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Are you a parent of a school age child? THIS IS YOUR CHANCE TO BE HEARD! Take the PACOM Military Child Education in Hawaii survey.

The minutes they will spend in school in 3 years? 54,900 The minutes to take the survey that could impact the quality of their Hawaii education? 15 So what makes this different from any other time people have asked what you think and perhaps didn’t really use the information to improve things? 1. Military parents have asked for decades that the Services take an active role in improving the quality of education for military children in Hawaii. 2. No policies, procedures or practices can be initiated without data to determine the need. 3. USPACOM has contracted Johns Hopkins University, who has teamed with the University of Hawaii, to 4. It includes all military families with school-age children assigned to Hawaii—whether they are in public, private, charter, home schooled, or have chosen not to join the service member in Hawaii. 5. A longitudinal study spanning a few years, it will even follow families shortly after they leave Hawaii to see how students do in school after their PCS move. 6. Senior military leadership in Hawaii is supportive of this effort and has asked for this information. They are listening! 7. We meet every six months with senior military leadership to review the data and discuss recommendations.

How can military families participate? For parents, the survey takes less than 15 minutes to complete. Children 10 years and older can also complete the survey. For them, it takes only 10 to 15 minutes. Children are eligible for prizes! - iTunes cards - MP3 Players

The goal is 2000 participants by branch of service by July 2, 2012. For more information and to sign up go to

INFORMATION PAPER 06 Feb 12 SUBJECT: Military Child Education Study Contracted by United States Pacific Command (USPACOM) Purpose. To provide information on the study to include year two data Background. x Concern among military leadership in Hawaii is significant regarding assignment and retention of personnel who have school age children due to the high variable quality of public schools. x

Defense Manpower Data Center (DMDC) data indicates there are 24,000 school age students of service members assigned to Hawaii. Impact Aid data suggests that 14,000 attend public schools. Remaining 10,000 are homeschooled, attend private schools, or do not accompany service members’ to Hawaii.


Johns Hopkins University, rated #1 Research University in the nation for 2009, was selected to do the research. Dr. Robert Blum, world renowned researcher and author of the largest longitudinal study in the world for adolescents, is directing the study.


Purpose of Study o To understand family members’ preconceptions prior to arrival on island; and how attitudes and beliefs are impacted and change during their tour of duty on Hawaii o To understand, from the perspective of both children and parents, the experiences that influence their adjustment and perceptions about schools in Hawaii. Children answer questions about their social/behavioral/educational adjustment, friendship networks, and activities in and out of school, whether they have been confronted by aggression or bullying, affected by multiple deployments etc. o To provide information that is useful to USPACOM, the services and civic agencies with which we collaborate to improve policy, programming and services for children and youth.


First recorded survey that will o Accumulate data from military parents and students Before they arrive Every year of their stay in Hawaii Three to six months after they PCS to another location o Acquire information regarding military child education from students Attending public and public charter schools Private and religious schools Home schooling 1

Who do not accompany their service member

o Disaggregate data by Service School Number of years in Hawaii Gender and age (K-12 grade) Deployment information o Compile parent and student data through On-line surveys Focus groups x

Timeline o Study began August, 2009 o Third year will be completed July, 2012 o Extensive data reports are due at the end of each year with a culminating report July, 2012. o Option for expanding years if necessary


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