرٛع١ؼٗ ٌ١شًّ اٌـبئشاد ثؼ١ذح اٌّذ ،ٜػّٓ ِؾفظخ إٔزبعٙب. ٠ٚمٛي اٌشئ١ظ اٌزٕف١زٌٍ ٞششوخ ِبسو ٛر ٛ١ٌٛث١ٍ١غشٔٔ :ٟؾٓ ٔشغت فٟ إٔزبط ِضً ٘زٖ اٌـبئشح ٌىٓ األِش ٠ؾزبط ػٍ ٝاأللً إٌ 5 ٝعٕٛاد ٌغب٠بد اٌزظّٚ ُ١اٌزـ٠ٛش ٚاالٔزبط. ٘ٚزٖ اٌخـٛح اٌز ٟرؼزضَ إِجبس٠ش اٌم١بَ ثٙب ٌُ رذخً ثؼذ إٌ ٝأعٕذح اٌششوبد إٌّبفغخ إلِجبس٠ش ِضً داعٌٛذ فبٌى ْٛاٌفشٔغ١خ أ ٚثِٛجبسدٗ٠ اٌىٕذ٠خّ٘ٚ ،ب ششوزبْ ٌّٙب ؿبئشاد أوجش ِٓ إِجبس٠ش ٚثؼؼٙب ٠غزخذَ وـبئشاد ِغبفش ٓ٠طغ١شح. ٚأشبس ث١ٍ١غشٔ ٟإٌ ٝأْ ِٕزغبد اٌششوخ اٌؾبٌ١خ رؼـٕ١ب لذسح ػٍ ٝاٌم١بَ ثٙزٖ اٌمفضحٚ ،رغبٚص ِٕبفغٕ١بٌ ،ىٓ األِش ٌ١ظ عٙالً ف ٟؿبئشاد اٌشؽالد اٌـٍ٠ٛخ ِـبس ششَ اٌش١خ ٠غزمجً أ ٌٝٚسؽالد فال ٞعٛسدْ االسدٔ١خ
اعزمجً ِـبس ششَ اٌش١خ اٌذ ٌٝٚاٚي ؿبئشح ربثؼٗ ٌششوخ فال ٞعٛسدْ االسدٔ١خ اٌمبدِخ ِٓ ِـبس ػّبْ اٌذٚ ، ٌٟٚوبْ ػٍِ ٟزٕٙب 120ساوت، ثؾؼٛس وال ِٓ ؽٍّ ٟإٌُّٕ ٚص٠ش اٌضمبفخ ٚاٌٍٛاء خبٌذ فٛدح ِؾبفظ عٕٛة عٕ١بء ٚاٌـ١بس ٘بٔ ٟسِضٔ ٞبئت ِذ٠ش ِـبس ششَ اٌش١خ اٌذ. ٌٝٚ ٚطشػ سِض ٞاْ أؼّبَ ششوخ اٌـ١شاْ فال ٞعٛسدْ اٌ ٟششوبد اٌـ١شاْ اٌؼبٍِخ ثبٌّـبس عبء ٔز١غخ اؿّئٕبٔٙب إلعشاءاد االِٓ ٚاٌغالِخ ثبٌّـبس ، ٚأوذ سِض ٞأٙب صبٌش ششوخ اسدٔ١خ ػبٍِخ ثّـبس ششَ اٌش١خ ثؼذ ششوخ عٛسدْ ا٠ش ٚا٠ض ٚششوخ اٌٍّى١خ االسدٔ١خ ثؾغت أٚب . سٚع١ب رفشع رأش١شاد ػٍ ٝؿٛالُ سؽالد اٌخـٛؽ اٌغ٠ٛخ اٌزشو١خ ثؼذ فشػٙب ؽظشاً ػٍ ٝثؼغ االعزضّبساد اٌزشو١خ ٚفغخٙب أغٍت اٌؼمٛد ِغ ششوبد اإلٔشبء اٌزشو١خ ،ثذأد سٚع١ب ٘زٖ اٌّشح ف ٟفشع رأش١شاد ػٍ ٝؿبلُ سؽالد اٌخـٛؽ اٌغ٠ٛخ اٌزشو١خ ِٓ ؿ١بسِٚ ٓ٠ؼ١فبد. ٚثغجت ٘زا اإلعشاء رُ إ٠مبف سؽالد ؿ١شاْ ث١غبعٛط ٚأٛٔٚس آ٠ش إٌ ٝسٚع١ب ٚإطذاس رأش١شاد ٌـٛالُ اٌخـٛؽ اٌغ٠ٛخ اٌزشو١خ. ٚوبٔذ سٚع١ب لذ أػٍٕذ إٌغبء اٌغ١بؽخ ثذ ْٚرأش١شاد اػزجبساً ِٓ األٚي ِٓ ٕ٠ب٠ش ٘زا اٌؼبَ ثؼذ إعمبؽ رشو١ب ٌٍـبئشح اٌشٚع١خ الٔزٙبوب ِغبٌٙب اٌغٚ .ٞٛػمت ٘زٖ اٌزـٛساد فشػذ سٚع١ب رأش١شاد ػٍ ٝؿٛالُ اٌشؽالد اٌمبدِخ ِٓ رشو١ب ف ٟخـٛح ِٕبف١خ ٌمٛاػذ اٌـ١شاْ اٌّذٔ ٟاٌذ١ٌٚخ. ٚٚفم ًب ٌمٛاػذ ارؾبد إٌمً اٌغ ٞٛاٌذ ٌٟٚفئٔٗ ال ٠شزشؽ ػٍ ٝؿٛالُ اٌخـٛؽ اٌغ٠ٛخ، اٌز٠ ٓ٠مِٛٛا ثشؽالد ر٘بة ٚإ٠بة دِ ْٚغبدسح اٌـبئشح ،اٌؾظٛي ػٍ ٝرأش١شح. ٚثئِىبْ ٘زٖ اٌـٛالُ اٌؾظٛي ػٍ ٝإرْ خبص ٌمؼبء َٛ٠أ ٓ١ِٛ٠ ٚف ٟرٌه اٌجٍذ. ٚثغجت ٘زٖ اٌزـٛساد اػـش ؿ١شاْ ث١غبعٛط ٚأٛٔٚس آ٠ش إٌ ٝإٌغبء سؽالرّٙب إٌّزظّخ إٌ ٝسٚع١ب .أِب اٌخـٛؽ اٌغ٠ٛخ اٌزشو١خ ،أوجش ٔبلً ٌٍغٛق اٌشٚع ٟلجً األصِخ ،فأطذسد رأش١شاد ٌـبلّٙب اٌّى 150 ِٓ ْٛشخظبً. ٚثذأ ٘زا اٌفش٠ك اٌؼًّ ػٍِ ٝزٓ اٌشؽالد اٌّزغٙخ إٌ ٝسٚع١ب ٚفّ١ب ثؼذ ٚطً ٘زا اٌشلُ إٌ 400 ٝشخض .وّب أْ سٚع١ب ال رغّؼ ثبٌـ١شاْ اٌخبص اٌمبدَ ِجبششح ِٓ رشو١ب
ؿ١شاْ اٌخٍ١ظ:اٌششوخ ٌٓ ٔزأصش ثٛلف سؽالد ِٓ ٚاٌ ٝإ٠شاْ أوذ ػبدي اٌزّ ،ّٟ١اٌّذ٠ش اإللٌٍ ّٟ١ششوخ «ؿ١شاْ اٌخٍ١ظ» ف ٟاٌغؼٛد٠خ ،أْ اٌششوخ ٌٓ رزأصش الزظبدً٠ب ثٛلف سؽالرٙب ِٓ ٚإٌ ٝإ٠شاِْ ،ش١شًا خالي رظش٠ؾٗ ٌـ«اٌششق األٚعؾ» أِظ ،إٌ ٝأْ اٌششوخ وبٔذ رغ١ش سؽالرٙب ِٓ إٌّبِخ إٌ ٝصالس ِذْ إ٠شأ١خ ٘ ٟؿٙشاْ، ِٚشٙذٚ ،شٙش صاد. ٚشذد اٌزّ ّٟ١ػٍ ٝأْ اٌششوخ رؾشص ػٍ ٝاٌغٛق اٌغؼٛد٠خ ثبػزجبس٘ب وجش ٜاألعٛاق فٟ إٌّـمخٚ ،لبي« :اٌزأص١ش االلزظبدٚ ِٓ ٞلف سؽالرٕب ِٓ ٚإٌ ٝإ٠شاْ ِؾذٚد ٌٍغب٠خّ٠ٚ ،ىٓ رؼ٠ٛؼٗ عش٠ؼًب ِٓ خالي اٌزٛعغ ف ٟاألعٛاق األخشٚ ،ٜاٌغؼٛد٠خ رّضً أُ٘ األعٛاق ثبٌٕغجخ ٌٕب». ٌٚفذ اٌزّ ،ّٟ١خالي رظش٠ؾٗ َٛ٠أِظ ،إٌ ٝأْ ششوخ «ؿ١شاْ اٌخٍ١ظ» ثذأد رزٛعغ فٟ اٌغؼٛد٠خ ػٍٚ ٝعٗ اٌخظٛص ،وئؽذ ٜأُ٘ األعٛاق ثبٌٕغجخ ٌٙبٚ ،لبئ« :ذسط ا ْ٢ر١غ١ش سؽالد ِٓ إٌّبِخ إٌِ ٝذْ عؼٛد٠خ إػبف١خ ٘ ٟاٌٙفٛفٚ ،أثٙبٕ٠ٚ ،جغٚ ،رجٛن». ٚث ّٓ١اٌّذ٠ش اإللٌٍ ّٟ١ششوخ «ؿ١شاْ اٌخٍ١ظ» ف ٟاٌغؼٛد٠خ ،أْ اٌششوخ رٛعٗ سؽالرٙب ؽبًٌ١ب ِٓ إٌّبِخ إٌ ٝعذ ِذْ عؼٛد٠خ ،فّ١ب ِٓ اٌّزٛلغ أْ رىٕ٘ ْٛبٌه أسثغ ِذْ إػبف١خ أخشٜ خالي اٌّشؽٍخ اٌّمجٍخِ ،ؼ١فب« :وّب إٔٔب عٕشفغ ػذد اٌشؽالد ِٓ اٌش٠بع ٚإٌ ٝإٌّبِخ ،ألْ ٕ٘بن ؿٍجًب ػبًٌ١ب ٌٍغب٠خ»ٚ .أشبس اٌزّ ّٟ١إٌ ٝأٔٗ ال ٛ٠عذ أِٛ ٞظف إ٠شأ٠ ٟؼًّ ف ٟششوخ «ؿ١شاْ اٌخٍ١ظ»ِ ،جًٕ١ب أْ اٌششوخ رغزمـت اٌىٛادس اٌّؤٍ٘خ ِٓ دٚي أعٕج١خ ِٓ ػّٕٙب أٌّبٔ١بٚ ،ثش٠ـبٔ١ب ،ثبإلػبفخ إٌ ٝاٌىٛادس اٌٛؿٕ١خ اٌّؤٍ٘خ. ٚرأر٘ ٟزٖ اٌزـٛساد ف ٟاٌٛلذ اٌز ٞثبرذ ف ٗ١اٌـبئشاد اإل٠شأ١خ اٌّزغٙخ إٌ ٝلبسح أفش٠م١ب أِبَ أصِخ خبٔمخ خالي اٌّشؽٍخ اٌّمجٍخ ،ؽ١ش ٌٓ ُ٠غّؼ ٌٙب ثؼجٛس األعٛاء اٌغؼٛد٠خ، ٚاٌجؾش١ٕ٠خِ ٛ٘ٚ ،ب ٠ؼٕ ٟرؼذ ً٠خؾ اٌغ١شٚ ،ثبٌزبٌ ٟاسرفبع ؽغُ اٌزىبٌ١فٚ ،ص٠بدح ػذد عبػبد اٌشؽالدِّ ،ب ٙ٠ذد ثبخزٕبق ِشرمت ٌششوبد اٌـ١شاْ اإل٠شأ١خ ،ف ٟظً اسرفبع إٌّبفغخ ِغ اٌششوبد اٌؼبٌّ١خ األخشٜ أؽذ أثٛاة ؿبئشح ٠غجش٘ب ػٍ ٝاٌٙجٛؽ اػـشاس٠ب
٘جـذ سؽٍخ ٌـ١شاْ" عٓ "وبٔذ ِزغٙخ ٌىٛس٠ب اٌغٕٛث١خ ،اػـشاس٠بً فٟ عض٠شح ع١ج ٛاٌفٍج١ٕ١خ. ٚوبٔذ اٌـبئشح ِٓ ؿشاص ثٕ٠ٛظ ٚ.800-737لبي سٚث١ِ ٓ١ذ أؽذ اٌّغؤ" : ٓ١ٌٚاػـشد ؿبئشح رؾًّ أوضش ِٓ 160ساوجبً ٌٍؼٛدح فٟ ِٕزظف اٌشؽٍخ ،ثغجت أؽذ األثٛاة اٌز٠ ٌُ ٞىٓ ِغٍمبً ثشىً وبًِ. ٛ٠ٚعذ ِمـغ اٌزمـٗ أؽذ اٌشوبة ،ثؼذ 40دل١مخ ِٓ اإللالع ِٓ اٌفٍجٓ١ ثبرغبٖ وٛس٠ب اٌغٕٛث١خ. ٚوبْ طٛد اٌؼٛػبء ِ٘ ٛب ٔجّٗ اٌـبلُ ٌٛعٛد فغٛح ثبٌجبة"ٚ .وبٔذ اٌـبئشح ػٍ ٝاسرفبع 10آالف لذَ ػٕذ اوزشبف ٚعٛد اٌفغٛح. ٚرزوش اٌزمبس٠ش اٌظبدسح أْ ثؼغ اٌشوبة اشزىٛا ِٓ اٌشؼٛس ثبٌغض١بْ ثؼذ إثالغ ُٙثبٌّشىٍخُ٠ ٌُ" .ظت أؽذ ثغٛء٠ٚ ،غش ٞاٌزؾم١ك ثبٌٛالؼخ Seventh A330F and B747F nose loader join Qatar Airways Cargo’s fleet
Qatar Airways Cargo welcomed the seventh Airbus A330F and first Boeing 747F nose loader aircraft to its fleet at its home base in Hamad International Airport, Doha. Qatar Airways Cargo now features a fleet of 16 freighters including seven Airbus A330F, eight Boeing 777F and one Boeing 747F. Qatar Airways Cargo is scheduled to receive further aircraft in 2016 and is expected to expand its fleet to a total of 21 freighters by 2017. The new aircraft is currently scheduled to support the airline’s network by increasing frequencies to Bahrain, Brussels, Chennai, Hyderabad, London Stansted and Mumbai. An automatic temperature control system is installed to maintain pre-selected temperatures in the flight compartment, supernumerary compartment, and main deck cargo compartment. The temperatures of the forward and aft lower deck cargo compartments are controlled separately. The temperature can be set and maintained between 4°C and 29°C. Source: Qatar Airways Gulf Air signs new technology agreement with (Sabre )to streamline operations
Sabre Corporation signed a new technology agreement with Gulf Air to provide its AirCentre Flight Plan Manager solution to streamline the airline’s operations. For the past eight years, Gulf Air has been using AirCentre Flight Plan Manager to achieve significant cost savings whilst enabling key flight planning decisions. Under the renewed agreement, the solution will be vital in strengthening the carrier’s position within the regions it serves. Sabre’s technology will play a crucial role in helping the airline to deliver a wide range of enhancements in flight planning, fuel saving and operational efficiency. Source: Gulf Air Emirates to launch daily service to Cebu and Clark in the Philippines
Emirates will launch a daily circular service from Dubai to Cebu (CEB) and Clark (CRK) in the Philippines, starting 30 March 2016. Utilising a Boeing 777-300ER aircraft, this new route will strengthen international connectivity to two of the Philippines’ fastest-growing international hubs. The two-class configured Boeing 777-300ER which Emirates will operate on the route offers 42 seats in Business Class and 386 seats in Economy Class. In terms of cargo, up to 14 tons of capacity will be offered in the bellyhold on this service. Source: Emirates Jordan Aviation expands and faces new challenges in 2015 Jordan Aviation ended the year 2015 by operating new scheduled routes to each of Beirut and Baghdad with 3 weekly flights to Baghdad and 2 weekly flights to Beirut with plans to increase this service to a daily one. The airline also announced sealing agreements with a number of travel agents and ticket sales offices in both countries to market for these flights. Moreover, the carrier adopted Galilleo, in addition to its existing Internet Booking Engine (IBE). Jordan Aviation also made the final preparations to launch in 2016 flights to each of Riyadh, Cypriot Larnaca, Turkish Tukerdash, Alexandria, Sharjah, Kuwait, Bahrain, Sharm El-Sheikh, Karachi and Khartoum, which will boost the airline’s role in facilitating and developing tourism and trade in the area. This step comes amid the great expansion witnessed by the airline in which its aircraft landed in over 110 stations worldwide in 2015 through charter or long-term leasing agreements; these destinations include less developed areas that fall within the airline’s cooperation commitment with the United Nations to transport the peacekeeping forces. In the same context, Jordan Aviation also enhanced its global role by participating in global humanitarian campaigns to evacuate the affected areas from natural disasters as happened Nepal, and to respond to the regional crisis by conducting evacuation activities in Syria and Yemen. At the charity and humanitarian levels, it is noteworthy to mention that Jordan Aviation organized and induced all expenses to transport Palestinian kids from Gaza to Slovenia to receive treatment. The airline’s expansion in 2015 provided more than 110 new job opportunities in the field aviation and other related industries. Jordan Aviation plans to expand its fleet in 2016 by adding a B767-300 aircraft and 2 A320-200s; in addition to 2 modern B777s. The airline also plans to train more than new 300 talents to keep up with 2016 expansion plans. Moreover, 2016 will see more agreements and partnerships sealed with Arab and global airlines to expand the business scope of the airline. West Atlantic CRJ200 cargo aircraft crashes in Sweden
A West Atlantic Bombardier CRJ200 converted freighter crashed in Sweden near the Norwegian border after disappearing from radar during a mail transport flight. Swedish authorities said the aircraft, found in a mountainous region, was destroyed. According to Gothenburg-based West Atlantic, a European mail and express freight carrier, the CRJ200PF was en route from Oslo to Tromso, Norway late on Jan. 7. At 11:31 p.m. local time, just over 20 minutes after taking off, the pilots of flight PT294 declared mayday; the aircraft then disappeared from radar and lost contact with air traffic control. At 3:10 a.m. on Jan. 8, the crash site, near Lake Akkajaure, was located by the Norwegian air force. Swedish police and rescue teams reached the site later in the day. There were two pilots aboard the aircraft who had flown for West Atlantic since 2008 and 2011, respectively, according to the company. The CRJ200 was originally manufactured in 1993 and has 31,036 flight cycles. The cause of the crash is unknown. Statens haverikommission, the Swedish Accident Investigation Authority, has opened an investigation.
Air China orders six Boeing 777-300ERs Air China has ordered six Boeing 777-300ERs, worth $2.051 billion at list prices, according to a statement released by the Shanghai Stock Exchange. The new aircraft, which will be used for international expansion, are scheduled to be delivered between 2016-2017. The deal is subject to Chinese government approval. Air China noted the deal would increase the carrier’s capacities by 5% in terms of as ATKs as of Dec. 31, 2015. According to the Civil Aviation Administration of China, the Beijing-based carrier has applied to open six international routes in 2016, comprising 3X-weekly Beijing-Zurich, 7X-weekly ChengduSydney, 3X-weekly Chongqing-Dubai, 5X-weekly Shanghai (Pudong)-San Jose, 4X-weekly Shanghai (Pudong)-Manchester, and 4X-weekly Shanghai (Pudong)-Barcelona service. With this new order, Air China will increase its unfilled aircraft orders with Boeing to 90 units, which include orders for new 787-9 Dreamliners.
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