Egyptair news 8 july 2016

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‫الجمعة‬ ‫‪ 8‬يوليو ‪2016‬‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫إسرائٌل‪ :‬العثور على حطام " ٌُرجح جدا" أنه لطائرة مصر للطٌران على شاطئ نتانٌا‪ ..‬وأبلؽنا مصر وفرنسا‬

‫القدس ( ‪CNN)--‬أعلن السلطات اإلسرائٌلٌة‪ ،‬الخمٌس‪ ،‬العثور على أجزاء من حطام على شاطئ مدٌنة نتانٌا‬ ‫اإلسرائٌلٌة " ٌُرجح جدا" أنه ٌعود لطائرة مصر للطٌران رقم ""‪ ،MS 804‬التً سقطت فً البحر المتوسط‬ ‫خالل رحلتها من بارٌس إلى القاهرة فً ‪ 19‬ماٌو‪ /‬أٌار الماضً وكان على متنها ‪ 66‬شخصا‪.‬‬ ‫وأفاد بٌان صادر عن مكتب رئٌس الوزراء اإلسرائٌلً بٌنٌامٌن بأن "الحطام جرى التقاطه وٌبدو باحتمالٌة عالٌة‬ ‫جدا أنه حطام طائرة مصر للطٌران التً سقطت فً البحر المتوسط قبل حوالً شهرٌن"‪.‬‬ ‫وأضاؾ البٌان أنه "طبقا لإلجراءات المتبعة‪ ،‬جرى إبالغ مصر وفرنسا ألنها الدولة التً أقلعت منها الطائرة"‪،‬‬ ‫وتابع البٌان أن نتنٌاهو اطلع على هذه األنباء ووجه كل األطراؾ المرتبطة بالموضوع بالتواصل مع مصر ونقل‬ ‫الحطام إلٌها سرٌعا وربما ٌُنقل ؼدا الجمعة‪.‬‬


‫حطام الطائرة المصرٌة المنكوبة ٌحط على شاطئ إسرائٌلً‬

‫العثور على قسم من حطام الطائرة المصرٌة المنكوبة على أحد شواطئ نتانٌا فً وسط إسرائٌل‬ ‫ُعثر الٌوم الخمٌس على بعض حطام الطائرة المصرٌة التً سقطت فً البحر المتوسط قبل شهر ونصؾ‪ ،‬على‬ ‫إحدى شواطئ مدٌنة نتانٌا الواقعة فً وسط إسرائٌل‪.‬‬ ‫وبحسب موقع "واٌنت" اإلسرائٌلً عثر ظهر الخمٌس على جزء من حطام الطائرة المصرٌة التً كانت فً‬ ‫طرٌق عودتها من بارٌس الى القاهرة وفقدت بتارٌخ ‪ 19‬أٌار‪ /‬ماٌو المنصرم‪ ،‬وكان على متنها حٌنها ‪56‬‬ ‫راكبا وعشرة أفراد الطاقم ٌشمل الطٌارٌن‪ .‬ولم ٌن ُج أي ممن كانوا على متن الرحلة رقم ‪ 804‬التابعة لشركة‬ ‫مصر للطٌران‪.‬‬ ‫وقد ُعثر على الحطام الذي على ما ٌبدو قد جرفه التٌار واألمواج من موقع تحطم الطائرة بمحاذاة جزٌرة‬ ‫قبرص فً وسط المتوسط الى السواحل االسرائٌلٌة‪.‬‬ ‫وأصدر دٌوان رئٌس الوزراء االسرائٌلً بنٌامٌن نتنٌاهو بٌانا أوضح فٌه أنه تمت حتلنة رئٌس الوزراء بهذه‬ ‫المستجدات وهو خالل جولته اإلفرٌقٌة‪ ،‬حٌث ٌزور الٌوم إثٌوبٌا والتً تعتبر محطته األخٌرة فً الجولة‪.‬‬ ‫من جانبه‪ ،‬أوصى نتنٌاهو السلطات المسؤولة فً وزارة الخارجٌة االتصال بنظٌرتها المصرٌة وتسلٌم‬ ‫المسؤولٌن المصرٌ​ٌن الحطام الذي انجرؾ الى السواحل اإلسرائٌلٌة بأسرع ما ٌكون‪.‬‬ ‫وتبعد نتانٌا نحو ‪ 290‬كٌلومترا شمالً االسكندرٌة‪.‬‬ ‫ٌذكر أن الطائرة‪ ،‬التً كانت قادمة من بارٌس فً طرٌقها الى القاهرة‪ ،‬قد سقطت فً البحر المتوسط وتوفً‬ ‫كل ركابها وأفراد الطاقم البالػ عددهم ‪ 66‬شخصا فً الحادث‪ .‬وتم حتى اآلن انتشال أشالء لركاب‬ ‫والصندوقٌن األسودٌن اللذٌن ٌجرى فحصهما للوقوؾ على اسباب تحطم الطائرة‪.‬‬ ‫من جانبها أعلنت لجنة التحقٌق فً حادث الطائرة المصرٌة التً سقطت بمٌاه المتوسط أن وحدة الذاكرة‬ ‫لم تتضرر‪ ،‬مشٌرة إلى أنه تم استبدال األجزاء الداعمة لالتصال ‪CVR‬لمسجل محادثات كابٌنة الطائرة‬ ‫بأنظمة الطائرة بأجزاء جدٌدة واستخالص التسجٌالت منها بطرق تكنولوجٌة متقدمة‪ .‬كما أفادت الحقا أن‬ ‫تحلٌل الصندوقٌن األسودٌن ٌتطلب وقتا أطول من المعتقد‪.‬‬ ‫مواضٌع ذات صلة‪:‬‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫لجنة التحقٌق المصرٌة‪ :‬التنسٌق جار لنقل قطع حطام الطائرة المصرٌة التً عثر علٌها قبالة‬ ‫الشواطئ اإلسرائٌلٌة إلى القاهرة‬ ‫قالت لجنة التحقٌق المصرٌة فً حادث طائرة مصر للطٌران رقم —)‪CNN‬دبً‪ ،‬اإلمارات العربٌة المتحدة )‬ ‫إن التنسٌق جار لنقل الحطام الذي عثر علٌه قرب الشواطئ اإلسرائٌلٌة إلى القاهرة‪MS804 .‬‬

‫جاء ذلك فً بٌان وصل لموقع ‪CNN‬بالعربٌة نسخة منه‪ ،‬حٌث قالت اللجنة‪" :‬جاري التنسٌق لنقل قطع الحطام‬ ‫التً عثر علٌها بالقرب من الشواطئ االسرائٌلٌة الً القاهرة لتقوم لجنه التحقٌق الفنً فً حادث الطائرة‬ ‫‪A320‬بالتأكد من ان تلك القطع خاصة بطائرة مصر للطٌران التً سقطت فً مٌاه البحر المتوسط منتصؾ‬ ‫شهر ماٌو الماضً ‪".‬‬ ‫وتابع البٌان‪" :‬هذا وتستمر اعمال السفٌنة ‪John Lethbridge‬المؤجرة من الحكومه المصرٌة فً مسح‬ ‫قاع البحر للتأكد من عدم وجود أي رفات بشرٌة بموقع الحادث‪".‬‬ ‫وٌشار إلى أن بٌان اللجنة المصرٌة أتى بعد أعالن السلطات اإلسرائٌلٌة‪ ،‬الخمٌس‪ ،‬العثور على أجزاء من حطام‬ ‫على شاطئ مدٌنة نتانٌا اإلسرائٌلٌة " ٌُرجح جدا" أنه ٌعود لطائرة مصر للطٌران رقم ""‪ ،MS 804‬حٌث أفاد‬ ‫بٌان صادر عن مكتب رئٌس الوزراء اإلسرائٌلً بنٌامٌن نتنٌاهو بأن "الحطام جرى التقاطه وٌبدو باحتمالٌة‬ ‫عالٌة جدا أنه حطام طائرة مصر للطٌران التً سقطت فً البحر المتوسط قبل حوالً شهرٌن"‪.‬‬ ‫وأضاؾ البٌان أنه "طبقا لإلجراءات المتبعة‪ ،‬جرى إبالغ مصر وفرنسا ألنها الدولة التً أقلعت منها الطائرة"‪،‬‬ ‫وتابع البٌان أن نتنٌاهو اطلع على هذه األنباء ووجه كل األطراؾ المرتبطة بالموضوع بالتواصل مع مصر ونقل‬ ‫الحطام إلٌها سرٌعا وربما ٌُنقل ؼدا الجمعة‪.‬‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫اتحاد منظمً الرحالت الروسً‪ :‬عودة السٌاحة إلى مصر الشتاء المقبل‬

‫قال دٌمترى جورٌن‪ ،‬نائب رئٌس اتحاد منظمً الرحالت السٌاحٌة فً روسٌا «اتور»‪ ،‬الٌوم الخمٌس‪ ،‬إن تنظٌم‬ ‫الرحالت السٌاحٌة الروسٌة إلى مصر ستعود الشتاء المقبل‪ ،‬وهو فصل الذروة السٌاحٌة بالبالد‪.‬‬ ‫وقال «جورٌن»‪ ،‬فً تصرٌحات وكالة أنباء «سبوتنٌك»‪ ،‬الٌوم‪ ،‬إن الجمٌع ٌنتظر نتائج اللجنة المختصة‬ ‫بمصر‪ ،‬ونحن نتطلع إلى عودة الرحالت إلى مصر فً فصل الشتاء‪ ،‬وتم اتخاذ التدابٌر األمنٌة الالزمة‪.‬‬ ‫من جانبها‪ ،‬قالت ماٌا ومٌدزي‪ ،‬المدٌر التنفٌذي لرابطة منظمً الرحالت السٌاحٌة بروسٌا «أتور»‪ ،‬إ َّنه فً‬ ‫«خرٌؾ هذا العام» ستظهر الخرٌطة السٌاحٌة الروسٌة لمصر‪ ،‬بعد أن أعلنت المطارات المصرٌة استعدادها‬ ‫لقبول تفتٌش الخبراء الروس بعد تنفٌذ تدابٌر السالمة األمنٌة‪.‬‬ ‫مرارا أنَّ السلطات نفذت ما طلبه الجانب الروسً‪ ،‬مشٌر ًة إلى أ َّنها تأمل‬ ‫وأضافت أنَّ الصحافة المصرٌة أعلنت‬ ‫ً‬ ‫فً أن تظهر مصر على الخرٌطة السٌاحٌة فً الخرٌؾ‪.‬‬ ‫وقررت روسٌا وقؾ رحالتها الجوٌة إلى مصر‪ ،‬وإجالء رعاٌاها من بعض المناطق السٌاحٌة‪ ،‬وذلك بعد حادث‬ ‫تحطم الطائرة الروسٌة بسٌناء‪ ،‬فً ‪ 31‬أكتوبر من العام الماضً‪.‬‬


‫مصر للطٌران ‪ 4197 :‬معتمرا عادوا على متن ‪ 14‬رحلة جوٌة‬

‫سٌرت شركة مصر للطٌران على مدار الٌوم الخمٌس ثانً أٌام عٌد الفطر‪ 14 ،‬رحلة جوٌة لعودة ‪4197‬‬ ‫معتمرا قادمٌن من األراضً المقدسة بعد أداء مناسك العمرة ‪.‬‬ ‫وصرح مصدر بمطار بأن ‪ 4197‬معتمرا وصلوا الصالة الموسمٌة بمطار القاهرة على متن طائرات خطوط‬ ‫(مصر للطٌران) القادمة من المدٌنة المنورة وجدة‪ ،‬وذلك منذ الساعات األولى من صباح الٌوم وحتً‬ ‫نهاٌته‪.‬‬ ‫وكانت شركة (مصر الطٌران) قد أعلنت أنها ستقوم بنقل ما ٌقرب من ‪ 20‬ألفا و‪ 700‬راكب على متن ‪100‬‬ ‫رحلة جوٌة بمعدل ‪ 68‬رحلة من جدة لنقل ‪ 14‬ألفا و‪ 131‬راكبا إلى مطار القاهرة واإلسكندرٌة‪ ،‬وذلك خالل‬ ‫الفترة التً بدأت من ‪ٌ 4‬ولٌو الجاري وحتً ثالث أٌام العٌد (‪ٌ 8‬ولٌو)‪ ،‬كما أنه من المقرر تسٌ​ٌر ‪ 32‬رحلة‬ ‫جوٌة من المدٌنة المنورة لنقل ‪ 6‬آالؾ و‪ 575‬راكبا‪.‬‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫مصر للطٌران‪ :‬إقالع ‪ 22‬رحلة جوٌة للمطارات الداخلٌة‬

‫محمود السعدى‬ ‫أقلعت ‪ 22‬رحلة طٌران تابعة لشركة مصر للطٌران للخطوط الداخلٌة "اكسبرٌس"‪ ،‬صباح الٌوم الخمٌس‪،‬‬ ‫خالل ‪ 4‬ساعات‪ ..‬نقلت خاللها ‪ 1950‬راكبا إلى المدن الداخلٌة‪.‬‬ ‫وتأتً هذه الرجالت‪ ..‬فى إطار الجسر الجوى الذى خصصته الشركة لنقل الراؼبٌن فً قضاء إجازات عٌد‬ ‫الفطر المبارك فً المدن الداخلٌة‪ ،‬والذى ٌتضمن ‪ 189‬رحلة طٌران‪.‬‬ ‫وقالت مصادر مطلعة بمطار القاهرة‪ ،‬إنه تم فتح صالة ‪ 2‬الدولٌة‪ ،‬المجاورة للصالة الداخلٌة؛ الستٌعاب‬ ‫الزحام‪ ،‬وزٌادة منافذ دخول الصالة‪ ،‬وتكثٌؾ الخدمات األمنٌة؛ لتأمٌن الركاب‪.‬‬ ‫وأوضحت المصادر أن أؼلب الرحالت كانت إلى شرم الشٌخ والؽردقة‪ ،‬الفتة إلى أن الرحالت الداخلٌة‬ ‫ستتواصل خالل الساعات المقبلة‪.‬‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫― مصر للطٌران ― تفتح صالة ‪ 2‬الدولٌة الستٌعاب زحام الرحالت الداخلٌة فً أٌام العٌد‬

‫كما نظمت شركة مصر للطٌران‪ ،‬الٌوم‪ 22 ،‬رحلة طٌران خالل ‪ 4‬ساعات نقلت ‪ 1950‬راكبا إلى المدن الداخلٌة‬ ‫فً إطار الجسر الجوي الذى خصصته الشركة لنقل الراؼبٌن فً قضاء إجازات عٌد الفطر المبارك فً المدن‬ ‫الداخلٌة‪ ،‬والذى ٌتضمن ‪ 189‬رحلة طٌران‪.‬‬ ‫قامت سلطات المطار بفتح صالة ‪ 2‬الدولٌة والمجاورة للصالة الداخلٌة الستٌعاب الزحام وزٌادة منافذ دخول‬ ‫الصالة وتكثٌؾ الخدمات األمنٌة لتأمٌن الركاب‪ ،‬حٌث كان أؼلب الرحالت إلى شرم الشٌخ والؽردقة وستتواصل‬ ‫الرحالت الداخلٌة خالل الساعات المقبلة"‪.‬‬


Congress Is Finally About to Approve an Aviation Bill to Relieve Lines and Boost Security House and Senate lawmakers announced an agreement Tuesday on an aviation bill to boost airport security, reduce screening lines and require airlines to refund fees to passengers whose bags are lost or delayed. The bill would also extend the Federal Aviation Administration’s programs and policies through Sept. 30, 2017. The FAA’s current operating authority is set to expire July 15. The bipartisan agreement was announced by senior members of the House and Senate transportation committees. Approval by both chambers is expected to swiftly follow. Congress has only nine days to act in order to prevent a partial shutdown of the agency. The bill would require airlines to refund checked bag fees to passengers whose luggage is lost or arrives more than 12 hours late for domestic flights or more than 16 hours late for overseas flights. It also requires airlines to provide families with information about the availability of seats together at the time of booking. A bill that passed the Senate in April by a vote of 95 to 3 would also have extended other consumer protections to passengers, including a requirement that airlines refund fees for other services when not delivered, such as advance seat assignments or early boarding. But those provisions, which were opposed by airlines, were dumped during negotiations with the House. To address long airport screening lines, the bill requires the Transportation Security Administration to hire a marketing firm to generate greater public participation in the agency’s PreCheck expedited screening program for passengers who have been vetted and determined to be low security risks. The bill also requires TSA to ensure PreCheck screening lanes are open during high-volume travel times. And the measure authorizes a pilot program to develop and test more efficient passenger and luggage screening systems.

2 Responding to airport attacks in Brussels and Istanbul this year, the bill also authorizes a doubling of TSA teams that stop and search suspicious passengers in airport public areas that are outside the security perimeter, often using bomb-sniffing dogs. The bill would toughen the vetting of airport employees who have access to secure areas, expand random employee inspections and require reviews of perimeter security. That is a response in part to the ―insider threat‖ problem raised by the destruction last year of a Russian Metrojet airliner over Egypt. Investigators suspect a bomb was smuggled aboard. The bill also authorizes TSA to donate unneeded security equipment to foreign airports with direct flights to the United States. It directs TSA to establish a pilot program at three to six airports to reconfigure and install security systems that increase efficiency and reduce vulnerabilities in airport terminals Among several drone-related provisions, the bill establishes a process for the FAA to designate special areas where drones may not fly. Possible examples include around critical infrastructure, chemical facilities or amusement parks. The chemical industry lobbied for inclusion of the provision. The bill also prohibits drone users from interfering with emergency response activities like fighting wildfires and raises civil penalties to not more than $20,000 for those found in violation. Authorities across the U.S. recorded 20 incidents in which drones flew too close to wildfires last year, with more than half hindering firefighting efforts. It has happened again at least nine times so far this year. The bill is also notable for what it doesn’t include: any plan to remove air traffic control operations from the FAA and spin them off into a nonprofit corporation.



The privatization plan was the top legislative priority of Rep. Bill Shuster, R-Pa., chairman of the House transportation committee, and the airline industry. In recent weeks, Shuster backed off his insistence that any FAA bill include the privatization plan in the face of opposition from other powerful committee chairmen opposed to ceding Congress’ authority over aviation matters to a corporation. Other segments of the aviation industry that feared a corporate board would be dominated by large airlines also opposed the plan. Airlines say privatization is needed because the FAA’s culture is too slow and inflexible to finish the air traffic system’s transition from old radar technology to satellites. The modernization has dragged on for more than a decade and fallen short of promised financial benefits and reduced congestion.

Copyright (2016) Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. This article was written by Joan Lowy from The Associated Press and was legally licensed through the NewsCred publisher network Israel Finds Pieces of EgyptAir Plane's Wreck on Its Coast Pieces of wreckage believed to be from the EgyptAir plane that crashed in May were found on Thursday along the coast of Israel, according to the office of Israel's prime minister. The fragments were found in the morning hours north of Tel Aviv, along the shores of the coastal city of Netanya, said Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's office. It said that "parts were collected and it appears there is a high likelihood they are pieces of the Egyptian plane." It said the debris will be sent to Egypt. EgyptAir Flight 804, an Airbus A320 en route from Paris to Cairo, plunged into the Mediterranean Sea on May 19. The crash killed all 66 people on board and the cause of the crash has not yet been determined. The pilots made no distress call and no militant group claimed to have brought the aircraft down. The plane disappeared from radar between the Greek island of Crete and Egypt. The current in that area flows toward Israel, according to the Levantine Group risk consultancy. If the debris found Thursday proves to be that from the doomed Egyptian plane, it would mean that the currents had carried the fragments a distance of about 540 kilometers (340 miles) from the suspected crash site, all the way to Netanya. Egyptian investigators say pilots tried to extinguish a fire in the plane, according to data recovered from a cockpit voice recorder. Radar data showed the aircraft had been cruising normally in clear skies before it turned 90 degrees left, then a full 360 degrees to the right as it plummeted from 38,000 feet (11,582 meters) to 15,000 feet (4,572 meters). It disappeared when it was at an altitude of about 10,000 feet (3,048 meters). Deep ocean search teams have been recovering human remains and bringing them to Egypt's port city of Alexandria. French authorities opened a manslaughter inquiry late last month, but said there is no evidence so far to link the crash to terrorism. The Egyptian investigators have said they are not ruling any theory out, including terrorism. Catastrophic fires rarely break out so suddenly on flights. An Egyptian official at the civil aviation ministry said Thursday that Egypt has not been officially notified about the wreckage found in Israel so far. He spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the media.

1 Tourists evacuated, flights cancelled and more than 35,000 soldiers deployed to help: Wild weather hits Taiwan and the Philippines as the countries prepare for Typhoon Neparta A powerful typhoon churned up massive waves and strong winds near eastern Taiwan on Thursday, grounding water and air transport. Typhoon Nepartak was labelled a category five typhoon on July 6 and it only weakened slightly on Thursday afternoon. The massive storm sustained winds of 205 kilometres per hour causing huge waves to lash against the coastline.

As fast-moving Typhoon Nepartak makes its way across the Philippines Sea, large waves crash against the breakwaters in Ilan County on the eastern coast of Taiwan (pictured)


Fishing boats are secured in a port in Ilan County, pictured above, as waves lash against the shore. The storm has left thousands stranded as airports shut down and flights are cancelled Authorities raised storm alerts in the province, located about 700 kilometres north of Manila, and in other nearby islands. The typhoon will not hit land there but will intensify seasonal southwest monsoon rains, which could spark thunderstorms and flash floods on the main northern Luzon island, said government forecaster Aldzar Aurelio. Some domestic flights were cancelled in the northern Philippines, while Taipei's two main airports have shut, affecting domestic and international flights. Thousands of tourists holidaying in Green Island and Orchard Island, small islands off the east coast of Taiwan, have been evacuated, reported the ABC. According to the Defence Ministry of Taiwan, soldiers have been deployed to help with preparations for the storm.

3 Nepartak is forecasted to hit land on Friday morning in eastern Taiwan and huge waves are already lashing the shore of nearby Ilan port city, where fishermen are desperately trying to secure their boats. Nasa are reporting a wave height of more than 13 metres.

Restaurant owner Chen Mang-ning said he had to put a lock on the rolling door of his establishment to protect the windows from strong wind. A local fisherman said he was also concerned about the extreme weather. 'Yes, I am worried about it, same as everyone here,' said Chen Chun-po. Hong Kong's two biggest airlines, Cathay Pacific Airways and Dragonair, said they were cancelling flights to and from Taiwan scheduled from Thursday evening to Friday afternoon as the storm bore down on the island. Nepartak is a Micronesian word for a local warrior. The typhoon has ended a storm-free streak in the western pacific of almost 200 days – a record for the constantly-battered area. In November 2013, Typhoon Haiyan struck the central Philippines with ferocious power, leaving more than 7,300 people dead and missing and displacing more than 5 million others after leveling entire villages.


Waves are reaching heights of more than 13 metres as what was a tropical storm becomes a super-typhoon. Tourists are being evacuated from nearby islands as the storm prepares to hit land

Fishermen have secured their boats as the storm gets closer to land. The typhoon is expected to hit land early on Friday Ghana aviation workers threaten crippling strike Ghana's civil aviation authority's workers have threatened to shut down the country's airspace beginning Friday in protest against the body's failure to install equipment to guarantee safety at airports. The disgruntled workers claim that the high frequency equipment that cost the Ghana Civil Aviation Authority (GCAAA) more than 600,000 euros had been lying idle in store rooms for months owing to unavailability of land for its installation. "It is unfortunate it has come to this, but as you are aware, communication is very vital in our industry and we need to install this high frequency and other equipment to enhance air safety", the workers said in a statement signed by several GCAA unions. William Amoako, a spokesperson for the workers, said their appeals to government and GCAA management to facilitate the installation of the equipment had been ignored. "We've made several appeals to the Ministry of Transport as well as our management to secure the land for us to install the equipment and it seems it is falling on death ears," Amoako told a local radio station. The unions warned aviation managers against stopping or victimising any of their members who will join the strike. The workers last month warned that Ghana risked aviation accidents if the government failed to safeguard parcels of land acquired to install safety equipment from encroachers – who are mostly politicians and private developers. Unions said the unavailability of land to install vital safety equipment for communications, surveillance and other navigational aid in the Accra region was a time bomb. GCAA director-general Simon Allotey acknowledged the workers' concerns as legitimate and gave the assurance that management was in talks with relevant bodies to address the issue, particularly land encroachment. "The withdrawal of partial services, though unfortunate, will only affect local flight operators, but management will quickly resolve the issue," he said. A crunch meeting that started on Tuesday involving GCAA management, Parliament's committee on roads and transport and the Transport Ministry on the crisis is yet to bear fruit.


Moderating Demand Trend Continues Geneva - The International Air Transport Association (IATA) announced global passenger traffic results for May showing that demand (measured in revenue passenger kilometers, or RPKs) rose 4.6%, compared to the same month in 2015, which was the same level achieved in April. Capacity climbed 5.5%, which pushed the average load factor down 0.7 percentage points to 78.7%. Demand for domestic traffic rose 5.1%, outpacing international demand growth of 4.3%. ―After a very strong start to the year, demand growth is slipping back toward more historic levels. A combination of factors are likely behind this more moderated pace of demand growth. These include continuing terrorist activity and the fragile state of the global economy. Neither bode well for travel demand. And the shocks of Istanbul and the economic fallout of the Brexit vote make it difficult to see an early uptick,‖ said Tony Tyler, IATA’s Director General and CEO.


International Passenger Markets Annual growth in international RPKs slowed for the third consecutive month, to 4.3%, from 5% recorded in April year-over-year. Airlines in all regions recorded growth. Total capacity climbed 6.1%, causing load factor to slip 1.3 percentage points to 77.1% Asia-Pacific airlines’ traffic rose 5.1% in May compared to the year-ago period. Capacity increased 6.4%, which caused load factor to slide 1.0 percentage point to 75.1%. Strong upward momentum has stalled in recent months with growth tracking sideways since the beginning of the year European carriers’ May demand climbed just 2.1% over May 2015, reflecting continuing fallout from the Brussels terror attack. Capacity rose 3.5% and load factor dipped 1.1 percentage points to 80.6%, which despite the decline still was the highest among regions Middle East carriers had an 11.8% rise in demand in May compared to a year ago, which was the largest increase among regions. Capacity increased 15.6%, however, and load factor dropped 2.4 percentage points to 71.9%. Growth in capacity has now exceeded traffic growth in 18 of the past 20 months

3 North American airlines’ traffic climbed 0.5% as carriers continue to focus on the larger and stronger domestic markets. Capacity rose 1.9% and load factor fell 1.1 percentage points to 80.1%. Latin American airlines experienced a 5.1% increase in traffic in May compared to the same month last year. As with Europe, upward momentum has stalled. Capacity climbed 5.2% and load factor was flat at 80.2% African airlines’ traffic rose 9.5%, continuing the trend of strong growth that is linked to the expansion of long-haul networks by the region’s carriers, particularly Ethiopian Airlines. Capacity rose 10.4%, and load factor slipped 0.5 percentage points to 64.5% Domestic Passenger Markets Domestic demand rose 5.1% in May compared to May 2015, which was up from the 4% year-on-year growth recorded in April. Results were decidedly mixed, with Brazil, Russia and Japan all showing declines. Domestic capacity climbed 4.4%, and load factor rose 0.5 percentage points to 81.7%.



the seven domestic passenger markets for which broken-down data are available account for 30% of global total RPKs and approximately 82% of total domestic RPKs.

US domestic traffic climbed 4.4% in May. Having gone through a soft patch over the past six months in line with softening indicators of business confidence, demand appears to have resumed its upward trend Brazil’s traffic continued to contract in May, falling 7.7% compared to a year ago amidst continuing political and economic turmoil. It is down more than 10% in seasonally-adjusted terms since early 2015 The Bottom line ―The shockwaves of the Brexit vote have extended worldwide and the fallout will affect the air transport industry, from both economic and regulatory perspectives. Aviation plays a vital role in supporting economic growth and development. As the post-Brexit regulatory framework is negotiated between the EU and the UK it is critical that there are no steps backward for aviation connectivity,‖ said Tyler. The US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) introduced restrictions on flights over Dallas, Texas on Friday after gunmen started a shooting during protests against police violence. MOSCOW (Sputnik) — The restrictions cover a radius of 2.5 nautical miles, according to the statement.

"No pilots may operate an aircraft in the areas covered by this NOTAM [Notice to Airmen]<…> Only relief aircraft operations under direction of Dallas Police Department are authorized in the airspace," FAA said in a statement on its website. Earlier on Tursday night, Dallas protests against the killing of two unarmed black men by police in Minnesota and Louisiana have turned tragic when several snipers shot 15 police officers — 4 Dallas Area Regional Transit police and 11 Dallas police officers. At least five officers are dead and several remain seriously injured per reports by the Dallas Police Association. According to police there were at least four people involved in the attack, all of whom were shooting with rifles from different points in a triangle arrangement to expand the kill box. All suspected perpetrators were either detained or 'neutralized', according to law enforcement. Air France-KLM CFO Plans His Departure as New CEO Arrives Air France-KLM Group Chief Financial Officer Pierre-François Riolacci announced he’s stepping down a week after a new CEO took charge, leaving the airline scrambling to find a successor amid tensions with French pilots over cost-cutting efforts. The stock dropped to a 3 1/2-year low. Riolacci will leave the carrier in November to become CFO at Danish facilities manager ISS A/S, both companies said Friday in separate statements. The executive is departing Europe’s biggest airline in the midst of a reorganization that has prompted sometimes violent protests by pilots and other staff and a schism between its French and Dutch arms. Chief Executive Officer Jean-Marc Janaillac, a close ally of French President Francois Hollande with limited airline experience, took over the airline’s leadership at the beginning of July. Riolacci will be the second CFO at a major European airline to exit this year, following the resignation of Deutsche Lufthansa AG’s Simone Menne to join drugmaker Boehringer Ingelheim GmbH. The German carrier has also been struggling with unions over cost-cutting measures, and Menne oversees catering, freight and maintenance units that are facing job cuts. Air France fell as much as 4.2 percent to 5.43 euros, the lowest intraday price since October 2012, and was trading down 2 percent as of 9:56 a.m. in Paris. The shares have dropped 21 percent this year. The French company returned to profit at an operating level for the first time in four years in 2015 thanks to a restructuring and lower fuel costs. Even so, earnings growth has been held back by resistance to cost cuts from pilots at the Air France brand. The airline said today that a four-day pilot strike last month reduced operating profit by 40 million euros ($44 million). Janaillac’s predecessor as CEO, Alexandre de Juniac, left to run the airline trade group International Air Transport Association. He had been head of the group since mid-2013, and Riolacci joined from French utility and transport operator Veolia Environnement SA in December of that year. ―A reliable and transparent recruitment process will be implemented in the coming days to appoint a successor‖ to Riolacci, the airline said Friday, thanking the executive for his contribution to the group’s financial recovery.

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