Family & Morale, Welfare & Recreation Child, Youth & School Services EDGE! AND HIRED! SURVEY FORM The FMWR Child, Youth and School Services Division has recently implemented new youth and teen programs as directed by HQ Department of the Army. These two programs, the EDGE! and Hired! programs, are aimed at youth and teens ages 6 to 18 years old. The purpose of this survey is to obtain information and establish a database for future participants in our CYSS programs. It will then be used to inform you and your family of current information and happenings within these two programs and will remain strictly confidential. First Name:____________________ E-mail Address:________________ Organization:__________________
Last Name:______________________________________ Your Child’s Name:_______________________________ Phone:___________________________________________
1. What age group does your child(ren) fall into? __1st-5th Grade __6th-8th Grade __ 9th -12th Grade 2. What housing area do you live closest to?_____AMR _____FS _____HMR _____SB 3. How do you access FMWR Program information? __ MWR Facilities __ Discovery __ MWR Website/Publicity __ Other: ______________________ The EDGE! Program is broken down into four main “package” areas. The following questions pertain to the types of programs that can be offered in a specific “package” area and are only suggested points of interest. Please select the types of programs your youth and teens may/would be interested in. Feel free to add programs if not listed below. 5. What programs would interest your family members in the Art EDGE! “package” area?
__ Ceramics __ Computer Graphic Design __ Digital Music-making __ Painting
__ Digital Film-making
__ Digital Photography
__ Scrapbooking
__ Fashion Design
__ Drawing __ Hip-Hop
__ Theater Arts __ Woodworking __Sculpting
__ Other (please list/describe) ____________________________________________________________ 6. What programs would interest your family members in the Fit EDGE! “package” area? __ Adventure Sports __ Aerobics __ Customized Fitness Programs __ Stress Management
__ Body Sculpting __ Bowling __ Golf __ Nutrition Programs
__ Team & Pick-up Sports
__ Strength Training
__ Weight Management
__ Yoga
__ Other (please list/describe)____________________________________________________________
7. What programs would interest your family members in the Life EDGE! “package” area? __ Basic Cooking __ Baking & Culinary Art Activities __ Auto Maintenance & Repair __ Study Skills
__ Computer Skills
__ Book Clubs __Pet Care
__ Consumer Skills
__ Dog Obedience __ Health & Food Safety __ Research Skills
__ Ecology & Living Green
__ Time & Money Management __ Marketing & Advertising
__ Other (please list/describe) ___________________________________________________________ 8. What programs would interest your family members in the Adventure EDGE! “package” area? __ Bowling __ Ecology __ Fishing __ Geocaching __ Golf __ Hiking __ Horse-back Riding __ Kayaking __ Rock-wall Climbing __ Swimming __ Boating __ Other (please list/describe) ___________________________________________________________ The HIRED! Apprentice Program provides 15-18 year-old youth with meaningful, professionallymanaged career-exploration opportunities in MWR operations. The HIRED! Apprentice Program offers valuable paid work experience and training to better equip each participant with the skills needed for a highly-competitive job market. Teens will learn a variety of skills in one of the four career-option areas of their choice that are listed below. Learned skills can be directly applied to their career choices upon leaving school. Please select career-exploration areas your family member would be interested in: __ Sports, Fitness & Health Options __ Life Skills, Citizenship & Leadership Opportunities __ Academic Support, Mentoring & Intervention Services ___Art, Recreation & Leisure Activities Please feel free to add additional areas of interest for your youth. If you wish to receive further information on the EDGE! and/or the HIRED! programs, please contact our POC’s listed below. Point of Contact: EDGE Program
Point of Contact: HIRED Program
Kristine Yasuda MWR Partnership Specialist 808-656-0095
Vicky Agbayani Workforce Preparation Specialist 808-655-0445