HHC, 25th CAB Vol.1, Issue 2
March 2012
War Eagles Deployment Newsletter COMMANDER’S CORNER War Eagle Families,
Inside this issue: Photo Gallery
FRG Events
As we enter into March, our first full month of combat operations and fresh off the Transfer of Authority Ceremony between TF Thunder and TF Wings we are fortunate to witness the promotion of one of our own. SSG Stewart, a member of our Brigade Aviation Maintenance shop, has reached the rank of Sergeant First Class. I look forward to seeing more of our CPT Aaron Matthews Soldiers attain the next rank and continue their careers within the service of this nation. This month is a time to honor our deployed Soldier by conducting our Right Shoulder Sleeve Insignia Ceremony, better known as the “Patch Ceremony”. The ceremony serves as a rite of passage for those Soldiers who are deployed for the first time. If cements their place in history with the rest of the volunteers across the country, past and present, willing to support and defend out great nation. Placing a patch on their right shoulder signifies that they have deployed in support of combat operations. It is a symbol of their commitment to a higher cause, to freedom, not only for the American people, but for the Afghan people as well. It is also a symbol of their faithful and honorable service in defense of our nation. It’s a honor as the company commander to have the opportunity to place that patch on each Soldier’s right shoulder. Operational demands and mission tempo demand your Soldiers attention throughout their shifts. Their professional demeanor and attention to detail facilitates the smooth operation of this brigade across all disciplines: administration, intelligence, operations, logistics and communications. Nevertheless, even during these highly intense hours, know that your loved ones are thinking of you each and every day. It takes a lot of courage, sacrifice and dedication for each of our Soldiers and family members during deployments. Every Soldier here has a distinct role to play within the greater picture of brigade's mission. Your Soldier may not see the importance of their contributions, but they are significant all the same. The men and women here are doing an outstanding job supporting the operations of this brigade. Their morale is up, mostly from the constant contact with friends and family, continue to send these men and women those necessary texts, letters, care packages and Skype video calls. Your communication with your loved ones is important not only to them, but to me as well. A simple “I love you or thank you” e-mail can make any day brighter and I thank you for your continued support. We have a wonderful support system back in Hawaii and across the Mainland as families and friends of the War Eagles FRG continue to build and strengthen the strong bonds necessary to make it through this deployment. Until next month Aloha and Mahalo for your support.
This newsletter contains official information.
CPT Aaron Matthews “War Eagle 6”
Vol.1, Issue 2
March 2012
War Eagles Life at Brigade Headquarters
S h a k a
‘ B r a
This newsletter contains official information.
SFC Stewart recognized during his promotion on 1 March
War Eagles hitting the HQ gym
CPT Kelly taking a break from the S2 shop
War Eagles reporting in for 1SG’s detail
SGT Bryan administering an immunization to SPC Morales
SPC Tello hamming it up for the camera
SPC Kemp, WO1 Sherman, SGT Villegas and SGT Folsom grabbing some dinner
MAJ PD checking CW4 Fitter’s resting pulse
Notice…the ‘shaka’ is by far the most popular automatic hand gestures that occurs when a camera is present here at Kandahar.
Vol.1, Issue 2
March 2012
War Eagles Life at Brigade Headquarters
P h o t o s War Eagles get a little non-standard physical training with the arrival of furniture for the recently completed new brigade HQ building.
a n d
War Eagle Birthdays!! B D a y s
This newsletter contains official information.
March SPC Coleman
CW2 Hill
SSG Stewart
CW4 Fitter
SPC Estiamba
SGT Hovland
SSG Knight
SPC Henion
SGT Mitchell
SSG Creaser
SSG Thornton
SPC Ortiz
WO1 Sherman
CPT Kelly
SGT Coleman
Vol.1, Issue 2
March 2012
War Eagles Family Readiness
F a m i l y R e a d i n e s s
This newsletter contains official information.
1-30 Mar: Registration for the Deployed Spouse Retreat (to be held 13-15 April location TBD) 7 Mar: Walk to Afghanistan and Back (every Wednesday) 8:30 AM at the Watts Field Walking Track, Schofield Barracks 13 Mar: Live and Learn 101 Seminar; 2:00-4:00 PM at the Kaena Community Center, 5485 Gallup Street, Schofield Barracks 16 Mar: FRG Meeting, Ice Cream Social with guest speaker providing insight on ‘How to make R&R work for you’, 6:00 pm, held at Bldg. 647, the ACS Training Center (between SGT Smith Theatre and the Tax Center on Schofield). 31 Mar: Easter Celebration, Easter Dinner and Egg Hunt (location TBD) POC: Kimberly Matthews, HHC, 25th CAB FRG Leader Email: hhc25cab@gmail.com / a_kmatthews@juno.com
Alicia Robles, HHC 25th CAB FRG Co-Leader Email: hhc25cab@gmail.com
ONGOING COMPANY EVENTS: ALL YEAR LONG: The HHC, 25th CAB Maui / Kona Vacation Opportunity Raffle POC:SSG Ronald Harding, HHC, 25th CAB Rear Detachment NCOIC Email: ronald.g.harding4.mil@mail.mil / ron.harding@gmail.com DSN: 808-656-1393 SPC Danilo Phillips, HHC 25th CAB Training Room NCO Email: phillips.danilo@afghan.swa.army.mil DSN: 318-421-7125