Standard basque progressive grammar part3of4

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Additional Derivational Suffixes

gudu hego herresta hitz idazki ihes industria ipuin iritzi joko josta kanta kontu kopla korrika lausengu lege mailegu maite mandatu margo merkatu mezu misio mus oihu olerki otoitz pilota prediku salo sega soinu sukalde taberna tratu txistu zama zapata zaunka zelata zerbitzu zerga

war, battle wing dragging word writing, document flight industry story, tale opinion game, gamble amusement song story, narrative couplet (also kobla) race flattery law loan love message color market message mission Basque card game scream, shout poem prayer ball sermon accusation scythe music kitchen tavern, bar commerce Basque flute load, burden shoe bark ambush, observation service tax, duty


gudari hegalari herrestari hizlari idazkari iheslari industrialari ipuinlari irizlari jokalari jostalari kantari kontari koplari korrikalari lausengari legelari mailegari maitari mandatari margolari merkatari mezulari misiolari muslari oihulari olerkari otoizlari pilotari predikari salatari segari soinulari sukaldari tabernari tratulari txistulari zamari zapatari zaunkari zelatari zerbitzari zergari

(Basque) soldier flier dragger, reptile, hauler speaker, orator secretary refugee, fugitive industrialist storyteller critic player, gambler (also jokari) entertainer, amuser (also jostari) singer, vocalist narrator (also kontalari) bard, versifier (also koblari) runner, cycle racer flatterer jurist borrower lover messenger, sender painter merchant messenger, sender missionary mus player screamer, shouter poet prayer leader, prayer handball player preacher accuser, informer cutter, reaper (also segalari) musician cook tavern keeper, bartender, barman, barmaid businessman txistu player beast of burden shoemaker, cobbler barker (also zaunkalari) lookout, scout, sentinel servant tax collector (also zergalari)


Chapter 33

zirika zurrut

tease, goad swig, gulp

zirikari zurrutari

teaser, provoker (also zirikalari) tippler, gulper

Some common neologisms based on verbs are the following: abestu aldeztu aztertu idatzi ikasi ikertu irakurri pentsatu zuzendu

to to to to to to to to to

sing defend investigate write learn research, to investigate read think rectify, to correct

abeslari aldezlari azterlari idazlari ikaslari ikerlari irakurlari pentsalari zuzendari

singer, vocalist defender investigator scribe student sleuth, inspector, researcher reader, lector thinker, philosopher corrector

Well established also is the word lehendakari ‘president’ (cf. lehen ‘first’), as well as such neologisms as these: fisika politika teknika

physics politics technology

fisikari physicist politikari politician teknikari technician

Also deverbal action nouns formed with -keta (section 21.9) can serve as base forms for the su‰x -ari. The resulting ending -ketari is often contracted to -kari. Here are a few examples: arraunketa asmaketa azterketa berriketa eleketa garbiketa ibilketa lasterketa solasketa urketa 33.1.5

rowing invention, riddle investigation, examination news gathering, gossip conversation, chat cleaning, washing wandering, walk footrace talk, conversation water fetching

arraunkari asmakari azterkari berrikari eleketari garbikari ibilkari lasterkari solaskari urkari

rower inventor, soothsayer investigator, examiner reporter (also berriketari) talker, chatter (also elekari) cleaner wanderer, walker racer, runner talker water carrier (also urketari)

The Suffix -kari

The su‰x -kari, which according to Azkue is related to the word ari in the verbal expression ari izan ‘to be busy with’, attaches primarily to verb radicals, yielding nouns with the meaning ‘something resulting from the action denoted by the verb’. Thus the occurrence of this su‰x is limited to transitive verbs, and also to those intransitive verbs where the subject undergoes the action without volition—for example, erori ‘to fall’ or gertatu ‘to happen’.

Additional Derivational Suffixes


The meaning of -kari is thus similar to that of -kizun (section 27.12.2), but it does not share that su‰x’s inherently future orientation. After a verb radical ending in -a or -an (which was earlier pronounced as a nasalized -a), the su‰x takes the form -ari, the -n of -an eliding, and the two a’s become one a. (We still find for edari the Baztanese form edanari and the older Biscayan form edaari.) An exception to all this is the monosyllabic verb stem jan with the derivative janari (in the northern dialects janhari). The su‰x -kari is no longer productive. The main examples follow: asmatu bazkatu edan egin egosi erori erre esan eskatu gertatu gura izan hazi ibili ikasi ikusi jan opa sinetsi sofritu sortu

to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to

invent, to think up tend, to feed drink do, to make cook, to boil fall bake, to burn say ask for, to request happen will, to want grow, to raise walk learn see eat o¤er believe su¤er create, to beget

asmakari bazkari edari eginkari egoskari erorkari errari esari eskari gertari gurari hazkari ibilkari ikaskari ikuskari janari opari sineskari sofrikari sorkari

invention, riddle, idea feed, food, midday meal beverage (edari bizi ‘strong drink’) deed, act stew (of legumes, Spanish cocido) unsteady person, one apt to fall baked goods, (own) batch of bread word, saying plea, request, petition event, happening (also gertakari) wish, desire crop, product fidget, wanderer, restlessness lesson, learning material vision, spectacle, sight food o¤ering, gift article of faith, tenet, dogma su¤ering (also sofrikario) creature

Influenced by derivatives of intransitive verbs such as erorkari and ibilkari, translatable respectively as ‘apt to fall’ and ‘prone to walk’, the su‰x -kari has taken on a second meaning in the northern dialects—notably in Souletin and Low Navarrese: ‘disposed, inclined, apt to’. This new meaning created the possibility for the su‰x to also combine with nouns and adjectives, therefore giving it the same function as the word zale (the fondness parasu‰x of section 10.7.1) in compounds. The form of the su‰x is unchanged in this meaning: -kari. Some examples follow: abere andre arrain

animal woman fish

aberekari andrekari arrainkari

one who loves animals, zoophile womanizer, skirt chaser fish lover


besta bizi bizkar egia eliza handi haur jende lagun mendi mutiko ume zoko 33.1.6

Chapter 33

party life, living back truth church big child people companion mountain boy child corner

bestakari bizikari bizkarkari egikari elizkari handikari haurkari jendekari lagunkari mendikari mutikokari umekari zokokari

party lover epicure sponger truth-loving person devout, churchy person snob, ambitious person person who loves children sociable person sociable person mountain lover boy-crazy girl, flirt one who loves children shy person, recluse

The Suffix -gailu

The northern dialects as well as High Navarrese make use of a su‰x -gailu that attaches to verb radicals yielding nouns with the meaning ‘means to V’. Of these derivatives the following are also used in Batua: apaindu azkartu bizi izan edertu gantzutu gorde gozatu jostatu juntatu ondu oroitu sendatu tapatu

to to to to to to to to to to to to to

decorate strengthen live adorn anoint, to embalm keep, to hide sweeten, to calm play attach, to join improve remember heal, to cure cover

apaingailu azkargailu bizigailu edergailu gantzugailu gordagailu gozagailu jostagailu juntagailu ongailu oroikailu sendagailu tapagailu

ornament tonic sustenance, nourishment ornament, adornment ointment, unguent, balsam depot, storehouse, cache (also gordailu) sweetener, sedative toy (also jostailu) conjunction, joiner condiment, seasoning monument, memento (from oroit þ gailu) medication, medicine cork, lid, stopper

[N.B. The sequence -agailu can be contracted to -ailu, for example in gozagailu > gozailu and tapagailu > tapailu. The contracted forms gordailu and jostailu are much more common in written Batua than the forms gordagailu and jostagailu.] In the recent past many neologisms were coined of the type V-gailu to replace Spanish loanwords linked to technological advancements. The original meaning of the su‰x -gailu has as a consequence narrowed to the more concrete meaning ‘apparatus, machinery in order to V’. A hint from the grammarian Azkue (1923–1925, I, 18) seemed to have been to the point: ‘‘Si alguien se valiera de keriak por vicios y gailu por aparato no harı´a otra cosa que servir de instrumento consciente a evoluciones inconscientes que se sienten

Additional Derivational Suffixes


venir.’’ (Anyone who would make use of keriak for vices and gailu for apparatus would be doing nothing other than consciously serve as an instrument for the unconscious developments which one senses to be coming.) In present-day Batua, gailu is indeed used as an independent noun with the meaning ‘apparatus’, ‘machine’. The examples that follow are thus not so much derivations as compounds. A further corroboration is that the word elektragailu does not mean ‘machinery for electrification’ but denotes simply ‘electric apparatus’. Here are a few examples of these new forms: berotu deitu entzun filmatu garbitu grapatu haizatu hoztu ibili igo ikuzi isildu kalkulatu neurtu ordenatu ozendu sortu zabaldu zapaldu zenbatu zulatu

to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to

warm up call hear film clean, to wash staple ventilate cool walk rise wash be still calculate measure arrange, to order resound engender spread flatten count drill, to bore

berogailu deigailu entzungailu filmagailu garbigailu grapagailu haizagailu hozkailu ibilgailu igogailu ikuzgailu isilgailu kalkulagailu neurgailu ordenagailu ozengailu sorgailu zabalgailu zapalgailu zenbakailu zulagailu

heater megaphone earphone, hearing aid movie camera washing machine stapler ventilator refrigerator (from hotz þ gailu) vehicle lift, elevator washer silencer calculator measuring device computer (also komputagailu) loudspeaker generator transmitter, machine for spreading steamroller adding machine, calculator drill, boring machine, perforator

[N.B. For ‘loudspeaker’, the word bozgorailu is also used. It is a contraction of boz ‘voice’, gora(tu) ‘to raise’, ‘to intensify’, and gailu.] 33.1.7

The Suffix -ki ‘a separate part of a whole’

There is a productive su‰x -ki (with lowered tone) that operates on nouns. The result is also a noun, but with the meaning ‘a separate part of the whole of the basic noun’, and at the same time, used as a material name, ‘the material of which the whole is composed’. It is useful to divide the examples into five parts. 1. With a numeral X as base. The derivation with -ki denotes here an arbitrary component of X number:


bi hiru lau

Chapter 33

two three four

biki hiruki lauki

one of twins or of a pair (also bizki) one of triplets or of three one of quadruplets or of four

[N.B. Exceptionally, the words zazpiki and zortziki denote premature infants, respectively, ‘seventh-month infant’ and ‘eighth-month infant’.] 2. With a tree name X as base. The derivation with -ki means ‘a piece of X-wood’, or, used as a material name, ‘X wood’: asmetz arte ezpel haritz intxaur izai lizar pago pinu zumar

muricated oak tree evergreen oak box tree oak tree walnut tree fir tree ash tree beech tree pine tree elm tree

amezki artaki ezpelki harizki intxaurki izaiki lizarki pagaki pinuki zumarki

wood of the muricated oak wood of the evergreen oak boxwood, piece of boxwood oak, piece of oak wood wood of the walnut tree wood of the fir tree wood of the ash tree beech, piece of beech wood pine, piece of pinewood elm, piece of elm wood

[N.B. harizkizko mahaia ‘an oak table’; harizki bat ‘a piece of oak wood’.] 3. With an animal name X as base. The derivation in -ki means ‘a piece of X meat’, or, used as a material name ‘X meat’: ahate ahuntz aker ardi arrain asto axuri behi bildots ehizi eper erbi haragi idi oilo txahal urde

duck goat billy goat sheep fish ass, donkey young lamb cow lamb game partridge hare meat ox chicken calf swine, male pig

ahateki ahunzi akerki ardiki arrainki astaki axuriki behiki bildoski ehiziki eperki erbiki haragiki idiki oilaki txahalki urdeki

duck meat goat meat meat of the billy goat mutton piece of fish donkey meat (also used as invective) meat of young lamb beef lamb piece of game partridge meat hare meat piece of meat ox meat chicken meat veal swine meat, pork; bacon (urdaki)

Additional Derivational Suffixes

zaldi zerri

horse pig


zaldiki zerriki

horse meat pork

[N.B. The usual word for ‘meat’ is okela, or haragi. An old Basque saying: Otsoak otsokirik ez du jaten. ‘A wolf does not eat wolf meat’. See further de Rijk 1995.] 4. Other examples in the culinary sphere: baratze belar bizkar esne gibel izotz mihi odol saihets tripa

vegetable garden grass, herb back milk liver ice, frost tongue blood side, flank stomach, tripe

barazki belarki bizkarki esneki gibelki izozki mihiki odolki saiheski tripaki

vegetable, vegetable soup herb, seasoning back piece, shoulder cut dairy product piece of liver, liver dish ice cream tongue dish, piece of tongue blood sausage, black pudding rib piece, chop tripe dish

[N.B. From the adjective gozo ‘sweet’ is derived the word gozoki meaning ‘candy’, ‘tidbit’, ‘sweet confection’.] 5. Other examples: adar beira enbor euskara gauza gizon itsaso liburu oihal ondo zilar

branch, horn, antler glass trunk of tree Basque language thing man sea book cloth, fabric underpart, tree base silver

adarki beiraki enborki euskalki gauzaki gizaki itsaski liburuki oihalki ondoki zilarki

piece of horn, antler, or branch piece of glass piece of tree trunk Basque dialect object person, human being wave, sea swell volume of a book or set remnant, piece of cloth part of tree base, stump piece of silver, silver object

[N.B. From the adjective handi (haundi) ‘big’ is derived the noun handiki (haundiki) meaning ‘magnate’, ‘nobleman’, ‘aristocrat’, ‘rich man’.] 33.1.8

The Deverbalizing Suffix -ki

The su‰x -ki, the origin of which is probably to be identified with the pre-dative marker -ki- (section 15.1), attaches to verb radicals to yield nouns. This manner of nominalization is not productive; only a few dozen examples are known.


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The meaning of the -ki noun is dependent on the nature of the verb. If the verb is of the class by whose action the direct object is produced or destroyed, then the noun derived denotes whatever resulted from the action of the verb. For instance, this is the case with idatzi ‘to write’, jan ‘to eat’, erre ‘to burn’ or ‘to roast’, and also, to a certain extent, with the intransitive verb izan ‘to be’, ‘to exist’. But if the verb is of the class that leaves its direct object in essence una¤ected, then the -ki noun denotes the means by which the action of the verb took place, without, in most cases, there being any agent in the narrow sense. As illustration, the following examples are known in Euskara Batua: adabatu aldatu erantsi erantzun erre estali etorri idatzi igo iragarri iragazi isuri izan jan lotu jantzi osatu sendatu tapatu

to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to

mend, to patch change, to alter adhere, to add to answer burn, to roast cover come write go up announce filter, to strain pour, to spill be, to exist eat bind dress, to clothe supplement heal cover up

adabaki aldaki eranski erantzuki erreki estalki etorki idazki igoki iragarki iragazki isurki izaki jaki lotzaki janzki osaki sendaki tapaki

mending piece, patch copy, variant supplement, appendix, addition reprimand (erantzuki egin ‘to reproach’) fuel, roast (also erraki) cover, envelope, covering origin, lineage letter, written matter lift, elevator (On˜atibia, 165) announcement, advertisement strainer, filter drain, slope, drainage canal thing, being, creature food, dish strap, bandage, rope garment, clothing supplement medication lid, blanket, cover

[N.B. The verb erantzun meant earlier also ‘to reproach’—thus the meaning ‘reprimand’ for its nominalized form erantzuki. For the meaning ‘answer’ one uses the word erantzun, or else ihardespen and also the loanword arrapostu. For the form lotzaki derived from lotu, compare section 22.9.] 33.1.9

The Suffix -kin ‘remainder’, ‘resulting product’

The su‰x -kin (with lowered tone) attaches to verb radicals yielding nouns with the meaning ‘substance produced by the action of the verb’. If the action produces a primary product with waste matter, then the derivation with -kin gives preference to denoting the latter. Some examples follow:

Additional Derivational Suffixes

adabatu atera bidali bildu bota ebaki edeki egosi eho erantsi erditu erre etorri gorde harrapatu hondatu irabazi isuri moztu osatu urratu utzi zahartu zerratu zuritu

to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to

mend, to patch take out send collect, to gather throw out, to vomit cut, to cut o¤ take away boil weave add to halve burn come keep catch spoil earn spill, to pour cut, to shave make up, to fill up tear abandon age saw peel, to shuck


adabakin aterakin bidalkin bilkin botakin ebakin etekin egoskin ehokin eranskin erdikin errekin etorkin gordekin harrapakin hondakin irabazkin isurkin mozkin osakin urrakin uzkin zaharkin zerrakin zurikin

mending piece, patch extract ambassador, envoy, emissary collection, booty refuse, vomit remnant, clipping earnings, profit something boiled, cooking liquid weave, fabric annex, addition, supplement remaining half, fragment burnt-o¤ land (also errakin) newcomer, immigrant voucher, receipt, ticket stub prey, booty debris, cigarette butt, garbage earnings, profit, salary dishwater, spilled liquid shavings, clippings, wood chip, savings ingredient, supplement scrap, shred residue, remainder old thing, antique, junk sawdust, leavings from sawing peel, rind, casing

[N.B. From sobera ‘too much’ is derived soberakin ‘leftovers’, ‘superfluous junk’. The form errekin (or errakin) also means ‘fuel’. This is derived with another su‰x -kin not used in Batua (older form -kidin) with the meaning ‘good for . . .’, ‘inclined to . . .’. Dialectally, to wit in Labourdin and Low Navarrese, this su‰x is also encountered with a noun as base: haurkin ‘fond of children’, katukin ‘fond of cats’, lagunkin or jendekin ‘sociable, gregarious person’.] 33.1.10

The Suffix -kin ‘instrument or organ’

Language purists have made use in the past of a su‰x -kin with the meaning ‘instrument or organ’. Nowadays, people prefer compounds with gailu for this meaning (see section 33.1.6). The following derivatives with this instrumental -kin have acquired acceptance: entzukin haizekin hegazkin idazkin

organ for hearing, hearing aid (from entzun ‘to hear’) fan, bellows (from haize ‘wind’) airplane (from hegaz ‘flying’) typewriter (from idatzi ‘to write’; also idazmakina)


ikuskin iragazkin neurkin urrutikuskin urrutizkin usainkin

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organ for sight, vision, optical instrument (from ikusi ‘to see’) filter, sieve, colander, strainer (from iragazi ‘to strain’, ‘to filter’) gauge, measuring instrument (from neurtu ‘to measure’) binoculars (from urruti ‘far’ and ikusi ‘to see’) telephone (from urruti and hitz egin ‘to speak’) organ for smell (from usaindu ‘to smell’)

[N.B. Although in no way uncommon, urrutizkin is much less used than the loanword telefono for ‘telephone’. The neologisms for ‘telegraph’ and ‘television’, respectively urrutidazkin and teleikuskin, have found no acceptance. People use almost exclusively the words telegrafo and telebista.] 33.1.11 The Suffix -ka

In contrast to the stative su‰x -(r)ik that expresses a static state (section 25.5.2), the su‰x -ka indicates a dynamic state. The su‰x -ka attaches to nouns and a small number of adjectives yielding words describing a state indicated by the word to which it is su‰xed, giving it a dynamic dimension. In general, -ka does not attach to verb radicals, but there are a few exceptions: amilka ‘falling down’ from amildu ‘to fall down’; iraulka ‘rolling’ from irauli ‘to turn over’; joka ‘hitting’ from jo ‘to hit’ (mostly used in ate joka ‘knocking on the door’); and esaka ‘saying’ from esan ‘to say’ (mostly used in gaizki esaka ‘maligning’). Compare Inchauspe 1858, 10. Depending on the nature of the base form, we can distinguish seven groups that will be discussed in succession. The base form is a noun (or sometimes a directional form such as atzera, aurrera, behera, gora) that together with the verb egin ‘to make’ can form a verbal expression. Such a noun denotes an action or the result of an action. If the action is continuous, that is, occurs over a necessary period of time, then the derivation with -ka indicates the state of the agent: arrastaka ‘dragging out’, lasterka ‘in a rush’, presaka ‘hurried’. But if the action is momentary, then such an action occurring once or twice is not enough to call for this application of -ka. The derivation with -ka makes reference to an iterative, frequently repeated activity indicative of the state of the agent. One illustration is eztul eginez ‘coughing’ (one cough or more coughs) but eztulka ‘coughing’ (repeated coughs, coughing again and again). For brevity’s sake we shall leave out this repetitive meaning in the translations to follow. The main examples in this first group are

Group 1.

agur egin aharrausi egin ahausi egin aitaren egin

to greet to yawn to bark to make the sign of the cross

agurka aharrausika ahausika aitarenka

greeting yawning barking crossing oneself

Additional Derivational Suffixes


aldarri egin arnas egin

to announce, to shout to breathe

aldarrika arnaska

arrantza egin arrasto egin

to bray to leave a track

arantzaka arrastaka

atzera egin auhen egin aurrera egin

to go back, to retreat to lament to progress, to advance

atzeraka auhenka aurreraka

barre egin behe egin behera egin bultz egin burla egin dei egin deiadar egin doministiku eztul egin gainez egin

to to to to to to to to to to

barreka beheka beheraka bultzaka burlaka deiaka deiadarka doministikuka eztulka gainezka

galde egin

to ask, to question


garrasi egin gora egin gudu egin

to yell, to scream to go up to fight, to brawl

garrasika goraka guduka

hasperen egin hatz egin hegalda egin heiagora egin hitz egin

to to to to to

hasperenka hazka hegaldaka heiagoraka hizka

hots egin

to make noise


ihes egin indar egin irri egin irribarre egin

to to to to

iheska indarka irrika irribarreka

laugh bleat go below push mock, to poke fun call shout sneeze cough overflow

sigh scratch fly scream, to shriek speak

flee force ridicule, to jeer smile

calling out, with shouts gasping (also arnas estuka) braying dragging, dragging along going back, retreating lamenting, moaning advancing, moving forward laughing bleating going below pushing taunting, mocking calling shouting sneezing coughing overflowingly, excessively questioning, asking (also galdezka) screaming, yelling going up fighting, brawling, warring sighing scratching flapping, fluttering screaming, shrieking discussing, arguing, disputing making noise, calling out fleeing, in flight forcing, with violence mocking, jeering smiling


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irrintzi egin

to neigh, to whinny


keinu egin korrok egin kosk egin laster egin

to to to to

keinuka korroka koska lasterka

listu egin marruma egin

to spit, to expectorate to low, to bellow, to moo

listuka marrumaka

musu egein negarzotin egin oihu egin oka egin oles egin orro egin ostiko egin otoitz egin purrust egin

to to to to to to to to to

musuka negarzotinka oihuka okaka oleska orroka ostikoka otoizka purrustaka

tu egin txio egin

to spit to peep, to squeak, to chirp

tuka txioka

usain egin usin egin zabu egin

usainka usinka zabuka

zapart egin zaunka egin

to smell to sneeze to stagger, to teeter, to rock to explode to bark

zin egin zintz egin zirkin egin

to swear, to take an oath to blow one’s nose to move, to stir, to budge

zinka zinzaka zirkinka

zotin egin zurrunga egin zurrut egin

to hiccup to snore to gulp, to slurp

zotinka zurrungaka zurrutaka

make a gesture belch, to burp bite rush, to run hard

kiss sob scream throw up, to vomit invoke, to call upon roar kick pray grouse, to grumble

zapartaka zaunkaka

neighing, giving an ‘‘irrintzi’’ gesturing, with gestures belching, burping biting (also koskaka) running hard, fast, in a rush spitting mooing, lowing, bellowing kissing sobbing screaming vomiting, nauseated invoking, calling upon roaring kicking praying grumbling, mumbling, grousing spitting chirping, peeping, squeaking smelling sneezing staggering, teetering, rocking exploding barking (also haplology: zaunka) swearing, with oaths blowing one’s nose moving, stirring, budging hiccupping snoring gulping, slurping

[N.B. Whenever the noun stem ends in an a¤ricate preceded by a consonant, or in a plosive other than k, then an epenthetic a appears before the ending -ka: bultzaka, zintzaka, zurrutaka.]

Additional Derivational Suffixes


Group 2. The derivation with -ka is with a base noun denoting a material that can function as means by which the action takes place. In most cases there is a repetitive context. The main examples are

aizkora aizto arraun atzapar esku ezker ezten hagin harri hortz makila mutur oin ukabil ukondo zarta zigor ziri

ax knife oar claw hand left hand sting, goad, prick molar, tooth stone tooth stick, cane snout foot fist elbow sta¤, stick, rod rod, wand, whip dowel, pin, wedge

aizkoraka aiztoka arraunka atzaparka eskuka ezkerka eztenka haginka harrika horzka makilaka muturka oinka ukabilka ukondoka zartaka zigorka zirika

hacking, with ax blows stabbing, with knife stabs rowing, with oar strokes clawing, scratching, with claws handling, touching left, with the left hand stinging, goading, with the goad biting, with the molars stoning, with stones biting, with the teeth caning, with blows of the stick rooting, with the snout walking, on foot, by foot boxing, with the fist, with punches elbowing hitting, knocking, with a tap chastising, with beating pestering, prodding, challenging

[N.B. From beso ‘arm’ is derived besarka ‘embracing’, either from beso þ arte þ ka or beso þ har þ ka; compare loharkatu ‘to doze o¤ ’. Note also that the -ka forms can also function pragmatically as the means, reason, or cause, as in horzka ‘with the teeth’ and makilaka ‘with swipes from a cane’.] The base makes reference relative to a place. Here the -ka form can express a static situation. The main examples are

Group 3.

albo aldamen atze aurre gain gibel han-hemen inguru saihets

side side, vicinity posterior, back side front top, surface liver, back side here and there circle, periphery side

alboka aldamenka atzeka aurreka gainka gibelka han-hemenka inguruka saiheska

staggering, weaving from side to side sideling, zigzagging, indirectly backing up, backward against, in front of at the top, on top backward, backing up spread here and there circling, winding around sideways, indirect, sideling

We should remember here the directional examples given in group 1 such as aurreraka ‘going forward’, atzeraka ‘going backward’, beheraka ‘going below’, and goraka ‘going up’.


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With any arbitrary utterance X as base, with X-ka having the meaning ‘again and again saying X’: jesuska ‘saying ‘‘Jesus’’ repeatedly’. The following examples originated in this way and slowly have become conventional:

Group 4.

baiezka ezezka otoika berorika hika zuka ongi etorrika

repeatedly saying baietz (repeatedly saying yes) repeatedly saying ezetz (repeatedly saying no) repeatedly saying otoi (continually pleading) addressing with berori addressing with hi addressing with zu saying ‘‘welcome’’ again and again

A general remark: the -ka derivatives discussed so far are autonomous in the sense that the base itself determined in one way or another the action lying at the foundation of the state expressed by the -ka form. Employed in combination with verbs such as ari izan, egon, ibili, joan, and etorri, the resulting stative forms could semantically be seen as sentence predicates, just as is the case with the stative forms ending in -(r)ik. Examples follow: Aharrausika hago Musuka ari dira Aiztoka hasi zitzaion Zure inguruka dabil

You keep yawning. They are kissing. He began to stab him. He circled around you.

With the following groups of examples that is no longer the case. From now on, what the action is whose repetition results in a state does not depend on the underlying word, but only on the context. These -ka forms are heteronomous; they cannot function as main predicates of a sentence. Group 5.

The base is a numeral, distributive or otherwise:

hogeita hamar thirty ehun hundred mila thousand

hogeita hamarka ehunka milaka

by the thirties at a time by the hundreds at a time by the thousands at a time

bana bina hiruna ehuna

banaka binaka hirunaka ehunka

separately, one by one (also banazka) in pairs, two by two in groups of three, by threes in groups of a hundred, by hundreds

each each each each

one two three hundred

[N.B. Instead of the numeral bat ‘one’, the adjective bakar ‘alone’ is used: bakarka ‘one by one’, ‘separately’, with bakarkako ‘individual’ as adjectival form.] Group 6. The base is a noun that can function as a measure. Also here the -ka forms refer to a repetitive process, the nature of which comes from the context.

Additional Derivational Suffixes

ahamen aldra andana apur bihi erdi espal gutxi izpi ontzi oste pila pitin pixka plater sail saldo saski talde tanta txanpon zama zati


bite, mouthful group, crowd, bunch row, group crumb grain half bundle, bunch few fiber, blade, chip ship crowd pile, heap little bit little bit plate, dish part, section, crowd herd, crowd basket herd, group drop coin load, freight part, piece

ahamenka aldraka andanaka apurka bihika erdika espalka gutxika izpika ontzika osteka pilaka pitinka pixkaka platerka sailka saldoka saskika taldeka tantaka txanponka zamaka zatika

by mouthfuls, a bite at a time in groups, by groups at a time by groups, by rows, in groups in small amounts, by bits grain by grain in halves, halfhearted (erdizka) by bundles at a time, in bunches little by little (gutxika gutxika asko egiten da) bit by bit, fiber by fiber with shiploads at a time by crowds at a time by piles at a time, in piles by little bits, little by little by little bits, little by little with plates at a time in sections, in groups, by departments with crowds at a time with baskets at a time, by basketfuls in groups, by groups drop by drop, by drops coin by coin by freights, by loads by parts

Group 7.

Here the base is a noun indicating a period of time:

aldi arte aste egun epe hilabete ordu txanda urte

period, turn interval week day term month hour turn year

aldika arteka asteka egunka epeka hilabeteka orduka txandaka urteka

periodic, by turns, now and then every so often weekly, per week daily, per day on credit, in installments monthly, per month hourly, per hour by turns, in turn yearly, per year

[N.B. We find these forms with the su‰x -ari (treated in section 33.1.4): aldizkari astekari egunkari hilabetekari urtekari

magazine weekly magazine, employed by the week diary, daily newspaper, worker for the day monthly periodical, employed per month yearbook]


Chapter 33

Some have adjectives as base:

Group 8.

estu gorde handi isil itsu lauoin oker

narrow hidden big quiet blind four-footed slanted, crooked

estuka gordeka handika isilka itsuka lauoinka okerka

crowding in hiding, secret in bulk, in large quantities quietly, in secret blindly creeping, on hands and feet on all fours, galloping (e.g., horse)

33.1.12 The Iterative Suffix -katu

The su‰x -katu attaches to nouns and yields verbs. Its raison d’eˆtre lies in the fact that stative forms with -ka can occur as radicals of causative verbs. In other words, the magic su‰x -tu (section 7.4.1) can be applied not only to nouns and adjectives, but also to stative forms. Since most forms with -ka have an iterative meaning, so also do most verbs ending in -katu, and the remainder a durative meaning. (Cf. section 12.3.2.) The su‰x -katu has, to a certain extent, acquired a life of its own separate from -ka, as witnessed by the fact that there exist -katu-derived verbs for which no stative forms with -ka can be found. In that case the stem need not be a noun but can also be a verb or anything else. We give some illustrations: . . . bezala berdin ibili ikusi irauli irudi ordez pare

like . . . equal, same to walk to see to turn around image, to be like in place equal

. . . bezalakatu berdinkatu ibilkatu ikuskatu iraulikatu irudikatu ordezkatu parekatu

to to to to to to to to

become like . . . , to make like . . . equalize, to compare wander about, to roam explore, to visit turn over, to rotate (also iraulka) imagine, to envision replace, to represent match, to compare

However, the great majority of -katu-derived verbs are based on a stative with -ka. Following are the main examples out of each of the same groups that were distinguished for the su‰x -ka. (For the sake of brevity, we leave out the iterative meaning in the translations.) Group 1

agur aitaren aldarri auhen deiadar

greeting sign of the cross shout, cry lament scream

agurkatu aitarenkatu aldarrikatu auhenkatu deiadarkatu

to to to to to

greet, to salute cross oneself cry out, to exclaim lament scream

Additional Derivational Suffixes

erren galde gudu hegalda hitz irri keinu musu oihu presa usain zotin

limp question dispute, battle wing word jeer gesture kiss scream haste odor, smell gasp, hiccup


errenkatu galdekatu gudukatu hegaldakatu hizkatu irrikatu keinukatu musukatu oihukatu presakatu usainkatu zotinkatu

to to to to to to to to to to to to

limp interrogate quarrel, to fight flap, to flutter, to fly discuss, to quarrel, to argue jeer, to sneer gesture kiss scream hasten, to rush nose around, to sni¤ gasp, to hiccup

Group 2

aizto arraun atzapar esku ezten hagin harri hortz makila oin ukondo zigor ziri

knife oar claw hand prick, goad molar stone tooth stick, cane foot elbow whip, rod pin, wedge, jab

aiztokatu arraunkatu atzaparkatu eskukatu eztenkatu haginkatu harrikatu horzkatu makil(k)atu oinkatu ukondokatu zigorkatu zirikatu

to to to to to to to to to to to to to

stab with a knife row scratch, to claw manipulate, to handle sting, to prick, to goad bite stone bite give blows with a stick, to beat stomp, to trample elbow, to lean on elbow scourge, to punish prod, to jab, to challenge, to provoke

[N.B. With beso ‘arm’ there is besarkatu ‘to embrace’; compare besarka ‘embracing’.] Group 3

atze aurre gain inguru saihets

back side front side top, surface circle, vicinity side

atzekatu aurkatu gainkatu ingurukatu saiheskatu

to to to to to

drive back, to retreat oppose, to thwart climb up, to climb, to cover surround, to circumscribe, to encircle be next to, to list

Group 4

baietz yes, indeed ezetz no otoi please

baiezkatu ezezkatu otoikatu

to say yes repeatedly to say no repeatedly to repeatedly say ‘‘please,’’ to plead


Chapter 33

Group 5

bakar bana bina hiruna

alone one each each two each three

bakarkatu banakatu binakatu hirunakatu

to to to to

isolate, to separate separate, to distribute, to give one to each pair o¤, to divide into pairs divide in groups of three

Group 6

apur bihi erdi

crumb grain half

apurkatu bihikatu erdikatu

sail talde tanta zama zati

department, group group drop load part, piece

sailkatu taldekatu tantakatu zamakatu zatikatu

to crumble, to make small to winnow, to shake out grain to reduce by half, to divide in two (also erdizkatu) to catalog, to classify to group to drip, to distill, to fall in drops to load up, to put in piles to dismantle, to divide into pieces

Group 7

aldi txanda

period, turn turn

aldikatu txandakatu

to alternate to alternate

With group 8, of the adjectives there are no derivations with -katu. There are, however, the usual derivatives with -tu, such as estutu ‘to press’, gordetu ‘to hide’, handitu ‘to enlarge’, isildu ‘to be silent’, itsutu ‘to blind’, and okertu ‘to turn’. [N.B. With loanwords with a stem ending in -ka—like benedikatu ‘to bless’, maradikatu ‘to curse’, freskatu ‘to refresh’, and trukatu ‘to exchange’—naturally, no -katu su‰x is involved.] The su‰x -katu is used in place of -tu in order to make inchoative or causative verbs from the deictic manner adverbs with -la (see section 11.1.6). Besides the already mentioned bezalakatu, there is also bestelakatu ‘to make or become di¤erent’, halakatu ‘to make or become like’, and nolakatu ‘to make or become how (in such a way)’. 33.1.13 The Suffix -kada

The su‰x -kada attaches to nouns and yields nouns that express one moment of an activity connected to the base form. Just as the su‰x -katu is based on the verbalization of the stative forms ending in -ka, so is the su‰x -kada based on the nominalization of these forms—by means of the element -ada borrowed from Romance. It is clear that the iterative character of most of these stative forms is lost in the nominalization, since, as said previously, only an instance of the action is denoted.

Additional Derivational Suffixes


Although the derivatives with -kada generally, as to meaning, concur closely with the corresponding stative forms with -ka, there are a few examples found where this is not the case and thus one could speak of -kada as an independent su‰x: bete erdara sabel

fullness non-Basque language belly

betekada erdarakada sabelkada

overful stomach, indigestion, surfeit, glut barbarism bellyful, full belly

Just as we did with -katu, we will use the same distinguishing groups. One notices then that the most nominalizations are to be found in groups 2 and 6, while in groups 3, 7, and 8 they are totally or almost totally lacking. In general one does not expect -kada derivations because the base itself already denotes the action and further nominalization would seem superuous. Derivations with -kada only occur here if the base is not a noun but a directional form, and if the base noun is losing its character of noun in that it seldom or never appears outside the verbal expression with egin. This analysis yields two series of examples:

Group 1.

atzera aurrera behera gora

backward forward down up

atzerakada aurrerakada beherakada gorakada

retreat advance decline rise, increase

bultz korrok kosk oka purrust zurrut

push, thrust burp, belch bite vomit, nausea mumble, grumbling swallow, swig

bultzada korrokada koskada okada purrustada zurrutada

push, thrust, shove burp, belch bite vomit, nausea mumbling, grumbling swallow, swig

The derivation with -kada indicates a blow or movement with the base as instrument, sometimes also the injury occasioned thereby: Group 2.

aizkora aizto arraun atzapar bihotz buru ezku ezpat ezten hagin harri

ax knife oar claw heart head hand sword stinger, awl molar stone

aizkorada aiztokada arraunkada atzaparkada bihozkada burukada ezkukada ezpatakada eztenkada haginkada harrikada

blow from an ax, ax wound cut, stab from a knife, stab wound oar stroke scratch heartbeat, impulse hit with the head slap, hit with the hand sword blow (also ezpatada) prick, sting, malicious dig bite blow with a stone, stone’s throw


Chapter 33

hortz makila oin ukabil ukondo zarta zigor ziri

tooth stick, cane foot fist elbow stick, rod rod, whip pin, peg, wedge

horzkada makilada oinkada ukabilkada ukondokada zartakada zigorkada zirikada

bite blow from a stick kick, footstep punch, hit with the fist jab or blow with the elbow hit with a stick whiplash, punishment, chastisement poke, jab, pestering

[N.B. ilargikada: ‘blow with the moon’ (Amuriza, Hil 116).] Group 3.

No examples.

Group 4

berorikada hikada zukada

a use of the berori forms a use of the solidarity hi forms a use of the zu form

Meaningwise, the word erdarakada ‘use of a barbaric form’ would also fit in this group. Group 5.

ehun mila

hundred thousand

Group 6. aho ahur altzo beso esku golko gurdi ikuilu kamioi katilu labe lepo oin ontzi orga pitxer plater saski tanta

There are examples of the following sort: ehunkada a hundred milakada a thousand (not *milada)

Group 6 yields measurements: mouth palm (of hand) lap arm hand bosom cart, wagon stable truck bowl, cup oven neck foot container, ship wagon jar, pitcher plate, dish basket drop

ahokada ahurkada altzokada besakada eskukada golkokada gurdikada ikuilukada kamioikada katilukada labakada lepakada oinkada ontzikada orgada pitxerkada platerkada saskikada tantakada

mouthful, morsel handful lapful, apronful armful handful (MEIG VI, 95: eskutada, with dissimilation) armful (bosom full) cartload (also gurkada) stableful (Amuriza, Hil 15, 164) truckload bowlful, cupful (also gatilukada) oven full shoulder load footstep, length of a step, pace container full, shipload wagonful, cartload jarful, pitcherful plateful, dishful basketful drop, trickle

Additional Derivational Suffixes


Regarding the syntax of these forms: As discussed in chapter 2, a phrase linked to a numeral is indefinite: lepakada bat egur ‘a shoulder load of firewood’, bost lepakada egur ‘five shoulder loads of firewood’. In the absence of a numeral, however, the measurement receives the definite article: lepakada egurra ‘the shoulder load of firewood’. Here are a few more examples: (1) a. Pitxerkada ardoa edan zuen arnasa hartu gabe. (Cf. E.H. 653) He drank the jarful of wine without drawing breath. b. Eskukada dirua badu. He has a handful of money. c. Har ezazu golkokada bete intxaur. (Cf. E.H. 326) Take an armful (lit. chestful, bosom full) of nuts. d. Bi platerkada tomate jan zituen. He ate two plates of tomatoes. Group 7.

No examples, except perhaps aldikada ‘turn’, ‘period’ ¼ aldi (Amuriza, Hil 185).

Group 8.

No examples.

Key to the Exercises

Chapter 1 1.5.1 1. The ďŹ re is red, and the smoke black. (Or: Fire is red, and smoke black.) 2. Same as 1. 3. The daughter is beautiful, but the mother very beautiful. 4. The night is dark, the day (is) not. 5. It is a dark day today. 6. The women are pretty, but the men ugly. (Or: Women are pretty, but men ugly.) 7. The priest and the gypsy are friends. 8. Who is the boss here? 9. Many houses are white. 10. The priests and the witches are not enemies. (Or: Priests and witches are . . .) 11. The red skirt is not ugly. 12. Old apples are cheap here, but good co¤ee very expensive.

1.5.2 1. Ardo beltza ona da. 2. Ardo garestia da. 3. Sorgina eta ijitoak adiskideak dira. 4. Emakumea eta apaiza ez dira etsaiak ere. 5. Oiloa txikia da, baina oso goxoa. 6. Eliza asko hotzak eta ilunak dira. (Or: hotz eta ilunak dira.)


Key to the Exercises

7. Eskuak beroak dira, baina oinak hotzak. 8. Liburu berria garestia da, baina zaharra merkea. 9. Zer da lana eta nor nagusia? 10. Zenbat da dirua? 11. Sorginak adiskideak dira, eta ijitoak ere adiskideak dira. 12. Eguna laburra da eta urtea ere bai. (Or: baita urtea ere.)

Chapter 2 2.8.1 1. The two gypsies are old friends. 2. The thousand chickens of the witch’s daughter are black. 3. The house of the son of Pete’s friend is big and beautiful. 4. The apples are for John, the bread for Louis, and the money for Frank. 5. Father is the owner of few cows, but of a lot of pigs. 6. The mothers of many kids are witches. 7. The white house is for eleven women. 8. The house of many people is nobody’s. 9. Whom do the white horses belong to? 10. Why is the work of the boss’s friend not good? 11. The light of the sun by day and that of the moon by night are cheap and abundant. 12. The (little) horses of the mayor’s sons are good, but those of the ones of the gypsy bad.

2.8.2 1. Hamar etxeak berriak dira. 2. Mutil txikiaren zaldi zuria garestia da. 3. Emakume gorrien beldurra handia da. 4. Lau mutil eta bost neskatxa bederatzi haur dira. (Not haurrak, in spite of being part of the predicate.) 5. Sorgin asko gazte eta politak dira. 6. Andre gutxi da isila. (A Basque saying) 7. Etxe berria alkatearen adiskidearen alaba handiarentzat da. 8. Norentzat da dirua eta norentzat ez?

Key to the Exercises

9. Diru pixka bat ez da nahikoa. (Or: Diru apur bat ez da aski.) 10. Zein liburu da apaiz zaharrarena? 11. Inor ez da ehun mila libururen jabea. 12. Norena da zakurra eta norena zaldia?

Chapter 3 3.12.1 1. From the church to the pretty girls. 2. Today from the house (home) to the church and tomorrow again from the church to the house (home). 3. From the gypsies to the priest and again from the priest to the gypsies. 4. From the beautiful books down to the nation. 5. Why always to court? 6. Why is the witch’s black cat in the priest’s chicken coop? 7. There are always mice in the churches and cats in the houses. 8. There is now little money in the old factories. 9. In the beautiful new churches are not many people. 10. There are three pretty girls in the small church of the new priest. 11. The beautiful sister of the mayor is a sister of a friend of Mother’s. 12. From the earth toward heaven (or: toward the sky) and from (the) men toward God.

3.12.2 1. Gaur Nafarroatik Bizkairaino eta bihar Hendaiatik Parisera. (Or: Parisa.) 2. Batikanotik elizetara eta berriz elizetatik Batikanora. 3. Hiri eta herri askotatik jende gutxirengana. 4. Norengandik norengana? Mutil itsusiarengandik neskatxa politarengana. 5. Noren etxean dira sorginak beti? 6. Norantz da orain? 7. Zenbat gaztelutan dira liburu eta loreak? (Or: liburuak eta loreak?) 8. Gizon zaharra eta neskatxa gaztea Ameriketan dira. 9. Zenbait herritan sagu asko eta katu gutxi dira. 10. Gaur ez da inor lantegian.



11. Igandeetan jende gutxi da hiri handietan. 12. Zergatik orain aitaren arrebarengandik amaren ahizparengana?

Chapter 4 4.6.1 1. Behind the big workshop are two beautiful white houses. 2. Who is under the water, and who (is) on the grass? 3. Inside the old city are many pretty houses. 4. There is nothing at all under the small tables. 5. Grandmother’s ring is under the mayor’s foot. 6. On top of one horse are three ugly old women. 7. Aside from the witch there is nobody outside. 8. How many blind customers are there behind the white wall? 9. Around the black castle are many huge cats and few owers. 10. There is great danger between the old mill and the new church. 11. What are the new laws about? 12. The festivities are from half past six to a quarter to nine.

4.6.2 1. Etxe zuriaren aurrean zaharra da. (Or: errota zahar bat da.) 2. Bi hiri haundien artean bide luzea da. 3. Zein mendiren atzean da etsaia? 4. Mina hezurren barrenean da. 5. Zer da mahai gorriaren azpian? 6. Hiri handietatik kanpoan otsoak eta hartzak dira. 7. Hamar andrez kanpo, ez da inor barrenean. 8. Nor da aitaren ondoan eta nor amarenean? 9. Zapata politen gainean ispilu txiki bat da. (Or: ispilutxo bat da.) 10. Zenbat ezpata dira bezeroaren mahuka handiaren barrenean? 11. Ze(r) ordutan da gaur afaria? 12. Hamar-hamarretan.

Key to the Exercises

Key to the Exercises

Chapter 5 5.11.1 1. Where are the good friends of yesterday? 2. Who are the three girls on top of the bed? 3. The front door was iron and the back one wooden. 4. Mary’s new pants are of little value. 5. Around the old castle nearby are terrible abysses. 6. The silver belonged to the witch from the sea, and the gold to the one from the mountain. 7. The stone bridge was strong, but the wooden one very weak. 8. The statues inside the church were pretty, and those outside ugly. 9. The ties with the neighbors were very strong here. 10. The new translations from Basque are often very beautiful. 11. Words of hatred are rarely reasonable. 12. Goodbye to the fake world and the false friends!

5.11.2 1. Baionako ipuina izugarria zen. 2. Itsasoko haizea zergatik da hotza? 3. Gaurko afariaren usaina goxoa da. 4. Bilboko zubi berriak ez dira zurezkoak. 5. Herrietako etxeak ederrak dira, mendikoak ez. 6. Pelloren jantziaren oihala merkea da, baina txarra ez. 7. Katuaren errukia zen harrigarria, ez arratoiaren beldurra. 8. Euskarazko liburuak beti garestiak dira hemen. 9. Mendi gaineko gurutzearen itzala harrigarria zen. 10. Urte osoko errenta berrehun mila libera da. 11. Leize ondoko loaren arriskua argi(a) da. 12. Ezkerreko mahaia eta eskuineko ispilua aitaren aspaldiko adiskide batenak dira.



Chapter 6 6.9.1 1. (Look), there are the beloved mountains of the Basque Country! 2. Why is your uncle from San Sebastian coming here? 3. My (our) daughter is walking in the street with a young Biscayan priest. 4. How many kilometers are there from here to the sea? 5. Look here, girl, nobody is walking around here. 6. Who among your sons was at Mary’s the day before yesterday? 7. I was going to my (own) house yesterday, not to yours. 8. The big rats of the old church of youˆr village are now coming up to our houses. 9. Thus, your American friend is now in the white house. 10. The black cows of the boss here are going toward the mill with the red soldiers. 11. Last night three handsome boys were walking behind you. (Or: . . . chasing after you.) 12. Then I was in an ugly city; now, however, I am in a really pretty hamlet.

6.9.2 1. Nor naiz (ni)? 2. Non nago (ni)? 3. Nora zihoazen atzo baserritar asko? 4. Orain neure aitarenera noa. 5. Altunatarrak noiz datoz gurera? 6. Zergatik ez dator gaur inor? 7. Herenegun Gernikara genbiltzan bizkaitar adiskide batekin. 8. Noren liburuak daude horko mahai txikian? (Or: horko mahai txikiaren gainean?) 9. Zure aita eta gure (nire) ama hor daude aurreko atearen atzean. 10. Hona hemen gipuzkoar apaiz bat eta bizkaitar sorgin bat. 11. Sorgina ibaiaren gainetik dabil bere ahizparenganantz. 12. Hemengo neskatxak harrigarriak dira, hangoak, aldiz, benetan izugarriak.

Key to the Exercises

Key to the Exercises

Chapter 7 7.9.1 1. The devil has gone out of your daughter. 2. For a long time I have not gone out of the house, and neither have you. 3. I am surprised that you still hang out with very young girls. 4. When will you marry me? 5. Until I die, you´ shall not come into our home. (For gurean, see section 6.4.) 6. At which hotel in Bilbao are you staying today? 7. How many hours have passed from noon until now? (Lit. ‘‘up to here.’’) 8. The woman came out of the workshop in a black rage (lit. ‘‘in a red anger’’) and went to Bilbao at once. 9. It was really astounding that we did not fall into the abyss yesterday afternoon. 10. Until we returned to Bilbao, we were neither hungry nor thirsty. 11. At that time we were afraid of the big dogs in your pub. 12. In the end, my (cf. section 6.1.3, item 2) grandmother got to San Sebastian with her chickens very late.

7.9.2 1. Zein andre etzan da nire ohe gainean bere urrezko ilearekin? 2. Sorginak gazteluaren teilatura igo ziren berehala. 3. Gure liburuak mahaitik uretara erori dira orain. (For uretara, see section 3.4.2.) 4. Tren lasterrak beti berandu abiatzen dira hemendik. 5. Goizero seiak laurden gutxitan esnatzen ginen. (Cf. section 4.2.) 6. Goizeko hamar t’erdietan iritsiko (helduko) gara Donostiara. 7. Zu orduan menditik jaistea ona zen. 8. Gaur asko gertatu da gure herriko tabernan. 9. Zenbat apaiz bizi dira oraindik zure etxe txikian? 10. Gaur goizean oso haserre izan naiz zurekin. (Also: zutaz) 11. Pello gure neskatxen atzetik ibiliko zen bart. 12. Mina oraindik gose izatetik dator.



Key to the Exercises

Chapter 8 8.9.1 1. The interior of the sun is said to be very hot. 2. The people near the sea must have been ďŹ lled with fear. 3. I do hope the mad dog of your boss will soon die. 4. Has nothing happened anywhere up to now? 5. When will you return to your excellent wife, I wonder? 6. Why, I wonder, did nobody stay in the hotel of the young witches? 7. Who is not amazed that the snow is still white? 8. You and I will never enter the pub of the gypsies. 9. We are getting ashamed to see the whole village dancing to the tune of some Americans. 10. Have youˆ ďŹ nally woken up? 11. Try, at least, we will. 12. I did not go back to the sea because of what happened.

8.9.2 1. Behin ba omen zen Donostiako (or: donostiar) sorgin polit bat eta soldadu beltz batekin ezkondu zen. 2. Miren ez bide da nire etxe zahar itsusian geldituko. 3. Ijito zaharraren adiskidea ez bide zen bostetan esnatu. 4. Ez ahal da inor gauerdi arte geldituko! 5. Nor mintzatuko ote da igandean ostatuan? 6. Bazegoen norbait hemen, edo bestela zoratu egin naiz. 7. Zu ote zinen? 8. Bermeoko (or: bermeotar) neskatxa bat ongi mintzatu (or: mintzo) zen zutaz. 9. Zein zubitatik erori zen zure semea atzo goizean? 10. Lehenago gure herriko alkateak txarrak izaten ziren, orain ez. 11. Nire anaia gutxitan etortzen da gurera, eta nire arreba inoiz ere ez. 12. Bide luzea (not: luze bat) da, baina heldu (or: iritxi) egingo gara.

Key to the Exercises

Chapter 9 9.9.1 1. This wind from the sea (sea wind) brings rain. 2. At what time are youˆ bringing those new tools today? 3. Whose cart (coach) are you taking to that big castle? 4. What do you say about those things, and what do those loyal friends say? 5. These farmers have thick waists and rough hands. 6. Our bashful boys don’t know (about) those young witches. 7. Evil inclinations lead to death. 8. I don’t know how to stand this sharp pain in the ear. 9. These old houses of ours don’t look like castles. 10. How is life treating you? 11. This year we are busy at work day and night. 12. I don’t know you by your name.

9.9.2 1. Nork daki euskaraz? (Or: euskara.) 2. Zerk zakartzahona? 3. Zer dakarzu hona? 4. Zure ardiak kanpora (al) daramatzazu hotz honetan? 5. Andre bikain honek ez daramatza atzoko zapatata zaharrak. 6. Zure liburu lodi horiek egunero darabiltzat. 7. Atzerritar alargun haiengana naramazu (ni)? 8. Alargun gazte horiek bizitza latza daramate. 9. Andre polit honek bere atorra(ren) azpian krabelin gorriak dauzka. (Or: ditu.) 10. Nork ez dazagu gezurti zital hori? 11. Gazte honek ez daki Mirenen izena. 12. Haiek jende leial eta bihoztia dirudite.



Chapter 10 10.9.1 1. From long ago I have had the key to all the problems in my hand. 2. I wonder what youˆ said about me and my problems. 3. Did you know it all in advance? 4. I was busy with work the whole night yesterday, and my husband too. 5. Taking everything from everybody is the work of a great thief. 6. Yesterday’s noisy gathering lasted the whole afternoon. 7. To tell the truth, you were spending many hours outside the house. 8. That whole day, you seemed a carnivorous mountain bear. 9. They all knew about the problems of the widow. 10. That year, I saw you at the homes of all my friends. (For -enean, see section 6.4.) 11. That boy was carrying inside a ďŹ erce anger toward his parents. 12. Forgiving everybody is not easy.

10.9.2 1. Nork zindekartzan hona, senarra eta guzti? 2. Lapur batek gindekartzan bere zaldi zuriaren gainean. 3. Ametsa zirundien. (Also: Amets bat zirudien.) 4. Nork harrapatuko ditu Bilboko lapur guztiak? 5. Gure egunkariak berri gutxi zekarren atzo. 6. Zure adiskideak korbata gorri bat zeraman urte guztian. 7. Denek zerbait zekarten alargun gaztearentzat. 8. Sorginek ginderamatzaten zure etxe ederrera. 9. Egun guztian (or: osoan) besoetan nindukazun. 10. (Nik) ez nekien ezer hartaz. 11. Ez nituen inoiz (or: behin ere) ijito guztiak gorrotatzen. 12. Munduko diru guztiak ez nau (ni) erosiko.

Key to the Exercises

Key to the Exercises

Chapter 11 11.9.1 1. Have I not seen you somewhere else? 2. It will have (i.e., must have) been somebody other than me. 3. Perhaps you have never read such books. 4. For a long time almost nobody has been coming to our meetings. 5. From my room I see the old bridge very nicely (i.e., very well). 6. Such parents know almost nothing about their children. 7. This young priest deeply examined all those problems. 8. Your fiance´ hates me intensely, and I don’t know why. 9. Our teacher has explained the whole lesson clearly and distinctly, in a way easy for us to understand. 10. It is not good for a mother-to-be to walk so fast. 11. I am very happy to see your fiance´e. (Lit. ‘‘Seeing your fiance´e rejoices me greatly.’’) 12. Entering blindly into such matters almost always carries (with it) fairly great dangers.

11.9.2 1. Ongi asko (or: nahikoa ondo) ikasi dut neure ikasgaia. 2. Inork gutxik irakurtzen ditu horren liburu zozoak. 3. Bat ez beste haurrak berandu etxeratu ziren. (Or: berandu etorri ziren etxera.) 4. Zergatik portatu zinen bart hain gaizki? 5. Zure sagar horiek benetan izugarri goxoak dira. 6. Zure senargaiak zuregandik zeharo (or: guztiz) bestelakoa dirudi. 7. Honelako etxe polita (or: etxe polit bat) oso gutxitan dago salgai. 8. Agian, ezer gutxi gertatuko da hemen. 9. Gaur nire senarrak ia-ia galdu ditu gure etxeko giltzak. 10. Hain egun ederrean haurrak, agian, itsasora jaitsi dira. 11. Ia arrantzale guztiek oso ongi (or: oso ederki) ulertzen dituzte gai hauek guztiak. 12. Gaurko arrantzaleek arrain asko erraz harrapatzen dute. (Or: dituzte, cf. section 9.4.)



Key to the Exercises

Chapter 12 12.8.1 1. What size pants is the teacher wearing these days? 2. Did you buy this chocolate to eat in the garden together with your fiance´e? 3. All the rivers go to the sea, and the sea never gets full. (Or: fills itself.) 4. What occupation will your son now take, I wonder? 5. Among all the worries, I am not forgetting your sweet smile. 6. To whose house are you taking those little kids? 7. An old witch has struck my sister and turned her into a witch. 8. Maybe we won’t see each other anymore in this world. 9. The words of this writer must have been wrongly understood. (Or: misunderstood.) 10. I found myself in a beautiful garden, and there I found you. 11. I won’t put this work on the servants’ shoulders. 12. We have at once made your worries ours.

12.8.2 1. Neskameek gurekin batera gosaltzen dute beti. 2. Zergatik utzi dituzue zuen liburu guztiak etxean? 3. Zer irakurtzen da gure baserrietan? 4. Nola joaten da gure etxetik zurera? 5. Arrain asko jaten da Bilbon. (Or: jaten dute Bilbon.) 6. Nola ikasten dira hizkuntzak? 7. Gure amaren hizkuntza ez dugu sekula ahaztuko. (Or: inoiz ahaztuko.) 8. Nire ezagunen artean ez da inor gure hizkuntzaz kezkatzen. 9. Gaur ez dut ezer gehiago edango taberna honetan. 10. Egile honek ez du hitz asko erabiltzen bere penak adierazteko. 11. Neskamea etxekoandre bihurtuko da, eta orduan morroia nagusi bihurtuko du. 12. Baserri hauetan guztietan, biak laurden gutxitan bazkaltzen da. (Or: Baserri guzti hauetan, ordu biak laurden gutxiagotan bazkaltzen da.)

Key to the Exercises

Chapter 13 13.8.1 1. I dream about you every day, do you know that? 2. Your continuous chatter will soon turn me crazy. 3. The poor mother has walked from village to village, without ďŹ nding her beloved little daughter anywhere. 4. The bashful foreigner set out toward the church instead of going to the river. 5. Did youˆ do the work before coming here? 6. I am really sorry not to have come. 7. I took a long breath and went down into the deep cave. 8. In this old castle one has never prayed. 9. You remain in debt to us for a hundred francs. 10. Telling the mayor the truth will do no harm. 11. How do you know the truth without anybody telling you anything? 12. Not very far from our garden one sees a lot of pigs.

13.8.2 1. Gure irakurle trebeak ez du aste honetan libururik irakurri. 2. Donostian ez da behin ere (or: inoiz) esnerik edaten. 3. Neskameek zergatik egiten dute beti barre gure sukaldean? 4. Norentzat egiten dute lan? 5. Arrantzale batzuek ez dute inoiz hitz egiten oihu(rik) egin gabe. (Or: egiteke.) Or: Arrantzale batzuk ez dira inoiz mintzatzen oihu(rik) egin gabe. (Or: egiteke.) 6. Maitasun(aren) faltaz (or: faltan), Mirenek luzaro negar egin zuen. 7. Non egiten dute gure ikasleek lo egun haueten? 8. Nola bizi dira hain luzaro diru(rik) gabe? 9. Irakasleak ez zuen inoiz (or: behin ere) hitzik egin eztul(ik) egin gabe. (Or: egiteke.) 10. Hotz egiten zuen atzo, baina ez zuen behintzat elurrik egin. 11. Nire gurasoek ez dute (or: daukate) inorentzako errukirik. (Or: errukirik inorentzat.) 12. Ez dugu (or: daukagu) batere zorrik, hiri honetan behintzat. (Or: zorrik batere.)



Key to the Exercises

Chapter 14 14.9.1 1. Because of the frightful cold, you must close all the doors and windows of the house (very) well. 2. I want Mary to ďŹ x the roof of our house. 3. We see no need to go far in order to learn Basque. 4. Instead of learning English they learned Basque, and very well besides. 5. In order to know Basque well, we are still in need of learning a lot. 6. Today I am not in the mood for books. 7. This cheap book is not worth reading. 8. Today at least, no one must be believed. 9. You had no need to go a long way to talk to my wife. 10. I found myself in need of your fascinating wife at that celebration. 11. Do you intend to marry our daughter, yes or no? 12. Do you feel like marrying our daughter, yes or no?

14.9.2 1. Zu kondenatu behar zaitugu, baina alargun maitagarri hau ez dugu kondenatuko. 2. Ez al duzu ezer behar edateko? 3. Zuk niri (or: niretzat) etxe harrigarri bat jasotzea (or: eraikitzea) nahi dut. 4. Nork ez du izugarri(ki) zoriontsua izan nahi? 5. Ez dut batere gogorik zuri nire etxe zoragarria saltzeko. 6. Donostia ikusi gabe ez dut hil nahi. (Or: ez dut nahi hil.) 7. Ez dugu nahi zuk gu behar izaterik. 8. Nork izango zaitu inoiz erruki? 9. Zu gabe etxeratu gogo (or: asmo) dut benetan. 10. Liburu gogaikarri (or: aspergarri) hau irakurri behar dut, baina ez dut nahi. 11. Inork ez nau maite izan nahi (or: maitatu nahi) aste honetan. 12. Nork nahi du nork lan egitea baserri erogarri hartan?

Key to the Exercises

Chapter 15 15.11.1 1. Every day about ten men sent (or: used to send) me flowers. 2. Why are you telling me those big lies? 3. Tomorrow afternoon I will come to your home. 4. I consider it ridiculous to speak in that manner. (Or: that way.) 5. We soon broke into laughter, quite gladly, besides. 6. I applied myself to learning my father’s language (quite) well. 7. I am boring even to myself. 8. Youˆ too must wash each other’s feet. 9. They embraced each other and wept together. 10. I have introduced Mary and Itziar to each other. 11. They promised each other to belong to each other. 12. The two are not enemies, but little unites the two.

15.11.2 1. Ez diezu (zure) anaiei etxea saldu behar. 2. Haur bat jaio zaigu, Jainkoak seme bat eman digu. (Is 9:5) 3. Sorgin gazte askok musu eman didate aste honetan. 4. Lurralde honi esnea eta eztia omen darizkio. 5. Nik oso ederra deritzat (or: deritzot) emakume horri. 6. Etxe honetako haur guztiek batera negarrari eman (or: ekin) zioten. 7. Zergatik ematen diozu su mahaiari? 8. Ez dugu geure burua hil nahi. Ez ditugu geure buruak hil nahi. Ez dugu nahi geure burua hil. Ez ditugu nahi geure buruak hil. 9. Bere buruaz ere hitz egin dit, batez ere bere buruaz. (Mendiguren, Hamalau 84) 10. Zeure argazkirik inoiz ikusi al duzu? 11. Zer egin ote diozue elkarri? (Or: bata besteari.) 12. (Nire) Anaiak eta nik ez dugu bata bestearen etxean sartu nahi. (Or: batak bestearen . . .)



Key to the Exercises

Chapter 16 16.11.1 1. The tongue does not break bones, but it does make (someone) break them. 2. Mary has made John wash himself. (Not: wash her.) 3. Whose letters did you make the maid burn this morning, I wonder? 4. Will you make me kill the fat calf ? (me represents the causee, not the beneficiary!) 5. This doctor doesn’t want to let me kiss his daughters. 6. He knew (very) well how to keep things quiet. 7. One has to know how to lose too. 8. Pete was allegedly beating dogs and cats in front of his new fiance´e’s house. 9. How come you aren’t getting bored reading the same book every day? 10. I have not come here to show anyone how to love Basque. 11. How will I get to caress the pretty waist of that lovely lady? 12. The mayor has never stooped to ask permission of our workmen.

16.11.2 1. Zerk idatzarazi zion sendagileari eskutitz zoro hori guri? 2. Atzo egia esatera etorri zitzaigun sendagilea. 3. Ez zintugun ikusi okindegitik ateratzen. (Or: irteten.) 4. Gaizkilea ez zen ausartu jauregiko atea zabaltzera. (Or: zabaltzen, idekitzen.) 5. Irakasle ona izaten saiatu naiz, baina ikasleek ez didate utzi. 6. Zerk behartzen zaitu horren nagia izatera? 7. Liburu garesti horiek zail(ak) dira aurkitzen. 8. Okinak ez zion harakinari uzten berari laguntzen txahalak zaintzen. 9. Jende gutxik daki gaztainak erretzen. 10. Ez al zara inoiz gauza hauek ulertzen hasiko? (Or: hasiko gauza hauek ulertzen?) 11. Gaizkileak ez zihoazen beren buruak hain erraz salatzera. 12. Zergatik ez diozu laguntzen katu beltzari sagu guzti horiek harrapatzen? (Or: sagu horiek guztiak.)

Key to the Exercises


Chapter 17 17.11.1 1. If you´ have a lot, a lot you´ will need. 2. If you´ go to sea with the devil, with him you´ will have to make the voyage. 3. If I had married that witch, I would have killed myself. 4. If they had been taken for leftists, their lives wouldn’t have been worth a penny. 5. And now, if you were to show me the will, I would give you warm thanks. (More idiomatic in English: my warmest thanks.) 6. Where would we be going if we did not believe each other? 7. If I were in my (own) house, I would know what to do. 8. If I hadn’t seen it, I would not believe it. 9. Provided your sister is at home, I will go to her at once. 10. If one tells the truth at all, we owe the whole truth. 11. Society still does not accept them. 12. He got angry with me; he doesn’t take me seriously (or: doesn’t pay attention to me).

17.11.2 1. Zuk sufritzen baduzu, nik ere sufritzen dut. (Garate, Leh. 115) 2. Horrela bizitzen bazarete, hil egingo zarete. (Rom 8:13) 3. Nire emazteak barre egingo luke, hori entzungo balu. 4. Ijitoak etxea erosi nahi badu, dirua izan beharko du. 5. Zer egingo zenuke zuri gertatu (izan) balitzaizu? 6. Apustu hau irabazten badut, afaltzera gonbidatuko zaitut. (EGLU II, 420) 7. Liburu asko irakurri (izan) balitu ere, asto handia geldituko zatekeen. (Or: zen.) 8. Nire izebak liburu horiek irakurri nahiko ditu, interesgarriak izatekotan. 9. Neure herritzat hartuko zaituztet. (Ex 6:7) 10. Zenbait andrek senartzat hartuko zintuzkete. (TOE I, 68) (Or: andre batzuek . . .) 11. Nire osabak emakumetzat dauka bere burua eta ez ditu gure hitzak aintzakotzat hartuko. 12. Alargun gazteak Miren eta ni laguntzat aukeratu gaitu.


Key to the Exercises

Chapter 18 18.11.1 1. I don’t know how in the world we would manage without him (or: her). 2. I wonder whether the world has not gone completely mad. 3. We didn’t know if he was alive even, and that he was so wealthy. 4. They say (omen) that it is in misfortune(s) that one gets to know who loves us. 5. I have heard Mary say that she has realized that you have done terribly stupid things. 6. I don’t want anyone to know where I am. (Lit. ‘‘where I walk.’’) 7. Because of that doctor, do you know who died? 8. John knows that his son has problems, and his wife also knows that. 9. Pete doesn’t realize that he is insane, and his wife doesn’t realize that either. 10. Pete thinks that a disaster will happen to him, and his wife thinks so too. 11. It seems to John that there is no hope for him, and to his wife it seems so too. 12. Mary promised her husband that she would no longer tell lies, and her sister promised so too.

18.11.2 1. Ez dakit zer gertatzen zaidan. (Mintegi, 97) 2. Ez dakigu nork zer irakatsi dizun. 3. Ez dakit sinestu zigun ala ez. (Atxaga, Gizona 29) 4. Konturatzen al zara zer egin duzun? 5. Ez dut uste inoiz (sekula) ikusi zaitudanik (zaitudala). (Zapirain, M. 216) 6. Ez nuen uste hain azkar (laster) ahaztuko nindutenik (nindutela). (Atxaga, Obab. 42) 7. Ba al daki zure aitak noiz etorriko gatzaizkion ikustera? (Or: garen bera ikustera.) 8. Nire zakurrak (txakurrak) amorratuak direla bistan dagoela esan didate. 9. Ez dut uste inork sinestuko duenik bere emaztea gizon horrek hil duela. 10. Sekula gehiago ez zuela neskatxa hori ikusiko agindu zidan. (Garate, NY 17) 11. Ez nekien Euskal Herritik kanpo bizi nahi nuen ala ez. (Urretabizkaia, Asp. 52) 12. Herri honetan bi mila sorgin bizi zirela idatzi zizula alkateak uste dugu.

Key to the Exercises


Chapter 19 19.10.1 1. Pete is a student who likes books. 2. The apple that has been given to the child who has come alone is rotten. 3. If you had not brought that which you are carrying in your bosom, you would not have come out of here alive. 4. The days that I was a child have long gone. 5. Frank would like to marry the girl whom John is walking in the street with. 6. The one who brought it to him brought what he brought to the one to whom he brought it. 7. You have taken the wine from me, from whom they have now eaten the bread. 8. As far as I know, I have never done you any harm. 9. What I know, you also know; what you know, I don’t know whether I know. 10. Old age makes us forget many things learned earlier. 11. I passionately love youˆr daughter, who is very lovable. 12. Whoever lives in that house will have to pay (for) its repair.

19.10.2 1. Nahi ez dudan gaizkia egiten dut. (Rom 7:19) 2. Inork behin ere (or: inoiz) irakurriko ez duen liburu lodi hori ikusi al duzu? 3. Idatzi duzun liburua irakurri behar al dut nik? 4. Bai, liburu hau irakurri behar duzu, oso interesgarria baita. 5. Zaldia agindu nion andreak ez du nahi. 6. Bidaltzen nauzuen lekura joango naiz. (TOE I, 208) 7. Adiskide ona Jainkoak bidaltzen digun aingerua da. (Irazusta, Bizia 104) 8. Non da azalduko zela esan zenidan ijitoa? 9. Egiten duzuna ongi egin behar duzu. 10. Zer egiten duzun jakin behar duzu. 11. Lapurtutako liburu guztiak berehala bihurtu behar dira. 12. Aski dena aski da.


Key to the Exercises

Chapter 20 20.11.1 1. Youˆ come to me when youˆ know nothing else to do. 2. When we went out, the snow was just about to start. 3. The one who is bringing it is bringing what he is bringing when he is bringing it. 4. As soon as I became a man, I gave up childish ways. 5. We set out toward home when it was about to get dark and got home when it was getting dark. 6. When about to do anything whatsoever, we ask ourselves for whom and for what purpose we are acting. 7. Once when he saw Fernando at the Guernica fair, a friend asked him how he was. 8. All the times when Father enters the room, the children start to cry. 9. Each time that I pass by Guernica, I have a moment of sadness. 10. Do you feel better after smoking your cigarettes? 11. As long as honest people last on our farmsteads, Basque will last. 12. We will live in San Sebastian as long as we have money.

20.11.2 1. Hitzegingo dugu itzultzen naizenean. (Atxaga, Grl. 127) 2. Eguraldia ederra denean ez dugu etxean gelditu nahi. 3. Handitzen naizenean erdaraz mintzatuko al naiz? (Satrustegi, 192) 4. Zer uste duzu esan nahi duela hori dioenean? (Or: hori esatean.) 5. Sei hilabete igaro dira zu hemen egon zinenetik. (Garate, E.E. 144) 6. Ameriketan nintzela, hil zen gure aita. 7. Begiak zabaldu (or: ireki) orduko, ikusi nuen. (Atxaga, Gizona 216) 8. Apaiza ikustera etortzen garen bakoitzean, ardoa eskaintzen digu. 9. Bada urtebete amona hil zela. 10. Ez du hitzik esan nahi harik eta dirua jaso arte. (Also without harik eta.) 11. Beste guztiek zekitelarik, nik ez nekien. 12. Muga igaro ondoren, beste emakume bat bihurtu zen.

Key to the Exercises

Chapter 21 21.12.1 1. Let him who doesn’t know (how to speak) Basque learn it as soon as possible. 2. Let us go home so that our dinner won’t get cold. 3. It is not fitting that they see us in conversation together. 4. I would not want them to hear our gossip. 5. Who would not want peace to come? 6. It is time that you stop smoking. 7. How do you want youˆr children to learn anything if youˆ don’t let them go to the Basque school? 8. Let us finish the work that the witches want us to finish as soon as possible. 9. Let who wants to, do what he wants; I am going home. 10. He who does not want that they call him a wolf, let him not put on a wolf ’s hide. 11. I promise you that I will do my best to make sure that my sister helps you. 12. I order you to do your best to see to it that your sister marries me.

21.12.2 1. Patxik ikus dezan ekarri dut liburu hau. (EGLU II, 422) 2. Liburu bat idatz dezazula esan al dizut inoiz? 3. Ez genuen nahi lan hau egin zenezan. 4. Nire liburua ez dezazula erre eskatzen dizut orain. 5. Komeni da sorginak sorginekin bizi daitezen. 6. Eraman (or: har) zaitzala deabruak! 7. Ez dut nahi inork zure izena jakin dezan. 8. Ikus dezadan (or: dakusadan) zer gertatu den. 9. Eskuargia neraman bidea gal ez nezan. 10. Eman dezagun orain Gorostiaga jaunak arrazoi duela. (MEIG VII, 128) 11. Zerbait jan zezatela eskatu zien Paulok denei. (Acts 27:33) 12. Nire ikasketak buka ditzadanean pagatuko (or: ordainduko) dizut.



Chapter 22 22.11.1 1. Look at me, look, face to face! 2. Forgive me, please. 3. Leave those worries and let’s go. 4. Say, please, that you are my sister (lit. ‘‘that I have you as a sister’’). 5. Tell me who you´ go about with; I will tell you´ who you´ are. 6. Leave the gold and look for the soul. 7. Go upstairs and tell Mary to please come to us. 8. Take me as a slave instead of the boy, and let (lit. ‘‘may’’) this one go with his brothers. 9. Let my brother Amnon come with us. 10. Do not take strangers inside the house here on the farm! 11. Avert those eyes from me, they drive me wild. 12. Assume that I am a gypsy and you a witch, what would happen to us?

22.11.2 1. Ana! Beste baso bat ekar ezazu! (Labayen, Su Em. 169) (Or: Ekar ezazu . . .) 2. Utz ezazu baketan neskatxa. (Garate, NY 35) (Or: bakean) 3. Esadazu egia den. (Atxaga, Obab. 255) 4. Saia hadi hori ahazten. (Atxaga, Gizona 325) (Or: saia(tu) zaitez . . .) 5. Ireki ezazu atzeko atea, mesedez. (Atxaga, Gizona 97) 6. Utz gaitzazu hemen nonbait. (Atxaga, Gizona 321) 7. Ez zaitez lozale izan. (Prv 20:13) (Or: lozalea.) 8. Bidal iezazkidazu, arren, morroi bat eta asto bat. (2 Kgs 4:22) 9. Hator, txikia, emaiok musu bat aitari. (MEIG IX, 111) (Or: eman iezaiok . . .) 10. Egin ezazu nahi duzuna. (Iraola, 113) (Or: Egizu . . .) 11. Ez ezazu ahaz elkar gorroto duguna. (Etxaniz, Ito 150) (Or: dugula.) (For duguna, see section 18.3.) 12. Ez ezazu hitzik esan ezer galdetzen ez zaizunean. (Or: hitz bat . . .) (For galdetzen ez zaizunean, see section 12.5.1.)

Key to the Exercises

Key to the Exercises


Chapter 23 23.11.1 1. I have not written to youˆ because youˆ do not know the truth, but because youˆ do know it. 2. We know what we know because we do not know what we do not know. 3. Let us quickly go to the theater, for we have not gotten tickets yet. (Lit. ‘‘for we are still without getting tickets.’’) 4. Don Francisco had not wanted to add anything to it on the plea that it was dangerous to mention such things on the telephone. 5. Why are youˆ coming so late? 6. Since the Holy Mother Church has her experts, it does not behoove us to talk about the substance of this book. 7. Since you are so knowledgeable, do you also know when I will (or: might) die? 8. Although I am right, he considers me a liar. 9. He is eager to start at his new job, even though he doesn’t know exactly what it is like. 10. I have bought these old books in order to read them all. 11. Even though he is from the Northern Region, he understands our local Basque. (Lit. ‘‘the Basque from here.’’) 12. We have had to give in, even though (our) blood boils.

23.11.2 1. Gose ginelako etorri gara etxera. (Arejita, Eusk. Josk. 188) (Or: etxeratu gara.) 2. Mirenek ez du ardorik erosi nahi, berak edaten ez duelako. 3. Zarena zarelako maite zaitut. (Or: zarena baitzara maite zaitut.) 4. Kanpoan hotz dela eta, Pellok ez du ohetik jaiki nahi. 5. Zorionak eman behar dizkizut horrelako anaia duzulako. (Garate, Iz.B. 65) 6. Sinesmena galdu egin duela eta, elizara ez doa. (Erkiaga, Sinis. 28) 7. Dena badakizunez gero, ez duzu ezer ikasi beharrik. 8. Igandea zenez gero, ez zuen inor nekarazteko beldurrik. (Garate, Esku 121) 9. Ez dakit etorriko naizen, elurra da eta. (Less idiomatically: elurra egiten du eta.) 10. Geldi zaitez etxean, eri baitzara. (Or: gaixo[rik] zaude eta.) 11. Ez zenukeen hori esan behar, egia izan arren. (Or: egia den arren, or: nahiz [eta] egia izan.) 12. Nahiz (eta) berandu samar galdetu, zer asmo duzu afalondorako?


Key to the Exercises

Chapter 24 24.12.1 1. How can one express things without words? (Or: How can things be expressed without words?) 2. We could collect a nice harvest before long. 3. You are unable to swallow that nothing has happpened. 4. Who can swallow that would also swallow toads and live snakes. 5. I, of course, could not believe anything like that. 6. I can do nothing before seeing the school. 7. Speaking about what could and could not have happened tends to be nothing but idle talk. 8. I cannot imagine how I chose this silly wife. 9. May I not say my opinion, or what? 10. Marry o¤ your son when you want and your daughter when you can. 11. Who believes can do everything. 12. God can do what men cannot.

24.12.2 1. Ezin dezaket zugandik ezer har (tu). (TOE II, 249) (Or: Ezin har dezaket zuregandik ezer.) 2. Ez dakit nola egin dezakezun hori. (Atxaga, Gizona 22) (Or: . . . hori egin dezakezun, or: . . . hori egin ahal duzun.) 3. Asto batek ere gauza hauek (or: gauzok) uler ditzake. 4. Daramazuna eraman dezaket nik ere. 5. (Ni) bart hil nintekeen. (AnËœibarro, E.L. 6) 6. Zer egin nezakeen bestela? (OnËœederra, 48) 7. Ezin nuen gertatzen ari zena ulertu. (Atxaga, Bam. I, 30) 8. Jakin al dezaket zer gertatu zaizun? (Or: Zer gertatu zaizun jakiterik ba al daukat? or: ba al dut?) 9. Orduan inork ezingo luke ezer esan. (Etxaniz, Ito 195) (Or: Orduan inork ezin esango luke, or: . . . ezin izango luke ezer esan.) 10. Ni maitatzeko gauza sentitzen al haiz? (Atxaga, Obab. 88) 11. Edan ahala ardo eskainiko dizute. 12. Mirenek bere dirua irabazi ahala honatzen du.

Key to the Exercises

Chapter 25 25.10.1 1. We have sung together in many villages. 2. I have often slept with your sister. 3. Something I have just read comes to my mind. 4. I ďŹ nd myself unable to bear the harsh conduct of my husband’s relatives. 5. After paying the fare, he went aboard. 6. The whole year he wanted to buy a house. 7. A friend having sent them, I have seen the old papers you mentioned. 8. We are reading the things Baroja has seen, heard, done, thought. 9. Upon the willows by the water(s) we had left our lyres hanging. 10. Having forgotten my old dreams, I am living far from the world. 11. These days I am unable to understand my wife. 12. Since when have you been in love with me?

25.10.2 1. Dena zure urduritasunak eragina da. (OnËœederra, 139) 2. Badirudi katu batek salbatua zinela. 3. Bekatuak barkatuak zaizkigu. 4. Hiri honetako irakasle asko da/dira eskale gelditua/-ak. 5. Geneukan guztia galdua dugu. 6. Beste batzuetan goseak egoten naiz. (Anduaga, 62) 7. Liburu on hauek irakurrita/-rik, lasai hil naiteke. 8. Hil berria dut alaba. (Mt 9:18) 9. Zer dago idatzia/-ta/-rik legean? 10. Bizi garen etxea behin eta berriro saldua izan da. 11. Ahoa lehor daukat/dut. 12. Nire zain al zaude?



Key to the Exercises

Chapter 26 26.11.1 1. Is there a thing as beautiful as seeing ourselves surrounded by dear friends, I wonder? 2. Love me then, as much as I love you. 3. Mary has terribly thick calves and even thicker thighs. 4. To forget those things, there is nothing like a little drink. 5. You are the one I love most in the world; you are the one who deserves to be the most beloved. 6. I passed from the greatest joy to the gravest sadness. 7. You` have played with me as much as you` wanted: you` as my cat, I as you`r little mouse. 8. There are few as graceful and beautiful as Maud was. 9. The poor girl got fatter (thicker) than ever before. 10. I would prefer to buy immediately what I need most. 11. The deeper we delve into Basque, the more beautiful we ďŹ nd it. 12. There is no pestilence, and no poison either, that does as much harm as laziness.

26.11.2 1. Nire senarra uste nuen baino aberatsagoa da. 2. Emakume gehienek badakite beren senarrek baino askoz gehiago. 3. Maiteago dugu lagunartea basamortuko bakartasuna baino. (MEIG I, 82) 4. Nor da inoiz ezagutu duzun andrerik politena? 5. Ba al da Karmen egiazki bere aitak esaten duen bezain polita? 6. Bakana baino bakanagoa da hitz hori. (MEIG VII, 50) 7. Han beti euskaraz hitz egiten zen, gaur baino askoz gehiago. (Uztapide, Sas. 292) 8. Zuk jatetxerik merkeenean platerik garestiena eskatzen duzu, nik, berriz, garestienean merkeena. 9. Ahalik gutxiena erosi behar dugu. 10. Goizegi zen inor ikustera joateko. 11. Nontsu utzi dituzue zuen sorginak? (Barbier, Le´g. 148) 12. Non aurki nezake zuek baino ikasle hoberik?

Key to the Exercises

Chapter 27 27.14.1 1. What was promised with your mouth, you have fulfilled with your hand, as we can see today. 2. I appreciate your article more than that of your sister. 3. If he comes by the first train in the morning, he will get here by noon. 4. The couple is going homeward arm in arm. 5. One has to be careful with those people. 6. We must proceed step by step and degree by degree. 7. How are you doing moneywise from year to year? 8. By constantly reading one can learn a lot in the world of today. 9. The husband was always living in the fear that someone else might steal his wife from him. 10. Through using the key for a long time, the door opened. 11. ‘‘Well, me neither,’’ agreed Anartz, beating his rounded belly with one hand. 12. Trodden roads tend to be comfortable, even though they bore us because we know them so well.

27.14.2 1. Ni aizkora zorrotzaz jotzen saiatu zen. 2. Trenez ala beribilez zoaz? Eguneko azkeneko trenean noa. 3. Zenbatetan ez dizut esan garaiz etortzeko? 4. Ogi faltaz, gosez ahuldu ziren. 5. Zure arrebaz liburuak idazteaz aspertzen naiz. (Or: aspertu egiten naiz.) 6. Jokatuaren jokatuz daukazun (duzun) guztia galtzen duzu. 7. Urre garbiz estaliko duzu. (Ex 25:24; Biblia) 8. Sorgin gazte baten bitartez aberastu zen. 9. Ikusi ez ditudan ikuskizunez ez zenidake galdetu behar. 10. Euskal Herrian bizitzeke (or: bizi gabe), euskara ikas dezakegu. 11. Tasioz ez da (zen) inor ohartu. (Etxeberria, Egun 110) 12. Ez genuen pentsatzen asko biharamunaz. (Xalbador, Odol. 183)



This vocabulary and the ones at the end of each chapter are intended for the convenience of readers doing the exercises. Throughout the chapters much vocabulary is given with reference to the subjects being treated. Some lists are extensive; your attention is called to the following sections: 3.8.2 (-tegi); 3.9 (-xka); 4.3 (arte); 4.4 (-tzar); 5.6 (-ero); 6.5 (-te); 6.6 (-tar); 7.4.2–5 (-tu); 7.7 (-xko); 8.7 (-tsu); 9.7 (-ti); 10.6 (-koi); 10.7 ([-]zale); 11.1 (-ro, -ki); 11.7 (-gai); 12.6 (-[tzai ]le); 13.3 (egin idioms); 13.6 (gabe); 14.7 (-garri); 16.9 (-gile, -gin); 17.9 (tasun); 18.9 (-keria); 19.8 (-dun); 20.9 (aldi); 21.9 (-keta); 22.7 (-men); 22.8 (-pen); 22.9 (-tzapen); 23.8 (-kor); 23.9 (-bera); 24.10 ([-]ezin[-], -gaitz, [-]erraz); 25.5.2 (-[r]ik); 25.8 (-[kun]tza, -tza, -kunde); 26.9.2–3 ([-]era); 27.12 ([-]kide, -kizun); and especially chapters 12 (transitive verbs), 31, 32, and 33. [Note: The citation form of the verb is the perfect participle; * indicates a reconstructed form. The numbers following refer to some relevant sections.] A.


abendu(a) aberats abere aberri abiatu abuztu(a) adar adierazi adiskide aditu afaldu afalondo afari

December rich animal fatherland, homeland to set out, to depart ( August branch, horn to express (16.2.1) friend to listen, to understand (12.1.10, 12.5.3, 16.7.2, 22.3.1) to have dinner, supper (12.1.5) time after dinner evening meal, dinner, supper


agertu agian agindu agur ahal ahalegindu ahate ahaztarazi ahaztu ahizpa aho ahuldu aingeru aintzakotzat hartu aintzat hartu aipatu aita aitabitxi aitona aitortu aitzin aizkora ala alaba alargun aldamen alde alderdi aldi aldiz aldizkari ale alfer alferkeria alkate ama amabitxi amagai amaitu


to appear (12.4.2) maybe, perhaps (11.4) to command, to promise, to order; order, commandment (12.1.6) greeting, goodbye, hello possibility, capability; able (24.1, 24.2.3–4, 24.6, 24.6.1, 24.6.3, 24.7.1–2, 26.5.3) to do one’s best (12.1.6) duck (31.2.2) to cause to forget (16.2.1) to forget (12.1.9, 16.5.2, 27.10.1) sister (of a woman; 3.10) mouth to weaken angel (31.2.2) to pay attention to, to take seriously to pay attention to, to take seriously to mention, to cite (12.1.7) father (2.3.2) godfather (2.3.2) grandfather (2.3.2) to confess (17.8.1) before, in front of (, 20.4, 20.4.2) axe or (chap. 30) daughter widow, widower vicinity, side, nearness ( in favor of, pro, for; side, region, nearby (2.2.2, side, party period, time, turn (2.1.2, 20.3, 20.9, 27.7) in turn, on the contrary, however magazine, journal, periodical grain lazy, useless, idle laziness mayor mother (2.3.2) godmother (2.3.2) mother-to-be to end, to be completed (12.4.2,


amerikar amets amets egin ametz amodio amona amore eman amorratu anai(a) andre andregai anitz antz antzeman apaiz apika apiril(a) apo apur bat ar aran arau arazo ardi ardo ardura argal argazki argi ari izan arima aritu arma arnasa aro arrain arrantzale arras arratoi


American dream to dream Pyrenean (muricated) oak love grandmother (2.3.2) to give in, to yield furious, rabid, mad; to be angry brother (3.10) lady fiance´e many, much (2.1.4, 2.3.2, 9.4, 11.2.1, 26.4.2) likeness to notice, to guess priest perhaps (11.4) April toad a little, a bit (2.3.2, 11.2.3, 26.4.2) male plum rule, norm problem, issue sheep wine (31.2.2) care, responsibility; often (in the north, weak photograph light, daylight, brightness; clear, bright (18.2.2, 31.2.2) being engaged in some activity or process (16.5.1,, 27.3, soul to be occupied, to be working weapon breath period of time (32.3.1) fish (31.2.2) fisherman totally, very (11.2.1) rat


arrats arratsalde arrazoi arrazoi *edun arre arreba arren arrisku arriskutsu arrosa arrotz arte aski asko askotan asmatu asmo aspaldi aspalditik aspergarri aspertu astakeria aste astearte asteazken astelehen asto ate atera atorra atrebitu atsegin atso atze atzerritar atzo aukera aukeratu aurka


evening ( afternoon ( reason to be right gray, muddy color sister (of a man; 3.10) for goodness’ sake, please (22.3.4) danger dangerous rose stranger gap, interval, stretch (, 4.2, 4.3, 20.1.1, 20.4, 20.4.5, 21.4.2) enough (2.3.2, 11.2.3) much, many (2.3.2, 7.4.2, 9.4, 11.2.1, 26.4.1–2, 26.4.5, 26.5.1, 26.6.1, 26.6.3) many times, often to invent, to imagine (12.1.4, 12.1.9) intention, plan (14.2, 14.4.3, 29.2) long ago ( since long, for a long time boring, annoying to get bored, to get fed up; to bore (12.1.11, 27.10.4) stupid action, stupidity, nonsense week (20.1.3, 31.2.2) Tuesday Wednesday ( Monday donkey, ass door, gate ( to go outdoors, to go out, to come out, to result, to take out (12.4.3) shirt, blouse to dare ( pleasure; nice (14.1) old hag rear, backside, back part (4.1.2) foreigner, foreign yesterday ( choice, opportunity to choose, to elect (17.8.1) against (



aurkeztu aurkitu aurre aurten ausardia ausartu auzi auzo auzoko axola azaldu azaro(a) azkar azken azkenean azpi aztal aztertu azti

to present, to introduce to ďŹ nd (16.7.2) front, frontside, front part (4.1.2, 20.4, 20.4.1) this year ( intrepidity to dare ( trial, lawsuit, issue neighbor, neighborhood neighbor, nearby care, concern to explain, to appear, to show up, to come out November strong, fast, quickly; clever, smart end (noun); last (2.1.2) in the end, ďŹ nally bottom, lower part ( calf (body part), heel to examine diviner, wizard

ba (bada) bai baimen baina baita baizik bakan bakar bakarrik bakartasun bake bakoitz baliatu balio baratza/e barau egin barkatu barre barre egin barren barru

(a‰rmative particle) well, well then, then (8.3–4, 8.6.1, 23.6.2) yes (18.2.3, 30.1.2) permission, consent but (30.1.1) also but rare, uncommon, seldom ( alone, unique alone solitude peace each to utilize, to use (27.10.1) value, worth (14.2) garden to fast to forgive, to pardon laughter, laugh to laugh (2.3.2, 16.2.1) inside, inner part, interior ( inside, inner part, interior; within (, 20.1.3)


bart basamortu baserri baserritar baso bat batera batez ere batzuk bazkaldu bazkari bazter bederatzi begi begiratu behar beharbada behartu behe behi behin behin ere . . . (ez) behin eta berriro behintzat bekaitz bekatu belar belarri belaun beldur beldurgarri beltz benetan ber(a) berandu beraz berde bere berehala


last night (7.3.2, desert farm, farmhouse ( farmer drinking glass; wilderness, forest one (1.3.1–2, 2.3.2, 19.1.8, 28.1.1) together, jointly, simultaneously especially, particularly some, a few (2.3.2, 28.1.1, 31.3.1) to have lunch main meal, lunch corner, edge, margin, fringe ( nine eye (27.1.3, 31.2.2) to look (used with dative) necessity, need; to need, must (14.2, 14.5, 14.5.1, 17.5.3, 26.4.3, 26.5.2, 27.11.2, 29.2) perhaps (11.4) to force bottom; (lower) oor (3.2) cow once, one time (, 30.1.2) never, not even once ( once and again, repeatedly at least envy sin grass, herb ear (27.1.3) knee fear (2.3.2, 18.8.1, 25.6) dreadful, frightful black really, for real, truly, truthfully same (6.1.5, 28.2) late, too late thus, so, therefore, by the same token (23.6.1–2) green his/her/its (6.1.5, 15.7) at once, immediately, forthwith (20.6)


beribil bero berri berriketa berriz bertsolari besarkatu beso beste bestela bete beti bezero bi bidaia bidaldi bidali bide bidesari bihar biharamun bihi bihotz bihotzez bihozti bihurtu bikain bilatu bildots bildu bilera birao birao egin bistan egon bitxi bizar bizi bizi izan biziki bizirik


car, automobile hot, warm; heat, warmth (25.6) new; news (25.4, 31.3.3) chatter, gossip, talk, twaddle again, once more, on the contrary, on the other hand troubadour, improvising poet-singer (33.1.4) to embrace, to hug arm other (11.5, 20.3, 27.8) otherwise (11.6) to fill, to fulfill; full, filled, fullness (12.4.2, 27.1.2) always (, 26.4.8) customer two journey, voyage trip to send (12.1.3, way, road (8.1.3, 32.3.2) road toll tomorrow ( next day, hangover (20.1.3, 20.6) grain heart with the heart, sincerely, cordially (27.1.5) a¤ectionate to turn into, to return, to become (12.4.2–3) excellent to look for, to seek lamb to collect gathering, assembly, reunion, meeting curse, blasphemy to curse to be obvious (18.2.2) jewel; strange, eccentric, very beautiful (18.2.2) beard life to live (2.3.2, 7.6) very (11.2.1, 26.4.2) alive



biziro bizitza bizkaitar borobil bost brontze bukatu burdina buru

keenly, greatly, very much (11.2.1) life, existence; floor, story (2.1.2) Biscayan round five bronze to finish, to end ( iron (31.2.2) head (, 15.7, 15.9.1)

da damu dantza deabru dei dei egin deitu dena denak desagertu desegin deus dira diru doi donostiar droga duda

(he, she, it) is regret (14.1) dance devil call to call, to invite to call, to name, to invite all, everything (10.4, 28.3) everyone (10.4, 28.3) to disappear to undo, to destroy (12.4.2) anything, something (13.1.1, (they) are money (31.2.2) precise, su‰cient (2.3.2) (native) of Donostia (San Sebastian) drug doubt (

edan edari eder ederki edo edozein eduki

to drink (12.1.5) drink, beverage beautiful, fine fine, nicely, very well (25.5.2) or, about, or so (28.1.7,, chap. 30) a´ny . . . whatsoever (2.3.2, 28.1.2) to hold, to contain, to have (9.1, 9.3.1, 10.1, 17.8.2, 22.2.2, 22.4.2, 24.8, 25.2.1–2, 27.3, 29.1.3) to have (transitive of izan) (2.3.2, 7.1.3, 9.1, 9.3.1, 10.1, 10.3.1–2, 13.4, 13.4.2, chap. 14, 15.3.2, 17.2.2–4, 17.8.2, 19.8, 20.1.4–5, 21.2.2, 22.2, 22.2.4, 22.4.4, 24.1, 24.1.2–4, 24.4.2, 24.8, 25.2.1, 26.4.3, 26.5.2, 28.4, 28.4.1, 29.1.3–4, 29.1.6–7, 30.2.3)



egarri egia egiazki egiaztatu egile egin eginbide egon

eguerdi egun egunkari egur eguraldi eguzki ekain(a) ekarri ekin eliza elkar elkartu elur emakune eman emazte eme entzun epaitu era erabili eragozpen erakarri erakutsi eraman erantsi erantzun


thirst (25.6) truth really, truly to verify maker, author (12.6.1, 16.9) to do, to make, to accomplish (2.3.2, 7.1.3, 8.6.1, 9.1, 9.3.2, 10.1, 12.1.4, 12.1.7, 12.4.2, chap. 13, 22.2.2, 22.4.2, 27.1.2) duty, obligation to be situated, to stay (6.2.2–3, 7.5, 15.1,, 17.2.2–4, 18.8.2, 22.2.1, 22.4.1, 24.4.3, 24.8, 25.1.4, 25.2.1–2, 25.5.1, 25.6, 27.3, noon, midday (4.2) day (7.3.2, 20.1.1–3, 31.2.1) newspaper, diary firewood weather sun June to bring (9.1, 10.1,, 29.1.3) to tackle, to apply oneself, to begin, to take up (15.6.2, 22.2.1) church (31.2.2) each other (15.8.1) to join, to unite, to gather together snow woman to give (2.3.2, 12.1.3, 13.4, 15.6.1–6, 16.7.1,, 17.8.2, 22.2.2, 22.4.4) wife female to hear, to listen (9.1, 9.3.2, 10.1, 12.1.10, 16.1, 16.7.2, 22.2.2, 22.4.2) to judge manner, appearance, way (26.9.1) to use, to handle, to treat, to stir (9.1, 9.3.1, 10.1, 16.1, 29.1.3) obstacle to cause to be brought, to attract (9.1, 9.3.1, 10.1, 16.1) to show, to exhibit, to teach (9.1, 10.1, 16.1, 16.7.1, 22.2.2) to carry (o¤ ), to lead, to bear (9.1, 9.3.1, 10.1, 16.1, 29.1.3) to add, to stick on response, reply; to answer (12.1.7, 16.1)


eraztun erbi erdara erdi ere eri erle eroan erogarri erori erosi eroso erotu erraz erre errege errenta errota erruki ertz esan esan nahi esanahi eseri eskaini eskale eskas eskatu esker esklabo/u esku eskuargi eskuin eskutitz esnatu esne estali eta etengabe etorri


ring hare (31.2.2) language other than Basque, Spanish, French (27.1.5) half; middle, center (, 4.2, 26.7,, 32.5.3) also, even, too, either (1.3.3, 17.6, 26.4.6, sick, ill; sickness bee to carry, to drive, to bear (9.1, 9.3.1, 10.1, 16.1, 29.1.3) maddening to fall, to fall down, to fall out to buy (12.1.3, 16.1, 22.2.2, 22.4.2) comfortable, smooth to turn crazy easy, easily (16.4.2–3, 24.10.4) to smoke, to burn, to roast (12.1.5, 12.4.2) king (2.3.2) rent, income mill pity, compassion (14.1–2) edge, hem, margin, fringe ( word, saying; to say, to tell (10.3.2, 12.1.7, 22.2.2, 22.4.2, to mean meaning to sit, to sit down (12.4.3) to o¤er beggar meager, inadequate, scarce, deficient (2.3.2, 11.1.4, 13.5.1) to ask (for), to request, to urge (12.1.6) thanks slave (also jopu) hand (27.1.3) flashlight ( right side, right hand; right-handed ( letter (31.2.3) to wake up (12.4.2) milk (in certain dialects: ezne) to cover (12.4.2, 27.1.2) and (20.6, 26.4.8–9, 26.5.3, chap. 30, continuous, ceaseless ( to come (6.2.2,, 16.6.2, 22.2.1, 22.4.1, 24.4.3, 29.1.2)


etsai etsi etxe etxeko etzan euri Euskal Herria euskara ez ez . . . inoiz ezagun ezagutu


ezker ezkertiar ezkondu ezpata ezti eztul eztul egin

enemy to give up, to desist, to find, to consider (17.8.2, house member of the household to lie down (6.2.2, 12.4.3, 22.2.1, 22.4.1, 29.1.2) rain the Basque Country Basque language (27.1.5) no, not, lack (chap. 8, 24.3,, 30.1.2, never acquaintance; obvious, well-known (18.2.2) to recognize, to acknowledge (9.1, 9.3.2, 10.1, 12.1.9, 12.5.3, 17.8.1, 18.2.2, 22.2.2) disaster, misfortune anything, something (2.3.2, 3.4, 13.1.1, 28.1.3, unable, impossible; impossibility; inability (24.1, 24.3, 24.6, 24.6.2, 24.6.4–6, 24.10.1–2, 26.4.7) left side, left hand; left-handed ( leftist to get married, to marry (o¤ ) sword honey, sweet cough to cough

faborez falta fede ferekatu feria franko froga fruitu

please (22.3.4) lack, fault, mistake (13.5.1, 14.2) trust; faith, religion; confidence caress fair, market quite a few, enough (2.3.2, 9.4, 11.2.3) proof fruit

gabe gabon gai gain gainera gaitz gaixo (gaiso)

without (13.5–6, 25.5.1, 27.11.4, night, evening material, matter, subject (11.7, 24.9.2, 27.2) top, upper part, surface (, 27.8) moreover, besides di‰cult, evil; illness, fault, ailment, calamity (16.4.2, 24.10.3, 31.3.3) poor, unfortunate, miserable, ill(ness), sick(ness)

ezbehar ezer ezin


gaizki gaizkile gaiztakeria galburu galdegin galdetu galdu garau garbi garbitu garesti gari garrasi egin gau gauerdi gauero gauez gaur gauza gazta gaztaina gazte gaztelu gehiago gehiegi gela gelditu geratu gerla gero gerri gertatu gezur gezurti giltza gipuzkoar gizarte gizen gizon


bad, evil; badly (25.5.2) criminal, evildoer evil action, misdeed, evil ear, kernel to ask (also: galde egin) to ask (18.1.6) to lose, to lose (all senses), to get lost (12.4.2) grain, seed (31.2.2) clean, pure to clean, to wash, to wipe out expensive wheat to yell night (3.2, 20.1.2–3) midnight every night by night today ( thing, matter (24.9.1) cheese (31.2.2) chestnut young, youngster castle (comparative of asko) more, some more, any more (2.3.2, 26.4.1, 26.4.5) (excessive of asko) too much, too many (2.3.2, 26.6.1, 26.6.3) room to stay, to remain, to stop, to end up (12.4.3, 25.6) to remain, to stop, to end up war (also: gerra) later, after, afterward (, 20.2.6, 20.6, 22.3.5, 26.4.4, 26.4.8) waist to happen, to chance to be lie, falsehood mendacious, liar key Guipuzcoan society fat man



gogaikarri gogo gogo *edun gogoz goi goiz gona gora gorputz gorri gorrotatu gorroto gorroto izan gosaldu gosari gose goxo gozo grina gu gudu guraso gurdi gure gurutze gustatu gutxi gutxiago gutxitan guzti guztiz

boring, annoying mind, appetite, fancy, liking, desire (14.4.1) to be eager, to feel like, to intend (14.2, 14.4.2, 29.2) willingly, gladly, with pleasure above, top; elevated (3.2) morning, early ( skirt up, upstairs, long live! (3.2, 27.8) body red to hate hatred, hate (13.4.2, 14.1–2) to hate to have breakfast (12.1.5) breakfast hunger (25.6, 31.2.2) nice and sweet, tasty, delicious (1.2.5) sweet, nice, soft (1.2.5) passion we battle, war parent coach, cart, wagon our, my cross to please, to like few (1.2.5, 2.3.2, 4.2, 7.4.2, 9.4, 11.3, 26.6.3, less few times, rarely, seldom all (10.5, 28.3, 32.1.1) wholly, intensely, very (11.2.1)

haiek hainbeste haize hala hala ere (Âź halere) hamar han handi (haundi)

those (9.6.1, 28.2.6) so many (2.3.2) wind thus, in tha`t (yon) way (11.1.6) even so (23.7.6) ten there (far o¤ ), over there (6.3.1, 28.2.6) big, large, great (


handitu hanka har haragi harakin harakintza haran harategi harrapatu harri harrigarri harritu hartu hartz haserre haserretu hasi hau hauek haur haurkeria hauts hautsi heldu hemen herenegun heriotza/e herra herri herrixka hezur hi hil hil hilabete hilondoko hiri hiru(r) hitz hitzeman


to get big, to grow up leg worm meat, flesh butcher butchery, massacre valley butcher shop to catch (16.7.2) stone, rock astonishing, amazing, surprising, astounding to be surprised, to be astonished, to astonish (12.1.11, 18.2, 27.10.4) to take, to receive, to get (2.3.2, 12.1.3, 13.4.1, 17.8.2, bear anger; angry (25.5.1) to get angry, to make angry (12.1.11) to begin (, 16.6.2, this (9.6, 19.1.8, 28.2.6) these (9.6, 28.2.6) child puerility, childish way ash, ashes, dust to break (12.4.2, to arrive, to ripen ( here (6.3.1, 28.2.6) (on) the day before yesterday ( death rancor, resentment, hate country, town, village; people, nation, population hamlet bone you (‘‘familiar’’ sing.) (6.1.2, 9.1, 29.1.1) to die, to kill (12.4.2) month (20.1.3) month (20.1.3–4) (last) will, testament city, town (31.2.2) three (2.3.2) word (25.8.1, to promise



hizketa hizkuntza hiztun hobe hobeki hobeto hodei hogei hondamen(di) hondatu hor hori hori horiek horma hosto hots hotz hura huts

speech, talk, conversation language (25.8.1, 31.2.2) speaker better (comparative of on), to be preferable (26.4.1–2, 29.2) better (comparative of ongi) (26.4.1–2) better (comparative of ondo) (26.4.1–2) cloud twenty ruin, destruction to squander, to ruin, to collapse (12.1.5, 12.4.2) there (nearby) (6.3.1, 28.2.6) yellow that (9.6.1, 19.1.8, 28.2.6) those (9.6.1, 28.2.6) ice, wall leaf sound, noise; that is, in other words cold; coldness (25.6) that (far o¤ ) (9.6.1, 28.2.6) void, emptiness, mistake, zero; empty, pure

ia iaz (or igaz) ibai ibar ibili

almost, nearly (11.3) last year ( river valley to walk, to hang out, to act, to function (6.2.2, 16.5.1,, 22.2.1, 22.4.1, 24.4.3, 25.5.1, 25.6, 27.3, 28.4, 29.1.2, to write (12.1.4, 12.1.7) article, essay writer to ascend Sunday to pass, to pass by, to cross, to spend time (16.1) to go up, to rise, to climb (12.4.3) to rub, to pat to flee (16.2.1) gypsy trembling, shiver, tremor; fright, scare terrible, terrifying, horribly (11.2.1) to tremble with fear

idatzi idazlan idazle igan igande igaro igo igurtzi ihes egin ijito ikara ikaragarri ikaratu


ikasgai ikasi ikasketa ikasle ikastola ikatz ikusi ikuskizun ilargi ile ilun ilunabar indar ingeles inguratu inguru inoiz inoiz . . . ez inon inor interesgarri intsusa *ion Iparralde ipuin irabazi iragan irail(a) irakasle irakatsi irakin irakurle irakurri iraun ireki irentsi iritsi iritzi


lesson (31.2.4) to learn, to study (12.1.9, 28.4.1) studying, study student Basque school coal to see, to view, to visit (9.1, 9.3.2, 10.1, 12.1.10, 12.5.3, 16.7.2, 28.4.1) sight, spectacle moon hair dark, obscure; darkness (25.5.1) sundown, dusk power, strength, force English, Englishman to surround (27.1.2, periphery, vicinity, environs, about (, 4.2, 26.7) ever (, 26.5.2) never ( anywhere anyone, anybody, someone, somebody (2.3.2, 13.1.1, 28.1.3, interesting elder tree (Sambucus nigia) to say (9.1, 9.3.1, 10.1, 10.3.2, 12.1.7, 15.4.2, 22.2.2, 22.4.2, 29.1.3) Northern Region of the Basque Country tale, story to earn, to win; earnings to pass, to go through, to spend time (16.1) September teacher to teach (12.1.9, 16.1, 16.7.1, 22.2.2, 22.4.2) to boil (9.1, 10.1, 12.2.1, 16.1) reader to read (12.1.7) to last, to endure (9.1, 9.3.2, 10.1, 12.2.1) to open to swallow (12.1.5) to arrive, to reach (16.1, opinion; to deem (15.4.1, 22.2.2)


irla irri irribarre irribarre egin irten irudi


izar izeba izen izendatu izerdi izpiritu izter izu izugarri izugarrizko izutu

island laugh smile to smile to go out, to exit, to leave image, picture, statue; to resemble, to seem (transitive) (9.1, 9.3.1, 10.1, 10.3.2, 18.5.2) silent, quiet ( mirror, reflection sea blind blindly ugly fountain, source hope, expectation to close appearance shadow, shade, respect to return, to go back, to come back (12.4.3) translation quiet! to be, to exist, to have (1.3.3, 2.3.2, 6.2.2–3, 7.1.3, 7.5, 15.3.1, 17.2.2–4, 17.3.2, 20.1.4–5, 21.2.1, 22.2, 22.2.1, 22.4.3, 24.1, 24.1.2– 4, 24.4.1, 24.6.1–2, 24.8, 25.1.1, 25.1.4, 26.6.3, 28.1.1, 28.4, 28.4.1, 29.1.2, 29.1.4–7, 30.2.3) star aunt name to designate sweat spirit thigh fright frightful, terrible, terribly (11.2.1, 26.4.2) terribly to be frightened, to frighten (12.1.11)

jabe jai jaiki

owner (27.10.2) festivity, holiday, celebration to get up, to rise, to rise up (12.4.3)

isil ispilu itsaso itsu itsuki itsusi iturri itxaropen itxi itxura itzal itzuli itzulpen ixo izan


Jainko(a) jaio jaitsi jakin


jario jarraitu jarri jaso jatetxe jaun Jaungoiko(a) jauregi jausi jauzi jende jo joan joera jokaera jokatu joko jolas jolas egin josi jostatu

God (2.3.2) to be born to go down, to come down, to descend (12.4.3) to know (9.1, 9.3.1, 10.1, 10.3.2, 12.1.9, 16.5.2, 18.2.2, 22.2.2, 22.4.2, 29.1.3) of course, naturally learned, knowledgeable, clever, wise to eat (12.1.5) clothing, dress, suit; to dress, to put on clothes (12.4.2, 27.1.2) to be busy with, to engage in (9.1, 10.1, 12.2.1,, 22.2.2, 29.1.3) to ow (15.2.2, 22.4.1) to follow, to continue (12.2.1, 15.2.1,, 22.2.1, 22.4.1, 29.1.2) to sit down, to put, to set (12.4.3, 18.2.2, 27.3) to lift, to receive, to get (12.4.3) restaurant gentleman, sir, lord, the Lord (Jauna) (2.3.2, 31.2.1) God (2.3.2) palace to fall to jump folk, people (singular noun) to hit, to strike, to beat (12.1.1, 17.8.2, to go (6.2.2, 16.5.6, 16.6.2, 22.2.1, 22.4.1, 24.4.3, 27.11.3, 29.1.2) inclination, trend conduct, behavior to play, to gamble game, play play, game to play to sew, to overwhelm (27.1.2) to have fun, to play

kafe kale kalte kalte egin kamioi kanpo kantatu

co¤ee street harm, damage to do harm, to harm truck outside, exterior (, 27.8) to sing (12.1.7)

jakina jakintsu jan jantzi jardun



kapitulu katu ke keinu kemen kendu kezka kezkatu koipe kolko kolpatu komeni kondenatu konpondu konponketa kontatu kontra kontrabando konturatu kontuz! korbata krabelin kriseilu

chapter cat smoke gesture energy, vigor to take away, to avert (12.1.3) worry to worry (12.1.11, 27.10.4) grease bosom, chest to beat, to hit ďŹ tting, suitable to condemn to ďŹ x, to repair, to manage (12.1.1) repair to tell, to count (12.1.7) against (2.2.2,, smuggling to realize (12.1.10, 27.10.2) watch out! look out! attention! tie carnation oil lamp

laboratu labur lagun lagunarte lagundu laino lan lan egin lanbide langile lantegi lapur lapurtu larri larru larunbat

to work, to elaborate short companion, mate society, company to help, to accompany (16.7.1) fog, mist, cloud work to work profession, occupation worker, workman (16.9) workshop, factory thief, robber to steal (12.1.3) big, grave, serious, urgent skin, hide, leather Saturday


lasai laster lasto latz lau lau(r) lege lehen lehenago lehenbailehen lehenbizi lehendakari lehia lehor lehortu leial leiho leize leku lekuko lepo libera liburu liburudenda liburutegi lili liluragarri lirain liskar lo lo egin lodi lohi lore lotsa lotsagarri lotsati lotsatu lotu lotura


peacefully, comfortably (25.5.1) fast, quick, quickly, soon (20.6, 26.2) straw rough, harsh plain, plane, flat four (2.3.2) law first, formerly, earlier, before, at first (, 26.4.4) formerly, previously, before (26.4.4) as soon as possible at first, initially president diligence, haste dry to dry loyal window abyss, chasm, gorge place, spot, location, site, post witness neck franc book bookstore library lily, flower fascinating, enchanting graceful, svelte quarrel sleep, asleep (25.5.1) to sleep (16.2.1) thick, bulky, fat mud flower shame shameful bashful, shy, timid to be ashamed, to embarrass (12.1.11, 27.10.4) to bind, to connect, to attach (12.1.1) tie, link, connection



lur lurralde luzapen luzaro luzaroan luze

earth, ground, soil land, territory, region delay, deferment for a long time, long ( for a long time long

madarikatu mahai mahats mahuka maiatz(a) maila mailu maisu maitagarri maitasun maitatu maite maitemindu maiz makal makila makina bat maleta malko malmutz mami mando martxo(a) mehe mendi merezi merke mesede mesedez meza mihi min mintzatu minutu

accursed; to curse table grape sleeve May degree, level hammer teacher, expert lovable, lovely, fairy love to love (12.5.3) dear, beloved (14.1–2, 26.4.3, 26.5.2, to fall in love (27.10.2) often ( spineless, weak, cowardly cane, stick a great deal of, a lot of (2.3.2) suitcase tear (from the eye) sly substance, curd(s) mule March thin mountain, hill to deserve (14.2) cheap favor please (22.3.4) mass tongue (also mingain) (27.1.3) pain; dear, intimate to speak, to talk (27.10.1) minute



miresgarri modu moja moldatu mordo more morroi motel motz muga muin mundu musika musu mutiko mutil

admirable, wonderful, marvelous manner nun to form (12.1.4, 27.1.2) bunch, group purple servant, farmhand (25.8.2, 31.2.2, 31.3.1) dull, tasteless, insipid; motel short limit, border medula, (bone) marrow world music kiss boy, lad boy, fellow, guy

nabar nagi nagusi nahi

piebald, grey lazy boss will, wish; to want (14.2, 14.3, 21.3.1, 26.5.2, 27.11.2,–2, 29.2) distress, sorrow, su¤ering to distress (12.1.11, 27.10.4) enough (2.3.2, 11.2.3) shabby to be disgusted crying, tears, weeping to cry, to weep (16.2.1, 27.9.1) winter to tire out, to disturb e¤ort, tiredness, toil (16.4.2) girl, maiden housemaid, female servant (31.2.2) young girl measure, size I my when (18.1.1, 20.1.1) ever, at some time ( how (18.1.1, 18.1.4)

nahigabe nahigabetu nahikoa narras nazkatu negar negar egin negu nekarazi neke neska neskame neskatxa neurri ni nire noiz noizbait nola



nolabait non nonbait nor norabide norbait

somehow ( where (18.1.1, 18.1.3) somewhere, apparently ( who (2.3.2, 28.1.1) direction, address somebody (2.3.2, 13.1.1, 28.1.3)

odol ogi ogibide ohar ohartu ohe ohitura ohoin ohol oihal oihan oihu oihu egin oilategi oilo oin okin okindegi oldar olerkari omen on onartu ondo ondo

blood bread, loaf of bread (31.2.2) livelihood, occupation, trade observation, remark to notice (12.1.10, 27.10.2) bed custom, habit thief plank, board cloth, fabric, curtain forest shout, scream to shout chicken coop chicken foot baker bakery (16.9) impulse poet repute, rumor (8.1.2) good; goodness, goods (2.3.2, 26.4.1, 26.5.1) to approve, to agree, to accept ( well, good (25.5.2, 26.5.1) proximity, nearness, contiguity, adjacency, succession (, 20.4.3, 31.2.3) well, good (25.5.2, 26.5.1) to take well, to approve, to accept vessel, container, ship, boat wish, to wish (14.1, 15.1, 21.3.1) now ( to compensate, to pay (12.1.3) however instead

ongi ontzat hartu ontzi opa orain ordaindu ordea ordez



ordu ordu erdi ordu laurden orduan orga oro oroipen oroitzapen osaba osasun oski oso ospe ostatu ostegun ostera ostiral ostu otoitz otoitz egin otordu otsail(a) otso

hour, time (4.2, 20.1.3, 20.2) half hour (4.2) quarter of an hour (4.2) then, at that time, in that case (26.4.9) cart all (28.3) recollection, souvenir recollection, souvenir uncle (2.3.2) health shoe whole, very (11.2.1, 26.4.2) fame hotel, inn Thursday again Friday to steal (12.1.3) prayer (22.3.4) to pray meal February wolf

pagatu pago paper pare pena pentsatu pila/o pinu piper pixka bat plater plazer polit portatu poz pozoi(n) poztu

to pay (12.1.3) beech tree paper pair, counterpart, equal, opposite side (, 26.1.6) sorrow to think (12.1.8) pile, heap pine pepper a little, a bit (2.3.2, 11.2.3, 26.4.2) plate, dish pleasure (22.3.4) pretty to behave joy poison to be glad, to rejoice, to cheer up, to delight (12.1.11, 18.2, 27.10.4)



praka(k) premia prestu prezio

pants, trousers need noble, honest price

sabel sagar sagardo sagu sahats saiatu sakon sakondu sakristau salatu salbatu saldu salgai saltsa samar santu sarde sari sarri sarritan sartu sats sei sekula sekula . . . ez seme senar senar-emazteak senargai sendagile sendatu sendo senide sentimen sentipen sentitu

belly apple cider (31.2.5) mouse willow to try, to attempt (12.1.6) deep, profound to deepen, to delve into sexton to betray, to denounce (12.1.7) to save to sell (12.1.3) merchandise, object for sale sauce ( somewhat (11.2.3) holy pitchfork reward, prize often, soon ( often to come in, to go in, to enter (12.4.3) muck, ďŹ lth six ever ( never (, son husband the couple ďŹ ance´ doctor, physician (16.9) to heal, to cure, to get well robust, healthy, strong (7.4.2, 25.5.1) relative, sibling emotion feeling to feel (12.1.10)



seta simaur sinesmen sinetsi soin soinu soka solastatu soldadu sorbalda sorgin sortu su su eman su hartu sudur sufritu suge suil sukalde sukar sumin sutsuki

stubbornness manure faith to believe shoulder, body sound, music rope, cord to converse soldier shoulder witch to arise, to conceive, to originate (12.1.4, 12.4.2) fire to set fire (to) to catch fire, to get angry nose (27.1.3) to su¤er (always transitive) snake pail, bucket kitchen (31.2.3) fever ( irritation ardently, passionately

taberna talde tanta teilatu tema testigu toki tontor toxa trebe tren tresna tristura tuntun txahal txakur

pub, tavern, bar group drop roof obstinacy witness place, spot peak pouch skillful train tool sadness silly, stupid calf dog



txar txartel txerri txiki txindurri txiro txit txoko txokolate txori txukun

bad ticket pig (1.2.5) small, little (1.2.5) ant poor very (11.2.1, 26.4.2) nice little corner chocolate bird (31.2.2) neat, tidy (25.5.1)

uda udaberri udazken ugari ulertu ume une ur urde urdin urduri egon urduri jarri urduritasun urrats urre urri urri(a) urruti urtarril(la) urte usain uso uste uste izan/*edun ustel utzi uzta uztail(a)

summer spring (31.3.3) autumn abundant (2.3.2) to understand (12.5.3) kid, child (1.2.5, 31.2.3) moment (20.1.3) water male pig blue, gray (of hair) to be nervous to make nervous, to become nervous nervousness step, footstep gold scant (2.3.2) October far January year smell, odor dove, pigeon opinion, belief to believe, to think (so) (2.3.2, 14.2, 18.5.1, 18.8.2, 29.2) rotten, putrid, perverse to leave, to abandon, to let (12.1.3, 16.3, 22.2.2, 22.4.2, 27.3) harvest July



xaboi xede xentimo xoro xume

soap goal, purpose penny silly, foolish (1.2.5) puny, paltry, common

zabal zabaldu zahar zaharo zail zain egon zaindu zakar zakur zalantza zaldi zapart egin zapata zarata zati zaunka egin zazpi zehar zeharo zehatz zein zen zenbait zenbaki zenbat zer ze(r) moduz zerbait zeren zergatik zerri zertako zeru zezen

wide, broad to widen, to open old (25.4) old age di‰cult (16.4.2) to be waiting to guard, to protect rough, coarse, harsh (big) dog hesitation, doubt ( horse to crack, to explode shoe noise piece to bark seven across, through, throughout (, 20.1.4, exactly, totally, completely (11.2.1) exactly, in detail, precise which (2.3.2, 3.4, 18.1.1, 18.1.4, 19.5, 26.4.11, 28.1.2) (he, she, it) was some (3.4, 9.4, 28.1.2, number, numeral how much, how many (2.1.1, 2.3.2, 3.4, 18.1.1, 18.1.4, 26.4.9) what (2.3.2, 3.4, 18.1.1, 18.1.4, 28.1.3) how, in what condition something (2.3.2, 13.1, 28.1.3) because (23.5.2–3) why pig, swine (31.2.2) for what sky, heaven (31.2.2) bull


zigarro zilar zin egin zine zintzilik zintzur ziren zital zitara zoko zor zor *edun zoragarri zoratu zorion zorionak eman zoriontsu zoro zorrotz zortzi zozo zu zubi zuek zuen zuhaitz zulatu zulo zur zure zuri zutik B.


cigarette silver to take an oath movie theater hanging throat (they) were vile, nasty, base, infamous lyre hiding corner, spot ( debt (14.1) to owe (14.2) enchanting, wonderful, marvelous to turn crazy, to enthrall, to drive wild happiness, good luck (31.3.3) to congratulate happy crazy, insane (7.4.2, sharp eight silly, stupid you (singular) (6.1.2, 9.1) bridge you (plural) (9.1) your (plural) tree to perforate (12.1.1) hole, den, lair wood your (singular) white standing, upright, erect


about that abundant abyss, chasm acquaintance a造ectionate

hartaz ugari leize ezagun bihotzi



afternoon again, yet all, everything almost also, even always and anger angel anybody anymore anything apple arm arrive, to ask, to ask for, to ass, donkey at least at once aunt author, maker

arratsalde berriz dena, guzti ia ere beti eta haserre aingeru inor gehiago ezer sagar beso iritsi, heldu galdetu eskatu asto behintzat berehala izeba egile

back bad badly baker bakery Basque language be, to beautiful become, to bed behave, to believe, to betray, to better between big black

atze txar gaizki okin okindegi euskara izan eder bihurtu ohe portatu sinetsi salatu hobe, hobeto arte handi beltz



blood bone book bookstore border boring, annoying born, to be boss, master bottom, under boy bread breakfast, to bridge bring, to brother build, to but buy, to

odol hezur liburu liburudenda muga gogaikarri, aspergarri jaio nagusi azpi mutil ogi gosaldu zubi ekarri anai(a) jaso, eraiki baina erosi

can’t car carry, bear, to castle cat catch, to cheap child choose, to church city, town clean, pure clear, bright clothing co¤ee cold come, to come out, go out, to companion companionship, company compassion

ezin beribil eraman gaztelu katu harrapatu merke haur, ume aukeratu eliza hiri garbi argi jantzi kafe hotz etorri atera lagun lagunarte erruki



condemn, to congratulate, to cough, to cover, to cow crazy, to turn criminal, evildoer cross cry, to

kondenatu zorionak eman eztul egin estali behi zoratu gaizkile gurutze negar egin

danger dare, to dark daughter day day before yesterday dear, beloved debt deem, to depart, to descend, to devil die, to di‰cult disturb, to do, make, to doctor dog door dream drink, to dry

arrisku ausartu ilun alaba egun herenegun maite zor iritzi abiatu jaitsi deabru hil zail nekarazi egin sendagile txakur ate amets edan lehor

each each other early easy, easily eat, to enemy enough enter, to

bakoitz elkar goiz erraz jan etsai aski, nahikoa sartu



ever evil excellent expensive express, to eye

inoiz gaizki bikain garesti adierazi begi

fabric, cloth faith fall, to farmer farm, farmhouse fast father fear feel, to few, little fiance´ fiance´e find, to finish, to fire fish fisherman fitting, suitable flashlight, torch (pocket) flow, to flower foot force, to forget, to forgive, to formerly franc friend frightful, terrible front full

oihal sinesmen, fede erori, jausi baserritar baserri laster aita beldur sentitu gutxi senargai andregai aurkitu bukatu su arrain arrantzale komeni eskuargi jario lore oin behartu ahaztu barkatu lehenago libera adiskide izugarri aurre bete

gamble, to get, to

jokatu jasu



get up, to girl give, to glass (for drinking) go, to go up, to God gold good grandfather grandmother grow up, to guard, to gypsy

jaiki neskatxa eman baso joan igo Jainko(a), Jaungoiko(a) urre on, ondo aitona amona handitu zaindu ijito

hair hand happen, to happy hate, to have, to head healthy, robust hear, to heart help, to here hit, to hold, to honey, sweet horse hot, warm hotel, inn hour, time house housemaid how how much, many however, on the contrary hunger husband

ile esku gertatu zoriontsu gorrotatu eduki, *edun, izan, ukan buru sendo entzun bihotz lagundu hemen jo eduki ezti zaldi bero ostatu ordu etxe neskame nola zenbat aldiz gose senar



inuence inside intention, plan interesting invite, to

eragin barren asmo interresgarri gonbidatu



key king kill, to kiss kitchen know, to

giltza errege hil musu sukalde jakin

lack, fault lady land, territory language last night late, too late laugh, to law lazy learn, to leave, to left, left-handed lesson letter liar lie down, to life light, daylight a little, a bit live, to long long, for a long time long ago the Lord lose, to lovable love

falta andre lurralde hizkuntza bart berandu barre egin lege nagi ikasi utzi ezker ikasgai eskutitz gezurti etzan bizitza argi apur bat, pixka bat bizi izan luze luzaro aspaldi Jauna galdu maitagarri maitasun



love, to loyal lunch, to

maite izan, maitatu leial bazkaldu

maddening man many, much, a lot married, to get mayor mean, to merchandise midnight milk mill mind, fancy mirror money month moon more, some more, any more morning, early mother mountain mouse mouth

erogarri gizon asko, anitz ezkondu alkate esan nahi, esanahi salgai gauerdi esne errota gogo ispilu diru hilabete, hil ilargi gehiago goiz ama mendi sagu aho

name nearness need, necessity nervousness never new newspaper, diary night no, not now notice, to

izen ondo behar urduritasun inoiz . . . ez, behin ere . . . (ez), sekula . . . ez berri egunkari gau ez orain ohartu

obvious, to be o造er, to old once, one time

bistan egon eskaini zahar behin



open, to or other, else otherwise outside owner

ireki, zabaldu edo beste bestela kanpo jabe

pain palace parent particularly, especially pass, to pay, to pay attention, to peace peacefully people (sing.), nation perhaps, maybe pig pity, compassion place plate please pretty priest promise, to pub

min jauregi guraso batez ere igaro pagatu, ordaindu aintzat hartu, aintzakotzat hartu bake lasai jende, herri agian, beharbada txerri erruki leku, toki plater mesedez, arren, faborez polit apaiz agindu taberna

quickly, fast, clever

azkar, laster

rabid rare rat rather, somewhat read, to reader realize, to really, truly reason recognize, to red rent

amorratu bakan arratoi samar irakurri irakurle konturatu benetan, egiazki arrazoi ezagutu gorri errenta



repeatedly repute, rumor restaurant return, to reward, prize rich right, right-handed river roof rough

behin eta berriro omen jatetxe bihurtu, itzuli sari aberats eskuin ibai teilatu latz

save, to say, to sea see, to seem, to seldom, rarely self sell, to send, to servant shadow shame sharp sheep shirt, blouse shoe short shout, to silent, quiet show up, to sick, ill sight, spectacle silly, stupid sin sir sister skillful skirt sleep sleep, to

salbatu esan, *ion itsaso ikusi irudi gutxitan buru saldu bidali morroi itzal lotsa zorrotz ardi atorra zapata labur oihu egin isil azaldu eri, gaixo ikuskizun zozo bekatu jaun ahizpa (of a woman), arreba (of a man) trebe gona lo lo egin



sleepyhead sleeve small, little smell, odor smoke snow soldier solitude some, certain something sometimes somewhere son sorrow speak, to squander, to star stay, to steal, to story street student study, studying su造er, to summer sun Sunday supper surprising, astonishing sweet sword

lozale mahuka txiki usain ke elur soldadu bakartasun zenbait zerbait batzuetan nonbait seme pena mintzatu, hitz egin hondatu izar egon, gelditu lapurtu, ostu ipuin kale ikasle ikasketa sufritu (trans.) uda eguzki igande afari harrigarri gozo ezpata

table take, to talk, to tasty, delicious teach, to teacher tear(s), weeping then, at that time thick

mahai hartu hitz egin, mintzatu goxo irakatsi irakasle negar orduan lodi



thief think, to time after dinner today together, simultaneously tomorrow top totally, exactly, completely train truth try, to

lapur, ohoin pentsatu afalondo gaur batera bihar gain zeharo tren egia saiatu

ugly uncle understand, to until urge, to use, to

itsusi osaba ulertu harik eta eskatu erabili, baliatu

very vile, infamous village

oso, txit zital herri

wake up, to walk, to water way, road weaken, to weather week well, good what when where which white who whole why widow, widower wife will, wish

esnatu ibili ur bide ahuldu eguraldi aste ondo, ongi zer noiz non zein zuri nor oso, guzti zergatik alargun emazte nahi



win, to wind wine winter witch without woman wonderful, marvelous wood word work work, to workshop, factory world worry, to write, to

irabazi haize ardo negu sorgin gabe emakume miresgarri, zoragarri zur hitz lan lan egin lantegi mundu kezkatu idatzi

year yes yesterday young, youngster

urte bai atzo gazte


This bibliography contains two sections: section A is titled ‘‘References,’’ and section B is ‘‘Sources.’’ The references (that is, scholarly works about the Basque language) are cited in text using an author-date system. For example, S. Altube’s De sintaxis euske´rica is cited as Altube 1920. However, a few works are cited so frequently that, for convenience, they have been given an abbreviation. These are included in the list at the end of this paragraph. The sources (works written in Basque that have been drawn upon for the examples) are cited in the attributions usually by author’s name alone if there is only one work from that author used, or by author and title (often abbreviated) if there are several. For example, Gotzon Garate’s Izurri berria is cited as Garate, Iz.B. There are also abbreviations for much-cited works, such as LBB for Lur berri billa, with a reference to its author Nemesio Etxaniz. These (and the occasional abbreviation of an author’s name) are all listed alphabetically in ‘‘Sources.’’ Many of the examples are drawn from versions of the Bible, and these citations are described in ‘‘A Note on the Biblical Sources,’’ which follows the list of abbreviations.

Abbreviations ASJU: Anuario del Seminario de Filologı´a Vasca ‘‘Julio de Urguijo’’/International Journal of Basque Linguistics and Philology ASJU, Supp.: Supplement to ASJU BSLP: Bulletin de la Socie´te´ de Linguistique de Paris DGV: Diccionario general vasco, see Michelena 1987– DLV: De lingua vasconum, see de Rijk 1998 EEE: Euskal Editoreen Elkartea EGL: Euskal gramatika laburra, see Euskaltzaindia 1993 EGLU: Euskal Grammatika. Lehen Urratsak, see Euskaltzaindia 1985–1999 FHV: Fone´tica histo´rica vasca, see Michelena 1977 FLV: Fontes Linguae Vasconum MIT: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts RIEV: Revista Internacional de los Estudios Vascos/Revue Internationale des E´tudes Basque UPV/EHU: Universidad del Paı´s Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (University of the Basque Country) [Note: Abbreviations used specifically for the example sentences are found in the list of sources (B).]

A Note on the Biblical Sources 1. The unmarked source: Unless a particular Bible translation is specifically mentioned in the text as the source, the passage is taken from the Elizen Arteko Biblia of 1994. All English translations are de Rijk’s. 2. Other sources: A number of Bible translations were used, and these are all mentioned in the sources section of the bibliography. Following the chapter and verse numbers, the reader will find mentioned the translation used for that particular reading—for example, Lk 1:6; Dv would mean that the passage is cited from Duvoisin’s translation. If a particular reading is found in several of the sources used, all are listed. 3. List of abbreviations used to indicate the source (see the bibliography for more details): a. Unmarked: The 1994 Batua edition of the ecumenical Elizen Arteko Biblia. b. Biblia: The ongoing translation into Labourdin by Marcel Etchehandy, Robert Puchulu, et al. De Rijk used four volumes published between 1979 and 1992.



c. Dv: Duvoisin’s Bible Saindua (1858), a Labourdin version of the Vulgate. d. EAB: The ecumenical New Testament Batua version of 1983 entitled Itun Berria. Elizen Arteko Biblia. e. Etx.: References are to the 2nd edition of 1980 by Pello Salaburu of Bruno Echenique’s Baztanese translation of Matthew for Bonaparte (1857). f. HE: 1990 critical edition by Patxi Altuna of Joannes Haraneder’s (ca. 1740) Labourdin New Testament—from the MS copy made by J. Robin. g. Hualde Mayo: 19th-century translation of Matthew into Roncalese. See under sources. h. IB: Itun Berria, the Catholic version of the New Testament in Batua first published in 1980; references are to the 1984 edition. i. Intx.: Emmanuel Inchauspe’s 1856 translation into Souletin of Matthew for Bonaparte. j. JKBO: Jesu Kristoren Berri Ona, the modern Labourdin gospel version published in 1974 by the publishing house Ezkila. k. Ker.: Jaime Kerexeta’s 1976 Biscayan translation of the Bible. l. Lau Eb.: Lau ebanjelioak, the 1961 Guipuzcoan translation of the four gospels by P. Mendizabal. m. Lz: The oldest translation of the New Testament is that of the Protestant Joannes Leic¸arraga of 1571. n. Olab.: The Biscayan New Testament (Itun Berria) translation of Father Erraimun Olabide from 1931, which was published together with his Old Testament version in 1958. o. Ur.: Translations from the Vulgate made by Jose´ Antonio Uriarte for Bonaparte. References are to his Biscayan translation of Apocalypse (1857); the Guipuzcoan version of the same (1858), and also of Matthew (1858); and the Guipuzcoan version of three Old Testament books (Genesis, Exodus, and Leviticus) published in 1859. p. Urt.: refers to the oldest (ca. 1700) Old Testament translation, the Labourdin version by Pierre d’Urte of Genesis and part of Exodus from the 1588 Protestant French Geneva Bible.

A. References Alberdi Larizgoitia, Jabier (1986a). ‘‘Euskarazko tratamenduen ikuspegia: I Historia apur bat.’’ ASJU 20:149– 202. ——— (1986b). ‘‘Alokutibotasuna eta tratamenduak euskaraz: II Markinaldeko kasua.’’ ASJU 20:419–486. ——— (1995). ‘‘The Development of the Basque System of Terms of Address and the Allocutive Conjugation.’’ In J. I. Hualde, J. A. Lakarra, and R. L. Trask (eds.), Towards a History of the Basque Language, 275–293. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. ——— (1996). Euskararen tratamenduak: erabilera. Iker 9, Bilbao: Euskaltzaindia. Altube, S. (1920). De sintaxis euske´rica. San Sebastian. ——— (1929). Erderismos (¼ Euskera X, 1–4). Bermeo: Euskaltzaindia. Reprinted in 1975. Bilbao: Indauchu. Altuna Bengoechea, Francisco M. (1979). Versificacio´n de Dechepare: Me´trica y pronunciacio´n. Bilbao: Mensajero. Amundarain Arana, In˜aki (1997). ‘‘Juntadura eta elipsia.’’ Doctoral dissertation, UPV/EHU. Arejita, Adolfo (1985). Euskal Joskera. Bilbao: Labayru Ikastegia and Bizkaiko Aurrezki Kutxa. First published in 1978. ——— (1994). ‘‘La obra de Juan Antonio Moguel, Vol. I. Gramatica descriptiva de la lengua.’’ Doctoral dissertation, Universidad de Deusto, Bilbao. Artiagoitia, Xabier (1991). ‘‘Aspects of Tenseless Relative Clauses in Basque.’’ ASJU 25:697–712. ——— (1992). ‘‘Why Basque Doesn’t Relativize Everything.’’ In J. A. Lakarra and J. Ortiz de Urbina (eds.), Syntactic Theory and Basque Syntax. ASJU, Supp. 27:11–35. ——— (1994). Verbal Projections in Basque and Minimal Structure. ASJU, Supp. 36. ——— (1995). ‘‘-Garri atzizkiaren izaera bikoitzaz: Zergatik den maitagarria bezain mingarria.’’ ASJU 29:355– 405. ——— (2002). ‘‘-(t)ar atzizkidun hitzen jokabide sintaktikoaren inguran.’’ FLV 34:443–462. Astarloa, P. P. (1803). Apologı´a de la lengua bascongada. Madrid. Reprinted, 1983. Bilbao: Amigos del Libro Vasco.



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Alzaga, Toribio (1991). Bernain˜oren larriyak. In Toribio Alzaga, heriotzaren 50.urte mugan, zenbait lan, 41–56. Donostia: Eusko Jaurlaritza, etc. (First performed in 1915, San Sebastia´n.) (¼ B.L.) ——— (1961). Ramuntxo. (Based on Pierre Loti’s novel.) Tolosa: Auspoa. (First performed in 1920.) (¼ Ram.) Alzo, (Fray) Diego J. de [Dionisio Olano Galarraga] (1961). Estudio sobre el euskera hablado. San Sebastia´n: Izarra. Alzola Guerediaga, Nicola´s ‘‘Bitan˜o’’ (1967). Atalak. Zarautz. Amuriza, Xabier (1985). Emea. Donostia: Elkar. ——— (1983). Hil ala bizi. Donostia: Elkar. (¼ Hil ) ——— (1984). Oromenderrieta. Donostia: Elkar. (¼ Orom.) Anduaga, Graziano (1961). Aitonaren uzta. Gezaltzako aitonaren kontakizun eta bertsoekin Aita Luis Villasantek osaturiko bilduma. Zarautz: Itxaropena. An˜ibarro, Pedro Antonio (1802). Escu-librua. Tolosa. 1978 facsimile edition, Donostia: Hordago. (¼ E.L.) ——— (1827). Esculiburua. 3rd revised edition, Tolosa. (¼ E.L. 3 ) ——— (1963). Voces bascongadas . . . . L. Villasante’s edition, Bilbao: La Caja de Ahorros Vizcaina. (Written ca. 1800.) Arana, Aitor (2000). Ipuin-entzulea. Bilbao: Euskaltzaindia & Bilbao Bizkaia Kutxa Fundazioa. Archu, J. B. (1868). Grammaire bilingue, franc¸aise et basque/Bi mihiren gramatika uskara eta franzesa. 3rd edition, Bayonne. 1979 facsimile edition, Donostia: Hordago. Arejita, Adolfo (1985). Euskal Joskera. Bilbao: Labayru Ikastegia & Bizkaia Aurrezki Kutxa. (First published in 1978.) (¼ Eusk. Josk.) ——— (1991). ‘‘Juan Antonio Mogelen sermoiak.’’ In J. A. Lakarra (ed.) Memoriae L. Mitxelena magistri sacrum I. ASJU, Supp. 14:277–300. (¼ Mogel, Sermoi) Aresti, Gabriel (1979). Ipuinak. Donostia: Gipuzkoako Aurrezki Kutxa Probintziala. (Stories published in Egan between 1957 and 1962.) Argain˜aratz, Pierre d’ (1665). Devoten Breviarioa. Reprinted in 1910 (Vinson edition), Chalon-sur-Saoˆne. 1978 edition is facsimile of 1910 edition. Donostia: Hordago. (Page nos. refer to first edition.) Ariztia, Mayi (1982). Amattoren uzta. La moisson de Grand’me`re. Donostia & Baiona: Elkar. Arradoy, P. [Pierre Narbaitz] (1955). Kattalinen gogoetak. Bayonne: LFAC. (¼ K.G.) ——— (1966). San Frantses Jatsukoa. San Sebastia´n: Izarra. (¼ S.Fran.) Arratia, J. M. de (1968–1971). Cancionero popular del paı´s vasco I–IV. San Sebastia´n: Ed. Aun˜amendi. Arrese, Emeterio (1952). Olerki berrizte. Zarautz: Itxaropena. (¼ O.B.) Arrese Beitia, Felipe (1900). Ama Euskeriaren liburu kantaria. Bilbao. (¼ Ama E.) ——— (1887). Diccionario manual bascongado y castellano y elementos de grama´tica para uso de la juventud de Vizcaya, con ejemplos en ambos idiomas. Tolosa. (¼ Dic.) ——— (1957). Olerkiak [1879–1906]. Bilbao: Euskal Idazleak (¼ Olerk.) Arrinda Albisu, Anastasio ‘‘Anes Lazkauko’’ (1970). Semeno de Lazkano (anai-arteko gorroto). Zarautz: Itxaropena. Arrosagaray, Juan Cruz (1983). California-tik kantuz. Tolosa: Auspoa. Arrue, Gregorio (1960). Brabante-ko Genoveva-ren bizitz arrigarri miragarria. (Translated from K. Schmid.) 2nd edition, Zarautz: Itxaropena. First published in 1885. (¼ G.B. 2 ) ——— (1888). Mayetzeco ill edo Birgina chit santari consagratutaco Mayetzeco illa. Tolosa. (¼ May.) ——— (1987). Santa Jenobebaren bizitza/Santa Genovevaren vicitza antzin˜aco demboretaco condairen. Lino Akesolo’s edition, Donostia: EEE/Erein. First published in 1868 in Tolosa: Pedro Gurruchaga. (¼ G.B.) Artho Xur. ¼ Zenbait ichtorio chahar artho churitzetako. Ast. Las. ¼ Astolasterrak, see under Urkizu, P. Astiz Ode´riz, Andre´s (1960). Golda´raz’ko bertsolaria’ren kontu eta bertsoak. El versolari de Golda´raz, cuentos y poesı´as. Pamplona: Institucio´n ‘‘Prı´ncipe de Viana.’’



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[Bertsolariak] (1963). Bertsolarien txapelketa (30–12–1962). Tolosa: Auspoa. (¼ B.Tx. 62) ——— (1961). Euskalerriko bertsolarien txapelketa (18–12–1960). Zarautz: Itxaropena. (¼ B.Tx. 60) Bibli Elkarte Batuak/Sociedades Biblicas Unidas (1983). Itun Berria. Elizen Arteko Biblia. Irun˜ea: Ed. PAX. (¼ EAB) Biblia, see under Etchehandy, Marcel. Biblia: Kontaera ederrenak. Biblia lehen aldiz irakurtzeko. (1985). Donostia-San Sebastia´n: Idatz. (¼ Biblia K.E.) Bilbao, Fe´lix (1959). Ipuin-barreka. Bilbao: Euskaltzaindia. Bilintx [Indalezio Bizkarrondo] (1986). Bertsoak eta beste. Edition of A. Zabala, Donostia: EEE/Etor. B.Tx., see under Bertsolariak. Bustinza, E., see Kirikin˜o. Cardaberaz, Agustı´n (1760–1761). Aita S. Ignacio Loyolacoaren egercicioac. Volumes I–IV. Irun˜ea. (¼ Eg.) ——— (1964). Euskeraren berri onak. 4th edition, Tolosa: Auspoa. First published in 1761, Irun˜ea. (¼ E.B.O.) Casenave, Junes (1976). Santa Grazi, pastorala. Oin˜ati: Ed. Franciscana Aranzazu/Jakin. Cerquand, Jean Franc¸ois (1985). Ipar euskal herriko legenda eta ipuinak (Anuntxi Arana’s edition of stories published between 1874 and 1885). Donostia: Txertoa. Charritton, Piarres (1984). Jean Etchepare mirikuaren (1877–1935) idazlanak. I. Euskal Gaiak. Donostia-San Sebastia´n: Elkar. (¼ Etchepare, Eusk. G.) Chourio, Michel de (1788). Jesu-Christoren Imitacionea. Baiona. 1978 facsimile edition, Donostia: Hordago. First published in Bordeaux, 1720. Darricarre`re, Jean Baptiste (n.d.). Dictionary (ms.) See DRA I, xiv. DCV ¼ Diccionario castellano-vasco, see under Mu´gica Berrondo, P. Dechepare, see Etxepare, Bernard. DGV ¼ Diccionario general vasco, see under Michelena, L. Dialogues basques: guipuscoans, biscaı¨ens; labourdins, souletins; par A. P. Iturriaga, J. A. Uriarte, J. P. Duvoisin et E. Inchauspe, accompagne´s de deux traductions, espagnole et franc¸aise. London: L. L. Bonaparte, 1857. Facsimile editions: Donostia: Hordago, 1978; and Bonaparte: Opera omnia vasconice II, 309–433, Bilbao: Euskaltzaindia, 1991. (¼ Dial.) DLV ¼ De lingua vasconum, see under de Rijk. Donosti’ko Eliz-barutirako (1951). Kristau–Ikasbidea, guipuzkoako euskeraz (osoa). Gasteiz: ‘‘Secretariado Catequı´stico’’. (¼ Kristau Ik.) Dorronsoro, Joanito (1981). Bertsotan 1789–1936. Bilbao: Ed. Ele´xpuru. DRA ¼ Diccionario Retana de autoridades de la lengua vasca, see under Sota, Manuel de la. Duhalde, Martin (1809). Meditacioneac gei premiatsuenen gainean. Baiona. 1978 facsimile edition, Donostia: Hordago. Durangoko hiria ipuin lehiaketa. Donostia: Elkar, 1985. Duvoisin, Jean Pierre (1858). Bible Saindua, edo Testament Zahar eta Berria. London. 1972 facsimile edition in 3 volumes, Bilbao: Ed. La Gran Enciclopedia Vasca. (¼ Dv) ——— (1857). Dialogues basques (versio´n labourdins). London: L. L. Bonaparte. Facsimile editions: Donostia: Hordago, 1978; and Bonaparte: Opera omnia vasconice II, 309–433, Bilbao: Euskaltzaindia, 1991. (¼ Dial.) ——— (1858). Laborantzako liburua edo bi aita semeren solasak laborantzaren gainean. Bayona: Lamaigne`re. 1978 facsimile edition, Donostia: Hordago. (¼ Lab.) ——— (1987). Liburu ederra. Edition of M. J. Guerra, A. Iribar, and S. Laskurain, Donostia: EEE/Erein. First published in Baiona, 1856. (¼ L.Ed.) Dv ¼ Duvoisin, J. P. DVEF, see under Azkue, R. M. de. EAB ¼ Itun Berria. Elizen Arteko Biblia, see under Bibli Elkarte Batuak. Echebarria, Toribio (1965–1966). Lexico´n del euskera dialectal de Eibar (¼ Euskera, n.s., X–XI). Bilbao: Euskaltzaindia. (¼ Eib.)



Echeita, Joseba Imanol (1913). Au, ori ta bestia. Durango: F. Elosu. (¼ Au) ——— (1910). Jayoterri Maitia. Durango: F. Elosu. (¼ Jay.M.) ——— (1909). Josecho. Durango: F. Elosu. (¼ Jos.) Echenique, Bruno (1857). El Evangelio segu´n S. Mateo. London. Reference is to 2nd edition; see under Salaburu Echeverrı´a, Pello (1980). (¼ Etx.) EGL ¼ Euskal gramatika laburra: perpaus bakuna, see under Euskaltzaindia. EGLU ¼ Euskal Gramatika. Lehen Urratsak, see under Euskaltzaindia. E.H. ¼ Euskal Hiztegia, see under Sarasola, Ibon. EHM ¼ Euskal Hiztegi Modernoa. Eizagirre, Joseba (1948). Ekaitzpean. Buenos Aires: Ed. Vasca Ekin. Elicegui, Mikela, and Antonio Zavala (1963). Pello Errotak jarritako bertsoak, bere alabaren argibideakin. Tolosa: Auspoa. (¼ P.E.) Elissamburu, Jean Baptiste (1986). Piarres Adame. Edition of I. Sarasola, Donostia: EEE/Elkar. First published in Pau, 1888. (¼ P.Ad.) Elizanburu, J. B., see Elissamburu, and under Labayen, Antonio. Elizen Arteko Biblia Elkartea (itzulpena) (1994). Elizen Arteko Biblia. Donostia: Idatz. (Unless otherwise designated, biblical citations are from this volume.) Elzb. Po., see under Labayen, Antonio. Enbeita, Balendin (1974). Nere apurra. Tolosa: Auspoa. Enbeita, Kepa (1971). Gure urretxindorra. Enbeita’tar Kepa’ren bertso lanak osorik (Onaindia’s edition). Buenos Aires: Ekin. Ene H. ¼ Ene Hautia, see under Vogel, F. Erkiaga, Eusebio (1958). Arranegi. Zarautz: Itxaropena. (¼ Arran.) ——— (1952). ‘‘Sinisgogorra.’’ Egan 2:27–30. (¼ Sinis.) Etcheberry, J. B. (1974). Orotarik. Bayonne. Etchehandy, Marcel, and R. Puchulu (1979). Hasera [Genesis]. Donostia–San Sebastia´n & Bayonne: Elkar. (¼ Biblia) ——— (1985). Jalgitza eta Lebitikoa [Exodus and Leviticus]. Donostia: Elkar. (¼ Biblia) ——— (1983). Jondoni Pauloren gutunak [Letters from St. Paul (Romans, 1 and 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1 and 2 Thessalonians, 1 and 2 Timothy, Titus, and Philemon)]. Donostia: Elkar. (¼ Biblia) Etchehandy, Marcel, et al. (1992). Hebrearrei gutuna, Jakoberen, Petriren, Joaniren, Judaren, Gutunak, Apokalipsia [Hebrews, James, 1 and 2 Peter, 1–3 John, Jude, Revelation/Apocalypse]. Donostia: Elkar. (¼ Biblia) Etchemendy, Paul, & Pierre Lafitte (1984). Kantuz. Donostia: Elkar. Etchepare, Jean (1987). Beribilez. Edition of M. J. Kerejeta, Donostia: EEE/Elkar. First published in Baiona, 1931. (¼ Ber.) ——— (1980). Buruxkak. Donostia: Elkar. First published in 1910. (¼ Bur.) ——— Eusk. G., see under Charritton, Piarres. Etx. ¼ Echenique, Bruno. Etxagaray, Jose´ Vicente de (1964). Festara. (Bere bertso guzien bilduma). A. Zavala’s edition, Tolosa: Auspoa. Etxahun-Iruri [Pierre Bordazarre] (1974). Etxahun-Iruri khantan. J. Larrondo’s edition, Pau: I.P.A. Etxaide, Yon (1950). Alos-Tor´ea. Zarautz: Itxaropena. (¼ Alos) ——— (1958). Amasei seme euskalerri’ko. Zarautz: Itxaropena. (¼ 16 Seme) ——— (1991). Eneko Agerroa. (2nd revised edition of 1989). Donostia: Erein. (¼ Eneko) ——— (1964). Gorrotoa lege. Zarautz: Itxaropena (¼ Gor 1 )



——— (1984). Gorrotoa lege. Donostia: Elkar. (¼ Gor 2 ) ——— (1955). Joanak-Joan. Zarautz: Itxaropena. (¼ J.J.) ——— (1984). Xanti Andiaren kezkak. (Translation of Pı´o Baroja’s Las inquietudes de Shanti Andia.) 2 volumes. Donostia: Hordago/Lur. (¼ Xanti) Etxamendi, E. (1975). Azken elurra. Bayonne: GIA. Etxaniz, Nemesio (1958). Euskal antzerkiak. Kontu-kontari. Zarautz: Itxaropena. (¼ Antz.) ——— (1952). Irulearen negar´a. Gasteiz: ‘‘Montepio Diocesano’’-ren Irarkolan. (¼ Irul.Neg.) ——— (1968). Ito . . . edo ezkondu. (Translation of Mujeres en Berrigorria by Victor Ruiz An˜ibarro [in the same volume]. Buenos Aires, 1949.) San Sebastia´n: Ed. Aun˜amendi. (¼ Ito) ——— (1978). Lur berri billa. 2nd edition, Donostia: Gipuzkoako Aurrezki Kutxa Probintziala. First published in 1967. (¼ LBB) ?

——— (1968). Nola idatzi euskeraz? 2nd edition, Donostia: Edili. First published in 1950. (¼ Nola) Etxeberri Sarakoa, see under Kintana, X. Etxeberri Ziburukoa, Joannes (1669). Manual devotionezcoa, I & II. First published in 1627, Bordeaux. 1978 facsimile of 2nd edition of 1669, Donostia: Hordago. (¼ Man.) Etxeberria, Xabier (2000). Egun denak ez dira berdin. Donostia: Elkarlanean. (¼ Egun) Etxepare, Bernard (Dechepare) (1545). Linguae vasconum primitiae. Bordeaux. 1995 facsimile edition, Bilbao: Euskaltzaindia; see also P. Altuna’s critical edition of 1980, Bilbao: Menesajero. (¼ LVP) Etxepare, Jean, see Etchepare, Jean, and under Charritton, P. Etxezarreta, J. M. (1985). ‘‘Amildegiak ez du amairik,’’ pp. 77–88 in Debako Kultur Elkartea, Tene Lehiaketa 85. Donostia: Elkar. Euskal Herriko Elizbarrutietako Gotzaiak (1984). Itun Berria. 2nd edition, Donostia-San Sebastia´n: Idatz. First published in 1980. (¼ IB) Euskal hiztegi modernoa (1994). Usurbil: Elhuyar Kultur Elkartea & Donostia: Elkar. (¼ EHM ) Euskal kantak (Cantos populares del Paı´s Vasco) (1959). Donostia. Euskaltzaindia (1957). Euskalerriko ipuin˜ak. Zarautz: Itxaropena. (¼ Eusk. Ip.) Euskaltzaindia, Gramatika Batzordea (1985). Euskal Gramatika. Lehen Urratsak–I. 2nd edition, Irun˜ea: Euskaltzaindia. (¼ EGLU I) ——— (1987). Euskal Gramatika. Lehen Urratsak–I (Eraskina). Bilbo: Euskaltzaindia. (¼ EGLU I, E ) ——— (1987). Euskal Gramatika. Lehen Urratsak–II. Bilbo: Euskaltzaindia. (¼ EGLU II) ——— (1990). Euskal Gramatika. Lehen Urratsak–III (Lokailuak). Bilbo: Euskaltzaindia. (¼ EGLU III) ——— (1999). Euskal Gramatika. Lehen Urratsak–V (Mendeko Perpausak–1: Osagarriak, erlatiboak, konparaziozkoak, ondoriozkoak). Bilbo: Euskaltzaindia and EHU. (¼ EGLU V) ——— (1993). Euskal gramatika laburra: perpaus bakuna. Bilbo: Euskaltzaindia. (¼ EGL) Euskera. O‰cial organ of Euskaltzaindia, the Royal Academy of the Basque Language. Bilbo: Euskaltzaindia. Eusk. Ip. ¼ Euskalerriko ipuin˜ak, see under Euskaltzaindia. Ezkila (ed.) (1974). Jesu Kristoren Berri Ona. Belloc-Urt: Ed. Ezkila. (¼ JKBO) F. Bart. ¼ Fray Bartolome´ de Santa Teresa, see Madariaga, Bartolome´. Fernandez Iban˜ez, Jesus (1978). Cien piezas vascas para flauta dulce. Bilbao: Ed. La Gran Enciclopedia Vasca. FHV ¼ Fone´tica histo´rica vasca, see Michelena 1977. G. ¼ Garoa, see under Agirre, Domingo. Gandiaga, Bitoriano (1997). Ahotsik behartu gabe. Donostia: Erein. Garate, Gotzon (1984). Alaba. Donostia: Elkar. ——— (1982). Aldarte oneko ipuinak. Bilbao: Ed. Mensajero. (¼ Ald.) ——— (1998). 27,173 Atsotitzak (proverbs). Bilbao: Bilbao Bizkaia Kutxa Fundazioa. (¼ Atsot.)



——— (1981). Elizondoko eskutitzak. 2nd edition, Bilbao: Ed. Mensajero. (¼ E.E.) ——— (1988). Erdarakadak. Bilbao: Ed. Mensajero. (¼ Erd.) ——— (1985). Esku leuna. Donostia: Elkar. (¼ Esku) ——— (1986). Goizuetako ezkongaiak. Donostia: Elkar. (¼ G.E.) ——— (1983). Hades-en erresumarantz. Donostia: Elkar. (¼ Hades) ——— (1984). Izurri berria. Donostia: Elkar. (¼ Iz.B.) ——— (1980). Lehortean ipuinak. Bilbao: Ed. Mensajero. (¼ Leh.) ——— (1987). Muskilak. 2nd edition, Bilbao: Ed. Mensajero. (¼ Musk.) ——— (1988). New York, New York. Donostia: Elkar. (¼ NY ) Garibay, Esteban [1591]. Refranes de Garibay, pp. 53–75 in (edition of ) J. R. Zubiaur and J. Arzamendi (1976). ‘‘El le´xico vasco de los refranes de Garibay.’’ ASJU 10:47–144. Garmendia, Txomin (1982). Bizitzaren arian. Tolosa: Auspoa. Garro, B. M. (1961). ‘‘Euskerazko era batzuk: dakazan gramatika oar batzukatik. B. M. Garro-k Aita L. Villasante-ri egin zion karta.’’ Euskera (n.s.) 6:358–360. Gerriko, see Guerrico. Ge`ze, Louis (1873). E´le´ments de grammaire basque dialecte souletin suivis d’un vocabulaire basque-franc¸ais, franc¸ais-basque. Bayonne. 1979 facsimile edition, Donostia: Hordago. Goenaga, Patxi (1985). ‘‘Complementacio´n y nominalizacio´n en euskera.’’ ASJU 19:493–570. (¼ Comp.) ——— (1978). Gramatika bideetan. Donostia: Erein. (¼ G.B.) ——— (1980). Gramatika bideetan. 2nd revised and enlarged edition, Donostia: Erein. (¼ G.B. 2 ) Goldaraz, see under Astiz Ode´riz. Gon˜i, Francisco (1962). Ama Birjin˜aren Agertziak eta gan˜erako Lurdes-ko gertaera goguangarriyak. A. Zavala’s edition, Tolosa: Auspoa. First published in Durango, 1908. Goyhetche, Leonce (1852). Fableac edo aleguiac Lafontenenetaric berechiz hartuac. Baiona. 1978 facsimile edition, Donostia: Hordago. Guerrico, Jose´ Ignacio de (1858). Cristau doctrin˜a guztiaren esplicacioaren sayaquera I, II. Tolosa: Mendizabal. (DGV: written ca. 1805.) Haranburu-Altuna, Luis (1995). Auskalo, Luk. Donostia: Elkar. (¼ Ausk.) ——— (1983). Itsasoak ez du esperantzarik. 6th edition, Donostia: Kriselu. (¼ Its.) ——— (1975). Job. Donostia: Kriselu. Haraneder, Joannes de (1990). Jesu Christoren Evangelio Saindua. Patxi Altuna’s edition of MS dating from ca. 1740. Bilbao: Euskaltzaindia. (¼ HE) Harriet, Martin (1741). Gramatica escuaraz eta francesez, composatua francez, hitzcunc¸a ikhasi nahi dutenen faboretan. Bayonne: Fauvet. HE ¼ Haraneder, Joannes de. Hiriart-Urruty, Jean (1995). Gontzetarik jalgiaraziak. In˜aki Camino’s edition, Donostia: EEE/Erein. ——— (1971). Mintzaira, aurpegia: Gizon! (Articles pubished between 1892 and 1912 selected and with a foreword by P. Lafitte.) Baiona: IKAS & On˜ati: Ed. Franciscana Arantzazu/Jakin. (¼ Aurp.) ——— (1972). Zezenak Errepublikan. (Edition of Joseba Intxausti of articles published between 1892 and 1912 selected by P. Lafitte.) Baiona: IKAS & On˜ati: Ed. Franciscana Arantzazu/Jakin. (¼ Zez.) Hiribarren, Jean Martin (1853). Eskaldunac. Baiona. 1979 facsimile edition, Donostia: Hordago. (¼ Esk.) ——— (1858). Eskaraz eguia. Baiona. (¼ Egia) [Hoyarzabal, Martin de] (1677). Liburu han da ixasoco nabigacionecoa Martin de Hoyarzabalec egin˜a Francezes. Eta Piarres Detcheverry, edo Dorrec escarat emana. Baiona. 1985 facsimile edition, San Sebastia´n: Ed. Txertoa. (¼ I Nav.) H.U. ¼ Hiriart-Urruty, Jean.



Hualde Mayo, Pedro Prudencia. (19th-century translation of Matthew into Roncalese). In Estornes Lasa, Jose´ (1982). ‘‘Jesu-Kristo gore Jeinaren Ebanjelio Saintiua. Pedro Prudenzio Hualde Mayo. Oraiko ortografiaz eta anotazione batzuk.’’ FLV 14:43–103. I Nav., see under Hoyarzabal, M. IB ¼ Itun Berria, see under Euskal Herriko Elizbarrutietako Gotzaiak. Ibin˜agabeitia, Andima (1966). Bergiliren idazlanak osorik: unai-kantak eta alor-kantak. Bilbao. (¼ Virgil.) Imit. (Imitation of Christ), see under Pouvreau, S., and Chourio, M. Inchauspe, Emmanuel (1856). Le Saint Evangile de Je´sus-Christ selon Saint Mathieu (traduit en basque souletin)/ Jesus-Kristen Ebanjelio Saintia, Sen Mathiuren araue´ra. Bayonne: Lamaigne`re. Reprinted in 1991 in L. L. Bonaparte, Opera omnia vasconice II, 161–270. Bilbao: Euskaltzaindia. (¼ Intx.) ——— (1857). Dialogues basques (versio´n souletins). London: L. L. Bonaparte. Facsimile editions: Donostia–San Sebastia´n: Hordago, 1978, and in L. L. Bonaparte, Opera omnia vasconice II, 309–433. Bilbao: Euskaltzaindia, 1991. (¼ Dial.) Intx. ¼ Intxauspe, see Inchauspe. Intza, Da´maso [Miguel Olasagarre] (1924). Kristau ikasbidearen azalpena. Pamplona. (¼ Azalp.) Iraizoz, Policarpo [Agustı´n Zarranz] (1934). Yesukristo gure Yaunaren bizia lau Ebangelioetatik itzez-itz atera ta. Irun˜ea. Iraola Aristiguieta, Bitoriano (1962). Oroitzak ta beste ipui asko. A. Zavala’s edition of articles first published in Baserritarra, 1906–1908. Tolosa: Auspoa. Irazusta, Jon Andoni (1950). Bizia garratza da . . . . Buenos Aires: Ed. Vasca Ekin. (¼ Bizia) ——— (1991). Joan˜ixio. Edition of Gotzon Garate. Donostia: EEE/Sendoa. First published in 1946 in Buenos Aires: Ed. Vasca Ekin. (¼ Joan.) Irigarai, see Irigaray. Irigaray, Angel (ed.) (1958). Prosistas navarros contempora´neos en lengua vasca. XX-garren mendeko Nafarroako Euskal idazlariak. (Selected writings of Enrike Zubiri and Pablo Fermı´n Irigarai compiled by A. Irigaray). Pamplona: Institucio´n ‘‘Prı´ncipe de Viana’’. Irigoyen, Juan Mari (1976). Oilarraren promesa. Bilbao: Mensajero. Ithurralde, P. ¼ Lafitte, P. Iturbe, Arantxa (1995). Lehenago zen berandu. 2nd edition, Irun: Alberdania. Iturriaga, Agustı´n Pascual de (1842). Dia´logos basco-castellanos para las escuelas de primeras letras de Guipu´zcoa. Hernani. 1857 edition of L. L. Bonaparte, London. Facsimile editions, Donostia: Hordago, 1978; and L. L. Bonaparte, Opera omnia vasconice II, 309–433, Bilbao: Euskaltzaindia, 1991. (¼ Dial.) Itziar ta Agirre, Martin (1968). Larraundi’ko sendia. Zarautz: Itxaropena. Izeta, Mariano (1962). Dirua galgarri. Tolosa: Auspoa. (¼ Dirua) ——— (1982). Nigarrez sortu nintzan. Donostia: Gipuzkoako Arruezki Kutxa Probintziala. (¼ Nigarrez) Iztueta, Juan Ignacio de (1847). Guipuzcoaco provinciaren kondaira edo historia. Donostia: R. Baroja. Jautarkol [Luis Jauregi] (1929). Biozkadak. Irun˜ea. (¼ B.) ——— (1953). Ipuiak. Zarautz: Itxaropena. (¼ Ip.) JJMg. ¼ Moguel, Juan Jose´. JKBO ¼ Jesu Kristoren Berri Ona, see under Ezkila. JMB ¼ Barandiaran, J. M. Jnn. ¼ Joannategi, B. Joannategi, Bazilio (1890). Sainduen bizitzea, lehen zatia. Baiona: Lasserre Baithan Imp. (¼ SBi) Kantuz, see under Etchemendy, Paul. Kardaberaz, see Cardaberaz. Ker. ¼ Kerexeta, Jaime. Kerexeta, Jaime (1976). Euskal Biblia (Bizkaieraz). Bilbao: Bilbo’ko Elizbarrutiko Gotzaintza. (¼ Ker.)



Kintana, Xabier (ed.) (1971). Joannes Etxeberri Sarakoaren lan hautatuak. Donostia: LUR. (¼ Etxeberri Sarakoa) Kirikin˜o [Ebaista Bustinza] (1966). Abarrak. Bilbao: Gra´ficas Bilbao. References are to the edition of Kirikin˜o’s work collected and introduced by Aita Onaindia. The volume contains the earlier published Abarrak (Abando, 1918), Bigarren abarrak (Zornotsa/Amorebeita, 1930), and, under the heading ‘‘Eta abar . . . ,’’ works dating from 1902–1903. (¼ Ab.) Kristau Ik. ¼ Kristau-Ikasbidea, see under Donosti’ko Eliz-barutirako. Labayen, Antonio M. (1978). Elizanburu. Bere bizitza ta lanak. Su vida y obras. Donostia-San Sebastia´n: Aun˜amendi. (¼ Elzb. Po.) ——— (1966). ‘‘Su ta gar.’’ Egan, l55–164. (¼ S.G.) ——— (1966). ‘‘Su–Emailleak.’’ Egan, 165–215. Translated from Max Frisch, ‘‘Biedermann und die Brandstifter.’’ (¼ Su Em.) ——— (1977). Teatro osoa euskeraz. (Obras completas de teatro vasco.) 3 vols. Bilbao: Ed. La Gran Enciclopedia Vasca. (¼ TOE ) Lafitte, Pierre (1945). (under pseud. P. Ithurralde): Murtuts eta bertze . . . Artho churitzetako zonbait ichtorio chahar. Bayonne: Coll. ‘‘Aintzina’’. (¼ LF, Murtuts) Lakarra, Joseba A. (1996). Refranes y Sentencias (1596). Ikerketak eta Edizioa (critical edition). Bilbao: Euskaltzaindia. (Nos. refer to proverbs.) (¼ R.S.) ——— et al. (1983). Euskal baladak II: Azterketa eta antologı´a. Donostia. (¼ Balad.) Landart, Daniel (1989). Aihen ahula, 3rd edition. Donostia: Elkar. Landerretche, Martin (1927). ‘‘Erran zuhar eta errankizun-adituzkoak,’’ Euskera 1–2:66–69. Lapeyre, E´tienne (1982). Kredo edo sinhesten dut esplikatua. Luis Villasante’s edition, Bilbao: Euskaltzaindia. First published in Baiona, 1891. Lapitze, F. (1867). Bi saindu hescualdunen bizia: San In˜azio Loiolacoarena eta San Franzizco Zabierecoarena. Baiona. 1978 facsimile edition, Donostia: Hordago. Lardizabal, Franzisko Ignazio de (1957). Testamentu berriko kondaira edo historia. 2nd edition, Bilbao: Euskal Idaz-lanak. First published in Tolosa, 1855. (¼ TB) ——— (1995). Testamentu zarreko kondaira I, II. Edition of Blanca Urgell, Donostia: EEE/Kriselu. First published in Tolosa, 1855. (¼ TZ) Larramendi, Manuel de (1729). El imposible vencido. Arte de la lengua bascongada. Salamanca. 1979 facsimile edition, Donostia: Hordago. Larre´guy, B. (1775–1777). Testamen c¸aharreco eta berrico historioa I (1775), II (1777). Baiona. 1978 facsimile edition, Donostia: Hordago. Larzabal, Piarres (1965). Hilla esposatu (with M. Lekuona’s Guipuzcoan version). Tolosa: Auspoa. (¼ Hil.) ——— (1962). Hiru ziren; Herriko bozak. (Plays from 1956–1957.) Tolosa: Auspoa separata. (¼ Hiru) ——— (1991). Piarres Larzabalen idazlanak I, Etxahun eta . . . (ed. P. Xarritton). Donostia: Elkar. (¼ Larzabal I) ——— (1964). Senpere-n gertatua (with Villasante’s Guipuzcoan version). Tolosa: Auspoa. (¼ Senp.) Lasarte, Manuel (1975). Gordean neuzkanak. Tolosa: Auspoa. (¼ Gordean) ——— (1994). Lazkao-txiki gogoan. Oiartzun: Sendoa. (¼ L.G.) Lau Eb. ¼ Lau ebanjelioak, see under Mendizabal, P. Lazkao-txiki [Jose´ Migel Iztueta] (1994). Irriz eta malkoz I, II. Oiartzun: Sendoa. LBB ¼ Lur berri billa, see under Etxaniz, Nemesio. L.E. Kop., see under Lizarraga Elkanokoa, Joakin. Leic¸arraga, Joannes (1571). Iesus Christ gure Iaunaren Testamentu Berria, La Rochelle. Reference is to 1900 edition of Th. Linschmann & H. Schuchardt, I. Leic¸arragas Baskische Bu¨cher von 1571, Strassburg: Tru¨bner. (¼ Lz) ——— (1571). ‘‘Orthoitza Ecclesiasticoen forma,’’ pp. A1r–A8r in Linschmann & Schuchardt 1900. (¼ Ins.) ——— (1571). ‘‘Batbederac iaquiteco, eta maiz iracurtzeco duen Advertimendua . . . ,’’ pp. *8r– ***1r in Linschmann & Schuchardt 1900. (¼ Lz, Adv)



——— (1571). Abc edo Christinoen instructionea othoitz eguiteco formarequin. In Linschmann & Schuchardt 1900. (¼ Lz, Abc) Leizarraga, see Leic¸arraga. Lekuona, Manuel (1933). Eun dukat. Tolosa. ——— (1978). Idaz-lan guztiak. 2. Eusko Etnografı´a. Tolosa: Kardaberaz (Bilduma 23). (¼ IG II) Lerchundi, Gabriel (1948). Kantikak. Cantiques basques. Urt: Abbaye N.-D. de Belloc & Bayonne: ‘‘Le Livre.’’ Lertxundi, Anjel (1984). Aise eman zenidan eskua. 3rd edition, Donostia: Erein. (¼ Aise) ——— (2000). Goiko kale. Irun: Alberdania. First published in 1973. (¼ G.K.) ——— (1983). Hamaseigarrenean, aidanez. Donostia: Erein. (¼ Hamasei.) ——— (1984). Urtero da aurten. Donostia: Erein. (¼ Urtero) LF ¼ Lafitte, Pierre. Lh. ¼ Lhande, Pierre. Lhande, Pierre (1926–1938). Dictionnaire basque-franc¸ais. Paris: Beauchesne. (¼ Lh.) Linazasora, In˜aki (1970). H gabe-ko umoria. Zarautz: Itxaropena. Lizardi, Xabier [J. M. Agirre] (1956). Biotz-begietan, olerkiak (poesı´as vascas, con traduccio´n castellana). 2nd edition, San Sebastia´n: Valverde. First published in Bilbao, 1932. Lizarraga Elkanokoa, Joakin (1983). Koplak. Critical edition of J. Apecechea Perurena of verses mostly composed between 1793 and 1813. Bilbao: Real Academia de la Lengua Vasca–Euskaltzaindia. (¼ L.E. Kop.) Loidi Bizkarrondo, J. A. (1968). Amabost egun urgain’en, 4th edition. On˜ate: Arantzazu. First published in Zarautz, 1955. Lo´pez Mendizabal, Isaac (1962). Manual de conversacio´n castellano-euskera . . . . 4th edition, Donostia: Aun˜amendi. LVP ¼ Linguae vasconum primitiae, see under Etxepare, Bernard. Lz ¼ Leic¸arraga. Madariaga, Bartolome´ (Fray Bartolome´ de Santa Teresa) (1816). Euskal-errijetaco olgueeta, ta dantzeen neurrizco-gatz-ozpinduba. Irun˜ea. 1978 facsimile edition, Donostia: Hordago. (¼ Bartolome´) ——— (1816, 1817, 1819). Icasiquizunac, I, II, III. Irun˜ea. (¼ Ikas.) Mahn, C. A. F. (1857). Denkmaeler der baskischen Sprache. Berlin. 1967 facsimile edition, Oosterhout: Anthropological Publications. Manzisidor, Inazio M. (1953). Jesukristoren bizitza. Bilbao: Mensajero. Materre, E. (1623). Doctrina Christiana. Aita Esteve Materre San Franciscoren ordenaco Fraideac eguina. 2nd edition, Bordeaux. First published in 1617. Example cited is from DGV V, 93. Mattin [Mattin Treku] (1971). Ahal dena. Tolosa: Auspoa. MEIG ¼ Mitxelenaren euskal idazlan guztiak, see under Mitxelena, Koldo. Mendiburu, Sebastia´n (1904). Jesusen amore-nekeei dagozten zenbait otoitz-gai II. Tolosa. First published in 1760, Irun˜ea. (¼ Ot. Gai. II) ——— (1760). Jesusen amore-nequeei dagozten cembait otoiz-gai III. Irun˜ea: Irun˜eco libru-guille Antonio Castillaren echean. (¼ Ot. Gai. III) ——— (1982). Mendibururen idazlan argitaragabeak I, II. Critical edition of P. Altuna, Bilbao: Euskaltzaindia and Mensajero. (¼ I.Arg.) Mendiguren, Xabier (1975). ‘‘Estatu Izenak.’’ Euskera 20:373–387. ——— (1992). Hamalau. Donostia: Elkar. Mendizabal, Fernando (1969). Euskaldunentzat oin˜arrizko gramatika euskeraz ( gipuzkoeraz nagusienik) . . . . On˜ate: Ara´nzazu. Mendizabal, P. (1961). Lau ebanjelioak. Zarautz: Itxaropena. (¼ Lau Eb.) Michelena, Luis (1987– ). Diccionario general vasco/Orotariko euskal hiztegia (14 volumes published 1987– 2002). Bilbao: Euskaltzaindia; Ed. Descle´e de Brouwer and Ed. Mensajero. (¼ DGV )



——— see also Mitxelena, Koldo. MIH ¼ Mitxelenaren idazlan hautatuak, see under Mitxelena, Koldo. Mintegi, Laura (1995). Nerea eta biok. 2nd edition, Tafalla: Ed. Txalaparta. Mirande, Jon (1970). Haur Besoetakoa. Ipuin berri bat. (DGV: G. Aresti edition.) Donostia: LUR. (¼ HaurB.) ——— (1976). Miranderen idazlan hautatuak. Bilbao: Mensajero. (¼ Pr.) ——— (1976). Orhoituz. (A. Eguzkitza’s edition.) Donostia: Kriselu. (¼ Po.) Mitxelena, Koldo (1988). Euskal idazlan guztiak I–IX. Editors: P. Altuna (I–III), B. Urgell (IV–V), J. Lakarra (VI–VII), I. Sarasola (VIII–IX). Donostia: Euskal Editoreen Elkartea (Elkar, Erein, Etor, Kriselu, Labayru, Mensajero). (¼ MEIG ) ——— (1972). Mitxelenaren idazlan hautatuak (P. Altuna’s edition). Bilbao: Mensajero. (¼ MIH ) ——— (1972). Zenbait hitzaldi. Bilbao: Mensajero. (¼ Z.H.) Mitxelena, Salbatore (1977, 1984). Idazlan Guztiak I, II. Edited by K. Iturria and J. A. Gandarias. (I) On˜ati: Ed. Franciscana Arantzazu; (II) Zarautz: Itxaropena. (¼ IG ) Mogel, Bizenta A. (1963). Ipui onak. 3rd edition, Tolosa: Auspoa. First published in 1804. (¼ Ip.) Mogel/Moguel, Juan Antonio (1994). El catequista bascongado/Cristau eracasle euscalduna. Edition of Adolfo Arejita, Bilbao: Labayru Ikastegia & Bilbao Bizkaia Kutxa. (¼ Cat. Basc.) ——— (1803). Confesino ona. Vitoria. (¼ C.O.) ——— (1800). Confesio ta comunioco sacramentuen gan˜ean eracasteac edo . . . . Irun˜ea. (¼ C.C.) ——— (1987). Cristaubaren icasbidea edo doctrina cristiania. Luis Villasante’s critical edition of MS written ca. end of 18th century. Bilbao: Real Academia de la Lengua Vasca–Euskaltzaindia. (¼ D.C.) ——— (1995). Ipuinak (Xabier Altzibar’s edition). Bilbao: Labayru et al. (¼ Ip.) ——— (1881). El doctor Peru Abarca. Durango. 1981 facsimile edition, Bilbao: Ed. Asociacion Gerediaga. Written ca. 1802. (¼ P.Ab.) ——— Sermoi, see under Arejita, A. Moguel, Juan Jose´ (1816). Baseerritaar nequezaleentzaco escolia edo icasbidiac, guraso justu, ta jaquitun familija ondo azi ebeeneen exemplu ta eracutsijetan. Bilbao. (¼ JJMg, Bas. Esc.) Mokoroa, Justomari (1958). Erraondo-ko azken danbolinteroa. Arturo Campion-en ipuia. 3rd edition, Bilbao: Ediciones de la Academia Vasca. First published in 1925. Mu´gica Berrondo, Pla´cido (1965). Diccionario castellano–vasco. Bilbao: Mensajero. (¼ DCV ) ——— (1981). Diccionario vasco–castellano. Bilbao: Mensajero. (¼ DVC ) Mujika, Jose´ Antonio (1988). ‘‘Partı´culas modales de la flexio´n verbal.’’ ASJU 22:463–478. Munita, Inozenzio (1952). Gure mendi ta oianak. Zuaizti berriak antolatu, ta lengoak zaintzeko zuzenbide batzuek. Tolosa. Muxika, G. (1925). Pernando Amezketarra. Bere ateraldi eta gertaerak. San Sebastia´n. Reference is to 4th edition, n.d. Zarautz: Itxaropena. (¼ P.Am.) Oihartzabal, B., see Oyharc¸abal, B. Oihenarte, Arnaut (1971). Atsotitzak eta neurtitzak. Larresoro’s edition. Donostia: Ed. Herri-Gogoa. First published in 1657: Les Proverbes basques, recuellis par le S. d’ Oihenart, plus les poe´sies Basques du mesme Auteur. Paris. (Reference is to nos. of proverbs.) (¼ Prov.) Olabide, Erraimun (1958). Itun zaˆr´ eta ber´ia. Bilbao: Yesu’ren Biotzaren Deya. (¼ Olab.) Onaindia, M. (1983). Gau Ipuiak. Donostia: Haranburu. (¼ Gau Ip.) Onaindia, (Aita) Santiago (1974). Eskutitzak. Bilbao. ——— (1978). Lamin˜ak. Amorebieta-Larrea. (¼ Lam.) On˜atibia, Yon (1983). Neke ta poz. Erbesteratu baten oroitzapenak. Donostia: Edili. On˜ederra, Lourdes (1999). Eta emakumeari sugeak esan zion. Donostia: Erein. Orixe [Nikolas Ormaetxea] (1956). Agustin˜ Gurenaren Aitorkizunak (Confessions of St. Augustine). Zarautz: Itxaropena. (¼ Aitork.)



——— (1950). Euskaldunak. Poema, XV kantuetan. Santos Etxeberria’ren irudiak. Zarautz: Itxaropena. (¼ Eusk.) ——— (1972). ‘‘Euskaldunak’’ poema eta olerki guztiak. Donostia–San Sebastia´n: Aun˜amendi. (¼ Poem.) ——— (1927). In ‘‘Euskal—Literatura’ren atze edo edesti laburra.’’ Euskal-Esnalea 17:192. ——— (1961). In Olerti (Jorr.-Bag.), 93. ——— (1987). Quito-n arrebarekin. Edition of I. Segurola, Donostia: EEE/Ibaizabal. (¼ Q.A.) ——— (1929). Santa Cruz apaiza. Donostia: Leizaola. (¼ S.Cruz) ‘‘Orixe’’ Omenaldi (1965). Donostia: Euskaltzaindia. (¼ OrOm) Ormaetxea, Nikolas, see Orixe. OrOm ¼ ‘‘Orixe’’ Omenaldi. Oskillaso [Jose´ de Basterrechea] (1988). Gabeko atorra. Bilbao: Ibaizabal. (¼ Gab.At.) ——— (1962). Kurloiak. Kaletarren haur-zaroa bizkaian. Zarautz: Itxaropena. (¼ Kurl.) ——— (1981). El vasco de hoy I. Bilbao: La Gran Enciclopedia Vasca. Oxobi [Jules Moulie´] (1966). Oxobi-ren lan orhoitgarri zonbait. Bayonne: ‘‘Gure Herria.’’ Oyharc¸abal, B. (1989). ‘‘Pro-drop and the Resumptive Pronoun Strategy in Basque.’’ In L. Mara´cz and P. Muysken (eds.), Configurationality: The Typology of Asymmetries, 63–83. Dordrecht: Foris. (¼ Pro-drop) ——— (1985). Les relatives en basque. Universite´ Paris 7. (¼ R.B.) P.Ab. ¼ Peru Abarca, see under Mogel, J. A. P.Ad. ¼ Piarres Adame, see under Elissamburu, J. B. Pas Sant, see under Bernaolacoa. Peillen, Txomin (1973). Gatu beltza. Bilbao: Mensajero. Pouvreau, Silvain (17th century). Grammaire de la langue basque. In Les petites oeuvres, 1–9. J. Vinson edition, Chalon-sur-Saoˆne: L. Marceau, 1892. 1978 facsimile edition, Donostia: Hordago. ——— (ca. 1660). Iesusen Imitacionea. Donostia: Hordago, 1979. (¼ Imit.) ——— (1664). San Frances de Sales Genevaco ipizpicuaren Philotea . . . . Paris. (¼ Philotea) Riezu, P. Jorge de (1948). Flor de canciones populares vascas. Buenos Aires: Ed. Vasca Ekin. Rijk, Rudolf P. G. de (1998). De lingua vasconum: Selected Writings. ASJU, Supp. 43. (¼ DLV ) Rozas, Ixiar (2000). Edo zu edo ni. Donostia: Erein. R.S. ¼ Refranes y Sentencias, see under Lakarra, J. A. Saizarbitoria, Ramon (1997). Egunero hasten delako. 5th edition, Donostia: Erein. First published in 1969. Salaberria, Sebastia´n (1994). Neronek tirako nizkin. Oiartzun: Sendoa. Published earlier in 1964, Tolosa: Auspoa. Salaburu Echeverrı´a, Pello (1980). Baztango Euskalkiaz (I), (Bruno Echenique-k egindako itzulpenak Bonaparteren eskakizunez). Bilbo: Deustuko Unibertsitateko Argitarazioak. (¼ Etx./Echenique) Sallaberry, Jean D. (1930). Chants populaires du pays basque. Paris. First published in Bayonne, 1870. Saltarelli, Mario, et al. (1988). Basque. London & New York: Croom Helm. San Martin, Juan (1984). Zirikadak. 2nd edition, Donostia: Elkar. First published in 1960, Zarautz: Itxaropena. Sarasola, Ibon (1996). Euskal Hiztegia. Donostia: Kutxa Fundazioa. (¼ E.H.) ——— (1984–1995). Hauta-lanerako euskal hiztegia. Donostia: Gipuzkoa Donostia Kutxa. (¼ HLEH ) Sarrionandia, Joseba (1984). Narrazioak. 3rd edition, Donostia: Elkar. Satrustegi, J. M. (1973). Ekaitza. Oinati: Ed. Franciscana Arantzazu. Soroa Lasa, Marzelino (1961). Au ostatuba!! Jostirudia euskerara moldatuba. A. Zavala’s edition, Tolosa: Auspoa. First published in 1884. (¼ A.O.) ——— (1963). Baratzan. Edition of A. Zavala, Tolosa: Auspoa. DGV: first published in 1886 in Euskal Erria. (¼ Bar.) Sota, Manuel de la, Pierre Lafitte, and Lino de Akesolo (1976–1989). Diccionario Retana de autoridades de la lengua vasca. 9 volumes. Bilbao: Ed. La Gran Enciclopedia Vasca. (¼ DRA)



SP ¼ Pouvreau, Silvain. Tamura, S. (1985). ‘‘Hitzen ordena erabakitzeko fatoreak.’’ Euskera 30:71–101. Tartas, Ivan de (1666). Onsa hilceco bidia. Orthez. Reference is to facsimile published in Altuna’s critical edition of 1987, Bilbao: Universidad de Deusto. (¼ Onsa) TB ¼ Testamentu berriko . . . see under Lardizabal, F. I. Thomas, Llewelyn (1894). The Earliest Translation of the Old Testament into the Basque Language (A Fragment) by Pierre d’ Urte of St. Jean de Luz circa 1700. Oxford: Clarendon Press. Reprinted by AMS Press, New York, 1989. (¼ Urt.) TOE ¼ Teatro osoa euskeraz, see under Labayen, A. Txill. ¼ Txillardegi. Txillardegi [Jose´ Luis Alvarez Enparantza] (1988). Exkixu. Donostia: Elkar. ——— (1957). Leturia-ren egunkari ezkutua. Bilbao: Euskal Idaz-lanak (Euskaltzaindia). (¼ Let.) Txirr. ¼ Txirrita, see under Zavala, Antonio. Txirrita [J. M. Lujambio], B. ¼ Txirritaren Bertsoak, see under Zavala, Antonio. TZ ¼ Testamentu zarreko . . . , see under Lardizabal, F. I. Ubillos, (Fray) Juan Antonio (1785). Christau doctrin˜ berri-ecarlea. Tolosa. 1978 facsimile edition, Donostia: Hordago. Ur. ¼ Uriarte, Jose´ A. Uriarte, Jose´ Antonio (1857). El Apocalipsis del apo´stol San Juan/San Juan apostolubaren aguertueria (Biskaieraz). London: L. L. Bonaparte. Facsimile edition in L. L. Bonaparte, Opera omnia vasconice IV, 113–151. Bilbao: Euskaltzaindia, 1991. (¼ Ur.) ——— (1858). El Apocalipsis del apo´stol San Juan/San Juan apostoluaren apokalipsisa (Guipuzcoan version). London. See pp. 153–189 in preceding entry. (¼ Ur.) ——— (1859). Biblia edo Testamentu zar eta berria. Guipuzcoaco euscarara itzulia. (Genesis, Exodus, & Leviticus). London: L. L. Bonaparte. Facsimile editions: Donostia: Hordago, 1978 and in L. L. Bonaparte, Opera omnia vasconice IV, 307–438. Bilbao: Euskaltzaindia, 1991. (¼ Ur.) ——— (1857). Dialogues basques (versio´n vizcaı´na). London: L. L. Bonaparte. Facsimile editions: Donostia–San Sebastia´n: Hordago, 1978, and in L. L. Bonaparte, Opera omnia vasconice II, 309–433. Bilbao: Euskaltzaindia, 1991. (¼ Dial.) ——— (1858). El Evangelio segu´n San Mateo traducido al vascuence, dial. Guipuzcoano. London: L. L. Bonaparte. Facsimile edition in L. L. Bonaparte, Opera omnia vasconice IV, 227–305. Bilbao: Euskaltzaindia, 1991. (¼ Ur.) Urkizu, Patrizio (ed.) (1984). Astolasterrak. (DGV: 18th- and 19th-century folk texts). San Sebastia´n. (¼ Ast. Las.) Urretabizkaia, Arantxa (1983). Aspaldian. Espero zaitudalako. Ez nago sekula bakarri.. Donostia: Erein. (¼ Asp.) ——— (1982). Maitasunaren magalean. Donostia: Guipuzkoako Aurrezki Kutxa Probintziala. (¼ Mait.) ——— (1990). Saturno. 3rd edition. Donostia: Erein. (¼ Sat.) ——— (1983). Zergatik panpox. Donostia: Hordago. (¼ Zerg.) Urretavizcaya, see Urretabizkaia. Urruzuno, Pedro Miguel (1961). Euskalerritik zerura ta beste ipui batzuk. (Compilation of works published between 1894 and 1917.) Tolosa: Auspoa. (¼ E.Z.) ——— (1988). Ipuinak. (Stories published between 1885 and 1920, edition of L. M. Larringan.) Donostia: EEE/ Kriselu. (¼ Ip.) ——— (1965). Ur-zale baten ipuiak. (Compilation of work published between 1885 and 1893, edition of A. Zavala.) Tolosa: Auspoa. (¼ Urz) Urt. ¼ Pierre d’Urte, see under Thomas, L. Urte, Pierre d’ (1715). Dictionarium latino cantabricum. In Patrizio Urkizu (1989), Pierre d’ Urteren hiztegia, Londres 1715 (¼ Mundaiz 1–2). San Sebastia´n: Universidad de Deusto. ——— (1712). Grammaire cantabrique basque. Bagne`res-de-Bigorre, 1900.



Usk. gut. ¼ Uskaldunaren guthunak. Uskaldunaren guthunak (1946). Edizione berria (new expanded edition). Bayonne: Firmin Seris-en Salgian. (¼ Usk. gut.) Uztapide [Manuel Olaizola Urbieta] (1975). Lengo egunak gogoan I, II, 2nd edition. Tolosa: Auspoa. (¼ LEG ) ——— (1964). Noizbat. Tolosa: Auspoa. (¼ Noizb.) ——— (1976). Sasoia joan da gero. Tolosa: Auspoa. (¼ Sas.) Villasante, Luis (1962). Kristau fedearen sustraiak I. Jainkoa. On˜ati-Arantzazu. (¼ Jainkoa) Vogel, Florentin (n.d.). Ene Hautia (25 chants basques). 8th edition, Saint Palais: F. Vogel. (¼ Ene H.) Voltoire (1620). L’ interprect ou traduction du Franc¸ois, Espagnol & Basque de Voltoire. Lyon. Facsimile edition, Pau: icn, 2000. Xalbador [Fernando Aire] (1969). Ezin bertzean. Tolosa: Auspoa. (¼ Ezin B.) ——— (1976). Odolaren mintzoa. Tolosa: Auspoa. (¼ Odol.) Xaramela (1985). Donostia: Elkar. Xarritton, P., see Charritton, P. Xenp. ¼ Xenpelar [Petriarena, J. F.], see under Zavala, Antonio. Zabala, Alfonso M. de (1962). Gabon gau bat eta beste ipui asko. (Compiled by A. Zavala.) Tolosa: Auspoa. Published between 1880 and 1889 in Euskal Erria. Zaitegi eta Plazaola, Iokin (1961). Platon’eneko atarian. San Sebastia´n. (¼ Plat.) ——— (1946). Sopokel’en antzerkiak I. Me´xico, D.F.: ‘‘Pizkunde.’’ (¼ Sof.) Zapirain, Salbador ‘‘Atan˜o’’ (1988). Etorkizuna. Donostia: Etor. (¼ Etork.) ——— (1988). Maitasunaren lanak. Donostia: Etor. (¼ M.) ——— (1986). Odol-kutsua. Tolosa: Auspoa. (¼ Odol.) Zavala, Antonio (1985). Esaera zaarren bilduma berria I (A–G) & II (I–Z). Tolosa: Auspoa. (¼ E.Z.B.B.) ——— (1962). Txirrita (Bizitza ta bat-bateko bertsoak). Tolosa: Auspoa. (¼ Txirr.) ——— (1971). Txirritaren bertsoak I, II. Tolosa: Auspoa. (¼ Txirrita, B.) ——— (1981). Xenpelar bertsolaria, 2nd edition. Tolosa: Auspoa. (¼ Xenp.) Zenbait ichtorio chahar artho churitzetako (1909). Bayonne: Lamaigne`re-Foltzer. (¼ Artho Xur.) Zerbitzari [Jean Elissalde] (1943). Ichtorio Saindua. Testament Zaharra. Jesu-Christo. Eliza. Lille. Zuazo, Koldo (2000). Euskararen sendabelarrak. Irun: Alberdania. (¼ Sendabel.) Zubiri, Enrike ‘‘Manezaundi’’ (1990). Artikulu bilduma. Edition of R. M. Pagola, Bilbao: EEE/Labayru Ikastegia.

Standard Basque A Progressive Grammar

Volume 2: The Glosses Prepared by Armand De Coene

Rudolf P. G. de Rijk


Preface (Armand De Coene) v Symbols Used in the Glosses 1017 Abbreviations Used in the Glosses 1019 The Glosses Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Chapter 20 Chapter 21 Chapter 22 Chapter 23 Chapter 24 Chapter 25 Chapter 26 Chapter 27 Chapter 28 Chapter 29 Chapter 30

1027 1027 1027 1028 1029 1029 1032 1041 1046 1049 1055 1059 1064 1072 1081 1097 1106 1121 1142 1157 1165 1173 1193 1207 1218 1234 1252 1264 1268


Chapter 31 Chapter 32 Chapter 33


1285 1287 1289

Index of Basque Words That Appear Only in the Example Sentences Selected Index of Basque Formatives and Words 1321 Index of Personal Names 1337 Subject Index 1339



On January 6, 1989, Rudolf de Rijk and I met for the first time. This meeting was the start of a master-pupil relationship in matters Basque and linguistic which turned into a friendship that lasted until Rudolf ’s untimely death on June 15, 2003. A few days before he died, he decided that a section should be added to his Basque grammar containing glosses to all the example sentences in the book and that I should be asked to do this work. Thus it was that following his funeral his wife asked me if I would be willing to take on this responsibility. Having seen the work of my friend evolve over the years from a modest introductory course (in Dutch) into the comprehensive description of the Basque language that it now is, I was proud to be asked and consented with alacrity. My commitment at that time and throughout the period of work was based on two personal motives. First, I felt privileged to be able to honor the memory of a man of singular intellectual integrity and exemplary modesty by making his scholarly testament about Basque linguistics more accessible to the English-reading nonspecialist in the field. Second, by taking the opportunity to fulfill his request, I might yet be able to say what Koldo Mitxelena once said: Ni zerbait izan baldin banaiz, hizkuntzalaria edo izan naiz (MEIG IX, 73, given as example sentence 5a in chapter 17). I hope the glosses will enable learners to quickly check their own analyses, and the nonBascologist linguists to arrive at an informed view of the unique character of the Basque language in all its diachronic, diatopic, and even sociolinguistic diversity. Where links with the synchronic morphological analysis are not too di‰cult to establish, I also deemed it worthwhile to o¤er some etymological suggestions (see, for example, the word beraz in examples 55a–58b in chapter 23). There are some people without whom these glosses would never have seen the light of day. To say thank you in an appropriate way to Virginia de Rijk–Chan, I can find no adequate expressions, not even in my native Dutch. Without her moral and material support and her continuing commitment to the cause, neither my glosses nor indeed the work as a whole would ever have been completed; our collaboration has only strengthened the bonds of friendship.



At the beginning of my work, Wim van der Wur¤ was kind enough to discuss with me the method of glossing that I was proposing to use; at later stages he checked my work for clarity and consistency. At di¤erent stages of the process, Pello Salaburu, Bernard Oyharc¸abal, and Itziar Laka, all of them linguists and native speakers of Basque, took time to discuss with me some tricky questions about morpho-syntactic matters. The fact that, in the end, not every problem has been resolved was only to be expected, and the hope is that further investigation will be forthcoming, perhaps partly stimulated by my own contribution to Rudolf ’s grammar. With respect to the di‰cult question of how to deal with the definite/indefinite opposition in a-stems denoting kinship, especially in the ascending line, I am greatly indebted to two native speakers of the dialect of the Haute Soule, where accentual di¤erentiation turned out to provide a decisive answer (e.g., ene a´ma vs. bere ama´, cf. section 1.3.1 and section 2.3.2 where no explicit di¤erentiation is found in addressing first/second person versus third person as to the indefinite/definite distinction). I value not only their expert information but also the lasting friendship that was given me by Marie-Jose´ Capdevielle from Tardets, a natural-born linguist in all but name, and Maite Bengochea from Larrau, a born storyteller in every sense of the word. Further, I would like to thank my wife, Irina Ushakova, who joined me in 2005 from St. Petersburg to brighten my life, for her forbearance. Last, but absolutely not least, I want to express my thankfulness and regard for my young daughter Valence, whose patience and considerateness I have surely overtaxed during the many months I was engaged in my glossing work. That is the reason why I end this preface, writing Xiberoko mintzajiaz, by stating: Lan hau izkiribatu¨ du¨t ene alhabatto ezinago maitiarentako, azken hiru urthe horietan bere aita sobera maite u¨khen beitu¨ deu¨sere handirik errezibitu¨ gabe haren ganik. Armand De Coene Overslag June 2007

Symbols Used in the Glosses

Note: Superscript numbers refer to the remarks following the list. HAU Hau

. (

> < * ** ? ¼


Full capitals in Basque words mark the (quasi-)focus constituent of the example sentences in Chapter 8 Italics in Basque words mark the (emphatic) sentence topic of the example sentences in Chapter 8 Connects two English/Basque words translating one single Basque/English word form or word group Indicates that the combination of two or more words/lexemes functions as a syntactico-semantic unit (e.g., mila demonio/sorgin in examples 2g,h of chapter 18) Used to join the English translation and the immediately following label(s) glossing the same Basque word form Joins the two members of an English compound; marks the boundary of a fully bound morph(eme)1 In the glosses: indicates that two di¤erent readings are possible (e.g., hil in hil nazan is glossed as ‘kill(.rad)’, which means that, in the context in question, the given form can be read either as the perfect participle or as the radical of the verb; in the Basque sentences: restoration of phonemes/morphemes not visible due to ‘‘inflectional’’ contact inside or outside the given word form2 Becomes Comes from Reconstructed form Ungrammatical sentence Used to mark dubious grammaticality of a phrase/clause/sentence Marks the boundary of partially free morph (e.g., baldin¼in combination with the preverbal particle ba- equals English conditional ‘if ’; although its canonical position is directly in front of ba-, older usage, still accepted in the literary language, places it in front of the protasis)/connects the members of a Basque compound (e.g., kale¼garbitzaile ‘street cleaner’)



Symbols Used in the Glosses

With verbs, indicates first/second/third person; with demonstratives, indicates the degrees of deixis (corresponding to first, second, and third person in pronouns, see sections 6.3.1 and 9.6.1)


1. The initial prefix of a nonfinite verb form will not be hyphenated, unless the verb has a synthetic conjugation too (e.g., ezarr-i vs. e-torr-i). The constituent morphemes of the imperfect participle (cf. section 7.2.4: nominalizing su‰x -tze of the verbal noun followed by the original inessive case ending -n) will not be separated by a hyphen either in order to distinguish it from the gerund, made up from the same morphological material but presenting an explicit sort of competition with the allative form of the verbal noun as the expression of the kinetic gerundive (cf. 16.5.5); for the same reason, use has been made of di¤erent labels for these forms: ipf to label the imperfect participle versus ven.loc for the gerund (parallel to the label ven.all used for a kinetic gerundive). Unless in intervocalic position, so-called strong /R/ will always be represented as (-)r(-) in the analysis. The hyphenation in the glosses is fully in line with the analyses o¤ered by R. de Rijk. Word forms containing several morphs will always be hyphenated as such, even if they are to some extent semantically lexicalized, provided that a morphological analysis of the form is given in the text of the Grammar. The only exceptions are the plural ergative su‰x -ek (cf. section 2.2.1), the universal quantifier den (in order to di¤erentiate this quantifier from its etymological base d-en, which is a free relative clause, cf. section 10.4), and substantivized adnominals (e.g., etxeko ‘member of the family’ < etxe-ko). 2. Instances of so-called Minor Apocope (e.g., maita-ro < *maite-ro) will not be indicated in the Basque sentences, nor will restoration be shown of -a before a vowel in the present tense marker da and plural present tense forms of izan followed by the wh-complementizer. Verbs that also have synthetic forms, and whose perfect participle/radical form ends in -n, never get this su‰x restored in other forms; instead, the bare stem is singled out in the hyphenation (e.g., compare the pair ja-ki-n and ja-ki-ten with the pair itxaron and itxaro(n)-ten). Elision of phonemes in the onset of the stem of conjugated forms of the transitive and intransitive auxiliaries will not be indicated as such, since this phenomenon is frequently and explicitly dealt with in the appropriate places of the text of the grammar. To give one example, original ba-g-a-di-tez will be rendered as ba-g-a-i-tez; the same procedure is used for the verbal prefixes da-/ze-/le-/be- in the case of elision of their final vowel (e.g., l-i-te-k from original le-di-te-ke); elision of final -a of some present tense forms of izan before finite complementizers -N/-LA will not be indicated either (e.g., g-a-r-ela instead of g-a-r(a)-ela).

Abbreviations Used in the Glosses

Preliminary Remarks

Following the procedure adopted by J. I. Hualde and J. Ortiz de Urbina in A Grammar of Basque (Berlin and New York: Mouton de Gruyter, 2003, pp. 7–8), no abbreviation/ labeling is provided, unless directly relevant, when dealing with instances to be taken as default cases of the grammatical category/categories in question. The following instances will be considered default ones (‘‘zero morphs’’ are never shown in the labeling): abs adv art aux dat del

absolutive (see remarks under note 1 concerning the glossing of auxiliaries) adverb (see note 2) article auxiliary dative in auxiliary glosses (see note 1) deletion/ellipsis In the case of morphological inflections on postpositional phrases (5.2) In the case of the following nouns: aldi (13.2.4 and 20.3), asmo (17.7.1), era (11.1.6), kontu (17.7.2), ordu (4.2, 20.2), puntu (17.7.3), uste (18.8.2), an instrumental noun to account for the meaning ‘‘cause–reason’’ in causal clauses of the -lako(tz)-type (23.1.2) In the case of the following forms: An implicit verb of saying (18.2.2 and 23.2.2), verb of subordinate -LA clauses in sentences of the type Haren begiek tximistak ziruditen (18.5.2), direlarik in an idiomatic construction used when a concession concerns an unmodified plural noun (23.7.1)

erg idf

ergative in auxiliary glosses (see remarks under note 1) indefinite (¼ the bare stem) with proper nouns (2.3.2) and nonfinal members of an indefinite word group; with indefinite (with the exception of beste)/ interrogative–exclamative (2.3.2)/synthetic reciprocal pronouns (15.8.1); with indefinite quantifier expressions (including bat) (2.3.2) and with locative/allative


Abbreviations Used in the Glosses

(16.4)/privative (27.11.4) forms of the verbal noun; also indicating the bare stem of nominals, wherever appropriate/in nonfinite instrumental clauses governed by the postposition gero/geroz/geroztik (20.2.6)/in constructions with distributive numeratives (30.3) ind indicative mas masculine pef perfect participle per periphrastic conjugation prs present ptc participle (This label appears in the case of perfect participle forms that do not express any shade of perfective aspect, e.g., in the combination with ezin, for which see 24.6.5.) 3 3rd person sin singular definite, except for the use with perfect participle forms -sol -solidarity (characterizing 2nd-person singular) izan intransitive auxiliary *edun transitive auxiliary Remarks 1. A glossing of the type ‘‘know./plu.syt’’ in a sentence with a synthetic transitive verb indicates that there is either a singular (or indefinite, as the case may be) direct object or no such object at all and a plural subject; a gloss of the type ‘‘know.plu/.syt’’ indicates a plural direct object and a third-person singular subject; in the case of ‘‘know.plu/plu.syt,’’ both direct object and subject are plural. The same method of glossing finite verb forms is used in ditransitive constructions. The relative order will always be abs–dat–erg; for example, ‘‘give.dyt’’ indicates that both the third-person subject and both objects (direct and indirect, if there is one) are singular, whereas ‘‘give.//plu.dyt’’ indicates that the subject is plural but both the objects are singular; a gloss like ‘‘give.plu/plu/.dyt,’’ however, conveys that both the objects are plural while the subject is singular. The absence of slashes, even with a ditransitive auxiliary, indicates that the subject and the two objects are all third-person singular. For dealing with two arguments represented in the intransitive auxiliary, the following relative order is adopted: dat–abs. The order of labels in finite forms of the verb is as follows: a. Person precedes number (without any intervening dot) and number precedes (qualified) gender inside the object/subject category b. Object/subject category precedes conjugation type hsyn vs. itr equals syt vs. tra equals dyn vs. dit equals dyt vs. dtri c. Conjugation type precedes mood d. Mood precedes tense e. Tense precedes type of subordination

Abbreviations Used in the Glosses


All this can result in heavy stacking of labels, as can be seen in the following constructed example: Miren, ez da-ki-t hori-en Mary not know./1.syt that one.gen d-ie-za-z-ki-gu-na-n plu/1plu/2sol.fem.dtr.pot.[prs*].ncz

etsai-(e)-en izen-ak ema-n enemy.plu.gen name.plu give(.rad) ala ez. or not

An English translation of this example might read as follows: Mary, I don’t know whether or not you could give us the names of their enemies. [*The label prs in the example sentence will normally not be shown, as it is considered the default case of the category tense—hence the use of brackets in this case.] 2. Adverbial morphemes in the Basque words are separated from the bare stem by using a hyphen (e.g., eder-ki); bare stems used adverbially are not labeled, provided the corresponding English gloss is morphologically transparent (e.g., ‘expensively’ glossing garesti in Garesti asko sal zitekeen ‘It might have been sold very expensively’). The Glosses

Typographical conventions used in the abbreviations are as follows: Lexical items: lowercase (e.g., ‘house’/etxe) Grammatical labels: small capitals (e.g., erg for ‘‘ergative’’ and ben for ‘‘benefactive’’) abs acp adn adv aff alc all app ben cac cau cdc cdp coc cod

Absolutive case Adjoined clause prefix bait- (19.3.1. and 23.3) Adnominalizer (5.1) Adverb A‰rmative sentence particle (8.3) Allocutive verb form (29.1) Allative (3.2) Approximation su‰x (26.7) Benefactive (2.2.1) Causal or explanatory conjunction (23.5) Causative (16.1–2) Conditional conjunction (17.2) Conditional prefix (17.2.2) Concessive conjunction (23.7.5) Conditional mood (17.2) or, in combination with pot, the potentiality variant of the present conditional (24.1.3 and 24.2.3): this label covers both protasis (truncated but always accompanied by the conditional prefix) and apodosis forms


Abbreviations Used in the Glosses

cop dat del

Comparative (26.4) Dative (2.2.1) Deletion or nonlexicalization of a head noun (to be seen, e.g., in 11.1.6 and 16.2.3) Local destinative, taking on a temporal meaning in certain cases (20.1.1) Deferential mode of address (6.1.6) Diminutive: su‰x -txo/-tto corresponding to the head of a relative (19.1.9); su‰x -(t)xe intercalated between the stem and the comparative su‰x -ago in order to indicate a slight degree of superiority (26.4.2) Su‰x turning cardinal numbers into distributives (30.3) Dative clause-mate-induced forms of intransitive auxiliary (15.1) Dative clause-mate-induced forms of transitive auxiliary (15.1) Dubitative sentence particle (8.1.6) Dative clause-mate variant of synthetic forms of an intransitive verb (15.1) Dative clause-mate variant of synthetic forms of a transitive verb (15.1) Excessive form of a predicate (26.6) Explanatory function of the conjunction eta used as a clausal enclitic (23.2.1) and at the end of an exclamatory sentence, creating more emphasis (30.2.7) Elative (3.2) Postposition used to mark comparatives denoting equality in quality, also known as equatives (26.2) Emphatic initial conjunction harik invariably followed by eta (20.4.5) Emphatic, e.g., in forms of deictics (26.8) and in personal pronouns ( Enclital position of the conjunction eta after a perfect participle employed to create an equivalent of stative participles (19.2.4); the same holds in the case of a final constituent of a coordination being left out: this instance of cliticization of the conjunction is found with eta, edo, and ala (30.2.6) Postposition used to mark comparatives denoting equality in quantity (26.3) Ergative case (2.2.1) Exclamative sentence particle (8.1.5) Expletory use of a given word (e.g., of eta in sentence 7 of Chapter 17 or in sentences 77a–c of Chapter 23) Feminine (9.1 and 29.1) Frequency su‰x, e.g., following finite subordinate clauses ending in the relativizer -N (see 20.3.4) Future participle (7.2.5) Genitive (2.2.1) Conjunction (ahala) expressing graduality or simultaneity according to the aspectual identity of the dependent verb (24.7.2) Habitualness indicated by proclitic particle (14.6)

des dfr dim

dis dit dtr dub dyn dyt ecs eec ela elp emc emp enc

enp erg exc exp fem frq fut gen gsc hab

Abbreviations Used in the Glosses

hyp idf iij imp inc inf ins int ipf

itr jus lci lcz loc mas mon moq mot naz ncz ndc npp nps nre opt par pcz pec


Hypothetical tense of the subjunctive (21.1, 21.8) Indefinite (1.3.1); also used, where necessary, to indicate the bare stem of (pro)nouns Interrogative Interjection (18.1.8) Imperative (22.2) Inclusive article (19.7) Inferential sentence particle (8.1.3 and 23.6.2) Instrumental (2.2.1) Interrogative sentence particle (8.1.5) Imperfect(ive) (7.2.4). Wherever in the text of the grammar forms ending in -t(z)en are treated as imperfect participles, they will be labeled as ipf; in all other cases, their label will be ven.loc (i.e., har-tze-n glossed as ‘‘take.ven.loc’’ vs. hartzen glossed as ‘‘take.ipf,’’ whether or not with explicit tense/aspect value). Intransitive auxiliary (6.2) Jussive (22.4) Finite ‘‘circumstantializer’’ -LA(-RIK), di¤erentiated from lcz by inducing the anormal toneme on the verb form of the subordinate clause in question (20.8.1–2) Finite complementizer -LA (18.2 and 21.1, 21.7) Inessive (3.1) Masculine Monitive particle gero (temporal adverb) used in imperative, jussive, and optative sentences (22.3.5) Modal quantifier ahala (24.7.1) Motivational (2.2.1) Finite complementizer -NA (18.3) Wh-complementizer -N (18.1.2 and 21.1), used as relativizer (19.1, 21.4.2–3, and 21.5) Su‰x -no/-n˜o/-ino added to relativized verb forms in order to build finite delimitative time clauses (20.5) Negative particle lexically conveying impossibility (24.3, 24.6); see ppp Nominalized purpose clause marked by the su‰x -arren (23.1.1) Prenominal finite relative clause ending in the complementizer/relativizer -N (19.1) Optative sentence particle (8.1.4) Partitive (8.1.6) Partitive complementizer (18.4) Perfect participle combined with the su‰x -ta, a shortened form of the conjunction eta, used in Guipuzcoan in order to create the equivalent of the stative participle (cf. sta) (19.2.4 and 25.7)



plu poc

pot ppf ppp ppr pre pri

pro pst ptc rad ref rep rim


sip soc sol srp sta

suj sup syn

Abbreviations Used in the Glosses

Perfect (6.2.2). Perfect participle, in case the form is simply the citation form of a given Basque verb; in all other cases, forms such as har-tu will get no label at all (i.e., glossed as ‘take’ after hyphenation vs. ‘‘take.pef’’ with explicit tense/aspect value). Plural (also used as plural variant in the cases where sin appears for the singular) (1.3.3) Use of the conjunction eta in combination with a preceding perfect participle identifying a nonfinite subordinate time clause expressing posteriority of the action described by the main clause (20.6) Potential mood (24.1–5) Pluperfect (7.3.2) Antonym of npp (ezin vs. ahal ) (24.6) Preterito-present form of various modal and nonmodal verbs (14.2) Predicative (25.5.1) Privative su‰x -ke attached to the verbal noun used in southern dialects to construe explicitly simultaneous nonfinite negative circumstantial clauses (27.11.4) Prolative (2.2.1 and 17.8) Past (6.2.2) Participle (6.2.2) Radical of the verb (6.2.2 and 7.2.2) Reflexive (6.1.4) Reportative sentence particle (8.1.2) Su‰x -r denoting ‘‘impendency’’ if attached to the definite singular (southern dialects) or indefinite (northern dialects) form of the absolutive case of the verbal noun (20.7) Singular form of the definite article used in combination with pef (with or without berri/zahar) in cases where the adjectival character of this participle form is prominent (25.1.1–2, 25.1.4, and passim) Postposition used to mark comparatives denoting similarity (26.1) Sociative (2.2.1) Solidarity: pragmatic feature characterizing second-person singular (6.1.2) Postposition by means of which are expressed comparatives denoting superiority (26.4) Stative: predicatives formed with the su‰x -(r)ik attached to some adjectives/ nouns or occurring with any ordinal (25.5.2)/perfect participle (19.2.2, 25.2.2 and 25.5.4) Subjunctive (21.2) Superlative (26.5) Synthetic form of an intransitive verb (6.2)

Abbreviations Used in the Glosses


Synthetic form of a transitive verb (9.1) Tendential (3.2) Terminal (3.2) Topping particle are co-occurring with a comparative (26.4.6) Transitive auxiliary (7.1.3) Verbal noun (7.2.3) Conjunction introducing a wh-complement (18.1.6) Zero (pro)noun to be postulated as head of noun phrases, e.g., of the type of katuarena ‘the one of the cat’ (2.4); also used to indicate the substantival function of numerals, adnominals, and adjectives (in which case it stands for zep.sin with the perfect participles concerned) 1=2=3 First, second, or third person

syt ten ter top tra ven wcc zep

The Glosses

Chapter 1

(1) Ama sorgin-a da eta alab(a)-ak ere sorgin-ak d-ir-a. Mother.idf witch be.syn and daughter.plu too witch.plu be.plu.syn (2) Sorgin-a polit-a da eta ijito-ak ere polit-ak d-ir-a. witch pretty be.syn and gypsy.plu too pretty.plu be.plu.syn (3) Ama emakume ederr-a da eta alab(a)-ak ere emakume ederr-ak Mother.idf woman beautiful be.syn and daughter.plu too woman beautiful.plu d-ir-a. be.plu.syn (4) Ama ez da sorgin-a eta alab(a)-ak ere ez d-ir-a sorgin-ak. Mother.idf not be.syn witch and daughter.plu too not be.plu.syn witch.plu (5) Sorgin-a ez da polit-a eta ijito-ak ere ez d-ir-a polit-ak. witch not be.syn pretty and gypsy.plu too not be.plu.syn pretty.plu (6) Ama ez da emakume ederr-a eta alab(a)-ak ere ez d-ir-a Mother.idf not be.syn woman beautiful and daughter.plu too not be.plu.syn emakume ederr-ak. woman beautiful.plu (7) Etxe-a berri-a da baina eliz(a)-a ez da berri-a. house new be.syn but church not be.syn new Chapter 2

(1) a. Astelehen-a eta astearte-a egun txarr-ak dira. Monday and Tuesday day bad.plu be.plu.syn b. Uztail-a eta abuztu-a bero-ak dira. July and August warm.plu be.plu.syn


Glosses for Chapter 2

c. Negu-a eta udaberri-a ez dira bero-ak. winter and spring not be.plu.syn warm.plu (2) a. Ezti-a gozo-a da. honey sweet be.syn b. Apaiz isil-ak on-ak dira. priest silent.plu good.plu be.plu.syn (3) a. Miren Mary b. Miren Mary c. Miren Mary

sorgin-a da. witch be.syn ederr-a da. beautiful be.syn sorgin ederr-a da. witch beautiful be.syn

Chapter 5

(2) a. bezero(-e-)entza(t)-ko mahai-ak customer.plu.ben.adn table.plu b. etsai-a-reki(n)-ko lotur(a)-ak enemy.soc.adn tie.plu c. zeru-tika-ko ogi-a heaven.ela.adn bread d. gizon-a-gan-dika-ko gaitz-a man.ela.adn evil e. Bilbo-tik Donostia-ra-ko bide-a Bilbao.ela San Sebastian.all.adn road f. matematik(a)-e-ta-r(a)-an(t)z-ko bultzad(a)-a mathematics.plu.ten.adn impulse g. gerl(a)-a-ren kontra-ko emakume-ak war.gen against.adn women.plu (3) a. Ez not b. Ez not

da be.syn da be.syn

(4) a. Jantzi suit b. Jantzi suit

bihotzaldi emotion bihotzaldi emotion

handi-(e)-eki(n)-ko poet(a)-a. great.plu.soc.adn poet handi-ko poet(a)-a. great.adn poet

gorri-a-reki(n)-ko gazte-a red.soc.adn young gorri-ko gazte-a red.adn young

Glosses for Chapter 7

Chapter 6

(1) a. Hon-(r)a Etxahun ber-a, present da zu-rekin. here.all Etxahun the very present be.syn you.soc b. Hon-(r)a Jainko-a-ren Bildots-a. here.all God.gen Lamb c. Horr-(r)a sei bertso kaleÂźgarbitzaile-a-ri . . . there.all six verse.idf street-cleaner.dat d. . . . eta ha-ra zaldi zuri bat. . . . and over there.all horse white a (2) a. Hon-(r)a hemen lapiko galant-a eta pitxer bete ardo. here.all here.loc stew nice and pitcher.idf full.idf wine.idf b. Horr-(r)a hor ni-re mutil-a. there.all there.loc I.gen boy c. Ha-ra ha-n zu-re Jaun-a over there.all over there.loc you.gen Lord Chapter 7

(1) Ez da on-a gizon-a bakarr-ik e-go-te-a. not be.syn good man alone.sta stay.ven (2) a. Zu hemen i-bil-tze-a on-a da. you here.loc walk.ven good be.syn b. Zu-re hemen-go ibiler(a)-a on-a da. you.gen here.adn walking good be.syn (3) a. Berri txarr-a korri-ka da-bil. news bad runningly walk.syn b. Gatz-a ur-e-ta-n ur-tzen da. salt water.idf.loc melt.ipf itr (4) a. Miren atzo jaio ze-n. Mary yesterday be born.pef itr.pst b. Aintzane aurten jaio da. Gloria this year be born.pef itr (5) a. Bart berandu e-torr-i z-in-e-n. last night late(before midnight) come.pef 2.itr.pst b. Bart berandu e-torr-i z-a-r-a. last night late(after midnight) come.pef 2.itr



(6) a. Goiz-e-an morning.loc b. Goiz-e-an morning.loc

Glosses for Chapter 7

berandu late berandu late

e-torr-i z-in-e-n. come.pef 2.itr.pst e-torr-i z-a-r-a. come.pef 2.itr

(7) Miren eliza-ra j-oa-n ze-n atzo. Miren church.all go.pef itr.pst yesterday (8) Haize-a lore-(e)-en petalo-(e)-ekin josta-tzen ze-n. wind ower.plu.gen petal.plu.soc play.ipf itr.pst (9) Egunero herri-ra jai(t)s-ten ze-n. every day village.all go down.ipf itr.pst (10) a. Oso gutxi-ta-n Donostia-ra j-oa-ten ze-n. very seldom San Sebastian.all go.ipf itr.pst b. Hi-re anai(a)-a-ren kontra mintza-tzen h-in-tz-e-n. you.gen brother.gen against talk.ipf 2sol.itr.pst (11) a. Atzo zubi-tik eror-i ze-n. yesterday bridge.ela fall.pef itr.pst b. Sarri-ta-n zubi-tik eror-tzen ze-n. often bridge.ela fall.ipf itr.pst (12) a. Sei-e-ta-n six.plu.loc b. Sei-e-ta-n six.plu.loc c. Sei-e-ta-n six.plu.loc d. Sei-e-ta-n six.plu.loc

e-tor-tzen da. come.ipf itr e-tor-tzen ze-n. come.ipf itr.pst da-tor. come.syn ze-torr-e-n. come.syn.pst

(13) a. Liburutegi-an library.loc b. Liburutegi-an library.loc c. Liburutegi-an library.loc d. Liburutegi-an library.loc

e-go-ten da. stay.ipf itr e-go-ten ze-n. stay.ipf itr.pst da-go. stay.syn ze-go-en. stay.syn.pst

(14) a. Andre Madalen mozkorr-a iza-ten da. Lady.idf Magdalen drunk be.ipf itr

Glosses for Chapter 7

b. Andre Lady.idf c. Andre Lady.idf d. Andre Lady.idf


Madalen Magdalen Madelen Magdalen Madalen Magdalen

mozkorr-a drunk mozkorr-a drunk mozkorr-a drunk

iza-ten ze-n. be.ipf itr.pst da. be.syn ze-n. be.syn.pst

(15) a. Manolo geldi-tu ze-n arte-an ezkongai. Manuel remain.pef itr.pst at the time bachelor.idf b. Orain-dik ez ze-n Jesus herri-an sar-tu. yet not itr.pst Jesus village.loc enter.pef c. Ilun-a ze-n, eta orain-dik Jesus ez ze-n irits-i. dark be.syn.pst and yet Jesus not itr.pst arrive.pef (16) a. Lazaro eror-i iza-n ze-n eritasun handi bat-e-an. Lazarus fall.pef be.pef itr.pst illness big a.loc b. Jesus ez ze-n arte-an herri-ra hel-du iza-n. Jesus not itr.pst at the time village.all arrive.pef be.pef (17) a. Ber-e-ha(r-en)-la n-oa zu-(e)-en-gan-(r)a. at once go.1.syn you.plu.all b. Bihar da-tor Kattalin. tomorrow come.syn Cathy.idf c. Bihar ezkon-tzen da emakume polit bat-ekin. tomorrow marry.ipf itr woman pretty a.soc (18) a. Taberna bat-e-ra j-oa-n-go g-a-r-a. pub a.all go.fut 1.plu.itr b. Jaits-i-ko n-a-iz zu-rekin. go down.fut 1.itr you.soc (19) a. Eser-i-ko z-a-r-a? sit down.fut 2.itr b. E-torr-i-ko z-a-r-a ni-rekin? come.fut 2.itr I.soc (20) a. Liburutegi-an library.loc b. Liburutegi-an library.loc

e-go-n-go be.fut e-go-n-go be.fut

d-ir-a orain. plu.itr now z-ir-e-n atzo. plu.itr.pst yesterday

(21) a. Ez da orain etxe-an e-go-n-go. not itr now house.loc be.fut


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b. Ez ze-n atzo etxe-an e-go-n-go. not itr.pst yesterday house.loc be.fut (22) En-e! Jesus! Ez da egi(a)-a iza-n-go! I.gen Jesus not itr truth be.fut (23) a. Pello beti berandu irits-i iza-n da. Pete always late arrive be.pef itr b. Gu-re etsai-ak hegoalde-tik e-torr-i iza-n z-ir-e-n. we.gen enemy.plu south.ela come be.pef plu.itr.pst (24) a. Orain-dik hemen da-go; ber-e emazte-a ez da orain-dik itzul-i. still here.loc be.synt he himself.gen wife not itr yet return.pef b. Arte-an etxe-an ze-go-en; ber-e ama ez ze-n arte-an still house.loc be.syn.pst he himself.gen mother.idf not itr.pst yet hil. die.pef (25) a. Gizon-a ez da ogi-z bakarr-ik bizi. man not itr bread.idf.ins alone.sta live.ppr b. Behin bizi g-a-r-a soil-ik. once live.ppr 1plu.itr alone.sta c. Oraino bizi h-a-iz en-e-tzat. still live.ppr 2sol.itr I.ben (26) a. Ni Azpil-e-n bizi n-a-iz. I Azpil.loc live.ppr 1.itr b. Ni Crotona kale-a-ren ondo-an bizi iza-n n-in-tz-e-n bost urte-an. I Crotona street.gen near live be.pef 1.itr.pst ďŹ ve year.loc c. Gu Donostia-n bizi-tze-a harrigarri-a ze-n. we San Sebastian.loc live.ven astounding be.syn.pst Chapter 8

(1) a. Len-ago Jentilbaratz(a)-an Jentil-ak bizi iza-ten omen z-ir-e-n. formerly.cop Jentilbaratza.loc Heathen.plu life.ppr be.ipf rep plu.itr.pst b. Gu-re ama eta ber-e ahizp(a)-a Sara-ko leize-ra j-oa-n we.gen mother.idf and she herself.gen sister Sara.adn cavern.all go.pef omen z-ir-e-n ongarriketa-ra. rep plu.itr.pst manure searching.all c. Etxe-ko alab(a)-a oso polit-a omen da. house.adn daughter very pretty rep be.syn

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(2) a. Azken-e-an Miren, seme-a-ren-ga(i)-tik omen/d-irudi-e-n-e-z, itzul-i end.loc Mary son.mot rep/seem.syt.nre.zep.idf.ins return.pef ze-n etxe-ra. itr.pst house.all b. Nekane Paris-e-ra j-oa-n ze-n, eta ez bakarr-ik, omen/d-irudi-e-n-e-z. Dolores Paris.all go.pef itr.pst and not alone.sta rep/seem.syt.nre.zep.idf.ins c. Nor e-torr-i da? Apezpiku-a, omen. who come.pef itr bishop rep (3) a. Aberats-a bide z-a-r-a. rich inf be.2.syn b. Ijito-ak gaur Donostia-ra j-oa-n bide d-ir-a. gypsy.plu today San Sebastian.all go.pef inf plu.itr c. Apaiz-a ez bide ze-n ber-e-ha-la e-torr-i. priest not inf itr.pst at once come.pef d. Oinaze-a-ren beldur iza-n-en bide ze-n Theresa samurr-a. pain.gen fear.idf be.fut inf itr.pst Theresa frail (4) Ordu-an nonbait giro hotz-a bide ze-n. that time.loc somewhere.loc climate cold inf be.syn.pst (5) a. Laster etxera-tu-ko ahal d-ir-a! soon come home.fut opt plu.itr b. Ez ahal da oin-e-z e-torr-i-ko! not opt itr foot.idf.ins come.fut c. Ito-ko ahal h-a-iz! drown.fut opt 2sol.itr (6) a. Garai-z e-torr-i ahal g-a-r-a! time.idf.ins come.pef opt 1plu.itr b. Jaungoiko-a gu-ta-z erruki-tzen ahal da! God we.ins have pity.ipf opt itr (7) a. Laster e-torr-i-ko al da? soon come.fut int itr b. Maiz j-oa-ten al z-a-r-a Paris-(r)a? often go.ipf int 2.itr Paris.all c. Ez al da irits-i ordu-a? not int itr arrive.pef time d. Inor geldi-tzen al da eliz(a)-an? anybody remain.ipf int itr church.loc (8) a. Gu-re nagusi-a al h-a-iz hi? we.gen boss int be.2sol.syn you.sol


Glosses for Chapter 8

b. Ez al z-a-r-a ni-ta-z ďŹ da-tzen? not int 2.itr I.ins trust.ipf (9) a. E-torr-i al h-a-iz, seme! come.pef exc 2sol.itr son.idf b. Hemen al z-a-u-de! here.loc exc be.2.syn (10) a. Ni ote n-a-iz n-eu-re anai(a)-a-ren zain-a? I dub be.1.syn I.ref.gen brother.gen keeper b. Profet(a)-(e)-en arte-ko ote da Saul ere? prophet.plu.gen among.adn.zep.idf dub be.syn Saul.idf also c. Ez ote ze-n Chomsky aspaldi jaio? not dub itr.pst Chomsky.idf a long time ago be born.pef d. Zer-ga(i)-tik ni-re seme-a ez ote da-tor? what.mot I.gen son not dub come.syn (11) a. Iza-n ote da euskal eskola-rik pintur(a)-an? be.pef dub itr Basque school.par painting.loc b. Kaltegarri ote da artist(a)-a-ren-tzat erretratugintz(a)-an ari-tze-a? harmful.idf dub be.syn artist.ben portraiting.loc engage.ven (12) a. Nor ote da gizon hau? who dub be.syn man this b. Zer ote da gazte iza-te-a? what dub be.syn young.idf be.ven c. No-n ote da-bil-tza gu-re Malen eta Xalbador? where.loc dub walk.plu.syn we.gen Maggie and Xalbador d. No-ra j-oa-n-go ote n-a-iz? where.all go.fut dub 1.itr (13) a. Purrustada latz-ak ere ez d-ir-a falta. Neurri-z grumbling harsh.plu too not be.plu.syn lack.ppr measure.idf.ins gain-e-ko-ak ote? top.adn.zep.plu dub b. Ber-e alab(a)-a Amerik(a)-e-ta-ra j-oa-n ze-n. Zer-ga(i)-tik ote? he himself.gen daughter America.plu.all go.pef itr.pst what.mot dub (14) a. Miren Mary b. Miren Mary

itsusi-a da, baina Karmen ez. ugly be.syn but Carmen not ohe-ra d-oa, baina Karmen ez. bed.all go.syn but Carmen not

Glosses for Chapter 8


(15) a. Miren Mary b. Miren Mary

da itsusi-a, ez Karmen. be.syn ugly not Carmen. d-oa ohe-ra, ez Karmen. go.syn bed.all not Carmen

(16) a. Miren Mary b. Miren Mary

ez not ez not

da polit-a, eta Karmen ere ez. be.syn pretty and Carmen also not d-oa ohe-ra, eta Karmen ere ez. go.syn bed.all and Carmen also not

(17) a. Ezer ez da-tor. / Ez da-tor ezer. anything not come.syn not come.syn anything b. Inor ez d-oa. / Ez d-oa inor. anybody not go.syn not go.syn anybody (18) a. Miren Mary b. Miren Mary c. Miren Mary (19) a. Ez not b. Ez not c. Ez not

itsusi-a da. ugly be.syn ohe-ra d-oa. bed.all go.syn bihar e-torr-i-ko da. tomorrow come.fut itr

da Miren itsusi-a. be.syn Mary ugly d-oa Miren ohe-ra. go.syn Mary bed.all da Miren bihar e-torr-i-ko. itr Mary tomorrow come.fut

(20) a. Miren Mary b. Miren Mary c. Miren Mary (21) a. Jon John b. Jon John

ez not ez not ez not

da itsusi-a. be.syn ugly d-oa ohe-ra. go.syn bed.all da bihar e-torr-i-ko. itr tomorrow come.fut

ba-da e-torr-i. aff.itr come.pef ez da e-torr-i. not itr come.pef

(22) a. Ez z-a-r-a Aizkorrri-ra igo! not 2.itr (Mount) Aizkorri.all climb.pef


Glosses for Chapter 8

b. Ba-n-a-iz igo! aff.1.itr climb.pef (23) a. Gu-re alkate-a zu-re ostatu-an geldi-tu-ko omen da jai-e-ta-n. we.gen mayor you.gen hotel.loc stay.fut rep itr festivity.plu.loc b. J-oa-n al da azken-e-an Karmen ijito-en-gan-(r)-a? go.pef int itr end.loc Carmen gypsy.plu.all c. Zer gerta-tu ote da gaur hemen? what happen.pef dub itr today here.loc (24) a. Gu-re herri-ra ez al z-a-r-a i-noiz e-torr-i-ko? we.gen village.all not int 2.itr ever come.fut b. Zer-ga(i)-tik ez z-in-e-n ezkon-du gu-re Miren-ekin? what.mot not 2.itr.pst marry.pef we.gen Mary.soc c. Miren ez omen da mintza-tu-ko soldadu zahar bat-ekin. Mary not rep itr talk.fut soldier old a.soc d. Karmen bada etxe-ra-tu. Carmen aff.itr come home.pef (25) a. Ijito bat-ekin gypsy a.soc b. Ijito bat-ekin gypsy a.soc (26) a. Bart last night b. Bart last night (27) a. Pello Pete b. Pello Pete

gu-re we.gen gu-re we.gen

haurtxo-a baby haurtxo-a baby

Miren! Mary Miren! Mary

ez ze-n ba eror-i not itr.pst aff fall.pef eror-i ez zen ba fall.pef not itr.pst aff

mahai-tik! table.ela mahai-tik! table.ela

ez da ba e-torr-i-ko! not itr aff come.fut e-torr-i-ko ez da ba! come.fut not itr aff

(28) a. No-la how b. No-la how (29) a.

ez da ba ezkon-tzen not itr aff marry.ipf ezkon-tzen ez da ba marry.ipf not itr aff

ez n-a-iz ba geldi-tu-ko not 1.itr aff stay.fut geldi-tu-ko ez n-a-iz ba stay.fut not 1.itr aff

Donostia-n? San Sebastian.loc Donostia-n? San Sebastian

Zer-ga(i)-tik ez ze-n geldi-tu what.mot not itr.pst stay.pef b. **Zer-ga(i)-tik geldi-tu ez ze-n what.mot stay.pef not itr.pst

Karmen Carmen Karmen Carmen

Donostia-n? San Sebastian.loc Donostia-n? San Sebastian.loc

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(30) a. Ez da Patxi bihar gu-rekin mendi-ra igo-ko. not itr Frank tomorrow we.soc mountain.all climb.fut b. Bai, ez n-a-iz inor-ekin ino-ra inoiz j-oa-n-go. yes, not 1.itr anybody.soc anywhere.all ever go.fut c. Karmen bada asko-ta-n hon-(r)a e-tor-tzen. Carmen aff.itr much.loc here.all come.ipf (31) Ni-k n-e(u)-r(e h)on-e-k ezagu(t)-tu d-u-t gazte-ta-n gu-re arte-an I.erg myself.erg recognize.pef /1.itr youth.idf.loc we.gen among nabari ze(-n)-n ha(r-en)-la-ko susmo txarr-a ez ote manifest.idf be.itr.syn.nre in that way.adn suspicion bad not dub z-u-te(-n)-n azken fin-e-an han-go-ek, gu-k, hain /plu.tra.pst.ncz last end.loc over there.adn.zep.plu.erg we.erg so garbi-ak g-in-e-(n)-la-rik ere (eta batzu-ek, noski, beste-ak baino puristic.plu be.1.plu.syn.pst.lci even and some.plu of course other.zep.plu than garbi-ago), ida(t)z-ten g-en-u-e(n)-n baino hobe-ki, modu jatorr-ago-an, ez pure.cop.idf write.ipf /1plu.tra.pst.ncz than well.cop fashion pure.cop.loc not hain modu ‘‘dorphe-an,’’ ida(t)z-ten. such fashion heavy.loc write.ipf (32) a. Pello poz-ik ezkon-du-ko da Karmen-ekin/Karmen-ekin. Pete glad.sta marry.fut itr Carmen.soc b. Karmen-ekin Pello poz-ik ezkon-du-ko da. Carmen.soc Pete glad.sta marry.fut itr (33) a. AMONA j-oa-n-go da bihar Bilbo-ra. (Nor j-oa-n-go da Grandmother.idf go.fut itr tomorrow Bilbao.all who go.fut itr bihar Bilbo-ra?— Amona.) tomorrow Bilbao Grandmother.idf b. Amona BIHAR j-oa-n-go da Bilbo-ra. (Amona noiz Grandmother.idf tomorrow go.fut itr Bilbao.all Grandmother.idf when j-oa-n-go da Bilbo-ra?— Bihar.) go.fut itr Bilbao.all Tomorrow c. Amona BILBO-RA j-oa-n-go da bihar. (Amona Grandmother.idf Bilbao.all go.fut itr tomorrow Grandmother.idf no-ra j-oa-n-go da bihar?— Bilbo-ra.) where.all go.fut itr tomorrow Bilbao.all (34) a. GIPUZKOA-RA j-oa-n-go n-a-iz. Guipuzcoa.all go.fut 1.itr b. No-ra j-oa-n-go z-a-r-a, Gipuzkoa-ra ala Bizkai-ra? where.all go.fut 2.itr Guipuzcoa.all or Biscay.all


Glosses for Chapter 8

c. Gipuzkoa-ra ala Bizkai-ra j-oa-n-go z-a-r-a? Guipuzcoa.all or Biscay.all go.fut 2.itr (35) a. Amona Grandmother.idf b. Amona Grandmother.idf

BIHAR BILBO-RA j-oa-n-go da. tomorrow Bilbao.all go.fut itr noiz no-ra j-oa-n-go da? when where.all go.fut itr

(36) a. Zubi-tik ibai-ra nor eror-i ze-n atzo? bridge.ela river.all who fall.pef itr.pst yesterday b. Gaur zer gerta-tu da gu-re eliz(a)-an? today what happen.pef itr we.gen church.loc c. Zenbat sorgin igaro d-ir-a gaur zu-re aurre-tik? how many witch pass.pef plu.itr today you.gen front part.ela (37) a. Nor ez da inoiz Madril-e-n iza-n? who not itr ever Madrid.loc be.pef b. Zer-ga(i)-tik ez d-ir-a Pello eta Karmen ostatu-an geldi-tzen? what.mot not plu.itr Pete and Carmen inn.loc stay.ipf c. Zenbat alaba ez d-ir-a orain-dik ezkon-du? how many daughter not plu.itr yet marry.pef (38) a. No-ra, orde-a, zu-rekin j-oa-n? where.all however you.soc go b. Zer-ga(i)-tik gaur mendi-ra igo? what.mot today mountain.all go up (39) a. Jainko-a ON-A da. God good be.syn b. JAINKO-A da on-a. God be.syn good (40) a. Zu you b. ZU you

ALKATE-A al z-a-r-a? mayor int be.2.syn al z-a-r-a alkate-a? int be.2.syn mayor

(41) a. Elurr-a UR-TU e-gi-n da. snow melt do.pef itr b. Nekane NEKA-TU e-gi-ten ze-n. Dolores get tired do.ipf itr.pst c. Mutil-ak LOTSA-TU e-gi-n z-ir-e-n neskatx(a)-(e)-en aurre-an. boy.plu be ashamed do.pef plu.itr.pst girl.plu.gen front part.loc

Glosses for Chapter 8


d. EROR-I e-gi-n al da? fall do.pef int itr e. Ia HIL e-gi-n n-a-iz. almost die do.pef 1.itr (42) a. Elurr-a ORAIN-TXE ur-tu da. snow now.EMP melt.pef itr b. Nekane AGUDO neka-tzen ze-n. Dolores quickly get tired.ipf itr.pst c. Mutil-ak ZEHA-RO lotsa-tu z-ir-e-n neskatx(a)-(e)-en boy.plu totally be ashamed.pef plu.itr.pst girl.plu.gen aurre-an. front part.loc d. IBAI-RA eror-i al da? river.all fall.pef int itr e. Ia ZU-RE-GA(I)-TIK hil n-a-iz. almost you.mot die.pef 1.itr (43) a. AMONA Grandmother.idf b. Amona Grandmother.idf c. Amona Grandmother.idf

d-oa gaur Bilbo-ra. go.syn today Bilbao.all GAUR d-oa Bilbo-ra. today go.syn Bilbao.all BILBO-RA d-oa gaur. Bilbao.all go.syn today

(44) a. Norbait ba-d-oa gaur Bilbo-ra. somebody aff.go.syn today Bilbao.all b. BA-d-oa ala EZ d-oa? aff.go.syn or not go.syn c. BaZ-A-TO(R)-Z ala baZ-OA-Z? aff.come.2.syn or aff.go.2.syn (45) a. Behin ba omen ze-n errege bat. once aff rep be.syn.pst king a b. BA ote DA-TOR Karmen? aff dub come.syn Carmen c. Etxe-ko andre-a ba al da etxe-an? house.adn lady aff int be.syn house.loc (46) E-TORR-I z-a-to(r)-z ala J-OA-N z-oa-z? come come.2.syn or go go.2.syn (47) a. BA-da ardo-a. wine


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b. ARDO-A da. wine be.syn (48) a. Ni BA-N-A-IZ. I b. NI n-a-iz. I be.1.syn (49) a. Ni ZAHARR-A n-a-iz. I old be.1.syn b. NI n-a-iz zaharr-a. I be.1.syn old c. Ni BA-N-A-IZ zaharr-a. I old (50) Gaur zaharr-ak / BAKARR-IK @ ZAHARR-AK BAKARR-IK / d-oa-z today old.zep.plu alone.sta old.zep.plu alone.sta go.plu.syn eliza(a)-ra. church.all (51) a. Orain, behin-tzat, ba-z-a-to(r)-z. now at least aff.come.2.syn b. Apaiz-ak, orde-a, ba-d-oa-z. priest.plu however aff.go.plu.syn (52) a. Sorgin-ak ere ba-da-to(r)-z. witch.plu too aff.come.plu.syn b. Hemen ere ba-da-bil-tza. here.loc too walk.plu.syn (53) a. Nor da-tor ijito-a-rekin? KARMEN da-tor (ijito-a-rekin). who come.syn gypsy.soc Carmen come.syn gypsy.soc b. Nor-ekin da-tor Karmen? IJITO-A-REKIN da-tor (Karmen). who.soc come.syn Carmen gypsy.soc come.syn Carmen c. Zer gerta-tzen da? BA-DA-TOR KARMEN IJITO-A-REKIN. what happen.ipf itr aff.come.syn Carmen gypsy.soc d. Eta Karmen, zer? Karmen ba-da-tor ijito-a-rekin. and Carmen what Carmen aff.come.syn gypsy.soc (54) a. Nor ez da e-torr-i? who not itr come.pef b. MIREN ez da e-torr-i. Mary not itr come.pef

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(55) a. Zer-ga(i)-tik ez d-oa-z gaur ahizp(a)-ak eliza-ra? what.mot not go.plu.syn today sister.plu church.all b. ELURR-A-REN-GA(I)-TIK ez d-oa-z gaur ahizp(a)-ak eliza-ra. snow.mot not go.plu.syn today sister.plu church (56) a. Noiz ez da Patxi lanera-tzen? when not itr Frank go to work.ipf b. IGANDE-E-TA-N ez da Patxi lanera-tzen. Sunday.plu.loc not itr Frank go to work.ipf (57) Itsaso-ra eror-i z-ir-e-n sorgin-ak, baina ITO ez ze-n e-gi-n inor. sea.all fall.pef plu.itr.pst witch.plu but drown not itr.pst do.pef anybody (58) a.

Amona Grandmother.idf b. **Amona Grandmother.idf c. Amona Grandmother.idf

ez not ez not ez not

da itr da itr da itr

gaur BILBO-RA j-oa-n-go, Gazteiz-e-ra baizik. today Bilbao.all go.fut Vitoria.all but GAUR Bilbo-ra j-oa-n-go, bihar baizik. today Bilbao.all go.fut tomorrow but GAUR j-oa-n-go Bilbo-ra, bihar baizik. today go.fut Bilbao.all tomorrow but.

(59) Ez z-a-r-e-te, ala-baina, ZU-EK mintza-tzen, baina Izpiritu saindu-a. not 2plu.itr however you.plu speak.ipf but Spirit Holy (60) Orain-dik ez n-a-iz Balantzategi-ko ikuilu-an SARTU ere egin! yet not 1.itr Balantzategi.adn cowshed.loc enter too do.pef (61) Aita ez da-tor OIN-E-Z gaur etxe-ra, autobus-e-z baizik. Father.idf not come.syn foot.idf.ins today house.all bus.idf.ins but Chapter 9

(1) a. Peru da-tor. Peter come.syn b. Peru da-kar. Peter bring.syt c. Peru-k da-kar. Peter.erg bring.syt (2) a. Arantxa da-uka. Arantxa have.syt b. Arantxa-k da-uka. Arantxa.erg have.syt (3) a. Nor da-tor? Peru. who come.syn Peter


Glosses for Chapter 9

b. Nor da-kar? Peru. who bring.syt Peter c. Nor-k da-kar? Peru-k. who.erg bring.syt Peter.erg (4) a. Nor da-uka? Arantxa. who have.syt Arantxa b. Nor-k da-uka? Arantxa-k. who.erg have.syt Arantxa.erg (5) a. Peru-k eta Miren-e-k ogi-a da-kar-te. Peter.erg and Mary.erg bread bring./plu.syt b. Mutil bat-e-k arrain bat da-kar. boy a.erg fish a bring.syt (6) a. Gizon-a da-tor. man come.syn b. Gizon-ak da-to(r)-z. man.plu come.plu.syn c. Gizon-a-k da-kar. man.erg bring.syt d. Gizon-ek da-kar-te. man.plu.erg bring./plu.syt (7) a. Ni-k ba-d-it-u-t mila ardi. I.erg aff.have.plu/1.syt thousand sheep.idf b. Ba-d-u-t andre-a, ba-d-u-t seme-a, ba-d-u-t alab(a)-a ere ni-k. aff.have./1.syt wife aff.have./1.syt son aff.have./1.syt daughter too I.erg c. Arrosatxo-a-k bost hosto d-it-u, krabelintxo-a-k hamabi. little rose.erg five leave.idf have.plu/.syt little carnation twelve d. Midas-e-k astabelarri-ak d-it-u. Midas.erg donkey’s ear.plu have.plu/.syt e. Zer d-u-zu? what have./2.syt (8) a. N-eu-re andre-a-k atorra zaharr-a zazpi aste-an soin-e-an da-uka. I.ref.gen wife.erg shirt old seven week.sin.loc body.loc keep.syt b. Zu-k hor da-u-z-ka-zu bi autore: Lizardi eta Agirre Asteasu-ko-a. you.erg there have.plu/2.syt two authors.idf Lizardi and Aguirre Asteasu.adn (9) a. Joera berri-e-z zer d-io-zu? trend new.plu.ins what say./2.syt b. Gezurr-ak d-io-da-z? lie.plu tell.plu/1.syt

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(10) a. Ni-k ez da-ki-t zer esa-n. I.erg not know./1.syt what say b. Egi(a)-a inor-k ez da-ki. truth anybody.erg not know.syt c. Ba al da-ki-zu euskara-z? aff int know./2.syt Basque.idf.ins d. Nor-k ez da-ki gu-re arte-an aita Plazido Mujika-ren berri? who.erg not know.syt we.gen among father Pla´cido Mujica.gen news.idf (11) a. Zer-k z-a-kar-tza hon-(r)a? what.erg bring.2/.syt here.all b. Lan-a-k lan-a da-kar. work.erg work bring.syt c. Ordu-ko geldi-a-k da-kar orain-go lehi(a)-a. time.adn stagnant.erg bring.syt now.adn hurry (12) a. Ikastetxe-an euskara-z-ko liburu-ak da-rabil-tza-gu. school.loc Basque.idf.ins.adn book.plu use.plu/1plu.syt b. Ur-a-k da-rabil errot(a)-a. water.erg move.syt mill c. Zerbait ba-da-ra-bil-zu zu-k hor barru-an. something aff.carry./2.syt you.erg there.loc inside.loc d. Zer da-ra-bil-zu buru horr-e-ta-n? what stir./2.syt head that.loc e. Zer da-ra-bil-zu gogo-an? what stir./2.syt mind.loc (13) a. Su-a eta egurr-a ba-da-ra-ma-tza-gu. ďŹ re and wood aff.carry.plu/1plu.syt b. G-eu-re-gan da-ra-ma-gu heriotz(a)-a. we.ref.loc carry./1plu.syt death c. Miren-e-k gaur minigon(a)-a da-ra-ma. Mary.erg today miniskirt wear.syt d. Luis-e-k ber-e logela-r(a)-antz z-a-ra-ma-tza. Luis.erg he himself.gen bedroom.ten lead.2/.syt e. Hamar egun da-ra-ma-tza-t hemen. ten day.idf spend.plu/1.syt here.loc (14) a. Bide-a-k no-ra da-r-oa? Road.erg where.all lead.syt b. Jon-e-k orain automobil on-a da-r-oa. John.erg now car good conduct.syt



Glosses for Chapter 9

(15) a. Zer-ta-n d-ihardu-zu? Ni-re lan-e-an d-ihardu-t. what.loc be busy.2.syt I.gen work.loc be busy.1.syt b. Zer-ta-z d-ihardu-zu-e? Eguraldi-a-z d-ihardu-gu. what.ins talk.2plu.syt weather.ins talk.1plu.syt (16) a. Tresna-k jabe-a d-irudi. tool.erg master resemble.syt b. Zu-re gerri-a-k palmera bat d-irudi. you.gen waist.erg palm tree a resemble.syt c. Buenos Aires-ko berri-ek ez d-irudi-te on-ak. Buenos Aires.adn report.plu.erg not seem./plu.syt good.plu d. H-eu-re etxeŸbarru-an atzerritarr-a d-irudi-k. 2sol.ref.gen house inner part.loc foreigner seem./2sol.syt e. Maite, Salomon-en gurdi-a-ren behorr-a d-irudi-zu. dear.idf Solomon.gen chariot.gen mare resemble./2.syt (17) a. Sarajevo-k zut-ik d-irau. Sarajevo.erg erect.sta remain.syt b. Tortok(a)-(e)-en irl(a)-an ud(a)-a-k hamabi hilabete d-irau. turtle.plu.gen isle.loc summer.erg twelve month.idf last.syt c. Har-k leial d-irau. that one yonder.erg loyal.idf remain.syt d. Zu-re leialtasun-a-k belaunaldi-zŸbelaunaldi d-irau. you.gen loyalty.erg generation.idf.ins generation.idf last.syt e. Zu-k, orde-a, Jaun-a, ba-d-irau-zu beti. you.erg however Lord aff.last.2.syt always (18) a. Gainerako-a on-gi da-zagu-zu. rest well know./2.syt b. Ba-da-zagu-zu kafetetxe hori, ez da? aff.know./2.syt co¤eehouse that not be.syn c. Jainko-a-k ba-da-zagu-z-ki zu-en bihotz-ak. God.erg aff.know.plu/.syt you.plu.gen heart.plu d. Non-dik n-a-zagu-k? whence know.1/2sol.syt (19) a. Zer da-ntzu-t? what hear./1.syt b. Ez da-ntzu ezer. not hear.syt anything c. Peru, ez da-ntzu-zu zu-k? Pete not hear./2.syn you.erg

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(20) a. Su-a eta egurr-a da-kus-(z)-ki-t. ďŹ re and wood see.plu/1.syt b. Jainko-a-k ba-da-kus-(z)ki gauza guzti-ak. God.erg aff.see.plu/.syt thing all.plu c. Ni-re begi-a-k zer da-kus? I.gen eye.erg what see.syt d. Gu-k gauza bat da-kusa-gu garbi. we.erg thing one see./1plu.syt clearly (21) a. Asko-ta-n da-gi-t hau. often do./1.syt this b. Galde da-gi-t, Aita; ez aitor. question.idf make.1.syt Father.idf not testimony.idf c. Zin da-gi-t Jaun bizi-a-ren-ga(i)-tik. oath.idf make./1.syt Lord living.mot d. Hai-en aurre-an darÂźdar da-gi lurr-a-k. yonder one.plu.gen before trembling.adv make.syt earth.erg (22) a. Andre-a-k liburu-a da-kar. lady.erg book bring.syt b. Andre-ek liburu-a da-kar-te. lady.plu.erg book bring./plu.syt c. Andre-a-k liburu-ak da-kar-tza. lady.erg book.plu bring.plu/.syt d. Andre-ek liburu-ak da-kar-tza-te. lady.plu.erg book.plu bring.plu/plu.syt (23) a. Andre lady b. Andre lady

asko many asko many

(24) a. Andre-a-k lady.erg b. Andre-a-k lady.erg

da-tor. come.syn da-to(r)-z. come.plu.syn

liburu book liburu book

asko many asko many

(25) a. Ba-z-a-ra-ma-tza-t. aff.carry.2/1.syt b. Ni-k z-a-ra-ma-tza-t. I.erg carry.2/1.stn c. Zu z-a-ra-ma-tza-t. you carry.2/1.syt

da-kar. bring.syt da-kar-tza. bring.plu/.syt


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d. Ez z-a-ra-ma-tza-t. not carry.2/1.syt (26) a. Ijito aberats hon-e-k arrosa eder hau-ek neskatxa polit horr-en-tzat gypsy rich this.erg rose beautiful this.plu girl pretty that.ben da-kar-tza. bring.plu/.syt b. Hon-e-k hau-ek horr-en-tzat da-kar-tza. this one.erg this one.plu that one.ben bring.plu/.syt (27) Zer d-io Itziar hon-e-k? what say.syt Itziar this.erg (28) Gu-re seme hau-ek ezkondu-ko d-ir-a alkate-a-ren alaba hori-(e)-ekin. we.gen son this.plu marry.fut plu.itr mayor.gen daughter that.plu.soc (29) a. Hau bakarr-ik d-io-t: Aurre-ra! this alone.sta say./1.syt Forward b. Huts hori hon-e-ta-n da-tza: . . . mistake that this.loc lie.syn c. Gutxi g-a-r-a. Hori da arazo-a. few be.1plu.syn that be.syn problem (30) Alargun gaixo hau ez d-oa ino-ra. widow poor this not go.syn anywhere.all (31) Zer da-ra-bil-k hemen lapur zital horr-e-k? what plot./2sol.syt here.loc thief nasty that.erg (32) a. Hon-e-k ez da-ki e-zer. this one.erg not know.syt anything b. Hai-ek horr-en-gan fede oso-a da-uka-te. yonder one.plu.erg that one.loc faith full have./plu.syt c. Hori-(e)-en-gan-(r)a ez da inor j-oa-n-go orain. this one.plu.all not itr anybody go.fut now Chapter 10

(1) a. Gizon bat-e-k bi seme z-it-u-en. man.erg a.erg two son.idf have.plu/.syt.pst b. Bi seme z-it-u-en gizon bat-e-k. two son.idf have.plu/.syt.pst man a.erg c. Gizon bat-e-k ba-z-it-u-en bi seme. man a.erg aff.have.plu/.syt.pst two son.idf

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(2) a. Alargun-a-k hogei urte-ko alab(a)-a ze-uka-n. widow.erg twenty year.adn daughter have.syt.pst b. Ba-ze-uka-te-n han kazetalari-ek gai ederr-a. aff.have./plu.syt.pst over there.loc journalist.plu.erg topic fine (3) a. Aide-a-k kanpo¼usai gozo-a ze-karr-e-n. air.erg field smell sweet bring.syt.pst b. Laugarren alaba hon-e-k ba-ze-karr-e-n akats-en bat. fourth daughter this.erg aff.carry.syt.pst fault.idf.gen a (4) a. Mikolas eta Erromana-k etxe eta seme¼alab(a)-(e)-ekin nahiko-a arazo Mikolas and Romana.erg house.idf and son-daughter.plu.soc plenty problem ze-ra-bil-te-n. handle./plu.syt.pst b. Gogoeta hau-ek ze-ra-bil-tza-n Jon Bidart detektibe-a-k. thought this.plu stir.plu/.syt.pst Jon Bidart detective.erg (5) a. Mutil-a-k trumoi-a ze-ra-ma-n ber-e barru-an. boy.erg thunder carry.syt.pst he himself.gen interior.loc b. Gizon-a-k ereinotz¼usai-a ze-ra-ma-n, andre-a-k alkanfor¼usai-a. man.erg laurel smell carry.syt.pst woman.erg camphor smell c. Bi deabru-k su-z-ko leize bat-e-ra n-inde-ra-ma-te-n. two devil.idf.erg fire.idf.ins.adn cave a.all lead.1/plu.syt.pst (6) a. Inor-k ez omen ze-ki-en ezer. anybody.erg not rep know.syt.pst anything b. Baina zu-k, Maya, ba-z-ene-ki-en ni-re berri. but you.erg Maya aff.know./2.syt.pst I.gen news.idf (7) a. Eta isil-a-k baietz-a z-irudi-en. and silence.erg assent seem.syt.pst b. Sorginkeri(a)-a edo zeru-ko laguntz(a)-a z-irudi-en kontu har-k. witchcraft or heaven.adn help seem.syt.pst matter yonder.erg (8) a. Jon-e-k John.erg b. Jon-e-k John.erg c. Jon-e-k John.erg

etxe-a house etxe-a house etxe-a house

sal-tzen d-u. sell.ipf tra sal-du d-u. sell.pef tra sal-du-ko d-u. sell.fut tra

(9) a. Miren-e-k sorgin-ak gorrota-tzen d-it-u. Mary.erg witch.plu hate.ipf plu/.tra


Glosses for Chapter 10

b. Miren-e-k Mary.erg c. Miren-e-k Mary.erg

sorgin-ak witch.plu sorgin-ak witch.plu

(10) a. Miren-e-k Mary.erg b. Miren-e-k Mary:erg (11) a. Jon-e-k John.erg b. Jon-e-k John.erg

gorrota-tu d-it-u. hate.pef plu/.tra gorrota-tu-ko d-it-u. hate.fut plu/.tra

minigona gorri-gorri-a da-ra-ma. miniskirt red red wear.syt beti minigona gorri-gorri-a e-ra-ma-ten d-u. always miniskirt red red wear.ipf tra

txapel beltz-a ze-ra-ma-n atzo. beret black wear.syt.pst yesterday egun hai-e-ta-n txapel beltz-a e-ra-ma-ten z-u-en. day yonder.plu.loc beret black wear.ipf tra.pst

(12) a. Gu-re alaba-k we(I).gen daughter.erg b. Gu-re alaba-k we(I).gen daughter.erg

ez not ez not

z-u-en diru asko. have.syt.pst money much z-u-en diru asko iza-ten. tra.pst money much have.ipf

(13) a. Hori that b. Hori that c. Hori that

aitona-k z-io-en / esa-n z-u-en. Grandfather.idf.erg say.syt.pst say.pef tra.pst aitona-k esa-ten d-u. Grandfather.idf.erg say.ipf tra aitona-k esa-ten z-u-en. Grandfather.idf.erg say.ipf tra.pst

(14) a. Asko a lot b. Asko a lot c. Asko a lot

da-ki-gu. know./1plu.syt ja-ki-ten d-u-gu. know.ipf /1plu.tra ja-ki-n d-u-gu. know.pef /1plu.tra

(15) a. Den-a irits-i da orain. everything arrive.pef itr now b. Den-ak irits-i d-ir-a orain. everybody.plu/all the things.plu arrive.pef plu.itr now (16) a. Orain now b. Orain now

den-a i-kus-ten d-u-t. everything see.ipf /1.tra den-ak i-kus-ten d-it-u-t. everybody.plu/all the things.plu see.ipf plu/1.tra

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(17) Bordalegi-ko txakurr-ek ez d-u-te den-ek e-ntzu-n-go. Bordalegi.adn dog.plu.erg not /plu.tra all.plu.erg hear.fut (18) a. Zu z-a-r-a gu-re / gu den-(e)-en ama. you be.2.syn we.gen we all.plu.gen mother.idf b. Egi(a)-a al ze-n hura den-a? truth int be.syn.pst yonder all (19) a. Den-ak all.zep.plu b. Den-ak all.zep.plu

e-torr-i z-a-r-e-te. come.pef 2plu.itr harrapa-tu g-a-it-u-z-te. 1plu/plu.tra

(20) a. Hon-(r)a ber-a-z liburu bat, den-a euskara-z. here.all thus book a all Basque.idf.ins b. Negarr-e-z ur-tu n-a-iz den-a. tear.idf.ins melt.pef 1.itr all (21) a. Den-ek gorrota-tzen n-a-u-te. everybody.zep.plu.erg hate.ipf 1/plu.tra b. Guzti-ek gorrota-tzen n-a-u-te. all.zep.plu.erg hate.ipf 1/plu.tra (22) Jantzi eta guzti sar-tu ze-n ibai-an. dress.idf and all.idf enter.pef itr.pst river.loc (23) Ez n-a-iz ohitura hori-(e)-en zale-a. not be.1.syn custom that.plu.gen fond (24) a. Jon oso Mirenzale-a da. John very Mary fond be.syn b. Gu-re irakasle-a Kafka eta Atxagazale amorratu-a da. we.gen teacher Kafka and Atxaga fond ardent be.syn (25) Andre hori-ek guzti-ak pintura berrizale-ak d-ir-a. lady that.plu all.plu painting new fond.plu be.plu.syn (26) a. Pello Pete b. Pello Pete

oso neskazale-a da. very girl fond be.syn mutilzahar neskazale-a da. old bachelor girl fond be.syn

Chapter 11

(1) a. On-gi e-torr-i! well come


Glosses for Chapter 11

b. On-do i-bil-i! well walk c. Gizon-a eta gizarte-a eder-ki e-zagu-tzen z-it-u-e-n. man and society very well know.ipf plu/.tra.pst d. En-e bihotz-a azkar ze-bil-e-n. I.gen heart vigorously walk.syn.pst e. Oso zintzo porta-tu g-a-r-a. very civilly behave.pef 1plu.itr f. Den-a garbi ze-kusa-n. everything clearly see.syt.pst g. Organo-a-ren not(a)-ak ozen-ki heda-tzen z-ir-e-n katedral(-)e-an. organ.gen note.plu sonorously spread.ipf plu.itr.pst cathedral.loc h. Ez n-a-iz oso on-gi oroi(t)-tzen. not 1.itr very well remember.ipf i. Ez d-u-zu oso erraz barka-tzen. not /2.tra very easily forgive.ipf (2) a. Zer e-gi-n d-u-t zehatz? what do.pef /1.tra exactly b. Orain i-kus-ten d-u-t garbi. now see.ipf /1.tra clearly c. Beste-la, zu-re-gan-(r)a j-oa-n-go n-a-iz laster. or else you.all go.fut 1.itr quickly d. Eser-i e-gi-n da haundi-ki-ro. sit down do.pef itr majestically (3) Gero, urte-(e)-en buru-an, gauz(a)-ak lasai-tu z-ir-e-n asti-ro later on year.plu.gen at the end of thing.plu ease down.pef plu.itr.pst calmly eta poli(t)-ki. and nicely (4) a. Hon-e(n)-la ez g-oa-z i-nor-a. this way not go.1plu.syn anywhere.all b. Horr-e(n)-la ez z-oa-z i-nor-a. that way not go.2.syn anywhere.all c. Ha(r-en)-la ez d-oa i-no-ra. yonder way not go.syn anywhere.all (5) a. Lehen ha(r-en)-la, orain horr-e(n)-la, gero ez ja-ki-n no-la. ďŹ rst yonder way now that way afterward not know how b. Ha(r-en)-la d-irudi. so seem.syt

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(6) No-la-ko liburu-a? Hon-e(n)-la-ko/ horr-e(n)-la-ko/ ha(r-en)-la-ko liburu-a. how.adn book this way.adn that way.adn yonder way.adn book (7) a. Nabarmen-du e-gi-n h-a-iz zeha-ro. show do.pef 2sol.itr totally b. Yolanda, zora-tu al h-a-iz zeha-ro? Yolanda go crazy.pef int 2sol.itr totally c. Su-tu da bizi-ro Erko zintzo-a. get angry.pef itr very Erko decent (8) a. Zuzen-e-z irabaz-te-a oso da bide-z-ko-a. justly earn.ven very be.syn legitimate b. On-a d-irudi. - Oso da on-a, etxekoi-a eta maratz-a. good seem.syt very be.syn good home-loving and diligent c. Paula oso ze-n emakume itxura-z-ko-a eta maitagarri-a. Paula very be.syn.pst woman look.idf.ins.adn and lovable d. Eta hura ere anitz ze-n ederr-a. and that one too so much be.syn.pst handsome (9) a. Inspektore-a-ren erantzun-a azkarr-a iza-n ze-n oso. inspector.gen answer quick be.pef itr.pst very b. Baina orain beste-la da oso. but now di造erent be.syn very c. Gaur gaizto-a i-kus-ten h-a-u-t oso. today naughty see.ipf 2sol/1.tra very d. Gu-re Miren alaba on-a iza-n da beti oso. we.gen Mary daughter good be.pef itr always very e. Joxepa goibel ze-go-en oso. Joxepa sad.pre be.syn.pst very (10) a. Gu-re Miren alaba on-a iza-n da beti, oso. we.gen Mary daughter good be.pef itr always very b. . . . eta ezagutza mingarri-a da, oso. . . . and acquaintance painful be.syn very c. Bizi-a, bai, baina mingarri-a ere bai, oso. vivid yes but painful too yes very (11) a. Zer-ga(i)-tik jaik-i g-a-r-a hon-en goiz? what.mot get up.pef plu.itr this early b. No-ra z-oa-z horr-en apain? where.all go.2.syn that elegant.idf c. Ha(-)in isil-a da! so quiet be.syn



Glosses for Chapter 11

(12) Jose ha(-)in ze-n mutil on-a! Josef such be.syn.pst boy good (13) Ni ez n-a-iz ha(-)in-beste harri-tzen. I not 1.itr so much be surprised.ipf (14) Ja-ki-n uka-n d-u beti kasik no-n ze(-n)-n egi(a)-a. know.pef have.pef tra always almost where be.syn.pst.ncz truth (15) a. Ia¼ia eror-i n-in-tz-e-n. almost almost fall.pef 1.itr.pst b. Hurbil-du z-ir-e-n eta bi ontzi-ak ia¼ia hondora-tze-ra-ino draw near.pef plu.itr.pst and two boat.plu almost almost sink.ven.ter bete z(e)-it-u-z-te-n. fill.pef plu/plu.tra.pst (16) a. Ez ze-n ia inor e-torr-i. not itr.pst almost anybody come.pef b. Jon-e-k ez d-u ia ezer e-gi-n. John not tra almost anything do.pef c. Ia ino-n ez d-u-t aurki-tu. almost anywhere not /1.tra find.pef d. Ia inoiz ez g-a-r-a etxe-tik atera-tzen. almost ever not 1plu.itr house.ela go out.ipf (17) a. Inor gutxi e-torr-i ze-n. somebody few.idf come.pef itr.pst b. Jon-e-k ezer gutxi e-gi-n d-u. John something few.idf do.pef tra c. Ino-n gutxi-ta-n aurki-tu d-u-t. somewhere seldom find.pef /1.tra d. Inoiz gutxi-ta-n etxe-tik atera-tzen g-a-r-a. ever seldom house.ela go out.ipf 1plu.itr (18) a. Ni-re lan-a buka-tu hurran d-u-t. I.gen work finish.pef nearly /1.tra b. Etxe-a sal-du hurr-en z-u-en. house sell.pef nearly.sup.idf tra.pst c. Hil hurr-en da. Hil hurr-en-a da. die.pef nearly.sup.idf itr die.pef next.sup be.syn (19) a. (Agi-an) sorgin-ak (agi-an) bihar (agi-an) Zugarramurdi-ra j-oa-n-go perhaps witch.plu perhaps tomorrow perhaps Zugarramurdi.all go.fut

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d-ir-a (agi-an). plu.itr perhaps b. (Agi-an) sorgin-ak (agi-an) Zugarramurdi-ra j-oa-n-go d-ir-a (agi-an) perhaps witch.plu perhaps Zugarramurdi.all go.fut plu.itr perhaps bihar (agi-an). tomorrow perhaps c. (Agi-an) sorgin-ak (agi-an) ez d-ir-a (agi-an) bihar (agi-an) perhaps witch.plu perhaps not plu.itr perhaps tomorrow perhaps Donostia-ra e-torr-i-ko (agi-an). San Sebastian.all come.fut perhaps d. (Agi-an) sorgin-ak (agi-an) ez d-ir-a (agi-an) Donostia-ra e-torr-i-ko perhaps witch.plu perhaps not plu.itr perhaps San Sebastian.all come.fut (agi-an) bihar (agi-an). perhaps tomorrow perhaps (20) a. Agi-an bigarren ezkontza bat-e-k arin-du-ko d-u zu(-e)-en perhaps second marriage a.erg alleviate.fut tra you.plu.gen alarguntz(a)-a-ren dolu-a. widowhood.gen grief b. Agi-an, ez da hori nesk(a)-a-ren izen-a. perhaps not be.syn that maiden.gen name c. Gain-e-ra, agi-an lan lasai bat topa-tu-ko d-u-zu. top.all perhaps work easy a ďŹ nd.fut /2.tra d. Eta, behar-ba-da, ni-gan-dik aldegi-te-ko z-oa-z gaur. and perhaps I.ela run away.ven.adn go.2.syn today e. Mentura-z zu-re-tzat da-uka dekreto hau: . . . perhaps you.ben have.syt decree this (21) a. Ero bat-en antz-a ote d-u-t agi-an . . . ? madman a.gen looks dub have./1.syt perhaps b. Hori, orde-a, Europa zaharr-e-ko jokabide hori-e-ta-ko bat iza-n-go that however Europe old.adn way of conduct that.plu.adn a be.fut da, behar-ba-da. itr perhaps c. Istilu-ren bat z-u-te-n ha-n behe-an, apika. trouble.idf.gen a /plu.tra.pst yonder.loc lower part.loc perhaps d. Bekatu asko g-en-it-u-en, apika, baina nor-k sin a lot.idf have.plu/1plu.syt perhaps but who.erg ber-e-ak. he himself.gen.zep.plu


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(22) a. Hiru aste ez d-ir-a, agi-an, ezer itsaso-an. three week.idf not be.plu.syn perhaps anything sea.loc b. Hori ez da, behar-ba-da, gizontasun prestu-a. that not be.syn perhaps courtesy proper c. Hemen-dik hamar urte-ta-ra, agi-an, gaur-ko-a egun gogoragarri bat hence ten year.idf.all perhaps today.adn.zep day memorable a iza-n-go da. be.fut itr d. Ordu-ko, behar-ba-da, abera(t)s-tu-ko n-a-iz loteri(a)-(e)-ekin. time.des perhaps get rich.fut 1.itr lottery.plu.soc e. Bakezale-(e)-en biler(a)-ak ere ez d-ir-a, ausa-z, aski. paciďŹ st.plu.gen meeting.plu too not be.plu.syn perhaps su‰cient.idf (23) a. Zu-ta-z beste inor-k ba al da-ki berri hau? you.ins else anyone.erg aff int know.syt news this b. Zu beste inor-k ba al da-ki berri hau? you else anyone.erg aff int know.syt news this (24) a. Gu-re Jainko-a-k da-ki hori, eta zu-k ere bai, eta ez beste-k. we.gen God.erg know.syt that and you.erg too yes and not another one.erg b. Ba al da-ki beste-k? aff int know.syt another one.erg c. Izen on-a beste-ri ken-tze-a ez da on-gi. name good another one.dat take away.ven not be.syn well. d. Beste-ren buru-ko zorri-a da-kusa eta ez ber-e lepo-ko another one.gen head.adn louse see.syt and not he himself.gen neck.adn xerri-a. scrofula e. Auzi-a beste-ta-n da-tza. Dispute (something )else.loc lie.syn f. Orain, orde-a, haize-a-k beste-ta-ra g-a-ra-ma-tza. now however wind.erg elsewhere.all bring.1plu/.syt (25) a. Hon-e(n)-la, ha(r-en)-la, beste-la ote da? this way yonder way another way dub be.syn b. Bihar beste-la pentsa-tu-ko d-u. tomorrow otherwise think.fut tra (26) a. Nahasmendu-ra g-oa-z beste-(ren)-la, ez batasun-e-ra. confusion.all go.1plu.syn otherwise not unity.all b. E-torr-i azkar, beste-la etxe-an utz-i-ko h-a-u-t. come quickly otherwise house.loc leave.fut 2sol/1.tra

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Chapter 12

(1) a. Gu-re alab(a)-ek kezka-tzen n-a-u-te ber-e jokabide we.gen daughter.plu.erg worry.ipf 1/plu.tra she herself.plu.gen behavior zoro-a-rekin. crazy.soc b. Gu-re alab(a)-e-z kezka-tzen n-a-iz. we.gen daughter.plu.ins worry.ipf 1.itr (2) a. Harri-tu e-gi-ten z-u-en ber-e adiskide-a-ren portaer(a)-a-k. astonish do.ipf tra.pst he himself.gen friend.gen conduct.erg b. Harri-tu e-gi-ten ze-n ber-e adiskide-a-ren portaer(a)-a-rekin. be astonished do.ipf itr.pst he himself.gen friend.gen conduct.soc (3) a. Ber-e kargu-tik dimiti-tu z-u-en. he himself.gen o‰ce.ela resign.pef tra.pst b. Zer-ta-z duda-tzen d-u-zu? what.ins doubt.ipf /2.tra c. Aitzurr-e-an jardu-n al d-u-zu-e? hoe.loc be busy.pef int /2plu.tra (4) a. Euskar(a)-a-k noiz arte irau-n-go d-u? Basque.erg when until last.fut tra b. Esne-a-k iraki-n d-u. milk.erg boil.pef tra c. Zilarr-a-k distira-tzen d-u. silver.erg glitter.ipf tra d. Eguzki-a-k argi-tzen d-u. sun.erg shine.ipf tra (5) a. Ater-tu d-u. stop raining.pef tra b. J-oa-n da negu-a, ater-tu d-u euri-a. go.pef itr winter stop raining.pef tra rain c. Har-en negarr-a ez ze-n ater-tu. that one.gen crying not itr.pst cease.pef (6) a. Garbi-tzen d-u. clean.ipf tra b. E-zagu-tzen d-u. recognize.ipf tra (7) a. Ja-ten d-u. eat.ipf tra


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b. Irakur-tzen d-u. read.ipf tra (8) a. Gu-re ogi-tik ja-ten d-u. we.gen bread.ela eat.ipf tra b. Biblia-tik irakur-tzen d-u. Bible.ela read.ipf tra (9) a. AteÂźhots-a-k esna-tu n-a-u. door sound.erg wake up.pef 1/.tra b. Zortzi-e-ta-n esna-tu n-a-iz. eight.plu.loc wake up.pef 1.itr (10) a. Miren-e-k senda-tu d-u Patxi. Mary.erg cure.pef tra Frank b. Patxi senda-tu da. Frank recover.pef itr (11) a. Norbait-e-k ate-a zabal-du z-u-en. somebody.erg door open.pef tra.pst b. BatÂźbat-e-an ate guzti-ak zabal-du z-ir-e-n eta guzti-(e)-en kate(a)-ak one.idf-one.loc door all.plu open.pef plu.itr.pst and all.plu.gen chain.plu eror-i. fall.pef (12) a. Jaun-a, zu-k ni-ri oin-ak garbi-tu? Lord you.erg I.dat foot.plu wash b. Garbi-tu n-in-tz-e-n eta i-kus-i e-gi-ten d-u-t. wash.pef 1.itr.pst and see do.ipf /1.tra (13) a. Aldare hori altar that d-it-u. plu/.tra b. Aldare hori altar that d-ir-a. plu.itr

puska-tu-ko d-u eta ber-e gain-e-ko hauts-ak zabal-du-ko shatter.fut tra and it itself.gen top.adn ash.plu scatter.fut

puska-tu-ko da eta ber-e gain-e-ko hauts-ak zabal-du-ko shatter.fut itr and it itself.gen top.adn ash.plu scatter.fut

(14) a. Nor-k ez d-it-u ate-ak itx-i? who.erg not plu/.tra gate.plu close.pef b. Har-en ate-ak ez d-ir-a arrats-e-an itx-i-ko. that one.gen gate.plu not plu.itr evening.loc close.fut

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(15) a. Kristau bihur-tu-ko n-a-u-zu. Christian.idf turn into.fut 1/2.tra b. Bertsolari bihur-tu al z-a-r-e-te? bard.idf turn into.pef int 2plu.itr (16) a. Ama-k haurr-a jan(t)z-ten d-u. Mother.erg child dress.ipf tra b. Haurr-a jan(t)z-ten da. child dress.ipf itr (17) a. Ardo-a-k gal-du g-a-it-u. wine.erg ruin.pef 1plu/.tra b. Baso-an gal-du g-a-r-a. woods.loc get lost.pef 1plu.itr (18) a. Hiri oso-a suntsi-tu-ko ote d-u-zu bost hori-(e)-en-ga(i)-tik? city whole destroy.fut dub /2.tra five that one.plu.mot b. Hil-ko n-a-iz, baina ez n-a-iz oso-ro suntsi-tu-ko. die.fut 1.itr but not 1.itr totally vanish.fut (19) a. Patxi-k Karmen ni-re aurre-an jarr-i z-u-en. Frank.erg Carmen I.gen front.loc put.pef tra.pst b. Karmen ni-re aurre-an jarr-i ze-n. Carmen i.gen front.loc put.pef itr.pst (20) a. Zubi-tik igaro g-a-r-a. bridge.ela pass.pef 1plu.itr b. Zubi-a igaro d-u-gu. bridge cross.pef /1plu.tra (21) a. Miren mendi¼gain-e-ra irits-i ze-n. Mary mountain top.all arrive at.pef itr.pst b. Miren-e-k mendi¼gain-a irits-i d-u. Mary mountain top reach.pef tra (22) a. Ni-re gain-e-tik jauz-i z-a-r-a. I.gen top.ela jump.pef 2.itr b. Jauz-i n-a-u-zu. skip.pef 1/2.tra (23) a. Guraso-(e)-en etxe-an ez ze-n su-a egunero piz-ten. parent.plu.gen house.loc not itr.pst fire every day light.ipf b. Gu-re etxe-a atzo sal-du ze-n. we.gen house yesterday sell.pef itr.pst



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c. Ez ote d-ir-a bi txori sos bat-e-an sal-tzen? not dub plu.itr two bird.idf penny one.loc sell.ipf d. Zuhaitz-a fruitu-tik e-zagu-tzen da. tree fruit.ela know.ipf itr e. Eta ni-re leiho-tik ez da ezer i-kus-ten. and I.gen window.ela not itr anything see.ipf (24) Hurren-go laurogei urte-an ni ez n-a-iz aha(t)z-tu-ko Kantabria-ko parte-an. next.adn eighty year.loc I not 1.itr forget.fut Cantabria.adn region.loc (25) a. Hurren-go laurogei urte-an ni ez n-a-u-te aha(t)z-tu-ko Kantabria-ko next.adn eighty year.loc I not 1/plu.tra forget.fut Cantabria.adn parte-an. region.loc b. Etxe-ko lan-ak ez e-gi-te-a-ga(i)-tik zigor-tu-ko d-u-te mutil hau. house.adn work.plu not do.ven.mot punish.fut /plu.tra boy this (26) a. Etxe-ko lan-ak ez e-gi-te-a-ga(i)-tik zigor-tu-ko da mutil hau. house.adn work.plu not do.ven.mot punish.fut itr boy this b. Bat-a har-tu-r-en da eta beste-a utz-i-r-en. one.zep take.fut itr and other.zep leave.fut (27) a. Zu-re izen-a isil-du d-u. you.gen name keep quiet.pef tra b. Zu-re izen-a isil-du da. you.gen name keep quiet.pef itr c. ber-e-ha(r-en)-la isil-du z-a-it-u. at once silence.pef 2/.tra d. ber-e-ha(r-en)-la isil-du z-a-r-a. at once become silent.pef 2.itr (28) a. Hemen-dik j-oa-ten al da Basagorri-ra?— galde-tu z-u-en Seneka-k. here.ela go.ipf int itr Basagorri.all ask.pef tra.pst Seneca.erg b. Oso ondo e-go-ten da hemen. very well stay.ipf itr here.loc c. Atzo asko mintza-tu ze-n gai horr-e-ta-z. yesterday a lot speak.pef itr.pst matter that.ins (29) Ez ze-n sekula erabat e-ma-ten. not itr.pst ever totally give.ipf (30) a. Arrisku-an i-kus-i n-a-iz. danger.loc see.pef 1.itr

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b. Ez g-in-e-n inportante-ak senti-tzen. not 1plu.itr.pst important.plu feel.ipf c. UrÂźertz-e-an begira-tu n-a-iz. water edge.loc look at.pef 1.itr d. Ispilu-an begira-tu al z-a-r-a? mirror.loc look at.pef int 2.itr (31) a. No-n i-kus-i-ko g-a-r-a bihar? where.loc see.fut 1plu.itr tomorrow b. Ez d-ir-a egunero i-kus-ten. not plu.itr every day see.ipf c. Anai(a)-ak bezala maite z-ir-e-n. brother.plu sip love.ppr plu.itr.pst d. Pabiloi-a-ren ate-an agur-tu g-in-e-n. pavillion.gen door.loc say goodbye.pef 1plu.itr.pst e. Irribarre gozo-z agur-tu z-ir-e-n. smile sweet.idf greet.pef plu.itr.pst Chapter 13

(1) Lehen-go idazle zaharr-(e)-en karta-rik gutxi d-u-gu. past.adn writer ancient.plu.gen letter.par few have./1plu.syt (2) Ba-da txakurr-ik Madril-en! dog.par Madrid.loc (3) a. Ez da-go ezer txarr-ik. not be.syn anything wrong.par b. Ez ze-ki-en Libe-ren bihotzÂźbarrengo-rik ezer. not know.syt.pst Libe.gen heart interior.par anything c. Beste pena-rik ez da-(d)uka-t ezer. other sorrow.par not have./1.syt anything d. Ogibide-rik ez da-(d)uka ezer. livelihood.par not have.syt anything (4) a. Ber-e-tzat ez ze-go-en beste gizon-ik inor. she herself.ben not be.syn.pst other man.par anyone b. Toki hon-e-ta-n ez ze-uka-n inor ezagun-ik. place that.loc not have.syt.pst anyone acquaintance.par c. Izkotarr-(e)-en etxe-an ez d-u senitarteko-rik member of the Izko family.plu.gen house.loc not have.syt relative.par inor bizi. anybody living.idf



(5) a. Gaur txokolate-a eros-i d-u-t. today chocolate buy.pef /1.tra b. Gaur ez d-u-t txokolate-a eros-i. today not /1.tra chocolate buy.pef c. Gaur ez d-u-t txokolate-rik eros-i. today not /1.tra chocolate.par buy.pef (6) a. Ez omen da hamabost urte-ko neska itsusi-rik. not rep be.syn fifteen year.adn maiden ugly.par b. Etxe hon-e-ta-n arratoi-rik ere ez da geldi-tzen. house this.loc rat.par too not itr stay.ipf c. Baina ez ze-n Albania-n inspektore-rik azal-du. but not itr.pst Albania.loc inspector.par appear.pef d. Orain ez da lapurr-ik e-torr-i-ko. now not itr thief.par come.fut (7) a. Ez d-u-t adiskide-rik. Ez da premia-rik ere. not have./1.syt friend.par not be.syn need.par too b. Ez d-u-t sari-rik eska-tzen. not /1.tra reward.par ask.ipf c. Ni-re aurre-an ez z-u-en inoiz droga-rik har-tu. I.gen front. part.loc not tra.pst ever drug.par take.pef (8) a. Ba-d-it-u-t anai¼arreb(a)-ak. aff.have.plu/1.syt brother sister.plu b. Ez d-u-t anai¼arreba-rik. not have./1.syt brother sister.par (9) a. Moxolo-rik ez da ager-tu-ko. Moxolo.par not itr appear.fut b. Ez da Maria Vo¨ckel-ik sekula e-go-n. not itr Maria Vo¨ckel.par ever be.pef (10) a. Baina gaur ni-re arreba-rik ez d-u-zu i-kus-i-ko. but today I.gen sister.par not /2.tra see.fut b. Apika ni-re izen-ik ez da-ki-zu-e? maybe I.gen name.par not know./2plu.syt (11) a. Ba al d-u-k izen-ik? aff int have./2sol.syt name.par b. Ba al da euskal musika-rik? aff int be.syn Basque music.par c. Os-tu al d-u-zu oilo-rik? steal.pef int / hen.par

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d. Zu-re neurri-ko soineko-rik aurki-tu al d-u-zu? you.gen size.adn dress.par find.pef int /2.tra (12) a. No-n da giristino goiztiarr-ik? where.loc be.syn christian prompt.par b. Nor-k edire-n-en d-u en-e bait(a)-an falta-rik? who.erg find.fut tra I.gen inside.loc fault.par c. Nor-k iza-n-en d-u sorbalda-rik sostenga-tze-ko, indarr-ik jasa-te-ko, who.erg have.fut tra shoulder.par support.ven.adn strength.par bear.ven.adn eta pairu-rik eta pazientzia-rik sofri-tze-ko? and endurance.par and patience.par su¤er.ven.adn (13) a. No-n where.loc b. No-n where.loc

aurki-tu-ko d-u honela-ko etxe-rik? find.fut tra this way.adn house.par aurki-tu ho(ne)la-ko emakume-rik, orde-a? find this way.adn woman.par however

(14) a. Ez d-u batere beldurr-ik. not have.syt at all fear.par b. Ez d-u-t gezurr-ik batere esa-ten. not /1.tra lie.par at all tell.ipf c. Batere ez z-u-en molde-rik. at all not have.syt.pst skill.par (15) a. Ba-d-u beste kezka-rik. aff.have.syt other worry.par b. Hori beste-rik da. that other.par be.syn c. Beste gizon-ik bihur-tu ze-n. other man.par become.pef itr.pst (16) Beharbada, iza-n-go d-u-t, seme-rik har-en bi-tarte-z. maybe have.fut /1.tra son.par yonder one.gen through (17) Hon-e-k ez d-u portu-ko gazte ez-ja-ki-n-a-ren-a e-gi-ten, this one.erg not tra harbor.adn young one not having known.gen.del act.ipf ber-a da gazte hori. he himself be.syn young.zep that (18) Baina ni-k ez adi-tu-a e-gi-n n-u-en. but I.erg not having heard.del act.pef /1.tra.pst (19) Ni-re indarr-a-k e-gi-n d-u. I.gen strength.erg do.pef tra


(20) a. Zu-re aldi-a-k e-gi-n d-u. you.gen turn.erg do.pef tra b. Ia gu-re aldi-a-k e-gi-n d-u. almost we.gen period.erg do.pef tra (21) a. Zu-re-a-k e-gi-n d-u! you.gen.zep.erg do.pef tra b. Ia gu-re-a-k e-gi-n d-u. almost we.gen.zep.erg do.pef tra (22) E-gi-n da ni-re indarr-a-z. do.pef itr I.gen strength.ins (23) a. Lan-a bila-tu-ko d-u-t. work look for.fut /1.tra b. Txokolate-a e-gi-n-go d-u-t. chocolate make.fut /1.tra c. Lan-a e-gi-n-go d-u-t. work do.fut /1.tra (24) a. Gogo-tik e-gi-n d-u-te lan. gladly do.pef /plu.tra work.idf b. Ordu-an, egun har-ta-n, e-gi-n-go d-u-te barau. time.loc day yonder.loc do.fut /plu.tra fast.idf c. Gaur ber-ta-n e-gi-n d-u-t ihes han-dik. today it itself.idf.loc do.pef /1.tra escape.idf over there.ela d. Horr-e-k leku heze-e-ta-n e-gi-ten d-u lo. that one.erg place humid.plu.loc do.ipf tra sleep.idf (25) a. Ez d-u-t irribarre-rik e-gi-n. not /1.tra smile.par make.pef b. Ez d-u-t negarr-ik e-gi-ten. not /1.tra crying.par do.ipf c. Deabru-a-k ez d-u lo-rik e-gi-ten. devil.erg not tra sleep.par do.ipf d. Ez d-u-gu gogait-ik e-gi-n-go gu-k. not /1plu.tra boredom.par do.fut we.erg e. Ez al d-u-zu amets-ik e-gi-ten? not int /2.tra dream.par do.ipf f. Eztul-ik ere ez d-u e-gi-n ni-re aurre-an. cough.par too not tra make.pef I.gen front part.loc (26) a. Ez d-u hitz e-gi-n. not tra word.idf make.pef

Glosses for Chapter 13

Glosses for Chapter 13


b. Ez d-u hitz-ik e-gi-n. not tra word.par make.pef (27) a. Lo luze-a e-gi-n d-u. sleep long do.pef tra b. Geriz(a)-an e-gi-ten d-u ber-e lo-a. shade.loc do.ipf tra he himself.gen sleep c. Negar handi-ak e-gi-n z-it-uz-te-n. tear big.plu make.pef plu/plu.tra (28) a. Zu-re andre-a-k arrazoi d-u. you.gen wife.erg reason.idf have.syt b. Arrazoi da-uka-k. reason.idf have./2sol.syt (29) a. Bihotz-e-an min d-u-t. heart.loc pain.idf have./1.syt b. No-n da-uka-k min? where.loc have./2sol.syt pain.idf (30) a. Artzain zaharr-a atera ze-n mendi-r(a)-antz inor-i esan shepherd old go out.pef itr.pst mountain.ten anybody.dat tell gabe. without.pre b. Nobel sari-a urruti-tik ere i-kus-i gabe, zerbait i-kus-i d-u-t. Nobel Prize distance.ela too see without.pre something see.pef /1.tra (31) Ni-k esan gabe ba-da-ki-zu-e. I.erg say without.pre aff.know./2plu.syt (32) a. Guzti-z ederr-a z-a-r-a, en-e laztan-a, ederr-a eta akats-ik gabe-a! wholly beautiful be.2.syn I.gen beloved beautiful and aw.par without b. Urte-ak gorabehera zimurtxo bat gabe-a da mutxurdin hau. year.plu despite little wrinkle one without be.syn old maid this c. Hau ustekabe uste gabe-a! this surprise expectation without d. Inor-i kalte e-gi-n gabe-ak z-ir-e-n. anybody.dat harm.idf do without.plu be.plu.syn.pst (33) a. Nor who b. Nor who

da be.syn da be.syn

bekatu-rik gabe-ko-a? sin.par without.adn.zep bekatu-rik gabe-a? sin.par without


(34) Ez da deus lor-tzen saia-tu gabe-rik. not itr anything achieve.ipf try without.sta (35) a. Ur-a ba-rik ardo-a eda-n d-u. water instead of.sta wine drink.pef tra b. Hemen-dik ba-rik hor-tik j-oa-n-go z-a-r-a. here.ela instead of.sta there.ela go.fut 2.itr c. Eliza-tik gabe taberna-tik g-a-to(r)-z. church.ela instead of pub.ela come.1plu.syn Chapter 14

(1) a. Pello seme d-u-gu. Pete son.idf have./1plu.syt b. Patxi adiskide d-u-t. Frank friend.idf have./1.syt (2) a. Pello seme bakarr-a d-u-gu. Pete son only have./1plu.syt b. Patxi adiskide handi-a d-u-t. Frank friend great have./1.syt (3) a. Maite d-it-u-zu eta maite z-a-it-u-z-te. dear.idf have.plu/2.syn and dear.idf have.2/plu.syt b. Nagusi-ek hain maite ze-uka-te-n. ruler.plu.erg so dear.idf have./plu.syt.pst c. Nor-k d-u maite? who.erg have.syt dear.idf d. Jacob iza-n n-u-en maite eta ez Esau. Jacob have.pef /1.tra.pst dear.idf and not Esau e. Zu z-ar-a ni-re lege-a; zu bakarr-ik z-a-it-u-t maite. you be.2.syn I.gen law you only.sta have.2/1.syt dear.idf f. Ho, ni-k zu z-a-it-u-t maite . . . oh I.erg you have.2/1.syt dear.idf (4) a. Oso maite-a z-u-en Salbatore-k. very dear have.syt.pst Salbator.erg b. Jonatan-e-k oso maite-a z-u-en Dabid. Jonathan.erg very dear have.syt.pst David (5) a. Zu-k, berri-z, zenbat d-u-zu zor? you.erg again how much have./2.syt debt.idf

Glosses for Chapter 13

Glosses for Chapter 14

b. Nor-k iza-n-go d-it-u hamar miloi libera zor? who.erg have.fut plu/.tra ten million franc.idf debt.idf (6) Nor d-u-te iduri? who have./plu.syt likeness.idf (7) a. Ez beldur iza-n, Maria, Jainko-a-k atsegin z-a-it-u. not fear.idf be Maria God.erg pleasure.idf have.2/.syt b. Damu d-u-gu bekatu-a. regret.idf have./1plu.syt sin c. Israel-ko seme-ak erruki d-it-u-t. Israel.adn son.plu pity.idf have.plu/1.syt d. Ni-k ez ote d-u-t erruki iza-n-go Ninibe hiri haundi-a? I.erg not dub /1.tra pity.idf have.fut Niniveh city great e. Gorroto bizi-z gorroto iza-n d-it-u-t. hatred intense.idf.ins hatred.idf have.pef plu/1.tra f. Bat-a gorroto iza-n-go d-u eta beste-a maite. one.zep hatred.idf have.fut tra and other.zep dear.idf g. Maite ez n-a-u-zu, higuin n-a-u-zu. dear.idf not have.1/2.syt disgust.idf have.1/2.syt (8) a. Zu-k, orde-a, bihotz leial-a d-u-zu atsegin. you.erg however heart loyal have./2.syt pleasure.idf b. Fede gaizto-ko-ak d-it-u-t gorroto. faith bad.adn.zep.plu have.plu/1.syt hatred.idf c. Hizkuntza guzti-ak iza-n-go d-it-u-z-te higuin. language all.plu have.fut plu/plu.tra disgust.idf d. Bat iza-n-en d-u higuin eta beste-a maite. one have.fut tra disgust.idf and other.zep dear.idf e. Hain d-u-te hastio asko-k euskar(a)-a . . . so much have./plu.syt loathing.idf many.idf.erg Basque f. Hori z-u-en opa noski artista trebe hon-e-k. that have.syt.pst wish.idf of course artist skillful this.erg (9) a. Deabru-a beti gorroto-ko d-u-t. devil always hate.fut /1.tra b. Ni-k maite-ko z-a-it-u-t beti. I.erg love.fut 2/1.tra always c. Ni-k maite z-a-it-u-t eta haurr-a ere maite-ko d-u-t. I.erg love.ppr 2/1.tra and child too love.fut /1.tra d. Eta arnas(a)-a ere zor-ko d-u-zu. and breath too owe.fut /2.tra



Glosses for Chapter 14

e. Iduri-ko zen-u-en zeru-ko izarr-a. look like.fut /2.tra.pst heaven.adn star (10) Txit asko maite z-a-it-u-t. very much.idf love.ppr 2/1.tra (11) a. Txit maite z-a-it-u-t. very much love.ppr 2/1.tra b. Baina Jonathas, Saul-en seme-a-k txit-ki maite z-u-en Dabid. but Jonathan Saul.gen son.erg very much.adv love.ppr tra.pst David c. Oso maite d-u-t gazta zahar hori. very much love.ppr /1.tra cheese old that (12) a. Har-en bihotz-a-k urre-a balio d-u. yonder one.gen heart.erg gold be worth.ppr tra b. I-kus-i d-u-gu, baina ez z-u-en begira-tze-a ere balio. see.pef /1plu.tra but not tra.pst look at.ven too be worth.ppr c. Euskar(a)-a-k ez d-u ogi-a irabaz-te-ko balio. Basque.erg not tra bread earn.ven.adn be worth.ppr d. Horr-e-k ez d-u balio. that.erg not tra be worth.ppr (13) a. Ni-re maitasun hon-e-k falta d-u ordain-a. I.gen love this.erg lack.ppr tra reciprocity b. Emakume-a-ren esku-a falta iza-n ze-n han-dik aurre-ra. woman.gen hand lack be.pef itr.pst over there.ela front part.all c. Solas luze-e-ta-n ez da falta-ko bekatu-a. conversation long.plu.loc not itr lack.fut sin d. Falta iza-n al z-en-u-te-n ezer? lack have.pef int /2plu.tra.pst anything (14) a. Giltz(a)-a nahi-ko d-u-zu? key want.fut /2.tra b. Zer nahi d-u ni-gan-(d)ik? what want.ppr tra I.ela c. Ez d-u-t har-en diru-rik nahi. not /1.tra yonder one.gen money.par want.ppr (15) a. Ni ero-tze-a nahi al d-u-zu? I go crazy.ven want.ppr int /2.tra b. Zerbait e-kar-tze-a nahi al d-u-zu? something bring.ven want.ppr int /2.tra c. Ez z-u-en inor-k ja-ki-te-rik nahi. not tra.pst anyone.erg know.ven.par want.ppr

Glosses for Chapter 14

d. No-ra j-oa-te-a nahi d-u-zu ni-re zaharr-e-an? where.all go.ven want.ppr /2.tra I.gen old age.del.loc e. Zer nahi z-en-u-en ni-k Gazteiz-e-n e-gi-te-a? what want.ppr /2.tra.pst I.erg Vitoria.loc do.ven (16) a. Zer-ta-ra-ko nahi d-u-zu bizi? what.des want.ppr /2.tra live.ppr b. Zer nahi d-u-zu har-tu? what want.ppr /2.tra take c. Nor-k nahi d-u, orde-a, etxe-rik eta lurr-ik eros-i? who.erg want.ppr tra however house.par and ground.par buy d. Den-ek nahi z-u-te-n Salomon i-kus-i. everybody.plu.erg want.ppr /plu.tra.pst Solomon see e. Nahi iza-n d-u-t oihuka-tu: senda-tu-a n-a-iz! want have.pef /1.tra shout cure.pef.sin 1.itr (17) a. Ez d-u-t nahi j-oa-n sukalde-ra. not /1.tra want.ppr go kitchen.all b. Ez, ez d-u-gu nahi iza-n sobera lan har-tu. no not /1plu.tra want have.pef too much work.idf take (18) a. Zer esa-n nahi d-u-zu? what say want.ppr /2.tra b. Nor-k hil nahi z-a-it-u-z-te? who.erg kill want.ppr 2plu/.tra c. Nor-k e-ntzu-n nahi d-u elbarri-a-ren ipuin-a? who.erg hear want.ppr tra paralytic.gen tale d. Ni-k ni-re emazte e-gi-n nahi z-a-it-u-t. I.erg I.gen wife.idf make want.ppr 2/1.tra e. Ni-re guraso-ek e-zagu(t)-tu nahi z-a-it-u-z-te. I.gen parent.plu.erg know want.ppr 2/plu.tra f. Begi-z ja-n nahi n-ind-u-en. eye.idf.ins eat want.ppr 1/.tra.pst (19) a. Ez z-a-it-u-t inon-dik gal-du nahi. not 2/1.tra somewhere.ela lose want.ppr b. Ez d-u-t ohera gabe biluz-i nahi. not /1.tra go to bed.rad before.pre undress want.ppr c. Ni-k ez d-u-t ezer ja-ki-n nahi. I.erg not /1.tra anything know want.ppr d. Ez d-u e-torr-i nahi iza-ten ni-re etxe-ra. not tra come want have.ipf I-gen house.all



Glosses for Chapter 14

(20) a. Ama, ni ere nahi n-a-iz ezkon-du. Mother.idf I too want.ppr 1.itr get married b. Susana baratze-ko putzu-an maina-tu nahi iza-n ze-n. Susana garden.adn well.loc bathe want be.pef itr.pst c. Hura, berri-z, ez ze-n sar-tu nahi. yonder one new.idf.ins not itr.pst go in want.ppr d. Eta ez z-ir-e-n nahi e-torr-i. and not plu.itr.pst want.ppr come e. Eta ez z-ir-e-n j-oa-n nahi iza-n. and not plu.itr.pst go want be.pef (21) Ba-da beti gu-re-gan zorion handi bat-en nahi-a. always we.loc happiness great a.gen will (22) a. Jainko-a on-do serbi-tu nahi-a laster ager-tu z-u-en. God well serve will soon show.pef tra.pst b. Hon-e-k beste handizki-e-ta-n Daniel gal-du nahi-a sor-tzen z-u-en. this.erg other aristocrat.plu.loc Daniel ruin will create.ipf tra.pst c. Dam(a)-a, ni zu-ri hitzegi-n nahi-a-k n-a-ra-ma maitasun ezti-z. lady I you.dat speak will.erg agitate.1/.syt love sweet.idf.ins (23) a. Zu-ek i-kus-i nahi-an n-a-go. you.plu see will.loc be.1.syn b. Aspalditxo-an n-en-go-en ber-a-ri bertso batzu-k e-gi-n nahi-an. a while ago be.1.syn.pst the very subject.dat verse some.plu make will.loc c. Bertsolari-ak indar-tu nahi-an omen z-a-bil-tza-te. bard.plu strengthen will.loc rep be busy.2plu.syn d. Ongile den-ak esker-tu nahi-an n-a-bil. benefactor all.plu thank will.loc be busy.1.syn (24) a. Mutil-ek ba-z-u-te-n kalte e-gi-n nahi-a. boy.plu.erg aff.have./plu.syt.pst harm.idf do will b. Ez z-u-te-n ausa-z kalte e-gi-n nahi-rik. not have./plu.syt.pst perhaps harm.idf do will.par c. Ez z-u-te-n ausa-z kalte e-gi-n nahi handi-rik. not have./plu.syt.pst perhaps harm.idf do will great.par (25) a. Hon-e-k berriketa-ra-ko gogo-a da-uka. this one.erg gossip.all.adn fancy have.syt b. Ez d-u-t haserre-ra-ko gogo-rik. not have.1.syt row.all.adn desire.par c. Gu-re herri-a i-kus-te-ko gogo-a ba-n-u-en aspaldi-an. we.gen village see.ven.adn desire aff.have./1.syt.pst long time.loc

Glosses for Chapter 14


d. Ni-k ez d-u-t hil-(e)-en-gan-(r)a makur-tze-ko gogo-rik. I.erg not have./1.syt dead.zep.plu.all bow.ven.adn desire.par e. Ba-da-uka-t, bai, Donostia-ra iri(t)s-te-ko gogo-rik! aff.have./1.syt yes San Sebastian.all arrive.ven.adn desire.par (26) a. Ba-n-u-en gogo-a Bazko afari hau zu-ekin e-gi-te-ko! aff.have./1.syt.pst desire Passover supper this you.plu.soc do.ven.adn b. Gogo-rik al d-u-n gaur arratsalde-an ni-rekin Izpegi-ra desire.par int have./2sol.fem.syt today afternoon.loc I.soc Izpegi.all e-tor-tze-ko? come.ven.adn (27) a. Zer e-gi-n gogo d-u-zu? what do intend.ppr /2.tra b. Gogo z-u-en etxe-an e-go-n. intend.ppr tra.pst house.loc stay c. Ezkil(a)-a lehen bezala jo gogo d-u. bell before as ring intend.ppr tra (28) a. No-n gera-tzen d-ir-a zoko hau-ek e-zagu(t)-tze-ko asmo-ak? where.loc remain.ipf plu.itr place this.plu know.ven.adn plan.plu b. Zarautz-e-ra j-oa-n n-in-tz-e-n Patxi Barbero-ren omenaldi-an kanta-tze-ko Zarauz.all go.pef 1.itr.pst Patxi Barbero.gen celebration.loc sing.ven.adn asmo-ta-n. intention.idf.loc (29) Zer e-gi-n asmo d-u-zu? what do intend.ppr /2.tra (30) a. Odol hotz-a behar d-u-zu. blood cold need.ppr /2.tra b. Nor-k zer behar d-u? who.erg what need.ppr tra c. Hi behar h-a-u-t. you.sol need.ppr 2sol/1.tra d. Baina ez n-a-u inor-k behar hemen. but not 1/.tra anybody.erg need.ppr here.loc e. Sermoi-rik ez d-u-gu behar. sermon.par not /1plu.tra need.ppr f. Liburu-ak behar d-ir-a. book.plu need.ppr plu.itr (31) a. Polizi(a)-a e-tor-tze-a behar z-en-u-en. police come.ven need.ppr /2.tra.pst


Glosses for Chapter 14

b. Zu-k esa-te-a behar g-en-u-en. you.erg say.ven need.ppr /1plu.tra.pst (32) a. Irakurle-a behar d-u-gu errespeta-tu. reader must.ppr /1plu.tra respect b. Guzti-ek behar z-u-te-n ja-ki-n har-en berri. all.plu.erg have to.ppr /plu.tra.pst know yonder.gen news.idf c. Ordu-an behar n-u-en ni-k mintza-tu. that time.loc should.ppr /1.tra.pst I.erg speak d. Ez d-ir-a behar sinets-i. not plu.itr need-ppr believe e. Gaur-ko lokatz-e-ta-n behar-ko d-u zikin-du. today.adn quagmire.plu.loc must.fut tra make dirty (33) a. Ni-k zer esa-n behar d-u-t? I.erg what say must.ppr /1.tra b. Ja-n e-gi-n behar z-a-it-u-z-te-t. Eat do must.ppr 2plu/1.tra c. Horr-e(n)-la bizi behar al d-u-n, alab(a)-a? that way live have to.ppr int /2sol.fem.tra daughter d. Ni-rekin dantza-tu behar-ko d-u-zu rumba hau. I.soc dance have to.fut /2.tra rumba this e. Hori ez d-u inor-k ja-ki-n behar. that not tra anybody.erg know must.ppr f. Ez al n-a-u-zu-e urka-tu behar? not int 1/2plu.tra hang have to.ppr g. Adore-rik ez da gal-du behar. courage.par not itr lose must.ppr (34) a. Euri-a e-gi-n behar d-u. rain do be going to.ppr tra b. Igande-an gu-rekin bazkal-du behar omen d-u-zu. Sunday.loc we.soc lunch be going to.ppr rep /2.tra (35) a. Zer esa-n behar d-u herri-a-k? what say be going to.ppr tra people.erg b. Zer e-gi-n behar d-u-t ni-k zu gabe? what do be going to.ppr /1.tra I.erg you without.pre c. Eta beste zu-re andre-a-rekin zer e-gi-n behar d-u-zu? and other you.gen wife.soc what do be going to.ppr /2.tra d. Noiz zentza-tu behar d-u-zu? when come to one’s senses be going to.ppr /2.tra

Glosses for Chapter 14

e. Nor-k esa-n behar z-u-en? who.erg say would.ppr tra.pst (36) a. Ez n-in-tz-e-n ezkon-du behar. not 1.itr.pst get married should.ppr b. Zu-re haurr-ak no-la behar d-ir-a ha-n bizi? you.gen child.plu how be going to.ppr plu.itr over there.loc live c. Gaur abia-tu behar g-a-r-a. today start out must.ppr 1plu.itr (37) HotzÂźhotz-e-an erabaki-ak har-tu behar d-ir-a. coolness coolness.loc decision.plu take must.ppr plu.itr (38) a. Zer-ga(i)-tik d-u hil beharr-a? what.mot have.syt die need b. Herri-ko etxe-ra-ino j-oa-n beharr-a d-u-t. town.adn house.ter go need have./1.syt c. Hori al z-en-u-en esa-n beharr-a? that int have./2.syt.pst say need (39) a. Mitxelena jaun-a-k ez d-u ni-re aurkezpen beharr-ik. Mitxelena Mr.erg not have.syt I.gen introduction need.par b. Ez d-u-zu gu-ta-z ardura-tu beharr-ik. not have./2.syt we.ins worry need.par c. Ez d-u-t ni-k j-oa-n beharr-ik iza-n-go. not /1.tra I.erg go need.par have.fut d. Ez da-uka-t ni-k zu-rekin hitz e-gi-n beharr-ik. not have./1.syt I.erg you.soc word.idf make need.par e. Esa-n beharr-ik ez da-uka-zu. say need.par not have./2.syt (40) a. Ba-ze-n zu-re beharr-a gu-re etxe hon-e-ta-n. you.gen need we.gen house this.loc b. Hain-beste gauza antola-tu beharr-a da-go. so many thing.idf organize need be.syn c. Lau Ebanjelio-en itzulpen berri bat-en beharr-ik ba ote ze-go-en? four Gospel.plu.gen translation new a.gen need.par aff dub be.syn.pst (41) a. Ni-re lagun-a laguntza beharr-e-an da. I.gen fellow-man help need.loc be.syn b. Den-a-ren beharr-e-an iza-n-go z-a-r-e-te. Everything.gen need.loc be.fut 2plu.itr c. Buru-a makur-tu beharr-e-an g-a-u-de. head bend need.loc be.1plu.syn



Glosses for Chapter 14

d. Gu bizi iza-te-ko, orain-txe n-a-go bozkario beharr-e-an. we live.ppr be.ven.adn now.emp be.1.syn joy need.loc e. Zu-re beharr-e-an aurki-tzen n-a-iz. you.gen need.loc find.ipf 1.itr f. Saul ber-e hitz-a ja-n beharr-e-an aurki-tu ze-n. Saul he himself.gen word eat need.loc find.pef itr.pst (42) a. Konpon-du beharr-e-an, honda-tu e-gi-n d-u. repair need.loc ruin do.pef tra b. Ber-a-k e-gi-n beharr-e-an, am(a)-a-k e-gi-ten z-u-en negar. he himself.erg do need.loc mother.erg do.ipf tra.pst crying.idf (43) a. Ez n-a-iz ibai-ra eror-i ohi. not 1.itr river.all fall be in habit.ppr b. Jende-a ezkon-du e-gi-n ohi da. people get married do be in habit.ppr itr (44) a. Ez d-u-gu ja-n ohi. not /1plu.tra eat be in habit.ppr b. Bazko¼Jaiero preso bat aska-tu ohi z-u-en Pilato-k. each Passover feast day prisoner a release be in habit.ppr tra.pst Pilate.erg c. E-gi-n iza-n ohi d-it-u horr-e(n)-la-ko gauz(a)-ak. do have.pef be in habit plu/.tra that way.adn thing.plu (45) a. Ez ohi n-a-iz ibai-ra eror-tzen. not hab 1.itr river.all fall.ipf b. Jende-a ezkon-tzen ohi da. people get married.ipf hab itr (46) a. Ez ohi d-u-gu ja(n)-ten. not hab /1plu.tra eat.ipf b. Presuna haserrekorr-a-k ez ohi d-u begi¼orde anitz higa-tzen. person irascible.erg not hab tra eye substitute many wear out.ipf Chapter 15

(1) a. Mutil boy b. Mutil boy

hon-e-k this.erg hon-e-k this.erg

neskatxa girl neskatxa girl

horr-i egun zoriontsu-a opa d-i-o. that.dat day happy wish.ppr dtr hori-e-i egun zoriontsu-a opa d-i-e. that.plu.dat day happy wish.ppr /plu/.dtr

(2) a. Mutil hau-ek neskatxa horr-i egun zoriontsu-a opa d-i-o-te. boy this.plu.erg girl that.dat day happy wish.ppr //plu.dtr

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b. Mutil hau-ek neskatxa hori-e-i egun zoriontsu-a. opa boy this.plu.erg girl that.plu.dat day happy wish.ppr d-i-e-te /plu/plu.dtr (3) a. Mutil boy b. Mutil boy

hon-e-k this.erg hon-e-k this.erg

neskatxa horr-i egun zoriontsu-ak opa d-i-z-ki-o. girl that.dat day happy.plu wish.ppr plu//.dtr neskatxa hori-e-i egun zoriontsu-ak opa d-i-z-ki-e. girl that.plu.dat day happy.plu wish.ppr plu/plu/.dtr

(4) a. Mutil hau-ek boy this.plu.erg b. Mutil hau-ek boy this.plu.erg d-i-z-ki-e-te. plu/plu/plu.dtr

neskatxa girl neskatxa girl

horr-i egun zoriontsu-ak opa d-i-z-ki-o-te. that.dat day happy.plu wish.ppr plu//plu.dtr hori-e-i egun zoriontsu-ak opa that.plu.dat day happy.plu wish.ppr

(5) a. Ontzi horr-i estalki hau da-go-ki-o. container that.dat lid this ďŹ t.dyn b. Morroi-a bataia-tze-a nagusi-a-ri da-go-ki-o. servant christen.ven boss.dat be up to.dyn c. Ohitur(a)-a-ri n-a-go-ki-o. custom.dat keep to./1.dyn (6) Soineko hori on-do d-oa-ki-o / da-tor-ki-o / da-go-ki-o. dress that well do.dyn come.dyn be.dyn (7) Ordu hori gai(t)z-ki da-tor-ki-t. hour that badly come.1/.dyn (8) Gu-ri zer di-h-oa-ki-gu? we.dat what matter.1plu/.dyn (9) a. Berri on-ak al da-kar-z-ki-gu-zu? news good.plu int bring.plu/1plu/2.dyt b. Berri on-ak da-kar-z-ki-zu-t. news good.plu bring.plu/2/1.dyt c. Etsai gaizto-a-k da-ra-ma-ki-o. enemy evil.erg lead away.dyt d. Agindu berri bat da-ma-i-zu-e-t. commandment new a give./2plu/1.dyt e. Zorion bete-a da-ma-i-o-t n-eu-re maite-a-ri. Happiness full give.//1.dyt I.ref.gen love.dat


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(10) a. Ba-g-ene-kar-ki-e-n. aff.bring./plu/1plu.dyt.pst b. Ba-da-ra-ma-z-ki-gu-te. aff.carry.plu/1plu/plu.dyt (11) a. Idolo-ak adora-tze-a-ri ze-rrai-z-ki-o-n. idol.plu adore.ven.dat continue./plu.dyn b. Hon-e(n)-la da-rrai-o Umandi: . . . this way continue.dyn Umandi c. Eta hon-e(n)-la da-rrai-o gai-a-ri: . . . and this way continue.dyn subject.dat (12) a. Izerdi-a da-ri-t / ze-ri-da-n. sweat flow.1/.dyn flow.1/.dyn.pst b. Malko-ak da-ri-z-ki-zu / ze-ri-z-ki-zu-n begi-e-ta-tik. tear.plu flow.2/plu.dyn flow.2/plu.dyn.pst eye.plu.ela (13) a. Zu-re aurre-an lots(a)-a eta beldurr-a da-ri-e aingeru-e-i. you.gen in front of shame and fear flow.plu/.dyn angel.plu.dat b. Neskatx(a)-a-ri negar isil-a ze-ri-o-n. girl.dat weeping silent flow.dyn.pst c. Zauri-tik odol-a ze-ri-o-n gurdi-a-ren zoru-ra-ino. wound.ela blood flow.dyn.pst chariot.gen floor.ter d. Zu-re ezpain-e-i ezti-a da-ri-e. you.gen lip.plu.dat honey drop.plu/.dyn e. Maitasun¼sagarr-e-i usain ezti-a da-ri-e. love apple.plu.dat fragrance sweet exude.plu/.dyn f. Adurr-a ze-ri-o-n ezpain-e-ta-tik gaztai-a ja-n nahi-a-z. saliva drip.dyn.pst lip.plu.ela cheese eat desire.ins g. Ezekiel-en begi-e-i su-a ze-ri-e-n. Ezekiel.gen eye.plu.dat fire flow.plu/.dyn.pst (14) a. Su-a da-txe-ki-o auzo-ko etxe-a-ri. fire stick to.dyn neighbor.adn house.dat b. Gu-re txabol(a)-ak eliz(a)-a-ri da-txe-z-ki-o. we.gen hut.plu church.dat be attached./plu.dyn (15) Zer iri(t)z-ten d-i-e jende-a-k eskribau-e-i? what think of.ipf /plu/.dtr people.erg notary.plu.dat (16) a. Euskara experimental-a d-eritz-a-t Basque experimental consider.//1.dyt b. Eta zer d-eritz-a-zu eskutitz-a-ren and what think of.//2.dyt letter.gen

Olabide-ren hizker(a)-a-ri. Olabide.gen language.dat mami-a-ri? contents.dat

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c. Zorakeria hau-e-i eleÂźeder d-eritz-e-te. inanity this.plu.dat literature.idf consider./plu/plu.dyt d. Zer d-eritz-a Pello-k ahari hon-i? Oso ederr-a d-eritz-a. what think of.dyt Pete.erg ram this.dat very beautiful ďŹ nd.dyt e. Ni-k gai(t)z-ki d-eritz-a-t etxe-a sal-tze-a-ri. I.erg wrong.idf consider.//1.dyt house sell.ven.dat (17) a. Tarte eder hon-i Urre-z-ko Aldi d-eritz-a. interval beautiful this.dat gold.idf.ins.adn age.idf be called.dyt b. No-la d-erit(z)-zu (zu-ri)? Arantxa d-eri(t)z-t (ni-ri). how be called./2/.dyt you.dat Arantxa be called./1/dyt I.dat (18) a. **Bolsa hon-i d-eritza-i-o kapule-a. sheath this.dat be called.dyt cocoon b. **No-la d-eritza-i-zu? Arantxa d-ertitza-i-t (ni-ri). how be called.2/.dyt Arantxa be called.1/dyt I.dat (19) a. No-la how b. No-la how

dei-tzen z-a-r-a? Arantxa dei-tzen n-a-iz. call.ipf 2.itr Arantxa call.ipf 1.itr / zer d-u-zu izen-a? Arantxa d-u-t izen-a. what have.2.syt name Arantxa have.1.syt name

(20) Dardar de-gi-t barru-a-k. / Dardar da-gi ni-re barru-a-k. trembling do./1/.dyt inside.erg trembling do.syt I.gen inside.erg (21) a. Zauri-a senda-tu al za-i-o? / Ber-e zauri-a senda-tu al da? wound heal.pef int dit he himself.gen wound heal.pef int itr b. Hizkuntz(a)-a larri da-bil-ki-gu. / Gu-re hizkuntz(a)-a larri language critically.pre walk.1plu/.dyn we.gen language critically.pre da-bil. walk.syn (22) a. Seme-a hil d-i-da-k. / Ni-re seme-a hil d-u-k. son kill.pef /1/2sol.dtr I.gen son kill.pef /2sol.tra b. Gaixo-tu e-gi-ten d-i-z-ki-da-zu nerbio-ak. / Gaixo-tu e-gi-ten d-it-u-zu ni-re weaken do.ipf plu/1/2.dtr nerve.plu weaken do.ipf plu/2.tra I.gen nerbio-ak. nerve.plu (23) a. Polizi(a)-ak atze-tik di-h-oa-z-ki-o. / Polizi(a)-ak har-en atze-tik police.plu from behind go./plu.dyn police.plu yonder one.gen after di-h-oa-z. go.plu.syn


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b. Labain-du e-gi-n zi-tza-i-o-n gutun-a esku-e-ta-tik. / Labain-du e-gi-n ze-n slip do.pef dit.pst letter hand.plu.ela slip do.pef itr.pst gutun-a har-en esku-e-ta-tik. letter yonder one.gen hand.plu.ela (24) a. Ez za-i-zu-e lasto-rik e-ma-n-go. not 2plu/.dit straw.par give.fut b. Den-a ken-tzen za-i-gu. everything take away.ipf 1plu/.dit (25) a. E-ma-ten n-a-tza-i-zu oso-ki eta behin beti-ko-z. give.ipf 2/1.dit totally and once forever b. Ni-re etsai higuin-a-ri e-ma-n h-a-tza-i-o. I.gen enemy detested.dat give.pef /2sol.dit (26) a. Euts-i e-gi-n nahi z-i-e-n ametsÂźirudi hai-e-i. hold on to do want.ppr plu/.dtr.pst dream image yonder.plu.dat b. Zer esa-n behar d-i-o-t orain Pili-ri? what say be to.ppr //1.dtr now Pili.dat (27) a. Uso-a haurr-a-ri hurbil-du nahi za-i-o. pigeon child.dat get closer want.ppr dit b. Zam(a)-a lurr-e-ra eror-i behar za-i-o. burden ground.all fall be going to.ppr dit (28) a. Uso-a-k hurbil-du nahi d-u. pigeon.erg get closer want.ppr tra b. Zam(a)-a-k lurr-e-ra eror-i behar d-u. burden.erg ground.all fall be going to.ppr tra (29) a. Luis-e-k berri-ro begira-tzen d-u. Louis.erg again look.ipf tra b. Luis-e-k nesk(a)-a-ri begira-tzen d-i-o. Louis.erg girl.dat look.ipf dtr c. LopezÂźMendizabal-e-ren hiztegi-ra begira-tu d-u-gu. Lopez-Mendizabal.gen dictionary.all look.pef /1plu.tra (30) a. Leiho-tik dei-tu z-i-o-n / z-u-en. window.ela call.pef dtr.pst tra.pst b. Margo dei-tzen d-u. Margo call.ipf tra (31) a. Asko-z esker-tzen d-i-zu-t liburu-a. very much thank.ipf /2/1.dtr book

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b. No-la ez Jaun-a esker-tu? how not Lord thank (32) a. Etxe-ra lagun-du d-i-zu-t / z-a-it-u-t. house.all accompany.pef /2/1.dtr 2/1.tra b. Jaun-a-k lagun-tzen d-i-e. Lord.erg help.ipf /plu/.dtr c. Jaun-a-k lagun-du-ko d-it-u. Lord.erg help.fut plu/.tra (33) a. Alkate-a-k drog(a)-a-ri e-ma-n z-i-o-n. mayor.erg drugs.dat take to.pef dtr.pst b. Alkate-a drog(a)-a-ri e-ma-n zi-tza-i-o-n. mayor drugs.dat indulge in.pef dit.pst (34) a. Ordu-an ibai-a igaro-tze-a-ri e-ma-n z-i-o-te-n. then river cross.ven.dat proceed to.pef //plu.dtr.pst b. Esku-ak garbi-tze-a-ri e-ma-n zi-tza-i-o-n. hand.plu wash.ven.dat proceed to.pef dit.pst (35) a. Lege-ak ikas-te-a-ri e-ki-n n-i-o-n Deustu-ko law.plu study.ven.dat apply oneself to.pef //1.dtr.pst Deusto.adn unibersitate-an university.loc b. Azken-e-an kanpo-an ere lapurret(a)-a-ri e-ki-n-go d-i-o. at the end exterior.loc too thievery.dat engage in.fut dtr c. Eki-n n-i-o-n, ber-a-z, igoer(a)-a-ri. set out.pef //1.dtr.pst thus ascension.dat (36) a. Beste emisora bat bila-tze-a-ri e-ki-n z-i-o-n. other radio station a look for.ven.dat start.pef dtr.pst b. Isilaldi bati e-ki-n z-i-o-n. moment of silence a.dat commence.pef dtr.pst (37) a. Hori guzti-a e-ma-n z-i-da-n buru-a-k. that all give.pef /1/.dtr.pst head.erg b. E-ma-ten z-i-da-n ni-ri barru-a-k. give.ipf /1/.dtr.pst I.dat inner self.erg c. Gogo-a-k e-ma-n z-i-o-n bila-tze-a Ahias profet(a)-a. mind.erg give.pef dtr.pst seek out.ven Ahias prophet (38) a. Zeru-a-k maindire zikin bat e-ma-ten z-u-en. sky.erg sheet dirty a look like.ipf tra.pst



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b. Txorimalo-a e-ma-ten d-u-zu. scarecrow look like.ipf /2.tra c. Den-a-k e-ma-ten z-u-en berri. everything.erg look like.ipf tra.pst new.idf d. Ha(r-en)-la e-ma-ten d-u. yonder way look like.ipf tra e. Ez d-u-gu on-do e-ma-n-go. not /1plu.tra well look like.fut (39) a. Oso aldi ederr-a e-ma-n gen-u-en. very time nice pass.pef /1plu.tra.pst b. Goiz oso-a kanpo-an e-ma-n zen-u-en? morning whole outside.loc spend.pef /2.tra.pst (40) a. Agi-an, horr-e(n)-ga(i)-tik e-ma-ten z-i-o-n beti musu sudurr-e-an. perhaps that.mot give.ipf dtr.pst always kiss.idf nose.loc b. E-ma-n z-i-e-n su eta bota z-it-u-en azeri-ak give.pef /plu/.dtr.pst fire.idf and throw.pef plu/.tra.pst fox.plu filistiarr-en garisoro-e-ta-ra. Philistine.plu.gen wheat field.plu.all c. Ez d-i-o-t amore-rik e-ma-n. not //1.dtr concession.par give.pef d. Beste-a-ri antz-ik ez z-i-o-n e-ma-n. other.zep.dat likeness.par not dtr.pst give.pef (41) a. Ni-k ha(r-en)-la esa-n n-i-o-n n-eu-re buru-a-ri: . . . I.erg yonder way say.pef //1.dtr.pst I.ref.gen head.dat b. E-zagu-tzen al d-u-zu z-eu-re buru-a? know.ipf int /2.tra you.ref.gen head c. Su-a-k ja-n e-gi-ten z-u-en ber-e buru-a. fire.erg eat do.ipf tra.pst it itself.gen head d. Ber-e buru-a hil behar ote d-u? he himself.gen head kill go to.ppr dub tra e. Zer-ga(i)-tik bota nahi z-en-u-en z-eu-re buru-a? what.mot throw away want.ppr /2.tra.pst you.ref.gen head (42) a. Ber(-e)-en buru-a e-ma-n d-u-te. he himself.plu.gen head give.pef /plu.tra b. Jaun-a-ri e-ma-n z-i-z-ki-o-te-n ber(-e)-en buru-ak. Lord.dat give.pef plu//plu.dtr.pst he himself.plu.gen head.plu (43) a. G-eu-re buru-a engaina-tzen d-u-gu. we.ref.gen head deceive.ipf /1plu.tra

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b. G-eu-re buru-ak engaina-tzen d-it-u-gu. we.ref.gen head.plu deceive.ipf plu/1plu.tra (44) a. Ardo hau ber-e-tzat gorde nahi d-u. wine this he himself.ben keep want.ppr tra b. Zuhaitz-ek errege-a izenda-tu nahi z-u-te-n ber-(e)-en-tzat. tree.plu.erg king appoint want.ppr /plu.tra.pst he himself.plu.ben c. Utz-i d-it-u-t n-eu-re-tzat zazpi mila gizon. leave.pef plu/1.tra I.ref.ben seven thousand man.idf (45) a. Zer d-io-zu z-eu-re buru-a-z? what say./2.syt you.ref.gen head.ins b. Zer d-io-zu zu-ta-z? what say./2.syt you.ins c. Zu-ta-z zer d-io-zu? you.ins what say./2.syt (46) a. N-eu-re buru-a-rekin haserre n-a-go. I.ref.gen head.dat anger.idf be.1.syn b. N-eu-rekin haserre n-a-go. / Ni-ta-z haserre n-a-iz. I.ref.soc anger.idf be.1.syn I.ins anger.idf be.1syn (47) a. Euskaldun on-a iza-te-ko, eskas ageri za-i-t n-eu-re buru-a Basque good be.ven.adn deďŹ cient.idf evident.idf be.1/.dyn I.ref.gen head zenbait alde-ta-tik. certain respect.ela b. Pello-ri ez za-i-o ber-e buru-a atsegin. Pete.dat not be.dyn he himself.gen head pleasure.idf c. Miren-i ber-e buru-a e-ra-kuts-i n-i-o-n ispilu-an. Mary.dat she herself.gen head show.pef //1.dtr.pst mirror.loc (48) a. N-eu-re buru-a-k kezka-tu eta izu-tzen n-a-u. I.ref.gen head.erg worry and frighten.ipf 1/.tra b. Z-eu-(e)-en buru-ek zora-tzen z-a-it-u-z-te-te. you.ref.plu.gen head.plu.erg drive crazy.ipf 2plu/plu.tra c. Ber-e buru-a-k lilura-tzen d-u ni-re anai(a)-a. he himself.gen head.erg fascinate.ipf tra I.gen brother (49) a. Z-eu-re buru-a-k e-gi-n z-a-it-u esklabo, ez beste inor-k. you.ref.gen head.erg make.pef 2/.tra slave.pre not else anyone.erg b. N-eu-re buru-a-k ere ema-ten d-i-t franko lan. I.ref.gen head.erg too give.ipf /1/.dtr plenty work.idf c. N-eu-re buru-a-k gida-tu n-a-u. I.ref.gen head.erg guide.pef 1/.tra


(50) a. **N-eu-re I.ref.gen b. **N-eu-re I.ref.gen

Glosses for Chapter 15

buru-a-k head.erg buru-a-k head.erg

gorrota-tzen n-a-u. hate.ipf 1/.tra ere ez d-i-t hori barka-tu-ko. too not /1/.dtr that forgive.fut

(51) Zu-re amets hai-ek z-eu-re buru-a-ri kalte e-gi-n-go d-i-o-te. you.gen dream yonder.plu.erg you.ref.gen head.dat harm.idf do.fut //plu.dtr (52) Hai-ek ez d-it-u Jainko-a-k bat-a beste-a-ren-tzat / elkarr-en-tzat yonder one.plu not plu/.tra God.erg one.zep other.zep.ben each other.ben e-gi-n. make.pef (53) a. Aitona-k bereiz-ten z-it-u-en elkarr-en-gan-dik ahotz-a eta Grandfather.idf.erg separate.ipf plu/.tra.pst each other.ela cha¤ and gariŸale-a. wheat grain b. Liburu hori-ek bakan-du behar d-ir-a elkarr-en-gan-dik. book that.plu keep apart must.ppr plu.itr each other.ela (54) a. Elkar engaina-tzen d-u-te. each other cheat.ipf /plu.tra b. Elkar sal-du eta gorrota-tu-ko d-u-te. each other betray and hate.fut /plu.tra c. Zu-ek elkar d-irudi-zu-e. you.plu.erg each other resemble./2plu.syt d. Gu-re bi etxe-ek elkar uki-tzen d-u-te. we.gen two house.plu.erg each other touch.ipf /plu.tra e. Elkarr-i ida(t)z-ten gen-i-o-n. each other.dat write.ipf //1plu.dtr.pst f. Musu ema-n z-i-o-te-n elkarr-i. kiss.idf give.pef //plu.dtr.pst each other.dat g. Elkarr-i aurkez-tu g-en-i-z-ki-o-n adiskide ezŸezagun-ak each other.dat introduce.pef plu//1plu.dtr.pst friend unacquainted.plu h. Miren eta Xabier elkarr-en-gan-(ra)-antz bultza-tu d-it-u-t. Mary and Xavier each other.ten push.pef plu/1.tra i. Elkarr-ekin maitemin-du z-ir-e-n. each other.soc fall in love.pef plu.itr.pst (55) a. Elkarr-ekin e-gi-ten al d-u-te lo? each other.soc do.ipf int /plu.tra sleep.idf b. Guraso-ek elkarr-ekin i-kus-i g-a-it-u-z-te. parent.plu.erg each other.soc see.pef 1plu/plu.tra

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c. Elkarr-ekin afal-du gen-u-en ‘‘Artzak’’ jatetxe-an. each other.soc dine.pef /1plu.tra.pst ‘‘Artzak’’ restaurant.loc (56) a. E-zagu-tzen d-it-u-gu elkarr-en ahots-ak. know.ipf plu/1plu.tra each other.gen voice.plu b. . . . elkarr-en begi-e-ta-tik amodio-a eda-n-a-z. . . . each other.gen eye.plu.ela love drink.ptc.ins (57) a. Bat-a-k beste-a maite d-u. one.zep.erg other.zep love.ppr tra b. Guraso-ek bat-a beste-a maite d-u-te. parent.plu.erg one.del other.del love.ppr /plu.tra c. Guraso-ek bat-a-k beste-a maite d-u-te. parent.plu.erg one.del.erg other.del love.ppr /plu.tra (58) a. Bat-a beste-a maite d-u-gu. one.zep other.zep love.ppr /1plu.tra b. Bat-a-k beste-a maite d-u-gu. one.zep.erg other.zep love.ppr /1plu.tra (59) a. . . . bat-a beste-a gal-tze-ko beldurr-a. . . . one.zep other.zep lose.ven.adn fear b. Egipto guzti-an inor-k ere, bat-a beste-a ez z-u-en i-kus-ten. Egypt all.loc anybody.erg too one.zep other.zep not tra.pst see.ipf c. Atal guzti-ak bat-a beste-a-z ardura-tzen d-ir-a. part all.plu one.del other.del.ins care for.ipf plu.itr d. Bat-a beste-a-rekin ez haserre-tze-ko, . . . one.zep other.zep.soc not get angry at.ven.adn . . . e. Mila kilometro-ta-ra g-e-u-n-de-n bat-a beste-a-ren-gan-dik. thousand kilometer.idf.all be.1plu.syn.pst one.zep other.zep.ela f. Gertakari-ak agudo bat-a beste-a-ren gain-e-ra da-to(r)-z. event.plu fast one.del other.del.gen on top of come.plu.syn (60) a. Har-k batzu-k beste-(e)-en-gan-dik bereiz-i e-gi-n-go d-it-u. yonder one.erg some.plu other.zep.plu.ela divide do.fut plu/.tra b. Ha(r-en)-la ez z-ir-e-n batzu-ek beste-(e)-en-gan-(a) hurbil-du. yonder way not plu.itr.pst some.plu other.zep.plu.all come near to.pef Chapter 16

(1) a. Seme-a-k geldi-araz-i d-u zaldi-a. son.erg stop.cau.pef tra horse



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b. E-tza-n-araz-i n-u-en Ines. lie down.cau.pef /1.tra.pst Ines c. Barka-tu z-i-e-n ber-e anai-e-i, eta e-torr-araz-i forgive.pef /plu/.dtr.pst he himself.gen brother.plu.dat and come.cau.pef z-it-u-en Egipto-ra. plu/.tra.pst Egypt.all (2) a. Edurne-k Galarreta-ri haur bat-i bez-(ha)-la edan-araz-i z-i-o-n. Edurne.erg Galarreta.dat child a.dat sip drink.cau.pef dtr.pst b. Jan-araz-i d-i-o-zu zu-k Adan-i sagar debekatu-a? eat.cau.pef //2.dtr you.erg Adam.dat apple forbidden c. Bizi-a-k ja-ki-n-araz-i d-i-t gauza bat: . . . life.erg know.cau.pef /1/.dtr thing one.idf d. Bide-ko lagun bat bederen nahi z-i-o-te-n harr-araz-i. road.adn companion a at least want.ppr //plu.dtr.pst take.cau (3) a. Jon-e-k Xabierr-i Mikel hil-araz-i d-i-o. John.erg Xavier.dat Michael kill.cau.pef dtr b. Jon-e-k Xabierr-i Mikel i-kus-araz-i d-i-o. John-erg Xavier.dat Michael see.cau.pef dtr (4) a. Irakasle-a-k hamar liburu irakurr-araz-i d-i-z-ki-gu. teacher.erg ten book.idf read.cau.pef plu/1plu/.dtr b. Hamar liburu irakurr-arazi za-i-z-ki-gu. ten book.idf read.cau.pef 1plu/plu.dit (5) a.

Irakasle-a-k beti geldi-araz-ten g-a-it-u. teacher.erg always stay.cau.ipf 1plu/.tra b. **Beti geldi-araz-ten g-a-r-a. always stay.cau.ipf 1plu.itr

(6) a. Hamar liburu irakurr-araz-i d-i-z-ki-gu-te. ten book read.cau.pef plu/1plu/plu.dtr b. Beti geldi-araz-ten g-a-it-u-z-te. always stay.cau.ipf 1plu/plu.tra (7) a. Ait(a)-a e-karr-araz-i z-u-te-n. father bring in.cau.pef /plu.tra.pst b. Nahi d-u-t harr-araz-i. want.ppr /1.tra take.cau c. Abimelek-e-k Sara jauregi-ra e-ra-ma-n-araz-i z-u-en. Abimelek.erg Sara palace.all carry o造.cau.pef tra.pst d. Lan anitz-e-z ber-e buru-a e-zagu-t-araz-i d-u azken-e-an. work a lot of.idf.ins he.himself.gen head know.cau.pef tra end.loc

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(8) Gu-re aita-k ama-ri gona gorri-a eros-araz-i d-i-t. we.gen father.idf.erg mother.idf.dat skirt red buy.cau /1/.dtr (9) a. Jende-a-ri ber-e lo nagi-an irau-n-araz-te-ko ez d-u-gu people.dat he himself.gen sleep lazy.loc persist.cau.ven.adn not /1plu.tra kritik(a)-a-ren beharr-ik. critique.gen need.par b. Gerri-tik go(i)-ra ez z-u-en ezer, eta horr-e-k irau-n-araz-i z-i-o-n waist.gen top.all not tra.pst anything and that.erg remain.cau.pef dtr.pst bizi-rik. alive.sta (10) a. Tabako hosto-ak iraki-n-araz-ten z-it-u-z-te-n ur garbi-an. tobacco leaf.plu boil.cau.ipf plu/plu.tra.pst water clean.loc b. Iraki-n-araz-i ber-e-ha-la orratz-a eta ziztaÂźontzi-ak. boil.cau at once needle and ampule.plu (11) Norbait-e-k eta zerbait-e-k irau-n-araz-i d-i-o hizkuntz(a)-a-ri. someone.erg and something.erg last.cau.pef dtr language.dat (12) a. En-e Jainko-a, en-e Jainko-a, zer-ga(i)-tik utz-i n-a-u-zu? I.gen God I.gen God what.mot leave.pef 1/2.tra b. Ikasket(a)-ak utz-i d-it-u. study.plu leave.pef plu/.tra (13) a. Erre-tze-a-ri utz-i d-i-o. smoke.ven.dat quit.pef dtr b. Danuta-k segitu-an utz-i z-i-o-n igeri e-gi-te-a-ri. Danuta.erg soon cease.pef dtr.pst swim.idf make.ven.dat c. Ordu-an, am(a)-a-k negar e-gi-te-a-ri utz-i z-i-o-n. that time.loc mother.erg crying.idf do.ven.dat stop.pef dtr.pst (14) a. Ama-k negarr-a-ri utz-i z-i-o-n. Mother.idf.erg crying.dat stop.pef dtr.pst b. Lan-a-ri utz-i d-i-o. work.dat stop.pef dtr c. Bekatu-a-ri utz-i behar d-i-o-gu. sin.dat stop must.ppr //1plu.dtr (15) a. J-oa-te-n utz-i-ko d-i-zu-e-t, ez z-a-it-u-z-te-t gehi-ago geldi-araz-i-ko. go.ven.loc let.fut /2plu/1.dtr not 2plu/1.tra more.cop stay.cau.fut b. Utz-i-ko z-a-it-u-z-te-t j-oa-te-ra, eta ez z-a-it-u-z-te-t geldi-araz-i-ko gehi-ago. let.fut 2plu/1.tra go.ven.all and not 2plu/1.tra stay.cau.fut more.cop


(16) a. **Andoni-k Anthony.erg b. Andoni-k Anthony.erg c. Andoni-k Anthony.erg

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liburu-a-ri eror-tze-n utz-i d-i-o. book.dat fall.ven.loc let.pef dtr liburu-a eror-tze-n utz-i d-u. book fall.ven.loc let.pef tra liburu-a mahai gain-e-an utz-i d-u. book table.idf top.loc leave.pef tra

(17) a. Noragabe j-oa-te-n utz-i g-en-u-en ontzi-a. where.all without.pre go.ven.loc let.pef /1plu.tra.pst ship b. Utz-i bi-ak bat-e-ra haz-te-n. let two.zep.plu one.all grow up.ven.loc c. Zer-ga(i)-tik ez n-au-zu-e hil-tze-n utz-i? what.mot not 1/2plu.tra die.ven.loc let.pef (18) a. Ur-a-ri iraki-te-n utz-i d-i-o-t. water.dat boil.ven.loc let.pef //1.dtr b. Ur-a iraki-te-n utz-i d-u-t. water boil.ven-loc let.pef /1.tra (19) a. Ez d-u-t bakarr-ik laga. not /1.tra alone.sta leave.ppr b. Lan-a-ri laga beharr-e-an aurki-tu z-ir-e-n. work.dat stop necessity.loc find.pef plu.itr.pst c. Laga ume-e-i ni-re-gan-(r)a e-tor-tze-n. let child.plu.dat I.all come.ven.loc d. Laga-tzen al d-i-da-zu-e hitz e-gi-te-n? let.ipf int /1/2plu.dtr word.idf do.ven.loc e. Istil¼ots-a-k ez d-u ordu-rik konta-tze-n laga. (rain)drop sound.erg not tra hour.par count.ven.loc let.ppr (20) Zu-re izen-a bedeinka-tze-n hil-ko n-a-i-z. you.gen name bless.ven.loc die.fut 1.itr (21) a. Zahar eta berri-(e)-en arte-an hauta-tze-a ez da erraz. old.idf and new.plu.gen between choose.ven not be.syn easy.idf b. Zail da har-ekin bat ez e-tor-tze-a. di‰cult.idf be.syn that one.soc one not come.ven c. Zail-a da ben-e-ta-n Jainko-a-ren erreinu-an sar-tze-a. hard.idf be.syn really God.gen kingdom.loc enter.ven (22) a. Ez da gaitz erantzu-te-n. not be.syn hard.idf answer.ven.loc b. Zail iza-n-go da hori ja-ki-te-n. di‰cult.idf be.fut itr that know.ven.loc

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c. Ez da erraz egi(a)-a ja-ki-te-n. not be.syn easy.idf truth know.ven.loc d. Herri-e-ta-n gaitz-a da gauz(a)-ak isil-ik e-uki-tze-n. village.plu.loc hard be.syn thing.plu quiet.sta keep.ven.loc (23) a. Liburu hau-ek erraz-ak d-ir-a irakur-tze-n. book this.plu easy.plu be.plu.syn read.ven.loc b. Etxe hau erraz da garbi-tze-n. house this easy.idf be.syn clean.ven.loc c. Idazle-a-ren eginkizun-a erraz da adi-eraz-te-n, gaitz writer.gen duty easy.idf be.syn understand.cau.ven.loc hard.idf bete-tze-n. fulďŹ ll.ven.loc (24) a. Ez da erraz-a aberats bat han sar-tze-a. not be.syn likely rich a over there.loc enter.ven b. Gaitz da itsu-a-k kolore-(e)-en berri ja-ki-te-a. unlikely be.syn blind.zep.erg color.plu.gen news.idf know.ven (25) a. Itsasgizon-ak erraz-ak d-ir-a moskor-tze-n. sailor.plu likely.plu be.plu.syn get drunk.ven.loc b. Mozkor-tu-a-ga(i)-tikh-ani gaitz-a da eror-tze-n, lagun gabe get drunk.pef.def.mot unlikely be.syn fall.ven.loc escort.idf without.pre etxe-ra ba-da-ki e-tor-tze-n. house.all aff.know.syt come.ven.loc (26) a. Euri-a ari d-u. rain be busy.ppr tra b. Haize-a ari d-u. wind be busy.ppr tra c. Bero ari z-u-en itsus(i)-ki. heat be busy.ppr tra.pst horribly. (27) a. Argi-tze-n ari d-u. get light.ven.loc be busy.ppr tra b. Elurr-a ur-tze-n ari d-u. snow melt.ven.loc be busy.ppr tra (28) a. Hil-tze-n ari z-a-r-a. die.ven.loc be busy.ppr 2.itr b. Fermin liburu bat irakur-tze-n ari ze-n. Fermin book a read.ven.loc be busy.ppr itr.pst c. Orain sendagile-a-ren etxe-a garbi-tze-n ari-ko da ama. now doctor.gen house clean.ven.loc be busy.fut itr mother.idf


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d. Zer kanta-tze-n ari h-a-iz? what sing.ven.loc be busy.ppr 2sol.itr (29) a. Zer-ta-n ari z-a-r-a pentsa-tze-n? what.loc be busy.ppr 2.itr think.ven.loc b. Ari al z-a-r-e-te telebist(a)-a i-kus-te-n? be busy.ppr int 2plu.itr television watch.ven.loc c. Ume bat bez-(h)a-la ari h-a-iz porta-tze-n! child a sip be busy.ppr 2sol.itr behave.ven.loc (30) a. Igo-tze-n ari da liburu-(e)-en prezio-a. rise.ven.loc be busy.ppr itr book.plu.gen price b. Ile-a urdin-tze-n ari za-i-o. hair turn grey.ven.loc be busy.ppr dit c. Zorr-ak pila-tze-n ari zi-tza-i-z-ki-o-n. debt.plu pile up.ven.loc be busy.ipf /plu.dit.pst (31) a. Zer ari z-a-r-a? what be busy.ppr 2.itr b. Ezer ez d-ir-a ari. anything not plu.itr be busy.ppr c. Hura ere zerbait ari da. yonder one too something be busy.ppr itr (32) a.

Bonb(a-)ak orain-txe leher-tze-n ari d-ir-a. bomb.plu now.emp explode.ven.loc be busy.ppr plu.itr b. **Bonb(a)-a orain-txe leher-tze-n ari da. bomb now.emp explode.ven.loc be busy.ppr itr

(33) Andre horr-e-ta-z on-gi gogora-tze(*-)n (*ari) n-a-iz. lady that.ins well remember.ipf(*ven.loc) be busy.ppr 1.itr (34) a. Han-txe e-go-ten g-in-e-n etxe-an, gaztain(a)-ak ja-te-n over there.loc.emp sit.ipf 1plu.itr.pst house.loc chestnut.plu eat.ven.loc eta su-ar-i begira. and ďŹ re.dat looking.pre b. Pedro ere hai-(e)-ekin ze-go-en bero-tze-n. Peter too yonder one.plu.dat stand.syn.pst warm up.ven.loc (35) a. Milia-ri esa-te-ko irrika-tze-n n-a-go. Emily.dat tell.ven.adn yearn.ven.loc be.1.syn b. Orain zeru-an goza-tze-n da-go ber-e eternidade-a. now heaven.loc enjoy.ven.loc be.syn he himself.gen eternity

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c. Hogei lagun-en lan-ak e-gi-te-n da-go makina bakarr-a. twenty person.idf.gen job.plu do.ven.loc be.syn machine single (36) a. Hiru urte i-bil-i z-ir-e-n elkarr-i eskutitz-ak ida(t)z-te-n. three year.idf walk.pef plu.itr.pst each other.dat letter.plu write.ven.loc b. Etxe-a lore-z apain-tze-n i-bil-i n-a-iz egunero. house ower.idf.ins decorate.ven.loc walk.pef 1.itr every day c. Gu elkar hil-tze-n i-bil-i g-in-e-n. we each other kill.ven.loc walk.pef 1plu.itr.pst (37) Zer z-a-bil-tza, Garazi? what walk.2.syn Grace (38) a. Hemen ere ba-z-ihardu-en eri-ak senda-tze-n. here.loc too busy.syt.pst sick.zep.plu heal.ven.loc b. Jende-a-ri e-raku(t)s-te-n/i-ra-kas-te-n luzaro jardu-n z-u-en. people.dat teach.ven.loc for a long time be busy.pef tra.pst (39) a. Goiz-e-ko lau eta erdi-ak arte eda-te-n jardu-n z-u-te-n. morning.adn four and half.plu until drink.ven.loc keep.pef /plu.tra.pst b. Noiz arte jardu-n behar d-i-gu gizon horr-e-k zorigaitz-a when until keep be going to.ppr /1plu/.dtr man that.erg bad luck sor-tze-n? cause.ven.loc (40) a. Gu-k otoitz e-gi-te-n ja-rrai-tu-ko d-u-gu. we.erg prayer.idf do.ven.loc continue.fut /1plu.tra b. Lurr-e-an ida(t)z-te-n ja-rrai-tu z-u-en. ground.loc write.ven.loc continue.pef tra.pst c. Lehen bez-(h)a-la e-tor-tze-n ja-rrai-tzen ze-n. before sip come.ven.loc continue.ipf itr.pst d. Bihar segi-tu-ko d-u-gu hitz e-gi-te-n. tomorrow continue.fut /1plu.tra word.idf do.ven.loc (41) a. Argi-a gabe has-i-ko z-ir-e-n lan-e-an. daylight without.pre begin.fut plu.itr.pst work.loc b. Negarr-e-z has-i ze-n haurr-a ozen-ki. tear.idf.ins begin.pef itr.pst child loudly c. Piarres has-ten da oihu-ka. Peter start.ipf itr shouting and shouting.adv (42) a. Egun ber-e-an has-i z-u-en arlo-a. day same.loc begin.pef tra.pst task



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b. Has-i z-u-te-n etxe-ra-ko bide-a. begin.pef /plu.tra.pst house.all.adn way c. Lamin(a)-ek gau har-ta-n ber-ta-n has-i z-u-te-n elf.plu.erg night yonder.loc it itself.idf.loc begin.pef /plu.tra.pst ber-(e)-en lan-a. he himself.plu.gen work (43) a. Ilun-tze-n has-i d-u. get dark.ven.loc start.pef tra b. Hamaik(a)-ak alde-an has-i z-u-en laino-a ken-tze-n. eleven o’clock.plu side.loc begin.pef tra.pst fog withdraw.ven.loc (44) a. Zerbait ja-te-n has-ten da. something eat.ven.loc begin.ipf itr b. Har-en gerri-a, bern(a)-ak, bularr-ak eta gorputz oso-a laztan-tze-n yonder one.gen waist leg.plu breast.plu and body whole fondle.ven.loc has-i ze-n. begin.pef itr.pst c. Ni-re lore-ak zimel-tze-n has-i d-ir-a. I.gen flower.plu fade.ven.loc begin.pef plu.itr (45) a. Noiz has-i z-in-e-n euskara-z ikas-te-n? when begin.pef 2.itr.pst Basque.idf.ins learn.ven.loc b. Garai ederr-e-an has-ten h-a-iz pentsa-tze-n. time fine.loc begin.ipf 2sol.itr think.ven.loc c. Has-i z-ir-e-n zotz e-gi-te-n. begin.pef plu.itr.pst lot.idf do.ven.loc (46) Gogo-z abia-tu n-a-iz euskal hiztegi hon-en atalaurre-an hitz pleasure.idf.ins set out.pef 1.itr Basque dictionary this.gen introduction.loc word batzu molda-tze-n. a few formulate.ven.loc (47) a. Gizon-a-k auto-a garbi-tze-n amai-tu d-u. man.erg car wash.ven.loc finish.pef tra b. Jaun-a-ren bide zuzen-ak oker-tze-n ez d-u-zu amai-tu-ko? Lord.gen way straight.plu pervert.ven.loc not /2.tra cease.fut c. Neskatx(a)-a jan(t)z-te-n amai-tze-n ari ze-n. girl dress.ven.loc finish.ven.loc be busy.ppr itr.pst d. Ba-da-ki-zu-e zein liburu amai-tu n-u-en irakur-tze-n atzo? aff.know./2plu.syt which book finish.pef /1.tra.pst read.ven.loc yesterday (48) a. Noe-k kutxa hau e-gi-te-n urte asko igaro z-it-u-en. Noah.erg ark this make.ven.loc year many spend.pef plu/.tra.pst

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b. Minutu luze-ak e-ma-ten d-it-u azal zuri leun-a lehor-tze-n. minute long.plu give.ipf plu/.tra surface white smooth dry.ven.loc c. Urte-ak da-ra-ma-tza-zu esne-a bana-tze-n. year.plu spend.plu/2.syt milk distribute.ven.loc d. Gau eta egun zu-ri / zu-gan pentsa-tze-n da-rama-t en-e bizi-a. night and day.idf you.dat you.loc think of.ven.loc spend./1.syt I.gen life (49) a. Ba al da-ki-k bizikleta gain-e-an i-bil-tze-n? aff int know./2sol.syt bicycle.idf top.loc move.ven.loc b. Ez n-u-en garai-z ezetz esa-te-n ja-ki-n. not /1.tra.pst in time no.idf say.ven.loc know.pef c. Nor-k da-ki gauz(a)-en zergati-a argi-tze-n? who.erg know.syt thing.plu.gen reason explain.ven.loc (50) a. Sendagile-ek gezur asko esa-te-n da-ki-te. doctor.plu.erg lie a lot tell.ven.loc be familiar with./plu.syt b. Nahigabe-a-k ez da-ki ordu-ak neur(ri)-tze-n. sorrow.erg not be familiar with.syt hour.plu measure.ven.loc (51) a. Amona-k Grandmother.idf.erg b. Amona-k Grandmother.idf.erg (52) a. Euskara-z Basque.idf.ins b. Euskara-z Basque.idf.ins

piano-a piano piano-a piano

hitz word.idf hitz word.idf

jo-tze-n aha(t)z-tu e-gi-n d-u. play.ven.loc forget do.pef tra jo-tze-a aha(t)z-tu e-gi-n d-u. play.ven forget do.pef tra

e-gi-te-n aha(t)z-tu za-i-o. do.ven.loc forget.pef dit e-gi-te-a aha(t)z-tu za-i-o. do.ven forget.pef dit

(53) a. Ez d-u-t ikas-i emakumezko-(e)-en gorabehera eta matrikul(a)-ak not /1.tra learn.pef female.plu.gen ups and downs.idf and shift.plu konpreni-tze-n. understand.ven.loc b. Polizi(a)-a-ri inor ez sala-tze-n ikas-i behar d-u-zu. police.dat anyone not betray.ven.loc learn must.ppr /2.tra c. Ni-k ez d-u-t hitz-ik e-gi-te-n asma-tzen. I.erg not /1.tra word.par do.ven.loc manage.ipf (54) a. Neka-tu n-a-iz eder-ki hon-(r)a-ino e-tor-tze-n. get tired.pef 1.itr pretty here.ter come.ven.loc b. Lotsa-tu e-gi-ten n-in-tz-e-n ama laztan-tze-n. get ashamed do.ipf 1.itr.pst mother.idf hug.ven.loc c. Beatriz maitagarri-a ez ze-n asper-tzen piano-a jo-tze-n. Beatrice lovely not itr.pst tire of.ipf piano play.ven.loc


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d. Asper-tu e-gi-n al d-ir-a poloniarr-ak hi-re ogi-a ja-te-n? have enough of do.pef int plu.itr Pole.plu you.sol.gen bread eat.ven.loc e. Orain arte bakarr-ik bizi-tze-n etsi d-u-gu. now until alone.sta live.ven.loc resign.pef /1plu.tra f. Beldur al h-a-iz bakarr-ik e-tor-tze-n? fear.idf int be.2sol.syn alone.sta come.ven.loc g. Zer-ga(i)-tik ez z-a-r-e-te ikara-tzen Moises-en kontra hitz e-gi-te-n? what.mot not 2plu.itr be frightened.ipf Moses.gen against word do.ven.loc (55) a. Zer-ga(i)-tik buru-a nek(a)-araz-i gaizkile-a bila-tze-n? what.mot head tire out.cau criminal search for.ven.loc b. Lan-ak iza-n-go d-it-u-gu horr-e-ta-z libra-tze-n. work.plu have.fut plu/1plu.tra that.ins free.ven.loc c. Lan haundi-ak har-tu d-it-u-zu ni-re fitx(a)-a ikas-te-n. work great.plu take.pef plu/2.tra I.gen file learn.ven.loc d. Kazetari-ak haiza-tze-n nahiko lan iza-n-go z-u-te-n. journalist.plu chase away.ven.loc plenty work have.fut /plu.tra.pst (56) a. Saia-tu n-a-iz gerlari-(e)-ekin hitz e-gi-te-n. try.perf 1.itr soldier.plu.soc word.idf do.ven.loc b. Zer-ta-ra-ko saia-tu g-eu-re buru-ak dotore-tze-n? what.des try we.ref.gen head.plu make pretty.ven.loc c. Mundu-a-k, goiz edo berandu, saia-tu behar-ko z-u-en makurr-ak world.erg early or late try have to.fut tra.pst mistake.plu zuzen-tze-n. rectify.ven.loc d. Har-en uste on-a irabaz-te-n ahalegin-du n-in-tz-e-n. yonder one.gen belief good gain.ven.loc do one’s best.pef 1.itr.pst e. Itxur(a)-ak gorde-tze-n ahalegin-du n-in-tz-e-n, ordea. appearance.plu keep up.ven.loc do one’s best.pef 1.itr.pst however f. Apaiz-a-k ahalegin-ak e-gi-n z-it-u-en har-en arim(a)-a priest.erg endeavor.plu do.pef plu/.tra.pst yonder one.gen soul lokaliza-tze-n. locate.ven.loc (57) a. Auto-a har-tze-ra n-ind-oa-n. car get.ven.all go.1.syn.pst b. Zu j-oa-n-go al z-a-r-a kazetari horr-ekin hitz e-gi-te-ra? you go.fut int 2.itr journalist that.soc word.idf do.ven.all c. Ni ito-tze-ra z-a-to(r)-z-te. I strangle.ven.all come.2plu.syn

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d. Baina lurr-a emakume-a-ri lagun-tze-ra e-torr-i z-e-n. but earth woman.dat help.ven.all come.pef itr.pst (58) a. Zer-ta-ra h-a-tor herri hon-e-ta-ra? Gu-ri nesk(a)-ak what.all come.2sol.syn town this.all we.dat girl.plu ken-tze-ra? take away.ven.all b. Zer-ta-ra-ko h-a-tor herri hon-e-ta-ra? Gu-ri nesk(a)-ak what.des come.2sol.syn town this.all we.dat girl.plu ken-tze-ko? take away.ven.adn (59) a. Kanpo-ra atera n-a-iz zigarro bat erre-tze-ra. outside.all step out.pef 1.itr cigarette a smoke.ven.all b. Palmondo-ra igo-ko n-a-iz har-en fruitu-ak har-tze-ra. palm tree.all climb up.fut 1.itr yonder one.gen fruit.plu grasp.ven.all c. Go(i)-ra al z-oa-z afal-tze-ra? top.all int go.2.syn have supper.ven.all d. Baina hai-ek ez z-ir-e-n zu hil-tze-ra e-torr-i. but yonder one.plu not plu.itr.pst you kill.ven.all come.pef e. Orain-dik ez al d-ir-a poloniarr-ak gosal-tze-ra azal-du? yet not int plu.itr Pole.plu have breakfast.ven.all appear.pef (60) a. Otso wolf b. Otso wolf

hau this hau this

alda-tu da bildots iza-te-ra? change.pef itr lamb.idf be.ven.all bihur-tu da bildots iza-te-ra? turn into.pef itr lamb.idf be.ven.all

(61) a. Berdin-tsu-ak iza-te-ra e-torr-i g-a-r-a. be.ven.all come.pef 1plu.itr b. Beste-ren limosn(a)-a-z bizi-tze-ra e-torr-i z-ir-e-n. other.idf.gen alms.ins live.ven.all end up.pef plu.itr.pst (62) Gudalburu iza-te-ra hel-du z-ir-e-n. army captain.idf be.ven.all come to.pef plu.itr.pst (63) a. No-la irits-i n-a-iz gaizkile-a aurki-tze-ra? how manage.pef 1.itr criminal ďŹ nd.ven.all b. Hori uler-tze-ra iri(t)s-ten n-a-iz. that understand.ven.all manage.ipf 1.itr (64) Ez d-ir-a euskara-rik ikas-te-ra makur-tu-ko. not plu.itr Basque.par learn.ven.all stoop.fut



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(65) Debozio-z-ko lan guzti-ak debeka-tze-ra-ino irits-i z-ir-e-n. devotion.ins.adn work all.plu prohibit.ven.ter go as far as to.pef plu.itr.pst (66) a. Lapurreta txiki-ak e-gi-te-ra ohi-tu ze-n. theft small.plu commit.ven.all get used to.pef itr.pst b. Bakarr-ik bizi iza-te-n ohi-tu ze-n. alone.sta live.ppr be.ven.loc get used to.pef itr.pst c. Zu-re aho-a ez da-di-la ohi-tu zin e-gi-te-n. you.gen mouth not itr.suj.lcz get used to.pef oath.idf do.ven.loc d. Ez ohi-tu z-eu-re aho-a itsuskeri(a)-ak esa-te-ra. not accustom you.ref.gen mouth obscenity.plu speak.ven.all (67) a. Ez da inor ezer-ta-ra ausar(t)-tzen, ez ja-te-ra, ez mintza-tze-ra. not itr anyone anything.all dare.ipf not eat.ven.all not speak.ven.all b. Luis ez ze-n galdera-rik e-gi-te-ra ausar(t)-tu. Luis not itr.pst question.par make.ven.all dare.pef c. No-la mentura-tu z-ar-e-te e-tor-tze-ra? how dare.pef 2plu.itr come.ven.all d. Ez g-a-r-a atrebi-tzen i-kus-te-ra gizon har-en aurpegi-a. not 1plu.itr dare see.ven.all man yonder.gen face (68) a. No-la-ta-n ausar(t)-tzen z-a-r-a hemen sar-tze-n ni-re baimen-ik how dare.ipf 2.itr here.loc come in.ven.loc I.gen permission.par gabe? without.pre b. Inor ez ze-n ausar(t)-tu ezer esa-te-n. anybody not itr.pst dare.pef anything say.ven.loc (69) a. Gal-tze-ra g-oa-z! perish.ven.all go.1plu.syn b. Soinu-a buka-tze-ra di-h-oa. music end.ven.all go.syn c. Hogeita hamazazpi urte bete-tze-ra n-oa. twenty seventeen year.idf complete.ven.all go.1.syn d. Neskame-a-rekin ezkon-tze-ra omen z-oa-z. maid.soc marry.ven.all rep go.2.syn e. Horma zahar hori eror-tze-ra d-oa. wall old that fall.ven.all go.syn (70) a. Baina ez n-oa inor-i esa-te-ra. but not go.1.syn anyone.dat tell.ven.all b. Etxe-a ez zi-h-oa-n u(t)z-te-ra. house not go.1.syn.pst leave.ven.all

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(71) a. Azken nahi-a irakur-tze-ra n-oa-ki-zu-e. last will read.ven.all go.2plu/1.dyn b. Ez n-oa-ki-zu liburu hon-en egile-a aurkez-te-ra. not go.2/1.dyn book this.gen author present.ven.all (72) a. Horr-e(n)-ga(i)-tik j-oa-n n-in-tza-i-o-n agur esa-te-ra. that.mot go.pef /1.dit.pst goodbye.idf say.ven.all b. Ni j-oa-n-go n-a-tza-i-zu lagun-tze-ra. I go.fut 2/1.dit help.ven.all c. Hi-re ama e-torr-i-ko za-i-k lagun-tze-ra. you.sol.gen mother.idf come.fut 2sol/.dit help.ven.all (73) a. Hori esa-te-n ari n-in-tza-i-o-n atezain-a-ri. that say.ven.loc be busy.ppr /1.dit.pst doorkeeper.dat b. Zorr-ak pila-tze-n ari zi-tza-i-z-ki-o-n. debt.plu pile up.ven.loc be busy.ppr /plu.dit.pst c. Ordu-an, anai-ak hitz e-gi-te-n has-i zi-tza-i-z-ki-o-n. that time.loc brother.plu word.idf do.ven.loc begin.pef /plu.dit.pst d. Bisit(a)-ak ugari-tze-n has-i n-in-tza-i-o-n. visit.plu increase.ven.loc begin.pef /1.dit.pst e. Gizon pottolo-a-ri irrin˜o-z begira-tze-n gera-tu n-in-tza-i-o-n. man chubby.dat little smile.idf.ins look at.ven.loc keep on.pef /1.dit.pst f. Eskutitz-ak ida(t)z-te-n ja-rrai-tu z-i-o-n Pello-k Miren-i. letter.plu write.ven.loc go on.pef dtr.pst Pete.erg Mary.dat (74) a. Ni saia-tu n-in-tza-i-o-n ate-ak zabal-tze-n. I try.pef /1.dit.pst door.plu open.ven.loc b. Diru-a bidal-tze-n ahalegin-du n-a-tza-i-o. money send.ven.loc do one’s best.pef /1.dit (75) a. Eta gero-z-tik ez zi-tza-i-o-n inor galde-tze-ra ausar(t)-tzen. and thereafter not dit.pst anyone ask.ven.all dare.ipf b. Atrebi-tu-ko n-a-tza-i-o berri-z ere mintza-tze-ra en-e Jainko-a-ri. dare.fut /1.dit new.idf.ins too speak.ven.all I.gen God.dat (76) Iritzi-a eska-tze-ra hurbil-tze-ra ere ez n-a-tza-i-o atrebi-tzen. opinion ask.ven.all approach.ven.all too not /1.dit dare.ipf (77) a. Aita-ri i-kus-te-ra n-oa-ki-o. Father.idf.dat see.ven.all go./1.dyn b. Ba-n-oa-ki-o i-ra-tzar-tze-ra. aff.go./1.dyn wake up.ven.all c. Jendetza handi-ak urruti-e-ta-tik zi-h-oa-z-ki-o-n adora-tze-ra. crowd large.plu distant.zep.plu.ela go./plu.dyn.pst adore.ven.all


Glosses for Chapter 16

d. Asko j-oa-ten zi-tza-i-z-ki-o-n i-kus-te-ra. many.zep go.ipf /plu.dit.pst see.ven.all e. Don Jorje Nabera ardura j-oa-ten zi-tza-i-o-n i-kus-te-ra. Don Jorje Nabera often go.ipf dit.pst see.ven.all f. Bisita-tze-ra e-torr-i za-i-gu Andoni. visit.ven.all come.pef 1plu/.dit Anthony g. Eta i-kus-te-ra e-torr-i z-in-tza-i-z-ki-da-te-n. and see.ven.all come.pef 1/2plu.dit.pst (78) a. Idumearr-ak eta siriarr-ak has-i zi-tza-i-z-ki-o-n zirika-tze-n. Idumean.plu and Syrian.plu begin.pef /plu.dit.pst challenge.ven.loc b. Andoni jo-tze-n has-i za-i-zu zu-ri. Anthony hit.ven.loc begin.pef 2/.dit you.dat (79) ?Andoni zu jo-tze-n has-i da. Anthony you hit.ven.loc begin.pef itr (80) a. Liburu hori-ek irakur-tze-ra d-oa-tza. book that.plu read.ven.all go.plu/.syn b. Etsai-a-ri arm(a)-ak har-tze-ra n-ind-oa-z-ki-o-n. enemy.dat weapon.plu take.ven.all go.plu//1.syn.pst c. Bi hitz esa-te-ra n-oa-z-ki-zu. two word.idf say.ven.all go.2/plu/1.syn (81) a. Ez d-i-t ezer eda-te-n u(t)z-ten. not /1/.dtr anything drink.ven.loc let.ipf b. Asetasun-a-k ez d-u aberats-a lo e-gi-te-ra u(t)z-ten. repleteness.erg not tra rich.zep sleep.idf do.ven.all let.ipf (82) a. Zeru-ko ogi-a e-ma-n z-i-e-n ja-te-n. heaven.adn bread give.pef /plu/.dtr.pst eat.ven.loc b. Seme-a-ri eda-te-n e-ma-n z-i-o-n. son.dat drink.ven.loc give.pef dtr.pst (83) a. Ida(t)z-te-n i-ra-kats-i z-i-gu-n. write.ven.loc teach.pef /1plu/.dtr.pst b. Zu-k e-ra-ku(t)s-ten d-i-da-zu zeru-ra begira-tze-n. you.erg show.ipf /1/2.dtr heaven.all look at.ven.loc c. E-ra-kuts-i-ko d-i-na-t ni-k hi-re haize-ak teach.fut /2sol.fem/1.dtr I.erg you.sol.gen air.plu gorde-tze-n. keep to oneself.ven.loc (84) a. Lagun-du-ko d-i-zu-t bidoi-a sar-tze-n? help.fut /2/1.dtr drum bring in.ven.loc

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b. Jainko-a-k lagun-du z-i-o-n ďŹ listearr-ak garai-tze-n. God.erg help.pef dtr.pst Philistine.plu defeat.ven.loc c. Ez al d-i-da-k brotxe-a aukera-tze-ra lagun-du behar? not int /1/2sol.dtr brooch choose.ven.all accompany be going to.ppr (85) a. Ez d-u-gu ate-a zabal-tze-n i-kus-i. not /1plu.tra door open.ven.loc see.pef b. Nor-k i-kus-i d-u inor hil-tze-n? who.erg see.pef tra anyone kill.ven.loc c. Jai bakoitz-e-an nexka berri-a i-kus-ten z-a-it-u-t maita-tze-n. festival each.loc girl new see.ipf 2/1.tra love.ven.loc (86) a.

Ardo-a ni-k behin i-kus-i n-u-en e-gi-te-n. wine I.erg once see.pef /1.tra.pst make.ven.loc b. Etxe hori i-kus-i d-u-gu jaso-tze-n. house that see.pef /1plu.tra build.ven.loc c. ?**Etxe hori i-kus-i d-u-gu zu-ek jaso-tze-n. house that see.pef /1plu.tra you.plu.erg build.ven.loc

(87) a. Ez z-a-it-u-t inoiz dantza-n i-kus-i. not 2/1.tra ever dance.idf.loc see.pef b. Zer-ta-n i-kus-i d-it-u-zu ehiztari-ak? Azeri-ak hil-tze-n. what.loc see.pef plu/2.tra hunter.plu fox.plu kill.ven.loc (88) a. Mintzo bat e-ntzu-n n-u-en ni-ri esa-te-n: . . . voice a hear.pef /1.tra.pst I.dat say.ven.loc b. Zu-re aita-ri e-ntzu-n d-i-o-t Esau-ri esa-te-n: . . . you.gen father.idf.dat hear.pef //1.dtr Esau.dat say.ven.loc c. Sar-tze-n e-ntzu-n d-u-t. come in.ven.loc hear.pef /1.tra (89) a. Gu-k ber-e aho-tik esa-te-n adi-tu d-i-o-gu. we.erg he himself.gen mouth.ela say.ven.loc hear.pef //1plu.dtr b. Adi-tu d-u-t zu-re aita mintza-tze-n zu-re anaia Esau-rekin. hear.pef /1.tra you.gen father.idf speak.ven.loc you.gen brother Esau.soc (90) a. Goiz-e-ko ordu-e-ta-n e-tor-tze-n suma-tu z-u-en. morning.adn hour.plu.loc come.ven.loc notice.pef tra.pst b. Senti-tzen z-a-it-u-t sala berri-an jaik-i-tze-n. notice.ipf 2/1.tra parlor new.loc get up.ven.loc c. Asab(a)-en odol-a ber-e zain-e-ta-n iraki-te-n nabari-tzen ancestor.plu.gen blood he himself.gen vein.plu.loc boil.ven.loc feel.ipf z-u-en. tra.pst


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d. En-e lagun-a hautema-ten d-u-t ahul-tze-n. I.gen companion notice.ipf /1.tra get weaker.ven.loc (91) a. Emakume hau ezkontz(a)¼nahas-te-n aurki-tu d-u-gu. woman this commit adultery.ven.loc find.pef /1plu.tra b. Gu-re nazio-a nahaspila-tze-n harrapa-tu d-u-gu gizon hau. we.gen nation subvert.ven.loc catch.pef /1plu.tra man this (92) a. Larunbat-e-an afal-tze-ra gonbida-tzen h-a-u-t. Saturday.loc have dinner.ven.all invite.ipf 2sol/1.tra b. Bihar hil-tze-ra kondena-tu z-u-te-n atzo. tomorrow die.ven.all condemn.pef /plu.tra.pst yesterday (93) a. Hori-ek gosal-tze-ra da-ra-ma-tza-gu. that.plu have breakfast.ven.all take away.plu/1plu.syt b. Nor-k e-rama-n d-u Katalin josta-tze-ra izarr-a(k-e)kin. who.erg take away.pef tra Katalin play.ven.all star.plu.soc c. Ardo-a eros-te-ra bidal-i n-a-u-te. wine buy.ven.all send.pef 1/plu.tra (94) a. Ama-k mataza hau-ek garbi-tze-ra bidal-i n-a-u ibai hon-e-ta-ra. Mother.idf.erg skein this.plu wash.ven.all send.pef 1/.tra river this.all b. Irunea-tik e-karr-i d-u-te hil-tze-ra. Pamplona.ela bring.pef /plu.tra die.ven.all (95) a. Ber-a-ri kalte e-gi-te-ra bultza-tu n-ind-u-a-n. he himself.dat harm.idf do.ven.all push.pef 1/2sol.tra.pst b. Pauso txar bat e-ma-te-ra bultza-tu n-ind-u-te-n. step false a give.ven.all push.pef 1/plu.tra.pst c. Nagusi-a-k ber-a-rekin ezkon-tze-ra behar-tu omen z-u-en. boss.erg he himself.soc marry.ven.all force.pef rep tra.pst d. Egunero jan beharr-a-k lan-a har-tze-ra behar-tzen n-ind-u-en. every day eat need.erg job take.ven.all force.ipf 1/.tra.pst (96) a.

Bizarr-a mo(t)z-te-a e-ra-bak-i d-u-t. beard cut.ven decide.pef /1.tra b. **Bizar¼mo(t)z-te-a e-ra-bak-i d-u-t. **beard-cut.ven decide.pef /1.tra

(97) a. Bizar¼mo(t)z-te-n beard-cutting.ven.loc b. Bizar¼mo(t)z-te-n beard-cutting.ven.loc

ari da. be busy.ppr itr i-kus-i d-u-gu. see.pef /1plu.tra

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c. Bizar¼mo(t)z-te-n ez d-u orain-dik ikas-i. beard-cutting.ven.loc not tra yet learn.pef (98) a. Bartel patata¼zuri-tze-n ari ze-n sukalde-an. Bartel potato-peeling.ven.loc be busy.ppr itr.pst kitchen.loc b. Lepo¼mo(t)z-te-n ari d-ir-a. Throat-cutting.ven.loc be busy.ppr plu.itr (99) Joko-a, azken fin-e-an, e-zagu-n-a-ren eta ez-e-zagu-n-a-ren arte-ko Game last end.loc known.zep.gen and unknown.zep.gen between.adn orekagune-a aurki-tze-an da-tza. balance find.ven.def.loc lie down.syn (100) a. Itziar i-kus-i Itziar see.pef b. Itziar i-kus-i Itziar see.pef

d-u-t /1.tra d-u-t /1.tra

etxera-tze-an. go home.ven.def.loc etxera-tze-n. go home.ven.loc

Chapter 17

(1) a. Inor-k behi bat hil-tzen ba-d-u, urka-tu e-gi-ten d-u-te segi-tu-an. anyone.erg cow a kill.ipf cdp.tra hang do.ipf /plu.tra at once b. Norbait-e-k Gizon-a-ren Seme-a-ren kontra zerbait esa-ten ba-d-u, someone.erg Man.gen Son.gen against something say.ipf cdp.tra barka-tu-ko d-i-o Jainko-a-k. forgive.fut dtr God.erg c. Nor-k e-gi-n-go d-i-zu-e kalte, zu-ek beti on e-gi-te-n who.erg do.fut /2plu/.dtr harm.idf you.plu always good.idf do.ven.loc saia-tzen ba-z-a-r-e-te? try.ipf cdp.2plu.itr (2) a. Bakarr-ik geldi-tu ba-da mundu-an, horr-e-ta-n ez d-u hoben-ik. alone.sta stay.pef cdp.itr world.loc that.loc not have.syt guilt.par b. Beste-la, itsu-a ba-da-bil itsu¼mutil, on-gi jaio-ak otherwise blind.zep cdp.act.syn guide to the blind.idf well born.plu g-a-u-de. be.1plu.syn c. Itsu bat jar-tzen ba-da beste bat-en itsu¼aurreko, blind a put oneself up as.ipf cdp.itr other a.gen guide to the blind.idf bi-ak zulo-ra eror-i-ko d-ir-a. two.zep.plu pit.all fall.fut plu.itr


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(3) a. Ni-k ez z-a-it-u-t utz-i-ko, zu-k ez ba-n-a-u-zu u(t)z-ten. I.erg not 2/1.tra leave.fut you.erg not cdp.1/2.tra leave.ipf b. Ez ba-d-u-zu ja-ten, ez z-a-r-a haundi-tu-ko. not cdp./2.tra eat.ipf not 2.itr grow up.fut c. Gaixo-a ez ba-da senda-tzen, mediku-a-k d-u erru-a. patient not cdp.itr recover.ipf doctor.erg tra fault d. ber-e-ha(r-en)-la ez ba-d-u-zu-e alde e-gi-ten, zakurr-a-k puska-tu at once not cdp./2plu.tra place.idf make.ipf dog.erg tear to pieces e-gin-go z-a-it-u-z-te. do.fut 2plu/.tra (4) a. E-ra-bil-tzen ez ba-da, hil e-gi-ten da euskar(a)-a. use.ipf not cdp.itr die do.ipf itr Basque b. Gehi-ago ardo-rik eda-ten ez ba-d-u-n, abera(t)s-tu-ko more.cop wine.par drink.ipf not cdp./2sol.fem.tra make rich.fut g-a-it-u-n. 1plu/2sol.fem.tra c. Itzul-tzen ez ba-d-i-o-zu, zin-e-z hil-ko z-a-r-e-te. restore.ipf not cdp.//2.dtr surely die.fut 2plu.itr d. Etxe-a Jaun-a-k e-ra-ik-i-tzen ez ba-d-u, alferr-ik ari d-ir-a house Lord.erg build.ipf not cdp.tra in vain.sta be busy.ppr plu.itr etxegile-ak. builder.plu (5) a. Ni zerbait iza-n baldin ba-n-a-iz, hi(t)zkuntzalari-a iza-n n-a-iz. I something be.pef cdc cdp.1.itr linguist be.pef 1.itr b. Gorde nahi baldin ba-d-u, gorde-ko d-u. keep want.ppr cdc cdp.tra keep.fut tra c. Beste eredu-rik ez baldin ba-da-kar, ez d-u mintza-tze-ko other model.par not cdc cdp.bring.syt not have.syt speak.ven.adn eskubide-rik. right.par d. Ez baldin ba-d-u-zu-e sine(t)s-ten, eror-i-ko z-a-r-e-te. not cdc cdp.2.plu.tra believe.ipf fall.fut 2plu.itr (6) a. Baldin ha(r-en)-la ez ba-da, euskaldun-ek ber-ek cdc that way not Basque.plu.erg he himself.plu.erg d-u-te falt(a)-a eta ez euskar(a)-a-k. have./plu.tra blame and not Basque language.erg b. Baldin gaur arrats-e-an gorde-tzen ez ba-z-a-r-a, bihar hil behar-ko cdc today evening.loc hide.ipf not cpc.2.itr tomorrow die have to.fut

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z-a-r-a. 2.itr c. Baldin ez ba-d-u-t negar e-gi-ten, harri-z-ko-a d-u-t bihotz-a. cdc not cdp./1.tra crying.idf do.ipf made of stone.zep have./1.syt heart d. Baldin Hazparne itzal-tzen ba-da, ez d-u-gu Euskal Herri-rik. cdc Hazparne disappear.ipf cdp.itr not have./1plu.syt Basque Country.par (7) Baldin eta han-dik irte-ten ba-n-a-iz, zu eta zu-re-ak ni-re fede-ra cdc exp there.ela come out cdp.1.itr you and you.gen.zep.plu I.gen faith.all konberti-tu-ko z-a-r-e-te. convert.fut 2plu.itr (8) a. Pilomena-k ja-ki-ten ba-d-u, larru-tu-ko z-a-it-u. Philomene.erg know.ipf cdp.tra skin.fut 2/.tra b. Osaba zerritegi-ra e-tor-tzen ba-da, ez d-i-o-t sar-tze-n utz-i-ko. Uncle pigsty.all come.ipf cdp.itr not //1.dtr enter.ven.loc let.fut c. Oste-ra i-kus-ten ba-g-a-r-a, e-ma-n-go d-i-zu-t esku-a. back part.all see.ipf cdp.1plu.itr give.fut /2/1.dtr hand d. Ostiral-e-ta-n e-tor-tzen ba-z-a-ra, plazer haundi-z hitze-gi-n-go d-u-t Friday.plu.loc come.ipf cdp.2.itr pleasure great.idf.ins talk.fut /1.tra zu-rekin. you.soc (9) a. Batasun-a premia-z-ko-a da, hi(t)zkuntz(a) bizi-ko baldin ba-da. uniďŹ cation necessary.zep be.syn language live.fut cdc cdp.itr b. Horr-e(n)-la iza-n-go da aurre-ra ere, bizi-ko baldin ba-da. like that be.fut itr front part.all too live.fut cdc cdp.itr (10) a. Baina egi(a)-a ba-d-io-t, zer-ga(i)-tik ez d-i-da-zu-e sine(t)s-ten? but truth cdp.tell./1.syt what.mot not /1/2plu.dtr believe.ipf b. Hi-k ez ba-da-ki-k, nor-k ote da-ki? you.sol.erg not cdp.know./2sol.syt who.erg dub know.syt c. Eta ni-k ez ba-d-u-t hitze-gi-ten, no-la ja-ki-n-go d-u-te? and I.erg not cdp./1.tra talk.ipf how know.fut /plu.tra d. Zer esa-n behar d-u herri-a-k, hori ja-ki-ten ba-d-u? what say be going to.ppr tra village.erg that know.ipf cdp.tra (11) a. Gai(t)z-ki hitzegi-n ba-d-u-t, esa-n zer-ta-n. wrongly speak.pef cdp./1.tra say what.loc b. Auto-ra-ino lagun-du nahi ba-d-i-da-k, e-torr-i ni-rekin. car.ter keep company want.ppr cdp./1/2sol.dtr come I.soc c. Barka-tu, itxaron-araz-i ba-d-i-zu-e-t. forgive wait.cau.pef cdp./2plu/1.dtr


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(12) a. Ni errege baldin ba-n-in-tz, erregina z-in-a-te-ke. I king.idf cdc queen.idf be.2.syn.cod b. Hemen ba-z-in-a edo hor ba-n-en-go, zu-re begi triste-ak here.loc or there you.gen eye sad.plu alai-tze-n saia-tu-ko n-in-tza-te-ke. cheer up.ven.loc try.fut 1.itr.cod c. Jainko-a ba-li-tz zu-en aita, maite n-ind-u-ke-zu-e. God you.plu.gen father.idf love.ppr 1/2plu.tra.cod d. Ni-k ere ha(r-en)-la pentsa-tu-ko n-u-ke, zaharr-a ba-n-in-tz. I.erg too that way think.fut /1.tra.cod old e. Zu-re larru-an ba-n-en-go, ez n-u-ke ezetz-ik esa-n-go. you.gen skin.loc not /1.tra.cod no.par say.fut f. Ezetz ba-n-io, gezurr-a esa-n-go n-u-ke. no.idf cdp.say./1.syt.cod lie tell.fut /1.tra.cod g. Negar e-gi-n-go l-u-ke ni-re ama-k, ba-le-ki. crying.idf do.fut tra.cod I.gen mother.idf.erg cdp.know.syt.cod (13) a. Gai(t)zkile-a ez ba-li-tz, ez g-en-i-zu-ke-en e-karr-i-ko. criminal not not /2/1plu.dtr.cod.pst bring.fut b. Laban-a esku-an i-kus-i ba-l-u-te, ez l-u-ke-te hori esa-n-go. knife hand.loc see.pef cdp./plu.tra.cod not /plu.tra.cod that say.fut (14) a. Orain-txe bazterr-en bat-e-an atzema-n-go ban-u, ito-ko now.emp corner.idf.gen a.loc catch.fut cdp./1.tra.cod strangle.fut n-u-ke. /1.tra.cod b. Aita-k ja-ki-n-go ba-l-u, haserre-tu-ko li-tza-te-ke. Father.idf.erg know.fut cdp.tra.cod get angry.fut itr.cod c. Ni e-zagu-tu-ko ba-n-ind-u-zu-e, ni-re Aita ere e-zagu-tu-ko I know.fut cdp.1/2plu.tra.cod I.gen Father.idf too know.fut z-en-u-ke-te. /2plu.tra.cod d. Gau bat pasa-tu nahi ba-n-u hemen, bi hilabete-ko irabazi-ak night a spend want.ppr cdp./1.tra.cod here.loc two month.adn earning.plu behar-ko n-it-u-z-ke. need.fut plu/1.tra.cod (15) a. Ni-k ere jantz-i nahi baldin ba-n-it-u, ba-da-u-z-ka-t hori-ek I.erg too wear want.ppr cdc cdp.plu/1.tra.cod aff.have.plu/1.syt that.plu aukera-n. abundance.idf.loc

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b. Norbait-e-k kontra-ko arrazoi-rik baldin ba-l-u, ni gertu someone.erg opposing argument.par cdc cdp.syt.cod I prepared.pre n-a-go arrazoi hori-ek e-ntzu-te-ko. be.1.syn argument that.plu hear.ven.adn (16) a. Hil ez ba-n-u, sala-tu e-gi-n-go n-ind-u-ke-en. kill.pef not cdp./1.tra.cod denounce do.fut 1/.tra.cod.pst b. Ama-k esa-n ez ba-l-i-t, ni ez n-in-tza-te-ke-en hura Mother.idf.erg tell.pef not cdp./1/.dtr.cod I not 1.itr.cod.pst yonder one i-kus-te-ra j-oa-n-go. see.ven.all go.fut c. Zer esa-n-go ote z-u-ke-en Etxepare zaharr-a-k, horr-e(n)-la-ko-rik what say.fut dub tra.cod.pst Etxepare old.erg like that.adn.zep.par e-ntzu-n ba-l-u? hear.pef cdp.tra.cod (17) a. Gauza ber-a esa-n-go z-u-ke-en zeru-a oskarbi e-go-n iza-n ba-li-tz. thing same say.fut tra.cod.pst sky clear.pre be.pef be.pef cdp.itr.cod b. Horr-e(n)-la-ko-rik e-gi-n iza-n ba-l-u, abisa-tu e-gi-n-go like that.adn.zep.par do.pef have.pef cdp.tra.cod warn do.fut z-u-ke-en. tra.cod.pst (18) a. Elkarr-i egia-z-ko maitasun-ik baldin ba-d-i-o-te, argitasun-a each other.dat true love.par cdc cdp.have//plu.dyt clarity e-torr-i-ko da. come.fut itr b. Hil-ko al z-en-u-ke gaur, aukera-rik ba-z-en-u? kill.fut int /2.tra.cod today chance.par cdp.have./2.syt.cod (19) a. Hori ja-ki-n ba-n-u, ez n-in-tz-e-n j-oa-n-go. that know.pef cdp./1.tra.cod not 1.itr.pst go.fut b. Zu hemen iza-n ba-z-in-a, gu-re anai-a ez ze-n hil-ko. you here.loc be.pef cdp.2itr.cod we.gen brother not itr.pst die.fut c. Zaldi-a sal-du ba-n-u, asto bat behar-ko n-u-en. horse sell.pef cdp.tra.cod donkey a need.fut /1.tra.pst (20) a. Zu-k ha(r-en)-la ez esa-te-ra, galdu-a n-a-iz. you.erg so not say.ven.all lost be.1.syn b. Hon-e(n)-la ja-rrai-tze-ra, hezurr-e-ta-n geldi-tu-ko z-a-r-e-te. this way continue.ven.all bone.idf.loc end up:fut 2plu.itr (21) a. Zu iza-te-ra, jertse bat har-tu-ko n-u-ke. you be.ven.all sweater a take.fut /1.tra.cod


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b. Bai-ta zu ere erre-ko z-int-u-z-ke-te, ereje-rik zu-gan aurki-tze-ra. and you too burn.fut 2/plu.tra.cod heretic.par you.loc ďŹ nd.ven.all c. Ja-ki-te-ra, han geldi-tu-ko n-in-tza-te-ke-en. know.ven.all over there.loc stay.fut 1.itr.cod.pst (22) a. Ezer gerta-tze-ra, organizazio-a-k ber-a-ri eska-tu-ko anything happen.ven.all organization.erg she herself.dat ask.fut z-i-z-ki-o-n kontu-ak. plu//plu.dtr.pst account.plu b. Garai-z ez iri(t)s-te-ra, Mikel urduri jarr-i-ko ze-n. time.idf.ins not arrive.ven.all Michael nervous.pre get.fut itr.pst (23) a. Mirari-ak i-kus-i ez-ik, ez d-uzu-e zu-ek sine(t)s-ten. miracle.plu see not.sta not /2plu.tra you.plu believe.ipf b. Hain burugabe joka-tu-ko al l-ir-a-te-ke, arraunlari-(e)-en gorabeher(a)-ak so foolishly behave.fut int plu.itr.cod rower.plu.gen condition.plu ja-ki-n ez-ik? know not.sta (24) a. Izerdi-tze-a on-a da, gero ho(t)z-tu ez-e-an. sweat.ven good be.syn afterward get chilled not.loc b. Zer e-gi-n z-i-zu-ke-en, zu-k borroka-rik nahi ez-e-an? what do.pef /2/.dtr.cod.pst you.erg ďŹ ght.par want not.loc (25) a. Zer e-gi-n-go l-u-ke what do.fut tra.cod ba-li-tz? b. Zer e-gi-n-go l-u-ke what do.fut tra.cod (26) a. Guzti-ak all.plu b. Guzti-ak all.plu

hi-re amatxo-k, hi gabe you.sol.gen mommy.idf.erg you.sol without.pre

hi-re amatxo-k hi gabe? you.sol.gen mommy.idf.erg you.sol without.pre

aipa-tu-ko ba-l-ir-a, luze li-tza-te-ke. mention.fut cdp.plu.itr.cod long.idf itr.cod aipa-tze-a luze li-tza-te-ke. mention.ven long.idf itr.cod

(27) a. Mesede bat eska-tu nahi n-i-zu-ke. favor a ask like.ppr /2/1.dtr.cod b. Gu-re gaixo bat-e-k zu-rekin hitz e-gi-n nahi l-u-ke. we.gen patient a.erg you.soc word.idf do like.ppr tra.cod c. Bidal-i-ko al z-en-it-u-z-ke, Marcel? send.fut int plu/2.tra.cod Marcel d. Ez z-en-i-e-ke zerbait esa-n-go egan-en irakurle-e-i? not /plu/2.dtr.cod something say.fut egan.idf.gen reader.plu.dat

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(28) a. Gusto-ra har-tu-ko n-u-ke kafe bero-a. gladly take.fut /1.tra.cod co造ee warm b. Gau-a igaro-tze-ko lehorr-a nahi n-u-ke, Jaun-a. night spend.ven.adn dry place like.ppr /1.tra.cod Sir (29) a. Lan hau har-tu-ko al z-en-u-ke? job this take on.fut int /2.tra.cod b. Egia oso-a ja-ki-n nahi al z-en-u-ke? truth whole know like.ppr int /2.tra.cod c. Zein beste arrazoi aipa-tu-ko z-en-u-ke? which other reason mention.fut /2.tra.cod d. Alab(a)-a-k bizi-a ere e-ma-n-go l-u-ke ait(a)-a-ren alde. daughter.erg life even give.fut tra.cod father.gen side.idf (30) a. Am(a)-a-ga(i)-tik andre oro behar l-u-ke gora-tu. mother.mot woman all should.ppr tra.cod praise b. Jendaila horr-e-k ez l-u-ke hemen e-go-n behar. ri造ra造 that.erg not tra.cod here.loc stay should.ppr c. Euskar(a)-a-ri irau-n-araz-te-ko saia-tu behar ote li-tza-te-ke? Basque language.dat survive.cau.ven.adn endeavor should.ppr dub itr.cod d. Zer e-gi-n behar li-tza-te-ke, bada? what do have to.ppr itr.cod inf e. Euskaltzale-ek komeni l-u-ke-te asti-ro irakur-tze-a. Bascophile.plu.erg convenient.pre /plu.syt.cod attentively read.ven (31) a. Arrazoi-a ba-d-u-t ere, ez d-i-o-t e-ra-ntzu-n-go. reason cdp.have./1.syt even not //1.dtr answer.fut b. Zu-rekin hil behar ba-d-u-t ere, ez z-a-it-u-t ino-la ere you.soc die have to.ppr cdp./1.tra even not 2/1.tra in some way even uka-tu-ko. deny.fut c. Baina nahi ez ba-d-it-u-gu ere, behar d-it-u-gu. but want.ppr not cdp.plu/1plu.tra even need.ppr plu/1plu.tra d. Baina ez baldin ba-ze-n ere ber-a mediku, argi-tzen but not cdc cdc.syn.pst even he himself doctor.idf educate.ipf z-it-u-en mediku-ak. plu/.tra.pst doctor.plu (32) a. Eta epai-tu-ko ba-n-u ere, ni-re epai-a balio-z-ko-a and judge.fut cdp./1.tra.cod even I.gen judgment value.idf.ins.zep. li-tza-te-ke. syn.cod.pst


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b. Profet(a)-a-k gauza zail-en bat agin-du iza-n bal-i-zu ere, prophet.erg thing hard.gen a command.pef have.pef cdp./2/.dtr.cod even ez al z-en-u-ke-en e-gi-n-go? not int /2.tra.cod.pst do.fut (33) a. Eleberri bat e-gi-te-ko-ta-n omen ze-bil-e-n. novel a do.ven.adn.idf.loc rep be busy.syn.pst b. E-go-n n-a-iz etxe-a erre-tze-ko-ta-n ere, baina . . . be.pef 1.itr house burn.ven.adn.idf.loc even but c. Seme-a ezkon-tze-ko-ta-n da-bil-ki-zu aspaldi. son marry.ven.adn.idf.loc be busy.2/.dyn for a long time (34) a. Zerbait something b. Zerbait something

irabaz-te-ko asmo-ta-n sal-du z-u-en auto-a. earn.ven.adn intention.idf.loc sell.pef tra.pst car irabaz-te-ko-ta-n sal-du z-u-en auto-a. earn.ven.adn.idf.loc sell.pef tra.pst car

(35) a. Seme-a iza-n-go d-u-zu-e, baina har-en arim(a)-a gero ni-re-tzat son have.fut /2plu.tra but yonder one.gen soul afterward I.ben iza-te-ko-ta-n. be.ven.adn.idf.loc b. Argi-a sortalde-tik e-tor-tze-ko-ta-n, ez ote zai-gu Txina-tik light east.ela come.ven.adn.idf.loc not dub 1plu/.dit China.ela ager-tu-ko? appear.fut c. Inor-i ezer e-gi-te-ko-ta-n, ni-ri iza-n-go da. anyone.dat anything do.ven.adn.idf.loc I.dat be.fut itr (36) a. Ezkon-tze-ko kontu-ta-n, gazte-a nahi d-u. marry.ven.adn event.idf.loc young woman want.ppr tra b. Ezkon-tze-ko-ta-n, gazte-a nahi d-u. marry.ven.adn.idf.loc young woman want.ppr tra (37) a. Abia-tze-ko puntu-ta-n g-in-e-n, . . . depart.ven.adn point.idf.loc be.1plu.syn.pst b. Abia-tze-ko-ta-n g-in-e-n, . . . depart.ven.adn.idf.loc be.1plu.syn.pst (38) Errege-tzat har-tu n-ind-u-te-n gizon hai-ek. take.pef 1/plu.tra.pst man yonder.plu.erg (39) a. Aita iza-n-go n-a-u har-k ni, eta seme iza-n-go d-u-t ni-k father.idf have.fut 1/.tra yonder one.erg me and son.idf have.fut /1.tra I.erg

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hura. yonder one b. Aita-tzat iza-n-go n-a-u har-k ni, eta seme-tzat iza-n-go d-u-t have.fut 1/.tra yonder one.erg me and have.fut /1.tra ni-k hura. I.erg yonder one (40) a. ?Seme har-tu d-u-te In˜aki. son.idf take.pef /plu.tra In˜aki b. Seme-tzat har-tu d-u-te In˜aki. adopt.pef /plu.tra In˜aki (41) a. Laban-e-k Laban.erg b. Laban-e-k Laban.erg

Rahel ber-e alab(a)-a e-ma-n z-i-o-n emazte. Rachel he himself.gen daughter give.pef dtr.pst wife.idf ber-e alab(a)-a Rakel e-ma-n z-i-o-n emazte-tzat. he himself daughter Rachel give.pef dtr.pst

(42) a. Ber-e he himself.gen b. Ber-e he himself.gen

alab(a)-a daughter alab(a)-a daughter

Jenobeba emazte e-ma-n z-i-o-n. Genevieve wife.idf give.pef dtr.pst emazte-tzat e-ma-n z-i-o-n. give.pef dtr.pst

(43) a. Seme-a baldin ba-d-u-zu ere, gu-k ez d-u-gu aitor-tzen son cdc cdp.have./2.syt even we.erg not /1plu.tra acknowledge.ipf anaia-tzat. b. Hau n-eu-re alaba-tzat e-zagu-tu-ko d-u-t. this one I.ref.gen recognize.fut /1.tra c. No-la aukera-tu z-en-u-en gai-tzat Lizardi-ren poema hori? how come choose.pef /2.tra.pst Lizardi.gen poem that (44) a. Oso haundi jo-tzen d-u-gu. very great.idf consider.ipf /1plu.tra b. Araba-tik ardo-a kontrabando e-kar-tze-a bekatu handi jo-tzen z-u-en. Alava.ela wine contraband.idf bring.ven sin great.idf consider.ipf tra.pst c. Egia-z-ko errudun-a ber-a jo-ko z-u-te-n. true culprit he himself consider.fut /plu.tra.pst (45) a. Kaxkar-tzat jo g-a-it-u-z-te. deem.pef 1plu/plu.tra b. Ero-tzat jo-ko h-a-u-te, seme. deem.fut 2sol/plu.tra son.idf c. Zu beti etsai, eta etsai amorra-tu-tzat jo-ko z-a-it-u-t. you always enemy.idf and enemy deem.fut 2/1.tra


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(46) a. Ez l-i-o-ke inor-k hirurogei urte e-ma-n-go. not dtr.cod anybody.erg sixty year.idf give.fut b. (Ni) tximu huts-tzat e-ma-n? (me) monkey consider c. San Pablo ber-e-ha-la hil-tzat e-ma-n z-u-te-n St. Paul instantly give up.pef /plu.tra.pst (47) a. Gu-re agindu-a hu(t)skeria-tzat har-tzen d-u-te. we.gen command tri regard as.ipf /plu.tra b. Juda-k emagaldu-tzat har-tu z-u-en. Juda.erg take for.pef tra.pst c. Zer-ga(i)-tik har-tzen g-a-it-u-zu animalia-tzat? Zer-ga(i)-tik jo-tzen what.mot take for.ipf plu/2.tra what.mot consider.ipf inozo-tzat? (48) a. Andoni irakasle zintzo-tzat da-uka-gu. Tony teacher consider./1plu.syt b. Daniel eta ber-e lagun-ak ere asmatzaile-tzat Daniel and he himself.gen companion.plu too ze-u-z-ka-te-n. consider.plu/plu.syt.pst c. Napoleon on-tzat da-u-ka-te batzu-ek, gaizto-tzat Napoleon regard as./plu.syt some people.plu.erg beste-ek. other.zep.plu.erg (49) a. Osasungarri-tzat d-u-t ni-k lan-a neurri-z e-gi-te-a. consider./1.syt I.erg work moderation.idf.ins do.ven b. Hil-tzat n-ind-u-zu-e-n. consider.1/2plu.syt.pst (50) Eder-tzat etsi z-u-en Jaungoiko-a-k Ebe atsegintoki-an. regard as.pef tra.pst God.erg Eve Garden of Eden.loc Chapter 18

(1) a. Ze(r) what b. Ze(r) what

ordu da? time be.syn gai e-ra-bil-tzen da eta zein hizkuntza-ta-n? subject treat.ipf itr and which language.loc

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(2) a. No-la arraio e-zagu(t)-tu ote d-u aita-k horr-e(n)-la-ko neska bat? how exp get to know.pef dub tra Father.idf.erg like that.adn girl a b. Zer arraio-ren bila da-bil gu-re Peru? what exp.gen in search of.pre go around.syn we.gen Peter c. Nor arraio-rekin ote da-bil Xu? who exp.soc dub go around.syn Xu d. Eta no-n arraio-tik dei-tzen d-i-da-k? and where.loc exp.ela call.ipf /1/2sol.dtr e. Zer arraiopola gerta-tu da hemen? what exp happen.pef itr here.loc f. No-la demontre bizi-ko n-a-iz? how exp live.fut 1.itr g. Zer mila demonio pasa-tzen da hemen? what exp happen.ipf itr here.loc h. Zer mila sorgin pentsa-tu d-u-te zu-re haurr-ek? what exp think.pef /plu.tra you.gen child.plu.erg (3) a. Nor-k nor-i e-ma-n d-i-o?— galde-tu-ko d-u norbait-e-k. Erdar(a)-a-k who.erg who.dat give.pef dtr ask.fut tra someone.erg Spanish.erg euskar(a)-a-ri, ala euskar(a)-a-k erdar(a)-a-ri? Basque.dat or Basque.erg Spanish.dat b. Nor-k nor-i zer e-ma-n d-i-o? who.erg who.dat what give.pef dtr (4) a. Nor-k zer e-gi-n-en d-u? who.erg what do.fut tra b. Nor-k zer behar d-u? who.erg what need.ppr tra c. Mintzo-rik eta hizkuntza-rik iza-n ez ba-li-tz, nor-k zer i-ra-kats-i-ko speech.par and language.par be.pef not cdp.itr.cod who.erg what teach.fut z-u-en? tra.pst (5) a. Nor ezar har-en orde? who put.rad yonder.gen in place of.pre b. Zer-ga(i)-tik negar e-gi-n? what.mot weeping.idf do c. Zer e-gi-n hori ja-ki-te-ko? what do that ďŹ nd out.ven.adn d. No-la uler-tu istilu hori? how understand mess that


Glosses for Chapter 18

(6) a. Ez da-ki-t klinika-ra j-oa-n ala hemen geldi. not know./1.syt clinic.all go or here.loc stay.rad b. Orain ez da-ki-t hemen geldi-tu ala j-oa-n. now not know./1.syt here.loc stay or go c. Ez ne-ki-en zer e-ra-ntzu-n. not know./1.syt.pst what answer d. Jainko-a-k e-ra-ku(t)s-ten z-i-e-n no-n-dik j-oa-n. God.erg show.ipf /plu/.dtr.pst where.ela go e. Ber-a-k agin-tzen d-u no-n zer lan e-gi-n. he himself.erg command.ipf tra where.loc what job do (7) a. Ez da-ki-t e-zagu(t)-tzen d-u-zu-n. not know./1.syt know.ipf /2.tra.ncz b. Ez da-ki-t gezurr-a d-en hori. not know./1.syt lie be.syn.ncz that c. Hon-e-k galde e-gi-ten d-i-o har-tu d-u-en esne-a. this one.erg question.idf do.idf dtr take.pef tra.ncz milk (8) a. E-ntzu-ten al d-u-zu-n galde-tzen d-i-zu-t. hear.ipf int /2.tra.ncz ask.ipf /2/1.dtr b. Ez al z-i-zu-te-n galde-tu beti hemen bizi behar al not int /2/plu.dtr.pst ask.pef always here.loc live.ppr have to.ppr int z-en-u-e(n)-n? /2.tra.pst.ncz c. J-oa-n-go al d-en galdegi-n d-i-o-te. go.fut int itr.ncz ask.pef //plu.dtr (9) a. Kontu-z! Ez da-ki-zu senargai-rik ba ote d-u-en. watch out not know./2.syt ďŹ ance´.par aff dub have.syt.ncz b. Nor-k da-ki inguru hau-e-ta-ko-ak ez ote z-a-r-e-te-n? who.erg know.syt part this.plu.adn.zep.plu not dub be.2plu.syn.ncz (10) a. Zer gerta-tu ote ze(-n)-n ezin pentsa-tu-z, . . . what happen.pef dub itr.pst.ncz npp guess.ptc.idf.ins b. Ez da-ki-t zer e-karr-i ote d-u-en. not know./1.syt what bring.pef dub tra.ncz c. Zer-ta-ko hots e-gi-n ote d-i-o-n galde-tzen d-i-o ber-e what.des sound.idf make.pef dub dtr.ncz ask.ipf dtr he himself.gen buru-a-ri. head.dat (11) a. Markos ote da-torr-en n-a-go. Markos dub come.syn.ncz wonder.1.syn

Glosses for Chapter 18


b. Zerbait esa-n ote z-i-da(-n)-n n-en-go-en. something say.pef dub /1/.dtr.pst.ncz wonder.1.syn.pst c. N-a-go kofesio on-a e-gi-n ote d-u-da-n. wonder.1.syn confession good make.pef dub /1.tra.ncz (12) a. Beldur fear.idf b. Beldur fear.idf

n-a-iz 1.itr n-a-iz 1.itr

ni-re etxeko-ak haserre-tu-ko ote za-i-z-ki-da-n. I.gen member of the family.plu get angry.fut dub 1/plu.dit.ncz ez d-en azken-a iza-n-go. not itr.ncz last be.fut

(13) a. Beldur fear.idf b. Beldur fear.idf

n-a-iz 1.itr n-a-iz 1.itr

ez exp ez exp

ote d-en ero-tu-ko. dub itr.ncz go mad.fut ote d-i-o-gu-n kalte ikaragarri-a e-gi-n-go. dub //plu.dtr.ncz harm tremendous do.fut

(14) a. Zer da-ki-zu zu-k zer zor d-i-o-da-n ni-k inor-i? what know./2.syt you.erg what debt.idf //1.dtr.ncz I.erg anyone.dat b. Ni-k e-ra-kuts-i-ko d-i-o-t horr-i bi eta bi zenbat d-ir-en! I.erg show.fut //1.dtr that one.dat two and two how much be.plu.syn.ncz (15) a. No-ra z-oa-z-en ba al da-ki-zu? where.all go.2.syn.ncz aff int know./2.syt b. Baina hori no-n-go-a d-en ere ez da-ki-gu. but that one where from be.syn.ncz even not know./1plu.syt c. Nahigabe-tzen g-a-it-u-en ala ez, Jainko-a-k da-ki. distress.ipf 1plu/.tra.ncz or not God.erg know.syt (16) a. Nor-k uki-tu z-a-it-u-en galde-tzen d-u-zu? who.erg touch.pef 2/.tra.ncz ask.ipf /2.tra b. No-r(a)-antz jo-ko d-u-gu-n galde-tzen d-u-t. where.ten go to.fut /1plu.tra.ncz ask.ipf /1.tra c. Zer gerta-tu za-i-zu-n esa-n al d-io-zu? what happen.pef 2/.dit.ncz tell.pef int //2.dtr d. Etxe hau nor-k goberna-tzen d-u-en ez da-ki-t. house this who.erg manage.ipf tra.ncz not know./1.syt (17) a. Zerbait nahi ote d-u-en galdegi-te-ra n-oa. something want.ppr dub tra.ncz ask.ven.all go.1.syn b. Barne-an ze-go-e(n)-n ala ez ja-ki-n behar ze-n lehen-ik. inside.loc be.itr.pst.ncz or not know have to.ppr itr.pst ďŹ rst.sta (18) a. Zu-e-ta-ri(k)-ko inor-k ez d-i-t no-ra n-oa-n galde-tzen. you.plu.ela.adn anyone.erg not /1/.dtr where.all go.1.syn.ncz ask.ipf


Glosses for Chapter 18

b. Baina ez d-i-a-t orain-dik zer nahi d-u-a-n uler-tzen. but not /2sol/1.dtr still what want.ppr /2sol.tra.ncz understand.ipf (19) a. Ines-i ez n-i-o-n konta-tu zer gerta-tu ze(-n)-n. Ines.dat not //1.dtr.pst tell.pef what happen.pef itr.pst.ncz b. Ez d-u inor-k ja-ki-n-go no-n-go-a d-en. not tra anyone.erg know.fut where.loc.adn.zep be.syn.ncz c. Ez da-ki-t zer esa-n nahi d-u-zu-n. not know./1.syt what say want.ppr /2.tra.ncz d. Inor-k ez z-u-en uler-tu zer-ga(i)-tik esa-n z-i-o(-n)-n hori. anyone.erg not tra.pst understand.pef what.mot say.pef dtr.pst.ncz that e. Kontura-tzen al z-a-r-a nor-ekin bizi z-a-r-en? realize.ipf int 2.itr who.soc live.ppr 2.itr.ncz (20) a. Zu-k ba-da-ki-zu nor n-a-iz-en. you.erg aff.know./2.syt who be.1.syn.ncz b. Ba al da-ki-k zer d-en maitasun-a? aff int know./2sol.syt what be.syn.ncz love (21) a. E-sa-n-go tell.fut b. E-sa-n-go tell.fut

d-i-zu-t /2/1.dtr d-i-zu-t /2/1.dtr

euskar(a)-a Basque euskar(a)-a Basque

zer-ga(i)-tik what.mot zer-ga(i)-tik what.mot

(22) a. Miren-e-k Mary.erg b. Miren-e-k Mary.erg

galde-tu ask.pef galde-tu ask.pef

d-i-gu /1plu/.dtr d-i-gu /1plu/.dtr

etxe-a house etxe-a house

(23) a. Beldur fear.idf b. Beldur fear.idf

n-a-iz be.1.syn n-a-iz be.1.syn

gu-re we.gen gu-re we.gen

etxe-a house etxe-a house

ez d-en hil-ko. not itr.ncz die.fut hil-ko ez d-en. die.fut not itr.ncz

orain-dik yet orain-dik yet

ez (al) d-en eror-i. not int itr.ncz fall.pef eror-i ez (al) d-en. fall.pef not int itr.ncz

ez ote d-en eror-i. exp dub itr.ncz fall.pef eror-i ez ote d-en. fall.pef exp dub itr.ncz

(24) a. Ba-da-ki-zu gero zer no-n da-go-en. aff.know./2.tra then what where.loc be.syn.ncz b. Nor nor d-en nor-k e-zagu(t)-tu? who who be.syn.ncz who.erg recognize c. Ni-re ama-ren alab(a)-a-ri ez d-i-o AnaÂźMari-k zer zer I.gen mother.idf.gen daughter.dat not dtr Ana-Mari.erg what what d-en e-ra-kuts-i-ko. be.syn.ncz show.fut d. Ni-k zer da-ki-t ba nor no-n da-bil-en? I.erg what know./1.syt aff who where.loc walk.syn.ncz

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e. Ber-e kezka guzti-a: ama nor no-n z-u-e(n)-n he himself.gen concern all mother.idf who where.loc have.syt.pst.ncz ja-ki-te-a. know.ven (25) a. Hon-(r)a no-la e-zagu(t)-tu n-u-e(n)-n. here.all how get to know.pef /1.tra.pst.ncz b. Jaun-a, horr-(r)a zer hatzema-n d-u-da-n. sir there.all what find.pef /1.tra.ncz c. Horr-(r)a zer e-gi-n d-u-en Jaun-a-k en-e-tzat. there.all what do.pef tra.ncz Lord.erg i.ben d. Ha-ra zer esa-ten d-i-zu-e-da-n ni-k, Paulo-k: . . . over there.all what say.ipf /2plu/1.dtr.ncz i.erg Paul.erg e. Ha-ra non-dik da-tor-ki-gu-n orain-go larrialdi hau. over there.all where.ela come.1plu/.dyn.ncz now.adn distress this (26) a. Eta hon-(r)a no-n da-tor-ki-gu-n Loidi ber-e lehenbizi-ko and here.all where.loc come.1plu/.dyn.ncz Loidi he himself.gen first nobel(a)-a-rekin. novel.soc b. Hon-(r)a no-n sor-tu za-i-gu-n bat¼bat-e-an nobelista bat. here.all where.loc born.pef 1plu/.dit.ncz one.idf-one.loc novelist a c. Arrats-e-an, hor-ra no-n da-torr-en gizon zahar bat soro-ko evening.loc there.all where.loc come.syn.ncz man old a.idf field.adn lan-e-tik. work.ela d. Eta horr-(r)a no-n i-kus-ten d-u-en emakume-a ber-e and there.all where.loc see.ipf tra.ncz woman he himself.gen oin-e-ta-n e-tza-n-ik. foot.plu.loc lie.pef.sta e. Ha-ra no-n d-ir-en mendi maite-ak, ha-ra over there.all where.loc be.plu.syn.ncz mountain beloved.plu over there.all no-n d-ir-en zelai-ak. where.loc be.plu.syn.ncz plain.plu (27) a. Zer gizon handi-a d-en! what man great.def be.syn.ncz b. Zer sorgin pare-a e-gi-n-en d-u-zu-e-n bi-ek! what witch.idf pair.def make.fut /2plu.tra.ncz two.zep.plu.erg c. Zenbat aldi-z bil-du nahi iza-n d-it-u-da-n zur-e seme-ak! how many time.ins gather want.ppr have.pef plu/1.tra.ncz you.gen son.plu


Glosses for Chapter 18

d. Ze(r) on-ak da-u-de-n gerezi hori-ek! what good.plu be.plu.syn.ncz cherry this.plu e. Zein zoriontsu n-a-iz-en eta bat¼bat-e-an bizi-a zein ederr-a which happy.idf be.1.syn.ncz and one.idf-one.loc life which nice kausi-tzen d-u-da-n! find.ipf /1.tra.ncz f. Zein makal-ak iza-n g-a-r-en! Lotsa-tu e-gi-ten n-a-iz! which spineless.plu be.pef 1plu.itr.ncz feel ashamed do.ipf 1.itr (28) a. Ez da-ki-gu nor d-en-ik. not know./1plu.tra who be.syn.pcz b. Eskritura sant(a)-ak ez d-i-gu Ester noiz hil ze-(n)-n-ik e-sa-ten. scripture holy.erg not /1plu/.dtr Esther when die.pef itr.pst.pcz tell.ipf (29) a. Hazael-e-k galde-tu z-i-o-n ea zer-ta-ko negar e-gi-ten z-u-e(n)-n. Hazael.erg ask.pef dtr.pst wcc what.des crying.idf do.ipf tra.pst.ncz b. Ea no-n bizi z-a-r-en nahi n-u-ke ja-ki-n. wcc where.loc live.ppr be.2.syn.ncz want.ppr /1.tra.cod know c. Begira-tu n-u-en ea zer gerta-tzen ze(-n)-n. look.pef /1.tra.pst wcc what happen.ipf itr.pst.ncz d. Ea zer d-io-te-n elkarr-i e-ntzu-n behar du-gu. wcc what say./plu.syt.ncz each other.dat hear must.ppr /1plu.tra (30) a. Ea diru-rik falta ote ze(-n)-n galde-tu z-i-o-n wcc money.par lack.idf dub be.syn.pst.ncz ask.pef dtr.pst etxekoandre-a-ri detektibe-a-k. lady of the house.dat detective.erg b. Biharamon-e-an ea elkarr-ekin atera-ko ote g-in-e(-n)-n galde-tu next day.loc wcc each other.soc go out.fut dub 1plu.itr.pst.ncz ask.pef n-i-o-n. //1.dtr.pst c. Beste zenbait-i ere galde-tu iza-n d-i-e-t bat¼bat-e-an ea other some.dat also ask.pef have.pef /plu/1.dtr one.idf-one.loc wcc itzul-i-ko z-i-da-te(-n)-n. translate.fut /1/plu.dtr.pst.ncz (31) a. E-go-n, ea da-tor-ki-o-n Elias salba-tze-ra! wait wcc come.dyn.ncz Elias save.ven.all b. Ea zenbat da-uka-da-n. wcc how much have./1.dyt.ncz c. Jon˜o, ea gauz(a)-ak pixka bat zuzen-tzen d-it-u-gu-n! exp wcc thing.plu bit a rectify.ipf plu/1plu.tra.ncz

Glosses for Chapter 18

d. Ea organizazio-a-k zerbait esa-ten d-u-en. wcc organization.erg something say.ipf tra.ncz e. Ama-k ea jaits-i-ko ote z-a-r-en afal-tze-ra! Mother.erg wcc come down.fut dub 2.itr.ncz have supper.ven.all (32) a. Nor-k da-ki laino-ak d-ir-en-etz? who.erg know.syt cloud.plu plu.itr.ncz b. N-a-go ea buru gogorr-a d-u-zu-n-etz. wonder.1.syn wcc head thick /2.tra.ncz c. N-a-go ha(r-en)-la ere, ez d-u-da-n-etz Afrika hauta-tu-ko. wonder.1.syn yet wcc /1.tra.ncz Africa choose.fut d. Ba-da-ki-zu, jaun-a, ez d-en-etz hori hitz-e-z hitz egi(a)-a. aff.know./2.syt lord not be.syn.ncz that word.idf.ins word.idf truth e. Hori egi(a)-a d-en-etz laster i-kus-i-ko d-u-gu. that truth be.syn.ncz soon see.fut /1plu.tra (33) a.

No-n da Anton? . . . Auskalo! . . . Aspaldi ez d-u-gu where.loc itr Tony iij for a long time not have./1plu.syt har-en berri-rik. yonder one.gen news.par b. —Egun on, Kornelio, no-n da ni-re senarr-a? day good.idf Neil where.loc itr I.gen husband —Eta zer galde-tzen d-i-da-zu ni-ri? Auskalo! and what ask.ipf /1/2.dtr i.dat iij

(34) a. Auskalo iij b. Auskalo iij c. Auskalo iij d. Auskalo iij

zer e-gi-n-go d-u-en beste-(ren)-la. what do.fut tra.ncz otherwise zenbat kazetari e-torr-i-ko d-ir-en gaur. how many journalist come.fut plu.itr.ncz today zer informazio da-uka-a-n hi-k. what information have./2sol.ncz you.sol.erg zenbat denbora-z jo d-u-en ni esna-tu arte. how many time.idf.ins ring.pef tra.ncz I wake up until

(35) a. Ba-da-ki-zu oso emakume ederr-a n-in-tz-e(n)-la. aff.know./2.syt very woman beautiful be.1.syn.pst.lcz b. Antzema-ten da euskaldun-a z-a-r-ela. notice.ipf itr Basque be.2.syn.lcz c. Ez al d-u-zu i-kus-ten jan(t)z-te-n ari n-a-iz-ela? not int /2.tra see.ipf get dressed.ven.loc be busy.ppr 1.itr.lcz d. Ez d-u-t esa-n nahi ez da-ki-ela euskara-z mintza-tze-n. not /1.tra say want.ppr not know.syt.lcz Basque.idf.ins speak.ven.loc



Glosses for Chapter 18

(36) a. Baina Gotzon-e-k ni hil n-ind-u-e(-n)-la zeha-ro sinets-i z-u-en but Gotzon.erg I kill.pef 1/.tra.pst.lcz really believe.pef tra.pst In˜aki-k. In˜aki.erg b. Zeru-rik ba-d-ela sine(t)s-ten al d-u-zu? heaven.par believe.ipf int /2.tra (37) a. Eta Jainko-a-k on-a ze(-n)-la i-kus-i z-u-en. and God.erg good itr.pst.lcz see.pef tra.pst b. Sekula ez z-in-e(n)-la e-torr-i-ko uste n-u-en. ever not 2.itr.pst.lcz come.fut think.ppr /1.tra.pst c. Mediku-a ere laster e-torr-i-ko d-ela uste d-u-t. doctor too soon come.fut itr.lcz think.ppr /1.tra d. Nor-en soro-an e-gi-n d-u-zu lan? . . . Rut-e-k, ordu-an, Booz izen-e-ko who.gen field.loc do.pef /2.tra work.idf Ruth.erg then Boaz name.adn bat-en soro-an lan e-gi-n z-u-e(n)-la konta-tu z-i-o-n Noemi-ri. a.gen field.loc work.idf do.pef tra.pst.lcz tell.pef dtr.pst Naomi.dat (38) a. Nor n-a-iz-ela uste d-u-zu-e? who 1.itr.lcz think.ppr /2plu.tra b. Eta zu-ek, nor n-a-iz-ela d-io-zu-e? and you.plu who 1.itr.lcz say./2plu.syt c. Bultz(a)-a nor-k e-gi-n d-i-zu-la uste d-u-zu? push who.erg do.pef /2/.dtr.lcz think.ppr /2.tra d. Zer d-ela uste d-u-zu barberu-a? what be.syn.lcz think.ppr /2.tra barber (39) Ez n-u-ke ero-a d-ela e-sa-n-go. not /1.tra.cod crazy itr.lcz say.fut (40) a. Uste think.ppr b. ?Uste think.ppr

d-u-t /1.tra d-u-t /1.tra

alkate-a mayor alkate-a mayor

ez d-ela e-torr-i. not itr.lcz come.pef e-torr-i ez d-ela. come.pef not itr.lcz

(41) a. Ez n-ind-u-te(-n)-la konpreni-tzen irudi-tzen zi-tza-i-da-n. not 1/plu.tra.pst.lcz understand.ipf seem.ipf 1/.dit.pst b. Den-a on-gi j-oa-n-go ze(-n)-la irudi-tu zi-tza-i-e-n. everything well go.fut itr.pst.lcz seem.pef plu/.dit.pst c. Fani-ri zerbait gerta-tzen za-i-o-la bist(a)-an da-go. Fani.dat something happen.ipf dit.lcz sight.loc be.syn d. Bist(a)-an da-go bi alde d-it-u-ela teoria hon-e-k. sight.loc be.syn two aspect.idf plu/.tra.lcz theory this.erg

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e. Eta bist(a)-an da ez da-ki-ela. and sight.loc be.syn not know.syt.lcz (42) a. Bitxi / strange.idf b. Bitxi / strange.idf c. Bitxi / strange.idf

bitxi-a da strange be.syn bitxi-a da strange be.syn bitxi-a da strange be.syn

abuztu-an August.loc abuztu-an August.loc abuztu-an August.loc

elurr-a e-gi-te-a. snow do.ven elurr-a e-gi-n-a / e-gi-n iza-n-a. snow do.pef.sin do.pef have.pef.sin no-la e-gi-ten d-u-en elurr-a. how do.ipf tra.ncz snow

(43) Ohargarri-a da galder(a)-a-k bai, baina erantzun-a-k ez da-rama-la ba-rik. remarkable be.syn question.erg yes but answer.erg not carry.syt.lcz ba.par (44) a. Ageri da eri d-ela gu-re Maria. apparent.idf be.syn ill.idf be.syn.lcz we.gen Maria b. Ageri da engaina-tu d-it-u-ela konfesore-ak. apparent.idf be.syn deceive.pef plu/.tra.lcz confessor.plu c. Gizon azkarr-a d-ela ezagun da. person clever be.syn.lcz obvious.idf be.syn d. Apaiztegi-ko kutsu-a ez za-i-zu-la j-oa-n ezagun da. seminary.adn taint not 2/.dit.lcz go.pef obvious be.syn e. Jakin-a da bi klase-ta-n bana-tu z-it-u-e(n)-la well-known be.syn two class.idf.loc divide.pef plu/.tra.pst.lcz euskalki-ak. Basque dialect.plu f. Nabari za-i-o ez d-ela hemen-go-a. obvious.idf be.dit not be.syn.lcz from here g. Nabari za-i-o euskaldun-a ez d-ela. obvious.idf be.dit Basque not be.syn.lcz (45) a. Egi(a)-a al da inoiz zizp(a)-a-rekin irte-n eta ia garbi-tu truth int be.syn one time rie.soc go out.pef and almost kill.pef z-int-u-e(n)-la? 2/.tra.pst.lcz b. Gezurr-a da Frantzia-ko errege-a urzale-a d-ela. lie be.syn France.adn king teetotaller be.syn.lcz (46) a. Ni-k, aldi-z, ez n-in-tz-e(-n)-la j-oa-n-en, ihes e-gi-n n-u-en goi-ko I.erg however not 1.itr.pst.lcz go.fut ight.idf do.pef /1.tra.pst above sala-ra. room.all b. Ha(r-en)-la uste z-u-e(n)-la ber-a-k. so think.ppr tra.pst.lcz he himself.erg


(47) a. Bai aff b. Bai aff

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eder-ki bizi g-a-r-ela hemen! nicely live.ppr 1plu.itr.lcz here.loc on-a z-a-r-ela ni-rekin, Jaun-a! good 2.syn.lcz I.soc sir

(48) a. Orain bai mintzo z-a-r-ela argi! now aff speech be.2.syn.lcz clear b. Hi-k bai e-gi-n behar-ko d-u-na-la negar! you.sol.erg aff do need.fut /2.sol.fem.tra.lcz crying.idf (49) a. Ba-n-e-ki-en gizon zorrotz-a z-a-r-ena. aff.know./1.syt.pst man hard be.2.syn.naz b. Diruzale-a ez z-a-r-ena ba-da-ki-t. money hungry not be.2syn.naz aff.know./1.syt c. Ikas-i z-u-en . . . gizon-a-k gauza guzti-e-ta-n txit apal-a iza-n behar learn.pef tra.pst man.erg thing all.plu.loc very humble be should.ppr z-u-ke-e(n)-na. tra.cod.pst.naz d. Gazte hau-ek ez d-ir-a kontura-tzen, etxe-ko lan guzti-ak jai youngster this.plu not plu.itr realize.ipf house.adn job all.plu festival arrats-e-ta-n gu-ri u(t)z-ten d-i-z-ki-gu-na. evening.plu.loc we.dat leave.ipf plu/1plu/.dtr.naz (50) a. Eta seguru n-a-go gu-re asmo-a on-tzat har-tu-ko d-u-te-na. and sure.pre be.1.syn we.gen plan take.fut /plu.tra.naz b. Bi-ek oso elkar maite d-u-te-na ez d-u-t ni-k two.zep.plu.erg very each other love.ppr /plu.tra.naz not /1.tra I.erg inon-go zalantza-rik e-gi-ten. anywhere.loc.adn doubt.par do.ipf c. Agiri-an da-go sortalde-ko ahoberokeria bat d-ena hori. wide-open.loc be.syn east.adn exaggeration a be.syn.naz that d. Hai-(e)-en esan-e-ta-n gezurr-ik ez ze(-n)-na garbi yonder one.plu.gen statement.plu.loc lie.par not itr.pst.naz clear.pre ze-go-en. be.syn.pst e. Bai, ba-da-kusa-t oso ederr-a z-a-r-ena. yes aff.see./1.syt very beautiful 2.syn.naz f. Ni-k aitor-tzen d-i-zu-e-t eskas-a n-in-tz-e-(n)-na. I.erg admit.ipf /2plu/1.dtr inadequate be.1.syn.pst.naz (51) a. Ba-da-ki-gu e-torr-i d-ela sorgin hori. aff.know./1plu.syt come.pef itr.lcz witch that

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b. Ba-da-ki-gu sorgin hori e-torr-i d-ena. aff.know./1plu.syt witch that come.pef itr.naz (52) a. Ez not b. Ez not c. Ez not d. Ez not e. Ez not f. Ez not

d-u-t uste oker n-a-go-en-ik. /1.tra think.ppr wrong.pre be.1.syn.pcz d-io-t inor-k gai(t)z-ki e-gi-n z-u-e(n)-n-ik. say./1.syt anybody.erg wrongly act.pef tra.pst.pcz d-u-k esa-n-go hitzontzi-a n-a-iz-en-ik. /2.sol.tra say.fut chatterbox be.1.syn.pcz n-e-ki-en hain berandu ze(-n)-n-ik. know./1.syt.pst so late.idf be.syn.pst.pcz d-irudi gaixo da-go-en-ik. appear.syt ill.pre be.syn.pcz d-u-t ni-k uka-tu-ko auzi hori larri-a d-en-ik. /1.tra I.erg deny.fut matter that important be.syn.pcz

(53) a. Uste al d-u-zu lo-ta-n e-go-n-go d-en-ik? think.ppr int /2.tra sleep.idf.loc be.fut itr.pcz b. Zerri-ek hitz e-gi-ten d-u-te-n-ik inoiz e-ntzu-n al da? pig.plu.erg word.idf do.ipf /plu.tra.pcz ever hear.pef int itr c. Ba al z-ene-ki-te-n On Lorentzo-k ezkon-tze-ko asmo-rik aff int know./2plu.syt.pst Don Lorenzo.erg get married.ven.adn plan.par z-u-e(n)-n-ik? tra.pst.pcz (54) a. Nor-k esa-n who.erg say.pef d-i-o-n-ik? dtr.pcz b. Nor-k esa-n who.erg say.pef c. Nor-k esa-n who.erg say.pef

d-u gizon hon-e-k ni-re aita-ri kalte e-gi-n tra man this.erg I.gen father.idf.dat harm.idf do.pef

d-i-zu /2/.dtr d-i-zu /2/.dtr

Zinkunegi italiano-a d-en-ik? Zinkunegi Italian be.syn.pcz zu-ri ni libre n-a-go-en-ik? you.dat I free.pre be.1.syn.pcz

(55) Uste ba-d-u-zu-e aditz kontu-an ere ber-e-ha(r-en)-la-ko batasun-a think.ppr cdp./2plu.tra verb matter.loc too immediately.adn uniďŹ cation behar d-u-gu-n-ik, . . . need.ppr /1plu.tra.pcz (56) a. Hala ere, Kathleen hil z-u-e(n)-n-ik uka-tu (z-u-en) ordu-an ere. still Kathleen kill.pef tra.pst.pcz deny.pef tra.pst then too b. Eta Jainko-a-ren beharr-e-an g-a-r-en-ik aha(t)z-tu e-gi-ten za-i-gu. and God.gen need.loc be.1plu.syn.pcz forget do.ipf 1plu/.dit


(57) a. Uste d-u-t ez think.ppr /1.tra not b. Ez d-u-t uste not /1.tra think.ppr

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d-u-te-la (*d-u-te-n-ik) buka-tu. /plu.tra.lcz /plu.tra.pcz ďŹ nish.pef buka-tu d-u-te-n-ik. ďŹ nish.pef /plu.tra.pcz

(58) a. Gaur etxe hon-e-k errot(a)-a d-irudi. today house this.erg mill seem.syt b. Har-en begi-ek tximist(a)-ak z-irudi-te-n. yonder one.gen eye.plu.erg lightning.plu seem.plu.syt.pst (59) a. Etorkizun handi-ko pilotari-a ote d-en d-irudi. future great.adn jai alai player dub be.syn.ncz seem.syt b. Lo-ta-n da-u-de-la d-irudi. sleep.idf.loc be.plu.syn.lcz seem.syt c. Altube-k arrazoi z-u-e(n)-la d-irudi horr-e-ta-n. Altube.erg reason.idf tra.pst.lcz seem.syt that.loc d. Bahi-tu e-gi-n d-u-te-n-ik ez d-irudi, ber-a-z. Kidnap do.pef /plu.tra.pcz not seem.syt therefore (60) a. Orain, ba-d-irudi euskar(a)-a-k ahalke d-ela. now aff.seem.syt Basque.erg shame.idf be.syn.lcz b. Mutil-a-k jatorr-a eta on-a d-ela d-irudi. boy.erg nice and pleasant be.syn.lcz seem.syt c. Zatitxo bat-e-k ba-d-irudi ez da-go-ela on-gi itzul-i-a. little fragment a.erg aff.seem.syt not be.syn.lcz well render.pef.sin (61) a. Ez d-irudi gaixo da-go-en-ik. not seem.syt ill.pre be.syn.pcz b. Ez z-irudi-en on-do i-kus-ten z-u-e(n)-n-ik. not seem.syt.pst well see.ipf tra.pst.pcz c. Mutil-a-k ez d-irudi motel-a. boy.erg not seem.syt sluggish (62) a. Norbait eror-i ote d-en irudi-tu za-i-t. somebody fall.pef dub itr.ncz seem.pef 1/.dit b. Urduri ze-go-e(n)-la irudi-tu zi-tza-i-da-n. nervous.pre be.syn.pst.lcz seem.pef 1/.dit.pst (63) a. Hon-e(n)-la d-io-zu e-gi-n-en d-u-zu-la. this way say./2.syt do.fut /2.tra.lcz b. Nor d-io-te n-a-iz-ela jende-ek? who say./plu.syt be.1.syn.lcz people.plu.erg c. Zer uste z-u-te-n e-ma-n-go z-i-e(-n)-la Jainko-a-k? what think.ppr /plu.tra.pst give.fut /plu/.dtr.pst.lcz God.erg

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d. Zer uste d-u-zu-e e-gi-n z-u-e(n)-la? what think.ppr /2plu.tra do.pef tra.pst.lcz e. Zer uste h-u-en ze(-n)-la bizi-tze-a? what think.ppr /2.sol.tra.pst itr.pst.lcz live.ven f. Nor-ekin uste d-uzu e-torr-i z-in-e(-n)-la? who.soc think.ppr /2.tra come.pef 2.itr.pst.lcz g. Noiz eta nor-ekin esa-n d-uzu j-oa-n z-a-r-ela zine-ra? when and who.soc say.pef /2.tra go.pef 2.itr.lcz movies.all (64) a. Etorkizun-e-ko-a, ez da-ki-gu e-ma-n-en za-i-gu-n-etz. future.adn.zep not know./1plu.syt give.fut /1plu/.dit.ncz b. Paper-ak, ez da-ki-t no-la galdu d-it-u-en. paper.plu not know./1.syt how lose.pef plu/.tra.ncz c. Alab(a)-a-k, ez da-ki-t zer e-gi-n nahi-ko d-u-en. daughter.erg not know./1.syt what do want.fut tra.ncz d. Sendagile-rik, ez d-u-t uste inoiz behar-ko d-u-da-n-ik. doctor.par not /1.tra think.ppr ever need.fut /1.tra.pcz e. Zu-re izeba horr-ekin, ez d-u-t uka-tu Parisera-tu n-a-iz-en-ik. you.gen aunt that.soc not /1.tra deny.pef go to Paris.pef 1.itr.pcz (65) a. Esa-n eder-ki, baina e-gi-n, zer e-gi-ten d-u-gu? say ďŹ ne but do what do.ipf /1plu.tra b. Gusta-tu bai, baina harri-tu, ez z-u-te-n horr-en-beste harri-tzen. please yes but amaze not /plu.tra.pst that much amaze.ipf c. Hil, ez g-a-r-a guzti-ok hil-ko, baina bai guzti-ok izate-z alda-tu-ko. die not 1plu.itr die.fut but aff nature.idf.ins change.fut (66) a. E-ntzu-n, ez z-u-en ezer e-ntzu-ten. hear not tra.pst anything hear.ipf b. Sor-tu, 1948-an sor-tu ze-n. originate 1948.loc originate.pef itr.pst c. E-zagu(t)-tu, Salamanca-n become acquainted with Salamanca.loc e-zagu(t)-tu n-u-en Altuna. become acquainted with.pef /1.tra.pst Altuna d. Aipa-tu, ez d-u ber-e buru-a baizik aipa-tzen. cite not tra he himself.gen head but cite.ipf (67) a. Eta and b. Eta and

gosal-du ere, ez z-u-en sukalde-an presa-ka gosal-du. breakfast too not tra.pst kitchen.loc hurriedly breakfast.pef sine(t)s-tu ere, ez da-ki-t sine(t)s-tu-ko z-i-zu-e(-n)-n. believe too not know./1.syt believe.fut /2plu/.dtr.ncz


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(68) a. Eta sine(t)s-tu ere, ez da-ki-t e-gi-n z-i-zu-e(-n)-n. and believe too not know./1.syt do.pef /2plu/.dtr.ncz b. Saia-tu, behin-tzat, e-gi-n-go g-a-r-a. try at least do.fut 1plu.itr (69) GudaÂźontzi ahul hai-ek arrisku den-e-ta-tik aska-tzen warship weak yonder.plu.erg danger all.plu.ela free.ipf z-it-u-zte(-n)-la-r-en uste-ta-n plu/plu.tra.pst.lcz.idf.gen belief.idf.loc (70) a. Jainko-a ba-d-ela-ko froga bat God aff.exist.syn.lcz.adn proof a b. Adiskide g-a-r-ela-ko ezaugarri-tzat friend.idf be.1plu.syn.lcz.adn c. Santiago zaharr-en-a Espainia-ra e-torr-i ze(-n)-la-ko berri-ak James old.sup Spain.all come.pef itr.pst.lcz.adn report.plu d. No-ra-bait j-oa-n beharr-a z-u-te(-n)-la-ko aitzaki-an somewhere.loc go need have./plu.syt.pst.lcz.adn pretext.loc e. Bizi g-a-r-ela-ko seinale life.idf 1plu.syn.lcz.adn sign.idf f. Egoera mingarri bat-e-tik aska-tzen g-int-u-e(n)-la-ko poz-e-z situation painful a.ela free.ipf 1plu/.tra.pst.lcz.adn joy.idf.ins g. Ber-e parte-a iza-n-go d-u-ela-ko itxaropen-e-z he himself.gen part have.fut tra.lcz.adn hope.idf.ins h. Ikasle hura hil-ko ez ze(-n)-la-ko zurrumurru-a disciple yonder die.fut not itr.pst.lcz.adn rumor i. Bloy pitzadura bat-e-an eror-i ze(-n)-la-ko albiste-a Bloy crevice a.loc fall.pef news j. On-gi jarr-i z-a-r-ela-ko berri-ak ba-d-it-u-t. well recover.pef 2.itr.lcz.adn report.plu aff.have.plu/1.syt k. Menscher ero ze-go-ela-ko hots-a Menscher crazy.pre be.syn.pst.lcz.adn rumor (71) a. Su-a sor-tu-ko d-en beldurr-e-z ďŹ re break out.fut itr.ncz fear.idf.ins b. Beste-ren bat-e-k emazte-a ostu-ko ote z-i-o(-n)-n beldurr-e-z other.idf.gen a.erg wife steal.fut dub dtr.pst.ncz fear.idf.ins (72) a. Beldur n-a-iz hau n-u-e(n)-la azken itzuli-a. fear.idf 1.syn this have./1.syt.pst.lcz last return b. Biraolari gisa harri-ka e-ma-n-go ez d-i-da-te-la-ko blasphemer.idf as by throwing stones give.fut exp /1/plu.dtr.lcz.adn

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beldurr-a fear (73) a. Har-tu z-u-en ostalari-a-ren asto-a, ber-e-a take.pef tra.pst innkeeper.gen donkey he himself.gen.zep z-u-e(n)-la-ko-an. have.syt.pst.lcz.adn.zep.loc b. Ezti-a n-e-karr-e(-n)-la-ko-an behazun-a e-karr-i d-u-t. honey bring./1.syt.pst.lcz.adn.zep.loc gall bring.pef /1.tra c. Mesede ederr-a e-gi-n z-i-o-te-n har-i, kalte e-gi-ten favor beautiful do.pef //plu.dtr.pst yonder one.dat harm.idf do.ipf z-i-o-te(-n)-la-ko-an. //plu.dtr.pst.lcz.adn.loc d. Barbero bat-en-gan-(r)a e-ra-ma-n omen z-u-te-n, har-k barber a.all take to.pef rep /plu.tra.pst yonder one.erg senda-tu-ko z-u-e(n)-la-ko-an. cure.fut tra.pst.lcz.adn.zep.loc (74) a. Ne-r(e-h)oni ere erraz-a ez d-ela-ko-an n-a-go. I myself also easy not be.syn.lcz.adn.zep.loc be.1.syn b. Detektibe bat-e-k lan-a hobe-ki e-gi-n-go l-u-ke-ela-ko-an g-a-u-de. detective a.erg job well.cop do.fut tra.cod.lcz.adn.loc be.1plu.syn c. Nor z-a-r-ela-ko-an z-a-u-de? who be.2.syn.lcz.adn.zep.loc be.2.syn d. Huts-a-ren truke errespeta-tzen z-a-it-u-ela-ko-an, ala? nought.gen in exchange for.pre revere.ipf 2/.tra.lcz.adn.zep.loc or (75) a. Oso zabal-du-a ze-n herri-a-ren arte-an Mesias-a ustekabe-an azal-du-ko very spread.ppf itr.pst people.gen among Messiah unexpectedly appear.fut ze(-n)-la-ko-a. itr.pst.lcz.adn.zep b. Etxe-an da-u-de-la-ko-a da-uka-t. house.loc be.plu.syn.lcz.adn.zep have./1.syt (76) Den-a da-ki, eta ez ba-le-ki, da-ki-ela-ko-a e-gi-ten everything know.syt and not cdp.know.syt.cod know.syt.lcz.adn.zep make.ipf d-u. tra Chapter 19

(1) a. Nor ote da ni-re emazte-a-ren ohe-an da-go-en emakume itsusi hori? who dub be.syn I.gen wife.gen bed.loc be.syn.nre woman ugly that


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b. Zain-tzen n-a-u-en frantses-a albo-ko gel(a)-an da-go. guard.ipf 1/.tra.nre Frenchman side.adn room.loc be.syn c. Hor da-ra-ma-zu-n agenda-txo-a behar d-u-gu. there.loc carry./2.syt.nre notebook.dim need.ppr /1plu.tra d. Lagun-tzat e-ma-n d-i-da-zu-n emakume-a-k fruitu-a eskain-i d-i-t. give.pef /1/2.dtr.nre woman.erg fruit o¤er.pef /1/.dtr e. Ni-k lepo-a mo(t)z-tu n-i-o-(n)-n Joan huraxe pi(t)z-tu da. I.erg neck cut.pef //1.dtr.pst.nre John yonder.emp revive.pef itr (2) a. Ez da-go huts-ik e-gi-ten ez d-u-en gai(t)zkile-rik. not be.syn mistake.par make.ipf not tra.nre criminal.par b. Bizi-a salba-tu ez z-i-da-(n)-n lagun-a life save.pef not /1/.dtr.pst.nre mate c. Bidart-e-k i-kus-ten ez z-it-u-e(n)-n malko-ak txuka-tu z-it-u-en. Bidart.erg see.ipf not plu/.tra.pst.nre tear.plu dry.pef plu/.tra.pst (3) a. Hau-ek z-ir-e-n, this one.plu be.plu.syn.pst gaitz-a-ren ezaugarri-ak. disease.gen symptom.plu b. Hau-ek z-ir-e-n, this one.plu be.plu.syn.pst gaitz-a-ren ezaugarri-ak. disease.gen symptom.plu

behin-ik behin, gogo-an d-u-da-n single occasion.par once mind.loc /1.tra.nre

behin-ik behin, gogo-an d-it-u-da-n single occasion.par once mind.loc plu/1.tra.nre

(4) a. Gizon-a-ri haurr-a e-ma-n d-i-o-n emakume-a hil da. man.dat child give.pef dtr.nre woman die.pef itr b. Apaiz-a-k gizon-a-ri e-ma-n d-i-o-n emakume-a hil da. priest.erg man.dat give.pef dtr.nre woman die.pef itr c. Apaiz-a-k haurr-a e-ma-n d-i-o-n emakume-a hil da. priest.erg child give.pef dtr.nre woman die.pef itr (4) E-ma-n d-i-o-n emakume-a hil da. give.pef dtr.nre woman die.pef itr (5) a.

Izen-a aha(t)z-tu d-u-da-n norbait-e-k esan d-i-t. name forget.pef /1.tra.nre somebody.erg tell.pef /1/.dtr b. **Etxe-ra-ino j-oa-n n-a-iz-en norbait-e-k esan d-i-t. house.ter go.pef 1.itr.nre somebody.erg tell.pef /1/.dtr

(6) a. Txutxo, gaur arte izen-ik ere ez n-e-ki-e(n)-n txakurr-a, . . . Txutxo today until name.par even not know./1.syt.pst.nre dog b. Kodigo-a e-zagu(t)-tzen ez n-u-e(n)-n sistema bat-en barru-an aurki-tzen code know.ipf not /1.tra.pst.nre system a.gen inside.loc ďŹ nd.ipf

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d. e.

f. g.


n-in-tz-e-n. 1.itr.pst Zer e-sa-n-go d-u-te aldegi-ten ba-d-u-t lehen hain zale-a iza-n what say.fut /plu.tra stay away.ipf cdp./1.tra earlier so fond be.pef n-a-iz-en fest(a)-e-ta-tik? 1.itr.nre festivity.plu.ela Ea deretxo-rik paga-tu behar d-en gauza-rik bila-tzen d-u-gu-n. wcc duty.par pay must.ppr itr.nre thing.par ďŹ nd.ipf /1plu.tra.ncz Nafarroa-ko errege-ek gain-e-an zin e-gi-ten z-u-te-(n)-n liburu Navarra.adn king.plu.erg top.loc oath.idf make.ipf /plu.tra.pst.nre book handi-a big Piarres-e-k pusk(a)-ak gain-e-an ezar-tzen d-it-u-en armairu-a Peter.erg thing.plu top.loc put.ipf plu/.tra.nre chest Gibel-e-an jarr-i n-a-iz-en gizon-a back.loc sit down.pef 1.itr.nre man

(7) a. Aurki-tu ote d-u-te akusa-tu n-ind-u-te(-n)-n krimen-a-ren egile-a? ďŹ nd.pef dub /plu.tra accuse.pef 1/plu.tra.pst.nre crime.gen author b. Zu-ek ez z-en-u-te-n gu kontura-tu g-in-e(-n)-n arrisku-a i-kus-ten. you.plu.erg not /2plu.tra.pst we realize.pef 1plu.itr.pst.nre danger see.ipf c. Mintzaldi-a e-gi-n d-u-zu-n ida(t)zle-a ez n-u-en e-zagu-tzen. lecture make.pef /2.tra.nre author not /1.tra.pst know.ipf (8) a. Bizi z-a-r-e-te-n baserri-a ber-ekin e-ra-ma-n-go l-u-ke. live.ppr 2plu.itr.nre farm she herself.soc carry away.fut tra.cod b. G-e-u-n-de(-n)-n gel(a)-a har-en erretaul(a)-e-z bete-a ze-go-en. stay.1plu.syn.pst.nre room yonder one.gen painting.plu.ins full be.syn.pst c. Gau-a e-gi-n behar z-u-e(n)-n etxe-ra-ino ja-rrai-tu zi-tza-i-z-ki-o-n. night make be to.ppr tra.pst.nre house.ter follow.pef /plu.dit.pst d. Laster j-oa-n-go h-a-iz, Arantxa, beste maitasun batzu-k iza-n-go soon go.fut 2sol.itr Arantxa other love relationship some.plu have.fut d-it-u-na-n etxe-ra. plu/2sol.fem.tra.nre house.all e. Berandu ager-tu n-in-tz-e-n, gain-e-ra, leku huts-ik geldi-tzen ez too late appear.pef 1.itr.pst top.all place empty.par remain.ipf not ze(-n)-n mundu-ra. itr.pst.nre world.all f. Lo z-a-u-tza-n lurr-a e-ma-n-go d-i-zu-e-t zu-ri eta zu-re asleep.pre lie.2.syn.nre land give.fut /2plu/1.dtr you.dat and you.gen ondorengo-e-i. descendant.plu.dat


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(9) a. Abendu-a-ren hamaika; ni ama-ren-gan-ik atera n-in-tz-e(-n)-n egun-a. December.gen eleven I mother.idf.ela come out.pef 1.itr.pst.nre day b. Lan-ik e-gi-ten ez d-u-da-n egun-e-ta-n pattarr-a-rekin buka-tzen d-u-t. work.par do.ipf not /1.tra.nre day.plu.loc brandy.soc ďŹ nish.ipf /1.tra c. Zoragarri-a iza-n-go da zu ezkon-tzen z-a-r-en egun-a. wonderful be.fut itr you marry.ipf 2.itr.nre day d. E-torr-i-ko da senar berri-a ken-du-ko d-i-e-te-n egun-a. come.fut itr husband new take away.fut /plu/plu.dtr.nre day (10) a. Z-oa-z e-torr-i z-in-e(-n)-n leku-ra! go.syn.imp come.pef 2.itr.pst.nre place.all b. Itzul-i-ko n-a-iz atera n-a-iz-en ni-re etxe-ra. return.fut 1.itr go out.pef 1.itr.nre I.gen house.all c. Da-bil-en bide-a-k harrapa-tu-ko d-u. walk.syn.nre road.erg catch up with.fut tra d. Zi-h-oa(n)-n bide guzti-e-ta-ra atera-tzen zi-tza-i-o-n Simon. go.syn.pst.nre road all.plu.all go out.ipf dtr.pst Simon (11) a. Ken-du d-u-gu igo behar ez z-u-e(n)-n toki-t-ik. remove.pef /1plu.tra ascend have to.ppr not tra.pst.nre place.ela b. Harri-a bota d-i-da-n begi-tik ez d-u-t ezer i-kus-ten. stone throw.pef /1/.dtr.nre eye.ela not /1.tra anything see.ipf c. Eta Hura j-oa-ten ze(-n)-n herriska, herri eta auzo-e-ta-n, and Yonder one go.ipf itr.pst.nre village.idf town.idf and hamlet.plu.loc gaixo-ak larrain-e-ta-n ipin-tzen z-i-z-ki-o-te-n. sick.zep.plu threshing oor.plu.loc put out.ipf plu//plu.dtr.pst (12) a. J-oa-n n-a-iz-en gizon-(e)-ekin e-ra-ma-n d-u-t. go.pef 1.itr.nre man.plu.soc carry.pef /1.tra b. Zer-ga(i)-tik hauts-i behar d-u-k behin ohera-tzen h-a-iz-en what.mot break o¤ have to.ppr /2sol.tra once go to bed.ipf 2sol.itr.nre neska guzti-(e)-ekin? girl all.plu.soc c. Pello-k ber-e buru-a hil z-u-e(n)-n emakume-a-ren-ga(i)-tik Pete.erg he himself.gen head kill.pef tra.pst.nre woman.mot Andres-e-k ere ber-e buru-a hil nahi d-u. Andrew.erg too he himself.gen head kill want.ppr tra (13) N-eu-re buru-a hil nahi n-u-e(n)-n arrazoi-a-z ez n-a-iz gogora-tzen. I.ref.gen head kill want.ppr /1.tra.pst.nre reason.ins not 1.itr remember.ipf (14) a. Ni bizi n-a-iz-en-e-ko balera hon-e-ta-n, elizatxo bat da. I live.ppr 1.itr.nre.adn valley this.loc church.dim a be.syn

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b. Ume n-in-tz-e(-n)-n-e-ko egun-ak j-oa-n z-ir-e-n. child.idf be.1.syn.pst.nre.adn day.plu go.pef plu.itr.pst c. Eta aita-ren-tzat ur bila n-i-h-oa(n)-n-e-ko iturri-a-ren and father.idf.ben water.idf in search of.pre go.1.syn.pst.nre.adn fountain.gen hots-a sound d. Irits-i-ko za-i-zu-e Gizon-a-ren Seme-a e-torr-i-ko d-en-e-ko egun bat arrive.fut 2plu/.dit Man.gen Son come.fut itr.nre.adn day one bederen i-kus-i nahi iza-n-go d-u-zu-e-n-e-ko garai-a. at least see want have.fut /2plu.tra.nre.adn time e. N-oa-n berri-ro atera n-in-tz-e-(n)-n-e-ko n-eu-re etxe-ra. go.1.syn.ncz new.adv go out.pef 1.itr.pst.nre.adn I.ref.gen house.all (15) a. Ezta ere atzo hots e-gi-n z-i-da(-n)-n-e-ko ber-e nor yesterday sound.idf make.pef /1/.dtr.pst.nre.adn he himself.gen ahots-a-ren doinu-a. voice.gen tone b. Antipas-e-k ber-a-k lepo-a motz-araz-i z-i-o-(n)-e-ko Joan huraxe Antipas.erg he himself.erg neck cut.cau.pef dtr.pst.nre.adn John yonder.emp ber-a d-ela uste d-u. same be.syn.lcz believe.ppr tra c. Zer-a d-io-en-e-ko (pasarte) hura aurki-tu z-u-en: . . . what.def say.syt.nre.adn passage yonder ďŹ nd.pef tra.pst (16) a. Ber-e-tzat lan e-gi-ten d-uda-n ugazab(a)-a he himself.ben work.idf do.ipf /1.tra.nre boss b. Ez da ber-a-ga(i)-tik bizi-a e-ma-n-go n-u-ke-e(n)-n gizon-ik. not be.syn he himself.mot life give.fut /1.tra.cod.pst.nre man.par c. Hau da n-eu-re atsegin guzti-ak Ber-e-gan this one be.syn I.ref.gen contentment all.plu He himself.loc d-it-u-da-n ni-re seme kutun-a. have.plu/1.syt.nre I.gen son beloved d. Ber-e alab(a)-a e-zagu(t)-tzen d-u-da-n gizon-a he himself.gen daughter know.ipf /1.tra.nre man (17) a. Ber-e azpi-an ezkuta-tu n-in-tz-e(n)-n mahai-a txiki samarr-a ze-n. it itself.gen under hide.pef 1.itr.pst.nre table small rather be.syn.pst b. Ber-e atze-tik z-a-bil-tza-n neskatx(a)-a-k ez z-a-it-u maite. she herself.gen back.ela go.2.syn.nre girl.erg not 2/.tra love.ppr (18) a. Bart i-kus-te-ra j-oa-n g-in-e-(n)-n ďŹ lm-a / ďŹ lm(a)-a last night see.ven.all go.pef 1plu.itr.pst.nre movie movie


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b. Har-k nahi d-u ber-a-k esa-te-n atrebi-tzen ez d-en yonder one.erg want.ppr tra he himself.erg say.ven.loc dare.ipf not itr.nre gauz(a)-ak beste-k esa-te-a. thing.plu somebody else.erg say.ven (Note: One would expect bera here.) c. Z-oa-z ibai-ra eta har-tu han gorde-tze-ko agin-du go.syn.imp river.all and take over there.loc hide.ven.adn command.pef n-i-zu(-n)-n gerriko-a. /2/1.dtr.pst.nre belt (19) a. E-torr-i-ko ote d-en ez da-ki-zu-n gizon-a come.fut dub itr.ncz not know./2.syt.nre man b. Sala-tu-ko ote z-a-it-u-en beldur z-a-r-en gizon-a denounce.fut dub 2/.tra.ncz fear.idf 2.itr.nre man (20) a. Ha-ra no-n d-u-zu-e-n gaur e-torr-i-ko ez ze(-n)-la over there.all where.loc have./2plu.syt.ncz today come.fut not itr.pst.lcz z-en-io-te(-n)-n gizon-a! say./2plu.syt.nre man b. Eta neskatxa hil-a-ren ondo-an ager-tu ze-n Peru Okotz-en-a and girl dead.gen side.loc appear.pef itr.pst Peru Okotz.gen.zep ze(-n)-la esan d-u-zu-e-n aizto-a ere. be.syn.pst.lcz say.pef /2plu.tra.nre knife too c. . . . berri-ro ez z-en-u-te(-n)-la i-kus-i-ko esan z-i-zu-e(-n)-n . . . new.adv not /2plu.tra.pst.lcz see.fut tell.pef /2plu/.dtr.pst.nre lurralde-ra. land.all d. Hau al da itsu jaio ze(-n)-la d-io-zu-e-n zu-(e)-en this one int be.syn blind.idf be born.pef itr.pst.lcz say./2plu.syt.nre you.plu seme-a? son e. Laguntza e-ma-n-en d-i-zu-la uste duzu-n gizon-a assistance.idf give.fut /2/.dtr.lcz believe.ppr /2.tra.nre man (21) Zoro-a d-e(n)-la guzti-ek da-ki-te-la esan z-i-zu-te(-n)-la crazy be.syn.lcz all.plu.erg know./plu.syt.lcz tell.pef /2/plu.dtr.pst.lcz idatz-i z-en-i-da(-n)-la uste d-u-da-n ijito-a-k musu e-ma-n write.pef /1/2.dtr.pst.lcz believe.ppr /1.tra.nre gypsy.erg kiss.idf give.pef z-i-da-n. /1/.dtr.pst

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(22) Amorratu-ak d-ir-ela bist(a)-an da-go-en zakur hori-(e)-ekin ez d-u-t rabid.plu be.plu.syn.lcz sight.loc be.syn.nre hound that.plu.soc not /1.tra i-bil-i nahi. walk want.ppr (23) Bi urte-ren buru-an itzul-araz-i e-gi-n-go d-it-u-t toki hon-e-te-ra two year.idf.gen end.loc return.cau do.fut plu/1.tra place this.all errege-a-k ber-ta-tik har-tu eta Babilonia-ra e-ra-ma-n z-it-u-e(n)-n king.erg from right here take.pef and Babylon.all carry o¤.pef plu/.tra.pst.nre tenplu-ko tresn(a)-ak. temple.adn vessel.plu (24) a. **Ero-a ze(-n)-la-ko seinale-ak i-kus-i n-it-u-e(n)-n taxi gidari-a-k crazy be.syn.pst.lcz.adn sign.plu see.pef plu/1.tra.pst.nre taxi driver.erg itsus(i)-ki jo n-ind-u-en. badly beat.pef 1/.tra.pst b. **E-ra-ik-i d-u-en etxe-a desegi-n d-u-te-n etxegile-a gaixo-tu e-gi-n build.pef tra.nre house tear down.pef /plu.tra.nre architect fall ill do.pef da. itr c. **Idatz-i d-u-en emakume-a e-zagu(t)-tzen d-u-da-n liburu-a write.pef tra.nre woman know.ipf /1.tra.nre book gogo-z irakurr-i d-u-t. pleasure.idf.ins read.pef /1.tra (25) a. No-n-dik da-torr-en ere ez da-ki-da-n jende-a-ri e-ma-n behar where.ela come.syn.ncz even not know./1.syt.nre people.dat give must.ppr al d-i-z-ki-ot? int plu//1.dtr b. Nor-k kanta-tzen d-it-u-en abesti-ak gusta-tzen za-i-z-ki-zu? who.erg sing.ipf plu/.tra.nre song.plu please.ipf 2/plu.dit c. Nor-k e-ma-n z-i-zu(-n)-n liburu-a gal-du d-u-zu? who.erg give.pef /2/.dtr.pst.nre book lose.pef /2.tra d. Nor bizi d-en etxe-an sar-tu da polizi(a)-a? who live.ppr itr.nre house.loc enter.pef itr police e. Noiz i-kus-i d-u-zu-n ďŹ lm(a)-a-z / ďŹ lm-a-z mintzo z-a-r-a? when see.pef /2.tra.nre movie.ins talk.ppr 2.syn (26) a. Guzti-ok maite d-u-gu-n mesede handi-ak e-gi-n d-i-z-ki-gu-n love.ppr /1plu.tra.nre favor great.plu do.pef plu/1plu/.dtr.nre lagun bat-e-k esan d-u. friend a.erg say.pef tra


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b. Eta orain da-tor-ki-t gogo-ra gazte-ta-n ikas-i n-u-e(n)-n asko and now come.1/.dyn mind.all youth.idf.loc learn.pef /1.tra.pst.nre a lot esan gura d-u-en ipuin hau. say want.ppr tra.nre tale this c. Irakurr-i d-it-u-gu-n idatz-i z-it-u-e(n)-n liburu batzu-k oso read.pef plu/1plu.tra.nre write.pef plu/.tra.pst.nre book some.plu very interesgarri-ak d-ir-a. interesting.plu be.plu.syn (27) a. Ez esan inor-i i-kus-i d-u-zu-e-n hau. not tell anyone.dat see.pef /2plu.tra.nre this b. Armairu gain-e-an da-uka-zu-n hori zer da? cupboard top.loc keep./2.syt.nre that what be.syn c. Zer da basamortu-an go(i)-ra da-torr-en hori? what be.syn wilderness.loc top.all come.syn.nre that d. Da-torr-en horr-ekin seigarren txand(a)-a iza-n-go d-u-t. come.syn.nre that.soc sixth turn have.fut /1.tra (28) a. Nor ote d-u-gu bekatu-ak barka-tu ere e-gi-ten d-it-u-en hau? who dub have./1plu.syt sin.plu forgive even do.ipf plu/.tra.nre this one b. Nortzu-k d-ir-a eta no-n-dik da-to(r)-z zuri-z jantz-i-rik who all.plu be.plu.syn and where.ela come.plu.syn white.idf.ins robe.pef.sta da-u-de-n hau-ek? be.plu.syn.nre this one.plu c. Ez al d-u-zu i-kus-ten biziklet(a)-an da-torr-en hori? not int /2.tra see.ipf bicycle.loc come.syn.nre that one d. Nor d-ir-a da-to(r)z-en hori-ek? who be.plu.syn come.plu.syn.nre that one.plu e. Zu z-a-r-a Israel nahas-tu d-u-zu-n hori? you be.2.syn Israel trouble.pef /2.tra.nre that one (29) a. Hainbeste maite z-a-it-u-da-n hon-e-k esa-ten d-i-zu-t. so much love.ppr 2/1.tra.nre this one.erg say.ipf /2/1.dtr b. Guzti-ak bete-tzen d-it-u-zu-n horr-e-k, Zu-ta-z oso-z bete-tzen al all.plu ďŹ ll.ipf plu/2.tra.nre that one.erg You.ins completely ďŹ ll.ipf int d-it-u-zu? plu/2.tra c. Bikain z-a-r-en Horr-i higuin za-i-zu perfect.idf be.2.syn.nre that one.dat loathsome.idf be.2/.dyn hai-(e)-en makets-a. yonder one.plu.gen imperfection

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(30) a. Batasun-a sor-tu nahi-z has-i g-in-e(-n)-n-ok ‘‘bitasun-a’’ unity create aim.idf.ins start.pef ‘‘two-ness’’ sor-tu d-u-gu. create.pef /1plu.tra b. Jules Verne-ren liburu-ak gogo-z irakurr-i Jules Verne.gen book.plu pleasure.idf.ins read.pef d-it-u-gu-n-on-tzat, ba-d-u film hon-e-k beste atsegin iturri-rik. plu/ aff.have.syt film this.erg other delight source.par c. Ai, zu-e-k lege¼maisu-ok, jakituri(a)-a-ren giltz(a)-a ken-du alas you.plu wisdom.gen key take away.pef d-u-zu-e-n-ok! / (31) a. Ni-rekin plater ber-e-tik ja-te-n ari d-en bat-e-k sal-du-ko I.soc plate same.ela eat.ven.loc be busy.ppr itr.nre one.erg betray.fut n-a-u. 1/.tra b. No-n-go-a d-en ez da-ki-da-n bat-i e-ma-n-go d-i-z-ki-o-t where.adn be.syn.ncz not know./1.syt.nre one.dat give.fut plu//1.dtr mo(t)ztaile-(e)-en-tzat presta-tu d-it-u-da-n ogi eta ardiki-ak? shearer.plu.ben prepare.pef plu/1.tra.nre bread.idf and sheep cutlet.plu (32) a. Konpreni-tzen d-u-zu orain esa-n nahi d-u-da-n-a? understand.ipf /2.tra now say want.ppr /1.tra.nre.zep b. Ez da-go on-do e-gi-te-n ari z-a-r-e-te-n-a. not be.syn well do.ven.loc be busy.ppr 2plu.itr.nre.zep c. Begi-ek gezurta-tzen z-u-te-n aho-ek z-io-te(-n)-n-a. eye.plu.erg belie.ipf /plu.tra.pst mouth.plu.erg say./plu.syt.pst.nre.zep d. Eskandalu bat da hemen gerta-tzen d-en-a. scandal a be.syn here.loc happen.ipf itr.nre.zep (33) a. Ari d-en-a-k e-gi-ten d-it-u huts-ak. be busy.ppr itr.nre.zep.erg make.ipf plu/.tra mistake.plu b. Bi-k da-ki-te-n-a laster ja-ki-n-go d-u-te two.idf.erg know./plu.syt.nre.zep soon know.fut /plu.tra hamaika-k. a lot(<eleven).idf.erg c. Asko-ren uste-z, beste ezer-ta-ra-ko balio ez many.gen opinion.idf.ins other anything.des be good for.ppr not d-ute-n-ek lege-ak ikas-ten d-it-u-z-te. /plu.tra.nre.zep.plu.erg law.plu study.ipf plu/plu.tra


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d. Iza-n ere, d-u-en-a-ri e-ma-n e-gi-n-go za-i-o; ez indeed have.syt.nre.zep.dat give do.fut dit not d-u-en-a-ri, orde-a, da-uka-n apurr-a ere ken-du e-gi-n-go. have.syt.nre.zep.dat however little even take away do.fut (34) a. Senarr-a d-u-en-a-k jaun-a ba-d-u. husband have.syt.nre.zep.erg lord aff.have.syt b. Ur-a-k da-karr-en-a, ur-a-k da-ra-ma. water.erg bring.syt.nre.zep water.erg carry away.syt c. Nahi d-u-en-a esa-ten d-u-en-a-k, nahi ez d-u-en-a want.ppr tra.nre.zep say.ipf tra.nre.zep.erg want.ppr not tra.nre.zep e-ntzu-n-go d-u. hear.fut tra d. Behi-a je(t)z-te-n ez da-ki-en-a-ren-tzat, behi guzti-ak d-ir-a cow milk.ven.loc not know.syt.nre.zep.ben cow all.plu be.plu.syn antzu-ak. barren.plu (35) a. Katalin-e-k eta amona-k nahi d-u-te-n-ik ez Kathleen.erg and Grandmother.idf.erg want.ppr /plu.tra.nre.zep.par not da gerta-tu-ko. itr happen.fut b. Donostia-n ez da hau ez da-ki-en-ik. San Sebastian.loc not be.syn this not know.syt.nre.zep.par c. Ba-da orain-dik har-en ateraldi eta erantzun-ik gogo-an now.ela yonder one.gen witticism.idf and repartee.par mind.loc d-it-u-en-ik Errenteria-n. have./plu.tra.nre.zep.par Renteria.loc (36) a. Ez d-u-t ber-e-gan barkapen-a merezi d-u-en-ik ezer not /1.tra he himself.loc forgiveness deserve.ppr tra.nre.par anything aurki-tzen. find.ipf b. Ez d-u-t frantses ‘‘angoisse’’ hitz-a-k da-uka-n borti(t)ztasun-a not /1.tra French ‘‘angoisse’’ word.erg have.syt.nre forcefulness d-u-en-ik ezer aurki-tzen. have.syt.nre.par anything find.ipf c. Ez al da Gipuzkoa oso-an ni-k e-zagu(t)-tu-ko ez not int be.syn Guipuzcoa all.loc I.erg know.fut not n-u-ke-e(n)-n-ik inor? /1.tra.cod.pst.nre.par anybody

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d. Ez da-ki-zu-e gauza isil-ak asma-tze-n ni-ri e-ra-ma-ten not know./2plu.syt matter secret.plu discover.ven.loc I.dat outdo.ipf d-i-da-n-ik inor ez d-ela? /1/.dtr.nre.par anybody not be.syn.lcz e. Jende-a-k esa-ten d-u ha(r-en)-la ez d-en-ik franko. people.erg say.ipf tra so not be.syn.nre.par a lot( of ) (37) a. Purgatorio-ko su-an paga-tu behar-ko d-u-zu-n ezer ez da-uka-zu? purgatory.adn fire.loc pay have to.fut /2.tra.nre anything not have./2.syt b. Arreb(a)-a-ri ez za-i-o Luis-e-k e-gi-ten d-u-en ezer gusta-tzen. sister.dat not dit Luis.erg do.ipf tra.nre anything please.ipf c. Mundu-an bai al da logik(a)-a-rekin joka-tzen d-u-en inor? world.loc aff int be.syn logic.soc act.ipf tra.nre anyone d. Atzo bizi ze(-n)-n franko bada hil-ik egun. yesterday live.ppr itr.pst.nre plenty die.pef.sta today (38) a. E-gi-n d-u-da-n guzti-a esan d-i-t. do.pef /1.tra.nre all tell.pef /1/.dtr b. Hori da n-a-iz-en guzti-a. that be.syn be.1.syn.nre all (39) a. ‘‘N-a-iz’’ esa-ten d-u-t n-a-iz-en-txo hon-e-k. ‘‘I am’’ say.ipf /1.tra be.1.syn.nre.dim this one.erg b. ha(r-en)-la ere, gorets-i nahi z-a-it-u d-u-zu-n-tto hon-e-k. yonder way even praise want.ppr 2/.tra have./2.syt.nre.dim this one.erg c. Gabe z-a-r-en-txo bat ba-d-u-zu orain-dik. without.pre be.2.syn.nre.dim one aff.have./2.syt now.ela (40) a. Ikas-i d-u-gu-n-txo-a beste-ren hizkuntz(a)-an ikas-i learn.pef /1plu.tra.nre.dim someone else.idf.gen language.loc learn.pef d-u-gu. /1plu.tra b. Hemen di-h-oa-ki-zu da-ki-gu-n-txo-a. here.loc go.2/.dyn know./1plu.syt.nre.dim.zep c. Ahal d-en-txo-a e-gi-ten d-u-t behin-tzat. ppp itr.nre.dim.zep do.ipf /1.tra at least d. Zordun g-a-r-a zenbait kultura sail-e-ta-n, d-u-gu-n-txo indebted.idf be.1plu.syn certain culture area.loc have./1plu.syt.nre.dim pixk(a)-ren zordun. little bit.gen indebted.idf (41) a. E-gi-ten d-i-gu-n-a-ri gai(t)z-ki, zer-ga(i)-tik e-gi-n behar act.ipf /1plu/.dtr.nre.zep.dat badly what.mot act should.ppr


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d-i-o-gu on-gi? //1plu.dtr nicely b. Aho-an d-u-en-a-ri min, ezti-a za-i-o samin. mouth.loc have.syt.nre.zep.dat sore.idf honey be.dyn bitter c. Da-ki-en-a-k beldur e-uki-tze-n, ba-da-ki gizon iza-te-n. know.syt.nre.zep.erg fear.idf have.ven.loc aff.know.syt man.idf be.ven.loc (42) a. Amerik(a)-e-ta-n bai, ni-re senarr-a-k esa-ten d-u-en-e-z. America.plu.loc aff I.gen husband.erg say.ipf tra.nre.zep.idf.ins b. n-e(u)-r(e h)on-e-k egun hau-e-ta-n i-kus-i d-u-da-n-e-z, jende I myself.erg day this.plu.loc see.pef /1.tra.nre.zep.idf.ins people gutxi da-bil hemen. few walk.syn here.loc (43) a. Baina, i-kus-ten d-u-da-n-e-z, ez n-a-u inor-k behar hemen. but see.ipf /1.tra.nre.zep.idf.ins not 1/.tra anybody.erg need.ppr here.loc b. D-irudi-en-e-z, ber-a-z, edo ni-k d-eritz-a-da-n-e-z seem.syt.nre.zep.idf.ins same.ins or I.erg deem/1.dyt.nre.zep.idf.ins behin-tzat, etxeÂźjupu-a ez ze-n habe-a. at least etxe-jupua not be.syn.pst beam (44) a. Da-ki-da-n-e-z, Madril-e-n bizi ze-n know./1.syt.nre.zep.idf.ins Madrid.loc live.ppr itr.pst b. Eta orain arte, ni-k da-ki-da-n-e-z, ez d-u inor-k and now until I.erg know./1.syt.nre.zep.idf.ins not tra anybody.erg ezer aurki-tu. anything ďŹ nd.pef (45) a. Hitzaurre-a-z bi hitz esa-n-go n-it-u-z-ke, Tolstoizale-a preface.ins two word.idf say.fut plu/1.tra.cod Tolstoi fan n-a-iz-en-e-z. be.1.syn.nre.zep.idf.ins b. N-eu bakarr-ik iza-n-go n-a-u-zu gain-e-tik, errege n-a-iz-en-e-z. I.emp only.sta have.fut 1/2.tra top.ela king.idf be.syn.nre.zep.idf.ins (46) a. Neska bat-e-k, oso polit-a-k, maite z-a-it-u. girl a.erg very pretty.zep.erg love.ppr 2/.tra b. Neska bat-i, oso polit-a-ri, e-ma-n-go d-i-z-ki-o-t lore-ak. girl a.dat very pretty.zep.dat give.fut plu//1.dtr ower.plu c. Behi bat-i, ederr-a-ri, luza-ro begira-tu d-i-o. cow a.dat beautiful.zep.dat for a long time look.pef dtr (47) a. Neska bat e-torr-i zi-tza-i-gu-n, oso polit-a. girl a come.pef 1plu/.dit.pst very pretty.zep

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b. Behi bat eros-i d-u-t, ederrr-a. cow a buy.pef /1.tra beautiful.zep (48) a. Baldin ni-k, zu-(e)-en Jaun eta Maisu n-a-iz-en hon-e-k, oin-ak cdc I.erg you.plu.gen Lord and Teacher be.1.syn.nre this one.erg foot.plu garbi-tu ba-d-i-z-ki-zu-e-t, zu-ek ere elkarr-i garbi-tu wash cdp.plu/2plu/1.dtr you.plu.erg also each other.dat wash behar d-i-z-ki-o-zu-e. should.ppr plu//2plu.dtr b. Zu-k, e-zagu(t)-tzen n-au-zu-n horr-e-k, ba-da-ki-zu ezetz. you.erg know.ipf 1/2.tra.nre that one.erg aff.know./2.syt no c. Campion-e-k, hainbeste aldi-z gogora-tzen d-u-gu-n campion.erg so many time.ins bring to mind.ipf /1plu.tra.nre har-k, . . . yonder one.erg, . . . (49) a. Ba-n-u-en astakume polit bat, oso maite aff.have./1.syt.pst young donkey nice a very much love.ppr n-u-e(n)-n-a. /1.tra.pst.nre.zep b. Eta hau zer da? Katu bat, j-oa-n d-en negu-an hil and this what be.syn cat a go.pef itr.nre winter.loc die.pef zi-tza-i-gu(-n)-n-a. 1plu/.dit.pst.nre.zep c. Ni n-a-iz zu-(e)-en anai-a, zu-ek sal-du n-ind-u-zu-e(n)-n-a. I be.1.syn you.plu.gen brother you.plu.erg sell.pef 1/2plu.tra.pst.nre.zep d. Beti gogo-an z-a-u-z-ka-da-n dam(a)-a, izarr-a d-irudi-zu-n-a, always mind.loc have.2/1.syt.nre lady star look like./2.syt.nre.zep eguzki-a-ren beharr-ik gabe argi e-gi-ten d-u-zu-n-a, . . . sun.gen need.par without.pre light.idf make.ipf /2.tra.nre.zep e. Berri-z ager-tu ze-n aingeru-a har-en emazte-a-ri, land(a)-an new.adv appear.pef itr.pst angel yonder one.gen wife.dat ďŹ eld.loc jarri-a ze-go-e(n)-n-a-ri. sit.pef.def be.syn.pst.nre.zep.dat (50) a. Eta ohar bat, bidenabar, inor-k txar-tzat har-tze-a nahi ez and remark a by the way anyone.erg take.ven want.ppr not n-u-ke-e(n)-n-a. /1.tra.cod.pst.nre.zep b. Astakume bat aurki-tu-ko d-u-zu-e, gain-e-an inor jarr-i ez young donkey a ďŹ nd.fut /2plu.tra top.loc anyone sit.pef not


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za-i-o-n-a. dit.nre.zep c. Herritar guzti-ak har-ta-z mintza-tzen z-ir-e-n puta bat iza-n town’s people all.plu yonder one.ins speak.ipf plu.itr.pst whore a be.pef ba-li-tz bezala, ifernu-ko sua-k bere-tu-ko z-u-e(n)-n-a. cdp.itr.cod sip hell.adn fire.erg seize.fut tra.pst.nre.zep (51) a. Zu-k ez al d-u-zu lehengusu bat filarmonik(a)-a jo-tzen d-u-en-a? you.erg not int have./2.syt cousin a accordion play tra.nre.zep b. Hargin-ik ez da eda-ten ez d-u-en-ik. stonecutter.par not be.syn drink.ipf not tra.nre.del.par c. Jende asko e-zagu(t)-tu d-u-t goiz-e-an aldarte txarr-e-ta-n people a lot( of ) know.pef /1.tra morning.loc mood bad.idf.loc esna-tzen z-ir-e(-n)-n-ak. wake up.ipf plu.itr.pst.nre.zep.plu (52) a. E-torr-i-ko da denbor(a)-a deabru-a-k laguntza-rik e-gi-n-en ez d-i-zu-n-a. come.fut itr time devil.erg help.par do.fut not /2/.dtr.nre.zep b. Noiz irits-i-ko da egun-a ni-re-a iza-n-go z-a-it-u-da-n-a? when arrive.fut itr day I.gen.zep have.fut 2/1.tra.nre.zep c. Baina gero iza-n-go z-ir-e(-n)-la egun-ak bi ere e-gi-n-go but later be.fut plu.itr.pst.lcz day.plu two.idf even make.fut z-it-u-z-te(-n)-n-ak. plu/plu.tra.pst.nre.zep.plu (53) a. Ni n-a-iz Egipto-ra-ko sal-du z-en-u-te(n)-n Jose zu(-e)-en anai-a. I be.1.syn Egypt.des sell.pef /2plu.tra.pst.nre Joseph you.plu brother b. Orain-dik inor eser-i ez za-i-o-n astakume bat aurki-tu-ko d-u-zu-e. now.ela anyone sit.pef not dit.nre young donkey a find.fut /2plu.tra c. Eguzki-a-ren beharr-ik gabe argi e-gi-ten d-u-zu-n izarr-a sun.gen need.par without.pre light.idf make.ipf /2.tra.nre star d-irudi-zu-n beti gogo-an z-a-u-z-ka-da-n dam(a)-a . . . look like./2.syt.nre always mind.loc have.2/1.syt.nre lady (54) a. Horr-(r)a-ko zu-re seme hori, zu-re ondasun-ak emagaldu(-e)-ekin there.all.adn you.gen son that you.gen good.plu prostitute.plu.soc jan d-it-u-en hori, . . . consume.pef plu/.tra.nre that one . . . b. Jainko bizi-a-ren Seme-a, mundu hon-e-ta-ra e-torr-i z-a-r-en-a. God living.gen Son world this.all come.pef 2.itr-nre.zep (55) a. Seme gai(t)zto andre galdu(-e)-ekin ber-e gauz(a)-a guzti-ak son wicked woman loose.plu.soc he himself.gen thing all.plu

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honda-tu d-it-u-en hori, . . . squander.pef plu/.tra.nre that one, . . . b. Zu z-a-r-ela, Jesus Kristo, Jainko bizi-a-ren Seme mundu-ra e-torr-i you be.2.syn.lcz Jesus Christ God living.gen Son world.all come.pef z-a-r-en-a, . . . 2.itr.nre.def (56) a. Etxe eros-i n-u-e(n)-n-a ederr-a ze-n. house buy.pef /1.tra.pst.nre.def beautiful be.syn.pst b. Hura ze-n . . . jainko-z-ko gizon, asko neke e-ra-bil-i yonder one be.syn.pst . . . God.ins.adn man.idf a lot of trouble go through.pef z-u-e(n)-n bat. tra.pst.nre a c. Gizon aspaldi i-kus-i ez n-it-u-e(n)-n-ak aurki-tu man for a long time see.pef not plu/1.tra.pst.nre.def.plu ďŹ nd.pef n-it-u-en han. plu/1.tra.pst over there.loc d. Euskaldun zahar zerbait da-ki-te-n-ak alde Basque elderly something know./plu.syt.nre.def.plu side.idf d-it-u-z-te. have.plu/plu.syt e. Gu-re lagun min har-tu z-u-e(n)-n hori egun ber-e-an j-oa-n omen we.gen friend pain.idf take.pef tra.pst.nre that day same.loc go.pef rep ze-n sendagile-a-ren-gan-(r)a. itr.pst doctor.all (57) a. I-ra-gan denbor(a)-a ez da gehi-ago gu-re-a. pass.pef time not be.syn more.cop we.gen.zep b. Uztazale-a-ri itzur-i buruxk(a)-ak bil-du-ko d-it-u-t. reaper.dat escape from.pef ear.plu gather.fut plu/1.tra (58) a. Hori-e-i e-gi-n kalte-a no-la behar d-u-t errepara-tu? that one.plu.dat do.pef harm how be to.ppr /1.tra compensate b. Osaba misionest-a-k utz-i liburu-ak, den-ak lei-tu-ak n-it-u-en. uncle missionary.erg leave.pef book.plu all.plu read.pef.def.plu plu/1.tra.pst (59) a. Abraham Jaun-a-ren aitzin-e-an ego-n toki-ra j-oa-n ze-n. Abraham Lord.gen before.loc be.pef place.all go.pef itr.pst b. Mundu hau utz-i egun-a hurbil z-u-en. world this leave.pef day near.idf have.syt.pst c. E-torr-i bide-a-z bihur-tu ze-n. come.pef road.ins return.pef itr.pst


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(60) a. . . . en-e beribil-e-ko lagun sakeloren-a-z gabe-tu-a . . . . . . I.gen automobile.adn friend pocket watch.ins relieve.pef.sin b. Mahaizain-a-k ur ardo bihur-tu-a dasta-tu z-u-en. table steward.erg water wine.idf turn into.pef.def taste.pef tra.pst c. . . . emakume itsusi baztang(a)-a-k zula-tu bat-ekin. . . . woman ugly pox.erg pit.pef a.soc (61) a. Ager-tu ze-n gizon bat Jainko-a-k bidal-i-a. appear.pef itr.pst man a God.erg send.pef.zep b. Farisau-ek e-karr-i z-i-o-te-n ordu-an emazteki bat, Pharisee.plu.erg bring.pef //plu.dtr.pst that time.loc woman a ezkontza hau(t)s-te-n atzeman-a. marriage.idf break.ven.loc catch.pef.zep (62) a. Orantza-rik gabe e-gi-n-ika-ko ogi-a yeast.par without.pre make.pef.sta.adn bread b. Kalifornia-n sos parrast(a)-a e-gi-n-ika-ko amerikano bat California.loc money heap make.pef.sta.adn ‘‘American’’ a c. Ezkontz(a)-a, Jainko-a-k e-gi-n-ika-ko lege-a marriage God.erg make.pef.sta.adn law d. . . . e-ma-n-ika-ko hitz-a on-gi bete-rik. . . . give.pef.sta.adn word neatly fulfill.pef.sta (63) a. Itsaso-e-ta-n luza-ro i-bil-i-ri(k)-ko ontzi¼agintari azkor sea.plu.loc for a long time travel.pef.sta.adn shipmaster intelligent zintzo-a respectable b. Gu-re herri-an berri-ki sor-tu-ri(k)-ko fauna bat da. we.gen country.loc newly arise.pef.sta.adn fauna a be.syn c. Liburu hon-e-ta-ra-ko zer-ga(i)-tik ez d-it-u-k har-tu gerta-tu-ri(k)-ko book this.des what.mot not plu/2sol.tra take.pef happen.pef.sta.adn gauz(a)-ak eta mintza-tu-ri(k)-ko hi(t)zkuntz(a)-a? thing.plu and speak.sta.adn language (64) a. Bizitz(a)-a, idiota bat-e-k konda-tu-ri(k)-ko ipuin-a da. life idiot a.erg tell.pef.sta.adn tale be.syn b. Egi(a)-a da seme(-e)-en gain-e-an Jaungoiko-a-k eta Izadi-a-k truth be.syn son.plu.gen top.loc God.erg and Nature.erg e-ma-n-i(k)-ko aginpide-a da-uka-te-la guraso-ek. give.pef.sta.adn authority have./plu.syt.lcz parent.plu.erg (65) Baina prediku-a e-ntzu-n-i(k)-ko asko-k sinets-i e-gi-n z-u-te-n. but sermon hear.pef.sta.adn many believe do.pef /plu.tra.pst

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(66) a. Hiru z-ir-e-n kanpo-tik e-torr-i-ta-ko jaun-ak. three.idf be.plu.syn.pst exterior.ela come.pec.adn gentleman.plu b. Beltz-e-z jantz-i-ta-ko emakume bat-e-k lore-ak jar-tzen d-it-u black.idf.ins dress.pec.adn woman a.erg ower.plu put.ipf plu/.tra hilobi bat-e-an. grave a.loc c. Mahazain-a-k ardo bihur-tu-ta-ko ur-a dasta-tu z-u-en. table steward.erg wine.idf turn into.pec.adn water taste.pef tra.pst (67) a. Ez z-it-u-en ni-k hauta-tu-ta-ko bi adiskide-ak onar-tu. not plu/.tra.past I.erg choose.pec.adn two friend.plu accept.pef b. Aresti-an neskatx(a)-a-ri e-gi-n-da-ko argazki-a e-ra-kuts-i n-i-o-n. moment.loc girl.dat make.pec.adn picture show.pef //1.dtr.pst (68) a. Eraile-a-ren ait(a)-a erretiro-a har-tu-ta-ko polizi(a)-a ze-n. killer.gen father retirement take.pec.adn policeman be.syn.pst b. Paris-e-n sinesmen-a gal-du-ta-ko gazte bat Paris.loc faith lose.pec.adn youngster a (69) Bertso hau-ek jarr-i n-i-z-ki-o-n autopist(a)-a-k etxe-a harrapa-tu-ta-ko verse this.plu put together plu//1.dtr.pst highway.erg house grab.pec.adn aitona horr-i. grandfather that.dat (70) a. Ni jaio-ta-ko haran-a i-kus-i n-u-en. I be born.pec.adn valley see.pef /1.tra.pst b. Nagusi horr-e-k ber-e-a omen z-u-en jaio-ta-ko landlord that.erg he himself.gen.zep rep have.syt.pst be born.pec.adn baserri-a. farm c. Abrahan Jaun-a-rekin e-go-n-da-ko leku-ra j-oa-n ze-n. Abraham Lord.soc be.pec.adn place.all go.pef itr.pst (71) a. Berri-ro sar-tzen g-a-r-a irten-da-ko etxe-ra. new.adv enter.ipf 1plu.itr come out( of ) house.all b. Bidart e-torr-i-ta-ko bide-an go(i)-ra itzul-i ze-n. Bidart come.pec.adn road.loc top.all return.pef itr.pst c. Saia-tu ze-n, ha(r-en)-l(a)-ere, i-bil-i-ta-ko bide-an atze-ra e-gi-te-n. try.pef itr.pst nevertheless travel.pec.adn road.loc back.all make.ven.loc (72) a. Ni hain zale-a iza-n-da-ko inauteri-ak gal-araz-i d-it-u-z-te. I so fond be.pec.adn carnival.plu forbid.pef plu/plu.tra b. Zu-ek ez z-en-u-te-n gu kontura-tu-ta-ko arrisku-a i-kus-ten. you.plu.erg not /2plu.tra.pst we realize.pec.adn danger see.ipf


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c. Gu igo-ta-ko toki-a arriskutsu-a ze-n. we climb.pec.adn spot dangerous be.syn.pst (73) Orta z-eritz-a(-n)-n herri inguru-an geldi-tu z-ir-e-n elizatxo Orta village vicinity.loc stop.pef plu.itr.pst church.dim utz-i-ta-ko bat-e-an. abandon.pec.adn a.loc (74) a. Sagardo pixka bat eda-te-ko aitzaki(a)-a cider bit a drink.ven.adn pretext b. Zu-e-i lagun-tze-ko baimen-a eska-tze-ra n-oa. you.plu.dat accompany.ven.adn permission ask.ven.all go.1.syn c. Ba-n-e-ki-en ez z-u-e(n)-la inoiz argi-a i-kus-te-ko itxaropen aff.know./1.syt.pst not have.syt.pst.lcz ever light see.ven.adn hope handi-rik. great.par d. Paulo Amerik(a)-e-ta-ra j-oa-te-ko paper-ak ari da Paul America.plu.all go.ven.adn document.plu be busy.ppr itr e-gi-te-n. make.ven.loc (75) a. Oihenart-en-a ez da inor harri-tze-ko gauz(a)-a. Oihenart.gen.zep not be.syn anyone surprise.ven.adn matter b. Hau-ek ez d-ir-a ume bat-e-k esa-te-ko hitz-ak. this.plu not be.plu.syn child a.erg say.ven.adn word.plu c. Hori-ek d-ir-a andre-a-ri konta-tze-ko gezurr-ak. that.plu be.plu.syn wife.dat tell.ven.adn lie.plu d. Beti iza-n h-a-iz andre-a-ri gezurr-ak konta-tze-ko gizon-a. always be.pef 2sol.itr wife.dat lie.plu tell.ven.adn man (76) a. Nor d-ir-a j-oa-te-ko-ak? who be.plu.syn go.ven.adn.zep.plu b. Zu al z-a-r-a e-tor-tze-ko-a? you int be.2.syn come.ven.adn.zep c. Fani noiz da e-tor-tze ko-a? Fani when be.syn come.ven.adn.zep d. Kafka-ren zenbait fruitu ez bide d-ir-a denboraŸpasa Kafka.gen certain production not inf be.plu.syn pastime.idf irakur-tze-ko-ak. read.ven.adn.zep.plu (77) a. Lili bat i-kus-i d-u-t baratze bat-e-an, desira-tzen bai(t)-n-u-ke ni-re ower a see.pef /1.tra garden a.loc wish.ipf acp./1.tra.cod I.gen

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d. e.


saihets-e-an. side.loc Ba-d-ir-a ‘‘ranchero’’ nagusi eder batzu, oro-z gain-e-tik, ranch owner handsome some.idf all.idf.ins top.ela euskaldun alab(a)-ak nahi bai(t)-t(<*d)-it-u-z-te emazte-tzat. Basque daughter.plu want.ppr acp.plu/plu.tra (Note: In the cases with bait the original d-/g- following the prefix before devoicing have been restored in the glosses.) Hor hel-du za-i-o Basajaun-a, nesk(a)-a har-tu eta e-ra-ma-ten there.loc arrive.pef dit Ogre girl take.pef and carry o¤.ipf bai(t)-t(<*d)-u ber-ekin. acp.tra he himself.soc . . . dozena bat antzara, Piarres-e-k ez bait-z-it-u-en i-kus-i ere. . . . dozen a goose.idf Peter.erg not acp.plu/.tra.pst see.pef even Pello-k neskatxa bat aurki-tu d-u, guzti-z maite bai(t)-t(<*d)-u. Pete.erg girl a find.pef tra very much love.ppr acp.tra

(78) a. Zer da gu-re adimen-a, har-ta-z bai(t)-k(<*g)-a-u-de guzti-z what be.syn we.gen intelligence yonder one.ins all.idf.ins han(t)-tu-ak. pu¤ up.pef.plu b. Astakume bat aurki-tu-ko d-u-zu-e, har-en gain-e-an ez young donkey a find.fut /2plu.tra yonder one.gen top.loc not bai(t)-t(<*d)a egun-da-ino inor jarr-i. acp.itr today.ter anyone sit.pef c. Egiptoera zaharr-e-an hitzegi-n z-u-en, hots, hi(t)zkera bat-e-an Egyptian old.loc speak.pef tra.pst that is to say speech form a.loc inor-k har-en fonetik(a)-a ordu-an ez bait-ze-ki-en. anyone.erg yonder one.gen phonetics that time.loc not acp.know.syt.pst (79) a. Etxe hori, motoziklet(a)-a atari-an bai(t)-t(<*d)a-go, apaiz-a-ren-a da. house that motorcycle entrance.loc priest.gen.zep be.syn b. Mattin en-e adiskide-a-ri, ez bai(t)-t(<*d)a hura ere nornahi, Mattin I.gen friend.dat not yonder one also just anybody gerta-tu za-i-z-ki-o horr-e(n)-la-ko-ak. happen.pef /plu.dit such.zep.plu c. Lehen Saul-en arm(a)-ak, ttipi-ak eta arin-ak bait-z-ir-e-n, earlier Saul.gen weapon.plu small.plu and light.plu handi-z eta pisu-z utz-i z-it-u-en, eta orain jigante handi big.idf.ins and weight.idf.ins leave o¤.pef plu/.tra.pst and now giant big


Glosses for Chapter 19

bat-en-ak irudi-tzen za-i-z-ki-o ttipi eta arin? a.gen.zep.plu seem.ipf /plu.dit small.idf and light.idf (80) a. Gara-tik hiri-ra-ko bi zubi-ak ere behar d-it-u-z-te station.ela town.all.adn two bridges.plu also have to.ppr plu/plu.tra zabal-du, ez bai(t)-t(<*d)a goiz-egi iza-n-en. widen not acp.itr early.ecs be.fut b. Taul(a)-a-ren gain-e-an e-tza-n n-a-iz zenbait egun-e-z, ez bai(t)-t(<*d)a wooden board.gen top.loc lie.pef 1.itr a few day.idf.ins not batere goxo. at all pleasant.idf c. Federiko enperadore-a-k ez z-u-en ber-e mende-an ardo-rik Frederick emperor.erg not tra.pst he himself.gen lifetime.loc wine.par eda-n, anitz bait-ze-n aleman bat-en-tzat. drink.pef quite something German a.ben (81) a. Ni-re aita-k nor-en-tzat presta-tu-a d-u-en, har-i I.gen father.idf.erg who.ben prepare.pef.def tra.ncz yonder one.dat e-ma-n-go za-i-o. give.fut dit b. No-ra gida-tzen g-a-it-u-zu-n, ha-ra j-oa-n-go g-a-r-a. where.all direct.ipf 1plu/2.tra.ncz over there.loc go.fut 1plu.itr (82) a. Nor-k sobera besarka-tzen bai(t)-t(<*d)-u, gutxi her(t)s-ten d-u. who.erg too much take in.ipf acp.tra little grasp.ipf tra b. Nor har-k igorr-i bai(t)-t(<*d)-u, hura zu-ek ez d-u-zu-e who yonder one.erg send.pef acp.tra yonder one you.plu not /2plu.tra sine(t)s-ten. believe.ipf (83) a. Gizon-a-k zer ere erei-ten bai(t)-t(<*d)-u, hura bil-tzen ere d-u. man.erg whatever sow.ipf acp.tra yonder reap.ipf too tra b. No-n ere iza-ten bai(t)-t(<*d)a gorputz-a, han bil-du-ko d-ir-a wherever.loc be.ipf acp.itr corpse over there.loc gather.fut plu.itr arrano-ak. vulture.plu c. Zer ere bait-z-u-en eskas eta hura e-ma-ten z-i-o-n. whatever acp.tra.pst lack.ppr exp yonder give.ipf dtr.pst (84) a. Bakoitz-a-k zer erein, huraxe bil-du-ko d-u. everyone.erg what sow yonder.emp gather.fut tra b. Zu no-n jarr-i bizi-tze-n, hantxe jarr-i-ko n-a-iz ni ere. you where.loc settle live.ipf over there.loc.emp settle.fut 1.itr I too

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(85) a. Zu-re abera(t)stasun-a no-n, zu-re bihotz-a han. you.gen wealth where.loc you.gen heart over there.loc b. Eguzki-a no-ra, zapi-ak ha-ra. sun where.all linen.plu over there.all (86) Gero ba-da-ra-ma-tza-te zein toki-ta-ra iduri-tzen ere bait-za-i-e, afterward aff.lead.plu/plu.syt which place.all deem( ďŹ t).ipf ever acp.plu/.dit eta ha-ra. coc over there.all (87) a. Ha(r-en)-la-ta-n ez da geldi-tzen lau besanga baizik zein-e-ta-rik that way not itr remain.ipf four branch.idf but which.plu.ela atera-tzen bai(t)-t(<*d)-ir-a gando berri-ak. emerge.ipf acp.plu.itr shoot new.plu b. . . . eskerr-ak e-ma-n Jaungoiko-a-ri, zein-en esku-e-ta-tik . . . thank.plu give God.dat which.gen hand.plu.ela da-to(r)-z-ki-gu-n on guzti-ak. come.1plu/plu.syn.ncz good thing all.plu (88) a. Etxe hau, zein-a-ren zu bide z-a-r-a jabe house this which.def.gen you inf be.syn owner.idf b. Eliza hau, zein-a-ri e-ma-n z-i-o-te-n / z-i-o-te(-n)-n gu-re church this which.def.dat give.pef //plu.dtr.pst //plu.dtr.pst.ncz we.gen guraso-ek hainbeste urre parent.plu.erg so much gold (89) a. Aipa-tu d-it-u-da-n xehetasun-ok garbi-ro azal-tzen d-i-gu-te . . . mention.pef plu/1.tra.nre clearly demonstrate.ipf /1plu/plu.dtr b. Eta guzti-ok gramatik(a)-a-z balia-tzen d-ir-a beti. and grammar.ins use.ipf plu.itr always c. Egi(a)-ak d-ir-a hori-ok guzti-ok. truth.plu be.plu.syn (90) a. Gal-du d-i-da-zu-e aitaÂźseme-ok afari-ta-ko gogo guzti-a. spoil.pef /1/2plu.dtr father and dinner.idf.adn appetite whole b. Zu-e-i d-io-ts-(z)u-e-t, orain, en-e adiskide-o-i: . . . you.plu.dat say./2plu/1.dyt now I.gen (91) a. Zor berri-a d-u-gu euskaldun-ok Orixe-rekin. debt new have./1plu.syt Orixe.soc b. . . . arrotz-ak eta euskaldun-ak, etsai-ak eta g-eu-k, den-ak eta den-ok. foreigner.plu and Basque.plu enemy.plu and we.ref all.plu and c. Ha(r-en)-la bada gu-k ere, gero-tik gero-ra so then we also time to come.ela time to come.all


Glosses for Chapter 19

g-a-bil-tza-n-ok, kontsola-tzen d-it-u-gu g-eu-re buru-ok. console.ipf plu/1plu.tra we.ref.gen d. Berretura har-ta-z, ber-e buru-a eta guzti-ok ere galdu addition yonder.ins she herself.gen head and too ruin.pef g-int-u-en. 1plu/.tra.pst Chapter 20

(1) Noiz-ko behar d-it-u-zu oinetako hau-ek? Bihar-ko ala when.des need.ppr plu/2.tra shoe this.plu tomorrow.des or etzi-ra-ko? the day after tomorrow.des (2) Orain-da-ino ez da gauza handi-a. now.ter not be.syn thing big (3) a. Hemen lan e-gi-ten d-u-t egunero zortzi edo hamar ordu-an. here.loc work.idf do.ipf /1.tra every day eight or ten hour.sin.loc b. Mami-a behar da zuri-tu eta ur bero-ta-n e-duki hogei-ta lau esh must.ppr itr peel and water hot.idf.loc keep twenty four ordu-an. hour.sin.loc c. Eskritura Sant(a)-a-k ez d-i-gu esa(n)-ten ordu-ko gizon-ak Scripture Holy.erg not /1plu/.dtr tell.ipf (that) time.adn people.plu zer-ga(i)-tik hainbeste urte-an bizi iza-ten z-ir-e(-n)-n. what.mot so many year.sin.loc life.ppr be.ipf plu.itr.pst (4) a. Zenbait minutu-z ez d-u inor-k txint-ik atera-tzen. a few minute.ins not tra anyone.erg thing/word.par utter.ipf b. Ehun eta hogei-ta hamazazpi urte-z bizi iza-n ze-n Ismael. hundred and thirty-seven year.idf.ins life.ppr be.pef itr.pst Ismael c. Hantxe e-go-n ze-n berrogei egun-e-z eta berrogei gau-e-z. over there.loc.emp stay.pef itr.pst forty day.idf.ins and forty night.idf.ins (5) a. Ordu laurden bat e-duki n-a-u-zu hor kanpo-an. hour quarter a keep.pef 1/2.tra there.loc outside.loc b. Zu gabe orain ez n-u-ke nahi minutu bat ere bizi. you without.pre now not /1.tra.cod want.ppr minute one even live.ppr (6) a. Astebete-an beste-rik ez n-u-en lan-ik e-gi-n Oper(a)-an. week.loc else.par not /1.tra.pst work.par do.pef Opera.loc

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b. Han-dik astebete-ra Amerik(a)-e-ta-ra-ko bide-a presta-tu over there.loc one week.all America.plu.all.adn trip arrange.pef z-i-o-te-n. //plu.dtr.pst c. Han-dik ordubete inguru-ra, beste bat-e-k berri-ro esan z-u-en: . . . over there.loc one hour about.all else someone.erg new.adv say.pef tra.pst d. Ni-k Paris-e-n urtebete-z e-ra-kuts-i d-u-t soziolinguistik(a)-a. I.erg Paris.loc one year.idf.ins teach.pef /1.tra sociolinguistics (7) a. Noiz-tik e-zagu(t)-tzen d-ut? Urte-ak d-ir-a. when.ela know.ipf /1.tra year.plu be.plu.syn b. Zenbat denbora da ero-tu-ta z-a-bil-tza-la? how much time be.syn go crazy.pec walk around.2.syn.lcz c. Ba-d-ir-a hiru egun ni-rekin da-bil-tza-la. three day.idf I.soc walk.plu.syn.lcz d. Aspaldi-ko Austin! Urte-ak d-ir-a elkar i-kus-i ez d-u-gu-la. old Austin year.plu be.plu.syn each other see.pef not /1plu.tra.lcz (8) a. Zenbat denbora d-u ifernu-ko pena hori-e-ta-n z-a-u-de-la? how much time have.syt hell.adn pain that.plu.loc be.2.syn.lcz b. Hamabost egun ba-d-u hemen g-a-r-ela. ďŹ fteen day.idf aff.have.syt here.loc be.1plu.syn.lcz c. Hamazazpi urte ba-d-u ez d-u-da-la i-kus-i. seventeen year.idf aff.have.syt not /1.tra.lcz see.pef d. Ni hemen n-a-go-ela zazpi urte ba-d-u. I here.loc be.1.syn.lcz seven year.idf aff.have.syt e. Hamazazpi urte d-it-u bide-ta-n eskale da-bil-ela. seventeen year.idf have.plu/.syt road.idf.loc beggar.pre walk.syn.lcz (9) a. Aitona hil ze(-n)-la bi urte ba-d-ir-a. Grandfather.idf die.pef itr.pst.lcz two year.idf b. Ba-da ordubete esan d-i-o-da-la. one hour.idf tell.pef //1.dtr.lcz c. Hamasei bat urte d-ir-a liburu-a argitara-tu n-u-e(n)-la. sixteen a year.idf be.plu.syn book publish.pef /1.tra.pst.lcz (10) a. Laurogei-ta lau urte ba-d-u zen-du ze(-n)-la. eighty-four year.idf aff.have.syt pass away.pef itr.pst.lcz b. Gu bi-ak esposa-tu g-in-e(-n)-la ba-d-it-u hamabost we two.plu get married.pef 1plu.itr.pst.lcz aff.have.plu.syt ďŹ fteen urte. year.idf


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(11) a. Orain d-ela 30 urte elkarr-ekin jan g-en-u-en now be.syn.lci thirty year.idf each other.soc eat.pef /1plu.tra.pst ha-ra-ko zoko har-ta-n. over there.all.adn spot yonder.loc b. Orain-dik egun asko ez d-ela, gizon bat geldi-tu d-u-te bi now.ela day many not be.syn.lci man a stop.pef /plu.tra two guarda-k. guard.idf.erg c. Orain d-ir-ela hogei-ta hamar bat urte hasi g-in-e-n now be.plu.syn.lci thirty a year.idf set out.pef 1plu.itr.pst euskaldun-ok batasun-a-ren bila. unity.gen on the search.pre (12) a. D-u-ela aste bat ama-k esan d-i-t: . . . have.syt.lci week a mother.idf say.pef /1/.dtr b. D-u-ela gutxi bilera bat iza-n ze-n. have.syt.lci little (while) meeting a be.pef itr.pst c. Gauz(a)-ek, . . . d-it-u-ela berrogei-ta hamar mende bezala thing.plu.erg have.plu/.syt.lci ďŹ fty century.idf sip d-irau-te. remain.plu.syt (13) a. Edari-a-k gal-du-a da-go.— Ordu-an oker da-bil? drink.erg ruin.pef.sin be.syn that time.loc crookedly walk.syn b. Egun-ak hemen pasa-tzen, ordu-an? day.plu here.loc spend.ipf that time.loc c. Zer behar d-u ordu-an? what need.ppr tra that time.loc (14) a. Kale-ra atera-tzen d-en-e-an ez d-u euri-rik ari. street.all go out.ipf itr.nre.loc not tra rain.par do.ppr b. Euri-a ari d-u-en-e-an ez n-a-iz sekula atera-tzen. rain do.ppr tra.nre.loc not 1.itr ever go out.ipf c. Krispin harrapa-tu z-u-te(-n)-la ikas-i z-u-e(n)-n-e-an, poz-tu ze-n Crispin catch.pef /plu.tra.pst.lcz learn.pef tra.pst.nre.loc be happy itr.pst epaile-a. judge (15) a. Ni-rekin mintza-tu z-in-e(-n)-n-e-tik, zu-re ugazaita hil-tze-ko I.soc speak.pef 2.itr.pst.nre.ela you.gen stepfather.idf kill.ven.adn asmo-a har-tu z-en-u-en. intention take.pef /2.tra.pst

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b. Gu-re ama hil ze(-n)-n-e-tik ez n-u-en ni-k negarr-ik we.gen mother.idf die.pef itr.pst.nre.ela not /1.tra.pst I.erg tear.par e-gi-n. make.pef (16) a. Apaiz-a e-torr-i ze(-n)-n-e-ko, ez ze-n gauza ezer-ta-ra-ko. priest come.pef itr.pst.nre.adn not be.syn.pst fit.pre anything.des b. Senda-tu n-in-tz-e(-n)-n-e-ko, herri-ko eliza-ra e-ra-ma-n n-ind-u-te-n. cure.pef 1.itr.pst.nre.adn village.adn church.all carry.pef 1/plu.tra.pst (17) a. Baina hurren-go aldi-z i-kus-i n-u-e(n)-n-e-ra-ko, Karmen but nearby.sup.adn time.idf.ins see.pef /1.tra.pst.nre.des Carmen ezkon-tze-ko bezpera-ta-n ze-go-en. get married.ven.adn eve.idf.loc be.syn.pst b. Amai-tu d-u-te-n-e-ra-ko ber-(e)-en barren-ek atseden finish.pef /plu.tra.nre.des he himself.plu.gen inner( self ).plu.erg relief handi bat har-tu d-u-te. great a take.pef /plu.tra (18) a. Ume-ak ber-(e)-en hegal-e-z i-bil-tze-ko on young.plu it itself.plu.gen wing.plu.ins travel.ven.adn fit.idf d-ir-en-e-ra-ino . . . be.plu.syn.nre.ter b. Zula-tu lurr-a, . . . zeru-a-ren amets-ik ez d-en-e-ra-ino, infernu¼kirats-a dig earth heaven.gen dream.par not be.syn.nre.ter stench of hell d-en-e-ra-ino . . . be.syn.nre.ter c. Utz-i lo e-gi-te-n nahi d-u-en arte. let sleep.idf do.ven.loc want.ppr tra.nre as long as d. Aita gal-du g-en-u-e(n)-n arte, artzaintza iza-n ze-n father.idf lose.pef /1plu.tra.pst.nre until the time shepherding be.pef itr.pst en-e lan nagusi-a. I.gen job main (19) a. Gaur-tik da-torr-en-e-ra today.ela come.syn.nre.all b. Zenbat denbora iza-n ze-n ihes e-gi-n z-en-i-e(-n)-n-e-tik how much time be.pef itr.pst flight.idf do.pef /plu/2.dtr.pst.nre.ela hil z-en-it-u-e(n)-n-e-ra? kill.pef plu/2.tra.pst.nre.all (20) a. Diru asko al ze-ra-ma-n bart etxe-tik irten ze(-n)-n-e-an? money a lot int carry.syt.pst last night house.ela go out.pef itr.pst.nre.loc


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b. Ibilaldi hori zin-e-z gusta-tzen zi-tza-i-da-n, berezi-ki denbor(a)-a ederr-a walk that oath.idf.ins please.ipf 1/.dit.pst especially weather ďŹ ne ze(-n)-n-e-an. be.syn.pst.nre.loc c. Ez z-u-en lo-rik e-gi-ten janzki hura ber-e etxe-ko not tra.pst sleep.par do.ipf suit yonder he himself.gen house.adn eskailer(a)-e-ta-n aurki-tu z-u-e(n)-n-e-tik. stairs.plu.loc ďŹ nd.pef tra.pst.nre.ela d. Egia garratz hori-ek gibel-e-ko min-a d-u-zu-n-e-an bakarr-ik esa(n)-ten truth bitter that.plu liver.adn ache have./2.syt.nre.loc only.sta say.ipf d-it-u-zu. plu/2.tra (21) a. Pasa-tzen n-a-iz-en-e-an zu-re leiho-pe-tik . . . pass.ipf 1.itr.nre.loc you.gen space under the window.ela b. G-eu-re asaba zaharr-(e)-en odol-a da-uka-gu-n arte we.ref.gen forefather ancient.plu.gen blood have./1plu.syt.nre as long as zain-e-ta-n. vein.plu.loc (22) a. Apaiz-a-k elkarrengana-ko baimen-a e-ma-n z-i-e(-n)-n ordu-tik . . . priest.erg unite.(ven).adn permission give.pef /plu/.dtr.pst.nre that time.ela b. Baina orain, apaiz-a-k baimen-a e-ma-n z-i-e(-n)-n-e-tik . . . but now priest.erg permission give.pef /plu/.dtr.pst.nre.ela (23) a. Kotxe-tik atera n-in-tz-e(-n)-n ordu-ko, alkate-a e-torr-i ze-n. car.ela get out.pef 1.itr.pst.nre time.adn mayor come.pef itr.pst b. Nesk(a)-a-k, i-kus-ten d-u-en ordu-ko, ha(r-en)-la esan-go d-i-t: . . . girl.erg see.ipf tra.nre time.adn yonder way say.fut /1/.dtr c. Arreta-z eki-n d-i-o lan-a-ri, etxera-tu ze(-n)-n ordu-ko. care.idf.ins set to.pef dtr work.dat get home.pef itr.pst.nre time.adn (24) a. Txerri-a hil-da-ko aste-a eta ezkon-du-ta-ko urte-a, on-en-ak. pig slaughter.pec.adn week and marry.pec.adn year good.sup.plu b. Gatz hau ur-tu-ta-ko ordu-an, gazi-tzen da orobat beste alde-tik. salt this dissolve.pec.adn time.loc salt.ipf itr likewise other side.ela c. Gatz hau ur-tu-ta-ko-an, gazi-tzen da orobat beste alde-tik. salt this dissolve.pec.adn.loc salt.ipf itr likewise other side.ela (25) a. Etxe-ra e-torr-i-ta-ko-an ez haserre-tu behin-tzat. house.all come.pec.adn.loc not get angry at least b. Zu eser-i-ta-ko-an ni-re txand(a) iza-n-go da. you sit down.pec.adn.loc I.gen turn be.fut itr

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c. Hori gero e-torr-i-ko da etsai-ak oinpera-tu eta zanpa-tu-ta-ko-an. that later come.fut itr enemy.plu trample and crush.pec.adn.loc d. Iraultz(a)-a buka-tu-ta-ko-an, zin e-gi-ten d-i-na-t antola-tu-ko revolution end.pec.adn.loc oath.idf make.ipf /2sol.fem/1.dtr arrange.fut d-u-gu-la hori ere. /1plu.tra.lcz that too (26) Ait(a)-a-ren bihotz hon-e-k bihotz-a gal-du-ri(k)-ko-an, . . . father.gen heart this.erg heart lose.sta.adn.loc (27) Ez da hau lo e-gi-te-ko ordu-a. not be.syn this sleep.idf do.ven.adn time (28) a. Zortzi lagun g-in-e-n mahai-an eguerdi-ta-n, eta eight fellow.idf be.1plu.syn.pst table.loc noon.idf.loc and afal-tze-ko-an bi beste-rik ez g-in-e-n ager-tu. eat dinner.ven.adn.loc two.idf other.par not 1plu.itr.pst appear.pef b. Mogel har-tu-ko d-u-t abia-tze-ko-an. Mogel take.fut /1.tra start out.ven.adn.loc c. HitzŸelkartze berri-e-ta-n hauta-tze-ko-an, bi indar ari compound new.plu.loc choose.ven.adn.loc two force.idf be busy.ppr za-i-z-ki-gu beti lan-e-an. 1plu/plu.dit always work.loc (29) a. Hil-tze-ra-ko-an zu-re galde e-gi-n z-u-en. die.ven.all.adn.loc you.gen request.idf make.pef tra.pst b. Hil-tze-ra-ko-an bakarr-ik aitor-tu z-u-en hori ber-e seme-a-ri. die.ven.all.adn.loc only.sta confess.pef tra.pst that he himself.gen son.dat c. Aziend(a)-a eros-te-ra-ko-an . . . cattle buy.ven.all.adn.loc d. Liburu bat eros-te-ra-ko-an, hauta-tze-n ja-ki-n behar d-u-zu. book a buy.ven.all.adn.loc choose.ven.loc know have to.ppr /2.tra e. Gizon-a-k utz-i e-gi-n z-u-en, Martha-k seme bat e-duk-i-tze-ra-ko-an. man.erg leave do.pef tra.pst Martha.erg son a have.ven.all.adn.loc (30) a. Malko-ak ze-ri-z-ki-o-n hori esa(n)-te-ra-ko-an. tear.plu ow./plu.dyn.pst that say.ven.all.adn.loc b. Bizkor i-bil-i ze-n motel-e-ra itzul-tze-ra-ko-an. quickly walk.pef itr.pst motel.all go back.ven.all.adn.loc c. Setatsua-z hitzegi-te-ra-ko-an, zakar ari-tze-ko joer(a)-a Setatsua.ins talk.ven.all.adn.loc harsh.pre be busy.ven.adn tendency da-uka-t. have./1.syt


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(31) a. Alargun-du ze(-n)-n-e-z gero, eliza-tik aldegin gabe become a widow.pef itr.pst.nre.ins after church.ela run away without.pre bizi ze-n. live.ppr itr.pst b. Ez d-i-gu inor-k ezer os-tu ni hemen n-a-iz-en-e-z gero. not /1plu/.dtr anybody.erg anything steal.pef I here be.1.syn.nre.ins since c. Jesuit(a)-(e)-en ikastetxe-ra e-ra-ma-n n-u-e(n)-n-e-z gero asko alda-tu Jesuit.plu.gen school.all take to.pef /1.tra.pst.nre.ins after a lot change.pef da. itr (32) a. Hartueman handi-a iza-n z-u-en aitaginarreb(a)-a-rekin Mikel-e-k contact great have.pef tra.pst father-in-law.soc Michael.erg ezkon-du ze(-n)-n-e-z gero-z-tik. marry.pef itr.pst.nre.ins after.ela b. Itzulpen ugari iza-n d-u-gu euskal literatur(a)-a has-i translation plenty of have.pef /1plu.tra Basque literature begin.pef ze(-n)-n-e-z gero-z-tik. itr.pst.nre.ins since.ela (33) a. Hitzegi-te-n has-i n-a-iz-en-e-z gero, guzti-a esan behar speak.ven.loc begin.pef 1.itr.nre.ins since everything tell must.ppr d-i-zu-e-t. /2plu/1.dtr b. Lur ber-a-ren ume-ak d-ir-en-e-z gero-z, zuzen ber-ak earth same.gen child.plu be.plu.syn.nre.ins since right same.plu d-it-u-z-te. have.plu/plu.syt (34) Davit-e-k ze-ra-ma(-n)-n bizi-a, Sau¨l etsai-tzat ager-tzen zi-tza-i-o-(-n)-n David.erg lead.syt.pst.nre life Saul appear.ipf dit.pst.nre ordu-z gero-z, oso-ki ze-n urrikalgarri-a. time.idf.ins since very be.syn.pst pitiable (35) a. Hi jaio ordu-ko, ba-n-e-ki-z-ki-a-n ni-k gauza hau-ek. you.sol be born time.adn aff.know.plu/2sol/1.dyt.pst I.erg thing this.plu b. Ni-re arrebatxo-a jaio ordu-ko kontura-tu n-in-tz-e-n ni n-in-tz-e(-n)-la I.gen little sister be born time.adn realize.pef 1.itr.pst I be.1.syn.pst.lcz ama-ren kuttun-a. mother.idf.gen favorite (36) a. Ate-a zabal-du ordu-ko, am(a)-a lurr-e-an da-kus-te. door open time.adn mother ground.loc see./plu.syt

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b. Haurr-ak elkarr-ekin euskara-z mintzo hauteman ordu-ko, child.plu each other.soc Basque.idf.ins talk(ing).pre catch time.adn gaztiga-tzen g-in(de)-(i)t-u-en. punish.ipf 1plu/.tra.pst c. Laura-k oihu e-gi-n z-u-en ni sar-tze-n i-kus-i ordu-ko. Laura.erg shout.idf make.pef tra.pst I come in.ven.loc see time.adn (37) a. Zop(a)-a e-karr-i ordu-ko has-ten da. soup bring in time.adn begin.ipf itr b. Esku-a-z hunki-tu ordu-ko gaitz-a-k u(t)z-ten d-u. hand.ins touch time.adn ailment.erg leave.ipf tra (38) a. Mutil-a-k esan z-i-o-n har-tu ordu-ra-ko: . . . boy.erg say.pef dtr.pst take time.des b. Zuhaitz-(e)-en orri-ak ihar-tze-n has-i ordu-ra-ko, andre Luzia ihar-tu tree.plu.gen leaf.plu wither.ven.loc begin time.des Lady Lucia wither.pef ze-n. itr.pst c. E-zagu(t)-tu ordu-ra-ko maita-tu z-ir-e-n bi-ak. know time.des love.pef plu.itr.pst two.zep.plu (39) a. Begi-ak luza-tu z-it-u-e(n)-n bat-e-an hiru gizon ber-e eye.plu lift.pef plu/.tra.past.nre one.loc three man.idf he himself.gen ondo-an zut-ik i-kus-i z-it-u-en. side.loc erect.sta see.pef plu/.tra.pst b. Angin(a)-a-rekin ohe-an ze-go-e(n)-n bat-e-an, anai(a)-a-ren gela-ra tonsillitis.soc bed.loc be.syn.pst.nre one.loc brother.gen room.all sar-tu n-in-tz-e-n. go into.pef 1.itr.pst c. E-ra-ntzu-n d-i-o-t ni-k ere, Jaungoiko-a-k dei-tu d-i-da-n-e-ta-n? answer.pef //1.dtr I.erg also God.erg call.pef /1/.dtr.nre.plu.loc d. Ha(r-en)-la-xe aurki-tzen n-u-en, behin-tzat, ni-k, baserri har-ta-n that way.emp ďŹ nd.ipf /1.tra.pst at least I.erg farmhouse yonder.loc sar-tzen n-in-tz-e(-n)-n-e-ta-n. enter.ipf 1.itr.pst.nre.plu.loc e. Ba-d-u-t orain, etxera-tzen n-a-iz-en-e-ta-n, no-ra jo n-eu-re aff.have./1.syn now come home.ipf 1.itr.nre.plu.loc where.all go I.ref.gen egarri-a berdin-tze-ko. thirst quench.ven.adn f. Guri-a e-gi-ten d-en bakoitz-e-an, garbi-tu behar da azpi-a ur-a-rekin. butter make.ipf itr.nre each.loc clean must.ppr itr ground water.soc


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g. Eztul-a e-gi-ten d-u-en bakoitz-e-an, ba-d-irudi kristal guzti-ak cough make.ipf tra.nre each.loc aff.seem.syt windowpane all.plu hauts-i behar d-it-u-ela. break must.ppr plu/.tra.lcz h. Ni-re amets-e-ta-ra e-tor-tzen z-a-r-en bakoitz-e-an, beti zu gaixo. I.gen dream.plu.all come.ipf 2.itr.nre each.loc always you sick.idf i. Ume-e-i goxo-ak e-ma-ten z-i-z-ki-e-n ze-torr-e(-n)-n child.plu.dat sweet.plu give.ipf plu/plu/.dtr.pst come.syn.pst.nre gehi-en-e-ta-n. much.sup.plu.loc j. Ni-k behin-tzat horre(n)-la-ko-rik aski topa-tu d-ut liburu-a zabal-du I.erg at least like that.adn.par plenty encounter.pef /1.tra book open.pef d-u-da-n guzti-e-ta-n. /1.tra.nre all.plu.loc k. Esna-tzen n-in-tz-e(n)-n bakan-e-ta-n, euri-a-ren hots-a adi-tzen n-u-en. wake up.ipf 1.itr.pst.nre rare.plu.loc rain.gen sound hear.ipf /1.tra.pst l. Lekunberri-ra j-oa-ten n-in-tz-e(n)-n-ero, beti lelo ber-a z-u-en Lecumberri.all go.ipf 1.itr.pst.nre.frq always babble same have.syt.pst zapatari-a-k. cobbler.erg m. Garrasi hirukoitz bat-e-z e-ra-ntz-u-n ohi z-u-en norbait-e-k shout triple a.ins answer be in habit.ppr tra.pst someone.erg proposamen-en bat e-gi-te-n z-i-o(-n)-n-ero. proposal.idf.gen a make.ipf dtr.pst.nre.frq (40) a. Sermoi-ak eta gauza on-ak adi-tze-ra j-oa-ten d-ir-a sermon.plu and thing good.plu listen to.ven.all go.ipf plu.itr d-ir-en aldi-e-ta-n. be.plu.syn.nre occasion.plu.loc b. Burr(a)-a e-gi-ten d-en aldi bakoitz-e-an, behere-a-k garbi-tu behar butter make.ipf itr.nre time each.loc oor.erg clean need.ppr d-u ur-a-rekin. tra water.soc c. Ni i-ra-tzarr-i n-a-iz-en aldi bakoitz-e-an amets-e-ta-n aurki-tu z-a-it-u-t I wake up.pef 1.itr.nre time each.loc dream.idf.loc ďŹ nd.pef 2/1.tra urduri samar. restless quite.pre d. Esna-tzen n-in-tz-e(-n)-n aldi bakan-e-ta-n, euri-a-ren hotsa adi-tzen wake up.ipf 1.itr.pst.nre time rare.plu.loc rain.gen sound hear.ipf n-u-en sabai-an. /1.tra.pst ceiling.loc

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e. I-kus-ten z-a-it-u-da-n aldiero, aha(t)z-ten za-i-z-ki-t beste gauza guzti-ak. see.ipf 2/1.tra.nre time.frq forget.ipf 1/plu.dit other thing all.plu (41) Ni i-kus-i-ta-ko bakoitz-e-an, ume-a no-la g-en-u-e(n)-n galde-tu-ko I see.pec.adn each.loc child how have./1plu.syt.pst.ncz ask.fut z-i-da-n. /1/.dtr.pst (42) a. Zer ari ze-n Jainko-a zeruÂźlurr-ak e-gi-n aurre-an? what be busy.ppr itr.pst God heaven and earth.plu make front part.loc b. Ez d-u-t jan-go esa(n)-te-ko d-u-da-n-a esan aurre-tik. not /1.tra eat.fut say.ven.adn have./1.syn.nre.zep say front part.ela (43) a. E-tza-te-ra zi-h-oa-z-e(-n)-n aurre-an, hiri-ko lie down.ven.all go.plu.syn.pst.nre front part.loc city.adn zaharÂźgazte-ek etxe-a ingura-tu z-u-te-n. young and old man.plu.erg house surround.pef /plu.tra.pst b. Gu-re arreb(a)-a-ri ha(r-en)-la esan omen z-i-o-n, hil behar we.gen sister.dat thus speak rep dtr.pst die be going to.ppr z-u-e(n)-n aurre-an: . . . tra.pst.nre front part.loc (44) a. Zeru-ra igo-tze-ko aurre-an, esku hau utz-i z-i-e-n. heaven.all ascend.ven.adn front part.loc power this leave.pef /plu/.dtr b. Ezkon-tze-ko aurre-an galde-tu z-u-en Mikalla-k: . . . marry.ven.adn front part.loc ask.pef tra.pst Mikalla.erg (45) a. Ehiz(a)-a hil aitzin, jale-rik ez gonbida! game kill front part.idf eater.par not invite.rad b. Urrun-e-tik i-kus-i z-u-te(-n)-n-e-ko, hura far.ela see /plu.tra.pst.nre.adn yonder one hurbil-du aitzin, hil-en z-u-te(-n)-la hitzar-tu z-ir-e-n. come close front part.idf kill.fut /plu.tra.pst.lcz agree.pef plu.itr.pst c. Ahari-a-k ez d-u ardi-rik joka-tu behar hiru urte bete aitzin-e-an. ram.erg not tra sheep.par cover must.ppr three year.idf reach front part.loc d. Eri-tu aitzin-e-tik on-gi e-zagu(t)-tzen z-u-en ber-e senarr-a. fall ill front part.ela well know.ipf tra.pst she herself.gen husband (46) a. Zahar-tze-ko aitzin-e-an entsea-tu n-a-iz on-gi bizi-tze-ra. grow old.ven.adn front part.loc try.pef 1.itr well live.ven-all b. Ebak-i behar da lora-tu d-en aitzin-e-an. cut must.ppr itr bloom.pef itr.rne front part.loc (47) Erroma-ra heldu ze-n 1538 aitzintto-an. Rome.all arrive.pef itr.pst 1538 front part.dim.loc


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(48) a. Zerbait edan ondo-ren erraz bero-tzen d-ir-a gizonezko-ak. something drink contiguity.ela easily heat up.ipf plu.itr man.plu In glossing ondoren, I use the abbreviation ela, where R. de Rijk is talking about an ‘‘archaic ablative,’’ since this part of the semantics of the latter (Latin) case is expressed in Basque by means of the elative case. b. Gu-re berri ja-ki-n ondo-ren, euskar(a)-a-ren berri on-ak we.gen news.idf know contiguity.ela Basque.gen news good.plu zabal-du-ko d-it-u Europa-n. spread.fut plu/.tra Europe c. Azken-e-an, e-gi-n ondo-an, guzti-ak erre-tzen z-it-u-en. end.loc make contiguity.loc all.zep.plu burn.ipf plu/.tra.pst d. Batxiler-a e-gi-n ondo-an, fabrik(a)-an has-i n-in-tz-e-n high school diploma make contiguity.loc factory.loc begin.pef 1.itr.pst lan-e-an. work.loc (49) a. . . . n-eu-re superbio-z-ko bestimend(a)-a-z biluz-i n-a-iz-en . . . I.ref.gen arrogance.idf.ins.adn garment.ins strip.pef 1.itr.nre ondo-an . . . contiguity.loc b. Pi(t)z-tu n-a-i-z-en ondo-an, orde-a, j-oa-n-go n-a-iz Galilea-ra. rise 1.itr.nre contiguity.loc however go.fut 1.itr Galilee.all (50) a. Latin-e-z-ko otoitz batzu-ek esan oste-an, galde-tu z-i-o-n: . . . Latin.idf.ins.adn prayer a few.plu say back part.loc ask.pef dtr.pst b. Une luze bat-e-an itxaron oste-an, branka-ko parte-tik kanpo-ko time long a.loc wait back part.loc prow.adn area.ela outside.adn argi-a sar-tze-n has-i ze-n. light come in.ven.loc start.pef itr.pst (51) a. Ez z-u-te-n ezkontza¼harreman-ik iza-n, Maria-k seme-a iza-n not /plu.tra.pst marital relation.par have.pef Mary.erg son get.pef z-u-e(n)-n arte. tra.pst.nre interval.idf In other chapters, I have glossed arte with ‘until’; in this context, however, I opt to stick as closely as possible to the origin and analysis of this construction as proposed by R. de Rijk in the paragraph concerned. b. Ni e-tor-tzen n-a-iz-en arte hori hemen geldi-tze-a nahi I come.ipf 1.itr.nre interval.idf that one here.loc stay.ven want.ppr ba-d-u-t, zu-ri zer? cdp./1.tra you.dat what

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(52) a. Ni e-torr-i arte hori geldi-tze-a nahi baldin ba-d-u-t, zu-ri I come interval.idf that one stay.ven want.ppr cdc cdp./1.tra you.dat zer? what b. Ni-re seme-tzat ez h-a-u-t har-tu-ko ama e-ra-kuts-i arte. I.gen not 2sol/1.tra take.fut mother.idf show interval.idf (53) a. Eta ez n-it-u-en sine(t)s-ten har-ik eta ni-k n-e(u)-r(e h)on-e-k i-kus-i and not plu/1.tra.pst believe.ipf emc exp I.erg I myself.erg see.pef d-it-u-da-n arte-ra-ino. plu/1.tra.nre interval.ter b. Ez d-i-zu-t bake-ta-n utz-i-ko, har-ik eta nahi d-u-da-n-a lor-tu not /2/1.dtr peace.idf.loc leave.fut emc exp want.ppr /1.tra.nre.zep obtain arte. interval.idf (54) a. Ez, Axari n-a-iz-en arte-an! no Axari be.1.syn.nre interval.loc b. Eta hori gerta-tzen ze(-n)-n arte-an, beste-a han e-go-ten and that happen.ipf itr.pst.nre interval.loc other.zep over there.loc stand.ipf omen ze-n, ohol-(e)-en bestalde-an. rep itr.pst board.plu.gen on the other side (55) a. Euskal odol-a ni-re zain-e-ta-n bizi arte-an, e-ki-n-go Basque blood I.gen vein.plu.loc live.ppr interval.loc apply oneself to.fut d-i-zu-t kant(a)-a-ri. /2/1.dtr song.dat b. Oturuntz(a)-a-k irau-n arte-an bi anai(a)-ek ez z-i-o-te-n meal.erg last interval.loc two brother.plu.erg not //plu.dtr.pst elkarr-i hitz-ik e-gi-n. each other.dat word.par do.pef (56) a. Bizi n-a-iz-en arte eta bai heriotze-an, argi e-gi-n-go d-u-zu live.ppr 1.itr.nre interval.idf and also death.loc light.idf make.fut /2.tra en-e bihotz-e-an. I.gen heart.loc b. Ni-k, eskol(a)-an abia-tu arte-an, ez n-u-en behin ere frantses hitz bat I.erg school.loc start interval.loc not /1.tra.pst once even French word a e-ntzu-n. hear.pef (57) a. Eser-i ni-re eskuin-e-an, z-eu-re etsai-ak oinazpi-an jar-tzen sit I.gen right.loc you.ref.gen enemy.plu bottom of the foot.loc put.ipf


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d-i-z-ki-zu-da-n bitarte-an. plu/2/1.dtr.nre interval.loc b. Orain apaiz-a hor da-go-en bitarte-an hitzegin nahi now priest there.loc be.syn.nre interval.loc speak like to.ppr n-i-zu-e-ke. /2plu/1.dtr.cod c. Ez d-u-gu-la eta ez da-ki-gu-la ez da-ki-gu-n not have./1plu.syt.lcz and not know./1plu.syt.lcz not know./1plu.syt.nre bitarte-an ez g-a-r-a iza-te-ko eta ja-ki-te-ko bide-an sar-tu-ko. interval.loc not 1plu.itr have.fut and know.ven.adn path.loc get onto.fut (58) a. Beste zerbait utz-i behar-ko d-i-da-zu, antxume-a bidal-i bitarte-an. else something leave have to.fut /1/2.dtr kid send interval.loc b. Egunkari hau irakurr-i bitarte-an, Jainko-a-k da-ki zein gogoeta ilun diary this read interval.loc God.erg know.syt which thought dark hits e-gi-n n-u-e(n)-n. sad make.pef /1.tra.pst.ncz c. Gizon-a-k gazt(a)-ak e-gi-n bitarte, andre-a-k bab(a)-ak egos-i. man.erg cheese.plu make interval.idf lady.erg bean.plu cook (59) a. Mundu-an n-a-iz-e(n)-no, mundu-a-ren argi-a n-a-iz. world.loc be.1.syn.nre.ndc world.gen light be.1.syn b. On ze(-n-n)-no ez da lan-e-tik geldi-tu. well.idf be.syn.pst.nre.ndc not itr work.ela cease.pef c. En-e bihotz-a, bizi n-a-iz-e(n)-no, iza-n-en za-i-zu ďŹ del-a. I.gen heart live.ppr 1.itr.nre.ndc be.fut 2/.dit faithful (60) a. Zamari-a gazte d-e(n)-ino hez-ten da. mule young.idf be.syn.nre.ndc train.ipf itr b. Aldamen-e-an behar n-ind-u-en, eritegi-a zabal-ik ze-go-e(n)-ino. side.loc need.ppr 1/.tra.pst inďŹ rmary open.sta be.syn.pst.nre.ndc c. Euskal literatur(a)-a-ren oroitzapen-a-k lurr-e-an d-irau-e(n)-ino, ez da Basque literature.gen memory.erg earth.loc last.syt.nre.ndc not itr noski itzal-i-ko har-en izen-a eta omen-a. certainly fade away.fut yonder one.gen name and fame (61) a. Lehen etsipen-a-k, ezkon-du eta bi urte-ra jo z-u-en. ďŹ rst depression.erg get married poc two year.idf.all hit.pef tra.pst b. Azken-e-an jaio e-gi-n n-in-tz-en 1936ko gerr(a)-a buka-tu eta end.loc be born do.pef 1.itr.pst 1936.adn war end poc han-dik gutxi-ra. over there.ela little.all

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c. J-oa-n eta ber-e-ha(r-en)-la-ko-an itzul-i ze-n. go poc immediately.adn.loc come back.pef itr.pst d. Mediku-a harrapa-tu eta ber-e-ha(r-en)-la hemen n-a-iz. doctor fetch poc immediately here.loc be.1.syn (62) a. Etxe oso-a e-ra-kuts-i eta gero, saloi zabal-e-ra zuzen-du d-it-u. house whole show poc later hall spacious.all direct.pef plu/.tra b. Agin-du za-i-zu-e-n guzti-a e-gi-n eta gero, esan . . . command.pef 2plu/.dit.nre all do poc later say c. Hemen, hil eta gero ere, amandre-a-ren esku-a ageri da. here.loc die poc later even grandmother.gen hand conspicuous.idf be.syn (63) a. Orobat, afal-du eta, kaliz(a)-a har-tu z-u-en . . . likewise sup poc cup take.pef tra.pst b. New York-tik e-torr-i eta azken orrazket(a)-ak e-ma-n New York.ela come back poc last correction in a written work.plu give.pef n-i-z-ki-o-n. plu//1.dtr.pst (64) a. Eguzki-a eror-tze-a-r ze-go-en mendi oste-ra. sun sink.ven.rim be.syn.pst mountain back part.all b. Gaixo hori hil-tze-a-r da-go. patient that die.ven.rim be.syn (65) a. Baimen¼aldi-a amai-tze-a-r ne-(d)uka-n. furlough finish.ven.rim have./1.syt.pst b. Zu-k e-ma-n-da-ko liburu-a irakur-tze-a-r da-(d)uka-t. you.erg give.pec.adn book read.ven.rim have./1.syt (66) a. Beste mutil bat ze-go-en zut-ik, kantu-z has-te-a-r. other boy a stand.syn.pst upright.sta singing.idf.ins begin.ven.rim b. Gal-tze-a-r aurki-tu n-ind-u-en. lose.ven.rim find.pef 1/.tra.pst (67) a. Zabal¼zabal-a eror-tze-r ze-n Jon Doni Petri. flat-flat fall.ven.idf.rim be.syn.pst Saint Peter b. Hori e-ntzu-te-an, bihotz-a geldi-tze-r zi-tza-i-da-n. that hear.ven.def.loc heart stop.ven.idf.rim 1/.dyn.pst (68) a. No-la e-gi-te-r n-u-e(n)-n hamaketako-a Azkaine-n. how do.ven.idf.rim /1.syt.pst elevenses Azcain.loc b. Xahu-tze-r n-a-u-te lurr-e-an. annihilate.ven.idf.rim 1/plu.syt earth.loc


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(69) a. Ate-ak puska-tze-ko zori-an ze-u-de-n. door.plu break.ven.adn destiny.loc be.plu.syn.pst b. Ni-re etsai-(e)-en esku-e-ta-n eror-tze-ko zori-an n-a-go. I.gen enemy.plu.gen hand.plu.loc fall.ven.adn destiny.loc be.1.syn In this context, I gloss zorian in line with the origin and analysis proposed by R. de Rijk. c. Erretore-a-k, algara-z leher-tze-ko zori-an, d-io: . . . parish priest.erg laughter.idf.ins burst.ven.adn destiny.loc say.syt (70) a. Orain-txe txipiroi batzu-ek ja(n)-te-n ari n-in-tz-e(-n)-la, now.emp squid some.plu eat.ven.loc be busy.ppr 1.itr.pst.lci Donostia-tik da-torr-en beste paper-a har-tu d-u-gu. San Sebastian.ela come.syn.nre other paper receive.pef /1plu.tra b. Lo n-en-go-e(n)-la ager-tu zi-tza-i-da-n aingeru oso eder bat. asleep.pre be.1.syn.pst.lci appear.pef 1/.dit.pst angel very beautiful a c. Esna da-go-ela ez d-u inor-k amets-ik e-gi-ten. awake.pre be.syn.lci not tra anybody.erg dream.par do.ipf d. Gerr(a)-a buka-tze-a-r ze-go-e(n)-la ber-e senarr-a eta beste bi war end.ven.rim be.syn.pst.lci she herself.gen husband and other two soldadu afusila-tu z-it-u-z-te-n. soldier.idf shoot.pef plu/plu.tra.pst e. Zer e-gi-n ez n-e-ki-e(n)-la etxe-tik irten n-in-tz-en. what do not know./1.syt.pst.lci house.ela go out.pef 1.itr.pst (71) a. Joko-an ari z-ir-e-n, aurre-an edari-ak play.loc be busy.ppr plu.itr.pst front part.loc drink.plu z-it-u-z-te(-n)-la. have.plu/plu.syt.pst.lci b. Hon-(r)a no-n azal-du d-en Rebeka, pegarr-a sorbald(a)-an here.all where.loc come out.pef itr.ncz Rebecca jar shoulder.loc d-u-ela. have.syt.lci (72) Hargin guzti-ek ezpat(a)-a gerri-an ze-ra-ma-te(-n)-la e-gi-ten bricklayer all.plu.erg sword waist.loc wear./plu.syt.pst.lci do.ipf z-u-te-n lan. /plu.tra.pst work.idf (73) a. Orain-dik zu-(e)-en arte-an n-a-go-ela-rik esan d-i-zu-e-t hau. now.ela you.plu.gen among be.1.syn.lci tell.pef /2plu/1.dtr this b. Apaizgo-an urte askotxo da-ra-ma-z-ki-da-la-rik, ez d-ut ikas-i priesthood.loc year much.dim spend.plu/1.syt.lci not /1.tra learn.pef

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emakumezko-(e)-en gorabehera eta matrikul(a)-ak konpreni-tze-n. female.plu.gen whim and wile.plu understand.ven.loc (74) Poxi bat gose-a ezti-tu d-ela-rik, solas-ak has-te. bit a hunger alleviate.pef itr.lci talk.plu start.ven.idf (75) a. ZatinËœo hori e-ntzu-te-an, beldurr-a-k har-tzen n-ind-u-en. little fragment that hear.ven.def.loc fear.erg overtake.ipf 1/.tra.pst b. Hitz-(e)-en soinu-a e-ntzu-te-an, ikara-tu e-gi-n ze-n. word.plu.gen sound hear.ven.def.loc get frightened do.pef itr.pst Chapter 21

(1) a. Nor e-tor-tze-a nahi z-en-u-en? who come.ven want.ppr /2.tra.pst b. Zer nahi z-en-u-en ni-k Gazteiz-en e-gi-te-a? what want.ppr /2.tra.pst I.erg Vitoria.loc do.ven (2) a. Diru-rik gabe, no-ra nahi d-u-zu j-oa-n n-a-di-n? money.par without.pre where.all want.ppr /2.tra go(.rad) 1.itr.suj.ncz b. Zer nahi d-u-zu ni-k e-gi-n de-za-da-n? what want.ppr /2.tra I.erg do(.rad) /1.tra.suj.ncz c. Eta zer nahi z-en-u-en e-gi-n n-e-za(-n)-n? and what want.ppr /2.tra.pst do(.rad) /1.tra.suj.pst.ncz d. Hil n-a-za-n nahi al d-u-zu? kill(.rad) 1/.tra.suj.ncz want.ppr int /2.tra e. Ez z-u-en ustel bat ze(-n)-la pentsa ze-za-te(-n)-n nahi. not tra.pst wimp a be.syn.pst.lcz think.rad /plu.tra.suj.pst.ncz want.ppr f. Belle eta Greta-k ez z-u-te-n inor-k lotu z-it-za(-n)-n Belle and Greta.erg not /plu.tra.pst anyone.erg tie up.pef plu/.tra.suj.pst.ncz nahi. want.ppr g. Guiomar isil ze-di-n desio z-u-en. Guiomar quiet.idf be.syn.suj.pst.ncz wish.ppr tra.pst (3) a. Opa d-i-o-gu zeru-an goza da-di-la. wish.ppr //1plu.dtr heaven.loc have a good time.rad itr.suj.lcz b. Ni-k opa d-i-e-t zeru-an gerta da-i-tez-ela. I.erg wish /plu/1.dtr heaven.loc end up.rad plu.itr.suj.lcz (4) a. alferr-ik agin-du-ko d-i-e-zu isil da-i-tez-en. in vain.sta command.fut /plu/2.dtr keep silent.rad be.plu.itr.suj.ncz


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b. Paseo-a-rekin segi g-ene-za(-n)-n eska-tu n-i-o-n. walk.soc continue.rad /plu.tra.suj.pst.ncz beg.pef /1.dtr.pst c. Otoitz e-giten n-u-en den-a on-do atera ze-di(-n)-n. prayer.idf make.ipf /1.tra.pst all well turn out(.rad) itr.suj.pst.ncz (5) a. Jesus-e-k zorrotz agin-du z-i-e-n inor-k ez ze-za(-n)-la Jesus.erg sternly charge.pef /plu/.dtr.pst anyone.erg not tra.suj.pst.lcz ja-ki-n. know(.rad) b. Ber-a-k eska-tu d-u e-tor z-a-i-tez-ela. she herself.erg ask.pef tra come.rad 2.itr.suj.lcz c. Otoi(t)z-ten z-a-it-u-t ja-rrai de-za-zu-la. beg.ipf 2/1.tra continue.rad /2.tra.suj.lcz (6) a. Jesus-e-k inor-i ez esa(n)-te-ko agin-du z-i-e-n zorrotz. Jesus.erg anyone.dat not tell.ven.adn order.pef /plu/.dtr.pst sternly b. Ama-k musu e-ma-te-ko agin-du z-i-da-n. Mother.idf.erg kiss.idf give.ven.adn order.pef /1/.dtr.pst c. Ber-a-ren-gan-(r)a j-oa-te-ko eska-tzen d-i-zu. he himself.all go.ven.adn ask.ipf /2/.dtr d. Bilbo-tik irte(n)-te-ko aholka-tu z-i-da-te-n mediku-ek. Bilbao.ela leave.ven.adn advise.pef /1/plu.dtr.pst doctor.plu.erg (7) a. Eriberibil-e-an n-eu ere j-oa-te-a eska-tzen n-i-o-n. ambulance.loc I.ref too go.ven ask.ipf //1.dtr.pst b. Ni-re lan-a-k liburu asko irakur-tze-a eska-tzen d-u. I.gen job.erg book a lot of read.ven require.ipf tra (8) a. Ni-re anaia horr-e-k lasai e-go-te-ko d-i-o. I.gen brother that.erg at ease.pre be.ven.adn say.syt b. E-tor-tze-ko esan n-i-o-n. come.ven.adn tell.pef //1.dtr.pst c. . . . gaztiga-tzen d-i-o-zu tabernari-a-ri e-duki de-za-la zenbait egun-e-z . . . notify.ipf //2.dtr bartender keep(.rad) tra.suj.lcz a few day.ins bahi hura. pledge yonder d. Esan z-i-o-n ez ze-di(-n)-la inoiz ere bereiz ber-e tell.pef dtr.pst not itr.suj.pst.lcz ever too separate.rad he himself.gen anai(a)-e-ta-tik. brother.plu.ela (9) a. Arantxa ere saia-tzen ze-n ber-e senar Inaxio-k Ander zerbait Arantxa too try.ipf itr.pst she herself.gen husband Inaxio.erg Andrew a bit

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b. c.





zirika ze-za(-n)-n. prod.rad tra.suj.pst.ncz Etxe-ko gauz(a)-ak on-do j-oa-n da-i-tez-en ahalegin-du-ko n-a-iz. firm.adn a¤air.plu well go(.rad) plu.itr.suj.ncz do one’s best.fut 1.itr Zer-ga(i)-tik ez z-a-r-a ahalegin-du lebitarr-ek Juda-n zerg(a)-a why not 2.itr do one’s best.pef Levite.plu.erg Judah.loc tax bil ze-za-te(-n)-n? collect.rad /plu.tra.suj.pst.ncz Ahalegin-ak e-gi-ten z-it-u-z-te-n Bordalais-e-k kanta berri-ak all one’s e¤orts.plu do.ipf plu/plu.tra.pst Bordalais.erg song new.plu ikas z-it-za(-n)-n. learn.rad plu/.tra.suj.pst.ncz Guzti-ok ataka hon-e-ta-tik atera z-a-i-tez-en ahalegin-ak fix this.ela get out(.rad) plu.itr.suj.ncz all one’s e¤orts.plu e-gi-n-go d-it-u-gu. do.fut plu/1plu.tra Zeru-ko erreinu-an sar g-a-i-tez-en e-gi-n heaven.adn kingdom.loc enter.rad 1plu.itr.suj.ncz do(.rad) d-it-za-gu-n ahalegin-ak. plu/1plu.tra.suj.ncz all one’s best.plu

(10) a. Era hon-e-ta-ra lor-tu-ko d-u-gu irakurle-a-k uler-tze-a. manner this.all succeed.fut /1plu.tra reader.erg understand.ven b. Babesleku-tik atera ze-di(-n)-n lor-tu z-u-en. sanctuary.ela come out(.rad) itr.suj.pst.ncz succeed.pef tra.pst (11) a. Beharr-e-z-ko-a al da hori e-gi-te-a? necessary int be.syn that do.ven b. Ez da on gizon-a bakarr-ik e-go-te-a. not be.syn good.idf man alone.sta be.ven (12) a. I-kus-ten d-u-zu-n-e-an ez z-a-it-u-z-te-la sinets-i nahi, eta premi(a)-a see.ipf /2.tra.nre.loc not 2/plu.tra.lcz believe want.ppr and necessity d-ela sinets z-a-it-za-te-n, da-gi-zu-n ordu-an juramentu. be.syn.lcz believe.rad 2/plu.tra.suj.ncz do./2.syt.ncz time.loc swearing.idf b. Ez da on-gi gizon-a bakarr-ik i-za-n da-di-n. not be.syn well man alone.sta be(.rad) itr.suj.ncz c. Ez da komeni ni-re seme¼alab(a)-ek zu-rekin ikus not be.syn fitting.idf I.gen son and daughter.plu.erg you.soc see.rad n-a-za-te-n. 1/plu.tra.suj.ncz


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d. Ordu ze-n noizbait lagun-ak e-gi-n g-in-tez-e(n)-n. time.idf be.syn.pst ďŹ nally friend.plu become(.rad) 1plu.itr.suj.pst.ncz (13) a. Nagusi-a-k ez z-i-o-n eskola-ra arratsalde-z ere e-tor boss.erg not dtr.pst school.all afternoon.idf.ins also come.rad ze-di(-n)-n. itr.suj.pst.ncz b. Ez d-i-zu-t utz-i-ko ni-re aita eta Agarr-en-ga(i)-tik gai(t)z-ki esa(n)-ka not /2/1.dtr let.fut I.gen father.idf and Agar.mot badly saying.adv ari z-a-i-tez-en. be busy.ppr 2.itr.suj.ncz c. Etxe-ko semeÂźalab(a)-ak konforma-tu-ko d-ir-a ni berri-z household.adn son and daughter.plu accept.fut plu.itr I again ezkon n-a-di-n. marry.rad 1.itr.suj.ncz (14) Konforma-tu z-ir-a-de-n elkarr-en arte-an ezkon-du-ko z-ir-e(-n)-la settle.pef plu.itr.pst each other.gen between get married.fut plu.itr.pst.lcz hurren-go urte-an. next year.loc (15) Egun-da-ino ez d-i-gu-te e-ra-gotz-i elkar i-kus-i eta mintza up to now not /1plu/plu.dtr prevent.pef each other see poc talk.rad g-a-i-tez-en. 1plu.itr.suj.ncz (16) a. Beldur n-a-iz zerbait-e-ta-n huts e-gi-n d-u-da-n eta fear.idf be.1.syn something.loc mistake.idf make.pef /1.tra.ncz and lehen-danik gai(t)zto-tu n-a-iz-en. before.ela become worse.pef 1.itr.ncz b. Beldur n-a-iz giristino-e-ta-rik ere, gehi-en-ek bide hura ber-a fear.idf be.1.syn Christian.plu.ela too many.sup.plu.erg road yonder same har-tzen d-u-te-n. take.ipf /plu.tra-ncz c. Beldur n-a-iz . . . bekatu-ren bat estal-i d-i-zu-la. fear.idf be.1.syn sin.idf.gen a conceal.pef /2/.dtr.lcz (17) a. Beldur fear.idf b. Beldur fear.idf

n-a-iz utz ez de-za-n. be.1.syn abandon.rad not tra.suj.ncz ze-n e-ntzu-n ze-za(-n)-n ber-e-ha(r-en)-la Jainko-a-k. be.syn.pst hear(.rad) tra.suj.pst.ncz immediately God.erg

(18) a. Eta beldur-tu ze-n ez z-u-e(n)-la iza-n-en diru-rik gerla-ko and get afraid.pef itr.pst not tra.pst.lcz have.fut money.par war.adn

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gastu-(e)-en-tzat. expense.plu.ben b. Beldur n-a-iz ni-re etxeko-ak haserre-tu-ko ote fear.idf be.1.syn I.gen member of the household.plu get mad.fut dub za-i-z-ki-da-n. 1/plu.dit.ncz c. Beldur n-a-iz ondore txarr-a e-karr-i-ko d-u-en. fear.idf be.1.syn consequence bad bring.fut tra.ncz d. Beldur n-a-iz ez ote d-en ero-tu-ko. fear.idf be.1.syn not dub itr.ncz go mad.fut (19) a. Frantses-ak beldur z-ir-e-n lagun-ak e-tor ze-ki-z-ki-o(-n)-n French.plu fear.idf be.plu.syn.pst fellow.plu come.rad /plu.dit.suj.pst.ncz libra-tze-ra. free.ven.all b. Zerbait gerta da-ki-o-n beldur iza-n d-ir-a. something happen.rad dit.suj.ncz fear.idf be.pef plu.itr (20) a. Diru-a parrasta-ka e-ma-ten d-u-t egunero jan de-za-gu-n. money galore.adv give.ipf /1.tra every day eat(.rad) /1plu.tra.suj.ncz b. Esan-go d-i-zu-e-t zer d-en ďŹ lm hori, i-kus-i gabe lasai tell.fut /2/1.dtr what be.syn.ncz movie that see without.pre easy.pre geldi z-a-i-tez-te-n. rest.rad 2plu.itr.suj.ncz c. Ezer e-gi-n behar ote g-en-u-ke, gal ez da-di-n? something do should.ppr dub /1plu.tra.cod get lost.rad not 1.itr.suj.ncz (21) a. Jainko-a-k heriotza-tik gorde g-a-it-za-n, kandela bedeinka-tu-a God.erg death.ela preserve(.rad) 1plu/.tra.suj.ncz candle bless.pef.sin pi(t)z-tu-ko d-u-gu. light.fut /1plu.tra b. Bekatu-rik e-gi-n ez de-za-zu-e-n ida(t)z-ten d-i-zu-e-t hau. sin.par do(.rad) not /2plu.tra.suj.ncz write.ipf /2plu/1.dtr this (22) a. Bide-ra irten behar-ko n-a-tza-i-o, ama haserre ez da-di-n. way.all go out must.fut /1.dit mother.idf anger.idf not be.syn.suj.ncz b. Ez d-ie-za-gu-la Jainko-a-k hitzegin, hil ez g-a-i-tez-en. not /1plu/.dtr.suj.lcz God.erg speak die(.rad) not 1plu.itr.suj.ncz c. Beso-e-ta-n e-ra-ma-n-go z-a-it-u-z-te, harri-(e)-ekin estropezu e-gi-n ez arm.plu.loc carry.fut 2/plu.tra stone.plu.soc trip.idf make(.rad) not de-za-zu-n. /2.tra.suj.ncz


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(23) a. Teexa-k ber-e-ha(r-en)-la jantz-araz-i z-i-o-n Joanixio-k i-kus-te-ko. Theresa.erg at once put on.cau.pef dtr.pst Joanixio.erg see.ven.adn b. Ez d-i-zu-t eskut(h)itz hau ni-re buru-a zuri-tze-ko ida(t)z-ten. not /2/1.dtr letter this I.gen head excuse.ven.adn write.ipf (24) a. Ez d-i-zu-t utz-i-ko, bedeinka n-a-za-zu-n arte. not /2/1.dtr leave.fut bless.rad 1/2.tra.suj.nre until b. Jese-ren seme hori lurr-e-an bizi da-di-n arte, ez h-a-iz Jesse.gen son that earth.loc life.ppr be.1.syn.nre as long as not 2sol.itr seguru iza-n-go. safe.idf be.fut c. Hilabete oso-an jan-go d-u-zu-e, sudurr-e-ta-tik atera month whole.loc eat.fut /2plu.tra nose.plu.ela come out(.rad) da-ki-zu-e-n arte. 2plu/.itr.suj.nre until (25) a. Haz n-a-di-n-e-an, Alemania oso-a pasa-tu-ko d-u-t hura grow up.rad 1.itr.suj.nre.loc Germany whole cross.fut /1.tra yonder one bila-tze-n. look for.ven.loc b. Zahar z-a-i-tez-en-e-an ere, iza-n-go d-u-zu hil-tze-ko asti-rik. grow old.rad 2.itr.suj.nre.loc too have.fut /2.tra die.ven.adn free time.par c. Itzul n-a-di-n-e-an esan-go d-i-da-zu. return.rad 1.itr.suj.nre.loc tell.fut /1/2.dtr d. Ber-a-k e-ra-ntzun ze-za(-n)-n-e-an e-gi-n-go z-i-o-n gutun berri he himself.erg reply(.rad) tra.suj.pst.nre.loc make.fut dtr.pst letter new bat. a e. On-gi da-ki Jainko-a-k, har-ta-tik jan de-za-zu-e-n-e-an, well know.syt God.erg yonder one.ela eat(.rad) /2plu.tra.suj.nre.loc begi-ak zabal-du-ko za-i-z-ki-zu-e-la. eye.plu open.fut 2plu/plu.dit.lcz (26) a. Patxi e-tor-tzen d-en-e-an has-i-ko d-u-gu biler(a)-a. Frank come.ipf itr.nre.loc start.fut /1plu.tra meeting b. Haundi-tzen n-a-iz-en-e-an, erdara-z mintza-tu-ko al n-a-iz? grow up.ipf 1.itr.nre.loc Spanish.idf.ins speak.fut int 1.itr c. Hitzegin-go d-u-gu itzul-tzen n-a-iz-en-e-an. talk.fut /1plu.tra return.ipf 1.itr.nre.loc d. Ber-a-rekin hitzegi(n)-ten d-u-zu-n-e-an, eder-ki uler-tu-ko d-u-zu. she herself.soc speak.ipf /2.tra.nre.loc perfectly understand.fut /2.tra

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e. Gatz hau guzti-z ur-tu d-en-e-an, gazi-tzen da berdin beste salt this completely dissolve.pef itr.nre.loc salt.fut itr likewise other alde-tik. side.ela (27) a. Ez d-i-o bat ere gerta da-ki-o-n egiteko-k kalte-rik e-gi-n-en, not dtr at all happen.rad dit.suj.nre trouble.idf.erg harm.par do.fut bat ere bekatu-rik ez d-u-en-a-ri. at all sin.par not have.syt.nre.zep.dat b. Has-i ze-n emakume har-i pozgarri i-za-n start.pef itr.pst woman yonder.dat comforting.idf be(.rad) ze-ki-z-ki-o-n hitz-ak esa(n)-te-n. /plu.dit.suj.pst.nre word.plu say.ven.loc c. Ez d-i-e-t e-gi-n d-ie-za-z-ki-da-te-n galde-r(a)-e-i erantzun-ik not /plu/1.dtr do(.rad) plu/1/plu.dtr.suj.nre question.plu.dat answer.par e-ma-n-go. give.fut d. E-gi-n de-za-zu-e-n guzti-a e-gi-n maitasun-e-z. do(.rad) /2plu.tra.suj.nre all do love.idf.ins (28) Edozer e-gi-n de-za-zu-e-n, guzti-a Jesus Jaun-a-ren izen-e-an iza-n whatever do(.rad) /2plu.tra.suj.ncz all Jesus Lord.gen name.loc be(.rad) da-di-la. itr.suj.lcz (29) a. Edan de-za-gu-n oparo ardo gozo hori. drink(.rad) /1plu.tra.suj.ncz abundantly wine sweet that b. Salba d-it-za-gu-n g-eu-re buru-ak! save.rad plu/1plu.tra.suj.ncz we.ref.gen head.plu c. Saia g-a-i-tez-en orain-go gauz(a)-ak oraingo begi-z i-kus-te-n. try.rad 1plu.itr.suj.ncz today’s thing.plu today’s eye.idf.ins see.ven.loc d. Hurbil n-a-di-n gauza harrigarri hori i-kus-te-ra. get close.rad 1.itr.suj.ncz thing amazing that see.ven.all e. E-ma-n de-za-gu-n, bada, horr-e(n)-la d-ela. grant(.rad) /1plu.tra.suj.ncz then so be.syn.lcz (30) a. Mateo-rekin ez g-a-i-tez-en haserre. Mateo.soc not be.1plu.syn.suj.ncz quarrel.idf b. Baina ez de-za-gu-n gurdi-a idi-(e)-en aurre-an jar / jarr-i. but not /1plu.suj.ncz cart ox.plu.gen before set.rad set c. Baina ez n-a-di-n gehi-ago luza, azal de-za-da-n but not 1.itr.suj.ncz more.cop delay.rad present.rad /1.tra.suj.ncz


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dokumentu-a. document (31) a. G-oa-z-en azkar. go.1plu.syn.ncz quickly b. N-oa-n ber-e-gan-(r)a. go.1.syn.ncz she herself.all c. G-a-to(r)-z-en bigarren puntu-ra. come.1plu.syn.ncz second point.all d. N-a-torr-en berri-z hari-ra. come.1.syn.ncz again thread.all (32) a. Hau ez da-di-la sekul(a)-an berri-ro gerta. this not itr.suj.lcz ever again happen.rad b. E-gi-n de-za-la nahi d-u-en-a. do(.rad) tra.suj.lcz want.ppr tra.nre.zep c. Luza-ro bizi da-i-tez-ela! for a long time life.ppr be.plu.syn.suj.lcz d. Zeru-a-k gorde g-a-it-za-la! heaven.erg protect(.rad) 1plu/.tra.suj.lcz e. I-kus de-za-da-la zu-re irudi-a, e-ntzu-n de-za-da-la zu-re see.rad /1.tra.suj.lcz you.gen ďŹ gure hear(.rad) /1.tra.suj.lcz you.gen ahots-a. voice (33) a. Ber-e herri-ra di-h-oa-la! he himself.gen village.all go.syn.lcz b. Da-torr-ela Jose. come.syn.lcz Joseph c. Da-go-ela jan gabe! stay.syn.lcz eat without.pre d. Ez z-oa-z-ela. not go.2.syn.lcz (34) a. Egun on d-i-zu-la Jainko-a-k! day good.idf give./2/.dyt.lcz God.erg b. Jainko-a-k gabon d-i-zu-e-la. God.erg good night.idf give./2plu/.dyt.lcz (35) a. Ez not b. Ez not

l-u-ke nahi gerta l-e-ki-o-n ber-a-ri gerta-tu-a. tra.cod like.ppr happen.rad dit.suj.hyp.ncz she herself.dat happen.pef.zep n-u-ke nahi inor-k hau txar-tzat har l-e-za-n. /1.tra.cod like.ppr anyone.erg this take.rad tra.suj.hyp.ncz

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c. Esplika-tu d-u-da-n-a beste-ren gogoet(a)-(e)-en ispilu explain.pef /1.tra.nre.zep other people.idf.gen thought.plu.gen reection zuzen iza-n l-e-di-n nahi n-u-ke. correct.idf be(.rad) itr.suj.hyp.ncz like.ppr /1.tra.cod (36) Baldin aita bat-e-k ber-e alab(a)-a-ri diru-a e-ma-n-go ba-l-i-o cdc father a.erg he himself.gen daughter.dat money give.fut cdp.dtr.cod etxe bat eros l-e-za-n, zoro-tzat jo-ko l-u-ke-te house a buy.rad tra.suj.hyp.ncz consider.fut /plu.tra.cod den-ek. everybody.plu.erg Chapter 22

(1) a. Z-a-to(r)-z-ki-t, e-tza-n ni-rekin, en-e arreb(a)-a. come.1/2.dyn.imp lie(.rad) I.soc I.gen sister b. Z-a-to(r)-z-ki-da-te bihar ordu hon-e-ta-n Izreel-e-ra. come.1/2plu.dyn.imp tomorrow time this.loc Jezreel.all (2) a. Iza-n z-a-i-tez-te errukitsu-ak. be(.rad) 2plu.itr.imp compassionate.plu b. Ez z-a-i-tez sinple-a iza-n. not 2.itr.imp silly be(.rad) (3) a. Zu-re haur bat-e-z beza-la ni-ta-z arta iza-n e-za-zu otoi. you.gen child a.ins like I.ins care.idf have(.rad) /2.tra.imp please b. Horr-e-ta-n kontu-a iza-n e-za-zu-e, neskatx(a)-ak eta mutil-ak. that.loc caution have(.rad) /2plu.tra.imp girl.plu and boy.plu (4) a. Z-a-to(r)-z ohe-ra, ho(t)z-tu e-gi-n-go z-a-r-a. come.2.syn.imp bed.all get cold do.fut 2.itr b. H-oa laster suge-a hil-tze-ra. go.2sol.syn.imp quickly snake kill.ven.all c. Esa-da-zu orain egi(a)-a. tell./1/2.dyt.imp now truth d. E-gi-zu nahi d-u-zu-n-a. do./2.syt.imp want.ppr /2.tra.nre.zep e. E-gi-z-ki-da-zu argi-(e)-ekin hiru piztualdi. make.plu/1/2.dyt.imp light.plu.soc three ash.idf f. U(t)z-t(<*d)a-zu zu-re ahots-a e-ntzu-te-n. let./1/2.dyt.imp you.gen voice hear.ven.loc


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(5) a. Zu isil-ik z-a-u-de, Lierni! you quiet.sta be.2.syn.imp Lierni b. Gain-e-ra-ko guzti-ok z-oa-z-te bake-an z-eu-(e)-en aita-ren-gan-(r)a. remaining go.2plu.syn.imp peace.loc you.ref.gen father.all c. Seme hori in-da-zu, Elias-e-k esa-n z-i-o-n. son that give./1/2.dyt.imp Elijah.erg say.pef dtr.pst d. Ni-k d-io-da-n-a e-gi-zu! I.erg say./1.syt.nre.zep do./2.syt.imp e. Mutil hon-i kinin(a)-a e-ma-i-o-zu-e. boy this.dat quinine give.//2plu.dyt.imp (6) a. Ai-zu lagun-a, lagun on¼on-a, ez al da irits-i ordu-a? listen.2 buddy buddy good-good not int itr arrive.pef time b. Ai-zu, baina hori beste kontu bat da. listen.2 but that other matter a be.syn c. Ai-za-k, e-ma-n-go d-i-a-t alab(a)-a. listen.2sol give.fut /2sol/1.dtr daughter d. Ai-za-n Andoni, ba al da-ki-n zer e-gi-n behar listen.2sol.fem Andoni aff int know./2sol.fem.syt what do should.ppr g-en-u-ke-en? /1plu.tra.cod.pst (7) a. Tori ni-re pastel-a. take.2 I.gen cake b. Har-k esa-n z-i-da-n: ‘‘Tori eta irents-i’’ yonder one.erg say.pef /1/.dtr.pst take.2 and swallow c. Tori-zu orain bosteko-a eta iza-n on-gi e-torr-i-a. take.2 now handshake and be(.rad) well come.pef.sin d. Tori-zu ni-re erantzun-a! take.2 I.gen answer e. To, to, hau ere, eta urri-rik, kontu-a-ren gain-e-ko! take.2sol take.2sol this too and free of charge.sta bill.gen top.adn.idf f. No, Xaneta! Hori hi-re-tako! take.2sol.fem Jeannette that you.2sol.ben (8) a. To, Pello, horr-(r)a Olheta-ko bide-a. look.2sol Pete there.all Olheta.adn road b. No, Maria, ez otoi, kexa! listen.2sol.fem Maria not please get angry.rad (9) a. To, hi ere atxo-a-ren beldur h-a-iz? hey you.2sol.fem also little old lady.gen fear.idf be.2sol.syn

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b. To, hey c. To, hey

zu hemen Jana¼Mari! you.2 here.loc Jeanne-Marie kanpero-a-ren alab(a)-a, Benita, hel-du da! field-guard.gen daughter Benita arrive.pef itr

(10) a. J-oa-n z-a-(d)i-tez Euskal Herri-ra bolada bat-e-ra-ko. go(.rad) 2.itr.imp Basque Country.all while a.des b. Jon, Jon, irakur e-za-zu hau! John John read.rad /2.tra.imp this c. Utz it-za-zu bake-an. leave.rad plu/2.tra.imp peace.loc d. Utz ie-za-i-o-zu behin-tzat ja(n)-te-n. let.rad //2.dtr.imp at least eat.ven.loc e. Har ie-za-da-zu neskatxa hori emazte-tzat. get.rad /1/2.dtr.imp girl that f. Emazte— esa-n z-i-o-n Giuseppa-ri— utz-i e-za-zu zaku-a, eta wife.idf say.pef dtr.pst Giuseppa.dat leave /2.tra.imp bag and z-a-to(r)-z-ki-t lagun-tze-ra. come.1/2.dyn.imp help.ven.all (11) a. Ama, ez e-za-zu horr-e(n)-la-ko-rik esa-n! Mother.idf not /2.tra.imp like that.adn.zep.par say(.rad) b. Mesede-z! Ez n-a-za-zu-e hil! please not 1/2plu.tra.imp kill(.rad) c. Ez e-za-k erokeria-rik esa-n. not /2sol.tra.imp rubbish.par talk(.rad) d. Lagun hori ez ie-za-da-k gehi-ago etxe-ra e-karr-i. fellow that not /1/2sol.dtr.imp more.cop house.all bring e. Ez z-a-i-tez hain suminkorr-a iza-n. not 2.itr.imp so irritable be(.rad) f. Tira, alab(a)-a, ez h-a-di horr-e(n)-la atsekabe! come on daughter not be.2.syn.imp so su¤ering.idf (12) a. Ez not b. Ez not

z-a-i-tez-ela orde-a engaina, irakurle. 2.itr.suj.lcz however delude.rad reader.idf g-a-it-za-zu-la lotsaraz kanpotarr-(e)-en aurre-an. 1plu/2.tra.suj.lcz be ashamed.cau.rad stranger.plu.gen in front of

(13) a. Jaso esku-ak! raise(.rad) hand.plu b. Mikel, e-ntzu-n orain on-do. Michael listen(.rad) now well



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c. Har-tu furgonet(a)-a eta e-torr-i ni-re atze-tik. take truck and come I.gen after d. Utz-i hori ni-re gain. leave that I.gen on e. On-do lo e-gi-n! well sleep.idf do(.rad) f. Igo mendi-ra ni-re-gan-(r)a eta z-a-u-de han. climb(.rad) mountain.all I.all and wait.2.syn.imp over there.loc (14) a. Ez jaits-i beso-ak! not lower arm.plu b. Ez berandu e-torr-i! not late come c. Ez ni-ri begira-tu. not I.dat look at d. Baina ez dei-tu ni-ri. but not call I.dat e. Ez uste iza-n hori, Agustine! not thought.idf have(.rad) that Agustine (15) a. Ikus flv I (1969), 113–132 see.rad flv I (1969) 113–132 b. Barka, mesede-z aipamen-a-ren luze-a. forgive.rad please quotation.gen long.zep c. Hi-k segi nahi d-u-a-n-a e-gi-te-n. you.sol.erg go on.rad want.ppr /2sol.tra.nre.zep do.ven.loc d. Ha(r-en)-la, sar ohe-an! so get into.rad bed.loc e. Utz bake-ta-n sendagile-ak. leave.rad peace.idf.loc doctor.plu (16) a. Ez tira! not shoot.rad b. Ez ni-ri uki! not I.dat touch.rad c. Baina ez pentsa arazo-a hain erraz konpon-du d-en-ik. but not think.rad problem so easily resolve.pef itr.pcz d. Ez ni-re hitz-ak gai(t)z-ki har. not I.gen word.plu wrongly take.rad e. Hura berri-z en-i ez aipa. yonder again I.dat not mention.rad

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(17) a. Mesede-z, Guiomar, esna h-a-di pixka bat. please Guiomar wake up.rad 2sol.itr.imp bit a b. Mesede-z, ni-ri sermoi-rik ez bota. please I.dat sermon.par not launch(.rad) c. Mesede-z, utz-i en-e aitam-e-i zu-(e)-en arte-an please let I.gen father and mother.plu.dat you.plu.gen among bizi-tze-n. live.ven.loc d. Arren, atera n-a-za-zu lehenbailehen hemen-dik. for goodness’ sake get out(.rad) 1/2tra.imp as soon as possible here.ela e. Arren, Ezkira, utz ie-za-da-zu konta-tze-n. for goodness’ sake Ezkira let.rad /1/2.dtr.imp tell.ven.loc f. Otoi, Jana¼Mari, z-a-u-de isil-ik. please Jeanne-Marie be.2.syn.imp quiet.sta g. Otoi, otoi, geldi-araz e-za-zu makil(a)-a! please please stop.cau.rad /2.tra.imp stick h. Otoi, ez negarr-ik e-gi-n! please not crying.par do(.rad) (18) a. Sar z-a-i-tez, sar, mesede-z. come in.rad 2.itr.imp come in.rad please b. Mesede-z! Utz n-a-za-n mesede-z! please let o¤.rad 1/2sol.fem.tra.imp please c. Hemen-dik aurre-ra ho(rr-en)-la joka-tu, mesede-z. here.ela front.all that way act please d. E-karr-i giltz(a)-a, fabore-z. bring key please e. Maita n-a-za-zu arren! love.rad 1/2.tra.imp for heaven’s sake f. Sarr-araz e-za-zu, sarr-araz, otoi! come in.cau.rad /2.tra.imp come in.cau.rad please g. Kafe bat, mesede-z. co¤ee one please (19) a. E-ma-da-zu, arren, ur pixka bat z-eu-re pegarr-e-tik. give./1/2.dyt.imp I beg you water.idf bit a you.ref.gen jar.ela b. Bidal e-za-zu, arren, Lazaro gu-re aita-ren etxe-ra. send.rad /2.tra.imp I beg you Lazarus we.gen father.idf.gen house.all c. U(t)z-t(<*d)a-zu, otoi, herri-a-ri hitzegi-te-n. let./1/2.dyt please people.dat speak.ven.loc


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d. E-ra-ntzun, mesede-z, gutun hon-i. answer(.rad) please letter this.dat e. Ez gorde, arren, deus ere. not hide(.rad) please anything whatsoever f. Ez, arren, birao-rik inor-i egotz-i. not please curse.par anyone.dat throw (20) a. Ber-e anaia-ri mesede-z irakur-tze-n ja-rrai-tze-ko esa-n she herself.gen brother.idf.dat please read.ven.loc go on.ven.adn tell.pef z-i-o-n. dtr.pst b. Mesede-z eska-tu n-i-o-n har-ekin hau(t)s-te-ko. please ask.pef //1.dtr.pst yonder one.soc break o¤.ven.adn c. Mesede-z, zaldi hau e-duki-ko d-i-da-zu apur bat-e-an? please horse this hold.fut /1/2.dtr moment a.loc d. Mesede-z, Villoslada jaun-a-rekin hitz e-gi-n nahi n-u-ke. please Villoslada Mr.soc word.idf do like.ppr /1.tra.cod (21) a. Ez not b. Ez not c. Ez not

gero mon gero mon gero mon

ni-ri gezurr-ik esa-n. I.dat lie.par tell(.rad) inor-i ezer esa-n. anybody.dat anything tell(.rad) polizi(a)-a-ri gaztiga! police.dat notify.rad

(22) a. Ez ni-ri gero Donostia uki-tu! not I.dat mon San Sebastian run down b. Ez aha(t)z-tu gero Jaun-a zu-(e)-en Jainko-a! not forget mon Lord.sin you.plu.gen God.sin c. Nor d-en-ik ez esa-n gero! who be.syn.pcz not say(.rad) mon (23) a. Horr-(r)a hiru there.all three b. Begira watch out.rad

izen polit. Kontu-an har-tu, gero! name pretty.idf attention.loc take mon gero! mon

(24) a. Kontu-z i-bil z-a-i-tez, gero! care.idf.ins walk.rad 2.itr.imp mon b. E-gi-n e-za-zu, gero, lan hori! do(.rad) /2.tra.imp mon work that (25) a. Eta Jainko-a-k esa-n z-u-en: ‘‘Iza-n be-di argi-a.’’ and God.erg say.pef tra.pst be(.rad) itr.jus light

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b. Zu-re diru-a zu-re galmen iza-n be-di. you.gen money you.gen undoing.idf be(.rad) itr.jus c. Aski iza-n be-ki-t form(a)-a-z mintza-tze-a. su‰cient be(.rad) 1/.dit.jus form.ins talk.ven (26) a. Ber-a-z, ha(r-en)-la b-iz; d-en-e-an hi(t)zpide-an z-a-u-de. thus so be.syn.jus everything.loc right.loc be.2.syn b. B-ir-a iragan-ak iragan. plu.syn.jus past.plu past.idf (27) a. Gizon bakoitz-a-k iza-n be-za ber-e emazte-a. man each.erg have(.rad) tra.jus he himself.gen wife b. Iza-n be-za-te behar d-en-a. have(.rad) /plu.tra.jus need.idf be.syn.nre.zep (28) a. B-i-h-oa sukalde-ra. go.syn.jus kitchen.all b. Be-go orain-dik neskatx(a)-a gu-rekin hamar bat egun. stay.syn.jus still girl we.soc ten a day.idf c. Be-u-de zabal-ik zu-re begi-ak. be.plu.syn.jus open.sta you.gen eye.plu d. Be-tor-ki-gu zu-re erreinu-a. come.1plu/.dyn you.gen kingdom (29) a. E-gi-n be-di Jaungoiko-a-ren borondate-a! do(.rad) itr.jus God.gen will b. Barka b-ie-za-t Aita Barandiaran-e-k. forgive.rad /1/.dtr.jus Father Barandiaran.erg c. Ez be-za inor-k pentsa gaur-ko zenbait-en asmo-ak not tra.jus anyone.erg think.rad today.adn certain.zep.gen proposal.plu erabat bazter-tze-ko-ak d-ir-ela d-eritz-o-da-n-ik. totally discard.ven.adn.zep.plu be.plu.syn.lcz deem.//1.dyt.pcz d. Ez be-za inor-k ber-e buru-a engaina! not tra.jus anyone.erg he himself.gen head delude.rad (30) a. Hitzegin be-za, don Markox. speak(.rad) tra.jus Mr.idf Markox b. Bai jaun-a! Sar be-di aurre-ra! yes sir come in.rad itr.jus forward c. Goiz da-bil, eskribau jaun-a, eser-i be-di. early be out.syn Notary Mr. sit down itr.jus d. Ez be-za horr-e(n)-la-ko-rik esa-n, aita. not tra.jus like that.adn.zep.par say(.rad) Father.idf



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e. Hitzegin b-ie-za-i-o mutil-a-ri— agin-du z-u-en emakume-a-k. speak(.rad) dtr.jus boy.dat command.pef tra.pst woman.erg (31) a. Zu-re besoŸkako-ek estu-tu n-a-za-te. you.gen curve of one’s arm.plu.erg clench 1/plu.tra.jus b. Zu-re hitz-a ere be-tor bat hai-(e)-en-a-rekin. you-gen word too come.syn.jus one yonder one.plu.gen.zep.soc (32) a. Ber-ak be-to(r)-z-ki-gu, eta ber-ek atera he himself.plu come.1plu/plu.dyn.jus and he himself.plu.erg take out(.rad) ga-it-za-te. 1plu/plu.tra.jus b. Ema-n b-ie-za-t musu! give(.rad) /1/.dtr.jus kiss.idf c. Beste-k b-io arrazoi-z-ko-a d-en ala ez iritsi hori. other one.idf.erg say.syt.jus reason.idf.ins.adn be.syn.ncz or not opinion that d. Naaman ni-gan-(r)a be-tor eta ja-ki-n be-za Israel-e-n profeta Naaman I.all come.syn.jus and know(.rad) tra.jus Israel.loc prophet ba-d-ela. (33) a. Sar enter.rad b. Sar enter.rad

be-di bakoitz-a ber-e etxe-an. itr.jus everyone he himself.gen house.loc z-a-i-tez-te bakoitz-a z-eu-(e)-en etxe-an. 2plu.itr.imp each you.ref.plu.gen house.loc

(34) a. Azter examine.rad b. Azter examine.rad

be-za, bada, nor-k ber-e buru-a. tra.jus then each.erg he himself.gen head e-za-zu-e, bada, nor-k ber-e buru-a. /2plu.tra.imp then each.erg he himself.gen head

(35) a. Baina Jainko-a ez be-ki-gu mintza, hil ez ga-i-tez-en. but God not 1plu/.dit.jus speak.rad die(.rad) not 1plu.itr.suj.ncz b. Baina ez d-ie-za-gu-la Jainko-a-k hitzegin, hil ez but not /1plu/.tra.suj.lcz God.erg speak(.rad) die(.rad) not ga-i-tez-en. 1plu.itr.suj.ncz (36) a. Bi soineko d-it-u-en-a-k, e-ma-n two garment.idf have.plu/.syt.nre.zep.erg give(.rad) d-u-en-a-ri. have.syt.nre.zep.dat b. Bi soineko d-it-u-en-a-k e-ma-n two garment.idf have.plu/.syt.nre.zep.erg give(.rad)

b-ie-za-i-o bat, ez dtr.jus one not

d-ie-za-i-o-la bat ez dtr.suj.lcz one not

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d-u-en-a-ri. have.syt.nre.zep.dat (37) a. Nor-bait someone b. Inor someone

egarri thirst.idf egarri thirst.idf

ba-da, ba-da,

e-tor be-ki-t eta edan be-za. come.rad 1.dit.jus and drink(.rad) tra.jus ni-gan-(r)a e-torr-i eta edan de-za-la. I.all come and drink tra.suj.lcz

(38) a. Ez be-za ja-ki-n zu-re ezkerr-a-k zer e-gi-ten d-u-en not tra.jus know(.rad) you.gen left hand.erg what do.ipf tra.ncz eskuin-a-k. right hand.erg b. Ez de-za-la ja-ki-n ezkerr-a-k zu-re eskubi-a-k zer e-gi-ten not tra.suj.lcz know(.rad) left hand.erg you.gen right hand.erg what do.ipf d-u-en. tra.ncz (39) a. Gizon man b. Gizon man

bakoitz-a-k every.erg bakoitz-a-k every.erg

iza-n be-za ber-e emazte-a. have(.rad) tra.jus he himself.gen wife ber-e emazte-a e-duki de-za-la. he himself.gen wife have(.rad) tra.suj.lcz

(40) a. B-i-h-oa-z barru-ra hirur-ok. go.plu.syn.jus inside.all b. Bi aldi-z irakur be-za. two time.idf.ins read.rad tra.jus c. Beso-tik euts-i be-ki-o. arm.ela grip dit.jus d. Edan be-za-te zut-ik da-u-de-la. drink(.rad) /plu.tra.jus standing up.sta be.plu.syn.lci e. Zaldi irrintzi-ak e-ntzu-n b-i-tez. horse neigh.plu hear(.rad) plu.itr.jus f. Oihal-a eror be-di geldi-ro. curtain fall.rad itr.jus slowly (41) 9. orrialde-a, 5. lerro-a: D-io: ihardu-n; b-io: jardu-n. 9th page 5th line Say.syt ihardun say.syt.jus jardun Chapter 23

(1) a. Jagoi-ti(k)-ko-z ukan-en d-u-t ni-k zu-ga(i)-tik dolore. henceforth have.fut /1.tra I.erg you.mot anguish.idf b. Ama-ga(i)-tik andre oro behar l-u-ke gora-tu. mother.idf.mot woman all.idf should.ppr tra.cod praise


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c. Eskerr-ik asko afari-a-ga(i)-tik. thank.par many supper.mot (2) a. Ni-k seme bat e-duki-tze-arren zer e-ma-n-go n-u-ke-en ez da-ki-t. I.erg son a have.ven.idf.nps what give.fut /1.tra.cod.ncz not know./1.syt b. Zer-bait e-gi-te-arren, lege-ak ikas-te-a-ri e-ki-n n-i-o-n something do.ven.idf.nps law.plu study.ven.dat take up.pef //1.dtr.pst Deusto-ko unibertsitate-an. Deusto.adn university.loc c. Ilunpe-ra egoki-tze-arren geldiune bat e-gi-n z-u-en. darkness adapt oneself.ven.idf.nps pause a make.pef tra.pst (3) a. Zer-ga(i)-tik j-oa-n h-in-tz-e-n?— Ber-a-k dei-tu n-ind-u-e(n)-la-ko. what.mot go.pef 2sol.itr.pst he himself.erg invite.pef 1/.tra.pst.lcz.adn b. Zer-ga(i)-tik bazter-tzen d-u-te euskar(a)-a moj(a)-ek?— Apaiz-ek what.mot reject.ipf /plu.tra Basque language nun.plu.erg priest.plu.erg eta fraile-ek ere zapu(t)z-en d-u-te-la-ko. and friar.plu.erg too repudiate.ipf /plu.tra.lcz.adn c. Zer-ga(i)-tik hil z-en-it-u-en?— Behar-tu n-ind-u-te(n)-la-ko. what.mot kill.pef plu/2.tra.pst force to.pef 1/plu.tra.pst.lcz.adn d. Zer-ga(i)-tik ez n-ind-u-en hil?— Zizp(a)-a-k bi tiro bakarr-ik what.mot not 1/.tra.pst kill.pef gun.erg two shot.idf only.sta z-it-u-e(n)-la-ko. plu/.tra.pst.lcz.adn e. Zer-ga(i)-tik joka-tu d-u-t horr-e(n)-la?— Maite ez z-a-it-u-z-te-da-la-ko ote? what.mot act.pef /1.tra like that love.ppr not 2plu/1.tra.lcz.adn dub (4) a. Ni-k, behar d-en leku-an bila-tu ez d-u-da-la-ko agi-an, ez I.erg need.idf be.syn.nre place.loc look for.pef not /1.tra.lcz.adn perhaps not d-u-t Guero-n aurki-tzen. /1.tra Guero.loc find.ipf b. Ez da-ki ze(r) ordu d-en, baina-tu ondo-ren ordulari-a not know.syt what time be.syn.ncz take a bath contiguity.ela watch non-bait aha(z)-tu za-i-o-la-ko. somewhere.loc forget.pef dit.lcz.adn (5) a. Mudakorr-ak d-ir-a gizon-(e)-en irakaspen-ak, gizon-ak ber-ak changeable.plu be.plu.syn man.plu.gen teaching.plu man.plu he himself.plu ha(r-en)-la d-ir-ela-ko-tz. so be.plu.syn.lcz.adn.ins b. Etxekoandre-a n-a-iz-ela-ko ba-d-it-u-t ni-re eginbeharr-ak. lady of the house be.1.syn.lcz.adn aff.have./1.syt I.gen chore.plu

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(6) a. Nahi d-u-zu-la-ko z-a-u-de hemen. want.ppr /2.tra.lcz.adn be.2.syn here.loc b. Zauri-tu n-ind-u-e(n)-la-ko, gizon-a hil d-u-t. wound.pef 1/.tra.pst.lcz.adn man kill.pef /1.tra (7) a. E-ra-gotz-i d-i-o-gu, gu bezala, ez da-rrai-ki-zu-la-ko. forbid.pef //1plu.dtr we sip not follow.2/.dyn.lcz.adn b. Ez z-a-r-a ager-tu, beldur z-in-e(-n)-la-ko. not 2.itr appear.pef fear.idf be.2.syn.pst.lcz.adn c. Eta ber-e-ha(r-en)-la n-oa, luzapen-a eguerdi-an buka-tzen d-ela-ko. and at once go.1.syn respite noon.loc end.ipf itr.lcz d. Ez n-i-zu-e-n hori hasiera-tik esa-n, ni zu-(e)-ekin not /2plu/1.dtr.pst that beginning.ela tell.pef I you.plu.soc n-en-go-e(n)-la-ko. be.1.syn.pst.lcz.adn (8) a. Piztia txarr-(e)-en esku-e-ta-n g-a-u-de-la-ko heriotz(a)-a-ri, beast vicious.plu.gen hand.plu.loc be.1plu.syn.lcz.adn death.dat aurrezÂźaurre begira-tu behar d-i-o-gu. face.idf.ins-face.idf look at have to.ppr //1plu.dtr b. Hiru urte lehen-ago lapur bat aurki-tze-n lagun-du z-i-o(-n)-la-ko, oso three year.idf before.cop thief a ďŹ nd.ven.loc help.pef dtr.pst.lcz.adn very adiskide z-u-en. friend.idf have.syt.pst c. Ile-a erdi busti-rik da-go-ela-ko, hotz-a senti-tzen d-u. hair half.idf wet.sta be.syn.lcz.adn cold feel.ipf tra (9) a. Nahi d-u-da-la-ko bizi n-a-iz hemen. want.ppr /1.tra.lcz.adn live.ppr 1.itr here.loc b. Eta bihotz-e-z maite n-a-u-zu-la-ko e-gi-n d-it-u-zu gauza handi hau-ek. and heart.idf.ins love.ppr 1/2.tra.lcz.adn do.pef plu/2.tra thing great this.plu c. I-kus-i n-a-u-zu-la-ko sinets-i al d-u-zu? see.pef 1/2.tra.lcz.adn believe.pef int /2.tra d. Irtenbide-rik ez ze-uka-te(-n)-la-ko geldi-tu d-ir-a, gogo-z escape.par not have./plu.syt.pst.lcz.adn stay.pef plu.itr wish.idf.ins beste-ra, ez da-uka-te-n-a-ri balio-rik e-ma-ten contrary to.idf.all not have./plu.syt.nre.zep.dat value.par give.ipf d-i-o-te-la-ko. plu.dtr.lcz.adn e. Ni-ri, berri-z, egi(a)-a d-io-da-la-ko ez d-i-da-zu-e sine(t)s-ten. I.dat new.idf.ins truth tell./1.syt.lcz.adn not /1/2plu.dtr believe.ipf


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(10) a. Horr-e(n)-ga(i)-tik sal-du z-i-da-n bada etxe hau, ber-a Dublin-e-ra that.mot sell.pef /1/.dtr.pst inf house this he himself Dublin.all z-i-h-oa(-n)-la-ko. go.syn.pst.lcz.adn b. Horr-e(n)-ga(i)-tik maite n-a-u Aita-k, n-eu-re bizi-a e-ma-ten that.mot love.ppr 1/.tra father.idf I.ref.gen life give.ipf d-u-da-la-ko. /1.tra.lcz.adn (11) a. Gazte-a-ren iritzi-ek ez d-u-te, gazte bat-en aho-tik young.zep.gen opinion.plu.erg not /plu.tra young.zep a.idf.gen mouth.ela jaulki d-ir-ela-ko, amenÂźamen-ik merezi. emerge.pef plu.itr.lcz.adn amen.idf-amen.par deserve.ppr b. Zaharr-a ez da, zahar d-ela-ko eta kito, errespetagarri. old.zep not be.syn old.idf be.syn.lcz.adn just venerable.idf c. Ni ere ez n-a-iz nahi d-u-da-la-ko txiki-a, e? I too not be.1.syn want.ppr /1.tra.lcz.adn small am I d. Mutil hau ez da-go hemen nahi d-u-ela-ko. boy this not be.syn here.loc want.ppr tra.lcz.adn (12) a. Ingeles-e-z da-u-de-la-ko, ez d-u-t uste inor-k English language.idf.ins be.plu.syn.lcz.adn not /1.tra believe.ppr anyone.erg harri-tu behar l-u-ke-en-ik. be surprised should.ppr tra.cod.pcz b. Damu d-u-t hainbeste diru ni-re alde joka-tu regret.idf have./1.syt so much money I.gen side.idf gamble away.pef d-u-te-la-ko. /plu.tra.lcz.adn c. Arras poz-ik n-a-go ni-re senarr-a-ri e-ma-n d-i-o-te-la-ko. very glad.sta be.1.syn I.gen husband.dat give.pef //plu.dtr.lcz.adn d. Poz-tu e-gi-ten z-a-r-a aurre-ko emakume-a beltz-a d-ela-ko. be glad do.ipf 2.itr front part.adn woman black be.syn.lcz.adn (13) a. Ber-a-z zor d-i-z-ki-o-gu eskerr-ak Jaungoiko-a-ri gu-re bizitz(a)-a-ri same.ins debt.idf plu//1plu.dtr thank.plu God.dat we.gen life.dat irau-n araz-te-ko e-ma-ten d-i-gu-la-ko zer jan. last.rad to cause to.ven.adn give.ipf /1plu/.dtr.lcz.adn what eat b. Ez d-i-o-t ezer aipa-tu, ber-a-k ba-da-ki-ela-ko not //1.dtr anything mention.pef he himself.erg aff.know.syt.lcz.adn gorabehera guzti-a. problem whole

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c. Gau-e-ra-ko den-ak j-oa-ten z-ir-e-n, ordu-an ager-tzen nightfall.des all.plu go.ipf plu.itr.pst that time.loc appear.ipf ze(-n)-la-ko-tz hil har-en arim(a)-a. itr.pst.lcz.adn.ins dead.zep yonder.gen soul (14) a. Patxi-k, ez z-u-e(n)-la-ko Maite i-kus-i, galde-tu z-i-da-n berri. Frank.erg not tra.pst.lcz.adn Maite see.pef ask.pef /1/.dtr.pst news.idf b. . . . unibertsitate-e-ta-n ez z-u-e(n)-la-ko euskar(a)-ak leku-rik. . . . university.plu.loc not tra.pst.lcz.adn Basque language.erg place.par c. Eliz(a)-a ez ze-n orai(n)-no jende-z bete-a, mez(a)-a ez church not be.syn.pst yet people.idf.ins full mass not ze(-n)-la-ko-tz has-i-a. itr.pst.lcz.adn.ins start.pef.sin d. Hori gerta-tu iza-n da Protestante-(e)-en arte-an, ez that happen.pef be.pef itr Protestant.plu.gen among not d-u-te-la-ko-tz buruzagi bat JesuÂźkristo-k e-ma-n-a. have./plu.syt.lcz.adn.ins leader a Jesus Christ.erg give.pef.zep (15) a. Zer e-gi-n d-u-ela-ko zigor-tu d-u-te? what do.pef tra.lcz.adn punish.pef /plu.tra b. Nor da-torr-ela-ko z-oa-z etxe-ra? who come.syn.lcz.adn go.2.syn house.all c. Nor-k kanta-tzen d-u-ela-ko j-oa-n-go z-a-r-a antzoki-ra? who.erg sing.ipf tra.lcz.adn go.fut 2.itr theater.all d. No-ra z-oa-z-ela-ko sal-du d-u-zu etxe-a? where.all go.2.syn.lcz.adn sell.pef /2.tra house (16) a. Aita, barka-tu ie-za-i-e-zu, ez da-ki-te zer-ta-n ari Father.idf forgive /plu/2.dtr.imp not know./plu.syt what.loc be busy.ppr d-ir-en eta. plu.itr.ncz eec b. Aita, barka ie-za-i-e-zu, ez da-ki-te eta zer ari Father.idf forgive.rad /plu/2.dtr.imp not know./plu.syt eec what be busy.ppr d-ir-en. (17) a. Utz-i n-a-za-zu, egunsenti-a da eta. leave 1/2.tra.imp daybreak be.syn eec b. Z-a-to(r)-z-te pixka bat barru-ra, orain-dik ba-d-u-gu asti-a eta. come.2plu.syn.imp bit a inside.all now.ela aff.have./1plu.syt time eec c. Hi e-go-n h-a-di isil-ik, ez da-ki-k ezer eta! you.sol be(.rad) 2.itr.imp quiet not know./2sol.syt anything eec


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d. G-a-u-de-n isil-ik. Martina eta Andresa barru-ra da-to(r)-z eta. be.1plu.syn.ncz quiet.sta Martina and Andresa inside.all come.plu.syn eec e. Lenbailehen d-i-h-oa-la, ez d-i-gu mutil horr-e-k nahigabe-a as soon as possible go.syn.lcz not /1plu/.dtr boy that.erg sorrow beste-rik e-ma-ten eta. else.zep.par give.ipf eec (18) a. Ez d-i-zu-e-t esa-n-go guzti-a, luze li-tza-te-ke eta. not /2plu/1.dtr tell.fut everything lengthy.idf be.syn.cod eec b. N-eu-k ja-rrai-tu-ko d-u-t, aspaldi ez d-u-t hitzegin eta. I.emp.erg continue.fut /1.tra for a long time not /1.tra speak.pef eec c. Agudo amai-tzen d-u-t. Hitzaldi luze-ak ez d-it-u-da-la maite quickly finish.ipf /1.tra speech lengthy.plu not plu/1.tra.lcz love.ppr ba-da-ki-zu-e eta. aff. now./2plu.syt eec d. Hori-ek zu-(e)-en-tzat. On Permin gozozale-a ez d-ela that one.plu 2plu.ben Don Fermı´n fond of sweets not be.syn.lcz ba-da-ki-t eta. aff.know./1.syt eec (19) a. Azken-e-ko egun-a da eta, g-oa-z-en guzti-ok dantza-ra. end.adn day be.syn eec go.1plu.syn.ncz dance.all b. Etxe-an ez d-u-gu har-tzen paper hori eta, e-ma-n behar d-i-da-zu. house.loc not /1plu.tra get.ipf paper that eec give must /1/2.dtr (20) Ber-e lagun-a-k, agure ze-n eta, ze-uka-n lepo-a he himself.gen friend.erg old man.idf be.syn.pst eec have.syt.pst neck.sin makurr-a. bent.sin (21) a. Egunsenti-a da eta utz-i n-a-za-zu. daybreak be.syn and leave 1/2.tra.imp b. Luze li-tza-te-ke eta ez d-i-zu-e-t esa-n-go guzti-a. lengthy.idf be.syn.cod and not /2plu/1.dtr tell.fut everything (22) a. Salome: Hura begi-e-ta-tik sar-tu za-i-zu-la d-irudi. Salome: yonder one eye.plu.ela get into.pef 2/.dit.lcz seem.syt Peli: Itsu-a ez n-a-iz eta. Peli: blind not be.1.syn eec b. Agustine: Jeiki-ak d-ir-a aspaldi. Agustine: get up.pef.plu plu.itr for a long time Itziar: Eliza-ra joan¼etorri-a e-gi-n d-u-te eta Itziar: church.all trip make.pef /plu.tra eec

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In the case of joan-etorria, both perfect participles in their function as citation form of the verb are joined together to form a so-called dvandva compound, meaning literally ‘‘going-(and)-coming.’’ c. Eneko: Beltz-(e)-en arte-an bizi-ko n-a-iz-ela ba al d-eritz-o-zu? Eneko: black.zep.plu.gen among live.fut 1.itr.lcz aff int approve.//2.dyt Orreaga: On Kristobal eta han bizi d-ir-a eta. Orreaga: Don Cristobal and.del over there.loc live.ppr plu.itr eec (23) a. Miren ez da e-torr-i-ko, ber-e am(a)-a-k ha(r-en)-la esa-n d-i-t Mary not itr come.fut she herself.gen mother.erg so tell.pef /1/.dtr eta. eec b. Hon-e-z-gero bide erdi-an da-to(r)-z, garai-a da eta. by now way.idf half.loc come.plu.syn time be.syn eec c. Baietz, lapurr-a! Ni-k i-kus-i d-u-t sar-tze-n eta. yet thief I.erg see.pef /1.tra go in.ven.loc eec (24) a. Gazte-en-a-k ber-a jaits-i-ko ze(-n)-la. young.sup.zep.erg he himself go down.fut itr.pst.lcz b. Ha(r-en)-la uste z-u-e(n)-la ber-a-k. so think.ppr tra.pst.lcz he himself.erg (25) a. Ezetz beste-ek, har-k ez z-u-e(n)-la horr-e-ta-ra-ko no.idf other.zep.plu.erg yonder one.erg not tra.pst.lcz that.des balio eta. be worth.ppr eec b. Juana-k ber-e am(a)-a i-kus-i behar z-u-e(n)-la eta Juana.erg she herself.gen mother see have to.ppr tra.pst.lcz eec Basaburuko bide-a har-tu z-u-en. Basaburu.adn road take.pef tra.pst c. Sendagile bat sar-tu da gaixo-ren bat da-go-ela eta. doctor a come in.pef itr sick.zep.idf.gen some be.syn.lcz eec d. Etxe-an gatz-a ugari da-go-ela eta ez de-za-zu-la bazkari-a house.loc salt plenty.pre be.syn.lcz eec not /2.tra.suj.lcz food gehi-egi gazi-tu. much.ecs salt (26) a. Migel-i txiki geldi-tu zi-tza-i-z-ki-o-la eta, ni-k jantz-i behar-ko Miguel.dat small.idf become.pef /plu.dit.pst.lcz eec I.erg wear have to.ppr n-it-u-en ohe-ko jantzi hai-ek, urtebete barru. plu/1.tra.pst bed.adn cloth yonder.plu one year within b. Hor Lizarreta-ko barruti-an iza-n g-a-r-a. Seme-a-k i-kus-i behar there.loc Lizarreta.adn area.loc be.pef 1plu.itr son.erg see have to.ppr


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z-u-e(n)-la eta. tra.pst.lcz eec (27) a. Eguraldi txarr-a ze-go-e(n)-la eta, hurr-en-go egun-e-ra-ko ezkontz(a)-a weather bad be.syn.pst.lcz eec close.sup.adn day.des wedding atzera-tu omen z-u-te-n. postpone.pef rep /plu.tra.pst b. Goiz-e-ko zalapart(a)-a iza-n d-ela eta senarr-a ihes-i j-oa-n za-i-t. morning.adn disturbance be.pef itr.lcz eec husband ight.pre go.pef 1/.dit c. Ez d-u-t berri-ro mundu-a madarika-tu-ko gizaki-a d-ela eta. not /1.tra new.adn world curse.fut human race exist.syn.lcz eec d. Zer d-ela eta, ordu-an, hasier(a)-an azal-du d-it-u-da-n what be.syn.lcz eec that time.loc beginning.loc express.pef plu/1.tra.nre kezk(a)-ak? reservation.plu (28) a. Arrain-a d-ela eta, horr-en-beste auzi. ďŹ sh be.syn.lcz eec so much dispute b. Plajio-a d-ela eta, idei(a)-ak oso garbi da-u-z-ka-te. plagiarism be.syn.lcz eec idea.plu very clear.pre have.plu/plu.syt (29) a. No-la ez n-a-iz-en beldur? Ez bai(t)-t(<*d)-u-t how come not be.1.syn.ncz fear.idf not acp.have./1.syt deus-e-ta-n ere falta-rik. Kontzientzia bai(t)-t(<*d)-u-t on-a anything.loc whatsoever failing.par conscience acp.have./1.syt good.sin eta garbi-a. and pure.sin b. Zer-tako? Zizta-tzen bai(t)-n-ind-u-te-n. what.ben sting.ipf acp.1/plu.tra.pst c. Ez omen bai(t)-t(<*d)a ere denbora-rik gal-tze-ko, hon-(r)a zer-tako not rep too time.par lose.ven.adn here.all what.ben e-torr-i n-a-iz-en. come.pef 1.itr.ncz (30) a. Epel-a bait-z-a-r-a eta ez z-a-r-ela-ko-tz ez hotz-a ez bero-a, lukewarm and not be.2.syn.lcz.adn.ins not cold not warm has-i-ko n-a-tza-i-zu en-e aho-tik aurtiki-tze-n. start.fut 2/1.dit I.gen mouth.ela eject.ven.loc b. Hori erra-n z-u-en, ez behardun-e-z axola z-u-e(n)-la-ko-tz, baina that say.pef tra.pst not poor.plu.ins care.idf have.syt.pst.lcz.adn.ins but ohoin-a bait-ze-n. thief

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(31) a. Aita, barka ie-za-i-e-zu, ez bai(t)-t(<*d)a-ki-te zer ari Father.idf forgive.rad /plu/2.dtr.imp not acp.know./plu.syt what be busy.ppr d-ir-en. plu.itr.ncz b. Utz n-a-za-zu j-oa-te-ra, argiÂźhaste-a bai(t)-t(<*d)a. let.rad 1/2.tra.imp go.ven.all daybreak (32) a. Zu-re bila ote da-to(r)-z-en beldur n-a-iz. Ate-an you.gen looking for.pre dub come.plu.syn.ncz fear.idf be.1.syn door.loc soldadu pila bat bai(t)-t(<*d)a-go. soldier.idf bunch a b. On-do da-go-en ala ez esa-n behar d-i-da-zu. Gu-k ez well be.syn.ncz or not tell must.ppr /1/2.dtr we.erg not bai(t)-t(<*d)-u-gu euskar(a)-a liburu-e-ta-n ikas-i. acp./1plu.tra Basque book.plu.loc learn.pef c. E-ntzu-n, ez z-u-en ezer e-ntzu-ten, bikote-a urrun samar hear not tra.pst anything hear.ipf couple far away rather bait-ze-go-en. d. Bizitza oso-an ez bait-ze-n inoiz mozkor-tu, gai(t)z-ki senti-tze-n life whole.loc not acp.itr.pst ever get drunk.pef bad.adv feel.ven.loc has-i ze-n. begin.pef itr.pst (33) a. Jan e-za-zu-e gogo-z, zu-ek ez bai(t)-t(<*d)-u-zu-e eat(.rad) /2plu.tra.imp appetite.idf.ins you.plu.erg not acp.have./2plu.syt erru-rik. guilt.par b. Igo h-a-di gain-e-ra, gaur azken afari-a bai(t)-t(<*d)-u-gu. climb up(.rad) 2sol.itr.imp top.all today last supper acp.have./1plu.syt (34) a. Zer-ga(i)-tik esa-n what.mot tell galde-tu. ask.pef b. No-la gerta-tu-ko how happen.fut e-zagu(t)-tzen. know.ipf

behar n-i-zu-n?; zu-k ez bai(t)-t(<*d)-i-da-zu have to.ppr /2/1.dtr.pst you.erg not acp./1/2.dtr

da, ba, hori, ni-k ez bai(t)-t(<*d)-u-t gizon-ik itr then that I.erg not acp./1.tra man.par

(35) a. Eta hemen, teatro-an bai(t)-k(<*g)-a-u-de, hitz-ak ez d-ir-a and here.loc theater.loc word.plu not be.plu.syn


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eran(t)skin huts. addition empty.idf b. Ez n-u-ke hon-ekin, leku-a ez bai(t)-t(<*d)a batere egoki-a, aurre-ra not /1.tra.cod this.soc place not at all suitable front part.all jo nahi. proceed want.ppr (36) a. Z-a-u-de-te pixka bat-e-an, lagun-du-ko d-i-zu-e-t eta. wait.2plu.syn.imp moment a.loc accompany.fut /2plu/1.dtr eec b. Lagun-du-ko d-i-zu-e-da-n-e-z gero, z-a-u-de-te pixka bat-e-an. accompany.fut /2plu/1.dtr.nre.ins since wait.2plu.syn.imp moment a.loc (37) a. Gauza hori-e-ta-z ari g-a-r-en-e-z gero, gu-re seme horr-e-k thing that.plu.ins be busy.ppr 1plu.itr.nre.ins since we.gen son that.erg beste nahigabe bat e-ma-n-go d-i-gu. other pain a give.fut 1plu/.dtr b. Amerik(a)-a aipa-tu d-u-zu-n-e-z gero, Santo Domingo-ko zen-bait America mention.pef /2.tra.nre.ins since Santo Domingo.adn some berri galde e-gi-n behar d-i-z-ki-zu-t. information question.idf do have to.ppr plu/2/1.dtr c. 1700-e-an, urte hori ezarr-i d-i-gu-te-n-e-z gero abiapuntu-tzat, 1700.loc year that set.pef /1plu/plu.dtr.nre.ins since starting zen-bait gauza-ren jabe da orain-dik Euskal Herri-a. certain thing.gen possessor.idf be.syn now.ela Basque Country (38) a. Ni apaiz-a n-a-iz-en-e-z gero, aholkulari-tzat har-tu n-a-u. I priest be.1.syn.nre.ins since take.pef 1/.tra b. Gerezi sasoi-an g-a-u-de-n-e-z gero, on-a li-tza-te-ke cherry.idf season.loc be.1plu.syn.nre.ins since good be.syn.cod gerezi-ren bat i-kus-te-a. cherry.idf.gen some(hcherryior other) see.ven c. Galtz(a)-ak zikin-du d-i-z-ki-zu-da-n-e-z gero, beste kafe bat har-tze-ra pants.plu soil.pef plu/2/1.dtr.nre.ins since other co造ee a take.ven.all gonbida-tzen z-a-it-u-t. invite.ipf 2/1.tra (39) a. Aho literatur(a)-a, paper-ik e-ra-bil-tzen ez d-u-en-e-z gero, ber-e-z mouth literature paper.par use.ipf not tra.nre.ins since it itself.idf.ins da suntsikorr-a. be.syn ephemeral b. Txema-k, oporr-e-ta-n da-go-en-e-z gero, oso poz-ik lagun-du-ko Txema.erg vacation.plu.loc be.syn.nre.ins since very glad.sta help.fut

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l-i-zu-ke. /2/.dtr.cod (40) a. Gerta-tu-a gerta-tu d-en-e-z gero, e-gi-zu nahi happen.pef.zep.sin happen.pef itr.nre.ins since do./2.syt.imp want.ppr d-u-zu-n-a. /2.tra.nre.zep b. Zilegi iza-n be-ki-t, gai ez n-a-iz-en-e-z gero allowed.idf be(.rad) 1/.dit.jus qualiďŹ ed.pre not be.1.syn.nre.ins since beste-ta-ra-ko, zen-bait gauza esa-te-a azentu-a-z. else.zep.idf.des a few thing say.ven accent.ins c. G-a-to(r)-z-en Etxepare-gan-(r)a, Etxepare-gan-dik gehi-egi come.1plu.syn.ncz Etxepare.all Etxepare.ela much.ecs saihe(t)s-tu g-a-r-en-e-z gero. stray far from.pef 1plu.itr.nre.ins since d. Amerikano-a-rekin ezkon-du nahi ez z-u-en-e-z gero, e-gi-n American.soc marry want.ppr not tra.pst.nre.ins since do(.rad) de-za-la gogo-a-k e-ma-ten d-i-o-n-a. tra.suj.lcz mind.erg give.ipf dtr.nre.zep (41) a. Gauz(a)-ak esku-ra da-to(r)-z-ki-gu-n-e-z gero, zer-ga(i)-tik ez jaso thing.plu hand.all come.1plu/plu.dyn.nre.ins since what.mot not pick up aukera-n d-u-gu-n-a? opportunity.idf.loc have./1plu.nre.zep b. Su emaile-tzat har-tzen g-a-it-u-zu-n-e-z gero, zer-ga(i)-tik ez hitzegin ďŹ re.idf take for.ipf 1plu/2.tra.nre.ins since what.mot not speak argi eta garbi? plainly and clearly c. Hori-(e)-en iri(t)z(i)kide ez h-a-iz-en-e-z that one.plu.gen somebody sharing the opinion of.idf not be.2sol.syn.nre.ins gero, lots(a)-a-k ez al h-a-u gorri-tzen? since shame.erg not int 2sol/.tra make red.ipf d. Lanbide berri-ak ager-tu d-ir-en-e-z gero, no-la ez d-ir-a profession new.plu appear.pef plu.itr.nre.ins since how not plu.itr norgehiagoka berri-ak sor-tzen? contest new.plu arise.ipf (42) a. Alargun hau gogai(t)karri za-i-da-n-e-z, de-gi-o-da-n justizia. widow this bothersome.idf be.1/.dyn.nre.ins do.//1.dyt.ncz justice.idf b. Ezer gerta-tu ez ze(-n)-n-e-z, ber-ta-n utz-i z-u-te-n. anything happen.pef not itr.pst.nre.ins it itself.idf.loc leave.pef /plu.tra.pst


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(43) a. Utz-i-ko z-a-it-u-t j-oa-te-ra ha(r-en)-la desira-tzen d-u-zu-n-a-z gain-e-an. let.fut 2/1.tra go.ven.all so desire.ipf /2.tra.nre.zep.ins top.loc b. Bai, bai, eros-i-ko d-i-a-t sal-du nahi d-u-a-n-a-z gain-e-an. yes yes buy.fut /2sol/1.dtr sell want.ppr /2sol.tra.nre.zep.ins top.loc c. Ja-ki-n nahi d-u-zu-n-a-z gain-e-an, hon-(r)a beti zer gerta-tzen know want.ppr /2.tra.nre.zep.ins top.loc here.all always what happen.ipf za-i-gu-n: . . . 1plu/.dit.ncz d. Hiri-ra ba-z-oa-z-en-a-z gain-e-an, nahi d-u-zu e-ra-ma-n en-e town.all aff.go.2syn.nre.zep.ins top.loc want.ppr /2.tra wear I.gen xamarr-a? jacket (44) a. Ba-da-ki-zu zer-ga(i)-tik e-gi-ten d-u-da-n, zu z-a-r-ela medio, aff.know./2.syt what.mot do.ipf /1.tra.ncz you be.2.syn.lcz because hainbeste negar? Zer-ga(i)-tik ni zu-re-tza-ko argizari-a n-a-iz-en, eta zu so much tear.idf cac I you.ben wax be.1.syn.ncz and you ni-re-tza-ko eguzki-a z-a-r-en, eta eguzki-a-k argizari-a no-la ez d-u I.ben sun be.2.syn.ncz and sun.erg wax how not tra ur-tu-ko? melt.fut b. No-la eztizale-a n-a-iz-en txit, ez n-in-tz-e-n argizari-a-z oroi(t)-tzen. cac fond of honey be.1.syn.ncz very not 1.itr.pst wax.ins remember.ipf c. Agudo plater pare bat, zer-ga(i)-tik gose-a-rekin ez d-u-gu i-kus-ten. quick.adv dish.idf couple a cac hunger.soc not /1plu.tra see.ipf (45) a. Emazteki-a, zer-ga(i)-tik e-gi-ten d-u-zu negar? Magdalena-k ihardets-i woman what.mot do.ipf /2.tra tear.idf Magdalena.erg reply.pef z-u-en: Negar e-gi-ten d-ut zer-en e-ra-ma-n d-u-te-n en-e tra.pst tear.idf do.ipf /1.tra cac take away.pef /plu.tra.ncz I.gen Jainko-a, eta zer-en ez da-ki-da-n no-n ezarr-i d-u-te-n. God and cac not know./1.syt.ncz where.loc put.pef /plu.tra.ncz b. Zer-ga(i)-tik? Zer-en ez z-a-it-u-z-te-da-n maite? what.mot cac not 2plu/1.tra.ncz love.ppr c. Zer-en z-a-r-en hain on-a, urriki d-ut zu-ri e-gi-n cac be.2.syn.ncz so good sorrow.idf have./1.syt you.dat do.pef irain-e-z. insult.plu.ins d. Ez d-i-o-zu zu-k en-e izen-a-ri altxa-tu-ren etxe-rik, zer-en z-a-r-en not //2.dtr you.erg I.gen name.dat build.fut house.par cac be.2.syn.ncz

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gerlaÂźgizon-a, eta odol-a isur-i d-u-zu-la-ko-tz. man of war and blood shed.pef /2.tra.lcz.adn.ins (46) a. Zer-ga(i)-tik behar d-i-o-gu-n g-eu-re etsai-a-ri barka-tu. cac must.ppr //1plu.dtr.ncz we.ref.gen enemy.dat forgive Lehenbizi-ko arrazoi-a: Zer-en Jainko-a-k maina-tzen bai(t)-t(<*d)-u. ďŹ rst.adn reason cac God.erg command.ipf acp.tra b. Geldi-tzen d-ir-a joko-tik, zer-en akaba-tzen bait-za-i-e kandel(a)-a. stop.ipf plu.itr game.ela cac end.ipf acp.plu/.dit candle c. Emazteki-a, zer-ga(i)-tik e-gi-ten d-u-zu negar? Iharde(t)s-ten d-u: Zer-en woman what.mot do.ipf /2.tra tear.idf reply.ipf tra cac e-ra-ma-n bai(t)-t(<*d)-u-te en-e Jaun-a, eta ez da-ki-t no-n take away.pef acp./plu.tra I.gen Lord and not know./1.syt where.loc ezarr-i d-u-te-n. put.pef /plu.tra.ncz (47) a. Iza-n z-it-u-en hirurogeita hamar seme, zer-en bait-z-it-u-en have.pef plu/.tra.pst seventy son.idf cac acp.have.plu/.syt.pst asko emazte. many wife b. Senda e-za-zu en-e arim(a)-a, zer-en bekatu e-gi-n bai(t)-t(<*d)-u-t. heal.rad /2.tra.imp I.gen soul cac sin.idf do.pef acp./1.tra c. Erne z-a-u-de-te ber-a-z zu-ek ere, zer-en uste ez alert.pre be.2plu.syn.imp same.ins you.plu also cac expect.ppr not d-u-zu-e-n ordu-an e-torr-i-ko bai(t)-t(<*d)a gizon-a-ren Seme-a. /2plu.tra.nre time.loc come.fut acp.itr man.gen Son (48) a. Ez d-u-t ebats-i nahi, zer-en mentura-z justizi(a)-ak atzeman not /1.tra steal want.ppr cac chance.idf.ins law.erg catch.rad n-ind-za-ke, urka edo azota. 1/.tra.pot.cod hang.rad or og.rad b. Ez d-u-t joka-tu nahi, zer-en joko-a ez da errent(a)-a, not /1.tra gamble want.ppr cac gambling not be.syn stipend mentura-z gal ne-za-ke. chance.idf.ins lose.rad /1.tra.pot c. Zu-k ere ikas-i behar d-u-zu erai(n)-te-n, zer-en zahar-tze-n you.erg too learn must.ppr /2.tra sow.ven.loc cac get old.ven.loc ari n-a-iz. be busy.ppr 1.itr d. Aldi bakoitz, en-e libertate-tik zati bat eror-tzen za-i-t, zer-en ez da-ki-t time each.idf I.gen freedom.ela part a fall.ipf 1/.dit cac not know./1.syt


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no-ra ba-n-oa-n. where.all aff.go.1.syn.ncz (49) a. Ez d-u-t esku-e-ta-n d-u-da-n-a-z gabe-tu nahi. Zer-en not /1.tra hand.plu.loc have./1.syt.nre.zep.ins give up want.ppr cac mentura-z gero, nahi d-u-da-n-e-an, ez n-u-ke. chance.idf.ins later want.ppr /1.tra.nre.loc not have./1.syt.cod b. Anitz-e-ta-n ere Eskritura Saindu-an konpara-tzen da bekatore-a ardi often.idf.loc too Scripture Holy.loc compare.ipf itr sinner sheep errebelatu-a-rekin. Eta arrazoi-(e)-ekin. Zer-en anitz gauza-ta-n go astray.pef.sin.soc and reason.plu.soc cac many thing.idf.loc bai(t)-t(<*d)-irudi-te elkar. acp.resemble./plu.syt each other (50) a. Bai pena hau merezi d-u gizon eskergabe-a-k zer-en eta indeed punishment this deserve.ppr tra man ungrateful.erg cac exp hauts-i d-it-u-en Jainko-a-ren lege-ak. break.pef plu/.tra.ncz God.gen law.plu b. Hori ez za-i-t gogora-tu ere, zer-en eta bai(t)-t(<*d)a-ki-t emazte anitz ez that not 1/.dit occur.pef even cac exp acp.know./1.syt woman many not d-ir-ela ni-k hemen mintza-tu nahi d-it-u-da-n-e-ta-rik. be.plu.syn.lcz I.erg here.loc talk want.ppr plu/1.tra.nre.zep.plu.ela c. Arras gogo-tik mintza-tzen n-a-iz gizon hon-e-ta-z, zer-en eta abantzu quite heart.ela speak.ipf 1.itr man this.ins cac exp more or less en-e herritarr-a d-ela-ko-tz. I.gen fellow villager be.syn.lcz.adn.ins (51) a. Laborari-a Jainko-a-ren obr(a)-e-ta-n ari da; ezen Jainko-a-k e-gi-n farmer God.gen work.plu.loc be busy.ppr itr cac God.erg make.pef d-it-u gizon guzti-ak, eta laborari-a-ren esku-tik haz-ten d-it-u. plu/.tra man all.plu and farmer.gen hand.ela feed.ipf plu/.tra b. Segur n-a-iz plazer e-gi-n-en d-i-o-da-la ezen ber-a ere kantari polit-a sure be.1.syn favor.idf do.fut //1.dtr.lcz cac he himself too singer ďŹ ne da. be.syn (52) a. Ez d-a-u-de ino-n, zer-en ihes e-gi-n bai(t)-t(<*d)-u-te. not be.plu.syn anywhere.loc cac ight.idf do.pef acp./plu.tra b. Baina ailega-tu eta ezuste bat iza-n n-u-en, zer-en gailurr-a eta but arrive poc surprise a have.pef /1.tra.pst cac summit and har-en inguru guzti-ak leku mortu-ak bait-z-ir-e-n. yonder one.gen surrounding all.plu place deserted.plu

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c. Ber-ta-ko objetu guzti-ak arrotz e-gi-ten zi-tza-i-z-ki-da-n, zer-en eta right there.adn object all.plu strange.idf seem.ipf 1/plu.dit.pst cac exp errealitate ez bait-ze-n aski indartsu amets-a ezezta-tze-ko. reality not enough potent.idf dream undo.ven.adn d. Ez d-u-te sekula-n harrapa-tu-ko. Zer-en klasiko-ak izen-e-z eta not /plu.tra ever.idf catch.fut cac classic.plu name.idf.ins and estanp(a)-e-ta-n bakarr-ik bai(t)-t(<*d)-ir-a ezagun-ak. picture.plu.loc only.sta known.plu (53) a. Ez d-u-t ni-k zu-(e)-en alde Aita-ri erregu-tu beharr-ik not /1.tra I.erg you.plu.gen side.idf Father.idf.dat pray need.par iza-n-go, zer-en Aita-k ber-a-k maite bait-z-a-it-u-z-te, ni maite have.fut cac Father.erg he himself.erg love.ppr acp.2plu/.tra I love.idf iza-n n-a-u-zu-e-la-ko. have.pef 1/2plu.tra.lcz.adn b. Horr-e(n)-ga(i)-tik esa-n d-i-zu-e-t, z-eu-(e)-en bekatu-an hil-ko that.mot tell.pef /2plu/1.dtr you.ref.plu.gen sin.loc die.fut z-a-r-e-te-la, zer-en ni n-a-iz-en-a n-a-iz-ela sine(t)s-ten 2plu.syn.lcz cac I be.1.syn.nre.zep be.1.syn.lcz believe.ipf ez ba-d-u-zu-e, z-eu-(e)-en bekatu-e-ta-n hil-ko bait-z-a-r-e-te. not cdp./2plu.tra you.ref.plu.gen sin.plu.loc die.fut acp.2plu.itr (54) a. Ez deus e-gi-te-a-z ber-a-z ikas-ten da gai(t)zki e-gi-te-n, zer-en, not anything do.ven.sin.ins it itself.ins learn.ipf itr evil.idf do.ven.loc cac otiositas est mater nugarum, noverca virtutum. otiositas est mater nugarum noverca virtutum b. Jende hau batÂźbat-e-an aurki-tzen da mintzabide-rik gabe; zer-en, people this one.idf one.loc ďŹ nd.ipf itr power of speech without.pre cac zer d-ela eta has-i-ko z-ir-e-n jaun hai-ek Afrika what be.syn.lcz eec start.fut plu.itr.pst gentleman yonder.plu Africa.idf erdi-ko hi(t)zkuntza basati-ak ikas-te-n? center.adn language uncouth.plu learn.ven.loc c. Mundu-a-ren gain garai(t)pen-a e-ma-ten d-igu-n-a gu-re world.gen top.idf victory give.ipf /1plu/.dtr.nre.zep we.gen sinesmen-a da. Zer-en, nor-k garai(t)-tzen du mundu-a, Jesus faith be.syn cac who.erg overcome.ipf tra world Jesus Jainko-a-ren Seme d-ela sine(t)s-ten d-u-en-a-k baizik? God.gen Son.idf be.syn.lcz believe.ipf tra.nre.zep.erg except d. Kanpo-a desira-tzen d-u, zer-en, libertate-a zein-en eder d-en! outside long for.ipf tra cac freedom how nice.idf be.syn.ncz


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(55) a. Ber-e diru-ak han z-it-u-en oso¼oso-rik. he himself.gen valuable.plu over there.loc plu/.tra.pst whole.idf whole.sta Ez d-u-te ber-a-z eba(t)s-te-ko hil. not /plu.tra same.ins steal.ven.adn kill.pef b. Senitarteko-ak g-a-r-a bi-ok. Ber-a-z, ez d-u-gu bi-on kinsman.plu be.1plu.syn same.ins not /1plu.tra arte-an liskarr-ik iza-n behar. interval.loc quarreling.par have must.ppr (56) a. Hor-tik da-tor, bera-z, gu-re harridur(a)-a hon-en gutun-a there.ela come.syn same.ins we.gen astonishment this one.gen letter irakur-tze-an. read.ven.sin.loc b. On-gi etorri-a zor d-i-e-gu ber-a-z. welcome debt.idf /plu/1plu.dtr same.ins The syntactic group adverb þ perfect participle has been substantivized just as in English; therefore, despite the hyphening of ongi as on-gi, the participle has been hyphened as etorri-a instead of e-torr-i-a (cf. soineko ‘dress’ instead of soin-e-ko, since the adnominal has been substantivized). c. Ez n-i-o-ke, ber-a-z, deus ken-du nahi. not //1.dtr.cod same.ins anything take away want.ppr d. Saia g-a-(d)i-tez-en, ber-a-z, kultura bat-en alde on-e-z try.rad 1plu.itr.suj.ncz same.ins culture a.idf.gen side good.plu.ins lehenbailehen jabe-tze-n. as soon as possible appropriate.ven.loc (57) a. Ber-a-z, rey ez da euskal hitz-a. same.ins rey not be.syn Basque word b. Ber-a-z, ni-k ez n-u-ke esa-n-go inor-k orain-go hi(t)zkuntz(a)-a same.ins I.erg not /1.tra.cod say.fut anyone.erg now.adn language bazter-tzen d-u-en-ik. reject.ipf tra.pcz (58) a. Batzu-e-ta-n, ber-a-z, ez da erraz iza-n-go euskal ordain-a sometimes.plu.loc same.ins not itr easy.idf be.fut Basque equivalent asma-tze-a. invent.ven b. Lehen bokal-a-ren iturburu-a ja-ki-te-ko, ber-a-z, lagungarri first vowel.gen source discover.ven.adn same.ins helpful.idf d-u-gu forma trinko-ak e-duki-tze-a. have./1plu.syt form synthetic.plu have.ven

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(59) a. Inguru da euskaldun guzti-ok da-ra-bil-gu-n hitz-a, baita inguru be.syn Basque use./1plu.syt.nre word as well as zuberotarr-ek ere. Hori da, bada, euskal hitz-a. Souletin.plu.erg too that be.syn inf Basque word b. Hori da ba ni-k esa-n n-u-e(n)-n-a. that be.syn inf I.erg say.pef /1.tra.pst.nre.zep c. Lan-a! Lan-a! Lan e-gi-te-a ere nahiko-a astakeria da ba. work work work.idf do.ven too plenty of bullshit be.syn inf (60) a. Ni ez n-a-u-te ba berri-z harrapa-tu-ko! I not 1/plu.tra inf new.idf.ins catch.fut b. Ba-n-en-go-en, ba! aff.believe.1.syn.pst inf (61) a. Den-a busti-a e-torr-i-ko z-a-r-a, ni-re Txomin; alda z-a-(d)i-tez, bada. all wet come.fut 2.itr I.gen Txomin change.rad 2.itr.imp inf b. Baina zu-rekin nahi n-u-ke hitzegin. Esa-n bada, e-ntzu-ten z-a-it-u-t. but you.soc want.ppr /1.tra.cod talk say inf hear.ipf 2/1.tra c. Azter beza, bada, nor-k ber-e buru-a, ogi-tik jan examine.rad tra.jus inf everyone.erg he himself.gen head bread.ela eat aurre-tik. front part.ela d. E-ma-n de-za-gu-n, bada, horr-e(n)-la d-ela. grant(.rad) /1plu.suj.ncz inf so be.syn.lcz e. Bakarr-ik e-gi-n-go d-u-t.— E-gi-zu bada! alone.sta do.fut /1.tra Do.2.syt.imp inf (62) a. Judu-a ote n-a-iz, bada, ni? Jew dub be.1.syn inf I b. Zer gerta-tu ze-n, bada? what happen.pef itr.pst inf c. Nor da bada jende hori? who be.syn inf people that d. Zenbat eska-tzen d-u-zu, ba, txahal-a-ga(i)-tik? how much ask.ipf /2.tra inf calf.mot e. A! Hor z-a-u-de.— No-n nahi d-u-zu ba e-go-te-a? ah there.loc be.2.syn where.loc want.ppr /2.tra inf be.ven f. Ni-k ez d-i-o-t esa-n.— No-la da-ki bada? I.erg not //1.dtr tell.pef how know.syt inf g. Ez d-u hori esa-n.— Zer bada? not tra that say.pef what inf


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(63) a. Ba, egi(a)-a esa-n, gaur ez d-u-t asko bazkal-du. inf truth tell today not /1.tra much have( for) lunch.pef b. Txabola hon-e-ta-n gerta-tzen d-en-a ja-ki-n nahi d-u-k, ez hut this.loc happen.ipf itr.nre.zep know want.ppr /2sol.tra not da? Bada, gau oso-a e-duki-ko d-u-k ja-ki-te-ko! be.syn inf night whole have.fut /2sol.tra find out.ven.adn c. Bada, ikas-i nahi ez d-u-a-n-e-z gero, Amerik(a)-e-ta-ra j-oa-n-go inf study want.ppr not /2sol.tra.nre.ins since America.plu.all go.fut h-a-iz. 2sol.itr d. Den-a da-ki.— Bada, ez d-i-gu ezer esa-n. everything know.syt inf not /1plu/.dtr anything say.pef e. Ni-k ez d-i-o-t esa-n.— Bada, norbait-e-k esa-n d-i-o. I.erg not //1.dtr tell.pef inf somebody.erg tell.pef dtr (64) a. No-ra e-ra-ma-n d-u-zu-e auto-a konpon-tze-ra?— Ba-da-go ba where.all take.pef /2plu.tra car fix.ven.all inf Igeldo bide-an garaje bat, ba ha-ra-xe. Igeldo.idf road.loc garage a inf over there.all.emp b. Esa-n-go d-i-o-t ba, Jaun-a, argi-ro. tell.fut //1.dtr inf sir clearly c. Berrehun . . . ez da-ki-t ba ber-(h)orr-e-k nahi-ko ote d-it-u-en. two hundred.idf not know./1.syt inf you.dfr.erg want.fut dub plu/.tra.ncz (65) a. Iza-n ere, harri-tze-ko-a ze-n! Orratz hura . . . Pagodi-ren-a ez indeed amaze.ven.adn.zep itr.pst Pin yonder . . . Pagodi.gen.zep exp ze-n ba! be.syn.pst inf b. Leiho-a he(t)s-te-n ari n-in-tz-e(n)-la, eror-i ez zi-tza-i-da-n, ba, window close.ven.loc be busy.ppr 1.itr.pst.lci fall.pef exp 1/.dit.pst inf esku-tik! hand.ela c. Diru-a ez z-i-o-ten ba eska-tu! money exp //plu.dtr.pst inf ask.pef d. Kotxe-a ez d-i-da-te ba eska-tu! car exp /1/plu.dtr inf ask.pef e. Sinets-i ere! Bidart detektibe-a ber-a ez ze-n, bada! believe even Bidart detective.sin he himself.sin exp be.syn.pst inf (66) a. Gogora-tzen al z-a-r-a ni-ta-z?— Gogora-tu-ko ez n-a-iz ba! remember.ipf int 2.itr I.ins remember.fut exp 1.itr inf

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b. E-zagu(t)-tzen al d-u-zu hor atze-an zut-ik da-go-en emakume know.ipf int /2.tra there.loc back.loc standing.sta be.syn.nre woman hori?— E-zagu-tu-ko ez d-u-t, ba? that know.fut exp /1.tra inf (67) a. Asper-tu e-gi-n n-a-iz, bada bakarr-ik utz-i n-a-u-te. get bored do.pef 1.itr cac alone.sta leave.pef 1/plu.tra b. E-ra-ma-n e-za-zu, bada on e-gi-n-go d-i-zu. take with(.rad) /2.tra.imp cac good.idf do.fut /2/.dtr (68) a. Hiru tatxa hori-(e)-en-ga(i)-tik, neskatx(a)-ek maite n-a-u-te ni. three fault that.plu.mot girl.plu.erg love.ppr 1/plu.tra I b. Am(a)-(e)-en-ga(i)tik, seme-ek nahi d-u-te-n-a e-gi-ten d-u-te. mother.plu.mot son.plu.erg want.ppr /plu.tra.nre.zep do.ipf /plu.tra (69) a. Huts-ak huts, ba-d-u liburu hon-e-k alde ederr-ik aski. mistake.plu mistake.idf aff.have.syt book this.erg feature nice.par plenty b. Ez da ber-a, itxur(a)-ak itxura, ni-re not be.syn he himself appearance.plu appearance.idf I.gen artalde-ko-e-ta-rik. flock.adn.zep.plu.ela c. Erago(t)zpen-ak erago(t)zpen, plaza-ra g-in-e-n Etxepare-z impediment.plu impediment.idf public life.all be.1plu.syn.pst Etxepare.ins gero-z. future.idf.ins d. Hu(t)skeri(a)-ak hu(t)skeria ados n-a-iz-ela esa-n-go n-u-k-e trifle.plu trifle.idf in agreement.pre say.fut /1.tra.cod guzti-ra, puntu guzti-e-ta-n ez ba-da ere. whole.zep.all point all.plu.loc not even e. Ba-ze-ki-en gerta-tu-ko ze(-n)-la, tarte-ko-ak aff.know.syt.pst happen.fut itr.pst.lcz place in between.adn.zep.plu tarteko ber-e-gan-(r)a e-torr-i-ko z-in-e(-n)-la. place in between.adn.idf he himself.all come.fut 2.itr.pst.lcz (70) a. Zahar-tu-a-ga(i)-tik da-go oso dezente-a. grow old.pef.sin.mot be.syn quite all right b. Pixka bat-e-an ez n-a-iz aha(t)z-tu-ko sar-tu-a-ga(i)-tik lurpe-an. while a.loc not 1.itr forget.fut put into.pef.sin.mot underground.loc c. Eliz(a)-a-ren laguntza hori iza-n-a-ga(i)-tik ere, aski harrigarri-a iza-n da Church.gen help that be.pef.sin.mot even quite amazing be.pef itr eta da euskar(a)-a-ren iraupen-a. and be.syn Basque language.gen survival


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(71) a. Gezurr-a ba-d-irudi ere, bidai(a)-a-k on e-gi-n d-i-o. lie cdp.seem.syt even journey.erg good.idf do.pef dtr b. Baina Itziarr-e-k, jan ba-z-u-en ere, ez z-u-en janari on-a-z goza-tu. but Itziar.erg eat.pef cdp.tra.pst even not tra.pst food good.ins enjoy.pef c. Bizitz(a)-a ez da geldi-tu, beldurr-a-k ha(r-en)-la eska-tzen ba-d-i-o ere. life not itr stop.pef fear.erg so beg.ipf aff.dtr even (72) Zer esa-n-go d-u-en ja-ki-n gabe ere, on-tzat har-tu-ko n-it-u-z-ke what say.fut tra.ncz know without.pre even take.fut plu/1.tra.cod orain ber-ta-n bere iritzi-ak. now it itself.loc he himself.gen opinion.plu (73) a. Bai ha(r-en)-la da, asko-ta-n ez d-irudi-en arren. yes so be.syn many.idf.loc not seem.syt.nre although b. ‘‘Gu-re hotel-a’’ dei-tu iza-n d-i-o-te, han bi egun we.gen hotel call have.pef //plu.dtr over there.loc two day.idf beste-rik e-gi-n ez z-it-u-z-te-n arren. else.zep.par spend.pef not plu/plu.tra.nre although c. Ha-ra, hauts eta errauts beste-rik ez n-a-iz-en arren, en-e over there.all dust.idf and ash.idf else.zep.par not be.1.syn.nre although I.gen jaun horr-i mintza-tze-ra ausar(t)-tzen n-a-iz. Lord that.dat speak.ven.all venture.ipf 1.itr d. Senda n-a-za-zu, zu-re aurka bekatu e-gi-n d-u-da-n arren. heal.rad 1/2tra.imp you.gen against sin.idf do.pef /1.tra.nre although (74) a. Filosofo-a-k e-zagu(t)-tzen d-u gauza batzu-ek ja-ki-n arren, philosopher.erg recognize.ipf tra thing some.plu know although ba-d-ir-ela beste anitz har-k ez da-ki-en-ak. other.zep many yonder one.erg not know.syt.nre.zep.plu b. Ezkontz(a)-a-k, egoera ederr-a iza-n arren, ba-d-it-u ber-e marriage.erg state nice be although aff.have.plu/.syt it itself.gen atsekabe eta alde txarr-ak. grief.idf and point bad.plu c. Bos(t)pasei beribil igaro arren, bat ere geldi-tu ez. five or six car.idf come by although one even stop.pef not d. Zu-k inor maite ez arren ere, ba-d-ir-a zu maite you.erg anyone love.ppr not although even be.plu.syn you love.ppr z-a-it-u-z-te-n-ak. 2/plu.tra.nre.zep.plu (75) a. Ez z-u-te-n haurr-ik nahi-z aspaldi esposa-tu-ak not have./plu.syt.pst child.par coc a long time marry.pef.plu

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z-ir-e(-n)-n. be.plu.syn.pst.ncz b. Nahi-z ez d-en gaztelu-a, maite d-u-t ni-k sorleku-a. coc not be.syn.ncz castle love.ppr /1.tra I.erg birthplace c. Eta hori da uste d-u-gu-n-a nahi-z aitor ez and that be.syn believe.ppr /1plu.tra.nre.zep coc admit.rad not de-za-gu-n. /1plu.tra.suj.ncz (76) a. Hiru egun poz-ik pasa g-en-it-u-en nahi-z diru gutxi three day.idf happily.sta spend.pef plu/1plu.tra.pst coc money little e-karr-i. bring b. Baietz ba ihardets-i n-i-o-n, nahi-z hori-e-ta-z gauza gutxi positively.adv inf answer.pef //1.dtr.pst coc that( matter).plu.ins thing little ja-ki-n. know (77) a. Nahi-z eta leiho-tik Obaba-ko mendi zaharr-ak i-kus-ten coc exp window.ela Obaba.adn mountain old.plu see.ipf n-it-u-e(n)-n, kosta e-gi-ten zi-tza-i-da-n ni-r-e gel(a)-an plu/1.tra.pst.ncz cost.ppr do.ipf 1/.dit.pst I.gen room.loc n-en-go-e(n)-n-a-z jabe-tze-a. be.1.syn.pst.nre.zep.ins realize.ven b. Egi(a)-a esa-n, nahi-z eta harrokeri(a)-a d-irudi-en, uste d-u-t truth tell coc exp arrogance seem.syt.ncz believe.ppr /1.tra Euskaltzaindi-a-k ďŹ dantza apur bat merezi d-u-ela. Basque Academy.erg trust.idf little a deserve.ppr tra.lcz c. Ez d-u irakurgai hon-e-k inor-en ile-rik la(t)z-tu-ko, nahi-z eta lo-a-k not tra reading this.erg anyone.gen hair.par curl.fut coc exp sleep.erg har-tze-ra-ko-an irakurr-i. get.ven.all.adn.loc read d. Nahi-z eta, pentsa-tze-n jarr-i-ta, zer-ga(i)-tik zain-du behar coc exp think.ven.loc sit down.pec what.mot watch should.ppr n-a-u-te ni? 1/plu.tra I Chapter 24

(1) a. Nahi ba-d-u-zu, garbi n-a-za-ke-zu. want.ppr cdp./2.tra cleanse.rad 1/2.tra.pot


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b. Sine(t)s-ten al d-u-zu-e hori e-gi-n de-za-ke-da-na? believe.ipf int /2plu.tra that do.rad /1.tra.pot.naz c. Bakarr-ik tart(a)-a jan de-za-ke-t. only.sta pastry eat.rad /1.tra.pot (2) a. Oker e-go-n n-a-i-te-ke. wrong.idf be.rad 1.itr.pot b. No-n eros d-it-za-ke-gu patat(a)-ak? where.loc buy.rad plu/1plu.tra.pot potato.plu c. Atentatu bat e-gi-te-ra g-en-to(r)-z-ela pentsa de-za-ke-te. terrorist attack a do.ven.all come.1plu.syn.pst.lcz think.rad /plu.tra.pot d. Esa-n al da-i-te-ke egi(a)-a-ren zati bat oso-a esa-n gabe? tell.rad int itr.pot truth.gen part a whole.zep tell without.pre (3) a. Hor-txe aurki d-it-za-ke-zu har-en bizitz(a)-a-ri there.loc.emp ďŹ nd.rad plu/2.tra.pot yonder one.gen life.dat buru-z-ko zen-bait xehetasun ere. head.isdf.ins.adn some detail also b. Hori i-kus-i nahi d-u-en-a-k Aita Villasante-k iaz argitara that see want.ppr tra.nre.zep.erg Father Villasante.erg last year publish.pef z-u-e(n)-n liburuxk(a)-an i-kus de-za-ke. tra.pst.nre booklet.loc see.rad tra.pot c. Ezkon-du berri-a n-a-iz eta ez n-a-i-te-ke j-oa-n. marry.pef new be.1.syn and not 1.itr.pot go.rad (4) a. Eser al n-a-i-te-ke zu-re ondo-an? sit.rad int 1.itr.pot you.gen side.loc b. Nahi d-u-zu-n-e-an has z-a-i-tez-ke z-eu-re ipuin-a konta-tze-n. want.ppr /2.tra.nre.loc start.rad 2.itr.pot you.ref.gen tale tell.ven.loc c. Ja-ki-n al da-i-te-ke isileko hori? know.rad int itr.pot secret that d. Ni-re-ga(i)-tik nahi d-u-en-a e-gi-n de-za-ke hon-e-k. I.mot want.ppr tra.nre.zep do.rad tra.pot this one.erg (5) a. Orain aurke-z i-kus de-za-ke-zu. now face.idf.ins see.rad /2.tra.pot b. Zer e-gi-n da-i-te-ke orain? what do.rad itr.pot now c. Beste ďŹ lm bat e-gi-te-n ari omen da Chaplin. Zer esa-n other ďŹ lm a make.ven.loc be busy.ppr rep itr Chaplin what tell.rad d-ie-za-gu-ke, azken hitz-a esa-n ondo-an? /1plu/.dtr.pot last word say contiguity.loc

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d. Da-torr-en urte-an i-kus de-za-ke-gu. come.syn.nre year.loc see.rad /1plu.tra (6) a. Itxur(a)-a, orde-a, engainagarri-a iza-n da-i-te-ke. appearance however deceptive be.rad itr.pot b. Nor salba da-i-te-ke, orduan. who save.rad itr.pot that time.loc c. Ez g-a-i-tez-ke zu gabe salba. not 1plu.itr.pot you without.pre save.rad (7) a. Ilargi-tik hon-(r)a ba-li-tz, zer-bait esa-n n-e-za-ke. moon.ela here.all cdp.itr.cod something say.rad /1.tra.pot.cod b. Zu-k nahi ba-z-en-u, ber-e-ha(r-en)-la Amerik(a)-e-ta-ra j-oa-n you.erg want.ppr cdp./2.tra.cod at once America.plu.all go.rad g-in-tez-ke. 1plu.itr.pot.cod c. Onar n-e-za-ke oinaze-a, ba-n-e-ki no-n-dik accept.rad /1.tra.pot.cod su¤ering cdp.know./1.syt.cod where.ela da-torr-en. come.syn.ncz (8) a. Abiada hon-e-ta-n Cordoba-n iza-n g-in-tez-ke eguerdi alde-ra. speed this.loc Cordoba.loc be.rad 1plu.itr.pot.cod noon point.all b. Ehun urte-an ere ezin ikas-i n-e-za-ke. hundred year.loc even npp learn /1.tra.pot.cod (9) a. Horr-e(n)-la-ko-rik gerta al l-i-te-ke? that way.adn.zep.par happen.rad int itr.pot.cod b. Edo-zein-i gerta le-ki-o-ke horr-e(n)-la-ko-rik. anyone.dat happen.rad dit.pot.cod that way.adn.zep.par (10) a. Jan al n-e-za-ke zer-bait, mesede-z? eat.rad int /1.tra.pot.cod something favor.idf.ins b. Barru-ko jatetxe-an bazkal g-ene-za-ke, ez? inside.adn restaurant.loc have lunch.rad /1plu.tra.pot.cod not (11) a. Garbitasun horr-e-ta-z mintza g-in-tez-ke luzaro-an. purity that.ins speak.rad 1plu.itr.pot.cod long time.loc b. Lekuko-rik aski aurki g-ene-za-ke neke-rik gabe. witness.par plenty ďŹ nd.rad /1plu.tra.pot.cod e¤ort.par without.pre (12) a. No-la esa-n z-ene-za-ke-te gauza on-ik? how say.rad /2plu.tra.pot.cod thing good.par



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b. Zer e-gi-n n-e-za-ke ni-re alab(a)-a-ren bizi-a zuzen-tze-ko? what do.rad /1.tra.pot.cod I.gen daughter.gen life put right.ven.and (13) a. Margari-ren etxe-ko ate-a zabal-ik i-kus z-i-te-ke-en. Margari.gen house.adn door wide open.sta see.rad itr.pot.pst b. Ez n-u-en uste gogo-z e-gi-te-n ari n-a-iz-en not /1.tra.pst think.ppr pleasure.idf.ins do.ven.loc be busy.ppr 1.itr.nre egiteko hori gogo-z e-gi-n z-i-te-ke-e(n)-n-ik. task that pleasure.idf.ins do.rad itr.pot.pst.pcz c. Agi-an, orain-dik e-ma-n ze-za-ke-en buelta bat plaza-ra-ino. perhaps still give.rad tra.pot.pst walk a town square.ter d. Inor-k ere ez ze-za-ke-en kantu hura ikas. anybody.erg even not tra.pot.pst song that learn.rad (14) a. Huts hori-ek erraz osa z-i-tez-ke-en, gap that.plu easily ďŹ ll.rad plu.itr.pot.pst euskaldun-ok nahi iza-n ba-g-en-u. want have.pef cdp./1plu.tra.cod b. Indiarr-ek sor ze-za-ke-te-n gaur-ko Indian.plu.erg create.rad /plu.tra.pot.pst today.adn ďŹ sik(a)-a, bide horr-e-ta-tik abia-tu iza-n ba-l-ir-a. physics trail that.plu.ela set out.pef be.pef cdp.plu.itr.cod c. Gizon hau aska z-i-te-ke-en, enperadore-a-gan-(r)a jo iza-n ez man this free.rad itr.pot.pst emperor.all appeal.pef have.pef not ba-l-u. cdp.tra.cod d. Garesti asko sal z-i-te-ke-en eta diru-a behartsu-e-i e-ma-n. expensively quite sell.rad itr.pot.pst and money poor.plu.dat give.rad (15) a. Eder-ki sal z-i-te-ke-en hori eta sari-a pobre-e-i e-ma-n. nicely sell.rad itr.pot.pst that and proceeds poor.zep.plu.dat give.rad b. Errege-ren alab(a)-a eri ze-n, eta inor-k ez ze-za-ke-en king.idf.gen daughter ill.idf be.syn.pst and anybody.erg not tra.pot.pst senda. cure.rad c. Eta irri e-gi-te-tik ez z-i-te-ke-en geldi gehi-ago. and laughter.idf make.ven.ela not itr.pot.pst stop.rad more.cop (16) a. Barren-e-ko huts-a ez de-za-ke kanpo-ko ezer-k bete. inside.adn emptiness not tra.pot exterior.adn anything.erg ďŹ ll.rad b. Ez da-ki-o-ke horr-e(n)-la-ko-rik gerta euskaldun irakurle-a-ri. not dit.pot like that.adn.zep.par happen.rad Basque reader.dat

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c. Ez de-za-ke beste inor-ekin e-gi-n. not tra.pot other somebody.soc do.rad (17) a. Ezin de-za-ke-gu gehi-ago esa-n. npp /1plu.tra.pot more.cop say.rad b. Baroja-k Euskal Herri-a maite z-u-e(n)-n-ik ezin da-i-te-ke uka. Baroja.erg Basque Country love.ppr tra.pst.pcz npp itr.pot deny.rad c. Algeria-ko gerla hau ezin de-za-ke-t onar. Algeria.adn war this npp /1.tra.pot accept.rad d. Zu eta en-e buru-a ezin d-it-za-ke-t engaina. you and I.gen head npp plu/1.tra.pot deceive-rad (18) a. Inor-k ezin bi nagusi zerbitza d-it-za-ke. somebody.erg npp two boss.idf serve.rad plu/.tra.pot b. Arbola on-a-k ezin fruitu gaizto-rik e-ma-n de-za-ke. tree good.erg npp fruit bad.par give.rad tra.pot c. Eta ezin inor-k han-dik atera de-za-ke. and npp someone.erg over there.ela take out.rad tra.pot (19) a. Eta ezin alda da-i-te-ke jabe-a-ren baimen-ik gabe. and npp alter.rad itr.pot owner.gen consent.par without.pre b. Ezin uka da-i-te-ke osasungarri-ak d-ir-en-ik. npp deny.rad itr.pot healthy.plu be.plu.syn.pcz c. Ezin sinets de-za-ke-gu akaba-tu-ko g-a-r-ela. npp believe.rad /1plu.tra.pot come to an end.fut 1plu.itr.lcz (20) a. Ben-e-ta-n, oso arriskutsu-a iza-n da-i-te-ke. serious.idf.loc very dangerous be.rad itr.pot For the meaning of ‘benetan’, see Spanish y esto va en serio ‘and I really mean it’. b. Ikastol(a)-e-ta-n e-ra-bil-tzen d-en euskar(a)-a ez da-i-te-ke iza-n, Basque school.plu.loc use.ipf itr.nre Basque not itr.pot be.rad eta ez da, inor-en ama-ren hi(t)zkuntz(a)-a. and not be.syn anybody.idf mother.idf.gen language c. Biziklet(a)-a iza-n z-i-te-ke-en ni-re amona, bi gurpil iza-n bicycle be.rad itr.pot.pst I.gen grandmother two wheel.idf have.pef ba-l-it-u. cdp.plu/.tra.cod (21) a. Ba-da-i-te-ke hori ere. that too b. Hori ezin da-i-te-ke. that npp be.syn.pot


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c. Ni-k uste d-u-t non-bait i-kus-i z-a-it-u-da-la zu— Ni? I.erg think.ppr /1.tra somewhere.loc see.pef 2/1.tra.lcz you I Ba-l-i-te-ke. (22) a. Ba-da-i-te-ke zu-(e)-ekin geldi n-a-di-n. you.plu.soc stay.rad 1.itr.suj.ncz b. Ba-da-i-te-ke zu-(e)-ekin geldi-tze-a. you.plu.soc stay.ven c. Ba-da-i-te-ke ni-k gauz(a)-ak ilun i-kus-te-a. I.erg thing.plu gloomy.idf see.ven d. Ba-da-i-te-ke inoiz oker i-bil-tze-a Axular. sometimes wrong.pre go.ven Axular e. No-la da-i-te-ke, bada, gu-re-ta-ko bakoitz-a-k ber-e how be.syn.pot inf we.loc.adn each.erg he himself.gen jatorri-z-ko hi(t)zkuntz(a)-an hori-e-i e-ntzu-te-a? origin.idf.ins.adn language.loc that one.plu.dat hear.ven f. Ba-l-i-te-ke zu bizi-rik u(t)z-te-a. you alive.sta leave.ven g. Ba-l-i-te-ke hurren-go-an zu-ri ere horr-e(n)-la-ko bitxi-ren next.adn.zep.loc you.dat also like that.adn jewel.idf.gen bat e-kar-tze-a. a bring.ven (23) a. Apaiz-a-k ere ez de-za-ke deus asko-rik. priest.erg too not do.syt.pot something much.par b. Ba-da-ki-t den-a de-za-ke-zu-la zu-k. aff.know./1.syt everything do./2.syt.pot.lcz you.erg c. N-e-za-ke-e(n)-n guzti-a e-gi-n d-u-t. do./1.syt.pot.pst.nre all do.pef /1.tra d. Jende hon-ekin ni-k bakarr-ik ezin de-za-ke-t. people this.soc I.erg alone.sta npp do./1.syt.pot (24) a. Gu-re gogo-a ezin da-go-ke gogoeta gabe. we.gen mind npp stay.syn.pot thought.idf without.pre b. Ber-e larru-an ez da-go-ke. he himself.gen skin.loc not stay.syn.pot c. Inor ni-gan-(r)a ezin da-tor-ke, ni bidal-i somebody I.all npp come.1.syn.pot I send.pef n-ind-u-e(n)-n ni-re aita-k ez ba-da-kar. 1/.tra.pst.nre I.gen father.erg not aff.lead.syt

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d. Ezin ze-tor-ke-en bat, ber-a-z, Larramendi-rekin. npp come.syn.pot.pst one therefore Larramendi.soc e. Ba-z-oa-z-ke z-eu-re etxe-ra, han-txe aurki-tu-ko d-u-zu aff.go.2.syn.pot you.ref.gen house.all over there.loc.emp find.fut /2.tra senarr-a. husband f. Ba-d-oa-z-ke lasai Josetxu eta Txantxo Miami-ra. aff.go.plu.syn.pot unworried.pre Josetxu and Txantxo Miami.all (25) a. E-tor ba-da-i-te-ke, da-torr-ela ber-e-ha(r-en)-la! come.rad cdp.itr.pot come.syn.lcz at once b. Ordain ba-de-za-ke-zu, ordain e-za-zu. pay.rad cdp./2.tra.pot pay.rad /2.tra.imp c. E-tor ba-z-i-te-ke-en, zer-ga(i)-tik ez ze-n e-torr-i? come.rad cdp.itr.pot.pst what.mot not itr.pst come.pef (26) a. Aita-k esa-n d-u j-oa-n ba-da-di agur-tu-ko d-u-ela. father.idf.erg say.pef tra go.rad cdp.itr.pot.cod greet.fut tra.lcz b. Predikari-ak bidal-i-a-ga(i)-tik, zer probetxu iza-n-en d-u-te, baldin preacher.plu send.pef.sin.mot what use have.fut /plu.tra cpc elkar adi ez ba-de-za-te? each other understand.rad not cdp./plu.tra.pot.cod c. Nor-bait-e-k i-kus ez ba-de-za, argibide hau eskain-i-ko d-i-o-t. someone.erg see.rad not cdp.tra.pot.cod example this o¤er.fut //1.dtr d. Ni-re eske-a on-tzat har ba-de-za-zu-e, eskerr-ak I.gen request take.rad cdp./2plu.tra.pot.cod thank.plu aurre-z. front part.idf.ins (27) a. Egun edo bihar eizan ida(t)z-ten has ba-n-a-di, today or tomorrow eizan write.ven.loc start.rad cdp.1.itr.pot alde-z aurre-tik e-ma-ten d-i-o-t edo-zein-i esku ero¼etxe side.idf.ins front part.ela give.ipf //1.dtr everybody.dat right.idf madhouse bat-e-an sar n-a-za-n. a.loc put.rad 1/.tra.suj.ncz b. Ez d-u behin ere Jainko-a-k u(t)z-ten gizon-a, baldin gizon-a-k lehen-ik not tra once even God.erg abandon.ipf man cdc man.erg first.sta utz ez ba-de-za Jainko-a. abandon.rad not cdp.tra.pot.cod God (28) a. Barre e-gi-n-go l-u-ke lasai jende-a-k horr-e(n)-la-ko-rik laugh.idf make.fut tra.cod carefree.pre people.erg like that.adn.zep.par


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i-kus ba-le-za. see.rad cdp.tra.pot.cod.pst b. Zer edo zer gerta ba-le-di, ba-da-ki-n ni-re what or what happen.rad cdp.itr.pot.cod.pst aff.know./2sol.fem.syt I.gen etxe-ko telefono zenbaki-a. house.adn phone.idf number c. Zu-ta-z ahaz/ahaz-tu ba-n-en-di, Jerusalen, geldi be-ki-t you.ins forget.rad/forget cdp.1.itr.pot.cod.pst Jerusalem remain.rad 1/.dit.jus esku-a elbarri. hand.sin crippled.pre (29) a. Nahi ez d-u-gu-la bekatu-rik e-gi-n ahal ba-g-ene-za, want not /1plu.lci sin.par do ppp cdp./1plu.tra.pot.cod.pst hamaik(a)-ek gal-du-ko g-en-u-ke zeru-a a lot( of ).plu.erg lose.fut /1plu.tra.cod paradise b. Zen-bait herritarr-en kezk(a)-ak arin-du nahi n-it-u-z-ke orain, certain citizen.idf.gen worry.plu alleviate want.ppr plu/1.tra.cod now arin ahal ba-n-it-za. alleviate.rad ppp cdp.plu/1.tra.pot.cod.pst (30) a.

Ez not b. **Ez not

da be.syn da be.syn

egi(a)-a truth egi(a)-a truth

bi two.idf bi two.idf

eta and eta and

bi two.idf bi two.idf

bost ďŹ ve.idf bost ďŹ ve.idf

iza-n da-i-tez-ke-ela. be.rad plu.itr.pot.lcz iza-n ahal d-ir-ela. be ppp plu.itr.lcz

(31) a. . . . eta gero lapur-tu ahal iza-n-go d-i-o etxe-a. . . . and after that rob ppp have.fut dtr house b. Eta ordu-an ahal iza-n-go d-i-o etxe-a os-tu. and that time.loc ppp have.fut dtr house rob (32) a. Ea beste bat noiz bidal-i ahal d-i-da-zu-n. wcc another one when send ppp /1/2.dtr.ncz b. E-zer e-gi-n ahal ba-d-u-zu, erruki z-a-i-tez gu-ta-z eta lagun anything do ppp cdp./2.tra take pity.rad 2.itr.imp we.ins and help.rad ie-za-gu-zu. /1plu/2.dtr.imp c. Baldin gizon-en bat-e-k konta-tu ahal ba-d-u lurr-e-ko hauts-a, zu-re cdc person.idf.gen a.erg count ppp cdp.tra earth.adn dust you.gen jatorri-a ere konta de-za-ke. progeny too count.rad tra.pot (33) a. Aski goiz e-torr-i ahal iza-n da. quite early come ppp be.pef itr

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b. Horr-e(n)-ga(i)-tik idatz-i ahal iza-n d-it-u-t. that.mot write ppp have.pef plu/1.tra (34) a. Lehen maitasun horr-en aztarn(a)-ak antzeman ahal iza-n z-it-u-en first love that.gen relic.plu notice ppp have.pef plu/.tra.pst ber-e bait(a)-an. he himself.gen inside.loc b. Bakar bat-e-an sar-tu ahal iza-n n-it-u-en gauza guzti-ak. single.zep one.loc put ppp have.pef plu/1.tra.pst thing.plu all.plu (35) a. Hemen ez d-it-u-gu-n esertoki-ak eskain-i ahal iza-n-go here.loc not have.plu/1plu.syt.nre seat.plu o¤er ppp have.fut d-i-z-ki-zu-e-t. plu/2plu/1.dtr b. Noiz e-ntzu-n ahal iza-n-go d-u-gu ‘‘Illet(a)-a’’ Donostia-n? when hear ppp have.fut /1plu.tra ‘‘Illeta’’ San Sebastian.loc (36) a. Egun hori-e-ta-n ez n-u-en i-kus-i ahal iza-n. day that.plu.loc not /1.tra.pst see ppp have.pef b. Ni-k ez n-u-ke-en aurki-tu ahal iza-n-go. I.erg not /1.tra.cod.pst find ppp have.fut (37) a. Ni n-oa-n toki-ra zu-ek ezin z-a-r-e-te j-oa-n. I go.1.syn.nre place.all you.plu npp 2plu.itr go b. Ezin al d-u ber-a-k nahi d-u-en-a e-gi-n npp int tra he himself.erg want.ppr tra.nre.zep do ber-e etxe-an, ezin al da nahi d-u-en-e-an sar-tu? he himself.gen house.loc npp int itr want.ppr tra.nre.loc come in (38) a. Ezin d-u-t e-ra-ma-n futbol-a. npp /1.tra stand soccer b. Ezin n-u-en ni-re maitale-a bazter-tu. npp /1.tra.pst I.gen lover turn away c. Ezin al d-it-u-gu hemen utz-i? npp int plu/1plu.tra here.loc leave d. Itziarr-e-k ezin iza-n z-u-en auker(a)-a pasa-tze-n utz-i. Itziar.erg npp have.pef tra.pst opportunity pass.ven.loc let (39) a. Ezin npp b. Ezin npp

iza-n-go have.fut iza-n-go have.fut

d-i-o-te gerta-tzen za-i-zu-n-a-ri izen-ik jarr-i. //plu.dtr happen.ipf 2/.dit.nre.zep.dat name.par put n-it-u-z-ke den-ak konta-tu. plu/1.cod all.zep.plu tell

(40) a. Ezin-go n-a-iz mutilzahar geldi-tu. npp.fut 1.itr bachelor remain


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b. Ezin-go z-a-it-u-t infernu-ra bota. npp.fut 2/1.tra hell.all throw (41) a. Ezin asma-tu d-u-t haserre-tu gabe hitz bat esa(n)-ten. npp manage /1.tra get angry without.pre word a say.ven.loc b. Baina ezin senda-tu iza-n d-i-da-te. but npp cure have.pef /1/plu.dtr c. Gu ezin j-oa-n iza-ten g-a-r-a oso maiz. we npp go be.ipf 1plu.itr very often (42) a. Ni n-a-go-en toki-ra zu-ek ezin e-torr-i-ko z-a-r-e-te. I be.1.syn.loc place.all you.plu npp come.fut 2plu.itr b. Izeb(a)-a i-kus-i gabe ezin atera-ko n-a-iz etxe hon-e-ta-tik. aunt see without.pre npp go out 1.itr house this.ela c. Ezin ken-du-ko d-i-o-zu lege-z-ko d-u-en-a. npp take away //2.dtr law.idf.ins.adn.idf have.syt.nre.zep (43) a. Ezin npp b. Ezin npp c. Ezin npp

lo-rik e-gi-n-go d-u-t. sleep.par do.fut /1.tra txartel-ik e-ma-n-go d-i-zu-t. certiďŹ cate.par give.fut /2/1.dtr buru-tik ken-du d-u-t Eneko Amerik(a)-e-ta-ra di-h-oa-n-a. head.ela put out of /1.tra Eneko America.plu.all go.syn.nre.zep

(44) a. Egi(a)-a e-zagu(t)-tzen ahal d-u. truth know.ipf ppp tra b. Hilabete-ak e-go-ten ahal da nahi-rik gabe. month.plu stay.ipf ppp itr volition.par without.pre (45) a. Ez d-u garai(t)-tzen ahal. not tra overcome.ipf ppp b. E-zagu(t)-tzen ez d-en-a ez da mai-ta-tzen ahal. know.ipf not itr.nre.zep not itr love.ipf ppp (46) a. Zer iharde(t)s-ten ere ahal n-u-en? what answer.ipf indeed ppp /1.tra.pst b. Horr-i esker ikas-ten ahal iza-n d-u-t mundu-ko zen-bait berri. that one.dat thanks.pre learn.ipf ppp have.pef /1.tra world.adn some news (47) a. Ez d-u kordoka-tu ahal. not tra shake.pef ppp b. Ez d-u kordoka-tu ahal iza-n. not tra shake ppp have.pef c. No-la hon-en laster atzeman ahal iza-n d-u-zu? how this.gen quickly capture ppp have.pef /2.tra

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d. Ez d-u-t idatz-i ahal iza-n ďŹ siko-ki. not /1.tra write ppp have.pef physically (48) a. Nor da igurik-i-ren ahal d-u-en-a? who be.syn stand.fut ppp tra.nre.zep b. Nor-k irau-n-en ahal du? who.erg last.fut ppp tra c. Diru-ta-n ere ez da eskura-tu-ko ahal. money.idf.loc even not itr obtain.fut ppp d. Ez d-u ber-e azken hats-a bota-ko ahal. not tra he himself.gen last breath throw out ppp e. Ez da-ki-t lo handi-rik e-gi-n-en ahal-ko d-u-da-n. not know./1.syt sleep long.par do.fut ppp.fut /1.tra.ncz (49) a. Egun bat-e-z, ez d-it-u-t bazter-tzen ahal-ko egia-z-ko day one.idf.ins not plu/1.tra put aside ppp.fut truth.idf.ins.adn galde eta erantzun-ak. question.idf and answer.plu b. Deus-e-k ez g-a-it-u bereiz-ten ahal-ko Jainko-a-ren maitasun-a-gan-ik. anything.erg not 1plu/.tra separate.ipf ppp.fut God.gen love.ela c. Zer e-gi-ten ahal-ko z-u-en hainbeste haurr-en aitzin-e-an? what do.ipf ppp.fut tra.pst so many child.gen front.loc d. Ez-deus-e-k ez d-u aldara-tu ahal-ko ber-e sail-e-tik. nothing.erg not tra keep from ppp.fut he himself.gen enterprise.ela (50) a. Ezin egun-da-ino garai(t)-tu z-u-te-n ber-e etsai-ek. npp today.ter overcome.pef /plu.tra.pst he himself.gen enemy.plu.erg b. Egun-da-ino ezin jasan d-u-t har-en ahalkesun-a-ren handi-a. today.ter npp bear.pef /1.tra he himself.gen majesty.gen great.zep c. Mediku-ek deus ezin e-gi-n d-u-te. doctor.plu.erg anything npp do.pef /plu.tra d. Ezin e-gi-n iza-n z-u-te-n. npp do have.pef /plu.tra.pst (51) a. Ezin npp b. Ezin npp

mintza-tu-ren h-a-iz. speak.fut 2sol.itr mintza-tu-ko z-a-r-a. speak.fut 2.itr

(52) a. Eri bat da hospitale-an, inor-k ezin hurbil-du-a, patient a be.syn hospital.loc anybody.erg npp approach.ptc.zep inor-k ezin i-kus-i-a. anybody.erg npp see.ptc.zep


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b. Ez d-u-zu e-gi-n-en, inor-k ezin e-gi-n-a da eta! not /2.tra do.fut anyone.erg npp do.ptc.zep itr eec c. Oi, en-e maite ezin ukan-a, zein z-a-r-en xarmagarri-a! O I.gen love npp have.ptc.zep how be.2.syn.ncz charming d. Hau ezin e-ra-ma-n-a za-i-t. this npp bear.ptc.zep 1/.dit (53) a. Pentsa ahal-ak aurtiki arte-ino ez da isil-tzen. conceive.rad moq.plu blurt out until not itr fall silent.ipf b. Izurde-ak sar-tzen d-ir-a arrain pilo-a-ren erdi-an, jan dolphin.plu get into.ipf plu.itr ďŹ sh.idf school.gen middle.loc eat.(rad) ahal-ak ja(n)-te-n eta irents ahal-ak iren(t)s-te-n. moq.plu eat.ven.loc and swallow.rad moq.plu swallow.ven.loc c. Hemen segi-tu behar-ko d-u-zu, ja-rrai-tu, kosta ahal-a kosta here.loc go on have to.fut /2.tra continue cost.rad moq cost.rad d. Artale-a jan ahal-a bota-tzen ba-d-i-zu-e-te, ez da-go grain of corn eat.(rad) moq throw.ipf cdp./2plu/plu.dtr not be.syn problema-rik. problem.par (54) a. Hi-k jan behar d-u-k ni-k e-gi-n ahal-a talo! you.sol.erg eat must.ppr /2sol.tra I.erg make.(rad) moq corncake.idf b. Eska ahal-a mesede e-gi-ten d-i-z-ki-gu. ask for moq favor.idf do.ipf plu/1plu/.dtr (55) a. Zorr-ak gehi-tu ahal-a, dirutz(a)-a urri-tze-n zi-h-oa-z-ki-gu-n. debt.plu increase gsc capital dwindle.ven.loc go.1plu/.dyt.pst b. Neb(a)-a, drog(a)-a har-tu ahal-a, petral-du-z j-oa-n ze-n. brother drug take gsc become mean.idf.ins go.pef itr.pst c. Urte-ek, j-oa-n ahal-a, i-ra-kats-i d-i-gu-te gauza ederr-ak year.plu.erg go gsc teach.pef /1plu/plu.dtr thing beautiful.plu aberats-en-tzat sor-tu z-it-u-e(n)-la Jainko-a-k. rich.zep.plu.ben create.pef plu/.tra.pst.lcz God.erg (56) a. Andres-e-k, sar-tu ahal-a, lehen begiraldi-a-ren lehen segundo-an, i-kus-ten Andrew.erg come in gsc ďŹ rst glance.gen ďŹ rst second.loc see.ipf d-u zahar-tu e-gi-n z-a-r-ela. tra grow old do.pef 2.itr.lcz b. Beste gaixo bat senda-tu ahal-a, neke madarikatu hura nagusi-tzen other patient a cure gsc fatigue curse.pef yonder overpower.ipf zi-tza-i-o-n. dit.pst

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(57) a. Alferr-ik d-u-zu, on Lander. Ez da-(d)uka-zu ihes egite-rik. in vain.sta have./2.syt Don Lander not have./2.syt escape.idf do.ven.par b. Leize handi bat da-go zu-(e)-en eta gu-re arte-an; nahi-ta chasm great a be.syn you.plu.gen and we.gen between.loc want.ppr.pec ere, ez da-(d)uka inor-k hemen-dik zu-(e)-en-gan-(r)a igaro-tze-rik. even not have.syt anyone.erg here.ela you.plu.all cross.ven.par c. Oso gazi-a da-go, ez da-go ja(n)-te-rik. very salty be.syt not be.syt eat.ven.par d. Zu-rekin ez dago eztabaid(a)-an ari-tze-rik. you.soc not be.syn dispute.loc be busy.ven.par (58) a. Ez d-u-t mendi-ra j-oa-te-rik, lan-a e-gi-n behar d-u-t. not have./1.syt mountain.all go.ven.par work do have to.ppr /1.tra b. Ez da-ki-t ezer e-gi-te-rik e-duki-ko d-u-da-n. not know./1.syt anything do.ven.par have.fut /1.tra.ncz c. Berri-z eros-te-rik ez da iza-n-en gero-an. new.idf.ins buy.ven.par not itr be.fut future.loc (59) a. Zu-re pentsu pixka bat ja(n)-te-rik ba al da-(d)uka-t? you.gen feed.idf bit a eat.ven.par aff int have./1.syt b. Gaur ez da-(d)uka-zu-e hemen-dik ino-ra j-oa-te-rik afal-du arte. today not have./2plu.syt here.ela anywhere.all go.ven.par have dinner until Hau Joanito-ren enkargu-a da. this Joanito.gen order be.syn c. Nobela horr-en zati-ren bat irakur-tze-rik ba al da-go? novel that part.idf.gen a read.ven.par aff int be.syn d. Ez da-go gizon-a-z etsi-tze-rik. not be.syn man.ins despair.ven.par (60) a. I-kus-te-a da-(d)uka-k. see.ven have./2sol.syt b. Hi-k i-kus-te-a ba-da-(d)uka-k, baina ni-k? you.sol.erg see.ven aff.have./2sol.syt but I.erg c. E-tor-tze-a d-u. come.ven have.syt d. Ordu-an, no-la da-u-de gauz(a)-ak? Ja-ki-te-a that time.loc how be.plu.syn thing.plu know da-(d)uka-da-n neurri-an, noski. have./1.syt.nre extent.loc of course (61) a. J-oa-te-a z-en-u-en. go.ven have./2.syt.pst


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b. Auto-(e)-en prezio-a-k go(i)-ra e-gi-n d-u: lehen-ago eros-te-a z-u-en. car.plu.gen price.erg top.all do.pef tra before.cop buy.ven have.syt.pst c. Lehen-txe-ago e-tor-tze-a z-u-te-n, ez ze-n sarraski-a gerta-tu before.dim.cop come.ven have./plu.syt.pst not itr.pst massacre happen.pef iza-n-go. be.fut (62) a. Harri-tze-ko gauza da. get amazed.ven.adn matter.idf be.syn b. Ez da barre e-gi-te-ko gauza. not be.syn laugh.idf make.ven.adn matter.idf (63) a. Ez n-a-iz i-bil-tze-ko gauza. not be.1.syn walk.ven.adn able.idf b. Bai, hori i-kus-te-ko gauza ba-n-a-iz ni ere. yes that see.ven.adn able.idf I too c. Ez da sekula arrautza bat friji-tze-ko gauza iza-n. not be.syn ever egg a fry.ven.adn able.idf be.pef (64) a. Liburuxka bat beste-rik agerr-araz-te-ko ez ze-n gauza iza-n. booklet a other.idf.par appear.cau.ven.adn not be.syn.pst able.idf be.pef b. Laguntz(a)-a eska-tze-ko ere ez z-a-r-a gauza. help ask.ven.adn too not be.2.syn able.idf (65) a. Gauza d-ela euskar(a)-a horr-e(n)-la-ko gai-ak able.idf be.syn.lcz Basque that way.adn topic.plu adi-eraz-te-ko? understand.cau.ven.adn b. Gauza al z-a-r-e-te ni-k edan behar d-u-da-n edari samin-e-tik able.idf int be.2.syn I.erg drink be to.ppr /1.tra.nre potion bitter.ela eda(n)-te-ko? drink.ven.adn (66) a. Ez n-a-iz dantza-ra-ko gauza. not be.1.syn dancing.all.adn ďŹ t.idf b. Lan-e-ra-ko gauza ez. work.all.adn ďŹ t.idf not c. Egun oso-an ez n-in-tz-e-n ezer-ta-ra-ko gauza iza-n. day whole.loc not be.1.syn.pst anything.all.adn ďŹ t.idf be.pef (67) a. Ez da gai iza-ten beste euskalki-z mintza-tze-ko. not itr able.idf be.ipf other Basque dialect.idf.ins speak.ven.adn b. Asma-tu-ko d-u zer-bait. Asko-ta-n iza-n da gai. think up.fut tra something a lot.idf.ins be.pef itr able.idf

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c. Ber-a-k hai-e-i e-ra-kuts-i nahi z-i-e-n he himself.erg yonder one.plu.dat show want.ppr /plu/.dtr.pst euskar(a)-a gai ze(-n)-la edo-zer gauza esa-te-ko. Basque suited be.syn.pst.lcz any thing say.ven.adn (68) a. Elizatxo-a ez ze-n gai jende hura kabi-tze-ko. little church not be.syn.pst suited.idf mass of people yonder hold.ven.adn b. Aipa-tze-ko gai l-i-te-ke-en jauregi-rik ez d-u-gu mention.ven.adn worth.idf be.syn.pot.cod.nre palace.par not /1plu.tra i-kus-ten. see.ipf c. Izen eder horr-en gai ez g-a-r-a sendi (senti-tzen) name beautiful that.gen worthy not 1plu.itr feel.ppr feel.ipf d. Ez n-a-iz gai sar z-a-i-tez-en ni-re aterpe-an. not be.1.syn worthy enter.rad 2.itr.suj.ncz I.gen shelter.loc Chapter 25

(1) a. Noemi Moab lurralde-tik e-torr-i-a da. Naomi Moab region.ela come.pef.sin be.syn b. Hemen-dik urruti-ra j-oa-n-a da. here.ela far away.all go.pef.sin be.syn c. Fortunato, aita ager-tu ze-(n)-n-e-an, etxe-ra sar-tu-a Fortunato father.idf appear.pef itr.pst.nre.loc house.all enter.pef.sin ze-n. be.syn.pst d. Hiru gerra haundi-ta-n eta lau txiki-ta-n i-bil-i-a n-a-iz. three war big.idf.loc and four small.del.idf.loc walk.pef.sin be.1.syn e. Makina bat lehen-ago j-oa-n-ak ba-d-ir-a gu-re adineko-ak. great number a before.cop go.pef.plu we.gen peer.plu f. Itsasgizon-en andre asko da alargun geldi-tu-a. seaman.plu.gen wife any be.syn widow.idf end up.pef.sin (2) a. Ni ere zer-bait sufri-tu-a n-a-iz. I too some su造er.pef.sin be.1.syn b. Asko i-kus-i-a n-a-iz, gero-z-tik, ni-re bizitza luze-an. a lot see.pef.sin be.1.syn since then I.gen life long.loc c. Zerbait ikas-i-a n-a-iz Xerapi kurander(a)-a-rekin. something learn.pef.sin be.1.syn Xerapi healing lady.soc d. Hau ere ibilaldi luze-ak e-gi-n-a ze-n. this one too journey long.plu make.pef.sin be.syn.pst



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(3) a. Hau ez da ni-k asma-tu-a. this not be.syn I.erg invent.pef.sin b. Kortatxo-ko baso-a Urruzula-k eros-i-a ze-n. Kortatxo.adn woods Urruzula.erg buy.pef.sin be.syn.pst c. Ba-da-ki-t nor-k e-ma-n-ak d-ir-en. aff.know./1.syt who.erg give.pef.sin be.plu.syn.ncz d. Gizonezko-ren bat-e-k esku-z idatz-i-a ze-n. male.idf.gen a.erg hand.idf.ins write.pef.sin be.syn.pst (4) a. Bertso hau-ek Asteasu-n kanta-tu-ak omen d-ir-a. verse this.plu Asteasu.loc sing.pef.plu rep be.plu.syn b. Noiz e-gi-n-a da argazki hau? when make.pef.sin be.syn photograph this c. Den-ak d-ir-a dei-tu-ak, baina gutxi aukera-tu-ak. all.plu be.plu.syn call.pef.plu but few.idf choose.pef.plu d. Lan guzti-ak e-gi-n-ak d-ir-a. job all.plu do.pef.plu be.plu.syn (5) a. Hi, Etxahun, non-go zori madarika-tu-a-z jo-a bizi you.sol Etxahun where.adn fatality curse.pef.ins strike.pef.sin live.ppr h-a-iz ba mundu-an? 2sol.itr inf world.loc b. Satan-e-z tenta-tu-a ze-n. Satan.ins tempt.pef.sin be.syn.pst (6) a. E-zagu-tzen d-it-u-t n-eu-re ardi-ak, eta e-zagu-tzen n-a-iz n-eu-re know.ipf plu/1.tra I.ref.gen sheep.plu and know.ipf 1.itr I.ref.gen ardi-e-z. sheep.plu.ins b. . . . e-kar-tzen z-u-te(-n)-la laur-e-z e-ra-ma-ten ze(-n)-n paralitiko bat. . . . bring.ipf /plu.tra.pst.lci four.idf.ins carry.ipf itr.pst.nre paralytic a c. . . . zer-en egun ihardets-i behar bai(t)-t(<*d)-u-t Judu-e-z akusa-tzen . . . cac today answer be to.ppr acp./1.tra Jew.plu.ins accuse.ipf n-a-iz-en gauza guzi-e-z. 1.itr.nre thing all.plu.ins (7) a. Bi-e-ta-ko bat ezkon-du-a da-go. two.zep.plu.adn one marry.pef.sin be.syn b. Ia den-ek hil-a ze-go-e(n)-la z-io-te-n. nearly everybody.plu.erg die.pef.sin be.syn.pst.lcz say./plu.syt.pst c. Ibai bazterr-e-ta-n eser-i-ak g-e-u-n-de-n negarr-e-z. river side.plu.loc sit.pef.plu be.1plu.syn.pst tear.idf.ins

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d. Herri hon-e-ta-z asper-tu-a ere ba-n-a-go. village this.ins get bored.pef.sin even (8) a. Zer da-go idatz-i-a Moises-en lege-an? what be.syn write.pef.sin Moses.gen law.loc b. Zer-ta-z da-go e-gi-n-a buru-a? what.ins be.syn make.pef.sin head c. Bazkari-a e-gi-n-a da-go. lunch make.pef.sin be.syn d. Auker(a)-ak eskain-i-ak da-u-de. choice.plu o造er.pef.plu be.plu.syn e. Barka-tu-a da-go. forgive.pef.syn be.syn (9) a. Aspaldi-danik hitz-a e-ma-n-a n-a-go. long ago.ela word give.pef.sin be.1.syn b. Maiz elkarr-ekin lan e-gi-n-a g-e-u-n-de-n. often each other.soc work.idf do.pef.sin be.1plu.syn.pst Instead of egina, we expect eginak according to the rule of number agreement (cf., e.g., example sentence [9d] with gaude . . . ikusiak). c. Hemen ostatu-an arrautza friji-tu pare bat har-tu-a n-a-go. here.loc inn.loc egg fry.pef couple a take.pef.sin be.1.syn d. Mudantza askotxo g-a-u-de g-eu-re begi-z i-kus-i-ak. change quite a lot.idf be.1plu.syn we.ref.gen eye.idf.ins see.pef.plu (10) a. Sukalde-ko mahai-a pipi-a-k jo-a da-go. kitchen.adn table woodworm.erg infest.pef.sin be.syn b. Gu-re hizkuntz(a)-a diglosi(a)-a-k jo-a da-go. we.gen language diglossia.erg a造ect.pef.sin be.syn c. Ni-re gona gorri-a zerren-a-k zula-tu-a da-go. I.gen skirt red clothes moth.erg perforate.pef.sin be.syn d. Sagar hau-ek zu-re txerri-ek marruska-tu-ak da-u-de. apple this.plu you.gen pig.plu.erg rub.pef.plu be.plu.syn e. Hon-e(n)-la-xe bai(t)-t(<*d)a-go Profet(a)-a-k idatz-i-a: . . . this way.emp Prophet.erg write.pef.sin f. Mediku-ek esa-n-a ze-go-en ez z-u-e(n)-la haurr-ik iza-n-go. doctor.plu.erg tell.pef.sin be.syn.pst not tra.pst.lcz child.par have.fut (11) a. Nor d-u-t n-eu-re alde-ko? who have./1.syt I.ref.gen side.adn.idf b. Ni-re-a h-a-u-t! I.gen.zep have.2sol/1.syt


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c. Ni-re irakaspen-a ez d-u-t n-eu-re-a. I.gen teaching not have./1.syt I.ref.gen.zep (12) a. Nor z-a-it-u-gu, ba? who have.2/1plu.syt inf b. Zer d-u-gu, gazte? what have./1plu.syt young man.zep.idf c. Eta noiz d-u-gu, ba, egun hori? and when have./1plu.syt inf day that (13) a. Tori, ama.— Zer d-u-zu hau? take.2 Mother what have./2.syt this b. Horr-e-ta-n Don Abraham ez d-u-zu batere zeken. that.loc Don Abraham not have./2.syt at all stingy.idf (14) a. Salome alab(a)-a d-u-t. Salome daughter have./1.syt b. Gabriel n-u-en izen-a. Gabriel have./1.syt.pst name c. Orain da-to(r)-z-en-ak adiskide-ak d-it-u-gu. now come.plu.syn.nre.plu friend.plu have.plu/1plu.syt d. Baina, Pernando, no-n d-u-zu seme-a? but Pernando where.loc have./2.syt son e. Andre-a leitzarr-a du. wife.sin from Leitza.sin have.syt f. Izpiritu-a goibel d-u eta bihotz-a eri. spirit.sin glum.idf have.syt and heart.sin aching.idf (15) a. Publio-ren ait(a)-a aspaldi-an gaixo ze-go-en. Publius.gen father long time.loc sick.pre be.syn.pst b. Bi gizon ze-u-de-n behe-an ber-e zain. two man.idf be.plu.syn.pst below.loc she( herself ).gen waiting.pre (16) a. Publio-k ait(a)-a aspaldi-an gaixo ze-uka-n. Publius.erg father long time.loc sick.pre have.syt.pst b. Bi gizon ze-u-z-ka-n behe-an zain. two man.idf have.plu/.syt.pst below.loc waiting.pre (17) a. Mende erdi-a j-oa-n-a d-u-gu. century half.sin go.pef.sin have./1plu.syt b. Ama hil-a al d-u-zu? mother.idf die.pef.sin int have./2.syt c. Begi-ak nahigabe-z lauso-tu-ak d-it-u-t. eye.plu grief.idf.ins blur.pef.plu have.plu/1.syt

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d. Gizon-a, barka-tu-ak d-it-u-zu bekatu-ak. man forgive.pef.plu have.plu/2/syt sin.plu e. Buru oso-a zauri-tu-a d-u-zu-e, bihotz-a erabat eror-i-a. head whole.sin wound.pef.sin have./2plu.syt heart.sin utterly sink.pef.sin f. Denbora guzti-a har-tu-a iza-ten d-u-t. time all.sin take.pef.sin have.ipf /1.tra g. Aspaldi eska-tu-a n-u-en artikulu-ren bat Jakin-e-ra-ko, gai long ago request.pef.sin have./1.syt.pst article.idf a Jakin.des subject hon-e-ta-z. this.ins (18) Hau zu-re aita-k e-ma-n-a d-u-t. this you.gen father.idf.erg give.pef.sin have./1.syt (19) a. Auto-a konpon-du-a d-u-t. car.sin ďŹ x.pef.sin have./1.syt b. Garbi-tu-ak d-it-u-t oin-ak. wash.pef.plu have.plu/1.syt foot.plu c. Txartel-a eska-tu-a d-u-t. ticket.sin request.pef.sin have./1.syt (20) a. Ni-k eraspen haundi-a d-i-o-t Santiago-ri. Lehen ere bi txango I.erg devotion great have.//1.dtr James.dat before too two trip.idf e-gi-n-ak ba-d-it-u-t. make.pef.plu aff.have.plu/1.syt b. Lehen-ago ere une ederr-ak ba-d-it-u gu-ri e-ma-n-ak. before.cop too moment nice.plu aff.have.plu/.syt we.dat give.pef.plu c. Jose-k ere ba-d-it-u sos batzu-k bil-du-ak. Joseph.erg too aff.have.plu/.syt penny a few.plu collect.pef.plu d. Historia franko ba-d-it-u-zu zu-k mundu hon-e-ta-n happening quite a few aff.have.plu/2.syt you.erg world this.loc i-kus-i-ak. see.pef.plu e. Zu-(e)-en lurr-a eta zu-(e)-en etxe-a pena-z z-en-u-te-n you.plu.gen land and you.plu.gen home sorrow.ids.ins have./2plu.syt.pst utz-i-a. leave.pef.sin f. Zer d-u-zu i-kus-i-a? (*i-kus-i) what have./2.syt see.pef.sin see.pef (21) a. Horr-e(n)-ga(i)-tik nahigabe-tu-a da-uka-gu bihotz-a. that.mot sadden.pef.sin have./1plu.syt heart


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b. Gauza hau-ek lehen seguru asko da-u-z-ka-zu irakurr-i-ak. thing this.plu before certainly quite have.plu/2.syt read.pef.plu c. Eta zu-ri zer e-ra-ntzu-n ere pentsa-tu-a da-uka-t azkar. and you.dat what answer too think.pef.sin have./1.syt quickly (22) a. Esku-ak izo(t)z-tu-ak ze-u-z-ka-n. hand.plu freeze.pef.plu have.plu/.syt.pst b. Elizabet(-)e-k ber-a-k Plentzia-ko etxe-a ere i-kus-i-a ze-uka-n. Elisabeth.erg she herself.erg Plencia.adn house also see.pef.sin have.syt.pst c. Andoni-k hilabete buru-an lurr-a eros-i-a ze-uka-n eta Anthony.erg month.idf head.loc land.sin buy.pef.sin have.syt.pst and makin(a)-ak eska-tu-ak ere bai. machine.plu order.pef.plu also yes d. Ernio mendi-tik kable-a jarr-i-a ze-uka-te-n. Ernio mount.ela cable.sin put up.pef.sin have./plu.syt.pst (23) a. Lehen-ago ere mila duro askotxo aurrera-tu-ak d-i-z-ki-zu. before.cop too thousand duro quite a few.idf lend.pef.plu have.plu/2/.dyt b. Hebron inguru-ko herrixk(a)-ak e-ma-n-ak z-i-z-ki-o-te-n Hebron periphery.adn village.plu give.pef.plu have.plu//plu.dyt.pst jabetz(a)-an Kaleb-i. possession.loc Caleb.dat (24) a. Kemen guzti-a gal-du-a d-u-t. energy all.sin lose.pef.sin have./1.syt In the case of forms like dut, I continue using the label syt/dyt in characterizing the personal form of the verb as soon as we deal with the occurrence of the definite article on the participle, even if, in sentences like (24a) R. de Rijk starts talking about a ‘‘present perfect’’ in the case of the combination of those participles with a personal form of the verb *edun. b. Aha(t)z-tu-a d-u-t zer esa-n z-i-da(-n)-n Franzisko-k. forget.pef.sin have./1.syt what tell.pef /1/.dtr.pst.ncz Francisco.erg c. Zu-re eskutitz-a gogo-z irakurr-i-a d-u-t. you.gen letter.sin pleasure.idf.ins read.pef.sin have./1.syt d. Behin eta berri-ro irakurr-i-a d-u-t. once and again read.pef.sin have./1.syt e. Gu-re banko-a-k agindu hori e-ma-n-a d-i-t. we.gen bank.erg order that give.pef.sin have./1/.dyt (25) a. Daniel-e-k ber-e indar guzti-a-z jo-a z-u-en. Daniel.erg he himself.gen strength all.ins strike.pef.sin have.syt.pst b. Jaun-a-ri eskain-i-a n-i-o-n zilar hau. Lord.dat dedicate.pef.sin have.//1.dyt silver this

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c. Saltzaile-a-k seinale hau jarr-i-a z-i-e-n: . . . betrayer.erg signal this arrange.pef.sin have./plu/.dyt.pst d. Ni-k sermoi guzti-a perretxiko-e-z e-gi-n-a n-u-en. I.erg sermon whole.sin mushroom.plu.ins make.pef.sin have./1.syt.pst e. Josue-k agindu hau e-ma-n-a z-i-o-n herri-a-ri: . . . Joshua.erg command this give.pef.sin have.dyt.pst people.dat (26) a. Lantegi-tik e-torr-i berri da. factory.ela come.pef recent.idf be.syn Even in constructions of this type I’ve opted to label the personal forms of izan/*edun as synthetic forms of these very verbs, considering the modified participles as instances of (in)transitive predication, for example, in line with the analysis of the example sentences in section 25.1.1, in order to preserve the focus on the origin of these constructions. b. Inazio i-kus-i berri d-u-t. Ignatius see.pef recent.idf have./1.syt c. I-kus-i berri d-u-gu-n-ez, . . . see.pef recent.idf have./1plu.syt.nre.zep.idf.ins d. Errege-ri e-gi-n berri d-i-o-da-n bisit(a)-a-k ez z-u-en king.idf make.pef recent.idf have.//1.dyt.nre visit.erg not have.syt.pst beste asmo-rik. other purpose.par (27) a. Ni-k ama hil berri-a n-u-en ordu-an. I.erg mother.idf die.pef recent.sin have./1.syt.pst that time.loc b. Frantzia gud(a)-an sar-tu berri-a ze-n. France.idf war.loc enter.pef recent.sin be.syn.pst c. I-kus-i berri-a n-u-en ‘‘Psychosis.’’ see.pef recent.sin have./1.syt.pst ‘‘Psycho’’.idf d. Liburutegi-a-k eros-i berri-a d-u eskuizkribu bat. library.erg buy.pef recent.sin have.syt manuscript a e. Ez n-in-tz-e-n edan zaharr-a. not be.1.syn.pst drink.pef old.sin (28) a. Albiste-a har-tu berri-an enparantza-ra irte(n)-te-ko News receive.pef recent.sin.loc village square.all go out.ven.adn asmo-a ze-uka-n. intention have.syt.pst b. Has-i berri-an nolanahi-ko paper-ak sorr-araz-i z-it-u-en start.pef recent.sin.loc in any way.adn paper.plu appear.cau.pef plu/.tra.pst Iraultz(a)-a-k. Revolution.erg


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(29) a. Nikanor, orde-a, gazte-rik hil-ko da. Nicanor however young.sta die.fut itr b. Ez n-a-iz ni lehen-ik has-i. not 1.itr I ďŹ rst.sta start.pef c. Den-ek beso zabalik har-tu-ko h-a-u-te. everyone.plu.erg arm open.sta receive.fut 2sol/plu.tra d. Biluz-ik irten n-in-tz-e-n ama-ren sabel-e-tik, biluz-ik naked.sta come out.pef 1.itr.pst mother.idf.gen womb.ela naked.sta itzul-i-ko n-a-iz lurr-a-ren sabel-e-ra. return.fut 1.itr earth.gen womb.all (30) a. Ni-k gazte-rik gorde-tzen d-u-t bihotz-a. I.erg young.sta keep.ipf /1.tra heart b. Zu-k gordin-ik ere kilo pare bat jan-go z-en-it-u-z-ke. you.erg raw.sta even kilo.idf couple a eat.fut plu/2.tra.cod c. Gu-re maizterr-ek mandio-ak huts-ik da-u-z-ka-te. we.gen tenant.plu.erg barn.plu empty.sta have.plu/plu.syt d. Ezin harrapa-tu d-u-t bakarr-ik. npp catch.ptc /1.tra alone.sta e. Aita Uriarte-k ere oso-rik itzul-i z-u-en. Father.idf Uriarte.erg too whole.sta translate.pef tra.pst (31) a. Bakarr-ik e-go-n-go z-a-r-a. alone.sta be.fut 2.itr b. Poz-ik al z-a-u-de Egan-ekin? joy.sta int be.2.syn Egan.soc c. Emakume-a urduri samar ze-go-en. woman nervous.pre rather.idf be.syn.pst d. Ni on-ik n-a-go, ama. I ďŹ ne.sta be.1.syn Mother.idf e. Gaixo-rik e-go-n n-in-tz-e-n ia hilabete-an. sick.sta be.pef 1.itr.pst almost month.loc f. Egunero da-u-de zu-re-tza(t)-ko ate-ak zabal-ik. every day be.plu.syn you.ben door.plu open.sta (32) a. Igel bat ze-go-en behin idi bat-i begira. frog a be.syn.pst once ox a.idf.dat looking.pre b. Ez n-a-bil erantzunbeharr-a-ri itzuri. not walk.1.syn responsibility.dat shirking.pre c. Jende guzti-a zu-re bila da-bil. people all you.gen looking for walk.syn

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d. Bihotz-bihotz-e-z n-a-bil-ki-zu bila. heart heart.idf.ins walk.2/1.dyn in search for.pre e. Zer-en zain z-a-u-de-te? what.gen waiting for.pre be.2plu.syn (33) a. Bixenta asper-tu-rik ze-go-en. Bixenta to get bored.pef.sta be.syn.pst b. Gaur neka-tu-rik n-a-go. today get tired.pef.sta be.1.syn (34) a. Ni sinets-i-rik n-a-go kartzela-tik laster atera-ko g-a-r-ela. I believe.pef.sta be.1.syn prison.ela soon come out.fut 1plu.itr.lcz b. Salome andregai-tzat har-tu-rik da-bil-ela ja-ki-n d-u-t. Salome fiance´ take.pef/sta walk.syn.lcz find out.pef /1.tra c. Jesus zein ze(-n)-n i-kus-i nahi-rik ze-bil-en. Jesus who be.syn.pst.ncz see want.ppr.sta be busy.syn.pst (35) a. Barka-tu-rik z-a-u-de. forgive.pef.sta be.2.syn b. Gose-a-k hil-ik da-go. hunger.erg kill.pef.sta be.syn c. Txakur bat i-bil-i ohi ze-n gose-a-k hil-ik. dog a walk around be in habit.ppr itr.pst hunger.erg kill.pef.sta d. Gu-re bihotz-ak da-u-de poz-a-k zabal-du-rik. we.gen heart.plu be.plu.syn joy.erg expand.pef.sta (36) a. E-ra-ntzu-n ezin-ik geldi-tu z-ir-e-n. answer.ptc npp.sta remain.pef plu.itr.pst b. Lo e-gi-n ezin-ik al h-a-go? sleep.idf do.ptc npp.sta int be.2sol.syn c. Lo-a-k har-tu ezin-ik da-go. sleep.erg catch.ptc npp.sta be.syn (37) a. Ez da-uka-t On˜atibia aha(t)z-tu-rik. not have./1.syt On˜atibia forget.pef.sta b. Rut-e-k ber-e erabaki-a har-tu-rik ze-uka-n. Ruth.erg she herself.gen decision take.pef.sta have.syt.pst c. J-oa-n d-en urte-an eros-i-ta-ko-a ezin sal-du-rik da-uka-gu. go.pef itr.nre year.loc buy.pec.adn.zep npp sell.ptc.sta have./1plu.syt d. Het-en alab(a)-ek bizitze-z asper-tu-rik n-a-uka-te. Heth.gen daughter.plu.erg living.idf.ins bore.pef.sta have.1/plu.syt e. Bizitze-z asper-tu-rik n-a-go Het-en alab(a)-(e)-en-ga(i)-tik. living.idf.ins bore.pef.sta be.1.syn Heth.gen daughter.plu.mot



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(38) a. Landare hau ez da zu-k zain-du-rik haz-i. plant this not itr you.erg tend.pef.sta grow.pef b. Hai-ek ber-ta-n utz-i-rik, txalupa-ra igo ze-n. yonder one.plu it itself.loc leave.pef.sta boat.all go up.pef itr.pst (39) a. Oso gai(t)z-ki zauri-tu-rik atera d-u-te. very badly wound.pef.sta pull out.pef /plu.tra b. Ni-k haurr-ak zil-a ebaki-rik u(t)z-ten d-it-u-t mundu-an. I.erg child.plu navel string.sin cut.pef.sta leave.ipf plu/1.tra world.loc (40) a. Harri-tu-rik utz-i z-it-u-en ikasle-ak esaldi hon-e-k. turn to stone.pef.sta leave.pef plu/.tra.pst disciple.plu saying this.erg b. Harri-tu-rik utz-i n-a-u ber-e aberastasun-a-k. amaze.pef.sta leave.pef 1/.tra he himself.gen richness.erg (41) a. Etxera-tu-rik emakume-ak ume-a-rekin, Porrot geldi-tu ze-n orain-dik go home.pef.sta woman.plu child.soc Porrot remain.pef itr.pst still atze-ra. back part.all b. Herri-ko gizon-e-ta-rik zenbait-e-k ha(r-en)-la nahi-rik, eskola village.adn man.plu.ela some.erg yonder way.all want.ppr.sta school berri-a e-gi-n z-u-te-n. new make.pef /plu.tra.pst c. Zenbat zor d-i-zu-gu, horr-e(n)-la zu-k gu lagun-du-rik? how much debt.idf have./2/1plu.dyt that way.all you.erg we help.ptc.sta d. Zu-e-ta-ko norbait-e-k, seme-a-k ogi-a eska-tu-rik, harri-a e-ma-n-go you.plu.adn someone.erg son.erg bread ask for.ptc.sta stone give.fut ote d-i-o? dub dtr e. Ha(r-en)-la iza-n-ik ere, ez d-u-zu horr-e(n)-la mintza-tu behar. yonder way.all be.ptc.sta even not /2.tra that way.all talk must.ppr f. Zenbait aldi-z, ber-a-k ez nahi-rik ere, negarr-a nagusi-tzen some time.ins he himself.erg not want.ppr even weeping overwhelm.ipf zi-tza-i-o-n. dit.pst (42) a. Horr-e(n)-la-ko liburu lodixko-a irakur-tze-n has-te-ko beldurr-a-k dago. that way.adn book rather thick read.ven.loc start.ven.adn fear.erg be.syn b. E-ma-da-zu eda(n)-te-n ur pittin bat, egarri-a-k n-a-go eta. give./1/2/dyt.imp drink.ven.loc water.idf little a thirst.erg be.1.syn eec c. Horr-e(n)-la-ko zerbait-en egarri-a-k g-e-u-n-de-n aspaldi-an. that way.adn something.gen longing.erg be.1plu.syn.pst while.loc

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d. Beste batzu-e-ta-n gose-a-k e-go-ten n-a-iz. other some.plu.loc hunger.erg be.ipf 1.itr e. Hotz-a-k ba-da-go edo ba-da-go gose-a-k, . . . cold.erg or hunger.erg (43) a. Hotz-a-k esna-tu ze-n. cold.erg wake up.pef itr.pst b. Noiz aurki-tu z-int-u-gu-n gose-a-k? when ďŹ nd.pef 2/1plu.tra.pst hunger.erg c. Ez da beldurr-a-k i-bil-i beharr-ik. not be.syn fear.erg walk need.par d. Gau guzti-an han-txe-n e-go-n g-in-e-n, euri-ta-n, hotz-a-k, night all.loc there.loc.emp stay.pef 1plu.itr.pst rain.idf.loc cold.erg logale-a-k eta batere lo-rik e-gi-n gabe, estalpe bat ere ez sleepiness.erg and at all sleep.par do without.pre shelter one even not ze-go-e(n)-la-ko, eta gose-a-k, zer jan-ik ez g-en-u-e(n)-la-ko. be.syn.pst.lcz.adn and hunger.erg what eat.par not have/1plu.syt.pst.lcz.adn (44) a. Bero-a-k erre-tze-n z-a-u-de. heat.erg burn.ven.loc be.2.syn b. Ni gose-a-k akaba-tze-n n-a-go. I hunger.erg kill.ven.loc be.1.syn (45) a. Oso kezka-tu-ta n-a-go. very worry.pec be.1.syn b. Zeharo maitemin-du-ta ze-go-en. totally fall in love.pec be.syn.pst c. Gabiria-n ere iza-n-da n-a-go. Gabiria.loc too be.pec be.1.syn d. Ikasle-ak zeharo harri-tu-ta ze-u-de-n esan hon-ekin. disciple.plu greatly amaze.pec be.plu.syn.pst saying this.soc e. Neskatx(a)-a ez da-go hil-da; lo da-go. girl not be.syn die.pec sleep.idf be.syn (46) a. Ez da-uka-t aha(t)z-tu-ta. not have./1.syt forget.pec b. Hi-re-tzat ere aukera-tu-ta n-e-uka-n norbait. you.sol.ben too choose.pec have./1.syt.pst someone (47) a. Harr-ek jan-da hil ze-n. worm.plu.erg eat.pec die.pef itr.pst b. Beso-tik har-tu-ta ber-e-ga(n)-ra e-karr-i n-ind-u-en. arm.ela take.pec she herself.all bring.pec 1/.tra.pst


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(48) a. Errota haundi-ko zubipe-an auto bat amil-du-ta i-kus-ten mill great.adn place under the bridge.loc car a fall down.pec see.ipf d-u-gu. /1plu.tra b. Aurr(e-)en-a, e-tza-n-da ohe-an jar de-za-gu-n. front part.sup lie down.pec bed.loc put.rad /1plu.tra.suj.ncz (49) a. Katalin hil-da, nola bizi-ko n-a-iz, ba? Katalin die.pec how live.fut 1.itr inf b. Ait(a)-a-ren izen-a e-ntzu-n-da, begi-ak lauso-tu e-gi-n zi-tza-i-z-ki-o-n Ikerr-i. father.gen name hear.pec eye.plu blur do.pef /plu.dit.pst Iker.dat c. Eser-i-ta, gauz(a)-ak lasai-ago e-sa(n)-ten d-ir-a. sit down.pec thing.plu comfortable.pre.cop say.ipf plu.itr d. Zu-e-ta-ko norbait-e-k, seme-a-k ogi-a eska-tu-ta, harri-a e-ma-n-go you.plu.adn someone.erg son.erg bread ask for.pec stone give.fut ote d-i-o? dub dtr Chapter 26

(1) a. Hitz e-gi-ten d-u-en beza-la ida(t)z-ten d-u. word.idf do.ipf tra.nre sip write.ipf tra b. Barka ie-za-z-ki-gu gu-re zorr-ak, gu-k gu-re zordun-e-i forgive.rad plu/1plu/2.dtr.imp we.gen debt.plu we.erg we.gen debtor.plu.dat barka-tzen d-i-z-ki-e-gu-n beza-la. forgive.ipf plu/plu/1plu.dtr.nre sip c. Ez z-it-u-en Bonaparte-k Eliz(a)-a-k agin-du beza-la argitara-tzen. not plu/.tra.pst Bonaparte.erg Church.erg prescribe.pef sip publish.ipf (2) a. Orain bihotz-a ur-tu-a da-uka-t gatz-a ur-e-an beza-la. now heart melt.pef.sin have./1.syt salt water.loc sip b. Oinaze bizi-ta-n aurki-tu-ko z-a-r-a, emakume-a erdimin-e-ta-n beza-la. pain sharp.idf.loc find.fut 2.itr woman labor pain.idf.loc sip As for erdiminetan, graphemically speaking, we are not able to decide whether we are dealing here with the plural or with the indefinite; therefore, on the basis of parallelism between the two inessives (cf. bizi-ta-n), I opt for the indefinite reading. In spoken Souletin, moreover, contrastive accent is used in order to avoid ambiguity in dealing with number categories: proparoxytonic, in case of indefinite forms, (e.g., erdimı´netan) versus paroxytonic, in case of plural forms (e.g., erdimine´tan).

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c. E-gi-n be-di zu-re nahi-a, zeru-an beza-la lurr-e-an ere. do(.rad) itr.jus you.gen will heaven.loc sip earth.loc also d. Katu-a-k beza-la zazpi bizi ote da-u-z-ka-k? cat.erg sip seven life.idf dub have.plu/2sol.syt e. E-ra-bak-i beza-la e-gi-n z-u-te-n. decide.pef sip do.pef /plu.tra.pst (3) a. Ezer adi-tu ez ba-l-u beza-la, Luis-e-k ez d-u inon-go anything hear.pef not cdp.tra.cod sip Luis.erg not tra anywhere.adn seinale-rik e-ma-ten. signal.par give.ipf b. Buru-an mailu haundi bat-ekin jo ba-n-ind-u-te beza-la gera-tu head.loc hammer big a.soc hit.pef cdp.1/plu.tra.cod sip end up.pef n-a-iz. 1.itr c. Hasiera-tik aspaldi-ko lagun-ak ba-g-in-a beza-la, mintza-tu beginning.ela long ago.adn friend.plu sip speak.pef g-in-tza-i-z-ki-o-n elkarr-i. /1plu.dit.pst each other.dat (4) a. Ni, Orixe ez beza-la, Galileo ondoko-a n-a-iz. I Orixe not sip Galileo heir be.1.syn b. Etxepare oso-rik har da-i-teke, Leizarraga ez beza-la. Etxepare whole.sta take.rad itr.pot Leizarraga not sip (5) a. Beste asko beza-la-ko egun bat. other many sip.adn day a b. Ohi ez beza-la-ko zer-bait ba-d-u horr(-en-g)a(i)-tik ďŹ lm hon-e-k. hab not sip.adn something aff.have.syt nevertheless ďŹ lm this.erg c. Zu-ek beza-la-ko seme bat iza-n-go ba-n-u, . . . you.plu sip.adn son a have.fut cdp./1.tra.cod (6) a. Den-ek da-ki-gu-n beza-la, Azkue iritzi horr-en etsai-a ze-n. all.plu.erg know./1plu.syt.nre sip Azkue view that.gen opponent be.syn.pst b. Batzar hon-e-ta-n esa-n d-en beza-la, batasun-a ez d-u meeting this.loc say.pef itr.nre sip unity not tra Euskaltzaindi-a-k e-gi-n-go. Basque Academy.erg bring about.fut (7) a. Esa-n beza-la gu-re saio-a arratsalde-an iza-ten ze-n. say.pef sip we.gen session afternoon.loc be.ipf itr.pst b. Jesus-e-k aitzin-e-tik i-kus-i beza-la, has-i lan-a utz-i behar-tu zi-tza-i-o-n Jesus.erg before.ela see.pef sip begin.pef work abandon force.pef dit.pst


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Jon Doni Petri-ri. Saint Peter.dat (8) a. Horr-(r)a e-torr-i ze-n lan-e-ra, ehule beza-la, gu-re aitona. there.all come.pef itr.pst work.all weaver.idf sip we.gen grandfather b. Funts-e-z-ko zimentarri beza-la, hon-(r)a-ko puntu hau-ek basis.idf.ins.adn foundation.idf sip here.all.adn point this.plu azpimarra-tu-ko n-it-u-z-ke ni-k. underline.fut plu/1.tra.cod i.erg c. Ordu ber-e-an adiskide beza-la har-tu z-u-te-n. moment same.loc friend.idf sip accept.pef /plu.tra.pst d. Lege-z-ko seme-a beza-la jarr-i z-u-te-n bataio-ko liburu-an. law.idf.ins.adn son sip put.pef /plu.tra.pst baptism.adn book.loc (9) a. Har-en alde atera-tu d-ir-a laurehun gizon beza-la. yonder.gen side.idf come out.pef plu.itr four hundred man.idf sip b. Zeru-a isiltasun-e-an geldi-tu ze-n oren erdi bat beza-la. heaven silence.loc remain.pef itr.pst hour.idf half a sip c. Zen-bat urte beza-la? how many year sip d. Herri-tik kilometro bat beza-la da-go La Fanderia izen-e-ko village.ela kilometer a sip be.syn La Fanderia name.adn pentsuÂźfabrik(a)-a, eta hemen-dik feed plant and here.ela kilometro eta erdi beza-la da-go Sagasti baserri-a. kilometer.idf and half.idf sip be.syn Sagasti.idf farmhouse (10) a. Ez da-go gaur Mundaka-n ni lege-z/ ni lege-z-ko neska-rik. not be.syn today Mundaca.loc I sip I sip.adn girl.par b. Katu-a sagu-a-ren zain lege-z da-u-de. cat mouse.gen waiting for.pre sip be.plu.syn c. Emakume ero bat-e-k le(ge-)z e-gi-ten d-u-zu hitz. woman crazy a.erg sip do.ipf /2.tra word (11) a. Hitz-en kontu-a-ri lo(t)-tu behar-ko n-a-tza-i-o, zor word.plu.gen topic.dat stick to have to.fut /1.dit debt.idf d-u-da-n lege-z. have./1.syt.nre sip b. I-kus-ten d-u-en-a konta-tzen d-u, jakile lege-z. see.ipf tra.nre.zep tell.ipf tra witness sip c. Urtarril-e-an zen-bat lege-z ikasle gera-tu z-ir-e(-n)-la uste d-u-zu? Januay.loc how many sip student stay.pef plu.itr.pst.lcz think.ppr /2.tra

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(12) a. Gaur mediku-en pare g-a-r-a. today doctor.plu.gen sip be.1plu.syn b. Ba-d-irudi ur garbi-a-ren pare behar d-u-ela iza-n behar beza-la-ko aff.seem.syt water clean.gen sip must.ppr tra.lcz be need.idf sip.adn pros(a)-a-k. prose.erg (13) a. Urre gorri-a-ren pare-ko d-ir-a utz-i z-i-z-ki-gu(-n)-n orrialde-ak. gold red.gen sip.adn be.plu.syn leave.pef plu/1plu/.dtr.pst.nre page.plu b. Ez da-go deus ere horr-en pare-ko-rik. not be.syn anything even that.gen sip.adn.par (14) a.

Anttoni Edurne Tony Edurne b. **Anttoni Edurne Tony Edurne c. Anttoni Edurne Tony Edurne

bezain polit-a da. elp pretty be.syn polit-a d-en bezain pretty be.syn.nre elp d-en bezain polit-a be.syn.nre elp pretty

polit-a da. pretty be.syn da. be.syn

(15) a. Lastim(a)-a da e-go-n ohi d-en bezain garesti pity be.syn be be in habit.ppr itr.nre elp expensive.idf e-go-te-a gatz-a. be.ven salt b. Eder-ki da-go hori; ez, orde-a, uste d-u-gu-n bezain eder-ki. beautifully be.syn that not however believe.ppr /1plu.tra.nre elp beautifully c. Mug(a)-ak ez d-ir-a behar g-en-it-u-z-ke-en bezain zabal-ak. limit.plu not be.plu.syn need.ppr plu/1plu.tra.cod.nre elp broad.plu d. D-io-te-n bezain gauza argi-a ote da hori? say./plu.syt.nre elp matter clear dub be.syn that (16) a. Ze(-n)-n bezain sutsu joka-tu ze-n. be.syn.pst.nre elp full of verve.idf act.pef itr.pst b. D-en bezain argi azal-du d-u guzti-a. be.syn.nre elp lucid.idf explain.pef tra everything (17) a. Baina zaharr-ak eroso-ak bezain nekagarri-ak gerta-tzen d-ir-a but old.plu.zep smooth.plu elp fatiguing.plu turn out to-be.ipf plu.itr bide berri-ak. way new.plu b. Erdara-z ugari bezain euskara-z urri idatz-i z-u-en Spanish.idf.ins plentiful.idf elp Basque.idf.ins sparse.idf write.pef tra.pst Larramendi-k. Larramendi.erg


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(18) a. Hori ba-da-ki-zu-e hon-e-z-kero, ni-k bezain on-gi. that aff.know./2plu.syt by now I.erg elp well b. NonÂźnahi bezain on-do bizi-ko li-tza-te-ke Malentxo gu-re etxe-an. anywhere.loc elp well live.fut itr.cod Maud we.gen house.loc (19) a. Beste-la busti bezain laster lehor-tzen da. otherwise moisten.pef elp soon dry up.ipf itr b. Eliza-tik etxera-tu bezain laster, sukalde-an sar-tu ze-n Libe. church.ela come home.pef elp soon kitchen.loc go into.pef itr.pst Libe c. Zu-k alde e-gi-n bezain laster ida(t)z-ten d-u-t. you.erg distance.idf make.pef elp soon write.ipf /1.tra (20) a. . . . ez ote d-ir-a edo-zein Mikel Agirre edo Pedro Perez bezain . . . not dub be.plu.syn any Miguel Aguirre or Pedro Perez elp gizon? human being.idf b. Hor burdin gorri bezain bero-tu-ko eta bera-tu-ren n-a-iz. there.loc iron red.idf elp get hot.fut and get soft.fut 1.itr (21) a. Ugari bezain zorrotz ze-n hizket(a)-an, aberats bezain zehatz copious.idf elp acute.idf be.syn.pst conversation.loc rich.idf elp exact.idf eta doi. and precise.idf b. Bi edo hiru lagun-en boz ozen bezain bakarr-a go-ra-behe-ra. two or three person.idf voice resounding.idf elp solitary despite c. Euskar(a)-a-ren bide luze bezain malkarr-ak. Basque language.gen way long.idf elp bumpy.plu (22) a. Ait(a)-a-k ezagu(t)-tzen d-u ber-e buru-a ezagut da-i-te-ke-en Father.erg know.ipf tra He himself.gen head know.rad itr.pot.nre adina. enp b. Ez n-a-u, ber-(h)orr-e-k uste d-u-en adina, aberats iza-te-a-k harro-tzen. not 1/.tra you.dfr.erg think.ppr tra.nre enp rich.idf be.ven.erg gratify.ipf (23) a. Oinaze eta min-ak e-ra-ma-te-ko adina indar eta bihotz torment.idf and pain.plu bear.ven.adn enp strength.idf and heart.idf iza-n-go d-u-zu-e? have.fut /2plu.tra b. Erregalo-ta-n ere, ba-z-u-en tren bat karga-tze-ko adina. present.idf.loc too aff.have.syt.pst train a load.ven.adn enp c. Bizi-tze-ko adina ba-d-u gorputz-a-k. live.ven.adn enp aff.have.syt body.erg

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(24) a. Ardo-ta-n hi-re idi-a-k ur-e-ta-n adina eda(n)-ten d-u-k eta. wine.idf.loc you.2sol.gen ox.erg water.idf.loc enp drink.ipf /2sol.tra eec b. Zu-ek adina edo-zein asto-k da-ki. you.plu enp any ass.erg know.syt c. Gizon-a-ren bizi-a-k ez z-u-en arkakuso bat-en-a-k adina balio. man.gen life.erg not tra.pst flea a.gen.zep.erg enp be worth d. Ez da liburu-rik hiztegi bat-e-k adin-a huts bil not be.syn book.par dictionary a.erg enp mistake.idf collect.rad de-za-ke-en-ik. tra.pot.nre.zep.par (25) a. Ber-e irakasle-a adin-a iza-n-go da. he himself.gen teacher enp be.fut itr b. Orain-dik ez h-a-iz hi-re nagusi-a adin-a. still not be.2sol.syn you.sol.gen master enp (26) a. Mostaza¼hazi-a adin-a-ko fede-a iza-n-go ba-z-en-u-te, . . . mustard seed enp.adn faith have.fut cdp./2plu.tra.cod b. Sar-tzen d-ir-a itsas¼barru-ra etxe-ak adin-a-ko baga zuri enter.ipf plu.itr sea interior.all house.plu enp.adn wave white sendo-en arte-tik. strong.plu.gen gap.ela (27) a. Patrixi-ren-tzat ere, ez ze-n ber-e Xegundu adina-ko-rik. Patricia.ben too not be.syn.pst she herself.gen Segundo enp.adn.zep.par b. Zam(a)-a jaso-tze-n gu adina-ko-rik ba-da, be-tor load lift.ven.loc we enp.adn.zep.par come.syn.jus bide¼erdi-ra! road middle.all (28) a. Har-tzen d-u-en hain-bat e-ma-ten d-u. take.ipf tra.nre enp give.ipf tra b. Zu-k maite z-en-u-e(n)-n hain-bat ber-a-k maite z-int-u-en. you.erg love.ppr /2.tra.pst.nre enp he himself.erg love.ppr 2/.tra.pst (29) a. Ni-k bihotz-e-an atsegin hain-bat ur ez da-go itsaso-an. I.erg heart.loc pleasure.idf enp water.idf not be.syn sea.loc b. Ni-k hon-i zur-i hain-bat e-ma-n nahi d-i-o-t. I.erg this one.dat you.dat enp give want.ppr //1.dtr c. Inoiz, inor-k ez z-a-it-u ni-k hain-bat maita-tu-ko. ever anybody.erg not 2/.tra I.erg enp love.fut (30) Aski d-u ikasle-a-k irakasle-a hain-bat iza-te-a, eta morroi-a-k nagusi-a enough have.syt pupil.erg teacher enp be.ven and servant.erg master


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hain-bat. enp (31) a. Har-tzen d-u-en bezain-bat e-ma-ten d-u. take.ipf tra.nre enp give.ipf tra b. Edan e-za-zu nahi bezain-bat. drink.rad /2.tra.imp want.idf enp c. Eda(n)-ten d-u ahal bezain-bat. drink.ipf tra ability.idf enp d. Giputz hauek, gain-e-ra, ez z-ir-e-n lapurtar hai-ek bezain-bat Gipuzcoan this.plu top.all not plu.itr.pst Labourdin yonder.plu enp euskar(a)-a-ren alde ahalegin-du. Basque language.gen side.idf exert oneself.pef (32) a. Behin ba-ze-n apaiz bat on-a bezain-bat bitxi. once be.syn.pst priest a good enp eccentric b. Logikazale bezain-bat musikazale-a bait-ze-n. fond of logic.idf enp fond of music (33) a. MarinËœo-k ez d-u inoiz e-du-ki orain da-uka-n beste diru. Marino.erg not tra ever have.pef now have.syt.nre enp money b. Esa-n-go z-en-u-ke abade iza-te-ko beste ba-da-ki-ela. say.fut /2.tra.cod priest.idf be.ven.adn enp aff.know.syt.lcz c. No-n etxe-an beste babes? where.loc house.loc enp support.idf d. Ai! Ja-ki-n iza-n ba-n-u gaur beste! ah know.pef have.pef cdp./1.tra.cod today enp (34) a. Ez ze-n inor ber-(e)-en ait(a)-a iza-n ze(-n)-n beste. not be.syn.pst anybody he himself.plu.gen father be.pef itr.pst enp b. Hamar emakume ere ez z-ir-e-n gizon bat beste. ten woman.idf even not be.plu.syn.pst man one.idf enp (35) Zahar eta andre-ak ez omen z-ir-e-n ha-ra-ino igo-tze-ko old.zep.idf and lady.plu not rep be.plu.syn.pst over there.ter climb.ven.adn beste. enp (36) a. Gu-k baino asko-z gutxi-ago da-ki Ximon-e-k. we.erg srp a lot.ins few.cop.idf know.syt Simon.erg b. Aldizkari-ak asko-z hobe-ak d-ir-a egun-go egun-e-an. magazine.plu much.ins good.cop be.plu.syn today.adn day.loc c. Hori baino ere txiro-ago ze-n gu-re Migel Permin. Asko-ta-z that srp even poor.cop.idf be.syn.pst we.gen Miguel Fermin a lot.ins

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txiro-ago. poor.cop.idf d. Herri hizker(a)-a asko-ta-z ere aska-tu-ago-a iza-ten da. people.idf speech much.ins even liberate.pef.cop be.ipf itr (37) a. Zu orain z-a-r-en-a baino gazte-ago ze-n emakume hura. you now be.2.syn.nre.zep srp young.cop.idf be.syn.pst woman yonder b. Ni-k uste n-u-e(n)-n baino luze-ago, mardul-ago eta I.erg think.ppr /1.tra.pst.nre srp tall.cop.idf robust.cop.idf and ederr-ago da. handsome.cop.idf be.syn (38) a. Gu-re bihotz-a baino haundi-ago-a da Jainko-a. we.gen heart srp great.cop be.syn God b. Gu baino azkarr-ago i-bil-i ze-n Okerra. we srp fast.cop.idf walk.pef itr.pst Okerra In the case of Okerra, no hyphening is o¤ered, since we are dealing here with a proper name. (39) a. **Gu-re bihotz-a haundi-a d-en baino haundi-ago-a da Jainko-a. we.gen heart great be.syn.nre srp great.cop be.syn God b. **Gu i-bil-i g-in-e(-n)-n modu-an baino azkarr-ago i-bil-i ze-n we walk.pef 1plu.itr.pst.nre way.loc srp fast.cop.idf walk.pef itr.pst Okerra. Okerra (40) a. Ba-di-h-oa-z hon-e(n)-la-ko edo ha(r-en)-la-ko ume-ak gozotegi-ra aff.go.plu.syn this way.adn or yonder way.adn child.plu candy store.all baino poz-ago. srp happy.cop.idf b. Joseba lan-e-an baino erne-ago i-bil-i ze-n mus-e-an Andoni. Joseph work.loc srp alert.cop.idf be busy.pef itr.pst ‘‘mus’’.loc Anthony (41) a. Hori gaitz-a-ren orde-z gaitz-ago-a sar-tze-a da. that ailment.gen substitute.idf.ins bad.cop.zep introduce.ven be.syn b. Ni baino gizon-ago porta-tu h-a-iz. I srp man.cop.idf behave.pef 2sol.itr c. Azeri-ak ber-ak baino azeri-ago-ak d-ir-a. fox.plu he himself.plu srp fox.cop.plu be.plu.syn d. Abere-ak baino abere-ago e-gi-n n-a-iz! beast.plu srp beast.cop.idf become.pef 1.itr e. Handi-a d-u-gu, ba, gau-a no-la ez d-en bihur-tu gau-ago. strange.sin have./1plu.syt inf night how not itr.ncz become.pef night.cop.idf


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(42) a. Isaak-e-k maite-ago z-u-en Esau; Rebeka-k, aldi-z, Jakob Isaac.erg dear.cop.idf have.syt.pst Esau Rebecca.erg turn.idf.ins Jakob z-u-en maite-ago. have.syt.pst dear.cop.idf The glossing of maiteago and of the other comparable comparatives in the following sentences is in line with the direct context of analysis o¤ered by R. de Rijk in this paragraph, although, starting with sentence (9c) in Chapter 14, he has decided to analyze these kinds of constructions as preterito-present verbs (ppr in the glosses). b. Ni-k zu z-a-it-u-t maite-ago arraintxo-ek ur-a baino. I.erg you have.2/1.syt dear.cop.idf little ďŹ sh.plu.erg water srp (43) a. Garai bat-e-an pilot(a)-a g-en-u-en ogi-a baino nahi-ago. period a.sin.loc pilota game have./1plu.syt.pst bread srp will.cop.idf b. Har-k, egi(a)-a esa-n, nahi-ago z-u-en Leizarraga Axular yonder one.erg truth tell will.cop.idf have.syt.pst Leizarraga Axular baino. srp (44) a. Itsasalde-ko-a baino beharrago za-i-n osasun-a-ren-tzat seaside.adn.zep srp need.cop.idf be.2sol.fem/.dyn health.ben lehorralde-ko haize-a. land side.adn wind b. Arnas(a)-a baino beharr-ago z-a-it-u-n NN. breathing srp need.cop.idf have.2/.syt.nre NN (45) a. Nahi-ago n-u-en hemen e-go-n ba-li-tz! will.cop.idf have./1.syt.pst here.loc stay.pef cdp.itr.cod b. Iturri-tik baino zu-re suil-e-tik e-ma-n-go ba-z-en-i-t, nahi-ago fountain.ela srp you.gen pail.ela give.fut cdp./1/2.dtr.cod will.cop.idf n-u-ke. have./1.syt.cod c. Nahi-ago n-u-ke, egi(a)-a esan, beste-la iza-n ba-li-tz. will.cop.idf have./1.syt.cod truth tell otherwise be.pef cdp.itr.cod (46) Lan-a baino alferkeri(a)-a maite-ago d-u-gu. work srp laziness dear.cop.idf have./1plu.syt (47) a. Oilarr-a-k jo baino lehen, hiru aldi-z uka-tu-ko n-a-u-zu. cock.erg crow srp formerly.idf three time.ins.idf deny.fut 1/2.tra b. Ni-k ez n-u-en ezagu(t)-tu eritegi-ra e-torr-i baino lehen. I.erg not /1.tra.pst know.pef hospital.all come srp formerly.idf

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c. Zu-ek eska-tu baino lehen-ago ere ba-da-ki zu(-e)-en you.plu.erg ask srp formerly.cop.idf even aff.know.syt you.plu.gen Aita-k zer behar d-u-zu-e-n. Father.erg what need.ppr /2plu.tra.ncz d. Pentsa e-za-zu une bat-e-z lasai, e-ra-ntzun baino lehen-ago. think.rad /2.tra.imp moment a.ins calm.pre answer srp formerly.cop.idf There is no hyphen between the stem -ntzu- and participial -n, since the archaic causative erantzun never shows a synthetic conjugation, in contrast with its base verb entzun (cf. section 16.1). (48) a. Ber-a ni baino lehen irits-i ze-n. she herself I srp formerly.idf arrive.pef itr.pst b. Gipuzkoa-n hemezortzigarren mende-an ez d-ir-a hainbeste Guipuzcoa.loc eighteenth century.loc not be.plu.syn so many Larramendi baino lehen-ago idatz-i z-u-te(-n)-n lekuko-ak. Larramendi srp formerly.cop.idf write.pef /plu.tra.pst.nre witness.plu (49) a. Horr-e(n)-la uste ba-n-u, lehen-ago that way think.ppr cdp./1.tra.cod formerly.cop.idf e-gi-n-go uko n-i-o-ke euskaltzaletasun-a-ri zentzu-a-ri baino. do.fut denial.idf /1.dtr.cod bascophily.dat common sense.dat srp b. Emakume egarri-a n-u-e(n)-la esa-n? Lehen-ago woman.idf thirst have./1/syt.pst.lcz say formerly.cop.idf lurpe-an sar-tu! underground.loc enter (50) a. Alargun behartsu hon-e-k beste guzti-ek baino gehi-ago bota d-u widow poor this.erg other all.plu.erg srp more.cop.idf cast.pef tra kutxa-ra. box.all b. Emakume-ek beti da-ki-gu gizon-ek uste baino woman.plu.erg always know./1plu.syt man.plu.erg think.ppr srp gehi-ago. more.cop.idf c. Inoiz baino gehi-ago jan arazi z-i-da-n. ever srp more.cop.idf eat.cau.pef /1/.dtr.pst (51) a. Zu-k baino diru gehi-ago d-u-t. you.erg srp money more.cop.idf have./1.syt b. Hai-ek baino neke gehi-ago jasan d-u-t. yonder one.plu.erg srp fatigue more.cop.idf su¤er.pef /1.tra c. Jende gehi-ago hil z-u-en kazkabarŸharri-a-k israeldarr-en people more.cop.idf kill.pef tra.pst hail(-)stone.erg Israelite.plu.gen


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ezpat(a)-a-k baino. sword.erg srp (52) a. Laudorio eta goramen baino kritika zorrotz gehi-ago e-gi-n omen eulogy.idf and praise.idf srp criticism sharp more.cop.idf make.pef rep d-i-o-t Azkue-ren obra nagusi-a-ri. //1.dtr Azkue.gen work main.dat b. Diru baino amets gehi-ago z-u-en agure-ak. money.idf srp dream more.cop.idf have.syt.pst old man.erg c. Buru-an ile d-u-zu-n baino bekatu gehi-ago e-gi-n d-u-zu. head.loc hair.idf have./2.syt.nre srp sin more.cop do.pef /2.tra (53) Ez ote da bizi-a janari-a baino gehi-ago? not dub be.syn life food srp more.cop.idf (54) a. Txori guzti-ek baino gehi-ago balio d-u-zu-e. bird all.plu.erg srp more.cop.idf be worth.ppr /2plu.tra b. Odolki-a baino gehi-ago estima-tzen da odolki emaile-a. blood sausage srp more.cop.idf appreciate.ipf itr blood sausage.idf giver c. Jone ez zi-tza-i-o-n ber-a baino gehi-ago gusta-tzen. Jone not dit.pst she herself srp more.cop.idf like.ipf Gustatzen has here the same obsolete intransitive meaning as in English ‘it likes me not’. (55) a. Ni-rekin ez d-u-zu-e gehi-ago lan-ik iza-n-go. I.soc not /2plu.tra more.cop.idf work.par have.fut b. Mutil-a ez ze-n sekula gehi-ago ohe-tik jaik-i. boy not itr.pst ever more.cop.idf bed.ela get up.pef I have hyphenated the participle jaiki, not because we ďŹ nd jaik as a radical in the Souletin dialect, but by reason of the existence of traces of synthetic conjugation ( cf. DGV, s.v.) (56) a. Lehen baino pisu gutxi-ago ze-ra-ma(-n)-la laster antzeman formerly.idf srp weight little.cop.idf carry.syt.pst.lcz quickly notice.pef z-i-o-n asto-a-k. dtr.pst donkey.erg b. Ez da guzti-a gu-re irispide-ra hel-du, gutun-ak not itr every.zep we.gen reach.all arrive.pef letter.plu eta antz-e-ko-ak beste-rik baino gutxi-ago. and likeness.adn.zep.plu else.par srp few.cop.idf c. Gutxi idatz-i z-u-en euskara-z, beste-ri e-ra-gi-n baino little write.pef tra.pst Basque language.idf.ins other.idf.dat do.cau.pef srp

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gutxi-ago. little.cop.idf d. Uste d-u-t ez n-a-iz-ela superapostolu hori-ek baino gutxi-ago. believe.ppr /1.tra not 1.itr.lcz superapostle that.plu srp little.cop.idf (57) a. Itziar zaharr-a da. Mikel, berri-z, are zaharr-ago-a. Itziar old be.syn Michael new.idf.ins top old.cop b. Mikel Itziar baino zaharr-ago-a da, Andoni are zaharr-ago-a. Michael Itziar srp old.cop be.syn Tony top old.cop c. Lur eder bat, Holanda, herri xarmangarri-ak eta hiri are land beautiful a Holland village charming.plu and city top xarmangarri-ago-ak d-it-u-en-a. charming.cop.plu have.plu/.syt.nre.zep d. Eta hor geldi-tu-ko n-a-iz are istilu gorri-ago-e-ta-n ez and there.loc stop.fut 1.itr top problem red.cop.plu.loc not murgil-tze-arren. plunge.ven.idf.nps (58) a. Zu gaizto-a z-a-r-a eta hura are-ago. you bad be.2.syn and yonder one top.cop.idf b. Zuhur joka-tu beharr-e-an g-a-u-de, are-ago ugal ez shrewdly act need.loc be.1plu.syn top.cop increase.rad not da-i-tez-en. plu.itr.suj.ncz (59) a. Profet(a)-a baino ere handi-ago-a. prophet srp even great.cop.zep b. Zu-re azken egintz(a)-ak lehen-en-go-ak baino ere you.gen latest deed.plu formerly.sup.adn.zep.plu srp even bikain-ago-ak d-ir-a. excellent.cop.plu be.plu.syn (60) a. Ilun baino ilun-ago da-go ber-(h)o(r)i-(e)-en zentzu-a zer obscure.idf srp obscure.cop.idf be.syn that very one.plu.gen sense what d-en. be.syn.ncz b. Txukun baino txukun-ago ager-tzen d-ir-a beti. neat srp neat.cop.idf appear.ipf plu.itr always c. Ni-k on-do baino hobe-to gogora-tzen d-it-u-t CaulďŹ eld-en I.erg well srp well.cop remember.ipf plu/1.tra CaulďŹ eld.gen gorabeher(a)-ak. adventure.plu


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d. Musarro-k, noski, eder-ki baino eder-ki-ago ze-ki-en hau. Musarro.erg of course well srp well.cop know.syt.pst this e. Maiz baino maiz-ago e-ntzu-n-a d-u-te horr-en izen-a. often srp often.cop hear.pef.sin have./plu.syt that one.gen name f. Argi baino garbi-ro-ago e-ra-ku(t)s-ten d-i-gu aurki-tze-a ez d-ela clearly srp clearly.cop show.ipf /1plu/.dtr ďŹ nd.ven not be.syn.lcz aski. enough (61) a. Aurre-ra zi-h-oa-(n)-la, gero eta urduri-ago ze-go-en. front.all go.syn.pst.lci afterward exp nervous.cop.pre be.syn.pst b. Gero eta azkarr-ago i-bil-tzen z-a-r-a. afterward exp fast.cop.idf walk.ipf 2.itr c. Gero eta abil-ago h-a-iz lagun-ak engaina-tze-n. afterward exp skillful.cop.idf be.2sol.syn companion.plu deceive.ven.loc (62) a. Jende-a gero-ago eta eder-ki-ago jan(t)z-ten da. people afterward.cop exp smartly.cop dress.ipf itr b. Gero-ago eta gorroto gehi-ago z-i-o-n. afterward.cop exp hate.ppr more.cop.idf dtr.pst c. Gero-ago eta okerr-ago zi-h-oa-n har-en osasun-a. afterward.cop exp wrong.cop.idf go.syn.pst yonder one.gen health (63) a. Euskaldun e-go-n beti, beti eta gehi-ago euskaldun. Basque.idf stay always always exp more.cop.idf Basque.idf b. Baina, orro-a beti eta handi-ago, beti eta hurbil-ago e-ntzu-ten but roar always exp loud.cop.idf always exp near.cop.idf hear.ipf n-u-en. /1.tra.pst c. I-kus-ten d-u-t beti eta hobe z-oa-z-ela. see.ipf /1.tra always exp good.cop.idf go.2.syn.lcz (64) a. Zen-bat eta gehi-ago saia-tu egintza hori-(e)-en arrazoi how much exp more.cop.idf try work that.gen reason.idf bila, hain-bat eta neke-z-ago aurki-tu-ko d-u-te. looking for.pre so much exp hard.cop.idf ďŹ nd.fut. /plu.tra b. Ba-d-irudi, ha(r-en)-la ere, zen-bat eta gehi-ago ni-k zu-ek aff.seem.syt yonder way even how much exp more.cop.idf I.erg you.plu maite iza-n, hain-bat eta gutxi-ago maite n-a-u-zu-e-la love.ppr have so much exp little.cop.idf love.ppr 1/2plu.tra.lcz zu-ek ni. you.plu.erg I

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c. Zen-bat eta urte gutxi-ago, hain-bat eta txiki-ago-a prezio-a. how much exp year.idf few.cop.idf so much exp small.cop price (65) a. Zen-bat eta gehi-ago agin-du, ordu-an eta are-ago how much exp more.cop.idf order that time.loc exp top.cop.idf zabal-tzen z-u-te-n. proclaim.ipf /plu.tra.pst b. Baina zen-bat eta zanpa-tu-ago, ordu-an eta ugari-ago but how much exp oppress.pef.cop.idf that time.loc and abundant.cop.idf eta heda-tu-ago e-gi-n z-ir-e-n. and spread.pef.cop.idf become.pef plu.itr.pst c. Aspaldixko ikas-i g-en-u-en jende hori-ek zen-bat eta a long while ago learn.pef /1plu.tra.pst people that.plu how much exp bakezale-ago, ordu-an eta beldurgarri-ago iza-ten d-ir-ela. peace-loving.cop.idf that time.loc exp terrifying.cop.idf be.ipf plu.itr.lcz (66) a. Hain-bat gaizto-ago e-gi-ten ez d-u-te-n-en-tzat. so much bad.cop.idf do.ipf not /plu.tra.nre.zep.ben b. Hain-bat hobe-to ni-re-tzat, horr-e(n)-la ba-li-tz. so much well.cop I.ben that way c. Iza-n z-it-u-z-te(-n)-n nahigabe gogorr-ek hain-bat bero-ago have.pef plu/plu.tra.pst.nre sorrow harsh.plu.erg so much warm.cop.idf jar-tzen z-it-u-z-te-n ber(-e)-en bihotz zintzo-ak. get.ipf plu/plu.tra.pst he himself.plu.gen heart honest.plu (67) a. Den-ak zein baino zein ederr-ago-ak! all.plu which one srp which one beautiful.cop.plu b. Den-ak zaunkaka ze-to(r)-z-en, zein baino zein all.plu barking.adv come.plu.syn.pst which one srp which one amorratu-ago. furious.cop.idf c. Bederatzi mahai-ko, eta zein-e-k baino zein-e-k nine table.adn.zep.idf and which one.erg srp which one.erg ja(n)-te-ko gogo ederr-ago-a. eat.ven.adn appetite great.cop d. Hiru opari eskain-i z-i-z-ki-o-te-n, zein baino zein three present.idf o造er.pef plu//plu.dtr.pst which one srp which one galgarri-ago-ak. pernicious.cop.plu (68) a. Ken-du behar-ko da maite-en d-u-gu-n-a ere. remove have to.fut itr dear.sup.idf have./1plu.nre.zep too


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For the analysis of maiteen here and in the next sentence, see example (42a). The same remark holds for nahien and beharren in the following sentences. b. Bi-e-ta-ko zein-e-k iza-n-go ote d-u maite-en? two.plu.adn which one.erg have.fut dub tra dear.sup.idf (69) a. Ez alegi(a)-a, ber-a-k ame(t)s-tu eta nahi-en iza-n not indeed he himself.erg dream of.pef and want.sup.idf have.pef z-u-e(n)-n neskatil(a)-a. tra.pst.nre girl b. Hori-xe d-u-t nahi-en. that.emp have./1/syt want.sup.idf (70) a. Zer da ni-k e-gi-n beharr-en n-u-ke-en-a? what be.syn I.erg do need.sup.idf have./1.syt.cod.nre.zep b. I-kus de-za-la ber-a-k zer d-en beharr-en see.rad /1.tra.suj.lcz he himself.erg what be.syn.ncz need.sup.idf d-u-gu-n-a. have./1plu.syt.nre.zep (71) a. Etxe hura da-go hurbil-en / hurbil-en-a / hurbil-en-ik. house yonder be.syn near.sup.idf near.sup near.sup.par I adopt R. de Rijk’s partitive reading despite the reservedness displayed (cf. ‘‘possibly identical with the partitive su‰x’’). b. Z-eu bizi z-a-r-a on-do-en / on-do-en-a / on-do-en-ik. you.ref live.ppr 2.itr well.sup.idf well.sup well.sup.par c. Peru bizi da hobe-ki-en / hobe-ki-en-a / hobe-ki-en-ik. Pete live.ppr itr well.sup.idf well.sup well.sup.par (72) a. Inoiz-ko soinu-rik gozo-en-ak jo-tze-n has-i ze-n. ever.adn melody.par sweet.sup.zep.plu play.ven.loc start.pef itr.pst b. Inoiz-ko ipuin-ik poli-ten-a e-ntzu-n d-u-gu gaur. ever.adn tale.par pretty.sup.zep hear.pef /1plu.tra today c. Senar hori laster iza-n-go d-u-zu inoiz-ko zoriontsu-en. husband that soon have.fut /2.tra ever.adn happy.sup.idf (73) a. Igaro e-za-k denbora ahal-ik goxo-en-a. spend(.rad) /2sol.tra.imp time possible.zep.par pleasant.sup b. Ahal-ik eta on-do-en-a itzul-tze-n saia-tu n-a-iz. possible.zep.par exp well.sup translate.ven.loc try.pef 1.itr c. Ahal-ik eta lasterr-en-a abia-tze-a komeni za-i-gu. possible.zep.par exp quickly.sup start out.ven convenient.pre be.1plu/.dyn (74) a. Etxe hori handi-egi da zu-re-tzat. house that big.ecs.idf be.syn you.ben

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b. Berritsu-egi da langile on-a iza-te-ko. garrulous.ecs.idf be.syn worker good be.ven.adn (75) a. Jantzi ederr-egi-a da hau zu-re-tzat. dress beautiful.ecs be.syn this you.ben b. Ikusmin gehi-egi-a-k gal-tzen g-a-it-u. curiosity too much.ecs.erg ruin.ipf 1plu/.tra (76) a. Gazte-egi z-a-r-a hil-tze-ko. young.ecs.idf be.2.syn die.ven.adn b. Narras-egi n-a-go hon-e(n)-la-ko etxe txukun-e-an sar-tze-ko. shabby.ecs.idf be.1.syn this way.adn house neat.loc enter.ven.adn c. Goiz-egi da igaro berri-a d-u-gu-n mende erdi-a early.ecs.idf be.syn pass through.pef recent.sin /1plu.tra.nre century.idf half azter-tze-ko eta epai-tze-ko. examine.ven.adn and judge.ven.adn (77) a. Ez g-a-it-u gehi-egi maite euskaldun-ok. not have.1plu/.syt too much.ecs.idf dear.idf For the analysis of maite and also maiteegi in the next sentence, see (42a). b. Elizgizon-ek ez d-u-te maite-egi iza-n Euskar(a)-a cleric.plu.erg not /plu.tra dear.ecs.idf have.pef Basque language (78) a. Oxalde: nor-tsu ze(-n)-n eta zer-tsu bizitza e-rama-n z-u-e(n)-n. Oxalde: be.syn.pst.ncz and life lead.pef tra.pst.ncz For the sake of simplicity, I don’t hyphenate eraman as an archaic causative of joan, as DGV proposes (cf. section 16.1). b. Hon-(r)a zer-tsu z-io-e(n)-n. here.all say.syt.pst.ncz c. Lehen-dik ba omen ze-ki-en non-tsu e-go-ten z-ir-e(-n)-n before.ela aff rep know.syt.pst be.ipf plu.itr.pst.ncz karabinero-ak. border guard.plu d. Laborari-a-k aski d-u ja-ki-te-a noiz-tsu e-gi-ten d-ir-en lan-ak. farmer.erg enough have.syt know.ven do.ipf plu.itr.ncz job.plu e. Zen-ba(t)-tsu urte d-it-u-zu? how year have.plu/2.syt (79) a. Ha(r-en)-la-xe joka-tu-ko n-u-e(n)-la esa-n n-i-o-n n-eu-re yonder way.emp act.fut /1.tra.pst.lcz say.pef //1.dtr.pst I.ref.gen buru-a-ri. head.dat


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b. c. d. e. f.


In the case of emphatics, the actual order of the symbols will follow the order of the morphemes concerned in the sentence at hand. Hau-xe agin-tzen d-i-zu-e-t: maita de-za-zu-e-la elkar. this.emp command.ipf /2pl/1.dtr love.rad /2plu.tra.suj.lcz one another Eta Mitxelena-k ber-a-k ere hori-xe e-gi-n-go d-u. and Mitxelena.erg he himself.erg also that.emp do.fut tra Horr-e-txe-k ez d-u beharbada gehi-egi poz-tu-ko. that.emp.erg not tra perhaps too much.ecs.idf make happy.fut Urte hori-e-xe-ta-n argitara ze-n Bilbo-n Eguna egunkari-a. year that.plu.emp.loc publish.pef itr.pst Bilbao.loc Eguna daily Gu-re ama-k ho(n-en)-la-ko-xe aldarte-ak we.gen mother.idf.erg this way.adn.emp change in feelings.plu iza-ten z-it-u-en. have.ipf plu/.tra.pst Afal-du ordu-ko-xe ohera-tu z-ir-e-n gau har-ta-n eat supper time.adn.emp go to bed.pef plu.itr.pst night yonder.loc guzti-ak. everyone.zep.plu

(80) a. Bada horr-e-txe-k hi-ri, seaska-ko-a h-in-tz-e(-n)-la, inf that one.emp.erg you.sol.dat cradle.adn.zep be.2sol.syn.pst.lci hain-beste on e-gi-n z-i-a-n. so much good do.pef /2sol/.dtr.pst b. Merezi l-u-ke, ba, horr-e-txe-k bertso bat. deserve.ppr tra.cod inf that one.emp.erg verse a (81) a. Zer what b. Zer what

modu da-go alab(a)-a? manner be.syn daughter modu-z di-h-oa gerra hori? manner.ins go.syn war that

(82) a. Abaltzisketa-n zer modu? Abaltzisketa.loc what manner b. Zer modu-z, Angel? what manner.ins Angel Chapter 27

(1) a. Guraize zorrotz-e-z, trist, trast, mo(t)z-tu z-i-z-ki-o-n goiŸezpain-e-ko scissors sharp.plu.ins snip snap cut o¤.pef plu//.dtr.pst above.idf lip.adn bizarr-ak. beard.plu

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b. Burdina-z-ko makil(a)-a-z hauts-i-ko d-it-u-zu. iron.idf.adn rod.ins break.fut plu/2.tra c. Txakurr-a-k e-gi-n-i(k)-ko zauri-a osa-tzen da txakurr-ar-en ile-a-z. dog.erg make.pef.sta.adn wound heal.ipf itr dog.gen hair.ins d. Perla-z eta diamant-a-ren itxura-ko harri batzu-e-z apain-du. pearl.idf.ins and diamond.gen appearance.adn stone some.plu.ins decorate e. Lehor-tu gabe-ko zazpi soka berri-z lo(t)-tu-ko ba-n-ind-u-te, dry.pef without.pre.adn seven rope new.idf.ins bind.fut cdp.1/plu.tra.cod ahul-du-a geldi-tu-ko n-in-tza-te-ke. weaken.pef.sin end up.fut 1.itr.cod f. Ezer-ta-ra-ko e-ra-bil-i ez d-en sok(a)-a-z on-do lo(t)-tzen ba-n-a-u-te, anything.des use.pef not itr.nre rope.ins well bind.ipf cdp.1/plu.tra gal-du e-gi-n-go d-u-t indarr-a. lose do.fut /1.tra strength (2) a. Zazpi kriseilu e-gi-n z-it-u-en urre garbi-z. seven lamp.idf make.pef plu/.tra.pst gold pure.idf.ins b. Ez da-ki-t zer e-gi-n n-eu-re haur gaixo-e-z. not know./1/.syt what do I.ref.gen child poor.plu.ins c. Barbituriko pastila pilo-a irents-i-rik, ber-e buru-a-z barbiturate.idf tablet.idf heap swallow.pef.sta she herself.gen head.ins beste e-gi-n d-u. something else.idf make.pef tra d. Jainko-a-k gizon-a-ri ken-du z-i-o(-n)-n zati-a-z emakume bat God.erg man.dat take from.pef dtr.pst.nre piece.ins woman a era-tu z-u-en. fashion.pef tra.pst e. Jainko Jaun-a-k lurÂźhauts-e-z gizon-a molda-tu z-u-en. God Lord.erg earth.idf dust.idf.ins man form.pef tra.pst f. Inguru-ko erdar(a)-ek beste-ta-n-dik har-tu-ri(k)-ko surroundings.adn tongue.plu.erg else.idf.loc.ela take.pef.sta.adn gai-e-z osa-tzen material.plu.ins put together.ipf d-it-u-z-te ber-(e)-en hitz eskola-tu-ak. plu/plu.tra he himself.plu.gen word instruct.pef.plu (3) a. Eta Jainko Jaun-a-k Adam-i ken-du z-i-o(-n)-n saihetsÂźhezurr-e-tik and God Lord.erg Adam.dat take from.pef dtr.pst.nre rib.idf bone.ela e-gi-n z-u-en emazteki-a. make.pef tra.pst woman


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b. Gizon-a-ri har-tu saihets¼hezurr-e-tik Jainko Jaun-a-k emazte-a man.dat take from.pef rib.idf bone.ela God Lord.erg woman e-ra-iki z-u-en. build.pef tra.pst According to section 16.1, this verb is an archaic causative built on the base verb jaiki ‘to rise’; nevertheless, the gloss cau will be omitted, since I consider its meaning su‰ciently idiomatic at the synchronic level to deal with it as a proper base verb, notwithstanding the hyphenation used. The same remark holds for the treatment of the other archaic causatives listed in 16.1. c. Hezur hon-ekin lehen-en-go emakume-a e-gi-n z-u-en. bone this.soc formerly.sup.adn woman make.pef tra.pst (4) a. Hemen-txe ase-ko z-a-r-a ni-re maitasun-e-z; ber-ta-n apain-du-ko here.loc.emp satiate.fut 2.itr I.gen love.idf.ins same.idf.loc adorn.fut z-a-it-u-t zeru-ko dohain-e-z. 2/1.tra heaven.adn gift.idf.ins b. Bete it-za-zu-e ontzi-ak ur-e-z. fill(.rad) plu/2plu.tra.imp vessel.plu water.idf.ins c. Irin garbi-z, ezti-z eta olio-z elika-tzen z-in-e-n. flour pure.idf.ins honey.idf.ins and oil.idf.ins nourish.ipf 2.itr.pst d. Egipto guzti-a igel-e-z estal-i ze-n. Egypt all frog.idf.ins cover.pef itr.pst e. Lanbro-a-k ber-e gandu-z estal-tzen z-it-u-en bazterr-ak. mist.erg he himself.gen haze.idf.ins cover.ipf plu/.tra.pst surroundings.plu f. Hon-e-ta-ra-ko ingura da-i-te-ke hautserre bero-z. this.des border.rad itr.pot ashes hot.idf.ins g. Izotz-a-k arbol(a)-ak zilarr-e-z jantz-i z-it-u-en. frost.erg tree.plu silver.idf.ins clothe.pef plu/.tra.pst h. Abraham-e-k egurr-a-z karga-tu z-u-en Isaak. Abraham.erg wood.ins load.pef tra.pst Isaac i. Ukabilkada-z jos-i z-u-te-n. punch.idf.ins overwhelm.pef /plu.tra.pst (5) Jainko Jaun-a-k gizon-a-ri ken-du-ri(k)-ko saihets¼hezurr-e-z emakume-a God Lord.erg man.dat take from.pef.sta.adn rib.idf bone.idf.ins woman molda-tu eta gizon-a-ri e-ra-ma-n z-i-o-n. fashion.pef and man.dat lead.pef dtr.pst (6) a. . . . esku-a-z lepo-a igur(t)z-ten z-i-o-(n)-la-rik. . . . hand.ins neck pat.ipf dtr.pst.lci b. Esku-a-z har d-it-za-ke-zu-e galburu-ak. hand.ins take.rad plu/2plu.tra.pot ear.plu

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(7) a. Horm(a)-a zula-tu n-u-en esku-z. wall make a hole through.pef /1.tra.pst hand.idf.ins b. Begi, oin eta esku-z keinu-ak e-gi-ten d-it-u engaina-tze-ko. eye.idf foot.idf and hand.idf.ins gesture.plu make.ipf plu/.tra deceive.ven.adn (8) a. . . . begi-e-z no-la z-ene-kus-a(-n)-n zu-re jabe handi-a. . . . eye.plu.ins how see./2.syt.pst.ncz you.gen master great b. . . . begi-e-z ez i-kus-te-ko, belarri-e-z ez e-ntzu-te-ko, buru-a-z ez . . . eye.plu.ins not see.ven.adn ear.plu.ins not hear.ven.adn head.ins not konpreni-tze-ko. undertsand.ven.adn (9) a. Ez d-it-u-t begi-z i-kus-i nahi. not plu/1.tra eye.idf.ins see want.ppr b. . . . begi-z ez i-kus-te-ko, eta belarri-z ez e-ntzu-te-ko; . . . . . . eye.idf.ins not see.ven.adn and ear.idf.ins not hear.ven.adn (10) a. . . . ber-e esku-e-z e-gi-n d-it-u-en ontzi-(e)-en . . . he himself.gen hand.plu.ins make.pef plu/.tra.nre ship.plu.gen pe-an. lower part.loc b. . . . ber-e esku-z desegin. . . . she herself.gen hand.idf.ins destroy (11) a. Ber-e esku-z e-ra-ma-n-go d-u. he himself.gen hand.idf.ins carry.fut tra b. N-eu-re esku-z ida(t)z-ten d-i-zu-e-t. I.ref.gen hand.idf.ins write.ipf /2plu/1.dtr (12) a. Z-eu-re begi-e-z i-kus-i ba-d-u-zu ere, . . . you.ref.gen eye.plu.ins see.pef cdp./2.tra even b. Ez be-za-te ber(-e)-en begi-e-z i-kus, . . . not /plu.tra.jus he himself.plu.gen eye.plu.ins see.rad (13) a. Bakoitz-a-k ber-e begi-z i-kus-ten d-it-u gauz(a)-ak. each.zep.erg he himself.gen eye.idf.ins see.ipf plu/.tra thing.plu b. Gauza harrigarri hai-ek egi(a)-ak z-ir-e(-n)-n ala ez, thing amazing yonder.plu truth.plu be.plu.syn.pst.ncz or not ber-e begi-z egiazta-tze-ko gogo-a sor-tu zi-tza-i-o-n. he himself.gen eye.idf.ins verify.ven.adn desire arise.pef dit.pst (14) H-eu-re mailu-a-z jo e-za-k etsai oro. you.sol.ref.gen hammer.ins hit(.rad) /2sol.tra.imp enemy all.idf


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(15) a. Gauza hilkorr-ak bakarr-ik e-gi-n d-it-za-ke ber-e esku thing mortal.plu only.sta make(.rad) plu/.tra.pot he himself.gen hand gaizto-e-z. evil.plu.ins b. Ber-e esku kutsa-tu-z har-tu z-it-u-en ontzi he himself.gen hand pollute.idf.ins take.pef plu/.tra.pst vessel.plu sakra-tu-ak. consecrate.pef.plu c. Ber-(h)ai-ek ez d-it-u-z-te behatz bat-e-z ere mugi-tu same.idf yonder one.plu.erg not plu/plu.tra ďŹ nger a.idf.ins even move nahi. want.ppr d. En-e begi hau-e-ta-z berri-z i-kus-i-ko z-a-it-u-t. I.gen eye this.plu.ins again see.fut 2/1.tra (16) a. Musu bat-e-z sal-tzen al d-u-zu Gizon-a-ren Seme-a? Kiss a.idf.ins betray.ipf int /2.tra Man.gen Son b. Judas-en-ak nagusi-tu z-ir-e-n Jainko-a-ren laguntz(a)-a-z. Judas.gen.zep.plu prevail.pef plu.itr.pst God.gen help.ins c. Inor-k ber-e iritzi-z eta burubide-z lagun-du nahi anyone.erg he himself.gen opinion.idf.ins and advice.idf.ins help want.ppr ba-d-i-gu, mila esker. cdp./1plu/.dtr thousand gratitude.idf (17) a. Poe-ren hitz-e-z azal de-za-ke-gu. Poe.gen word.plu.ins explain.rad /1plu.tra.pot b. Herri hon-e-k ezpain-e-z ohora-tzen n-a-u. people this.erg lip.idf.ins honor.ipf 1/.tra c. Hi(t)zkuntza arrotz-e-z hitzegin-go d-i-o-t herri hon-i. language foreign.idf.ins speak.fut //1.dtr people this.dat d. Seta-z-ko ahots-e-z oso lasai mintza-tu zi-tza-i-da-n. persistence.idf.ins.adn voice.idf.ins very calm.pre speak.pef 1/.dit.pst e. Ez da gai iza-ten beste euskalki-z mintza-tze-ko, not be.syn able.idf be.ipf other Basque dialect.idf.ins speak.ven.adn aho-z nahi-z izkribu-z. mouth.idf.ins will.idf.ins written word.idf.ins (18) a. Autobus-e-z j-oa-te-a d-u-zu hobe-ren-a. bus.idf.ins go.ven have./2.syt good.sup.zep.sin b. Han-dik hamabi ordu-an igo-ko z-ir-e-n Bogota-ra nahi-z over there.ela twelve hour.loc go up.fut plu.itr.pst Bogota.all will.idf.ins

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tren-e-z nahi-z beribil-e-z. train.idf.ins will.idf.ins car.idf.ins c. Bide hura ez n-u-en ontzi-z, zaldi-z edo oin-e-z e-gi-n way yonder not have./1.syt.pst ship.idf.ins horse.idf.ins or foot.idf.ins do beharr-ik. need.par (19) a. AmaÂźalab(a)-ak azken-en-go tren-e-an ber(-e)-en herri-ra mother and daughter.plu last.sup.adn train.loc she herself.plu.gen village.all j-oa-n z-ir-e-n. go.pef plu.itr.pst b. Azken-e-ko tren-e-an ba-da-tor, garai hori behar d-u etxera-tze-ko. last.adn train.loc cdp.come.syn time that need.ppr tra get home.ven.adn (20) a. Lagun zahar bat-en bide-z ikas-i z-u-en. friend old a.idf.ins way.idf.ins learn.pef tra.pst b. Hon-en bide-z bidal-tzen d-i-zu-e-t eskutitz hau. this one.gen way.idf.ins send.ipf /2plu/1.dtr letter this c. Jaun-a-k mirari bat-en bide-z gorde z-u-en. Lord.erg miracle a.idf.ins way.idf.ins protect.pef tra.pst (21) a. E-gi-n d-u-t ni-re eskabide-a Antonio Done-a-ren bitarte-z. make.pef /1.tra I.gen petition Anthony Saint.gen intervention.idf.ins b. Erantzun-ak musikalari(-e)-en bitarte-z e-torr-i-ko za-i-z-ki-gu. answer.plu musician.plu.gen intervention.idf.ins come.fut 1plu/.dit c. Euskara ba(t)-tu-a-k, izkribu-z-ko batasun-a-ren Basque language unify.pef.erg written word.idf.ins.adn unity.gen bitarte-z, judu(-e)-en-tzat adina jentil(-e)-en-tzat e-gi-n-a intervention.idf.ins Jew.plu.ben enp Gentile.plu.ben make.pef.sin behar d-u iza-n. have to.ppr tra be (22) a. Bekatu-a mundu-an sar-tu da gizon bakar bat-en medio-z. sin world.loc come into.pef man single one.idf.gen means.idf.ins b. Arim(a)-a-ren medio-z gizon-a-k egi(a)-a e-zagu-t de-za-ke. soul.gen means.idf.ins man.erg truth know.rad tra.pot c. Gu-re hitzÂźaltxorr-a ugari-tu beharr-e-an aurki-tzen g-a-r-a, d-ela we.gen word.idf stock increase need.loc ďŹ nd.ipf 1plu.itr be.syn.lcz hitz sor-tu(-e)-en medio-z, d-ela beste-ta-ri(k)-ko hitz word invent.pef.plu.gen means.idf.ins be.syn.lcz else.idf.ela.adn word arrotz(-e)-en bitarte-z. foreign.plu.gen intervention.idf.ins


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(23) a. Am(a)-a-ga(i)-tik andre oro behar l-u-ke gora-tu. mother.mot woman all.idf ought to.ppr tra.cod praise b. Hai-ek bi-ak gal-du d-it-u-t, amore-a, ni-k zu-ga(i)-tik. yonder one.plu two.plu lose.pef plu/1/tra love I.erg you.mot (24) a. Ez da gose-z hil-ko. not itr hunger.idf.ins die.fut b. Begi-ak erre-ta d-it-u-t samin-e-z. eye.plu burn.pec plu/1.tra bitterness.idf.ins c. Gaur egun-e-an ezin da-i-te-ke zigarro-rik pi(t)z-tu su-a sor-tu-ko d-en today day.loc npp itr.pot cigar.par light ďŹ re break out.fut itr.ncz beldurr-e-z. fear.idf.ins d. Mendi-ak mugi omen da-i-tez-ke fede-a-z. mountain.plu move rep plu.itr.pot faith.ins e. G-eu-re erru-z gal-du g-en-u-en. we.ref.gen fault.idf.ins lose.pef /1plu.tra.pst f. N-eu-re indarr-e-z libra-tu n-in-tz-e-n. I.ref.gen strength.idf.ins free.pef 1.itr.pst g. Hil n-a-di-la maitasun-e-z. die(.rad) 1.itr.suj.lcz love.idf.ins h. Hori(-e)-en erregu-z bigun-tzen d-ir-a Jaungoiko-a-ren that one.plu.gen prayer.idf.ins soften.ipf plu.itr God.gen haserre-ak. indignation.plu (25) a. Beldurr-a-ren beldurr-e-z ez ze-ki-en zer e-gi-n ere. fear.gen fear.idf.ins not know.syt.pst what do even b. Anai(a)-ek, izu-a-ren izu-z, ez z-u-te-n e-ra-ntzu-te-n brother.plu.erg fright.gen fright.idf.ins not /plu.tra.pst answer.ven.loc asma-tzen. manage.ipf c. Ez zi-tza-i-o-n e-ma-n hizkuntz(a)-a, egi(a)-a, neke-a-ren neke-z not dit.pst give.pef language truth e¤ort.gen e¤ort.idf.ins beregana-tu z-u-en. appropriate.pef tra.pst d. Lo-rik e-gi-te-rik ez z-u-en iza-n-go, noski, urduritasun-a-ren sleep.par do.ven.par not tra.pst have.fut of course nervousness.gen urduritasun-e-z. nervousness.idf.ins

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e. Gogoet(a)-a-ren gogoeta-z gerta-tu-a desgert(a)-araz-te-ko thinking.gen thinking.idf.ins happen.pef.zep unhappen.cau.ven.adn modu-rik ba-le-go bezala. possibility.par sip Even if the DGV does not mention a base verb desgertatu, I opt for a ‘‘causative’’ analysis of desgertarazi: the play with gertatua was simply too beautiful not to act in this way. f. Hau-ek ez d-u-te fits-ik ere gal-du nahi this one.plu.erg not /plu.tra little bit.par even lose want.ppr indarkeri(a)-a-ren indarkeria-z sakelera-tu d-u-te-n-e-tik. brutal force.gen brutal force.idf.ins pocket.pef /plu.nre.zep.ela (26) a. Eda-n-a-ren eda-n-e-z, zabuka eta oin-ak loka-tu-ta d-i-h-oa-z drink.ptc.gen drink.ptc.idf.ins reeling and foot.plu dislocate.pec go.plu.syn etxe-ra. house.all In forms like zihoan I consider the -i- to be a product of raising (out of the past tense marker ze-) while analogically spreading over into the corresponding forms of the present tense (e.g., dihoa); an alternative hypothesis could be the interpretation of -i- as the initial prefix of the stem of the verb joan (personal communication from Bernard Oyharc¸abal). b. Maiz gerta-tu ohi da idazle-a esa-n-a-ren esa-n-e-z frequently happen be in habit.ppr itr author say.ptc.gen say.ptc.idf.ins asper-tu-rik bezala mintza-tzen za-i-gu-la. get bored.pef.sta sip speak.ipf plu/.dit.lcz (27) a. Kontu zaharr-a! Ja-ki-n-a-ren ja-ki-n-e-z aha(t)z-tu-rik story old know.ptc.gen know.ptc.idf.ins forget.pef.sta da-uka-gu-n-a. have./1plu.syt.nre.zep b. Zaldi-a-k ez z-i-o-n bide-tik behin-go-an alde e-gi-n, ezin horse.erg not dtr.pst road.ela once.adn.loc side.idf make.pef npp z-u-e(n)-la-ko neka-tu-a-ren neka-tu-z. tra.pst.lcz.adn get exhausted.ptc.gen get exhausted.ptc.idf.ins c. Neka-tu-a-ren neka-tu-z ezin ja-rraik z-i-tez-ke-en get exhausted.ptc.gen get exhausted.ptc.idf.ins npp chase.rad plu.itr.pot.pst ihestiarr(-e)-en ondo-tik. fugitive.plu.gen side.ela (28) a. Ni negarr-e-z n-a-go. I crying.idf.ins be.1.syn


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b. Herrimin-e-z n-a-go Kalifornia-n. homesickness.idf.ins be.1.syn California.loc c. Erdainkuntz(a)-a-ga(i)-tik min-e-z ze-u-de(-n)-la, . . . circumcision.mot pain.idf.ins be.plu.syn.pst.lci d. Har-k ez d-u ezer e-ra-ntzu-n, baina lotsa-z e-go-n-go da. yonder one.erg not tra anything answer.pef but shame.idf.ins be.fut itr e. Bihotz-a d-u-t samin-e-z, begi-ak negarr-e-z. heart have./1.syt bitterness.idf.ins eye.plu tear.idf.ins (29) a. Sekula-ko ikara-z eta dardara-z ze-bil-ki-o-n gorputz-a. terrible.adn shaking.idf.ins and trembling.idf.ins go about.dyn.pst body b. Zu-rekin hitz e-gi-te-ko beldurr-e-z i-bil-i-ko n-a-iz hemen-dik aurre-ra. you.soc word.idf do.ven.adn fear.idf.ins walk.fut 1.itr here.ela front.all c. Kale-ra atera-tze-ko lotsa-z n-en-go-en. street.all go out.ven.adn shame.idf.ins be.1.syn.pst d. Dohatsu zuzenbide-a-ren gose-z eta egarri-z blessed.idf justice.gen hunger.idf.ins and thirst.idf.ins da-u-de-n-ak. be.plu.syn.nre.zep.plu e. Ez e-go-n har-en jaki gozo(-e)-en irrika-z. not be(.rad) yonder one.gen dish tasty.plu.gen longing.idf.ins (30) a. S. Franses Xavier oihu-z ze-go-en Jainko-a-ri: St. Francis Xavier shout.idf.ins be.syn.pst God.dat ‘‘Aski, Jaun-a, aski!’’ ‘‘enough, Lord enough!’’ b. Ez bakarr-ik dei-e-z g-a-u-de, baizik deiadarr-e-z. not only.sta call.plu.ins be.1plu.syn but clamor.plu.ins c. Senar-tzat nahi al n-a-u-zu-n e-go-n n-a-iz galde-z. want.ppr int 1/2.tra.ncz be.pef 1.itr question.idf.ins d. Zu-re anai-a-ren odol-a lurr-e-tik oihu-z da-go-ki-t. you.gen brother.gen blood ground.ela shout.idf.ins be.1/.dyn (31) a. Gizarte-a-ri oihu-z ari n-a-iz zuzentasun-a-ren galde-z. society.dat shout.idf.ins be busy.ppr 1.itr justice.gen question.idf.ins b. Zu-re dei-e-z g-a-u-de Eba-ren ume herbeste-tu-ok. you.gen call.plu.ins be.1plu.syn Eve.gen child (32) a. Irribarre-z har-tu z-it-u-en Don Pedro-k. smile.idf.ins receive.pef plu/.tra.pst Don Pedro.erg b. Neke-z e-gi-n n-u-en ni-re bide-a. e¤ort.idf.ins make.pef /1.tra.pst I.gen way

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c. Beti ausardia-z joka-tu d-u-t. always intrepidity.idf.ins act.pef /1.tra d. Guzti-ek begira-tzen z-i-da-te-n lotsa-z eta beldurr-e-z. all.plu.erg look at.ipf 1/plu.dtr.pst respect.idf.ins and fear.idf.ins (33) a. Plazer haundi-z hitzegin-go d-u-t zu-rekin. pleasure great.idf.ins speak.fut /1.tra you.soc b. Arreta haundi-z e-ntzu-ten g-en-i-o-n. attention great.idf.ins listen.ipf //1plu.dtr.pst c. Abots fin-e-z eta asti-ro irakurr-i d-u ber-e papertxo-a. voice fine.idf.ins and slowly read.pef tra he himself.gen little paper d. Andre Maria-k begi gozo-z eta hitz gozo-ago-z e-ra-ntzu-n Lady Mary.erg eye sweet.idf.ins and word sweet.cop.idf.ins answer.pef z-i-da-n. /1/.dtr.pst e. Ben-e-ta-ko-a z-irudi-e(n)-n irribarre bat-e-z agur-tu d-it-u-t true.zep.plu.adn seem.syt.pst.nre smile a.idf.ins greet.pef plu/1.tra den-ak. everybody.plu (34) a. Osasun-e-z on-gi n-a-go. health.idf.ins well be.1.syn b. Martin Saldias ez ze-n lanbide-z zelatari. Martin Saldias not be.syn.pst profession.idf.ins spy.idf c. Arrain-e-z ere gai(t)z-ki g-a-bil-tza. fish.idf.ins too badly walk.1plu.syn d. Esku-z bezain-bat buru-z ere azkarr-a z-a-r-a. hand.idf.ins enp head.idf.ins too quick be.2.syn e. Ni-re anaia ze(-n)-n-a-k ondasun-e-z oso poli(t)-ki utz-i I.gen brother.idf be.syn.pst.nre.zep.erg goods.idf.ins very nicely leave.pef z-u-en. tra.pst f. Garai-z eta aldarte-z, zeharo ezberdin-ak d-ir-a. period.idf.ins and temperament.idf.ins totally di¤erent.plu be.plu.syn (35) Eta alde-z damu d-u-t, eta alde-z atsegin. and side.idf.ins regret.idf have./1.syt and side.idf.ins pleasure.idf (36) a. Beste hamabost urte-z luza-tu-ko d-i-zu-t bizi-a. other fifteen year.idf.ins lengthen.fut /2/1.dtr life b. Ez de-za-ke inor-k ber-e bizi-a luza-tu, ezta minutu not tra.pot anybody.erg he himself.gen life lengthen not either minute


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bat-e-z ere. one.idf.ins even (37) a. Eta and b. Eta and

zen-bat-e-z how much.ins zen-bat-e-z how much.ins

ez da gehi-ago gizaki-a ardi-a baino? not be.syn more.cop.idf human being sheep srp z-a-r-e-te zu-ek gehiago, txori-ak baino! be.2plu.syn you.plu more.cop.idf bird.plu srp

(38) a. Eta egun hura hamar ordu-z luze-ago iza-n ze-n. and day yonder ten hour.idf.ins long.cop.idf be.pef itr.pst b. Gu-re euskar(a)-a, hura baino bi mila urte baino we.gen Basque language yonder one srp two thousand year.idf srp gehi-ago-z gazte-ago-a da. more.cop.idf.ins young.cop be.syn c. Homero Detxepare baino bi mila urte-z lehen-ago Homer Detxepare srp two thousand year.idf.ins formerly.cop.idf jaio ze-n. be born.pef itr.pst d. Buru-a-z handi-ago ze-n Edurne senarr-a baino. head.ins tall.cop.idf be.syn.pst Edurne husband srp e. Ezkon-du ze-n ber-a baino lau urte-z gazte-ago-ko Marie marry.pef itr.pst he himself srp four year.idf.ins young.cop.adn Marie Peydouvan bat-ekin. Peydouvan a.idf.soc (39) a. Hiru egun-e-z atseden har-tu n-u-en. three day.idf.ins rest.idf take.pef /1.tra.pst b. Berrogei egun-e-z irau-n z-u-en uholde-a-k. forty day.idf.ins last.pef tra.pst ood.erg c. Une bat-e-z gurutza-tu d-ir-a bi(-e)-en begi-ak. moment a.idf.ins cross.pef plu.itr two.zep.plu.gen eye.plu (40) Harri horr-e-k bost segundo-z lurr-a jo d-u. stone that.erg ďŹ ve second.idf.ins ground hit.pef tra (41) a. Ostegun-e-z Itziar-ko Ama Birjin(a)-a i-kus-te-ra igo Thursday.idf.ins Itziar.adn Mother Virgin see.ven.all go up.pef g-in-e-n. 1plu.itr.pst b. Jerusalen-(r)a abia-tu-ko da biharamun goiz-e-z. Jerusalem.all start out.fut itr next day.idf morning.idf.ins c. Beste egun-e-z ere e-tor g-in-tez-ke-en, ja-ki-n iza-n other day.idf.ins too come.rad plu.itr.pot.pst know.pef have.pef

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ba-g-en-u. cdp./1plu.tra.cod d. Negu-ko egun goibel bat-e-z hel-du n-in-tz-e-n Villamediana-ra. winter.adn day gloomy a.idf.ins arrive.pef 1.itr.pst Villamediana.all (42) a. Gauza hori(-e)-en gain-e-an mintza-tu za-i-gu. thing that.plu.gen top.loc talk.pef 1plu/.dit b. Aspaldi-an jende-a isil-ik da-go kontrabando-a-ren gain-e-an. while.loc people silent.sta be.syn smuggling.gen top.loc c. Nahi-ko n-u-ke zerbait ja-ki-n txindurri(-e)-en gain-e-an. want.fut /1.tra.cod something know ant.plu.gen top.loc d. On-gi d-eritz-a-t Baiona-n izen-a-ren gain-e-an e-ra-baki well deem.//1.dyt Bayonne.loc noun.gen top.loc decide.pef z-u-te(-n)-n-a-ri. /plu.tra.pst.nre.zep.dat See (3b) for the analysis of ‘erabaki’. (43) a. En-e gain-e-an negarr-ik ez e-gi-n. I.gen top.loc crying.par not do(.rad) In the case of egin, I gloss (.rad), since we are dealing here with a verb form both analyses of which can be considered acceptable in Euskara Batua, though this sentence originates from a northern text by Duvoisin. b. Ez ni-ta-z negar e-gi-n. not I.ins crying.idf do(.rad) c. Ez e-gi-n negarr-ik ni-re-ga(i)-tik. not do(.rad) crying.par I.mot (44) a. Fede-a-k e-ra-ku(t)s-ten d-i-gu zer eginbide d-u-gu-n gu-re faith.erg show.ipf /1plu/.dtr what duty have./1plu.syt.ncz we.gen kreatzaile-a-ri buru-z. creator.dat head.idf.ins For the analysis of erakusten, see example (3b). b. Benveniste-k iker-tu z-u-en hiztun-a-k no-la joka-tzen d-u-en Benveniste.erg investigate.pef tra.pst speaker.erg how behave.ipf tra.ncz denbor(a)-a-ri buru-z. time.dat head.idf.ins c. Arana Goiri eta Azkue ez z-ir-e-n talde ber-e-ko-ak Arana Goiri and Azkue not be.plu.syn.pst group same.adn.zep.plu euskar(a)-a-ri buru-z. Basque language.dat head.idf.ins (45) a. Hon-(r)a zer d-io-en hitz berri-e-i buru-z: here.all what say.syt.ncz word new.plu.dat head.idf.ins


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b. Engaina-tu nahi z-a-it-u-z-te-n-e-i buru-z idatz-i deceive want.ppr 2plu/plu.tra.nre.zep.plu.dat head.idf.ins write.pef d-i-zu-e-t hau. /2plu/1.dtr this c. Ben-e-ta-ko baldarkeri(a)-a orain-go garai-o-ta-n Kant-i buru-z true.zep.plu.adn stupidity now.adn Kant.dat head.idf.ins hitzegi-te-a. talk.ven (46) a. Zu(-e)-en baimen-a-rekin n-eu-re buru-a-z zerbait esa-n nahi you.plu.gen permission.soc I.ref.gen head.ins something say want.ppr n-u-ke. /1.tra.cod b. Ait(a)-a-z mintza-tzen al ze-n? father.ins talk.ipf int itr.pst c. Bi-o-z mintza-tu-ko n-a-tza-i-zu-e orain, eta bat-e-z ere talk.fut 2plu/1.dit now and especially bigarren-a-z. second.zep.ins d. Egunero-ko bizitz(a)-a-z hitzegi-n g-en-u-en gosal-du bitarte-an. every day.adn life.ins speak.pef /1plu.tra.pst have breakfast interval.loc e. Har-ta-z da-go idatz-i-a Liburu Santu-an: . . . yonder one.ins be.syn write.pef.sin Book Holy.loc (47) a. Mundu zabal-a-ri galdegi-n n-i-o-n ene Jainko-a-z. world wide.dat ask.pef //1.dtr.pst i.gen God.ins b. Norbait-e-k ni-ta-z galdegi-ten ba-d-u, . . . someone.erg I.ins ask.ipf cdp.tra c. HorÂźhemen bil(a)-an ze-bil-e(n)-la, anai(a)-e-z galde-tu z-i-o-n there.loc-here.loc search.loc walk.syn.pst.lci brother.plu.ins ask.pef dtr.pst gizon bat-i. man a.idf.dat (48) a. Beste bat-e-an e-ntzu-n-go d-i-zu-gu horr-e-ta-z. other a.loc hear.fut /2/1plu.dtr that.ins b. Zer da zu-ta-z e-ntzu-n d-u-da-n hori? what be.syn you.ins hear.pef /1.tra.nre that c. Adi-tu al d-u-zu zerbait gerr(a)-a-z? hear.pef int /2.tra something war.ins (49) a. Ea zer da-ki-zu-n hamabost eta hamaseigarren mende-a-z. wcc what know./2.syt.ncz ďŹ fteen and sixteenth century.ins

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b. Ni-ta-z ez da-ki-da-n zerbait Zu-ta-z ba-da-ki-t. I.ins not know./1.syt.nre something You.ins aff.know./1.syt (50) a. Ber-e egiteko(-e)-en gain-e-ko galde asko e-gi-n z-i-z-ki-o-n. she herself.gen duty.plu.gen top.adn question many make.pef plu//.dtr.pst b. Arranondo-ko gauz(a)(-e)-en gain-e-ko jardun luze bat-e-an has-i Arranondo.adn matter.plu.gen top.adn conversation long a.loc begin.pef z-ir-e-n. plu.itr.pst (51) a. Humboldt e-torr-i zi-tza-i-gu-n gu-re-ra, gu-re gauz(a)-e-i Humboldt come.pef 1plu/.itr.pst we.gen.zep.all we.gen a¤air.plu.dat buru-z-ko zenbait berri atzerri-an jaso ondo-an. head.idf.ins.adn some news foreign country.loc get side.loc b. Sintaxi-a-ri buru-z-ko saio-ak inoiz baino ugari-ago syntax.dat head.idf.ins.adn essay.plu ever srp plentiful.cop.idf d-it-u-gu. have.plu/1plu.syt (52) a. Ez not b. Ez not

d-u-gu hitz hori balia-tzen. /1plu.tra word that use.ipf g-a-r-a hitz horr-e-ta-z balia-tzen. 1plu.itr word that.ins use.ipf

(53) a. Aha(t)z-tu-ko g-a-it-u-z-te. forget.fut 1plu/plu.tra b. Ez d-ir-a gu-ta-z erabat aha(t)z-tu. not plu.itr we.ins completely forget.pef (54) a. Gogora Lot-en emazte-a. remember.rad Lot.gen wife b. Gogora-tzen al z-a-r-a Andoni-z? remember.ipf int 2.itr Anthony (55) a. Orain ere urrun z-a-r-ela-r-ik oroi(t)-tu-ko z-a-it-u-t. now even far away.idf be.2.syn.lci remember.fut 2/1.tra b. Gu-re ama-z oroi(t)-tu n-in-tz-e-n. we.gen mother.idf.ins remember.pef 1.itr.pst (56) a. Iliad(a)-a zaharÂźgazte-ek goza de-za-ke-te-la Iliad old.idf young.zep.plu.erg enjoy.rad /plu.tra.pot.lcz ba-da-ki-t. aff.know./1/syt


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b. Maitasun horr-en berotasun-a-z luza-z de-za-te-la goza. love that.gen warmth.ins long( time).ins /plu.tra.suj.lcz enjoy.rad (57) a. Buruzagi-ek burla-tzen z-u-te-n Jesus. ruler.plu.erg make fun of.ipf /plu.tra.pst Jesus b. Ez n-a-iz zu-ta-z burla-tzen. not 1.itr you.ins make fun of.ipf (58) a. Nor-k trufa-tu z-a-it-u berri-z ere? who.erg make fun of.pef 2/.tra new.idf.ins too b. Ez da Jainko-a-z trufa-tzen. not itr God.ins make fun of.ipf (59) a. Z-eu-o-(e)n buru-ak erruki / erruki-tu it-za-zu-e. head.plu have pity on.rad have pity on plu/2plu.tra.imp b. Erruki z-a-i-tez gu-ta-z. have pity on.rad 2.itr.imp we.ins (60) a. Erdi-tu-ko d-u seme-a. give birth to.fut tra son b. Erdi-ko da seme bat-e-z. give birth to.fut itr son a.idf.ins (61) a. Maiz nabari-tzen d-u-gu premia hori. often sense.ipf /1plu.tra need that b. On-gi nabari-tu ze-n Azkue horr-e-ta-z. well sense.pef itr.pst Azkue that.ins (62) a. Hiru-ek, bai am(a)-a-k, bai alab(a)-ek, mintza-tzen d-u-te three.zep.plu.erg both mother.erg and daughter.plu.erg speak.ipf /plu.tra euskar(a)-a. Basque language b. Hiru-ak mintza-tzen d-ir-a euskara-z. three.zep.plu speak.ipf plu.itr Basque language.idf.ins (63) a. Une bat-e-tik beste-ra etxe eta ondasun-e-z jabe-tu-ko da. moment one.ela other.zep.all house and asset.plu.ins take over.fut itr b. Egi(a)-a-z jabe-tu-ko z-a-r-a. truth.ins get to know.fut 2.itr c. Ez n-a-iz jabe-tzen d-io-zu-n-a-z. not 1.itr grasp.itr say./2.syt.nre.zep.ins (64) a. Zer pasione-k gu-re bihotz-a nagusi-tzen d-u-te? what passion.erg we.gen heart dominate.ipf /plu.tra

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b. Ez z-ir-e-n ber(-e)-en arm(a)-e-i esker nagusi-tu not plu.itr.pst he himself.plu.gen weapon.plu.dat thanks.idf conquer.pef lurralde-a-z. land.ins (65) a. Beste zerbait-e-ta-z ohar-tu / ohar(t)-tu n-in-tz-e-n. else something.ins notice.pef notice.pef 1.itr.pst b. Ohar(t)-tzen / ohar-tzen al n-in-tz-e-n gerta-tze-n ari notice.ipf notice.ipf int 1.itr.pst happen.ven.loc be busy.ppr ze(-n)-n-a-z? itr.pst.nre.zep.ins (66) Kalte haundi-ak e-gi-n ondo-an kontura-tu z-ir-e-n horr-e-ta-z. damage big.plu do continuity.loc realize.pef plu.itr.pst that.ins (67) Haurr-e-z ez ze-n deus ere ardura-tzen. child.plu.ins not itr.pst anything even be interested in.ipf (68) a. Ez l-u-ke inor-k erantzun hon-e-ta-z harri-tu behar. not tra.cod anybody.erg answer this.ins be surprised should.ppr b. Txirrita sagardo-a-ren prezio-a-z kezka-tzen ze-n. Txirrita cider.gen price.ins be worried.ipf itr.pst c. Ez ze-n ait(a)-a-z lotsa-tzen? not itr.pst father.ins be ashamed.ipf d. Ez n-a-iz etsai-a-ren hondamendi-a-z poz-tu not 1.itr enemy.gen disaster.ins rejoice.pef e. Mutil-a-rekin gerta-tu za-i-zu-e-n-a-z, ni ere nahigabe-tzen n-a-iz. boy.soc happen.pef 2plu/.dit.nre.zep.ins I too be grieved 1.itr (69) a. Gabe-tu nahi n-a-u-zu-e bizi-a-z. deprive want.ppr 1/2plu.tra life.ins b. Ez d-u-t esku-e-ta-n d-u-da-n-a-z gabe-tu nahi. not /1.tra hand.plu.loc have./1.syt.nre.zep.ins be deprived want.ppr (70) a. EzÂźdeus e-gi-te-a-z ber-a-z ikas-ten da gaizki e-gi-te-n. nothing do.ven.ins it itself.zep.ins learn.ipf itr evil.idf do.ven.loc b. Astakeria handi bat e-gi-n z-u-te-n haitz-e-ta-ra egun guzti-ra-ko stupidity big a do.pef /plu.tra.pst rock.plu.all day whole.des j-oa-te-a-z. go.ven.ins c. Ni-re semeÂźalab(a)-ek eta ni-k hutsune galant-a iza-n-go I.gen son.idf and daughter.plu.erg and I.erg emptiness great have.fut d-u-gu etxe-an har-en j-oa-te-a-z. /1plu.tra house.loc yonder one.gen go.ven.ins



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d. Etxe-an geldi e-go-te-a-z, bat asper-tzen da. house.loc idle.pre stay.ven.ins one get bored.ipf itr (71) a. Arrain gordin-a jan-e-z irau-n n-u-en. fish raw eat.ptc.idf.ins endure.pef 1.tra.pst b. Drog(a)-a eros-te-ko diru-a, gorputz-a sal-du-z irabaz-ten d-u-te. drugs buy.ven.adn money body sell.ptc.idf.ins earn.ipf /plu.tra c. N-e(u)-r(e h)on-e-k galaraz-i-ko d-u-t agintari(-e)-en-gan-(r)a j-oa-n-e-z eta I myself.erg prevent.fut /1.tra authority.plu.all go.ptc.idf.ins and sala-tu-a-z. denounce.ptc.ins Synchronically, I have galarazi not analyzed as a causative (separately lemmatized by I. Sarasola) despite its obvious link with gal-du. d. Z-eu(-e)-en herri-a-ri su e-ma-n-a-z ager-tzen d-u-zu-e you.ref.plu.gen village.dat fire.idf give.ptc.ins show.ipf /2plu.tra zu(-e)-en bilaukeri(a)-a. you.plu.gen villainy e. Gero lo¼kuluxka bat e-gi-n-e-z, buru-ko min-a j-oa-n-go afterward sleep.idf-short nap.idf a do.ptc.idf.ins head.adn ache go.fut za-i-t. 1/.dit (72) a. Bazter bat-e-an geldi-tzen da malko-ak xuka-tu-a-z. corner a.loc remain.ipf itr tear.plu dry.ptc.ins b. —Antz e-ma-n-a n-en-go-en— musu bat e-ma-n-a-z esa-n z-i-o-n. —likeness.idf give.pef.sin be.1.syn.pst— kiss a give.ptc.ins tell.pef dtr.pst c. Hon-e-k, haurr-e-i agur e-gi-n-a-z, har-tu d-u ber-e this one.erg child.plu.dat goodbye.idf do.ptc.ins take.pef tra he himself.gen etxe-ra-ko bide-a. house.all.adn road d. Inguru-ra begirada azkar bat bote-a-z presaka alde e-gi-n surroundings.all glance quick a cast.ptc.ins in a hurry span.idf make.pef d-u-t han-dik. /1.tra over there.ela e. Hotzikara bat senti-tu d-u goi-tik behe-ra zeharka-tu-z. cold shiver a feel.pef tra top.ela bottom.all pass through.ptc.idf.ins (73) a. Adurr-a ze-ri-o-n ezpain-e-ta-tik gaztai-a jan nahi-a-z. saliva drip.dyn.pst lip.plu.ela cheese eat want.ptc.ins b. Aspaldi-danik da-bil hemen lantegi berri bat eraiki nahi-z. while.ela be around.syn here.loc factory new a build want.ptc.idf.ins

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c. Eeeeep . . . !— oihu ze-gi-e-n hai(-e)-en gogo-a su-tu ‘‘eeeeep . . . !’’— shout.idf do./plu/.dyt yonder one.plu.gen spirit fire up nahi-z. want.ptc.idf.ins (74) a. Lan ederr-a jarr-i d-i-gu-zu-e horren-beste galtza txuri jos-i job great impose.pef /1plu/2plu.dtr so many pants white sew beharr-e-z. need.ptc.idf.ins b. Atera ze-n jan beharr-e-z. go-out.pef itr.pst eat need.ptc.idf.ins c. Egun bat-e-z abia-tzen da Haxko, basajaun-a no-ra j-oa-ten d-en day a.idf.ins set o¤.ipf itr Haxko sylvan man where.all go.ipf itr.ncz i-kus-i beharr-e-z. see need.ptc.idf.ins (75) a. Jaun-a-ren hitz-a aitzina-tu-z eta heda-tu-z zi-h-oa-n. Lord.gen word advance.ptc.idf.ins and spread.ptc.idf.ins go.syn.pst For zihoan see example (26a). b. Egun-e-tik egun-e-ra, ilun-du-z eta flaka-tu-z d-oa. day.ela day.all get obscure.ptc.idf.ins and get weak.ptc.idf.ins go.syn c. Orain behinola-ko giro hura alda-tu-z d-oa. now once.adn atmosphere yonder change.ptc.idf.ins go.syn d. Eten-a da antzina-ko lokarri-a eta oroitzapen-a ber-a ere break.pef.sin itr long ago.adn bond and memory it itself even ezaba-tu-z d-oa. disappear.ptc.idf.ins go.syn e. Orde-a, horr-en parte-z, are-ago esna-tu-z j-oa-n substitute that.gen part.idf.ins top.cop.idf wake up.ptc.idf.ins go.pef n-in-tz-e-n. 1.itr.pst (76) Eta neurri-a ez d-oa urri-tze-n, haz-te-n eta ugari-tzen baizik. and quantity not go.syn diminish.ipf grow.ipf and increase.ipf but (77) a. **Hitz-ik word.par b. Hitz-ik word.par

ez esa-n-e-z j-oa-n ze-n. not say.ptc.idf.ins go.pef itr.pst esa-n gabe j-oa-n ze-n. say without.pre go.pef itr.pst

(78) a. Beste-rik esa(n)-te-ke u(t)z-ten al g-a-it-u-zu? else.zep.par say.ven.pri leave.ipf int 1plu/2.tra


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b. Hamar minutu inguru j-oa-n z-ir-e-n Mateo-k aho-rik ten minute.idf surroundings.idf go.pef plu.itr.pst Mateo.erg mouth.par zabal-tze-ke. open.ven.pri c. No-ra zi-h-oa(-n)-n ohar(t)-tze-ke / ohar-tze-ke, aurre-ra eta aurre-ra where.all go.syn.pst.ncz notice.ven.pri notice.ven.pri front.all and front.all jo z-u-en. go ahead.pef tra.pst d. Lehen, egun bat elkar i-kus-te-ke ezin pasa; eta orain, egun oso formerly day one each other see.ven.pri npp pass.rad and now day whole bat ezin pasa elkarr-ekin. a npp pass.rad each other.soc Chapter 28

(1) a. Nor d-ir-a hori-ek? who be.plu.syn that one.plu b. Nor d-ir-a hau-ek? who be.plu.syn this one.plu c. Nor-tzu-k d-ir-a hau-ek? who.plu be.plu.syn this one.plu d. Eliz(a)-an nor-tzu-k bil-du-ko g-a-r-a? church.loc who.plu get together.fut 1plu.itr (2) a. Ez n-a-iz ni nor auzi hori e-ra-baki-tze-ko. not be.1.syn I who dispute that decide.ven.adn b. Gu ez g-a-r-a nor galdera hau e-ra-ntzu-te-ko. we not be.1plu.syn who question this answer.ven.adn c. Jaun-a, ni ez n-a-iz nor zu n-eu-re aterpe-an sar z-a-i-tez-en. Lord I not be.1.syn who you I.ref.gen roof.loc enter.rad 2.itr.suj.ncz (3) a. Hai-e-ta-rik bi-e-ta-rik, zein-e-k i-ra-gan ote z-u-en yonder one.plu.ela two.zep.plu.ela which one.erg undergo.pef dub tra.pst mundu hon-e-ta-n pena eta trabailu gehi-ago? world this.loc pain and tribulation more.cop b. Bi-e-ta-ko zein nahi d-u-zu-e aska-tze-a? two.zep.plu.adn which one want.ppr /2plu.tra release.ven c. Zein da gu-re helburu-a? G-eu-re buru-a-ren atsegin-a ala which be.syn we.gen goal we.ref.gen head.gen pleasure or euskar(a)-a-ren on-a eta bizi-a? Basque language.gen welfare and existence

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d. Zein ur, geldi-a ala lasterr-a? which water stagnant.zep or running.zep e. Ez al da-ki-zu-e gaur zein egun d-u-gu-n? not int know./2plu.syt today which day have./1plu.syt.ncz f. Zein leku ikaragarri-a hau! which place awesome this one (4) a. Gero j-oa-n z-ir-e-n nor ber-e etxe-ra. later go.pef plu.itr.pst who he hmself.gen house.all b. Nor-i ber-e-a da zuzenbide-a. who.dat he himself.gen.zep be.syn right c. Nor-k ber-e bide-a hauta-tu behar d-u. who.erg he himself.gen way choose must.ppr tra d. Jende-a-k, oinaze-a-ren oinaze-z, nor-k ber-e mihi-a-ri hozka people.erg pain.gen pain.idf.ins who.erg he himself.gen tongue.dat bite.idf e-gi-ten z-i-o-n. do.ipf dtr.pst (5) a. Gu-re semealab(a)-ek ba-da-uka-te zein-e-k we.gen son and daughter.plu.erg aff.have./plu.syt which one.erg ber-e etxe-a. he himself.gen house b. Beste nazione guzti-ek, zein-e-k ber-e lengoaje-an beza-la, . . . other nation all.plu.erg which one.erg he himself.gen language.loc sip c. Eta ba-zi-h-oa-z-e-n oro, zein ber-e hiri-ra, ber-e and aff.go.plu.syn.pst all which one he himself.gen village.all he himself.gen izen-a e-ma-te-ra. name give.ven.all d. Soinulari hau-e-i zein-i ber-e tresn(a)-a-ren balio-a musician this.plu.dat which one.dat he himself.gen instrument.gen value ordain-du behar-ko za-i-o. compensate must.fut dit (6) a. Nor-k ez d-u maite nor-ber-e sorleku-a? who.erg not tra love.ppr who he himself.gen birthplace b. Norber-a-k ez d-u ber-e makarr-ik i-kus-ten. who he himself.erg not tra he himself.gen speck.par see.ipf c. Norber-a-k g-eu-re hutsegite-ak d-it-u-gu. who he himself.erg we.ref.gen fault.plu have.plu/1plu.syt (7) a. Zer-k d-irudi gezurr-a? what.erg seem.syt lie


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b. Zer-k ez z-a-it-u harri-tzen? what.erg not 2/.tra surprise.ipf c. Zer-k e-ra-kar-tzen g-a-it-u? Maite d-it-u-gu-n gauz(a)-(e)-ekin what.erg attract.ipf 1plu/.tra love.ppr plu/1plu.tra.nre thing.plu.soc zer-k adiskide-tzen g-a-it-u? what.erg conciliate.ipf 1plu/.tra (8) a. Etxe-an zer lan e-gi-ten d-u-zu? house.loc what work do.ipf /2.tra b. Zer berri da-kar-ki-gu-zu? what news bring./1plu/2.dyt c. Zer oker e-gi-n d-u, bada, hon-e-k? what evil do.pef tra inf this one.erg d. Zer gogo-k e-ma-n z-i-o-n zerbait e-gi-te-a, lehen inoiz ezer what desire.erg give.pef dtr.pst something do.ven before ever anything e-gi-n gabe? do without.pre e. Ze(r) berri? what news f. Ba-da-ki-zu-e ze(r) ordu d-en: aff.know./2plu.syt what hour be.syn.ncz: ‘‘later than you think.’’ ‘‘later than you think’’ g. Ze(r) gai erabil-tzen da eta zein hiskuntza-ta-n? what material use.ipf itr and which language.loc (9) a. Ezer on-ik atera ote da-i-te-ke Nazaret-e-tik? anything good.zep.par come out(.rad) dub itr.pot Nazareth.ela b. Zer-bait bero-a ere jan behar-ko d-u-gu. something warm.zep.sin also eat need.fut /1plu.tra c. Zer-nahi gauz(a)-a ikas-ten d-u. what you want thing.sin study.ipf tra d. Inor egoki-rik aurki-tu al d-u-zu lan har-ta-ra-ko? someone suitable.zep.par find.pef int /2.tra work yonder.des e. Norbait jakintsu-a behar d-u-gu. someone wise.zep.sin need.ppr /1plu.tra (10) a. Ez da-uka-zu zer esa-n-ik? not have./2.syt what say.zep.par b. Han-dik begira-tu-ta, ba-ze-go-en zer i-kus-i-a. over there.ela look.pec what see.zep

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c. Bi-ak, elkarr-ekin zer i-kus-i pixka bat ba-d-u-te. two.zep.plu each other.soc what see.zep.idf little bit a aff.have./plu.syt (11) a. Moises-e-k e-ra-ntzu-n z-i-e-n ez z-u-te(-n)-la zer Moses.erg answer.pef /plu/.dtr.pst not have./plu.syt.pst.lcz what ikara-tu. be afraid.zep.idf b. Jainko-a-ri beldur d-i-o-n-a-k ezer-ga(i)-tik ez d-u zer God.dat fear.idf have.dyt.nre.zep.erg anything.mot not have.syt what beldur-tu. be frightened.zep.idf c. Zu-k horr-e(n)-la pentsa-tze-a ez da zer harri-tu. you.erg that way think.ven not be.syn what be surprised.zep.idf (12) a. Non-dik no-ra e-ki-n z-en-i-o-n euskar(a)-a-ri? where.ela where.all take up.pef //2.dtr.pst Basque.dat b. Ez n-e-ki-en non-dik no-ra has-i. not know./1.syt.pst where.ela where.all begin c. Non-dik no-ra h-a-bil hi egun guzti-an? where.ela where.all walk.2sol.syn you.sol day all.loc d. Non-dik no-ra da-kar-k? where.ela where.all bring./2sol.syt (13) a. Inon-dik ino-ra iza-n ezin l-i-te-ke-en gauz(a)-a, ez somewhere.ela somewhere.all be.rad npp itr.pot.cod.nre thing not bat-e-ra eta ez beste-ra. one.zep.all and not other.zep.all b. Ez d-u-t e-gi-n-go inon-dik inor-a. not /1.tra do.fut somewhere.ela somewhere.all (14) a. Ez da inon-dik ere aditz-a euskalki(-e)-en arte-ko not be.syn somewhere.ela even verb Basque dialect.plu.gen between.adn bereizkuntza-rik larri-en-a. di造erence.par great.sup b. Beste-a, eri-a, ez da asma-tu-a inon-dik ere. other.zep illness not itr imagine.pef.sin somewhere.ela even (15) Gaur egun gauz(a)-ak zeharo alda-tu d-ir-a. today today thing.plu completely change plu.itr (16) a. Ez da-ki-gu hori-e-ta-z deus. not know./1plu.syt that one.plu.ins anything b. Hil ondo-an ez da deus gehi-ago gu-ta-rik geldi-tzen. death.idf remains.loc not itr anything more.cop we.par remain.ipf



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c. Ez da-go deus ere horr-en pare-ko-rik. not be.syn anything also that one.gen pair.adn.zep.par (17) a. Inor gutxi-k da-ki-z-ki gaur ber-e euskalki-a-ren someone few.idf.erg know.plu/.syt today he himself.gen Basque dialect.gen lege-ak. rule.plu b. Orain, Hollywood-e-tik ere deus gutxi e-tor-tzen za-i-gu. now Hollywood.ela even something little come.ipf 1plu/.dit c. Inoiz gutxi-ta-n e-tor-tzen da hon-(r)a. ever few.loc come.ipf itr here.all d. Bi gauza, inon gutxi-ta-n idoro da-i-te-z-ke-en-ak. two thing.idf somewhere few.loc find.rad plu.itr.pot.nre.zep.plu e. Inor-k ezer gutxi da-ki emakume hon-e-ta-z. someone.idf.erg something little know.syt woman this.ins (18) a. Ez da inor-txo ere plaz(a)-an. not be.syn someone.dim even square.loc b. Ezer-txo ez n-e-ki-en. anything.dim not know./1.syt.pst c. Argitaratzaile-a ere, egi(a)-a e-sa-n behar ba-d-u-gu, mire(t)s-ten publisher even truth say have to.ppr cdp./1plu.tra be surprised.ipf da zer-txo-bait. itr something.dim (19) a. Aho isil-e-tik ez da ezer ja-ki-ten. mouth silent.ela not itr anything learn.ipf b. Ez al z-int-u-en atzo goiz-e-an inor-k hemen i-kus-i? not int 2/.tra.pst yesterday morning.loc anyone.erg here.loc see.pef c. Inor-k non ze(n)-n ez ze-ki-te-n. anyone.erg where.loc be.syn.pst.ncz not know./plu.syt.pst d. Ez z-i-o-te-n inor-k sinets-i nahi. not //plu.dtr.pst anyone.erg believe want.ppr (20) a. Inor-k i-kus-i al z-a-it-u?— Inor-k ez. someone.erg see.pef int 2/.tra anyone.idf.erg not b. Ezer gerta-tu al za-i-zu?— Ezer ez. something happen int 2/.dit anything.idf not (21) a. Inor-txo-k ere ez d-i-zu-e poz hori ken-tze-rik iza-n-go. anyone.dim.erg even not /2plu/.dtr joy that take from.ven.par have.fut b. Inor-txo ere ez ze-n aurki-tzen ber-ta-n. anyone.dim even not itr.pst find.ipf right there.loc

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c. Ez d-u har-en aztarren-ik inon ere aurki-tzen. not tra yonder one.gen trace.par anywhere.loc even ďŹ nd.ipf d. Ez za-i-o inoiz ere damu-tu-ko. not dit ever even regret.fut e. Neska hori ez za-i-k ino-la ere komeni. girl that not 2sol/.dit in any way even convenient.pre (22) a. Etxeko-ren bat hil-zori-an d-u-gu, ino-la-z member of the family.idf.gen one.idf about to die have./1plu.syt somehow ere. even b. Inon-dik ere, lapurr-a Txomin da. somewhere.ela even thief Txomin be.syn c. Deabru-a da-bil, inola-z ere, gu-re eliz(a)-an. devil be at large.syn somehow even we.gen church.loc (23) a. Inor-k d-u beti erru-a. someone.erg. have.syt always fault b. Inor-en lepo-tik on-do eda(n)-ten d-u-te. someone.gen neck.ela well drink.ipf /plu.tra (24) a. Ezein jaun-e-k ez d-u nahi mutil gaixto-a e-duki. any master.idf.erg not tra want.ppr servant bad keep b. O andere excelente, ezein pare gabe-a . . . O lady exalted any equal.idf without c. Hizkuntza integrakuntz(a)-a beste ezein bezain beharr-e-z-ko-a language.idf integration else.idf any elp need.idf.ins.adn.zep d-u-gu. have./1plu.syt (25) a. Ez not b. Ez not

d-u euskar(a)-a-k egun-daino kalte-rik e-karr-i inon-go fede-a-ri. tra Basque.erg today.ter harm.par bring.pef anywhere.adn faith.dat n-a-iz ino-la-ko ezkutapen(-e)-ekin i-bil-i. 1.itr somehow.adn mystery.plu.soc go around.pef

(26) a. Atzerri-ra ihes e-gi-te-ko inon-go arrazoi-rik ez foreign country.all escape.idf make.ven.adn somewhere.adn reason.par not da-uka-gu. have./1plu.syt b. Baina gu-k ez d-u-gu inon-go zalantza-rik horr-e-ta-n. but we.erg not have./1plu.syt somewhere.adn doubt.par that one.loc (27) a. Zenbait ohoin-e-k ebats-i d-u-ke zu-re zaldi-a. some thief.erg steal.pef tra.fut you.gen horse


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b. Gu-ta-rik zenbait hil-en g-a-r-a aurten. we.par some die.fut 1plu.itr this year c. Zenbait aipa-tu-ko d-it-u-t. some mention.fut plu/1.tra d. Zenbait kritiko-k, berri-z, harrera uzkurr-a e-gi-n d-i-o-te. some critical.zep.erg however reception stubborn make.pef //plu.dtr (28) a. Gu-re ait(a)-a ez da eliza-ra j-oa-ten, zerbait-en-ga(i)-tik da we.gen father not itr church.all go.ipf something.mot be.syn sozialist(a)-a. socialist b. Zer edo zer-ga(i)-tik iza-n-go da. what or what.mot be.fut itr (29) a. Pello mozkor-tu-rik ze-go-en, non-bait. Pello get drunk.pef.sta be.syn.pst somewhere.loc b. Non-bait-en sor-tu ze-n euskar(a)-a. somewhere.loc originate.pef itr.pst Basque language (30) a. Lehendakari-a-k hiru-r-(h)ogei-(e)ta hamar urte d-it-u, hor president.erg seventy year.idf have.plu/.syt there.loc non-bait / non-bait han. somewhere.loc somewhere.loc over there.loc b. Jainko-a-k mendi-a-ri e-ma-ten d-i-o-n belarr-a ardi-a-k non-bait God.erg mountain.dat give.ipf dyt.nre grass sheep.erg somewhere.loc han aski d-u. over there.loc enough.idf have.syt (31) a. Kofesa-tze-ko manamendu hau konpli-tu behar da, noiz iza-n-en confess.ven.adn command this fulďŹ ll need.ppr itr when be.fut bai(t)-t(<*d)a ere, noiz-bait. acp.itr even at some time b. Noiz-bait ager-tu-ko n-a-iz herri-ra. at some time show up.fut 1.itr village.all c. Noiz-bait-en, ez da-ki-t zein urte-ta-n, iza-n-da n-a-go at some time.loc not know./1.syt which year.loc be.pec be.1.syn har-en etxe-an. yonder one.gen house.loc d. Noiz-bait e-torr-i ze-n. at some time come.pef itr.pst (32) a. No-la-bait konpon-du ze-n inor neka-tu gabe. somehow arrange.pef itr.pst anyone bother without.pre

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b. Aitor de-za-gu-n, luza-tu gabe, no-la-bait-e-ko-tzat ets-i admit.rad 1plu.tra.suj.ncz delay without.pre consider.pef d-it-u-ela hon-e-k. plu/.tra.lcz this one.erg (33) a. Zenbat¼nahi arrain e-karr-i-ko d-u-t. as much as you want fish bring.fut /1.tra b. Bainan behar d-u-gu, zenbat¼nahi dorpe but must.ppr /1plu.tra as much as you want demanding.idf za-i-gu-n. be.1plu/.dyn.ncz c. Nahi hain-a diru irabaz de-za-ke-zu-e. want enp money.idf earn.rad /2plu.tra.pot d. Nahi ahal-a e-duki g-en-u-en jan eta edan-a egun har-ta-n. want moq have.pef /1plu.tra.pst food.idf and drink day yonder.loc (34) Ganibet ber bat-e-k de-bak-a ogi-a eta eri-a. knife same a.erg cut.syt bread and finger (35) a. Sorgin ber hori da-tor hon-(r)a. witch same that come.syn here.all b. Sorgin ber-a-k esa-n d-u. witch same.erg say.pef tra c. Sorgin ber-a-ren erratz-a-z balia-tu-ko n-a-iz. witch same.gen broom.ins make use of.fut 1.itr d. Euskaldun ber-ek d-u-te falt(a)-a. Basque same.plu.erg have./plu.syt fault (36) a. Sorgin hori ber-a da-tor hon-(r)a. witch that she herself come.syn here.all b. Sorgin-a-k ber-a-k esa-n d-u. witch.erg she herself.erg say.pef tra c. Sorgin-a-ren ber-a-ren erratz-a-z balia-tu-ko n-a-iz. witch.gen she herself.gen broom.ins make use of.fut 1.itr d. Euskaldun-ek ber-ek d-u-te falt(a)-a. Basque.plu.erg he himself.plu.erg have./plu.syt fault (37) a. Eta beti historia ber-ber-a. and always story same same b. N-eu-re aberri-tik egotz-i n-a-u-te n-eu-re seme ber-ber-ak. I.ref.gen homeland.ela expel.pef 1/plu.tra I.ref.gen son same same.plu.erg (38) a. Irakur-tze-n ari z-a-r-en liburu ber-a-xe irakurr-i d-u-t ni-k ere. read.ven.loc be busy.ppr 2.itr.nre book same.emp read.pef /1.tra I.erg also


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b. Hon-(r)a hemen bila-tzen z-en-u-e(n)-n mutil-a ber-ber-a-xe. here.all here.loc look for.ipf /2.tra.pst.nre boy he himself.emp (39) a. Ber-a han ze-go-en. he himself over there.loc be.syn.pst b. Ber-a-k da-ki-ke on-gi-en zer e-gi-n. he himself.erg know.syt.fut well.sup what do c. Zeregin hori e-gi-n de-za-la ber-a-k. chore that do(.rad) tra.suj.lcz he himself.erg d. Ber-ek sine(t)s-ten ez d-u-te-n-a, gu-ri sinets-araz-i he himself.plu.erg believe.ipf not /plu.tra.nre.zep we.dat believe.cau nahi d-i-gu-te. want.ppr /1plu/plu/dtr (40) a. N-eu-re mutil-a bidal-i gabe, n-e(u)-r(e h)au e-torr-i n-a-iz. I.ref.gen boy send instead.pre I myself come.pef 1.itr b. . . . baldin z-e(u)-r(e h)ori nor ba-z-a-r-a . . . cdc you yourself who c. N-e(u)-r(e h)on-i, egi(a)-a esa-n, bat n-en-torr-e-n Txillardegi-rekin. I myself truth say one come.1.syn.pst Txillardegi.soc This form also appears in absolutive function (cf. DGV, s.v. Ni neroni naiz). d. Eta z-e(u)-r(e)-ok da-ki-zu-e n-eu-re indar guzi-a-rekin and you yourself.plu.erg know./2plu.syt I.ref.gen strength all.soc serbi-tu d-u-da-la zu-(e)-en ait(a)-a. serve.pef /1.tra.lcz you.plu.gen father e. H-e(u)-r(e h)orr-e-k esa(n)-ten d-it-u-k den-ak. you yourself.sol.erg tell.ipf plu/2sol.tra all.plu f. Baina orain-dik g-e(u)-r(e)-ok bakarr-ik da-ki-gu gerta-tu-a. but still we ourselves.erg only.sta know./1plu.syt happen.pef.sin g. Behartsu-ak z-e(u)-r(e)-o(-e)kin beti iza-n-go d-it-u-zu-e, ez orde-a poor.plu you yourself.plu.soc always have.fut plu/2plu.tra not however Ni. I (41) a. N-eu-k ere on-gi da-ki-t hori. I.emp.erg also well know./1.syt that b. N-eu-k behin-tzat ez d-u-t horr-e(n-)la-ko-rik esa-n. I.emp.erg at least not /1.tra that way.adn.zep.par say.pef c. Noiz jaik-i z-in-e-n bada z-eu? when get up.pef 2.itr.pst inf you.emp (42) E-karr-i giltz(a)-a, mesede-z. Ni-k da-uka-t, ala?— Bai, zu-k da-uka-zu. bring key favor.idf.ins I.erg have./1.syt or yes you.erg have./2.syt

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(43) a. Baina ordu-an ni ez n-in-tz-e-n n-eu. but time.loc I not be.1.syn.pst I.ref b. N-eu-re on-ak n-eu-k nahi d-it-u-t goza-tu eta maneia-tu. I.ref.gen good.plu I.emp.erg want.ppr plu/1.tra enjoy and manage c. N-eu n-a-iz den-o-ta-tik zaharr-en-a. I.emp be.1.syn old.sup.zep d. Ujentu! H-eu al h-a-iz? Ujentu you.sol.emp int be.2sol.syn e. Ba, h-eu-k ere hori-xe e-gi-n d-u-k. inf you.sol.emp also that.emp do.pef /2sol.tra f. Paga e-za-zu z-e(u)-r(e h)orr-e-k, z-eu-k zor d-u-zu-n-a-z pay.rad /2.tra.imp you yourself.erg you.emp.erg debt.idf /2.tra.nre.zep.ins gero-z-tik. since g. Gorputz eta arima n-a-iz z-eu-re-a. body.idf and soul.idf be.1.syn you.emp.zep h. Zer-en berdin ezin e-ra-ma-n z-en-it-za-ke-en z-eu-r(e)-ekin. cac equally npp take with.rad plu/2.tra.pot.pst you.emp.soc i. Igor de-za-gu-n aitzin-e-tik, eta da-ra-ma-gu-n send.rad /1plu.tra.suj.ncz front part.ela and carry o造/1plu.syt.suj.ncz g-eu-r(e)-ekin ere. we.emp.soc also j. Gu g-a-r-a g-eu, ez hobe-ak eta ez txarr-ago-ak, baina g-eu. we be.1plu.syn we.ref not good.cop.plu and not bad.cop.plu but we.ref k. G-eu-k jaso d-u-gu etxe hau eta ez izerdi gutxi-rekin. we.emp.erg build.pef /1plu.tra house this and not sweat little.soc l. Z-eu-ek zenbat e-ma-n-go d-i-o-zu-e mutil-a-ri? you.emp.plu.erg how much give.fut //2plu.dtr boy.dat m. Ez n-a-u-zu-e zu-ek aukera-tu, n-eu-k aukera-tu z-a-it-u-z-te-t not 1/2plu.tra you.plu.erg choose.pef I.emp.erg choose.pef 2plu/1.tra zu-ek. you.plu (44) a. Ni-k n-eu-k ez n-it-u-en e-zagu(t)-tu. I.erg I myself.erg not plu.1.tra.pst know.pef b. Gu-k g-eu-k da-uka-gu inor-k baino gehi-ago. we.erg we ourselves.erg have./1plu.syt anyone.erg srp more.cop (45) a. Ber(-e h)on-e-k asma-tzen d-it-u galdera eta erantzun-ak. he himself.erg think up.ipf plu/.tra question.idf and answer.plu b. Bitxi-ok eder, ber(-e h)ori ez. beautiful.idf she herself not


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c. Ber(-e h)au da interes-ik haundi-en-a e-duki behar l-u-ke-en-a. he himself be.syn interest.par great.sup.zep have should.ppr tra.cod.nre.zep d. Bada arrazoi horr-en ber(-e h)on-en-ga(i)-tik ez d-u-t i-kus-i nahi. inf reason that he himself.mot not /1.tra see want.ppr e. Maisu, hori itsu jaio-tze-ko, zein-e-k bekatu e-gi-n Master.idf that one blind.idf be born.ven.adn which one.erg sin.idf do.pef z-u-en? Ber(-e h)orr-e-k ala horr-en guraso-ek? tra.pst he himself.erg or that one.gen parent.plu.erg (46) a. Patxi Zabaleta, Donostia-n jaio-a, eta ber-ta-n Patxi Zabaleta San Sebastian.loc be born.pef.zep and it itself.idf.loc bizi d-en-a. reside.ppr itr.nre.zep b. Miren Igartea, hemen jaio-a, eta ber-to-n bizi Miren Igartea here.loc be born.pef.zep and it reside.ppr d-en-a. itr.nre.zep c. Gaur, bakarr-ik bizi n-a-iz ni n-eu-re herri-an ber-ta-n arrotz! today alone.sta live.ppr 1.itr I I.ref.gen land.loc it itself.idf.loc stranger.idf d. Ez z-a-r-a hemen etxe-on ber-to-n bizi ala?— Ez. not 2.itr here.loc it live.ppr or— no Goizueta-n ber-to-n baina n-eu-re etxe-an. Goizueta.loc it but I.ref.gen house.loc (47) a. Orain-txe ber-to-n bidal-du behar d-u-t nor-bait now.emp it send need.ppr /1.tra someone Bizkarrondo(-re)n-e-ra. Bizkarrondo.gen.del.all b. Orain-txe ber-to-n-txe hil behar ba-n-u ere, berdin now.emp it die have to.ppr cdp./1.tra.cod even equally esa-n-go n-u-ke. say.fut /1.tra.cod c. Orain-txe ber-to-n n-oa-ki-o atze-tik. now.emp it go./1.dyn back part.ela d. Eta gaur ber-ta-n al z-oa-z? and today it itself.idf.loc int go.2.syn e. Bihar ber-ta-n-txe behar d-u-t zu-re erantzun-a. tomorrow it itself.idf.loc.emp need.ppr /1.tra you.gen answer (48) a. Artzain oro-k bil-tzen d-it-u ardi-ak arratsalde-an. shepherd each.idf.erg gather.ipf plu/.tra sheep.plu evening.loc

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b. Beste nazione oro-k uste d-u-te ezin deus ere skriba other nation all.idf.erg think.ppr /plu.tra npp anything even write.rad da-i-te(-ke)-ela lengoaje har-ta-n. itr.pot.lcz language yonder.loc c. Justo oro igan-en da ber-ta-n goi-ti(k) aire-an. just all.idf rise.fut itr it itself.idf.loc top.ela air.loc d. . . . egun oro mez(a)-a e-ntzu-te-a . . . day all.idf mass hear.ven e. Lur oro-k ba-d-u buztin eta harea. soil all.idf.erg aff.have.syt clay.idf and sand.idf f. . . . bai eta ere neska gazte oro-ri etsenplu e-ma-i-ten. yes and also girl young all.idf.dat example.idf give.ipf (49) a. Gauza hai-ek oro ebats-i gauz(a)-ak d-ir-a, eta thing yonder.plu all.idf steal.pef thing.plu be.plu.syn and hai(-e)-en jabe-ak oro hil-ak. yonder one.plu.gen owner.plu all.idf dead.plu b. Ber-e bekatu-ak oro ba-d-it-u ere konfesa-tu, . . . he himself.gen sin.plu all.idf cdp.plu/.tra even confess.pef c. Berri hori(-e)-en oro-ren ja-ki-te-z . . . report that.plu.gen all.idf.gen know.ven.idf.ins d. Hori(-e)-en-ga(i)-tik oro-ga(i)-tik zer da zu(-e)-en pagu-a? that one.plu.mot all.idf.mot what be.syn you.plu.gen payment e. N-eu-re bekatu-e-z oro-z d-u-da-n barkamendu-a. I.ref.gen sin.plu.ins all.idf.ins have./1.syt.ncz forgiveness (50) a. En-e ongiÂźegin-ak ere orai(n) oro gaitz d-ir-a. I.gen good deed.plu even now all.idf bad.idf be.plu.syn b. Saindu-ak ere ordu har-ta-n oro e-go-n-en isil-ik. Saint.plu even moment yonder.loc all.idf be.fut silent.sta c. Etxe-ko berri-ak kanpo-an oro sala-tzen d-i-z-ki-zu. house.adn news.plu outside.loc all.idf disclose.ipf plu/2/.dtr d. Alab(a)-a d-u-te-n-e-i esa-n-en d-i-e-t oro-ri . . . daughter have./plu.syt.nre.zep.plu.dat say.fut /plu/1.dtr all.idf.dat (51) a. Ni baita-n d-u-ke-zu adiskide bat. I in.loc have./2.syt.fut friend a b. Har-tu d-u-te-n plazer oro ordu-an i-ra-gan da-te. take.pef /plu.tra.nre pleasure all.idf that time.loc pass by.pef itr.fut c. Eta ordu-an denbora on-a-ren seinale-a da-te-ke. and that time.loc weather good.gen sign be.syn.fut



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d. Non-dik d-u-ke-zu ur bizi hura? where.ela have./2.syt.fut water living yonder e. Gauza ber-a e-zagu(t)-tu d-u-ke-zu z-e(u)-r(e h)orr-e-k ere. thing same experience.pef /2/tra.fut you yourself.erg also f. Zer e-ma-n-en d-i-o-zu, edo zer on d-u-ke zu-re-gan-(d)ik? what give.fut //2.dtr or what good have.syt.fut you.ela g. Lan hori-ek ber(-e)-en sari on-a da-kar-ke-te. work that.plu.erg it itself.plu.gen reward good bring./plu.syt.fut h. Har-k ba-da-ki-ke zer e-gi-n. yonder one.erg aff.know.syt.fut what do i. Ez d-u-ke hori nahi iza-n Jesu¼Kristo-k. not tra.fut that want have.pef Jesus Christ j. Ni-re emazte-a-k amets e-gi-n d-u-ke. I.gen wife.erg dream.idf make.pef tra.fut k. I-kus-i d-u-ke bi aldi-z bizkitarte-an! see.pef tra.fut two time.idf.ins meanwhile.loc l. Ber-e-ha(r-en)-la hemen d-u-ke-zu-e etxe-k(o)’ andre-a. right away here.loc have./2plu.syt.fut house.adn lady m. Bai, bai, ber-e-a d-u-ke segur-ki. yes yes she herself.gen.zep have.syt.fut surely n. Zer d-u-ke-gu ja(n)-te-ko edo eda(n)-te-ko? what have./1plu.syt.fut eat.ven.adn or drink.ven.adn o. Zer buruhauste berri d-u-ke-t? what problem new have./1.syt.fut p. Satan-e-k ifernu-tik e-gi-n d-u-ke burla. Satan.erg hell.ela make.pef tra.fut sco¤.idf q. Han d-ir-a-te-ke erro-tik herritarr-ak harri-tu-rik. over there.loc plu.itr.fut root.ela villager.plu get astonished.pef.sta r. Orai-ko-an zu-re aldi(a) ze-n, noiz da-te-ke gu-re-a? now.adn.loc you.gen turn be.syn.pst when be.syn.fut we.gen.zep s. Ja-ki-n d-u-ke-zu orain d-u-ela hamar egun Hernandorena, find out.pef /2.tra.fut now have.syt.lci ten day.idf Hernandorena Elizondo-ko alkate-a, Izpegi-n hil z-u-te(-n)-la. Elizondo.adn mayor Izpegi.loc kill.pef /plu.tra.pst.lcz Chapter 29

(1) a. Ba-da-tor zu-re am-a eta oso haserre da zu-rekin. aff.come.syn you.gen mother.idf and very be mad.ppr itr you.soc

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b. Ba-ze-torr-e-k hi-re ama eta oso haserre d-u-k aff.come.syn.alc.sol you.sol.gen mother.idf and very be mad.ppr itr.alc.sol hi-rekin. you.sol.soc c. Ba-ze-torr-e-n hi-re ama eta oso haserre aff.come.syn.alc.sol.fem you.sol.gen mother.idf and very be mad.ppr d-u-n hi-rekin. itr.alc.sol.fem you.sol.soc (2) a. Zu-re ama-k irabaz-i d-u diru-a, baina zu-re aita-k ez you.gen mother.idf.erg earn.pef tra money but you.gen father.idf.erg not da-ki. know.syt b. Hi-re ama-k irabaz-i d-i-k diru-a, baina hi-re you.sol.gen mother.idf.erg earn.pef tra.alc.sol money but you.sol.gen aita-k ez ze-ki-k. father.idf.erg not know.syt.alc.sol c. Hi-re ama-k irabaz-i d-i-n diru-a, baina hi-re you.sol.gen mother.idf.erg earn.pef tra.alc.sol.fem money but you.sol.gen aita-k ez ze-ki-n. father.erg not know.syt.alc.sol.fem (3) a. Zu-re beldur n-a-iz eta inor-k ez d-i-t beldur hori you.gen be afraid of.ppr 1.itr and anyone.erg not /1/.dtr fear that ken-du-ko. take away.fut b. Hi-re beldur n-a-u-k eta inor-k ez z-i-da-k beldur you.sol.gen fear.ppr 1.itr.alc.sol and anyone.erg not /1/.dtr.alc.sol fear hori ken-du-ko. that take away.fut c. Hi-re beldur n-a-u-n eta inor-k ez z-i-da-n you.sol.gen fear.ppr 1.itr.alc.sol.fem and anyone.erg not /1/dtr.alc.sol.fem beldur hori ken-du-ko. fear that take away.fut (4) a. Aita-k gona gorri-a father.idf.erg skirt red da-ki-t zer-ga(i)-tik. know./1.syt what.mot b. Aita-k gona gorri-a father.idf.erg skirt red

eros-i d-i-o zu-re ama-ri, baina ez buy.pef dtr you.gen mother.dat but not

eros-i z-i-o-k hi-re ama-ri, buy.pef dtr.alc.sol you.sol.gen mother.idf.dat


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baina ez ze-ki-a-t zer-ga(i)-tik. but not know./1.syt.alc.sol what.mot c. Aita-k gona gorri-a eros-i z-i-o-n hi-re ama-ri, father.idf.erg skirt red buy.pef dtr.alc.sol.fem you.sol.gen mother.idf.dat baina ez ze-ki-na-t zer-ga(i)-tik. but not know./1.syt.alc.sol.fem what.mot (5) Nor ausar(t)-tu d-u-k hi zauri-tze-ra? who dare.pef itr.alc.sol you.sol injure.ven.all (6) a. Zer e-gi-n gogo d-u-zu? what do intend.ppr /2.tra b. Zer uste z-en-u-en hemen aurki-tu? what expect.ppr /2.tra.pst here.loc ďŹ nd c. Hobe-ko d-u-zu jan. do better.fut /2.tra eat (7) a. Nor-i e-ma-n nahi d-i-o-zu? who.dat give want.ppr //2.dtr b. Ni-k nor-i e-ma-te-a nahi d-u-zu? I.erg who.dat give.ven want.ppr /2.tra (8) a. Ezin asma-tu d-u-t haserre-tu gabe hitz bat esa(n)-te-n. npp manage /1.tra get angry without.pre word one say.ven.loc b. . . . e-ma-n nahi d-i-o-te-n-a eska-tze-n ohi-tu d-u-te-la . . . give want.ppr //plu.dtr.nre.zep ask.ven.loc accustom.pef /plu.tra.lcz jende-a. people c. Ez al z-a-r-e-te has-i euskar(a)-a-z ida(t)z-te-n? not int 2plu.itr start.pef Basque language.ins write.ven.loc (9) a. Ba-n-oa zer-bait eros-te-ra. aff.go.1.syn something buy.ven.all b. Permiti ie-za-gu-k urdalde har-ta-ra j-oa-te-ra. allow.rad /1plu/2sol.dtr.imp herd of swine yonder.all go.ven.all c. Atzen-e-an ausar(t)-tu n-a-iz bertso-ak papel-e-an jar-tze-ra ere. end.loc dare.pef 1.itr verse.plu paper.loc put down.ven.all also (10) Ber-e-ha(r-en)-la etxera-tze-ko agin-tzen d-i-zu-e aita-k. immediately come home.ven.adn order.ipf /2plu/.dtr father.idf.erg (11) Etxe-an e-go-te-a e-ra-baki d-u-gu. house.loc stay.ven decide.pef /1plu.tra

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(12) Atzo e-ra-baki g-en-u-en zu e-tor-tze-a. yesterday decide.pef /1plu.tra.pst you come.ven (13) a. (. . .) eta kosta e-gi-ten zi-tza-i-da-n agerpen hura ain-tzat har-tze-a. (. . .) and cost.ppr do.ipf 1/.dit.pst appearance yonder take.ven b. Ez ze-n ha(r-en)-la-ko-a ni-k aurki-tze-a pentsa-tzen n-u-en not be.syn.pst that way.adn.zep i.erg find.ven think.ipf /1.tra.pst eguraldi-a. weather c. Zu-k eta ni-k ja-ki-te-a aski da. you.erg and I.erg know.ven su‰cient.idf be.syn d. Ez da on gizon-a bakarr-ik e-go-te-a. not be.syn good.idf man alone.sta be.ven e. Zer-k e-ra-go(t)z-ten d-u ni bataia-tze-a? what.erg hinder.ipf tra I baptize.ven f. Nahi¼eta¼nahiez-ko-a da zu hon-(r)a e-tor-tze-a. want and not want.adn.zep be.syn you here.all come.ven g. Ja(n)-te-a-k ez z-i-o-n hizket(a)-an e-gi-te-a gal-eraz-ten. eat.ven.erg not dtr.pst talk.loc do.ven lose.cau.ipf h. Ba-z-i-te-ke-en den-a ‘‘happy end’’ bat-e-z buka-tze-a. everything ‘‘happy end’’ a.idf.ins end.ven i. Kosta za-i-t ni-re laguntz(a)-a har-k on(h)ar-tze-a. cost.ppr 1/.dit I.gen help yonder one.erg accept.ven (14) a. Hamaika bider damu-tu zi-tza-i-o-n etxe-tik irten-a. eleven time.idf regret.pef dit.pst house.ela leave.pef.zep b. . . . damu d-u-t ez hemen geldi-tu-a. . . . regret.ppr /1.tra not here.loc stay.pef.zep c. Gezurr-a d-irudi Xabier hain azkar ber-e on-e-ta-ra lie seem.syt Xabier so quickly he himself.gen good.zep.plu.all e-torr-i-a. come.pef.zep d. Seme (h)on-e-k da-za(g)u ber-e donga-ro e-gi-n-a. son this.erg acknowledge.syt he himself.gen wrongly do.pef.zep e. Asko senti-tzen d-u-t eguraldi tzar hon-e-ta-n zu hon(-r)a-ino e-karr-i much regret.ipf /1.tra weather bad this.loc you here.ter bring.pef iza-n-a. be/have.pef.zep (15) a. Asko poz-ten n-a-iz zu-ri atsegin e-ma-te-a. much be happy.ipf 1.itr you.dat pleasure.idf give.ven


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b. Asko much c. Azko much

poz-ten n-a-iz zu-ri atsegin e-ma-te-a-z. be happy.ipf 1.itr you.dat pleasure.idf give.ven.ins poz-ten n-a-u zu-ri atsegin e-ma-te-a-k. make happy.ipf 1/.tra you.dat pleasure.idf give.ven.erg

(16) a. Asko much b. Asko much c. Asko much

poz-ten n-a-iz zu-ri atsegin e-ma-n-a. be happy.ipf 1.itr you.dat pleasure.idf give.pef.zep poz-ten n-a-iz zu-ri atsegin e-ma-n-a-z. be happy.ipf 1.itr you.dat pleasure.idf give.pef.zep.ins poz-ten n-a-u zu-ri atsegin e-ma-n-a-k. make happy.ipf 1/.tra you.dat pleasure give.pef.zep.erg

(17) a. Ez not b. Ez not c. Ez not

n-e-ki-en ohe-ra j-oa-n edo ber-ta-n gera. know./1.syt.pst bed.all go.rad or it itself.loc stay.rad da-ki-gu no-la joka. know./1plu.syt how play.rad da-ki-t aldizkari-ak nor-i e-ma-n. know./1.syt magazine.plu who.dat give(.rad)

Chapter 30

(1) a. Esne-a noiz da-kar-k baina? milk when bring./2sol.syt but b. Ez n-a-iz baina eztabaid(a)-e-ta-n has-i-ko. not 1.itr but argument.plu.loc start.fut (2) . . . erdi behar, edo hil. . . . give birth must.ppr or die (3) a. Mixterio-ak, edo gu-k ezin konprenitu-z-ko gauz(a)-ak, ez ote mystery.plu or we.erg npp understand.ptc.idf.ins.adn thing.plu not dub d-ir-a, bada, Erlijione-an baizik aurki-tzen? be.plu.syn inf religion.loc only ďŹ nd.ipf b. Bat edo beste-a: edo gezurr-a z-io-te-n Apostolu-ek, edo one.idf or other.zep or lie tell./plu.syt.pst Apostle.plu.erg or Judu-ak hobendun-ak z-ir-e-n. Jew.plu guilty.plu be.plu.syn.pst (4) a. Bihar tomorrow b. Bihar tomorrow

edo etzi e-torr-i-ko (al) z-a-r-e-te? or the day after tomorrow come.fut int 2plu.itr ala etzi e-torr-i-ko z-a-r-e-te? or the day after tomorrow come.fut 2plu.itr

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c. Bihar edo etzi e-torr-i-ko z-a-r-e-te? tomorrow or the day after tomorrow come.fut 2plu.itr (5) a. Hil-ak ala bizi-ak d-ir-a? dead.plu or alive.plu be.plu.syn b. Zein parte estima-tzen d-u-zu hobe, Jainko-a-ren-a ala Deabru-a-ren-a? which share consider.ipf /2.tra good.cop.idf god.gen.zep or devil.gen.zep c. Zein-e-k bekatu e-gi-n d-u, hon-e-k ala hon-en which one.erg sin.idf do.pef tra this one.erg or this one.gen ait(a-)am(a)-ek . . . ? father( and) mother.plu.erg d. Mendi-ra j-oa-n-go z-a-r-a ala etxe-an geldi-tu-ko z-a-r-a? mountain.all go.fut 2.itr or house.loc stay.fut 2.itr e. Ama emazte z-u-e(n)-n (in the manuscript: luyen) ala ez, nahi mother.idf woman.idf have.syt.pst.ncz or not want.ppr n-u-ke galde-tu. /1.tra.cod ask f. Ez d-i-gu axol(a)-a Cayatte zuzen ala oker da-go-en not have./1plu.dyt interest Cayatte right.idf or wrong.idf be.syn.ncz ja-ki-te-a-k. know.ven.erg g. Ez n-e-ki-en Euskal Herri-tik kanpo bizi nahi n-u-e(n)-n not know./1.syt.pst. Basque Country.ela outside live want.ppr /1.tra.pst.ncz ala ez. or not h. Joxe-k ez z-i-da-n esa-n e-torr-i-ko ze(-n)-n ala ez. Joseph.erg not /1/.dtr.pst tell.pef come.fut itr.pst.ncz or not i. Bihar e-ra-baki-ko d-u-gu j-oan-go g-a-r-en ala gera-tu e-gi-n-go tomorrow decide.fut /1plu.tra go.fut 1plu.itr.ncz or stay do.fut g-a-r-en. 1plu.itr.ncz j. Bihar e-ra-baki-ko d-u-gu j-oa-n ala gera. tomorrow decide.fut /1plu.tra go.rad or stay.rad (6) a. Andrea eder eta aberats-a, edo ero edo farat(a)-a. woman beautiful.idf and rich or crazy.idf or conceited b. Edo dantzari-a h-a-iz, edo ez h-a-iz dantzari-a. Beste aukera-rik ez or dancer be.2sol.syn or not be.2sol.syn dancer other option.par not da-go. be.syn


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c. Bi-e-ta-tik bat: gu-rekin e-torr-i behar duk, edo etxe-an two.zep.plu.ela one.idf we.soc come have to.ppr /2sol.tra or house.loc bakarr-ik geldi-tu. alone.sta stay d. . . . hil edo bizi-ko auzi-a d-u-gu-la . . . . . . death.idf or life.adn matter have./1.syt.lcz (7) a. Zein nahi d-u-zu-e larga d-ie-za-zu-e-da-n? Barrabas, which one want.ppr /2plu.tra release.rad /2plu/1.dtr.suj.ncz Barrabas ala Iesus, dei-tzen d-en-a Christ? or Jesus call.ipf itr.nre.zep Christ b. Zein nahi d-u-zu-e libro igor de-za-da-n, Barrabas edo which one want.ppr /2plu.tra free.idf remit.rad /1.tra.suj.ncz Barrabas or Jesus, Kristo dei-tu-a d-en-a? Jesus Christ call.pef.sin itr.nre.zep (8) a. Bai yes b. Bai yes c. Bai yes

bat-a one.zep bat-a one.zep bat-a, one.zep

bai beste-a e-torr-i d-ir-a. (rarely also e-torr-i da) yes other.zep come.pef plu.itr come.pef itr eta bai beste-a e-torr-i d-ir-a. (also e-torr-i da) and yes other.zep come.pef plu.itr come.pef itr bai eta beste-a e-torr-i d-ir-a. (also e-torr-i da) yes and other.zep come.pef plu.itr come.pef itr

(9) a. Bai zeru-an bai lurr-e-an . . . yes heaven.loc yes earth.loc b. Bai Testamendu Zaharr-a, bai Berri-a Jainko-a-ren izen-a-z bete-ak d-ir-a. yes Testament Old yes New.zep God.gen name.ins full.plu be.plu.syn c. Hau (da) teatrogizon oso-a, bai antzezlari bai komeriÂźsortzaile this one be.syn man of the theater complete yes actor.idf yes playwright.idf lege-z. sip d. Eta desegi-n z-it-u-en lurr-a-ren gain-e-an bizi z-ir-e(-n)-n and destroy.pef plu/.tra.pst earth.gen top.loc live.ppr plu.itr.pst.nre guzti-ak, gizon-a-gan-dik abere-ra-ino, bai arrastakari-ak eta bai all.plu human being.ela animal.ter yes creeping animal.plu and yes zeru-ko hegazti-ak. sky.adn bird.plu e. . . . bai lehen, bai eta orai(n) . . . . . . yes before yes and now f. . . . beso-ak zabal-ik har-tu d-u-te kritiko-ek, bai beratxek . . . arm.plu open.sta receive.pef /plu.tra critic.plu.erg yes mild.zep.plu.erg

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eta bai xorrotz-ek. and yes demanding.zep.plu.erg (10) a. Ez apaiz-ik not priest.par b. Ez apaiz-ik not priest.par c. Ez apaiz-ik not priest.par d. Ez apaiz-ik not priest.par e. Apaiz-ik ez priest.par not

ez moja-rik e-torr-i da. not nun.par come.pef itr eta ez moja-rik e-torr-i da. and not nun.par come.pef itr ez eta moja-rik e-torr-i da. not and nun.par come.pef itr ez moja-rik ez da e-torr-i. not nun.par not itr come.pef moja-rik ez da e-torr-i. nun.par not itr come.pef

(11) a. Ez ber-a-k lan-ik e-gi-ten d-u, ez beste-ri e-gi-te-n utz-i. not he himself.erg work.par do.ipf tra not other.zep.idf.dat do.ven.loc let b. Ez haragi-a-k, ez odol-a-k hori e-ra-kuts-i d-i-zu . . . not esh.erg not blood.erg that reveal.pef /2/.dtr c. Ez haragi-k ez odol-e-k, ez bai(t)-t(<*d)-i-zu adi-eraz-i hori not esh.idf.erg not blood.idf.erg not acp./2/.dtr understand.cau.pef that zu-ri . . . you.dat d. Haragi-a-k ez odol-a-k ez d-i-k (for the original eztrauc) esh.erg not blood.erg not /2sol/.dtr hori revela-tu . . . that reveal.pef e. Ez d-u-te jakitate-rik ez aberastasun-ik. not have./plu.syt wisdom.par not wealth.par f. Ez n-in-tz-e-n oroit, ez zenbat, ez nola-ko bertso-ak iza-n not 1.itr.pst remember.ppr not how many not how.adn verse.plu be.pef z-ir-e-n. plu.itr.pst g. Ez z-it-u-en ez hitz-ak leun-du, ez gorroto-ak estal-i. not plu/.tra.pst not word.plu soften.pef not hatred.plu hide.pef h. Emazte-rik ez d-en leku-an ez da-kus-a-t plazer-ik, ez gizon-a woman.par not be.syn.nre place.loc not see./1.syt pleasure.par not man ez etxe-a behin ere xahu-rik. not house once even clean.sta i. Inor-en zilarr-ik, ez urre-rik, ez soineko-rik ez d-u-t nahi iza-n. anyone.gen silver.par not gold.par not apparel.par not /1.tra want have.pef


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j. Gaur-ko ‘‘sasi¼teatroan’’ ez gai ez hitz eta ez ipuin-ik today.adn ‘‘pseudo-theater’’.loc not theme.idf not word.idf and not story.par behar ez d-ela e-sa(n)-ten d-u-te-n-ak ba-d-ir-a. need.ppr not itr.lcz say.ipf /plu.tra.nre.zep.plu (12) a. Gu-re euskaldun teatrogile-ak, nahi-z egile eta nahi-z we.gen Basque playwright.plu.erg want.idf.ins writer.idf and want.idf.ins itzultzaile, lan-e-an ja-rrai-tu-ko d-u-te-la ez d-u-gu batere translator.idf.ins work.loc continue.fut /plu.tra.lcz not /1plu.tra at all zalantza-rik. doubt.par b. Orain, nahi-z bat-e-ra-ko eta nahi-z beste-ra-ko berandu da. now want.idf.ins one.zep.des and want.idf.ins other.zep.des too late be.syn c. Han beti zegoen ontzi-ren bat bete nahi-z hu(t)s-tu over there.loc always be.syn.pst ship.idf.gen one load want.idf.ins unload beharra need d. Nahi-z sinis-tu, nahi-z ez, esan behar dut, gazte-txo-a want.idf.ins believe want.idf.ins not say have to.ppr /1.tra young.zep.dim n-in-tz-e(-n)-la, irakurr-i eta azal-du ohi n-it-u-e(-n)-la be.1.syn.pst.lci read and interpret use to.ppr plu/1.tra.pst.lcz Fedro-ren latin-e-z-ko ipuin-ak. Phaedrus.gen Latin.idf.ins.adn fable.plu e. Nahi-z d-ela zamari-a nahi-z gizon-a, ez da bizi-ko. want.idf.ins be.syn.lcz beast of burden want.idf.ins man not itr live.fut f. Nahi-z d-ela Italia, oro-bat Frantzia, bi-e-ta-n bila-tu want.idf.ins be.syn.lcz Italy all one France two.zep.plu.loc encounter.pef d-u-t anitz malizia. /1.tra much malice (13) a. Edo egi(a)-a-z nahi-z gezurr-a-z elika-tu-ko n-a-iz. or truth.ins want.idf.ins lie.ins take nourishment.fut 1.itr b. Nahi-z d-oa-n Frantzia-ra edo Espainia-ra . . . want.idf.ins go.syn.ncz France.all or Spain.all c. . . . edo lehen edo gero . . . . . . or before or later d. Zer-en, nahi-z gizon-a, nahi-z emazteki-a, nahi-z noble-a, cac want.idf.ins man want.idf.ins woman want.idf.ins nobleman enperadore-a, edo errege-ren ume-a, edo har-en leinu-ko-a; emperor or king.idf.gen son or yonder one.gen lineage.adn.zep

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nahi-z etorki-rik apal-en-e-tik, edo txiki-en-e-tik hel-du want.idf.ins origin.par low.sup.zep.ela or humble.sup.zep.ela arrive.pef d-en-a; nahi-z aberats-a, nahi-z probe-a, nahi-z gazte-a, itr.nre.zep want.idf.ins rich.zep want.idf.ins poor.zep want.idf.ins young.zep nahi-z zaharr-a; baldin ugatz-e-an diti-a-rekin edan z-u-e(n)-n want.idf.ins old.zep cdp breast.loc mother’s milk.soc drink.pef tra.pst.nre hizkuntz(a)-a-z beste-rik ez ba-da-ki, gauza segur-a da, hogei language.ins other.zep.par not cdp.know.syn thing certain be.syn twenty egun-en bide-an beste herri-e-ta-ko hizkuntz(a)-ak behar-tu gabe, day.idf.gen trip.loc other country.plu.adn language.plu need without.pre ezin d-oa-ke-la. (Batua: d-oa-ke-ela) npp go.syn.pot.lcz (14) a. Zein organo-a, zein biolin(a)-a, zein kitarr(a)-a, zein danbolin(a)-a, whether organ whether violin whether guitar whether drum zein tronp(a)-a, zein zartagin zahar bat, guzti(-e)-ekin jo-tzen da whether Jew’s harp whether frying pan old a.idf all.zep.plu.soc play.ipf itr soinu-a. music b. Hil zein bizi, senarr-a ahal-ik arin-en i-kus-i nahi dead.idf whether alive.idf husband possible.zep.par fast.sup.idf see want iza-n d-u-da-la-ko. have.pef /1.tra.lcz.adn c. Idatz-i zein idatz-i ez, orde-a, ez d-u-t inoiz aha(t)z-tu-ko. write whether write not however not /1.tra ever forget.fut d. Berri-ta-n olio hau da on-en-a, bai gordin-ik ja(n)-te-ko fresh.zep.idf.loc oil this be.syn good.sup yes uncooked.sta eat.ven.adn zein lapiko-ra-ko. whether pot.des (15) a. D-ela koinaka, d-ela bermut, d-ela chartreuse, be.syn.lcz cognac.idf be.syn.lcz vermouth.idf be.syn.lcz chartreuse.idf zer-nahi izen-e-ta-ko edari guzti-e-ta-rik urrats guzti-e-z what( you) want name.plu.adn drink all.plu.ela step all.plu.ins eda(n)-te-ko. drink.ven.adn b. . . . d-ela irakur-tze-an, d-ela mintza-tze-an . . . . . . be.syn.lcz read.ven.def.loc be.syn.lcz speak.ven.def.loc (16) a. Jende-a, nor zaldi-z, nor oin-e-z, e-torr-i ze-n. people who horse.idf.ins who foot.idf.ins come.pef itr.pst


Glosses for Chapter 30

b. Alde guzti-e-ta-n, no-n gehi-ago no-n gutxi-ago . . . area all.plu.loc where.loc more.cop.idf where.loc few.cop.idf . . . c. Bi jokabide i-kus-ten d-it-u-t nagusi, noiz bat-a, noiz two mode of conduct.idf see.ipf plu/1.tra main.idf when one.zep when beste-a. other.zep d. Behin Donostia-ra j-oa-ten g-a-r-a, behin Bilbo-ra. once San Sebastian.all go.ipf 1plu.itr once Bilbao.all (17) a. Bainan lur on-e-an erein-a iza-n d-en-a, hura da hitz-a but soil good.loc sow.pef.sin be.pef itr.nre.zep yonder one be.syn word e-ntzu-ten eta adi-tzen d-u-en-a, eta fruitu da-karr-en-a; hear.ipf and understand.ipf tra.nre.zep and fruit.idf bear.syt.nre.zep zein-e-k bat-en-tzat ehun, zein-e-k hirur(h)ogei, zein-e-k which one.erg one.idf.ben hundred which one.erg sixty which one.erg hogei(-e)t(a-h)amar. thirty b. Eta e-ma-n z-u-te-n fruitu, no-n bat-a-rik ehun, no-n and give.pef /plu.tra.pst fruit.idf where.loc one.zep.ela hundred where.loc hirur(h)ogei eta no-n hogei(-e)t(a-h)amar. sixty and where.loc thirty c. Noiz bat-en-tzat ehun, noiz hirur(h)ogei, noiz hogei(e-)t(a-h)amar when one.idf.ben hundred when sixty when thirty. d. Hon-e(n-)la behin bat-e-k eta behin beste-a-k garai(t)-tzen z-u-en. this way once one.zep.idf.erg and once other.zep.erg triumph.ipf tra.pst e. Hemen behin iparr-a-k eta behin hego-a-k jo-tzen d-u. here.loc once north wind.erg and once south wind.erg blow.ipf tra (18) a. Bada, edo ja(n)-ten ba-d-u-zu-e, edo eda(n)-ten ba-d-u-zu-e, edo zer-bait inf or eat.ipf cdp./2plu.tra or drink.ipf cdp./2plu.tra or something beste-rik e-gi-ten ba-d-u-zu-e, guzti-a Jainko-a-ren gloria-ta-n else.par do.ipf cdp./2plu.tra all.zep God.gen glory.idf.loc e-gi-zu-e. do.2plu.syt.imp b. Ber-a-z, edo engana-tu g-a-it-u Jainko-a-k, edo zorion hori non-bait same.ins or betray.pef 1plu/.tra God.erg or happiness that somewhere aurki da-i-te-ke. ďŹ nd.rad itr.pot c. Iza-n da-di-n edo abere-a edo gizon-a, ez da bizi-ko. be.rad itr.suj.ncz or beast or man not itr live.fut

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d. Edo orain-txe, edo inoiz ez. or now.emp or ever not (19) a. Ez da antsia, ala probe-a-ri ala Jesu Kristo ber-a-ri not be.syn concern.idf or poor.zep.dat or Jesus Christ.idf he himself.dat e-ma-n . . . give . . . b. Ala etxe-an geldi-tu, ala ahizp(a)-a-rekin j-oa-n, beste aukera-rik ez or house.loc stay or sister.soc go other choice.par not da-uka-zu. have./2.syt (20) a. Ni-k higuin d-u-t baratxuri-a arrainzop(a)-an eta Miren-e-k maite d-u I.erg hate.ppr /1.tra garlic fish soup.loc and Mary.erg love.ppr tra baratxuri-a arrainzop(a)-an. garlic fish soup.loc b. Ni-k higuin d-u-t eta Miren-e-k maite d-u baratxuri-a arrainzop(a)-an. I.erg hate.ppr /1.tra and Mary.erg love.ppr tra garlic fish soup.loc c. Ni-k higuin d-u-t baratxuri-a arrainzop(a)-an eta Miren-e-k maite d-u I.erg hate.ppr /1.tra garlic fish soup.loc and Mary.erg love.ppr tra (ber-ta-n). it itself.loc (21) a. Egun-a-k gau-a da-kar gurpil ero-an eta goiz-a-k arratsalde-a day.erg night bring.syt wheel crazy.loc and morning.erg afternoon da-kar gurpil ero-an. bring.syt wheel crazy.loc b. Egun-a-k gau-a eta goiz-a-k arratsalde-a da-kar gurpil ero-an. day.erg night and morning.erg afternoon bring.syt wheel crazy.loc (22) a. Miren-e-k sagar bat eta Karmen-e-k udare bat jan-go d-u. Mary.erg apple a and Carmen.erg pear a eat.fut tra b. Jon-e-k bost sagar eta Patxi-k lau udare jan-go d-it-u. John.erg five apple.idf and Frank.erg four pear.idf eat.fut plu/.tra (23) a. Miren-e-k sagar bat eta Karmen-e-k udare bat jan-go d-it-u-z-te. Mary.erg apple a and Carmen.erg pear a eat.fut plu/plu.tra (also d-u-te) /plu.tra b. Jon-e-k bost sagar eta Patxi-k lau udare jan-go d-it-u-z-te. John.erg five apple.idf and Frank.erg four pear.idf eat.fut plu/plu.tra (24) Abel artzain-a eta Kain nekazari-a z-ir-a-n. (Batua: z-ir-e-n) Abel shepherd and Cain farmer be.plu.syn.pst


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(25) a. Zu-re liburu-ak, ni-re liburu-ak eta ni-re emazte-a-ren liburu-ak hor you.gen book.plu I.gen book.plu and I.gen wife.gen book.plu there.loc da-u-de lurre-an. be.plu.syn oor.loc b. Zu-re, ni-re eta ni-re emazte-a-ren liburu-ak hor da-u-de lurre-an. you.gen I.gen and I.gen wife.gen book.plu there.loc be.plu.syn oor.loc c. Zu-re liburu-ak, ni-re-ak eta ni-re emazte-a-ren-ak hor you.gen book.plu I.gen.zep.plu and I.gen wife.gen.zep.plu there.loc da-u-de lurre-an. be.plu.syn oor.loc (26) Etxe edo herri har-ta-tik. house.idf or city yonder.ela (Similarly in Lz: etxe edo hiri hartarik.) (27) a. . . . ... b. . . . ...

bihotz eta arima gabe . . . heart.idf and soul.idf without.pre Jainko-a-ren lege eta amorio gabe . . . God.gen law.idf and love.idf without.pre

(28) Ber-a-z, ait(a)-a ez da nihoiz iza-tu seme-a gabe eta Espiritu SainËœdu-a same.ins father not itr ever be.pef son without.pre and Spirit Holy gabe? without.pre (29) a. Etorki-a-ren aurka (e)ta o(h)itur(a-e-)en aurka . . . nature.gen against and custom.plu.gen against . . . b. Jaun-a-ren aurka eta har-k aukera-tu-ri(k)-ko errege-a-ren aurka . . . Lord.gen against and yonder one.erg choose.pef.sta.adn king.gen against (30) a. . . . Jaun-a-ren eta On-e-k (Batua: Honek) . . . Lord.gen and this one.erg Igurtzi-ta-ku-a-ren (Batua: Igurtzitakoaren) kontra . . . Anoint.pec.adn.zep.gen against b. . . . Jaun-a-ren kontra eta Har-en Kristo-ren kontra. . . . Lord.gen against and Yonder one.gen Christ.gen against c. . . . har-en eta har-en(-e)-en kontra . . . . . . yonder one.gen and yonder one.gen.zep.plu.gen against (31) a.

Adiskide friend b. **Adiskide friend

on good on good

bat one.idf bat one.idf

da-uka-gu have./1plu.syt da-uka-gu have./1plu.syt

zu-k eta ni-k. you.erg and I.erg zu eta ni-k. you and I.erg

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(32) a. Patxi-k eta Pello-k atsegin-e-z irakurr-i d-u-te liburu hori. Frank.erg and Pete.erg pleasure.idf.ins read.pef /plu.tra book this b. Patxi eta Pello-k atsegin-e-z irakurr-i d-u-te liburu hori. Frank.idf and Pete.erg pleasure.idf.ins read.pef /plu.tra book this (33) Ber-ta-ko langille-ek (Batua: langileek)— Agirre-ren seme, alaba, right there.adn worker.plu.erg Agirre.gen son.idf daughter.idf sui (Batua: suhi) (e)ta ilob(a)-ek— dan-ak (Batua: denek) ze-ki-te-n son-in-law.idf and nephew.plu.erg all.plu.erg know./plu.syt.pst euskara-z. Basque language.idf.ins (34) Ez da orde-an ez not be.syn compensation.loc not ba-da lan, artha eta work.idf care.idf and

bihi-rik, ez azienda-rik, ez arbola-rik, ez grain.par not cattle.par not tree.par not buru-rik. head.par

(35) a. N-eu-re morroi eta mirabe-e-i ere . . . I.ref.gen servant.idf and handmaiden.plu.dat too b. . . . har-en maxima gal-du (e)ta moda ergel-e-i ja-rrai-k-i . . . yonder one.gen maxim lose.pef.idf and fashion silly.plu.dat follow.pef h-a-tza-i-e . . . plu/2sol.dit c. . . . ingura-tzen z-it-u-e(n)-n onthasun (Batua: ontasun), ohore (e)ta . . . surround.ipf plu/.tra.pst.nre wealth.idf honor.idf and atsegin-e-i . . . beha-tu-rik, . . . pleasure.plu.dat . . . look.pef.sta (36) a. . . . Jesus-en ama Maria eta anai¼arreb(a-e)-ekin . . . . . . Jesus.gen mother Maria.idf and brother.idf.(-and)-sister.plu.soc b. . . . Maria Jesus-en am(a)-a-rekin, eta har-en . . . Maria Jesus.gen mother.soc and yonder one.gen anay(-e)-ekin (Batua: anaiekin). brother.plu.soc (37) a. Gain-e-ra-ko-ek behe-r(a)-ago-ko eta top.all.adn.zep.plu.erg lower part.all.cop.adn.idf and arrunt-ago-rekin kontent z-ir-e-n. ordinary.cop.zep.idf.soc satisfied.idf be.plu.syn.pst b. Noe atzen-ean, ber-e hiru seme Sem, Kam eta Jafet eta Noah end.loc he himself.gen three son.idf Shem.idf Ham.idf and Jafet and lau-r-(e)-en emazte-a(-e-e)kin (Batua: emazteekin) kutx(a)-an sartu four.zep.plu.gen wife.plu.soc ark.loc go into.pef


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ze-n. itr.pst (Cf. Gn 7.13: Egun har-ta-n ber-ta-n sar-tu ze-n Noe untzi-an day yonder one.loc it itself.idf.loc go into.pef itr.pst Noah ark.loc ber-e seme Sem, Kam eta Jafet-ekin, ber-e he himself.gen son.idf Sem.idf Ham.idf and Japheth.idf.soc he himself.gen emazte eta errain[-e]-ekin.) wife.idf and daughter-in-law.plu.soc c. . . . ber-e emazte, hiru seme eta hiru erran˜-a(-e-e)kin . . . he himself.gen wife.idf three son.idf and three daughter-in-law.plu.soc irten zen. come out.pef itr.pst (Cf. Gn 8.18: Atera ze-n Noe ber-e emazte, seme eta come out.pef itr.pst Noah he himself.gen wife.idf son.idf and errain[-e]-ekin.) daughter-in-law.plu.soc (38) a. Etxe house b. Etxe house

bat a bat a

eros-i dugu, eta ber-e-ha(r-en)-la sal-du. buy.pef /1plu.tra and immediately sell(.pef) eros-i, eta ber-e-ha(r-en)-la sal-du d-u-gu. buy and immediately sell.pef /1plu.tra

(39) a. Etxe house b. Etxe house

bat a bat a

eros-ten d-u-gu, eta ber-e-ha(r-en)-la saltzen. buy.ipf /1plu.tra and immediately sell.ipf eros-i, eta ber-e-ha(r-en)-la saltzen dugu. buy and immediately sell.ipf /1plu.tra

(40) a. Etxe house b. Etxe house

bat a bat a

eros i-ko d-u-gu, eta ber-e-ha(r-en)-la sal-du-ko. buy.fut /1plu.tra and immediately sell.fut eros-i, eta ber-e-ha(r-en)-la salduko dugu. buy and immediately sell.fut /1plu.tra

(41) a. Etxe house b. Etxe house

bat a bat a

eros dezagun, eta ber-e-ha(r-en)-la sal. buy.rad /1plu.tra.suj.ncz and immediately sell.rad eros-i, eta ber-e-ha(r-en)-la sal dezagun. buy and immediately sell.rad /1plu.tra.suj.ncz

(42) Etxe bat eros-i eta, ber-e-ha(r-en)-la saldu dugu. house a buy.pef enc immediately sell.pef /1plu.tra (43) a. Tresna hauek da-ka-tza-gu, eta ber-e-ha(r-en)-la e-ra-bil-tzen. tool this.plu bring.plu/1plu.syt and immediately use.ipf

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b. Tresna hauek ekarri, eta ber-e-ha(r-en)-la ba-da-ra-bil-tza-gu. tool this.plu bring and immediately aff.use.plu/1plu.syt (44) a. Gu-k we.erg b. Gu-k we.erg

etxe house etxe house

bat a bat a

eros-ten d-u-gu, eta zu-ek ber-e-ha(r-en)-la saltzen. buy.ipf /1tra and you.plu.erg immediately sell.ipf eros-i, eta zu-ek ber-e-ha(r-en)-la salt-zen d-u-zu-e. buy and you.plu.erg immediately sell.ipf /2plu.tra

(45) a. Pen(a)-ak oro ji-ten d-ir-a Jainko-a-ren nahi-tik, eta ber-a-k su¤ering.plu all.idf come.ipf plu.itr God.gen will.ela and he himself.erg permititzen oro hoben-a-ga(i)-tik. allow.ipf all.idf sin.mot b. Ni-k han da-kus-a-da-n zu-re begitarte-a, eta saindu(e)-ekin I.erg over there.loc see./1/syt.ncz you.gen countenance and saint.plu.soc lauda zu-re majestate-a. praise.rad you.gen majesty c. Zer-en hainbat bekatu-ta-n da-rama-gu bizia, eta g-e(u)-r(e)-ok gu-re why so much sin.loc lead./1plu.syt life and we ourselves.erg we.gen falt(a)-a-z gal-tzen gu-re buru-a? fault.ins lose.ipf we.gen head d. Zer-en ordu-an z-eu-re etsai-a, z-eu-re buru-a, eta deabru-a ere cac that time.loc you.ref.gen enemy you.ref.gen head and devil too garai(t)-tzen bait-(d)-it-u-zu, eta arim(a)-a, eta gorputz-a ere bake-an, defeat.ipf acp.plu/2.tra and soul and body too peace.loc sosegu-an eta segur-e-an ipin-tzen. calm.loc and safety.loc put.ipf e. Eri-ak senda-tzen z-it-u-en, hil-ak pi(t)z-ten, haize-ak sick.zep.plu cure.ipf plu/.tra.pst dead.zep.plu revive.ipf wind.plu jabal-tzen, itsaso-a ema-tzen. pacify.ipf sea calm.ipf f. Laster e-gi-ten d-u hilerri-ra, iriki-tzen d-u hobi-a eta ber-e race.idf do.ipf tra cemetery.all open.ipf tra grave and she herself.gen alab(a)-a bizi eta azkar hatzema(n)-ten. daughter alive.idf and kicking.idf ďŹ nd.ipf g. Noizbait-e-an ere, bi zakurr-ak irits-i omen z-ir-e-n palazio-ko sometime.loc too two dog.plu reach.pef rep plu.itr.pst palace.adn ate-e-ta-ra, bai(-e)ta ber-ta-n txiki-tu deabrua, hauts-i gate.plu.all also it itself.loc tear to pieces devil break down hama(r)hiru ate-ak, eta ber(e)-en nagusi-a libra-tu ere. thirteen door.plu and he himself.plu.gen master liberate too


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h. Ber-a ez d-u-t i-kus-ten, bai botz-a e-ntzu-ten. he himself not /1.tra see.ipf yes voice hear.ipf (46) a. Eta ni-k gizon-a gal-du eta alab(a)-a aurki-tu n-u-en. and I.erg man lose.pef and daughter ďŹ nd.pef /1.tra.pst b. Bi-ok bat-e-ra bazkal-du eta afal-tzen z-u-te-n. one.all have lunch.pef and have dinner.ipf /plu.tra.pst c. Hau adi-tu z-u-e(n)-n-e-an neska hori beldur-tu, eta atezulo-tik this hear.pef tra.pst.nre.loc girl that get scared(.pef) and doorway.ela luza-tu e-gi-n omen z-i-o-n behatz-a. extend do.pef rep dtr.pst ďŹ nger d. Eta ha(r-en)-la, ustegabe, erabat abera(t)s-tu, eta herri and yonder way unexpected.pre very become wealthy(.pef) and village bat-e-ra jaits-i, eta han anai(a-)arreb(a)-ak eta zakurr-ak a.all go down(.pef) and over there.loc brother and sister.plu and dog.plu on-do bizi iza-n omen z-ir-e-n. well live be.pef rep plu.itr.pst e. Juan Martin aintzindari haundi-(e)-en-gan-(r)a j-oa-n eta Jose Larrekoa-ren Juan Martin leader high.plu.all go and Jose Larrekoa.gen hauzi-a konpon-du z-u-en. case settle.pef tra.pst f. Etxe-ra j-oa-n eta ohe-ra sar-tu n-in-tz-e-n. house.all go.pef and bed.all get into.pef g. Ni mendi-tik e-torr-i eta Joxe-k etxe-tik aldegi-n z-u-en. I mountain.ela come and Joseph.erg house.ela leave.pef tra.pst (47) a. Ordu-an libra-tu-ren d-u anai(a)-a-k anai(a)-a herio-ta-ra, eta ait(a)-a-k that time.loc deliver.fut tra brother.erg brother death.idf.all and father.erg haurr-a. child b. Oin-a-k zerbitza-tzen d-u esku-a, eta esku-ak oin-a. foot.erg serve.ipf tra hand and hand.erg foot c. Hil-ak pi(t)z-tu-ko d-ir-en-e-an, ez d-u-te har-tu-ko ez dead.zep.plu rise.fut plu.itr.nre.loc not /plu.tra take.fut not gizon-ek emazte-rik, ez eta emazteki-ek senarr-ik. man.plu.erg wife.par not and woman.plu.erg husband.par d. Zu-k e-ma-n-go d-i-o-zu zuku-a, eta ni-k babarrun-ak. you.erg give.fut //2.dtr soup and I.erg bean.plu e. Hama(r)lau urte z-it-u-en ordu-an mutil-a-k, eta zu-k fourteen year.idf have.plu/.syt.pst that time.loc boy.erg and you.erg

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hama(r)hiru. thirteeen.idf (48) Zu-ek gu-re alab(a)-a-rekin gero zer e-gi-n-go d-u-zu-e? you.plu.erg we.gen daughter.soc later what do.fut /2plu.tra (49) a. Alkate-a-k eta nor-k lapur-tu z-u-te-n artaldea? mayor.erg and who.erg steal.pef /plu.tra.pst ock of sheep b. Ohe-an ber-e emazte-a eta nor i-kus-i z-it-u-en? bed.loc he himself.gen wife and who see.pef plu/plu.tra.pst c. Ber-e izen-a eta zer aha(t)z-tu za-i-z-ki-o? he himself.gen name and what forget.pef /plu.dit d. Madril-e-ra eta no-ra zi-h-oa-z-e-n? Madrid.all and where.all go.plu.syn.pst e. La(u)r(h)ogei eta zenbat urte d-it-u? eighty and how many year have.plu/.syt (50) a. Nor-k eta alkate-a-k lapur-tu z-u-en artaldea! who.erg and mayor.erg steal.pef tra.pst ock of sheep b. Ohe-an nor eta ber-e emazte-a i-kus-i z-u-en! bed.loc who and he himself.gen wife see.pef tra.pst c. Zer eta ber-e izen-a aha(t)z-tu za-i-o! what and he himself.gen name forget.pef dit d. No-ra eta Madril-e-ra zi-h-oa-z-en! where.all and Madrid.all go.plu.syn.pst e. Zenbat eta la(u)r(h)ogei urte d-it-u! how many and eighty year.idf have.plu/.syt (51) a. Zein-e-k (variant of nor-k) eta Odolki-k zirika-tu behar ber-a, which one.erg who.erg and Odolki.erg prod need.ppr he himself Moxolo! Moxolo b. Nor-k eta Peru-k e-sa-n behar! who.erg and Peter.erg say should.ppr c. Nor-k, eta hi-k aukera-tu d-u-k, ber-a-z, Txanton alkate? who.erg and you.sol.erg elect.pef /2sol.tra same.ins Txanton mayor.idf d. No-n gain-e-ra eta ber-e jaioterri-an! where.loc top.all and he himself.gen native land.loc e. Ha(r-en)-la-ko eskeintz(a)-a . . . No-n eta New York-e-n! yonder way.adn o¤er where.loc and New York.loc f. Zahar-tu eta maskal-du-ta gero ezkon-tze-a! Nor-ekin eta grow old.(pef) and grow weak.pec later get married.ven who.soc and



Glosses for Chapter 30

asko-ta-z gazte-ago eta neskame etxe-an iza-n z-en-u-te(-n)-n much.ins young.cop.idf and maid.idf house.loc have.pef /2plu.tra.pst.nre Agar emagaldu horr-ekin! Agar whore that.soc g. Non-dik eta zerraldo-tik atera z-ir-e-n hitz hai-ek. where.ela and co‰n.ela come out.pef plu.itr.pst word yonder.plu (52) a. Zer e-gi-n eta zeru-ko giltz(a-)a puska-tu z-i-o-te-n aingeru what do(.pef) and heaven.adn key break.pef //plu.dtr.pst angel koskorr-ek San Pedro-ri! little.plu.erg St. Peter.dat b. Nor harri-tu eta errege harri-tu. who be surprised and king be surprised c. Eta hori noiz gerta-tu-ko eta orain gerta-tzen. and that when happen.fut and now happen.ipf d. Zer ken-du-ko mediku-a-k, eta gozo-a. what take away.fut doctor.erg and candy (53) a. Zepai-k eta han-dik alde e-gi-n z-u-te-n. Zepa.erg enc over there.ela place.idf make.pef /plu.tra.pst b. Ama-txo-ri eta ez beldur-tze-ko e-sa-n. Mother.dim.idf.dat enc not be afraid.ven.adn tell(.rad) c. Nor bizi da etxe horr-e-ta-n?— Pello eta. who live.ppr itr house that.loc Pello enc d. Joxepa-k eta barre e-gi-n z-u-te-n. Joseph.erg enc laugh.idf do.pef /plu.tra.pst (54) a. Sukalde-ko ontzi-ak, plater-ak eta, hauts-i z-it-u-en. kitchen.adn dish.plu plate.plu enc break.pef plu/plu.tra.pst b. Tabern(a-)a eta iza-n behar d-u-te. tavern enc have must.ppr /plu.tra (55) a. Hamar urte edo n-it-u-en. ten year.idf enc have.plu/1.syt.pst b. . . . alab(a-)a berri-z haurtzain edo ze-(d)uka-n nonbait . . . . . . daughter new.idf.ins babysitter.idf enc have.syt.pst somewhere.loc c. Hogei edo e-torr-i d-ir-a. twenty.del.idf enc come.pef plu.itr d. Adimen kamuts-a d-u-da-la-ko edo ni-k ez di-o-t igar-tzen. mind dull have/1.syt.lcz.adn enc I.erg not //1.dtr notice.ipf e. Ba-da-ki-zu non-dik da-torr-en?— Indi(a)-e-ta-tik edo. aff.know./2.syt where.ela come.syn.ncz America.plu.ela enc

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f. Losintxakeri(a-)an al z-a-to(r)-z edo? attery.loc int come.2.syn enc g. Diru-rik edo al ze-go-en hemen? money.par enc int be.syn.pst here.loc h. Eta zenbat behar n-u-e(n)-n edo galdera e-gi-n z-i-da-n. and how much need.ppr /1.tra.pst.ncz enc question.idf do.pef /1/.dtr.pst (56) Errenteria-ko-a edo horr-e(n)-la iza-n behar z-u-en. Errenteria.adn.zep enc that way be must.ppr tra.pst (57) a. Zu(-e-)en Anton-e-k ber-e buru-a hil ote d-u-en edo, you.plu.gen Tony.erg he himself.gen head kill.pef dub tra.ncz enc d-io-te. say./plu.syt b. Itsaspeko-rik agiri ote ze(-n)-n edo beti itsaso-ra begi-ra. submarine.par appear.ppr dub itr.pst.ncz enc always sea.all watching.pre (58) a. Loteri(a-)a eskain-tzen al d-i-o-zu ala? lottery o¤er.ipf int //2.dtr enc b. Lanpe-tu-a i-kus-ten h-a-u-t. Eskribi-tze-n, ala? be busy.pef.sin see.ipf 2sol/1.tra write.ven.loc enc c. Sal-du ordu-ko, ez z-en-u-en z-eu-re-a, ala? sell time.adn not have./2.syt.pst you.ref.gen.zep enc d. Gu-re hizkuntz(a)-a-ren egoera larri-a-k ez z-a-it-u-z-te nahigabe-tzen we.gen language.gen status precarious.erg not 2plu/.tra make sad.ipf ala? enc e. Lo z-a-u-de ala? asleep.pre be.2.syn enc (59) Ifernu-an sar-tu n-a-iz, ala zer? hell.loc enter.pef 1.itr or what (60) Ez d-u-zu e zagu(t)-tu? Zu-re seme-a be-ra ze-n eta! not /2.tra recognize.pef you.gen son he himself be.syn.pst eec (61) a. Beste lagun bat eta bi-ak atze-ra j-oa-n z-ir-e-n. other friend a and two.zep.plu back.all go.pef plu.itr.pst b. Beste bertso asko, andre-a eta bi-ak elkarr-ekin kanta-tze-ko other verse many wife.def and two.zep.erg.plu each other.soc sing.ven.adn e-gi-n-ak d-ir-a. make.pef.plu be.plu.syn c. Zestua-ra j-oa-n g-in-e-n aita eta bi-ak. Cestona.all go.pef 1plu.itr.pst Father.idf and two.zep.plu


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(62) a. Zepai eta bi-ok e-torr-i g-in-e-n ordu-an. Zepai and come.pef 1plu.itr.pst that time.loc b. Ni-k, nagusi-a-k eta bi-ok e-gi-ten g-en-it-u-e(n)-n lan-ak, I.erg boss.erg and do.ipf plu/1plu.tra.pst.nre work.plu bakarr-ik erraz e-gi-n-go n-it-u-zke-en. alone.sta easily do.fut plu/1.tra.cod.pst c. Aita eta bi-ok mendi-ra j-oa-n g-in-e-n. Father.idf and mountain.all go.pef 1plu.itr.pst (63) a. Ama, Itziar eta hiru-r-ok geldi-tu g-in-e-n etxe-an. Mother.idf Itziar and stay.pef 1plu.itr.pst house.loc b. Ba, g-oa-z-en ordu an, g-oa-z-en Teresa eta lau r-ok. inf go.1plu.syn.ncz that time.loc go.1plu.itr.syn.ncz Teresa and c. Eta ho(n-en)-la-xe i-bil-i g-in-e-n azken ud(a)-an ere, Toby, Frankie, and this way.emp walk.pef 1plu.itr.pst last summer.loc too Toby Frankie Kent, aitona eta bost-ok . . . Kent Grandfather.idf and ďŹ (64) a. Nahi ba-d-u eta nahi ez ba-d-u ni-re Joxe-k ez d-u ile bat want.ppr cdp.tra and want.ppr not cdp.tra I.gen Joseph.erg not tra hair a ere iku-tzen ni-re baimen-ik gabe. even touch.ipf i.gen permission.par without.pre b. Baina, nahi ba-z-u-en eta ez ba-z-u-en, zaku madarika-tu-an sar-tu but want.ppr cdp.tra.pst and not cdp.tra.pst sack curse.pef.loc go into behar iza-n zi-tza-i-o-n. have to be.pef dit.pst c. Nahi ba-d-u-zu eta ez ba-d-u-zu, ezkon-du beharr-a z-a-r-a. want.ppr cdp./2.tra and not cdp./2.tra get married need.ppr 2.itr d. Orain sendo-a n-a-iz, on ba-za-i-n eta ez ba-za-i-n. now healthy be.1.syn good.idf cdp.2sol.fem/.dyn and not cdp.2sol.fem/.dyn e. Ez da, orde-a, ez bihi-rik, ez azienda-rik, ez arbola-rik, ez not be.syn substitute not grain.par not cattle.par not tree.par not ba-da lan, arta eta buru-rik. work.idf care.idf and head.par (65) Kobratuko duk, bai, Jainko-a-k nahi ba-d-u zein ez ba-d-u! receive.fut /2sol.tra yes God.erg want.ppr cdp.tra or not cdp.tra (66) a. Botila ba(t)-na ardo edan de-za-gu-n. bottle.idf one.dis wine.idf drink(.rad) /1plu.tra.suj.ncz b. Ha-n ba-z-ir-e-n sei ontzi harri-z-ko, over there.loc six container.idf stone.idf.ins.adn.idf

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c. d. e.


g. h. i.

bizpahiru-na metreta ze-(d)uka-te(-n)-n-ak. two or three.dis metreta.idf hold./plu.syt.pst.nre.zep.plu Bi-na arima d-it-u-gu gehi-en-ek. two.dis soul.idf have.plu/1plu.syt much.sup.plu.erg E-ma-n z-i-z-ki-gu-te-n bi-na gu-ri, lau-na beste-e-i. give.pef plu/1plu/plu.dtr.pst two.dis we.dat four.dis other.zep.plu.dat Guzti-ak e-duki-ko d-it-u-z-te hamar-na beso luzer(a)-an, eta all.zep.plu.erg have.fut plu/plu.tra ten.dis yard.idf length.loc and zabaler(a)-an ba(t)-na eta erdi. breadth.loc one.dis and half.idf Gu-re etxe-an lau(r)-ren-tzako gaur sei sardina, baina ez d-u-te we.gen house.loc four.del.idf.ben today six sardine.idf but not /plu.tra e-gi-n partizio berdin-a; gu-ri ba(t)-na eta ber-ak jan do.pef divison even we.dat one.dis and he himself.plu.erg eat.pef d-i-gu-te bi-na zer-ga(i)-tikan ez parti-tu bat eta erdi-na? /1plu/plu.dtr two.dis what.mot not divide one and half.dis Zenba(t)-na liburu eros-i d-u-zu-e? how much.dis book buy.pef /2plu.tra Har-k bi-na liburu eros-i d-it-u liburudenda guzti-e-ta-n. yonder one.erg two.dis book.idf buy.pef plu/.tra bookstore all.plu.loc Ohera-tu g-a-r-a bi-ok ohe ba(t)-na-ta-n. go to sleep.pef 1plu.itr bed one.dis.loc

(67) a. Bos(t)-na gizon-e-k lagun-du d-i-gu-te. five.dis man.erg help.pef /1plu/plu.dtr b. Gu-k hiru-na ikasle-ri lagun-tzen d-i-e-gu lan-ak e-gi-te-n. we.erg three.dis student.dat help.ipf /plu/1plu.dtr work.plu do.ven.loc c. Bi-na neska-k e-ma-n z-i-gu-te-n musu. two.dis girl.erg give.pef /1plu/plu.dtr.pst kiss. d. Gu bizikleta ba(t)-na-ta-n e-torr-i g-a-r-a. we bike one.dis.loc come.pef 1plu.itr e. Hiru-na neska-rekin i-kus-i n-i-tu-en. three.dis girl.soc see.pef plu/1.tra.pst Chapter 31

(1) a. Gaur¼biharr-e-ta-n buka-tu-ko d-u-gu lan hori. today-tomorrow.plu.loc finish.fut /1plu.tra work that b. Ez al d-u-zu-e bihar¼etzi-e-ta-ra-ko utz-i-ko? not int /2plu.tra tomorrow-the day after tomorrow.plu.des leave.fut



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(2) a. Eta gain-e-ra abioitxo ba(t)-na, eskola-ra j-oa-n¼e-tor-tze-ko. and top.all airplane.dim one.dis school.all go-come.ven.adn b. Isil¼isil-ik jan-edan z-u-te-n. quiet.idf-quiet.sta eat-drink.pef /plu.tra.pst (3) a. . . . Ni-k Aritz harrapa-tu-z gero ez d-u-t inon-go . . . I.erg Aritz arrest.pef.idf.ins since not have./1.syt somewhere.adn zalantza-rik.— Zer ardura za-i-z-ki-gu hi-re zalantz(a)-ak eta doubt.par what matter be.1plu/plu you.gen.sol doubt.plu and malantz(a)-ak?— oihu e-gi-n z-u-en Galarreta-k. Hemen ‘doubt’.plu shout.idf make.pef tra.pst Galarreta.erg here.loc froga hobe-ak behar d-i-z-ki-a-gu. (piece of )evidence good.cop.plu need.ppr plu/1plu.tra.alc.sol b. —Bai, baina ni oporr-e-ta-n n-a-go eta . . . yes but I vacation.plu.loc be.1.syn and . . . —Zer oporr-ak eta moporr-ak! Batzu-e-ta-n ume bat baino what vacation.plu and ‘shmacation’.plu some.plu.loc child a srp okerr-ago h-a-iz. wrong.cop.idf be.2sol.syn c. Hi-k uste baino amona bekatari-ago-a da-uka-k, Jon. you.sol.erg think.ppr srp grandmother.idf sinful.cop have./2sol.syt Jon —Zer bekatu eta mekatu, asti-rik ere ez bai(t)-t(<*d)-u-zu iza-n! what sin.idf and ‘sin’ free time.par even not acp./2.tra have.pef d. —Gizon-a haserre-tzen za-i-gu. Haserre edo maserre . . . aditu hitz-ak. man get mad.ipf 1plu/.dyn mad.idf or ‘mad’.idf listen to word.plu e. —Ez n-e-ki-a-n hain sikologo on-a h-in-tz-e-(n)-n-ik— not know./1syt.pst.alc.sol so psychologist good be.2sol.syn.pst.pcz bota z-i-o-n alai detektibe-a-k. throw.pef dtr.pst cheerful.pre detective.erg —Ze sikologo eta mikologo— e-ra-ntzu-n z-i-o-n what psychologist.idf and ‘psychologist’.idf answer.pef dtr.pst Rodriguez-e-k bero samar. Rodriguez.erg hot.pre rather.adv (4) Pello-k hitzegi-n-go ba-l-u, moj(a)-ek aldegi-n-go l-u-ke-te. Pello.erg speak.fut cdp.tra.cod nun.plu.erg walk out.fut /pl.tra.cod (5) a. Hau d-ela eta, e-ra-baki n-u-en bi-ak eraberri-tze-a. this be.syn.lcz eec decide.pef /1.tra.pst two.zep.plu revise.ven b. Ezkontz(a)-a-ren hauts-eraz-te-a hitz(h)ar-tu z-u-te-n. matrimony.gen break.cau.ven agree.pef /plu.tra.pst

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c. Gehi-en-ik irri e-gi-n araz-i-ko d-i-o-n-a-ri hitz-e-ma-ten d-i-o much.sup.sta laughter.idf do cau.fut dtr.nre.zep.dat promise.ipf dtr zinta zeta bat ederr-a. ribbon silk.idf a beautiful.zep.sin (6) a. Eta hau esa-n z-u-e(n)-n-e-an, lokar-tu ze-n. and this say.pef tra.pst.nre.loc die.pef itr.pst b. Una-tu-ak iza-n-ik bi-ak, laster lokar-tu z-ir-e-n. get exhausted.pef.plu be.pef.sta two.zep.plu quickly fall asleep.pef plu.itr.pst c. Gu-re mutil-a sukar-tu ze-n, ja-ki-n z-u-e(n)-n-e-an soldadu we.gen boy flare up.pef itr.pst find out.pef tra.pst.nre.loc soldier.idf ze(-n)-la. be.syn.pst.lcz (7) a. Aitor de-za-gu-n nolabait-e-ko-tzat ets-i d-it-u-ela acknowledge.rad /1plu.tra.suj.ncz consider.pef plu/.tra.lcz hon-e-k. this one.erg b. Zenbait adiskide-k ni-re aldegi-te-a koldarkeria-tzat ets-i d-u-te. some friend.idf.erg I.gen escape.ven conside.pef /plu.tra (8) a. Eta guzti-z mirakulu e(t)s-ten z-u-te-n. and all.idf.ins wonder.idf consider.ipf /plu.tra.pst b. Aski e(t)s-ten d-u edo sobera e(t)s-ten d-u. enough.idf consider.ipf tra or too much.idf consider.ipf tra (9) a. Arrain buruhandi, haginzorrotz, larrume(he)-a. fish big head.idf sharp teeth.idf thin skin b. Bi idi handi, kopetazuri, bizkarbeltz, adarr(h)andi-ak. two ox big.idf white forehead.idf black back.idf big horn.plu c. Gizon burusoil bizarzuri bat . . . man bald head white beard a d. Etxepila bat teilatu¼zahar¼(h)aundi, tximinia¼ketsu, couple of houses a big old roof.idf smoked chimney.idf (h)ormabeltz¼sendo-ak. firm dark wall.plu e. Nicolls jeneral-a begi eta izter eta beso¼bakarr-a ze-n. Nicolls General eye.idf and thighbone.idf and one arm be.syn.pst Chapter 32

(1) a. Etxe hau zahar¼zaharr-a da. house this old.idf-old be.syn


Glosses for Chapter 32

b. Bero¼bero ze-go-en bitarte-an. warm.idf-warm.idf stay.syn.pst interval.loc c. En-e lagun on¼on-a. I.gen friend good.idf-good.idf d. . . . eliza oso-a zoko guzti-e-ta-n bete¼bete-a. church whole corner all.plu.loc full.idf-full e. Eska-tu eta har-tu-ko d-u-zu-e, zu(e)-en poz-a bete¼bete-a iza-n ask and receive.fut /2plu.tra you.plu.gen joy full.idf-full be(.rad) da-di-n. itr.suj.ncz (2) a. Ber-e ile gorri¼gorri hori luzi-tze-a gusta-tzen za-i-o. she herself.gen hair red.idf-red.idf that show.ven like.ipf dit b. Ordu-an emakume eder¼ederr-a i-kus-i z-u-en that time.loc woman beautiful.idf-beautiful see.pef tra.pst beregana-tze-n. come at herself.ven.loc c. Lo gozo¼gozo-an n-en-go-en. sleep sweet.idf-sweet.loc be.1.syn.pst (3) a. Liburu guzti¼guzti-a irakurr-i d-u-t. book whole.idf-whole read.pef /1.tra b. Liburu guzti¼guzti-ak irakurr-i d-it-u-t. book all.idf-all.plu read.pef plu/1.tra c. Guzti¼guzti-a esa-n-go d-i-o-t. (Also den¼den-a) everything.idf-everything tell.fut //1.dtr everything.idf-everything d. Guzti¼guzti-ek z-it-u-z-te-n hil-da-ko-ak ugari. all.idf-all.plu.erg have.plu/plu.syt.pst die.pec.adn.zep.plu abundantly (4) a. Z-a-r-en¼z-a-r-en-a bait-z-a-r-a zu-ta-z pena d-i-zu-t ni-k. be.2.syn.nre-be.2.syn.nre.zep you.ins pain.idf have./2/1/dyt I.erg b. Barka-tu, lagun, baina d-en¼d-en-a ezin d-i-zu-t esa-n. forgive friend.idf but be.syn.nre-be.syn.nre.zep npp /2/1.dtr tell c. N-a-iz-en¼n-a-iz-en-a zu-ri esker n-a-iz. be.1.syn.nre-be.1.syn.nre.zep you.dat thank.idf be.1.syn (5) a. Araudi-a da-go-en¼da-go-en-e-an utz-i-ko d-u-gu. rule be.syn.nre-be.syn.nre.zep.loc leave.fut /1plu.tra b. Ze-u-de(-n)-n¼ze-u-de(-n)-n-e-an da-to(r)-z berri-z, be.plu.syn.pst.nre-be.plu.syn.pst.nre.zep.loc come.plu.syn new.idf.ins huts-ik ere zuzen-du gabe. mistake.par even correct without.pre

Glosses for Chapter 33

(6) a. Urte-an urte-an igaro-tzen d-u-te hemen-txe ud(a)-a. year.loc year.loc spend.ipf /plu.tra here.loc.emp summer b. Ud(a)-an ud(a)-an alde e-gi-ten d-u-te. summer.loc summer.loc place.idf make.ipf /plu.tra (7) a. Ilunbe-a-k ez d-u konprehendi-tu. darkness.erg not tra grasp.pef b. Urpe-a garbi-tu d-u-te. underwater clean.pef /plu.tra Chapter 33

(1) a. Pitxerkada ardo-a edan z-u-en arnas(a)-a har-tu gabe. jarful wine drink.pef tra.pst breath take without.pre b. Eskukada diru-a ba-d-u. handful money aff.have.syt c. Har e-za-zu golkokada bete intxaur. take.rad /2.tra.imp bosom full full.idf walnut.idf d. Bi platerkada tomate jan z-it-u-en. two plateful tomato.idf eat.pef plu/.tra.pst


Index of Basque Words That Appear Only in the Example Sentences

The translations provided here are identical to those given in the grammar. Every translation is appropriate for the example sentence in which the word occurs; if the word were used in a di¤erent sentence, another translation might of course be called for. The number following the translation refers to the relevant chapter, and the number in parentheses identiďŹ es the example in which the word is used. Other words used in the examples are to be found in the Basque-English section of the Vocabulary at the end of Volume 1. abade aberastasun abesti abiada abiapuntu abioitxo abisatu abots adineko adoratu adore adur Afrika erdi afusilatu agendatxo ageri izan aginpide agintari agudo

priest wealth/richness song speed starting point small airplane to warn voice peer to adore courage saliva central Africa to shoot little notebook to appear authority authority quickly

agure ahalkesun

old man majesty

26 (33b) 19 (85a); 25 (40b) 19 (25b) 24 (8a) 23 (37c) 31 (2a) 17 (17b) 27 (33c) 25 (1e) 15 (11a); 16 (77c) 14 (33g) 15 (13f ); 27 (73a) 23 (54b) 20 (70d) 19 (1c) 15 (47a) 19 (64b) 27 (71c) 8 (42b); 15 (59f ); 23 (18c), (44c) 23 (20); 26 (52b) 24 (50b)


Index of Basque Words That Appear Only in the Example Sentences

ahari ahoberokeria aho literatura aholkulari ahots

ram exaggeration oral literature adviser voice

ahotz ai aide ailegatu aitaginarreba aitamak aita-seme aitor aitzakia aizto akabatu akats akusatu alabaina alai alaitu albiste aldaratu aldare aldarte aldatu aldegin alde izan aldeko alegia aleman alkanfor-usai ama-alabak Ama Birjina amandre amen-amen amerikano amets-irudi amore

cha¤ alas/ah air to arrive father-in-law father and mother father and son testimony pretext knife to come to an end fault to accuse however cheerily to cheer up news to keep from altar change in feelings/temperament to change to run/stay away/to leave to have on one’s side favorite indeed German camphor smell mother and daughter Our Lady grandmother acclaim American dream image love

15 (16d); 20 (45c) 18 (50c) 23 (39a) 23 (38a) 15 (56a); 19 (15a); 21 (32e); 22 (4f ); 27 (17d) 15 (53a) 19 (30c)/26 (33d) 10 (3a) 23 (52b) 20 (32a) 22 (17c); 30 (5c) 19 (90a) 9 (21b) 19 (74a) 19 (20b) 24 (19c) 10 (3b); 13 (32a) 19 (7a); 25 (6c) 8 (59) 31 (3e) 17 (12b) 18 (70i); 25 (28a) 24 (49d) 12 (13a) 26 (79f )/27 (34f ) 23 (61a); 27 (75c) 9 (20d)/19 (6c)/30 (46g) 19 (56d) 25 (11a) 26 (69a) 19 (80c) 10 (5b) 27 (19a) 27 (41a) 20 (62c) 23 (11a) 19 (62b); 23 (40d) 15 (26a) 27 (23b)

Index of Basque Words That Appear Only in the Example Sentences

amorio anaiarrebak angina animalia antsia antxume antzara antzezlari antzinako antzoki antzu apaindu apaizgo apal apostolu araudi arbola argibide argi-haste argitara argitu argizari arkakuso arlo armairu arraintxo arrano arrastakari arraunlari arrautza arrazoizko arreta arrunt art(h)a artalde artale artikulu artista artzain asaba

love brothers and sisters tonsillitis brute concern kid goose actor old theater barren to decorate priesthood humble apostle rule tree example daybreak to publish to educate wax ea task chest/cupboard little ďŹ sh vulture creeping animal rower egg reasonable care/attention ordinary care ock grain of corn article artist shepherd ancestor


30 (27b) 30 (36a, 46d) 20 (39b) 17 (47c) 30 (19a) 20 (58a) 19 (77d) 30 (9c) 27 (75d) 23 (15c) 19 (34d) 16 (36b) 20 (73b) 18 (49c) 30 (3b) 32 (5a) 24 (18b); 27 (4g); 30 (34, 64e) 24 (26c) 23 (31b) 24 (3b); 26 (1c, 79e) 17 (31d) 23 (44a,b) 26 (24c) 16 (42a) 19 (6f )/19 (27b) 26 (42b) 19 (83b) 30 (9d) 17 (23b) 24 (63c); 25 (9c) 22 (32c) 20 (23c)/27 (33b) 30 (37a) 22 (3a); 30 (34, 64e) 23 (69b); 30 (49a) 24 (53d) 25 (17g) 8 (11b) 30 (24) 16 (90c); 20 (21b)


Index of Basque Words That Appear Only in the Example Sentences

ase asetasun askotxo asmatzaile aspaldiko astabelarri astakume Asteasu asti atal atalaurre ataka atari ate-hots atentatu ateraldi aterpe atezain atezulo atsegin atsegintoki atxo atzeman atzen atzerri aukeran aurkez aurkezpen aurpegi aurtiki auto

to be sated repleteness quite a lot soothsayer old donkey’s ear young donkey Asteasu time part introduction ďŹ x entrance sound of the door terrorist attack witticism shelter doorkeeper doorway contentment Garden of Eden little old lady to catch/to capture end foreign country in abundance in front introduction face to eject/to blurt out car

autobus automobil autopista autore azal azeri azienda azkor

bus car highway author surface fox cattle intelligent

27 (4a) 16 (81b) 25 (9d, 23a) 17 (48b) 20 (7d) 9 (7d) 19 (49a, 50b, 78b) 25 (4a) 21 (25b); 23 (17b); 31 (3c) 15 (59c) 16 (46) 21 (9e) 19 (79a) 12 (9a) 24 (2c) 19 (35c) 24 (68d) 16 (73a) 30 (46c) 19 (16c) 17 (50) 22 (9a) 19 (61b)/24 (47c) 29 (9c); 30 (37b) 28 (26a) 17 (15a) 24 (5a) 14 (39a) 16 (67d) 23 (30a)/24 (53a) 16 (47a, 57a); 24 (61b); 25 (19a) 8 (61); 27 (18a) 9 (14b) 19 (69) 9 (8b) 16 (48b) 16 (87b); 26 (41c) 20 (29c); 30 (34, 64e) 19 (63a)

Index of Basque Words That Appear Only in the Example Sentences


azotatu azpimarratu aztar aztarna

to og to underline trace relic

23 (48a) 26 (8b) 28 (21c) 24 (34a)

baba babarrun babes babesleku baga bahi bahitu baietz baimen-aldi bainatu bakandu bakezale baldarkeria balera banatu banko baratxuri barberu/o barbituriko barkamendu barkapen barruti Basaburu basajaun basati bataiatu bataio bat-batean batere batxiler batzar Bazko baztanga bazter(rak)(PLU) bedeinkatu

bean bean support sanctuary wave pledge to kidnap assent/yet/positively furlough to take a bath to keep apart paciďŹ st/peace-loving stupidity valley to distribute/divide bank garlic barber barbiturate forgiveness forgiving area Basaburu ogre/sylvan man uncouth to christen baptism out of the blue at all high school diploma meeting Passover pox surroundings/corner to bless

20 (58c) 30 (47d) 26 (33c) 21 (10b) 26 (26b) 21 (8c) 18 (59d) 10 (7a)/23 (23c)/23 (76b) 20 (65a) 23 (4b) 15 (53b) 11 (22e)/26 (65c) 27 (45c) 19 (14a) 16 (48c)/18 (44e) 25 (24e) 30 (20a) 18 (38d)/18 (73d) 27 (2c) 28 (49e) 19 (36a) 23 (26b) 23 (25b) 19 (77c)/27 (74c) 23 (54b) 15 (5b); 29 (13e) 26 (8d) 18 (30c); 23 (54b) 19 (80b) 20 (48d) 26 (6b) 14 (26a) 19 (60c) 27 (4e)/27 (72a) 21 (21a, 24a)


bederen begirada begiraldi begitarte behardun behatz behazun behere behinik behin behinolako X bekatore belaunaldi benetako beratu beratx berdintsu bereizi bereiztu bereko bermut berna berotasun berotu berretura besanga beso-kako bestaldean bestetandik bestetariko bestimenda betikoz bide-erdi bide erdian bidenabar bidezko bidoi bigundu biharko bihotz-barrengo bilaukeria

Index of Basque Words That Appear Only in the Example Sentences

at least glance glance countenance poor ďŹ nger gall oor at any rate old-time X sinner generation genuine/real to get soft mild somewhat similar to separate to separate same vermouth leg warmth to get hot addition branch curve of one’s arm behind (from) elsewhere from elsewhere (adnominal) garment forever middle of the road halfway by the way legitimate drum to soften by tomorrow inside of the heart villainy

16 (2d) 27 (72d) 24 (56a) 30 (45b) 23 (30b) 27 (15c) 18 (73b) 20 (40b) 19 (3a,b) 27 (75c) 23 (49b) 9 (17d) 27 (33e)/27 (45c) 26 (20b) 30 (9f ) 16 (61a) 15 (53a, 60a); 21 (8d) 24 (49b) 27 (44c) 30 (15a) 16 (44b) 27 (56b) 26 (20b) 19 (91d) 19 (87a) 22 (31a) 20 (54b) 27 (2f ) 27 (22c) 20 (49a) 15 (25a) 26 (27b) 23 (23b) 19 (50a) 11 (8a) 16 (84a) 27 (24h) 20 (1) 13 (3b) 27 (71d)

Index of Basque Words That Appear Only in the Example Sentences


biluz biolina biraolari bisita bisitatu bitasun bizikleta

naked violin blasphemer visit to visit two-ness bicycle

bizitze bizkar bizkartean bokal bolada bolsa bonba borondate borroka bortiztasun bosteko botila boz bozkario branka brotxe buelta bular bultza bultzada bultzatu burdinazko burra burubide buruhauste buruzagi busti buztin

living back meanwhile vowel while sheath bomb will ďŹ ght forcefulness handshake bottle voice joy prow brooch walk breast push impulse to push iron (adnominal) butter advice problem leader/ruler wet/to moisten clay

25 (29d) 30 (14a) 18 (72b) 16 (73d); 25 (26d) 16 (77f ) 19 (30a) 16 (49a); 19 (28c); 24 (20c); 30 (67d) 25 (37d,e) 31 (9b) 28 (51k) 23 (58b) 22 (10a) 15 (18a) 16 (32a) 22 (29a) 17 (24b) 19 (36b) 22 (7c) 30 (66a) 26 (21b) 14 (41d) 20 (50b) 16 (84c) 24 (13c) 16 (44b) 18 (38c) 5 (2f ) 16 (95a,b) 27 (1b) 20 (40b) 27 (16c) 28 (51o) 23 (14d)/27 (57a) 23 (61a)/26 (19a) 28 (48e)

Dama danbolina dar-dar

lady drum trembling

14 (22c) 30 (14a) 9 (21d); 15 (20)


Index of Basque Words That Appear Only in the Example Sentences

dastatu debozio dekreto denbora denbora-pasa deretxo desgertarazi desiratu detektibe

to taste devotion decree time pastime duty to make unhappened to wish (to have) detective

dezente diamant diglosia diti dohain doinu dokumentu dolu dongaro dorpe dotoretu dozena duro

all right diamond diglossia mother’s milk gift tone document grief wrongly demanding to make pretty dozen duro

19 (60b) 16 (65) 11 (20e) 27 (44b) 19 (76d) 19 (6d) 27 (25e) 19 (77a) 10 (4b); 18 (30a, 74b); 23 (65e) 23 (70a) 27 (1d) 25 (10b) 30 (13d) 27 (4a) 19 (15a) 21 (30c) 11 (20a) 29 (14d) 28 (33b) 16 (56b) 19 (77d) 25 (23a)

Ebanjelio eginbehar egiptoera egiteko egunsenti ehiza ehule elbarri eleberri ele-eder elikatu elizatxo elizgizon elkarrengana emagaldu emakume egarri

Gospel chore Egyptian (language) trouble/task/obligation daybreak game weaver paralytic/crippled novel literature to (take) nourish(ment) little church cleric to unite prostitute/whore longing for women

14 23 19 21 23 20 26 14 17 15 27 19 26 20 17 26

(40c) (5b) (78c) (27a)/24 (13b)/27 (50a) (17a, 21a) (45a) (8a) (18c)/24 (28c) (33a) (16c) (4c) (14a, 73) (77b) (22a) (47b); 19 (54a)/30 (51f ) (49b)

Index of Basque Words That Appear Only in the Example Sentences

emakumezko ematu emazteki emisora ene engainagarri enga(i)natu

female to calm woman radio station mine/me (cf. nire) deceptive to deceive/to delude/to betray

enkargu enparantza enperadore epai epaile erabaki erabat eraiki eraile eranskin erantzunbehar eraspen erdainkuntza erdi erdimin eredu erein/erain

order village square emperor judgment judge decision totally/utterly to build killer addition responsibility devotion circumcision to give birth childbirth model to sow

ereinotz-usai ereje ergel eriberibil erlijione ero-etxe errain erratz errauts errealitate errebelatu erregalo erregina erregu

laurel smell heretic silly ambulance religion madhouse daughter-in-law broom ashes reality to stray present queen prayer


16 (53a); 20 (73b) 30 (45e) 23 (45a); 27 (3a) 15 (36a) 27 (15d/43a) 24 (6a) 15 (43a,b); 24 (17d); 26 (61c); 27 (7b, 45b)/22 (12a)/30 (18b) 24 (59b) 25 (28a) 19 (80c); 24 (14c); 30 (13d) 17 (32a) 20 (14c) 14 (37); 25 (37b) 12 (29)/25 (17e) 19 (24b) 19 (68a) 23 (35a) 25 (32b) 25 (20a) 27 (28c) 30 (2) 26 (2b) 17 (5c) 19 (83a, 84a); 23 (48c); 30 (17a) 10 (5b) 17 (21b) 30 (35b) 21 (7a) 30 (3a) 24 (27a) 30 (37b,c) 28 (35c, 36c) 23 (73c) 23 (52c) 23 (49b) 26 (23b) 17 (12a) 27 (24h)


Index of Basque Words That Appear Only in the Example Sentences

erreinu erreparatu errespetagarri errespetatu erretaula erretiro erretratugintza erro erru

kingdom to compensate venerable to respect painting retirement portraiting root fault/guilt

esaldi esertoki eskabide eskailera eskale eskandalu eske eskola eskolatu eskribau eskribitu Eskritura eskubi eskubide eskuizkribu esplikatu esposatu estalki estanpa estimatu eternidade etsenplu etsitu etxe-barru etxegile etxekoandre etxepila etzirako euskalki euskaltzaletasun

saying seat petition stairs beggar scandal request school learn notary to write Scripture right hand right manuscript to explain to get married lid picture to consider eternity example to despair of interior of the house architect lady of the house couple of houses by the day after tomorrow Basque dialect bascophily

16 (21c); 21 (9f ); 22 (28d) 19 (58a) 23 (11b) 14 (32a) 19 (8b) 19 (68a) 8 (11b) 28 (51q) 17 (3c); 27 (24e); 28 (23a)/23 (33a) 25 (40a) 24 (35a) 27 (21a) 20 (20c) 20 (8e) 19 (32d) 24 (26d) 20 (56b); 21 (13a) 27 (2f ) 15 (15); 22 (30c) 30 (58b) 18 (28b); 20 (3c); 23 (49b) 22 (38b) 17 (5c) 25 (27d) 21 (35c) 20 (10b); 23 (75a) 15 (5a) 23 (52d) 30 (5b) 16 (35b) 28 (48f ) 24 (59d) 9 (16d) 19 (24b) 23 (5b) 31 (9d) 20 (1) 18 (44e); 24 (67a); 27 (17e) 26 (49a)

Index of Basque Words That Appear Only in the Example Sentences


eutsi excelente experimental ezabatu ez . . . batere ezberdin ez-deus ezetz ez-ezagun ez . . . inola ere ezkila ezkontza ezkontza-harreman ezkontz-nahasi ezkutapen ezpain eztabaida ezta ere ezuste

to hold on to/to grip by exalted experimental to disappear not at all di¤erent nothing no (noun) unacquainted/unknown surely not bell wedding/marriage marital relation to commit adultery mystery lip argument nor/not even surprise

15 (26a)/22 (40c) 28 (24b) 15 (16a) 27 (75d) 23 (35b) 27 (34f ) 27 (70a) 17 (12e,f ); 19 (48b); 23 (25a) 15 (54g)/16 (99) 17 (31b) 14 (27c) 23 (27a)/23 (74b) 20 (51a) 16 (91a) 28 (25b) 27 (17b, 73a) 30 (1b) 19 (15a)/27 (36b) 23 (52b)

fabrika farata farisau fauna festa fidantza fidatu fidel filarmonika filistear film(a)

factory conceited Pharisee fauna festivity trust to trust faithful accordion Philistine movie/film

filosofo fin fin fisika fisikoki fits fitxa flakatu

philosopher end cultured physics physically little bit file to get weak

20 (48d) 30 (6a) 19 (61b) 19 (63b) 19 (6c) 23 (77b) 8 (8b) 20 (59c) 19 (51a) 16 (84b) 19 (18a, 25e)/(30b); 24 (5c); 26 (5b) 23 (74a) 8 (31) 27 (33c) 24 (14b) 24 (47d) 27 (25f ) 16 (55c) 27 (75b)


Index of Basque Words That Appear Only in the Example Sentences

fonetika forma fraile Frantses frijitu funtsezko furgoneta futbol

phonetics form friar French to fry basic truck soccer

19 22 23 19 24 26 22 24

(78c) (25c) (3b) (36b); 20 (56b); 21 (19a) (63c); 25 (9c) (8b) (13c) (38a)

gabetu gailur gaixotu gaizto

to relieve of/to give up summit to overstrain naughty/evil/bad

gaiztotu galant galtza(k) gando gandu gara garai

to become worse nice/great pants shoot haze station time/period

garaiz garaje gari-ale garratz gastu gatz

on time garage grain (of wheat) bitter expense salt

gazi gazitu gaztetan gaztigatu gehitu geldi geldiune gerezi geriza gerla-gizon gerlari

salty to salt in the youth (of somebody) to punish/to notify to increase stagnation pause cherry shade man of war soldier

19 (60a)/23 (49a) 23 (52b) 15 (22b) 11 (9c)/17 (48c); 27 (15a)/24 (18b); 26 (58a, 66a) 21 (16a) 6 (2a)/27 (70c) 23 (38c); 27 (74a) 19 (87a) 27 (4e) 19 (80a) 8 (6a); 16 (45b); 23 (23b); 27 (45c)/26 (43a); 27 (34f ) 8 (6a) 23 (64a) 15 (53a) 20 (20d) 21 (18a) 20 (24b,c); 21 (26e); 23 (25d); 26 (2a, 15a) 24 (57c) 20 (24b,c); 21 (26e); 23 (25d) 8 (31); 19 (26b) 20 (36b)/21 (8c); 22 (21c) 24 (55a) 9 (11c) 23 (2c) 18 (27d); 23 (38b) 13 (27b) 23 (45d) 16 (56a)

Index of Basque Words That Appear Only in the Example Sentences

gerotik gerora gerriko gertakari gezurtatu gibeleko min gidari gidatu giputz giristino giro gizaki gizonezko gloria gobernatu gogoeta gogor goibel goi-ezpain goiztiar gorabehera goramen goratu gorde

endlessly belt event to belie bilious attack driver to guide/to direct Guipuzcoan christian climate/atmosphere man/human being man/male glory to manage thought/thinking thick/harsh glum/gloomy upper lip prompt whim/condition/problem/despite/ adventure praise to praise to keep/to protect

gordin goretsi gorritu gozatu gozotegi gramatika guarda guda gudalburu guraize guri gurpil gurutzatu gustora

raw to praise to make red to enjoy/to have a good time candy store grammar guard war army captain scissors butter wheel to meet gladly


19 (91c) 19 (18c) 15 (59f ) 19 (32c) 20 (20d) 19 (24a) 15 (49c)/19 (81b) 26 (31d) 13 (12a); 21 (16b) 8 (4)/27 (75c) 23 (27c)/27 (37a) 20 (48a)/25 (3d) 30 (18a) 18 (16d) 21 (35c); 24 (24a)/27 (25e) 18 (32b)/26 (66c) 25 (14f )/27 (41d) 27 (1a) 13 (12a) 16 (53a)/17 (23b)/23 (13b)/26 (21b)/26 (60c) 26 (52a) 17 (30a); 27 (23a) 15 (44a); 16 (56e)/25 (30a); 27 (20c) 25 (30b); 27 (71a) 19 (39b) 23 (41c) 16 (35b)/21 (3a) 26 (40a) 19 (89b) 20 (11b) 25 (27b) 16 (62) 27 (1a) 20 (39f ) 24 (20c); 30 (21a) 27 (39c) 17 (28a)


habe hagin haitz haizatu hamaiketako handik handizki hantu harea hari harridura harrizko harrotu hartueman hatzeman haurtzain hautatu hauteman hautserre hedatu hegal hego hegoalde herbestetu herio herrimin hertsi hetsi heze hezi hilerri hilobi historia hits hitz-altxor hitzaurre hitz-elkartze hitzontzi hizkuntzalari hizpide

Index of Basque Words That Appear Only in the Example Sentences

beam tooth rock to chase away elevenses from then aristocrat bragging sand thread astonishment made of stone to gratify contact to ďŹ nd babysitter to choose to notice ashes to spread out wing southern wind south to exile death homesickness to grasp to close humid to train cemetery grave happening/story sad stock of words preface compound chatterbox linguist right

19 (43b) 31 (9a) 27 (70b) 16 (55d) 20 (68a) 20 (6b,c) 14 (22b) 19 (78a) 28 (48e) 21 (31d) 23 (56a) 17 (6c); 30 (66b) 26 (22b) 20 (32a) 30 (45f ) 30 (55b) 19 (67a) 16 (90d) 27 (4f ) 26 (65b) 20 (18a) 30 (17e) 7 (23b) 27 (31b) 30 (47a) 27 (28b) 19 (82a) 23 (65b) 13 (24d) 20 (60a) 30 (45f ) 19 (66b) 25 (20d)/28 (37a) 20 (58b) 27 (22c) 19 (45a) 20 (28c) 18 (52c) 17 (5a) 22 (26a)

Index of Basque Words That Appear Only in the Example Sentences


hoben hobi hospitale hotzikara hozka hoztu hurbildu hurrengo huskeria hutsune

fault/sin grave hospital cold shiver bite to get chilled/cold to approach next trie emptiness

17 (2a)/30 (45a) 30 (45f ) 24 (52a) 26 (72e) 28 (4d) 17 (24a)/22 (4a) 16 (76); 24 (52a) 20 (17a) 17 (47a); 23 (69d) 27 (70c)

ideia idi idiota idolo idoro idumear i(n)fernu

idea ox idiot idol to ďŹ nd Idumean hell

igarri igel Igeldo bide iguriki ihartu ihestiar ikastetxe ikuilu ikutu iloba ilunbe ilundu ilunpera inauteri(ak) indiar informazio inozo inportante inspektore integrakuntza interes

to notice frog Igeldo road to stand to wither fugitive school cowshed to touch nephew darkness to get dark/to get obscure darkness carnival(s) Indian information foolish important inspector integration interest

23 (28b) 21 (30b) 19 (64a) 15 (11a) 28 (17d) 16 (78a) 19 (50c); 20 (8a); 24 (40b); 28 (51p); 30 (59) 30 (55d) 25 (32a); 27 (4d) 23 (64a) 24 (48a) 20 (38b) 27 (27c) 9 (12a) 8 (60) 30 (64a) 30 (33) 32 (7a) 16 (43a)/27 (75b) 23 (2c) 19 (72a) 24 (14b) 18 (34c) 17 (47c) 12 (30b) 11 (9a); 13 (6c) 28 (24c) 28 (45c)


intxaur ipar ipindu iragan irain irin irispide irizkide irrika irrikatu irrinËœo irtenbide Irunea isilaldi isileko istilu istil-ots isuri italiano ito itsasaldeko haize itsas-barru itsasgizon itsaspeko itsu-aurreko itsu-mutil iturburu itxura itxurazko Itziarko Izadi izan ere izerditu izkotar izkribu izkribuzko izotz izoztu izurde

Index of Basque Words That Appear Only in the Example Sentences

nut northern wind to render (the) past insult our reach like-minded (person) craving to yearn little smile escape Pamplona moment of silence secret trouble/mess/problem sound of falling rain to shed Italian to drown/to strangle sea wind open sea sailor/seaman submarine guide to the blind guide to the blind source appearance good-looking of Itziar Nature indeed to sweat member of the Izko clan writing in writing frost to freeze dolphin

33 (1c) 30 (17e) 30 (45d) 22 (26b) 23 (45c) 27 (4c) 26 (56b) 23 (41c) 27 (29e) 16 (35a) 16 (73e) 23 (9d) 16 (94b) 15 (36b) 24 (4c) 11 (21c)/18 (5d)/26 (57d) 16 (19e) 23 (45d) 18 (54b) 8 (5c)/16 (57c); 17 (14a) 26 (44a) 26 (26b) 16 (25a)/25 (1f ) 30 (57b) 17 (2c) 17 (2b) 23 (58b) 24 (6a) 11 (8c) 27 (41a) 19 (64b) 19 (33d) 17 (24a) 13 (4c) 27 (17e) 27 (21c) 27 (4g) 25 (22a) 24 (53b)

Index of Basque Words That Appear Only in the Example Sentences


jabaldu jabetu jaki jakituria jainkozko janari janzki jardun jarri jasan jator jatorri jatorrizko jendaila jentil jertse jetzi jigante jokabide jon˜o judu juramentu egin justizia

to pacify to appropriate/to realize dish wisdom pious food suit conversation to make to bear/to su¤er pure progeny native ri¤ra¤ Gentile sweater to milk giant way of conduct dammit Jew to swear justice/law

30 (45e) 23 (56d)/23 (77a) 27 (29e) 19 (30c) 19 (56b) 26 (53) 20 (20c) 27 (50b) 26 (66c) 13 (12c)/26 (51b) 8 (31) 24 (32c) 24 (22e) 17 (30b) 27 (21c) 17 (21a) 19 (34d) 19 (79c) 11 (21b) 18 (31c) 23 (62a); 27 (21c); 30 (3b) 21 (12a) 23 (42a)/23 (48a)

kabitu kable kafetetxe kaliza kamuts kandela kanpero kanpo-usai kanta Kantabriko kantari kantu kapule karabinero kargatu kargu

to hold cable co¤eehouse cup dull candle field guard smell of the fields song Cantabric singer singing/song cocoon border guard to load o‰ce

24 (68a) 25 (22d) 9 (18b) 20 (63a) 30 (55d) 21 (21a); 23 (46b) 22 (9c) 10 (3a) 20 (55a); 21 (9d) 12 (24) 23 (51b) 20 (66a)/24 (13d) 15 (18a) 26 (78c) 26 (23b); 27 (4h) 12 (3a)


Index of Basque Words That Appear Only in the Example Sentences

karta kartzela katea kausitu kazetalari kazetari kazkabar-harri kexatu kinina kirats kitarra klase klasiko klinika kobratu kodigo ko(n)fesatu kofesio koinaka kolore komeni izan (ĂžDAT) komeri-sortzaile konbertitu kondatu konfesore konformatu konparatu konplitu konpre(he)n(d)itu

letter prison chain to ďŹ nd journalist journalist hailstone to get angry quinine stench guitar class classic clinic to receive code to confess confession cognac color to do well to playwright to convert to tell confessor to accept/to settle to compare to fulďŹ ll understand

kontsolatu kontu

to console venture/account/matter/caution/ bill/attention/topic/story

kontzientzia kopeta kordokatu korrika koskor

conscience forehead to shake runningly little

13 (1) 25 (34a) 12 (11b) 18 (27e) 10 (2b) 16 (55d, 57b); 18 (34b) 26 (51c) 22 (8b) 22 (5e) 20 (18b) 30 (14a) 18 (44e) 23 (52d) 18 (6a) 30 (65) 19 (6b) 28 (31a, 49b) 18 (11c) 30 (15a) 16 (24b) 26 (73c) 30 (9c) 17 (7) 19 (64a) 18 (44b) 21 (13c)/21 (14) 23 (49b) 28 (31a) 16 (53a); 19 (32a); 27 (8b); 30 (3a); 32 (7a) 19 (91c) 10 (7b)/17 (22a)/22 (6b); 18 (55)/22 (3b)/22 (7e)/22 (23a)/ 26 (11a)/27 (27a) 23 (29a) 31 (9b) 24 (47a,b) 7 (3a) 30 (52a)

Index of Basque Words That Appear Only in the Example Sentences



kotxe kreatzaile krimen kristal kristau kritika kritiko kultura kurandera kutsatu kutsu kut(t)un kutxa

to have trouble/to cost/to be hard for car creator crime windowpane Christian critique/criticism critic(al) culture healing lady to get impure taint beloved ark/box

23 (77a)/24 (53c)/29 (13a) 20 (23a); 23 (65d) 27 (44a) 19 (7a) 20 (39g) 12 (15a) 16 (9a)/26 (52a) 28 (27d); 30 (9f ) 19 (40d); 23 (56d) 25 (2c) 27 (15b) 18 (44d) 19 (16c); 20 (35b) 16 (48a)/30 (37b)/26 (50a)

labaindu laban laborari lagungarri lamina lanbro landare lanpetu lapiko lapurreta lapurtar largatu larrain larrutu lastima latin laudatu laudorio lausotu laztan laztandu laztu lebitar lege-maisu

to slip out of knife farmer helpful elf mist plant to be busy stew/cooking pot thievery Labourdin to release threshing oor to skin pity Latin to praise eulogy to dim/to cloud over beloved to fondle/to hug to make curl Levite lawyer

15 (23b) 17 (13b) 23 (51a); 26 (78d) 23 (58b) 16 (42c) 27 (4e) 25 (38a) 30 (58b) 6 (2a)/30 (14d) 15 (35b); 16 (66a) 26 (31d) 30 (7a) 19 (11c) 17 (8a) 26 (15a) 20 (50a) 30 (45b) 26 (52a) 25 (17c)/25 (49b) 13 (32a) 16 (44b)/16 (54b) 23 (77c) 21 (9c) 19 (30c)


Index of Basque Words That Appear Only in the Example Sentences

legezko lehengusu lehertu lehor lehorraldeko (X) leialtasun leihope leinu leitu leitzar lelo lengoaje lerro leun leundu libertate libratu

legal/legitimate cousin to explode/to burst dry spot inland (X) loyalty space under the window lineage to read from Leitza babble language line smooth to soften freedom to free (from)/to liberate/to let go

libro Liburu Santu liburuxka limosna literatura lodixko logale logela logika logikazale lokalizatu lokarri lokatu lokatz lo-kuluxka loratu lortu losintxakeria loteria lur-hauts lurpe

free Holy Book booklet alms literature rather thick sleepy bedroom logic fond of logic to locate bond to totter quagmire siesta to bloom to achieve attery lottery dust of the earth underground

24 (42c)/26 (8d) 19 (51a) 16 (32a,b)/20 (69c) 17 (28b) 26 (44a) 9 (17d) 20 (21a) 30 (13d) 19 (58b) 25 (14e) 20 (39l) 28 (5b) 22 (41) 16 (48b) 30 (11g) 23 (48d, 54d) 16 (55b); 21 (19a); 27 (24f )/ 30 (45g)/30 (47a) 30 (7b) 27 (46e) 24 (64a) 16 (61b) 20 (60c) 25 (42a) 25 (43d) 9 (13d) 19 (37c) 26 (32b) 16 (56f ) 27 (75d) 27 (26a) 14 (32e) 27 (71e) 20 (46b) 13 (34) 30 (55f ) 11 (22d); 30 (58a) 27 (2e) 23 (70b); 26 (49b)

Index of Basque Words That Appear Only in the Example Sentences


luzaz luzera

for a long time length

27 (56b) 30 (66e)

mahaiko mahaizain maindire maitale maitasun-sagar maizter majestate makar makets makina makur makurtu malizia malkar manamendu mandio maneiatu maratz mardul marruskatu maskaldu mataza matematika matrikula maxima mediku

people at the table table steward sheet lover mandrake tenant majesty speck imperfection machine wrong/bent to bow/to bend/to stoop malice bumpy command barn to manage hard-working robust to rub to grow weak skein mathematics wile maxim doctor

medio (-la . . .) mende

in connection with lifetime/century

metreta meza minigona mintzabide mirabe mirakulu

metreta mass miniskirt power of speech handmaiden wonder

26 (67c) 19 (60b, 66c) 15 (38a) 24 (38b) 15 (13e) 25 (30c) 30 (45b) 28 (6b) 19 (29c) 16 (35c); 25 (22c) 16 (56c)/23 (20) 14 (25d)/14 (41c)/16 (64) 30 (12f ) 26 (21c) 28 (31a) 25 (30c) 28 (43b) 11 (8b) 26 (37b) 25 (10d) 30 (51f ) 16 (94a) 5 (2f ) 16 (53a); 20 (73b) 30 (35b) 17 (31d); 18 (37c); 20 (61d); 21 (6d); 24 (50c); 25 (10f ); 26 (12a) 23 (44a) 19 (80c)/20 (12c); 25 (17a); 27 (49a) 30 (66b) 23 (14c); 28 (48d) 9 (13c) 23 (54b) 30 (35a) 31 (8a)


Index of Basque Words That Appear Only in the Example Sentences

mirari misionest mixterio moldatu molde mortu mostaza-hazi motozikleta moztaile moztu

miracle missionary mystery to formulate skill deserted mustard seed motorcycle shearer to cut (o¤ )

mudakor mudantza murgildu musikalari mutilzahar mutxurdin

changeable change to plunge musician old bachelor spinster

17 (23a); 27 (20c) 19 (58b) 30 (3a) 16 (46) 13 (14c) 23 (52b) 26 (26a) 19 (79a) 19 (31b) 16 (96a,b, 97a,b,c, 98b); 19 (1e, 15b) 23 (5a) 25 (9d) 26 (57d) 27 (21b) 10 (26b); 24 (40a) 13 (32b)

nabari nabaritu nabarmendu nagusitu nahasmendura nahaspilatu nahastu nahi-eta-nahiezko nazio nazione nekatu nekazari nerbio neurtu nobela nobelista noble noizbatean noizko noiztik nolanahiko nongo

manifest to feel to make a scene to overpower confusion to subvert to trouble necessary nation nation to get tired farmer nerve to measure novel novelist nobleman ďŹ nally by when? since when? all kind(s) of where . . . from?/what sort of

8 (31) 16 (90c) 11 (7a) 24 (56b) 11 (26a) 16 (91b) 19 (28e) 29 (13f ) 16 (91b) 28 (48b) 16 (54a) 30 (24) 15 (22b) 16 (50b) 18 (26a); 24 (59c) 18 (26b) 30 (13d) 30 (45g) 20 (1) 20 (7a) 25 (28b) 19 (31b)/25 (5a)

Index of Basque Words That Appear Only in the Example Sentences


noragabe norgehiagoka noski

without direction contest of course

16 (17a) 23 (41d) 8 (31); 27 (25d)

objetu obra odolki odolki emaile ohore oihuka oihukatu oilar oinaze oinazpi oinetako okertu olio on ondoko ondore ondorengo ongarriketa ongile ontzi-agintari opari oraindaino oraindik oraindik ez orantza ordain orde orduko ordulari orekagune organizazio organo orobat orratz orrazketa

object work sausage giver of a blood sausage honor shouting(ly) to shout cock pain/su¤ering sole of the foot shoe to pervert oil Don heir consequence descendant search for manure benefactor shipmaster present up to now still not yet yeast equivalent in place of at that time watch balance organization organ likewise needle/pin ďŹ nishing touch (in a written work)

23 (52c) 23 (51a) 26 (54b) 26 (54b) 30 (35c) 16 (41c) 14 (16e) 26 (47a) 8 (3d); 26 (2b, 23a)/24 (7c) 20 (57a) 20 (1) 16 (47b) 27 (4c) 24 (57a) 26 (4a) 21 (18c) 19 (8f ) 8 (1b) 14 (23d) 19 (63a) 26 (67d) 20 (2) 19 (35c, 39c) 19 (53b) 19 (62a) 23 (58a) 18 (5a) 20 (3c) 23 (4b) 16 (99) 17 (22a); 18 (31d) 30 (14a) 20 (24b,c, 63a) 16 (10b)/23 (65a) 20 (63b)


Index of Basque Words That Appear Only in the Example Sentences

orri orrialde orro osatu ostalari oturuntza ozen

leaf page roar to ďŹ ll innkeeper meal sharp

20 22 26 24 18 20 26

(38b) (41); 26 (13a) (63b) (14a) (73a) (55b) (21b)

pabiloi pagu pairu palazio palmera papel papertxo paralitiko Pariseratu parrasta parrastaka parte partez partitu partizio pasa pasarte pasatu

pavilion payment stamina palace palm tree paper little paper paralytic to go to Paris heap galore area instead of to divide division to spend passage to spend/to pass/to cross

paseo pasione pastel pastila patata patata-zuritze pattar pauso pegar pentsu pentsu-fabrika perla permititu perretxiko

walk passion cake tablet potato potato-peeling brandy step jar feed feed plant pearl to allow mushroom

12 (31d) 28 (49d) 13 (12c) 30 (45g) 9 (16b) 29 (9c) 27 (33c) 25 (6b) 18 (64e) 19 (62b) 21 (20a) 20 (50b) 27 (75e) 30 (66f ) 30 (66f ) 23 (76a) 19 (15c) 17 (14d); 20 (13b)/20 (21a); 24 (38d); 27 (78d)/21 (25a) 21 (4b) 27 (64a) 22 (7a) 27 (2c) 24 (2b) 16 (98a) 19 (9b) 16 (95b) 20 (71b); 22 (19a) 24 (59a) 26 (9d) 27 (1d) 29 (9b); 30 (45a) 25 (25d)

Index of Basque Words That Appear Only in the Example Sentences


petalo petraldu piano pilatu pilota pintura pipi pisu pittin pitxer pitzadura piztia piztualdi plajio plaza pobre poeta polizia

petal to take drugs piano to pile up pilota game painting woodworm heavy/weight little pitcher crevice beast ash plagiarism town square poor poet police(man)

poloniar pottolo poxi predikari prediku premiazko presaka present prestatu probe probetxu problema profeta prosa puntu purgatorio purrustada puta

Pole chubby somewhat preacher sermon necessary hurriedly/in a hurry present to prepare/to arrange poor use problem prophet prose point purgatory grumbling whore

7 (8) 24 (55b) 16 (51a,b, 54c) 16 (30c, 73b) 26 (43a) 8 (11a) 25 (10a) 19 (79c)/26 (56a) 25 (42b) 6 (2a) 18 (70i) 23 (8a) 22 (4e) 23 (28b) 24 (13c) 24 (15a) 5 (3a,b) 14 (31a); 16 (53b); 22 (21c); 19 (68a) 16 (59e) 16 (73e) 20 (74) 24 (26b) 19 (65) 17 (9a) 18 (67a)/27 (72d) 6 (1a) 19 (31b, 81a)/20 (6b) 30 (13d) 24 (26b) 24 (53d) 15 (37c); 17 (32b); 26 (59a) 26 (12b) 21 (31c); 23 (69d); 26 (8b) 19 (37a) 8 (13a) 19 (50c)

ranchero revelatu rumba

ranch to reveal rumba

19 (77b) 30 (11d) 14 (33d)


Index of Basque Words That Appear Only in the Example Sentences

sabai saihestu saihets-hezur sail Saindu

ceiling to stray rib bone area Holy/saint

saio sakeleratu sakeloren sakratu sala saloi samin samur santa Santiago sardina sarraski sasi-teatro sasoi seaskako segitu segituan segundo segur seguru seinale

session/essay to pocket pocket watch sacred room hall bitter frail holy James sardine massacre pseudo-theater season baby in the cradle to go on at once second sure sure/safe sign/signal

sekulako seme-alabak sendi senitarteko serbitu sermoi

terrible sons and daughters to feel relative to serve sermon

setazko sikologo sinistu sinple sintaxi

persistent psychologist to believe silly syntax

20 (40d) 23 (40c) 27 (3a,b, 5) 19 (40d) 8 (59); 23 (49b); 28 (50b); 30 (28)/30 (45b) 26 (7a)/27 (51b) 27 (25f ) 19 (60a) 27 (15b) 18 (46a) 20 (62a) 19 (41b) 8 (3d) 18 (28b); 20 (3c) 25 (20a) 30 (66f ) 24 (61c) 30 (11j) 23 (38b) 26 (80a) 24 (53c) 17 (1a) 24 (56a) 23 (51b) 18 (50a)/21 (24b); 30 (45d) 18 (70e); 19 (24a); 28 (51c)/25 (25c); 26 (3a) 27 (29a) 27 (70c); 28 (5a) 24 (68c) 13 (4c); 23 (55b) 28 (40d) 14 (30e); 20 (40a); 22 (17b); 25 (25d) 27 (17d) 31 (3e) 30 (12d) 22 (2b) 27 (51b)

Index of Basque Words That Appear Only in the Example Sentences


siriar sistema soil soilik solas sorleku soro sortalde sos sosegu sostengatu sozialista soziolinguistika su emaile suhi sumatu superapostolu superbio susmo sutu

Syrian system bald only conversation birthplace ďŹ eld east penny/money calm to support socialist sociolinguistics arsonist son-in-law to notice superapostle arrogance suspicion to ďŹ re up

16 (78a) 19 (6b) 31 (9c) 7 (25b) 14 (13c); 20 (74) 23 (75b); 28 (6a) 18 (37d) 17 (35b); 18 (50c) 12 (23c); 25 (20c)/19 (62b) 30 (45d) 13 (12c) 28 (28a) 20 (6d) 23 (41b) 30 (33) 16 (90a) 26 (56d) 20 (49a) 8 (31) 27 (73c)

tabako tabernari talo tarta tarteko tatxa taula taxi teatro teatrogile teatrogizon telebista telefono tenplu tentatu Testamendu tira tiratu tiro

tobacco bartender corncake pastry all that is in the way fault wooden board taxi theater playwright man of the theater television phone temple to tempt Testament come on to shoot shot

16 (10a) 21 (8c) 24 (54a) 24 (1c) 23 (69e) 23 (68a) 19 (80b) 19 (24a) 23 (35a) 30 (12a) 30 (9c) 16 (29b) 24 (28b) 19 (23) 25 (5b) 30 (9b) 22 (11f ) 22 (16a) 23 (3d)


Index of Basque Words That Appear Only in the Example Sentences

Tolstoizale tomate topatu tortoka trabailu trast trinko trist triste tronpa trumoi txabola txalupa txanda txango txapel tximinia tximista tximu txint txipiroi txorimalo txukatu

Tolstoi fan tomato to find turtle tribulation snap synthetic snip sad Jew’s harp thunder hut boat time/turn trip beret chimney lightning monkey sound squid scarecrow to dry

19 (45a) 33 (1d) 11 (20c); 20 (39j) 9 (17b) 28 (3a) 27 (1a) 23 (58b) 27 (1a) 17 (12b) 30 (14a) 10 (5a) 15 (14b); 23 (63b) 25 (38b) 19 (27d)/20 (25b) 25 (20a) 10 (11b) 31 (9d) 18 (58b) 17 (46b) 20 (4a) 20 (70a) 15 (38b) 19 (2c)

udare ugaldu ugaritu ugatz ugazaba ugazaita uholde ukabilkada ukatu ukitu unatu unibertsitate urdalde urdindu ur-ertze urkatu

pear to increase to increase breast boss stepfather flood punch to deny to touch to exhaust university herd of swine turn gray edge of the water to hang

30 26 16 30 19 20 27 27 24 15 31 15 29 16 12 17

(22b) (58b) (73d); 27 (22c) (13d) (16a) (15a) (39b) (4i) (17b) (54d) (6b) (35a); 23 (14b) (9b) (30b) (30c) (1a); 23 (48a)

Index of Basque Words That Appear Only in the Example Sentences


urpe urririk uzkur uztazale

underwater free of charge stubborn reaper

32 (7b) 22 (7e) 28 (27d) 19 (57b)

xamar xarmagarri xarmangarri xerri xorrotx

jacket charming charming scrofula demanding

23 (43d) 24 (52c) 26 (57c) 11 (24d) 30 (9f )

zabalera zabuka zahar-gazte zain zain zaku zalaparta zaldi irrintzi zama zamari zanpatu zapatari zapi(ak) zartagin zatinËœo zaunkaka zeharkatu zelatari zen zendu zentzatu zentzu zerbitzatu zerga zergati zerraldo zerren zertan zeru-lur Zestua

breadth to reel young and old keeper vein bag/sack disturbance neigh burden/load mule/beast of burden to crush/to oppress cobbler linen frying pan little fragment barking to pass through spy late to pass away to come to one’s senses common sense/sense to serve tax reason co‰n moth why heaven and earth Cestona

30 (66e) 27 (26a) 20 (43a); 27 (56a) 8 (10a) 16 (90c); 20 (21b, 55a) 22 (10f )/30 (64b) 23 (27b) 22 (40e) 15 (27b, 28b)/26 (27b) 20 (60a)/30 (12e) 20 (25c)/26 (65b) 20 (39l) 19 (85b) 30 (14a) 20 (75a) 26 (67b) 27 (72e) 27 (34b) 27 (34e) 20 (10a) 14 (35d) 26 (49a)/26 (60a) 24 (18a); 30 (47b) 21 (9c) 16 (49c) 30 (51g) 25 (10c) 17 (11a) 20 (42a) 30 (61c)


zeta zikin zikindu zil zilegi zimeldu zimentarri zimurtxo zinez zinta zintzo zizpa zizta-ontzi zopa zori zorigaitz zorri zoru zuberotar zubipe zuhur zuritu zuzenbide zuzendu zuzentasun

Index of Basque Words That Appear Only in the Example Sentences

silk dirty to dirty, to soil navel string allowed to fade foundation little wrinkle surely ribbon honest/reliable/respectable rie/gun ampule soup fatality havoc louse oor Souletin (place) under the bridge shrewdly to peel/to excuse justice to rectify/to put right justice

30 15 14 25 23 16 26 13 17 31 11 18 16 20 25 16 11 15 23 25 26 20 27 18 27

(5c) (38a) (32e); 23 (38c) (39b) (40b) (44c) (8b) (32b) (4c) (5c) (7c)/17 (48a)/19 (63a) (45a)/23 (3d) (10b) (37a) (5a) (39b) (24d) (13c) (59a) (48a) (58b) (3b)/21 (23b) (29d) (31c)/24 (12b) (31a)

Selected Index of Basque Formatives and Words

In addition to the formatives, a few words, expressions, and supplementary material have been added to those already given in the Basque-English vocabulary. a -a-a-a -a -a -a abantzu -ada adina aginean -ago ahal ahal ahala ahalik (eta) -ailu aizak aizan aizu aizue -ak -ak

demonstrative in Biscayan (19.1.9) see -ga (9.1, 10.1) variant of third-person singular dative marker -o- (15.4.1) definite article (singular absolutive) su‰x (1.3.1, 1.3.3, 2.3.1, 3.5, 5.3, 19.1.9, passim) clitic pronoun (19.1.9, 19.2.5) allomorph of allative -ra (3.5) interrogative postverbal clitic (8.1.5) ‘almost’, operator of approximation in northern dialects (11.3) see -kada (33.1.13) comparative postposition (26.3.1) impendency postposition (20.7.3) ‘more’, comparative su‰x (, 26.4.1) optative sentence particle (8.1.4) lexical potential (24.6); see vocabulary modal quantifier (24.7.1), conjunction ‘as’ (24.7.2) ‘as X as possible’ (26.5.3) see -gailu (33.1.6) interjection in western Basque to attract attention of second-person singular ‘‘familiar’’ male (22.3.1) as above, to a ‘‘familiar’’ female addresee as above, to a non-‘‘familiar’’ singular addressee as above, to plural addressees definite article (plural absolutive) su‰x (1.3.1, 1.3.3, 2.2.1, 2.3.1, 31.3.1) ergative definite plural in Biscayan and Guipuzcoan (9.2.1)


al ala albait albo -aldi -an -an -ar -arazi are -ari -aro arra(-)arren (-)arte

artean asko at atxiki atzo -az gainean bababai . . . bai . . . baino bait-bait baita baldin bart basabat bata bestea batere be-be

Selected Index of Basque Formatives and Words

interrogative sentence particle (8.1.1, 8.1.5, 18.1.2, 30.1.1) ‘or’, coordinating conjunction (30.1.1, 30.2.1, 30.2.6) see ahalik (eta) (26.5.3) ‘side’, location noun ( as parasu‰x (20.9); see vocabulary inessive case ending (3.1–2, 5.2.1, 7.2.4, 32.1.6) final past tense su‰x in some dialects (6.2.2) allomorph of -tar (6.6) causative auxiliary (16.2) topping particle (26.4.6) derivational su‰x (33.1.4), with -ka (33.1.11) as parasu‰x (32.3.1); see vocabulary see under birr- (32.4.1) noun/command softener (22.3.4), as su‰x (23.1.1, 23.7.4) ‘until, as long as’, delimitation in time (20.4.5), in finite time clauses (20.2.2), in place of the allative (20.1.1), with the subjunctive (21.4.2), as parasu‰x (4.3); see vocabulary inessive form of arte (4.2, 20.4.5), denoting ‘still, (not) yet’ (7.3.3) as pronoun (6.1.3); see vocabulary ‘out, outside (of )’, postposition governing elative ( ‘to grasp, to hold on to, to adhere to’ (15.2.3) time adverbial in tense selection (7.3.2) a northern alternative to -ez geroz constuction (23.4.3) conditional prefix (17.1) a‰rmative prefix (8.3, 8.6.1, 25.1.1, 25.2.2) ‘both . . . and . . .’, copulative correlative conjunction (30.1.2) comparative postposition denoting superiority (26.4) subordinator prefix (19.3.1–3, 23.3, 23.5.2) ‘some’, su‰x with indefinite pronouns and adverbs (20.1.1, 28.1, 28.1.6) see under -gan (3.6) optional conjunction in conditional protases (17.1.2) ‘last night’ (7.3.2, as paraprefix (32.5.2) ‘one’, indefinite article; see vocabulary ‘the one, the other’, analytic reciprocal (15.8) ‘at all’, intensifier (13.1.2) complementizer for jussive (22.4) see -pe (32.3.3)

Selected Index of Basque Formatives and Words

behin . . . behin . . . -bera bere berori berrbeste beste -bete bezain bezainbat bezala bide -bide -bider bidez birrbitarte bitartez borondate buru buruz da-da -daino -dako (-)danik -dari de-de dela . . . dela . . . des-di-di -dik -dun -dura


‘now . . . then . . .’, distributive correlative conjunction (30.1.2) adjectival su‰x of inordinate proclivity (23.9) third-person genitive (6.1.5, 15.7) deferential address (6.1.6, 28.2.6) as paraprefix; see birr- (32.4.1) ‘other’, determiner (11.5); see vocabulary comparative postposition in Biscayan (26.3.4) in south, su‰x for adverbials of duration (20.1.4) postposition for equatives, equality in quality (26.2) ‘as good as, as much as’, comparative postposition for equality in degree or quantity (26.3.3) ‘as, like’, comparative postposition of similarity (26.1) inferential proclitic (8.1.3) ‘way’, as parasu‰x (32.3.2); see vocabulary su‰x for frequency adverbs ( ‘by way of ’, instrumental postposition (27.1.9) ‘re-, again’, derivational prefix (32.4.1) ‘interval’, location noun for delimitation (20.4.6) ‘by intervention of ’, instrumental postposition (27.1.9) ‘will’, the ‘‘borondate system’’ (14.3.2) in strongly reflexive nominals (15.7); see vocabulary see -(r)i buruz present tense marker on verbs (6.2.2) first-person singular ergative/dative marker (9.1, 15.1) see -raino (20.1.1) in north, see benefactive -tzat (2.2.1) in north, temporal elative; as su‰x, prestigious variant of temporal -tik in literary language (20.1.1) see -ari (33.1.4) present tense marker in subjunctive (21.2.2) pluralizer (6.2.2) ‘either . . . or . . .’, disjunctive correlative conjunction (30.1.2) derivational prefix (32.4.2) stem of hypothetical verb *edin used for subjunctive forms of intransitive izan (21.2.1, 22.2.3) derivational su‰x (33.1.2) elative, see -tik (3.5) property su‰x (19.8) nonproductive su‰x (33.1.3)


eee-e-e-e ea -ean edo(-) *edun -egi egon ei -ei -ek -ek -ela elkar(-) -en-en -en -en -en -ena ene -enea -enean enekin eni -enik -entz -era -era erdiere -ero

Selected Index of Basque Formatives and Words

prefix characteristic of some indefinite pronouns (28.1, 28.1.5) initial prefix of nonfinite verb forms—the ‘‘canonical’’ verbs (6.2.2, 16.1) Biscayan variant of past tense marker ze- (6.2.2) epenthetic vowel referred to in ‘‘e-epenthesis’’ (2.2.1) characteristic of plural forms, between noun stem and case endings in basic system (2.2.1) third-person plural dative marker (15.1) conjunction (18.1.6) see inessive -an (3.2) and -ezean (17.4.2) conjunction (28.1, 28.1.7, chap. 30); as prefix (28.1) hypothetical verb, for auxiliary forms, see paradigms for dative forms (15.1, 15.3.2); see vocabulary excessive su‰x (26.6.1) synthetic dative forms with meanings ‘to fit, to behoove, to refer, to concern, to keep (to)’ (15.1); see vocabulary Biscayan reportative particle (8.1.1) dative definite plural (2.2.1) ergative definite plural (1.1, 2.2.1, 9.2.1) absolutive and ergative plural of demonstratives (9.6.1) allomorph of -LA (18.2.1) anaphoric noun (15.8.1); in compounds (15.9.2) unexplained formative (10.1) past tense ending (6.2.2) allomorph of -N (18.1.2) see -(r)en superlative marker (26.5.1) allomorph of -NA (18.3) first-person singular genitive in north, exclamation (6.1.3) see -(r)enea (6.4) see -(r)enean (6.4) first-person singular sociative in north (6.1.3) first-person singular dative in north (6.1.3) allomorph of -NIK (18.4) dialectal variant of -etz (18.1.7) as parasu‰x (26.9.2) deadjectival su‰x (26.9.3) as paraprefix (32.5.3) concessive (17.6, 23.7.3) frequency su‰x (5.6, 20.3.4, 32.1.4)

Selected Index of Basque Formatives and Words


-eta-eta ete -etz -eu(-) eurak ez ez . . . ez . . . ez-ez ezean ezein ezen -ez gero ezik (-)ezin(-) ezinik ezkero ezta g-ga

-gabe -gai -gailu gainean -gaitik -gaitz -gan -garren -garri -gatik gaur -gaz


copulative conjunction (chap. 30), with cardinal numbers (2.1.1), time expressions (4.2), expletory function (17.1.2), posteriority constructions (20.6), as enclitic in explanatory clauses (23.2, 23.4.1); see vocabulary definite plural marker in locative system (3.3, 5.2.6, 5.3, 5.5, 9.6.2) unpredictable allomorph of -keta (21.9) Biscayan variant of ote (8.1.1) su‰x reinforcing complementizer -N (18.1.7) see emphatic pronouns ( in south, synonymous with berak (9.6.3, 28.2.4) negation marker; see vocabulary ‘neither . . . nor . . .’, copulative correlative conjunction (30.1.2) as paraprefix (32.5.1) see -etz in negative protases (17.4.2) archaic for ‘any’ ( as alternative in northern dialects to zeren (23.5.2) in explanatory clauses (20.2.6, 23.4.1) in negative protases (17.4.2) in compounds (24.10.1–2) in participial predicatives (25.5.4) postposition from the amalgamation of -ez gero ( ‘nor’ (1.3.3) first-person plural marker (6.2.2–3, 9.1, 10.1) second-person singular ‘‘familiar’’ (unmarked for gender) ergative/ dative su‰x (9.1, 10.1, 15.1, 15.4.1–2, 29.1.2), in synthetic imperatives (22.2.2) as parasu‰x (13.6); see vocabulary as parasu‰x denoting ‘matter’ (11.7); see vocabulary derivational su‰x (33.1.6) expressing ‘‘aboutness’’ (27.9.1) Biscayan for -gatik (11.7) as parasu‰x (24.10.3); see vocabulary inessive for animate noun phrases (3.6, 5.2.6, 6.1.3, 9.6.2) su‰x used to form ordinal numbers (2.1.2) incentive su‰x (5.2.5, 14.7, 31.2) motivational case ending (2.2.1, 6.1.3, 9.6.1, 11.7, 23.1.1), in concessive constructions (23.7.1–2) ‘today’ (5.2.1, 7.3.2,, 31.3.1) Biscayan variant of -(r)ekin


gero geure gibel -gile -gin -gintza gisa -go -go gogo goizean gorabehera gu -gu gura gure gutxi gutxiago gutxiegi h-h(h)a haihainbat hainbat hainbat eta harhegi heure hi hire hon-

Selected Index of Basque Formatives and Words

use as monitive (22.3.5), in explanatory clauses (23.4.1); see vocabulary first-person plural reflexive (6.1.3–4) and intensive genitive ( location noun in north for ‘back part’ ( denominal agentive (16.9, 31.2) denominal agentive (16.9, 25.8.2, 31.2) see -gin (16.9, 25.8.2) ‘manner, form’ in north (26.9.1) variant after -n of -ko (linking morpheme 2.1.2 or future participle 7.2.5) derivational su‰x (33.1.1) denominal modal verb ‘to intend’ (14.4, 14.4.2, 29.2); see vocabulary ‘in the morning’ (7.3.2) noun as postposition ‘in spite of, aside from’ (23.7.1) first-person plural personal pronoun ‘we, us’ (6.1.1, 6.1.3, 6.2.2, 9.1) first-person plural ergative/dative marker (9.1, 15.1) Biscayan synonym of verb nahi (14.3.1) ‘our, my’, first-person plural genitive (6.1.3) quantifier ‘few’ as pronoun (6.1.3), in idiomatic expressions (, in copulative compounds (31.3.1); see vocabulary ‘less’, to express inferiority in quantity (26.4.5) ‘too few’, excessive of gutxi (26.6.1, 26.6.3) second-person singular ‘‘familiar’’ marker (6.2.2–3, 9.1, 10.1) h-insertion (6.2.2) Biscayan variant of hura ‘that (far o¤ )’ (9.6.1) plural stem of deictic pronoun hura ‘that (far o¤ )’ (9.6.1) ‘so many’ (9.4), quantifier with comparatives (26.3.2, 26.4.10) ‘as X as possible’ (26.5.3) in proportional sentences (26.4.9) oblique stem for singular case forms of deictic pronoun hura ‘that (far o¤ )’ (9.6.1) location noun ( second-person singular ‘‘familiar’’ reflexive (6.1.3–4) and intensive genitive ( second-person singular ‘‘familiar’’ personal pronoun; see vocabulary ‘your’, nonreflexive second-person singular ‘‘familiar’’ genitive pronoun (6.1.3–4) oblique stem for singular case forms of deictic pronoun hau ‘this’ (9.6.1)

Selected Index of Basque Formatives and Words

horrhorregatik hurran hurren ii-i-i-i -i -iar -ide -ie-ik -indeinguru -ino inoizko inola(z) ere/ez inondik (ere/ez) *ion -irit-ite -itzaizan izan ere izen j-jjin joan -k -k


oblique stem for singular case forms of deictic pronoun hori ‘that’ (9.6.1) anticipatory ‘because of that’ (23.1.2) ‘nearby’, adjective of northern origin (11.3), impendency adjective (20.7.4) see hurran initial prefix of some nonfinite verb forms (6.2.2, 16.1) prefix characteristic of some indefinite pronouns (28.1, 28.1.5) stem of *edun in dative forms (15.3.2), in allocutive forms (29.1.3–4, 29.1.6) pre-dative marker for verb eman (15.1) one of two perfect participle su‰xes (6.2.2, 7.2.1) see -(r)i allomorph of -tar (6.6) see kide (27.12.1) unexplained segment (21.2.2) see -(r)ik unexplained formative (10.1) location noun, ¼ English ‘around, approximately’ ( delimitative su‰x (3.1, 20.5) adnominal of inoiz ‘ever’ (26.5.2, (28.1, 28.1.4, (28.1, 28.1.4, ‘to say’, hypothetical verb (15.4.2: synthetic dative forms); see vocabulary pluralizer infix (6.2.2) object pluralizer for *edun (9.1, 10.1, 21.2.2, 28.4) nominalizer, verbal noun su‰x in northern dialects (7.2.3) pluralizer for direct object of synthetic imperatives (22.2.2) verb of existence and copula; see 6.2.2–3 for Batua paradigm; see vocabulary sentence adverb ‘indeed’ (23.5.3) ‘name’, izen-deletion (5.2.4) initial prefix of some nonfinite verb forms (6.2.2) in southern dialects (6.2.3) obsolete verb ‘to give’, not to be confused with very common northern verb jin meaning ‘to come’ (21.7, 22.2.2) ‘to go’, see vocabulary (and also 6.2.3, 7.1.2, 15.1) ergative ending (2.2.1, 9.2.1) see -ga


-ka -kada -kai -kaitz -kari -kari kasik -katu -ke -ke -keria -keta -keta -ki-ki-ki -ki -ki (-)kide -kin -kin -kiro -kizun -ko -ko -koan -koi -koitz -kor -kotan -kote -kote -kotz -koz -kun -kunde -(kun)tza l-

Selected Index of Basque Formatives and Words

dynamic and iterative su‰x (7.4.3, 12.3.2,, 33.1.11) ‘‘moment’’ su‰x (33.1.13), as measure (2.3.2) see -gai see -gaitz no longer productive su‰x (33.1.5); see also use in periodicals (5.6, 33.1.11) contraction of -keta þ -ari (33.1.4) ‘almost’, operator of approximation, more frequent in northern usage (11.3) derivational (iterative) su‰x (33.1.12, cf. 7.4.1, 12.3.2) irreality su‰x (17.2.3–4, 24.1.2–4, 24.4.3, 24.5.1, 28.4, 29.1.4) privative su‰x ‘without’ (13.5.3, 27.11.4) nominal su‰x of reprehension (18.9, 31.2) derivational su‰x for action nominals (21.9, 33.1.4) nominal su‰x denoting abundance (21.10) pre-dative marker (15.1) intervening morpheme used with -ro (11.1.2) adverbializer (11.1, 11.1.3) derivational su‰x ‘‘a separate part of a whole’’ (33.1.7) deverbalizing su‰x (33.1.8) ‘companion, counterpart’, noun/parasu‰x (27.12.1) derivational su‰x for ‘‘resulting product’’ (33.1.9) derivational su‰x for ‘‘instrument, organ’’ (33.1.10) augmented form of adverbializer -ki (11.1, 11.1.3) deverbal su‰x (27.12.2) linking morpheme, adnominalizer (chap. 5, 18.8.1, 32.1.2) su‰x for stylistically unmarked future participle (7.2.5) ‘when’ (20.2.4) propensity su‰x (10.6) multiplicative su‰x (2.1.4) deverbalizer marking inclination (23.8) adnominal inessive (17.7) collective su‰x (2.1.3) su‰x creating expressive forms of adjectives (2.6) see -koz adnominal instrumental in conditions, see -kotan (17.7.2) multiplicative su‰x (2.1.4) nominal su‰x (25.8.4) nominal su‰x with allomorphs -tza and -kuntza (25.8.1) see l(e)-

Selected Index of Basque Formatives and Words

-la -la -la -LA

-LA . . . eta -lako(tz)

-lakoan landa lar -lari -larik l(e)-le legez lotu maitemedioz -men -men -men modu molde n-n-n -n -n -n



allomorph of -LA (18.2.1) circumstantial su‰x ‘while’ (20.8.1) manner su‰x (11.1.6) nondeletable complementizer su‰x with two allomorphs: -la and -ela (18.2.1, 18.8), finite circumstantials (20.8.1), conjunctive clause (21.1), optatives (21.2, 21.7), concessive clauses (23.7.5), with uste (29.2) subject-bound justification (23.2.2) -LA with adnominal -ko: -lako in west and -lakotz in east, ‘that’, su‰x linking sentential complements to nouns (18.8.1), ‘because’, causal clauses (23.1.2) ‘in the belief that . . .’ (18.8.2) location noun ( ‘too much’, expressing excessive (26.6.1) see -ari (33.1.4) ‘while’, stylistic alternative to circumstantial -la in southern usage, location in time in north (20.8.2) eventuality prefix (17.2.2–3, 21.1, 24.5.2) allomorph of the actor su‰x -(tzai)le (12.6.1) indefinite instrumental of lege for comparatives of similarity in Biscay (26.1, 26.1.5) ‘to attach oneself ’, northern usage in place of ekin (15.6.2) as noun ‘love’ in compounds (8.7, ‘by means of ’, postposition mainly used in north (27.1.9) deverbal su‰x from -mendu indicating ‘‘capability’’ (22.7) denominal su‰x, possibly an abbreviation of mende ‘control’ (22.7) allomorph of -pen (22.8) ‘manner’ in south (26.9.1) ‘manner’ and also ‘form’ in north (26.9.1) first-person singular marker (6.2.2–3, 9.1, 10.1) pre-stem nasal formative (6.2.2, 10.1) final past tense su‰x (6.2.2, 9.1, 10.1) past participle su‰x of some verbs (6.2.2) allomorph of -N (18.1.2, 19.1.1) original shape of inessive -an used with verbal noun to form imperfect participle (7.2.4), inessive in place names (3.5), indefinite inessive (16.8.1); see gerundive (16.4–8) (wh-) complementizer with allomorphs -n, -en, overt nondeletable su‰x (18.1.2), subjunctive complement (21.1), in hortatives (21.2, 21.6), in causal clauses (23.5.1–2), in concessive clauses (23.7.5), with ala (30.1.1)


-N -n(a) -na -na -NA nahi -nahi nahiz nahiz . . . nahiz . . . -nean -neko -nera -neraino -nerako nere nerekin neri -netik neure ni -nik -NIK no no-no -n˜o noiz . . . noiz . . . noizero nola nolako non . . . non . . . nondik nora nor . . . nor . . . norbera

Selected Index of Basque Formatives and Words

as relativizer (19.1.1), with comparative bezala (26.1.1) second-person singular ‘‘familiar’’ feminine ergative/dative su‰x (9.1, 10.1, 15.1, 29.1.2), in synthetic imperatives (22.2.2) distributive su‰x (30.3) allomorph of -NA (18.3) complementizer native to Biscay and parts of Guipuzcoa, optional substitute for -LA with allomorphs -na and -ena (18.3) except in Biscay, preterito-present verb ‘to want’ (14.3.1), in infinitive constructions (29.2), deverbal noun ‘will’ (14.3.2) in indefinite pronouns, except in Biscay (28.1, 28.1.8) indefinite instrumental as conjunction in concessive clauses (23.7.5) ‘either . . . or . . .’, disjunctive correlative conjunction (30.1.2) ‘when’, conjunctive ending in finite time clauses (20.2.2), with subjunctives of prospective action (21.4.3), derivation of (32.1.2) ‘by the time that, as soon as’, finite time clause conjunction (20.2.2) ‘to when’, finite time clause conjunction (20.2.2) ‘until’, finite time clause conjunction (20.2.2) see -neko first-person singular genitive of Guipuzcoan origin (6.1.3) first-person singular sociative of Guipuzcoan origin (6.1.3) first-person singular dative of Guipuzcoan origin (6.1.3) ‘from the moment that, since’, finite time clause conjunction (20.2.2) first-person singular reflexive pronoun (6.1.3–4) and intensive genitive ( first-person singular personal pronoun (6.1.1, 6.1.3) allomorph of -NIK (18.4) ‘‘partitive’’ complementizer with allomorphs -nik, -enik (18.4) interjection to draw attention of a ‘‘familiar’’ female (22.3.1); see to locative stem (3.4) see -n˜o and -ino diminutive su‰x (1.2.5), ‘while, as long as’ (20.5) ‘now . . . then . . .’, distributive correlative conjunction (30.1.2) ‘how often’ (5.6) as causal conjunction ‘how’ (23.5.1); see vocabulary interrogative ‘what kind of ’ (2.3.2) ‘here . . . there . . .’, distributive correlative conjunction (30.1.2) for meanings (3.4, 28.1.4) ‘one . . . the other . . .’, distributive correlative conjunction (30.1.2) ‘each one, oneself ’ (28.1.2)

Selected Index of Basque Formatives and Words

nortzuk -oohi -ohi ohitu -ok

omen oraindik oraino ordu orduan eta oro -oro oso oste ostean ote -ote otoi (-)pe -pen -r ra-ra -raino -rako -rakoan -rantz -rat -(r)e


plural of nor in southwest dialect area (28.1.1) third-person singular dative marker (15.1, 15.4.1–2) in constructions expressing habitualness as proclitic particle in north and preterito-present verb in south (14.6), see also -koi (10.6) meaning ‘ex-’ (14.6) verb of accustoming ( enclitic pronoun as inclusive article (19.7), as head of a relative (19.1.8), in personal pronouns (28.2.5), in coordinates with eta (30.2.7) reportative sentence particle (8.1.2) ‘still, (not) yet’, elative of orain ‘now’ (7.3.3) eastern form of oraindik see vocabulary in proportional sentences (26.4.9) ‘all’, universal quantifier (28.3), constructions with oro (28.3.1) as indefinite pronoun (6.1.3, 28.3.2), replaced by dena (10.4) in northern dialects (5.6) ‘whole’, adjective (10.5), ‘very’, adverb of degree (1.3.2, 11.2.1) Biscayan location noun for ‘back’ ( ‘after’, inessive for temporal posteriority in Biscayan and literary standard (20.4.4) dubitative sentence particle (8.1.1, 8.1.6, 18.1.2, 21.3.6), with edo (30.1.1, 30.2.6) third-person plural dative marker in some dialects (15.1) ‘please’, command softener in northern dialects (22.3.4) morpheme meaning ‘under’, alternative for azpi (, between parasu‰x and su‰x (31.2, 32.3.3) deverbal su‰x indicating result (22.8) impendency su‰x (20.7.1) no-longer-productive causative prefix (16.1) allative case ending (3.1–2,, 5.2.3, 32.1.6), allative protases (17.4.1) ‘as far as, until’, terminal case ending (3.1–2, 32.1.6), with time adverbs (20.1.1) locative destinative ‘for’ (5.2.3, 20.1.1) ‘when going to’ (20.2.5) ‘toward’, tendential case ending (3.1–2, 5.1, 32.1.6) northern variant of -ra older genitive ending used with personal pronouns (2.2.2, 6.1.3)


-(r)ean -(r)ekiko -(r)ekin -(r)ekingo -(r)en -(r)en -(r)enea -(r)enean -(r)engatik -(r)entako -(r)entzako -(r)entzat -(r)i -(r)i buruz -(r)ik -(r)ik -rik -(r)ikako -(r)iko -(r)ikoan -ro -roki saihets samar sarri sarri arte sarritan sasi-ska -sko sobera soilik

Selected Index of Basque Formatives and Words

complex locative using older genitive -(r)e (6.4) ‘concerning, toward’, full sociative ending infrequent in spoken usage (5.1, 5.2.4) ‘with’, sociative case ending, except in Biscay (2.2.1, 5.4, 19.1.2, replacing -(r)ekiko in some dialects (5.1) su‰x for stylistically marked synonym of -ko to form future participles in eastern dialects (7.2.5) genitive case ending (2.2.1–2, 2.4, 5.3–4) back-formation from inessive -(r)enean (6.4) ‘at X’s home’, complex locative (6.4) ‘because of ’ (19.1.2), see -gatik see -(r)entzat (2.2.1) see -(r)entzat (2.2.1) ‘for’, benefactive ending (2.2.1), basic destinative (5.2.3); see benefactive -tzat dative case ending (2.2.1, idiom expressing ‘‘aboutness’’ (, 27.9.2) partitive (13.1), in relatives (19.1.9), reduction ( stative su‰x (11.1, 25.5.2), participial predicatives (19.2.2, 25.5.4), in reduplication of stative words (32.1.3) allomorph of the elative su‰x -tik in eastern dialects (3.3–4, 13.1.1) adnominal of stative -(r)ik, eastern usage (19.2.2) adnominal of stative -(r)ik, western usage (19.2.2–3) ‘after’, participle su‰x in southern Biscay (20.2.3) adverbializer, now only in south (11.1, 11.1.2) enlarged form of -ro (11.1, 11.1.2) location noun ‘side’ ( ‘somewhat, fairly’, quantifier and adverb of degree following word modified (1.3.2, 11.2.3) adjective ‘frequent’ in west, adverb of frequency ‘often’ in west, ‘soon’ in east (, ‘until soon’, eastern parting phrase (, time adverbial ‘often’ used with past imperfect (7.3.2) paraprefix with the meaning ‘‘pseudo’’ (32.5.4) variant of -xka variant of -xko ‘too much/many’, eastern quantifier (26.6.1, 26.6.3) ‘only, merely’, predicative (25.5.2)

Selected Index of Basque Formatives and Words

soilki -t -t-ta-ta-ta -ta

-tako -tako -takoan -tar -tasun -taz -te-te -te -te -te -tegi -tez -ti -tiar -tik -tikako -tiko to


‘only’, manner adverb (25.5.2) word-final form of -da (9.1) insertion in compounds, sometimes replacing h (31.2.3) indefinite marker in locative system (3.4, 5.2.6, 5.3, 5.5) segment characteristic of instrumental pronouns (6.1.3), with dena (10.4) su‰x for locative case forms of demonstrative pronouns in the singular (9.6.2), with appositive ber (28.2.2) shortened form of the conjunction eta ‘and’ in numerals (2.1.1), creates the Guipuzcoan equivalent of stative participles (19.2.4), participial predicatives in -ta (25.7) adnominal of stative -ta, Guipuzcoan synonym of -(r)iko (19.2), in participial relatives (19.2.4) see benefactive -tzat (2.2.1) participle su‰x ‘after’ (20.2.3) derivational su‰x denoting origin (6.6) productive parasu‰x denoting the concept of a property or quality (17.9) amplified form of instrumental ending typical of pronouns (6.1.3. 9.6.1) bu¤er morpheme (17.2.3, 24.1.2, 28.4) verbal su‰x indicating plurality (6.2.2, 9.1, 10.1, 28.4, 29.1.2, 29.1.4) no longer productive su‰x denoting a prolonged period of X- or Y-ness (6.5, 7.2.3) allomorph of nominalizer -tze (7.2.3) shortened form used in place of -teke in synthetic future tense forms of izan in northeastern dialects (28.4.2) productive derivational su‰x (3.8.2, 31.2) pluralizing su‰x in subjunctive forms of intransitive auxiliary (21.2.1) derivational su‰x describing habitual behavior (9.7) derivational su‰x indicating a propensity (6.7) elative (and ablative) case ending (3.1–2,, 5.2.2, 32.1.6) adnominalized elative (5.1, 5.2.2) short form of -tikako (5.1, 5.2.2) interjection in eastern dialects to draw attention of a ‘‘familiar’’ male, in north also to express surprise to either sex, and in unexplained paradigm of ‘‘urging’’ (22.3.1)


-to tori torizu torizue -ts-tsu -tsu -tto -tu -txe -txo -tz -tza -tza -tza -tza -(tzai)le -tzaile -tzako -tzako -tzapen -tzar -tzat -tzat -tzat -tzaz -tze -tze -tzeko uukan usu xamar -xe

Selected Index of Basque Formatives and Words

adverbializer (11.1, 11.1.1) see to see to see to pre-dative marker used with the verb *ion (15.1, 15.4.2) su‰x of abundance (8.7) su‰x of approximation (26.7) see -txo perfect participle (‘‘magic’’) su‰x (6.2.2, 7.2.1, 7.4.1, 12.3–4.1, 31.2, 32.3.3) variant of -xe productive diminutive derivational su‰x (1.2.5, 19.1.9, archaic form of instrumental (23.1.2), see -lako(tz) absolutive pluralizer su‰x (6.2.2–3, 9.1, 10.1) allomorph of -(kun)tza (25.8.1), with kide compounds (27.12.1) profession su‰x (16.9, 25.8.2) collective su‰x (25.8.3, 31.2) actor su‰x (12.6) allomorph of -(tzai)le (12.6.2) see benefactive -tzat (2.2.1) adnominal of prolative -tzat (5.1, 17.8.3) nonproductive deverbal su‰x, augmented version of -pen (22.9) augmentative su‰x (4.4) ‘for’, benefactive case ending requiring genitive (2.2.1) prolative ‘as (a) . . . , for (a) . . .’ (17.8) su‰x attached to subjunctive verb forms in purpose clauses in older Basque (21.4.1) dialectal variant of -taz nominalizer to form the verbal noun (7.2.3), see also under gerundives (16.4–8) pluralizer, see -tza (10.1, 15.4.1) adnominal of nominalizer -tze, in purpose clauses (, with excessive predicates (26.6.3) pluralizer prefix for the verb etzan (6.2.2) verb ‘to have’ in northern dialects (9.1) time adverb ‘often’ in eastern dialects (7.3.2, adverb of degree, variant of samar ‘somewhat’ (11.2.3) ‘somewhat’, with perfect participles ending in -tu acting as adjectival predicates (11.2.3), to indicate a slight degree of superiority (26.4.2), with excessives (26.6.2)

Selected Index of Basque Formatives and Words

-xe -xka -xko zz-z-z-z -z -z za-za-z(a) (-)zale -zale -zar -zaro -zaz ze ze z(e)zezein . . . zein . . . zein baino zein zenbait zenbat zenbat eta zer zerbaitengatik zeren


su‰x of precision (26.8), focus (8.6.2), emphatics (28.2.3, 28.2.6) nonproductive diminutive derivational su‰x borrowed from northern dialects mostly used for nouns (3.9, 7.7) ‘rather’, nonproductive su‰x borrowed from northern dialects for diminutizing adjectives and adverbs (7.7) second-person non-‘‘familiar’’ marker (6.2.2–3, 9.1, 10.1) replacing d- in dative forms of *edun (29.1.6) unmarked pluralizer su‰x of dative verb forms used with obligatory pre-dative marker -ki- (15.1) object pluralizer infix for verb eduki (9.1, 10.1, 22.2.2) unmarked pluralizer (6.2.2–3, 10.1, 15.1) reduction of -za (10.1, 29.1.2) or -tza (17.2.3, 24.4.3, 28.4) or -zki (17.2.3) instrumental case ending (2.2.1, 5.2.5, 6.1.3, chap. 27, 32.1.6) replacing da- in third-person allocutive forms in northern Batua (29.1.2) stem of subjunctive forms of *edun supposedly derived from a hypothetical verb *ezan (21.2.2, 24.4.2) object pluralizer for verb *ion (9.1, 10.1, 15.4.2) fondness parasu‰x (10.7.1) trade su‰x (10.7.2) see -tzar (4.4) see -aro (32.3.1) dialectal variant of -taz (6.1.3) ‘why’, as causal conjunction in Biscayan vernacular (23.5.1) optional form of zer in adjectival use (18.1.1, 28.1.3) past tense marker (6.2.2, 10.1, 17.2.3) replacing da- in third-person allocutive forms (29.1.2) ‘either . . . or . . .’, disjunctive correlative conjunction (30.1.2), ‘one . . . the other . . .’, distributive correlative conjunction (30.1.2) in comparative constructions (26.4.11) when quantifier ‘some’ means ‘certain’ (2.3.2); see vocabulary interrogative quantifier (18.1.1); see vocabulary in proportional sentences (26.4.9) interrogative pronoun ‘what’, lexicalization (28.1.3), in compounds (27.12.2); see vocabulary ‘not for nothing’ ( genitive of zer (23.5), as causal conjunction in eastern usage (23.5.2), in western Batua (23.5.3)


zergatik zertako zeuen zeure -zki-zki zorian -zte -zte zu -zu -zue zuek zuen

Selected Index of Basque Formatives and Words

‘why’ (2.2.1), as causal conjunction (23.1.2), in Guipuzcoan vernacular (23.5, 23.5.1) ‘for what’ (2.2.1) second-person plural reflexive pronoun (6.1.3–4) and intensive genitive ( second-person singular unmarked reflexive pronoun (6.1.3–4) and intensive genitive ( segment (from -z- þ -ki-) shared by dative forms with plural direct objects (15.1, 15.3.2, 29.1.3) object pluralizer for verba sapiendi and sentiendi (9.1, 10.1) impendency postposition ‘just about to . . . , on the verge of . . .’ (20.7.2) double object pluralizer corresponding to zuek (9.1, 10.1) free alternative of -tze in some forms (15.4.1) unmarked second-person singular personal pronoun (6.1–3, 6.2.2, 9.1, 29.1.1) second-person singular ergative/dative su‰x (9.1, 15.1), in synthetic imperatives (22.2.2), in allocutive forms (29.1.7) second-person plural ergative/dative su‰x (9.1, 15.1), in synthetic imperatives (22.2.2) second-person plural personal pronoun, absolutive/ergative (6.1.1, 6.1.3, 6.2.2, 9.1) second-person plural genitive (6.1.3)

Index of Personal Names

Agirre, Domingo/Txomin, 617 Agirre, Marı´a Dolores, 243 Agirre, Toma, 617 Alberdi Larizgoitia, Jabier, 113 Altube, Sebero, 172, 173, 174, 181, 182, 455, 503, 622–623, 653 Amundarain, In˜aki, 841, 842–843 An˜ibarro, Pedro Antonio, 97, 103, 449 Arana Goiri, Sabino de, 131 Aranart, Philippe, 103 Arejita, Adolfo, 446, 606, 730, 792, 825, 827, 828, 840 Aresti, Gabriel, 114 Artiagoitia, Xabier, 132, 154, 274, 340, 477, 493, 495, 501 Astarloa, Pablo Pedro, 181 Atxaga, Bernado, 617 Augustine (Saint), 244, 651 Axular, Pedro de, 3, 235, 380, 500, 523, 563, 651 Azkarate, Miren, 340, 853, 862 Azkue, Resurreccio´n Marı´a de, 2, 76, 94, 118, 126, 140, 150, 164, 173, 181, 227, 234, 340, 415, 429, 503, 554, 622–623, 653, 677, 725, 762, 863, 867, 904, 906 Basterrechea, Jose´ de, 12, 82, 105, 120, 830 Benveniste, E´mile, 766 Beriain, Juan de, 500 Biguri, Koldo, 872 Bonaparte, Louis-Lucien (Prince), 1, 11 Bossong, Georg, 199 Brettschneider, Gunter, 199 Brown, Roger, 111, 112 Browne, E. Wayles, 681

Dechepare, Bernard. See Etxepare, Bernard Dirr, Adolf, 198 Dixon, Robert M. W., 198, 199 Donzeaud, Franc¸oise, 182 Duvoisin, Jean P., 93, 96, 97, 100, 102, 103, 122, 125, 235, 557, 806, 840 Echaide, Ana Marı´a, 13 Echaide, Ignacio M., 477, 500 Echenique, Bruno, 93 Eguskitza, Juan B., 340 Eguzkitza, Andolin, 105, 901 Elordieta, Arantzazu, 389 Emonds, Joseph E., 461, 605 Etxaide, Yon/Jon, 617 Etxaniz, Nemesio, 383, 521, 617 Etxeberri Sarakoa, Joannes, 380 Etxeberri Ziburukoa, Joannes, 266, 380 Etxepare, Bernard, 274, 801 Garate, Gotzon, 70, 203, 311, 518, 617, 702, 877 Garibay, Esteban de, 131 Gavel, Henri, 737 Gilman, Albert, 111, 112 Goenaga, Patxi, 102, 104–105, 324, 325, 327, 358, 382, 383, 391, 400, 405, 429, 477, 501, 547, 605, 606, 679, 827, 830–831, 840 Hale, Kenneth L., 100 Harriet, Martin, 99, 152 Harris, James, 7 Heath, Je¤rey, 199 Hualde, Jose´ I., 12, 274, 857 Hualde Mayo, Prudencio P., 840

Caro Baroja, Julio, 108 Charritton, P. See Xarritton, Piarres Chomsky, Noam, 115–116, 199 Comrie, Bernard, 145, 199

Inchauspe, Emmanuel, 140, 737 Irigoyen, Alfonso, 503 Ithurry, Jean, 289, 430, 652 Iturriaga, Augustine P., 520

Darricarre`re, Jean Baptiste, 27 Davison, Alice, 172

Jackendo¤, Ray, 182 Jacobsen, William H., 862


Joos, Martin, 9 Juan Carlos (King), 2 Jungemann, Frederick H., 4 Kachru, Yamuna, 864 Kerexeta, Jaime, 93, 226 Keyser, Samuel J., 249 Kintana, Xabier, 114 Klimov, Georgij A., 199 Kno¨rr, Henrike, 130 Labayen, Antonio, 617 Lafitte, Pierre, 18, 99, 103, 104, 182, 430, 498, 501, 537, 619, 658, 730, 737, 759, 801 Lafon, Rene´, 102, 104, 199, 501, 649 Laka, Itziar, 166, 167, 168, 199, 304 Lapeyre, Etienne, 831 Lardizabal, Francisco Ignacio de, 122, 274, 360, 463, 500 Larramendi, Manuel de, 500 Le´cluse, Fleury de, 289 Lehmann, Christian, 471, 498 Leizarraga (Leic¸arraga), Joannes, 93, 96, 102, 114, 116, 280, 380 Lekuona, Manuel, 182 Levin, Beth C., 139, 199, 275, 277, 298 Lhande, Pierre, 96, 103, 614, 696 Linschmann, Theo, 114 Lizundia, Jose´ Luis, 130 Lo´pez Mendizabal, Issac, 102 Manzisidor, Inazio M., 103, 880 Martı´nez Arbelaiz, Asuncio´n, 683 McCawley, James P., 699 Mendiburu, Sebastia´n, 97 Mendiguren, Xabier, 129 Metzeltin, Michael, 526 Michelena, Luis. See Mitxelena, Koldo Mirande, Jon, 96, 295 Mitxelena, Koldo, 3, 6, 12, 15, 45, 99, 102, 104, 108, 130, 140, 164, 171, 174, 182, 227, 244, 290–291, 368, 380, 430, 518, 539, 563, 577, 610, 617, 619, 624, 653, 659, 691, 738, 762, 860 Mitxelena, Salbatore, 617, 731, 872 Mogel (Moguel), Juan Antonio, 322, 840 Mu´gica (Mujika), Luis M., 229, 860, 882 Mujika, Jose´ A., 165 Mu¨ller, Friedrich, 199 Navarro Toma´s, Toma´s, 4 N’Diaye, Genevie`ve, 16 Oihartzabal, Ben˜at, 183, 281, 474, 477, 501, 560, 582 Oihenart, Arnaud d’, 131, 152, 198, 289 Onaindia, Santiago, 93 Ormaetxea, Nikolas (Orixe), 95, 244 Ortiz de Urbina, Jon, 183, 199, 674, 769, 828

Index of Personal Names

Osa, Eusebio, 183, 730 Oyharc¸abal, Bernard. See Oihartzabal, Ben˜at Perlmutter, David, 136, 138 Pouvreau, Silvain, 102, 153, 198, 523 Pullum, Geo¤rey, 136, 138 Rappaport Hovav, Malka, 139, 275, 277 Rebuschi, Georges, 115, 116, 174, 182, 199 Rijk, Rudolf P. G. de, 17, 95, 104, 105, 113, 165, 168, 174, 182, 295, 474, 477, 500–501, 562, 769, 909 Saksena, Anuradha, 266 Salaburu, Pello, 82, 115–116, 183, 368 Saltarelli, Mario, 164, 225, 244, 368, 378, 416, 683 Sarasola, Ibon, 96, 114, 224, 228, 536, 769, 848 Schuchardt, Hugo, 114, 199, 860 Selkirk, Elizabeth, 867, 874 Silverstein, Michael, 766 Tamura, Suzuko, 183 Tartas, Ivan de, 500 Trask, Robert L., 103, 105, 674 Uhlenbeck, Christian C., 368, 503, 860, 861 Uriarte, Jose´ Antonio, 102, 125, 520–521, 840 Uribe-Etxebarria, Myriam, 674 Urte, Pierre d’, 93, 840 Villasante, Luis, 103, 107, 430, 499, 503, 518, 539, 563, 653 Wilbur, Terence H., 105, 199 Xarritton, Piarres, 326, 765 Yurramendi, Felipe, 679 Zuazo, Koldo, 563 Zytsar, Jurij V., 199

Subject Index

-a (-ak) (definite article), 17, 35–37 with apposition, 36 with comparatives, 711–712 with days, 36 with ergative, 198–199 with exclamations, 37 with forms of address, 35–36 with generic judgments, 36–37 with genitive phrase, 44 with headings, 36 with months, 36 with nominal predicate, 19–20, 37 with place names, 58 with seasons, 36 syntactic potential and, 662–663 with titles, 36 -a (clitic pronoun), 483–487, 495 -a (postverbal clitic), 163 abantzu, 247–249 abiatu, 391 Aboutness, 762–766 gainean for, 762–763 -(r)i buruz for, 763–764 instrumentals for, 764–765 with noun phrase, 765–766 Absolutive, 198 vs. dative, 358–359 gabe with, 309 partitive determiner with, 292–295 Abuse, terms of, 85 Accentuation, 12–13, 120 Accustoming, verbs of, 396–397 Address, forms of, 111–113, 115 deferential, 115, 586–587 definite article in, 35–36 imperative, 575 -keta with, 567 Addressee. See also Allocutive verb forms -ok for, 502 of jussive, 587–588 adina, 706–707 aditu, gerundives with, 403

Adjectival quantifier, 225–227 Adjectives. See also Adnominal phrase adverbial use of, 237–239 adverbializing su‰xes of, 233–237 aldi with, 540, 541 diminutive, 156–157 with egin, 295–296 era with, 733 erdi- with, 895–896 expressive, 46–47 expressive palatalization of, 14–15 with -koitz, 30–31 with -kun, 30–31 as predicatives, 683–685 reduplication of, 877–879 sentential complements of, 452–454 syntax of, 18–19 -tasun with, 435–436 tough-like, 385 Adnominal phrase, 89–110 of aboutness, 765–766 allative deletion in, 93–94 articles with, 98–99 with demonstrative adverbs, 124 distribution of, 98 elative deletion in, 93 vs. genitive phrase, 98–103, 108 hyperdeclension of, 99 inessive deletion in, 91–93 instrumental deletion in, 96–97, 766 with izan, 98 as nominal predicate, 99 number indicators in, 97 for periodicals, 106 prolative, 434–435 sociative deletion in, 94–95 Adverb(s) allative, 124–125 compound, 865–866 concessive, 627 connective, 178–179 correlative, 831–836


Adverb(s) (cont.) degree. See Degree adverbs demonstrative, 123–124 expressive palatalization of, 14–15 focus and, 178–179 frequency, 105–106 adnominal form of, 96, 105 past imperfect with, 146 inferential, 618–623 instrumental, 38–39 with -ka, 268–269, 386 location, 123–125 manner. See Manner adverbs modal, 249–251 operators with, 248 reduplication of, 879–880 stative, 311–312, 682–690 tasun with, 436 time. See Time adverb(s); Time adverbials -tu with, 151, 268–269 a-elision, 17, 33, 858–859 Aezcoan, 2 /h/ and, 11 past tense forms in, 118 A¤ricates, 9–11 Agentives, denominal, 407–409 agian, 249–251 aginean, 538 -ago, 8, 709–710 Agreement dative. See Dative agreement number, 188–190, 204, 214–216, 343–344, 679– 681 ahal (preverbal proclitic), 163 adjectival use of, 660 potentiality with, 652, 653–655, 656–658 ahala as conjunction, 661 as modal quantifier, 660–661 ahalik (eta), 723 ahalko, 658 ahaztu, 767 gerundive with, 392 ahizpa, 66–67 Air temperature, 298 aise, 711 aitzin, 73, 83, 531 aizak, 575 aizan, 575 aizu, 575 aizue, 575 al (interrogative), 163–164, 442–443 ala, 830–831 emphatic repetition with, 837 enclitic, 848 Alava (Araba), 1 albait, 724 albo, 77

Subject Index

aldamen, 77 alde, 76–77 alde egin, 305 aldean, 83–84 aldez, 758 aldi, 525–529 compounds with, 126, 540–544 conjunctions with, 528–529 deletion of, 297 duration adverbials with, 527 ellipsis of, 526, 527, 529 frequency adverbials with, 527, 760 inessive phrase with, 526, 527 instrumental phrase with, 526–527 relative clause with, 529 time specifications with, 526–527 Allative (-ra) of cardinal numbers, 55 conditional, 425–426 definite plural, 52–53 definite singular, 50–52 deletion of, 93–94 with egin, 296 emphatic, 729 with gauza predicate, 664 indefinite, 53–57 kinetic gerundive and, 394–395, 407 -koi with, 228 with nahi, 326 for place names, 57–59 -tu with, 152–154, 272–273, 274 Allocutive verb forms, 112, 809–824 conditional mood, 819–821 definition of, 809–810 vs. ethical dative, 810 intransitive, 810–814 non-familiar, 823–824 potential mood, 821–822 syntax of, 810 synthetic future tense, 822–823 transitive, 814–819 Allomorphy Rule, 128–130 Altube’s Law, 174 amaitu, 391 Amorphous deallatival intransitives, 154 anaia, 67 Animate/inanimate copulative compounds and, 861–862 instrumental and, 49 instrumental postpositions and, 748–749 locative and, 60–62 number and, 223 anitz, 711 Anteriority, 83 with aitzin, 531 with aurre, 530 comparatives for, 714–715 location noun for, 530–531

Subject Index

Anticausative alternation, 264–265, 274–278 with isildu, 280 Antipassives alternation, 766–768 argument structure, 768–769 bibliographical note on, 769 antzina, 511 apika, 249–251 Apocope Major, 63, 71, 235, 854–855 Minor, 63, 71, 84, 233, 855 Apophony, 63 Apposition, 487 with ber, 793–795 definite article in, 36 with dena, 224 with guzti, 225–226 with oro, 800–801 perfect participle, 491 relative clause, 487–489 Approximation, operators of, 247–249 Aquitanian, 6 Aragonese, vibrants in, 8 arazi, 377 ardura, 513 arduratu, 769 are, comparative with, 717 arestian, 145 argitu, 265, 266, 271 -ari, 901–904 ari (verb), 385–388 aro, 882–883 arreba, 66–67 arren, 579, 580 -arren causal phrase with, 599–600 concessives with, 625–626 arte, 78–79 compounds with, 84–85 subjunctive with, 558–559 temporal use of, 79, 83, 510, 533–534 artean, 150, 533–534 artemein, 511 Article definite, 17, 35–37. See also -a (-ak) (definite article) inclusive, 501–502 indefinite, 17–18, 42, 308–309 in noun phrase, 18, 44 Ascain, /h/ and, 11 aski, 246 asko, 244, 710 asmo, 329–330 aspaldi, 511 aspalditxo, 511 Aspectual verbs, 145–146 direct object raising with, 399–400 gerundives with, 385–392 indirect object raising with, 398–399


aste, -bete with, 515 at, 76 ate, 76 atertu, 266 atxiki, 347–348 atze, 69–73 compound construction with, 70 atzo, 512 aurkitu, 264 gerundives with, 403 aurre, 69–73 compound construction with, 70 temporal use of, 83, 530 aurrera, 206 aurten, 512–513 ausartu, gerundive with, 396–397 ausaz, 249 auskalo, 449–450 Australian languages, 197 Auxiliary dative forms of, 348–351 *edun, 221–222. See also *edun izan, 135–136. See also izan negation and, 166–167, 169–171 participle order with, 169–171 Auxiliary Attraction, 166–167, 180–181, 445–446, 452, 647 Auxiliary Movement, 168 -az gainean construction, 613 azken, 28, 29 Azkoitian, 383 azpi, 74–75 ba (a‰rmative particle), 168–169, 170, 177, 445 with ere, 179 with pro-drop, 205, 346 ba- (conditional), 413, 415, 417–419 bada, 619–623 as causal conjunction, 622–623 sentence-initial, 621 bai, 20 correlative construction with, 832–833 -LA complement clause with, 454 baina, 829 baino, 709–715 ere with, 717 baino lehen(ago), 83, 714–715 -bait, 509, 781, 790–792 baitcausal clauses with, 608–609, 615 explanatory clauses with, 608–610 omen with, 162 relativization with, 496–498 word order with, 610 baita, 49, 61–62, 97, 208 bakan, 513 bakoitz, 30–31, 800 baldin, 413, 415


baliatu, 766–767 balio, 321–322 Bare noun, 37–43, 154–155 with eduki, 307 with *edun, 43, 307, 317 with egin, 43, 298–303 with eman, 43, 306, 362–364 with hartu, 306–307 with izan, 43, 154–155 barik, 311 barne, 75 barren, 75–76 barru, 75, 514 bart, 144–145, 512 basa-, 894–895 Basque Academy (Euskaltzaindia), 2–3 on allocutive forms, 810–811, 823 on atxiki, 348 on ber-/bir-, 891 on bere/bera, 115 on causative verbs, 380 on conditional forms, 419 on ekin, 361 on ezkero, 511–512 on guzti, 225 on h, 11–12 on hola, 241 I. M. Echaide in, 500 on -ik, 447–448 on intransitive verb paradigm, 123 on iritzi, 354 on -ko, 98 on months of the year, 107 on potential mood, 635 on proclitics, 165 on superlatives, 724 on synthetic jussives, 583 on synthetic potential verb forms, 649 on time interval expression, 83 Basque Country (Euskal Herria), 1 place names in, 129–130 Basse-Navarre. See Low Navarra bat (‘one’), 25, 26, 27 declension of, 51–52, 55 relative clause with, 483 bat (batzuk), 17–18, 42 with gabe, 308–309 bata bestea (reciprocal), 370–372 batere, 294, 308 batzu, 42 Baztanese, 2 aise in, 725 bota in, 277 edanari in, 905 expressive palatalization in, 15 bazter, 80 be-, 582 Be´arnese, 1, 591 comparatives in, 720

Subject Index

begi, 742–743 begiratu, 358 behar (noun), 332–334 inessive, 334 behar (verb), 330–332 auxiliary with, 332 deontic conditionals with, 428 impendency use of, 331–332 instrumental clause with, 772 medio-passive, 332 beharbada, 249–251 behe, 51, 761 behiala, 511 behin, 513 correlative construction with, 832, 836 behinola, 511 beldur as adjectival predicate, 690–691 subjunctive with, 556–557 wh-complements of, 462 beldur izan, wh-complements of, 443–444 beldurtu, subjunctive with, 556–557 Benefactive (-tzat), 33–34, 206 emphatic, 728 personal pronouns, 113 ber, 114, 793–799 appositive, 793–795 locative, 794 reduplicated, 794 -bera, 630–631 bera (‘soft’), 631 bera (berak), 114–116, 794–795 demonstrative pronouns with, 798–799 genitive form of, 115, 795 resumptive, 479 bere, 115–116 bero, as adjectival predicate, 690–691 berori, 115 berr-, 26, 891–892 berri, perfect participle modification by, 681– 682 berriki, 511 bertan, 799 berton, 799 bestalde, 762 beste (comparative), 708–709 beste (determiner), 251–254 indefinite pronoun, 253–254 instrumental with, 762 partitive with, 294 as predeterminer, 254 bestela, 254–255 adnominal form of, 255 -bete, 515–516 beti, 513 beti eta, 719 bezain, 703–705 bezainbat, comparative, 708 bezainbatean, 708

Subject Index

bezala annotative, 701 approximative, 792 comparative, 699–701 qualifying, 701–702 bi, 27 bidali, gerundive with, 404–405 bide (parasu‰x), 883–887 bide (proclitic), 162–163, 807 -bider, 513 bidez, 748–479 bihar, 512 Bilabials, 5 Bilingualism, 1 Biriatou, /h/ and, 11 birr-, 891–892 Biscay (Bizkaia), 1, 2 accentuation in, 12 ba in, 168 bakoitzak bestea in, 371 beharra eduki in, 333 causatives in, 379 ergative intonation in, 199 eroan in, 202 house names in, 126 indefinite pronouns in, 782 inseparable prefixes in, 320 lar in, 725 -NA complementizer in, 455 nortzuk in, 782 palatalization in, 13, 14 posteriority expression in, 531–532, 536 quarter hours in, 82 -ro in, 234 -ta in, 692 verbs of consumption in, 261 Biscayan, 2 a in, 483 aginean in, 538 -ak in, 198 -arren in, 599–600 aurre in, 530 azartu in, 397 baga in, 308 barik in, 311 beste in, 708–809 bi in, 27 birr- in, 891 causatives in, 380 days of the week in, 108 deitu in, 358 demonstrative pronouns in, 206 distributive duplication in, 881 edaari in, 905 eduki in, 307 ekandu in, 396 elative deletion in, 93 a-elision rule in, 17 emphatics in, 730


entzun in, 203 -etz in, 449 expressive palatalization in, 14, 15 finite time clauses in, 520–521 -gaitik, 255 genitive in, 60 gerundives in, 383, 401, 404 gura in, 322 habitual past perfect in, 147 horra in, 125 imperative in, 576 imperfect participle su‰x in, 142 inessive in, 50 instrumental in, 96 izan in, 123 jardun in, 389 -keta in, 563 -kote from, 30 lagundu in, 359 larregi in, 725 legez in, 702 modal particles in, 161 nasalization in, 5 neba/anaia in, 67 nominalizer -tze/-te in, 140 -or in, 628 oste in, 73 participial relatives in, 492 participle/auxiliary order in, 414 past tense forms in, 117, 118 perfect participle in, 140, 441 posteriority expression in, 532 superlative in, 723 -to in, 233 verbal focus in, 176–177 zaitez in, 572 ze in, 614 bitarte, temporal use of, 534–535 bitartez, 748–479 bitxi, sentential complements of, 452–454 biz, correlative construction with, 832 bizi izan, 156 biziki, 710 borondate, 326–328 Borondate system, 327 bota, 277 Bridge verbs, 459 burlatu, 767 buru, 74, 80 compound adjective with, 372 instrumental of, 763–764 strongly reflexive nominal with, 364–368 Burushaski, 197 Cardinal numerals, 25–28, 39 allative forms of, 55 beste with, 252 declension of, 55 inessive forms of, 55


Cardinal numerals (cont.) -na with, 850–852 nominalization of, 28, 43 in noun phrase, 27–28, 39, 42 in telling time, 81–84 Case endings. See also specific cases basic system of, 31–35 locative system of, 31, 49–68 number and, 31–34 syntactic status of, 34–35 Castilian, 2, 4. See also Old Castilian; Spanish comparatives in, 720 liquids in, 7 sibilants in, 9 vibrants in, 8 Causal clauses, 599–604 with bait-, 608–609, 615 conjunctions for, 613–618 constituent questioning and, 604 with fronted interrogatives, 613–618 with -lako(tz), 600–604, 608–609, 616 negative, 603–604 with zeren, 614–616 Causal conjunctions, 613–618 Causal postpositional phrase, 599–600 Causative(s) archaic, 375–377 cognition, 401–402 with eman, 404 formation of, 377 periphrastic, 401, 404 permissive, 380–383, 401–402 productive, 377–380 Causative alternation, 274–278 Celtic, 27, 63, 90, 108 Central dialects, 16, 414, 490, 858. See also Guipuzcoan; Labourdin Change, verbs of, 395–396 Circumstances, reduplicated expression of, 881 Circumstantial clauses, 538–540 with -la, 538–539 with -larik, 539–540 negative, 773 nonfinite, 540 with participial predicatives, 690, 693 Citation forms, 116–117, 139 Cognition, verbs of, 392–393, 401–402 Collective nouns, 30 Command. See Imperative Comment clauses, 486–487, 701, 758–759 Comparative(s), 699–735. See also Superlatives adina, 706–707 anteriority, 714–715 are with, 717 baino, 709–715 beste, 708–709 bezainbat, 708 bezala, 699–702 degree adverbs and, 710–711

Subject Index

for equality in quality, 703–705 for equality in quantity, 705–709 equative, 703–705 hainbat, 707–708, 720 inferiority, 713–714 for inferiority/superiority in quantity, 715–717 with instrumental, 759 as intensifier, 717–718 intensity, 705 legez, 702–703 morphology of, 709–710 nominal, 712–713 pare, 703 posteriority, 715 proportional, 719 superiority, 709–720 syntax of, 711–714 time correlations with, 718–719 zein baino zein with, 720 Comparative stripping, 699–700, 703–704, 706, 712, 714 Complement(s) of adjectives, 452–454 of asmo, 329–330 bare noun, 43, 317 of begiratu, 358 of behar (noun), 332–334 of behar (verb), 330–332 of borondate, 326–328 circumstantial, 426 of conative predicates, 393–394, 399, 554–555 dative, 346–348, 358–359, 379, 570 of deverbal nouns, 326–328 of *edun, 317–321 of emotive verbs, 264–265, 556–557 ergative, 691 finite (indicative mood), 450–454 finite (subjunctive), 552–557 with gabe, 308–311 of gauza, 663–664 gerundive. See Gerundive of gogo, 328–329 infinitival, 324–325, 330–331, 357–358, 824– 825 instrumental, 766–770 of irudi, 202, 457–458 of laga, 382–383 of nahi (noun), 326–328 of nahi (verb), 322–326, 552–553, 824–825 of necessity/suitability predicates, 555–556 nominalized clause, 323, 326, 826–827 nonfinite, 824–828. See also Direct infinitival complement; Gerundive of nouns, 461–464, 494–495 of permission-granting predicates, 381–382, 556 predicative, 686–688, 692–693 prolative, 430–434 subjunctive, 552–557

Subject Index

of time-expressing location nouns, 530, 531, 532, 533–534 vs. translative objects, 431 of uste, 457 of utzi, 381–382 of verba petendi, 553–554, 825 wh-. See Wh-complement Complementizer be-, 582–585 -LA (-la/-ela), 450–454, 461–462, 538–539, 547– 548, 561–563, 825, 606–608 -N (-n/-en), 442, 449, 472 -NA (-na/-ena), 454–455 -NIK (-nik/-enik), 456–457 Complex predicates, 671–675 with egon, 674–675 with izan, 671–673 Compound(s), 853–876. See also Compound adjective(s); Compound noun(s) a-elision in, 858–859 adverbial, 865–866 binominal, 868–869 copulative, 861–867 descriptive (attributive), 873–874 determinative, 867–873 expressive, 864–867 final consonant changes in, 853–854 final vowel changes in, 854–857 haplology in, 859–860 mononominal, 869–870 morphophonology of, 853–860 phrasal, 876 possessive, 874–876 sandhi rules in, 857–859 types of, 860–876 verbal, 870–873 vowel sequences in, 858–859 Compound adjective(s) with behar, 333 with bera, 631 with buru, 372 copulative, 863–864 with erraz, 668 with ezin, 665–666 with gabe, 313–314 with gaitz, 667–668 with nahi, 327 possessive, 874–876 with zale, 229–230 Compound adverbs, 865–866 copulative, 864 Compound noun(s) with aldi, 126, 540–544 with aro, 882–883 with arte, 84–85 with behar, 333 with bide, 883–887 binominal, 868–869 copulative, 861–863


descriptive, 873–874 determinative, 867–873 with elkar, 372 expressive, 864–867 with ezin, 666–667 with gabe, 312–313 with gai, 255–256 heterogeneous, 861 homogenous, 861 with kide, 773–775 mononominal, 869–870 with nahi, 327 with ohi, 335 possessive, 874–876 with time adverb, 512 with zale, 229–230 Compound verbs, 870–873 copulative, 864 Conative verbs, 262 gerundives with, 393–394, 399 subjunctive with, 554–555 Concessive, 623–627 with -arren, 625–626 with ere, 428–429, 625 with motivational -gatik, 623, 624–625, 627 with nahiz, 626–627 postpositional, 623–624 textual, 623, 626–627 Concessive adverbials, 627 Conditional, 413–416 allative protases in, 425–426 allocutive forms in, 819–821 baldin in, 415 bezala with, 700 concessive, 625 deontic, 428, 645 eta with, 850 free, 427–428, 645 with gero, 511 indicative apodosis and, 424 indicative mood, 413–415 interrogative, 416 -kotan, 430 morphology of, 417–422 negative protases in, 414–415, 426 nonfinite protases in, 425–427 opportunity, 428, 645 partitive complementizer with, 457 past forms of, 421–422 past future tense for, 149, 425, 426 periphrastic forms of, 423–425 politeness, 427–428, 645 potential, 638–640, 644–646, 650 present forms for, 419–421 protasis absorption in, 426–427 protasis forms of, 417–419 syntax of, 413–415, 422–425 synthetic forms of, 419–420, 422–423 truncation and, 417


Congratulations, 562–563 Conjunction(s). See also Coordination ahala, 661 ala, 830–831 with aldi, 528–529 bada as, 622–623 baina, 829 baldin, 415 bestela, 255 causal, 613–618 coordinating, 828–831 correlative, 831–836 ea, 448–449 edo, 829–831 as enclitic particles, 604–606, 847–848 eta, 829 interrogative-based, 614–616 -nean, 519–521 -neko, 519–521 -netik, 519–521 Conjunction reduction, 837–841 constituent-level, 837–838 morpheme-level, 840–841 word-level, 838–839 Conjunctive clause, 547 opa with, 553 verb of communication with, 554 verba petendi with, 553–554 Consonants, 5–16 a¤ricate, 9–11 compound-related changes in, 853–854 liquid, 7–8 nasal, 6–7 plosive, 5–6 sandhi rules for, 16 sibilant, 8–10 vibrant, 7–8 Continuative, jarraitu, 389 Coordination. See also Conjunction(s) auxiliary in, 841–844 case endings and, 35 conjunction reduction in, 837–841 elliptic constructions in, 847–848 emphatic repetition in, 836–837 gapping in, 844–845 numerals in, 849–850 in questions, 845–847 syntax of, 836–845 Corelatives, 498–499, 560 Correlative conjunctions, 831–836 copulative, 832–834 disjunctive, 832, 834–835 distributive, 832, 835 da (present tense marker), 117 damu, 307, 318 danik, 509–510 Daring, verbs of, 397, 399

Subject Index

Dates, of month, 108 Dative (-[r]i), 31–32, 98 vs. absolutive, 358–359 with causative, 378, 379–380, 381 emphatic, 728 middle voice and, 357 personal pronouns, 113 with strong reflexive, 367 Dative agreement, 343–346 atxiki, 347–348 auxiliary, 348–351 *ion, 354–356 iritzi, 352–354 jario, 347 jarraiki/jarraitu, 346–347 modal verbs, 357–358 possessive and, 356–357 Dative raising, 398–399 Days of week, 36, 108 Deferential address, 115, 586–587 Degree adverbs, 19, 241–247 comparatives and, 710–711, 716 deictic, 244–246 excessives and, 725 intensifiers, 241–244, 710–711 manner adverbs as, 242 syntax of, 246 Deictics bart, 145 degree adverbs, 244–246 demonstrative adverbs, 123–124 demonstrative pronouns, 208–209 manner adverbs, 240–241 ordu, 518 -xe with. See Emphatic(s) deino, 535–536 deitu, 354, 358–359 dela, 517 correlative construction with, 832, 835 Delimination clauses, 533–535, 558–559 Demonstrative adverbs, 123–124 Demonstrative pronouns, 205–209 basic case forms of, 205–207 bera with, 798–799 deictic functions of, 208–209 instrumental, 114 locative case forms of, 207–208 plural forms of, 206–207 relative clause with, 481–482 syntax of, 208–209 as third-person equivalent, 209, 795 use of, 208–209 dena, 223–225 adjectival, 224 appositive, 224 vs. guzti, 226 idiomatic expressions with, 225 plural, 223, 224

Subject Index

dena dela, 627 dena den, 627 Dentals, 5–6 palatalization of, 14 Deontic conditionals, 428 De´partement des Pyre´ne´es Atlantiques, 1 Derivational su‰xes, 62–65 -ari, 901–904 -bera, 630–631 -di, 898–899 -dun, 95, 502–505 -dura, 899–901 -ero, 96, 105–106 -gailu, 906–907 -garri, 96, 335–340 -gile, 407–409 -gin, 407–409 -go, 897–898 -ka, 268–269, 912–918 -kada, 920–923 -kari, 106, 904–906 -katu, 918–920 -keria, 464–467 -keta, 563–567 -ki, 235–237, 238–239, 907–909 -ki (deverbalizing), 909–910 -kin (‘instrument or organ’), 911–912 -kin (‘resulting product’), 910–911 -kizun, 775–776 -ko, 89–91 -koi, 227–228 -kor, 627–630 -kunde, 696–697 -(kun)tza, 693–695 -le/-tzaile, 282–285 -men, 589–591 -na, 850–852 -n˜o, 15 -pe, 887–890 -pen, 591–594 phonological processes of, 62–63 -ro, 233–235 -roki, 235 -tar, 127–132 -te, 126–127 -tegi, 63–65 -ti, 209–210 -tiar, 132 -to, 233 -tsu (abundance), 183–185, 591 -tsu (approximation), 726–727 -tto, 15 -tu, 150–153, 267–274 -txo, 15, 65, 787 -tza, 409, 695–696 -tzaile/-le, 282–285 -tzapen, 594–595 -tzar, 85–86


-xka, 66 -xko, 156–157 -zale, 230 des-, 892–893 Destinative, 94, 510 Determiner. See also -a (-ak) (definite article) beste, 251–254, 294, 762 partitive, 292–295, 305 deus, 295, 786–787 -di, 898–899 Dialects, 1–3. See also specific dialects Diminutives of aitzin, 531 of aurre, 530 with -n˜o, 15 quantifier, 247 with -tto, 15 with -txo, 15, 65, 787 with -xka, 65–66 with -xko, 156–157 Diphthongs, 5 Direct infinitival complement, 324, 326, 330–331, 357–358 Displacement, verbs of, 404–405 distiratu, 265, 266 Distributives, 850–852 Dubitative particle, 164–165, 443, 557, 848 dudatu, 265 duela, 517 -dun, 95, 502–505 Duplication, distributive, 881–882 -dura, 899–901 Duration adverbs of, 513 predicates of, 391–392 Durative with ahala, 661 with ari, 385–388 with egon, 388 with ibili, 388–389 with jardun, 389 Dutch, 319 ea, 448–449 Eastern dialects ahal in, 656–658 ahalko in, 658 attention-getting address in, 576 -bait in, 496 bare participial relatives in, 491 causatives in, 379 corelatives in, 498 expressive palatalization in, 15 ezin in, 658–659 gerundives in, 404 intensifiers in, 710–711 izan in, 138 -keta in, 567


Eastern dialects (cont.) kinetic gerundive in, 394 -lakotz in, 600 landa in, 76 lexical potential in, 653, 656–659 -men in, 589 negative clause in, 414 negative imperative in, 577 past tense forms in, 118 permissive causatives in, 381 -rik in, 53 -ro in, 235 sobera in, 725 -tto in, 485 zeren in, 614 Eastern Low Navarrese, 2 /h/ and, 11 a¤ricates in, 10 sibilants in, 8 Echo-compounding, 864–867 edo, 781, 792, 829–831 copulative compounds and, 866 correlative construction with, 834–835 emphatic repetition with, 837 enclitic, 847–848 edo-, 781–782, 792 edonon, 54 edozein, 800 eduki allocutive forms of, 816–817 bare noun objects of, 307 impendency predicate with, 537 imperative of, 571 jussive of, 583 object pluralizer of, 190, 194–195 participial predicates with, 679 participial predicatives with, 689 prolative with, 434 syntactic potential with, 661–663 synthetic forms of, 195, 200, 213, 218–219 as transitive copula, 677 *edun allocutive forms of, 817–819, 820–821, 822–823 auxiliary, 221–222 bare noun objects of, 43, 307, 317 conditional mood, 420–421, 422 in coordination, 841–844 dative forms of, 349–351 duration adverbial with, 516 emotive nouns with, 318–319 iduri with, 318 impendency predicate with, 537–538 imperative forms of, 573–574 imperfect participle of, 222 jussive forms of, 584–585 maite with, 317–318 non-familiar allocutive forms of, 823–824 object complements of, 317–321

Subject Index

object pluralizer of, 190, 195–196 potential forms of, 637–638, 639–640, 641–643, 649 prolative with, 434 subjunctive forms of, 549–552 syntactic potential with, 661–663 synthetic forms of, 187, 188, 190, 195–196, 200, 213, 219–220 synthetic future tense forms of, 802–805 time depth adverbial with, 517 transitive prediction with, 675–677 truncation of, 417 zor with, 318 egarri, 19 as adjectival predicate, 691 -egi (excessive su‰x), 724–725 egin, 138–139, 295–298 adjectives with, 295–296 allatives with, 296 bare noun objects of, 43, 298–303 bodily activity idioms with, 301–302 causative form of, 377 communication idioms with, 300–301 dummy, 461 emission idioms with, 299–300 ergatives with, 297 experience idioms with, 302 focused verb with, 176 genitives with, 296–297 human activity idioms with, 302 idioms with, 297, 298–306, 630 jussive of, 583 manner-of-motion idioms with, 298–299 mental activity idioms with, 301 noncausative, 295 noun incorporation and, 304–305 partitive determiner and, 305 quasi-focused verb with, 181 synthetic forms of, 187, 188, 190, 204, 213, 216–217, 344 in verbal focus, 176 weather expressions with, 298 egon, 116, 117, 122, 154 allocutive forms of, 812 vs. behar, 333 conditional mood, 419–420, 421 dative with, 344–345 durative, 388 in explanatory clause, 607–608 impendency predicate with, 537 imperative of, 570 jussive of, 582 participial predicates with, 674–675 pluralizer for, 118 potential forms of, 649–650 wh-complements of, 443 egun, 512 -ei, 161

Subject Index

ekarri, 277 allocutive forms of, 814–815 gerundive with, 404–405 synthetic forms of, 187, 188, 189, 190, 194, 201, 213, 214–215, 346 ekin imperative of, 570 inceptive use of, 361 Elative (-tik) definite plural, 52–53 definite singular, 50–52 deletion of, 93 emphatic, 729 indefinite, 53–57 vs. instrumental, 740 intonation of, 52 location noun with, 75–76 for place names, 57–59 elemento inquirido, 174–175 elkar, 368–370 compound noun with, 372 genitive, 370 sociative, 369 eman, 359–364 bare noun objects of, 43, 306, 362–364 imperative of, 571 inceptive use of, 360–361 for indulgence in a habit, 359–360 vs. irudi, 202 metaphoric use of, 361–362 for outward appearance, 362 for period of time, 362 periphrastic causatives with, 404 pre-dative marker for, 344 prolative with, 433 subjunctive, 561 synthetic forms of, 346 Emotion bearer of, 95 expression of, 39 nouns for, 318–319 Emotive verbs, 264–265, 272, 367 instrumental with, 769–770 -lako clause with, 603 subjunctive with, 556–557 Emphatic(s), 727–731 morphology of, 727–729 use of, 730–731 Emphatic assertion, 168–169 -en (superlative su‰x), 720–721 Enclitic particles, 604–606, 847–848 English as, 487 by, 510 under, 74 about, 74 after, 514 around, 78


article in, 35 to begin, 390 Come in!, 72 comment clause in, 701 conjunctions in, 836 di¤erent, 255 to do, 176 emotive verbs in, 450 even, 428 -ever, 499 ex-, 335 excessives in, 726 exocentric compounds in, 874 fricatives in, 10 geographical names in, 59 to hold, 434 indefinites in, 279 intransitives in, 138 (it) is possible/impossible, 648 likely, 385 liquids in, 7 to live, 156 location nouns of, 69 locative phrases in, 55 mind, 328 modal adverbs in, 249 mutual/reciprocal, 370 negation in, 166 by no means, 54 one, 483 or, 850 other, 251 otherwise, 255 to owe in, 318 own, 114 passive in, 673 past tense of, 147 pluperfect in, 147 possessive in, 39, 100 prepositions in, 31, 34–35, 69, 89, 101 present participle in, 142 to put, 278 raising in, 458 sibilants in, 9 so, 240, 245 sooner, 714 to try, 554 unlikely, 385 verb topicalization in, 460 verb-particle combinations in, 43 wait a moment, 571 while, 538 yon, 206 entzun, 264 gerundives with, 403 jussive of, 583 synthetic forms of, 187, 188, 191, 203, 213, 217 epe, 515–516


Epenthetic vowel, 33, 50, 54, 57, 75, 125–126, 198, 206–207, 509, 811, 914 Equatives, 703–705 era, 731 -era deadjectival nouns with, 733 deverbal compounds with, 731–733 erabili allocutive forms of, 815 synthetic forms of, 190–191, 194, 201, 213, 215, 216–217 eragotzi, 556 erakarri, synthetic forms of, 187, 188, 213, 215 erakutsi, 187–188, 401–402 imperative of, 571 synthetic forms of, 190, 191, 213, 217 eraman, 277 allocutive forms of, 815 synthetic forms of, 189, 190, 194, 201–202, 213, 215, 216–217, 346 erdaraz, 745 erdi, 46, 79 erdi(tu), 768 erdi-, 895–896 ere, 20 with baino, 717 concessive, 428–429, 625 with corelative, 498, 499 focus and, 179 fronted verb with, 461 with gabe, 20 indefinite pronouns with, 788–789 Ergative (-k), 32–33, 98, 196–199 article with, 198–199 demonstrative pronouns, 206 with *edun, 675–677 with egin, 297 emphatic, 728 personal pronouns, 113 strong reflexive, 367 Ergative predicates, 690–691 Ergativity, bibliographical note on, 199 -ero, 96, 105–106 eroan allocutive forms of, 816 synthetic forms of, 191, 202, 213, 215, 216–217 Errata sheet, jussive for, 589 erraz, 668 errege, 38 errukitu, 768 ertz, 80 esan, 222 as bridge verb, 459 eskas, 310 eskerrik asko, 290 eskertu, 271, 359 esku, 742–743 eskuin, 80

Subject Index

eskuratu, 555 eta, 27, 829 in conditional sentences, 850 copulative compounds and, 866 emphatic, 849 enclitic, 847 explanatory clauses with, 604–608, 610–611, 616 nahiz with, 626–627 nominal phrase-ending, 847–848 numerals with, 849–850 with phrase-final numeral, 849–850 posteriority with, 536–537 postposition deletion and, 97 etengabe, 513 Ethical dative, 810 etorri, 116, 117, 120–121, 277 allocutive forms of, 811–812 dative forms of, 345 direct object raising with, 399–400 gerundive with, 396, 399–400 imperative of, 570 jussive of, 582 pluralizer for, 118 potential forms of, 649–650 etsi compounds with, 872 prolative with, 434 etxe, deletion of, 125–126 -etz, 449 etzan, 116, 117, 121–122, 278 allocutive forms of, 812 jussive of, 582 pluralizer for, 118 etzi, 512 etzidamu, 512 etzikaramu, 512 Euskaltzaindia. See Basque Academy Euskara Batua, 3 Evaluative prolative, 432–434 Excessives, 724–726, 759 degree adverbs and, 725 morphology of, 724–725 syntax of, 725–726 Exclamations -LA complement, 454 al in, 164 bada in, 620, 622 definite article with, 37 future tense in, 148 partitive in, 291, 295 wh-complement, 447 zeinen in, 245 Explanatory clauses with bait-, 608–610 with eta, 604–608, 610–611, 616 with -ezen, 616 with gain, 613

Subject Index

with gero(z), 610–612 with zeren, 614–618 Expletives, interrogative with, 440 ez, 20, 165–166, 167–169, 177 ahal with, 657 beste with, 253 correlative construction with, 832, 833–834 indefinite pronouns with, 787–788 nominal, 310 postverbal ba with, 622 in potential clause, 647 raising of, 457, 458 sandhi rules with, 168 ez-, 893–894 ez bezala, 700 -ez gero construction, 610–612 ezagutu imperative of, 571 synthetic forms of, 187, 188, 191–192, 194, 203, 213, 214–215 ezean, 426 ezein, 781, 789–790 ezen, as causal conjunction, 616 ezer, 781, 786–787 partitive with, 291 -txo with, 787 ezik, 426 ezin adnominal instrumental with, 659 ahala with, 661 compound adjectives with, 665–666 compound nouns with, 666–667 nonfinite relative with, 659 potentiality with, 647–648, 655–656, 658–659 ezker, 80 ezkero, 511–512 faborez, 579, 580 Factive verbs, 826 falta, 310, 321, 322 falta izan, 155, 156 Family names, 131 -tar with, 131 Focus, 172–183 adverb and, 178–179 bibliographical note on, 181–183 causal clause, 602–603 completive, 173–174 constituent question, 444 cross-clause movement of, 459 duration of state, 516 embedded question, 444 emotive noun and, 318–319 emphatic pronoun, 797 gerundive complement and, 386–387, 390–391 intensifiers and, 242–243 -la clause, 539 manner adverb and, 239–240


multiple, 174 negative clause, 179–181 vs. nonfocus, 174 positive clause, 172–179 pro-drop rule and, 205 purpose clause, 558 vs. quasi focus, 180 selective, 173–174 subordinate clause, 451–452 synthetic verb, 177–178 time clause, 520 verbal, 176–178 wh-complement, 444 wh-question, 174–175 yes-or-no question, 444 Focus blockers, 178–179 Focus extraction, 243, 245 Forcing, verbs of, 405 Formulaic expressions, with on, 38 Fractional numerals, 45–46 franko, 41, 246 French, 1, 2 avec, 738 conative predicates in, 554 ethical dative in, 810 expletory negation in, 443 imperfect in, 146 intensifier forms and, 247 intransitives in, 138 lequel, 500 participial construction in, 490 prepositions in, 89 pro-drop in, 205 savoir, 201 sibilants in, 9 superlative in, 722 valoir, 321 voici, 124 voila`, 124 Functional Predestination criterion, 477–478 Future participle, 142, 320 ahal with, 657–658 ezin with, 658–659 preterito-present verb, 321 Future tense, 143 allocutive forms in, 822–823 conditional use of, 415–416 proximate, 397–398, 400 synthetic (archaic), 802–807, 822–823 gabe, 308–312 adjectival, 310–311 adjectival compounds with, 313–314 adverbial, 311–312, 773 nominal, 309–310 nominal compounds with, 312–313 parasu‰x, 312–314 gabeko, 310, 311


gabetu, 770 gai (parasu‰x), 255–256 gai (predicate), 664–665 -gailu, 906–907 gain, 74–75, 206 inessive of, 613, 762–763 instrumental of, 761 gaindi, 75 gainean, 762–763 gaingiro, 235 gaitz, 667–668 Galician, vibrants in, 8 -gan, 49, 60–62, 97, 208 Gapping, 844–845 -garren, 28–30 -garri, 96, 335–340 Gascon, vibrants in, 8 -gatik, 599, 623 concessives with, 624–625 gau, 51 gaur, 512 gauza, as predicate of ability, 663–664 gehiago, 715–717 gehien, -tsu with, 727 Gender, 18, 189, 215, 811 Generic judgments, definite article with, 36– 37 Genitive (-[r]en), 44–45 adjectival nature of, 45 vs. adnominal phrase, 98–103, 108 with animate locatives, 60–62 with animate possessor, 100 article with, 44, 98–99 with bat (batzuk), 42–43 case endings for, 32–33 with egin, 296–297 emphatic, 728 hyperdeclension of, 99–100 with izan, 44, 98 with location noun, 69, 70, 366 as nominal predicate, 99 personal pronouns, 113, 114, 125 syntactic distribution of, 98–99 Georgian, 197 German a¤ricates in, 10 liebhaben, 317 modal verbs of, 321 separable verb prefixes in, 43 wissen, 201 Germanic languages, 570 ethical dative in, 810 gero causal use of, 524, 610 comparative form of, 715 explanatory use of, 610–612 monitive use of, 581–582 temporal use of, 83, 511, 512, 523–524, 536, 715

Subject Index

gero eta, 718 geroago eta, 718 Gerundive, 383–397, 825 with amaitu, 391 with ari, 386–388 with aspectual verbs, 385–391, 398–399 in causativoid context, 401–403 with conative verbs, 393–394, 399 direct object raising from, 399–400 with duration verbs, 391–392 with egon, 388 ergative subjects with, 691 with hasi, 390–391 with ibili, 388–389 as indefinite allatives, 407 as indefinite inessive, 405–407 indirect object raising from, 398–399 vs. inessive, 402–403, 405–407 with jardun, 389 with jarraitu, 389 with joan, 396, 397–398, 399–400 kinetic, 383, 394–397, 403–404, 407 noncontrolled, 384 object-controlled, 400–405 with psychological verbs, 393 subject-controlled, 385–397 with tough-like adjectives, 384 with verbs of accustoming, 396–397 with verbs of change, 395–396 with verbs of cognition, 392–393 with verbs of daring, 397, 399 with verbs of displacement, 404–405 with verbs of forcing, 405 with verbs of motion, 394–395, 398–400 with verbs of perception, 402–403 geurtz, 512 gibel, 73 -gile, 407–409 -gin, 407–409 -gintza, 409 Gipuzkera Osotua, 2–3 gisa, 731 -go, 897–898 gogo (noun), 328–329 gogo (verb), 329 gogoratu, 767 gogorki, 710–711 goi, 51, 761 goiti-beheiti, 624 goizean, 144–145 gorabehera, 623–624 gorroto, 307 gose, 19 as adjectival predicate, 691 gozatu, 767 Greek, 93, 94, 483 Greenlandic, 267 Greetings, with arte, 79

Subject Index

gu, 111 guar, 512 Guernican, accentuation in, 12–13 Gue´thary, /h/ and, 11 Guipuzcoa (Gipuzkoa), 1, 2 accentuation in, 12 aspect in, 155 bait- clauses in, 609 beldurtzen in, 155, 156 causatives in, 379 dena in, 224 egon in, 675 ergative intonation in, 199 gosetzen in, 156 house names in, 126 -ik in, 447 indefinite pronouns in, 782 inseparable prefixes in, 320 jo in, 433 -NA complementizer in, 455 palatalization in, 13, 14 posteriority expression in, 531–532, 536 quarter hours in, 82 -ro in, 234 -ta in, 692 verbs of consumption in, 261 Guipuzcoan, 2, 3 -ak in, 198 al in, 163 aurre in, 530 auskalo in, 449 bera in, 795 causatives in, 380 conditional in, 421 days of the week in, 108 deitu in, 358 eduki in, 307 eman in, 404 emphatics in, 730 etzan in, 122 expressive palatalization in, 14, 15 finite time clauses in, 520–521 fricatives in, 11 gaingiro in, 235 gerundives in, 401 hona in, 125 hortaz, 206 imperative in, 571, 576 instrumental in, 96 interrogative al in, 442–443 iritzi in, 354 izan in, 123 jardun in, 389 joan in, 120 lagundu in, 359 literary, 123 nahi in, 325 nola in, 613–614


ordu in, 518, 522 osotoro in, 233 participial relatives in, 493 past tense forms in, 118, 120 perfect participle in, 140, 441 personal pronouns in, 113 predative marker -ki- in, 352 present conditional in, 419 relative clause in, 500–501 verbs of prohibition in, 556 vowels in, 4 zergatik in, 613–614 gutxi, 41, 81–82, 248–249 idiomatic expression with, 787 gutxiago, 81–82, 716–717 guzti, 225–227 adjectival, 226 appositive, 225–226 vs. dena, 226 pseudohead, 485 h, 11–12 h-insertion, 117 Habit eman constructions for, 359–361 ohi constructions for, 334–335 Habitual perfect tense, 149 hagitz, 711 hain, 244–246 hain gutxi, 245 hainbat comparative, 707–708, 720 superlative, 724 hainbat eta, 719 hainbeste, 246 Haize Garbia, 730 hala, 240–241 hala ere, 627 Half hours, 82 hamaika, 27 han, 123–124, 125, 791, 799 Haplology, 859–860 hara, 124–125 hargatik, 627 harrapatu, gerundives with, 403 hartu bare noun objects of, 306–307 compounds with, 871 prolative with, 433–434 hasi direct object raising with, 400 gerundive with, 390–391, 400 hau, 205–207 Headings, definite article in, 36 Headlines, 608 Hebrew, imperfect in, 119 hegi, 80 heldu, gerundive with, 396


hemen, 123–124, 125, 799 herenegun, 512 Hesitation particle, 621–622 hi, 111–113, 809–810 High Navarrese, 2 emphatics in, 730 expressive palatalization in, 15 -gailu in, 906 participial relatives in, 492 past tense forms in, 118 -rik in, 53 High Soule, palatalization in, 13 hilabete, 516 Hindi, 197 Historical present, 447 hitz egin, 305 hobeto, 233 hodeigari, 867 hona, 124–125 honela, 240–241 honen, 244–246 honenbeste, 246 hor, 123–124, 125, 791, 799 hori, 205–207 horra, 124–125 horregatik, 602, 627 horrela, 240–241 horren, 244–246 horrenbeste, 246 Hortatives, 547, 560–561 bada in, 620 with ez ergo clause, 612 hotz, as adjectival predicate, 691 Hours, 81–84 House names, 62, 125–126 Hungarian, 89 hura, 205–207 partitive, 533 resumptive, 479 hurran, 249, 538 hurren, 249 Hyperdeclension, 44–45, 98 Hyperperiphrastic tense, 149–150 Hyperraising, 457–458 Hypothetical tense, 563 -i (perfect participle su‰x), 139 ia, 247–249 iaz, 512 ibili, 116, 117, 121, 388–389 allocutive forms of, 812 jussive of, 582 pluralizer for, 118 potential forms of, 649–650 Idiomatic expressions with begiz, 744 with beste, 254 of bodily activity, 301–302

Subject Index

of communication and interaction, 300–301 with dena, 225 with *edun, 307 with egin, 297, 298–306, 630 of emission, 299–300 of experience, 303 with gutxi, 787 with guzti, 226–227 with hartu, 306–307 of human activity, 303 with instrumental, 751–752 of manner-of-motion, 298–299 of mental activity, 301 with noizbait, 791 with -(r)i buruz, 763–764 with strong reflexive, 366 iduri, 318 igo, 278 ikusi gerundives with, 402 synthetic forms of, 187, 188, 192, 203, 213, 217– 218, 344 Impendency predicates, 537–538 Imperative, 569–582 bada in, 620–621 bait- clause with, 609 dative, 570 deferential, 586–587 *edun, 573–574 with ez gero clause, 612 with gero, 581–582 izan, 572–573 morphology of, 569–574 negative, 574, 577, 578–579 nonfinite, 577–579 periphrastic, 576–577 softeners of, 579–581 syntax of, 574–582 synthetic, 574–576 synthetic intransitive, 570 synthetic transitive, 571–572 third-person. See Jussive verb radical in, 140 Imperfect participle, 142. See also Gerundive ahal with, 656–658 ahalko with, 658 preterito-present verb, 321 Inanimate. See Animate/inanimate Incentives, 335–340 bibliographical note on, 340 denominal, 335–336 deverbal, 337–339 Inceptives, 390–391 Indefinite object deletion, 266–267 Indefinite pronoun(s), 40–41, 781–793 beste as, 253–254 beste with, 252 with ere, 788–789

Subject Index

with ez, 787–788 gutxi with, 787 instrumental, 114 operators with, 248 oro as, 801–802 partitive with, 291, 295 -txi with, 787 Indicative, 142–150 complement clause, 450–454 (present) future, 143, 148 past future, 143, 148–149 past imperfect, 143, 145–146 past perfect, 143, 144, 145–146, 147–148 present imperfect, 143–144 present perfect, 143, 145 Indirect speech, tense sequence in, 145 Indo-European, 90, 860 Inessive (-an), 69 with aldi, 526 with ari, 386 with behar, 334 of cardinal numbers, 55 circumstantial use of, 540 definite plural, 52–53 definite singular, 50–52 deletion of, 91–93, 97 emphatic, 729 with gabe, 309–310 vs. gerundive, 402–403, 405–407 indefinite, 53–57 for period of life, 56 for place names, 57–59, 126 temporal use of, 62, 92, 514–515, 516, 540 Inferential adverbs, 618–623 bada, 619–623 beraz, 618–619 Inferential particle, 162–163 Infinitival predicate raising, 324–325, 654 Infinitival relatives, 494–495 inguru, 78, 83–84 -ino, 535–536 inoiz, 513, 723, 781, 790 inoizko, 723, 790 inola(z) ere, 788–789 inon, 54 inondik ez, 786 inondik inora ez, 786 inor, 781, 789 partitive with, 291 -txo with, 787 Inscriptions, definite article in, 36 Instrumental (-z), 32–33, 737–778 adnominal, 90–91, 96, 100–101, 765–766 ari with, 386 beste with, 237–138 deletion of, 96–97, 766 demonstrative pronouns, 114, 206 denoting ‘‘aboutness,’’ 764–765


denoting bodily or mental state, 754–755 denoting body parts as means, 742–744 denoting cause or motive, 599, 748–753 denoting criteria, 757–759 denoting duration, 760 denoting frequency, 760 denoting implements, 739 denoting location in time, 760 denoting manner, 756–757 denoting materials for action, 739–742 denoting means of conveyance, 746 denoting means of expression, 744–746 denoting measured di¤erences, 759 denoting mediative action, 744 denoting medium of transportation, 746–747 denoting reiteration, 747–749 denoting spatial arrangement, 51, 761 denoting time limit, 760 denoting vocal activity, 755–756 emotive verbs with, 769–770 emphatic, 728 gero with, 511, 523–524 indefinite, 738–739, 741, 743–744, 758 indefinite pronouns, 114 interrogative pronouns, 114 -ki with, 237 location noun with, 75–76 personal pronouns, 113, 114 postposition, 748–749 postposition governance of, 511, 523–524, 761–762 preclitic relative with, 486–487 predicative, 753–756 resultative passive with, 673 vs. sociative, 738, 740 temporal use of, 515 Instrumental adverbs, 38–39 Instrumental clauses, 766–770 of aboutness, 764–765 causal force of, 487, 612–613 comment-type, 486–487, 758–759 with emotive verbs, 769–770 explanatory, 610–613 with joan, 772–773 nonfinite, 770–773 with perfect participle, 771–772 with verbal noun, 770–771 Instrumental predicatives, 753–756 expressing bodily/mental state, 754–755 expressing vocal activity, 755–756 Intensifiers, 241–244 combination of, 244 comparatives as, 717–718 extraposition of, 243–244 syntax of, 242–243 Interjection to, 576 auskalo, 449–450 hara, 125


Interrogative. See Questions Interrogative adverbials, 439–441 Interrogative pronouns, 40, 439, 781–786 beste with, 252 instrumental, 114 tasun with, 436 -tsu with, 726–727 Intonation, 12–13 bat, 26 yes/no question, 163 Intransitive verbs allocutive forms of, 810–814 anticausative alternation and, 274–278 of appearance and disappearance, 136 citation form of, 116–117, 139 complex, 153–154 deadjectival, 150–151 deadverbal, 151 deallatival, 152–153, 154 denominal, 151–152 ergative subjects with, 197–198 middle voice of, 280–281 morphological derivation of, 150–154 of motion or state, 136 partitive determiner and, 292 periphrastic conjugation of, 135–160 pluralizers, 118–119 radical of, 139–140 semi-intransitive, 137–139 strict, 136–137 synthetic conjugation of, 116–123 unaccusative nature of, 139 Intransitivity, definitions of, 135–136 *ion allocutive forms of, 816 dative forms of, 354–356 jussive forms of, 583 object pluralizer of, 190, 192, 218 pre-dative marker for, 344, 354 synthetic forms of, 187, 188, 192, 200, 213, 218 irakatsi, 401–402 irakin, 187, 188, 265, 266 synthetic forms of, 187, 188, 193, 213, 218 iraun, 265 synthetic forms of, 187, 188, 193, 202–203, 213, 218 iritsi, gerundive with, 396 iritzi dative forms of, 352–354 impersonal dative of, 354 irri egin, 763 irten, 278 irudi, 223 complements of, 457–458 synthetic forms of, 193, 202, 213, 218 iruditu, 223, 458 isildu, 280 it- (pluralizer), 195–196, 219–220

Subject Index

itsuski, 710–711 izan, 116, 118 adnominal phrase with, 98 allocutive forms of, 812–814, 820, 822–823 auxiliary, 135–136 bare noun construction with, 43, 154–155 vs. behar, 333 conditional mood, 420, 421–422, 424 in coordination, 841–844 dative forms of, 348–349 duration adverbial with, 516 in explanatory clause, 607–608 genitive phrase with, 44, 98 impendency predicate with, 537–538 imperative forms of, 572–573 jussive forms of, 583–584 nominal predicate with, 19–20, 37, 454 non-familiar allocutive forms of, 823–824 participial predication with, 671–673 pluralizer for, 119 potential forms of, 636–637, 638–639, 640–641, 648–649 semi-intransitive, 138 stems of, 117 subjunctive forms of, 548–549 synthetic future tense forms of, 802–805 synthetic past tense forms of, 122 synthetic present tense forms of, 122 time depth adverbial with, 517 truncated forms of, 417 izandun, 504 izen-deletion, 95 izigarri, 710–711 jabetu, 768–769 jakin allocutive forms of, 815 gerundive with, 392 jussive of, 583 -NA complementizer with, 455 periphrastic forms of, 222–223 synthetic forms of, 192, 200–201, 213, 217, 344 wh-complements of, 443, 445 Japanese, 89, 183 jardun, 265 allocutive forms of, 816 gerundive with, 389 imperative of, 571 synthetic forms of, 187, 188, 193, 202, 213, 218 jario, 347, 582 jarraiki, 346–347 jarraitu, 265, 346–347 allocutive forms of, 813 continuative, 389 imperative of, 570 jaso, 278 jin, 562 imperative of, 571

Subject Index

jo compounds with, 871 prolative with, 433 joan, 116, 117, 120, 277 allocutive forms of, 811 dative forms of, 345 direct object raising with, 399–400 gerundive with, 396, 397–398, 399–400 imperative of, 570 instrumental participle with, 772–773 jussive of, 582 pluralizer for, 118 potential forms of, 649–650 josi, 741 Jussive, 569, 582–589 bada in, 620 deferential, 586–587 *edun, 584–585 with ez gero clause, 612 intransitive, 582–583 izan, 583–584 morphology of, 582–585 negation and, 586 vs. optatives, 588–589 periphrastic, 586 syntax of, 586 synthetic, 582–583, 586 transitive, 583 use of, 586–588 -ka, 268–269, 912–918 -kada, 920–923 kanpo, 75–76, 761 -kari, 106, 904–906 kasik, 247–249 -katu, 918–920 -ke (irreality su‰x), 419–422, 636–643, 649–651, 802–807, 819–821 -ke (privative su‰x), 312, 773 -keria, 464–467 keta, 567 -keta action nominals with, 563–567, 904 forms of address with, 567 quantity nominals with, 567 -ketari, 904 -ki (adverbializer), 235–237, 238–239 -ki (derivational su‰x), 907–909 -ki (deverbalizing su‰x), 909–910 -ki- (pre-dative marker), 344, 352 kide, 773–775 -kin (‘instrument or organ’), 911–912 -kin (‘resulting product’), 910–911 Kin terms ahizpa, 66–67 arreba, 66–67 in indefinite noun phrase, 38 -kiro, 237


-kizun, 775–776 -ko (adnominalizer), 89–91. See also Adnominal phrase -tasun with, 436 iteration of, 99–100 noun complementation with, 461–462 postposition deletion with, 91–97 predicatives with, 686 prolative -tzat with, 434–435 vs. -ren, 98–100 syntactic distribution of, 98–99 -ko (future participle su‰x), 142 -koan, 522 -koi, 227–228 -koitz, 30–31 konformatu, 556 kontra, 69, 81, 761 konturatu, 264, 769 wh-complement with, 445 -kor, 627–630 -kotan, 429–431 conditional, 430 intentional, 429–430 temporal, 430 -kote collective, 30 expressive, 46–47 -kotzat, 435 -kun, 31 kunde, 696 -kunde, 696–697 -(kun)tza, 693–695 l(e)- (eventuality prefix), 417, 419, 547, 652 -LA (-la/-ela), 450–452, 461–462 with concessive, 626 with deverbal adjectives, 453–454 with exclamative, 454 with explanatory eta clause, 606–608 with implicit verb of saying, 454, 606–607 with intransitives, 452–454 with optative, 547–548, 561–563 with uste, 825 -la (circumstantial su‰x), 538–539 -la (manner su‰x), 241 Labourd (Lapurdi), 1 /h/ and, 11 expressive palatalization in, 15 palatalization in, 13 participial relatives in, 492 Labourdin, 2 ahal in, 660 causatives in, 380 days of the week in, 108 egon in, 122, 677 eman in, 359 house names in, 62 izan in, 123


Labourdin (cont.) -kin in, 911 -ko in, 103 verbal focus in, 181 zeren in, 614 laburki, 513 laga, 382–383 lagundu, 359, 402 -lako(tz), causal clauses with, 600–604, 608–609, 616 -lakoan, 463–464 landa, 76, 761 lar, 725 -larik, 539–540 Larraun, 107 laster, 704–705 Latin. See also New Testament ablative case in, 52, 737 anatem, 855 arena, 855 -arius, 901 aut, 829 aut ne, 164 beati, 97 caelum, 856 colum, 856 corona, 856 dative case in, 318 facile dictu, 384 genetivus objectivus, 101–102 genetivus qualitatis, 104 genus, 786 gula, 855 in gyrum, 78 honorem, 855 -mentum, 589 perfect participle su‰x from, 139 planum, 33 pro-drop in, 205 vel, 829 via maris, 93–94 laurden, 46 laurdenegun, 512 -le, 282–285 legez, comparative, 699, 702–703 lehen, 28, 29, 511, 512, 714–715 lehenago, 714–715 Letterings, definite article in, 36 Life, period of, 56 Linschmann’s constraint, 114 Liquids, 7–8 Literary style -danik in, 509–510 -(r)i buruz construction in, 763–764 amorphous deallatival intransitives in, 154 asmo in, 329–330 ezin adnominal instrumentals in, 659 intensifiers in, 242 jario in, 347

Subject Index

jarraiki/jarraitu in, 346–347 modal adverbs in, 250 -n˜o in, 535 -pen in, 594 potential in, 652 prolative in, 431–432 synthetic conditionals in, 419–420 synthetic verb forms in, 116, 202–204, 346 wh- questions in, 293–294 zein relative in, 499–500 Loanwords initial clusters in, 6 kontra, 69 Location adverbs, 123–125 Location nouns, 69–88 aitzin, 73, 531 albo, 77 aldamen, 77 alde, 76–77 arte, 78–79, 533–534 ate, 76 atze, 69–73 aurre, 69–73, 530 azpi, 74–75 barren, 75–76 bazter, 80 bitarte, 534–535 buru, 80 erdi, 79 ertz, 80 eskuin, 80 ezker, 80 gain, 74–75, 613, 761 gibel, 73 hegi, 80 inguru, 78 kanpo, 75–76, 761 landa, 76, 761 locative endings of, 71–72 ondo, 77–78, 531–532 oste, 73, 532 pare, 79–80 personal pronouns with, 114 saihets, 77 spelling of, 71 temporal use of, 529–535 -tsu with, 727 Locative destinative (-rako), 94 Locative genitive, 98. See also Adnominal phrase Locative system, 49–62. See also specific cases animate noun phrase and, 49, 60–62 definite plural, 52–53 definite singular, 50–52 demonstrative adverbs, 123–124 demonstrative pronouns, 207–208 indefinite, 53–57 place name, 57–59 temporal use of, 62

Subject Index

logale, as adjectival predicate, 691 Logical intransitivity, 135 logura, as adjectival predicate, 691 Long movement, 459 lortu, 555 lotu, 152 Low Navarra (Nafarroa Beherea), 1 bere in, 115 Low Navarrese allocutive in, 823 arra- in, 891 elative in, 509 interrogative -a in, 163 -kari in, 905 -kin in, 911 -ko in, 103 oro in, 799 synthetic future in, 805–806 luzaro, 513 maite, 317–318 maitemindu, 769 maiz, 513 Major Apocope, 63, 71, 235, 854–855 makurtu, gerundive with, 396 Manner adverbs, 151, 233–241, 513, 756–757 bestela, 254–255 as degree adverbs, 242 degree adverbs from, 241 deictic, 240–241 emphatic, 729 focus and, 239–240 with -ki, 235–237 vs. predicatives, 685 with -ro, 233–235 syntax of, 239–240 with -to, 233 -tsu with, 727 Manner expressions, 731–733 Manner-of-speaking verbs, 263 Mayan languages, 197 Measures, 39 Medio-passive, 279–281, 678 causative and, 378–379 dative and, 357 with egon, 674 gerundive and, 402 instrumental and, 673–674 Medio-reciprocal, 281–282 Medio-reflexive, 281, 360 dative and, 357 medioz, 748–479 -men, 589–591 mentauraz, 249 menturatu, gerundive with, 396–397 mesedez, 579–580, 581 Metaphors compound interpretation and, 868 with eman, 361–362


Middle verbs, 766–768 Middle voice. See Medio-passive; Medio-reciprocal; Medio-reflexive Minor Apocope, 63, 71, 84, 233, 855 mintzatu, 281, 768 Modal particles, 161–165 ahal, 163 al, 163–164 bide, 162–163 negation and, 167 omen, 161–162 ote, 164–165 Modal verbs, 321, 322–328 dative complement and, 357–358 Modality adverbs of, 249–251 preverbal proclitics of, 161–165 modu, 731 moldatu, 261 molde, 731 Months, 107–108 definite article with, 36 Mood. See Conditional; Imperative; Indicative; Potential; Subjunctive Morphological intransitivity, 135 Motion, verbs of, 394–395, 398–400 Motivational (-gatik), 33–34, 206, 749 concessive sense of, 623, 624–625 emphatic, 728 personal pronouns, 113 Multi-pro-drop, 205, 472–473 Multiplicative su‰xes, 30–31 -n (imperfect participle su‰x), 142 -N (relativizer), 472–474 with bezala, 699 with time frame expression, 528–529 -n/-en (past tense su‰x), 118 -NA (-na/-ena), 454–455 with ala, 830–831 with causal, 613, 614 with concessive, 626 with hortative, 548, 561 -na (distributive su‰x), 850–852 nabaritu, 768 nagusitu, 769 nahi (noun), 326–328 complements of, 326–328 as direct object, 327–328 indefinite instrumental of, 623, 626–627 indefinite pronouns with, 781, 782, 792–793 nahi (verb), 322–326 auxiliary with, 325–326 direct objects of, 323 instrumental clause with, 772 subject with, 323–324 subjunctive with, 552–553 nahikoa, 246 nahitaez, 850


nahiz concessive with, 626–627 correlative construction with, 832, 834–835 Names. See also Place names adnominal form with, 95 definite article with, 36 -(r)enean with, 125–126 family, 131 house, 62, 125–126 in indefinite noun phrase, 38 language, 745 -pe with, 890 Nasals, 6–7 Nationality, terms for, 128–129 Navarra (Nafarroa), 1 palatalization in, 13 participial relatives in, 492 Navarrese. See also High Navarrese; Low Navarrese eman in, 359 interrogative pronouns in, 34 oro in, 223 -nean, 519–520, 559, 879 neba, 67 negar egin, 763 Negation, 165–168 autonomy of, 165–166 auxiliary and, 166–167, 169–170 Auxiliary Attraction in, 166–167, 647 ba cancellation of, 170 bibliographical note on, 168 conditional, 426 constituent, 166 excessives and, 726 focus and, 179–181 gabe for, 311–312 gehiago and, 716 manner adverbs and, 239–240 modal particles in, 167 operators and, 248 partitive complementizer and, 456–457 partitive determiner and, 292–295 potential, 647–648 pro-drop rule and, 205 quasi focus and, 180–181 relative clause and, 473 sandhi rules of, 168 syntax of, 165–168 Negative raising, 457, 458 -neko, 519–521, 559 -nera, 520 -neraino, 519 -netik, 519–521 New Testament Allative Deletion in, 93–94 amorphous deallatival transitives in, 274 conjunction reduction in, 840–841 Elative Deletion in, 93

Subject Index

Instrumental Deletion in, 96 jussives in, 588–589 -ke in, 93, 94 medio-passive in, 673–674 optatives in, 588–589 possessive expressions in, 100, 102–103 ni, 111 -NIK (-nik/-enik), 456–457 no, 576 -no, 535–536 -n˜o, 15, 535 noiz, 439–440, 510, 781 correlative construction with, 832, 836 noizbait, 791 noizero, 106 nola, 781, 792 as causal conjunction, 613–614 as interrogative, 439–440 nolabait, 781, 791–792 nolako, 40, 781 Nominal predicate, 19–20 adnominal as, 99 definite article with, 37, 99, 454 genitive as, 99 Nominalized clause, 140–141 ekin with, 361 eman with, 360 nahi with, 323 utzi with, 381 non, 54, 439–440, 447, 781 correlative construction with, 832 nonbait, 781, 790–791 bide with, 162–163 nondik, 781 nondik nora, 54, 786 nor, 40, 781, 782 correlative construction with, 832, 836 with reflexive, 783–784 nora, 153, 781 noratu, 273 norbait, 41 norbera, 784 Northern dialects/usage aitzin in, 73 arte in, 534 atxiki in, 347–348 -az gainean in, 613 baita from, 61 barna in, 75 behar in, 330–332 bere in, 115 bi in, 27 causatives in, 380 conditonal in, 423 coordination in, 841–843 direct object in, 680–681 duration adverbials in, 515, 516 -ek in, 198

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